Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Education is an essential and important part of every student's life and is often
considered a key factor in achieving their long-term career goals. However, financial
obligations may require students to seek employment, and one of the common options
for students is a part-time job. In recent years, the number of students who work part-
time jobs while studying has increased significantly. specially during covid 19 pandemic,
Many students choose to work part-time job to develop their valuable skills, to support
their education and daily living expenses.
Moreover, in managing part-time work and academic responsibilities can be
challenging and can impact a student's academic performance. Therefore,
understanding the effects of part-time jobs on academic performance is crucial for
promoting the well-being of students. Based on some studies have shown that students
who work part-time jobs often experience reduced academic performance, including
lower grades and test scores, as well as higher rates of absents and lateness. This can
be attributed to various factors such as lack of sleep, stress, and time management
On the other hand, some studies have also suggested that part-time work can have
positive effects on academic performance, such as improved time-management skills
and higher levels of motivation. It is therefore important to understand the specific
circumstances and factors that may influence the impact of part-time work on academic
performance. Such as the time that they spent on part time also if there’s a high
possibility that may affect on student academic performance.
Part-time job employment is a type work that involves fewer hours than full time job. It
is one of the main important issue that really needs attention, for students who also aim
to support themselves financially while pursuing their education. According to Darlena
Cunha (2018), part-time jobs can have a positive impact on students, such as providing
them with budgeting skills, time management, and early work experience. However, the
academic performance of students who work part-time jobs is often affected due to the
challenges of balancing work and academic responsibilities.
Furthermore, as stated by Triventi (2014) it also found that full-time workers tend to
have less time for academic studies and school activities, which can negatively impact
their academic performance. Additionally, students who work part-time jobs face
challenges of limited time and the pressure to balance their academic obligations and
work responsibilities, which can lead to stress and anxiety. These challenges can be
particularly acute if students are tired from work and lack sufficient sleep, and have an
academic task due the following day (Kleinschmidt, 2013).
Lastly, In order to better understand the effects of part-time jobs on the academic
performance of students, it is important to explore the factors that influence their
decision to work while studying, as well as the types of jobs that they undertake. It is
also important to examine the ways in which working students manage their time and
cope with the demands of both work and school. Additionally, understanding the specific
effects of part-time job employment on academic performance can inform strategies and
interventions that can support the academic success and well-being of students who
choose to work while pursuing their education
The study was aimed to investigate the effects of part time job in academic
performance of the students in Lian Senior High School.
Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:
1.Profile of the working students in terms of;
1.1 Sex
1.2 Age
1.3 Nature of Work
1.4 Length of Time Spent in Part Time Jobs
2.What are the problems you usually encounter as a working student?
3.How does part time job affect your academic performance?
4.What plan of action can be done to address this such problem?
The scope of this study will focus on investigating and examine the effects of part-
time jobs on academic performance among Grade 12 students at Lian Senior High
School. Specifically, the study was aim to identify the potential impact on how does part
time job affect academic performance of working students. The respondents will be only
the working students from different strands who are currently enrolled in SY 2022-2023
in Lian Senior High School.
This study aims to explore the impact of part-time jobs on the academic performance
of working students. It also seeks to understand how students can effectively manage
their work and academic responsibilities, and how they can maximize the benefits of
their employment to achieve academic success. It may also benefit the following in this
Working Students: This study may give awareness to the students about the effects of
having a part time job and its effect on their academic performance also This may give
them courage and perseverance to study well despite of their situation.
Teachers: This may help the teachers to find out what are the jobs of these working
students and may help them in attaining their goal while having part time jobs. Aside
from this, it can also give consideration to those students who are having part-time jobs.
Parents. The results of the study may help their children by giving financial support
despite their current situation. This may also serve as an eye opener and a sort of
enlightment on how they can provide emotional support to their children.
Future Researchers: This may help the future researchers to gain and gather some
important details and information for them in the future and gave some ideas to the
future researcher of these topic.
Definition of Terms
For the reader's clearer understanding of the present study, the following terms were
defined operationally and conceptually;
Academic Performance: This is the one that is being affected by the part-time job of
the students. It is the extent to which college students will going to achieved in a span of
short to long-term educational goals.
Education: Is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills,
values, beliefs, and habits. Educational methods include storytelling, discussion,
teaching, training, and directed research. Education frequently takes place under the
guidance of educators, but learners may also educate themselves.
Employment: Is a relationship between two parties, usually based on a contract where
work is paid for, where one is the employer and the other is the employee.
Experience: The transferable skills and knowledge gained through part time work,
which can benefit a student’s academic and career prospects.
Job: A task or place of work, especially one that is paid.
Part time job: A part time job is a form of employment that carries fewer hours per
week than a full-time job. They work in shifts.
Performance: Performance measurement is the process of collecting analyzing and
reporting information regarding the performance of an individual. group, organization,
system or component.
Profile: an activity that needs to be accomplished within a defined period of time or by a
Strategy: a plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim.
Time management: The ability to balance work and academic responsibilities