Present and Justify A Problem and Solution Requirements: Improve Technological Scientific Environment
Present and Justify A Problem and Solution Requirements: Improve Technological Scientific Environment
Present and Justify A Problem and Solution Requirements: Improve Technological Scientific Environment
Egypt has struggled in recent years to advance toward becoming a developed
country due to the several challenges obstructing its way. These challenges are
represented in arid areas, climate change, pollution, improving the use of
alternative energy, and many more which will be later discussed. To address these
issues, we have designed a capstone project that will likely help find effective
solutions to most of the mentioned challenges and add suggestions to the
development of Egypt in different aspects. improving the use of alternative energy
is our target challenge to be solved. The engineering design process will be
followed to reach our solution by looking for prior solutions for that issue and
suggesting a new resource of alternative energy according to specific requirements.
While revolutionary research for developing new technologies is a goal for many
corporations, the environmental impact, efficiency, and utility of those
technologies is hardly thought of. The stakeholders do not take any responsibility
for the harm their research projects and technology cause to the environment.
Technology has many negative environmental effects but recently people have
started talking about developing and using eco-friendly and ‘clean and green
technologies.’ Hence, we can call technology a double-edged sword.
It has improved the quality of human life and led to the growth of a tech-savvy
world but caused immense harm to the environment.
:Role of Governments
Change needs to come from within but it also needs to be pushed when we are
standing on the brink of an impending disaster. Governments need to take charge
to make their citizens vigilant about the harmful effects of technology on the
environment. Many nations have taken proactive steps in this regard.
Also, instead of following trends and changing our phones every year, we should
try to use it as long as possible and send it for recycling when it wears out. All
these individual steps would surely go a long way in making our environment
clean and green.
As more and more people are becoming aware of the catastrophic impact of
technology on our environment, there is a
gradual move towards a sustainable and low-carbon world economy. Environment
technology is also referred to as clean and green technology as it focuses on
mitigating the current ecological crisis and prompts the use of technology for the
betterment of the environment rather than harming it.
1. Renewable energy
In the health sector, for instance, AI-enabled frontier technologies are helping to
save lives, diagnose diseases and extend life
expectancy. In education, virtual learning
environments and distance learning have opened
programmes to students who would otherwise be
excluded. Public services are also becoming more
accessible and accountable through blockchain-
powered systems, and less bureaucratically
burdensome because of AI assistance. Big data can
also support more responsive and accurate policies
and programmes.
Recycling garbage
Landfills turn into looming mountains of
trash, fast fashion piles up in deserts, and
plastic pollution collected on beaches
gets dumped back into the ocean — it’s clear
we’re not
managing our waste well at all.The majority
of global waste
ends up getting incinerated or piled up in
landfills, streams,
and eventually our oceans. Besides the
horrifying statistics
of trash in oceans (the amount of which Landfills
outweighs all fish combined, according
to Conservation International), the problem
with garbage is that we fundamentally think of it as “out of sight, out of mind.”
But our waste problem does not only take form in the infamous and highly
publicized Great Pacific Garbage Patch; land-disposed trash is a serious climate
issue that not only drives global warming but also displacement, crime, and
economic burdens.
Municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills are the third-largest source of human-
related methane emissions in the United States, Sources of methane emissions
accounting for approximately 14.5 percent of
these emissions in 2020. The methane emissions from MSW landfills in 2020
were approximately equivalent to the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from about
20.3 million passenger vehicles driven for one year or
the CO2 emissions from nearly 11.9 million homes’ energy use for one year. At
the same time, methane emissions from MSW landfills represent a lost opportunity
to capture and use a significant energy resource. Less than
20% of global waste is recycled each year and rich countries often export
recyclables to poorer nations.The EPA announced a landmark strategy on Nov. 15,
National Recycling Day, that aims to get the US to a 50% recycling rate by the end
of the decade. A 2018 estimate puts the US at a recycling rate of 32% with only
8.7% plastic waste being recycled each year. The new strategy aims to reduce the
amount of waste that ends up in landfills or shipped abroad. In 2018, China, a
major waste importer, declared that it would no longer take on the burden of
overseas plastic waste management. Separately, under the Basel Convention, more
than 180 countries agreed to impose stricter rules on plastic exporting to poorer
countries. But early 2021
estimates showed the US actually
increased the amount of plastic it
shipped off, from 45 million tons
the previous year to 48 million
tons. The US, UK, Canada, Ireland,
and Germany have relied
on countries like China, Indonesia,
Malaysia, Kenya, Vietnam, and
Turkey to take on their recycling,
but countries overwhelmed with the massive imports or under equipped to handle
it properly often mismanage or incinerate the recyclables. One-third of recyclables
in the US are shipped abroad. The UK estimates that 46% of its recycling goes to
countries like Turkey, Poland, and Malaysia.
The COVID-19 pandemic has made our waste and recycling problem worse.
Recycling rates fell across Europe, Asia, and the US since the onset of the COVID-
19 pandemic. But the pandemic also produced a surplus amount of new waste in
the forms of PPE and single-use items.
Trash is exported out of London on a barge.
A study from the Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)
showed that the pandemic generated over 8 million tons of plastic waste around the
world and over 25,000 tons of that waste entered the ocean.
