The Apg-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report 1996 Ada319223
The Apg-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report 1996 Ada319223
The Apg-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report 1996 Ada319223
Lucy Garcia
Dave Gehl
Chris Buell
John Hassoun
Veda, Incorporated
5200 Springfield Pike, Suite 200
Dayton, OH 45431-1255
September 1996
19961230 036
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September 96 Final Report (09/21/94 - 03/31/96)
This report describes contract activities that were completed by Veda Incorporated and Hughes Training Incorporated from September 1994
through March1996 under DO 0013 of the Pilot Factors Contract F33615-93-D-3800. Specifically, this report summarizes the long term
requirements that drove the development of an APG-70 radar capability and the PVI of the radar, as integrated into the CSIL simulation facility.
This report also summarizes the design considerations, design approach, design implementation, and the current the current status of the overall
software development. In addition, recommendations are identified within the report to further the integration and fidelity of the APG-70 radar
simulation within CSIL.
The sections devoted to the software design architecture and implementation are provided so that a proficient software engineer will be able to
thoroughly understand the software design and the implementation without having to review the source code.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
6.1.23 RsHsv 65
6.1.24 RsHsva 66
6.1.25RsClip3D 68
6.1.26RsFlatEarth 69
6.1.27 RsPolygon 70
6.1.28 RsScanline 70
6.3.1 RsRadar 74
6.3.2 Rs Antenna 76
6.3.3 RsAntennaServo 78
6.3.4 RsDisplay 79
6.3.5 RsMessage 82
6.3.6 RsMode 83
6.3.7 RsSystem 85
6.3.8 RsWindow 87
6.4.1 RsDatabase 90
6.4.2 Dfad 92
6.5.1 RsDedDbase 92
6.5.2 RsDedFile .94
6.5.3 RsMapData 95
6.6.1 RsMgDbase 96
6.7 APG-70 LIBRARY 97
6.7.1 RsApg70 98
6.8.1 RsOffMode 99
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
A/A Air-To-Air
A/G Air-To-Ground
AGL Above Ground Level
AHRS Attitude Heading Reference System
ARMT Armament
AZ Azimuth
BCN Beacon
BRT Bright
CHAN Channel
CONT Contrast
CSIL Cockpit Integration Division's Crew Systems Integration Laboratory
DCL Decluttter
DMA Defense Mapping Agency
DO Delivery Order
DoD Department of Defense
DTED Digital Terrain Elevation Data
EO Electro-Optical
FLIR Forward Looking InfraRed
GC Gain Control
GUF Grand Unified File-Format
HMD Helmet-Mounted Display
HOTAS Hands-On Throttle and Stick
HRM High Resolution Map
HSI Horizontal Situation Indicator
HTML Hyper-Text Markup Language
HUD Head Up Display
IMPACT Integrated Mission Precision Attack Cockpit
INS Inertial Navigation System
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
INV Invalid
IP Initial Point
IPVU Interleaved Precision Velocity Update
IR Infra-Red
LANTIRN Low Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infra-Red for Night
LIFO Last In/First Out
ML Multi-Look
MN Mission Navigator
MSL Mean Sea Level
NM Nautical Miles
PPI Plan Position Indicator
PROG Program
PSL Pattern Steering Line
PVI Pilot-Vehicle Interface
PVU Precision Velocity Update
R/AZ Range/Azimuth
RBM Real Beam Mode
RCD Record
RDR Radar
RS Radar System
SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar
SEC Second
SNIFF SNIFF Mode-Receive Only
STO Store
TAF Tactical Air Forces
TDC Target Designation Controller
TF Terrain Following
TGT Target
TO Technical Order
TR Technical Report
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
The APG-70 radar simulation model will be used by the Integrated Mission Precision Attack
Cockpit Technologies (IMPACT) program of the Advanced Cockpits Branch of the Wright
Laboratory (WL/FIGP) while developing concepts that will enable pilots to perform missions
in single-seat aircraft. Items that were developed under Delivery Order (DO) 0013 are (1) the
software source code, that simulates the real beam map (RBM) and the high resolution map
(HRM, specifically the patch map) modes of the F-15E's air-to-ground radar system, (2) the
respective Hyper-Text Markup Language (HTML) files that provide the electronic
documentation of the source code, and (3) this APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final
1.1 Background
The IMPACT program is a research and development effort funded by the Wright Laboratory
at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. The objective of the program is to analyze, design,
develop, and test cockpit controls and display concepts that will enable pilots to perform a
precision strike mission, against multiple mobile and fixed targets, at night and in adverse
weather, in a single-seat aircraft. The IMPACT program was conceived in response to the
following Tactical Air Force (TAF) mission need statement (TAF 401-91):
"Current aircraft/weapon systems lack the capability to accomplish key objectives against
surface targets under certain adverse weather conditions. . . .Current Department of
Defense (DOD) precision strike systems, using laser, electro-optical, or infra-red guidance,
demand virtually clear line-of-sight from designating aircraft or the data link weapon to the
target. . . .Consequently, common environmental conditions such as low-to-mid-altitude
clouds, various forms of precipitation, and phenomena limiting visibility significantly restrict
our ability to strike fixed, re-locatable, and moving targets.
. . .Enhanced ability to precisely attack fixed, re-locatable, or moving land and maritime
targets under adverse environmental conditions is required in the near term."
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
The cockpit analysis and design approach of the IMPACT program rely on the F-15E as a
baseline cockpit for developing concepts that will decrease high workload areas for the pilot
and enhance the pilot's ability to perform missions in single-seat aircraft. One known high
workload area for a single crew member is the operation of the radar and the interpretation of
the radar's real-time images (Montecalvo, A.J., et al. 1994). While performing the
radar-related activities, the pilot must also perform the flying, offensive, and defensive
activities. To accurately assess the extent of the workload, resulting from a single crew
member performing all activities typically handled by two crew members, subject pilots must
be exposed to representative functions and tasks that are accomplished during critical mission
segments. Therefore, the IMPACT program is tasked with simulating the baseline (F-15E)
cockpit's APG-70 radar in its in-house facility, the Crew Systems Integration Laboratory
(CSIL). Once the level of crew task difficulty is identified, the IMPACT program will
provide candidate solutions for reducing crew member workload either by simplifying or
automating radar-related activities, or by simplifying or automating other activities that occur
during the high-workload segments of the mission.
To accurately assess pilot workload and various task allocation schemes during the F-15E
cockpit development efforts, it became apparent that a realistic representation of the baseline
aircraft's radar system would be required. A realistic representation of the F-15E's APG-70
radar would provide the ability to completely analyze the task loading dynamics of a single
pilot performing radar functions during the attack phase of a mission. Three objectives were
identified: to develop a visual radar simulation model; to develop a flexible radar simulation
model; and to comply with CSIL hardware and software constraints.
render high resolution images generated by a Silicon Graphics Onyx workstation, which is
configured with Reality Engine graphics hardware. To promote ease of portability and
integration into the CSIL facility, the only tools used in the development of the F-15E
APG-70 radar simulation would be the tools employed by the CSIL facility, including the
object-oriented language entitled C++ and the respective Iris development environment, the
Iris Operating System, the Iris Performer Libraries, and the Iris Graphics Libraries. The
MultiGen visual database modeling system would also be employed in the development of
the F-15E APG-70 radar simulation. For accuracy and completeness, the real beam and
synthetic aperture images produced by the APG-70 radar model must correlate to the visual
scenes rendered in the current IMPACT simulation by the Iris Performer visual modeling
This report describes contract activities that were completed by Veda Incorporated and
Hughes-Training Incorporated from September 1994 through March 1996 under DO 0013 of
the Pilot Factors Contract F33615-93-D-3800. Specifically, this report summarizes the long
term requirements that drove the development of an APG-70 radar capability and the PVI of
the radar, as integrated into the CSIL simulation facility. This report also summarizes the
design considerations, design approach, design implementation, and the current status of the
overall software development. In addition, recommendations are identified to further the
integration and fidelity of the APG-70 radar simulation within CSIL.
The sections devoted to the software design architecture and implementation (Sections 3
through 6) are provided so that a proficient software engineer will be able to thoroughly
understand the software design and the implementation without having to review the source
The functional level requirements of the radar model stem from the IMPACT project's
prerequisites to simulate the RBM plan position indicator (PPI) and the High Resolution Map
(HPvM) patch map modes of the F-15E APG-70 radar. Other modes, such as the complete
HRM PPI, the precision velocity update, the air-to-ground beacon, and the air-to-air were
considered potential growth options, but were not developed under DO 0013.
A Silicon Graphics Reality Engine or an Onyx Workstation were defined as the computer
hardware requirements for the APG-70 radar simulation. The software architecture of the
simulated APG-70 radar model requires the input of digital cultural and terrain data from the
Defense Mapping Agency (DMA) databases, uses MultiGen to process the data, and feeds the
data into the radar model, which calculates and displays radar image. For correctness and
completeness, the radar image rendered by the APG-70 radar simulation must correlate with
the visual scene terrain database as rendered in the real-time simulation by Iris Performer.
Upon completing the design and development of the simulation software, the RBM PPI and
the HRM patch map modes were integrated into the CSIL facility. The RBM PPI mode is
used to identify gross terrain features for navigation, weather detection, and to cue the radar
to a specific point for high resolution patch mapping. The HRM patch map mode is used to
cue electro-optical (EO) and infra-red (IR) sensors to a specific point on the ground, to
perform position updates, and to designate in-the-weather targets.
Both modes, the RBM PPI and the HRM patch map, of the APG-70 radar system have
different levels of integration into the CSIL facility. The RBM PPI mode is integrated into
the CSEL facility with respect to the IMPACT cockpit. This mode can be accessed within the
simulation with overlaying display formats decorating the sweeping of the RBM mode
display output. The digital elevation data files are loaded in memory for the gross terrain
features of the RBM PPI mode of the APG-70 radar simulation. In real-time, the position of
the aircraft via the avionics aerodynamic model drives the APG-70 radar simulation's output.
An input monitoring program monitors keyboard input to control changes within the APG-70
radar model, such as radar range selection, antenna elevation and azimuth, and scan width
selection. Since the APG-70 radar produces high range and azimuth resolutions using
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
synthetic aperture radar (mapping) techniques within the HRM PPI and patch map modes, the
terms HRM and SAR are used interchangeably throughout this report. The HRM patch map
mode has not been integrated as fully as the RBM PPI mode due to time constraints. The
HRM patch map mode uses the same MultiGen flight file created under the IMPACT project,
which drives the visual scene for the IMPACT simulation and the RBM PPI mode uses the
corresponding IMPACT digital elevation data files. The MultiGen loader is used to store the
database flight files in memory for the HRM patch map mode of the APG-70 radar
simulation. Short and long term recommendations are identified within the report to further
the integration and fidelity of the APG-70 radar simulation within CSIL.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
The Integrated Mission Precision Attack Cockpit Technologies (IMPACT) team thoroughly
reviewed the APG-70 radar mechanization in the F-15E and prioritized the various operating
modes. The review was performed to bound the scope of the radar development effort and to
select only those modes that were required to conduct pilot-in-the-loop simulations. The two
APG-70 radar modes that had the highest priority were the real beam map (RBM) and the
high resolution map (HRM) modes. The IMPACT team determined that the precision
velocity update, beacon map, air-to-ground ranging, and air-to-air modes were not required,
but should be considered during the radar development as growth items for future
The information that follows provides an overview of the actual APG-70 radar within the
F-15E aircraft and a brief description of the APG-70 pilot-vehicle interface (PVI), including
the RBM plan position indicator (PPI) and the HRM patch map modes that were developed
under Delivery Order (DO) 0013.
The APG-70 radar system, currently employed on the F-15E aircraft, provides the capability
to assist the crew in navigating, detecting, and designating ground targets. The radar has
multiple modes of operation, but the two primary modes are the RBM and the HRM modes.
The RBM mode's main functions are to identify gross terrain features for navigation, to
detect weather conditions, and to cue the HRM. The HRM's main functions are to perform
wide area searches, to update position, to perform electro-optical (EO) sensor cueing, and to
designate in the weather targets. Both modes were identified by the IMPACT team as the
primary modes of interest for the implementation of the APG-70 radar simulation into the
Crew Systems Integration Laboratory (CSIL) facility.
Also included within the F-15E aircraft, the APG-70 radar system's precision velocity update
(PVU) mode provides the precision navigation and also cues the HRM formation. The
air-to-ground beacon map mode of the APG-70 radar system provides the navigation update
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
and offset bombing ability. The air-to-ground ranging mode of the APG-70 radar system
provides visual weapon delivery; however, it is a mode not selectable from the air-to-ground
radar display format.
Within the F-15E aircraft the radar functions can be controlled via multi-functional displays
(MFD), radar controls on cockpit control panels, and the hands-on-throttle-and-stick
(HOTAS). These controls and displays provide the interface for the full gamut of radar
functions. In the RBM mode, the crew has the capability to quickly select the HRM mode for
high resolution mapping. The range of radar coverage is also selectable and includes 4.7, 10,
20, 40, 80, and 160 nautical miles (NM). The radar is capable of accessing stored sequence
point (pre-planned geographical position) data and of displaying the data's location relative to
the aircraft's current position. The radar also has a "receive only" mode that can be used to
detect the jamming of radar channels.
Within the RBM mode, the radar operates in one of five frequency bands and over eight
channels per band, which can be selected via the MFD in the F-15E cockpit. The azimuth
and elevation of the radar beam can be controlled, within limits, by the crew so that an
optimal radar image can be obtained. A radar cursor on the MFD indicates where the radar
beam is centered to the crew within the F-15E cockpit. The cursor commands one of five
functions, depending on which function is selected. There are five cursor functions: cue,
target, update, mark, and map.
• The cueing function directs or commands a supporting imaging sensor, like Low Altitude
Navigation and Targeting Infra-red for Night (LANTIRN) targeting forward-looking
infrared (FLIR), to the current cursor location designated within the RBM mode.
• The targeting function cursor designates a target, allowing weapon attack steering
symbology to display on the pilot's HUD.
• The updating function updates the mission navigator (MN) to ensure the display format
symbols are positioned over the radar video as accurately as the system can provide.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
• The marking function provides the pilot the capability to mark a specific point within the
RBM mode for future reference.
• The mapping function directs the radar to prepare the system for commanding an HRM
patch map.
The HRM mode incorporates many functions that operate like the RBM mode, with some
additional functional capabilities specifically for high resolution mapping. The APG-70
radar is capable of producing high range and azimuth resolutions using synthetic aperture
radar (SAR) mapping techniques. The SAR and the HRM are notably the same in the F-15E
cockpit. The radar uses SAR principles to produce video output with a resolution capability
many times that achievable with the RBM mode. Resolution is the minimum distance two
objects can be separated and discerned as individual objects by the radar return output, rather
than one large object. At a range of 20 NM the HRM mode provides resolution as good as
253 feet. For comparison purposes, the RBM mode at a range of 20 NM only provides a
resolution of 5300 feet. In addition, the HRM mode provides better resolution at much
greater ranges from an object when compared to the RBM mode.
An important factor affecting resolution is the size of the radar's antenna. The larger the
antenna the better the resolution capability. The APG-70 radar "synthesizes" a much larger
antenna by taking many snapshots of an area as the radar scan moves across the ground.
Each snapshot is taken at a slightly different perspective (range and angle) due to the motion
of the aircraft. The information is then gathered by the SAR and stored in computer memory.
The image data is then processed by the central computer to produce high resolution patch
maps of the desired area.
Two types of HRMs can be generated within the APG-70 radar system that is located in the
F-15E aircraft, the HRM patch map and the HRM plan position indicator (PPI), which
resembles the RBM PPI. A patch map provides a higher resolution map of a smaller area
when contrasted with the PPI. The HRM patch map mode within the F-15E aircraft, can be
commanded via the HRM PPI, RBM, or PVU modes.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
A patch map is commanded by positioning the radar cursor over the desired area and by
designating the area as the location to be mapped with the HOTAS. When the HRM mode is
first selected, the radar presents the PPI format until a patch map is commanded within the
F-15E aircraft. The radar then initiates the SAR processing and a patch map of the area is
presented later in the process. The imagery presented on the patch map can then be visually
searched for potential targets. If a potential target is identified, the pilot can then acquire
additional patch maps of the area or cue EO/IR sensors to that point for further interpretation.
The actual area, window size, that is mapped can be varied in increments of 0.67, 1.3, 3.3,
4.7, 10, 20, 40, and 80 NM, depending on the radar range that is currently selected. The
range selections are the same as in the RBM mode (4.7,10,20,40,80, and 160 NM).
Within the F-15E's APG-70, there are two submodes that are available for an HRM map:
stabilized, or progressive. When the stabilized option is selected, the radar continuously
maps the selected point on the ground. When the progressive option is selected, the radar
maintains a constant azimuth and range for mapping the desired area. Typically, patch maps
are ground-stabilized (i.e., centered on a specific point of terrain). Once a map is obtained,
the radar is capable of storing the two most current maps for recall and for use in the future.
Design considerations were based on the IMPACT team's decision to first develop the real
beam map (RBM) plan position indicator (PPI) and the high resolution map (HRM) patch
map. Table 1 highlights the performance and purpose of the RBM and HRM modes of the
F-15E's APG-70 radar system. The HRM patch map was developed to provide the basic
SAR simulation capability in regards to mathematical modeling for the visual display. The
RBM PPI mode was developed to provide the ability to have a representative simulation of
an air-to-ground (A/G) radar that would provide the ability to display gross terrain features to
assist pilots in navigation.
As reference data for future development of the APG-70 radar simulation, Appendix A,
Air-To-Ground Radar Pilot-Vehicle Interface describes the basic A/G format, the common
symbology among the radar modes, and the functionality of these modes as well. The
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
commonality between the RBM and the HRM modes is primarily within the PPI format.
Immediately following Table 1, the RBM PPI and the HRM patch map modes are briefly
described as these modes were the primary focus for the software simulation.
Performance Purpose
Real Beaia Map Resolution: 127 FT Gross Terrain Features for Navigation
Range: 4.7 NM Weather Detection
Azimuth: 2.5 deg HRM Cueing
Maximum Range: 160 NM
flig^eÄtiotfMap; Resolution: 8.5 FT (R/AZ) Wide Area Search
to20NM Position Updates
Resolution: 127 FT (R/AZ) EQ Sensor Cueing
l^rJZfrt.-i.^ to 160 NM In-Weather Target Designation
the RBM mode is used to identify gross terrain features for navigation, to detect weather,
and to cue the radar to a specific point for high resolution mapping, as presented in a PPI
format. This format is selectable from the main menu, as shown in Figure 1. For
clarification purposes, the bezel switches are numbered in a counter-clockwise fashion
beginning with the bezel switch on the left side of the display underneath the BIT circle.
Bezel switch number six is used to control the current mode of the APG-70 radar. The label
above bezel switch six, displays 'RBM' to indicate the present mode as the real beam map
mode (see Figure 1). However, it should be noted that the modes of the radar are also
controlled via the HOT AS. The RBM mode takes approximately one second per sweep and
provides six ranges: 4.7, 10, 20, 40, 80, and 160 NM. Also, the RBM incorporates the
positionable cursor, sequence point data, and a means to transition to a high resolution map
(called "patch map") presentation via HOT AS.
The HRM mode provides the capability to produce high range and azimuth resolutions using
SAR mapping techniques. It provides the capability to produce both the PPI format and a
patch map format (see Figure 2). The HRM PPI format is similar to the RBM PPI format,
except it does not provide a real-time radar picture due to the delay in Doppler processing.
Neither of the HRM formats provide radar returns for a + 8 degree area, called the "blind
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
zone," around the aircraft ground track due to the Doppler notch. The HRM PPI radar image
updates takes up to eighteen seconds per sweep versus one second in the RBM PPI. The
highest angular resolution that can be obtained through Doppler processing occurs when the
combination of Doppler frequency and angular rate of change is optimized. This occurs
when the object is 90 degrees relative bearing from the aircraft, which leads to another
restriction of the APG-70 radar system—its inability to reach the ideal situation of 90 degree
azimuth due to its 60 degree azimuth limitation. HRM PPI ranges are the same as in the
RBM PPI: 4.7, 10, 20,40, 80, and 160 NM.
i Radar Selected Here
? P g g g giiqilPllqllPlI i\
D H*l TEW«
a D z^(- 5V\*~"'' "***" "Q
■RT a Ü a a Ü D
A/G Radar Mode Selection -^
Patch maps can be commanded from the RBM, the HRM PPI, or another patch map any time
the cursor function is in "MAP." The process for making a patch map is to select the MAP
cursor function at bezel switch 7, position the cursor over the area to be mapped, select the
desired display window size using the auto acquisition switch on the throttle, ensure that the
mapped area is not within the 8 degree blind zone and then press and release the throttle
mounted Target Designation Controller (TDC). The display window size selected is the area
that is designated to be the area of interest for the high resolution patch map. The parameters
for the required minimum and maximum ranges, which are based on display window sizes,
are listed in Table 2.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
0.67 4.7 / 20
1.3 4.7/40
3.3 4.7 / 50
4.7 4.7 / 80
10 10/160
20 20/160
40 40/160
80 80/160
, Blind Zons
gilqllqjrqllq ■? 9 c? Q q
0 f AZO
R U .6
D- C—
1 -D
Q E? T^ ; -a
Q — c
V! HRM |MAf>] FULL J n
BRT Ü b Q a Ü U com
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
Design considerations were based on the IMPACT team's decision to first develop the real
beam map (RBM) plan position indicator (PPI) and the high resolution map (HRM) patch
map modes of the APG-70 radar. The following information provides an overview of the key
technologies that were researched for the software implementation of the APG-70 radar
simulation and the reasons why these technologies were not selected for development.
