CFR 2020 Title29 Vol8
CFR 2020 Title29 Vol8
CFR 2020 Title29 Vol8
Part 1926
As of July 1, 2020
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Table of Contents
Explanation ................................................................................................ v
Title 29:
Finding Aids:
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Cite this Code: CFR
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The Code of Federal Regulations is a codification of the general and permanent
rules published in the Federal Register by the Executive departments and agen-
cies of the Federal Government. The Code is divided into 50 titles which represent
broad areas subject to Federal regulation. Each title is divided into chapters
which usually bear the name of the issuing agency. Each chapter is further sub-
divided into parts covering specific regulatory areas.
Each volume of the Code is revised at least once each calendar year and issued
on a quarterly basis approximately as follows:
Title 1 through Title of January 1
Title 17 through Title 27 of April 1
Title 28 through Title 41 of July 1
Title 42 through Title 50 of October 1
The appropriate revision date is printed on the cover of each volume.
The contents of the Federal Register are required to be judicially noticed (44
U.S.C. 1507). The Code of Federal Regulations is prima facie evidence of the text
of the original documents (44 U.S.C. 1510).
The Code of Federal Regulations is kept up to date by the individual issues
of the Federal Register. These two publications must be used together to deter-
mine the latest version of any given rule.
To determine whether a Code volume has been amended since its revision date
(in this case, July 1, 2020), consult the ‘‘List of CFR Sections Affected (LSA),’’
which is issued monthly, and the ‘‘Cumulative List of Parts Affected,’’ which
appears in the Reader Aids section of the daily Federal Register. These two lists
will identify the Federal Register page number of the latest amendment of any
given rule.
Each volume of the Code contains amendments published in the Federal Reg-
ister since the last revision of that volume of the Code. Source citations for
the regulations are referred to by volume number and page number of the Federal
Register and date of publication. Publication dates and effective dates are usu-
ally not the same and care must be exercised by the user in determining the
actual effective date. In instances where the effective date is beyond the cut-
off date for the Code a note has been inserted to reflect the future effective
date. In those instances where a regulation published in the Federal Register
states a date certain for expiration, an appropriate note will be inserted following
the text.
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The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 (Pub. L. 96–511) requires Federal agencies
to display an OMB control number with their information collection request.
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Many agencies have begun publishing numerous OMB control numbers as amend-
ments to existing regulations in the CFR. These OMB numbers are placed as
close as possible to the applicable recordkeeping or reporting requirements.
Provisions of the Code that are no longer in force and effect as of the revision
date stated on the cover of each volume are not carried. Code users may find
the text of provisions in effect on any given date in the past by using the appro-
priate List of CFR Sections Affected (LSA). For the convenience of the reader,
a ‘‘List of CFR Sections Affected’’ is published at the end of each CFR volume.
For changes to the Code prior to the LSA listings at the end of the volume,
consult previous annual editions of the LSA. For changes to the Code prior to
2001, consult the List of CFR Sections Affected compilations, published for 1949-
1963, 1964-1972, 1973-1985, and 1986-2000.
The term ‘‘[Reserved]’’ is used as a place holder within the Code of Federal
Regulations. An agency may add regulatory information at a ‘‘[Reserved]’’ loca-
tion at any time. Occasionally ‘‘[Reserved]’’ is used editorially to indicate that
a portion of the CFR was left vacant and not accidentally dropped due to a print-
ing or computer error.
What is incorporation by reference? Incorporation by reference was established
by statute and allows Federal agencies to meet the requirement to publish regu-
lations in the Federal Register by referring to materials already published else-
where. For an incorporation to be valid, the Director of the Federal Register
must approve it. The legal effect of incorporation by reference is that the mate-
rial is treated as if it were published in full in the Federal Register (5 U.S.C.
552(a)). This material, like any other properly issued regulation, has the force
of law.
What is a proper incorporation by reference? The Director of the Federal Register
will approve an incorporation by reference only when the requirements of 1 CFR
part 51 are met. Some of the elements on which approval is based are:
(a) The incorporation will substantially reduce the volume of material pub-
lished in the Federal Register.
(b) The matter incorporated is in fact available to the extent necessary to
afford fairness and uniformity in the administrative process.
(c) The incorporating document is drafted and submitted for publication in
accordance with 1 CFR part 51.
What if the material incorporated by reference cannot be found? If you have any
problem locating or obtaining a copy of material listed as an approved incorpora-
tion by reference, please contact the agency that issued the regulation containing
that incorporation. If, after contacting the agency, you find the material is not
available, please notify the Director of the Federal Register, National Archives
and Records Administration, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001, or
call 202-741-6010.
A subject index to the Code of Federal Regulations is contained in a separate
volume, revised annually as of January 1, entitled CFR INDEX AND FINDING AIDS.
This volume contains the Parallel Table of Authorities and Rules. A list of CFR
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titles, chapters, subchapters, and parts and an alphabetical list of agencies pub-
lishing in the CFR are also included in this volume.
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An index to the text of ‘‘Title 3—The President’’ is carried within that volume.
The Federal Register Index is issued monthly in cumulative form. This index
is based on a consolidation of the ‘‘Contents’’ entries in the daily Federal Reg-
A List of CFR Sections Affected (LSA) is published monthly, keyed to the
revision dates of the 50 CFR titles.
There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the
Code of Federal Regulations.
For a legal interpretation or explanation of any regulation in this volume,
contact the issuing agency. The issuing agency’s name appears at the top of
odd-numbered pages.
For inquiries concerning CFR reference assistance, call 202–741–6000 or write
to the Director, Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records
Administration, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001 or e-mail
The Government Publishing Office (GPO) processes all sales and distribution
of the CFR. For payment by credit card, call toll-free, 866-512-1800, or DC area,
202-512-1800, M-F 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. e.s.t. or fax your order to 202-512-2104, 24 hours
a day. For payment by check, write to: US Government Publishing Office – New
Orders, P.O. Box 979050, St. Louis, MO 63197-9000.
The full text of the Code of Federal Regulations, the LSA (List of CFR Sections
Affected), The United States Government Manual, the Federal Register, Public
Laws, Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, Compilation of Presi-
dential Documents and the Privacy Act Compilation are available in electronic
format via For more information, contact the GPO Customer
Contact Center, U.S. Government Publishing Office. Phone 202-512-1800, or 866-
512-1800 (toll-free). E-mail,
The Office of the Federal Register also offers a free service on the National
Archives and Records Administration’s (NARA) World Wide Web site for public
law numbers, Federal Register finding aids, and related information. Connect
to NARA’s web site at
The e-CFR is a regularly updated, unofficial editorial compilation of CFR ma-
terial and Federal Register amendments, produced by the Office of the Federal
Register and the Government Publishing Office. It is available at
Office of the Federal Register.
July 1, 2020.
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Title 29—LABOR is composed of nine volumes. The parts in these volumes are
arranged in the following order: Parts 0–99, parts 100–499, parts 500–899, parts 900–
1899, part 1900–§ 1910.999, part 1910.1000–end of part 1910, parts 1911–1925, part 1926,
and part 1927 to end. The contents of these volumes represent all current regula-
tions codified under this title as of July 1, 2020.
The OMB control numbers for title 29 CFR part 1910 appear in § 1910.8. For
the convenience of the user, § 1910.8 appears in the Finding Aids section of the
volume containing § 1910.1000 to the end.
For this volume, Ann Worley was Chief Editor. The Code of Federal Regula-
tions publication program is under the direction of John Hyrum Martinez, as-
sisted by Stephen J. Frattini.
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Title 29—Labor
(This book contains part 1926)
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Subtitle B—Regulations
Relating to Labor
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Part Page
1926 Safety and health regulations for construction ...... 7
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PART 1926—SAFETY AND HEALTH 1926.61 Retention of DOT markings, plac-
ards and labels.
1926.64 Process safety management of high-
Subpart A—General ly hazardous chemicals.
1926.65 Hazardous waste operations and
Sec. emergency response.
1926.1 Purpose and scope. 1926.66 Criteria for design and construction
1926.2 Variances from safety and health of spray booths.
1926.3 Inspections—right of entry. Subpart E—Personal Protective and Life
1926.4 Rules of practice for administrative
adjudications for enforcement of safety Saving Equipment
and health standards. 1926.95 Criteria for personal protective
1926.5 OMB control numbers under the Pa- equipment.
perwork Reduction Act. 1926.96 Occupational foot protection.
1926.6 Incorporation by reference. 1926.97 Electrical protective equipment.
1926.98 [Reserved]
Subpart B—General Interpretations 1926.100 Head protection.
1926.10 Scope of subpart. 1926.101 Hearing protection.
1926.11 Coverage under section 103 of the act 1926.102 Eye and face protection.
distinguished. 1926.103 Respiratory protection.
1926.12 Reorganization Plan No. 14 of 1950. 1926.104 Safety belts, lifelines, and lanyards.
1926.13 Interpretation of statutory terms. 1926.105 Safety nets.
1926.14 Federal contract for ‘‘mixed’’ types 1926.106 Working over or near water.
of performance. 1926.107 Definitions applicable to this sub-
1926.15 Relationship to the Service Contract part.
Act; Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act.
1926.16 Rules of construction. Subpart F—Fire Protection and Prevention
1926.150 Fire protection.
Subpart C—General Safety and Health 1926.151 Fire prevention.
Provisions 1926.152 Flammable liquids.
1926.153 Liquefied petroleum gas (LP-Gas).
1926.20 General safety and health provi-
1926.154 Temporary heating devices.
1926.155 Definitions applicable to this sub-
1926.21 Safety training and education.
1926.22 Recording and reporting of injuries.
1926.23 First aid and medical attention.
Subpart G—Signs, Signals, and Barricades
1926.24 Fire protection and prevention. 1926.200 Accident prevention signs and tags.
1926.25 Housekeeping. 1926.201 Signaling.
1926.26 Illumination.
1926.27 Sanitation. Subpart H—Materials Handling, Storage,
1926.28 Personal protective equipment. Use, and Disposal
1926.29 Acceptable certifications.
1926.30 Shipbuilding and ship repairing. 1926.250 General requirements for storage.
1926.32 Definitions. 1926.251 Rigging equipment for material
1926.33 Access to employee exposure and handling.
medical records. 1926.252 Disposal of waste materials.
1926.34 Means of egress.
1926.35 Employee emergency action plans. Subpart I—Tools—Hand and Power
Subpart D—Occupational Health and 1926.300 General requirements.
Environmental Controls 1926.301 Hand tools.
1926.302 Power-operated hand tools.
1926.50 Medical services and first aid. 1926.303 Abrasive wheels and tools.
1926.51 Sanitation. 1926.304 Woodworking tools.
1926.52 Occupational noise exposure. 1926.305 Jacks—lever and ratchet, screw,
1926.53 Ionizing radiation. and hydraulic.
1926.54 Nonionizing radiation. 1926.306 Air receivers.
1926.55 Gases, vapors, fumes, dusts, and 1926.307 Mechanical power-transmission ap-
mists. paratus.
1926.56 Illumination.
1926.57 Ventilation. Subpart J—Welding and Cutting
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1926.58 [Reserved]
1926.59 Hazard communication. 1926.350 Gas welding and cutting.
1926.60 Methylenedianiline. 1926.351 Arc welding and cutting.
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Pt. 1926 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
1926.352 Fire prevention. APPENDIX E TO SUBPART L OF PART 1926—
1926.353 Ventilation and protection in weld- DRAWINGS AND ILLUSTRATIONS
ing, cutting, and heating.
1926.354 Welding, cutting, and heating in Subpart M—Fall Protection
way of preservative coatings.
1926.500 Scope, application, and definitions
Subpart K—Electrical applicable to this subpart.
1926.501 Duty to have fall protection.
GENERAL 1926.502 Fall protection systems criteria
1926.400 Introduction. and practices.
1926.401 [Reserved] 1926.503 Training requirements.
1926.402 Applicability. APPENDIX B TO SUBPART M OF PART 1926—
1926.403 General requirements. GUARDRAIL SYSTEMS
1926.404 Wiring design and protection. APPENDIX C TO SUBPART M OF PART 1926—
1926.405 Wiring methods, components, and PERSONAL FALL ARREST SYSTEMS
equipment for general use. APPENDIX D TO SUBPART M OF PART 1926—PO-
1926.406 Specific purpose equipment and in- SITIONING DEVICE SYSTEMS
stallations. APPENDIX E TO SUBPART M OF PART 1926—
1926.407 Hazardous (classified) locations. SAMPLE FALL PROTECTION PLANS
1926.408 Special systems.
1926.409–1926.415 [Reserved]
Subpart N—Helicopters, Hoists, Elevators,
1926.416 General requirements. 1926.550 [Reserved]
1926.417 Lockout and tagging of circuits. 1926.551 Helicopters.
1926.418–1926.430 [Reserved] 1926.552 Material hoists, personnel hoists,
ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS 1926.553 Base-mounted drum hoists.
1926.554 Overhead hoists.
1926.431 Maintenance of equipment. 1926.555 Conveyors.
1926.432 Environmental deterioration of
equipment. Subpart O—Motor Vehicles, Mechanized
1926.433–1926.440 [Reserved]
Equipment, and Marine Operations
EQUIPMENT 1926.600 Equipment.
1926.601 Motor vehicles.
1926.441 Batteries and battery charging. 1926.602 Material handling equipment.
1926.442–1926.448 [Reserved] 1926.603 Pile driving equipment.
DEFINITIONS 1926.604 Site clearing.
1926.605 Marine operations and equipment.
1926.449 Definitions applicable to this sub- 1926.606 Definitions applicable to this sub-
part. part.
Subpart L—Scaffolds Subpart P—Excavations
1926.450 Scope, application and definitions 1926.650 Scope, application, and definitions
applicable to this subpart.
applicable to this subpart.
1926.451 General requirements.
1926.651 Specific excavation requirements.
1926.452 Additional requirements applicable
to specific types of scaffolds. 1926.652 Requirements for protective sys-
1926.453 Aerial lifts. tems.
1926.454 Training requirements. APPENDIX A TO SUBPART P OF PART 1926—
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926
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Pt. 1926 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
1926.955 Portable ladders and platforms. Subpart Y—Diving
1926.956 Hand and portable power equip-
1926.957 Live-line tools. 1926.1071 Scope and application.
1926.958 Materials handling and storage. 1926.1072 Definitions.
1926.959 Mechanical equipment.
1926.960 Working on or near exposed ener- PERSONNEL REQUIREMENTS
gized parts.
1926.961 Deenergizing lines and equipment 1926.1076 Qualifications of dive team.
for employee protection.
1926.962 Grounding for the protection of em-
ployees. 1926.1080 Safe practices manual.
1926.963 Testing and test facilities. 1926.1081 Pre-dive procedures.
1926.964 Overhead lines and live-line bare- 1926.1082 Procedures during dive.
hand work. 1926.1083 Post-dive procedures.
1926.965 Underground electrical installa-
1926.966 Substations. 1926.1084 SCUBA diving.
1926.967 Special conditions. 1926.1085 Surface-supplied air diving.
1926.968 Definitions. 1926.1086 Mixed-gas diving.
APPENDIX A TO SUBPART V OF PART 1926 [RE- 1926.1087 Liveboating.
1926.1091 Recordkeeping requirements.
GUIDELINES Subpart Z—Toxic and Hazardous
1926.1100 [Reserved]
Subpart W—Rollover Protective Structures; 1926.1101 Asbestos.
Overhead Protection 1926.1102 Coal tar pitch volatiles; interpre-
tation of term.
1926.1000 Scope. 1926.1103 13 carcinogens (4-Nitrobiphenyl,
1926.1001 Minimum performance criteria for etc.).
rollover protective structures for des- 1926.1104 alpha-Naphthylamine.
ignated scrapers, loaders, dozers, graders, 1926.1105 [Reserved]
crawler tractors, compactors, and rub- 1926.1106 Methyl chloromethyl ether.
ber-tired skid steer equipment. 1926.1107 3,3′-Dichlorobenzidiene (and its
1926.1002 Protective frames (roll-over pro- salts).
tective structures, known as ROPS) for 1926.1108 bis-Chloromethyl ether.
wheel-type agricultural and industrial 1926.1109 beta-Naphthylamine.
tractors used in construction. 1926.1110 Benzidine.
1926.1003 Overhead protection for operators 1926.1111 4-Aminodiphenyl.
of agricultural and industrial tractors 1926.1112 Ethyleneimine.
used in construction. 1926.1113 beta-Propiolactone.
1926.1114 2-Acetylaminofluorene.
Subpart X—Stairways and Ladders 1926.1115 4-Dimethylaminoazobenzene.
1926.1116 N-Nitrosodimethylamine.
1926.1050 Scope, application, and definitions 1926.1117 Vinyl chloride.
applicable to this subpart. 1926.1118 Inorganic arsenic.
1926.1051 General requirements. 1926.1124 Beryllium.
1926.1052 Stairways. 1926.1126 Chromium (VI).
1926.1053 Ladders. 1926.1127 Cadmium.
1926.1054–1926.1059 [Reserved] 1926.1128 Benzene.
1926.1060 Training requirements.
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1926.1129 [Reserved]
APPENDIX A TO SUBPART X OF PART 1926— 1926.1144 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane.
LADDERS 1926.1145 Acrylonitrile.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926
1926.1147 Ethylene oxide. 1926.1423 Fall protection.
1926.1148 Formaldehyde. 1926.1424 Work area control.
1926.1152 Methylene chloride. 1926.1425 Keeping clear of the load.
1926.1153 Respirable crystalline silica. 1926.1426 Free fall and controlled load low-
Subpart AA—Confined Spaces in 1926.1427 Operator training, certification,
Construction and evaluation.
1926.1428 Signal person qualifications.
1926.1200 [Reserved] 1926.1429 Qualifications of maintenance &
1926.1201 Scope. repair employees.
1926.1202 Definitions. 1926.1430 Training.
1926.1203 General requirements. 1926.1431 Hoisting personnel.
1926.1204 Permit-required confined space 1926.1432 Multiple-crane/derrick lifts—sup-
program. plemental requirements.
1926.1205 Permitting process. 1926.1433 Design, construction and testing.
1926.1206 Entry permit. 1926.1434 Equipment modifications.
1926.1207 Training. 1926.1435 Tower cranes.
1926.1208 Duties of authorized entrants. 1926.1436 Derricks.
1926.1209 Duties of attendants. 1926.1437 Floating cranes/derricks and land
1926.1210 Duties of entry supervisors. cranes/derricks on barges.
1926.1211 Rescue and emergency services. 1926.1438 Overhead & gantry cranes.
1926.1212 Employee participation. 1926.1439 Dedicated pile drivers.
1926.1213 Provision of documents to Sec- 1926.1440 Sideboom cranes.
retary. 1926.1441 Equipment with a rated hoisting/
lifting capacity of 2,000 pounds or less.
Subpart BB [Reserved] 1926.1442 Severability.
Subpart CC—Cranes and Derricks in STANDARD HAND SIGNALS
1926.1400 Scope.
1926.1401 Definitions.
1926.1402 Ground conditions.
1926.1403 Assembly/Disassembly—selection
of manufacturer or employer procedures.
1926.1404 Assembly/Disassembly—general re-
quirements (applies to all assembly and
disassembly operations).
1926.1405 Disassembly—additional require-
ments for dismantling of booms and jibs
(applies to both the use of manufacturer
procedures and employer procedures). SOURCE: 44 FR 8577, Feb. 9, 1979; 44 FR
1926.1406 Assembly/Disassembly—employer 20940, Apr. 6, 1979, unless otherwise noted.
procedures—general requirements.
EDITORIAL NOTE 1: At 44 FR 8577, Feb. 9,
1926.1407 Power line safety (up to 350 kV)—
1979, and corrected at 44 FR 20940, Apr. 6,
assembly and disassembly.
1979, OSHA reprinted without change the en-
1926.1408 Power line safety (up to 350 kV)—
tire text of 29 CFR part 1926 together with
equipment operations.
certain General Industry Occupational Safe-
1926.1409 Power line safety (over 350 kV).
ty and Health Standards contained in 29 CFR
1926.1410 Power line safety (all voltages)—
part 1910, which have been identified as also
equipment operations closer than the
applicable to construction work. This repub-
Table A zone.
lication developed a single set of OSHA regu-
1926.1411 Power line safety—while traveling.
lations for both labor and management
1926.1412 Inspections.
forces within the construction industry.
1926.1413 Wire rope—inspection.
1926.1414 Wire rope—selection and installa- EDITORIAL NOTE 2: Nomenclature changes
tion criteria. to part 1926 appear at 84 FR 21597, May 14,
1926.1415 Safety devices. 2019.
1926.1416 Operational aids.
1926.1417 Operation.
1926.1418 Authority to stop operation.
Subpart A—General
1926.1419 Signals—general requirements.
1926.1420 Signals—radio, telephone or other AUTHORITY: 40 U.S.C. 3701 et seq.; 29 U.S.C.
electronic transmission of signals. 653, 655, 657; Secretary of Labor’s Order No.
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1926.1421 Signals—voice signals—additional 12–71 (36 FR 8754), 8–76 (41 FR 25059), 9–83 (48
requirements. FR 35736), 1–90 (55 FR 9033), 6–96 (62 FR 111),
1926.1422 Signals—hand signal chart. 3–2000 (65 FR 50017), 5–2002 (67 FR 65008), 5–
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§ 1926.1 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
2007 (72 FR 31160), 4–2010 (75 FR 55355), or 1– of contract performance for the fol-
2012 (77 FR 3912), as applicable; and 29 CFR lowing purposes:
part 1911.
(1) To inspect or investigate the mat-
§ 1926.1 Purpose and scope. ter of compliance with the safety and
health standards contained in subpart
(a) This part sets forth the safety and C of this part and following subparts;
health standards promulgated by the and
Secretary of Labor under section 107 of (2) To carry out the duties of the Sec-
the Contract Work Hours and Safety retary under section 107(b) of the Act.
Standards Act. The standards are pub- (b) For the purpose of carrying out
lished in subpart C of this part and fol- his investigative duties under the Act,
lowing subparts. the Secretary of Labor may, by agree-
(b) Subpart B of this part contains ment, use with or without reimburse-
statements of general policy and inter- ment the services, personnel, and fa-
pretations of section 107 of the Con- cilities of any State or Federal agency.
tract Work Hours and Safety Stand- Any agreements with States under this
ards Act having general applicability. section shall be similar to those pro-
vided for under the Walsh-Healey Pub-
§ 1926.2 Variances from safety and
health standards. lic Contracts Act under 41 CFR part 50–
(a) Variances from standards which
are, or may be, published in this part § 1926.4 Rules of practice for adminis-
may be granted under the same cir- trative adjudications for enforce-
cumstances whereunder variances may ment of safety and health stand-
be granted under section 6(b)(A) or 6(d) ards.
of the Williams-Steiger Occupational (a) The rules of practice for adminis-
Safety and Health Act of 1970 (29 U.S.C. trative adjudications for the enforce-
65). The procedures for the granting of ment of the safety and health stand-
variances and for related relief under ards contained in subpart C of this part
this part are those published in part and the following subparts shall be the
1905 of this title. same as those published in part 6 of
(b) Any requests for variances under this title with respect to safety and
this section shall also be considered re- health violations of the Service Con-
quests for variances under the Wil- tract Act of 1965 (69 Stat. 1035), except
liams-Steiger Occupational Safety and as provided in paragraph (b) of this sec-
Health Act of 1970, and any requests for tion.
variances under Williams-Steiger Occu- (b) In the case of debarment, the find-
pational Safety and Health Act with ings required by section 107(d) of the
respect to construction safety or Act shall be made by the hearing exam-
health standards shall be considered to iner or the Assistant Secretary of
be also variances under the Construc- Labor for Occupational Safety and
tion Safety Act. Any variance from a Health, as the case may be. Whenever,
construction safety or health standard as provided in section 107(d)(2), a con-
which is contained in this part and tractor requests termination of debar-
which is incorporated by reference in ment before the end of the 3-year pe-
part 1910 of this title shall be deemed a riod prescribed in that section, the re-
variance from the standard under both quest shall be filed in writing with the
the Construction Safety Act and the Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occu-
Williams-Steiger Occupational Safety pational Safety and Health who shall
and Health Act of 1970. publish a notice in the FEDERAL REG-
ISTER that the request has been re-
§ 1926.3 Inspections—right of entry. ceived and afford interested persons an
(a) It shall be a condition of each opportunity to be heard upon the re-
contract which is subject to section 107 quest, and thereafter the provisions of
of the Contract Work Hours and Safety part 6 of this title shall apply with re-
Standards Act that the Secretary of spect to prehearing conferences, hear-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
Labor or any authorized representative ings and related matters, and decisions
shall have a right of entry to any site and orders.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.6
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§ 1926.6 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
this part with the approval of the Di- (3) ANSI A10.5–1969, Safety Require-
rector of the Federal Register in ac- ments for Material Hoists, IBR ap-
cordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR proved for § 1926.552(b).
part 51. To enforce any edition other (4) ANSI A11.1–1965 (R1970), Practice
than that specified in this section, for Industrial Lighting, IBR approved
OSHA must publish a document in the for § 1926.56(b).
FEDERAL REGISTER and the material (5) ANSI A17.1–1965, Elevators,
must be available to the public. Dumbwaiters, Escalators, and Moving
(c) Copies of standards listed in this Walks, IBR approved for § 1926.552(d).
section and issued by private standards (6) ANSI A17.1a–1967, Elevators,
organizations are available for pur- Dumbwaiters, Escalators, and Moving
chase from the issuing organizations at Walks Supplement, IBR approved for
the addresses or through the other con- § 1926.552(d).
tact information listed below for these (7) ANSI A17.1b–1968, Elevators,
private standards organizations. In ad- Dumbwaiters, Escalators, and Moving
dition, the standards are available for Walks Supplement, IBR approved for
inspection at any Regional Office of § 1926.552(d).
the Occupational Safety and Health (8) ANSI A17.1c–1969, Elevators,
Administration (OSHA), or at the Dumbwaiters, Escalators, and Moving
OSHA Docket Office, U.S. Department Walks Supplement, IBR approved for
of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue NW, § 1926.552(d).
Room N–3508, Washington, DC 20210; (9) ANSI A17.1d–1970, Elevators,
telephone: 202–693–2350 (TTY number: Dumbwaiters, Escalators, and Moving
877–889–5627). These standards are also Walks Supplement, IBR approved for
available for inspection at the National § 1926.552(d).
Archives and Records Administration (10) ANSI A17.2–1960, Practice for the
(NARA). For information on the avail- Inspection of Elevators (Inspector’s
ability of these standards at NARA, Manual), IBR approved for § 1926.552(d).
telephone: 202–741–6030, or go to (11) ANSI A17.2a–1965, Practice for the Inspection of Elevators (Inspector’s
locations.html. Manual) Supplement, IBR approved for
§ 1926.552(d).
(d) The following material is avail-
(12) ANSI A17.2b–1967, Practice for
able for purchase from the American
the Inspection of Elevators (Inspector’s
Conference of Governmental Industrial
Manual) Supplement, IBR approved for
Hygienists (ACGIH), 1330 Kemper
§ 1926.552(d).
Meadow Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45240;
(13) ANSI A92.2–1969, Vehicle Mount-
telephone: 513–742–6163; fax: 513–742– ed Elevating and Rotating Work Plat-
3355; e-mail:; Web site: forms, IBR approved for §§ 1926.453(a) and 1926.453(b).
(1) Threshold Limit Values of Air- (14) ANSI B7.1–1970, Safety Code for
borne Contaminants for 1970, 1970, IBR the Use, Care, and Protection of Abra-
approved for § 1926.55(a) and appendix A sive Wheels, IBR approved for
of § 1926.55. §§ 1926.57(g), 1926.303(b), 1926.303(c), and
(2) [Reserved] 1926.303(d).
(e) The following material is avail- (15) ANSI B20.1–1957, Safety Code for
able for purchase from the American Conveyors, Cableways, and Related
National Standards Institute (ANSI), Equipment, IBR approved for
25 West 43rd Street, Fourth Floor, New § 1926.555(a).
York, NY 10036; telephone: 212–642–4900; (16) ANSI B56.1–1969, Safety Stand-
fax: 212–302–1286; e-mail:; ards for Powered Industrial Trucks,
Web site: IBR approved for § 1926.602(c).
(1) ANSI A10.3–1970, Safety Require- (17)–(22) [Reserved]
ments for Explosive-Actuated Fas- (23) ANSI O1.1–1961, Safety Code for
tening Tools, IBR approved for Woodworking Machinery, IBR approved
§ 1926.302(e). for § 1926.304(f).
(2) ANSI A10.4–1963, Safety Require- (24) ANSI Z35.1–1968, Specifications
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
ments for Workmen’s Hoists, IBR ap- for Accident Prevention Signs; IBR ap-
proved for § 1926.552(c). proved for § 1926.200(b), (c), and 1 (i).
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.6
Copies available for purchase from the IBR approved for § 1926.200(h) and (i).
IHS Standards Store, 15 Inverness Way Copies available for purchase from the:
East, Englewood, CO 80112; telephone: (i) American National Standards In-
1–877–413–5184; Web site: stitute’s e-Standards Store, 25 W 43rd Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036;
(25) ANSI Z35.2–1968, Specifications telephone: 212–642–4980; Web site: http://
for Accident Prevention Tags, IBR ap-;
proved for § 1926.200(i). (ii) IHS Standards Store, 15 Inverness
(26) ANSI Z49.1–1967, Safety in Weld- Way East, Englewood, CO 80112; tele-
ing and Cutting, IBR approved for phone: 877–413–5184; Web site:
§ 1926.350(j).; or
(27) USA Z53.1–1967 (also referred to (iii) TechStreet Store, 3916 Ranchero
as ANSI Z53.1–1967), Safety Color Code Dr., Ann Arbor, MI 48108; telephone:
for Marking Physical Hazards, ANSI 877–699–9277; Web site:
approved October 9, 1967; IBR approved
for § 1926.200(c). Copies available for (31) ANSI/ISEA Z87.1–2010, Occupa-
purchase from the IHS Standards tional and Educational Personal Eye
Store, 15 Inverness Way East, Engle- and Face Protection Devices, Approved
wood, CO 80112; telephone: 1–877–413– April 3, 2010; IBR approved for
5184; Web site: § 1926.102(b). Copies are available for
(28) ANSI Z535.1–2006 (R2011), Safety purchase from:
Colors, reaffirmed July 19, 2011; IBR ap- (i) American National Standards In-
proved for § 1926.200(c). Copies available stitute’s e-Standards Store, 25 W 43rd
for purchase from the: Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036;
(i) American National Standards In- telephone: (212) 642–4980; Web site:
stitute’s e-Standards Store, 25 W 43rd;
Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036; (ii) IHS Standards Store, 15 Inverness
telephone: 212–642–4980; Web site: http:// Way East, Englewood, CO 80112; tele-; phone: (877) 413–5184; Web site: http://
(ii) IHS Standards Store, 15 Inverness; or
Way East, Englewood, CO 80112; tele- (iii) TechStreet Store, 3916 Ranchero
phone: 877–413–5184; Web site: Dr., Ann Arbor, MI 48108; telephone:; or (877) 699–9277; Web site: http://
(iii) TechStreet Store, 3916 Ranchero
Dr., Ann Arbor, MI 48108; telephone: (32) ANSI Z87.1–2003, Occupational
877–699–9277; Web site: and Educational Personal Eye and Face Protection Devices, Approved
(29) ANSI Z535.2–2011, Environmental June 19, 2003; IBR approved for
and Facility Safety Signs, published § 1926.102(b). Copies available for pur-
September 15, 2011; IBR approved for chase from the:
§ 1926.200(b), (c), and (i). Copies avail- (i) American National Standards In-
able for purchase from the: stitute’s e-Standards Store, 25 W 43rd
(i) American National Standards In- Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036;
stitute’s e-Standards Store, 25 W 43rd telephone: (212) 642–4980; Web site:
Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036;;
telephone: 212–642–4980; Web site: http:// (ii) IHS Standards Store, 15 Inverness; Way East, Englewood, CO 80112; tele-
(ii) IHS Standards Store, 15 Inverness phone: (877) 413–5184; Web site: http://
Way East, Englewood, CO 80112; tele-; or
phone: 877–413–5184; Web site: (iii) TechStreet Store, 3916 Ranchero; or Dr., Ann Arbor, MI 48108; telephone:
(iii) TechStreet Store, 3916 Ranchero (877) 699–9277; Web site: http://
Dr., Ann Arbor, MI 48108; telephone:
877–699–9277; Web site: (33) ANSI Z87.1–1989 (R–1998), Practice for Occupational and Educational Eye
(30) ANSI Z535.5–2011, Safety Tags and Face Protection, Reaffirmation ap-
and Barricade Tapes (for Temporary proved January 4, 1999; IBR approved
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
Hazards), published September 15, 2011, for § 1926.102(b). Copies are available for
including Errata, November 14, 2011; purchase from:
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§ 1926.6 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(i) American National Standards In- mission Apparatus, revised 1958, IBR
stitute’s e-Standards Store, 25 W 43rd approved for § 1926.300(b)(2).
Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036; (2) ANSI B30.5–1968, Crawler, Loco-
telephone: (212) 642–4980; Web site: motive, and Truck Cranes, approved; Dec. 16, 1968, IBR approved for
(ii) IHS Standards Store, 15 Inverness § 1926.1433(a).
Way East, Englewood, CO 80112; tele- (g) The following material is avail-
phone: (877) 413–5184; Web site: http:// able for purchase from the American; or Society for Testing and Materials
(iii) TechStreet Store, 3916 Ranchero (ASTM), ASTM International, 100 Barr
Dr., Ann Arbor, MI 48108; telephone: Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West
(877) 699–9277; Web site: http:// Conshohocken, PA, 19428–2959; tele- phone: 610–832–9585; fax: 610–832–9555; e-
(34) American National Standards In- mail:; Web site: http://
stitute (ANSI) Z89.1–2009, American Na-
tional Standard for Industrial Head (1) ASTM A370–1968, Methods and
Protection, approved January 26, 2009; Definitions for Mechanical Testing and
IBR approved for § 1926.100(b)(1)(i). Cop- Steel Products, IBR approved for
ies of ANSI Z89.1–2009 are available for § 1926.1001(f).
purchase only from the International (2) [Reserved]
Safety Equipment Association, 1901 (3) ASTM D56–1969, Standard Method
North Moore Street, Arlington, VA of Test for Flash Point by the Tag
22209–1762; telephone: 703–525–1695; fax: Closed Tester, IBR approved for
703–528–2148; Web site: § 1926.155(i). (4) ASTM D93–1969, Standard Method
(35) American National Standards In- of Test for Flash Point by the Pensky
stitute (ANSI) Z89.1–2003, American Na- Martens Closed Tester, IBR approved
tional Standard for Industrial Head for § 1926.155(i).
Protection; IBR approved for (5) ASTM D323–1958 (R1968), Standard
§ 1926.100(b)(1)(ii). Copies of ANSI Z89.1– Method of Test for Vapor Pressure of
2003 are available for purchase only Petroleum Products (Reid Method),
from the International Safety Equip- IBR approved for § 1926.155(m).
ment Association, 1901 North Moore (h) The following material is avail-
Street, Arlington, VA 22209–1762; tele- able for purchase from the American
phone: 703–525–1695; fax: 703–528–2148; Society of Mechanical Engineers
Web site: (ASME), Three Park Avenue, New
(36) American National Standards In- York, NY 10016; telephone: 1–800–843–
stitute (ANSI) Z89.1–1997, American Na- 2763; fax: 973–882–1717; e-mail:
tional Standard for Personnel Protec-; Web site: http://
tion—Protective Headwear for Indus-
trial Workers—Requirements; IBR ap- (1) ASME B30.2–2005, Overhead and
proved for § 1926.100(b)(1)(iii). Copies of Gantry Cranes (Top Running Bridge,
ANSI Z89.1–1997 are available for pur- Single or Multiple Girder, Top Running
chase only from the International Safe- Trolley Hoist), issued Dec. 30, 2005
ty Equipment Association, 1901 North (‘‘ASME B30.2–2005’’), IBR approved for
Moore Street, Arlington, VA 22209–1762; § 1926.1438(b).
telephone: 703–525–1695; fax: 703–528– (2) ASME B30.5–2004, Mobile and Lo-
2148; Web site: comotive Cranes, issued Sept. 27, 2004
(f) The following material is avail- (‘‘ASME B30.5–2004’’), IBR approved for
able for purchase from standards re- §§ 1926.1414(b); 1926.1414(e); 1926.1433(b).
sellers such as the Document Center (3) ASME B30.7–2001, Base-Mounted
Inc., 111 Industrial Road, Suite 9, Bel- Drum Hoists, issued Jan. 21, 2002
mont, CA 94002; telephone: 650–591–7600; (‘‘ASME B30.7–2001’’), IBR approved for
fax: 650–591–7617; e-mail: info@document- § 1926.1436(e).; Web site: http:// (4) ASME B30.14–2004, Side Boom Tractors, issued Sept. 20, 2004 (‘‘ASME
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.6
(5) ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel (1) Safety and Health Regulations for
Code, Section VIII, 1968, IBR approved Construction, Part II, Sept. 1971, IBR
for §§ 1926.152(i), 1926.306(a), and approved for § 1926.1000(f).
1926.603(a). (2) [Reserved]
(6) ASME Power Boilers, Section I, (m) The following material is avail-
1968, IBR approved for § 1926.603(a). able for purchase from the California
(i) The following material is avail- Department of Industrial Relations, 455
able for purchase from the American Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco CA
Society of Agricultural and Biological 94102; telephone: (415) 703–5070; e-mail:
Engineers (ASABE), 2950 Niles Road,; Web site: http://
St. Joseph, MI 49085; telephone: 269–429–
0300; fax: 269–429–3852; e-mail: (1) Construction Safety Orders, IBR; Web site: http:// approved for § 1926.1000(f).
(2) [Reserved]
(n) The following material is avail-
(1) ASAE R313.1–1971, Soil Cone Pene-
able from the Federal Highway Admin-
trometer, reaffirmed 1975, IBR ap- istration, United States Department of
proved for § 1926.1002(e). Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Ave-
(2) [Reserved] nue SE, Washington, DC 20590; tele-
(j) The following material is avail- phone: 202–366–4000; website:
able for purchase from the American
Welding Society (AWS), 550 N.W. (1) Manual on Uniform Traffic Con-
LeJeune Road, Miami, Florida 33126; trol Devices for Streets and Highways,
telephone: 1–800–443–9353; Web site: 2009 Edition, December 2009 (including Revision 1 dated May 2012 and Revision
(1) AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2002, Structural 2 dated May 2012), (‘‘MUTCD’’) IBR ap-
Welding Code—Steel, 18th ed., ANSI ap- proved for §§ 1926.200(g) and 1926.201(a).
proved Aug. 31, 2001 (‘‘AWS D1.1/ (2) [Reserved]
D1.1M:2002’’), IBR approved for (o) The following material is avail-
§ 1926.1436(c). able for purchase from the General
(2) ANSI/AWS D14.3–94, Specification Services Administration (GSA), 1800 F
for Welding Earthmoving and Con- Street, NW., Washington, DC 20405;
struction Equipment, ANSI approved telephone: (202) 501–0800; Web site:
Jun. 11, 1993 (‘‘ANSI/AWS D14.3–94’’),
IBR approved for § 1926.1436(c). (1) QQ–P–416, Federal Specification
(k) The following material is avail- Plating Cadmium (Electrodeposited),
able for purchase from the British IBR approved for § 1926.104(e).
Standards Institution (BSI), 389 (2) [Reserved]
Chiswick High Road, London, W4 4AL, (p) The following material is avail-
United Kingdom; telephone: + 44 20 8996 able for purchase from the Institute of
9001; fax: + 44 20 8996 7001; e-mail: Makers of Explosives (IME), 1120 19th
Street, NW., Suite 310, Washington, DC; Web site: http://
20036; telephone: 202–429–9280; fax: 202–
429–9280; e-mail:; Web site:
(1) BS EN 13000:2004, Cranes—Mobile
Cranes, published Jan. 4, 2006 (‘‘BS EN (1) IME Pub. No. 2, American Table of
13000:2004’’), IBR approved for Distances for Storage of Explosives,
§ 1926.1433(c). Jun. 5, 1964, IBR approved for
(2) BS EN 14439:2006, Cranes—Safety— § 1926.914(a).