Scientists across the country and around the world are trying to find solutions
to fossil fuel problems so that there is enough fuel and a healthy environment to
sustain human life and activities in the future. The United States Department of
Energy is working on technologies to make commercially available natural-gas-
powered vehicles. They are also trying to make coal burning and oil drilling
cleaner. Researchers at Stanford University in California have been using greener
technologies to figure out a way to burn fossil fuels while lessening their impact on
the environment.
Other disadvantages of the fossil fuels are the hard ways to get them, for example,
using coal is very harmful. Mining is one of the most dangerous jobs in the
world. Coal miners are exposed to toxic dust and face the dangers of cave-ins and
explosions at work. When coal is burned, it releases many toxic gases
and pollutants into the atmosphere. Mining for coal can also cause the ground to
cave in and create underground fires that burn for decades at a time.
Coal has to ways of mining to get it: underground mining and surface mining.
Underground mining is used when the coal is located below the surface of the
Earth, sometimes 300 meters (1,000 feet) deep—that’s deeper than most of the
Great Lakes! Miners take an elevator down a mineshaft.
They operate heavy machinery that cuts the coal out of
the Earth and brings it above ground. This can be dangerous
work because cutting coal can release dangerous gases.
The gases can cause explosions or make it hard for miners
to breathe. Surface mining is used when the coal is located
very near the surface of the earth. To get to the coal,
companies must first clear the area. They take away the Mining for coal
trees and soil. The coal can then be cut out of the ground more easily.
Entire habitats are destroyed during this process. About half the electricity in the
United States comes from coal. It gives power to our lights, refrigerators,
dishwashers, and most other things we plug in. When coal is burned, it leaves
“byproducts” that are also valuable. We use the byproducts to make cement,
plastics, roads, and many other things.
Petroleum is also an example, burning gasoline is harmful
to the environment. It releases hazardous gases and fumes
into the air that we breathe. There is also the possibility of
an oil spill. If there is a problem with the drilling machinery,
the oil can explode out of the well and spill into the ocean or
surrounding land. Oil spills are environmental disasters, especially offshore spills.
Oil floats on water, so it can look like food to fish and ruin birds’ feathers.
Hazardous gases and fumes released
The science is clear: to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, emissions need to
by petroleum.
be reduced by almost half by 2030 and reach net-zero by 2050. To achieve this, we
need to end our reliance on fossil fuels and invest in alternative sources of energy that
are clean, accessible, affordable, sustainable, and reliable.
Renewable energy sources – which are available in abundance all around us, provided
by the sun, wind, water, waste, and heat from the Earth – are replenished by nature and
emit little to no greenhouse gases or pollutants into the air.
Alternative energy is energy that does not come from fossil fuels, and thus
produces little to no greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide (CO2). This means that
energy produced from alternative sources does not contribute to the greenhouse
effect that causes climate change.
These energy sources are referred to as “alternative” because they represent the
alternative to coal, oil, and natural gas, which have been the most common sources
of energy since the Industrial Revolution. These fossil fuels emit high levels of
CO2 when burned to produce energy and electricity. Alternative energy, however,
should not be confused with renewable energy, although many renewable
energy sources can also be considered alternative. Solar power, for example, is
both renewable and alternative because it will always be abundant, and
it emits no greenhouse gases. Nuclear power, however, is alternative but not
renewable, since it uses uranium, a finite resource.
This map shows the average percentage of a country’s total energy use that came
from alternative sources between the years 2006-2010. Alternative energy here
includes hydroelectric energy, solar energy, geothermal energy, wind
energy, nuclear energy, and biomass
energy. The data come from the World
Bank. It is important to note that while the
World Bank considers nuclear energy an
alternative energy source, not all energy policy experts agree on how to categorize
nuclear energy.
In any discussion about climate change, renewable energy usually tops the list of
changes the world can implement to stave off the worst effects of rising
temperatures. That's because renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind,
don't emit carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that contribute to global
Clean energy has far more to recommend it than just being "green." The growing
sector creates jobs, makes electric grids more resilient, expands energy access in
developing countries, and helps lower energy bills. All of those factors have
contributed to a renewable
energy renaissance in recent years, with
wind and solar setting new records for
electricity generation.
For the past 150 years or so, humans
have relied heavily on coal, oil, and
other fossil fuels to power everything
from light bulbs to cars to factories.
Fossil fuels are embedded in nearly
everything we do, and as a result,
the greenhouse gases released from the
burning of those fuels have reached Global fossil fuel consumption
As greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere that would otherwise escape into
space, average temperatures on the surface are rising. Global warming is one
symptom of climate change, the term scientists now prefer to describe the complex
shifts affecting our planet’s weather and climate systems. Climate
change encompasses not only rising average temperatures but also extreme
weather events, shifting wildlife populations and habitats, rising seas, and a range
of other impacts.
Large dams can disrupt river ecosystems and surrounding communities, harming
wildlife, and displacing residents. Hydropower generation is vulnerable to silt
buildup, which can compromise capacity and harm equipment. Drought can also
cause problems. In the western U.S., carbon dioxide emissions over a 15-year
period were 100 megatons higher than they would have been with normal
precipitation levels, according to a 2018 study, as utilities turned to coal and gas to
replace hydropower lost to drought. Even hydropower at full capacity bears its own
emissions problems, as decaying organic material in reservoirs releases methane.
