The Problem of Accountability in Judicial Law Making
The Problem of Accountability in Judicial Law Making
The Problem of Accountability in Judicial Law Making
Table of Contents
The Backdrop
Do Judges Make Law?
Judiciary: A Tool of Law-Making
Independence of The Judiciary
Judicial Accountability And Its Concernment
Judicial Accountability In Some Developing Countries In The World
o Australia
o United States
o Canada
Constitutional Provisions For Making The Judiciary Accountable
Problems Of Accountability In Judicial Law-Making In India
Remediable Steps By The Government For Preventing The Problem Of Judicial
Dream of Judicial Accountability And The Shocking Reality Of The Judiciary
Conclusion and Suggestions
The Backdrop
An active role of the Indian judiciary over the functions falling constitutionally within the
legislative competence raises certain serious and prominent issues in India. This aspect
of ‘Judicial Activism’ equally holds the debatable field amongst others since judge-made
law has gained vast recognition throughout the world. The Indian Supreme Court has
contributed to such recognition to a very large extent by giving directions to the
government from time to time seeking compliance under its contempt power and many
times by legislating exactly in a manner akin to the legislature. Such instances of judicial
intervention call for a need to closely scrutinize the essence and the constitutional
perspective of the lawmaking function of judges in distinction with the constitutionally
conferred legislative powers of the legislature.
Judicial law-making is a stark fact of the modern age. There are various techniques
adopted by judges in creating new rules. Precedent, construction of statutes, supplying
the omission of the legislature, or filling the gaps by using discretion are some of the
tools used by the judges for creating law.
United States
Article III of the US Constitution establishes the judiciary as an independent third branch
of government. Article III gives the judiciary the power to hear and adjudicate all cases
arising out of the Constitution and laws of the USA with impartiality. Article III also states
that federal judges can only be removed through impeachment by the House of
Representatives and conviction by the US Senate for “treason, bribery or other high
crimes. or misdemeanours.” Short of removal, federal judges can be disciplined for
violations of the Code of Conduct for United States Judges-a set of ethical principles
and guidelines adopted by the Judicial Conference of the United States.
Lokpal Bill
With the Lokpal bill being in news, it becomes necessary to look at what it thinks about
judicial accountability. To begin with there are two versions of the Lokpal bill. In the
Government version, the judges are not brought under scrutiny. It will be only an
advisory body and therefore the Lokpal cannot register an FIR on any complaint. The
Lokpal will comprise three members and all will be retired judges, now this committee
will be selected by politicians themselves. So, Naturally, there will be political
interference. It will be very honest sayings if said that, Lokpal should only take matters
relating to politicians and bureaucrats and not judges. For the judges, an entirely
different, independent, and exclusive mechanism should be there. On the other hand, if
the judges are included, then the public shouldn’t be allowed directly to initiate action,
the grievance should be processed by the committee, this will then manage frivolous
cases from infringing the independence of the judiciary.
1. The Principle of the Rule of Law should be applied to the Judges also.
2. There should be a transparent procedure for the appointment of Judges.
3. Ethics and a Model Code of Conduct must be followed by the Judges.
4. There should also be an impartial procedure for the removal of judges. There
should be a Separate Commission for the removal of Judges. The process
should not depend only on the Politicians. Though only the legislature has the
law-making power, in reality, we see that the Judiciary is creating so many laws
through judgment. The duty of the Judiciary is nothing but to interpret the Laws
made by the legislature whether the Law is according to the constitution or not.
But the higher Court has given so many judgments which are contrary to the
existing law and the interesting thing is that the maximum number of times the
Court does not declare that the existing law is unconstitutional. Even sometimes
Court said that the existing law is constitutional. But when they are giving
judgment, the judgment is contradictory to the existing law. This attitude of the
judiciary is very harmful to democracy. Judicial Independence in India has put a
question on the Public Accountability of the Judges, which cannot be solved
easily in the absence of concrete laws on the subject. Hence, the creation of new
laws on the issue is the need of the hour for the sake of establishing
transparency in the activity of the Judges.