Tower Cranes, published Jan. 31, 2007 (2) IME Pub. No. 20, Radio Frequency
(‘‘BS EN 14439:2006’’), IBR approved for Energy—A Potential Hazard in the Use
§ 1926.1433(c). of Electric Blasting Caps, Mar. 1968,
(l) The following material is avail- IBR approved for § 1926.900(k).
able for purchase from the Bureau of (q) The following material is avail-
Reclamation, United States Depart- able from the International Labour Or-
ment of the Interior, 1849 C Street, ganization (ILO), 4 route des Morillons,
NW., Washington DC 20240; telephone: CH–1211 Genève 22, Switzerland; tele-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
202–208–4501; Web site: http:// phone: +41 (0) 22 799 6111; fax: +41 (0) 22 798 8685; website://
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§ 1926.6 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(1) Guidelines for the Use of the ILO (2) NFPA 13–1969, Standard for the In-
International Classification of stallation of Sprinkler Systems, IBR
Radiographs of Pneumoconioses, Re- approved for § 1926.152(d).
vised Edition 2011, Occupational safety (3) NFPA 30–1969, The Flammable and
and health series; 22 (Rev.2011), IBR ap- Combustible Liquids Code, IBR ap-
proved for § 1926.1101. proved for § 1926.152(c).
(2) [Reserved] (4) NFPA 80–1970, Standard for Fire
(r) The following material is avail- Doors and Windows, Class E or F Open-
able for purchase from the Inter- ings, IBR approved for § 1926.152(b).
national Organization for Standardiza- (5) NFPA 251–1969, Standard Methods
of Fire Test of Building Construction
tion (ISO), 1, ch. de la Voie-Creuse,
and Material, IBR approved for
Case postale 56, CH–1211 Geneva 20,
§§ 1926.152(b) and 1926.155(f).
Switzerland; telephone: + 41 22 749 01 11;
(6) NFPA 385–1966, Standard for Tank
fax: + 41 22 733 34 30; Web site: http://
Vehicles for Flammable and Combus-
tible Liquids, IBR approved for
(1) ISO 3471:2008(E), Earth-moving § 1926.152(g).
machinery—Roll-over protective struc- (t) The following material is avail-
tures—Laboratory tests and perform- able for purchase from the Power Crane
ance requirements, Fourth Edition, and Shovel Association (PCSA), 6737 W.
Aug. 8, 2008 (‘‘ISO 3471:2008’’), IBR ap- Washington Street, Suite 2400, Mil-
proved for §§ 1926.1001(c) and waukee, WI 53214; telephone: 1–800–369–
1926.1002(c). 2310; fax: 414–272–1170; Web site: http://
(2) ISO 5700:2013(E), Tractors for agri-
culture and forestry—Roll-over protec- (1) PCSA Std. No. 1, Mobile Crane
tive structures—Static test method and Excavator Standards, 1968, IBR ap-
and acceptance conditions, Fifth Edi- proved for § 1926.602(b).
tion, May 1, 2013 (‘‘ISO 5700:2013’’), IBR (2) PCSA Std. No. 2, Mobile Hydraulic
approved for § 1926.1002(c). Crane Standards, 1968 (‘‘PCSA Std. No.
(3) ISO 27850:2013(E), Tractors for ag- 2 (1968)’’), IBR approved for §§ 1926.602(b)
riculture and forestry—Falling object and 1926.1433(a).
protective structures—Test procedures (3) PCSA Std. No. 3, Mobile Hydraulic
and performance requirements, First Excavator Standards, 1969, IBR ap-
Edition, May.01, 2013 (‘‘ISO 27850:2013’’), proved for § 1926.602(b).
IBR approved for § 1926.1003(c). (u) The following material is avail-
(4) ISO 11660–1:2008(E), Cranes—Ac- able from the Society of Automotive
cess, guards and restraints—Part 1: Engineers (SAE), 400 Commonwealth
General, 2d ed., Feb. 15, 2008 (‘‘ISO Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096; telephone:
11660–1:2008(E)’’), IBR approved for 1–877–606–7323; fax: 724–776–0790; website:
§ 1926.1423(c).
(5) ISO 11660–2:1994(E), Cranes—Ac- (1) SAE 1970 Handbook, IBR approved
for § 1926.602(b).
cess, guards and restraints—Part 2: Mo-
(2) SAE J166–1971, Trucks and Wag-
bile cranes, 1994 (‘‘ISO 11660–2:1994(E)’’),
ons, IBR approved for § 1926.602(a).
IBR approved for § 1926.1423(c).
(3) SAE J167, Protective Frame with
(6) ISO 11660–3:2008(E), Cranes—Ac- Overhead Protection-Test Procedures
cess, guards and restraints—Part 3: and Performance Requirements, ap-
Tower cranes, 2d ed., Feb. 15, 2008 (‘‘ISO proved July 1970, IBR approved for
11660–3:2008(E)’’), IBR approved for § 1926.1003(b).
§ 1926.1423(c). (4) SAE J168, Protective Enclosures-
(s) The following material is avail- Test Procedures and Performance Re-
able for purchase from the National quirements, approved July 1970, IBR
Fire Protection Association (NFPA), 1 approved for § 1926.1002(b).
Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02169; (5) SAE J185 (reaf. May 2003), Access
telephone: 617–770–3000; fax: 617–770– Systems for Off-Road Machines, re-
0700; Web site: affirmed May 2003 (‘‘SAE J185 (May
(1) NFPA 10A–1970, Maintenance and 1993)’’), IBR approved for § 1926.1423(c).
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.11
(7) SAE J237–1971, Front End Loaders States Army Corps of Engineers, 441 G
and Dozers, IBR approved for Street, NW., Washington, DC 20314;
§ 1926.602(a). telephone: 202–761–0011; e-mail: hq-
(8) SAE J319b–1971, Self-Propelled; Web site:
Scrapers, IBR approved for § 1926.602(a).
(9) SAE J320a, Minimum Performance (1) EM–385–1–1, General Safety Re-
Criteria for Roll-Over Protective quirements, Mar. 1967, IBR approved
Structure for Rubber-Tired, Self-Pro- for § 1926.1000(f).
pelled Scrapers, revised July 1969 (edi- (2) [Reserved]
torial change July 1970), IBR approved
for § 1926.1001(b). [75 FR 48130, Aug. 9, 2010, as amended at 77
(10) SAE J321a–1970, Fenders for FR 37600, June 22, 2012; 78 FR 35566, June 13,
Pneumatic-Tired Earthmoving Haulage 2013; 78 FR 66641, Nov. 6, 2013; 79 FR 20692,
Apr. 11, 2014; 81 FR 16092, Mar. 25, 2016; 84 FR
Equipment, IBR approved for
21574, May 14, 2019]
§ 1926.602(a).
(11) SAE J333a–1970, Operator Protec-
tion for Agricultural and Light Indus- Subpart B—General
trial Tractors, IBR approved for Interpretations
§ 1926.602(a).
(12) SAE J334a, Protective Frame AUTHORITY: Sec. 107, Contract Work Hours
Test Procedures and Performance Re- and Safety Standards Act (Construction
quirements, revised July 1970, IBR ap- Safety Act) (40 U.S.C. 333).
proved for § 1926.1002(b).
(13) SAE J386–1969, Seat Belts for § 1926.10 Scope of subpart.
Construction Equipment, IBR approved (a) This subpart contains the general
for § 1926.602(a). rules of the Secretary of Labor inter-
(14) SAE J394, Minimum Performance preting and applying the construction
Criteria for Roll-Over Protective safety and health provisions of section
Structure for Rubber-Tired Front End 107 of the Contract Work Hours and
Loaders and Rubber-Tired Dozers, ap-
Safety Standards Act (83 Stat. 96). Sec-
proved July 1969 (editorial change July
tion 107 requires as a condition of each
1970), IBR approved for § 1926.1001(b).
contract which is entered into under
(15) SAE J395, Minimum Performance
legislation subject to Reorganization
Criteria for Roll-Over Protective
Plan Number 14 of 1950 (64 Stat. 1267),
Structure for Crawler Tractors and
Crawler-Type Loaders, approved July and which is for construction, alter-
1969 (editorial change July 1970), IBR ation, and/or repair, including painting
approved for § 1926.1001(b). and decorating, that no contractor or
(16) SAE J396, Minimum Performance subcontractor contracting for any part
Criteria for Roll-Over Protective of the contract work shall require any
Structure for Motor Graders, approved laborer or mechanic employed in the
July 1969 (editorial change July 1970), performance of the contract to work in
IBR approved for § 1926.1001(b). surroundings or under working condi-
(17) SAE J397, Critical Zone Charac- tions which are unsanitary, hazardous,
teristics and Dimensions for Operators or dangerous to his health or safety, as
of Construction and Industrial Machin- determined under construction safety
ery, approved July 1969, IBR approved and health standards promulgated by
for § 1926.1001(b). the Secretary by regulation.
(18) SAE J987 (rev. Jun. 2003), Lattice
Boom Cranes—Method of Test, revised § 1926.11 Coverage under section 103
of the act distinguished.
Jun. 2003 (‘‘SAE J987 (Jun. 2003)’’), IBR
approved for § 1926.1433(c). (a) Coverage under section 103. It is im-
(19) SAE J1063 (rev. Nov. 1993), Canti- portant to note that the coverage of
levered Boom Crane Structures—Meth- section 107 differs from that for the
od of Test, revised Nov. 1993 (‘‘SAE overtime requirements of the Contract
J1063 (Nov. 1993)’’), IBR approved for Work Hours and Safety Standards Act.
§ 1926.1433(c). The application of the overtime re-
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§ 1926.12 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
includes: (1) Federal contracts requir- under each statute. The individual
ing or involving the employment of la- statutes should be resorted to for a
borers or mechanics (thus including, more detailed scope of the work.
but not limited to, contracts for con- (2) Federal-Aid Highway Acts. The pro-
struction), and (2) contracts assisted in visions codified in 23 U.S.C. 113 apply
whole or in part by Federal loans, to the initial construction, reconstruc-
grants, or guarantees under any stat- tion, or improvement work performed
ute ‘‘providing wage standards for such by contractors or subcontractors on
work.’’ The statutes ‘‘providing wage highway projects on the Federal-aid
standards for such work’’ include stat- systems, the primary and secondary, as
utes for construction which require the well as their extensions in urban areas,
payment of minimum wages in accord- and the Interstate System, authorized
ance with prevailing wage findings by under the highway laws providing for
the Secretary of Labor in accordance the expenditure of Federal funds upon
with the Davis-Bacon Act. A provision the Federal-aid system. As cited in 41
to section 103 excludes from the over- Op. A.G. 488, 496, the Attorney General
time requirements work where the ruled that the Federal-Aid Highway
Federal assistance is only in the form Acts are subject to Reorganization
of a loan guarantee or insurance. Plan No. 14 of 1950.
(b) Coverage under section 107. To be (3) National Housing Act (12 U.S.C.
covered by section 107 of the Contract 1713, 1715a, 1715e, 1715k, 1715l(d)(3) and
Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, (4), 1715v, 1715w, 1715x, 1743, 1747, 1748,
a contract must be one which (1) is en- 1748h–2, 1750g, 1715l(h)(1), 1715z(j)(1),
tered into under a statute that is sub- 1715z–1, 1715y(d), Subchapter 1x-A and
ject to Reorganization Plan No. 14 of 1x-B, 1715z–7). This act covers construc-
1950 (64 Stat. 1267); and (2) is for ‘‘con- tion which is financed with assistance
struction, alteration, and/or repair, in- by the Federal Government through
cluding painting and decorating.’’ programs of loan and mortgage insur-
ance for the following purposes:
§ 1926.12 Reorganization Plan No. 14
of 1950. (i) Rental Housing—Section 1713 pro-
vides mortgage and insurance on rental
(a) General provisions. Reorganization housing of eight or more units and on
Plan No. 14 of 1950 relates to the pre- mobile-home courts.
scribing by the Secretary of Labor of
(ii) Section 1715a—Repealed.
‘‘appropriate standards, regulations,
(iii) Cooperative Housing—Section
and procedures’’ with respect to the en-
1715e authorizes mortgage insurance on
forcement of labor standards under
cooperative housing of five or more
Federal and federally assisted con-
units as well as supplementary loans
tracts which are subject to various
for improvement of repair or resale of
statutes subject to the Plan. The rules
of the Secretary of Labor imple-
menting the Plan are published in part (iv) Urban Renewal Housing—Section
5 of this title. Briefly, the statutes sub- 1715k provides mortgage insurance on
ject to the Plan include the Davis- single family or multifamily housing
Bacon Act, including its extension to in approved urban renewal areas.
Federal-aid highway legislation subject (v) Low or Moderate Income Hous-
to 23 U.S.C. 113, and other statutes sub- ing—Section 1715L(d) (3) and (4) insures
ject to the Plan by its original terms, mortgages on low-cost single family or
statutes by which the Plan is expressly multifamily housing.
applied, such as the Contract Work (vi) Housing for Elderly—Section
Hours Standards Act by virtue of sec- 1715v provides mortgage insurance on
tion 104(d) thereof. rental housing for elderly or handi-
(b) The Plan. (1) The statutes subject capped persons.
to Reorganization Plan No. 14 of 1950 (vii) Nursing Homes—Section 1715w
are cited and briefly described in the authorizes mortgage insurance on
remaining paragraphs of this section. nursing home facilities and major
These descriptions are general in na- equipment.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.12
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§ 1926.12 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(8) Defense Housing & Community Fa- 293a(c)(5)). The provisions of this act
cilities & Services Act of 1951 (42 U.S.C. provide for grants to assist public and
1592i). Inactive Program. nonprofit medical, dental, and similar
(9) United States Housing Act of 1937 schools for the construction, expan-
(42 U.S.C. 1416). This statute covers the sion, or renovation of teaching facili-
construction of low-rent public housing ties.
and slum clearance projects awarded (14) Mental Retardation Facilities Con-
by local authorities. These projects are struction Act (42 U.S.C. 295(a)(2)(D),
financed with the assistance of loans 2662(5), 2675(a)(5)). This act authorizes
and grants from the Federal Govern- Federal financial assistance in the con-
ment. The slum clearance is the demo- struction of centers for research on
lition and removal of buildings from mental retardation and related aspects
any slum area to be used for a low-rent of human development, of university-
housing project. affiliated facilities for the mentally re-
(10) Federal Civil Defense Act of 1950 (50 tarded and of facilities for the men-
U.S.C. App. 2281). This act provides for tally retarded.
Federal assistance to the several (15) Community Mental Health Centers
States and their political subdivisions Act (42 U.S.C. 2685(a)(5)). This act au-
in the field of civil defense which in- thorizes Federal grants for the con-
cludes procurement, construction, leas- struction of public and other nonprofit
ing, or renovating of materials and fa- community mental health centers.
cilities. (16) Higher Education Facilities Act of
(11) Delaware River Basin Compact 1963 (20 U.S.C. 753). This act authorizes
(sec. 15.1, 75 Stat. 714). This joint resolu- the grant or loan of Federal funds to
tion creates, by intergovernmental assist public and other nonprofit insti-
compact between the United States, tutions of higher education in financ-
Delaware, New Jersey, New York, and ing the construction, rehabilitation, or
Pennsylvania, a regional agency for improvement of academic and related
planning, conservation, utilization, de- facilities in undergraduate and grad-
velopment, management and control of uate schools.
the water and related sources of the (17) Vocational Educational Act of 1963
Delaware River. (20 U.S.C. 35f). This act provides for
(12) Cooperative Research Act (20 U.S.C. Federal grants to the various States
332a(c)). This act provides Federal for construction of area vocational
grants to a university, college, or other education school facilities.
appropriate public or nonprofit private (18) Library Services and Construction
agency or institution for part or all of Act (20 U.S.C. 355e(a)(4)). This act pro-
the cost of constructing a facility for vides for Federal assistance to the var-
research or for research and related ious States for the construction of pub-
purposes. Research and related pur- lic libraries.
poses means research, research train- (19) Urban Mass Transportation Act of
ing, surveys, or demonstrations in the 1954 (49 U.S.C. 1609). This act provides
field of education, or the dissemination for grants and loans to assist States
of information derived therefrom, or and local public bodies and agencies
all of such activities, including (but thereof in financing the acquisition,
without limitation) experimental construction, reconstruction, and im-
schools, except that such term does not provement of facilities and equipment
include research, research training, for use, by operation or lease or other-
surveys, or demonstrations in the field wise, in mass transportation service in
of sectarian instruction or the dissemi- urban areas and in coordinating such
nation of information derived there- service with highway and other trans-
from. Construction includes new build- portation in such areas.
ings, and the acquisition, expansion, (20) Economic Opportunity Act of 1964
remodeling, replacement, and alter- (42 U.S.C. 2947). This act covers con-
ation of existing buildings and the struction which is financed with assist-
equipping of new buildings and existing ance of the Federal Government for the
buildings. following purposes:
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(13) Health Professions Educational As- (i) Authorizes Federal assistance for
sistance Act of 1963 (42 U.S.C. 292d (c)(4), construction of projects, buildings and
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.12
works which will provide young men search and development of the com-
and women in rural and urban residen- mercial fisheries resources of the Na-
tial centers with education, vocational tion.
training, and useful work experience (23) The Nurse Training Act of 1964 (42
(Title I). U.S.C. 296a(b)(5)). This act provides for
(ii) Authorizes financial assistance grants to assist in the construction of
for construction work planned and car- new facilities for collegiate, associate
ried out at the community level for degree, and diploma schools of nursing,
antipoverty programs (Title II): or replacement or rehabilitation of ex-
(a) Authorizes loans to low income isting facilities of such schools.
rural families by assisting them to ac- (24) Elementary and Secondary Edu-
quire or improve real estate or reduce cation Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 241i, 848).
encumbrances or erect improvements The purpose of the act is to provide fi-
thereon, and to participate in coopera- nancial assistance to local educational
tive associations and/or to finance non- agencies serving areas with concentra-
agricultural enterprises which will en- tions of children from low-income fam-
able such families to supplement their ilies for construction in connection
income (Title III); with the expansion or improvement of
(b) Authorizes loans to local coopera- their educational programs.
tive associations furnishing essential (25) Federal Water Pollution Control
processing, purchasing, or marketing Act, as amended by the Water Quality Act
services, supplies, or facilities predomi- of 1965 (3 U.S.C. 466e(g)). Provides for fi-
nantly to low-income rural families nancial assistance to States or munici-
(Title III); palities for construction of facilities in
(c) Authorizes financial assistance to connection with the prevention and
States, political subdivisions of States, control of water pollution. This in-
public and nonprofit agencies, institu- cludes projects that will control the
tions, organizations, farm associations, discharge into any waters of untreated
or individuals in establishing housing, or inadequately treated sewage.
sanitation, education, and child day- (26) Appalachian Regional Development
care programs for migrants and other Act of 1965 (40 U.S.C. App. 402). Author-
seasonally employed agricultural em- izes Federal assistance in the construc-
ployees and their families (Title III). tion of an Appalachian development
(iii) Authorizes loans or guarantees highway system; construction of multi-
loans to small businesses for construc- county demonstration health facilities,
tion work (Title IV). hospitals, regional health, diagnostic
(iv) Authorizes the payment of the and treatment centers, and other fa-
cost of experimental, pilot, or dem- cilities for health; seal and fill voids in
onstration projects to foster State pro- abandoned mines and to rehabilitate
grams providing construction work ex- strip mine areas; construction of
perience or training for unemployed fa- school facilities for vocational edu-
thers and needy people (Title V). cation; and to assist in construction of
(21) Housing Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. sewage treatment works.
1486(f); 42 U.S.C. 1452b(e)). Provides fi- (27) National Technical Institute for the
nancial assistance for low-rent housing Deaf Act (20 U.S.C. 684(b)(5)). Provides
for domestic farm labor. The Act fur- for financial assistance for institutions
ther provides for loans, through public of higher education for the establish-
or private agencies, where feasible, to ment, construction, including equip-
owners or tenants of property in urban ment and operation, of a National In-
renewal areas to finance rehabilitation stitution for the Deaf.
required to conform the property to ap- (28) Housing Act of 1959 (12 U.S.C.
plicable code requirements or carry out 1701(q)(c)(3)). This act authorizes loans
the objectives of the urban renewal to nonprofit corporations to be used for
plan for the area. the construction of housing and related
(22) The Commercial Fisheries Research facilities for elderly families. Also, the
and Development Act of 1964 (16 U.S.C. provisions of the act provide for reha-
779e(b)). This Act authorizes financial bilitation, alteration, conversion or
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§ 1926.12 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
proposed dwellings used by such fami- thorizes loans to assist in financing the
lies. purchase or development of land for
(29) College Housing Act of 1950, as public works which will assist in the
amended (12 U.S.C. 1749a(f)). This act creation of long-term employment op-
provides for Federal loans to assist portunities in the area.
educational institutions in providing (ii) Loans for the purchase or devel-
housing and other educational facili- opment of land and facilities (including
ties for students and faculties. machinery and equipment) for indus-
(30) Housing and Urban Development trial or commercial usage within rede-
Act of 1965 (42 U.S.C. 1500c–3, 3107). This velopment areas; guarantee of loans for
act provides for Federal assistance for working capital made to private bor-
the following purposes: rowers by private lending institutions
(i) Grants to States and local public in connection with direct loan projects;
bodies to assist in any construction and to contract to pay to, or on behalf
work to be carried out under the open- of, business entities locating in rede-
space land and urban beautification velopment areas, a portion of the inter-
provisions contained therein. It pro- est costs which they incur in financing
vides for parks and recreation areas, their expansions from private sources.
conservation of land and other natural (iii) Loans and grants to create eco-
resources, and historical and scenic nomic development centers within des-
purposes. ignated county economic development
(ii) Grants to local public bodies and districts.
agencies to finance specific projects for (33) High-Speed Ground Transportation
basic public water facilities (including Study (40 U.S.C. 1636(b)). This act pro-
works for the storage, treatment, puri- vides for financial assistance for con-
fication, and distribution of water), struction activities in connection with
and for basic public sewer facilities research and development of different
(other than ‘‘treatment works’’ as de- forms of high-speed ground transpor-
fined in the Federal Water Pollution tation and demonstration projects re-
Control Act). lating to intercity rail passenger serv-
(iii) Grants to any local public body ice.
or agency to assist in financing neigh- (34) Heart Disease, Cancer and Stroke
borhood facilities. These facilities Amendments of 1965 (42 U.S.C. 299(b)(4)).
must be necessary for carrying out a This act provides for grants to public
program of health, recreational, social, or nonprofit private universities, med-
or similar community service and lo- ical schools, research, institutions,
cated so as to be available for the use hospitals, and other public and non-
of the area’s low or moderate income profit agencies and institutions, or as-
residents. sociations thereof to assist in construc-
(31) National Foundation on the Arts tion and equipment of facilities in con-
and the Humanities Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. nection with research, training, dem-
954(k)). The act establishes the ‘‘Na- onstration of patient care, diagnostic
tional Foundation on the Arts and the and treatment related to heart disease,
Humanities’’ which may provide cancer, stroke, and other major dis-
matching grants to groups (nonprofit eases.
organizations and State and other pub- (35) Mental Retardation Facilities and
lic organizations) and to individuals Community Mental Health Centers Con-
engaged in creative and performing struction Act Amendments of 1965 (20
arts for the entire range of artistic ac- U.S.C. 618(g)). These provisions provide
tivity, including construction of nec- for grants to institutions of higher edu-
essary facilities. cation for construction of facilities for
(32) Public Works and Economic Devel- research or for research and related
opment Act of 1965 (42 U.S.C. 3222). This purposes relating to education for men-
act provides for Federal assistance for tally retarded, hard of hearing, deaf,
the following purposes: speech impaired, visually handicapped,
(i) Grants for the acquisition or de- seriously emotionally disturbed, crip-
velopment of land or improvements for pled, or other health impaired children
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.12
(36) Vocational Rehabilitation Act 1416). This act provides for Federal as-
Amendments of 1965 (29 U.S.C. 41a(b)(4)). sistance for the following purposes:
This act authorizes grants to assist in (i) Grants to assist in the construc-
meeting the costs of construction of tion, rehabilitation, alteration, or re-
public or other nonprofit workshops pair of residential property only if such
and rehabilitation facilities. residential property is designed for res-
(37) Clean Air and Solid Waste Disposal idential use for eight or more families
Acts (42 U.S.C. 3256). This act provides to enable city demonstration agencies
for financial assistance to public (Fed- to carry out comprehensive city dem-
eral, State, interstate, or local) au- onstration programs (42 U.S.C. 3310).
thorities, agencies, and institutions, (ii) Amends the National Housing Act
private agencies and institutions, and (12 U.S.C. 1715c) and the Housing Act of
individuals in the construction of fa- 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1416). See these acts for
cilities for solid-waste disposal. The coverage.
term construction includes the instal- (45) Air Quality Act of 1967 (42 U.S.C.
lation of initial equipment. 1857j–3). This act provides for Federal
(38) Medical Library Assistance Act of assistance to public or nonprofit agen-
1965 (42 U.S.C. 280b–3(b)(3)). This act cies, institutions, and organizations
provides for grants to public or private and to individuals, and contracts with
non-profit agencies or institutions for public or private agencies, institutions,
the cost of construction of medical li- or persons for construction of research
brary facilities. and development facilities and dem-
(39) Veterans Nursing Home Care Act onstration plants relating to the appli-
(38 U.S.C. 5035(a)(8)). The construction cation of preventing or controlling dis-
industry health and safety standards charges into the air of various types of
do not apply to this act since it is not pollutants.
subject to Reorganization Plan No. 14 (46) Elementary and Secondary Edu-
of 1950. cation Amendments of 1967 (Title VII—Bi-
(40) National Capital Transportation lingual Education Act) (20 U.S.C. 880b–6).
Act of 1965 (40 U.S.C. 682(b)(4)). This act This act provides for Federal assist-
provides for Federal assistance to the ance to local educational agencies or
National Capital Transportation Agen- to an institution of higher education
cy for construction of a rail rapid tran- applying jointly with a local edu-
sit system and related facilities for the cational agency for minor remodeling
Nation’s Capital. projects in connection with bilingual
(41) Alaska Centennial—1967 (80 Stat. education programs to meet the special
82). The program under this legislation needs of children with limited English-
has expired. speaking ability in the United States.
(42) Model Secondary School for the (47) Vocational Rehabilitation Amend-
Deaf Act (80 Stat. 1028). This act pro- ments of 1967 (29 U.S.C. 42a(c)(3)). This
vides for funds to establish and oper- act authorizes Federal assistance to
ate, including construction and initial any public or nonprofit private agency
equipment of new buildings, expansion, or organization for the construction of
remodeling, and alteration of existing a center for vocational rehabilitation
buildings and equipment thereof, a of handicapped individuals who are
model secondary school for the deaf to both deaf and blind which shall be
serve the residents of the District of known as the National Center for Deaf-
Columbia and nearby States. Blind Youths and Adults. Construction
(43) Allied Health Professions Personnel includes new buildings and expansion,
Training Act of 1966 (42 U.S.C. remodeling, alteration and renovation
295h(b)(2)(E)). This act provides for of existing buildings, and initial equip-
grants to assist in the construction of ment of such new, newly acquired, ex-
new facilities for training centers for panded, remodeled, altered, or ren-
allied health professions, or replace- ovated buildings.
ment or rehabilitation of existing fa- (48) National Visitor Center Facilities
cilities for such centers. Act of 1968 (40 U.S.C. 808). This act au-
(44) Demonstration Cities and Metro- thorizes agreements and leases with
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politan Development Act of 1966 (42 the owner of property in the District of
U.S.C. 3310; 12 U.S.C. 1715c; 42 U.S.C. Columbia known as Union Station for
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§ 1926.12 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
the use of all or a part of such property bility and desirability of such schools.
for a national visitor center to be The act still further provides grants to
known as the National Visitor Center. State boards, to colleges and univer-
The agreements and leases shall pro- sities, to public educational agencies,
vide for such alterations of the Union organizations or institutions to reduce
Station Building as necessary to pro- the cost of borrowing funds for the con-
vide adequate facilities for visitors. struction of residential schools and
They also provide for the construction dormitories.
of a parking facility, including nec- (53) Postal Reorganization Act (39
essary approaches and ramps. U.S.C. 410(d)(2)). This Act provides for
(49) Juvenile Delinquency Prevention construction, modification, alteration,
and Control Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. 3843). repair, and other improvements of
This act provides for Federal grants to postal facilities located in leased build-
State, county, municipal, or other pub- ings.
lic agency or combination thereof for (54) Airport and Airway Development
the construction of facilities to be used Act of 1970 (Pub. L. 91–258, section
in connection with rehabilitation serv- 52(b)(7)). This Act provides for Federal
ices for the diagnosis, treatment, and financial assistance to States and lo-
rehabilitation of delinquent youths and calities for the construction, improve-
youths in danger of becoming delin- ment, or repair of public airports.
(55) (i) Public Law 91–230. This Act
(50) Housing and Urban Development
provides for federal financial assist-
Act of 1968 (including New Communities
ance to institutions of higher learning
Act of 1968) (42 U.S.C. 3909). This act
for the construction of a National Cen-
provides for Federal assistance for the
ter on Educational Media and Mate-
following purposes:
rials for the Handicapped. The program
(i) Guarantees, and commitments to
under this statute expires on July 1,
guarantee, the bonds, debentures,
1971. Public Law 91–230, section 662(1).
notes, and other obligations issued by
new community developers to help fi- (ii) Education of the Handicapped Act
nance new community development (20 U.S.C. 12326, 1404(a)). This Act pro-
projects. vides for financial assistance to States
(ii) Amends section 212(a) of the Na- for construction, expansion, remod-
tional Housing Act, adding section 236 eling, or alteration of facilities for the
for ‘‘Rental Housing for Lower Income education of handicapped children at
Families’’ and section 242 ‘‘Mortgage the preschool, elementary school, and
Insurance for Nonprofit Hospitals’’ secondary school levels.
thereto. (56) Housing and Urban Development
(51) Public Health Service Act Amend- Act of 1970 (Pub. L. 91–609, section
ment (Alcoholic and Narcotic Addict Re- 707(b)). This Act provides for grants to
habilitation Amendments of 1968) (42 States and local public agencies to help
U.S.C. 2681, et seq.). This act provides finance the development of open-space
for grants to a public and nonprofit pri- or other land in urban areas for open-
vate agency or organization for con- space uses. This Act becomes effective
struction projects consisting of any fa- on July 1, 1971.
cilities (including post-hospitalization (57) Developmental Disabilities Services
treatment facilities for the prevention and Facilities Construction Amendments
and treatment of alcoholism or treat- of 1970 (Pub. L. 91–517, section 135(a)(5)).
ment of narcotic addicts.) This Act authorizes grants to States
(52) Vocational Education Amendments for construction of facilities for the
of 1968 (20 U.S.C. 1246). This act pro- provision of services to persons with
vides for grants to States for the con- developmental disabilities who are un-
struction of area vocational education able to pay for such services.
school facilities. The act further pro- (58) Rail Passenger Service Act of 1970
vides grants to public educational (Pub. L. 91–518, section 405(d)). This stat-
agencies, organizations, or institutions ute provides that the National Rail-
for construction of residential schools road Passenger Corporation may con-
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.14
within the basic national rail pas- or dangerous to his health or safety’’ as
senger system designated by the Sec- these health and safety standards are
retary of Transportation. applied in the rules of the Secretary of
(c) VA and FHA housing. In the course Labor.
of the legislative development of sec- (c) The term subcontractor under sec-
tion 107, it was recognized that section tion 107 is considered to mean a person
107 would not apply to housing con- who agrees to perform any part of the
struction for which insurance was labor or material requirements of a
issued by the Federal Housing Author- contract for construction, alteration or
ity and Veterans’ Administration for repair. Cf. MacEvoy Co. v. United
individual home ownership. Concerning States, 322 U.S. 102, 108–9 (1944). A per-
construction under the National Hous- son who undertakes to perform a por-
ing Act, Reorganization Plan No. 14 of tion of a contract involving the fur-
1950 applies to construction which is nishing of supplies or materials will be
subject to the minimum wage require- considered a ‘‘subcontractor’’ under
ments of section 212(a) thereof (12 this part and section 107 if the work in
U.S.C. 1715c). question involves the performance of
construction work and is to be per-
§ 1926.13 Interpretation of statutory formed: (1) Directly on or near the con-
terms. struction site, or (2) by the employer
(a) The terms construction, alteration, for the specific project on a customized
and repair used in section 107 of the Act basis. Thus, a supplier of materials
are also used in section 1 of the Davis- which will become an integral part of
Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. 276a), providing the construction is a ‘‘subcontractor’’
minimum wage protection on Federal if the supplier fabricates or assembles
construction contracts, and section 1 of the goods or materials in question spe-
the Miller Act (40 U.S.C. 270a), pro- cifically for the construction project
viding performance and payment bond and the work involved may be said to
protection on Federal construction be construction activity. If the goods
contracts. Similarly, the terms con- or materials in question are ordinarily
tractor and subcontractor are used in sold to other customers from regular
those statutes, as well as in Copeland inventory, the supplier is not a ‘‘sub-
(Anti-Kickback) Act (40 U.S.C. 276c) contractor.’’ Generally, the furnishing
and the Contract Work Hours and Safe- of prestressed concrete beams and
ty Standards Act itself, which apply prestressed structural steel would be
concurrently with the Miller Act and considered manufacturing; therefore a
the Davis-Bacon Act on Federal con- supplier of such materials would not be
struction contracts and also apply to considered a ‘‘subcontractor.’’ An ex-
most federally assisted construction ample of material supplied ‘‘for the
contracts. The use of the same or iden- specific project on a customized basis’’
tical terms in these statutes which as that phrase is used in this section
apply concurrently with section 107 of would be ventilating ducts, fabricated
the Act have considerable precedential in a shop away from the construction
value in ascertaining the coverage of job site and specifically cut for the
section 107. project according to design specifica-
(b) It should be noted that section 1 tions. On the other hand, if a con-
of the Davis-Bacon Act limits min- tractor buys standard size nails from a
imum wage protection to laborers and foundry, the foundry would not be a
mechanics ‘‘employed directly’’ upon covered ‘‘subcontractor.’’ Ordinarily a
the ‘‘site of the work.’’ There is no contract for the supplying of construc-
comparable limitation in section 107 of tion equipment to a contractor would
the Act. Section 107 expressly requires not, in and of itself, be considered a
as a self-executing condition of each ‘‘subcontractor’’ for purposes of this
covered contract that no contractor or part.
subcontractor shall require ‘‘any la-
borer or mechanic employed in the per- § 1926.14 Federal contract for ‘‘mixed’’
formance of the contract to work in types of performance.
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§ 1926.15 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
Federal, federally financed, or feder- tract will be performed nor will any of
ally assisted construction. See, for ex- the materials, supplies, articles or
ample, H. Report No. 91–241, 91st Cong., equipment to be manufactured or fur-
first session, p. 1 (1969). Thus, it is clear nished under said contract be manufac-
that when a Federal contract calls for tured or fabricated in any plants, fac-
mixed types of performance, such as tories, buildings, or surroundings or
both manufacturing and construction, under working conditions which are
section 107 would apply to the con- unsanitary or hazardous or dangerous
struction. By its express terms, section to the health and safety of employees
107 applies to a contract which is ‘‘for engaged in the performance of said
construction, alteration, and/or re- contract.’’ The rules of the Secretary
pair.’’ Such a contract is not required concerning these standards are pub-
to be exclusively for such services. The lished in 41 CFR part 50–204, and ex-
application of the section is not lim- press the Secretary of Labor’s interpre-
ited to contracts which permit an over- tation and application of section 1(e) of
all characterization as ‘‘construction the Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act
contracts.’’ The text of section 107 is to certain particular working condi-
not so limited. tions. None of the described working
(b) When the mixed types of perform- conditions are intended to deal with
ances include both construction and construction activities, although such
manufacturing, see also § 1926.15(b) con- activities may conceivably be a part of
cerning the relationship between the a contract which is subject to the
Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act and Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act.
section 107. Nevertheless, such activities remain
subject to the general statutory duty
§ 1926.15 Relationship to the Service
Contract Act; Walsh-Healey Public prescribed by section 1(e). Section
Contracts Act. 103(b) of the Contract Work Hours and
Safety Standards Act provides, among
(a) A contract for ‘‘construction’’ is other things, that the Act shall not
one for nonpersonal service. See, e.g., apply to any work required to be done
41 CFR 1–1.208. Section 2(e) of the Serv- in accordance with the provisions of
ice Contract Act of 1965 requires as a the Walsh-Healey Public Contracts
condition of every Federal contract Act.
(and bid specification therefor) exceed-
ing $2,500, the ‘‘principal purpose’’ of § 1926.16 Rules of construction.
which is to furnish services to the
United States through the use of (a) The prime contractor and any
‘‘service employees,’’ that certain safe- subcontractors may make their own
ty and health standards be met. See 29 arrangements with respect to obliga-
CFR part 1925, which contains the De- tions which might be more appro-
partment rules concerning these stand- priately treated on a jobsite basis rath-
ards. Section 7 of the Service Contract er than individually. Thus, for exam-
Act provides that the Act shall not ple, the prime contractor and his sub-
apply to ‘‘any contract of the United contractors may wish to make an ex-
States or District of Columbia for con- press agreement that the prime con-
struction, alteration, and/or repair, in- tractor or one of the subcontractors
cluding painting and decorating of pub- will provide all required first-aid or
lic buildings or public works.’’ It is toilet facilities, thus relieving the sub-
clear from the legislative history of contractors from the actual, but not
section 107 that no gaps in coverage be- any legal, responsibility (or, as the
tween the two statutes are intended. case may be, relieving the other sub-
(b) The Walsh-Healey Public Con- contractors from this responsibility).
tracts Act requires that contracts en- In no case shall the prime contractor
tered into by any Federal agency for be relieved of overall responsibility for
the manufacture or furnishing of mate- compliance with the requirements of
rials, supplies, articles, and equipment this part for all work to be performed
in any amount exceeding $10,000 must under the contract.
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contain, among other provisions, a re- (b) By contracting for full perform-
quirement that ‘‘no part of such con- ance of a contract subject to section
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.20
107 of the Act, the prime contractor as- (2) Such programs shall provide for
sumes all obligations prescribed as em- frequent and regular inspections of the
ployer obligations under the standards job sites, materials, and equipment to
contained in this part, whether or not be made by competent persons des-
he subcontracts any part of the work. ignated by the employers.
(c) To the extent that a subcon- (3) The use of any machinery, tool,
tractor of any tier agrees to perform material, or equipment which is not in
any part of the contract, he also as- compliance with any applicable re-
sumes responsibility for complying quirement of this part is prohibited.
with the standards in this part with re- Such machine, tool, material, or equip-
spect to that part. Thus, the prime ment shall either be identified as un-
contractor assumes the entire responsi- safe by tagging or locking the controls
bility under the contract and the sub- to render them inoperable or shall be
contractor assumes responsibility with physically removed from its place of
respect to his portion of the work. operation.
With respect to subcontracted work, (4) The employer shall permit only
the prime contractor and any subcon- those employees qualified by training
tractor or subcontractors shall be or experience to operate equipment and
deemed to have joint responsibility. machinery.
(d) Where joint responsibility exists, (c) The standards contained in this
both the prime contractor and his sub- part shall apply with respect to em-
contractor or subcontractors, regard- ployments performed in a workplace in
less of tier, shall be considered subject a State, the District of Columbia, the
to the enforcement provisions of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the
Act. Virgin Islands, American Samoa,
Guam, the Commonwealth of the
Subpart C—General Safety and Northern Mariana Islands, Wake Is-
Health Provisions land, Outer Continental Shelf lands de-
fined in the Outer Continental Shelf
Lands Act, and Johnston Island.
AUTHORITY: 40 U.S.C. 3701 et seq.; 29 U.S.C.
(d) (1) If a particular standard is spe-
653, 655, 657; Secretary of Labor’s Order No.
12–71 (36 FR 8754), 8–76 (41 FR 25059), 9–83 (48 cifically applicable to a condition,
FR 35736), 6–96 (62 FR 111), 5–2007 (72 FR practice, means, method, operation, or
31160), or 1–2012 (77 FR 3912) as applicable; process, it shall prevail over any dif-
and 29 CFR part 1911. ferent general standard which might
otherwise be applicable to the same
§ 1926.20 General safety and health condition, practice, means, method, op-
provisions. eration, or process.
(a) Contractor requirements. (1) Sec- (2) On the other hand, any standard
tion 107 of the Act requires that it shall apply according to its terms to
shall be a condition of each contract any employment and place of employ-
which is entered into under legislation ment in any industry, even though par-
subject to Reorganization Plan Number ticular standards are also prescribed
14 of 1950 (64 Stat. 1267), as defined in for the industry to the extent that
§ 1926.12, and is for construction, alter- none of such particular standards ap-
ation, and/or repair, including painting plies.
and decorating, that no contractor or (e) In the event a standard protects
subcontractor for any part of the con- on its face a class of persons larger
tract work shall require any laborer or than employees, the standard shall be
mechanic employed in the performance applicable under this part only to em-
of the contract to work in sur- ployees and their employment and
roundings or under working conditions places of employment.
which are unsanitary, hazardous, or (f) Compliance duties owed to each em-
dangerous to his health or safety. ployee—(1) Personal protective equipment.