Dams aren't the only way to use water for power: Tidal and wave energy projects
around the world aim to capture the ocean's natural rhythms. Marine energy
projects currently generate an estimated 500 megawatts of power—less than one
percent of all renewables—but the potential is far greater. Programs like Scotland’s
Saltire Prize have encouraged innovation in this area.
Wind: Harnessing the wind as a source of energy started more than 7,000 years
ago. Now, electricity-generating wind turbines are proliferating around the globe,
and China, the U.S., and Germany are the world's leading wind
-energy producers. From 2001 to 2017, cumulative
wind capacity around the world increased to more than
Wind power
539,000 megawatts from 23,900 megawatts—more than
22 fold.
Some people may object to how wind turbines look on the horizon and to how they
sound, but wind energy, whose prices are declining, is proving too valuable a
resource to deny. While most wind power comes from onshore turbines, offshore
projects are appearing too, with the most in the United Kingdom and Germany.
The first U.S. offshore wind farm opened in 2016 in Rhode Island, and other
offshore projects are gaining momentum. Another problem with wind turbines is
that they’re a danger for birds and bats, killing hundreds of thousands annually, not
as many as from glass collisions and other threats like habitat loss and invasive
species, but enough that engineers are
working on solutions to make them
safer for flying wildlife.
Cities, states, and federal governments around the world are instituting policies
aimed at increasing renewable energy. At least 29 U.S. states have set renewable
portfolio standards—policies that mandate a certain percentage of energy from
renewable sources. More than 100 cities worldwide now boast receiving at least
70 percent of their energy from renewable sources, and still others are making
commitments to reach 100 percent. Other policies that could encourage
renewable energy growth include:
carbon pricing
Putting a price on carbon achieves a couple of things. First, it makes more
polluting fuels, products, and services more expensive. Burning coal
becomes much more expensive than using solar energy. Beef gets more
expensive relative to tofu or meat alternatives. It makes the ‘cleaner’ option less
Second, it means it’s those who emit greenhouse gases that pay for it.
There are a few policies through which countries can
put a price on carbon:
Carbon tax: this is a levy that is applied to the
production of greenhouse gas emissions directly
or fuels that emit these gases when they’re burned.
This means goods and services which emit more
greenhouse gases in their production will have
a higher tax. Carbon tax
Nine countries and regions, which together account for 75% of global fuel
consumption by light-duty vehicles, have adopted mandatory or voluntary
standards for increasing fuel economy and reducing greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions. The intent and structure of these emissions policies vary widely around
the world. Because fuel economy and GHG emissions policies have large effects
on fuel consumption, vehicle standards are one of the most important
components of future demand for liquid fuels.
One area of difference is the metric specified in the standard, even though these
metrics are related: fuel economy and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are directly
related (improvements in fuel economy directly translate to reductions in CO2
emissions), and CO2 emissions are a subset of GHG emissions. Some standards
specifically focus on reducing GHG or carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, while
others specifically focus on improving fuel economy. Still others focus on some
combination of these objectives.
Emissions reductions.
The European Union (EU), Canada, and India have standards that aim to reduce
emissions. The EU and Indian standards focus on CO2 emissions, while the
Canadian standard includes restrictions on all GHGs.
Fuel economy.
Brazil and Japan have standards that aim to increase fuel economy, requiring
light-duty vehicles to achieve a certain miles-per-gallon rating.
Fuel consumption.
China has a fuel-consumption standard that requires light-duty vehicles to reduce
fuel consumption to achieve a certain number of gallons per mile. The fuel
consumption standard is inversely equivalent to the fuel economy standard.
Instead of increasing fuel economy, light-duty vehicles must decrease the gallons
consumed per mile.
Combination or option.
The United States and Mexico have both fuel economy and GHG standards, and
manufacturers must satisfy both. By contrast, South Korea's light-duty vehicle
manufacturers have the option to choose which standard to meet, either fuel
economy or GHG standard.
The structure of vehicle
standards also differs.
Footprint-based corporate
The United States, Canada,
and Mexico have footprint-
based corporate average
standards. This standard
sets GHG emission and fuel
economy targets (in the United States and Mexico) and GHG emission targets (in
Canada) based on the footprint Structure of vehicle standards in various countries
of the vehicle, which is its wheelbase multiplied by average track width. The
overall target of the manufacturer is determined by averaging the target for each
footprint the manufacturer produces.
Weight-based corporate average.
Brazil, the EU, India, and South Korea have weight-based corporate average
standards. These standards are similar to the footprint-based standard except
they are based on vehicle weight.
Weight-class based per vehicle and corporate average.
China has a weight-class based per vehicle and corporate average standard that is
more stringent than the weight-based corporate average standard alone. Light-
duty vehicle manufacturers in China must meet a fuel consumption standard at
each weight class level and must meet an overall corporate average fuel
consumption standard.
Weight-class based corporate average.
Japan has a corporate average standard based on weight class. Under Japan's
standard, each light-duty vehicle in a weight class must meet the standard for the
weight class rather than an overall manufacture standard.