Several math libraries were downloaded and benchmarked to determine the fastest math
library that would suit the needs for the APG-70 radar simulation of the real beam map
(RBM) and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) modes. The forethought behind the strategy was
to obtain a strong foundation of optimized math routines primarily for the vector math
necessary for the graphical output produced by the APG-70 radar simulation. Two sets of
packages were reviewed: one set included the public domain C++ packages and the other set
included off-the-shelf products, namely the Iris Inventor and the Iris Performer Libraries.
The public domain C++ libraries that were downloaded from the Internet and researched for
the radar simulation were the Object-oriented Abstract Type Hierarchy (OATH), Library of
Efficient Data types and Algorithms (LEDA), C++ Object Oriented Library (COOL), and the
National Institute of Health Class Library (NIHCL). The public domain C++ packages,
OATH and COOL appeared useful, but complex. Most of these math libraries would have
taken a significant effort to integrate into the APG-70 radar due to the learning curve
Although several libraries were generally reviewed, a strict comparison was performed
between Iris Inventor and Iris Performer. Both of these libraries use some portion of the Iris
Graphics Library (GL) as a foundation that provides an additional benefit, especially in
comparison to the public domain libraries. Both products provide the similar functionality of
culling the terrain database files, which means that ray intersections are performed against the
polygons stored within the terrain database files so that a visual scene is generated from a
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
specific viewpoint. In other words, a scene is generated taking into consideration a specific
three-dimensional (3D) viewpoint, ignoring information from the terrain database files which
is not needed to render the scene (Hartman, J. and Creek, P. 1994). Iris Inventor has C++
interfaces to all its classes, however, the current version of Iris Performer does not. Iris
Performer has most of its vector math routines implemented both as function calls and as
macros, whereas Iris Inventor only has the member function calls. Iris Inventor benchmarked
slower than Iris Performer.
For documentation purposes, the Open Graphics Library (GL) was partially considered
instead of Iris GL to provide the drawing functionality needed by the radar simulation.
However, Open GL was not heavily pursued at the beginning of the project for three reasons.
First, Open GL was suspected to be slower than Iris GL. Second, Open GL was not yet
promoted across the graphics industry when the project was initiated. And third, a learning
curve was involved through the implementation path of Open GL. Therefore, the APG-70
radar simulation uses the standard Iris graphics library functions, Iris GL, to draw the radar
output display images. In addition, the Iris GL functions are used to display the overlaying
symbology for the RBM mode of the APG-70 radar simulation.
Texture memory was considered for the implementation of the RBM PPI mode. Several
experimental benchmarks of texture memory were completed to determine whether the
technology would be fast enough for the RBM PPI of the APG-70 radar simulation.
The first experiments consisted of swapping images in and out of texture memory. These
initial benchmarks tested images of the following byte sizes: 512x512x1, 480x480x1,
256x256x1, and 128x128x1. On the best machine available, the Onyx, each pass of
512x512x1 measured 0.20 seconds. Slightly better than linear speedup was obtained by
reducing the size of the images, as indicated with the previously mentioned image sizes. In
fact, the 128x128x1 byte sized images could be replaced at 104 times per second.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
The second iteration of texture memory benchmarking involved the additional task of
rendering the texture images onto polygons in a two dimensional (2D) double-buffered mode.
The benchmark measured the time for mapping the image into texture memory and for
rendering the polygons with the texture. The initial measurement involved the filling of one
rendered polygon, a square window, with the largest image (512x512x1). Subsequent tests
involved reducing the size of the image and replacing a varied number of the texture images
in memory and also increasing the number of polygons to fill the same 2D area. The goal
time was 0.067 seconds per pass with 0.100 seconds as the worse case. Unfortunately, the
desired update rate was not achieved, disallowing the use of texture memory for the RBM
PPI mode.
One of the benefits of attending the SIGGRAPH '95 Conference was the identification of the
wavelet technique. Wavelet technology is an extremely effective method of storing data
currently used in applications that have to deal with large databases such as game software
and film production. Since the RBM PPI mode of the radar simulation supports ranges from
4.7 to 160 nautical miles (NM), significant amounts of memory are needed to store the terrain
data at a consistent resolution regardless of the currently selected range. Wavelets store
information for the terrain database in an optimized fashion. With wavelets, the terrain data
nearest the ownship is at a high level of detail, whereas the terrain data that is not as close to
the ownship is not stored at a high level of detail. Therefore, wavelet technology optimizes
the amount of memory used by the storage of the terrain database. The wavelet technique
would have optimized the method in which the data is stored for the RBM mode of the
APG-70 radar simulation, however, due to time constraints this technique was not
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
(VSAR) technique, which was presented in a proceedings paper entitled, An Algorithm For
Transforming Planned View Visual Imagery Into Synthetic Aperture Radar (The American
Defense Preparedness Association and The National Security Industrial Association, 1995).
The algorithm was reviewed and also tested for its applicability to the APG-70 radar
The VSAR depends on two graphical processing passes of the terrain database: one pass is
used to draw the visual image from an orthogonal viewpoint onto a screen, which stores the
relative altitude within the Z buffer. The second pass reads the entire rasterized image back
into memory and uses the Z buffer information to calculate the various shadows and SAR
imagery. With the drawing of the visual image from an orthogonal viewpoint, the VSAR
implementation must have a separate output window for the initial pass of the terrain
database. In the testing of VSAR, Iris Performer was used to visually cull the orthogonal
view of a flight file. This single need for an additional output window by the VSAR was the
primary downfall of the VSAR and the reason for not using it within the final implementation
of the APG-70 radar simulation of the HRM patch map mode.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
The choice to use object-oriented design in the software implementation of the radar
simulation was necessary as this design technique more readily supports both changing
requirements and the addition of new requirements. This object-oriented design technique
stands as a major contrast to 'hard coding' techniques of the past. For speed, the Iris
Graphics and Iris Performer libraries were chosen as the backbone for the vector mathematics
and the graphical drawing of the radar output projections. Two complete iterations of
configuration files were designed and implemented and are also detailed in this section. In
addition, database utilities that were developed under the APG-70 radar project to primarily
filter unnecessary data from the Defense Mapping Agency (DMA) terrain elevation and
feature analysis database files are briefly mentioned in this section. Finally, the underlying
mathematics for the simulated radar scan are discussed for the RBM PPI and HRM patch
map modes of the APG-70 radar simulation.
Although object-oriented design was not a requirement of the software implementation of the
APG-70 radar simulation, the design technique was chosen because of the flexibility and
reusability offered through the object-oriented technology. The use of the C++ language was
a requirement for the radar simulation model. Since C++ is an object-oriented language,
using the object-oriented design approach was a natural decision to make. More benefits of
utilizing object-oriented design include data abstraction, data encapsulation, inheritance,
polymorphism, dynamic binding, aggregation, association relationships, object composition,
delegation and parameterized types. In general, the object-oriented approach provides for
source code reuse and effectively handles new requirements and modification of existing
requirements (Booch, G 1994).
Several math libraries were downloaded and benchmarked to determine the fastest math
library that would suit the needs for the APG-70 radar simulation of the real beam map
(RBM) and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) modes. A comparison among Iris Inventor and
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
Iris Performer was closely performed. Both of these libraries use some portion of the native
Iris Graphics Library as a foundation providing an additional benefit, in comparison to the
public domain libraries (see Section 3, Software Design Considerations).
As a result of the comparison, Iris Performer's math library was selected due to its speed,
cost, and the fact that the product was already owned by CSDL. The APG-70 radar simulation
uses the Iris Performer math library and vector data types as the math backbone of the RBM
plan position indicator (PPI) and high resolution map (HRM) patch map mode simulations.
The terrain databases are stored in memory using the Iris Performer data structures.
However, the radar simulation does not use Performer to cull the terrain databases; this
functionality is accomplished by functions provided within the simulation of the RBM and
the HRM patch map modes of the APG-70 radar.
Although several libraries were researched for their vector math capabilities, Iris Graphics
and Iris Performer, native libraries of the Silicon Graphics hardware platform were selected
primarily for their optimized speed for drawing and culling. The two main libraries within
Iris Performer are libpf and libpr. Libpr is a low-level library that provides high speed
rendering functions (pfGeoSets), efficient graphics state control (pfGeoStates), and other
application-neutral functions. Libpf is a real-time visual simulation environment that extends
libpr to create a high-performance, multi-processing database rendering system talcing
advantage of the IRIS symmetric multiprocessing central processing unit (CPU) hardware
(Fischler, S., et al. 1994).
For documentation purposes, Open Graphics Library (GL) was partially considered instead of
Iris GL to provide the drawing functionality needed by the radar simulation. However, Open
GL was not heavily pursued at the beginning of the project for several reasons as mentioned
within Section 3, Software Design Considerations. Therefore, the APG-70 radar simulation
uses the standard Iris graphics library functions, Iris GL, to draw the radar output display
images. In addition, the Iris GL functions are used to display the overlaying symbology for
the RBM mode of the APG-70 radar simulation.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
The truest form of the object-oriented philosophy assumes that all objects primarily
communicate via message passing, such as in the Smalltalk language. An initial decision was
made to follow the object-oriented philosophy and to provide this message passing capability
as part of the objects within the radar simulation. As input into the radar system,
configuration files would provide the messages to the radar system to establish which classes
needed to be instantiated into objects for the initialization of the radar system. These
configuration files would provide as much parameterization of the radar system as possible so
that any parameter of the radar system could be varied by only changing a configuration file
instead of source code.
Although this approach provides an extremely flexible design, several other software
building blocks are required to handle this design. One significant building block is the
design of a syntax to be handled by the configuration files of the radar system. An additional
piece of software involves the ability to examine the configuration files for tokens and then to
determine the meaning of the tokens found within the input configuration files. In addition,
each class that can be instantiated via the configuration file must also have appropriate
constructors or message receiving code that can be executed via the parser portion of the
radar system. However, in light of the extra software building blocks required for this design
approach, the software development team determined that input configuration files would be
the communication method to the APG-70 radar simulation to provide the run-time flexibility
needed by the radar system.
Although additional software had to be designed to support the input configuration files, the
benefits of this design approach outweighed the initial cost estimates in terms of software
development time. When initially considering the amount of software development time
needed for an implementation to support the input configuration files, only a single
implementation was considered. The initial implementation considered for the input
configuration files was the message-based syntax and respective support code. In fact, after
the second iteration of the GUF-based input configuration files, it is questionable as to
whether the time spent developing the second implementation of the configuration files
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
outweighed the benefits. However, the second iteration of the input configuration files
implementation is definitely an improvement over the first iteration. The details of the two
implementations of the input configuration file syntax, namely message-based and
GUF-based, are described in the following paragraphs.
The first version of the radar system input configuration file syntax, loosely based on the
Smalltalk programming language, defined the radar system as a series of messages. The
message passing between objects coincides directly with the truly object-oriented design
philosophy. The first input configuration file syntax, namely, the message-based syntax,
primarily used keywords. As indicated in the following syntax diagram, an optional instance
name of the object is followed by ':=,' a keyword, and the optional argument list facilitating
the construction of the object.
For clarification purposes, a simple radar configuration file example follows using the
message-based configuration file syntax includes the following significant keywords:
The following example defines a radar system, myRadarSystem, with a display window size
of 480 by 480 pixels, provides the RBM mode, a physical antenna model, and a database.
The RBM mode is defined with three sector scan widths and six radar ranges. The width and
height display attributes for the RBM mode define where the image should be drawn on the
display window via the Iris GL function, ortho2().
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
The advantages of this message-based configuration file syntax are its flexibility, simplicity,
and the fact that it is a context-free grammar. As this file is preprocessed via the C++
preprocessor, comments are permitted along with inclusion of other configuration files. In
fact, the ' file is a configuration file which defines the colors needed and can be
replaced if a different color scheme was desired by including another file instead. The parser
and the message class, RsMessage, are used to pass configuration information to the radar
components within the simulation. The parser scans a configuration file and creates a list of
messages that are sent to the radar simulation to instantiate each of the objects identified with
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
respective keywords. Each message contains an optional name, a keyword, and an argument
value. In the example 'myRadarSystem := Radar { ... },' the parser constructs a RsMessage
that contains the name 'myRadarSystem,' the keyword Radar, and a linked-list of other
messages describing the radar system. In addition, the RsMessage class is used to pass data
between radar components during the simulation execution. In this way, methods, also
known as member functions, that are coded into a radar component to handle messages
received from the parser can also be used to handle messages from other radar components
during run-time.
Although a step in the right direction, there were several disadvantages to the message-based
configuration file syntax and the respective implementation. The message-based
configuration syntax was not based on any standard. In addition, the implementation of
adding a new message keyword was cumbersome because each keyword had to be
pre-defined in the RsMessage class. There was only limited data type checking because a
reference pointer to an RsObject is passed in the RsMessage object. The message-based
parser did not allow for backwards compatibility of the keywords.
As mentioned earlier, a software building block, needed to support the input configuration
files, remains to support the specific syntax of the message-based configuration files. To
provide background for the parser building block, the public domain software components
used to facilitate the generation of the parser portion of the radar simulation, Bison-H- and
Flex++, are described briefly. The parser for both of the input configuration file syntaxes
were developed similarly. Flex++ Version 2.3.8-7 and Bison-H- Version 1.21-8 were the
public domain software components used for both parser implementations. These software
components were primarily chosen because of the C++ interface which they both provide. In
addition, these software components are compatible with their counterparts YACC and LEX.
Flex++ is the C++-based version of Flex. Flex is a fast lexical analyzer generator compatible
with LEX. Bison++ is the C++-based version of Bison. Bison, compatible with YACC, is a
general purpose parser generator that converts a grammar description for a context-free
grammar into a C program to parse that grammar.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
Figure 3. Data Flow Diagram for the Parser Portion of the APG-70 Radar Simulation
These two software components, Flex-H- and Bison-H-, generally work very closely with each
other (see Figure 3). Flex-H- is a tool for recognizing lexical patterns in text such as the input
configuration files. Flex++ reads a description of the lexical analyzer grammar and reads the
input files. From the given grammar and the lexical patterns, also called tokens, within the
input configuration files, Flex-H- determines the tokens and provides these tokens to the
Bison++ portion of the parser. Bison-H uses the output tokens from Flex-H- and the
context-free grammar rules provided to Bison-H-, to provide a parse() function that can be
called to parse an input configuration file. The parse() function is called from the APG-70
radar simulation. Each object within the radar system that can be instantiated by the input
configuration files must also provide a constructor with a signature to be used by the parser to
create the radar objects at run-time using the input configuration files. These constructors
instantiate the objects within the radar simulation, such as the display, the antenna, the
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
database, and the mode in the previous example. Once the radar simulation has initialized,
all of the instantiated objects are then setup with their respective member functions,
commonly named setup().
The second and final version of the configuration syntax, similar to the Lisp programming
language, is based on the Grand Unified File format (GUF) that was developed by Walt
Disney Imagineering for use in movies, games, and simulator rides. The Silicon Graphics
Performer development team is planning to use the GUF format in a later version of Iris
Performer, as advertised at SIGGRAPH '95. In fact, GUF is a backwards compatible data
exchange format that was designed with the following goals: ease of parsing, single pass
construction, extensibility, and backwards compatibility (ACM SIGGRAPH 1995).
The following syntax diagram for basic GUF indicates that a pair of surrounding parenthesis
encapsulates a form, 'formName,' and an argument list, 'argumentList,' which are space
An example follows to provide clarity of the basic GUF syntax. In the example, the name of
the GUF form, 'formName,' is defined as 'rgb' and its respective argument list,
'argumentList,' include the values of the 'rgb' form's components. The form 'rgb' defines a
color consistent of red, green, and blue real-valued number components.
In GUF, the parser reduces the list of zero or more arguments to a stream of slot pairs; each
slot pair contains a slot name and value. Slot values can be numbers, Booleans, strings,
identifiers, lists, or other forms. In the previous example, the slot values are real numbers. If
a slot name is not provided, the parser assigns a name based on the position of the argument
in the list. The second line of the following example provides the ordinal position of the slot
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
names, : 1 and :2, which are defaulted because the slot name is not provided within the first
line of the example.
The parser uses the function formFunc() to construct a new instance of the form, in other
words the formFunc() function instantiates the form identified with 'rgb.' All objects or
classes which can be instantiated with the input configuration files, must have constructors
available via the formFunc() member function. The parser then passes the stream of slot
pairs to the new instance using the form's member function setSlot(). The forms that are
used and defined by the radar system are as follows: rgb, rgba, hsv, hsva, lat-long, Mode,
OffMode, StbyMode, RealBeamMode, System, Apg70, Display, Window, AntennaServo,
RbmAntenna, Database, and DedDbase.
Lists are defined as simple GUF forms, guf, and can have one of two formats. The second
format with the prefix " is the format used predominantly within the APG-70 radar
GUF-based configuration files as it is preferred due to its shorter length in comparison to the
format which uses 'guf.'
A form can be defined to the parser using the def-form command. In the following example
the new form 'rgb' is defined. The name for the form is 'rgb' and 'red,' 'green,' and 'blue'
are the slot names that the newly defined form 'rgb' understands. The def-form command is
not supported by the current implementation of the parser, however, an explanation is
included here to illustrate the benefits of the GUF-based syntax.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
Forms can be based on other forms providing backward compatibility. In the following
example, the new form 'rgba' is defined. The new form 'rgba' contains all the slots of form
'rgb' plus the new slot 'alpha.'
In the following example of a simple GUF-based radar configuration file, the radar system's
form, Radar, has two slots, 'display' and 'modes.' The slot 'display' is set to form
'Window.' The slot 'modes' is set to a GUF list of only one form for the real beam mode
An advantage of the GUF configuration syntax is that it is based on a future standard for the
exchange of graphics information. In addition, it is much easier to expand due to its
backward compatibility. As a result, the configuration file syntax can easily be expanded to
support radar terrain and feature descriptions.
The RsMessage class, developed for the original message-based syntax, is no longer used to
pass data between radar components. A set of base classes was developed to support the
GUF parser that can be used to pass data between components using the setSlotQ function.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
Another advantage to the GUF-based configuration file method is the fact that data type
checking is provided in contrast to the original message-based configuration file syntax.
GUF support classes providing data type checking are provided within the Basic Library and
include number, Boolean, and string classes.
If an 'rgba' form is passed to an older version of a GUF system that does not support it, the
GUF parser will try the base form, 'rgb.' This ability of the GUF syntax can provide
backward compatibility in the radar system. For example, a new version of the HRM mode
simulation, form name 'HRMModeNew,' would be based on the original HRM simulation,
'HRMMode.' If a radar configuration file with 'HRMModeNew' is passed to a version of
the radar system that does not support it, the radar system will continue to run, using the
original HRM mode simulation.
The Defense Mapping Agency (DMA) provides Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) files
commonly used by applications such as the APG-70 radar simulation. MultiGen
Incorporated provides a UNK stand-alone utility, entitled 'readdma,' which reads the raw
DMA DTED files and converts them to a post file format. The utility, 'readdma,' currently
available within the CSIL facility, can be used to transfer raw DTED directly from tape or
compact disk (CD) onto hard drives. Currently, the location of files which are already in the
post file format within the IMPACT CSIL facility are located in the directory area entitled
/disk2/mg/dted. One method of detecting that the files are already post-processed is the fact
that the suffix of the filename is '.ded'. Each of the post-processed files consist of a file or
cell, containing a grid of post values which indicate elevation at fixed intervals, providing a
contour of the region of interest. Each cell represents a one degree squared area of the earth.
These files are mentioned because the RBM plan position indicator mode of the radar
simulation uses these files within the post file format to provide the wide area terrain
databases needed. The names of the files currently used in the RBM radar simulation are as
follows: N36W121.ded, N36W122.ded, N36W123.ded, N37W121.ded, N37W122.ded,
N37W123.ded, N38W121.ded, N38W122.ded, and N38W123.ded.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
The primary difference between the previously mentioned post-processed files and the flight
files that are used to drive the visual scene output is that the flight files consist of polygons.
