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PRE The Philippine Review of Economics

Vol. XLVII No. 2 December 2010 pp. 41-54

Livestock sector development, economic growth,

and poverty reduction1

Achilles Costales
College of Social Sciences, University of the Philippines Baguio

The global distribution of poor livestock keepers tailors closely

the regional distribution of poverty densities in the developing
world. Reducing poverty among this group requires livestock
sector growth in these regions.As per capita incomes expand,
household expenditures on meat and milk grow faster than
those on grains and cereals. Strong growth in demand for meat
and milk presents a significant catalyst for expansion of the
economic activity and incomes of rural smallholder livestock
keepers. More recent data show that the larger majority of
rural households even in low-income developing countries are
market-oriented rather than pure subsistence producers. Public
investments that efficiently link livestock products to centers
of domestic demand will allow rural livestock producers to
capture the societal value accorded to their higher-value meat
and milk products.The subsequent growth of livestock-related
rural industries along the market chain offers an additional
growth and poverty-reducing channel via spillover impacts.

JEL classification: Q1, O1

Keywords: sector growth, poverty reduction, smallholders, market links

Paper presented at the Philippine Economic Society 48th Annual Meeting, 12
November 2010, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas.
42 Costales: Livestock sector development, economic growth, and poverty reduction

1. Introduction

Between 2000 and 2030, the demand for animal source foods (ASF) in
developing countries is projected to continue its strong expansion from the
previous decade due to growing populations and rising per capita incomes.
For developing country regions in the aggregate, demand is seen to double;
particularly in low-income countries (LICs), the increase is projected to be
more than 150 percent [Robinson and Pozzi, forthcoming].As of 2007, most
of the developing country regions continue to be net importers of milk
and meat products [FAOSTAT 2010]. It is argued that meeting a great part
of this growing demand by developing countries through growth in their
livestock sector could serve as a vehicle for broad-based economic growth
and development.This paper traces the literature on the nature of pro-poor
growth, and attempts to present how growth in the agriculture sector in
general, and in the livestock sector in particular, can be a catalyst for pro-poor
growth in developing countries, most especially in low-income countries.

2. Economic growth and poverty reduction

Most economists and policy makers would agree that economic growth
is essential for poverty reduction (Dollar and Kraay [2002];Valdés and Foster
[2005]; Diaz-Bonilla [2007]). Evidence strongly indicates that sustained
growth continues to be a necessary condition for reducing poverty [Valdés
and Foster 2007]. Economists also contend that high economic growth
alone is not sufficient to effect a rapid reduction in poverty (Lopéz [2006];
Balisacan [2007]; Ravallion [2007]). For example, Ravallion [2007] carried
out further investigations on the relationship among economic growth,
changes in inequality, and poverty reduction, spanning a period from about
1980 to the early 2000s. In general, across countries, it appeared that growth,
on average, tended to be roughly distribution-neutral.The author, however,
cautions against making hasty policy implications on the finding, which
merely revealed that, on average, in the process of growth over the period,
there was very little effective redistribution, in favor of either the poor or the
nonpoor.This does not imply that to reduce poverty, distribution outcomes
are unimportant for the poor, and that policy makers in developing countries
should focus on economic growth alone. In general, therefore, while growth,
on average, leads to poverty reduction, economic growth can be a blunt
instrument in fighting poverty in countries with extreme inequality, unless
that growth is coupled with improvements in income distribution. The
The Philippine Review of Economics, Volume XLVII No. 2 December 2010 43

acceleration of poverty reduction will require a more pro-poor pattern of

growth and inroads into reducing the inequalities that constrain the poorer
segments of the population to exploit the economic opportunities that are
unleashed by growth.

3. Agriculture, rural development, and pro-poor growth

There are quite a lot of discussions on what constitutes pro-poor growth.