Fuel economy and emissions standards are typically applied to the vehicles that a
company sells within a country, rather than the vehicles that a particular country
produces. For instance, U.S.-manufactured vehicles have to meet European
standards for vehicles sold in Europe, and Japanese standards for those sold in
Even though light-duty vehicle manufacturers have to meet different standards in
different countries, as more countries adopt light-duty vehicle standards, many of
these differences in standards will likely persist because of variations in policy
goals and consumer preferences across countries. However, because of the global
nature of light-duty vehicle manufacturing, fuel economy for all new vehicles will
likely increase, and GHG emissions per vehicle will likely decrease globally under
these standards.
building efficiency standards.
Act on the Improvement of Energy Consumption Performance of Buildings
(Building Energy Efficiency Act) was newly established in July 8, 2015. This Act
provides for 1) regulatory measures for mandatory compliance with energy
efficiency standards for large-scale non-residential buildings, and 2) incentive
measures such as a labeling system displaying compliance with energy efficiency
standards and exception of floor-area ratio regulation for certified building. The
incentive measures are implemented from April 1, 2016, and the regulatory
measures are implemented in April 2017.
When construction clients attempt to undertake new
construction/extensions/renovations on buildings at or over a certain size, they
must acquire certification of conformity with energy efficiency standards or notify
the administrative agency with jurisdiction depending on the use and size, etc. of
the building. After the implementation of the regulatory measures, large-scale
non-residential building (more than 2000m2) that is not compliant with energy
efficiency standards become ineligible for certification of Building Standards Law.
The standards apply in the Building Energy Efficiency Act are three-fold: energy
consumption performance standards (energy efficiency standards), certification
standards, and residential construction client standards. There are 2 verification
methods of these standards: a detailed calculation method and an abbreviated
calculation method.
Arid areas
Improve the uses of arid areas.
Arid area:
Arid regions receive little precipitation—less than 10
inches (25 centimeters) of rain per year. Semi-arid
regions receive 10 to 20 inches (25 to 50 centimeters) of
rain per year.
Arid area in Egypt:
The total area of the country covers approximately one
million square kilometers the Egyptians government has
a policy of land reclamation most Egyptians live either in the Nile delta located in
the north of the country or in the narrow Nile south of Cairo.
The main deserts in Egypt:
The western desert
The eastern desert
The majority of Sinai
Destroying the natural vegetation cover by
using excessive amounts of fuel wood; engaging in agricultural activities in
arid and semi-arid regions
Population growth
the effects of the market economy, and poverty are the driving forces behind
these activities.
the depletion of soil fertility
water and soil salinity
soil erosion
climate change.
How to solve:
Reclaim the desert and transfer water to this land
Subsurface irrigation And Drip Irrigation
Rainwater Harvesting
Toshka Al-Khair:
Toshka Al-Khair project in southern Aswan, which represents one of the most
important projects in the field of agriculture and land reclamation.
gave directives to pay attention to the project within the framework of the
presidential program to cultivate 4 million acres.
Project Goals:
Overcoming the food gap through increasing the agricultural area by nearly
500 thousand feddans, then reaching one million feddans in the future.
Maximizing the return on available resources and increasing Egyptian
agricultural exports is the matter which helps narrow the trade balance
Providing job opportunities for young people, especially in the Upper
Egyptian governorates. Encouraging the reconstruction and development of
these areas thus alleviating the human pressure on the Nile Valley and Delta.
The project helps achieve self-sufficiency of wheat so that we only need to import
less than a quarter of our wheat needs
Arid areas and alternative energy:
The most promising area for this development is the desert,
where wind, solar and geothermal power can be utilized.
Importance to improve uses of arid areas:
Converting desert or arid land into a green and
permanent forest has many advantages:
Carbon sequestration, positive impact on global
Protection against desertification and sand storms
(“green belt”)
Improving the living conditions of local
Improving attractiveness for tourist regions
Natural disposal of sewage water and coastal protection or coral reef
protection by avoiding spillages of waste water into the sea
Cooling the surrounding atmosphere and creation of recreational zones
Generating natural rainfall due to the new green forest zones
Creation of many new long-term jobs in the forestry sector at local and
national level.
Reducing wood and timber imports from foreign countries
Biomass for energy or heat production
Pollution is the effect of undesirable changes in our surroundings that harm
plants, animals, and humans. This occurs when only short-term economic gains
are made at the cost of long-term ecological benefits for humanity. No natural
phenomenon has led to greater ecological changes that have been made by
mankind. During the last few decades, we have contaminated our air, water, and
Exposure to high levels of air pollution can cause a variety of adverse health
outcomes. It increases the risk of respiratory infections, heart disease and lung
cancer. Both short and long-term exposure to air pollutants has been associated
with health impacts. More severe impacts affect people who are already ill.
Children, the elderly, and poor people are more susceptible. The most health-
harmful pollutants – closely associated with excessive premature mortality – are
fine PM2.5 particles that penetrate deep into lung passageways.
What can countries do to reduce air pollution?
Climate change
Climate change is a change in the usual weather found in a place. This could be a
change in how much rain a place usually gets in a
year. Or it could be a change in a place's usual
temperature for a month or season. Climate change is
also a change in Earth's climate. This could be a
change in Earth's usual temperature. Or it could be a
change in where rain and snow usually fall on Earth.
Weather can change in just a few hours. Climate takes
hundreds or even millions of years to change.
Drought area because of high temperature
People who study Earth see that Earth's climate is getting warmer. Earth's
temperature has gone up about one degree Fahrenheit
in the last 100 years. This may not seem like much.