MultiGen uses two different algorithms to take the post-processed formatted files and to
convert them into the flight files. The Poly Mesh and Delaney algorithms implemented
within MultiGen use the digital elevation post data and convert these data points into
databases of polygons.
In addition, MultiGen is also a graphical interface design tool that allows the user to add 3D
objects into the terrain databases to provide realism for the visual scene of the simulation (see
Figure 4). In order to provide the high correlation between the visual scene and the terrain
databases for the HRM mode, the APG-70 radar simulation system reads these databases
from these MultiGen flight files that also drive the visual scene. For documentation
purposes, the database file used for the IMPACT cockpit simulation is entitled
N35_44_51W121_30_2.flt and the database reference coordinate is encoded into the name of
the file, latitude position N35° 44' 51" and longitude position W1210 30' 2."
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
The database utilities which were developed under this project were developed to facilitate
the filtering of the *.ded terrain database files used for the RBM PPI of the APG-70 radar
simulation. One of the utilities outputs the data, ded_dump. The reduction of the *.ded
terrain database files occurs with the ded_reduce utility and the snapshot of the *.ded terrain
database files is seen via the ded_image utility.
The primary mission of the F-15E is all weather day and/or night interdiction. To accomplish
this mission, the air-to-ground radar (APG-70) plays a significant role in accurate navigation
to the target, precise target acquisition, and pinpoint weapons delivery. It is imperative that
crew members understand basic radar principles and understand the radar capabilities and
limitations. Effective use of the APG-70 radar depends on preflight planning in addition to a
complete understanding of the radar scans displayed within the cockpit's MFD. Several
inherent errors within the RBM PPI, such as beam width error and pulse length error, are
simulated within the APG-70 radar simulation producing similar effects resulting with larger
radar returns and therefore reducing the resolution capability.
In addition, within the cockpit, the MFD has a display resolution as well. The radar display
consists of a 480 by 480 square area of pixels in order to display the radar scans. Dependent
upon the currently selected range with the radar, the amount of data represented by a single
pixel changes which affects the mechanical resolution of the radar scan. The following chart
indicates the pixel size dependent on the selected radar range. Following the chart, within the
next few paragraphs, the methods of simulating certain radar return effects are discussed
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
The RBM PPI mode of the APG-70 radar simulation uses trigonometry in order to determine
the simulated radar return from the DMA DTED files. As explained earlier, the DMA DTED
files contain elevation posts at fixed intervals regarding the terrain database. A sweep of
terrain elevation posts are measured with respect to the mean sea level (MSL). The position
of the radar antenna and the radar beam source are assumed to be located in the nose of the
aircraft at position A within Figure 5. The antenna elevation angle is measured from the
horizon and is labeled as X within Figure 5. The aspect angle is the angle at which the center
of the radar beam hits the tangent of the terrain and is labeled as Y within Figure 5. The F-
15E's beam width is 2.5° also indicated within Figure 5 by the angle labeled Z. The
elevation of the terrain at the point of incident (B) is measured as the vector CD. The
elevation of the aircraft is measured as the vector AD. The tangent of the aspect angle Y is
equal to the vector AC divided by the vector CB, also called the ground range. In addition,
the vector AB, also called the slant range, can be determined through the use of the
Pythagorean Theorem. To calculate the radar return intensity, the dot product of the aspect
angle with the tan of the antenna elevation angle or look angle is calculated for each point
within the radar sweep. The following equations reveal these relationships using the labels
within Figure 5.
As the radar beam has a width of 2.5° degrees, half of the radar beam remains on either side
of the center of the source. The width of the beam used to illuminate the target is based on
the antenna size and is the most serious inherent limitation to the resolution. The error is
always in azimuth and applies equally to both sides of the target making the radar return
larger and producing a horizontal smearing effect. As the simulation scans a radar sweep of
elevation posts, it keeps track of three radar sweeps, the current sweep, the previous sweep,
and the sweep prior to the previous sweep. These three sweeps are used to perform a
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
weighted average of the radar return data to simulate the horizontal smearing effect caused
due to the beam width error. The pulse length error is also inherent only to the RBM PPI
mode of the APG-70 radar causing a vertical smearing effect within the radar return. To
simulate this effect, within a single radar sweep, three of the elevation post calculations are
maintained to perform another weighted average.
As many calculations are needed in order to determine the values of a complete radar return
sweep, some effective filtering steps are implemented. If the tangent of the look angle is less
than the minimum look angle value, Ymin, a zero is placed within the radar return sweep for
that specific elevation post. If the tangent of the look angle is greater than the maximum look
angle, Ymax, a zero is placed within the radar return sweep for that specific elevation post
(see Figure 6). In this fashion, a minimum number of intensity calculations are performed
directly speeding up the time required to determine the radar return sweep information.
In order to determine whether a specific elevation post is not seen because it occurs within a
shadow, the tangent of the last most positive visible look angle is always maintained and
denoted as value 'K.' When the current value of the tangent of the look angle is less than
'K,' it determines that a peak was just passed and therefore the current elevation post remains
within a shadow ( See Figure 7).
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
Uncontrollable factors which affect the radar display are the characteristics of topographic
and cultural features such as, size, shape, and composition of objects within the terrain.
Within the current simulation of the RBM PPI, this terrain culture information is defaulted.
One factor affecting resolution capability is the size of the antenna as noted within the
previous paragraphs. The resolution capability of the HRM patch map mode is many times
that of the resolution of the RBM mode due to the fact that the F-15E 'synthesizes' a 1400
foot long linear array of small antennas. Several snapshots are taken of the same area, ground
stabilized, as the aircraft moves along its forward velocity vector flight path. Figure 8 shows
an example of two snapshots, Al and A2, being taken in order to produce an example patch
map. The shadows and reflectivity within the patch map are obtained from the source of the
radar with respect to the terrain information. However, the view of the patch map is an
orthographic view from directly above the buildings almost at position A2 within Figure 8.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
In this mode, range is determined by measuring the time between transmission and reception
of the radar pulse and azimuth is determined by doppler shift (change in frequency and rate of
change in frequency). The doppler effect is a shift in the frequency of a wave reflected by an
object in motion, the aircraft in this case. If objects within the terrain are moving, these
objects will appear larger than they should be. Movements tend to make objects appear
larger within the HRM patch map as all SAR techniques assume that objects are static. In
order to simulate the HRM patch map output, polygonal MutiGen *.flt files are used as input
and processed. Surface normals at the polygonal vertices are calculated and then interpolated
from vertex to vertex using Phong shading. Once again, in order to calculate the radar
intensity return information, the dot product of the look angle and the surface normals are
calculated. A random number generator is used to add speckling effects to the HRM patch
map output. Since no material reflectivity is stored within IMPACT'S terrain database files, a
manipulation of the color is used to simulate the material reflectivity of the output.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
This section provides an initial data flow diagram inclusive of a complementary discussion of
the software architecture underlying the APG-70 radar simulation. To directly orient a
software person with the source code, explanations follow the data flow, such as an
explanation of how the source code files are organized, how to recreate the executables, and
how to run the APG-70 radar simulation.
The software architecture that provides the foundation for the APG-70 Radar model is best
described with a data flow diagram, as shown in Figure 9. The arrows within the diagram
indicate the direction of data flow between and among the various processes that support the
viewing of the APG-70 radar format.
The APG-70 radar model developed under Delivery Order (DO) 0013 was primarily focused
on the need for flexibility. Therefore, configuration files were used to support the flexibility
within the radar model. The syntax within the radar model configuration files is based on the
Grand Unified File (GUF) format by Walt Disney Lnagineering. Details regarding the syntax
of the GUF-based input configuration files are provided in Section 4, Software Design
Approach. These input configuration files provide the instance information required for the
initialization of the APG-70 radar model.
In order to integrate the APG-70 radar model into the CSIL IMPACT cockpit, two input
configuration files are currently being used. One file, entitled apg70d.guf, primarily drives
the displaying of the radar; the other file, entitled apg70.guf, drives the various modes of the
radar, the selectable scanwidths, the radar ranges, the color setup, the display modes, the
antenna model, the terrain database file types, and their respective locations.
The APG-70 radar parses the *.guf files and instantiates the objects dependent on the
information within the configuration files. The APG-70 radar model uses Flex++ Version
2.3.8-7 and Bison++ Version 1.21-8 to generate the C++ files to support the parser
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
functionality. The parser selects the tokens from the configuration files, identifies the
semantics from the GUF-based syntax, and proceeds to establish the instances of objects for
the radar model. For more details on the parser, refer to Section 4, Software Design
The integration of the APG-70 radar simulation system into the CSIL IMPACT cockpit is
supported by the following processes: APG-70 radar model, APG-70 radar display, APG-70
data buffer, APG-70 state machine, and the APG-70 input monitor. Two of these processes
are the foundation of the APG-70 radar simulation system, the APG-70 radar model and the
APG-70 radar display. The radar model simulation process, APG-70 radar model, calculates
the data to be displayed using the input configuration files, apg70.guf (with a display
window) or apg70nd.guf (without a display window). The graphical drawing process,
APG-70 radar display, renders the radar format using the input configuration file, apg70d.guf.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
As shown in Figure 9, the output from the APG-70 radar model is sent to the APG-70 radar
display. The APG-70 radar model outputs the calculated radar sweep data using the
information it obtains from the APG-70 data buffer in addition to the DMA terrain database
files. The DMA database files that feed the APG-70 radar model are either of the post
processed format, *.ded files, for the RBM PPI mode or MultiGen polygonal flight files, *.flt,
for the HRM patch map mode. The APG-70 data buffer gets information such as the
aimpoints, steerpoints, and targets from the navigational (nav) model. The APG-70 data
buffer also obtains snapshots of information from the aerodynamic (aero) model, such as the
positioning of the aircraft in terms of latitude, longitude, and altitude so that the simulation of
the radar display is realistically dynamic.
The radar sweep data is stored in shared memory allowing the APG-70 radar model process
and the APG-70 radar display process to share the information. The update() routine within
the APG-70 radar display for the drawing of the radar is called by the Cockpit Display
Manager. The Cockpit Display Manager is also responsible for the drawing all other display
formats within the cockpit. Additionally, the Cockpit Display Manager displays the bezel
surrounding the APG-70 radar display and the other displays, as needed. The APG-70 radar
display consists of the portion which draws the radar sweep data and also the portion which
draws the overlaying graphical symbols. These graphical symbols are listed as follows: the
bezel switch labels, the radar range arcs, the aimpoints, the steerpoints, the targets, the zero
azimuth line, radar mode status, the selected cursor function, declutter status, gain control,
display brightness, azimuth scan size, antenna azimuth and elevation, and radar range
information. The bezel switch labels are drawn using the window set technique common to
all formats currently integrated into the CSIL IMPACT cockpit.
Portions of the information displayed within the APG-70 radar display are indirectly
determined by the APG-70 radar state machine because the state machine takes outputs from
the APG-70 input monitor and the current state of the radar to determine the information
needed within the APG-70 data buffer. As the APG-70 radar model and the APG-70 radar
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
display both use the information within the APG-70 data buffer to produce the radar sweep
output and the radar display output, the APG-70 radar state machine stands as a vital portion
of the APG-70 radar simulation system.
Flight Control
APG-70 Radar
To establish the correct functionality behind the APG-70 radar there exists an APG-70 radar
state machine, which uses information provided by the APG-70 input monitor along with
current state information of the APG-70 radar, stored within the wlAPG70DataBuffer object,
to determine what to display. In the current integration state, keyboard inputs simulate the
various bezel switches as needed for the APG-70 radar. These inputs are read with the
APG-70 input monitor process which feeds into the APG-70 radar state machine. Upon final
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
integration of the APG-70 radar system, the Flight Control Computer process, fee, will
initiate all the processes needed to facilitate the simulation of the APG-70 radar model and all
other processes needed to execute the entire cockpit simulation. Once the radar is completely
integrated into the simulation, the hardware inputs which drive the radar simulation will be
provided by the digital and analog signal output from the cockpit simulator via the data union
rather than from a keyboard, (see Figure 10) In addition, a cursor will be driven by these
signals to provide a method to command the HRM patch map from within the RBM PPI
mode of the APG-70 radar simulation system.
As this software simulates 'yet another radar simulation,' the acronym associated to the
APG-70 radar system is defined as 'yars.' The 'yars' directory is revision controlled by the
UNIX utility revision control system (RCS) at the /projects/IMPACT/yars location within the
CSIL facility's server. Each directory listed in the following table (see Table 3) contains a set
of files that are used to create a library of classes with a common theme or functional
purpose. The $YARS identifies the /projects/MPACT/yars directory, and $MPACT
identifies the /projects/BVIPACT directory on the file server in the CSIL facility. The
directories which are considered temporary or in a transitional state are moved into the
$YARS/support directory. Upon final integration of the APG-70 radar simulation system,
some of the information within this table may become outdated.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
To rebuild the executable programs for the APG-70 radar simulation, the proper revision of
the source code is confirmed. The source code for the APG-70 radar simulation is stored
with the UNIX utility RCS within CSIL's file server. All directories under the $YARS
directory have their own Makefile, which is invoked by the UNIX command, make. At the
$YARS directory, another Makefile loops through all of the subdirectories and their
respective Makefiles. Therefore, to completely remake all of the $YARS libraries and
executables, the directory is changed to the /lib and all library files must be removed. The
directory is then changed back to the $YARS directory and then the UNIX make command is
used by entering 'make' at the command line. The file named $YARS/include/makedefs
defines the locations of the system, Iris Graphics, and Iris Performer libraries.
To make the IMPACT level source code, local copies of the files are needed and are
checked-out with a lock via RCS. Once these files are modified and tested locally, the
IMPACT level Makefiles are used to recreate the needed libraries. The additional source
files for the radar input monitor, the radar state machine, and other support programs remain
in their respective locations until further integration of the APG-70 radar simulation occurs.
These processes supporting the radar simulation system are also rebuilt using the UNIX make
Until the APG-70 radar simulation is completely integrated into the IMPACT cockpit, several
processes run concurrently to view the APG-70 real beam map (RBM) plan position indicator
(PPI) radar display. The flight control computer starts the navigational model and the
aerodynamic model. These models place the navigational steering points and aircraft
positional data in terms of latitude, longitude, altitude, and heading into memory. The
navigational information is needed because the steering points overlay the radar return
sweeps. To accept keyboard inputs, the APG-70 input monitor process runs by changingthe
directory to $YARS/support/wlAPG70InputMonitor and by running the program
'input_monitor' in the background. This program creates an Iris GL window, which waits for
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
keyboard input. The following list of keyboard input and respective commands simulates the
bezel switches surrounding the APG-70 radar display. The following list is also available
within the file named 'INFO' within the same directory as the wlAPG70InputMonitor code.
Key Command
1' Nothing
2' Toggles Declutter
'3' Gain Control Cycles: 3, 2, 1,0
'4' Increase Brightness 0-15
'5' Decrease Brightness 0-15
'6' Radar Mode Cycles: RBM, HRM, PVU, BCN
'7' Cursor Function Cycles: MAP, UPDATE, TARGET, CUE
' 8' Does Nothing in RBM
'9' Scanwidth Size Cycles: FULL, HALF, QTR
'a' Does Nothing in RBM
'b' Returns to Main Menu
'c' Toggles Video Tape Recorder
'd' Increase Range Cycles: 4.7, 10,20,40, 80, 160
'e' Decrease Range Cycles: 4.7, 10,20,40, 80, 160
'f Does Nothing
'g' Toggles IPVU Mode
'h' Sequence Point Cycling
T Toggles Sniff
'j' Frequency Band Cycle 1-8
'k' Frequency Channel Cycle A - E
'esc' Exit APG-70 Input Monitor
A location within Scramnet memory is filled with a value that simulates the antenna
elevation. To place a value within the antenna elevation memory location, the directory is
changed to the $YARS/support/tests directory. The 'aelev' program runs at the command
prompt with a value for the antenna elevation parameter. Typically, a value of -20 is the
input parameter to the 'aelev' program. The APG-70 radar state machine runs in order to
initialize the window set variables and to instantiate the needed classes. To run the APG-70
radar state machine process, the directory is changed to $YARS/support
/wlAPG70StateMachine, and then run 'st_machine' in the foreground at the command
prompt. The APG-70 radar state machine process runs continuously, until it is killed by the
operating system. To initiate the running of the APG-70 radar model, the directory should be
changed to $IMPACT/yars/apg70. The following command within this directory initializes
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
the APG-70 radar model 'apg70 -f apg70rbm &' and runs it as a background process with a
display window. To run a display only view of the APG-70 radar simulation within the
IMPACT cockpit, the IMPACT 'mfd' program is run with the APG-70 radar configuration
file. Upon final integration of the APG-70 RBM PPI mode, the information within this
paragraph may become outdated.
As the HRM patch map mode is not as integrated as the RBM PPI mode, the HRM patch
map mode runs primarily in a stand-alone fashion. The directory is changed to the
$MPACT/yars2/sarMode/test and the apg70hrm program should be run in the background
with the following command 'apg70hrm -f apg70hrm &.' This previous command brings up
a single SAR view of the MultiGen polygonal terrain database file used by the visual scene of
the IMPACT cockpit. Upon final integration of the APG-70 HRM mode, the information
within this paragraph may become outdated.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
The following sections describe the various libraries that comprise the APG-70 radar
simulation source code. Class hierarchy diagrams are used in order to better illustrate the
inheritance relationships among the classes.
The Basic library, denoted libBasic, primarily supports the ability to maintain and handle the
GUF-based language used by the input configuration files (see Figure 11). The input
configuration files provide maximum flexibility and reconfigurability of the radar simulation
without the need to modify source code, re-compile source code, or re-link object files. The
input configuration files for the radar system use the GUF-based language to instantiate the
various components of the radar system upon initialization. In addition to establishing the
objects that are needed for the radar simulation, the various parameters for the radar and its
subsystems are also provided within the input configuration files. Therefore, the
modification of an input configuration file can actually change the radar system parameters so
that the radar selectable ranges and antenna scan widths differ. In fact, the radar simulation
could more closely represent the parameters of a different air-to-ground radar system if the
input configuration files were greatly modified. In fact, the APG-68 radar system which
exists within the F-16 Fighting Falcon, has a RBM PPI mode that only varies slightly
compared to the F-15E's RBM PPI with respect to the selectable ranges and the scan width
coverages. The range scale selections of 10, 20, 40, and 80 nautical miles (NM) within the
F-16 compare to the F-15E's 4.7, 10, 20, 40, 80, and 160 NMs range selections. The scan
width coverage of the F-15E has selections for 100, 50, and 25 degrees in contrast to the scan
width coverages of the F-16: 120, 60, and 20 degrees. The purpose of this example is to
indicate that only with the change of an input configuration file, a wide variety of radar
simulations can be executed due to the flexibility of the current software implementation.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
Since each object within the configuration file has a specific set of related information, the
parser for the radar system must be able to identify the various tokens within the
configuration file. Once the tokens are identified by the lexical analyzer portion of the parser,
the meaning of the token must be established. Tokens can be specific to the Grand Unified
File (GUF) format syntax or they may be values of the various parameters supported by the
radar system. Since the tokens may represent values, the various types of parameters must
have classes for instantiation. A significant portion of the Basic library supports value-based
types, such as RsString, RsNumber, RsColor, and their respective subclasses. Figure 11
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
shows the class hierarchy of the Basic Library using Booch's notation for object-oriented
design (Booch, G. 1994). In addition to supporting the GUF-based syntax, these classes are
also used within the subsystems of the radar system. The RsGufForm, RsGufPair and
RsGufPairStream container classes support the GUF-based syntax used by the input
configuration files.
The rest of the classes within the Basic library provide basic functionality that can be used
outside of the radar system. These classes, namely RsTimer, RsList, RsStack, RsStMach,
RsPolygon, RsFlatEarth, and RsClip3D, provide support for timers, state machines, stacks,
doubly-linked lists, polygon storage, flat earth database modeling, and polygon clipping
algorithms. In addition, the data store that is used to represent the radar output information is
handled with the RsSweep class.
As mentioned within the legend box, the Rs prefix to the class names indicates that the class
was implemented for the Radar System. In addition, almost all classes internal to the radar
system are derived subclasses from the RsObject class. For example, within the Basic
library, the RsGufSlotTable class is an example of a base class that does not derive from the
RsObject class. Classes that were used to perform the integration of the radar system within
the CSIL facility use the 'wlAPG70' prefix which stands for Wright Laboratory's APG-70
source code.