(b) Accident prevention responsibilities. Standards in this part requiring the
(1) It shall be the responsibility of the employer to provide personal protec-
employer to initiate and maintain such tive equipment (PPE), including res-
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programs as may be necessary to com- pirators and other types of PPE, be-
ply with this part. cause of hazards to employees impose a
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§ 1926.21 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
separate compliance duty with respect ards, and how to avoid injury, and the
to each employee covered by the re- first aid procedures to be used in the
quirement. The employer must provide event of injury.
PPE to each employee required to use (5) Employees required to handle or
the PPE, and each failure to provide use flammable liquids, gases, or toxic
PPE to an employee may be considered materials shall be instructed in the
a separate violation. safe handling and use of these mate-
(2) Training. Standards in this part rials and made aware of the specific re-
requiring training on hazards and re- quirements contained in subparts D, F,
lated matters, such as standards re- and other applicable subparts of this
quiring that employees receive train- part.
ing or that the employer train employ- [44 FR 8577, Feb. 9, 1979; 44 FR 20940, Apr. 6,
ees, provide training to employees, or 1979, as amended at 80 FR 25518, May 4, 2015]
institute or implement a training pro-
gram, impose a separate compliance § 1926.22 Recording and reporting of
duty with respect to each employee injuries. [Reserved]
covered by the requirement. The em-
ployer must train each affected em- § 1926.23 First aid and medical atten-
ployee in the manner required by the tion.
standard, and each failure to train an First aid services and provisions for
employee may be considered a separate medical care shall be made available
violation. by the employer for every employee
covered by these regulations. Regula-
[44 FR 8577, Feb. 9, 1979; 44 FR 20940, Apr. 6,
1979, as amended at 58 FR 35078, June 30, 1993; tions prescribing specific requirements
73 FR 75588, Dec. 12, 2008; 85 FR 8735, Feb. 18, for first aid, medical attention, and
2020; 85 FR 8735, Feb. 18, 2020] emergency facilities are contained in
subpart D of this part.
§ 1926.21 Safety training and edu-
cation. § 1926.24 Fire protection and preven-
(a) General requirements. The Sec-
retary shall, pursuant to section 107(f) The employer shall be responsible for
of the Act, establish and supervise pro- the development and maintenance of
grams for the education and training of an effective fire protection and preven-
employers and employees in the rec- tion program at the job site through-
ognition, avoidance and prevention of out all phases of the construction, re-
unsafe conditions in employments cov- pair, alteration, or demolition work.
ered by the act. The employer shall ensure the avail-
(b) Employer responsibility. (1) The em- ability of the fire protection and sup-
ployer should avail himself of the safe- pression equipment required by subpart
ty and health training programs the F of this part.
Secretary provides.
(2) The employer shall instruct each § 1926.25 Housekeeping.
employee in the recognition and avoid- (a) During the course of construction,
ance of unsafe conditions and the regu- alteration, or repairs, form and scrap
lations applicable to his work environ- lumber with protruding nails, and all
ment to control or eliminate any haz- other debris, shall be kept cleared from
ards or other exposure to illness or in- work areas, passageways, and stairs, in
jury. and around buildings or other struc-
(3) Employees required to handle or tures.
use poisons, caustics, and other harm- (b) Combustible scrap and debris
ful substances shall be instructed re- shall be removed at regular intervals
garding the safe handling and use, and during the course of construction. Safe
be made aware of the potential haz- means shall be provided to facilitate
ards, personal hygiene, and personal such removal.
protective measures required. (c) Containers shall be provided for
(4) In job site areas where harmful the collection and separation of waste,
plants or animals are present, employ- trash, oily and used rags, and other
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
ees who may be exposed shall be in- refuse. Containers used for garbage and
structed regarding the potential haz- other oily, flammable, or hazardous
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.32
wastes, such as caustics, acids, harmful § 1926.30 Shipbuilding and ship repair-
dusts, etc. shall be equipped with cov- ing.
ers. Garbage and other waste shall be (a) General. Shipbuilding, ship repair-
disposed of at frequent and regular in-
ing, alterations, and maintenance per-
formed on ships under Government
§ 1926.26 Illumination. contract, except naval ship construc-
tion, is work subject to the Act.
Construction areas, aisles, stairs, (b) Applicable safety and health stand-
ramps, runways, corridors, offices, ards. For the purpose of work carried
shops, and storage areas where work is out under this section, the safety and
in progress shall be lighted with either health regulations in part 1915 of this
natural or artificial illumination. The title, Shipyard Employment, shall
minimum illumination requirements apply.
for work areas are contained in subpart
D of this part. [44 FR 8577, Feb. 9, 1979; 44 FR 20940, Apr. 6,
1979, as amended at 61 FR 9249, Mar. 7, 1996]
§ 1926.27 Sanitation.
§ 1926.32 Definitions.
Health and sanitation requirements
for drinking water are contained in The following definitions shall apply
subpart D of this part. in the application of the regulations in
this part:
§ 1926.28 Personal protective equip- (a) Act means section 107 of the Con-
ment. tract Work Hours and Safety Stand-
(a) The employer is responsible for ards Act, commonly known as the Con-
requiring the wearing of appropriate struction Safety Act (86 Stat. 96; 40
personal protective equipment in all U.S.C. 333).
operations where there is an exposure (b) ANSI means American National
to hazardous conditions or where this Standards Institute.
part indicates the need for using such (c) Approved means sanctioned, en-
equipment to reduce the hazards to the dorsed, accredited, certified, or accept-
employees. ed as satisfactory by a duly constituted
(b) Regulations governing the use, se- and nationally recognized authority or
lection, and maintenance of personal agency.
protective and lifesaving equipment (d) Authorized person means a person
are described under subpart E of this approved or assigned by the employer
part. to perform a specific type of duty or
duties or to be at a specific location or
§ 1926.29 Acceptable certifications. locations at the jobsite.
(a) Pressure vessels. Current and valid (e) Administration means the Occupa-
certification by an insurance company tional Safety and Health Administra-
or regulatory authority shall be tion.
deemed as acceptable evidence of safe (f) Competent person means one who is
installation, inspection, and testing of capable of identifying existing and pre-
pressure vessels provided by the em- dictable hazards in the surroundings or
ployer. working conditions which are unsani-
(b) Boilers. Boilers provided by the tary, hazardous, or dangerous to em-
employer shall be deemed to be in com- ployees, and who has authorization to
pliance with the requirements of this take prompt corrective measures to
part when evidence of current and valid eliminate them.
certification by an insurance company (g) Construction work. For purposes of
or regulatory authority attesting to this section, Construction work means
the safe installation, inspection, and work for construction, alteration, and/
testing is presented. or repair, including painting and deco-
(c) Other requirements. Regulations rating.
prescribing specific requirements for (h) Defect means any characteristic
other types of pressure vessels and or condition which tends to weaken or
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similar equipment are contained in reduce the strength of the tool, object,
subparts F and O of this part. or structure of which it is a part.
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§ 1926.33 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(i) Designated person means ‘‘author- to meet a given purpose, occasion, con-
ized person’’ as defined in paragraph (d) dition, function, or circumstance.
of this section.
[44 FR 8577, Feb. 9, 1979; 44 FR 20940, Apr. 6,
(j) Employee means every laborer or 1979, as amended at 58 FR 35078, June 30, 1993]
mechanic under the Act regardless of
the contractual relationship which § 1926.33 Access to employee exposure
may be alleged to exist between the la- and medical records.
borer and mechanic and the contractor NOTE: The requirements applicable to con-
or subcontractor who engaged him. struction work under this section are iden-
‘‘Laborer and mechanic’’ are not de- tical to those set forth at § 1910.1020 of this
fined in the Act, but the identical chapter.
terms are used in the Davis-Bacon Act [61 FR 31431, June 20, 1996]
(40 U.S.C. 276a), which provides for
minimum wage protection on Federal § 1926.34 Means of egress.
and federally assisted construction
(a) General. In every building or
contracts. The use of the same term in
structure exits shall be so arranged and
a statute which often applies concur-
maintained as to provide free and un-
rently with section 107 of the Act has
obstructed egress from all parts of the
considerable precedential value in building or structure at all times when
ascertaining the meaning of ‘‘laborer it is occupied. No lock or fastening to
and mechanic’’ as used in the Act. La- prevent free escape from the inside of
borer generally means one who per- any building shall be installed except
forms manual labor or who labors at an in mental, penal, or corrective institu-
occupation requiring physical strength; tions where supervisory personnel is
mechanic generally means a worker continually on duty and effective pro-
skilled with tools. See 18 Comp. Gen. visions are made to remove occupants
341. in case of fire or other emergency.
(k) Employer means contractor or (b) Exit marking. Exits shall be
subcontractor within the meaning of marked by a readily visible sign. Ac-
the Act and of this part. cess to exits shall be marked by readily
(l) Hazardous substance means a sub- visible signs in all cases where the exit
stance which, by reason of being explo- or way to reach it is not immediately
sive, flammable, poisonous, corrosive, visible to the occupants.
oxidizing, irritating, or otherwise (c) Maintenance and workmanship.
harmful, is likely to cause death or in- Means of egress shall be continually
jury. maintained free of all obstructions or
(m) Qualified means one who, by pos- impediments to full instant use in the
session of a recognized degree, certifi- case of fire or other emergency.
cate, or professional standing, or who
[58 FR 35083, June 30, 1993]
by extensive knowledge, training, and
experience, has successfully dem- § 1926.35 Employee emergency action
onstrated his ability to solve or resolve plans.
problems relating to the subject mat-
(a) Scope and application. This section
ter, the work, or the project.
applies to all emergency action plans
(n) Safety factor means the ratio of
required by a particular OSHA stand-
the ultimate breaking strength of a ard. The emergency action plan shall
member or piece of material or equip- be in writing (except as provided in the
ment to the actual working stress or last sentence of paragraph (e)(3) of this
safe load when in use. section) and shall cover those des-
(o) Secretary means the Secretary of ignated actions employers and employ-
Labor. ees must take to ensure employee safe-
(p) SAE means Society of Automotive ty from fire and other emergencies.
Engineers. (b) Elements. The following elements,
(q) Shall means mandatory. at a minimum, shall be included in the
(r) Should means recommended. plan:
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(s) Suitable means that which fits, (1) Emergency escape procedures and
and has the qualities or qualifications emergency escape route assignments;
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.50
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§ 1926.51 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(f)(1) In areas where 911 emergency aid kits. The employer can use the OSHA 300
dispatch services are not available, the log, OSHA 301 log, or other reports to iden-
telephone numbers of the physicians, tify these unique problems. Consultation
from the local fire/rescue department, appro-
hospitals, or ambulances shall be con-
priate medical professional, or local emer-
spicuously posted. gency room may be helpful to employers in
(2) In areas where 911 emergency dis- these circumstances. By assessing the spe-
patch services are available and an em- cific needs of their workplace, employers can
ployer uses a communication system ensure that reasonably anticipated supplies
for contacting necessary emergency- are available. Employers should assess the
medical service, the employer must: specific needs of their worksite periodically
(i) Ensure that the communication and augment the first aid kit appropriately.
system is effective in contacting the If it is reasonably anticipated employees
emergency-medical service; and will be exposed to blood or other potentially
infectious materials while using first-aid
(ii)(A) When using a communication supplies, employers should provide personal
system in an area that does not auto- protective equipment (PPE). Appropriate
matically supply the caller’s latitude PPE includes gloves, gowns, face shields,
and longitude information to the 911 masks and eye protection (see ‘‘Occupational
emergency dispatcher, the employer Exposure to Blood borne Pathogens’’, 29 CFR
must post in a conspicuous location at 1910.1030(d)(3)) (56 FR 64175).
the worksite either: [44 FR 8577, Feb. 9, 1979; 44 FR 20940, Apr. 6,
(1) The latitude and longitude of the 1979, as amended at 49 FR 18295, Apr. 30, 1984;
worksite; or 58 FR 35084, June 30, 1993; 61 FR 5510, Feb. 13,
(2) Other location-identification in- 1996; 63 FR 33469, June 18, 1998; 76 FR 80740,
formation that communicates effec- Dec. 27, 2011; 84 FR 21575, May 14, 2019]
tively to employees the location of the
worksite. § 1926.51 Sanitation.
(B) The requirement specified in (a) Potable water. (1) An adequate sup-
paragraph (f)(2)(ii)(A) of this section ply of potable water shall be provided
does not apply to worksites with read- in all places of employment.
ily available telephone land lines that (2) Portable containers used to dis-
have 911 emergency service that auto- pense drinking water shall be capable
matically identifies the location of the of being tightly closed, and equipped
caller. with a tap. Water shall not be dipped
(g) Where the eyes or body of any from containers.
person may be exposed to injurious cor- (3) Any container used to distribute
rosive materials, suitable facilities for drinking water shall be clearly marked
quick drenching or flushing of the eyes as to the nature of its contents and not
and body shall be provided within the used for any other purpose.
work area for immediate emergency (4) The common drinking cup is pro-
use. hibited.
APPENDIX A TO § 1926.50—FIRST AID KITS (5) Where single service cups (to be
(NON-MANDATORY) used but once) are supplied, both a san-
First aid supplies are required to be easily itary container for the unused cups and
accessible under paragraph § 1926.50(d)(1). An a receptacle for disposing of the used
example of the minimal contents of a generic cups shall be provided.
first aid kit is described in American Na- (6) Potable water means water that
tional Standard (ANSI) Z308.1–1978 ‘‘Min- meets the standards for drinking pur-
imum Requirements for Industrial Unit-Type poses of the State or local authority
First-aid Kits’’. The contents of the kit list-
ed in the ANSI standard should be adequate
having jurisdiction, or water that
for small work sites. When larger operations meets the quality standards prescribed
or multiple operations are being conducted by the U.S. Environmental Protection
at the same location, employers should de- Agency’s National Primary Drinking
termine the need for additional first aid kits Water Regulations (40 CFR part 141).
at the worksite, additional types of first aid (b) Nonpotable water. (1) Outlets for
equipment and supplies and additional quan- nonpotable water, such as water for in-
tities and types of supplies and equipment in
the first aid kits. dustrial or firefighting purposes only,
shall be identified by signs meeting the
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.51
unsafe and is not to be used for drink- where contaminants may be harmful to
ing, washing, or cooking purposes. the employees. Such facilities shall be
(2) There shall be no cross-connec- in near proximity to the worksite and
tion, open or potential, between a sys- shall be so equipped as to enable em-
tem furnishing potable water and a ployees to remove such substances.
system furnishing nonpotable water. (2) General. Washing facilities shall
(c) Toilets at construction jobsites. (1) be maintained in a sanitary condition.
Toilets shall be provided for employees (3) Lavatories. (i) Lavatories shall be
according to the following table: made available in all places of employ-
ment. The requirements of this sub-
TABLE D–1 division do not apply to mobile crews
Number of em- or to normally unattended work loca-
Minimum number of facilities
ployees tions if employees working at these lo-
20 or less .......... 1. cations have transportation readily
20 or more ......... 1 toilet seat and 1 urinal per 40 workers. available to nearby washing facilities
200 or more ....... 1 toilet seat and 1 urinal per 50 workers. which meet the other requirements of
this paragraph.
(2) Under temporary field conditions, (ii) Each lavatory shall be provided
provisions shall be made to assure not with hot and cold running water, or
less than one toilet facility is avail- tepid running water.
able. (iii) Hand soap or similar cleansing
(3) Job sites, not provided with a san- agents shall be provided.
itary sewer, shall be provided with one
(iv) Individual hand towels or sec-
of the following toilet facilities unless
tions thereof, of cloth or paper, air
prohibited by local codes:
blowers or clean individual sections of
(i) Privies (where their use will not
continuous cloth toweling, convenient
contaminate ground or surface water);
to the lavatories, shall be provided.
(ii) Chemical toilets;
(iii) Recirculating toilets; (4) Showers. (i) Whenever showers are
(iv) Combustion toilets. required by a particular standard, the
(4) The requirements of this para- showers shall be provided in accord-
graph (c) for sanitation facilities shall ance with paragraphs (f)(4) (ii) through
not apply to mobile crews having (v) of this section.
transportation readily available to (ii) One shower shall be provided for
nearby toilet facilities. each 10 employees of each sex, or nu-
(d) Food handling. (1) All employees’ merical fraction thereof, who are re-
food service facilities and operations quired to shower during the same shift.
shall meet the applicable laws, ordi- (iii) Body soap or other appropriate
nances, and regulations of the jurisdic- cleansing agents convenient to the
tions in which they are located. showers shall be provided as specified
(2) All employee food service facili- in paragraph (f)(3)(iii) of this section.
ties and operations shall be carried out (iv) Showers shall be provided with
in accordance with sound hygienic hot and cold water feeding a common
principles. In all places of employment discharge line.
where all or part of the food service is (v) Employees who use showers shall
provided, the food dispensed shall be be provided with individual clean tow-
wholesome, free from spoilage, and els.
shall be processed, prepared, handled, (g) Eating and drinking areas. No em-
and stored in such a manner as to be ployee shall be allowed to consume
protected against contamination. food or beverages in a toilet room nor
(e) Temporary sleeping quarters. When in any area exposed to a toxic mate-
temporary sleeping quarters are pro- rial.
vided, they shall be heated, ventilated, (h) Vermin control. Every enclosed
and lighted. workplace shall be so constructed,
(f) Washing facilities. (1) The employer equipped, and maintained, so far as
shall provide adequate washing facili- reasonably practicable, as to prevent
ties for employees engaged in the ap- the entrance or harborage of rodents,
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§ 1926.52 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
program shall be instituted where their each. Exposure to different levels for
presence is detected. various periods of time shall be com-
(i) Change rooms. Whenever employ- puted according to the formula set
ees are required by a particular stand- forth in paragraph (d)(2)(ii) of this sec-
ard to wear protective clothing because tion.
of the possibility of contamination (ii) Fe = (T1/L1) + (T2/L2) + · · · + (Tn/
with toxic materials, change rooms Ln)
equipped with storage facilities for
street clothes and separate storage fa- Where:
cilities for the protective clothing Fe = The equivalent noise exposure factor.
shall be provided. T = The period of noise exposure at any es-
sentially constant level.
[44 FR 8577, Feb. 9, 1979; 44 FR 20940, Apr. 6, L = The duration of the permissible noise ex-
1979, as amended at 58 FR 35084, June 30, 1993; posure at the constant level (from Table
76 FR 33611, June 8, 2011] D–2).
§ 1926.52 Occupational noise exposure. If the value of Fe exceeds unity (1) the
(a) Protection against the effects of exposure exceeds permissible levels.
noise exposure shall be provided when (iii) A sample computation showing
the sound levels exceed those shown in an application of the formula in para-
Table D–2 of this section when meas- graph (d)(2)(ii) of this section is as fol-
ured on the A-scale of a standard sound lows. An employee is exposed at these
level meter at slow response. levels for these periods:
(b) When employees are subjected to
110 db A 1⁄4 hour.
sound levels exceeding those listed in
100 db A 1⁄2 hour.
Table D–2 of this section, feasible ad-
90 db A 11⁄2 hours.
ministrative or engineering controls
shall be utilized. If such controls fail to Fe = (1⁄4/1⁄2) + (1⁄2/2) + (11⁄2/8)
reduce sound levels within the levels of Fe = 0.500 + 0.25 + 0.188
the table, personal protective equip- Fe = 0.938
ment as required in subpart E, shall be
provided and used to reduce sound lev- Since the value of Fe does not exceed
els within the levels of the table. unity, the exposure is within permis-
(c) If the variations in noise level in- sible limits.
volve maxima at intervals of 1 second (e) Exposure to impulsive or impact
or less, it is to be considered contin- noise should not exceed 140 dB peak
uous. sound pressure level.
(d)(1) In all cases where the sound
levels exceed the values shown herein, § 1926.53 Ionizing radiation.
a continuing, effective hearing con- (a) In construction and related ac-
servation program shall be adminis- tivities involving the use of sources of
tered. ionizing radiation, the pertinent provi-
sions of the Nuclear Regulatory Com-
TABLE D–2—PERMISSIBLE NOISE EXPOSURES mission’s Standards for Protection
Sound level
Against Radiation (10 CFR part 20), re-
Duration per day, hours dBA slow lating to protection against occupa-
response tional radiation exposure, shall apply.
8 ......................................................................... 90 (b) Any activity which involves the
6 ......................................................................... 92 use of radioactive materials or X-rays,
4 ......................................................................... 95
3 ......................................................................... 97
whether or not under license from the
2 ......................................................................... 100 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, shall
11⁄2 ..................................................................... 102 be performed by competent persons
1 ......................................................................... 105
1⁄2 ....................................................................... 110
specially trained in the proper and safe
1⁄4 or less ........................................................... 115 operation of such equipment. In the
case of materials used under Commis-
(2)(i) When the daily noise exposure sion license, only persons actually li-
is composed of two or more periods of censed, or competent persons under di-
noise exposure of different levels, their rection and supervision of the licensee,
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.55
NOTE: The requirements applicable to con- (k) Laser unit in operation should be
struction work under paragraphs (c) through set up above the heads of the employ-
(r) of this section are identical to those set ees, when possible.
forth at paragraphs (a) through (p) of
§ 1910.1096 of this chapter. (l) Employees shall not be exposed to
microwave power densities in excess of
[44 FR 8577, Feb. 9, 1979; 44 FR 20940, Apr. 6, 10 milliwatts per square centimeter.
1979, as amended at 61 FR 5510, Feb. 13, 1996;
61 FR 31431, June 20, 1996] § 1926.55 Gases, vapors, fumes, dusts,
and mists.
§ 1926.54 Nonionizing radiation.
(a) Employers must limit an employ-
(a) Only qualified and trained em- ee’s exposure to any substance listed in
ployees shall be assigned to install, ad- Table 1 or 2 of this section in accord-
just, and operate laser equipment. ance with the following:
(b) Proof of qualification of the laser (1) Substances with limits preceded by
equipment operator shall be available (C)—Ceiling Values. An employee’s ex-
and in possession of the operator at all
posure, as determined from breathing-
zone air samples, to any substance in
(c) Employees, when working in areas Table 1 of this section with a permis-
in which a potential exposure to direct sible exposure limit preceded by (C)
or reflected laser light greater than must at no time exceed the exposure
0.005 watts (5 milliwatts) exists, shall limit specified for that substance. If in-
be provided with antilaser eye protec- stantaneous monitoring is not feasible,
tion devices as specified in subpart E of then the employer must assess the ceil-
this part.
ing as a 15-minute time-weighted aver-
(d) Areas in which lasers are used age exposure that the employer cannot
shall be posted with standard laser exceed at any time during the working
warning placards. day.
(e) Beam shutters or caps shall be (2) Other substances—8-hour Time
utilized, or the laser turned off, when Weighted Averages. An employee’s expo-
laser transmission is not actually re- sure, as determined from breathing-
quired. When the laser is left unat- zone air samples, to any substance in
tended for a substantial period of time, Table 1 or 2 of this section with a per-
such as during lunch hour, overnight,
missible exposure limit not preceded
or at change of shifts, the laser shall be
by (C) must not exceed the limit speci-
turned off.
fied for that substance measured as an
(f) Only mechanical or electronic 8-hour time-weighted average in any
means shall be used as a detector for work shift.
guiding the internal alignment of the
(b) To achieve compliance with para-
graph (a) of this section, administra-
(g) The laser beam shall not be di- tive or engineering controls must first
rected at employees. be implemented whenever feasible.
(h) When it is raining or snowing, or When such controls are not feasible to
when there is dust or fog in the air, the achieve full compliance, protective
operation of laser systems shall be pro- equipment or other protective meas-
hibited where practicable; in any ures shall be used to keep the exposure
event, employees shall be kept out of of employees to air contaminants with-
range of the area of source and target in the limits prescribed in this section.
during such weather conditions. Any equipment and technical measures
(i) Laser equipment shall bear a label used for this purpose must first be ap-
to indicate maximum output. proved for each particular use by a
(j) Employees shall not be exposed to competent industrial hygienist or
light intensities above: other technically qualified person.
(1) Direct staring: 1 micro-watt per Whenever respirators are used, their
square centimeter; use shall comply with § 1926.103.
(2) Incidental observing: 1 milliwatt (c) Paragraphs (a) and (b) of this sec-
per square centimeter; tion do not apply to the exposure of
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§ 1926.55 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
Substance CAS No. d ppm a mg/m 3 b designation *
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.55
Substance CAS No. d ppm a mg/m 3 b designation *
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§ 1926.55 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
Substance CAS No. d ppm a mg/m 3 b designation *
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.55
Substance CAS No. d ppm a mg/m 3 b designation *
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§ 1926.55 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
Substance CAS No. d ppm a mg/m 3 b designation *
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.55
Substance CAS No. d ppm a mg/m 3 b designation *
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§ 1926.55 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
Substance CAS No. d ppm a mg/m 3 b designation *
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.55
Substance CAS No. d ppm a mg/m 3 b designation *
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§ 1926.55 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
Substance CAS No. d ppm a mg/m 3 b designation *
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.55
Substance CAS No. d ppm a mg/m 3 b designation *
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§ 1926.55 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
Substance CAS No. d ppm a mg/m 3 b designation *
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.55
Substance CAS No. d ppm a mg/m 3 b designation *
Inert or Nuisance Particulates: (m) 50 (or 15 mg/m3 whichever is the smaller) of total
dust <1% SiO2
[Inert or Nuisance Dusts includes all mineral, inorganic,
and organic dusts as indicated by examples in TLV’s
appendix D]
Conversion factors.
mppcf × 35.3 = million particles per cubic meter = particles
per c.c.
Footnotes to Tables 1 and 2 of this section:
1 [Reserved]
2 See Table 2 of this section.
3 Use Asbestos Limit § 1926.1101.
4 [Reserved]
5 See Table 2 of this section for the exposure limit for any operations or sectors where the exposure limit in § 1926.1153 is
stayed or is otherwise not in effect.
* An ‘‘X’’ designation in the ‘‘Skin Designation’’ column indicates that the substance is a dermal hazard.
a Parts of vapor or gas per million parts of contaminated air by volume at 25 °C and 760 torr.
b Milligrams of substance per cubic meter of air. When entry is in this column only, the value is exact; when listed with a
ppm entry, it is approximate.
c [Reserved]
d The CAS number is for information only. Enforcement is based on the substance name. For an entry covering more than
one metal compound, measured as the metal, the CAS number for the metal is given—not CAS numbers for the individual
e–f [Reserved]
g For sectors excluded from § 1926.1128 the limit is 10 ppm TWA.
h-i [Reserved]
j Millions of particles per cubic foot of air, based on impinger samples counted by light-field techniques.
k The percentage of crystalline silica in the formula is the amount determined from airborne samples, except in those in-
stances in which other methods have been shown to be applicable.
l [Reserved]
m Covers all organic and inorganic particulates not otherwise regulated. Same as Particulates Not Otherwise Regulated.
n If the exposure limit in § 1926.1126 is stayed or is otherwise not in effect, the exposure limit is a ceiling of 0.1 mg/m3.
o If the exposure limit in § 1926.1126 is stayed or is otherwise not in effect, the exposure limit is 0.1 mg/m3 (as CrO ) as an
8-hour TWA.
p This standard applies to any operations or sectors for which the respirable crystalline silica standard, 1926.1153, is stayed
or otherwise is not in effect.
q This standard applies to any operations or sectors for which the beryllium standard, 1926.1124, is stayed or otherwise is
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not in effect.
The 1970 TLV uses letter designations instead of a numerical value as follows:
A 1 [Reserved]
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§ 1926.56 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
A 2 Polytetrafluoroethylene decomposition products. Because these products decompose in part by hydrolysis in alkaline solu-
tion, they can be quantitatively determined in air as fluoride to provide an index of exposure. No TLV is recommended pending
determination of the toxicity of the products, but air concentrations should be minimal.
A 3 Gasoline and/or Petroleum Distillates. The composition of these materials varies greatly and thus a single TLV for all
types of these materials is no longer applicable. The content of benzene, other aromatics and additives should be determined
to arrive at the appropriate TLV.
E Simple asphyxiants. The limiting factor is the available oxygen which shall be at least 19.5% and be within the require-
ments addressing explosion in part 1926.
[39 FR 22801, June 24, 1974, as amended at 51 FR 37007, Oct. 17, 1986; 52 FR 46312, Dec. 4, 1987;
58 FR 35089, June 30, 1993; 61 FR 9249, 9250, Mar. 7, 1996; 61 FR 56856, Nov. 4, 1996; 62 FR 1619,
Jan. 10, 1997; 71 FR 10381, Feb. 28, 2006; 71 FR 36009, June 23, 2006; 81 FR 16875, Mar. 25, 2016;
81 FR 31168, May 18, 2016; 81 FR 60273, Sept. 1, 2016; 82 FR 2750, Jan. 9, 2017; 84 FR 21576, May
14, 2019]
concentrations shall not exceed the for a time after the work process or
limits specified in § 1926.55(a). When equipment served by the same shall
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.57
have ceased, in order to ensure the re- lecting equipment, (D) exhauster, and
moval of the harmful elements to the (E) discharge stack.
required extent. For the same reason, (ix) Particulate-filter respirator. An air
employees wearing respiratory equip- purifying respirator, commonly re-
ment should not remove same imme- ferred to as a dust or a fume respirator,
diately until the atmosphere seems which removes most of the dust or
clear. fume from the air passing through the
(e) Disposal of exhaust materials. The device.
air outlet from every dust separator, (x) Respirable dust. Airborne dust in
and the dusts, fumes, mists, vapors, or sizes capable of passing through the
gases collected by an exhaust or ven- upper respiratory system to reach the
tilating system shall discharge to the lower lung passages.
outside atmosphere. Collecting sys- (xi) Rotary blast cleaning table. An en-
tems which return air to work area closure where the pieces to be cleaned
may be used if concentrations which are positioned on a rotating table and
accumulate in the work area air do not are passed automatically through a se-
result in harmful exposure to employ- ries of blast sprays.
ees. Dust and refuse discharged from an
(xii) Abrasive blasting. The forcible
exhaust system shall be disposed of in
application of an abrasive to a surface
such a manner that it will not result in
by pneumatic pressure, hydraulic pres-
harmful exposure to employees.
sure, or centrifugal force.
(f) Abrasive blasting—(1) Definitions
applicable to this paragraph—(i) Abra- (2) Dust hazards from abrasive blasting.
sive. A solid substance used in an abra- (i) Abrasives and the surface coatings
sive blasting operation. on the materials blasted are shattered
(ii) Abrasive-blasting respirator. A res- and pulverized during blasting oper-
pirator constructed so that it covers ations and the dust formed will contain
the wearer’s head, neck, and shoulders particles of respirable size. The com-
to protect the wearer from rebounding position and toxicity of the dust from
abrasive. these sources shall be considered in
(iii) Blast cleaning barrel. A complete making an evaluation of the potential
enclosure which rotates on an axis, or health hazards.
which has an internal moving tread to (ii) The concentration of respirable
tumble the parts, in order to expose dust or fume in the breathing zone of
various surfaces of the parts to the ac- the abrasive-blasting operator or any
tion of an automatic blast spray. other worker shall be kept below the
(iv) Blast cleaning room. A complete levels specified in § 1926.55 or other per-
enclosure in which blasting operations tinent sections of this part.
are performed and where the operator (iii) Organic abrasives which are
works inside of the room to operate the combustible shall be used only in auto-
blasting nozzle and direct the flow of matic systems. Where flammable or ex-
the abrasive material. plosive dust mixtures may be present,
(v) Blasting cabinet. An enclosure the construction of the equipment, in-
where the operator stands outside and cluding the exhaust system and all
operates the blasting nozzle through an electric wiring, shall conform to the
opening or openings in the enclosure. requirements of American National
(vi) Clean air. Air of such purity that Standard Installation of Blower and
it will not cause harm or discomfort to Exhaust Systems for Dust, Stock, and
an individual if it is inhaled for ex- Vapor Removal or Conveying, Z33.1–
tended periods of time. 1961 (NFPA 91–1961), and subpart S of
(vii) Dust collector. A device or com- this part. The blast nozzle shall be
bination of devices for separating dust bonded and grounded to prevent the
from the air handled by an exhaust build up of static charges. Where flam-
ventilation system. mable or explosive dust mixtures may
(viii) Exhaust ventilation system. A be present, the abrasive blasting enclo-
system for removing contaminated air sure, the ducts, and the dust collector
from a space, comprising two or more shall be constructed with loose panels
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§ 1926.57 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
provide for pressure relief in case of ex- thereafter to assure continued satisfac-
plosion, following the principles set tory operation. Whenever an appre-
forth in the National Fire Protection ciable change in the pressure drop indi-
Association Explosion Venting Guide. cates a partial blockage, the system
NFPA 68–1954. shall be cleaned and returned to nor-
(3) Blast-cleaning enclosures. (i) Blast- mal operating condition.
cleaning enclosures shall be exhaust (ii) In installations where the abra-
ventilated in such a way that a contin- sive is recirculated, the exhaust ven-
uous inward flow of air will be main- tilation system for the blasting enclo-
tained at all openings in the enclosure sure shall not be relied upon for the re-
during the blasting operation. moval of fines from the spent abrasive
(A) All air inlets and access openings instead of an abrasive separator. An
shall be baffled or so arranged that by abrasive separator shall be provided for
the combination of inward air flow and the purpose.
baffling the escape of abrasive or dust (iii) The air exhausted from blast-
particles into an adjacent work area cleaning equipment shall be discharged
will be minimized and visible spurts of through dust collecting equipment.
dust will not be observed. Dust collectors shall be set up so that
(B) The rate of exhaust shall be suffi- the accumulated dust can be emptied
cient to provide prompt clearance of and removed without contaminating
the dust-laden air within the enclosure other working areas.
after the cessation of blasting. (5) Personal protective equipment. (i)
(C) Before the enclosure is opened, Employers must use only respirators
the blast shall be turned off and the ex- approved by NIOSH under 42 CFR part
haust system shall be run for a suffi- 84 for protecting employees from dusts
cient period of time to remove the produced during abrasive-blasting op-
dusty air within the enclosure. erations.
(D) Safety glass protected by screen- (ii) Abrasive-blasting respirators
ing shall be used in observation win- shall be worn by all abrasive-blasting
dows, where hard deep-cutting abra- operators:
sives are used. (A) When working inside of blast-
(E) Slit abrasive-resistant baffles cleaning rooms, or
shall be installed in multiple sets at all (B) When using silica sand in manual
small access openings where dust blasting operations where the nozzle
might escape, and shall be inspected and blast are not physically separated
regularly and replaced when needed. from the operator in an exhaust venti-
(1) Doors shall be flanged and tight lated enclosure, or
when closed. (C) Where concentrations of toxic
(2) Doors on blast-cleaning rooms dust dispersed by the abrasive blasting
shall be operable from both inside and may exceed the limits set in § 1926.55 or
outside, except that where there is a other pertinent sections of this part
small operator access door, the large and the nozzle and blast are not phys-
work access door may be closed or ically separated from the operator in
opened from the outside only. an exhaust-ventilated enclosure.
(4) Exhaust ventilation systems. (i) The (iii) Properly fitted particulate-filter
construction, installation, inspection, respirators, commonly referred to as
and maintenance of exhaust systems dust-filter respirators, may be used for
shall conform to the principles and re- short, intermittent, or occasional dust
quirements set forth in American Na- exposures such as cleanup, dumping of
tional Standard Fundamentals Gov- dust collectors, or unloading shipments
erning the Design and Operation of of sand at a receiving point when it is
Local Exhaust Systems, Z9.2–1960, and not feasible to control the dust by en-
ANSI Z33.1–1961. closure, exhaust ventilation, or other
(a) When dust leaks are noted, re- means. The respirators used must be
pairs shall be made as soon as possible. approved by NIOSH under 42 CFR part
(b) The static pressure drop at the ex- 84 for protection against the specific
haust ducts leading from the equip- type of dust encountered.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
ment shall be checked when the instal- (iv) A respiratory protection program
lation is completed and periodically as defined and described in § 1926.103,
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.57
than 20 inches (50.8 cm) in diameter, horizontal spindles upon the inside
used for a multitude of operations var- ends of which are mounted abrasive
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§ 1926.57 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
disc wheels used for grinding two sur- (ii) Grinding wheels on floor stands,
faces simultaneously. pedestals, benches, and special-purpose
(xii) Horizontal single-spindle disc grinding machines and abrasive cut-
grinder. A grinding machine carrying ting-off wheels shall have not less than
an abrasive disc wheel upon one or the minimum exhaust volumes shown
both ends of a power-driven, rotatable in Table D–57.1 with a recommended
single horizontal spindle. minimum duct velocity of 4,500 feet per
(xiii) Polishing and buffing wheels. All minute in the branch and 3,500 feet per
power-driven rotatable wheels com- minute in the main. The entry losses
posed all or in part of textile fabrics, from all hoods except the vertical-spin-
wood, felt, leather, paper, and may be dle disc grinder hood, shall equal 0.65
coated with abrasives on the periphery velocity pressure for a straight takeoff
of the wheel for purposes of polishing, and 0.45 velocity pressure for a tapered
buffing, and light grinding. takeoff. The entry loss for the vertical-
(xiv) Portable grinder. Any power-driv- spindle disc grinder hood is shown in
en rotatable grinding, polishing, or figure D–57.1 (following paragraph (g)
buffing wheel mounted in such manner of this section).
that it may be manually manipulated.
(xv) Scratch brush wheels. All power- TABLE D–57.1—GRINDING AND ABRASIVE
driven rotatable wheels made from CUTTING-OFF WHEELS
wire or bristles, and used for scratch Wheel Minimum
cleaning and brushing purposes. Wheel diameter, inches (cm) width, exhaust
inches volume
(xvi) Swing-frame grinder. Any power- (cm) (feet3/min.)
driven rotatable grinding, polishing, or
buffing wheel mounted in such a man- To 9 (22.86) ................................... 11⁄2 (3.81) 220
Over 9 to 16 (22.86 to 40.64) ....... 2 (5.08) 390
ner that the wheel with its supporting Over 16 to 19 (40.64 to 48.26) ..... 3 (7.62) 500
framework can be manipulated over Over 19 to 24 (48.26 to 60.96) ..... 4 (10.16) 610
stationary objects. Over 24 to 30 (60.96 to 76.2) ....... 5 (12.7) 880
Over 30 to 36 (76.2 to 91.44) ....... 6 (15.24) 1,200
(xvii) Velocity pressure (vp). The ki-
netic pressure in the direction of flow
necessary to cause a fluid at rest to For any wheel wider than wheel diame-
flow at a given velocity. It is usually ters shown in Table D–57.1, increase the
expressed in inches of water gauge. exhaust volume by the ratio of the new
(xviii) Vertical spindle disc grinder. A width to the width shown.
grinding machine having a vertical, ro- Example: If wheel width = 41⁄2 inches (11.43
tatable power-driven spindle carrying a cm),
horizontal abrasive disc wheel. then 4.5 ÷ 4 × 610 = 686 (rounded to 690).
(2) Application. Wherever dry grind- (iii) Scratch-brush wheels and all
ing, dry polishing or buffing is per- buffing and polishing wheels mounted
formed, and employee exposure, with- on floor stands, pedestals, benches, or
out regard to the use of respirators, ex- special-purpose machines shall have
ceeds the permissible exposure limits not less than the minimum exhaust
prescribed in § 1926.55 or other perti- volume shown in Table D–57.2.
nent sections of this part, a local ex-
haust ventilation system shall be pro- TABLE D–57.2—BUFFING AND POLISHING
vided and used to maintain employee WHEELS
exposures within the prescribed limits.
(3) Hood and branch pipe requirements. Minimum
Wheel exhaust
(i) Hoods connected to exhaust systems Wheel diameter, inches (cm) width, volume
inches cm)
shall be used, and such hoods shall be (feet3/min.)
designed, located, and placed so that To 9 (22.86) ................................... 2 (5.08) 300
the dust or dirt particles shall fall or Over 9 to 16 (22.86 to 40.64) ....... 3 (7.62) 500
be projected into the hoods in the di- Over 16 to 19 (40.64 to 48.26) ..... 4 (10.16) 610
Over 19 to 24 (48.26 to 60.96) ..... 5 (12.7) 740
rection of the air flow. No wheels, Over 24 to 30 (60.96 to 76.2) ....... 6 (15.24) 1,040
discs, straps, or belts shall be operated Over 30 to 36 (76.2 to 91.44) ....... 6 (15.24) 1,200
in such manner and in such direction
as to cause the dust and dirt particles (iv) Grinding wheels or discs for hori-
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.57
generated by the grinding operation ations and the hoods shall be connected
and the hoods shall be connected to to branch pipes having exhaust vol-
branch pipes having exhaust volumes umes as shown in Table D–57.6.
as shown in Table D–57.3.
