427 23 Rojas
427 23 Rojas
427 23 Rojas
Abstract. In the present study, the energy design of an indirect increase in the harvest area of approximately 3000
solar dryer with the capacity to dehydrate 10 kg of mango was hectares was evidenced, thus making this region one of the
carried out. The methodology used was based on calculations of [3].
heat transfer, thermodynamics and dimensioning of the main
components which are the solar collector and the drying chamber. The mango is one of the main fruits that are exported in
As results, it was analyzed that the ambient air must enter the our country and is recognized in international markets
collector with a minimum speed of 1.175 m/s; the air increases its being the Kent mango the main variety of mango to be
temperature to approximately 45 °C when passing through the
collector thanks to the energy in the form of heat that is supplied,
exported [3]. During the Peruvian mango campaign 2021-
this energy being 1.363 kW, the drying process time was 2022, which runs from September to April, it was possible
established in 8 hours and the environmental conditions in the to add the large amount of 191609 tons of mango exported
Piura region were considered. Additionally, simulations were worth US $ 235 million in which, compared to last season,
carried out that allow to know the behavior of the drying air inside an increase of 10% in volume and 5% in value was
the drying chamber, allowing to analyze and discuss the reason for observed [4]. As for the export value, the average price per
the results that are observed graphically and numerically. It is kilo of mango in 2020 was US$ 1.04.
concluded that the indirect solar dryer is a friendly option with the
environment since renewable energy such as solar energy is used, A solar dryer is an equipment that allows drying by using
thus replacing traditional dryers that generate polluting gases or
use electrical sources.
solar radiation as an energy source to heat the air and
thereby remove water from the fabrics of products such as
fruits, vegetables, seeds, meat, etc. [5]. The use of a dryer
Keywords. Indirect solar dryer, dehydrated mangos, of this type brings with it advantages such as being a
numerical simulation using CFD, renewable energy-solar
simple and natural method since expensive equipment is
not needed. There are three types of solar dryers: direct,
1. Introduction indirect, and mixed. The direct dryer is an equipment in
Currently, Peru is one of the countries that has a great which a collector and a drying chamber are the same
diversity of fruits with approximately 623 species [1]. The element, as a result is that the space that contains the food
production of different fruits in Peru over the last few years works as a collector receiving solar radiation [6]. The
has allowed the agro-export sector to be placed as the indirect dryer, unlike a direct one, has the collector and the
second activity that generates the highest economic income drying chamber as individual components, the radiation
in the country. However, a problem that has been observed affects the collector, it absorbs and stores the heat provided
is the loss and waste of food, also called "FLW", due to the and with that energy it will heat the air that is led to the
lack of organization that exists when it comes to agricultural drying chamber where the products to be dehydrated are
production, packaging, etc. Due to a bad practice at the time located. In the mixed dryer both the collector and the
of production is that fruits can decompose. According to a drying chamber directly receive solar radiation allowing it
study, it is estimated that an average of 5.6 million tons of to be absorbed by the product to be dried.
fruits and vegetables are lost annually in Peru [2].
There are studies in which solar dryers have been analyzed
Regarding the production of mangoes, it is known that Peru energetically. García et al. (2012) carried out the design of
produces mangoes mostly during the first and last quarter of an indirect solar dryer that works by forced convection
the year because it takes advantage of the fact that the main using a fan; they performed the selection of its
generators in the market do not produce during those dates components, the sizing calculations and finally
allowing to supply the international market. In addition, dehydration tests. Other studies show the solar drying of
mango production in Peru is greater in areas of the northern the mango; Iglesias Díaz et al. (2017) presented the design,
coast of the country since they have a suitable climate for construction, and evaluation of a solar dryer for Ataulfo
cultivation. The region of Piura is located in the northern mango in which they managed to dehydrate 100 kg of
part of Peru, and it was between 2000 and 2006 where an mango flakes in a time of 8 hours of sunshine thus
Now, it is necessary to find the amount of water that is Below is a table with the results of the above equations.
required to evaporate using equation 2 [15].
Table 2. Results for heat provided by collector
mmango ∗(Miw −Mfw )
mw = (1−Mfw )
(2) Data or equation
Symbol Value Units
Where: T2 45 ℃ (1)
mmango = Initial amount of mango [10 kg] T3 34 ℃ Patm, HR3, ω3
Miw = Initial humidity of the mango on a wet basis [85.5%] mw 8.389 kg (2)
Mfw = Final humidity of the mango on a wet basis [10%] DR 1.049 kg/h (3)
mw = Amount of water to be removed from the mango
ω1 0.01293 kgwater/kgas Patm, HRamb
[8.389 kg]
ω3 0.01733 kgwater/kgas h2 , HR 3
Once the amount of water to be removed is found, the aw 0.514 - (5)
drying ratio (DR) can be known by dividing it by the drying HR 3 51.4 % (6)
time as shown in equation 3 [15]. h1 58.02 kJ/kg Tamb, HRamb
h2 78.63 kJ/kg T2 , ω1
DR = (3) ṁair 238.143 kg/hr (4)
E 1.363 kW (7)
t dry = Drying time [8 h]
2.4.2 Collector sizing
Sizing the collector refers to knowing what area this
DR = Drying ratio [1.049 kg/h] equipment needs. The area can be calculated as shown in
equation 8 [16].