The initial version of the radar system used messages as the primary method to pass data
from the configuration files to the radar component classes. Therefore, a RsMessage class
was created to handle the inter-object communication that is similar to the Smalltalk
language. The fact that all objects were derived subclasses of the RsObject class, made the
passing of information much easier. This design choice of all radar system classes being
subclassed from the RsObject class remains within the second version of the radar system
code. The RsMessage object contained a pointer (or reference) to a RsObject, which was
passed around the instantiated objects until the destination object took ownership of the
RsMessage. Unfortunately, within the initial version of the software, type checking of the
RsMessage data was not built into the implementation since a reference pointer was used. In
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
the current radar version of the software, the RsMessage class is only used by RsMemQueue
to pass data messages via a common memory area. Based on the message type, the message
can contain a number, a string, void pointer, RsSweep, or a link-list and type-checking is
actually built into the implementation of passing data among objects. An RsMessage's type
is determined when it is constructed or instantiated and cannot be changed after initialization.
To enhance the understanding of the Basic library, each individual class and its respective
public interface is explained in the following paragraphs.
6.1.1 RsObject
The RsObject class stands as an abstract base class for the majority of the radar system
(Rs-prefixed), classes. An abstract base class is not instantiable, however, it does provide
common data and behavior for the derived sub-classes. The RsObject class provides type
checking and support for the GUF forms. However, not all RsObject class derivations are
GUF forms, but all RsObject class derivations can support the GUF forms. The instances of
the RsObject class derivations that are GUF forms contain a slot table.
6.1.2 RsNumber
The RsNumber class stands as an abstract base class for numbers, such as floats, integers,
Booleans, and Latitude-Longitude measurements. The RsNumber class derives from the
RsObject class. The RsNumber class provides the common behavior for its derived classes
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
through the virtual member functions, such as getDouble(), getFloat(), getlnt(), getBoolean(),
classType(), and isClassType().
6.1.3 RsBoolean
The RsBoolean class stands as a class of Boolean numbers. An instance of the RsBoolean
class maintains a value of TRUE (one) or FALSE (zero). The RsBoolean class derives from
the RsNumber class. The RsBoolean class provides several operators as follows:
assignment, equals, not equals, logical and, logical or, logical not, stream input, and stream
output. The derived virtual classes from the RsNumber superclass are declared within the
RsBoolean public interface as getDouble(), getFloat(), getlnt(), getBoolean(), classType(),
and isClassTypeO and are implemented within the RsBoolean's internals.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
6.1.4 Rslnt
The Rslnt class stands as a class of integer numbers. An instance of the Rslnt class maintains
a whole number value within the range of -MAXINT to +MAXINT. The Rslnt class derives
from the RsNumber class. MAXINT is the maximum integer value provided by the
implementation of the IRTX 5.2 operating system. The Rslnt class provides several operators
as follows: assignment, unary addition, binary addition, unary subtraction, binary
subtraction, unary multiplication, binary multiplication, unary division, binary division,
equals, not equals, less than or equal to, less than, greater than or equal to, greater than,
stream input and stream output. The derived virtual classes from the RsNumber superclass
are declared within the Rslnt public interface as getDouble(), getFloat(), getlnt(),
getBooleanO, classType(), and isClassType() and are implemented within the Rslnt's
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
6.1.5 RsFloat
The RsFloat class stands as a class of floating point numbers. An instance of the RsFloat
class maintains a value of a signed real number. The RsFloat class derives from the
RsNumber class. The RsFloat class provides several operators as follows: assignment, unary
addition, binary addition, unary subtraction, binary subtraction, unary multiplication, binary
multiplication, unary division, binary division, equals, not equals, less than or equal to, less
than, greater than or equal to, greater than, stream input and stream output. The derived
virtual classes from the RsNumber superclass are declared within the RsFloat public interface
as getDoubleO, getFloat(), getlnt(), getBoolean(), classType(), and isClassType() and are
implemented within the RsFloat's internals.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
6.1.6 RsLatLong
The RsLatLong class stands as a class of numbers whose values represent a latitude or a
longitude measurement. Each instance of the RsLatLong class contains a condensed
numerical value, whose components consist of an enumerated direction, and values for the
following measurements: degrees, minutes, and seconds. The RsLatLong class derives from
the RsNumber class. The RsLatLong class contains a slot table that indicates it is a GUF
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
form. There are four components within the slot table for the RsLatLong class as indicated in
Table 4. The derived virtual classes from the RsNumber superclass are declared within the
RsFloat public interface as getDouble(), getFloat(), getlnt(), getBoolean(), classType(), and
isClassTypeO and are implemented within the RsLatLong's internals. An enumerated type,
Dir, is used within this class to indicate the direction of an instantiated object. For the
support of GUF, certain functions are provided within the public interface of the RsLatLong
class, such as setSlotByIndex(), getSlotByIndex(), formName(), and isFormName(). To
comply with the data encapsulation feature of object-oriented code, the following functions
provide an interface to obtain the four components of an RsLatLong object: getDir(),
getDegO, getMinO, and getSec().
1 direction enumerated direction
2 degrees double
3 minutes float
4 seconds float
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
6.1.7 RsString
The RsString class stands as a class of single byte character strings. The RsString class
provides the ability to manipulate and obtain information from byte character strings. The
RsString class provides the unique ability to convert between numbers and byte characters
strings when applicable. Several member functions are provided via the public interface to
facilitate the converting between numbers and byte character strings, such as len(), isEmptyO,
emptyO, getStringO, islnteger(), isNumber(), getlnteger(), and getNumber(). The RsString
class provides several operators as follows: assignment, unary concatenation, binary
concatenation, equals, not equals, less than or equal to, less than, greater than or equal to,
greater than, stream input and stream output. The RsString class also handles its own
memory management through the new and delete operators. Several constructors exist for
the RsString class to provide for maximum flexibility. The RsString class derives from the
RsObject class.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
6.1.8 Rsldent
The Rsldent class stands as a class of identifiers. The identifiers class operates like the
RsString class. Each instance of the Rsldent class behaves like the RsString class; however,
it is likely that each instance of the Rsldent class will contain an identifier or a name that may
not convert into a number. The Rsldent class derives from the RsString class.
6.1.9 RsStMach
The RsStMach class stands as a class of general purpose state machines. Instances of the
RsStMach class can be used to control sequencing of events, modes, or submodes. Each
instance of the RsStMach class contains a state table that indicates the procedures executed
for each RsStMach instance. The RsStMach class derives from the RsObject class.
A state is defined by the current state number, 'state,' and a substate number, 'substate.' All
state values must be greater than or equal to zero. All state tables must use the zero state as
the reset state.
A state table contains one or more state entries. A state entry consists of a state number, a
state procedure, and a lock flag indicator. Whenever the current state number matches the
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
state entry's state number, the corresponding state procedure is executed. The lock flag
indicator is used to inhibit the switching from the current state to the requested state.
6.1.10 RsSweep
The RsSweep classs stands as a container class that will maintain one longitudinal sweep of
data. The longitudinal sweep of data may include terrain elevation posts, terrain culture data,
and simulated radar return data. The data points that are maintained are evenly spaced
between the minimum and maximum ranges, depending on the number of data points. Range
values are measured in meters. Instances of the RsSweep class may or may not be memory
managed by the class itself, depending on the constructor used. The RsSweep class derives
from the RsObject class.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
6.1.11 RsTimer
The RsTimer class stands as a general purpose class of up/down timers. The real-time
interval timer can be used to update the timers or they can be updated manually by the
instance of the RsTimer class. Using instances of the RsTimer class, processes can be
suspended until the real-time interval timer sends the SIGALRM signal. Instances of the
RsTimer class may count positively or negatively. The RsTimer class derives from the
RsObject class.
6.1.12 RsUpTimer
The RsUpTimer class stands as a general purpose class of magnitude increasing timers. The
instances of the RsUpTimer class are timers that count in the positive direction. The
RsUpTimer class derives from the RsTimer class.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
6.1.13 RsDownTimer
The RsDownTimer class stands as a general purpose class of magnitude decreasing timers.
The instances of the RsDownTimer class are timers that count in the negative direction. The
RsDownTimer class derives from the RsTimer class.
6.1.14 RsGufForm
The RsGufForm class stands as a general GUF form class. Instances of the RsGufForm class
are used primarily by the parser when it parses the configuration files. As the parser
examines the GUF configuration files, it instantiates the various objects needed for the radar
system. The RsGufForm class is a container class that maintains a form name, 'formName,'
and a list of arguments, 'argList.' The items that are maintained by the RsGufForm class are
references to an instance of the RsString class and an instance of the RsGufPairStream class.
For the support of GUF, certain functions are provided within the public interface of the
RsGufForm class, such as setSlotByIndex(), getSlotByIndex(), formName(), and
isForrnNarne(). The RsGufForm class derives from the RsObject class. The syntax for a
general GUF form is as follows:
( formName <argList> )
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
virtual -RsGufFormO ;
const Rsldent* form(void) const;
RsGufPairStream* argList(void);
const RsGufPairStream* argList(void) const;
RsGufForm& operator=(const RsGufForm&);
virtual void setSlotByIndex(const int slotindex, const RsObject* obj);
virtual RsObject getSlotBylndex(const int slotindex) const;
virtual const char* formName(void) const;
virtual int isFormName(const char* name) const;
virtual RsType classType(void) const;
virtual int isClassType(RsType type) const;
virtual void print(ostream& sout, const int indent = 0,
const int slotsOnly = FALSE);
static const RsType type;
6.1.15 RsGufPair
The RsGufPair class stands as a general GUF slot pair class. Instances of the RsGufPair class
are used primarily by the parser when it examines the configuration files. As the parser
examines the GUF configuration files, it instantiates the various objects needed for the radar
system. The RsGufPair class is a container class that maintains a slot name and an object.
Instances of the RsGufPair class maintain a reference to an instance of the RsString class, the
slot name, and a value which is a reference to an instance of the RsObject class. The
RsObject class stands as an abstract class that cannot be instantiated. Therefore, instances for
the object reference are actually instances of classes derived from the RsObject superclass,
such as Rslntegers or RsFloats. The syntax for a general GUF slot pair follows:
: slotName <value>
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
6.1.16 RsGufSlotTable
The RsGufSlotTable class stands as container class that maintains the slot table for each of
the GUF defined forms. The slot table is used to assign slot names to indices. If no names
are given for the slots, ordinal values are automatically assigned. Each GUF defined form for
the radar simulation, mainttains an instance of the RsGufSlotTable class. Two constructors
are provided with the RsGufSlotTable class in the event the base table from a base class is
needed for the instantiation of the object. Typically, an array of character strings and the
number of slots is provided to the contructor. The main purpose of the RsGufSlotTable is to
provide a common interface to all of the GUF defined forms to their respective
RsGufSlotTable. An index from the table may be obtained given an input index with the
index() member function; the slot name can be obtained given an input character string with
the name() member function. The number of the last index can be obtained via the n()
member function. Finally, the ability to print the information within the RsGufSlotTable is
provided via the print() member function.
6.1.17 RsList
The RsList class stands as a general purpose container class that maintains a list of objects.
The objects within the list are maintained with a doubly-linked list. Several utilities are
available with the RsList class that facilitate the maintenance of instances of the RsList class.
The items that are maintained within the RsList class are references to instances of the
RsObject class. The RsList class provides the utility to find a specific object within the
instance of the RsList class with the find() member function. Also, the RsList class provides
the utility to insert before an RsObject within the instance of the RsList class via the insert()
member function. In addition, the RsList class provides the utility to replace or remove a
specified object within the instance of the RsList class, assuming the object exists within the
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
list. The RsList class also provides the ability to retrieve an array of RsNumbers or
RsGufPairs that contain RsNumbers from a list with the getNumberList() member function.
For the support of GUF, certain functions are provided within the public interface of the
RsGufForm class, such as setSlotByIndex(), getSlotByIndex(), formName(), and
isFormName(). The RsList class derives from the RsObject class.
6.1.18 RsStack
The RsStack class stands as a general purpose container class that maintains a stack of
objects. The objects within the stack are maintained with a doubly-linked list in the Last In
First Out (LIFO) fashion. The RsStack class derives from the RsList class publicly which
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
means that in addition to the common push and pop utilities, all of the RsList utilities are also
available to instances of the RsStack class.
6.1.19 RsGufPairStream
The RsGufPairStream class stands as a container class that maintains a stream of GUF pairs,
GUF form lists as discussed in Section 4, Software Design Approach. Instances of the
RsGufPairStream are primarily used by the parser. The RsGufPairStream class is a container
class that maintains a stream of RsGufPair instance references. The RsGufPairStream class
derives privately from the RsList class, which means the underlying implementation of the
RsGufPairStream is also a doubly-linked list of RsGufPairs. The formats available for the
RsGufPairStream is as follows:
( guf <gufPairStream> )
( <gufPairStream> )
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
RsGufPair* first (void) ,-
RsGufPair* next(void);
RsGufPair* previous(void);
RsGufPair* last(void);
RsGufPair* position(const int n);
RsGufPair* get(void);
void put(RsGufPair* pair);
virtual RsType classType(void) const;
virtual int isClassType(RsType type) const;
virtual void print(ostream& sout,const int indent = 0,
const int slotsOnly = FALSE);
static const RsType type;
6.1.20 RsColor
The RsColor class stands as an abstract class of colors. This class defines the colors to
consist of four floating point values: red, green, blue, and alpha. The alpha value is set to a
default value of 1.0. The RsColor class derives from the RsObject class. The Performer
math include files are located within this class because the colors are handled with the three,
pfVec3, and four, pfVec4, component vectors, which are defined within these include files.
To comply with the data encapsulation feature of object-oriented code, the following
functions provide an interface to obtain the components of an RsColor object: red(), green(),
blue(), alpha(), getRGB() and getRGBA(). The RsColor class derives from the RsObject
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
6.1.21 RsRgb
The RsRgb class stands as a class that defines a color to contain a red, a green, and a blue
component with no specification for the alpha component. The main addition the RsRgb
class provides, which is not provided by the RsColor class, is the support for the GUF slot
table. The addition of the slot table indicates that the RsRgb class is actually a GUF form.
For the support of GUF, certain functions are provided within the public interface of the
RsRgb class, such as setSlotByIndex(), getSlotByIndex(), formName(), and isFormName().
The RsRgb class derives from the RsColor class. There are three components within RsRgb's
GUF slot table (see Table 5). The values of the red, green, and blue slots, in the range of 0.0
to 1.0, determine a specific color.
6.1.22 RsRgba
The RsRgba class stands as a class that defines a color to contain a red, a green, a blue, and
an alpha component. The RsRgba class derives publicly from the RsRgb class. The slot
table inherited from the RsRgb class indicates the RsRgba class is also a GUF form. For the
support of GUF, certain functions are provided within the public interface of the RsRgba
class, such as setSlotByIndex(), getSlotBylndexQ, formName(), and isFormName(). The
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
main addition of the RsRgba class is that the GUF slot table has an additional slot for the
alpha value for each instance of the RsRgb class. Therefore, there are four components
within the slot table (see Table 6). The values of the red, green, blue, and alpha slots, in the
range of 0.0 to 1.0, determine a specific color.
6.1.23 RsHsv
The RsHsv class stands as a class that defines a color to contain a hue, a saturation, and a
value component without an alpha component. The main addition the RsHsv class provides,
which is not provided by the RsColor class, is the support for the GUF slot table. The
addition of the GUF slot table indicates that the RsHsv class is actually a GUF form. For the
support of GUF, certain functions are provided within the public interface of the RsHsv class,
such as setSlotBylndexO, getSlotByIndex(), formName(), and isFormName(). The RsHsv
class derives from the RsColor class. There are three components within RsHsv's GUF slot
table (see Table 7). The combined values of the hue, saturation, and value slots determine a
specific color.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
For documentation purposes, the hue slot represents a degree around a color wheel with a
maximum value of 360° and a minimum value of 0°. The saturation slot represents whether
the hue is a pure hue with a value of 1.0, and the value slot represents whether the
intensity/tint is at a maximum value of 1.0. Example hues, saturation, and values are
provided in Table 8.
6.1.24 RsHsva
The RsHsva class stands as a class that defines a color to contain a hue, a saturation, a value
and an alpha component. The RsHsva class derives publicly from the RsHsv class. The slot
table inherited from the RsHsv class indicates the RsHsva class is also a GUF form. For the
support of GUF, certain functions are provided within the public interface of the RsHsva
class, such as setSlotByIndex(), getSlotByIndex(), formName(), and isFormName(). The
main addition of the RsHsva class is that the GUF slot table has an additional slot for the
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
alpha value for each instance of the RsHsv class. Therefore, there are four components
within the slot table (see Table 9).
The values of the saturation, value, and alpha components in the range of 0.0 to 1.0 determine
a specific color range from 0.0 to 1.0. The values of the hue component in the range of 0.0 to
360.0 also facilitate in the determination of a color. For documentation purposes, the hue slot
represents a degree around a color wheel. The saturation slot represents whether the hue is a
pure hue with a maximum value of 1.0. The value slot represents whether the intensity or tint
is at a maximum value or 1.0. Example colors are represented within Table 8, Example
Colors Using Hue, Saturation, and Value Components.
1 hue float (0.0 - 360.0)
2 saturation double (0.0-1.0)
3 value float (0.0-1.0)
4 alpha float (0.0-1.0)
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
6.1.25 RsCIip3D
The RsClip3D class provides the functionality to clip three-dimensional (3D) polygons with
respect to a 3D clipping volume. The RsClip3D class derives from the RsObject class. The
public interface to this class provides the capability to set the 3D clipping volume with (x,y,z)
coordinates or only (x,y) coordinates via the SetBox() member functions. In the later case,
the Z clipping plane is defaulted to Z = - FLT_MAX and Z = FLT.MAX. FLT_MAX is the
constant stored in the <limits.h> file, which represents the maximum decimal value of a float
as defined by Version 5.2 of the IRTX operating system. Two interfaces exist to actually
perform the 3D clipping through the member functions entitled clip(). One of these
interfaces uses the pfVec3 data structure defined by Iris Performer to identify the polygon's
input vertices and the polygon's output vertices after the clipping. The other interface uses
the RsPolygon reference to identify the polygon's input and output vertices. In both of these
interfaces, the clip() method identifies the number of vertices remaining in the clipped
polygon output. If the polygon exists outside of the clipping volume, the number of vertices
returned through either interface is zero.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
6.1.26 RsFlatEarth
The RsFlatEarth class provides simple flat earth conversion from the center of the terrain
database. The RsFlatEarth class derives from the RsObject class, and as all derived classes,
has the opportunity to use the public and private member functions of the base class. Once
the reference center of the database is set in terms of a latitude and longitude with the
RsFlatEarth class constructor, the RsFlatEarth class uses conversion constants defined in the
support.h file in addition to the Iris Performer data structures, pfVec2 and pfVec3, to
calculate specific items of information. Latitude and longitudes are described in degrees,
altitude is expressed in feet, and (x,y,z) coordinates are expressed in meters, using the Iris
Performer structures pfVec3 and pfVec2. Several interfaces exist publicly within the
RsFlatEarth class to convert from a position in latitude, longitude, and altitude to a two or 3D
position in (x,y,z) coordinates or vice-versa using the following member functions or
methods: lla2vec(), 112vec(),vec211a(), and xy211(). The RsFlatEarth class also supports the
computation of the Euler angles, heading, pitch, and roll and the computation of distances
between points via the member functions viewAngles() and distance(). Two additional
member functions provide the ability to set the conversion constants for the mathematical
conversions from nautical miles (nm) to meters, setNM2M(), and from nms to feet,
setFT2M(). The default mathematical conversion constants that are used are defined within
the support.h include file, as defined by MultiGen V14.1.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
6.1.27 RsPoIygon
The RsPoIygon class provides the ability to store a 3D polygon. The 3D polygons are stored
in terms of the vertices that constitute the polygon. The maximum number of vertices per
each object of the RsPoIygon class currently stands as ten. The RsPoIygon class supports the
calculation of the normals at each vertex. In addition, the RsPoIygon class supports the
calculation of the polygon's surface normal. The RsPoIygon class also supports the
calculation of the coefficients of the planar equation for each polygon. The implementation
assumes that each polygon is planar with respect to 3D space. A color is also associated with
the RsPoIygon class. A layer value is also an attribute to each polygon of the RsPoIygon
class. The RsPoIygon class derives from the RsObject class. The RsPoIygon class is
'friends' with the RsClip3D class.
6.1.28 RsScanline
The RsScanline class provides the ability to draw a set of polygon objects in 3D space within
a 2D display area. The algorithm that is used to process the drawing of the active polygon set
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
The Parser library, denoted as libParser, primarily supports the input configuration files. For
a complete discussion of the APG-70 parser data flow, please review Section 4, Software
Design Approach. As discussed within Section 4, the parser consists of two public domain
software components, Bison-H- and Flex++.
Bison++ is a general purpose parser generator that converts a context-free grammar into a
C++ member function that parses the respective grammar. Within the Parser Library, the
Bison++ context-free grammar exists within the file named parser.y. The corresponding C++
file created by Bison++ follows as parser.c++.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
Flex++ is a fast lexical analyzer generator compatible with Bison++. Flex++ uses an input
file containing a context-free grammar that dictates the lexical tokens it should recognize.