But small changes in Earth's temperature can have big
effects. Some effects are already happening. The
warming of Earth's climate has caused some snow and
However, since the Industrial Revolution in the 1800s, the global temperature has
increased at a much faster rate. By burning fossil fuels and changing how we use
the land, human activity has quickly become the leading cause of changes to our
climate change impacts:
extreme weather. Rising temperatures cause heat
waves droughts and wildfires. They also warm the
atmosphere, increasing moisture – which means
more rainfall, storms, and flooding. Higher
average global temperatures are also melting ice in
the polar regions and glaciers in mountainous
regions. Exposure to extreme heat can lead to heat
stroke and dehydration, as well. People exposed to
higher levels of ground-level ozone are at greater
risk of dying prematurely or being admitted to the
hospital for respiratory problems.
The international climate report issued in October 2018 - and discussed at the -
climate summit that brought together world leaders with technical experts in
Poland in December 2018 - concluded that the world has a short deadline of no
more than 12 years to reduce its carbon emissions by specific rates so that the
.temperature of the universe do not rise more than 1.5 degrees
An increase in the temperature of the universe exceeding 1.5 degrees will lead to
severe damage to our planet, represented by increased droughts and floods, the
sinking of vast areas of the coasts of many countries, an increase in the
.phenomenon of hunger, and a decrease in agricultural production
The report also concluded that the United States, India, and Saudi Arabia will be
the most affected by climate change and that Egypt will be one of the affected
.countries, as it faces many risks in three main areas
Problem to be solved
What specific problem are you addressing?
One specific challenge is going to be supplied by our suggestions aiming to solve it
with high accuracy. this challenge is to improve alternative resources of energy by
specifically produce renewable and clean energy by converting the movement of
water (kinetic energy) into electricity (electric energy) without suppose the
environment for harmful consequences.
The scramble for alternatives is on. High oil prices, growing concerns over energy
security, and the threat of climate change have all stimulated investment in the
development of alternatives to conventional oil. “Alternative energy” generally
falls into two categories: . Substitutes for existing petroleum liquids (ethanol,
biodiesel, biobutanol, dimethyl ether, coal-to liquids, tar sands, oil shale), both
from biomass and fossil feedstocks. . Alternatives for the generation of electric
power, including power-storage technologies (wind, solar photovoltaics, solar
thermal, tidal, biomass, fuel cells, batteries). The technology pathways to these
alternatives vary widely, from distillation and gasification to bioreactors of algae
and high-tech manufacturing of photon absorbing silicon panels. Many are
considered “green” or “clean,” although some, such as coal-to-liquids and tar
sands, are “dirtier” than the petroleum they are replacing. Others, such as biofuels,
have concomitant environmental impacts that offset potential carbon savings.
Unlike water resources of energy it is sustainable , renewable and clean also water
will be available in large amount also its will be the most efficiency to produce
enough amount of alternative energy.
Generating Electricity
An electric generator is a device that changes kinetic energy to electrical
energy through electromagnetic induction. Electromagnetic induction is the
process of generating electric current with a magnetic field. It occurs when a
magnetic field and an electric conductor, such as a coil of wire, move relative to
one another.
A simple diagram of an electric generator is shown
in the Figure below. In any electric generator,
some form of energy is applied to turn a shaft. The
turning shaft causes a coil of wire to rotate between
the opposite poles of a magnet. Because the coil is
rotating in a magnetic field, electric current is
generated in the wire.
Most of U.S. and world electricity generation is from electric power plants that use
a turbine to drive electricity generators. In a turbine generator, a moving fluid—
water, steam, combustion gases, or air—pushes a series of blades mounted on a
rotor shaft. The force of the fluid on the blades spins/rotates the rotor shaft of a
generator. The generator, in turn, converts the mechanical (kinetic) energy of the
rotor to electrical energy. Different types of turbines include steam turbines,
combustion (gas) turbines, hydroelectric turbines, and wind turbines.
Other types of generators
There are many different types of electricity generators that do not use turbines to
generate electricity. The most common in use today are solar photovoltaic (PV) systems
and internal combustion engines.
Solar photovoltaic cells convert sunlight directly into electricity. They are used to power
devices as small as wrist watches and can be connected together in panels that are
connected together in arrays to power individual homes or form large power plants.
Photovoltaic (PV) power plants are now one of the fastest growing sources of electricity
generation around the world. In the United State, PV power plants were the source of
about 3% of total utility-scale electricity generation in 2021.
Internal combustion engines, such as diesel engines, are used all around the world for
electricity generation including in many remote villages in Alaska. They are also widely
used for mobile power supply at construction sites and for emergency or backup power
supply for buildings and power plants. Diesel-engine generators can use a variety of
fuels including petroleum diesel, biomass-based liquid fuels and biogas, natural gas,
and propane. Small internal combustion engine generators fueled with gasoline, natural
gas, or propane are commonly used by construction crews and tradespeople and for
emergency power supply for homes.
What positive and negative consequences that are related to dealing with
that problem?