The air mass flow required for drying can also be expressed
with equation 4 [15]. E
Acol = (8)
Isol ∗ηcol
ṁair = (4)
ω3 −ω1
ηcol =Collector efficiency [50%] [17]
Acol = Solar collector area [3.5 m2]
ω3 =Final absolute air humidity (Drying chamber outlet),
Additionally, the width (Wcol ) is defined and the length
ω1 =Initial absolute humidity of the air (Entrance to the
(Lcol ) of the collector is calculated, knowing that the length
collector), kgwater/kgas
of the flat plate collectors is between 0.5m to 1m greater
than the width, so the following will be assumed.
As no data is known about the final relative humidity at the
outlet of the drying chamber, an equation known as
Wcol = 1.6 m
"Sorption Isotherms Equation" is used, which is expressed
in equation 5 [12]. Acol
Lcol = = 2.19 m
(0.914+0.5639∗ln(Mfd ))
[−e ]
aw = 1 − e (5) 2.4.3 Angle of inclination of the collector
The necessary optimal angle of inclination (θ) can be
Where: expressed [18].
Mfd = Final dry air humidity [11.11 %]
a w = Water activity [0.514] θ = 10° + lat∅ (9)
Where: Adry
Atray = (15)
τ =Transparent cover transmissivity [0.85] [19] #trays
α =Absorbing plate absorptivity [0.9] [18]
Q u = Useful energy for heating air (Q u = E) [1.363 kW] Assuming that the width of each tray (Wtray ) is 1.5 m, the
Q s = Stored energy [0 kW] length of the trays (Ltray ) can be calculated by substituting
Q L = Energy lost by conduction, convection, and re- into equation 15.
radiation waves [0.723 kW]
1.5 ∗ Ltray =
2.4.5 Minimum required drying air velocity 6
It will be calculated how much is the speed that the air needs
to be able to work under the given conditions. First, the Ltray = 1.517 m ≈ 1.52 m
volumetric flow is calculated with equation 11.
Knowing the dimensions that the trays will have and
ṁair knowing that the width of the drying chamber must be
V̇air = (11)
ρair equal to the width of the calculated collector is that the
following dimensions are taken.
ρ air = Air density at collector inlet [1.173 kg/m3] Lchamber = 1.6 m
V̇air = Volumetric air flow [0.056 m3/s]
Wchamber = Wcol = 1.6 m
The minimum velocity required (vinl_air ) for the above
calculated flow to exist is calculated by dividing this flow Hchamber = 1.2 m
by the air inlet area (Ainl_ air ) of the collector. The
corresponding equations for the calculation are equations 12 2.4.7 Pressure drop in the drying chamber
and 13. The difference in air pressure from the inlet of the drying
chamber to its exit through the chimney can be expressed
Ainl_ air = B air ∗ H air (12) with equation 16 [21].
vinl_ air = (13) ∆Pchamber = 0.0038 ∗ g ∗ (T2 − Tamb ) ∗ Hchamber (16)
Ainl_ air
g = Gravity [9.81 m/s2]
Wair = Air inlet width [1.6 m]
∆Pchamber = Air pressure drop in the drying chamber.
Hair = Air inlet height [0.03 m]
[1.267 Pa]
Ainl_air = Air inlet area [0.048 m2]
vinl_air = Minimum air inlet velocity [1.175 m/s]
2.4.8 Energy loss in the drying chamber
The internal and external convective coefficients must be
2.4.6 Drying chamber sizing calculated to perform the heat transfer equation and find
This calculation is related to the amount of mango to be the amount of heat going outside.
placed, the number of trays, as well as their dimensions and
other influencing factors. First, the drying area inside the
chamber will be sized, which is the total area in which the Calculation of internal convective coefficient
mango must be located to be dehydrated. The drying area is Since the airflow passes through a square section, the
calculated with equation 14 [19]. hydraulic diameter (Dhid ) will be equal to the side of the
square section equivalent to 1.6 m. On the other hand, the
mmango reference temperature for this calculation is the average of
Adry = (14)
ρmango ∗emango ∗ζ∗(1−εv ) the chamber inlet and outlet temperatures (Tave ) as shown
in equation 17.