The input file within the Parser Library is named lexical.!. Flex-H- converts lexical.l into a
C++ file, lexical.c++, which contains a C++ member function to work with the parse()
function defined within parser.c++.
In addition to these two components, each class which can be instantiated via the input
configuration files, must contain a formFunc() member function which simply instantiates the
class externally. These member functions within the radar simulation are commonly found
within the formfunc.c++ files throughout the yars directories. Since no other classes are
defined by the Parser Library, no class hierarchy exists.
The Radar library, denoted as libRadar, primarily supports the common objects and
subsystems needed for the different modes of the radar model, such as the stand by mode, the
off mode, the real beam map (RBM) plan position indicator (PPI) mode, and the high
resolution map (HRM) patch map mode. The class hierarchy for the objects which are
derived from the RsRadar class is depicted in Figure 11 using Booch's notation (Booch, G
1994). This class hierarchy shows the inheritance relationships among the various classes
within the radar library in addition to classes which exist in other libraries. The majority of
objects within the radar system code are derived from the RsObject class which exists within
the Basic library.
The major components of the Radar library are the RsDatabase, RsAntenna, RsMode, and
RsDisplay subclasses. These subclasses of the RsRadar class primarily contain the
functionality and information encapsulation common among the various radar subsystems.
To support a simulated radar system, a database of terrain information must exist so that the
radar system can simulate the scanning of the terrain. The RsDatabase class provides the
accessibility to terrain information. To drive the positioning of the radar scan, a physical
antenna is simulated. The RsAntenna class provides the simulation of the various
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
Legend Box
Radar System's
Abstract Class
components needed for a physical antenna. As a radar system has a set of modes or system
states in which it operates, the RsMode class supports the common mode functions and data
for the radar simulation. In certain modes, such as the RBM PPI, the antenna scans the
terrain and outputs the terrain information on a display which is viewed by the crew in the
aircraft. Within the simulation environment, the simulated antenna scans the terrain database
and calculates the display output dependent on the location of the radar beam source. To
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
support the displaying of the simulated radar output, return sweeps, the RsDisplay class was
As the radar operates in the various modes, radar system parameters may change causing the
radar system to switch modes or to change antenna position or even change the accessible
terrain information due to the radar range and the position of the aircraft. The derived
subclasses from the RsDatabase, RsAntenna, RsMode, and RsDisplay classes provide the
various specific features needed to fully simulate the F-15E's APG-70 radar system with
regard to the RBM PPI mode and the HRM patch map mode. If additional modes of the
aircraft's radar system were added to the current simulation (e.g., air-to-air, precision velocity
update, or beacon modes) new classes would need to be created within the radar library to
simulate the specific radar system functionality dictated by the modes.
To enhance the understanding of the Radar library, each individual class and its respective
public interface is explained in the following paragraphs. In addition, the following diagram
indicates the classes consitituting the Radar library (Figure 13).
6.3.1 RsRadar
The RsRadar class stands as an abstract base class primarily for the radar subsystems, such as
the RsDatabase, RsAntenna, RsMode, and RsDisplay derived subclasses. The RsRadar class
derives from the RsObject class. The major responsibility of the RsRadar class is to initialize
the static data before any classes are created. The initialization routine, init(), is passed a
void pointer. If the void pointer points to a shared memory area, the size of the shared
memory is given in bytes. If no arguments are provided to the initialization routine, local
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
Legend Box
memory is allocated for the static data area. The reference to the static data area is actually a
display queue that is used to pass radar image data using the RsSweep class, to the radar
display routines. Other key member functions contained within this class are the setup() and
the update() member functions. These functions are defined as purely virtual member
functions indicating that the derived subclasses for the RsRadar class must define these
member functions respectively. This configuration permits run-time dynamic binding and
confirms flexibility of the radar simulation. The setup() member function is called after an
object has been instantiated and all of the Grand Unified File (GUF) slots have been set by
the parser. The setup() member function provides a method to notify radar components that
they may setup internal data. The update() member function is dependent upon the derived
subclass, as named, this class updates the radar subsystem information. The RsRadar class
also defines a function pointer type RsCallbackProc that has two parameters of pointers to an
RsRadar object and a RsObject object. This type, RsCallbackProc, is used to perform the
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
function callbacks for the associated update routines within the correct RsRadar derived
6.3.2 RsAntenna
The RsAntenna class stands as an abstract class primarily functioning as a data store for its
derived subclasses. The RsAntenna class stores significant information regarding the state of
the simulation of an antenna, such as the current antenna position (degrees), the current
velocity (degrees/second), the commanded antenna position (degrees), and the commanded
antenna rate (degrees/second). Other information that is also encapsulated in the RsAntenna
abstract class are common antenna parameters. The maximum slew rate (degrees/second),
the left/lower and right/upper gimbal limits (degrees/second), the horizontal beam width and
vertical beam height (degrees), and the antenna reference angle (degrees) exist as the primary
antenna parameters. The RsAntenna class is derived publicly from the RsRadar class, which
means all of the public members from the RsRadar class are also public members to the
RsAntenna class. Three antenna servo modes, position, rate, and frozen, are enumerated
within the RsAntenna class to facilitate the simulation of a moving antenna. The RsAntenna
class uses the Iris Performer math data structures to store vectors associated with the
positioning of the radar antenna.
The primary function of the methods specific to the RsAntenna class are to encapsulate the
current antenna parameters such as the position angles, the angular rates, the reference angles,
and the horizontal and vertical beam sizes. The antenna reference angle parameter measured
in degrees is the direction for the antenna to scan, the center of the scan pattern. A few other
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
members of the class provide the ability to toggle the antenna beam on or off, turnBeamOn()
or turnBeamOffO, to indicate whether the antenna is off or is in an aircraft shadow,
isBlanked(), and to indicate whether the antenna is positioned within a specified tolerance of
the commanded antenna position, isPositioned(), or to indicate whether the antenna is at one
of the physical limits, isAtLimits(). A default tolerance of 0.1 degrees is used when no
tolerance is given. As this is an abstract class, a few protected member functions are
identified to set the antenna servo mode, to set the commanded antenna rates, and to set the
commanded antenna position. Since these member functions are protected, only the derived
subclasses of the RsAntenna class have the ability to use or redefine these member functions.
In addition, two vector limiting functions are accessible through the RsAntenna class.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
6.3.3 RsAntennaServo
The RsAntennaServo class stands as a representative for a physical antenna simulation. The
RsAntennaServo class uses the Iris Performer math data structures to store vectors associated
with the positioning of the radar antenna. The RsAntennaServo class is a derived subclass of
the RsAntenna class, which means that all of the public and protected member functions are
accessible to the RsAntennaServo class. The setup() member function must be defined by the
RsAntennaServo class because the RsAntenna class defines it as a virtual member function.
The setup() function specific to the RsAntennaServo class is called by the owner of the
RsAntennaServo object that was instantiated. The owner of the RsAntennaServo class will
know when the static data for the radar system has been initialized, and following this event,
the respective setup() member function of the RsAntennaServo class will be called. The
member function update() of the RsAntennaServo class serves to update the data
encapsulated by the RsAntennaServo that may cause the radar sweep data to be changed if
the radar system is in an active scanning mode.
The RsAntennaServo is one of the classes that is directly supported by the GUF-based
language. For the support of GUF, certain functions are provided within the public interface
of the RsAntennaServo class, such as setSlotByIndex(), getSlotByIndex(), formName(), and
isFormName(). The RsAntennaServo class uses the Iris Performer math data structures to
store vectors associated with the positioning of the radar antenna. As the RsAntennaServo
class is publicly derived from the RsAntenna class, the slot names that are supported by the
RsAntennaServo class represent the data encapsulated by the RsAntenna class. Therefore,
the slots of the RsAntennaServo class store significant information regarding the physical
limits of the instantiated RsAntennaServo, such as the upper and lower azimuth limits, the
upper and lower elevation limits, the azimuth and elevation rate limits, the horizontal and
vertical beam sizes, and the reference position of the antenna measured in azimuth and
elevation. The syntax for the RsAntennaServo GUF defined form follows the slot table for
the RsAntennaServo GUF defined form:
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
( def-form AntennaServo
An example of instantiating the physical antenna model within the input configuration file
6.3.4 RsDisplay
The RsDisplay class stands as a representative for an output display device. The RsDisplay
class is a derived subclass of the RsRadar class, meaning that it must define the virtual
member functions: setup(), and update(). The setup() member function of the RsDisplay
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
class actually creates the display for the owner of the instantiated object. Again, as with the
RsAntennaServo class, the owner of the RsDisplay class knows exactly when the static data
area is initialized and calls the RsDisplay's setup() following the initialization. The update()
member function uses the components that are setup for the RsDisplay to display the output
of the radar sweep data. Each instance of the RsDisplay class defines a display model that is
associated with a radar mode, respective owner. The basic mode (RsDisplay) clears the
display background color, which is useful for the off and stand by modes of the radar system.
Other modes that require more complex radar display modes use a derived subclass of the
RsDisplay class. For clarification, the derived subclass, RsWindow, is used to manage the
static member variables that define the Iris Graphics Library (GL) graphics window. The
information that is encapsulated within the RsDisplay class stores information such as
whether or not the RsDisplay is in double-buffered, isDoubleBuffer(), or single-buffered
mode, isSingleBuffer(), the pixel width and height of the RsDisplay, the unique Iris GL
handle that is returned for each Iris GL window, getWindowId(), the intensity scaling, and the
base list of colormap entries. Several member functions are provided to determine the
graphical information regarding the Iris GL window. If a window has been created within the
RsDisplay object, the function haveWindow() returns TRUE. If the RsDisplay is in color
map mode or in red green blue (RGB) mode, the respective functions isColormapMode() and
isRGBMode() return TRUE. If the RsDisplay is in color map mode, setting and getting the
color map intensity is provided with the setlntensityO and getlntensityO member functions.
To clear the RsDisplay, the erase() member function can be called.
The RsDisplay class is directly supported by the GUF-based language. For the support of
GUF, certain functions are provided within the public interface of the RsDisplay class, such
as setSlotBylndexO, getSlotBylndexO, formName(), and isFormName(). The GUF slots of
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
the RsDisplay class's slot table define the virtual size (ortho2) of the display (see Table 11).
The syntax of the RsDisplay defined form follows:
( def-form Display
An example of instantiating two objects of the RsDisplay class which both belong to a mode
within the GUF-based input configuration file follows:
:modes '(
;; ortho2 size of virtual display
■:width 1.0
:height 1.0
,-; ortho2 size of virtual display
.•width 1.0
:height 1.0
6.3.5 RsMessage
An early version of the radar system used messages as the primary method to pass data from
the message-based configuration files to the radar component classes. In the current radar
simulation, the RsMessage is used only by RsMemQueue to pass data messages via shared
memory. The RsMessage communication within the first version of the radar system
primarily was based on keywords and pointers (references) to specific instantiated objects.
Based on its type, the RsMessage can contain a number, a string, a void pointer, a RsSweep,
or a linked-list. A RsMessage's type is determined when it is constructed and can not be
changed. A RsMessage's type and respective keyword are encapsulated within the
RsMessage class and can be determined by a few member functions as indicated by several
member functions within the public interface for the RsMessage class. Several constructors
are provided to support the wide variety of types of messages, as is noted in the publically
defined enumeration Type for the RsMessage class. Comments are provided within the
public interface to explain the slight differences among the member function signatures.
In addition, several functions are provided to obtain the encapsulated data within the
RsMessage. The member function getNumber() retrieves a number from the RsMessage.
The member function, getNumberList() retrieves an array of numbers from a RsList of
RsNumbers within the RsMessage object. Additional member functions provide the ability
to obtain the RsString, getString(), the void pointer, getPointer(), the RsSweep, getSweepO
and the first, getFirst(), or next, getNext() RsMessage of a RsList. Support to manage the
keyword message are also provided with the following member functions: hasKeyword(),
isKeyword(), getKeyword(), and setKeyword().
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
6.3.6 RsMode
The RsMode class stands as an abstract mode class, or superclass, for the various radar
system modes. The RsMode class is a derived subclass of the RsRadar class, therefore the
update() and setup() member functions may be redefined. However, in most cases these
member functions are actually redefined at a lower level with derived subclasses of the
RsMode class, such as the RsStdbyMode, RsOffMode, RsRealBeamMode, or RsSarMode
The primary function of the RsMode class is to provide a container for the various
components of the radar mode such as the display, the antenna, and the terrain databases.
Several member functions retrieve pointers of the RsAntenna, the RsDisplay, and the
RsDatabase. In addition, the number of samples per sweep is encapsulated within the
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
RsMode class. In addition, the RsMode class contains memory management member
functions that support the RsSweep object.
The RsMode class is directly supported by the GUF-based language. For the support of
GUF, certain functions are provided within the public interface of the RsMode class, such as
setSlotBylndexO, getSlotByIndex(), formName(), and isFormName(). The syntax for the
RsMode defined form follows the GUF slot table for RsMode:
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
6.3.7 RsSystem
The RsSystem class stands as a basic radar system class. The RsSystem class is a derived
subclass of the RsMode class, which means that it also is a container class that holds the
antenna, the display window, and the terrain database. In addition, the RsSystem class
provides mode selection, and has access to static shared memory that is used to pass radar
image data among the radar subsystem components. One of the primary member functions
provided by this class is createSystem() as it takes a configuration file's path name as input
and the parser constructor function and an optional graphics window handle and creates a
display system. Once the createSystem() member function has been completed, the
RsSystem object simply manages the various system parameters like the current system
mode. When the radar system changes mode, the MODE_CHANGED event is fired. The
information that is encapsulated within the RsSystem class are the simulation update rate, the
flag which indicates that the simulation is running, the valid list of radar modes available, the
current radar mode selected, the list of selectable ranges, the currently selected range, the
application and graphics callback routines, respective user data, the aircraft position (in terms
of latitude, longitude, altitude, and heading), and the point of interest (in terms of latitude,
longitude) on the terrain. Event handling via the Iris devices and callback routines are also
provided by the RsSystem class. Currently, the maximum number of callbacks is ten.
The RsSystem class is directly supported by the GUF-based language. For the support of
GUF, certain functions are provided within the public interface of the RsSystem class, such
as setSlotBylndexO, getSlotByIndex(), formName(), and isFormName(). Since the RsSytem
class is derived from the RsMode class, the RsSystem class inherits the characteristics of the
RsMode class (see Table 13). The defined form for the RsSystem class indicates this
relationship and follows respectively:
( def-form System
is= Mode 'display
' latitude
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
6.3.8 RsWindow
The RsWindow class manages the physical display window. The RsWindow class is derived
from the RsDisplay class. The critical member function of the RsWindow is the
initialization, init(). There are three signatures for the init() member function. The init()
member function can be called without a window identifier, in which case a window is
created for the radar system, and the respective graphical display information is set to
defaults. The init() can be called with a window identifier, or with a set of physical screen
coordinates, in which all of the graphical display information must be queried and retrieved
from the window identifier. The init() member function must be called before any instances
of RsDisplay or its derived subclasses are created. Typically, this is handled for the user by
the RsSystem::createSystem() member function.
The RsWindow class is directly supported by the GUF-based language. For the support of
GUF, certain functions are provided within the public interface of the RsWindow class, such
as setSlotBylndexO, getSlotByIndex(), formName(), and isFormName(). The slots for the
defined form RsWindow consist of the physical width (pixels) and height (lines) of the
viewport, the base color index, type of color vector (RGB or HSV), the color mode
(colormap or RGB) and the buffer mode (single or double) as is shown within Table 14. The
following is the syntax of the defined form for the RsWindow class:
(def-form Window
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
The Database Library, denoted as libDatabase, provides access classes to the various terrain
database file formats for the APG-70 radar simulation. The Database, DED, and Performer
libraries use the object-oriented design to exemplify the 'plug and play' features of the source
code underlying the APG-70 radar simulation. In this fashion, the RsDatabase provides a
common 'outlet' to the radar simulation for any of the 'plugs' which are needed for the
specific terrain database files. This design provides maximum flexibility for future growth
and reduces the amount of implementation time to a minimum. The DED library, denoted as
HbDedDbase, provides the 'plug' for the DMA DED terrain database files. The Performer
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
\ RsQbject /
Legend Box
Radar System's
Database Library ■Is A"
DED Library Performer Library
Abstract Class Relationship
library, denoted as libPerfDbase, provides the 'plug' for the Multigen and/or Performer
polygonal *.flt terrain database files. In order to support another terrain database file format,
a derived class of the RsDatabase class would need to be implemented. In order to review
the various classes provided within the Database library, see Figure 14. The diagram
inidicates which classes are provided by the Database library, the DED library and the
Performer library in addition to the inheritance relationships among these classes and
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
6.4.1 RsDatabase
The RsDatabase class stands as a class for managing the terrain and culture databases used in
the radar simulation. The RsDatabase class derives from the RsRadar class as seen within
Figure 12, Class Hierarchy for RsRadar Derived Subclasses.
The RsDatabase class is provided so that the interface to the radar simulation is the same
regardless of the type of terrain database files. The object-oriented design of the RsDatabase
with all of its derived subclasses, RsDedDbase and RsMgDbase, provides maximum
flexibility for future growth. Once the interface to the RsDatabase class is understood, the
amount of implementation time to provide support for a new terrain database file format is
reduced to a minimum. In order to support another terrain database file format other than
DMA DED or the Multigen *.flt, a derived class of the RsDatabase class would need to be
A primary member function of the RsDatabase class is getSweepData() which sets two
RsSweep reference pointers as follows: the first one to data from the terrain database, and
the second one, to data from the terrain feature database. Therefore, this class provides a
point, or hook, whereby terrain feature data can be inserted when needed. The elevation data
are in meters and the culture data are DFAD feature ID numbers.
The radar sweep starts at the latitude and longitude values provided and moves along a line in
the given angular direction. The length of the sweep is 'range' meters producing a number of
sample points, 'np.' These datum inclusive of the center of the gaming area and the center of
the database are encapsulated by the RsDatabase class. A variety of member functions are
provided to get and set this encapsulated data as follows: getElevation(), latitude(),
longitude(), elevation(), getRange(), setRange(), getSamples(), setSamples(), and getCenter().
The getElevationO member function obtains the elevation at a given latitude and longitude of
the terrain database. Another member function, makePos() sets an Iris Performer, pfVec3,
with x, y, and z in meters relative to the center of the gaming area.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
The RsDatabase class is directly supported by the GUF-based language. For the support of
GUF, certain functions are provided within the public interface of the RsDatabase class, such
as setSlotBylhdexO, getSlotByIndex(), formName(), and isFormName(). In addition, the
GUF slot table for the RsDatabase follows:
The following is the syntax of the defined form for the the RsDatabase class:
( def-form Database
• latitude
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
6.4.2 Dfad
The Dfad class is a base class which does not derive from the RsObject class. The primary
purpose of this class is to maintain information regarding the Defense Mapping Agency
(DMA) Digital Feature Analysis Data (DFAD). This class is not used by the APG-70 radar
simulation in its currently integrated state, since none of the terrain database files used to run
the APG-70 RBM PPI or the HRM patch map modes contain any DFAD for the terrain.
The DED Library of the APG-70 radar simulation contains the support to access the DMA
Digital Elevation Data (DED) terrain database files. The RsDedDbase class is a subclass
derived from the RsDatabase class. The RsDatabase class is provided so that the interface to
the radar simulation is the same regardless of the type of terrain database files. This usage of
object-oriented design provides maximum flexibility for future growth and reduces the
amount of implementation time to a minimum. The DED library, denoted as libDedDbase,
provides the 'plug' for the DMA DED terrain database files which are used for the RBM PPI
mode of the APG-70 radar simulation.
6.5.1 RsDedDbase
The RsDedDbase class handles the interface between the DMA DED terrain database files
and the APG-70 radar simulation. The RsDedDbase class stands as a derived subclass from
the RsDatabase class and as such inherits several of the RsDatabase class features including
functionality and data members, such as latitude, longitude, and elevation of the database
center, number of samples per sweep, and sweep range. Since the RsDatabase class defines
the following member functions as being virtual, update(), setup(), getSweepData(), and
getElevationQ, the RsDedDbase class has the option to redefine these member functions and
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
extend the functionality of the RsDatabase class. In actuality, setup(), getSweepData(), and
getElevation() are the only redefined member functions inherited from the RsDatabase class.
The defined constant LO_RES_PATH is the path which indicates the default path for the
DED terrain database files which are the input into the RBM PPI mode of the APG-70 radar.