1-Generating energy that produces no greenhouse gas
emissions from fossil fuels and reduces some types of air
one is Dams
What is the dam:
Dam Types:
Buttress (concrete)
Advantages of Dams:
Recreation (lake)
Flood control downstream
Irrigation potential from water
Hydroelectric Power generation capability
Evening out of flow during the year
Disadvantages of Dams:
Change in ecosystems
Flooding upstream (buried by water)
Loss of sediment below stream (delta starvation)
Silting of lake
Fish trapped below dam
Potential dam failure
Evening out of flow during the year (prevents sediment renewal on floodplain)
Dams_000.doc (
Picote Dam
The Picote Dam is a hydroelectric installation along the Douro River in Tras Os Montes,
Portugal. To create electricity, water is channeled through tunnels in the dam. The
power of the water causes turbines to turn. The turbines make generators move.
Generators are machines that produce
The concrete arch dam is 100 meters high and has a crest length of 139 meters.
The reservoir has an effective storage capacity of 13 million cubic meters of water.
Designed by the Hydroproject Institute based in Moscow, these are the pros and cons
of the Aswan High Dam to consider.
Wave Energy
Could the waves in our oceans and seas help tackle the global energy crisis?
In theory, yes. Wave energy globally could meet the world’s annual electricity needs, if it was fully
harnessed, scientists have estimated .
Many countries - including Australia, China, Denmark, Italy, Korea, Portugal, Spain, the United Kingdom
and the US - are currently developing wave energy.
Waves are formed when wind blows over the surface of water. Devices called wave energy converters
capture the energy from waves and turn it into electricity.
Different approaches are used. Some devices sit beneath the water’s surface while others are
anchored to the ocean floor. Another technique is to push the waves through a narrow channel, where
they power a turbine.
Waves have the highest energy density of renewable energy sources, compared to others like wind,
solar, biomass and geothermal. This means waves have the greatest potential to be an important
contributor to the world’s “energy mix resilience”, say researchers at the University of Plymouth.
The challenge is that wave energy is far behind in its development compared to other renewable
Fossil fuel shortages are heightening the need for renewable alternatives like wave energy.
Now the conflict in Ukraine is pushing oil prices to new highs over supply disruption fears.
Against this backdrop, the reliability of wave energy is a big attraction. While wind and solar energy are
unpredictable, waves are reliably frequent and harbour more energy than other renewables.
But while the potential is there for wave energy to solve the energy crisis, there are inevitably hurdles
along the way.
There are undoubtedly challenges to harnessing this renewable energy. Building and operating wave
energy plants is generally expensive.
Cables, turbines and other infrastructure could potentially harm marine life.
And because the plants rely on coastal locations, they may not be able to support whole populations.
Ocean power is not currently on track to play its part in helping the world reach carbon neutrality by
2050, the International Energy Agency (IEA) says in its Ocean Power tracking report.
To achieve this goal, ocean power generation needs to grow an average of 33% a year between 2020
and 2030.
“Marine technologies hold great potential, but additional policy support for energy research,
development and demonstration is needed,” the IEA says.
Picote Dam
The Picote Dam is a hydroelectric installation along the Douro River in Tras Os
Montes, Portugal. To create electricity, water is channeled through tunnels in the
dam. The power of the water causes turbines to turn. The turbines make generators
move. Generators are machines that produce electricity.
Picote Dam (Portuguese: Barragem de Picote) is a concrete arch dam on the
Douro, located in the municipality Miranda do Douro, in Bragança District,
Construction of the dam began in 1953. The dam was completed in 1958. It is
owned by Companhia Portuguesa de Produção de Electricidade (CPPE). Picote
Dam was the first dam constructed by Portugal on the Douro.
Picote Dam is a 100 m tall (height above
foundation) and 139 m long arch dam with a
crest altitude of 480 m. The volume of the dam is
205,000 m³. The spillway is located on its crest
and is controlled by four tainter gates. It has a
maximum discharge of 11,000 m3/s (390,000 cu
ft/s) while one bottom outlet can discharge up to
600 m3/s (21,000 cu ft/s).
The Itaipu Dam (Portuguese: Barragem de Itaipu [itɐjˈpu], Spanish: Represa de
Itaipú [itajˈpu]) is a hydroelectric dam on the Paraná River located on the border
between Brazil and Paraguay. It is the third largest hydroelectric dam in the world,
and holds the 45th largest reservoir in the world.
The name "Itaipu" was taken from an isle that existed near the construction site. In
the Guarani language, Itaipu means "the sounding stone".The Itaipu Dam's
hydroelectric power plant produced the second-most electricity of any in the world
as of 2020, only surpassed by the Three Gorges Dam plant in electricity
II. Efficiency: our project was made to save the environment from harmful
gases by producing clean energy (electricity) from the movement of water
III. Workable: the prototype must generate electricity whatever the amount of it
IV. Safety: all the safety precautions will be taken including test our prototype
under supervision of our teachers and the test will be done in the fab
laboratory wearing lab glasses and take our safety avoid making a fire
V. Ecofriendly: our solution maintain the aquatic life and the living organisms
won’t be hearten by our solution also the sea water cleanliness won’t be
In order to promote our world and society with new modified alternative
energy to limit the harmful impacts of the energies plants and uses of energies
resulting from the burning of coal, and in order to improve the uses of renewable
energy after background research we decided build a system uses the force of sea
waves to produce electricity by a building two sides of stings vertically suspended
by a horizontally tube. This tube will moves up and down because of sea wave this
vertically motion will generate electricity by spin the generator that will be
constructed under the tubes so the movement of the tube will force the
generator to work and generate electricity following the strategy of the vortex in
the sea . this design will contribute greatly in solving the alternative energy
problem and the other problems existent as consequences of this problem.