Exhaust Belts width, inches (cm) volume
Disc diameter, inches (cm) volume (ft.3/min.)
Up to 3 (7.62) ...................................................... 220
Up to 12 (30.48) .................................................. 220 Over 3 to 5 (7.62 to 12.7) ................................... 300
Over 12 to 19 (30.48 to 48.26) ........................... 390 Over 5 to 7 (12.7 to 17.78) ................................. 390
Over 19 to 30 (48.26 to 76.2) ............................. 610
Over 7 to 9 (17.78 to 22.86) ............................... 500
Over 30 to 36 (76.2 to 91.44) ............................. 880
Over 9 to 11 (22.86 to 27.94) ............................. 610
Over 11 to 13 (27.94 to 33.02) ........................... 740
(v) Grinding wheels or discs for hori-
zontal double-spindle disc grinders (viii) Cradles and swing-frame grind-
shall have a hood enclosing the grind- ers. Where cradles are used for han-
ing chamber and the hood shall be con- dling the parts to be ground, polished,
nected to one or more branch pipes or buffed, requiring large partial enclo-
having exhaust volumes as shown in sures to house the complete operation,
Table D–57.4. a minimum average air velocity of 150
TABLE D–57.4—HORIZONTAL DOUBLE-SPINDLE feet per minute shall be maintained
DISC GRINDER over the entire opening of the enclo-
sure. Swing-frame grinders shall also
Exhaust be exhausted in the same manner as
Disc diameter, inches (cm) volume
(ft.3/min.) provided for cradles. (See fig. D–57.3)
(ix) Where the work is outside the
Up to 19 (48.26) .................................................. 610
Over 19 to 25 (48.26 to 63.5) ............................. 880
hood, air volumes must be increased as
Over 25 to 30 (63.5 to 76.2) ............................... 1,200 shown in American Standard Fun-
Over 30 to 53 (76.2 to 134.62) ........................... 1,770 damentals Governing the Design and
Over 53 to 72 (134.62 to 182.88) ....................... 6,280
Operation of Local Exhaust Systems,
Z9.2–1960 (section 4, exhaust hoods).
(vi) Grinding wheels or discs for
(4) Exhaust systems. (i) Exhaust sys-
vertical single-spindle disc grinders
tems for grinding, polishing, and buff-
shall be encircled with hoods to remove
ing operations should be designed in
the dust generated in the operation.
accordance with American Standard
The hoods shall be connected to one or
Fundamentals Governing the Design
more branch pipes having exhaust vol-
and Operation of Local Exhaust Sys-
umes as shown in Table D–57.5.
tems, Z9.2–1960.
TABLE D–57.5—VERTICAL SPINDLE DISC (ii) Exhaust systems for grinding,
GRINDER polishing, and buffing operations shall
be tested in the manner described in
One-half or more Disc not cov- American Standard Fundamentals
of disc covered ered
Disc diameter, inches
Governing the Design and Operation of
Ex- Ex- Local Exhaust Systems, Z9.2–1960.
(cm) Num- haust Num- haust
ber 1 foot 3/ ber 1 foot3/ (iii) All exhaust systems shall be pro-
min. min.
vided with suitable dust collectors.
Up to 20 (50.8) .......... 1 500 2 780 (5) Hood and enclosure design. (i) (A) It
Over 20 to 30 (50.8 to is the dual function of grinding and ab-
76.2) ....................... 2 780 2 1,480
Over 30 to 53 (76.2 to rasive cutting-off wheel hoods to pro-
134.62) ................... 2 1,770 4 3,530 tect the operator from the hazards of
Over 53 to 72 (134.62 bursting wheels as well as to provide a
to 182.88) ............... 2 3,140 5 6,010
means for the removal of dust and dirt
1 Number of exhaust outlets around periphery of hood, or generated. All hoods shall be not less
equal distribution provided by other means.
in structural strength than specified in
(vii) Grinding and polishing belts the American National Standard Safe-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
shall be provided with hoods to remove ty Code for the Use, Care, and Protec-
dust and dirt generated in the oper- tion of Abrasive Wheels, B7.1–1970.
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§ 1926.57 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(B) Due to the variety of work and ing face of the enclosure shall not be
types of grinding machines employed, less than 150 feet per minute.
it is necessary to develop hoods adapt- (vii) Hoods for horizontal single-spin-
able to the particular machine in ques- dle disc grinders shall be constructed
tion, and such hoods shall be located as to conform as closely as possible to the
close as possible to the operation. hood shown in figure D–57.6. It is essen-
(ii) Exhaust hoods for floor stands, tial that there be a space between the
pedestals, and bench grinders shall be back of the wheel and the hood, and a
designed in accordance with figure D– space around the periphery of the
57.2. The adjustable tongue shown in wheel of at least 1 inch (2.54 cm) in
the figure shall be kept in working order to permit the suction to act
order and shall be adjusted within one- around the wheel periphery. The open-
fourth inch (0.635 cm) of the wheel pe- ing on the side of the disc shall be no
riphery at all times. larger than is required for the grinding
(iii) Swing-frame grinders shall be operation, but must never be less than
provided with exhaust booths as indi- twice the area of the branch outlet.
cated in figure D–57.3.
(viii) Horizontal double-spindle disc
(iv) Portable grinding operations,
grinders shall have a hood encircling
whenever the nature of the work per-
the wheels and grinding chamber simi-
mits, shall be conducted within a par-
tial enclosure. The opening in the en- lar to that illustrated in figure D–57.7.
closure shall be no larger than is actu- The openings for passing the work into
ally required in the operation and an the grinding chamber should be kept as
average face air velocity of not less small as possible, but must never be
than 200 feet per minute shall be main- less than twice the area of the branch
tained. outlets.
(v) Hoods for polishing and buffing (ix) Vertical-spindle disc grinders
and scratch-brush wheels shall be con- shall be encircled with a hood so con-
structed to conform as closely to figure structed that the heavy dust is drawn
D–57.4 as the nature of the work will off a surface of the disc and the lighter
permit. dust exhausted through a continuous
(vi) Cradle grinding and polishing op- slot at the top of the hood as shown in
erations shall be performed within a figure D–57.1.
partial enclosure similar to figure D– (x) Grinding and polishing belt hoods
57.5. The operator shall be positioned shall be constructed as close to the op-
outside the working face of the opening eration as possible. The hood should
of the enclosure. The face opening of extend almost to the belt, and 1-inch
the enclosure should not be any greater (2.54 cm) wide openings should be pro-
in area than that actually required for vided on either side. Figure D–57.8
the performance of the operation and shows a typical hood for a belt oper-
the average air velocity into the work- ation.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.57
.................................... 20 (50.8) 1 41⁄4 (10.795) 500 When one-half or more of the disc
can be hooded, use exhaust
ducts as shown at the left.
Over 20 (50.8) ........... 30 (76.2) 2 4 (10.16) 780
Over 30 (76.2) ........... 72 (182.88) 2 6 (15.24) 1,770
Over 53 (134.62) ....... 72 (182.88) 2 8 (20.32) 3,140
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§ 1926.57 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
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§ 1926.57 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.57
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§ 1926.57 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.57
19 (48.26) 1 5 610
Over 19 (48.26) ................. 25 (63.5) 1 6 880 When width ‘‘W’’ permits, exhaust
ducts should be as near heaviest
grinding as possible.
Over 25 (63.5) ................... 30 (76.2) 1 7 1,200
Over 30 (76.2) ................... 53 (134.62) 2 6 1,770
Over 53 (134.62) ............... 72 (182.88) 4 8 6,280
Entry loss = 0.45 velocity pressure for tapered takeoff.
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§ 1926.57 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
Entry loss = 0.45 velocity pressure for mable and Combustible Materials,
tapered takeoff NFPA No. 33–1969).
(iii) Spray room. A spray room is a
Exhaust room in which spray-finishing oper-
Belt width W. inches (centimeters) volume.
ft.1/min ations not conducted in a spray booth
are performed separately from other
Up to 3 (7.62) ...................................................... 220
3 to 5 (7.62 to 12.7) ............................................ 300
5 to 7 (12.7 to 17.78) .......................................... 390 (iv) Minimum maintained velocity. Min-
7 to 9 (17.78 to 22.86) ........................................ 500 imum maintained velocity is the veloc-
9 to 11 (22.86 to 27.94) ...................................... 610 ity of air movement which must be
11 to 13 (27.94 to 33.02) .................................... 740 maintained in order to meet minimum
Minimum duct velocity = 4,500 ft/min branch, 3,500 ft/min specified requirements for health and
main. safety.
Entry loss = 0.45 velocity pressure for tapered takeoff; 0.65
velocity pressure for straight takeoff. (2) Location and application. Spray
booths or spray rooms are to be used to
(6) Scope. This paragraph (g), pre- enclose or confine all operations.
scribes the use of exhaust hood enclo- Spray-finishing operations shall be lo-
sures and systems in removing dust, cated as provided in sections 201
dirt, fumes, and gases generated through 206 of the Standard for Spray
through the grinding, polishing, or Finishing Using Flammable and Com-
buffing of ferrous and nonferrous met- bustible Materials, NFPA No. 33–1969.
als. (3) Design and construction of spray
(h) Spray finishing operations—(1) Defi- booths. (i) Spray booths shall be de-
nitions applicable to this paragraph—(i) signed and constructed in accordance
Spray-finishing operations. Spray-fin- with § 1926.66(b) (1) through (4) and (6)
ishing operations are employment of through (10) (see sections 301–304 and
methods wherein organic or inorganic 306–310 of the Standard for Spray Fin-
materials are utilized in dispersed form ishing Using Flammable and Combus-
for deposit on surfaces to be coated, tible Materials, NFPA No. 33–1969), for
treated, or cleaned. Such methods of general construction specifications.
deposit may involve either automatic, For a more detailed discussion of fun-
manual, or electrostatic deposition but damentals relating to this subject, see
do not include metal spraying or met- ANSI Z9.2–1960
allizing, dipping, flow coating, roller (A) Lights, motors, electrical equip-
coating, tumbling, centrifuging, or ment, and other sources of ignition
spray washing and degreasing as con- shall conform to the requirements of
ducted in self-contained washing and § 1926.66(b)(10) and (c). (See section 310
degreasing machines or systems. and chapter 4 of the Standard for Spray
(ii) Spray booth. Spray booths are de- Finishing Using Flammable and Com-
fined and described in § 1926.66(a). (See bustible Materials NFPA No. 33–1969.)
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
sections 103, 104, and 105 of the Stand- (B) In no case shall combustible ma-
ard for Spray Finishing Using Flam- terial be used in the construction of a
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.57
spray booth and supply or exhaust duct concrete, masonry, or other material
connected to it. having similar properties.
(ii) Unobstructed walkways shall not (A) Tanks shall be provided with
be less than 61⁄2 feet (1.976 m) high and weirs, skimmer plates, or screens to
shall be maintained clear of obstruc- prevent sludge and floating paint from
tion from any work location in the entering the pump suction box. Means
booth to a booth exit or open booth for automatically maintaining the
front. In booths where the open front is proper water level shall also be pro-
the only exit, such exits shall be not vided. Fresh water inlets shall not be
less than 3 feet (0.912 m) wide. In submerged. They shall terminate at
booths having multiple exits, such least one pipe diameter above the safe-
exits shall not be less than 2 feet (0.608 ty overflow level of the tank.
m) wide, provided that the maximum (B) Tanks shall be so constructed as
distance from the work location to the to discourage accumulation of haz-
exit is 25 feet (7.6 m) or less. Where ardous deposits.
booth exits are provided with doors, (vi) Pump manifolds, risers, and
such doors shall open outward from the headers shall be adequately sized to in-
booth. sure sufficient water flow to provide ef-
(iii) Baffles, distribution plates, and ficient operation of the water chamber.
dry-type overspray collectors shall (4) Design and construction of spray
conform to the requirements of rooms. (i) Spray rooms, including
§ 1926.66(b) (4) and (5). (See sections 304 floors, shall be constructed of masonry,
and 305 of the Standard for Spray Fin- concrete, or other noncombustible ma-
ishing Using Flammable and Combus- terial.
tible Materials, NFPA No. 33–1969.) (ii) Spray rooms shall have non-
(A) Overspray filters shall be in- combustible fire doors and shutters.
stalled and maintained in accordance (iii) Spray rooms shall be adequately
with the requirements of § 1926.66(b)(5), ventilated so that the atmosphere in
(see section 305 of the Standard for the breathing zone of the operator
Spray Finishing Using Flammable and shall be maintained in accordance with
Combustible Materials, NFPA No. 33– the requirements of paragraph (h)(6)(ii)
1969), and shall only be in a location of this section.
easily accessible for inspection, clean- (iv) Spray rooms used for production
ing, or replacement. spray-finishing operations shall con-
(B) Where effective means, inde- form to the requirements for spray
pendent of the overspray filters, are in- booths.
stalled which will result in design air (5) Ventilation. (i) Ventilation shall be
distribution across the booth cross sec- provided in accordance with provisions
tion, it is permissible to operate the of § 1926.66(d) (see chapter 5 of the
booth without the filters in place. Standard for Spray Finishing Using
(iv) (A) For wet or water-wash spray Flammable or Combustible Materials,
booths, the water-chamber enclosure, NFPA No. 33–1969), and in accordance
within which intimate contact of con- with the following:
taminated air and cleaning water or (A) Where a fan plenum is used to
other cleaning medium is maintained, equalize or control the distribution of
if made of steel, shall be 18 gage or exhaust air movement through the
heavier and adequately protected booth, it shall be of sufficient strength
against corrosion. or rigidity to withstand the differential
(B) Chambers may include scrubber air pressure or other superficially im-
spray nozzles, headers, troughs, or posed loads for which the equipment is
other devices. Chambers shall be pro- designed and also to facilitate clean-
vided with adequate means for creating ing. Construction specifications shall
and maintaining scrubbing action for be at least equivalent to those of para-
removal of particulate matter from the graph (h)(5)(iii) of this section.
exhaust air stream. (B) [Reserved]
(v) Collecting tanks shall be of weld- (ii) Inlet or supply ductwork used to
ed steel construction or other suitable transport makeup air to spray booths
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§ 1926.57 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
Electrostatic and automatic airless operation contained in booth Negligible .... 50 large booth ...................... 50–75
without operator.
................. 100 small booth .................... 75–125
Air-operated guns, manual or automatic ............................................ Up to 50 ...... 100 large booth .................... 75–125
................. 150 small booth .................... 125–175
Air-operated guns, manual or automatic ............................................ Up to 100 .... 150 large booth .................... 125–175
................. 200 small booth .................... 150–250
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(1) Attention is invited to the fact that the effectiveness of the spray booth is dependent upon the relationship of the depth of
the booth to its height and width.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.57
(2) Crossdrafts can be eliminated through proper design and such design should be sought. Crossdrafts in excess of
100fpm (feet per minute) should not be permitted.
(3) Excessive air pressures result in loss of both efficiency and material waste in addition to creating a backlash that may
carry overspray and fumes into adjacent work areas.
(4) Booths should be designed with velocities shown in the column headed ‘‘Design.’’ However, booths operating with veloci-
ties shown in the column headed ‘‘Range’’ are in compliance with this standard.
spray finishing, see Table D–57.8. Column 1 1,1 Dichloroethylene ...................... 42.4 5.9
gives the number of cubic feet of vapor per 1,2 Dichloroethylene ...................... 42.4 9.7
gallon of solvent and column 2 gives the Ethyl Acetate ................................. 32.8 2.5
lower explosive limit (LEL) in percentage by Ethyl Alcohol .................................. 55.2 4.3
Ethyl Lactate .................................. 28.0 1 1.5
volume of air. Note that the quantity of sol-
Methyl Acetate ............................... 40.0 3.1
vent will be diminished by the quantity of Methyl Alcohol ............................... 80.8 7.3
solids and nonflammables contained in the Methyl Cellosolve .......................... 40.8 2.5
finish. Methyl Ethyl Ketone ...................... 36.0 1.8
To determine the volume of air in cubic Methyl n-Propyl Ketone ................. 30.4 1.5
feet necessary to dilute the vapor from 1 gal- Naphtha (VM&P) (76°Naphtha) ..... 22.4 0.9
lon of solvent to 25 percent of the lower ex- Naphtha (100°Flash) Safety Sol-
plosive limit, apply the following formula: vent—Stoddard Solvent ............. 23.2 1.0
Propyl Acetate (n) ......................... 27.2 2.8
Dilution volume required per gallon of sol- Propyl Acetate (iso) ....................... 28.0 1.1
vent = 4 (100–LEL) (cubic feet of vapor Propyl Alcohol (n) .......................... 44.8 2.1
per gallon) ÷ LEL Propyl Alcohol (iso) ....................... 44.0 2.0
Toluene .......................................... 30.4 1.4
Using toluene as the solvent. Turpentine ..................................... 20.8 0.8
(1) LEL of toluene from Table D–57.8, col- Xylene (o) ...................................... 26.4 1.0
umn 2, is 1.4 percent. 1 At 212 °F (100 °C).
(2) Cubic feet of vapor per gallon from
Table D–57.8, column 1, is 30.4 cubic feet per (iii)(A) When an operator is in a
gallon. booth downstream of the object being
(3) Dilution volume required =
sprayed, an air-supplied respirator or
4 (100–1.4) 30.4 ÷ 1.4 = 8,564 cubic feet. other type of respirator approved by
(4) To convert to cubic feet per minute of NIOSH under 42 CFR part 84 for the
required ventilation, multiply the dilution material being sprayed should be used
volume required per gallon of solvent by the by the operator.
number of gallons of solvent evaporated per (B) Where downdraft booths are pro-
vided with doors, such doors shall be
TABLE D–57.8—LOWER EXPLOSIVE LIMIT OF closed when spray painting.
SOME COMMONLY USED SOLVENTS (7) Make-up air. (i) Clean fresh air,
free of contamination from adjacent
Cubic feet Lower ex- industrial exhaust systems, chimneys,
per gallon limit in per- stacks, or vents, shall be supplied to a
of vapor of
Solvent liquid at 70 cent by spray booth or room in quantities
volume of
°F (21.11 equal to the volume of air exhausted
air at 70 °F
°C). (21.11 °C) through the spray booth.
Column 1 Column 2 (ii) Where a spray booth or room re-
Acetone ......................................... 44.0 2.6 ceives make-up air through self-closing
Amyl Acetate (iso) ......................... 21.6 1 1.0 doors, dampers, or louvers, they shall
Amyl Alcohol (n) ............................ 29.6 1.2 be fully open at all times when the
Amyl Alcohol (iso) ......................... 29.6 1.2
booth or room is in use for spraying.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
Butyl Acetate (n) ............................ 24.8 1.7 The velocity of air through such doors,
Butyl Alcohol (n) ............................ 35.2 1.4 dampers, or louvers shall not exceed
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§ 1926.57 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
200 feet per minute. If the fan charac- (C) No means of heating make-up air
teristics are such that the required air shall be located in a spray booth.
flow through the booth will be pro- (D) Where make-up air is heated by
vided, higher velocities through the coal or oil, the products of combustion
doors, dampers, or louvers may be shall not be allowed to mix with the
used. make-up air, and the products of com-
(iii) (A) Where the air supply to a bustion shall be conducted outside the
spray booth or room is filtered, the fan building through a flue terminating at
static pressure shall be calculated on a point remote from all points where
the assumption that the filters are make-up air enters the building.
dirty to the extent that they require (E) Where make-up air is heated by
cleaning or replacement. gas, and the products of combustion
(B) The rating of filters shall be gov- are not mixed with the make-up air but
erned by test data supplied by the man- are conducted through an independent
ufacturer of the filter. A pressure gage flue to a point outside the building re-
shall be installed to show the pressure mote from all points where make-up
drop across the filters. This gage shall air enters the building, it is not nec-
be marked to show the pressure drop at essary to comply with paragraph
which the filters require cleaning or re- (h)(7)(iv)(F) of this section.
placement. Filters shall be replaced or (F) Where make-up air to any manu-
cleaned whenever the pressure drop ally operated spray booth or room is
across them becomes excessive or heated by gas and the products of com-
bustion are allowed to mix with the
whenever the air flow through the face
supply air, the following precautions
of the booth falls below that specified
must be taken:
in Table D–57.7.
(1) The gas must have a distinctive
(iv) (A) Means for heating make-up and strong enough odor to warn work-
air to any spray booth or room, before men in a spray booth or room of its
or at the time spraying is normally presence if in an unburned state in the
performed, shall be provided in all make-up air.
places where the outdoor temperature (2) The maximum rate of gas supply
may be expected to remain below 55 °F. to the make-up air heater burners
(12.77 °C.) for appreciable periods of must not exceed that which would
time during the operation of the booth yield in excess of 200 p.p.m. (parts per
except where adequate and safe means million) of carbon monoxide or 2,000
of radiant heating for all operating per- p.p.m. of total combustible gases in the
sonnel affected is provided. The re- mixture if the unburned gas upon the
placement air during the heating sea- occurrence of flame failure were mixed
sons shall be maintained at not less with all of the make-up air supplied.
than 65 °F. (18.33 °C.) at the point of (3) A fan must be provided to deliver
entry into the spray booth or spray the mixture of heated air and products
room. When otherwise unheated make- of combustion from the plenum cham-
up air would be at a temperature of ber housing the gas burners to the
more than 10 °F. below room tempera- spray booth or room.
ture, its temperature shall be regulated (8) Scope. Spray booths or spray
as provided in section 3.6.3 of ANSI rooms are to be used to enclose or con-
Z9.2–1960. fine all spray finishing operations cov-
(B) As an alternative to an air re- ered by this paragraph (h). This para-
placement system complying with the graph does not apply to the spraying of
preceding section, general heating of the exteriors of buildings, fixed tanks,
the building in which the spray room or similar structures, nor to small
or booth is located may be employed portable spraying apparatus not used
provided that all occupied parts of the repeatedly in the same location.
building are maintained at not less (i) Open surface tanks—(1) General. (i)
than 65 °F. (18.33 °C.) when the exhaust This paragraph applies to all oper-
system is in operation or the general ations involving the immersion of ma-
heating system supplemented by other terials in liquids, or in the vapors of
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
sources of heat may be employed to such liquids, for the purpose of clean-
meet this requirement. ing or altering the surface or adding to
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.57
or imparting a finish thereto or chang- tion. Where the tank contains a mix-
ing the character of the materials, and ture of liquids, other than organic sol-
their subsequent removal from the liq- vents, whose effects are additive, the
uid or vapor, draining, and drying. hygienic standard of the most toxic
These operations include washing, elec- component (for example, the one hav-
troplating, anodizing, pickling, ing the lowest p.p.m. or mg./m.3) shall
quenching, dying, dipping, tanning, be used, except where such substance
dressing, bleaching, degreasing, alka- constitutes an insignificantly small
line cleaning, stripping, rinsing, digest- fraction of the mixture. For mixtures
ing, and other similar operations. of organic solvents, their combined ef-
(ii) Except where specific construc- fect, rather than that of either individ-
tion specifications are prescribed in ually, shall determine the hazard po-
this section, hoods, ducts, elbows, fans, tential. In the absence of information
blowers, and all other exhaust system to the contrary, the effects shall be
parts, components, and supports there- considered as additive. If the sum of
of shall be so constructed as to meet the ratios of the airborne concentra-
conditions of service and to facilitate tion of each contaminant to the toxic
maintenance and shall conform in con- concentration of that contaminant ex-
struction to the specifications con- ceeds unity, the toxic concentration
tained in American National Standard shall be considered to have been ex-
Fundamentals Governing the Design ceeded. (See Note A to paragraph
and Operation of Local Exhaust Sys- (i)(2)(v) of this section.)
tems, Z9.2–1960. (v) Hazard potential shall be deter-
(2) Classification of open-surface tank mined from Table D–57.9, with the
operations. (i) Open-surface tank oper- value indicating greater hazard being
ations shall be classified into 16 class- used. When the hazardous material
es, numbered A–1 to D–4, inclusive. may be either a vapor with a threshold
(ii) Determination of class. Class is de- limit value (TLV) in p.p.m. or a mist
termined by two factors, hazard poten- with a TLV in mg./m.3, the TLV indi-
tial designated by a letter from A to D, cating the greater hazard shall be used
inclusive, and rate of gas, vapor, or (for example, A takes precedence over
mist evolution designated by a number B or C; B over C; C over D).
from 1 to 4, inclusive (for example, B.3).
(iii) Hazard potential is an index, on NOTE A:
a scale of from A to D, inclusive, of the (c1 ÷ TLV1) + (c2 ÷ TLV2) + (c3 ÷ TLV3) +
severity of the hazard associated with ; . . .(cN ÷ TLVN)1
the substance contained in the tank be- Where:
cause of the toxic, flammable, or explo- c = Concentration measured at the op-
sive nature of the vapor, gas, or mist eration in p.p.m.
produced therefrom. The toxic hazard
is determined from the concentration, TABLE D–57.9—DETERMINATION OF HAZARD
measured in parts by volume of a gas POTENTIAL
or vapor, per million parts by volume
of contaminated air (p.p.m.), or in mil- Toxicity group
ligrams of mist per cubic meter of air Hazard potential Gas or Mist (mg./ Flash point in
(mg./m.3), below which ill effects are vapor m3) degrees F. (C.)
unlikely to occur to the exposed work-
er. The concentrations shall be those in A .......................... 0–10 0–0.1 ..........................
§ 1926.55 or other pertinent sections of B .......................... 11–100 0.11–1.0 Under 100
this part. (37.77)
C .......................... 101–500 1.1–10 100 200
(iv) The relative fire or explosion (37.77–93.33)
hazard is measured in degrees Fahr- D .......................... Over 500 Over 10 Over 200
enheit in terms of the closed-cup flash (93.33)
point of the substance in the tank. De-
tailed information on the prevention of (vi) Rate of gas, vapor, or mist evo-
fire hazards in dip tanks may be found lution is a numerical index, on a scale
in Dip Tanks Containing Flammable or of from 1 to 4, inclusive, both of the
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§ 1926.57 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
relative energy with which it is pro- (D) The extent that the tank gases or
jected or carried upwards from the produces mist in an arbitrary scale—
tank. Rate is evaluated in terms of high, medium, low, and nil. (See Table
(A) The temperature of the liquid in D–57.10, Note 2.) Gassing depends upon
the tank in degrees Fahrenheit; electrochemical or mechanical proc-
(B) The number of degrees Fahr- esses, the effects of which have to be
enheit that this temperature is below individually evaluated for each instal-
the boiling point of the liquid in de- lation (see Table D–57.10, Note 3).
grees Fahrenheit; (vii) Rate of evolution shall be deter-
(C) The relative evaporation of the mined from Table D–57.10. When evapo-
liquid in still air at room temperature ration and gassing yield different rates,
in an arbitrary scale—fast, medium, the lowest numerical value shall be
slow, or nil; and used.
Liquid temperature, Degrees below boil-
Rate Relative evaporation 2 Gassing 3
°F. (C.) ing point
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.57
Enclosing hood Canopy hood 2
Lateral ex-
Class One open Two open haust 1 Three Four open
side sides open sides sides
B–1 and A–2 ........................................................................... 100 150 150 Do not use Do not use
A–3 2, B–1, B–2, and C–1 ....................................................... 75 100 100 125 175
A–3, C–2, and D–1 3 ............................................................... 65 90 75 100 150
B–4 2, C–3, and D–2 3 ............................................................. 50 75 50 75 125
A–4, C–4, D–3 3, and D–4 4 .................................................... .................. .................. .................. .................. ..................
1 See Table D–57.12 for computation of ventilation rate.
2 Do not use canopy hood for Hazard Potential A processes.
3 Where complete control of hot water is desired, design as next highest class.
4 General room ventilation required.
(iii) All tanks exhausted by means of (A) For lateral exhaust hoods over 42
hoods which do not project over the en- inches (1.06 m) wide, or where it is de-
tire tank, and in which the direction of sirable to reduce the amount of air re-
air movement into the hood or hoods is moved from the workroom, air supply
substantially horizontal, shall be con- slots or orifices shall be provided along
sidered to be laterally exhausted. The the side or the center of the tank oppo-
quantity of air in cubic feet per minute site from the exhaust slots. The design
necessary to be laterally exhausted per of such systems shall meet the fol-
square foot of tank area in order to
lowing criteria:
maintain the required control velocity
shall be determined from Table D–57.12 (1) The supply air volume plus the en-
for all variations in ratio of tank width trained air shall not exceed 50 percent
(W) to tank length $(L). The total of the exhaust volume.
quantity of air in cubic feet per minute (2) The velocity of the supply air-
required to be exhausted per tank shall stream as it reaches the effective con-
be not less than the product of the area trol area of the exhaust slot shall be
of tank surface times the cubic feet per less than the effective velocity over
minute per square foot of tank area, the exhaust slot area.
determined from Table D–57.12.
C.f.m. per sq. ft. to maintain required minimum velocities at fol-
Required minimum control velocity, f.p.m. (from Table D– lowing ratios (tank width (W)/tank length (L)). 1 2
0.0–0.09 0.1–0.24 0.25–0.49 0.5–0.99 1.0–2.0
Hood along one side or two parallel sides of tank when one hood is against a wall or baffle. 2
Also for a manifold along tank centerline. 3
50 ............................................................................................ 50 60 75 90 100
75 ............................................................................................ 75 90 110 130 150
100 .......................................................................................... 100 125 150 175 200
150 .......................................................................................... 150 190 225 260 300
Hood along one side or two parallel sides of free standing tank not against wall or baffle.
set back from the edge of the tank, this set back must be added in measuring tank width). The surface area of tanks can fre-
quently be reduced and better control obtained (particularly on conveyorized systems) by using covers extending from the upper
edges of the slots toward the center of the tank.
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§ 1926.57 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(3) The vertical height of the receiv- the liquid in the tank to minimize mist
ing exhaust hood, including any baffle, formation, or any combination thereof,
shall not be less than one-quarter the may all be used as gas, mist, or vapor
width of the tank. control means for open-surface tank
(4) The supply airstream shall not be operations, provided that they effec-
allowed to impinge on obstructions be- tively reduce the concentrations of
tween it and the exhaust slot in such a hazardous materials in the vicinity of
manner as to significantly interfere the worker below the limits set in ac-
with the performance of the exhaust cordance with paragraph (i)(2) of this
hood. section.
(5) Since most failure of push-pull (7) System design. (i) The equipment
systems result from excessive supply for exhausting air shall have sufficient
air volumes and pressures, methods of capacity to produce the flow of air re-
measuring and adjusting the supply air quired in each of the hoods and open-
shall be provided. When satisfactory ings of the system.
control has been achieved, the adjust- (ii) The capacity required in para-
able features of the hood shall be fixed graph (i)(7)(i) of this section shall be
so that they will not be altered. obtained when the airflow producing
(iv) All tanks exhausted by means of equipment is operating against the fol-
hoods which project over the entire lowing pressure losses, the sum of
tank, and which do not conform to the which is the static pressure:
definition of enclosing hoods, shall be (A) Entrance losses into the hood.
considered to be overhead canopy (B) Resistance to airflow in branch
hoods. The quantity of air in cubic feet pipe including bends and trans-
per minute necessary to be exhausted formations.
through a canopy hood shall be not less (C) Entrance loss into the main pipe.
than the product of the control veloc- (D) Resistance to airflow in main
ity times the net area of all openings pipe including bends and trans-
between the bottom edges of the hood formations.
and the top edges of the tank. (E) Resistance of mechanical equip-
(v) The rate of vapor evolution (in- ment; that is, filters, washers, con-
cluding steam or products of combus- densers, absorbers, etc., plus their en-
tion) from the process shall be esti- trance and exit losses.
mated. If the rate of vapor evolution is (F) Resistance in outlet duct and dis-
equal to or greater than 10 percent of charge stack.
the calculated exhaust volume re- (iii) Two or more operations shall not
quired, the exhaust volume shall be in- be connected to the same exhaust sys-
creased in equal amount. tem where either one or the combina-
(5) Spray cleaning and degreasing. tion of the substances removed may
Wherever spraying or other mechanical constitute a fire, explosion, or chem-
means are used to disperse a liquid ical reaction hazard in the duct sys-
above an open-surface tank, control tem. Traps or other devices shall be
must be provided for the airborne provided to insure that condensate in
spray. Such operations shall be en- ducts does not drain back into any
closed as completely as possible. The tank.
inward air velocity into the enclosure (iv) The exhaust system, consisting
shall be sufficient to prevent the dis- of hoods, ducts, air mover, and dis-
charge of spray into the workroom. charge outlet, shall be designed in ac-
Mechanical baffles may be used to help cordance with American National
prevent the discharge of spray. Spray Standard Fundamentals Governing the
painting operations are covered by Design and Operation of Local Exhaust
paragraph (h) of this section. Systems, Z9.2–1960, or the manual, In-
(6) Control means other than ventila- dustrial Ventilation, published by the
tion. Tank covers, foams, beads, chips, American Conference of Governmental
or other materials floating on the tank Industrial Hygienists 1970. Airflow and
surface so as to confine gases, mists, or pressure loss data provided by the man-
vapors to the area under the cover or ufacturer of any air cleaning device
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
to the foam, bead, or chip layer; or sur- shall be included in the design calcula-
face tension depressive agents added to tions.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.57
(8) Operation. (i) The required airflow (ii) All persons required to work in
shall be maintained at all times during such a manner that their feet may be-
which gas, mist, or vapor is emitted come wet shall be provided with rubber
from the tank, and at all times the or other impervious boots or shoes,
tank, the draining, or the drying area rubbers, or wooden-soled shoes suffi-
is in operation or use. When the system cient to keep feet dry.
is first installed, the airflow from each (iii) All persons required to handle
hood shall be measured by means of a work wet with a liquid other than
pitot traverse in the exhaust duct and water shall be provided with gloves im-
corrective action taken if the flow is pervious to such a liquid and of a
less than that required. When the prop- length sufficient to prevent entrance of
er flow is obtained, the hood static liquid into the tops of the gloves. The
pressure shall be measured and re- interior of gloves shall be kept free
corded. At intervals of not more than 3 from corrosive or irritating contami-
months operation, or after a prolonged nants.
shutdown period, the hoods and duct (iv) All persons required to work in
system shall be inspected for evidence such a manner that their clothing may
of corrosion or damage. In any case become wet shall be provided with such
where the airflow is found to be less aprons, coats, jackets, sleeves, or other
than required, it shall be increased to garments made of rubber, or of other
the required value. (Information on air- materials impervious to liquids other
flow and static pressure measurement than water, as are required to keep
and calculations may be found in their clothing dry. Aprons shall extend
American National Standard Funda- well below the top of boots to prevent
mental Governing the Design and Oper- liquid splashing into the boots. Provi-
ation of Local Exhaust Systems, Z9.2– sion of dry, clean, cotton clothing
1960, or in the manual, Industrial Ven- along with rubber shoes or short boots
tilation, published by the American and an apron impervious to liquids
Conference of Governmental Industrial other than water shall be considered a
satisfactory substitute where small
parts are cleaned, plated, or acid
(ii) The exhaust system shall dis-
dipped in open tanks and rapid work is
charge to the outer air in such a man-
ner that the possibility of its effluent (v) Whenever there is a danger of
entering any building is at a minimum. splashing, for example, when additions
Recirculation shall only be through a are made manually to the tanks, or
device for contaminant removal which when acids and chemicals are removed
will prevent the creation of a health from the tanks, the employees so en-
hazard in the room or area to which gaged shall be required to wear either
the air is recirculated. tight-fitting chemical goggles or an ef-
(iii) A volume of outside air in the fective face shield. See § 1926.102.
range of 90 percent to 110 percent of the (vi) When, during the emergencies
exhaust volume shall be provided to specified in paragraph (i)(11)(v) of this
each room having exhaust hoods. The section, employees must be in areas
outside air supply shall enter the work- where concentrations of air contami-
room in such a manner as not to be nants are greater than the limits set
detrimental to any exhaust hood. The by paragraph (i)(2)(iii) of this section
airflow of the makeup air system shall or oxygen concentrations are less than
be measured on installation. Corrective 19.5 percent, they must use respirators
action shall be taken when the airflow that reduce their exposure to a level
is below that required. The makeup air below these limits or that provide ade-
shall be uncontaminated. quate oxygen. Such respirators must
(9) Personal protection. (i) All employ- also be provided in marked, quickly-ac-
ees working in and around open-surface cessible storage compartments built
tank operations must be instructed as for this purpose when the possibility
to the hazards of their respective jobs, exists of accidental release of haz-
and in the personal protection and first ardous concentrations of air contami-
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§ 1926.57 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
around tanks shall be prevented from tank and be able to haul him out of the
becoming slippery both by original tank with a lifeline if necessary.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.60
(vi) Maintenance work requiring the vapors of such liquids, for the pur-
welding or open flame, where toxic pose of cleaning or altering their sur-
metal fumes such as cadmium, chro- faces, or adding or imparting a finish
mium, or lead may be evolved, shall be thereto, or changing the character of
done only with sufficient local exhaust the materials, and their subsequent re-
ventilation to prevent the creation of a moval from the liquids or vapors,
health hazard, or be done with res- draining, and drying. Such operations
pirators selected and used in accord- include washing, electroplating, anod-
ance with paragraph (i)(9)(vi) of this izing, pickling, quenching, dyeing, dip-
section. Welding, or the use of open ping, tanning, dressing, bleaching,
flames near any solvent cleaning degreasing, alkaline cleaning, strip-
equipment shall be permitted only ping, rinsing, digesting, and other simi-
after such equipment has first been lar operations, but do not include mol-
thoroughly cleared of solvents and va- ten materials handling operations, or
pors. surface coating operations.
(12) Vapor degreasing tanks. (i) In any (ii) Molten materials handling oper-
vapor degreasing tank equipped with a ations means all operations, other than
condenser or vapor level thermostat, welding, burning, and soldering oper-
the condenser or thermostat shall keep ations, involving the use, melting,
the level of vapors below the top edge smelting, or pouring of metals, alloys,
of the tank by a distance at least equal salts, or other similar substances in
to one-half the tank width, or at least the molten state. Such operations also
36 inches (0.912 m), whichever is short- include heat treating baths, descaling
er. baths, die casting stereotyping, gal-
(ii) Where gas is used as a fuel for vanizing, tinning, and similar oper-
heating vapor degreasing tanks, the ations.
combustion chamber shall be of tight (iii) Surface coating operations means
construction, except for such openings all operations involving the applica-
as the exhaust flue, and those that are tion of protective, decorative, adhe-
necessary for supplying air for combus- sive, or strengthening coating or im-
tion. Flues shall be of corrosion-resist- pregnation to one or more surfaces, or
ant construction and shall extend to into the interstices of any object or
the outer air. If mechanical exhaust is material, by means of spraying, spread-
used on this flue, a draft diverter shall ing, flowing, brushing, roll coating,
be used. Special precautions must be pouring, cementing, or similar means;
taken to prevent solvent fumes from and any subsequent draining or drying
entering the combustion air of this or operations, excluding open-tank oper-
any other heater when chlorinated or ations.
fluorinated hydrocarbon solvents (for
example, trichloroethylene, Freon) are [44 FR 8577, Feb. 9, 1979; 44 FR 20940, Apr. 6,
used. 1979, as amended at 58 FR 35099, June 30, 1993;
61 FR 9250, Mar. 3, 1996; 63 FR 1295, Jan. 8,
(iii) Heating elements shall be so de-
signed and maintained that their sur-
face temperature will not cause the § 1926.58 [Reserved]
solvent or mixture to decompose, break
down, or be converted into an excessive § 1926.59 Hazard communication.
quantity of vapor.
(iv) Tanks or machines of more than NOTE: The requirements applicable to con-
struction work under this section are iden-
4 square feet (0.368 m2) of vapor area, tical to those set forth at § 1910.1200 of this
used for solvent cleaning or vapor chapter.
degreasing, shall be equipped with suit-
able cleanout or sludge doors located [61 FR 31431, June 20, 1996]
near the bottom of each tank or still.
These doors shall be so designed and § 1926.60 Methylenedianiline.
gasketed that there will be no leakage (a) Scope and application. (1) This sec-
of solvent when they are closed. tion applies to all construction work as
(13) Scope. (i) This paragraph (i) ap- defined in 29 CFR 1910.12(b), in which
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§ 1926.60 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.60
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§ 1926.60 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(2) Alerting employees. Where there is monitoring for each such employee at
the possibility of employee exposure to least every six (6) months.