The path is defined within the RsDedDbase class because a reference to a RsMapData object
is privately maintained within this class. As radar sweeps are obtained via the redefined
member function get SweepData(), the RsDedDbase class determines whether new DED files
need to be loaded using the input position. When new rows or columns of terrain elevation
maps need to be loaded, they are created and the current maps are deleted within the
RsDedDbase member function loadMaps(). Once the maps are loaded, the terrain elevation
posts are obtained via the member function gndscn(). The gndscn() member function
determines which DED file is needed to obtain the sweep of elevation posts for the current
location, the current range, and the current number of points or samples. The RsDedDbase
class currently sets the culture data references to default values.
The RsDedDbase class is directly supported by the GUF-based syntax within the input
configuration files for the APG-70 radar system. In order to provide support for the
GUF-based input configuration files, certain member functions are held within the public
interface of the RsDedDbase such as setSlotbyIndex(), getSlotbyIndex(), formName(). In
addition, the GUF slot table for the RsDedDbase follows exactly the same pattern as the
RsDatabase GUF slot table as there are no significant difference within the paramaters for the
class when compared to the RsDatabase class (see Table 16).
latitude latitude of database center
longitude longitude of database center
elevation elevation of database center
samples number of samples
range range measured in meters
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
Since the RsDedDbase class is inherited from or 'is a' RsDatabase class, the GUF defined
form represents this relationship. The GUF defined form syntax follows for the RsDedDbase
( def-form DedDbase
is= DataBase
6.5.2 RsDedFile
The RsDedFile class manages MultiGen, Inc.'s Digital Elevation Data (DED) file. See
FORMAT.DED within the $YARS/database/ded/ directory for the original MultiGen
documentation. The RsDedFile class is a base class which does not derive from any other
class within the RsObject class hierarchy. The RsDedFile class defines several structures as
follows: ss_stdhdr, to contain the standard header file block of 128 bytes, stats, to contain a
32 byte statistics record, and celljidr, to contain the 40 byte header for each DMA cell on the
disk. The public interface for the RsDedFile class primarily provides access the these data
structures and statistics regarding the file of interest.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
6.5.3 RsMapData
The RsMapData class manages terrain elevation map data. One of the constructors of the
RsMapData class loads a number of latitude, 'nlon,' by a number of longitude, 'nlat,' DMA
terrain files centered around the input latitude and longitude. The DMA terrain files are
given a specific path name so that the terrain files are loaded into DedFile structures. Dlat
and dlon are the spacing between files in seconds multiplied by ten. Another constructor
provides the ability to load via an existing RsMapData instance. The fmd_submp() member
function returns a pointer to the DedFile structure containing the input latitude and longitude
and replies with the spacing between elevation posts in seconds multiplied by ten. The
member function chkMapData() is used to check if a new RsMapData needs to be
constructed for this input latitude and longitude. The RsMapData class is a base class which
does not derive from any other class within the RsObject class hierarchy.
The Performer Library of the APG-70 radar simulation contains the support to access the
Multigen/Performer polygonal *.flt terrain database files. The Performer Library discussed
within the next few paragraphs should not be confused with the Iris Performer Libraries. The
RsMgDbase class is a subclass derived from the RsDatabase class. The RsDatabase class is
provided so that the interface to the radar simulation is the same regardless of the type of
terrain database files. This usage of object-oriented design provides maximum flexibility for
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
future growth and reduces the amount of implementation time to a minimum. The Performer
library, denoted as libPerfDbase, provides the 'plug' for the MutliGen/Performer polygonal
terrain database files which are used for the HRM patch map mode of the APG-70 radar
6.6.1 RsMgDbase
The RsMgDbase class handles the interface between the MultiGen polygonal flight files and
the APG-70 radar simulation. The RsMgDbase class derives from the RsDataBase class and
therefore inherits several of the RsDatabase class features including functionality and data
members, such as latitude, longitude, and elevation of the database center, number of samples
per sweep, and sweep range. Since the RsDatabase class defines the following member
functions as being virtual, update(), setup(), getSweepData(), and getElevation(), the
RsMgDbase class has the option to redefine these member functions and extend the
functionality of the RsDatabase class. In actuality, setup(), getSweepData(), and
getElevationO are the only redefined member functions inherited from the RsDatabase class.
The RsMgDbase class is directly supported by the GUF-based syntax within the input
configuration files for the APG-70 radar system. In order to provide support for the
GUF-based input configuration files, certain member functions are held within the public
interface of the RsMgDbase such as setSlotbyIndex(), getSlotbyIndex(), formName(), and
isformName(). Since the RsMgDbase class is inherited from or 'is a' RsDatabase class, the
GUF defined form and slot table represent this relationship (see Table 17). The GUF defined
form syntax follows for the RsMgDbase class:
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
( def-form MgDbase
is= DataBase
The APG-70 library, denoted as HbApg70, supports the ability to construct a specific APG-70
radar simulation system. The primary support provided by the APG-70 library is the ability
to add callback functionality to the radar system. In addition, the programs that initiate the
APG-70 radar model simulation exist within this library's directory location. The only class
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
which exists within the APG-70 library is the RsApg70 class, therefore, a class hierarchy
diagram is not needed to show relationships among several classes. Please refer to Figure 12,
Class Hierarchy for RsRadar Derived Subclasses in order to see where the RsApg70 class is
located within the class inheritance of the radar simulation source code.
6.7.1 RsApg70
The RsApg70 class supports the construction of an APG-70 radar system. This class
provides the ability to add a callback functionality to the radar system. Primarily adding the
capability to accept keyboard input and callback member functions based on specified events.
These callback member functions send messages to the respective subsystems within the
radar simulation system to manipulate the variable settings of the radar, such as range, scan
width, and radar intensity.
The RsApg70 class is directly supported by the GUF-based syntax within the input
configuration files for the APG-70 radar system. In order to provide support for the
GUF-based input configuration files, certain member functions are held within the public
interface of the RsApg70 such as setSlotbyIndex(), getSlotbyIndex(), formName(), and
isformName(). Since the RsApg70 class is inherited from or 'is a' RsSystem class, the GUF
defined form and the GUF slot table both represent this relationship (see Table 18). The
GUF defined form syntax follows for the RsApg70 class:
( def-form Apg70
is= System
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
The Off Mode Library, denoted as libOffMode, supports the ability to construct a specific
system off mode for the radar simulation. The primary reason for this type of support is to
provide the state machine for the radar simulation modes of operation. As a radar system has
a set of modes or system states in which it operates, the RsMode class supports the common
mode functions and data for the radar simulation. The RsMode class exists within the Radar
library, however, the derived subclasses of this mode exist within other libraries, such as the
Off Mode library which is detailed within the following paragraphs. The only class which
exists within the Off Mode library is the RsOffMode class, therefore, a class hierarchy
diagram is not needed to show relationships among several classes. Please refer to Figure 12,
Class Hierarchy for RsRadar Derived Subclasses in order to see where the RsOffMode class
is located within the class inheritance of the radar simulation source code.
6.8.1 RsOffMode
The RsOffMode class stands as a class which is inherited from the RsMode class. The
RsOffMode class simulates a generic off mode which truly does nothing within the radar
simulation system. The RsOffMode class is provided for upgrade reasons as the current
integration status of the RBM PPI and the HRM patch map modes of the APG-70 radar
simulation are not tightly coupled.
The RsOffMode class is directly supported by the GUF-based syntax within the input
configuration files for the APG-70 radar system. In order to provide support for the
GUF-based input configuration files, certain member functions are held within the public
interface of the RsOffMode such as setSlotbyIndex(), getSlotbyIndex(), formName(), and
isformName(). Since the RsOffMode class is inherited from or 'is a' RsMode class, the GUF
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
defined form and GUF slot table represent this relationship (see Table 19). The GUF defined
form syntax follows for the RsOffMode class:
( def-form OffMode
is= Mode
The Stand By Mode Library, denoted as libStbyMode, supports the ability to construct a
specific system stand by mode for the radar simulation. The primary reason for this type of
support is to provide the state machine for the radar simulation modes of operation. As a
radar system has a set of modes or system states in which it operates, the RsMode class
supports the common mode functions and data for the radar simulation. The RsMode class
exists within the Radar library, however, the derived subclasses of this mode exist within
other libraries, such as the Stand By Mode Library which is detailed within the following
paragraphs. The only class which exists within the Stand By Mode Library is the
RsStbyMode class, therefore, a class hierarchy diagram is not needed to show relationships
among several classes. Please refer to Figure 12, Class Hierarchy for RsRadar Derived
Subclasses in order to see where the RsStbyMode class is located within the class inheritance
of the radar simulation source code.
6.9.1 RsStbyMode
The RsStbyMode class stands as a class which is inherited from the RsMode class. The
RsStbyMode class simulates a generic stand by mode which truly does nothing within the
radar simulation system. The RsStbyMode class is provided for upgrade reasons as the
current integration status of the RBM PPI and the HRM patch map modes of the APG-70
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
radar simulation are not tightly coupled. It is envisioned that the stand by mode of the radar
state machine will facilitate the transition between the RBM PPI and the HRM Patch Map
modes when the radar simulation is completely integrated within the IMPACT cockpit.
The RsStbyMode class is directly supported by the GUF-based syntax within the input
configuration files for the APG-70 radar system. In order to provide support for the
GUF-based input configuration files, certain member functions are held within the public
interface of the RsStbyMode such as setSlotbyIndex(), getSlotbyIndex(), formName(), and
isformName(). Since the RsStbyMode class is inherited from or 'is a' RsMode class, the
GUF defined form represents this relationship. The GUF defined form syntax follows for the
RsStbyMode class:
( def-form StbyMode
is= Mode
The Real Beam Mode Library, denoted as libRealBeamMode, focuses the subsystems defined
within the Radar Library needed for theRBM PPI mode of the APG-70 radar simulation. The
RsAntenna, RsMode, and RsDisplay subsystems from the Radar Library are extended for the
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
Real Beam Mode Library into the following classes: RsRbmAntenna, RsRbmDisplay,
RsRbmDisplay, and RsRealBeamMode (see Figure 15).
6.10.1 RsRbmAntenna
Since the RsRbmAntenna class stands as a derived subclass from the RsAntenna class, the
encapsulated data members, defined within the RsAntenna class, are extended within the
RsRbmAntenna class. The RsRbmAntenna class encapsulates a parent radar mode, a state
machine, a state table, the size of the state table, a list of scan widths, the maximum scan
width index, the current scan width, the scan width of the last iteration, the maximum scan
width, a list of scan bars, the maximum scan bar index, and the current scan bar index. The
various scan bars provide a small set of scan bar patterns for the simulated radar return data.
The current state of the APG-70 RBM PPI mode only uses a single scan bar within its current
configuration. As can be seen within the public interface of the RsRbmAntenna class,
several member functions provide the ability to 'get' and 'set' the encapsulated data.
The state machine within the RsRbmAntenna class contains a state table which defines three
states, a reset, a sector scan, and a circular scan state. Each of the states have callback
member functions, respectively they are named RsRbmAntenna: :resetCB(),
RsRbmAntenna::sscanCB(), and RsRbmAntenna::cscanCB(). The beforeState() member
function runs before any of these other states. In the current configuration of the radar
simulation, the sector scan and the reset states are the only ones in use. The circular scan
provides for a complete 360° circular scan as identified within the title. Aside from the state
callback member functions, the setup() and the update() functions are redefined within the
RsRbmAntenna class. The setup() function, called by the parent radar mode, creates an
instance of the RsRealBeamMode object. The update() function basically updates a single
pass of the state machine.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
\ RsQbjsct /%
\ RsRadar ^
Legend Box
The RsRbmAntenna class is directly supported by the GUF-based syntax within the input
configuration files for the APG-70 radar system. In order to provide support for the
GUF-based input configuration files, certain member functions are provided within the public
interface of the RsRbmAntenna class, such as setSlotbyIndex(), getSlotbyIndex(),
formNameO, and isformName(). In addition, as the RsRbmAntenna class is supported by the
GUF syntax, a GUF slot table also exists for instances of the class (see Table 21). The GUF
defined form syntax follows for the RsRbmAntenna class:
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
( def-form RbmAntenna
6.10.2 RsRbmDisplay
Since the RsRbmDisplay class stands as a derived subclass from the RsDisplay class, the
encapsulated data members, defined within the RsDisplay class, are extended within the
RsRbmDisplay class. The RsRbmDisplay class encapsulates range rings for each range, the
maximum number of range ring indices, the number of sweep lines per degree, the number of
degrees per sweep line, a linked-list of sweeps in order from left to right, the last sweep
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
added, and a list of free sweeps. Several 'set' and 'get' member functions facilitate the
encapsulation of these data members within the RsRbmDisplay class as provided within the
public interface. Even though the RsRbmDisplay class provides information regarding range
rings, this class does not draw the range rings. The drawing of any of the symbols decorating
the radar scan is performed within the wlAPG70OverlayGfx class.
Several member functions provide the support of the actual drawing of the radar return. In
order to draw the radar scan, the draw() member functions takes the left most and right
sweeps as inputs and determines whether to draw the simulated radar return. If there is no
Iris GL window, nothing is drawn. If the angles of both sweeps are the same or if the
difference between the two angles is too large, nothing is drawn. Two member functions
provide the ability to support single-buffered or double-buffered modes of display output
provided that the previously mentioned conditions do not exist.
The update() member function checks the display queue for messages which are relevant to
the RsRbmDisplay class. The following messages invoke a change in the display: sweep,
erase, rightEdge, and leftEdge.
The simulated radar return scan is stored as a linked-list of radar return sweeps. The head of
the linked-list for the radar scan is stored as the left most radar sweep. The tail of the
linked-list for the radar scan is stored as the right most radar sweep. Currently, the maximum
number of sweeps stands as 800. A new sweep is put in the sweep list based on five
conditions. If the sweep list is empty, a new sweep is added to the tail as the first sweep on
the linked-list. If the new sweep's angle is less than the left most sweep, a new sweep is put
on the head of the list. If the new sweep's angle is greater than the right most sweep, a new
sweep is put on the tail of the list. If the new sweep's angle is equal to an existing sweep, the
existing sweep is replaced by the new sweep. If the new sweep's angle is between two
existing sweeps, the new sweep is inserted between them.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
The RsRbmDisplay class is directly supported by the GUF-based syntax within the input
configuration files for the APG-70 radar system. In order to provide support for the
GUF-based input configuration files, certain member functions are provided within the public
interface of the RsRbmDisplay class, such as setSlotbyIndex(), getSlotbyIndex(),
formNameO, and isformName(). Since the RsRbmDisplay class is inherited from or 'is a'
RsDisplay class, the GUF defined form represents this relationship. The GUF defined form
syntax follows for the RsRbmDisplay class:
( def-form RbmDisplay
is= Display
6.10.3 RsRealBeamMode
The RsRealBeamMode class stands as a class which is inherited from the RsMode class. The
RsRealBeamMode class simulates a generic RBM PPI mode of a radar simulation that may
not be specific to the APG-70 radar. The RsMode superclass or abstract class provides the
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
container for an antenna, a terrain database, and a display. Therefore, these subsystems are
all inherited from the RsMode class within instances of the RsRealBeamMode class. The
RsRealBeamMode class incorporates the following data members privately to handle the
simulation of a real beam radar PPI mode: a radar gain factor, a maximum radar return
intensity, the number of degrees per radar sweep, the angle of the last radar sweep, the
antenna azimuth rate of the last sweep, the left and right most azimuth sweep angles in the
current radar scan, and the array of reflectivity values indicated by DFAD ID numbers. As
indicated within the public interface of the RsRealBeamMode class, several 'get' and 'set'
member functions provide the support to encapsulate these data members.
The setupO member function of the RsRealBeamMode class creates these subsystems if they
are not defined via the GUF-based input configuration files. In addition, default values are
set for the data encapsulated within the RsRealBeamMode class. The database subsystem is
notified of the current configuration parameters, such as range and number of samples. A
single radar sweep is processed at initialization for the initial value of the antenna's azimuth.
The primary member function of interest for the RsRealBeamMode class is the update()
routine. Initially, the antenna model is updated, the current antenna azimuth angle is obtained
and is rounded to the nearest sweep. Sweeps are drawn every getDegreesPerSweep()
degrees. When the antenna model has moved into the next sweep line, the database
subsystem is notified of the current range and number of samples. Following this
notification, a series of radar sweeps are generated via the genSweeps() member function.
The genSweeps() member function generates a series of sweep lines from the initial angle
given to the second angle given with a specified number of degrees between each radar
Several member functions support the generation of the radar sweeps within the
RsRealBeamMode class. The member function oneSweepO generates a single radar sweep
in the direction of the input 'angle.' The member function vbwShadow() computes the
effects of the antenna's vertical beam width (VBW) and the effects of terrain shadows. The
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
vbwShadow() routine uses a sweep of elevation posts measured in meters as input and returns
a sweep of zeros at the elevations posts where the terrain is in a shadow or out of the vertical
beam. If the terrain is not in a shadow or out of the vertical beam, a sweep of ones is returned
at the elevations posts. The angle aspect computer or aac() member function computes the
gain effect on the sweep line caused by the angle in which the beam hits the terrain. The
aac() member function uses the output sweep from the vbwShadow() member function to
filter the number of calculations performed and a sweep of elevation posts for the terrain data
at the antenna elevation angle. The member function culture() computes the effect on radar
return due to terrain feature data. The culture() member function is provided for future
enhancements to the RBM PPI mode of the radar as no feature data is used in the current
state of the radar simulation. Lastly, the member function gain() computes the antenna and
radar gain effect on the radar sweep return data.
The RsRealBeamMode class is directly supported by the GUF-based syntax within the input
configuration files for the APG-70 radar system. In order to provide support for the
GUF-based input configuration files, certain member functions are provided within the public
interface of the RsRealBeamMode class, such as setSlotbyIndex(), getSlotbyIndex(),
formNameO, and isformName(). Since the RsRealBeamMode class is inherited from or 'is a'
RsMode class, the GUF defined form and GUF slot table represent this relationship (see
Table 23). The GUF defined form syntax follows for the RsRealBeamMode class:
( def-form RealBeamMode
is= Mode
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
virtual -RsRealBeamMode() ;
virtual void update(const float dt) ;
virtual void setup(RsRadar* owner);
float getSweepsPerDegree(void) const;
float getDegreesPerSweep(void) const;
float getSweepAngle(const float angle) const;
// Gain and intensity member functions
float getGainFactor(void) const;
float getMaxIntensity(void) const;
void leftEdge(const float angle);
void rightEdge(const float angle);
virtual void setSlotByIndex(const int slotindex, const RsObject* ob j) ;
virtual RsObject* getslotByIndex(const int slotindex) const;
virtual const char* formName(void) const;
virtual int isFormName(const char* name) const;
virtual RsType classType(void) const;
virtual int isClassType(RsType type) const;
virtual void print(ostream& sout,
const int indent = 0, const int slotsOnly = FALSE);
static const char* form;
static const RsType type;
The SAR Mode Library, denoted as libSarMode, focuses the subsystems defined within the
Radar Library needed for the high resolution patch map mode of the APG-70 radar
simulation. The RsMode, and RsDisplay subsystems from the Radar Library are extended for
the SAR Mode Library into the following classes: RsMgDisplay, RsSarDisplay, and
RsSarMode (see Figure 15). As noted throughout the report, the high resolution patch map
mode of the F15-E's APG-70 radar system is a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) which means
that a large radar antenna pattern is synthesized by taking many snapshots of an area as the
radar scan moves along the terrain, using doppler shift information to image process the
information, and finally producing an exceptionally high resolution patch map of the terrain.
6.11.1 RsMgDisplay
The RsMgDisplay class was created for intermediate test purposes of the various graphical
routines such as the culling, polygon scan conversion, and scan line member functions
provided within the Basic library for the HRM patch map output of the APG-70 radar
simulation. The RsMgDisplay class uses Iris Performer to provide the scan line, polygon
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
scan conversion, and culling of the terrain database. As the final implementation of the HRM
patch map mode output of the APG-70 radar simulation actually uses the Basic library's
graphical routines for speed purposes instead of the Iris Performer library's similar routines,
the RsMgDisplay class was created to compare the outputs provided via both libraries.
Even though the RsMgDisplay class is not actually instantiated within the final
implementation of the APG-70 radar simulation, the RsMgDisplay class is directly supported
by the GUF-based syntax within the input configuration files for the APG-70 radar system.
In order to provide support for the GUF-based input configuration files, certain member
functions are provided within the public interface of the RsMgDisplay class, such as
setSlotbylndexO, getSlotbyIndex(), formName(), and isformName(). Since the RsMgDisplay
class is inherited from or 'is a' RsDisplay class, the GUF defined form and the GUF slot table
both represent this relationship (see Table 24). The GUF defined form syntax follows for the
RsMgDisplay class:
( def-form MgDisplay
is= Display
6.11.2 RsSarDisplay
Since the RsSarDisplay class stands as a derived subclass from the RsDisplay class, the
encapsulated data members, defined within the RsDisplay class, are extended within the
RsSarDisplay class. The RsRbmDisplay class encapsulates a linked-list of sweeps in order
from left to right, the last sweep added, the number of free sweeps, and a list of free sweeps.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
The member function putFreeSweep() and getFreeSweepO facilitate the management of the
free sweeps.