Why we chose this solution.
1. It will be sustainable low cost as this system’s input force is the sea waves
force which is available as normal.
2. It has no harms on the living organisms specially the aquatic organisms
3. This solution is easy to be constructed and it don’t require long time to be
4. The rule of the string helps to reduce the input force and provide the
system with high efficiency.
5. This system can move around anywhere as we can construct the body of
the system out side and move it freely without be related to the conditions
of the sea
6. The system constructed material is available and easy to get.
7. It works near the sea surface better than the sea ground.
Selection of solution
The solution to our issue is to use the kinetic energy of water to produce electricity. Scalable renewable
energy sources are in high demand worldwide and continue to rise. There are currently several
hydrokinetic energy solutions available, but they are constrained and cannot fully supply this need.
Water bodies on Earth make up a significant section of the world, and their sluggish, constant motion
represents a tremendous, but untapped, energy source. At the moment, a dam and a hydroelectric
generator work together to extract the majority of energy from water flow. To meet the rising demand
for energy, newer technology that is less harmful to the environment is required. Our solution satisfies
these requirements and is a potential new technology. uses the vibrations caused by vortices in water to
produce energy.
Structures subjected to fluid flow are often built to reduce wear and tear brought on by vibrations
created by vortices. The suggestion to increase vibrations in order to maximize energy extraction from
the fluid was very recently made. A cylinder is fixed horizontally in water using this technology, and is
only allowed to move up and down in a plane perpendicular to the fluid flow. The flow over this cylinder
produces an alternating vortex pattern that pushes the cylinder up and down with alternate lift forces.
Via the use of a power take off device, this motion is then transformed into electricity.
There are various ways in which this technique is better than conventional hydro technology. Surface
oscillation converters only produce high output over a narrow range of wave frequencies, while most
turbine-based converters can only work effectively at currents greater than 2 m/s. In slow moving
waterways, a vortex generated vibration-based generator might be able to operate across a variety of
frequencies. Furthermore, large-scale tidal and dam-type systems require a lot of cash and are
disruptive to the environment. The VIV concept has the potential to generate electricity from water flow
without affecting the local environment, endangering surrounding citizens, altering the landscape in any
discernible way, or hindering water traffic in any slow-moving river.
The technology's scalability and adaptability are two of its main advantages. Modules can be as small as
single-cylinder arrays or as large as power plants that can produce megawatts. Waterbodies and/or
rivers like the Gulf Stream, the Columbia, the Missouri, the Colorado, the Mississippi, the Kansas, and
the Ohio are examples of potential power production areas. The prime production speeds necessary for
this technology—which are far slower than those for other turbine-based hydrokinetic technologies—
are present in segments of flow in all of the water bodies listed.
Professor Michael Bernitsas of the University of Michigan filed a patent for the Vortex Induced Vibration
Aquatic Clean Energy converter design in 2008. The converter uses vortex-induced vibrations to capture
energy from water flow. The VIVACE system consists of a horizontally-fixed cylinder that is free to
oscillate in the opposite direction of the water flow. The ends of the cylinder, where magnetic sliders
move up and down across a rail housing a coil, are where the cylinder is attached to the frame. A DC
current is produced by the movement of the magnet across the coil and can either be stored or
converted to an AC current before being transmitted into the grid.
Selection of prototype
Our project was applied in many countries and by different ways. It is based
on the concept of VIV. To generate electricity from VIV, we decided to
make a VIVACE (vortex induced vibration aquatic clean energy) generator.
In the previous applications, this was made by different ways. The main idea
is the vortex resulted due to the presence and movement of a tube inside a
fluid, which, in our case, is the water.
The applications included systems with vertical tubes, and horizontal
systems, the project could be applied by one tube or more, with different
lengths and diameters according to the required results, and definitely there
was a verity in the materials.
In our prototype we wanted to use simple, cheap, and recycled materials. We
used spring which were wasted and not used. We also used old iron rods and
iron tube. The iron was selected as the material of the tube because of its
higher density than water which would facilitate our work.
The prototype that will be constructed:
Design requirements:
- Been created at low cost: it will be construct with recycled materials.
- Produces renewable and clean energy by converting water’s kinetic energy
into electricity.
- Safe as not to cause harm to aquatic animals: the place we will construct at,
how we will construct it, and the materials make it safe.
We will test prototype output by multimeter.
What is the multimeter and how to use
Digital multimeters combine the testing capabilities of single-task meters—the
voltmeter (for measuring volts), ammeter (amps) and ohmmeter (ohms). Often,
they include several additional specialized features or advanced options.
Technicians with specific needs, therefore, can seek out a model targeted to meet
their needs.
- Voltmeter: instrument that measures voltages of either direct or
alternating electric current on a scale usually graduated in volts, millivolts
(0.001 volt), or kilovolts (1,000 volts).
- Ammeter: instrument for measuring either direct (DC) or alternating (AC)
electric current, in amperes
- Ohmmeter: instrument for measuring electrical resistance
Multimeter safety
Each application with a digital multimeter presents potential safety hazards that
must be considered when taking electrical measurements. Before using any
electrical test equipment, people should always first refer to the user's manual for
proper operating procedures, safety precautions, and limits.