MDA due to an emergency, means shall (ii) If the monitoring required by
be developed to promptly alert employ- paragraph (f)(2) of this section reveals
ees who have the potential to be di- employee exposure above the PELs, the
rectly exposed. Affected employees not employer shall repeat such monitoring
engaged in correcting emergency con- for each such employee at least every
ditions shall be evacuated immediately three (3) months.
in the event that an emergency occurs. (iii) Employers who are conducting
Means shall also be developed for alert- MDA operations within a regulated
ing other employees who may be ex- area can forego periodic monitoring if
posed as a result of the emergency. the employees are all wearing supplied-
(f) Exposure monitoring—(1) General. air respirators while working in the
(i) Determinations of employee expo- regulated area.
sure shall be made from breathing zone (iv) The employer may alter the mon-
air samples that are representative of itoring schedule from every three
each employee’s exposure to airborne months to every six months for any
MDA over an eight (8) hour period. De- employee for whom two consecutive
termination of employee exposure to measurements taken at least 7 days
the STEL shall be made from breathing apart indicate that the employee expo-
zone air samples collected over a 15 sure has decreased to below the PELs
minute sampling period. but above the action level.
(ii) Representative employee expo- (4) Termination of monitoring. (i) If the
sure shall be determined on the basis of initial monitoring required by para-
one or more samples representing full graph (f)(2) of this section reveals em-
shift exposure for each shift for each ployee exposure to be below the action
job classification in each work area level, the employer may discontinue
the monitoring for that employee, ex-
where exposure to MDA may occur.
cept as otherwise required by para-
(iii) Where the employer can docu-
graph (f)(5) of this section.
ment that exposure levels are equiva-
(ii) If the periodic monitoring re-
lent for similar operations in different quired by paragraph (f)(3) of this sec-
work shifts, the employer shall only be tion reveals that employee exposures,
required to determine representative as indicated by at least two consecu-
employee exposure for that operation tive measurements taken at least 7
during one shift. days apart, are below the action level
(2) Initial monitoring. Each employer the employer may discontinue the
who has a workplace or work operation monitoring for that employee, except
covered by this standard shall perform as otherwise required by paragraph
initial monitoring to determine accu- (f)(5) of this section.
rately the airborne concentrations of (5) Additional monitoring. The em-
MDA to which employees may be ex- ployer shall institute the exposure
posed unless: monitoring required under paragraphs
(i) The employer can demonstrate, on (f)(2) and (f)(3) of this section when
the basis of objective data, that the there has been a change in production
MDA-containing product or material process, chemicals present, control
being handled cannot cause exposures equipment, personnel, or work prac-
above the standard’s action level, even tices which may result in new or addi-
under worst-case release conditions; or tional exposures to MDA, or when the
(ii) The employer has historical mon- employer has any reason to suspect a
itoring or other data demonstrating change which may result in new or ad-
that exposures on a particular job will ditional exposures.
be below the action level. (6) Accuracy of monitoring. Monitoring
(3) Periodic monitoring and monitoring shall be accurate, to a confidence level
frequency. (i) If the monitoring required of 95 percent, to within plus or minus
by paragraph (f)(2) of this section re- 25 percent for airborne concentrations
veals employee exposure at or above of MDA.
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the action level, but at or below the (7) Employee notification of monitoring
PELs, the employer shall repeat such results. (i) The employer must, as soon
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.60
as possible but no later than 5 working drink, smoke, chew tobacco or gum, or
days after the receipt of the results of apply cosmetics in regulated areas.
any monitoring performed under this (h) Methods of compliance—(1) Engi-
section, notify each affected employee neering controls and work practices and
of these results either individually in respirators. (i) The employer shall use
writing or by posting the results in an one or any combination of the fol-
appropriate location that is accessible lowing control methods to achieve
to employees. compliance with the permissible expo-
(ii) The written notification required sure limits prescribed by paragraph (c)
by paragraph (f)(7)(i) of this section of this section:
shall contain the corrective action
(A) Local exhaust ventilation
being taken by the employer or any
other protective measures which have equipped with HEPA filter dust collec-
been implemented to reduce the em- tion systems;
ployee exposure to or below the PELs, (B) General ventilation systems;
wherever the PELs are exceeded. (C) Use of workpractices; or
(8) Visual monitoring. The employer (D) Other engineering controls such
shall make routine inspections of em- as isolation and enclosure that the As-
ployee hands, face and forearms poten- sistant Secretary can show to be fea-
tially exposed to MDA. Other potential sible.
dermal exposures reported by the em- (ii) Wherever the feasible engineering
ployee must be referred to the appro- controls and work practices ‘‘which
priate medical personnel for observa- can be instituted are not sufficient to
tion. If the employer determines that reduce employee exposure to or below
the employee has been exposed to MDA the PELs, the employer shall use them
the employer shall: to reduce employee exposure to the
(i) Determine the source of exposure; lowest levels achievable by these con-
(ii) Implement protective measures trols and shall supplement them by the
to correct the hazard; and
use of respiratory protective devices
(iii) Maintain records of the correc-
which comply with the requirements of
tive actions in accordance with para-
graph (o) of this section. paragraph (i) of this section.
(g) Regulated areas—(1) Establish- (2) Special Provisions. For workers en-
ment—(i) Airborne exposures. The em- gaged in spray application methods,
ployer shall establish regulated areas respiratory protection must be used in
where airborne concentrations of MDA addition to feasible engineering con-
exceed or can reasonably be expected trols and work practices to reduce em-
to exceed, the permissible exposure ployee exposure to or below the PELs.
limits. (3) Prohibitions. Compressed air shall
(ii) Dermal exposures. Where employ- not be used to remove MDA, unless the
ees are subject to ‘‘dermal exposure to compressed air is used in conjunction
MDA’’ the employer shall establish with an enclosed ventilation system
those work areas as regulated areas. designed to capture the dust cloud cre-
(2) Demarcation. Regulated areas shall ated by the compressed air.
be demarcated from the rest of the (4) Employee rotation. The employer
workplace in a manner that minimizes shall not use employee rotation as a
the number of persons potentially ex- means of compliance with the exposure
posed. limits prescribed in paragraph (c) of
(3) Access. Access to regulated areas this section.
shall be limited to authorized persons.
(5) Compliance program. (i) The em-
(4) Personal protective equipment and
clothing. Each person entering a regu- ployer shall establish and implement a
lated area shall be supplied with, and written program to reduce employee
required to use, the appropriate per- exposure to or below the PELs by
sonal protective clothing and equip- means of engineering and work prac-
ment in accordance with paragraphs (i) tice controls, as required by paragraph
and (j) of this section. (h)(1) of this section, and by use of res-
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§ 1926.60 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(ii) Upon request this written pro- (ii) An employee who cannot use a
gram shall be furnished for examina- negative-pressure respirator must be
tion and copying to the Assistant Sec- given the option of using a positive-
retary, the Director, affected employ- pressure respirator, or a supplied-air
ees and designated employee represent- respirator operated in the continuous-
atives. The employer shall review and, flow or pressure-demand mode.
as necessary, update such plans at (j) Protective work clothing and equip-
least once every 12 months to make ment—(1) Provision and use. Where em-
certain they reflect the current status ployees are subject to dermal exposure
of the program. to MDA, where liquids containing MDA
(i) Respiratory protection—(1) General. can be splashed into the eyes, or where
For employees who use respirators re- airborne concentrations of MDA are in
quired by this section, the employer excess of the PEL, the employer shall
must provide each employee an appro- provide, at no cost to the employee,
priate respirator that complies with and ensure that the employee uses, ap-
the requirements of this paragraph. propriate protective work clothing and
Respirators must be used during: equipment which prevent contact with
(i) Periods necessary to install or im- MDA such as, but not limited to:
plement feasible engineering and work- (i) Aprons, coveralls or other full-
practice controls. body work clothing;
(ii) Work operations, such as mainte- (ii) Gloves, head coverings, and foot
nance and repair activities and spray- coverings; and
application processes, for which engi-
(iii) Face shields, chemical goggles;
neering and work-practice controls are
not feasible.
(iv) Other appropriate protective
(iii) Work operations for which fea-
equipment which comply with 29 CFR
sible engineering and work-practice
controls are not yet sufficient to re-
duce employee exposure to or below the (2) Removal and storage. (i) The em-
PELs. ployer shall ensure that, at the end of
(iv) Emergencies. their work shift, employees remove
(2) Respirator program. The employer MDA-contaminated protective work
must implement a respiratory protec- clothing and equipment that is not
tion program in accordance with routinely removed throughout the day
§ 1910.134 (b) through (d) (except in change areas provided in accordance
(d)(1)(iii)), and (f) through (m), which with the provisions in paragraph (k) of
covers each employee required by this this section.
section to use a respirator. (ii) The employer shall ensure that,
(3) Respirator selection. (i) Employers during their work shift, employees re-
must: move all other MDA-contaminated pro-
(A) Select, and provide to employees, tective work clothing or equipment be-
the appropriate respirators specified in fore leaving a regulated area.
paragraph (d)(3)(i)(A) of 29 CFR (iii) The employer shall ensure that
1910.134. no employee takes MDA-contaminated
(B) Provide HEPA filters for powered work clothing or equipment out of the
and non-powered air-purifying res- decontamination areas, except those
pirators. employees authorized to do so for the
(C) For escape, provide employees purpose of laundering, maintenance, or
with one of the following respirator op- disposal.
tions: Any self-contained breathing ap- (iv) MDA-contaminated work cloth-
paratus with a full facepiece or hood ing or equipment shall be placed and
operated in the positive-pressure or stored and transported in sealed, im-
continuous-flow mode; or a full face- permeable bags, or other closed imper-
piece air-purifying respirator. meable containers.
(D) Provide a combination HEPA fil- (v) Containers of MDA-contaminated
ter and organic vapor canister or car- protective work clothing or equipment
tridge with air-purifying respirators which are to be taken out of decon-
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when MDA is in liquid form or used as tamination areas or the workplace for
part of a process requiring heat. cleaning, maintenance, or disposal,
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.60
shall bear labels warning of the hazards (iii) Equipment area. The equipment
of MDA. area shall be supplied with imper-
(3) Cleaning and replacement. (i) The meable, labeled bags and containers for
employer shall provide the employee the containment and disposal of con-
with clean protective clothing and taminated protective clothing and
equipment. The employer shall ensure equipment.
that protective work clothing or equip- (2) Shower area. (i) Where feasible,
ment required by this paragraph is shower facilities shall be provided
cleaned, laundered, repaired, or re- which comply with 29 CFR 1910.141(d)(3)
placed at intervals appropriate to wherever the possibility of employee
maintain its effectiveness. exposure to airborne levels of MDA in
(ii) The employer shall prohibit the excess of the permissible exposure
removal of MDA from protective work limit exists.
clothing or equipment by blowing, (ii) Where dermal exposure to MDA
shaking, or any methods which allow occurs, the employer shall ensure that
MDA to re-enter the workplace. materials spilled or deposited on the
(iii) The employer shall ensure that skin are removed as soon as possible by
laundering of MDA-contaminated methods which do not facilitate the
clothing shall be done so as to prevent dermal absorption of MDA.
the release of MDA in the workplace. (3) Lunch Areas. (i) Whenever food or
(iv) Any employer who gives MDA- beverages are consumed at the work-
contaminated clothing to another per- site and employees are exposed to MDA
son for laundering shall inform such the employer shall provide clean lunch
person of the requirement to prevent areas were MDA levels are below the
the release of MDA. action level and where no dermal expo-
(v) The employer shall inform any sure to MDA can occur.
person who launders or cleans protec- (ii) The employer shall ensure that
tive clothing or equipment contami- employees wash their hands and faces
nated with MDA of the potentially with soap and water prior to eating,
harmful effects of exposure. drinking, smoking, or applying cos-
(4) Visual Examination. (i) The em- metics.
ployer shall ensure that employees’ (iii) The employer shall ensure that
work clothing is examined periodically employees do not enter lunch facilities
for rips or tears that may occur during with contaminated protective work
performance of work. clothing or equipment.
(ii) When rips or tears are detected, (l) Communication of hazards to em-
the protective equipment or clothing ployees—(1) Hazard communication. The
shall be repaired and replaced imme- employer shall include
diately. Methylenedianiline (MDA) in the pro-
(k) Hygiene facilities and practices—(1) gram established to comply with the
General. (i) The employer shall provide Hazard Communication Standard
decontamination areas for employees (HCS) (§ 1910.1200). The employer shall
required to work in regulated areas or ensure that each employee has access
required by paragraph (j)(1) of this sec- to labels on containers of MDA and
tion to wear protective clothing. Excep- safety data sheets, and is trained in ac-
tion: In lieu of the decontamination cordance with the provisions of HCS
area requirement specified in para- and paragraph (l)(3) of this section. The
graph (k)(1)(i) of this section, the em- employer shall ensure that at least the
ployer may permit employees engaged following hazards are addressed: Can-
in small scale, short duration oper- cer; liver effects; and skin sensitiza-
ations, to clean their protective cloth- tion.
ing or dispose of the protective cloth- (2) Signs and labels—(i) Signs. (A) The
ing before such employees leave the employer shall post and maintain leg-
area where the work was performed. ible signs demarcating regulated areas
(ii) Change areas. The employer shall and entrances or access-ways to regu-
ensure that change areas are equipped lated areas that bear the following leg-
with separate storage facilities for pro- end:
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§ 1926.60 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
MAY CAUSE CANCER pendices A and B of this section, and
CAUSES DAMAGE TO THE LIVER indicate to employees where a copy of
RESPIRATORY PROTECTION AND PRO- the standard is available;
(B) Describe the medical surveillance
AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY program required under paragraph (n)
of this section, and explain the infor-
(B) Prior to June 1, 2016, employers mation contained in appendix C of this
may use the following legend in lieu of section; and
that specified in paragraph (l)(2)(i)(A) (C) Describe the medical removal
of this section: provision required under paragraph (n)
DANGER of this section.
MDA (4) Access to training materials. (i) The
MAY CAUSE CANCER employer shall make readily available
LIVER TOXIN to all affected employees, without cost,
all written materials relating to the
ING MAY BE REQUIRED TO BE WORN IN employee training program, including
THIS AREA a copy of this regulation.
(ii) The employer shall provide to the
(ii) Labels. (A) The employer shall en- Assistant Secretary and the Director,
sure that labels or other appropriate upon request, all information and
forms of warning are provided for con- training materials relating to the em-
tainers of MDA within the workplace. ployee information and training pro-
The labels shall comply with the re- gram.
quirements of § 1910.1200(f) and shall in- (m) Housekeeping. (1) All surfaces
clude at least the following informa- shall be maintained as free as prac-
tion for pure MDA and mixtures con- ticable of visible accumulations of
taining MDA: MDA.
DANGER (2) The employer shall institute a
CONTAINS MDA program for detecting MDA leaks,
MAY CAUSE CANCER spills, and discharges, including reg-
CAUSES DAMAGE TO THE LIVER ular visual inspections of operations
(B) Prior to June 1, 2015, employers involving liquid or solid MDA.
may include the following information (3) All leaks shall be repaired and liq-
workplace labels in lieu of the labeling uid or dust spills cleaned up promptly.
requirements in paragraph (l)(2)(ii)(A) (4) Surfaces contaminated with MDA
of this section: may not be cleaned by the use of com-
(1) For Pure MDA: pressed air.
(5) Shoveling, dry sweeping, and
other methods of dry clean-up of MDA
MAY CAUSE CANCER may be used where HEPA filtered
LIVER TOXIN vacuuming and/or wet cleaning are not
feasible or practical.
(2) For mixtures containing MDA: (6) Waste, scrap, debris, bags, con-
DANGER tainers, equipment, and clothing con-
CONTAINS MDA taminated with MDA shall be collected
CONTAINS MATERIALS WHICH MAY and disposed of in a manner to prevent
CAUSE CANCER the re-entry of MDA into the work-
(3) Information and training. (i) The (n) Medical surveillance—(1) General.
employer shall provide employees with (i) The employer shall make available
information and training on MDA, in a medical surveillance program for em-
accordance with 29 CFR 1910.1200(h), at ployees exposed to MDA under the fol-
the time of initial assignment and at lowing circumstances:
least annually thereafter. (A) Employees exposed at or above
(ii) In addition to the information re- the action level for 30 or more days per
quired under 29 CFR 1910.1200, the em- year;
ployer shall: (B) Employees who are subject to
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.60
(C) Employees who have been exposed intake, and the appearance of physical
in an emergency situation; signs relating to the liver, and the
(D) Employees whom the employer, skin;
based on results from compliance with (B) The appropriate tests and exami-
paragraph (f)(8) of this section, has rea- nations including liver function tests
son to believe are being dermally ex- and skin examinations; and
posed; and (C) Appropriate additional tests or
(E) Employees who show signs or examinations as deemed necessary by
symptoms of MDA exposure. the physician.
(ii) The employer shall ensure that (ii) If in the physician’s opinion the
all medical examinations and proce- results of liver function tests indicate
dures are performed by or under the su- an abnormality, the employee shall be
pervision of a licensed physician at a removed from further MDA exposure in
reasonable time and place, and pro- accordance with paragraph (n)(9) of
vided without cost to the employee. this section. Repeat liver function
(2) Initial examinations. (i) Within 150 tests shall be conducted on advice of
days of the effective date of this stand- the physician.
ard, or before the time of initial assign- (4) Emergency examinations. If the em-
ment, the employer shall provide each ployer determines that the employee
employee covered by paragraph (n)(1)(i) has been exposed to a potentially haz-
of this section with a medical examina- ardous amount of MDA in an emer-
tion including the following elements: gency situation under paragraph (e) of
(A) A detailed history which in- this section, the employer shall provide
cludes: medical examinations in accordance
(1) Past work exposure to MDA or with paragraphs (n)(3) (i) and (ii) of
any other toxic substances; this section. If the results of liver func-
(2) A history of drugs, alcohol, to- tion testing indicate an abnormality,
bacco, and medication routinely taken the employee shall be removed in ac-
(duration and quantity); and cordance with paragraph (n)(9) of this
(3) A history of dermatitis, chemical section. Repeat liver function tests
skin sensitization, or previous hepatic shall be conducted on the advice of the
disease. physician. If the results of the tests are
(B) A physical examination which in- normal, tests must be repeated two to
cludes all routine physical examina- three weeks from the initial testing. If
tion parameters, skin examination, and the results of the second set of tests
examination for signs of liver disease. are normal and on the advice of the
(C) Laboratory tests including: physician, no additional testing is re-
(1) Liver function tests and quired.
(2) Urinalysis. (5) Additional examinations. Where the
(D) Additional tests as necessary in employee develops signs and symptoms
the opinion of the physician. associated with exposure to MDA, the
(ii) No initial medical examination is employer shall provide the employee
required if adequate records show that with an additional medical examina-
the employee has been examined in ac- tion including liver function tests. Re-
cordance with the requirements of this peat liver function tests shall be con-
section within the previous six months ducted on the advice of the physician.
prior to the effective date of this stand- If the results of the tests are normal,
ard or prior to the date of initial as- tests must be repeated two to three
signment. weeks from the initial testing. If the
(3) Periodic examinations. (i) The em- results of the second set of tests are
ployer shall provide each employee normal and on the advice of the physi-
covered by this section with a medical cian, no additional testing is required.
examination at least annually fol- (6) Multiple physician review mecha-
lowing the initial examination. These nism. (i) If the employer selects the ini-
periodic examinations shall include at tial physician who conducts any med-
least the following elements: ical examination or consultation pro-
(A) A brief history regarding any new vided to an employee under this sec-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
exposure to potential liver toxins, tion, and the employee has signs or
changes in drug, tobacco, and alcohol symptoms of occupational exposure to
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§ 1926.60 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(v) The employer shall act consistent (9) Medical removal—(i) Temporary
with the findings, determinations, and medical removal of an employee—(A)
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.60
Temporary removal resulting from occupa- the employee no longer has a detected
tional exposure. The employee shall be medical condition which places the em-
removed from work environments in ployee at increased risk of material
which exposure to MDA is at or above impairment to health from exposure to
the action level or where dermal expo- MDA.
sure to MDA may occur, following an (B) For the purposes of this section,
initial examination (paragraph (n)(2) of the requirement that an employer re-
this section), periodic examinations turn an employee to his or her former
(paragraph (n)(3) of this section), an job status is not intended to expand
emergency situation (paragraph (n)(4) upon or restrict any rights an em-
of this section), or an additional exam- ployee has or would have had, absent
ination (paragraph (n)(5) of this sec- temporary medical removal, to a spe-
tion) in the following circumstances: cific job classification or position
(1) When the employee exhibits signs under the terms of a collective bar-
and/or symptoms indicative of acute gaining agreement.
exposure to MDA; or (iii) Removal of other employee special
(2) When the examining physician de- protective measure or limitations. The
termines that an employee’s abnormal employer shall remove any limitations
liver function tests are not associated placed on an employee or end any spe-
with MDA exposure but that the abnor- cial protective measures provided to an
malities may be exacerbated as a re- employee pursuant to a final medical
sult of occupational exposure to MDA. determination when a subsequent final
(B) Temporary removal due to a final medical determination indicates that
medical determination. (1) The employer the limitations or special protective
shall remove an employee from work measures are no longer necessary.
having an exposure to MDA at or above (iv) Employer options pending a final
the action level or where the potential medical determination. Where the physi-
for dermal exposure exists on each oc- cian review mechanism used pursuant
casion that a final medical determina- to the medical surveillance provisions
tion results in a medical finding, deter- of this section, has not yet resulted in
mination, or opinion that the employee a final medical determination with re-
has a detected medical condition which spect to an employee, the employer
places the employee at increased risk shall act as follows:
of material impairment to health from (A) Removal. The employer may re-
exposure to MDA. move the employee from exposure to
(2) For the purposes of this section, MDA, provide special protective meas-
the phrase ‘‘final medical determina- ures to the employee, or place limita-
tion’’ shall mean the outcome of the tions upon the employee, consistent
physician review mechanism used pur- with the medical findings, determina-
suant to the medical surveillance pro- tions, or recommendations of the phy-
visions of this section. sician who has reviewed the employee’s
(3) Where a final medical determina- health status.
tion results in any recommended spe- (B) Return. The employer may return
cial protective measures for an em- the employee to his or her former job
ployee, or limitations on an employee’s status, and end any special protective
exposure to MDA, the employer shall measures provided to the employee,
implement and act consistent with the consistent with the medical findings,
recommendation. determinations, or recommendations of
(ii) Return of the employee to former job any of the physicians who have re-
status. (A) The employer shall return viewed the employee’s health status,
an employee to his or her former job with two exceptions:
status: (1) If the initial removal, special pro-
(1) When the employee no longer tection, or limitation of the employee
shows signs or symptoms of exposure resulted from a final medical deter-
to MDA, or upon the advice of the phy- mination which differed from the find-
sician. ings, determinations, or recommenda-
(2) When a subsequent final medical tions of the initial physician; or
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§ 1926.60 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.60
that demonstrate that products made were obtained are the same as those on
from or containing MDA are not capa- the job for which initial monitoring
ble of releasing MDA or do not present will not be performed;
a dermal exposure problem under the (D) Environmental conditions pre-
expected conditions of processing, use, vailing when the historical monitoring
or handling to exempt such operations data were obtained are the same as
from the initial monitoring require- those on the job for which initial moni-
ments under paragraph (f)(2) of this toring will not be performed; and
section, the employer shall establish (E) Other data relevant to the oper-
and maintain an accurate record of ob- ations, materials, processing, or em-
jective data reasonably relied upon in ployee exposures covered by the excep-
support of the exemption. tion.
(ii) The record shall include at least (iii) The employer shall maintain
the following information: this record for the duration of the em-
(A) The product qualifying for ex- ployer’s reliance upon such historical
emption; monitoring data.
(B) The source of the objective data; (3) The employer may utilize the
(C) The testing protocol, results of services of competent organizations
testing, and/or analysis of the material such as industry trade associations and
for the release of MDA; employee associations to maintain the
(D) A description of the operation ex- records required by this section.
empted and how the data support the (4) Exposure measurements. (i) The em-
exemption; and ployer shall keep an accurate record of
(E) Other data relevant to the oper- all measurements taken to monitor
ations, materials, processing, or em- employee exposure to MDA.
ployee exposures covered by the ex- (ii) This record shall include at least
emption. the following information:
(iii) The employer shall maintain (A) The date of measurement;
this record for the duration of the em- (B) The operation involving exposure
ployer’s reliance upon such objective to MDA;
(C) Sampling and analytical methods
(2) Historical monitoring data. (i)
used and evidence of their accuracy;
Where the employer has relied on his-
(D) Number, duration, and results of
torical monitoring data that dem-
samples taken;
onstrate that exposures on a particular
job will be below the action level to ex- (E) Type of protective devices worn,
empt such operations from the initial if any; and
monitoring requirements under para- (F) Name and exposure of the em-
graph (f)(2) of this section, the em- ployees whose exposures are rep-
ployer shall establish and maintain an resented.
accurate record of historical moni- (iii) The employer shall maintain
toring data reasonably relied upon in this record for at least thirty (30)
support of the exception. years, in accordance with 29 CFR
(ii) The record shall include informa- 1910.33.
tion that reflect the following condi- (5) Medical surveillance. (i) The em-
tions: ployer shall establish and maintain an
(A) The data upon which judgments accurate record for each employee sub-
are based are scientifically sound and ject to medical surveillance by para-
were collected using methods that are graph (n) of this section, in accordance
sufficiently accurate and precise; with 29 CFR 1910.33.
(B) The processes and work practices (ii) The record shall include at least
that were in use when the historical the following information:
monitoring data were obtained are es- (A) The name of the employee;
sentially the same as those to be used (B) A copy of the employee’s medical
during the job for which initial moni- examination results, including the
toring will not be performed; medical history, questionnaire re-
(C) The characteristics of the MDA- sponses, results of any tests, and physi-
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§ 1926.61 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(D) Any employee medical com- sonal protective clothing and equip-
plaints related to exposure to MDA; ment or respirators required to be worn
and by employees working in the area, as-
(E) A copy of the information pro- sure the use of such clothing and equip-
vided to the physician as required by ment or respirators, and require the
paragraph (n) of this section. observer to comply with all other ap-
(iii) The employer shall ensure that plicable safety and health procedures.
this record is maintained for the dura- (q) Appendices. The information con-
tion of employment plus thirty (30) tained in appendices A, B, C, and D of
years, in accordance with 29 CFR this section is not intended, by itself,
to create any additional obligations
(iv) A copy of the employee’s medical
not otherwise imposed by this standard
removal and return to work status.
(6) Training records. The employer nor detract from any existing obliga-
shall maintain all employee training tion.
records for one (1) year beyond the last APPENDIX A TO § 1926.60—SUBSTANCE DATA
date of employment. SHEET, FOR 4–4′ METHYLENEDIANILINE
(7) Availability. (i) The employer,
upon written request, shall make all NOTE: The requirements applicable to con-
struction work under this appendix A are
records required to be maintained by
identical to those set forth in appendix A to
this section available to the Assistant § 1910.1050 of this chapter.
Secretary and the Director for exam-
ination and copying. APPENDIX B TO § 1926.60—SUBSTANCE
(ii) The employer, upon request, shall TECHNICAL GUIDELINES, MDA
make any exposure records required by NOTE: The requirements applicable to con-
paragraphs (f) and (n) of this section struction work under this appendix B are
available for examination and copying identical to those set forth in appendix B to
to affected employees, former employ- § 1910.1050 of this chapter.
ees, designated representatives, and
the Assistant Secretary, in accordance APPENDIX C TO § 1926.60—MEDICAL
with 29 CFR 1910.33(a)–(e) and (g)–(i). SURVEILLANCE GUIDELINES FOR MDA
(iii) The employer, upon request, NOTE: The requirements applicable to con-
shall make employee medical records struction work under this appendix C are
required by paragraphs (n) and (o) of identical to those set forth in appendix C to
this section available for examination § 1910.1050 of this chapter.
and copying to the subject employee,
anyone having the specific written con- APPENDIX D TO § 1926.60—SAMPLING AND ANA-
sent of the subject employee, and the
Assistant Secretary, in accordance
with 29 CFR 1910.33. NOTE: The requirements applicable to con-
(8) Transfer of records. The employer struction work under this appendix D are
shall comply with the requirements identical to those set forth in appendix D to
concerning transfer of records set forth § 1910.1050 of this chapter.
in 29 CFR 1910.1020(h). [57 FR 35681, Aug. 10, 1992, as amended at 57
(p) Observation of monitoring—(1) Em- FR 49649, Nov. 3, 1992; 61 FR 5510, Feb. 13,
ployee observation. The employer shall 1996; 61 FR 31431, June 20, 1996; 63 FR 1296,
provide affected employees, or their Jan. 8, 1998; 69 FR 70373, Dec. 6, 2004; 70 FR
designated representatives, an oppor- 1143, Jan. 5, 2005; 71 FR 16674, Apr. 3, 2006; 71
tunity to observe the measuring or FR 50191, Aug. 24, 2006; 73 FR 75588, Dec. 12,
monitoring of employee exposure to 2008; 76 FR 33611, June 8, 2011; 77 FR 17889,
Mar. 26, 2012]
MDA conducted pursuant to paragraph
(f) of this section.
§ 1926.61 Retention of DOT markings,
(2) Observation procedures. When ob- placards and labels.
servation of the measuring or moni-
toring of employee exposure to MDA NOTE: The requirements applicable to con-
requires entry into areas where the use struction work under this section are iden-
of protective clothing and equipment tical to those set forth at § 1910.1201 of this
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
or respirators is required, the employer
shall provide the observer with per- [61 FR 31432, June 20, 1996]
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.62
soaps. Excluded from this definition the lead related tasks listed in para-
are all other organic lead compounds. graph (d)(2)(i) of this section, where
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§ 1926.62 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
lead is present, until the employer per- (A) Using lead containing mortar;
forms an employee exposure assess- lead burning
ment as required in paragraph (d) of (B) Where lead containing coatings or
this section and documents that the paint are present: rivet busting; power
employee performing any of the listed tool cleaning without dust collection
tasks is not exposed above the PEL, systems; cleanup activities where dry
the employer shall treat the employee expendable abrasives are used; and ab-
as if the employee were exposed above rasive blasting enclosure movement
the PEL, and not in excess of ten (10) and removal.
times the PEL, and shall implement (iv) With respect to the tasks listed
employee protective measures pre- in this paragraph (d)(2)(iv), where lead
scribed in paragraph (d)(2)(v) of this is present, until the employer performs
section. The tasks covered by this re- an employee exposure assessment as
quirement are: required in this paragraph (d) and doc-
(A) Where lead containing coatings uments that the employee performing
or paint are present: Manual demoli- any of the listed tasks is not exposed
tion of structures (e.g, dry wall), man- to lead in excess of 2,500 μg/m3
ual scraping, manual sanding, heat gun (50×PEL), the employer shall treat the
applications, and power tool cleaning employee as if the employee were ex-
with dust collection systems; posed to lead in excess of 2,500 μg/m3
(B) Spray painting with lead paint. and shall implement employee protec-
tive measures as prescribed in para-
(ii) In addition, with regard to tasks
graph (d)(2)(v) of this section. Where
not listed in paragraph (d)(2)(i), where
the employer does establish that the
the employee has any reason to believe
employee is exposed to levels of lead
that an employee performing the task
below 2,500 μg/m3, the employer may
may be exposed to lead in excess of the provide the exposed employee with the
PEL, until the employer performs an appropriate respirator prescribed for
employee exposure assessment as re- use at such lower exposures, in accord-
quired by paragraph (d) of this section ance with paragraph (f) of this section.
and documents that the employee’s Interim protection as described in this
lead exposure is not above the PEL the paragraph is required where lead con-
employer shall treat the employee as if taining coatings or paint are present
the employee were exposed above the on structures when performing:
PEL and shall implememt employee (v) Until the employer performs an
protective measures as prescribed in employee exposure assessment as re-
paragraph (d)(2)(v) of this section. quired under paragraph (d) of this sec-
(iii) With respect to the tasks listed tion and determines actual employee
in this paragraph (d)(2)(iii) of this sec- exposure, the employer shall provide to
tion, where lead is present, until the employees performing the tasks de-
employer performs an employee expo- scribed in paragraphs (d)(2)(i), (d)(2)(ii),
sure assessment as required in this (d)(2)(iii), and (d)(2)(iv) of this section
paragraph (d), and documents that the with interim protection as follows:
employee performing any of the listed (A) Appropriate respiratory protec-
tasks is not exposed in excess of 500 μg/ tion in accordance with paragraph (f)
m3, the employer shall treat the em- of this section.
ployee as if the employee were exposed (B) Appropriate personal protective
to lead in excess of 500 μg/m3 and shall clothing and equipment in accordance
implement employee protective meas- with paragraph (g) of this section.
ures as prescribed in paragraph (d)(2)(v) (C) Change areas in accordance with
of this section. Where the employer paragraph (i)(2) of this section.
does establish that the employee is ex- (D) Hand washing facilities in accord-
posed to levels of lead below 500 μg/m3, ance with paragraph (i)(5) of this sec-
the employer may provide the exposed tion.
employee with the appropriate res- (E) Biological monitoring in accord-
pirator prescribed for such use at such ance with paragraph (j)(1)(i) of this sec-
lower exposures, in accordance with tion, to consist of blood sampling and
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
paragraph (f) of this section. The tasks analysis for lead and zinc
covered by this requirement are: protoporphyrin levels, and
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.62
(F) Training as required under para- (A) The employer shall establish and
graph (l)(1)(i) of this section regarding maintain an accurate record docu-
29 CFR 1926.59, Hazard Communication; menting the nature and relevancy of
training as required under paragraph objective data as specified in paragraph
(1)(2)(iii) of this section, regarding use (n)(4) of this section, where used in as-
of respirators; and training in accord- sessing employee exposure in lieu of
ance with 29 CFR 1926.21, Safety train- exposure monitoring.
ing and education. (B) Objective data, as described in
(3) Basis of initial determination. (i) paragraph (d)(3)(iv) of this section, is
Except as provided under paragraphs not permitted to be used for exposure
(d)(3)(iii) and (d)(3)(iv) of this section assessment in connection with para-
the employer shall monitor employee graph (d)(2) of this section.
exposures and shall base initial deter- (4) Positive initial determination and
minations on the employee exposure initial monitoring. (i) Where a deter-
monitoring results and any of the fol- mination conducted under paragraphs
lowing, relevant considerations: (d) (1), (2) and (3) of this section shows
(A) Any information, observations, or the possibility of any employee expo-
calculations which would indicate em- sure at or above the action level the
ployee exposure to lead; employer shall conduct monitoring
(B) Any previous measurements of which is representative of the exposure
for each employee in the workplace
airborne lead; and
who is exposed to lead.
(C) Any employee complaints of
(ii) Where the employer has pre-
symptoms which may be attributable
viously monitored for lead exposures,
to exposure to lead. and the data were obtained within the
(ii) Monitoring for the initial deter- past 12 months during work operations
mination where performed may be lim- conducted under workplace conditions
ited to a representative sample of the closely resembling the processes, type
exposed employees who the employer of material, control methods, work
reasonably believes are exposed to the practices, and environmental condi-
greatest airborne concentrations of tions used and prevailing in the em-
lead in the workplace. ployer’s current operations, the em-
(iii) Where the employer has pre- ployer may rely on such earlier moni-
viously monitored for lead exposures, toring results to satisfy the require-
and the data were obtained within the ments of paragraphs (d)(3)(i) and (d)(6)
past 12 months during work operations of this section if the sampling and ana-
conducted under workplace conditions lytical methods meet the accuracy and
closely resembling the processes, type confidence levels of paragraph (d)(9) of
of material, control methods, work this section.
practices, and environmental condi- (5) Negative initial determination.
tions used and prevailing in the em- Where a determination, conducted
ployer’s current operations, the em- under paragraphs (d) (1), (2), and (3) of
ployer may rely on such earlier moni- this section is made that no employee
toring results to satisfy the require- is exposed to airborne concentrations
ments of paragraphs (d)(3)(i) and (d)(6) of lead at or above the action level the
of this section if the sampling and ana- employer shall make a written record
lytical methods meet the accuracy and of such determination. The record shall
confidence levels of paragraph (d)(9) of include at least the information speci-
this section. fied in paragraph (d)(3)(i) of this sec-
(iv) Where the employer has objec- tion and shall also include the date of
tive data, demonstrating that a par- determination, location within the
ticular product or material containing worksite, and the name of each em-
lead or a specific process, operation or ployee monitored.
activity involving lead cannot result in (6) Frequency. (i) If the initial deter-
employee exposure to lead at or above mination reveals employee exposure to
the action level during processing, use, be below the action level further expo-
or handling, the employer may rely sure determination need not be re-
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§ 1926.62 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.62
and studies used to determine methods (ii) Duration and exposure levels at
selected for controlling exposure to each job or work station where each af-
lead; fected employee is located; and
(C) A report of the technology consid- (iii) Any other information which
ered in meeting the PEL; may be useful in assessing the reli-
(D) Air monitoring data which docu- ability of administrative controls to
ments the source of lead emissions; reduce exposure to lead.
(E) A detailed schedule for implemen- (5) The employer shall ensure that, to
tation of the program, including docu- the extent relevant, employees follow
mentation such as copies of purchase good work practices such as described
orders for equipment, construction in appendix B of this section.
contracts, etc.; (f) Respiratory protection—(1) General.
(F) A work practice program which For employees who use respirators re-
includes items required under para- quired by this section, the employer
graphs (g), (h) and (i) of this section must provide each employee an appro-
and incorporates other relevant work priate respirator that complies with
practices such as those specified in the requirements of this paragraph.
paragraph (e)(5) of this section; Respirators must be used during:
(G) An administrative control sched- (i) Periods when an employee’s expo-
ule required by paragraph (e)(4) of this sure to lead exceeds the PEL.
section, if applicable; (ii) Work operations for which engi-
(H) A description of arrangements neering and work-practice controls are
made among contractors on multi-con- not sufficient to reduce employee expo-
tractor sites with respect to informing sures to or below the PEL.
affected employees of potential expo-
(iii) Periods when an employee re-
sure to lead and with respect to respon-
quests a respirator.
sibility for compliance with this sec-
tion as set-forth in § 1926.16. (iv) Periods when respirators are re-
(I) Other relevant information. quired to provide interim protection of
(iii) The compliance program shall employees while they perform the op-
provide for frequent and regular inspec- erations specified in paragraph (d)(2) of
tions of job sites, materials, and equip- this section.
ment to be made by a competent per- (2) Respirator program. (i) The em-
son. ployer must implement a respiratory
(iv) Written programs shall be sub- protection program in accordance with
mitted upon request to any affected § 1910.134(b) through (d) (except
employee or authorized employee rep- (d)(1)(iii)), and (f) through (m), which
resentatives, to the Assistant Sec- covers each employee required by this
retary and the Director, and shall be section to use a respirator.
available at the worksite for examina- (ii) If an employee has breathing dif-
tion and copying by the Assistant Sec- ficulty during fit testing or respirator
retary and the Director. use, the employer must provide the em-
(v) Written programs must be revised ployee with a medical examination in
and updated at least annually to re- accordance with paragraph (j)(3)(i)(B)
flect the current status of the program. of this section to determine whether or
(3) Mechanical ventilation. When ven- not the employee can use a respirator
tilation is used to control lead expo- while performing the required duty.
sure, the employer shall evaluate the (3) Respirator selection. (i) Employers
mechanical performance of the system must:
in controlling exposure as necessary to (A) Select, and provide to employees,
maintain its effectiveness. the appropriate respirators specified in
(4) Administrative controls. If adminis- paragraph (d)(3)(i)(A) of 29 CFR
trative controls are used as a means of 1910.134.
reducing employees TWA exposure to (B) Provide employees with a full
lead, the employer shall establish and facepiece respirator instead of a half
implement a job rotation schedule mask respirator for protection against
which includes: lead aerosols that may cause eye or
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§ 1926.62 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(C) Provide HEPA filters for powered disposed of, is placed in a closed con-
and non-powered air-purifying res- tainer in the change area which pre-
pirators. vents dispersion of lead outside the
(ii) The employer must provide a container.
powered air-purifying respirator when (vi) The employer shall inform in
an employee chooses to use such a res- writing any person who cleans or laun-
pirator and it will provide adequate ders protective clothing or equipment
protection to the employee. of the potentially harmful effects of ex-
(g) Protective work clothing and equip- posure to lead.
ment—(1) Provision and use. Where an (vii)(A) The employer shall ensure
employee is exposed to lead above the that the containers of contaminated
PEL without regard to the use of res- protective clothing and equipment re-
pirators, where employees are exposed quired by paragraph (g)(2)(v) of this
to lead compounds which may cause section are labeled as follows:
skin or eye irritation (e.g. lead arse- DANGER: CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT
nate, lead azide), and as interim pro- CONTAMINATED WITH LEAD. MAY
tection for employees performing tasks DAMAGE FERTILITY OR THE UNBORN
as specified in paragraph (d)(2) of this CHILD. CAUSES DAMAGE TO THE CEN-
section, the employer shall provide at TRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. DO NOT EAT,
no cost to the employee and assure DRINK OR SMOKE WHEN HANDLING. DO
that the employee uses appropriate NOT REMOVE DUST BY BLOWING OR
protective work clothing and equip-
ment that prevents contamination of WITH APPLICABLE LOCAL, STATE, OR
the employee and the employee’s gar- FEDERAL REGULATIONS.
ments such as, but not limited to:
(i) Coveralls or similar full-body (B) Prior to June 1, 2015, employers
work clothing; may include the following information
(ii) Gloves, hats, and shoes or dispos- on bags or containers of contaminated
able shoe coverlets; and protective clothing and equipment re-
(iii) Face shields, vented goggles, or quired by paragraph (g)(2)(v) in lieu of
other appropriate protective equip- the labeling requirements in paragraph
ment which complies with § 1910.133 of (g)(2)(vii)(A) of this section:
this chapter. Caution: Clothing contaminated with lead.