Several member functions provide the support of the actual drawing of the radar return. In
order to draw the radar scan, the draw() member functions takes the left most and right
sweeps as inputs and determines whether to draw the simulated radar return. If there is no
Iris GL window, nothing is drawn. If the angles of both sweeps are the same, nothing is
drawn. Member functions provide the ability to support single buffered or double buffered
modes of display output provided that the previously mentioned conditions do not exist.
The update() member function checks the display queue for messages which are relevant to
the RsSarDisplay class. The sweep and erase messages invoke a change in the display since
there is not scanning within the HRM patch map mode the leftEdge() and right Edge()
member functions are not needed.
The simulated radar return scan is stored as a linked-list of radar return sweeps. The head of
the linked-list for the radar scan is stored as the left most radar sweep. The tail of the
linked-list for the radar scan is stored as the right most radar sweep. Currently, the maximum
number of sweeps stands as 800. A new sweep is put in the sweep list based on the same five
conditions as those specified within the RsRbmDisplay class. If the sweep list is empty, a
new sweep is added to the tail as the first sweep on the linked-list. If the new sweep's angle
is less than the left most sweep, a new sweep is put on the head of the list. If the new sweep's
angle is greater than the right most sweep, a new sweep is put on the tail of the list. If the
new sweep's angle is equal to an existing sweep, the existing sweep is replaced by the new
sweep. If the new sweep's angle is between two existing sweeps, the new sweep is inserted
between them.
The RsSarDisplay class is directly supported by the GUF-based syntax within the input
configuration files for the APG-70 radar system. In order to provide support for the
GUF-based input configuration files, certain member functions are provided within the public
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
( def-form SarDisplay
is= Display
6.11.3 RsSarMode
The RsSarMode class stands as a class which is inherited from the RsMode class. The
RsSarMode class simulates a HRM patch map mode of a radar simulation or SAR mode.
The RsMode superclass, or abstract class, provides the container for an antenna, a terrain
database, and a display. Therefore, these subsystems are all inherited from the RsMode class
within instances of the RsSarMode class. The RsSarMode class incorporates the following
data members privately to handle the simulation of a SAR radar: the number of sweeps, a
state machine, a state table, a state table size, a scanline generator, the rotation angle of the
SAR patch, a layer stack, a pointer to the layer stack, the SAR patch size in meters, array of
SAR patch sizes, the maximum index into the array of SAR patch sizes, the position of
interest along the terrain database in world coordinates, the source of the radar beam, location
APG- 70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
A key difference between the RBM PPI mode and the SAR patch map mode of the APG-70
radar simulation is fact that the SAR uses a state machine instead of the antenna to drive the
various sub-modes within the processing of the SAR patch map image. The four states
provided with the SAR's local state machine are as follows: a reset state, a database state, a
processing state, and an output state.
The setupO member function of the RsRealBeamMode class creates an image array of floats.
The number of floats within the image array is the number of sweeps multiplied by the
number of sample per sweep. If these values are not defined via the GUF-based input
configuration files, the default number of sweeps is 480 and the default number of samples
per sweep is also 480. The default patch size is defined at 3200. In addition, an array of
possible patch sizes is defined to contain six values of 100, 200,400, 800,1600, and 3200.
The primary member function of interest for the RsSarMode class is the update() routine.
The update() member function primarily updates the SAR's internal state machine. The state
machine internal to the RsSarMode class starts out in the reset state. The reset state basically
clears the image array by setting all of the values to 1.0. The state machine then jumps to the
database state. Within the database state, the scanner is used to erase the display and then the
radar point/position of interest is obtained. The patch size to be used for the SAR image is
also obtained. Using the flat earth model, the reference point for the terrain database is
obtained. Finally, a bounding sphere is determined with the previously obtained parameters
and the Iris Performer math utilities. The original scene is culled using the position of the
aircraft as the viewing point and using the point/position of interest on the terrain database as
the looking point. The angles and distance between the two points are calculated and then the
geometry is placed into the scanner as the complete terrain database is traversed from the
parent through the children nodes of terrain information. Finally, the viewing point and the
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
ranges must be transformed into the same scanner/screen coordinate system such that vector
calculations are correct. Once these steps are performed within the database state, the state
machine jumps to the processing state. Within the processing state of the SAR patch map
state machine, calculations are performed to determine the shadow effects, the aspect angle
defined as the angle at which the radar beam hits the object within the terrain, and the color
adjustment of the polygon. These bits of information are combined with a noise factor
(defaulted to 0.10) and random number generation to add a speckling effect to the image
information. Once these calculations are performed, the internal SAR state machine jumps to
the output state. Finally, the output state goes through the radar sweeps and passes the
display information to the display queues so that the display is updated.
&lot Ind«
1 display RsDisplay
2 antenna RsAntenna
3 databases RsDatabase
4 samples Rslnteger
5 width number of sweep lines for SAR image width
5 patchSizes valid SAR patch sizes by range index
The RsSarMode class is directly supported by the GUF-based syntax within the input
configuration files for the APG-70 radar system. In order to provide support for the
GUF-based input configuration files, certain member functions are provided within the public
interface of the RsSarMode class, such as setSlotbyIndex(), getSlotbyIndex(), formName(),
and isformName(). Since the RsSarMode class is inherited from or 'is a' RsMode class, the
GUF defined form and the GUF slot table both represent this relationship (see Table 26).
The GUF defined form syntax follows for the RsSarMode class:
( def-form SarMode
is= Mode
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
The 'wlAPG70' prefix is used for all of the APG-70 radar simulation libraries and respective
classes which were developed to perform the integration of the APG-70 stand-alone radar
source code into the CSIL's IMPACT cockpit simulation. Only the significant classes
developed for the integration are detailed within the following paragraphs. These classes
were implemented primarily for the various processes contained within the APG-70 Radar
System Software Architecture which is detailed within Section 5.0, Software Architecture
In order to localize the information for the APG-70 radar simulation, the
wlAPG70DataBuffer packages information retrieved from the aerodynamic model, the
navigational model, and information from the APG-70 radar state machine. The
wlAPG70DataBuffer class basically takes a snapshot of the information required with its
update() member function.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
The wlAPG70DataBuffer class is based on the data buffer design pattern which has been
recently defined within the development of the IMPACT cockpit's software. The intent of
the data buffer design pattern is to provide a standard method of creating a specific graphical
display without forcing the application code, in this case the radar simulation, to know the
details about specific graphical displays such as the radar display. Through the use of the
data buffer design pattern a graphical display is only dependent upon the pertinent state
information driving that specific format and not dependent upon the particular source of this
state information. In this fashion, the application code can specify the source of the data at
run time or even incrementally add sources of the data without having to modify the format.
An example describing the benefit to the data buffer design pattern usage assumes that a
graphical display format uses Scramnet to contain specific values. If the application code
needs to be tested, and Scramnet is not currently running, the data buffer design pattern
permits the use of shared memory, local memory, or even 'hard-coding' to replace the
location of the data store or data store values without having to change the specific graphical
display. To provide the data buffer design pattern from a global view, meaning across
projects, an additional concrete data buffer class is implemented. The concrete data buffer
design pattern provides the ability to defer the source of the data buffer design pattern's
information until execution time via a text descriptor. Although the data buffer design
pattern, provides these benefits, there is a minor problem with the design. The main problem
with the design is that a significant amount of tedious support code needs to be written to
support the design. To handle this problem a few scripts have been developed to automate
the generation of the support code. In addition, developers must be careful defining the text
tags within the namespace so that these text tags remain unique.
The two files used as input to create the access classes that support the data buffer design
pattern are APG70RadarDataBuffer.h and APG70RadarEnums.h. These files are stored
within the $YARS/access directory. The a list of the files which were automatically created
to support the wlAPG70DataBuffer class follows:
APG7 ORadarDataWrapper.c++
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
In addition to the use of the data buffer design pattern, the Rogue Wave vector template,
RWTValVector, class is used within the wlAPG70DataBuffer class. The information which
is encapsulated with the wlAPG70DataBuffer class includes the following: an array of
navigational steerpoints, the number of steerpoints, the ownship's latitude, the ownship's
longitude, the ownship's barometric altitude, the ownship's true heading, the reference
latitude, the reference longitude, the radar range, the antenna elevation angle, the antenna
azimuth angle, the radar scan width, the radar mode, declutter status, and the current steering
point. As can be seen by the public interface of the wlAPG70DataBuffer class, several 'get'
functions are provided.
The wlAPG70Steerpoint class is primarily a support class used within the
wlAPG70DataBuffer class to encapsulate the steerpoints also known as waypoints which are
obtained via the navigational model. The wlAPG70Steerpoint class provides the ability to
get the latitude, longitude, identifier, and type information associated with each instance of
the class. The identifier is a character string of eight characters which labels the waypoint.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
The identifiers are typically characters strings containing numbers, such as '1.0,' '2.0,' or
'2.1.' The wlNavEnums class specifies the waypointtype.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
void CycleMode(void)
void CycleCurs(void)
void CycleScan(void)
void CyclelPVU(void)
void ToggleVisibility(void) ;
void VTR(void);
void CycleRange(int up_flag);
void SPI(void);
void ToggleSniff(void);
void CycleFrequencyBand(void);
void CycleFreguency(void);
void PrintType(const char *,int);
void SetRange(const APG70RadarEnums::Ranges range);
void SetRadarMode(const APG70RadarEnums::RadarModes mode);
void SetScanWidth(const APG7ORadarEnums::ScanWidths scanwidth);
void SetDeclutterOn(const int flag);
void SetlPVUMode(const APG7ORadarEnums::IPVUModes pvumode);
void SetRadarGain(const int igain);
void SetFreqBand(const int freqBand);
void SetFreqChannel(const APG7ORadarEnums::FreqChannel freqChannel);
void SetCursorFunctionfconst APG7ORadarEnums::CursFunctions func);
void SetDisplayBrightness(const int brightness);
APG7 ORadarEnums :Ranges LimitRange(const APG70RadarEnums::Ranges range);
APG7 ORadarEnums :ScanWidths LimitScanWidths(const
APG7 ORadarEnums :ScanWidths scanwidth);
APG7 ORadarEnums :RadarModes LimitRadarMode(const
APG7 ORadarEnums :RadarModes mode);
APG7 ORadarEnums :IPVUModes LimitlPVUMode(const APG7ORadarEnums::IPVUModes
int LimitRadarGain(const int igain);
APG7ORadarEnums ::FreqChannel LimitFreqChannel(const
APG7ORadarEnums::FreqChannel freq);
APG7ORadarEnums::CursFunctions LimitCursorFunction
(const APG70RadarEnums::CursFunctions curs);
int LmitFreqBand(const int band);
int LimitToggle(const int flag);
int imitDisplayBrightness(const int brightness);
const int MAX_GAIN = 3;
const int MIN_GAIN = 0;
const int MAX_FREQ_BAND = 8;
const int MIN_FREQ_BAND = 1;
const int MAX_BRIGHTNESS = 15;
const int MID_BRIGHTNESS = 8;
const int MIN_BRIGHTNESS = 0;
enum rbm_names {
ONE_BTN_RBM, // non-functional in rbm
DECLUTTER_BTN, // declutter toggle
GAIN_BTN, // select gain 3-0
HI.BRIGHT.BTN, // increase brightness 15
LO_BRIGHT_BTN, // decrease brightness 15
MODE_BTN, // mode select: RBM,HRM,PVU,BCN
CURS_BTN, // cursor function select:
MAP_BTN, // non-functional in RBM, however,
// size of display window selected is
// placed above PB 8
TEN_BTN_RBM, // non-functional in rbm
MENU_BTN, // Return to Main Menu
VTR_BTN, // Video Tape recording toggle
HI_RANGE_BTN, // increase range:
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
The APG-70 Input Monitor Library contains a single class, the wlAPG70InputMonitor class.
The APG-70 Input Monitor Library provides an Iris GL window ability to queue inputs from
the keyboard. The keyboard inputs accepted by the input monitor are mapped directly to the
bezel switches which surround the APG-70 radar display in the F-15E aircraft. In addition,
the escape key, 'ESC,' and the window exit event are used to exit the input monitor program.
The wlAPG70InputMonitor class handles requests which are made by keyboard inputs.
Shared Memory is used to store the information regarding inputs from the keyboard. When
wlAPG70InputMonitors are instantiated, an instance can initialize the shared memory or
attach to it. If the instance is initializing the shared memory, an Iris GL window is opened to
monitor keyboard input. The main_loop() member function continuously runs while the
running flag is TRUE.
The check_input() member function monitors for keyboard input of the defined keys or the
window quit event. When a recognized key button press event is detected, the shared
memory data store is updated. The instance also maintains a local copy of the shared
memory, for comparison purposes. Member functions are provided which update the shared
memory when inputs are made. The member function same_mem() is provided so that the
user can compare the two memory stores and determine if inputs were made. In addition,
member functions are also provided which update the shared memory when inputs are made.
Shared memory is used to store the input monitor values for process communication
purposes. The APG-70 radar state machine process uses the information provided within this
shared memory initialized via the APG-70 input monitor process. The APG-70 input
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
wlAPG70InputMonitor class and uses the constructor which initializes the shared memory
area at the address 0x74000.
The APG-70 Overlay Graphics Library primarily contains a single class, the
wlAPG70OverlayGfx class. The overlay graphics are instantiated by the wlAPG70Radar
class which was automatically generated via scripts to support the format design pattern used
by all the formats within the IMPACT cockpit simulation. The wlAPG70Radar class is
publicly derived from the wlFormat class. In addition to the wlAPG70Radar class, the
wlAPG70RadarGraphics class was automatically generated via scripts in order to comply
with the way the formats are currently implemented within the IMPACT cockpit simulation.
The wlAPG70RadarGraphics class instantiates the wlAPG70OverlayGfx object in addition to
a RsDisplaySys object. The RsDisplaySys object is used to display the radar scan produced
with the radar simulation model while the wlAPG70OverlayGfx object is used to display the
graphical symbols which decorate the radar scan.
The primary member function within the wlAPG70OverlayGfx class is DrawMe(). The
DrawMe() member function calls all of the other member functions which decorate the radar
scans with graphical objects, such as the radar range arcs, the zero azimuth line, the antenna
elevation scale, the antenna azimuth scale, the sequence point symbols, the steerpoint
symbols, the target point symbols, and the aim point symbols. These graphical symbols use
the Iris GL in order to draw these symbols on the radar display format.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
The APG-70 State Machine Library only contains a single class, the wlAPG70StateMachine
class. A program which instantiates an object within the wlAPG70StateMachine class also
exists within the same directory area. In its current state, the APG-70 state machine process
continues to run until it is killed or stopped by the operating system.
The wlAPG70StateMachine class is publicly derived from the RsStMach class that is defined
within the Basic Library. The RsStMach class provides the ability to simulate a state
machine through the use of a state table. The wlAPG70StateMachine class facilitates the
various modes of the APG-70 radar simulation. The wlAPG70StateMachine class attaches to
shared memory in order to determine the inputs from the APG-70 input monitor process. The
wlAPG70StateMachine class initializes the wlAPG70FormatVars object and sets the
appropriate values for the RBM PPI mode of the APG-70 radar simulation into the various
parts of the wlAPG70FormatVars object. The input is checked within the BeforeStateFunc()
member function. Once inputs are detected, the format state variables are updated within the
instantiated wlAPG70FormatVars object. Five states and respective callback member
functions are provided with the current implementation of the APG-70 radar state machine as
follows: reset, rbm, hrm, ben, and pvu. Although these states are provided within the
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
wlAPG70StateMachine class, they are not tightly coupled within the current implementation.
The AfterStateFuncO member function that is executed after the different states are entered
updates the format state variables from the Scramnet area.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
The results of the work accomplished under Delivery Order (DO) 0013 of the Pilot Factors
Contract F33615-93-D-3800 proved successful. The following information provides the
status of work and recommendations for future development of the APG-70 radar simulation.
The experimental development of the APG-70 radar simulation, specifically the high
resolution mapping (HRM) patch map mode otherwise known as a synthetic aperture radar
(SAR), resulted in the accomplishment of six significant milestones. To effectively indicate
the overall success of the project, the milestones are explained and their respective status
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
determined that texture memory was not fast enough for the RBM of the radar simulation.
Once the various technologies were evaluated, software implementation was initiated.
Milestone 3—Developed and Integrated the RBM PPI Map into the IMPACT Simulation
The real beam map (RBM) plan position indicator (PPI) mode of the APG-70 radar was
successfully implemented in software. The stand-alone portion of the RBM does not include
the overlaid symbology. However, the integration of this version of the software into the
IMPACT simulation added the display symbology such as the radar range rings, the zero
azimuth line, and the sequence points. In addition to the display symbology, the integration
into CSIL's IMPACT simulation provided keyboard control of the various parameters of the
RBM PPI. An input monitoring program monitors keyboard input to control parameters,
such as antenna elevation, range, scan width, mode, cursor function, declutter toggle, display
brightness, channel frequency, and sniff mode. The ability to drive the APG-70 radar
simulation with the dynamic position of the aircraft, as obtained via the access class of the
aerodynamic model, was also integrated into the IMPACT simulation. The digital elevation
data files are loaded in memory for the gross terrain features of the RBM PPI mode of the
APG-70 radar simulation so that the terrain database driving the radar simulation corresponds
with the database driving the visual scene. The terrain digital elevation data files used for the
RBM PPI are some of the same files used to create the database that drives the visual scene.
When the initial version of the RBM was delivered, it was based on the first version of the
configuration files. Therefore, the RBM PPI mode currently integrated is based on the
message-based input configuration files.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
these knowledge base resources were quadfold by introducing the Grand Unified File (GUF)
Format, the virtual synthetic aperture radar (VSAR) technique, wavelets, and the Open
Graphics Library (GL). For more information concerning these technologies, refer to Section
4, Software Design Approach.
Milestone 5—Developed and Integrated the Stand-Alone HRM Patch Map into CSEL
Additional software was developed to perform initial visualization of the polygonal terrain
database files. The VSAR algorithm indicates that the visual orthographic view is needed
before the SAR mathematics can be performed for the shadowing and special effects
provided by the SAR. However, the final implementation of the SAR or the HRM patch map
of the APG-70 radar only performs one pass of the terrain database. The visualization of the
orthographic view into memory was performed by implementing scan line, clipping, and
culling algorithms for the terrain database. Within the first pass of the terrain database, the
necessary mathematics were performed and only one display output window is needed in the
final implementation. As common functionality between the RBM. and the HRM radar
source was realized, source code from the initial version of the real beam code was modified,
involving the development of more abstract classes that are common to the RBM and the
HRM modes. The classes are contained in the Radar Library. Also, since the GUF-based
language is used for the second version of the radar system, the format of the configuration of
the input files was also modified.
Currently, the HRM patch map mode of the radar has not been completely integrated into'the
IMPACT simulation. This HRM of the delivered system has been configured with
GUF-based input files so that the generated image uses the terrain database that drives the
IMPACT simulation and therefore correlate to the visual scene image. The MultiGen loader
is used to store the database flight files in memory for the HRM patch map mode of the
APG-70 radar simulation. The HRM patch map mode uses the same MultiGen flight file
created under the IMPACT project, which drives the visual scene for the IMPACT
simulation, and the RBM PPI mode uses the corresponding IMPACT digital elevation data
files. However, just like the stand-alone version of the RBM, the stand-alone version of the
HRM patch map mode does not have the respective overlaying symbology. This symbology
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
and the ability to use a cursor control via hands-on-throttle-and-stick (HOTAS) to command
the HRM patch map mode will be provided when the APG-70 radar simulation is integrated
completely into the IMPACT simulation. The newly delivered version of the GUF-based real
beam mode is not completely integrated into the IMPACT simulation. However, GUF-based
configuration files have been created for the RBM and therefore the second stand-alone
version of the RBM has been tested and works within the IMPACT simulation.
7.2 Recommendations
Although there were many successes of the software implementation of the APG-70 radar
simulation, enhancements to the current status of the simulation will provide a more realistic
version of the APG-70 radar of the F-15E thereby providing human factors engineers with the
necessary information to accurately determine pilot workload. The following
recommendations are divided into two categories: near-term and long-term.
7.2.1 Near-Term
Near term recommendations are considered necessary to achieve a completely interactive and
realistic APG-70 radar simulation.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
Precisely Define Software Requirement Specification for the APG-70 Radar Simulation
Extensive efforts remain to precisely indicate the specific functions and symbology that are
required within the simulation of the APG-70 radar. Appendix A, Air-To-Ground Radar
Pilot-Vehicle Interface provides an overview of the APG-70 radar PVI within the F-15E and
initiates a collaboration of reference materials.