For some, growth is already pro-poor if it leads to any poverty reduction. For
others, growth is pro-poor only if it also leads to declining inequality. Klasen
[2007] goes beyond the theoretical conceptualizations and argues that from
a policy perspective, it is useful to define pro-poor growth as growth that
maximizes the income gains for the poor and thus accelerates progress
toward meeting Millennium Development Goal 1 (MDG1). It requires a
growth that occurs in regions where the poor live, in the economic activities
where the poor are engaged in, that uses more intensively the factor of
production that the poor possess. In most developing countries, these will
call for growth that involves the agriculture sector, reaches the rural areas,
and is labor intensive.
Among countries in the developing world, however, there are differences
in the relative importance of the agriculture sector to the economy. The
2008 World Bank Development Report classifies developing countries into
being agriculture-based, transforming, or urbanized [World Bank 2007].This
categorization is reproduced in Table 1, and selected socio-demographic
characteristics under these categories are presented.
The facts are quite clear, particularly for agriculture-based and
transforming economies: majority of the population are still in the rural
areas, and that the rural poor constitute 70-80 percent of the poor. In these
two categories of developing countries, agriculture employs a large majority
of the labor force.
Focusing solely on the share of agriculture value-added in the national
gross domestic product (GDP) masks the significance of the potential
contribution of agriculture-led growth in poverty reduction. While the
share of agriculture in GDP tends to decline as economic development
proceeds, this does not imply that stimulating growth in the industrial
and services sectors of the economy at the expense of agriculture will
achieve faster economic growth and poverty reduction.As Valdés and Foster
[2005] contend, agriculture can promote growth directly through its own
expansion, and indirectly through its spillover impacts on the rest of the
44 Costales: Livestock sector development, economic growth, and poverty reduction

Table 1. Selected socio-demographic characteristics of

three categories of developing countries

Agriculture- Trans-
based forming
countries countries
Share of agriculture value-added in GDP (%) 29 13 6
Share of rural population (%) 68 63 26
Share of agricultural workers in the labor force (%) 65 57 18
Total poverty rate (%) 49 22 8
Rural poverty rate (%) 51 28 13
Urban poverty rate (%) 45 11 6
Share of rural poor in total poor (%) 70 80 46
Total population (million) 615 3510 965
Source: World Bank [2007].

economy, and that in contrast to non-agricultural growth, it can differentially

contribute to the increase in the income of the poorest in a manner that
exceeds its relative size in the economy’s GDP. Several country studies in Asia
and Africa have shown that GDP growth generated by growth in agriculture
has stronger poverty reduction impacts than the same magnitude of growth
in the non-agriculture sector, particularly in lower-income countries that
are at the beginning of the process of growth and development (Ligon and
Sadoulet [2007] cited in World Bank [2007]).
Haggblade, Hazell, and Reardon [2005] have generated estimates of the
direct and indirect effects of agriculture growth on other sectors of the
economy as well as on the economy as a whole for Asia, Africa, and Latin
America, and assigned the source of these impacts to consumption and
production linkages, respectively (Table 2).
In Table 2, the agriculture growth linkages are relatively strong in Asia
and Africa as compared to Latin America, reflecting the fact that most
Latin American countries are highly urbanized, with the agriculture sector
GDP contributing a relatively small part in the total economy, and that
high inequalities exist in the agriculture sector.The significance of growth
linkages with the rest of the economy is manifested in the relatively larger
rural nonfarm impacts, indicating that rural services as well as other
nonfarm enterprises respond positively to the initial increase in agricultural
The Philippine Review of Economics, Volume XLVII No. 2 December 2010 45

Table 2. Agricultural growth linkages in Asia, Africa, and Latin America

Magnitude of additional Relative share of source

Initial income growth of linkages (%)
Region Consump-
income Rural Other Production
increment Total tion (hori-
nonfarm agriculture (vertical)
Asia 1.00 0.64 0.58 0.06 81 19
Africa 1.00 0.47 0.30 0.17 87 13
Lat. America 1.00 0.26 0.21 0.05 42 58
Source: Haggblade et al. [2005].

incomes. In both Asia and Africa, the consumption expenditure linkages

overwhelmingly dominate.

4. The role of livestock in generating agricultural and

overall economic growth

The contribution of growth in the livestock sector to poverty reduction

flows from its role in generating growth in agriculture and in the economy
as a whole. Factors that influence the size of this contribution include the
following: the size of the livestock sector relative to agriculture and to the
overall economy; the linkage between the livestock sector and the rest
of the economy in terms of input-output relations; the intensity of use of
the factor that the poor households are dominantly endowed with in the
livestock and the stimulated sectors; and the consumption patterns on
meat, other food, and nonfood goods by the poor and nonpoor households.
Across developing country regions of the world, the size of the livestock
sector in relation to agriculture varies. On average, as of 2007, the share of
the livestock sector in agriculture GDP was about 35 percent. This ranged
from as low as 27 percent in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) to as high as 43-45
percent in middle-income developing regions such as Latin America and the
Caribbean (LAC) and Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA). Among low-
income countries, the contribution is still very low at 23 percent.While the
stylized pattern is that the share of agriculture GDP in the overall economy
tends to decline as developing countries move from lower-income to middle-
income levels, the share of the livestock sector in agriculture GDP tends
to rather increase.This pattern is fairly consistent with the transformation
46 Costales: Livestock sector development, economic growth, and poverty reduction







* Based on WB classification.
Source: FAOSTAT [2010].