Where: T +T
Tave = 2 3 (17)
Nuint ∗kint
αint = (20)
k int =Coefficient of conductivity of the air inside the
chamber [0.02666 W/m*K]
αint =Internal convective coefficient of air [3.79 W/m2*K]
Fig.2. Scheme of the walls of the drying chamber
Calculation of external convective coefficient
For this calculation, the ambient air temperature is taken as The thickness and conductivity of the materials of the
a reference. In addition, the wind speed (air) outside is internal insulation (fiberglass) and of the plates of the
determined by weather conditions. internal and external chamber (galvanized steel) that make
up the walls of the drying chamber are defined. Then, the
km m global transfer coefficient is calculated with equation 24.
v air_amb = 9 = 2.5
h s 1
U= 1 eplate_int e eplate_ext 1
( )+( )+( insulation )+( )+( )
αint kst_galv kfib_glass kst_galv αext
The Reynolds number outside the drying chamber is
calculated with equation 21. Where:
ρext ∗v air_amb ∗Dhid
einsulation = Chamber insulation thickness [30 mm]
Reext = (21) eplate_int = Thickness of the internal plate of the chamber
[5 mm]
Where: eplate_ext = Thickness of the external plate of the chamber
ρext = Air density outside the drying chamber [1.173 [5 mm]
kg/m3] k fib_glass = Thermal conductivity of fiberglass [0.041
μext = Dynamic viscosity of the air outside the drying W/m*K]
chamber [1.846*10-5 kg/m*s] k st_galv = Thermal conductivity of galvanized steel [47
Reext = Number of Reynolds exterior [2.542*105] W/m*K]
U = Overall transfer coefficient [0.694 W/m2*K]
Equation 22 is used to calculate the Nusselt number since
Reext ≤ 5 ∗ 105 The total area of the chamber walls (Awalls ) that are in
1 1
contact with the airflow is expressed in equation 25.
Nuext = 0.332 ∗ Reext 2 ∗ Prext 3 (22)
Awalls = 2 ∗ (Lchamber ∗ Wchamber + Wchamber ∗
Where: Hchamber + Lchamber ∗ Hchamber ) (25)
Tf_mango = Final mango temperature [318 K]
Ti_mango = Initial mango temperature [298 K]
cpmango =Specific heat of the mango [3.77 kJ/kg*K]
Q pre_heat = Heat to preheating the mango [0.026 kW]
Fig.4. Temperature contour in the dryer
On the other hand, the necessary heat needed to evaporate
the water from the mango is shown in equation 28. There is an increase in temperature as planned, and that the
temperature value in the chamber is approximately
mw ∗hfg uniform. It is observed that the temperature value at the
Q evap = (28)
tdry exit of the collector goes between 311 K and 313 K (38 ºC
and 40 ºC), these values are lower than the calculated one
Where: which was 45 ºC, the reason is because in the simulation
hfg = Latent heat of water vaporization [2404 kJ/kg] the value of a specific day is taken to be able to take the
Q evap = Heat to evaporate water from the mango [0.7 kW] irradiation of that day, unlike the numerical calculation
where the average value of the months of the year was
Adding both terms, the total heat necessary to dehydrate the taken. The value at the exit of the solar dryer that is
mango is obtained (Q deh_mango ) and the formula can be seen expelled through the chimney according to the simulation
in equation 29. is 37.556 ºC (310.556 K), this value is higher by 3.556 ºC
to the previously calculated which was 34 ºC, the reason
Q deh_mango = Q pre_heat + Q evap (29) for this is because in this simulation the interaction with
the mango or with the trays where the air will flow is not
taken into account, this causes the air, when encountering
Q deh_mango = 0.726 kW
bodies that produce a type of resistance and dissipation to
heat, to decrease its temperature, thus being able to explain
Figure 3 shows a modeling of the indirect solar dryer the reason for this value a little higher.
formed by the solar collector and the drying chamber. Additionally, it can be considered how the temperature
distribution occurs in horizontal planes located in the
drying chamber, this in order to observe that this parameter
is uniform in the planes, since this allows to intuit that the
dehydrated will also be uniform which is something
beneficial since it will be achieved that the mango slices
obtain a very similar final moisture content and without
many deviations. The plans that were worked on were on
the ZX axis, 3 planes were worked in total, strategically
located in the lower, middle and upper part of the drying
chamber to know the temperature distribution in these
parts. The following figures show how the air temperature
Fig.3. Indirect solar dryer is distributed in the mentioned planes.
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kg/hr (0.0661 kg/s) the air was heated to an average https://freshfruit.pe/2022/02/06/campana-del-mango-
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prepandemia/#:~:text=La campaña peruana de
al. (2017) has an air flow of 0.042 kg/s at a drying
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