Create a virtual cursor that can be passed among the various display formats within the
simulation. To actualize this capability, the analog values provided by the hardware, which
drive the cursor, will need to be placed into the data union class.
As human factors engineers and operational specialists determine requirements for the
complete integration and actual mechanization of the bezel switches for the radar into the
IMPACT cockpit, the specific hardware technology, touch screen or otherwise, must be
integrated. In addition to the cursor interaction analog signals obtained from the HOTAS, the
surrounding bezel switches of the radar display will need to be placed into a data union so
that the touch screen signals provide the interaction to the radar that is currently simulated via
the keyboard and the APG-70 input monitoring process. The cursor functions of the RBM
and the HRM modes are not addressed within the current version of the simulation. These
functions would add significant realism and pilot-in-the-loop interaction to the radar
Several features of the HRM mode of the APG-70 radar system are not currently addressed
such as the ability to store more than a single patch map. From a pilot's perspective within
the cockpit, the current state of the HRM patch map mode is not interactive. Therefore, the
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
user interaction with the HRM PPI and patch map modes need to be implemented in software
as the HRM patch map mode currently runs in a stand-alone mode.
The update rate is another concern for the complete integration of the HRM into the IMPACT
cockpit simulation. All of the formats within the simulation are currently rendered in double-
buffered mode where the current stand-alone version of the HRM patch map is rendered in
single-buffered mode. Therefore, once the current version of the HRM patch map is
incorporated into the IMPACT simulation, the update rate may be too slow.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
IMPACT database along with more modifications to the software within the IMPACT
cockpit simulation, which drives the out-the-window visual scene.
7.2.2 Long-Term
Long-term recommendations would optimize and increase the fidelity of the APG-70 radar
simulation computer resources, and in addition to providing the ability to handle moving
objects within the database, provide hardware platform independence.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
could be used to provide the storing functionality for the HRM patch maps which is not
currently implemented.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
In concluding this report, it is anticipated that the audience would have a better appreciation
of the variety of tasks which were involved in the development of the APG-70 radar
simulation. One of the key objectives of the report was to provide software intensive
information concerning the APG-70 radar simulation so that a proficient software engineer
would be able to thoroughly understand the software design and the implementation without
having to review the source code. However, as a supplement to this report HTML files are
provided on-line on the CSIL file server so that the source code can easily be viewed if
Other objectives of this final report included the revelation of the current status of the
APG-70 radar simulation in addition to specifying the near-term and long-term
recommendations. It is strongly suggested that the recommendations be pursued so that the
APG-70 radar simulation becomes a truly integrated and significant enhancement to the
IMPACT cockpit simulation. It is also recognized that the long-term recommendations will
provide overall enhancements within the CSIL facility.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
ACM SIGGRAPH. Annual Conference Series: Course Notes CD-ROM. August 6-11,
1995. Los Angeles, CA.
Fischler, S., Helman, J., Jones, M., Rohlf J., Schaffer, A., Tanner, C. JRIS Performer
Reference Pages, (Document No.: 007-1681-020). 1994. Silicon Graphics, Inc.
Mountainview, CA.
Foley, J.D. and Van Dam, A. The Systems Programming Series: Fundamentals of
Interactive Computer Graphics, (ISBN: 0-201-14468-9). 1982 (Reprinted March 1983).
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.
Glassner, A. S. Graphics Gems. (ISBN: 0-12-286165-5). 1990. Academic Press, Inc. Palo
Alto, CA.
Hartman, J. and Creek, P. IRIS Performer Programming Guide, (Document No.: 007-1680-
020). 1994. Silicon Graphics, Inc. Mountainview, CA.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
Montecalvo, A.J., Redden, M.C., Rolek, E.P. Orr, H.A., Barbato, G. Integrated Mission
Precision Attack Cockpit Technology (Impact) Phase I: Identifying Technologies For
Air-To-Ground Fighter Integration. (Document No.: WL-TR-94-3143). October 1994.
Wright-Patterson AFB, OH.
The American Defense Preparedness Association and The National Security Industrial
Association. 17th Interservice/Industrv Training Systems and Education Conference
Proceedings and Exhibits. November 13-16, 1995. Albuquerque, New Mexico.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
Table 1 highlights the performance and purpose of the RBM and the HRM modes of the
F15E's APG-70 radar system. The two modes that were incorporated into the Wright
Laboratory CSIL facility are the RBM PPI and the HRM patch map. To provide the basic
SAR simulation capability in regards to mathematical modeling for the visual display, the
HRM patch map mode was developed. This section describes the basic radar format and the
common symbology between the RBM and HRM modes as reference data for future
development of the APG-70 radar simulation. The commonality between the RBM and
HRM modes are primarily within the PPI format. Following the common description, both
modes are detailed.
Table 1. APG-70 Primary Radar Modes
Performance Purpose
Real Beam Map. Resolution: 127 FT Gross Terrain Features for Navigation
Range: 4.7 NM Weather Detection
Azimuth: 2.5 deg HRM Cueing
' "? ^sö^p^iScT' ■■■■■<
Maximum Range: 160 NM
BfijteRlsölütiö&Map Resolution: 8.5 FT (R/AZ) Wide Area Search
SU Kg',-?*
to20NM Position Updates
Resolution: 127 FT (R/AZ) EO Sensor Cueing
to 160 NM In-Weather Target Designation
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
Azimuth Scale
Push Button 11
- 1
/\ Target Point
\_j Initial Point Q) Steer Point
1.01 1.1
/ \ Target Point Offset [ ! Initial Point Offset Steer Point Offset
Antenna Carets
The antenna azimuth and elevation carets reflect the current antenna position on the format.
The RBM, HRM PPI, and BCN modes are space stabilized.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
Pitch Ball
The pitch ball provides a reference of the current aircraft pitch angle with respect to the
horizon. During steep climbs and dives, it is limited to the edge of the display format. The
elevation is referenced to the aircraft body by observing the elevation caret position relative
to the pitch ball position on the format. The radar changes the pitch ball symbol to reflect the
source of the radar's attitude data.
Range Rings
Range arcs are provided on the RBM and HRM PPI mode formats, which represent 25, 50,
75, and 100% of the selected range.
The cursor is an open plus-shaped symbol that can be positioned by the crew or the central
computer depending on the specific cursor function selected. The cursor is slewed using the
TDC on the right throttle grip.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
• Steer Point - The steer point is a circle with a whole number assigned to each number
(numbered 1 to 100).
• Steer Point Offset - The steer point offset is always associated with a steer point and
represents a geographical point used to enhance off route sensor cueing and position
updates. The steer point offset is a dashed circle with the number of the steer point it is
associated with, followed by a decimal extension (e.g., 1.1, 2.1).
• Initial Point (IP) - The IP is a square with a whole number assigned to it (1 to 100). The
IP indicates the last steer point prior to the target point.
• IP Offset - The IP offset is always associated with an initial point and represents a
geographical point used to enhance off route sensor cueing and position updates. It is a
dashed square with the number of the steer point it is associated with, followed by a
decimal extension (e.g., 1.1, 2.1).
• Target Point - The target point is a triangle with a whole number identification assigned
to it (1 to 100) and a decimal point (e.g., 1., 2.).
• Target Point Offset - The target point offset is always associated with a target point and it
represents a geographical point used to enhance off route sensor cueing and position
updates. The target point offset is a dashed triangle with the number of the target point it
is associated with, followed by a two decimal extension (e.g., 1.01, 2.01).
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
Radar Range
The radar is capable of providing six range selections via push buttons 13 and 14: 4.7, 10, 20,
40, 80, and 160 natuical miles. In RBM, the selection of range is only available when the
map cursor function is selected and the freeze function is not selected.
Move Up To Quick
Step Sequence Point
Cursor Azimuth
and Range
:o20L ^-
(Coolie Switch)
Gain Control
Antenna Elevation
Display Brightness —
Range Select
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
Frequency Band/Channel
The radar format provides the capability, via push buttons 19 and 20, for the pilot to change
the radar frequency and channel. Push button 20 steps through bands A through E, and push
button 19 steps through channels 1 through 8 in a rotary fashion. The selected frequency and
channel are displayed to the pilot under the appropriate push buttons.
Declutter Option
The radar format provides the capability, via push button 2, for the pilot to remove the
displayed sequence point symbols and associated sequence point numbers. When the
declutter option is selected, the legend is boxed. Target points and target offsets are never
removed, even when the declutter option is selected.
Freeze Mode
The radar format provides the capability, via HOT AS, for the pilot to freeze/unfreeze the
radar map (see Figure 3). When the pilot selects freeze, continuous mapping is stopped
following the completion of the current RBM display. When the radar is frozen in the RBM
and the HRM is commanded, the radar constructs one HRM map and then freezes. The word
FREEZE is displayed when the map is frozen to provide feedback to the pilot of the radar
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
status. The radar is returned to its operating mode by deselecting freeze in the same manner
it was activated.
RBM Freeze Mode
Cursor Function
The radar format provides the capability to display and move a cursor (via the TDC on the
right throttle) in the RBM mode, as shown in Figure 4. The cursor azimuth and range is
presented in the upper left corner. It is capable of functioning in five different modes: map,
update, target, cue, and mark. Successive depressions of push button 7 steps through MAP,
UPDT, CUE, TGT and MARK in a rotary fashion.
Slews Cursor Up
g|g||pllq|p OH >
Slews Cursor Right <- -> Slews Cursor Left
Cursor —
Controller (TDC)
Map Cursor Function
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
Map Cursor Function - The map cursor function is used to prepare the system for
commanding HRM patch maps (see Figure 4). The map cursor function must be
selected before an HRM can be commanded. The process for commanding a map is to
select the map cursor function, select the appropriate display window size, quick step
the cursor, or slew it with the throttle mounted TDC, over the area to be mapped, and
depress and release the TDC.
Update Cursor Function - The update cursor function must be selected (via push
button 7) before the pilot can perform a position update of the Mission Navigator
(MN) or the Inertial Navigation System (INS) from the RBM mode. When the update
function is selected, it provides an update to the MN or INS with reference to the
cursor position and the latitude/longitude of the selected sequence point. The
capability to select either MN or INS for updating is provided by the radar
mechanization and the update function is commanded via HOTAS (see Figure 5). The
process for performing an update is to select the update cursor function, generate the
error information by moving the cursor on the RBM format to a point on the map
representing the actual location of the selected sequence point, and examine the
position errors to determine if an update should be commanded. If an update is
required, the pilot presses and releases the TDC. If less than or equal to 3000 feet,
position errors are displayed in feet. If greater than 3000 feet the errors are displayed
in nautical miles. When the INS is selected, all sequence points are displayed based
on INS position, rather than MN position. During INS updates, a counter is displayed
above the UPDT legend. It represents the number of seconds remaining until the
RBM cursor position is too old to use for an INS update. Once the counter reaches
zero, the legend INV is displayed in place of the update errors to indicate that the data
is invalid. The cursor must then be repositioned to perform an INS position update.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
MN Replaces IPVU
Legend (Depress to Toggle^ Sequence Point
between MN and INS) to be Updated
Displayed Here
Displayed for 5
Sec Alter Update
Is Commanded
Cue Cursor Function - The cue function is used to direct or command a supporting
imaging sensor (e.g., targeting FLIR) to a point on the RBM. When the cue function is
selected (via push button 7, as shown in Figure 6) and the TDC is pressed and
released, the sensor of interest is slaved to the point on the ground under the RBM
cursor. Selecting the cue cursor function does not stop the RBM scan. The operator is
also provided with a FREEZE capability to stop the continuous mapping.
BIT g||q|[pi|q|ip||j^
Designated Point
o OL
IPVU ^v [J
BSL M '—' II'—' li'—' II'—' M '—' II cow
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
Target - The target cursor function allows the operator to designate a point on the
RBM as a target for weapon delivery. When the target cursor function is selected (via
push button 7, as shown in Figure 7) and the TDC is pressed and released, the radar
system designates the location of the cursor as a target or target offset, it cues the
targeting infra-red (IR)/guided weapon sensor to that point and it provides ranging
information to the computer for weapon delivery computations. Selecting the target
cursor function does not stop the RBM scan. The operator is provided with a FREEZE
capability to stop the continuous mapping. The target cursor function also enables the
control of a pattern steering line for the designated target.
Pattern Steering
Target Point
Displayed for 5
Sec After
Designation Is
Target Cursor
siStsf D
—I I—I >—' mir
• Mark - The mark cursor provides the pilot the capability to mark a specific point on
the RBM for future reference. When the mark cursor function is selected (via push
button 7, as shown in Figure 8) and the TDC is pressed and released, the radar system
stores the latitude, longitude, and altitude of the cursor position and time of
designation for later use.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
CHAN A2 SNIF 571 IPVU ' "N. |J
Displayed for 5 N
Sec After
Designation Is
Mark Point
BBT II *—' II *—' II *—' II *—' II L—' II CON'
Display Window
The radar is capable of providing eight patch map sizes (also called display window sizes):
.67, 1.3, 3.3, 4.7, 10, 20, 40, and 80 nm square. A patch map is a high resolution map of a
designated area. See HRM section for a description of HRM patch mapping. Selection of
the display window size is provided via HOTAS, as shown in Figure 9. When the HRM map
is commanded, an outline of the encompassed area is displayed on the radar image. When a
smaller size is commanded with .67 nm already selected, the display window indication
blanks. When a map is commanded with the size blank, the map size is based on cursor
position, as shown in Table 3.
Increases Decreases
Display Display
Window Window
Auto Acquisition
Display Window Size„
in Nautical Miles
yT f \ ^*\~"' " " " ^ *"-L
Patch Map Timer
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
• Patch Map Timer - The radar simulation is capable of displaying to the pilot an
estimate of how long it will take to construct an HRM patch map at the current cursor
location, using the current display window size selected, and at the current aircraft
geometry and speed (see Figure 9). The remaining estimated time is only displayed
when the radar is in the map cursor function, when a display window size is selected,
and when the cursor is over a mappable location.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
BIT gllgllgllgllglRh
■ Target Point
Pattern Steering .
Displayed for 5
Sec After
Magnetic Heading ■ Designation is
to the Target Commanded
Target Cursor
0 via*
iffiMlStsf D
II *—' II *—' II *—' II *—' II *—' II COW
IPVU Selected
5 II — Velocity Delta
D /^TN- 3SEC„
11, i r n-) ■a
I BRT/ II M II H — II '—' II Cflffl
Displayed When Radar
Is Making PVU Measurement
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
Radar Selected Here
BIT g g P Q g m g||g||g||q||q|| °f\
\Uj CHAN A] SMF t. IPW >v [J
-D D /''"• ^N^-' "^ * "Cl
| WH
|0 v
BRT Ü b a a a U
A/G Radar Mode Selection -
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
Antenna Elevation
The radar controls provide the capability, via HOTAS, to position the radar's antenna in
elevation. An indication of the antennas elevation is displayed to the pilot.
Display Brightness
The radar controls provides the capability, via push buttons 4 and 5, for the pilot to adjust the
brightness of the radar display over 16 (0-15) selectable settings. Successive depressions of
the display brightness push button steps through the settings in a rotary fashion. The selected
brightness level is displayed to the pilot.
|0 v
^V^? 3SEC,
-D Q
1° V
□ N^. RBM HAP 4.7 FULL .^ P<| DV. RBM MAP 4.7 QTR ^/ r\
„ iirjiiriiaiiftiia JQJ
Scan Width
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
g g
f AZ 1H5L
*r g
ON \
R 3
-D Q -D
Q -D n D
Q -D D- —< *
D -D Cr ■D
=411"« ■D
O Q ■U
v 1
HRM MAP t.7 FULL y„ -
Ü Ü Ü ü Ü U
CONT blfüllbllällä
Figure 14. HRM PPI and HRM Patch Map Formats
Patch maps can be commanded from RBM, HRM PPI, or another patch map any time the
cursor function is in "MAP." The process for making a patch map is to select the MAP
cursor function at push button 7, position the cursor over the area to be mapped, select the
desired display window size using the auto acquisition switch on the throttle, ensure that the
mapped area is not within the 8 deg blind zone and then depress and release the throttle
mounted Target Designation Controller (TDC). The parameters for the required minimum
and maximum ranges, which are based on display window sizes, are listed in Table 4.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
Display Min/Max
Window (NM) Mapping Range (NM)
0.67 4.7 / 20
1.3 4.7/40
3.3 4.7 / 50
4.7 4.7 / 80
10 10/160
20 20/160
40 40/160
80 80/160
Descriptions of the modes of operation that are unique to HRM are provided in the following
Antenna Azimuth Scan
Unlike the RBM, the HRM PPI scan is centered on the radar cursor (not the velocity vector as
in RBM). The cursor is capable of slewing the scan center to a position' within the displayed
range (see Figure 15). In half scan, the scan center is capable of being moved up to 25° either
side of the velocity vector. In quarter scan, the center is capable of being moved up to 37.5°.
Scan Center
BIT 1? p \ 3 P Q °rh
u (a.
R 3
Q 1 /
7\ -D
0 A ^-—
D- c— Z-V"^ ■D Cursor Control
D- *=V -D
D _/"( r/\ ° -D
D >
~"* T4 £S « ■D
k." HRM
MAP 1.7
PRT a Ü ü * Ü U
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
The SNIFF mode is the same as in the RBM, except that it causes the radar to cease
transmissions immediately and enters into a freeze condition.
Antenna Elevation
The antenna elevation is automatically centered on the cursor position and is not adjustable.
The radar format provides the capability to select, via display push button, two multi-look
options. These options vary the video processing and take the place of the gain function in
the RBM (see Figure 16). Two multi-look options are selectable (ML1 and ML2) through
successive depressions of push button 3. When ML2 is selected, the video quality is
improved, but the map processing time increases by approximately 1.5 times.
BIT g g P Q P
f AZ (USL ^,—■
R 3
Q K<^)■ ^\? ■D
Multi-Look Select
£> P*^—f—^ ■D
Q ~/ m^ >v-D c
D /^|"*\ J!£i -D
Ü Ü ü ü Ü U
Display Brightoess
The display brightness in the HRM functions the same as in the RBM, except that it is only
available in the HRM freeze.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
Set Function
The radar provides the capability, via display push button, for the pilot to continue to perform
HRM targeting functions when the radar has been commanded to air-to-ground (A/G)
ranging or to an air-to-air mode (see Figure 17). Whenever the radar is changed to either air-
to-air (A/A) or A/G ranging from HRM, the last HRM map is automatically frozen on the
A/G radar format and the SET legend is displayed below the top center push button.
Selecting the SET push button causes a box to be placed around the legend and provides the
capability to perform HRM cursor designations without interrupting present radar operations.
All cursor functions, except map, are then available. The declutter, azimuth scan select, map
recall, store, and IPVU push button options are not functional in SET, and the A/G radar
mode is not selectable until the set mode is exited. To exit the set mode, the operator must
deselect the SET option via the display push button.
g g g P P
u f
R U.6
0 -D
Q r £ ; ■D
Q c
• Map Stabilizing - The radar is capable of providing two map stabilizing options via
display push button: progressive and stabilized. Successive depressions toggles between
the two options (see Figures 18 and 20). When progressive is selected, the azimuth and
range from the aircraft to the area being mapped remains the same. When stabilized is
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
selected, the point on the ground under the cursor is continuously mapped.
PPI - The radar simulation provides the capability, via push button 14, for the pilot to
select the PPI mode once a patch map is commanded (see Figure 18). Selecting the PPI
mode halts the patch map and begins HRM PPI mapping.
u (aus.
CHAN A2 «• *VU
D -D
Stabilized Map Selected
3 p
B >
Q& -^ \u
D S -D
D "*= M
A o
v o
17 FUU. >
u a a a a a
Recall - When the freeze mode is selected in HRM, the radar simulation provides the
capability, via display push button, for the pilot to flip back and forth between the most
recently commanded patch map and the second most recently commanded patch map (see
Figure 19). When freeze is selected, the lower right push button reads NEW to indicate
that the displayed map is the one most recently created. Pressing this push button with
NEW displayed, selects the OLD or prior map from memory. Subsequent depressions of
the push button toggles between the two in a rotary fashion.
APG-70 Radar Simulation Model Final Report
P g p p P
u f
R 14.6
Q ■a
Qi^ if Ja
Q -D
\y o I
Map Recall
Store - The radar simulation provides the capability, via push button 15, for the pilot to
store a frozen patch map (see Figure 19). Once the STO option is selected, the radar
saves the current map and stores it in memory. The store selection is only available in the
freeze mode. With the store option is selected, the recall push button legend is changed
to STORE indicating that the currently displayed map is protected. Subsequent
depressions of the push button toggles between the stored map and the most recently
created map in a rotary fashion.