Figure 1. Share of livestock sector in agriculture GDP

in developing country regions, 2007

within the agriculture sector where as countries move up the growth and
development ladder, the high-value sectors (such as livestock, dairy, and
fruit and vegetable sectors) expand and the formerly dominant staple sector
recedes. Focusing on LICs such as those in SSA, where poverty incidence is
prevalent, the importance of the livestock sector as a venue for poverty
reduction lies in the sector’s potential as a rapid growth sector in agriculture
and the rural economy.
The link between the livestock sector and the other sectors lies in the
extent of the market relations between livestock-producing households and
the rest of the economy.Although poor agricultural households are thought
to be subsistence oriented, their market involvement is more extensive
than commonly perceived. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Rural Income Generating Activities (RIGA) data set involving 12 sample
countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America shows that purely subsistence
households were rare, and that the vast majority of rural households are
partly engaged in market activities, even if they aim also to produce food
for home consumption. Farm households in majority of the countries sold
between 30 percent and 68 percent of their livestock to the market, and that
the poorest households (bottom quintile) were as likely as their wealthier
counterparts to sell about the same proportion of livestock produce to
the market.
The Philippine Review of Economics, Volume XLVII No. 2 December 2010 47

Table 3 shows the extent of market engagement of rural households

in the 12 sample countries of the RIGA data set, focusing on the bottom
income quintile. Except for Pakistan, a great majority of the rural households
engaged in market exchange in agricultural products.While the proportion
of livestock sold varies, for more than half of the sample where information
is known, households sold more than a third of livestock produced. In
most of the countries, the contribution of livestock to household income
exceeded 20 percent. Market exchange at this level consists of the primary
link between rural livestock producers and the local economy, as suppliers
of the primary product to the first-level exchange point in the whole supply
chain, from rural areas to consumers in urban centers.

Table 3. Extent of market engagement of the bottom income quintile of rural

households and the contribution of livestock to incomes

Proportion of HH Proportion of Contribution of

selling agricultural livestock production livestock to total HH
products sold income
(%) (%) (%)
Ghana 81 56 25
Madagascar 96 65 25
Malawi 64 13 20
Nigeria 74 n/a 12
Pakistan 46 n/a 32
Nepal 59 48 23
Viet Nam 93 70 22
Bangladesh 65 29 4
Ecuador 62 34 21
Nicaragua 80 39 16
Guatemala 59 23 6
Panama 58 19 3
Source: RIGA dataset

Livestock production systems vary in input intensities. Globally, the

highest densities of poor livestock keepers are found in the mixed crop-
livestock systems in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa [Otte et al., in
press]. In general, these are mostly integrated systems where mainly crop
by-products and residues are utilized to feed livestock, and where livestock
48 Costales: Livestock sector development, economic growth, and poverty reduction

is used either as draught power in farm operations, or livestock manure is

used as fertilizer to crops, or both.Among rural households raising livestock,
the process of transforming crop by-products and residues to usable animal
feed, and the process by which farm animals are used as draught power
in farming operations, are undertaken mainly by the household members
using manual labor. When the farm is not self-sufficient in inputs, rearing
stocks and fodder are purchased from neighboring households who have
excess of them. These inputs are also produced under labor-intensive
production systems. In these systems, the value-added component of the
value of marketed output is relatively high.
In contrast, in intensive landless livestock production systems
undertaken by commercial farms and semicommercial households in
peri-urban areas, the main intermediate inputs to livestock production—
that is, the growing stock, the feed, and other additives—are supplied by
commercial farms and formula feed suppliers. Under this system, there is
relatively less value addition at the level of the farm household.
Household consumption expenditure patterns in developing countries
play a large role in determining the size of consumption linkages from
growth generated in the livestock sector. In the lower-income regions of
SSA, SA, and EAP, more than half (53-61 percent) of total expenditures is
devoted to food, with the rest going to nonfood items. In contrast, only
about 13 percent of expenditures in high-income countries is allocated to
food.Within the food group, about 30 percent is spent on staples (bread and
cereals). Income elasticities of demand for food, however, are low (typically
less than unity), while income elasticities of demand for nonfood items are
relatively high (greater than unity).
Table 4 shows the predicted expenditure allocation of additional
income, calculated across developed world regions. For each additional
dollar of expenditure, less than half would be devoted to food items, with
nonfood items getting the greater share of added income. Within the food
group, the share of cereals and bread falls to about 25 percent, on average,
among developing country regions.The additional dollar of expenditure on
meat and dairy products already almost matches that on bread and cereals.
Among the middle-income regions of EECA, LAC, and MENA, the proportion of
additional expenditure on meat and dairy products is even higher at 33-38
percent of food expenditures.
The expenditure patterns in developing countries suggest that a large
proportion of additional incomes generated from growth in the rural
The Philippine Review of Economics, Volume XLVII No. 2 December 2010 49