(2) Cleaning and replacement. (i) The Do not remove dust by blowing or shaking.
employer shall provide the protective Dispose of lead contaminated wash water in
clothing required in paragraph (g)(1) of accordance with applicable local, state, or
this section in a clean and dry condi- federal regulations.
tion at least weekly, and daily to em- (viii) The employer shall prohibit the
ployees whose exposure levels without removal of lead from protective cloth-
regard to a respirator are over 200 μg/ ing or equipment by blowing, shaking,
m3 of lead as an 8-hour TWA. or any other means which disperses
(ii) The employer shall provide for lead into the air.
the cleaning, laundering, and disposal (h) Housekeeping—(1) All surfaces
of protective clothing and equipment shall be maintained as free as prac-
required by paragraph (g)(1) of this sec- ticable of accumulations of lead.
tion. (2) Clean-up of floors and other sur-
(iii) The employer shall repair or re- faces where lead accumulates shall
place required protective clothing and wherever possible, be cleaned by
equipment as needed to maintain their vacuuming or other methods that min-
effectiveness. imize the likelihood of lead becoming
(iv) The employer shall assure that airborne.
all protective clothing is removed at (3) Shoveling, dry or wet sweeping,
the completion of a work shift only in and brushing may be used only where
change areas provided for that purpose vacuuming or other equally effective
as prescribed in paragraph (i)(2) of this methods have been tried and found not
section. to be effective.
(v) The employer shall assure that (4) Where vacuuming methods are se-
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.62
emptied in a manner which minimizes lead is above the PEL, without regard
the reentry of lead into the workplace. to the use of a respirator, wash their
(5) Compressed air shall not be used hands and face prior to eating, drink-
to remove lead from any surface unless ing, smoking or applying cosmetics.
the compressed air is used in conjunc- (iv) The employer shall assure that
tion with a ventilation system de- employees do not enter lunchroom fa-
signed to capture the airborne dust cre- cilities or eating areas with protective
ated by the compressed air. work clothing or equipment unless sur-
(i) Hygiene facilities and practices. (1) face lead dust has been removed by
The employer shall assure that in areas vacuuming, downdraft booth, or other
where employees are exposed to lead cleaning method that limits dispersion
above the PEL without regard to the of lead dust.
use of respirators, food or beverage is (5) Hand washing facilities. (i) The em-
not present or consumed, tobacco prod- ployer shall provide adequate
ucts are not present or used, and cos- handwashing facilities for use by em-
metics are not applied. ployees exposed to lead in accordance
(2) Change areas. (i) The employer with 29 CFR 1926.51(f).
shall provide clean change areas for (ii) Where showers are not provided
employees whose airborne exposure to the employer shall assure that employ-
lead is above the PEL, and as interim ees wash their hands and face at the
protection for employees performing end of the work-shift.
tasks as specified in paragraph (d)(2) of (j) Medical surveillance—(1) General. (i)
this section, without regard to the use The employer shall make available ini-
of respirators. tial medical surveillance to employees
(ii) The employer shall assure that occupationally exposed on any day to
change areas are equipped with sepa- lead at or above the action level. Ini-
rate storage facilities for protective tial medical surveillance consists of bi-
work clothing and equipment and for ological monitoring in the form of
street clothes which prevent cross-con- blood sampling and analysis for lead
tamination. and zinc protoporphyrin levels.
(iii) The employer shall assure that (ii) The employer shall institute a
employees do not leave the workplace medical surveillance program in ac-
wearing any protective clothing or cordance with paragraphs (j)(2) and
equipment that is required to be worn (j)(3) of this section for all employees
during the work shift. who are or may be exposed by the em-
(3) Showers. (i) The employer shall ployer at or above the action level for
provide shower facilities, where fea- more than 30 days in any consecutive
sible, for use by employees whose air- 12 months;
borne exposure to lead is above the (iii) The employer shall assure that
PEL. all medical examinations and proce-
(ii) The employer shall assure, where dures are performed by or under the su-
shower facilities are available, that pervision of a licensed physician.
employees shower at the end of the (iv) The employer shall make avail-
work shift and shall provide an ade- able the required medical surveillance
quate supply of cleansing agents and including multiple physician review
towels for use by affected employees. under paragraph (j)(3)(iii) without cost
(4) Eating facilities. (i) The employer to employees and at a reasonable time
shall provide lunchroom facilities or and place.
eating areas for employees whose air- (2) Biological monitoring—(i) Blood lead
borne exposure to lead is above the and ZPP level sampling and analysis.
PEL, without regard to the use of res- The employer shall make available bio-
pirators. logical monitoring in the form of blood
(ii) The employer shall assure that sampling and analysis for lead and zinc
lunchroom facilities or eating areas protoporphyrin levels to each employee
are as free as practicable from lead covered under paragraphs (j)(1)(i) and
contamination and are readily acces- (ii) of this section on the following
sible to employees. schedule:
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(iii) The employer shall assure that (A) For each employee covered under
employees whose airborne exposure to paragraph (j)(1)(ii) of this section, at
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§ 1926.62 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
least every 2 months for the first 6 ceding 12 months indicated a blood lead
months and every 6 months thereafter; level at or above 40 μg/dl;
(B) For each employee covered under (B) As soon as possible, upon notifi-
paragraphs (j)(1) (i) or (ii) of this sec- cation by an employee either that the
tion whose last blood sampling and employee has developed signs or symp-
analysis indicated a blood lead level at toms commonly associated with lead
or above 40 μg/dl, at least every two intoxication, that the employee desires
months. This frequency shall continue medical advice concerning the effects
until two consecutive blood samples of current or past exposure to lead on
and analyses indicate a blood lead level the employee’s ability to procreate a
below 40 μg/dl; and healthy child, that the employee is
(C) For each employee who is re- pregnant, or that the employee has
moved from exposure to lead due to an demonstrated difficulty in breathing
elevated blood lead level at least during a respirator fitting test or dur-
monthly during the removal period. ing use; and
(ii) Follow-up blood sampling tests. (C) As medically appropriate for each
Whenever the results of a blood lead employee either removed from expo-
level test indicate that an employee’s sure to lead due to a risk of sustaining
blood lead level is at or above the nu- material impairment to health, or oth-
merical criterion for medical removal erwise limited pursuant to a final med-
under paragraph (k)(1)(i) of this sec- ical determination.
tion, the employer shall provide a sec- (ii) Content. The content of medical
ond (follow-up) blood sampling test examinations made available pursuant
within two weeks after the employer to paragraph (j)(3)(i)(B)–(C) of this sec-
receives the results of the first blood tion shall be determined by an exam-
sampling test. ining physician and, if requested by an
(iii) Accuracy of blood lead level sam- employee, shall include pregnancy
pling and analysis. Blood lead level testing or laboratory evaluation of
sampling and analysis provided pursu- male fertility. Medical examinations
ant to this section shall have an accu- made available pursuant to paragraph
racy (to a confidence level of 95 per- (j)(3)(i)(A) of this section shall include
cent) within plus or minus 15 percent the following elements:
or 6 μg/dl, whichever is greater, and (A) A detailed work history and a
shall be conducted by a laboratory ap- medical history, with particular atten-
proved by OSHA. tion to past lead exposure (occupa-
(iv) Employee notification. (A) Within tional and non-occupational), personal
five working days after the receipt of habits (smoking, hygiene), and past
biological monitoring results, the em- gastrointestinal, hematologic, renal,
ployer shall notify each employee in cardiovascular, reproductive and neu-
writing of his or her blood lead level; rological problems;
and (B) A thorough physical examination,
(B) The employer shall notify each with particular attention to teeth,
employee whose blood lead level is at gums, hematologic, gastrointestinal,
or above 40 μg/dl that the standard re- renal, cardiovascular, and neurological
quires temporary medical removal systems. Pulmonary status should be
with Medical Removal Protection ben- evaluated if respiratory protection will
efits when an employee’s blood lead be used;
level is at or above the numerical cri-
(C) A blood pressure measurement;
terion for medical removal under para-
graph (k)(1)(i) of this section. (D) A blood sample and analysis
(3) Medical examinations and consulta- which determines:
tions—(i) Frequency. The employer shall (1) Blood lead level;
make available medical examinations (2) Hemoglobin and hematocrit deter-
and consultations to each employee minations, red cell indices, and exam-
covered under paragraph (j)(1)(ii) of ination of peripheral smear mor-
this section on the following schedule: phology;
(A) At least annually for each em- (3) Zinc protoporphyrin;
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
ployee for whom a blood sampling test (4) Blood urea nitrogen; and,
conducted at any time during the pre- (5) Serum creatinine;
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.62
(E) A routine urinalysis with micro- the third physician deems necessary to
scopic examination; and resolve the disagreement of the prior
(F) Any laboratory or other test rel- physicians.
evant to lead exposure which the exam- (E) The employer shall act consistent
ining physician deems necessary by with the findings, determinations and
sound medical practice. recommendations of the third physi-
(iii) Multiple physician review mecha- cian, unless the employer and the em-
nism. (A) If the employer selects the ployee reach an agreement which is
initial physician who conducts any otherwise consistent with the rec-
medical examination or consultation ommendations of at least one of the
provided to an employee under this sec- three physicians.
tion, the employee may designate a (iv) Information provided to examining
second physician: and consulting physicians. (A) The em-
(1) To review any findings, deter- ployer shall provide an initial physi-
minations or recommendations of the cian conducting a medical examination
initial physician; and or consultation under this section with
(2) To conduct such examinations, the following information:
consultations, and laboratory tests as (1) A copy of this regulation for lead
the second physician deems necessary including all Appendices;
to facilitate this review. (2) A description of the affected em-
(B) The employer shall promptly no- ployee’s duties as they relate to the
tify an employee of the right to seek a employee’s exposure;
second medical opinion after each oc- (3) The employee’s exposure level or
casion that an initial physician con- anticipated exposure level to lead and
ducts a medical examination or con- to any other toxic substance (if appli-
sultation pursuant to this section. The cable);
employer may condition its participa- (4) A description of any personal pro-
tion in, and payment for, the multiple tective equipment used or to be used;
physician review mechanism upon the (5) Prior blood lead determinations;
employee doing the following within and
fifteen (15) days after receipt of the (6) All prior written medical opinions
foregoing notification, or receipt of the concerning the employee in the em-
initial physician’s written opinion, ployer’s possession or control.
whichever is later: (B) The employer shall provide the
(1) The employee informing the em- foregoing information to a second or
ployer that he or she intends to seek a third physician conducting a medical
second medical opinion, and examination or consultation under this
(2) The employee initiating steps to section upon request either by the sec-
make an appointment with a second ond or third physician, or by the em-
physician. ployee.
(C) If the findings, determinations or (v) Written medical opinions. (A) The
recommendations of the second physi- employer shall obtain and furnish the
cian differ from those of the initial employee with a copy of a written med-
physician, then the employer and the ical opinion from each examining or
employee shall assure that efforts are consulting physician which contains
made for the two physicians to resolve only the following information:
any disagreement. (1) The physician’s opinion as to
(D) If the two physicians have been whether the employee has any detected
unable to quickly resolve their dis- medical condition which would place
agreement, then the employer and the the employee at increased risk of ma-
employee through their respective phy- terial impairment of the employee’s
sicians shall designate a third physi- health from exposure to lead;
cian: (2) Any recommended special protec-
(1) To review any findings, deter- tive measures to be provided to the em-
minations or recommendations of the ployee, or limitations to be placed
prior physicians; and upon the employee’s exposure to lead;
(2) To conduct such examinations, (3) Any recommended limitation
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
consultations, laboratory tests and dis- upon the employee’s use of respirators,
cussions with the prior physicians as including a determination of whether
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§ 1926.62 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
the employee can wear a powered air (ii) Temporary removal due to a final
purifying respirator if a physician de- medical determination. (A) The employer
termines that the employee cannot shall remove an employee from work
wear a negative pressure respirator; having an exposure to lead at or above
and the action level on each occasion that
(4) The results of the blood lead de- a final medical determination results
terminations. in a medical finding, determination, or
(B) The employer shall instruct each opinion that the employee has a de-
examining and consulting physician to: tected medical condition which places
(1) Not reveal either in the written the employee at increased risk of ma-
opinion or orally, or in any other terial impairment to health from expo-
means of communication with the em- sure to lead.
ployer, findings, including laboratory (B) For the purposes of this section,
results, or diagnoses unrelated to an the phrase final medical determination
employee’s occupational exposure to means the written medical opinion on
lead; and the employees’ health status by the ex-
(2) Advise the employee of any med- amining physician or, where relevant,
ical condition, occupational or non- the outcome of the multiple physician
occupational, which dictates further review mechanism or alternate medical
medical examination or treatment. determination mechanism used pursu-
(vi) Alternate physician determination ant to the medical surveillance provi-
mechanisms. The employer and an em- sions of this section.
ployee or authorized employee rep- (C) Where a final medical determina-
resentative may agree upon the use of tion results in any recommended spe-
any alternate physician determination cial protective measures for an em-
mechanism in lieu of the multiple phy- ployee, or limitations on an employee’s
sician review mechanism provided by exposure to lead, the employer shall
paragraph (j)(3)(iii) of this section so implement and act consistent with the
long as the alternate mechanism is as recommendation.
expeditious and protective as the re- (iii) Return of the employee to former
quirements contained in this para- job status. (A) The employer shall re-
graph. turn an employee to his or her former
(4) Chelation. (i) The employer shall job status:
assure that any person whom he re- (1) For an employee removed due to a
tains, employs, supervises or controls blood lead level at or above 50 μg/dl
does not engage in prophylactic chela- when two consecutive blood sampling
tion of any employee at any time. tests indicate that the employee’s
(ii) If therapeutic or diagnostic che- blood lead level is below 40 μg/dl;
lation is to be performed by any person (2) For an employee removed due to a
in paragraph (j)(4)(i) of this section, final medical determination, when a
the employer shall assure that it be subsequent final medical determina-
done under the supervision of a li- tion results in a medical finding, deter-
censed physician in a clinical setting mination, or opinion that the employee
with thorough and appropriate medical no longer has a detected medical condi-
monitoring and that the employee is tion which places the employee at in-
notified in writing prior to its occur- creased risk of material impairment to
rence. health from exposure to lead.
(k) Medical removal protection—(1) (B) For the purposes of this section,
Temporary medical removal and return of the requirement that an employer re-
an employee—(i) Temporary removal due turn an employee to his or her former
to elevated blood lead level. The em- job status is not intended to expand
ployer shall remove an employee from upon or restrict any rights an em-
work having an exposure to lead at or ployee has or would have had, absent
above the action level on each occasion temporary medical removal, to a spe-
that a periodic and a follow-up blood cific job classification or position
sampling test conducted pursuant to under the terms of a collective bar-
this section indicate that the employ- gaining agreement.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
ee’s blood lead level is at or above 50 (iv) Removal of other employee special
μg/dl; and, protective measure or limitations. The
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.62
employer shall remove any limitations section, the requirement that an em-
placed on an employee or end any spe- ployer provide medical removal protec-
cial protective measures provided to an tion benefits means that, as long as the
employee pursuant to a final medical job the employee was removed from
determination when a subsequent final continues, the employer shall maintain
medical determination indicates that the total normal earnings, seniority
the limitations or special protective and other employment rights and bene-
measures are no longer necessary. fits of an employee, including the em-
(v) Employer options pending a final ployee’s right to his or her former job
medical determination. Where the mul- status as though the employee had not
tiple physician review mechanism, or been medically removed from the em-
alternate medical determination mech- ployee’s job or otherwise medically
anism used pursuant to the medical limited.
surveillance provisions of this section, (iii) Follow-up medical surveillance
has not yet resulted in a final medical during the period of employee removal or
determination with respect to an em- limitation. During the period of time
ployee, the employer shall act as fol- that an employee is medically removed
lows: from his or her job or otherwise medi-
(A) Removal. The employer may re- cally limited, the employer may condi-
move the employee from exposure to tion the provision of medical removal
lead, provide special protective meas- protection benefits upon the employ-
ures to the employee, or place limita- ee’s participation in follow-up medical
tions upon the employee, consistent surveillance made available pursuant
with the medical findings, determina- to this section.
tions, or recommendations of any of (iv) Workers’ compensation claims. If a
the physicians who have reviewed the removed employee files a claim for
employee’s health status. workers’ compensation payments for a
(B) Return. The employer may return lead-related disability, then the em-
the employee to his or her former job ployer shall continue to provide med-
status, end any special protective ical removal protection benefits pend-
measures provided to the employee, ing disposition of the claim. To the ex-
and remove any limitations placed tent that an award is made to the em-
upon the employee, consistent with the ployee for earnings lost during the pe-
medical findings, determinations, or riod of removal, the employer’s med-
recommendations of any of the physi- ical removal protection obligation
cians who have reviewed the employ- shall be reduced by such amount. The
ee’s health status, with two exceptions. employer shall receive no credit for
(1) If the initial removal, special pro- workers’ compensation payments re-
tection, or limitation of the employee ceived by the employee for treatment-
resulted from a final medical deter- related expenses.
mination which differed from the find- (v) Other credits. The employer’s obli-
ings, determinations, or recommenda- gation to provide medical removal pro-
tions of the initial physician or; tection benefits to a removed employee
(2) If the employee has been on re- shall be reduced to the extent that the
moval status for the preceding eight- employee receives compensation for
een months due to an elevated blood earnings lost during the period of re-
lead level, then the employer shall moval either from a publicly or em-
await a final medical determination. ployer-funded compensation program,
(2) Medical removal protection bene- or receives income from employment
fits—(i) Provision of medical removal pro- with another employer made possible
tection benefits. The employer shall pro- by virtue of the employee’s removal.
vide an employee up to eighteen (18) (vi) Voluntary removal or restriction of
months of medical removal protection an employee. Where an employer, al-
benefits on each occasion that an em- though not required by this section to
ployee is removed from exposure to do so, removes an employee from expo-
lead or otherwise limited pursuant to sure to lead or otherwise places limita-
this section. tions on an employee due to the effects
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§ 1926.62 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
the medical removal protection pro- essary so that the legend is readily
gram including information concerning visible.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.62
(iv) The employer may use signs re- (D) Any employee medical com-
quired by other statutes, regulations or plaints related to exposure to lead.
ordinances in addition to, or in com- (iii) The employer shall keep, or as-
bination with, signs required by this sure that the examining physician
paragraph (m). keeps, the following medical records:
(v) Prior to June 1, 2016, employers (A) A copy of the medical examina-
may use the following legend in lieu of tion results including medical and
that specified in paragraph (m)(1)(i) of work history required under paragraph
this section: (j) of this section;
WARNING (B) A description of the laboratory
LEAD WORK AREA procedures and a copy of any standards
POISON or guidelines used to interpret the test
NO SMOKING OR EATING results or references to that informa-
(n) Recordkeeping—(1) Exposure assess- tion;
ment. (i) The employer shall establish (C) A copy of the results of biological
and maintain an accurate record of all monitoring.
monitoring and other data used in con- (iv) The employer shall maintain or
ducting employee exposure assess- assure that the physician maintains
ments as required in paragraph (d) of medical records in accordance with the
this section. provisions of 29 CFR 1910.33.
(ii) Exposure monitoring records (3) Medical removals. (i) The employer
shall include: shall establish and maintain an accu-
(A) The date(s), number, duration, lo- rate record for each employee removed
cation and results of each of the sam- from current exposure to lead pursuant
ples taken if any, including a descrip- to paragraph (k) of this section.
tion of the sampling procedure used to (ii) Each record shall include:
determine representative employee ex- (A) The name of the employee;
posure where applicable;
(B) The date of each occasion that
(B) A description of the sampling and
the employee was removed from cur-
analytical methods used and evidence
rent exposure to lead as well as the
of their accuracy;
corresponding date on which the em-
(C) The type of respiratory protective
ployee was returned to his or her
devices worn, if any;
former job status;
(D) Name and job classification of
the employee monitored and of all (C) A brief explanation of how each
other employees whose exposure the removal was or is being accomplished;
measurement is intended to represent; and
and (D) A statement with respect to each
(E) The environmental variables that removal indicating whether or not the
could affect the measurement of em- reason for the removal was an elevated
ployee exposure. blood lead level.
(iii) The employer shall maintain (iii) The employer shall maintain
monitoring and other exposure assess- each medical removal record for at
ment records in accordance with the least the duration of an employee’s em-
provisions of 29 CFR 1910.33. ployment.
(2) Medical surveillance. (i) The em- (4) Objective data for exemption from re-
ployer shall establish and maintain an quirement for initial monitoring. (i) For
accurate record for each employee sub- purposes of this section, objective data
ject to medical surveillance as required are information demonstrating that a
by paragraph (j) of this section. particular product or material con-
(ii) This record shall include: taining lead or a specific process, oper-
(A) The name and description of the ation, or activity involving lead cannot
duties of the employee; release dust or fumes in concentrations
(B) A copy of the physician’s written at or above the action level under any
opinions; expected conditions of use. Objective
(C) Results of any airborne exposure data can be obtained from an industry-
monitoring done on or for that em- wide study or from laboratory product
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
ployee and provided to the physician; test results from manufacturers of lead
and containing products or materials. The
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§ 1926.62 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
data the employer uses from an indus- is not intended by itself, to create any
try-wide survey must be obtained additional obligations not otherwise
under workplace conditions closely re- imposed by this standard nor detract
sembling the processes, types of mate- from any existing obligation.
rial, control methods, work practices
and environmental conditions in the APPENDIX A TO § 1926.62—SUBSTANCE DATA
employer’s current operations.
(ii) The employer shall maintain the I. Substance Identification
record of the objective data relied upon
A. Substance: Pure lead (Pb) is a heavy
for at least 30 years. metal at room temperature and pressure and
(5) Availability. The employer shall is a basic chemical element. It can combine
make available upon request all with various other substances to form nu-
records required to be maintained by merous lead compounds.
paragraph (n) of this section to affected B. Compounds covered by the standard: The
employees, former employees, and word lead when used in this interim final
their designated representatives, and standard means elemental lead, all inorganic
to the Assistant Secretary and the Di- lead compounds and a class of organic lead
compounds called lead soaps. This standard
rector for examination and copying.
does not apply to other organic lead com-
(6) Transfer of records. (i) Whenever pounds.
the employer ceases to do business, the C. Uses: Exposure to lead occurs in several
successor employer shall receive and different occupations in the construction in-
retain all records required to be main- dustry, including demolition or salvage of
tained by paragraph (n) of this section. structures where lead or lead-containing ma-
(ii) The employer shall also comply terials are present; removal or encapsulation
with any additional requirements in- of lead-containing materials, new construc-
volving the transfer of records set forth tion, alteration, repair, or renovation of
structures that contain lead or materials
in 29 CFR 1910.1020(h).
containing lead; installation of products con-
(o) Observation of monitoring—(1) Em- taining lead. In addition, there are construc-
ployee observation. The employer shall tion related activities where exposure to
provide affected employees or their lead may occur, including transportation,
designated representatives an oppor- disposal, storage, or containment of lead or
tunity to observe any monitoring of materials containing lead on construction
employee exposure to lead conducted sites, and maintenance operations associated
pursuant to paragraph (d) of this sec- with construction activities.
tion. D. Permissible exposure: The permissible ex-
posure limit (PEL) set by the standard is 50
(2) Observation procedures. (i) When- micrograms of lead per cubic meter of air (50
ever observation of the monitoring of μg/m3), averaged over an 8-hour workday.
employee exposure to lead requires E. Action level: The interim final standard
entry into an area where the use of res- establishes an action level of 30 micrograms
pirators, protective clothing or equip- of lead per cubic meter of air (30 μg/m3), aver-
ment is required, the employer shall aged over an 8-hour workday. The action
provide the observer with and assure level triggers several ancillary provisions of
the use of such respirators, clothing the standard such as exposure monitoring,
medical surveillance, and training.
and equipment, and shall require the
observer to comply with all other ap- II. Health Hazard Data
plicable safety and health procedures.
A. Ways in which lead enters your body.
(ii) Without interfering with the
When absorbed into your body in certain
monitoring, observers shall be entitled doses, lead is a toxic substance. The object of
to: the lead standard is to prevent absorption of
(A) Receive an explanation of the harmful quantities of lead. The standard is
measurement procedures; intended to protect you not only from the
(B) Observe all steps related to the immediate toxic effects of lead, but also
monitoring of lead performed at the from the serious toxic effects that may not
place of exposure; and become apparent until years of exposure
have passed. Lead can be absorbed into your
(C) Record the results obtained or re-
body by inhalation (breathing) and ingestion
ceive copies of the results when re- (eating). Lead (except for certain organic
turned by the laboratory.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.62
the air as a dust, fume respiratory tract. In- drowsiness and stupor, poor memory, rest-
halation of airborne lead is generally the lessness, irritability, tremor, and convul-
most important source of occupational lead sions. It may arise suddenly with the onset
absorption. You can also absorb lead through of seizures, followed by coma, and death.
your digestive system if lead gets into your There is a tendency for muscular weakness
mouth and is swallowed. If you handle food, to develop at the same time. This weakness
cigarettes, chewing tobacco, or make-up may progress to paralysis often observed as
which have lead on them or handle them a characteristic ‘‘wrist drop’’ or ‘‘foot drop’’
with hands contaminated with lead, this will and is a manifestation of a disease to the
contribute to ingestion. A significant por- nervous system called peripheral neurop-
tion of the lead that you inhale or ingest athy. Chronic overexposure to lead also re-
gets into your blood stream. Once in your sults in kidney disease with few, if any,
blood stream, lead is circulated throughout symptoms appearing until extensive and
your body and stored in various organs and most likely permanent kidney damage has
body tissues. Some of this lead is quickly fil- occurred. Routine laboratory tests reveal the
tered out of your body and excreted, but presence of this kidney disease only after
some remains in the blood and other tissues. about two-thirds of kidney function is lost.
As exposure to lead continues, the amount When overt symptoms of urinary dysfunc-
stored in your body will increase if you are tion arise, it is often too late to correct or
absorbing more lead than your body is ex- prevent worsening conditions, and progres-
creting. Even though you may not be aware sion to kidney dialysis or death is possible.
of any immediate symptoms of disease, this Chronic overexposure to lead impairs the re-
lead stored in your tissues can be slowly productive systems of both men and women.
causing irreversible damage, first to indi- Overexposure to lead may result in decreased
vidual cells, then to your organs and whole sex drive, impotence and sterility in men.
body systems. Lead can alter the structure of sperm cells
B. Effects of overexposure to lead—(1) Short raising the risk of birth defects. There is evi-
term (acute) overexposure. Lead is a potent, dence of miscarriage and stillbirth in women
systemic poison that serves no known useful whose husbands were exposed to lead or who
function once absorbed by your body. Taken were exposed to lead themselves. Lead expo-
in large enough doses, lead can kill you in a sure also may result in decreased fertility,
matter of days. A condition affecting the and abnormal menstrual cycles in women.
brain called acute encephalopathy may arise The course of pregnancy may be adversely
which develops quickly to seizures, coma, affected by exposure to lead since lead
and death from cardiorespiratory arrest. A crosses the placental barrier and poses risks
short term dose of lead can lead to acute to developing fetuses. Children born of par-
encephalopathy. Short term occupational ex- ents either one of whom were exposed to ex-
posures of this magnitude are highly un- cess lead levels are more likely to have birth
usual, but not impossible. Similar forms of defects, mental retardation, behavioral dis-
encephalopathy may, however, arise from ex- orders or die during the first year of child-
tended, chronic exposure to lower doses of hood. Overexposure to lead also disrupts the
lead. There is no sharp dividing line between blood-forming system resulting in decreased
rapidly developing acute effects of lead, and hemoglobin (the substance in the blood that
chronic effects which take longer to acquire. carries oxygen to the cells) and ultimately
Lead adversely affects numerous body sys- anemia. Anemia is characterized by weak-
tems, and causes forms of health impairment ness, pallor and fatigability as a result of de-
and disease which arise after periods of expo- creased oxygen carrying capacity in the
sure as short as days or as long as several blood.
years. (3) Health protection goals of the standard.
(2) Long-term (chronic) overexposure. Chron- Prevention of adverse health effects for most
ic overexposure to lead may result in severe workers from exposure to lead throughout a
damage to your blood-forming, nervous, uri- working lifetime requires that a worker’s
nary and reproductive systems. Some com- blood lead level (BLL, also expressed as PbB)
mon symptoms of chronic overexposure in- be maintained at or below forty micrograms
clude loss of appetite, metallic taste in the per deciliter of whole blood (40 μg/dl). The
mouth, anxiety, constipation, nausea, pallor, blood lead levels of workers (both male and
excessive tiredness, weakness, insomnia, female workers) who intend to have children
headache, nervous irritability, muscle and should be maintained below 30 μg/dl to mini-
joint pain or soreness, fine tremors, numb- mize adverse reproductive health effects to
ness, dizziness, hyperactivity and colic. In the parents and to the developing fetus. The
lead colic there may be severe abdominal measurement of your blood lead level (BLL)
pain. Damage to the central nervous system is the most useful indicator of the amount of
in general and the brain (encephalopathy) in lead being absorbed by your body. Blood lead
particular is one of the most severe forms of levels are most often reported in units of
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
lead poisoning. The most severe, often fatal, milligrams (mg) or micrograms (μg) of lead
form of encephalopathy may be preceded by (1 mg = 1000 μg) per 100 grams (100g), 100 mil-
vomiting, a feeling of dullness progressing to liliters (100 ml) or deciliter (dl) of blood.
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§ 1926.62 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
These three units are essentially the same. or while wearing a respirator. In each of
Sometime BLLs are expressed in the form of these cases, your employer must make avail-
mg% or μg%. This is a shorthand notation able to you appropriate medical examina-
for 100g, 100 ml, or dl. (References to BLL tions or consultations. These must be pro-
measurements in this standard are expressed vided at no cost to you and at a reasonable
in the form of μg/dl.) time and place. The standard contains a pro-
BLL measurements show the amount of cedure whereby you can obtain a second
lead circulating in your blood stream, but do opinion by a physician of your choice if your
not give any information about the amount employer selected the initial physician.
of lead stored in your various tissues. BLL
measurements merely show current absorp- APPENDIX B TO § 1926.62—EMPLOYEE
tion of lead, not the effect that lead is hav- STANDARD SUMMARY
ing on your body or the effects that past lead
exposure may have already caused. Past re- This appendix summarizes key provisions
search into lead-related diseases, however, of the interim final standard for lead in con-
has focused heavily on associations between struction that you as a worker should be-
BLLs and various diseases. As a result, your come familiar with.
BLL is an important indicator of the likeli-
I. Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL)—
hood that you will gradually acquire a lead-
related health impairment or disease. Paragraph (C)
Once your blood lead level climbs above 40 The standard sets a permissible exposure
μg/dl, your risk of disease increases. There is limit (PEL) of 50 micrograms of lead per
a wide variability of individual response to cubic meter of air (50 μg/m3), averaged over
lead, thus it is difficult to say that a par- an 8-hour workday which is referred to as a
ticular BLL in a given person will cause a time-weighted average (TWA). This is the
particular effect. Studies have associated highest level of lead in air to which you may
fatal encephalopathy with BLLs as low as 150 be permissibly exposed over an 8-hour work-
μg/dl. Other studies have shown other forms day. However, since this is an 8-hour aver-
of diseases in some workers with BLLs well age, short exposures above the PEL are per-
below 80 μg/dl. Your BLL is a crucial indi- mitted so long as for each 8-hour work day
cator of the risks to your health, but one your average exposure does not exceed this
other factor is also extremely important. level. This interim final standard, however,
This factor is the length of time you have takes into account the fact that your daily
had elevated BLLs. The longer you have an exposure to lead can extend beyond a typical
elevated BLL, the greater the risk that large 8-hour workday as the result of overtime or
quantities of lead are being gradually stored other alterations in your work schedule. To
in your organs and tissues (body burden). deal with this situation, the standard con-
The greater your overall body burden, the tains a formula which reduces your permis-
greater the chances of substantial perma- sible exposure when you are exposed more
nent damage. The best way to prevent all than 8 hours. For example, if you are exposed
forms of lead-related impairments and dis-
to lead for 10 hours a day, the maximum per-
eases—both short term and long term—is to
mitted average exposure would be 40 μg/m3.
maintain your BLL below 40 μg/dl. The provi-
sions of the standard are designed with this II. Exposure Assessment—Paragraph (D)
end in mind.
Your employer has prime responsibility to If lead is present in your workplace in any
assure that the provisions of the standard quantity, your employer is required to make
are complied with both by the company and an initial determination of whether any em-
by individual workers. You, as a worker, ployee’s exposure to lead exceeds the action
however, also have a responsibility to assist level (30 μg/m3 averaged over an 8-hour day).
your employer in complying with the stand- Employee exposure is that exposure which
ard. You can play a key role in protecting would occur if the employee were not using
your own health by learning about the lead a respirator. This initial determination re-
hazards and their control, learning what the quires your employer to monitor workers’
standard requires, following the standard exposures unless he or she has objective data
where it governs your own actions, and see- which can demonstrate conclusively that no
ing that your employer complies with provi- employee will be exposed to lead in excess of
sions governing his or her actions. the action level. Where objective data is used
(4) Reporting signs and symptoms of health in lieu of actual monitoring the employer
problems. You should immediately notify must establish and maintain an accurate
your employer if you develop signs or symp- record, documenting its relevancy in assess-
toms associated with lead poisoning or if you ing exposure levels for current job condi-
desire medical advice concerning the effects tions. If such objective data is available, the
of current or past exposure to lead or your employer need proceed no further on em-
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ability to have a healthy child. You should ployee exposure assessment until such time
also notify your employer if you have dif- that conditions have changed and the deter-
ficulty breathing during a respirator fit test mination is no longer valid.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.62
Objective data may be compiled from var- is conducted which demonstrates that your
ious sources, e.g., insurance companies and exposure level is below the PEL.
trade associations and information from sup- If you are exposed to lead and air sampling
pliers or exposure data collected from simi- is performed, your employer is required to
lar operations. Objective data may also com- notify you in writing within 5 working days
prise previously-collected sampling data in- of the air monitoring results which represent
cluding area monitoring. If it cannot be de- your exposure. If the results indicate that
termined through using objective data that your exposure exceeds the PEL (without re-
worker exposure is less than the action level, gard to your use of a respirator), then your
your employer must conduct monitoring or employer must also notify you of this in
must rely on relevant previous personal sam- writing, and provide you with a description
pling, if available. Where monitoring is re- of the corrective action that has been taken
quired for the initial determination, it may or will be taken to reduce your exposure.
be limited to a representative number of em- Your exposure must be rechecked by moni-
ployees who are reasonably expected to have toring, at least every six months if your ex-
the highest exposure levels. If your employer posure is at or over the action level but
has conducted appropriate air sampling for below the PEL. Your employer may dis-
lead in the past 12 months, he or she may use continue monitoring for you if 2 consecutive
these results, provided they are applicable to measurements, taken at least 7 days apart,
the same employee tasks and exposure condi- are at or below the action level. Air moni-
tions and meet the requirements for accu- toring must be repeated every 3 months if
racy as specified in the standard. As with ob- you are exposed over the PEL. Your em-
jective data, if such results are relied upon ployer must continue monitoring for you at
for the initial determination, your employer this frequency until 2 consecutive measure-
must establish and maintain a record as to ments, taken at least 7 days apart, are below
the relevancy of such data to current job the PEL but above the action level, at which
conditions. time your employer must repeat monitoring
If there have been any employee com- of your exposure every six months and may
plaints of symptoms which may be attrib- discontinue monitoring only after your expo-
utable to exposure to lead or if there is any sure drops to or below the action level. How-
other information or observations which ever, whenever there is a change of equip-
would indicate employee exposure to lead, ment, process, control, or personnel or a new
this must also be considered as part of the type of job is added at your workplace which
initial determination. may result in new or additional exposure to
If this initial determination shows that a lead, your employer must perform additional
reasonable possibility exists that any em- monitoring.
ployee may be exposed, without regard to
respirators, over the action level, your em- III. Methods of Compliance—Paragraph (E)
ployer must set up an air monitoring pro- Your employer is required to assure that
gram to determine the exposure level rep- no employee is exposed to lead in excess of
resentative of each employee exposed to lead the PEL as an 8-hour TWA. The interim final
at your workplace. In carrying out this air standard for lead in construction requires
monitoring program, your employer is not employers to institute engineering and work
required to monitor the exposure of every practice controls including administrative
employee, but he or she must monitor a rep- controls to the extent feasible to reduce em-
resentative number of employees and job ployee exposure to lead. Where such controls
types. Enough sampling must be done to en- are feasible but not adequate to reduce expo-
able each employee’s exposure level to be sures below the PEL they must be used none-
reasonably represent full shift exposure. In theless to reduce exposures to the lowest
addition, these air samples must be taken level that can be accomplished by these
under conditions which represent each em- means and then supplemented with appro-
ployee’s regular, daily exposure to lead. priate respiratory protection.
Sampling performed in the past 12 months Your employer is required to develop and
may be used to determine exposures above implement a written compliance program
the action level if such sampling was con- prior to the commencement of any job where
ducted during work activities essentially employee exposures may reach the PEL as
similar to present work conditions. an 8-hour TWA. The interim final standard
The standard lists certain tasks which may identifies the various elements that must be
likely result in exposures to lead in excess of included in the plan. For example, employers
the PEL and, in some cases, exposures in ex- are required to include a description of oper-
cess of 50 times the PEL. If you are per- ations in which lead is emitted, detailing
forming any of these tasks, your employer other relevant information about the oper-
must provide you with appropriate res- ation such as the type of equipment used,
piratory protection, protective clothing and the type of material involved, employee job
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
equipment, change areas, hand washing fa- responsibilities, operating procedures and
cilities, biological monitoring, and training maintenance practices. In addition, your em-
until such time that an exposure assessment ployer’s compliance plan must specify the
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§ 1926.62 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
means that will be used to achieve compli- available to you to ease the burden of having
ance and, where engineering controls are re- to wear a respirator for long periods of time.
quired, include any engineering plans or The standard provides that you can obtain a
studies that have been used to select the PAPR upon request.
control methods. If administrative controls Your employer must also start a Res-
involving job rotation are used to reduce em- piratory Protection Program. This program
ployee exposure to lead, the job rotation must include written procedures for the
schedule must be included in the compliance proper selection, use, cleaning, storage, and
plan. The plan must also detail the type of maintenance of respirators.
protective clothing and equipment, including Your employer must ensure that your res-
respirators, housekeeping and hygiene prac- pirator facepiece fits properly. Proper fit of
tices that will be used to protect you from a respirator facepiece is critical to your pro-
the adverse effects of exposure to lead. tection from airborne lead. Obtaining a prop-
The written compliance program must be er fit on each employee may require your
made available, upon request, to affected employer to make available several different
employees and their designated representa- types of respirator masks. To ensure that
tives, the Assistant Secretary and the Direc- your respirator fits properly and that face-
tor. piece leakage is minimal, your employer
Finally, the plan must be reviewed and up- must give you either a qualitative or quan-
dated at least every 6 months to assure it re- titative fit test as specified in appendix A of
flects the current status in exposure control. the Respiratory Protection standard located
at 29 CFR 1910.134.