Al -Janadel is rocks that intercede the course of the river in which the current runs
very quickly, without there being a severe decline that helps to form the waterfall
and arises as a result of a difference in the nature of the rocks from which the
bottom of the river stream is composed. Solid rocks resist the sculpting process
while soft rocks are eaten, and then solid rocks remain a prominent boring that
faces water. Likewise, the six guns that face the course of the Nile between
Khartoum and Aswan. The Nile River was carved vertically in the Nubian
sandstone until in some places it reached the old fiery rocks that are located below.
Those fiery rocks resisted the river sculpture, and a prominent of the bottom
appeared in the bottom of a small rock island that divides the course of the Nile
.into more than one course
There are one of them in Egypt, Jandal Aswan, and the five exchanges are located
.in Sudan
The first gendel is known as the Aswan waterfall and immediately after the high -1
.dam until the Aswan tank with a length of 12 km
The second gendel, or what is known as the Wadi Halfa waterfall. -2
The third gendel, the third gendel, was called 'Tombos', located on the Nile River -3
.in the northern state in Sudan
The fourth gandal is known as the waterfall of the Meroe reservoir between -4
.Meroe and the Manasir Desert
The fifth gandal, or what is known as a waterfall north of Marwa '' by "Jarawiya"-5
.in the extension of the Atbara River
The sixth gandal is known as the Salabouqa waterfall, and it is considered one of -6
the most prominent tourist areas in Sudan, and it is the first waterfall after the Blue
.Nile associated with the White Nile
Table of materials
Name photo Price Usage quantity
cork 10 LE Building the body 4
of the prototype
Material used:
By using safety precautions, we used foam to build the model of prototype by cutting
the foam into suitable pieces, and it was formed into a cube shape. We have cut a
circle in the center of the cube to put the fan which is a turbine. After building the
model, we used plastic sheets to make the path of water which will pass through.
We have brought steel to connect the turbine with the generator to make it rotate.
After that, we brought a wood and cut a small circle in it to open a path to allow steel
to pass through. In order to prevent its movement and install it, we brought bearing
to assist steel’s rotation also. Finally, we brought the generator and installed it at the
top of steel to convert the kinetic energy of water to electricity.
The fan was heavy in motion and the water path was wrong. therefore, the
experiment was a failure(fig.2).
Material used:
Foam, wood, compressed sponge, generator, steel, plastic sheets, plastic spoons,
After knowing the previous mistakes that we made and working to solve
them, we did the experiment and it succeeded. It was able to convert the
kinetic energy of water to electricity this time(fig.3).
Evaluation, Reflection, Recommendations
To address main Egypt’s grand challenge to improve the use of alternative energy, after doing
background research we found that water current is the most sustainable resource of energy as water
represents 71% of the earth’s surface also it will maintain the environment with low cost, so we decide
to convert the kinetic energy of water into electric energy as a renewable source of energy.
From the results, it was observed that the design we chose met all the design requirements.
With the curved blade at 30°, the turbine has the maximum efficiency. Also after testing both Francis
turbines and Propellers we found that the Francis turbines that simulated by spones turbine we
construct that Francis turbines maintain the speed of the water.
The circular body designed and constructed for the water stream forced the water to move in a circular
path which makes a vortex in the water.
The vortex provides the turbine with forces from different directions which cause the turbine to spin.
The inclined plane we added on the circular path provides the system with centripetal acceleration that
works on vortex formation.
The smaller cross-section at the end of the inclined plane increases the intensity of water concentration
on the turbine which increases the output energy according to the Bernoulli equation.
The Rollman bell maintains the position and reduces the rolling resistance. The generator construct was
easy to construct and has high efficiency in converting kinetic energy into electric energy.
For future scientists and engineers, after trying many solutions and construction methods
(Placeholder1)of the prototype to reach the best results, we have some recommendations for you to
facilitate your work:
- Choose a location with a high flow rate and consistent water supply. This could be a river, a canal, or
ocean current.
- Select a turbine that is suitable for the specific site conditions. There are different types of turbines
available such as Pelton, Francis, and Kaplan turbines. The turbine should be efficient, durable, and able
to withstand the harsh conditions of the water environment.
-Use a material which is lower density than water for the body of the system.
- Choose a generator that can convert the mechanical energy from the turbine into electrical energy.
The size of the generator should be appropriate for the amount of power that needs to be generated.
- Transmission and Distribution: Plan for the transmission and distribution of the electricity generated.
The power generated needs to be transmitted to the grid or stored in batteries for later use.
- Plan for regular maintenance of the equipment to ensure a reliable and efficient operation.
- Filtration: place a filtration system at the system's entry to clean the water that enters.
-Safety: Install safety precautions to safeguard aquatic life from the turbine's moving parts; for example,
avoid sharpening the turbine's blades.
-Vortex Chamber Design: Create a vortex chamber that can efficiently catch and regulate the flow of
water. It should have sloping walls and a cylindrical or cone shape to allow water to whirl in a vortex. To
boost flow velocity and kinetic energy, the chamber's cross-sectional area should also decrease towards
the center.
-Community Engagement: Engage with the local community to ensure that they are aware of the project
and to address any concerns they may have. This can also help to build support for the project.
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