Table 4. Predicted expenditure allocation (%) of additional income,

by world region

Percent Percent of food expenditure allocation

REGION allocated Bread & Meat & Fruits & Other food
to food Fish
cereals dairy vegetables items
EAP 40.0 26.2 20.4 7.6 20.4 25.3
China 43.5 27.7 20.3 6.3 21.6 24.1
EECA 24.3 13.3 34.3 2.6 16.4 33.4
LAC 16.0 12.1 37.9 3.4 13.7 32.9
MENA 27.2 14.9 33.0 4.3 14.5 33.4
South Asia 39.5 27.1 23.5 6.1 17.5 25.7
India 40.9 26.8 23.8 5.9 18.7 24.9
SSA 47.4 24.9 19.7 13.2 16.2 26.0
All regions 36.1 24.6 23.5 7.0 18.2 26.7
LICs* 36.8 29.7 18.0 9.4 12.4 30.4
3.8 6.7 29.0 7.5 11.3 45.5
* Based on 2010 World Bank classification.
Source: Authors’ calculations based on the International Comparison Program (ICP) 2005 data set.

livestock sector will continue to be spent on food products, among which

livestock and dairy products will increasingly become more and more
important in the household food budget relative to staples.As higher levels
of income are attained, however, the nonfood component will obtain greater
prominence. The increasing importance of livestock and dairy products
within the food basket is a strong source of the consumption linkages that
reinforce the growth in demand for these products as a result of the first
round of income growth among rural households.
The growth in demand for nonfood products in the generation of
income multipliers should not be overlooked.Where the supply response to
the increase in demand for these goods and services takes place in the local
or domestic economy, the income multipliers will likewise be unleashed.
Table 5 presents estimates of household multipliers for livestock production
and livestock product processing, respectively, across major world regions
derived from the GTAP database and weighted by country populations.
50 Costales: Livestock sector development, economic growth, and poverty reduction

In general, the household income multipliers of both livestock

production and livestock product processing are higher in developing
countries as a whole than in the group of high-income countries. Overall, the
magnitude of the multipliers of livestock production and livestock product
processing do not deviate far from each other. Within regions and within
countries, however, the differences can be large, with the multipliers of
livestock product processing being markedly higher than those of livestock
production in the Middle East and North Africa and in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Comparing across regions, the livestock production and the processing
multipliers are largest in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, indicating a large
potential of livestock sector development to directly and indirectly boost
household incomes. Even in the other regions that tend to have higher
levels of per capita income and lower poverty rates, the livestock sector
multipliers are substantial.
Within an intersectoral framework, the sizes of the household livestock
sector multipliers presented in Table 5 are not relevant unless they are
compared with the multipliers of other sectors of the economy. Table 6
presents the ratio of the household multiplier of livestock production to
the respective values of some comparison (sub)sectors such as crops or
fruits and vegetables, and manufacturing and services across major world
regions and economic groupings (country values are again weighted by