IV. Respiratory Protection—Paragraph (F) You must also receive from your employer
Your employer is required to provide and proper training in the use of respirators.
assure your use of respirators when your ex- Your employer is required to teach you how
posure to lead is not controlled below the to wear a respirator, to know why it is need-
PEL by other means. The employer must pay ed, and to understand its limitations.
the cost of the respirator. Whenever you re- The standard provides that if your res-
quest one, your employer is also required to pirator uses filter elements, you must be
provide you a respirator even if your air ex- given an opportunity to change the filter ele-
posure level is not above the PEL. You ments whenever an increase in breathing re-
might desire a respirator when, for example, sistance is detected. You also must be per-
you have received medical advice that your mitted to periodically leave your work area
lead absorption should be decreased. Or, you to wash your face and respirator facepiece
may intend to have children in the near fu- whenever necessary to prevent skin irrita-
ture, and want to reduce the level of lead in tion. If you ever have difficulty in breathing
your body to minimize adverse reproductive during a fit test or while using a respirator,
effects. While respirators are the least satis- your employer must make a medical exam-
factory means of controlling your exposure, ination available to you to determine wheth-
they are capable of providing significant pro- er you can safely wear a respirator. The re-
tection if properly chosen, fitted, worn, sult of this examination may be to give you
cleaned, maintained, and replaced when they a positive pressure respirator (which reduces
stop providing adequate protection. breathing resistance) or to provide alter-
Your employer is required to select your native means of protection.
respirator according to the requirements of
V. Protective Work Clothing and Equipment—
29 CFR 1926.62(f)(3), including the require-
Paragraph (G)
ments referenced in 29 CFR
1910.134(d)(3)(i)(A) of this chapter. Any res- If you are exposed to lead above the PEL
pirator chosen must be approved by NIOSH as an 8-hour TWA, without regard to your
under the provisions of 42 CFR part 84. These use of a respirator, or if you are exposed to
respirator selection references will enable lead compounds such as lead arsenate or lead
your employer to choose a type of respirator azide which can cause skin and eye irrita-
that will give you a proper amount of protec- tion, your employer must provide you with
tion based on your airborne lead exposure. protective work clothing and equipment ap-
Your employer may select a type of res- propriate for the hazard. If work clothing is
pirator that provides greater protection than provided, it must be provided in a clean and
that required by the standard; that is, one dry condition at least weekly, and daily if
recommended for a higher concentration of your airborne exposure to lead is greater
lead than is present in your workplace. For than 200 μg/m3. Appropriate protective work
example, a powered air-purifying respirator clothing and equipment can include cover-
(PAPR) is much more protective than a typ- alls or similar full-body work clothing,
ical negative pressure respirator, and may gloves, hats, shoes or disposable shoe cover-
also be more comfortable to wear. A PAPR lets, and face shields or vented goggles. Your
has a filter, cartridge, or canister to clean employer is required to provide all such
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
the air, and a power source that continu- equipment at no cost to you. In addition,
ously blows filtered air into your breathing your employer is responsible for providing
zone. Your employer might make a PAPR repairs and replacement as necessary, and
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.62
also is responsible for the cleaning, laun- may not be used except where vacuuming or
dering or disposal of protective clothing and other equally effective methods have been
equipment. tried and do not work. Vacuums must be
The interim final standard requires that used equipped with a special filter called a
your employer assure that you follow good high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter
work practices when you are working in and emptied in a manner which minimizes
areas where your exposure to lead may ex- the reentry of lead into the workplace.
ceed the PEL. With respect to protective
clothing and equipment, where appropriate, VII. Hygiene Facilities and Practices—
the following procedures should be observed Paragraph (I)
prior to beginning work: The standard requires that hand washing
1. Change into work clothing and shoe cov- facilities be provided where occupational ex-
ers in the clean section of the designated posure to lead occurs. In addition, change
changing areas; areas, showers (where feasible), and
2. Use work garments of appropriate pro- lunchrooms or eating areas are to be made
tective gear, including respirators before en- available to workers exposed to lead above
tering the work area; and
the PEL. Your employer must assure that
3. Store any clothing not worn under pro-
except in these facilities, food and beverage
tective clothing in the designated changing
is not present or consumed, tobacco products
are not present or used, and cosmetics are
Workers should follow these procedures
not applied, where airborne exposures are
upon leaving the work area:
above the PEL. Change rooms provided by
1. HEPA vacuum heavily contaminated
protective work clothing while it is still your employer must be equipped with sepa-
being worn. At no time may lead be removed rate storage facilities for your protective
from protective clothing by any means clothing and equipment and street clothes to
which result in uncontrolled dispersal of lead avoid cross-contamination. After showering,
into the air; no required protective clothing or equipment
2. Remove shoe covers and leave them in worn during the shift may be worn home. It
the work area; is important that contaminated clothing or
3. Remove protective clothing and gear in equipment be removed in change areas and
the dirty area of the designated changing not be worn home or you will extend your
area. Remove protective coveralls by care- exposure and expose your family since lead
fully rolling down the garment to reduce ex- from your clothing can accumulate in your
posure to dust. house, car, etc.
4. Remove respirators last; and Lunchrooms or eating areas may not be
5. Wash hands and face. entered with protective clothing or equip-
Workers should follow these procedures ment unless surface dust has been removed
upon finishing work for the day (in addition by vacuuming, downdraft booth, or other
to procedures described above): cleaning method. Finally, workers exposed
1. Where applicable, place disposal cover- above the PEL must wash both their hands
alls and shoe covers with the abatement and faces prior to eating, drinking, smoking
waste; or applying cosmetics.
2. Contaminated clothing which is to be All of the facilities and hygiene practices
cleaned, laundered or disposed of must be just discussed are essential to minimize ad-
placed in closed containers in the change ditional sources of lead absorption from in-
room. halation or ingestion of lead that may accu-
3. Clean protective gear, including res- mulate on you, your clothes, or your posses-
pirators, according to standard procedures; sions. Strict compliance with these provi-
4. Wash hands and face again. If showers sions can virtually eliminate several sources
are available, take a shower and wash hair. of lead exposure which significantly con-
If shower facilities are not available at the tribute to excessive lead absorption.
work site, shower immediately at home and
wash hair. VIII. Medical Surveillance—Paragraph (J)
The medical surveillance program is part
VI. Housekeeping—Paragraph (H)
of the standard’s comprehensive approach to
Your employer must establish a house- the prevention of lead-related disease. Its
keeping program sufficient to maintain all purpose is to supplement the main thrust of
surfaces as free as practicable of accumula- the standard which is aimed at minimizing
tions of lead dust. Vacuuming is the pre- airborne concentrations of lead and sources
ferred method of meeting this requirement, of ingestion. Only medical surveillance can
and the use of compressed air to clean floors determine if the other provisions of the
and other surfaces is generally prohibited standard have affectively protected you as
unless removal with compressed air is done an individual. Compliance with the stand-
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in conjunction with ventilation systems de- ard’s provision will protect most workers
signed to contain dispersal of the lead dust. from the adverse effects of lead exposure, but
Dry or wet sweeping, shoveling, or brushing may not be satisfactory to protect individual
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§ 1926.62 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
workers (1) who have high body burdens of Medical examinations beyond the initial
lead acquired over past years, (2) who have one must be made available on an annual
additional uncontrolled sources of non-occu- basis if your blood lead level exceeds 40 μg/dl
pational lead exposure, (3) who exhibit un- at any time during the preceding year and
usual variations in lead absorption rates, or you are being exposed above the airborne ac-
(4) who have specific non-work related med- tion level of 30 μg/m3 for 30 or more days per
ical conditions which could be aggravated by year. The initial examination will provide
lead exposure (e.g., renal disease, anemia). In information to establish a baseline to which
addition, control systems may fail, or hy- subsequent data can be compared.
giene and respirator programs may be inad- An initial medical examination to consist
equate. Periodic medical surveillance of indi- of blood sampling and analysis for lead and
vidual workers will help detect those fail- zinc protoporphyrin must also be made avail-
ures. Medical surveillance will also be impor- able (prior to assignment) for each employee
tant to protect your reproductive ability-re- being assigned for the first time to an area
gardless of whether you are a man or woman. where the airborne concentration of lead
All medical surveillance required by the equals or exceeds the action level at any
interim final standard must be performed by time. In addition, a medical examination or
or under the supervision of a licensed physi- consultation must be made available as soon
cian. The employer must provide required as possible if you notify your employer that
medical surveillance without cost to employ- you are experiencing signs or symptoms
ees and at a reasonable time and place. The commonly associated with lead poisoning or
standard’s medical surveillance program has that you have difficulty breathing while
two parts—periodic biological monitoring wearing a respirator or during a respirator
and medical examinations. Your employer’s fit test. You must also be provided a medical
obligation to offer you medical surveillance examination or consultation if you notify
is triggered by the results of the air moni- your employer that you desire medical ad-
toring program. Full medical surveillance vice concerning the effects of current or past
must be made available to all employees who exposure to lead on your ability to procreate
are or may be exposed to lead in excess of a healthy child.
the action level for more than 30 days a year Finally, appropriate follow-up medical ex-
and whose blood lead level exceeds 40 μg/dl. aminations or consultations may also be pro-
Initial medical surveillance consisting of vided for employees who have been tempo-
blood sampling and analysis for lead and zinc rarily removed from exposure under the
protoporphyrin must be provided to all em- medical removal protection provisions of the
ployees exposed at any time (1 day) above standard. (See Part IX, below.)
the action level. The standard specifies the minimum con-
Biological monitoring under the standard tent of pre-assignment and annual medical
must be provided at least every 2 months for examinations. The content of other types of
the first 6 months and every 6 months there- medical examinations and consultations is
after until your blood lead level is below 40 left up to the sound discretion of the exam-
μg/dl. A zinc protoporphyrin (ZPP) test is a ining physician. Pre-assignment and annual
very useful blood test which measures an ad- medical examinations must include (1) a de-
verse metabolic effect of lead on your body tailed work history and medical history; (2)
and is therefore an indicator of lead toxicity. a thorough physical examination, including
If your BLL exceeds 40 μg/dl the moni- an evaluation of your pulmonary status if
toring frequency must be increased from you will be required to use a respirator; (3) a
every 6 months to at least every 2 months blood pressure measurement; and (4) a series
and not reduced until two consecutive BLLs of laboratory tests designed to check your
indicate a blood lead level below 40 μg/dl. blood chemistry and your kidney function.
Each time your BLL is determined to be over In addition, at any time upon your request,
40 μg/dl, your employer must notify you of a laboratory evaluation of male fertility will
this in writing within five working days of be made (microscopic examination of a
his or her receipt of the test results. The em- sperm sample), or a pregnancy test will be
ployer must also inform you that the stand- given.
ard requires temporary medical removal The standard does not require that you
with economic protection when your BLL ex- participate in any of the medical procedures,
ceeds 50 μg/dl. (See Discussion of Medical Re- tests, etc. which your employer is required
moval Protection-Paragraph (k).) Anytime to make available to you. Medical surveil-
your BLL exceeds 50 μg/dl your employer lance can, however, play a very important
must make available to you within two role in protecting your health. You are
weeks of receipt of these test results a sec- strongly encouraged, therefore, to partici-
ond follow-up BLL test to confirm your BLL. pate in a meaningful fashion. The standard
If the two tests both exceed 50 μg/dl, and you contains a multiple physician review mecha-
are temporarily removed, then your em- nism which will give you a chance to have a
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
ployer must make successive BLL tests physician of your choice directly participate
available to you on a monthly basis during in the medical surveillance program. If you
the period of your removal. are dissatisfied with an examination by a
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.62
physician chosen by your employer, you can it is proper for OSHA to make you aware of
select a second physician to conduct an inde- this.
pendent analysis. The two doctors would at- The medical surveillance section of the
tempt to resolve any differences of opinion, standard also contains provisions dealing
and select a third physician to resolve any with chelation. Chelation is the use of cer-
firm dispute. Generally your employer will tain drugs (administered in pill form or in-
choose the physician who conducts medical jected into the body) to reduce the amount
surveillance under the lead standard-unless of lead absorbed in body tissues. Experience
you and your employer can agree on the accumulated by the medical and scientific
choice of a physician or physicians. Some communities has largely confirmed the effec-
companies and unions have agreed in ad- tiveness of this type of therapy for the treat-
vance, for example, to use certain inde- ment of very severe lead poisoning. On the
pendent medical laboratories or panels of other hand, it has also been established that
physicians. Any of these arrangements are there can be a long list of extremely harmful
acceptable so long as required medical sur- side effects associated with the use of
veillance is made available to workers. chelating agents. The medical community
has balanced the advantages and disadvan-
The standard requires your employer to
tages resulting from the use of chelating
provide certain information to a physician to
agents in various circumstances and has es-
aid in his or her examination of you. This in-
tablished when the use of these agents is ac-
formation includes (1) the standard and its
ceptable. The standard includes these ac-
appendices, (2) a description of your duties as
cepted limitations due to a history of abuse
they relate to occupational lead exposure, (3)
of chelation therapy by some lead compa-
your exposure level or anticipated exposure nies. The most widely used chelating agents
level, (4) a description of any personal pro- are calcium disodium EDTA, (Ca Na2 EDTA),
tective equipment you wear, (5) prior blood Calcium Disodium Versenate (Versenate),
lead level results, and (6) prior written med- and d-penicillamine (pencillamine or
ical opinions concerning you that the em- Cupramine).
ployer has. After a medical examination or The standard prohibits ‘‘prophylactic che-
consultation the physician must prepare a lation’’ of any employee by any person the
written report which must contain (1) the employer retains, supervises or controls. Pro-
physician’s opinion as to whether you have phylactic chelation is the routine use of
any medical condition which places you at chelating or similarly acting drugs to pre-
increased risk of material impairment to vent elevated blood levels in workers who
health from exposure to lead, (2) any rec- are occupationally exposed to lead, or the
ommended special protective measures to be use of these drugs to routinely lower blood
provided to you, (3) any blood lead level de- lead levels to predesignated concentrations
terminations, and (4) any recommended limi- believed to be ‘‘safe’’. It should be empha-
tation on your use of respirators. This last sized that where an employer takes a worker
element must include a determination of who has no symptoms of lead poisoning and
whether you can wear a powered air puri- has chelation carried out by a physician (ei-
fying respirator (PAPR) if you are found un- ther inside or outside of a hospital) solely to
able to wear a negative pressure respirator. reduce the worker’s blood lead level, that
The medical surveillance program of the will generally be considered prophylactic
interim lead standard may at some point in chelation. The use of a hospital and a physi-
time serve to notify certain workers that cian does not mean that prophylactic chela-
they have acquired a disease or other adverse tion is not being performed. Routine chela-
medical condition as a result of occupational tion to prevent increased or reduce current
lead exposure. If this is true, these workers blood lead levels is unacceptable whatever
might have legal rights to compensation the setting.
from public agencies, their employers, firms The standard allows the use of ‘‘thera-
that supply hazardous products to their em- peutic’’ or ‘‘diagnostic’’ chelation if adminis-
ployers, or other persons. Some states have tered under the supervision of a licensed
laws, including worker compensation laws, physician in a clinical setting with thorough
that disallow a worker who learns of a job- and appropriate medical monitoring. Thera-
related health impairment to sue, unless the peutic chelation responds to severe lead poi-
worker sues within a short period of time soning where there are marked symptoms.
after learning of the impairment. (This pe- Diagnostic chelation involved giving a pa-
riod of time may be a matter of months or tient a dose of the drug then collecting all
years.) An attorney can be consulted about urine excreted for some period of time as an
these possibilities. It should be stressed that aid to the diagnosis of lead poisoning.
OSHA is in no way trying to either encour- In cases where the examining physician de-
age or discourage claims or lawsuits. How- termines that chelation is appropriate, you
ever, since results of the standard’s medical must be notified in writing of this fact before
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
surveillance program can significantly affect such treatment. This will inform you of a po-
the legal remedies of a worker who has ac- tentially harmful treatment, and allow you
quired a job-related disease or impairment, to obtain a second opinion.
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§ 1926.62 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
IX. Medical Removal Protection—Paragraph not been removed. Earnings includes more
(K) than just your base wage; it includes over-
time, shift differentials, incentives, and
Excessive lead absorption subjects you to
other compensation you would have earned if
increased risk of disease. Medical removal
you had not been removed. During the period
protection (MRP) is a means of protecting
of removal you must also be provided with
you when, for whatever reasons, other meth-
appropriate follow-up medical surveillance.
ods, such as engineering controls, work prac-
If you were removed because your blood lead
tices, and respirators, have failed to provide
level was too high, you must be provided
the protection you need. MRP involves the
with a monthly blood test. If a medical opin-
temporary removal of a worker from his or
ion caused your removal, you must be pro-
her regular job to a place of significantly
vided medical tests or examinations that the
lower exposure without any loss of earnings,
doctor believes to be appropriate. If you do
seniority, or other employment rights or
not participate in this follow up medical sur-
benefits. The purpose of this program is to
veillance, you may lose your eligibility for
cease further lead absorption and allow your
MRP benefits.
body to naturally excrete lead which has pre-
When you are medically eligible to return
viously been absorbed. Temporary medical
to your former job, your employer must re-
removal can result from an elevated blood
turn you to your ‘‘former job status.’’ This
lead level, or a medical opinion. For up to 18
means that you are entitled to the position,
months, or for as long as the job the em-
wages, benefits, etc., you would have had if
ployee was removed from lasts, protection is
you had not been removed. If you would still
provided as a result of either form of re-
be in your old job if no removal had occurred
moval. The vast majority of removed work-
that is where you go back. If not, you are re-
ers, however, will return to their former jobs
turned consistent with whatever job assign-
long before this eighteen month period ex-
ment discretion your employer would have
You may also be removed from exposure had if no removal had occurred. MRP only
even if your blood lead level is below 50 μg/ seeks to maintain your rights, not expand
dl if a final medical determination indicates them or diminish them.
that you temporarily need reduced lead ex- If you are removed under MRP and you are
posure for medical reasons. If the physician also eligible for worker compensation or
who is implementing your employers med- other compensation for lost wages, your em-
ical program makes a final written opinion ployer’s MRP benefits obligation is reduced
recommending your removal or other special by the amount that you actually receive
protective measures, your employer must from these other sources. This is also true if
implement the physician’s recommendation. you obtain other employment during the
If you are removed in this manner, you may time you are laid off with MRP benefits.
only be returned when the doctor indicates The standard also covers situations where
that it is safe for you to do so. an employer voluntarily removes a worker
The standard does not give specific in- from exposure to lead due to the effects of
structions dealing with what an employer lead on the employee’s medical condition,
must do with a removed worker. Your job as- even though the standard does not require
signment upon removal is a matter for you, removal. In these situations MRP benefits
your employer and your union (if any) to must still be provided as though the stand-
work out consistent with existing procedures ard required removal. Finally, it is impor-
for job assignments. Each removal must be tant to note that in all cases where removal
accomplished in a manner consistent with is required, respirators cannot be used as a
existing collective bargaining relationships. substitute. Respirators may be used before
Your employer is given broad discretion to removal becomes necessary, but not as an al-
implement temporary removals so long as no ternative to a transfer to a low exposure job,
attempt is made to override existing agree- or to a lay-off with MRP benefits.
ments. Similarly, a removed worker is pro- X. Employee Information and Training—
vided no right to veto an employer’s choice Paragraph (L)
which satisfies the standard.
In most cases, employers will likely trans- Your employer is required to provide an in-
fer removed employees to other jobs with formation and training program for all em-
sufficiently low lead exposure. Alternatively, ployees exposed to lead above the action
a worker’s hours may be reduced so that the level or who may suffer skin or eye irritation
time weighted average exposure is reduced, from lead compounds such as lead arsenate
or he or she may be temporarily laid off if no or lead azide. The program must train these
other alternative is feasible. employees regarding the specific hazards as-
In all of these situation, MRP benefits sociated with their work environment, pro-
must be provided during the period of re- tective measures which can be taken, includ-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
moval—i.e., you continue to receive the ing the contents of any compliance plan in
same earnings, seniority, and other rights effect, the danger of lead to their bodies (in-
and benefits you would have had if you had cluding their reproductive systems), and
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.62
their rights under the standard. All employ- The standard requires that if you request
ees must be trained prior to initial assign- to see or copy environmental monitoring,
ment to areas where there is a possibility of blood lead level monitoring, or medical re-
exposure over the action level. moval records, they must be made available
This training program must also be pro- to you or to a representative that you au-
vided at least annually thereafter unless fur- thorize. Your union also has access to these
ther exposure above the action level will not records. Medical records other than BLL’s
occur. must also be provided upon request to you,
to your physician or to any other person
XI. Signs—Paragraph (M) whom you may specifically designate. Your
The standard requires that the following union does not have access to your personal
warning sign be posted in work areas when medical records unless you authorize their
the exposure to lead is above the PEL: access.
ployer is required to keep each medical re- Under this interim final standard occupa-
moval record only for as long as the duration tional exposure to inorganic lead is to be
of an employee’s employment. limited to 50 μg/m3 (micrograms per cubic
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§ 1926.62 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
meter) based on an 8 hour time-weighted av- action level on any one day. In addition, a
erage (TWA). This permissible exposure limit program of biological monitoring is to be
(PEL) must be achieved through a combina- made available to all employees exposed
tion of engineering, work practice and ad- above the action level at any time and addi-
ministrative controls to the extent feasible. tional medical surveillance is to be made
Where these controls are in place but are available to all employees exposed to lead
found not to reduce employee exposures to or above 30 μg/m3 TWA for more than 30 days
below the PEL, they must be used nonethe- each year and whose BLL exceeds 40 μg/dl.
less, and supplemented with respirators to This program consists of periodic blood sam-
meet the 50 μg/m3 exposure limit. pling and medical evaluation to be per-
The standard also provides for a program formed on a schedule which is defined by pre-
of biological monitoring for employees ex- vious laboratory results, worker complaints
posed to lead above the action level at any or concerns, and the clinical assessment of
time, and additional medical surveillance for the examining physician.
all employees exposed to levels of inorganic Under this program, the blood lead level
lead above 30 μg/m3 (TWA) for more than 30 (BLL) of all employees who are exposed to
days per year and whose BLL exceeds 40 μg/ lead above 30 μg/m3 for more than 30 days per
dl. year or whose blood lead is above 40 μg/dl but
The purpose of this document is to outline exposed for no more than 30 days per year is
the medical surveillance provisions of the in- to be determined at least every two months
terim standard for inorganic lead in con- for the first six months of exposure and
struction, and to provide further information every six months thereafter. The frequency
to the physician regarding the examination is increased to every two months for employ-
and evaluation of workers exposed to inor- ees whose last blood lead level was 40 μg/dl or
ganic lead. above. For employees who are removed from
Section 1 provides a detailed description of exposure to lead due to an elevated blood
the monitoring procedure including the re- lead, a new blood lead level must be meas-
quired frequency of blood testing for exposed ured monthly. A zinc protoporphyrin (ZPP)
workers, provisions for medical removal pro- measurement is strongly recommended on
tection (MRP), the recommended right of the each occasion that a blood lead level meas-
employee to a second medical opinion, and urement is made.
notification and recordkeeping requirements An annual medical examination and con-
of the employer. A discussion of the require- sultation performed under the guidelines dis-
ments for respirator use and respirator mon- cussed in Section 3 is to be made available to
itoring and OSHA’s position on prophylactic each employee exposed above 30 μg/m3 for
chelation therapy are also included in this more than 30 days per year for whom a blood
section. test conducted at any time during the pre-
Section 2 discusses the toxic effects and ceding 12 months indicated a blood lead level
clinical manifestations of lead poisoning and at or above 40 μg/dl. Also, an examination is
effects of lead intoxication on enzymatic to be given to all employees prior to their as-
pathways in heme synthesis. The adverse ef- signment to an area in which airborne lead
fects on both male and female reproductive concentrations reach or exceed the 30 μg/m3
capacity and on the fetus are also discussed. for more than 30 days per year. In addition,
Section 3 outlines the recommended med- a medical examination must be provided as
ical evaluation of the worker exposed to in- soon as possible after notification by an em-
organic lead, including details of the medical ployee that the employee has developed
history, physical examination, and rec- signs or symptoms commonly associated
ommended laboratory tests, which are based with lead intoxication, that the employee
on the toxic effects of lead as discussed in desires medical advice regarding lead expo-
Section 2. sure and the ability to procreate a healthy
Section 4 provides detailed information child, or that the employee has dem-
concerning the laboratory tests available for onstrated difficulty in breathing during a
the monitoring of exposed workers. Included respirator fitting test or during respirator
also is a discussion of the relative value of use. An examination is also to be made avail-
each test and the limitations and pre- able to each employee removed from expo-
cautions which are necessary in the interpre- sure to lead due to a risk of sustaining mate-
tation of the laboratory results. rial impairment to health, or otherwise lim-
ited or specially protected pursuant to med-
I. Medical Surveillance and Monitoring Re-
ical recommendations.
quirements for Workers Exposed to Inorganic Results of biological monitoring or the rec-
ommendations of an examining physician
Under the interim final standard for inor- may necessitate removal of an employee
ganic lead in the construction industry, ini- from further lead exposure pursuant to the
tial medical surveillance consisting of bio- standard’s medical removal protection
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
logical monitoring to include blood lead and (MRP) program. The object of the MRP pro-
ZPP level determination shall be provided to gram is to provide temporary medical re-
employees exposed to lead at or above the moval to workers either with substantially
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.62
elevated blood lead levels or otherwise at During the period of any form of special
risk of sustaining material health impair- protection or removal, the employer must
ment from continued substantial exposure to maintain the worker’s earnings, seniority,
lead. and other employment rights and benefits
Under the standard’s ultimate worker re- (as though the worker had not been removed)
moval criteria, a worker is to be removed for a period of up to 18 months or for as long
from any work having an eight hour TWA as the job the employee was removed from
exposure to lead of 30 μg/m3 when his or her lasts if less than 18 months. This economic
blood lead level reaches 50 μg/dl and is con- protection will maximize meaningful worker
firmed by a second follow-up blood lead level participation in the medical surveillance
performed within two weeks after the em- program, and is appropriate as part of the
ployer receives the results of the first blood employer’s overall obligation to provide a
sampling test. Return of the employee to his safe and healthful workplace. The provisions
or her job status depends on a worker’s blood of MRP benefits during the employee’s re-
lead level declining to 40 μg/dl. moval period may, however, be conditioned
As part of the interim standard, the em- upon participation in medical surveillance.
ployer is required to notify in writing each The lead standard provides for a multiple
employee whose blood lead level exceeds 40 physician review in cases where the em-
μg/dl. In addition each such employee is to be ployee wishes a second opinion concerning
potential lead poisoning or toxicity. If an
informed that the standard requires medical
employee wishes a second opinion, he or she
removal with MRP benefits, discussed below,
can make an appointment with a physician
when an employee’s blood lead level exceeds
of his or her choice. This second physician
the above defined limit.
will review the findings, recommendations or
In addition to the above blood lead level determinations of the first physician and
criterion, temporary worker removal may conduct any examinations, consultations or
also take place as a result of medical deter- tests deemed necessary in an attempt to
minations and recommendations. Written make a final medical determination. If the
medical opinions must be prepared after first and second physicians do not agree in
each examination pursuant to the standard. their assessment they must try to resolve
If the examining physician includes a med- their differences. If they cannot reach an
ical finding, determination or opinion that agreement then they must designate a third
the employee has a medical condition which physician to resolve the dispute.
places the employee at increased risk of ma- The employer must provide examining and
terial health impairment from exposure to consulting physicians with the following spe-
lead, then the employee must be removed cific information: A copy of the lead regula-
from exposure to lead at or above 30 μg/m3. tions and all appendices, a description of the
Alternatively, if the examining physician employee’s duties as related to exposure, the
recommends special protective measures for exposure level or anticipated level to lead
an employee (e.g., use of a powered air puri- and any other toxic substances (if applica-
fying respirator) or recommends limitations ble), a description of personal protective
on an employee’s exposure to lead, then the equipment used, blood lead levels, and all
employer must implement these rec- prior written medical opinions regarding the
ommendations. employee in the employer’s possession or
Recommendations may be more stringent control. The employer must also obtain from
than the specific provisions of the standard. the physician and provide the employee with
The examining physician, therefore, is given a written medical opinion containing blood
broad flexibility to tailor special protective lead levels, the physicians’s opinion as to
procedures to the needs of individual em- whether the employee is at risk of material
ployees. This flexibility extends to the eval- impairment to health, any recommended
uation and management of pregnant workers protective measures for the employee if fur-
and male and female workers who are plan- ther exposure is permitted, as well as any
ning to raise children. Based on the history, recommended limitations upon an employ-
physical examination, and laboratory stud- ee’s use of respirators.
ies, the physician might recommend special Employers must instruct each physician
protective measures or medical removal for not to reveal to the employer in writing or
an employee who is pregnant or who is plan- in any other way his or her findings, labora-
ning to conceive a child when, in the physi- tory results, or diagnoses which are felt to
cian’s judgment, continued exposure to lead be unrelated to occupational lead exposure.
at the current job would pose a significant They must also instruct each physician to
risk. The return of the employee to his or advise the employee of any occupationally or
her former job status, or the removal of spe- non-occupationally related medical condi-
cial protections or limitations, depends upon tion requiring further treatment or evalua-
the examining physician determining that tion.
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the employee is no longer at increased risk The standard provides for the use of res-
of material impairment or that special meas- pirators where engineering and other pri-
ures are no longer needed. mary controls are not effective. However,
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§ 1926.62 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
the use of respirator protection shall not be need not retain this record beyond the term
used in lieu of temporary medical removal of employment if the record is provided to
due to elevated blood lead levels or findings the employee upon termination of employ-
that an employee is at risk of material ment. Medical removal records also must be
health impairment. This is based on the nu- maintained for the duration of employment.
merous inadequacies of respirators including All records required under the standard must
skin rash where the facepiece makes contact be made available upon request to the As-
with the skin, unacceptable stress to breath-
sistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational
ing in some workers with underlying
Safety and Health and the Director of the
cardiopulmonary impairment, difficulty in
providing adequate fit, the tendency for res- National Institute for Occupational Safety
pirators to create additional hazards by and Health. Employers must also make envi-
interfering with vision, hearing, and mobil- ronmental and biological monitoring and
ity, and the difficulties of assuring the max- medical removal records available to af-
imum effectiveness of a complicated work fected employees and to former employees or
practice program involving respirators. Res- their authorized employee representatives.
pirators do, however, serve a useful function Employees or their specifically designated
where engineering and work practice con- representatives have access to their entire
trols are inadequate by providing supple- medical surveillance records.
mentary, interim, or short-term protection, In addition, the standard requires that the
provided they are properly selected for the employer inform all workers exposed to lead
environment in which the employee will be at or above 30 μg/m3 of the provisions of the
working, properly fitted to the employee, standard and all its appendices, the purpose
maintained and cleaned periodically, and and description of medical surveillance and
worn by the employee when required.
provisions for medical removal protection if
In its interim final standard on occupa-
tional exposure to inorganic lead in the con- temporary removal is required. An under-
struction industry, OSHA has prohibited pro- standing of the potential health effects of
phylactic chelation. Diagnostic and thera- lead exposure by all exposed employees along
peutic chelation are permitted only under with full understanding of their rights under
the supervision of a licensed physician with the lead standard is essential for an effective
appropriate medical monitoring in an ac- monitoring program.
ceptable clinical setting. The decision to ini-
tiate chelation therapy must be made on an II. Adverse Health Effects of Inorganic Lead
individual basis and take into account the Although the toxicity of lead has been
severity of symptoms felt to be a result of
known for 2,000 years, the knowledge of the
lead toxicity along with blood lead levels,
complex relationship between lead exposure
ZPP levels, and other laboratory tests as ap-
propriate. EDTA and penicillamine which and human response is still being refined.
are the primary chelating agents used in the Significant research into the toxic prop-
therapy of occupational lead poisoning have erties of lead continues throughout the
significant potential side effects and their world, and it should be anticipated that our
use must be justified on the basis of expected understanding of thresholds of effects and
benefits to the worker. Unless frank and se- margins of safety will be improved in future
vere symptoms are present, therapeutic che- years. The provisions of the lead standard
lation is not recommended, given the oppor- are founded on two prime medical judg-
tunity to remove a worker from exposure ments: First, the prevention of adverse
and allow the body to naturally excrete ac- health effects from exposure to lead through-
cumulated lead. As a diagnostic aid, the che- out a working lifetime requires that worker
lation mobilization test using CA-EDTA has blood lead levels be maintained at or below
limited applicability. According to some in- 40 μg/dl and second, the blood lead levels of
vestigators, the test can differentiate be- workers, male or female, who intend to par-
tween lead-induced and other nephropathies. ent in the near future should be maintained
The test may also provide an estimation of
below 30 μg/dl to minimize adverse reproduc-
the mobile fraction of the total body lead
tive health effects to the parents and devel-
oping fetus. The adverse effects of lead on re-
Employers are required to assure that ac-
curate records are maintained on exposure production are being actively researched and
assessment, including environmental moni- OSHA encourages the physician to remain
toring, medical surveillance, and medical re- abreast of recent developments in the area to
moval for each employee. Exposure assess- best advise pregnant workers or workers
ment records must be kept for at least 30 planning to conceive children.
years. Medical surveillance records must be The spectrum of health effects caused by
kept for the duration of employment plus 30 lead exposure can be subdivided into five de-
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years except in cases where the employment velopmental stages: Normal, physiological
was less than one year. If duration of em- changes of uncertain significance,
ployment is less than one year, the employer pathophysiological changes, overt symptoms
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.62
(morbidity), and mortality. Within this proc- 2. Neurological Effects. Inorganic lead has
ess there are no sharp distinctions, but rath- been found to have toxic effects on both the
er a continuum of effects. Boundaries be- central and peripheral nervous systems. The
tween categories overlap due to the wide var- earliest stages of lead-induced central nerv-
iation of individual responses and exposures ous system effects first manifest themselves
in the working population. OSHA’s develop- in the form of behavioral disturbances and
ment of the lead standard focused on central nervous system symptoms including
pathophysiological changes as well as later irritability, restlessness, insomnia and other
stages of disease. sleep disturbances, fatigue, vertigo, head-
1. Heme Synthesis Inhibition. The earliest ache, poor memory, tremor, depression, and
demonstrated effect of lead involves its abil- apathy. With more severe exposure, symp-
ity to inhibit at least two enzymes of the toms can progress to drowsiness, stupor, hal-
heme synthesis pathway at very low blood lucinations, delirium, convulsions and coma.
levels. Inhibition of delta aminolevulinic The most severe and acute form of lead
acid dehydrase (ALA-D) which catalyzes the poisoning which usually follows ingestion or
conversion of delta-aminolevulinic acid inhalation of large amounts of lead is acute
(ALA) to protoporphyrin is observed at a encephalopathy which may arise precipi-
blood lead level below 20 μg/dl. At a blood tously with the onset of intractable seizures,
lead level of 40 μg/dl, more than 20% of the coma, cardiorespiratory arrest, and death
population would have 70% inhibition of within 48 hours.
ALA-D. There is an exponential increase in
While there is disagreement about what ex-
ALA excretion at blood lead levels greater
posure levels are needed to produce the ear-
than 40 μg/dl.
liest symptoms, most experts agree that
Another enzyme, ferrochelatase, is also in-
symptoms definitely can occur at blood lead
hibited at low blood lead levels. Inhibition of
levels of 60 μg/dl whole blood and therefore
ferrochelatase leads to increased free eryth-
recommend a 40 μg/dl maximum. The central
rocyte protoporphyrin (FEP) in the blood
nervous system effects frequently are not re-
which can then bind to zinc to yield zinc
versible following discontinued exposure or
protoporphyrin. At a blood lead level of 50
chelation therapy and when improvement
μg/dl or greater, nearly 100% of the popu-
does occur, it is almost always only partial.
lation will have an increase in FEP. There is
also an exponential relationship between The peripheral neuropathy resulting from
blood lead levels greater than 40 μg/dl and lead exposure characteristically involves
the associated ZPP level, which has led to only motor function with minimal sensory
the development of the ZPP screening test damage and has a marked predilection for
for lead exposure. the extensor muscles of the most active ex-
While the significance of these effects is tremity. The peripheral neuropathy can
subject to debate, it is OSHA’s position that occur with varying degrees of severity. The
these enzyme disturbances are early stages earliest and mildest form which can be de-
of a disease process which may eventually tected in workers with blood lead levels as
result in the clinical symptoms of lead poi- low as 50 μg/dl is manifested by slowing of
soning. Whether or not the effects do motor nerve conduction velocity often with-
progress to the later stages of clinical dis- out clinical symptoms. With progression of
ease, disruption of these enzyme processes the neuropathy there is development of pain-
over a working lifetime is considered to be a less extensor muscle weakness usually in-
material impairment of health. volving the extensor muscles of the fingers
One of the eventual results of lead-induced and hand in the most active upper extrem-
inhibition of enzymes in the heme synthesis ity, followed in severe cases by wrist drop or,
pathway is anemia which can be asymp- much less commonly, foot drop.
tomatic if mild but associated with a wide In addition to slowing of nerve conduction,
array of symptoms including dizziness, fa- electromyographical studies in patients with
tigue, and tachycardia when more severe. blood lead levels greater than 50 μg/dl have
Studies have indicated that lead levels as demonstrated a decrease in the number of
low as 50 μg/dl can be associated with a defi- acting motor unit potentials, an increase in
nite decreased hemoglobin, although most the duration of motor unit potentials, and
cases of lead-induced anemia, as well as spontaneous pathological activity including
shortened red-cell survival times, occur at fibrillations and fasciculations. Whether
lead levels exceeding 80 μg/dl. Inhibited he- these effects occur at levels of 40 μg/dl is un-
moglobin synthesis is more common in determined.
chronic cases whereas shortened erythrocyte While the peripheral neuropathies can oc-
life span is more common in acute cases. casionally be reversed with therapy, again
In lead-induced anemias, there is usually a such recovery is not assured particularly in
reticulocytosis along with the presence of the more severe neuropathies and often im-
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basophilic stippling, and ringed sideroblasts, provement is only partial. The lack of re-
although none of the above are versibility is felt to be due in part to seg-
pathognomonic for lead-induced anemia. mental demyelination.
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§ 1926.62 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
3. Gastrointestinal. Lead may also affect Infants of mothers with lead poisoning
the gastrointestinal system producing ab- have a higher mortality during the first year
dominal colic or diffuse abdominal pain, con- and suffer from lowered birth weights, slower
stipation, obstipation, diarrhea, anorexia, growth, and nervous system disorders.
nausea and vomiting. Lead colic rarely de- Lead can pass through the placental bar-
velops at blood lead levels below 80 μg/dl. rier and lead levels in the mother’s blood are
4. Renal. Renal toxicity represents one of comparable to concentrations of lead in the
the most serious health effects of lead poi- umbilical cord at birth. Transplacental pas-
soning. In the early stages of disease nuclear sage becomes detectable at 12–14 weeks of
inclusion bodies can frequently be identified gestation and increases until birth.
in proximal renal tubular cells. Renal func- There is little direct data on damage to the
tion remains normal and the changes in this fetus from exposure to lead but it is gen-
stage are probably reversible. With more ad- erally assumed that the fetus and newborn
vanced disease there is progressive intersti- would be at least as susceptible to neuro-
tial fibrosis and impaired renal function. logical damage as young children. Blood lead
Eventually extensive interstitial fibrosis en- levels of 50–60 μg/dl in children can cause sig-
sues with sclerotic glomeruli and dilated and nificant neurobehavioral impairments and
atrophied proximal tubules; all represent end there is evidence of hyperactivity at blood
stage kidney disease. Azotemia can be pro- levels as low as 25 μg/dl. Given the overall
gressive, eventually resulting in frank ure- body of literature concerning the adverse
mia necessitating dialysis. There is occa- health effects of lead in children, OSHA feels
sionally associated hypertension and that the blood lead level in children should
hyperuricemia with or without gout. be maintained below 30 μg/dl with a popu-
Early kidney disease is difficult to detect. lation mean of 15 μg/dl. Blood lead levels in
The urinalysis is normal in early lead the fetus and newborn likewise should not
nephropathy and the blood urea nitrogen and exceed 30 μg/dl.
serum creatinine increase only when two- Because of lead’s ability to pass through
thirds of kidney function is lost. Measure-
the placental barrier and also because of the
ment of creatinine clearance can often de-
demonstrated adverse effects of lead on re-
tect earlier disease as can other methods of
productive function in both the male and fe-
measurement of glomerular filtration rate.
male as well as the risk of genetic damage of
An abnormal Ca-EDTA mobilization test has
lead on both the ovum and sperm, OSHA rec-
been used to differentiate between lead-in-
ommends a 30 μg/dl maximum permissible
duced and other nephropathies, but this pro-
blood lead level in both males and females
cedure is not widely accepted. A form of
who wish to bear children.
Fanconi syndrome with aminoaciduria,
glycosuria, and hyperphosphaturia indi- 6. Other toxic effects. Debate and research
cating severe injury to the proximal renal continue on the effects of lead on the human
tubules is occasionally seen in children. body. Hypertension has frequently been
5. Reproductive effects. Exposure to lead noted in occupationally exposed individuals
can have serious effects on reproductive although it is difficult to assess whether this
function in both males and females. In male is due to lead’s adverse effects on the kidney
workers exposed to lead there can be a de- or if some other mechanism is involved. Vas-
crease in sexual drive, impotence, decreased cular and electrocardiographic changes have
ability to produce healthy sperm, and ste- been detected but have not been well charac-
rility. Malformed sperm (teratospermia), de- terized. Lead is thought to impair thyroid
creased number of sperm (hypospermia), and function and interfere with the pituitary-ad-
sperm with decreased motility renal axis, but again these effects have not
(asthenospermia) can all occur. been well defined.