Table 5. Household multipliers* for livestock production

and processing by major world region

Region Primary livestock products Processed livestock products

EAP 2.7 2.4
China 2.5 2.2
EECA 2.8 2.7
LAC 3.2 3.1
MENA 3.5 5.4
South Asia 4.6 4.0
India 4.6 4.2
SSA 4.3 6.1
All-regions 3.5 3.6
High-income countries 2.9 2.7
* Incremental effect of one-dollar additional spending on aggregate national household incomes.
Source: Derived from the Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) database (accessed 2010).
The Philippine Review of Economics, Volume XLVII No. 2 December 2010 51

population). A ratio greater than unity indicates that the livestock sector
multiplier is larger than that of the comparison sector; a ratio less than unity
implies otherwise.The computed estimates for the ratios under Fruits and
Vegetables for two regions have been adjusted to exclude two countries
that are obvious outliers, Malaysia in East Asia and the Pacific, and Nigeria
in Sub-Saharan Africa. Their inclusion significantly inflates the weighted
regional values, as well as the overall Developing Countries value.
Table 6 reveals that across all developing country regions and for all
comparisons, the ratio is always above unity.Across all developing country
regions, the income multiplier of livestock production is around double that
of crops, although less than double that of fruits and vegetables. Compared
with manufacturing, livestock sector growth has almost four times the
multiplier effect while compared with services, the advantage of livestock
is the least. Within regions, there is substantial variation in the extent to
which the income multiplier impacts of the livestock sector exceed those
of the comparison sectors, indicating variation in the degree to which these
sectors themselves are integrated with the rest of the national economy.

Table 6. Ratio of household multipliers of livestock production

to multipliers of other sectors by major world region

Fruits &
Region Crops Manufacturing Services
EAP* 1.8 2.1 1.9 1.4
China 1.8 1.6 2.0 1.3
EECA 3.3 1.9 4.0 1.0
LAC 1.8 1.1 2.5 1.3
MENA 2.6 1.1 3.3 1.1
South Asia 1.3 1.2 2.6 1.3
India 1.1 1.3 2.1 1.6
SSA** 3.4 2.9 18.0 1.9
All Regions 1.9 1.6 3.8 1.3
High-income countries 1.5 1.0 1.8 0.9
Source: Derived from GTAP database (accessed 2010).
* Malaysia: F&V multiplier = 0.005; LS/F&V ratio = 211.9.
** Nigeria: F&V multiplier = 0.09; LS/F&V ratio = 34.4.

In general, under all sector comparisons, the ratios are markedly larger
in developing countries as a whole than in the high-income country group.
52 Costales: Livestock sector development, economic growth, and poverty reduction

This implies that in high-income countries, the input-output structure of

the livestock production and processing subsector is very much different
from those of developing economies. Given that the livestock and
processing subsector in high-income countries is highly formal and highly
industrialized, with inputs and outputs fully traded, the multiplier impacts
are not expected to deviate very much from the other economic activities.
Along the livestock value chain, the distribution of income gains could
vary across participants. Building on analysis of detailed data from Senegal,
Roland-Holst and Otte [2006] conclude that although lower-income rural
households receive smaller absolute gains from the livestock value chain
than higher-income groups, the relative benefits to them are greater. This
further strengthens the case for livestock as a pro-poor policy instrument,
as the marginal effect of improving livestock supply conditions will
disproportionately benefit the country’s rural poor majority. Multiplier
decomposition analysis revealed that the small absolute livestock-livelihood
gain for the poorest comes almost entirely from direct production income.
Both rural quintiles 1 and 2 get more than three-quarters of their livestock-
related income directly from animal (product) sales, thus leaving the food
value chain at the earliest stages. Higher-income rural households have very
little direct participation in livestock production. Despite this, they receive
the largest absolute multiplier benefit, almost entirely indirectly from food
processing and retailing.These more complex downstream linkages to food-
value creation are the key to higher aggregate income gains for this group
and have important implications for the net results of subsectoral policies.
Given higher-income groups generally have more indirect linkages to the
livestock sector, they may capture a large percentage of gains, even from
policies targeted elsewhere (ibid.).
As the agricultural economy develops, and average per capita incomes
increase, the staple crops will recede in importance in the consumption
patterns in the domestic economy. The stimulation of agricultural
productivity growth should not be confined to a single sector (e.g., staple
crops) but geared toward productivity growth in a more diversified
agricultural economy [Timmer 2005]. With a larger size of the livestock
subsector, the contribution to growth in the agriculture sector is expected
to become more pronounced. Key to a pro-poor character of such growth is
that policies should be fashioned so as to allow smallholders and the rural
population to be able to remain as productive participants as the livestock
industry grows, whether as direct producers or processors, or workers along
the supply chains leading to major consumption centers.
The Philippine Review of Economics, Volume XLVII No. 2 December 2010 53


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