Teratospermia has been noted at mean blood III. Medical Evaluation
lead levels of 53 μg/dl and hypospermia and
asthenospermia at 41 μg/dl. Furthermore, The most important principle in evalu-
there appears to be a dose-response relation- ating a worker for any occupational disease
ship for teratospermia in lead exposed work- including lead poisoning is a high index of
ers. suspicion on the part of the examining physi-
Women exposed to lead may experience cian. As discussed in Section 2, lead can af-
menstrual disturbances including fect numerous organ systems and produce a
dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia and amenor- wide array of signs and symptoms, most of
rhea. Following exposure to lead, women which are non-specific and subtle in nature
have a higher frequency of sterility, pre- at least in the early stages of disease. Unless
mature births, spontaneous miscarriages, serious concern for lead toxicity is present,
and stillbirths. many of the early clues to diagnosis may
Germ cells can be affected by lead and easily be overlooked.
cause genetic damage in the egg or sperm The crucial initial step in the medical
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cells before conception and result in failure evaluation is recognizing that a worker’s
to implant, miscarriage, stillbirth, or birth employment can result in exposure to lead.
defects. The worker will frequently be able to define
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.62
exposures to lead and lead containing mate- decreased visual acuity, hearing deficits or
rials but often will not volunteer this infor- tinnitus, pigmentation of the oral mucosa,
mation unless specifically asked. In other or metallic taste in mouth.
situations the worker may not know of any 3. Cardio-pulmonary—shortness of breath,
exposures to lead but the suspicion might be cough, chest pains, palpitations, or orthop-
raised on the part of the physician because of nea.
the industry or occupation of the worker. 4. Gastrointestinal—nausea, vomiting,
Potential occupational exposure to lead and heartburn, abdominal pain, constipation or
its compounds occur in many occupations in diarrhea.
the construction industry, including demoli-
5. Neurologic—irritability, insomnia,
tion and salvaging operations, removal or
weakness (fatigue), dizziness, loss of mem-
encapsulation of materials containing lead,
ory, confusion, hallucinations,
construction, alteration, repair or renova-
tion of structures containing lead, transpor- incoordination, ataxia, decreased strength in
tation, disposal, storage or containment of hands or feet, disturbances in gait, difficulty
lead or lead-containing materials on con- in climbing stairs, or seizures.
struction sites, and maintenance operations 6. Hematologic—pallor, easy fatigability,
associated with construction activities. abnormal blood loss, melena.
Once the possibility for lead exposure is 7. Reproductive (male and female and
raised, the focus can then be directed toward spouse where relevant)—history of infer-
eliciting information from the medical his- tility, impotence, loss of libido, abnormal
tory, physical exam, and finally from labora- menstrual periods, history of miscarriages,
tory data to evaluate the worker for poten- stillbirths, or children with birth defects.
tial lead toxicity. 8. Musculo-skeletal—muscle and joint
A complete and detailed work history is pains.
important in the initial evaluation. A listing The physical examination should empha-
of all previous employment with information size the neurological, gastrointestinal, and
on job description, exposure to fumes or cardiovascular systems. The worker’s weight
dust, known exposures to lead or other toxic and blood pressure should be recorded and
substances, a description of any personal the oral mucosa checked for pigmentation
protective equipment used, and previous characteristic of a possible Burtonian or lead
medical surveillance should all be included line on the gingiva. It should be noted, how-
in the worker’s record. Where exposure to ever, that the lead line may not be present
lead is suspected, information concerning even in severe lead poisoning if good oral hy-
on-the-job personal hygiene, smoking or eat- giene is practiced.
ing habits in work areas, laundry procedures,
The presence of pallor on skin examination
and use of any protective clothing or res-
may indicate an anemia which, if severe,
piratory protection equipment should be
might also be associated with a tachycardia.
noted. A complete work history is essential
If an anemia is suspected, an active search
in the medical evaluation of a worker with
for blood loss should be undertaken includ-
suspected lead toxicity, especially when long
ing potential blood loss through the gastro-
term effects such as neurotoxicity and
intestinal tract.
nephrotoxicity are considered.
The medical history is also of fundamental A complete neurological examination
importance and should include a listing of should include an adequate mental status
all past and current medical conditions, cur- evaluation including a search for behavioral
rent medications including proprietary drug and psychological disturbances, memory
intake, previous surgeries and hospitaliza- testing, evaluation for irritability, insomnia,
tions, allergies, smoking history, alcohol hallucinations, and mental clouding. Gait
consumption, and also non-occupational lead and coordination should be examined along
exposures such as hobbies (hunting, riflery). with close observation for tremor. A detailed
Also known childhood exposures should be evaluation of peripheral nerve function in-
elicited. Any previous history of cluding careful sensory and motor function
hematological, neurological, gastro- testing is warranted. Strength testing par-
intestinal, renal, psychological, gyneco- ticularly of extensor muscle groups of all ex-
logical, genetic, or reproductive problems tremities is of fundamental importance.
should be specifically noted. Cranial nerve evaluation should also be in-
A careful and complete review of systems cluded in the routine examination.
must be performed to assess both recognized The abdominal examination should include
complaints and subtle or slowly acquired auscultation for bowel sounds and abdominal
symptoms which the worker might not ap- bruits and palpation for organomegaly,
preciate as being significant. The review of masses, and diffuse abdominal tenderness.
symptoms should include the following: Cardiovascular examination should evalu-
1. General—weight loss, fatigue, decreased ate possible early signs of congestive heart
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§ 1926.62 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
As part of the medical evaluation, the in- relative advantages and disadvantages.
terim lead standard requires the following Other blood tests currently available to
laboratory studies: evaluate lead exposure will also be reviewed.
1. Blood lead level The blood lead level is a good index of cur-
2. Hemoglobin and hematocrit determina- rent or recent lead absorption when there is
tions, red cell indices, and examination of no anemia present and when the worker has
the peripheral blood smear to evaluate red not taken any chelating agents. However,
blood cell morphology blood lead levels along with urinary lead lev-
3. Blood urea nitrogen els do not necessarily indicate the total body
4. Serum creatinine burden of lead and are not adequate meas-
5. Routine urinalysis with microscopic ex- ures of past exposure. One reason for this is
amination. that lead has a high affinity for bone and up
6. A zinc protoporphyrin level. to 90% of the body’s total lead is deposited
there. A very important component of the
In addition to the above, the physician is
total lead body burden is lead in soft tissue
authorized to order any further laboratory
(liver, kidney, and brain). This fraction of
or other tests which he or she deems nec-
the lead body burden, the biologically active
essary in accordance with sound medical
lead, is not entirely reflected by blood lead
practice. The evaluation must also include
levels since it is a function of the dynamics
pregnancy testing or laboratory evaluation of lead absorption, distribution, deposition
of male fertility if requested by the em- in bone and excretion. Following discontinu-
ployee. Additional tests which are probably ation of exposure to lead, the excess body
not warranted on a routine basis but may be burden is only slowly mobilized from bone
appropriate when blood lead and ZPP levels and other relatively stable body stores and
are equivocal include delta aminolevulinic excreted. Consequently, a high blood lead
acid and coproporphyrin concentrations in level may only represent recent heavy expo-
the urine, and dark-field illumination for de- sure to lead without a significant total body
tection of basophilic stippling in red blood excess and likewise a low blood lead level
cells. does not exclude an elevated total body bur-
If an anemia is detected further studies in- den of lead.
cluding a careful examination of the periph- Also due to its correlation with recent ex-
eral smear, reticulocyte count, stool for oc- posures, the blood lead level may vary con-
cult blood, serum iron, total iron binding ca- siderably over short time intervals.
pacity, bilirubin, and, if appropriate, vita- To minimize laboratory error and erro-
min B12 and folate may be of value in at- neous results due to contamination, blood
tempting to identify the cause of the ane- specimens must be carefully collected after
mia. thorough cleaning of the skin with appro-
If a peripheral neuropathy is suspected, priate methods using lead-free blood con-
nerve conduction studies are warranted both tainers and analyzed by a reliable labora-
for diagnosis and as a basis to monitor any tory. Under the standard, samples must be
therapy. analyzed in laboratories which are approved
If renal disease is questioned, a 24 hour by OSHA. Analysis is to be made using atom-
urine collection for creatinine clearance, ic absorption spectrophotometry, anodic
protein, and electrolytes may be indicated. stripping voltammetry or any method which
Elevated uric acid levels may result from meets the accuracy requirements set forth
lead-induced renal disease and a serum uric by the standard.
acid level might be performed. The determination of lead in urine is gen-
An electrocardiogram and chest x-ray may erally considered a less reliable monitoring
be obtained as deemed appropriate. technique than analysis of whole blood pri-
Sophisticated and highly specialized test- marily due to individual variability in uri-
ing should not be done routinely and where nary excretion capacity as well as the tech-
indicated should be under the direction of a nical difficulty of obtaining accurate 24 hour
specialist. urine collections. In addition, workers with
renal insufficiency, whether due to lead or
IV. Laboratory Evaluation
some other cause, may have decreased lead
The blood lead level at present remains the clearance and consequently urine lead levels
single most important test to monitor lead may underestimate the true lead burden.
exposure and is the test used in the medical Therefore, urine lead levels should not be
surveillance program under the lead stand- used as a routine test.
ard to guide employee medical removal. The The zinc protoporphyrin test, unlike the
ZPP has several advantages over the blood blood lead determination, measures an ad-
lead level. Because of its relatively recent verse metabolic effect of lead and as such is
development and the lack of extensive data a better indicator of lead toxicity than the
concerning its interpretation, the ZPP cur- level of blood lead itself. The level of ZPP re-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
rently remains an ancillary test. flects lead absorption over the preceding 3 to
This section will discuss the blood lead 4 months, and therefore is a better indicator
level and ZPP in detail and will outline their of lead body burden. The ZPP requires more
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.62
time than the blood lead to read signifi- of the test. Also it is difficult to correlate
cantly elevated levels; the return to normal ZPP levels with environmental exposure and
after discontinuing lead exposure is also there is some variation of response with age
slower. Furthermore, the ZPP test is sim- and sex. Nevertheless, the ZPP promises to
pler, faster, and less expensive to perform be an important diagnostic test for the early
and no contamination is possible. Many in- detection of lead toxicity and its value will
vestigators believe it is the most reliable increase as more data is collected regarding
means of monitoring chronic lead absorp- its relationship to other manifestations of
tion. lead poisoning.
Zinc protoporphyrin results from the inhi- Levels of delta-aminolevulinic acid (ALA)
bition of the enzyme ferrochelatase which in the urine are also used as a measure of
catalyzes the insertion of an iron molecule lead exposure. Increasing concentrations of
into the protoporphyrin molecule, which ALA are believed to result from the inhibi-
then becomes heme. If iron is not inserted tion of the enzyme delta-aminolevulinic acid
into the molecule then zinc, having a greater dehydrase (ALA-D). Although the test is rel-
affinity for protoporphyrin, takes the place atively easy to perform, inexpensive, and
of the iron, forming ZPP. rapid, the disadvantages include variability
An elevation in the level of circulating in results, the necessity to collect a com-
ZPP may occur at blood lead levels as low as plete 24 hour urine sample which has a spe-
20–30 μg/dl in some workers. Once the blood cific gravity greater than 1.010, and also the
lead level has reached 40 μg/dl there is more fact that ALA decomposes in the presence of
marked rise in the ZPP value from its nor- light.
mal range of less than 100 μg/dl100 ml. In- The pattern of porphyrin excretion in the
creases in blood lead levels beyond 40 μg/100 urine can also be helpful in identifying lead
g are associated with exponential increases intoxication. With lead poisoning, the urine
in ZPP. concentrations of coproporphyrins I and II,
Whereas blood lead levels fluctuate over porphobilinogen and uroporphyrin I rise. The
short time spans, ZPP levels remain rel- most important increase, however, is that of
atively stable. ZPP is measured directly in coproporphyrin III; levels may exceed 5,000
red blood cells and is present for the cell’s μg/l in the urine in lead poisoned individuals,
entire 120 day life-span. Therefore, the ZPP but its correlation with blood lead levels and
level in blood reflects the average ZPP pro- ZPP are not as good as those of ALA. In-
duction over the previous 3–4 months and creases in urinary porphyrins are not diag-
consequently the average lead exposure dur- nostic of lead toxicity and may be seen in
ing that time interval. porphyria, some liver diseases, and in pa-
It is recommended that a hematocrit be de- tients with high reticulocyte counts.
termined whenever a confirmed ZPP of 50 μg/ Summary. The Occupational Safety and
100 ml whole blood is obtained to rule out a Health Administration’s interim standard
significant underlying anemia. If the ZPP is for inorganic lead in the construction indus-
in excess of 100 μg/100 ml and not associated try places significant emphasis on the med-
with abnormal elevations in blood lead lev- ical surveillance of all workers exposed to
els, the laboratory should be checked to be levels of inorganic lead above 30 μg/m3 TWA.
sure that blood leads were determined using The physician has a fundamental role in this
atomic absorption spectrophotometry anodic surveillance program, and in the operation of
stripping voltammetry, or any method which the medical removal protection program.
meets the accuracy requirements set forth Even with adequate worker education on
by the standard by an OSHA approved lab- the adverse health effects of lead and appro-
oratory which is experienced in lead level de- priate training in work practices, personal
terminations. Repeat periodic blood lead hygiene and other control measures, the
studies should be obtained in all individuals physician has a primary responsibility for
with elevated ZPP levels to be certain that evaluating potential lead toxicity in the
an associated elevated blood lead level has worker. It is only through a careful and de-
not been missed due to transient fluctua- tailed medical and work history, a complete
tions in blood leads. physical examination and appropriate lab-
ZPP has a characteristic fluorescence spec- oratory testing that an accurate assessment
trum with a peak at 594 nm which is detect- can be made. Many of the adverse health ef-
able with a hematofluorimeter. The fects of lead toxicity are either irreversible
hematofluorimeter is accurate and portable or only partially reversible and therefore
and can provide on-site, instantaneous re- early detection of disease is very important.
sults for workers who can be frequently test- This document outlines the medical moni-
ed via a finger prick. toring program as defined by the occupa-
However, careful attention must be given tional safety and health standard for inor-
to calibration and quality control proce- ganic lead. It reviews the adverse health ef-
dures. Limited data on blood lead-ZPP cor- fects of lead poisoning and describes the im-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
relations and the ZPP levels which are asso- portant elements of the history and physical
ciated with the adverse health effects dis- examinations as they relate to these adverse
cussed in Section 2 are the major limitations effects. Finally, the appropriate laboratory
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§ 1926.64 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
testing for evaluating lead exposure and tox- ment, storage, and disposal (TSD) fa-
icity is presented. cilities regulated by 40 CFR parts 264
It is hoped that this review and discussion and 265 pursuant to RCRA; or by agen-
will give the physician a better under-
standing of the OSHA standard with the ulti-
cies under agreement with U.S.E.P.A.
mate goal of protecting the health and well- to implement RCRA regulations; and
being of the worker exposed to lead under his (v) Emergency response operations
or her care. for releases of, or substantial threats of
[58 FR 26627, May 4, 1993, as amended at 58
releases of, hazardous substances with-
FR 34218, June 24, 1993; 61 FR 5510, Feb. 13, out regard to the location of the haz-
1996; 63 FR 1296, Jan. 8, 1998; 70 FR 1143, Jan. ard.
5, 2005; 71 FR 16674, Apr. 3, 2006; 71 FR 50191, (2) Application. (i) All requirements of
Aug. 24, 2006; 73 FR 75588, Dec. 12, 2008; 76 FR 29 CFR parts 1910 and 1926 apply pursu-
33611, June 8, 2011; 76 FR 80741, Dec. 27, 2011; ant to their terms to hazardous waste
77 FR 17890, Mar. 26, 2012; 85 FR 8735, Feb. 18, and emergency response operations
whether covered by this section or not.
§ 1926.64 Process safety management If there is a conflict or overlap, the
of highly hazardous chemicals. provision more protective of employee
safety and health shall apply without
For requirements regarding the proc- regard to 29 CFR 1926.20(e).
ess safety management of highly haz- (ii) Hazardous substance clean-up op-
ardous chemicals as it pertains to con- erations within the scope of paragraphs
struction work, follow the require- (a)(1)(i) through (a)(1)(iii) of this sec-
ments in 29 CFR 1910.119. tion must comply with all paragraphs
[84 FR 21576, May 14, 2019] of this section except paragraphs (p)
and (q).
§ 1926.65 Hazardous waste operations (iii) Operations within the scope of
and emergency response. paragraph (a)(1)(iv) of this section
(a) Scope, application, and definitions— must comply only with the require-
(1) Scope. This section covers the fol- ments of paragraph (p) of this section.
lowing operations, unless the employer
NOTES AND EXCEPTIONS: (A) All provisions
can demonstrate that the operation of paragraph (p) of this section cover any
does not involve employee exposure or treatment, storage or disposal (TSD) oper-
the reasonable possibility for employee ation regulated by 40 CFR parts 264 and 265
exposure to safety or health hazards: or by state law authorized under RCRA, and
(i) Clean-up operations required by a required to have a permit or interim status
governmental body, whether Federal, from EPA pursuant to 40 CFR 270.1 or from
state, local or other involving haz- a state agency pursuant to RCRA.
ardous substances that are conducted (B) Employers who are not required to
have a permit or interim status because they
at uncontrolled hazardous waste sites are conditionally exempt small quantity
(including, but not limited to, the generators under 40 CFR 261.5 or are genera-
EPA’s National Priority Site List tors who qualify under 40 CFR 262.34 for ex-
(NPL), state priority site lists, sites emptions from regulation under 40 CFR parts
recommended for the EPA NPL, and 264, 265 and 270 (‘‘excepted employers’’) are
initial investigations of government not covered by paragraphs (p)(1) through
identified sites which are conducted be- (p)(7) of this section. Excepted employers
fore the presence or absence of haz- who are required by the EPA or state agency
to have their employees engage in emer-
ardous substances has been gency response or who direct their employ-
ascertained); ees to engage in emergency response are cov-
(ii) Corrective actions involving ered by paragraph (p)(8) of this section, and
clean-up operations at sites covered by cannot be exempted by (p)(8)(i) of this sec-
the Resource Conservation and Recov- tion. Excepted employers who are not re-
ery Act of 1976 (RCRA) as amended (42 quired to have employees engage in emer-
U.S.C. 6901 et seq.); gency response, who direct their employees
(iii) Voluntary clean-up operations at to evacuate in the case of such emergencies
and who meet the requirements of paragraph
sites recognized by Federal, state, local (p)(8)(i) of this section are exempt from the
or other governmental bodies as uncon- balance of paragraph (p)(8) of this section.
trolled hazardous waste sites;
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.65
with paragraph (p)(8) of this section. In other Facility means (A) any building,
areas not used primarily for treatment, stor- structure, installation, equipment, pipe
age, or disposal, any emergency response op- or pipeline (including any pipe into a
erations shall comply with paragraph (q) of
this section. Compliance with the require-
sewer or publicly owned treatment
ments of paragraph (q) of this section shall works), well, pit, pond, lagoon, im-
be deemed to be in compliance with the re- poundment, ditch, storage container,
quirements of paragraph (p)(8) of this sec- motor vehicle, rolling stock, or air-
tion. craft, or (B) any site or area where a
(iv) Emergency response operations hazardous substance has been depos-
for releases of, or substantial threats of ited, stored, disposed of, or placed, or
releases of, hazardous substances which otherwise come to be located; but does
are not covered by paragraphs (a)(1)(i) not include any consumer product in
through (a)(1)(iv) of this section must consumer use or any water-borne ves-
only comply with the requirements of sel.
paragraph (q) of this section. Hazardous materials response
(3) Definitions—Buddy system means a (HAZMAT) team means an organized
system of organizing employees into group of employees, designated by the
work groups in such a manner that employer, who are expected to perform
each employee of the work group is work to handle and control actual or
designated to be observed by at least potential leaks or spills of hazardous
one other employee in the work group. substances requiring possible close ap-
The purpose of the buddy system is to proach to the substance. The team
provide rapid assistance to employees members perform responses to releases
in the event of an emergency. or potential releases of hazardous sub-
Clean-up operation means an oper- stances for the purpose of control or
ation where hazardous substances are stabilization of the incident. A
removed, contained, incinerated, neu- HAZMAT team is not a fire brigade nor
tralized, stabilized, cleared-up, or in is a typical fire brigade a HAZMAT
any other manner processed or handled team. A HAZMAT team, however, may
with the ultimate goal of making the be a separate component of a fire bri-
site safer for people or the environ- gade or fire department.
ment. Hazardous substance means any sub-
Decontamination means the removal stance designated or listed under para-
of hazardous substances from employ- graphs (A) through (D) of this defini-
ees and their equipment to the extent tion, exposure to which results or may
necessary to preclude the occurrence of result in adverse affects on the health
foreseeable adverse health affects. or safety of employees:
Emergency response or responding to (A) Any substance defined under sec-
emergencies means a response effort by tion 101(14) of CERCLA;
employees from outside the immediate (B) Any biological agent and other
release area or by other designated re- disease-causing agent which after re-
sponders (i.e., mutual-aid groups, local lease into the environment and upon
fire departments, etc.) to an occurrence exposure, ingestion, inhalation, or as-
which results, or is likely to result, in similation into any person, either di-
an uncontrolled release of a hazardous rectly from the environment or indi-
substance. Responses to incidental re- rectly by ingestion through food
leases of hazardous substances where chains, will or may reasonably be an-
the substance can be absorbed, neutral- ticipated to cause death, disease, be-
ized, or otherwise controlled at the havioral abnormalities, cancer, genetic
time of release by employees in the im- mutation, physiological malfunctions
mediate release area, or by mainte- (including malfunctions in reproduc-
nance personnel are not considered to tion) or physical deformations in such
be emergency responses within the persons or their offspring;
scope of this standard. Responses to re- (C) Any substance listed by the U.S.
leases of hazardous substances where Department of Transportation as haz-
there is no potential safety or health ardous materials under 49 CFR 172.101
hazard (i.e., fire, explosion, or chemical and appendices; and
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§ 1926.65 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
Recommendations for Occupational has taken place. Other sites are found
Health Standards’’ dated 1986 incor- on private property, often belonging to
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.65
tors, or their representatives of the and identify the methods for accom-
site emergency response procedures plishing those tasks and objectives.
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§ 1926.65 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(iii) The comprehensive workplan the necessary PPE and other equip-
shall establish personnel requirements ment.
for implementing the plan. (I) Confined space entry procedures.
(iv) The comprehensive workplan (J) A spill containment program
shall provide for the implementation of meeting the requirements of paragraph
the training required in paragraph (e) (j) of this section.
of this section. (iii) Pre-entry briefing. The site spe-
(v) The comprehensive workplan cific safety and health plan shall pro-
shall provide for the implementation of vide for pre-entry briefings to be held
the required informational programs prior to initiating any site activity,
required in paragraph (i) of this sec- and at such other times as necessary to
tion. ensure that employees are apprised of
(vi) The comprehensive workplan the site safety and health plan and
shall provide for the implementation of that this plan is being followed. The in-
the medical surveillance program de- formation and data obtained from site
scribed in paragraph (f) of this section. characterization and analysis work re-
(4) Site-specific safety and health plan quired in paragraph (c) of this section
part of the program—(i) General. The site shall be used to prepare and update the
safety and health plan, which must be site safety and health plan.
kept on site, shall address the safety (iv) Effectiveness of site safety and
and health hazards of each phase of site health plan. Inspections shall be con-
operation and include the requirements ducted by the site safety and health su-
and procedures for employee protec- pervisor or, in the absence of that indi-
tion. vidual, another individual who is
(ii) Elements. The site safety and knowledgeable in occupational safety
health plan, as a minimum, shall ad- and health, acting on behalf of the em-
dress the following: ployer as necessary to determine the
(A) A safety and health risk or haz- effectiveness of the site safety and
ard analysis for each site task and op- health plan. Any deficiencies in the ef-
eration found in the workplan. fectiveness of the site safety and
(B) Employee training assignments health plan shall be corrected by the
to assure compliance with paragraph employer.
(e) of this section. (c) Site characterization and analysis—
(C) Personal protective equipment to (1) General. Hazardous waste sites shall
be used by employees for each of the be evaluated in accordance with this
site tasks and operations being con- paragraph to identify specific site haz-
ducted as required by the personal pro- ards and to determine the appropriate
tective equipment program in para- safety and health control procedures
graph (g)(5) of this section. needed to protect employees from the
(D) Medical surveillance require- identified hazards.
ments in accordance with the program (2) Preliminary evaluation. A prelimi-
in paragraph (f) of this section. nary evaluation of a site’s characteris-
(E) Frequency and types of air moni- tics shall be performed prior to site
toring, personnel monitoring, and envi- entry by a qualified person in order to
ronmental sampling techniques and in- aid in the selection of appropriate em-
strumentation to be used, including ployee protection methods prior to site
methods of maintenance and calibra- entry. Immediately after initial site
tion of monitoring and sampling equip- entry, a more detailed evaluation of
ment to be used. the site’s specific characteristics shall
(F) Site control measures in accord- be performed by a qualified person in
ance with the site control program re- order to further identify existing site
quired in paragraph (d) of this section. hazards and to further aid in the selec-
(G) Decontamination procedures in tion of the appropriate engineering
accordance with paragraph (k) of this controls and personal protective equip-
section. ment for the tasks to be performed.
(H) An emergency response plan (3) Hazard identification. All suspected
meeting the requirements of paragraph conditions that may pose inhalation or
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
(l) of this section for safe and effective skin absorption hazards that are imme-
responses to emergencies, including diately dangerous to life or health
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.65
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§ 1926.65 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.65
essary for teaching the subjects. In- from actual hazardous waste site work
structors shall demonstrate competent experience.
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§ 1926.65 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
that the employee has been injured or without loss of pay, and at a reason-
exposed above the permissible exposure able time and place.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.65
(6) Information provided to the physi- (B) Physician’s written opinions, rec-
cian. The employer shall provide one ommended limitations, and results of
copy of this standard and its appen- examinations and tests;
dices to the attending physician, and in (C) Any employee medical com-
addition the following for each em- plaints related to exposure to haz-
ployee: ardous substances;
(i) A description of the employee’s (D) A copy of the information pro-
duties as they relate to the employee’s vided to the examining physician by
exposures. the employer, with the exception of the
(ii) The employee’s exposure levels or standard and its appendices.
anticipated exposure levels. (g) Engineering controls, work prac-
(iii) A description of any personal tices, and personal protective equipment
protective equipment used or to be for employee protection. Engineering
used. controls, work practices, personal pro-
(iv) Information from previous med- tective equipment, or a combination of
ical examinations of the employee these shall be implemented in accord-
which is not readily available to the ance with this paragraph to protect
examining physician. employees from exposure to hazardous
(v) Information required by § 1926.103. substances and safety and health haz-
(7) Physician’s written opinion. (i) The ards.
employer shall obtain and furnish the (1) Engineering controls, work practices
employee with a copy of a written and PPE for substances regulated either
opinion from the attending physician in § 1926.55, elsewhere in subpart D, or in
containing the following: other pertinent sections of this part. (i)
(A) The physician’s opinion as to Engineering controls and work prac-
whether the employee has any detected tices shall be instituted to reduce and
medical conditions which would place maintain employee exposure to or
the employee at increased risk of ma- below the permissible exposure limits
terial impairment of the employee’s for substances regulated either in
health from work in hazardous waste § 1926.55 or other pertinent sections of
operations or emergency response, or this part, except to the extent that
from respirator use. such controls and practices are not fea-
(B) The physician’s recommended sible.
limitations upon the employee’s as-
signed work. NOTE TO (g)(1)(i): Engineering controls
which may be feasible include the use of
(C) The results of the medical exam-
pressurized cabs or control booths on equip-
ination and tests if requested by the ment, and/or the use of remotely operated
employee. material handling equipment. Work prac-
(D) A statement that the employee tices which may be feasible are removing all
has been informed by the physician of non-essential employees from potential ex-
the results of the medical examination posure during opening of drums, wetting
and any medical conditions which re- down dusty operations and locating employ-
quire further examination or treat- ees upwind of possible hazards.
ment. (ii) Whenever engineering controls and
work practices are not feasible or not re-
(ii) The written opinion obtained by quired, any reasonable combination of engi-
the employer shall not reveal specific neering controls, work practices and PPE
findings or diagnoses unrelated to oc- shall be used to reduce and maintain em-
cupational exposures. ployee exposures to or below the permissible
(8) Recordkeeping. (i) An accurate exposure limits or dose limits for substances
record of the medical surveillance re- regulated either in § 1926.55 or other perti-
quired by paragraph (f) of this section nent sections of this part.
shall be retained. This record shall be (iii) The employer shall not implement a
retained for the period specified and schedule of employee rotation as a means of
compliance with permissible exposure limits
meet the criteria of 29 CFR 1926.33.
or dose limits except when there is no other
(ii) The record required in paragraph feasible way of complying with the airborne
(f)(8)(i) of this section shall include at
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§ 1926.65 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.65
(vii) PPE donning and doffing proce- (iv) When employees are handling
dures, leaking drums or containers or work-
(viii) PPE inspection procedures ing in areas with obvious liquid con-
prior to, during, and after use, tamination (e.g., a spill or lagoon).
(ix) Evaluation of the effectiveness of (4) Monitoring of high-risk employees.
the PPE program, and After the actual clean-up phase of any
(x) Limitations during temperature hazardous waste operation commences;
extremes, heat stress, and other appro- for example, when soil, surface water
priate medical considerations. or containers are moved or disturbed;
(h) Monitoring—(1) General. (i) Moni- the employer shall monitor those em-
toring shall be performed in accord- ployees likely to have the highest ex-
ance with this paragraph where there posures to hazardous substances and
may be a question of employee expo- health hazards likely to be present
sure to hazardous concentrations of above permissible exposure limits or
hazardous substances in order to assure published exposure levels by using per-
proper selection of engineering con- sonal sampling frequently enough to
trols, work practices and personal pro- characterize employee exposures. If the
tective equipment so that employees employees likely to have the highest
are not exposed to levels which exceed exposure are over permissible exposure
permissible exposure limits, or pub- limits or published exposure limits,
lished exposure levels if there are no then monitoring shall continue to de-
permissible exposure limits, for haz- termine all employees likely to be
ardous substances. above those limits. The employer may
(ii) Air monitoring shall be used to utilize a representative sampling ap-
identify and quantify airborne levels of proach by documenting that the em-
hazardous substances and safety and ployees and chemicals chosen for moni-
health hazards in order to determine toring are based on the criteria stated
the appropriate level of employee pro- above.
tection needed on site.
NOTE TO (h): It is not required to monitor
(2) Initial entry. Upon initial entry,
employees engaged in site characterization
representative air monitoring shall be operations covered by paragraph (c) of this
conducted to identify any IDLH condi- section.
tion, exposure over permissible expo-
sure limits or published exposure lev- (i) Informational programs. Employers
els, exposure over a radioactive mate- shall develop and implement a pro-
rial’s dose limits or other dangerous gram, which is part of the employer’s
condition such as the presence of flam- safety and health program required in
mable atmospheres or oxygen-deficient paragraph (b) of this section, to inform
environments. employees, contractors, and sub-
(3) Periodic monitoring. Periodic moni- contractors (or their representative)
toring shall be conducted when the pos- actually engaged in hazardous waste
sibility of an IDLH condition or flam- operations of the nature, level and de-
mable atmosphere has developed or gree of exposure likely as a result of
when there is indication that exposures participation in such hazardous waste
may have risen over permissible expo- operations. Employees, contractors and
sure limits or published exposure levels subcontractors working outside of the
since prior monitoring. Situations operations part of a site are not cov-
where it shall be considered whether ered by this standard.
the possibility that exposures have (j) Handling drums and containers—(1)
risen are as follows: General. (i) Hazardous substances and
(i) When work begins on a different contaminated soils, liquids, and other
portion of the site. residues shall be handled, transported,
(ii) When contaminants other than labeled, and disposed of in accordance
those previously identified are being with this paragraph.
handled. (ii) Drums and containers used dur-
(iii) When a different type of oper- ing the clean-up shall meet the appro-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
ation is initiated (e.g., drum opening as priate DOT, OSHA, and EPA regula-
opposed to exploratory well drilling). tions for the wastes that they contain.
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§ 1926.65 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(iii) When practical, drums and con- in areas where drums or containers are
tainers shall be inspected and their in- being opened:
tegrity shall be assured prior to being (i) Where an airline respirator system
moved. Drums or containers that can- is used, connections to the source of air
not be inspected before being moved supply shall be protected from con-
because of storage conditions (i.e., bur- tamination and the entire system shall
ied beneath the earth, stacked behind be protected from physical damage.
other drums, stacked several tiers high (ii) Employees not actually involved
in a pile, etc.) shall be moved to an ac- in opening drums or containers shall be
cessible location and inspected prior to kept a safe distance from the drums or
further handling. containers being opened.
(iv) Unlabelled drums and containers (iii) If employees must work near or
shall be considered to contain haz- adjacent to drums or containers being
ardous substances and handled accord- opened, a suitable shield that does not
ingly until the contents are positively interfere with the work operation shall
identified and labeled. be placed between the employee and
(v) Site operations shall be organized the drums or containers being opened
to minimize the amount of drum or to protect the employee in case of acci-
container movement. dental explosion.
(vi) Prior to movement of drums or (iv) Controls for drum or container
containers, all employees exposed to opening equipment, monitoring equip-
the transfer operation shall be warned ment, and fire suppression equipment
of the potential hazards associated shall be located behind the explosion-
with the contents of the drums or con- resistant barrier.
tainers. (v) When there is a reasonable possi-
(vii) U.S. Department of Transpor- bility of flammable atmospheres being
tation specified salvage drums or con- present, material handling equipment
tainers and suitable quantities of prop- and hand tools shall be of the type to
er absorbent shall be kept available prevent sources of ignition.
and used in areas where spills, leaks, or (vi) Drums and containers shall be
ruptures may occur. opened in such a manner that excess
(viii) Where major spills may occur, a interior pressure will be safely re-
spill containment program, which is lieved. If pressure can not be relieved
part of the employer’s safety and from a remote location, appropriate
health program required in paragraph shielding shall be placed between the
(b) of this section, shall be imple- employee and the drums or containers
mented to contain and isolate the en- to reduce the risk of employee injury.
tire volume of the hazardous substance (vii) Employees shall not stand upon
being transferred. or work from drums or containers.
(ix) Drums and containers that can- (3) Material handling equipment. Mate-
not be moved without rupture, leakage, rial handiing equipment used to trans-
or spillage shall be emptied into a fer drums and containers shall be se-
sound container using a device classi- lected, positioned and operated to min-
fied for the material being transferred. imize sources of ignition related to the
(x) A ground-penetrating system or equipment from igniting vapors re-
other type of detection system or de- leased from ruptured drums or con-
vice shall be used to estimate the loca- tainers.
tion and depth of buried drums or con- (4) Radioactive wastes. Drums and con-
tainers. tainers containing radioactive wastes
(xi) Soil or covering material shall be shall not be handled until such time as
removed with caution to prevent drum their hazard to employees is properly
or container rupture. assessed.
(xii) Fire extinguishing equipment (5) Shock sensitive wastes. As a min-
meeting the requirements of subpart F imum, the following special pre-
of this part shall be on hand and ready cautions shall be taken when drums
for use to control incipient fires. and containers containing or suspected
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.65
(i) All non-essential employees shall (7) Sampling of drum and container
be evacuated from the area of transfer. contents. Sampling of containers and
(ii) Material handling equipment drums shall be done in accordance with
shall be provided with explosive con- a sampling procedure which is part of
tainment devices or protective shields the site safety and health plan devel-
to protect equipment operators from oped for and available to employees
exploding containers. and others at the specific worksite.
(iii) An employee alarm system capa- (8) Shipping and transport. (i) Drums
ble of being perceived above sur- and containers shall be identified and
rounding light and noise conditions classified prior to packaging for ship-
shall be used to signal the commence- ment.
ment and completion of explosive (ii) Drum or container staging areas
waste handling activities. shall be kept to the minimum number
(iv) Continuous communications (i.e., necessary to identify and classify ma-
portable radios, hand signals, tele- terials safely and prepare them for
phones, as appropriate) shall be main- transport.
tained between the employee-in-charge (iii) Staging areas shall be provided
of the immediate handling area and with adequate access and egress routes.
both the site safety and health super- (iv) Bulking of hazardous wastes
visor and the command post until such shall be permitted only after a thor-
time as the handling operation is com- ough characterization of the materials
pleted. Communication equipment or has been completed.
methods that could cause shock sen- (9) Tank and vault procedures. (i)
sitive materials to explode shall not be Tanks and vaults containing hazardous
used. substances shall be handled in a man-
(v) Drums and containers under pres- ner similar to that for drums and con-
sure, as evidenced by bulging or swell- tainers, taking into consideration the
ing, shall not be moved until such time size of the tank or vault.
as the cause for excess pressure is de- (ii) Appropriate tank or vault entry
termined and appropriate containment procedures as described in the employ-
procedures have been implemented to er’s safety and health plan shall be fol-
protect employees from explosive relief lowed whenever employees must enter
of the drum. a tank or vault.
(vi) Drums and containers containing (k) Decontamination—(1) General. Pro-
packaged laboratory wastes shall be cedures for all phases of decontamina-
considered to contain shock-sensitive tion shall be developed and imple-
or explosive materials until they have mented in accordance with this para-
been characterized. graph.
CAUTION: Shipping of shock sensitive wastes (2) Decontamination procedures. (i) A
may be prohibited under U.S. Department of decontamination procedure shall be de-
Transportation regulations. Employers and veloped, communicated to employees
their shippers should refer to 49 CFR 173.21 and implemented before any employees
and 173.50. or equipment may enter areas on site
(6) Laboratory waste packs. In addition where potential for exposure to haz-
to the requirements of paragraph (j)(5) ardous substances exists.
of this section, the following pre- (ii) Standard operating procedures
cautions shall be taken, as a minimum, shall be developed to minimize em-
in handling laboratory waste packs ployee contact with hazardous sub-
(lab packs): stances or with equipment that has
(i) Lab packs shall be opened only contacted hazardous substances.
when necessary and then only by an in- (iii) All employees leaving a contami-
dividual knowledgeable in the inspec- nated area shall be appropriately de-
tion, classification, and segregation of contaminated; all contaminated cloth-
the containers within the pack accord- ing and equipment leaving a contami-
ing to the hazards of the wastes. nated area shall be appropriately dis-
(ii) If crystalline material is noted on posed of or decontaminated.
any container, the contents shall be (iv) Decontamination procedures
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§ 1926.65 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
ations. The plan shall be in writing and (iv) The emergency response plan
available for inspection and copying by shall be rehearsed regularly as part of
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.65
the overall training program for site (iv) Where single service cups (to be
operations. used but once) are supplied, both a san-
(v) The site emergency response plan itary container for the unused cups and
shall be reviewed periodically and, as a receptacle for disposing of the used
necessary, be amended to keep it cur- cups shall be provided.
rent with new or changing site condi- (2) Nonpotable water. (i) Outlets for
tions or information. nonpotable water, such as water for
(vi) An employee alarm system shall firefighting purposes, shall be identi-
be installed to notify employees of an fied to indicate clearly that the water
emergency situation; to stop work ac- is unsafe and is not to be used for
tivities if necessary; to lower back- drinking, washing, or cooking pur-
ground noise in order to speed commu-
nication; and to begin emergency pro-
cedures. (ii) There shall be no cross-connec-
(vii) Based upon the information tion, open or potential, between a sys-
available at time of the emergency, the tem furnishing potable water and a
employer shall evaluate the incident system furnishing nonpotable water.
and the site response capabilities and (3) Toilet facilities. (i) Toilets shall be
proceed with the appropriate steps to provided for employees according to
implement the site emergency response the following Table D–65.2.
(m) Illumination. Areas accessible to TABLE D–65.2—TOILET FACILITIES
employees shall be lighted to not less Number of employees Minimum number of facilities
than the minimum illumination inten-
sities listed in the following Table D– 20 or fewer ............................. One.
65.1 while any work is in progress: More than 20, fewer than 200 One toilet seat and one uri-
nal per 40 employees.
TABLE D–65.1—MINIMUM ILLUMINATION More than 200 ........................ One toilet seat and one uri-
nal per 50 employees.
Foot- (ii) Under temporary field conditions,
can- Area or operations provisions shall be made to assure that
at least one toilet facility is available.
5 ........ General site areas. (iii) Hazardous waste sites not pro-
3 ........ Excavation and waste areas, accessways, active
storage areas, loading platforms, refueling, and vided with a sanitary sewer shall be
field maintenance areas. provided with the following toilet fa-
5 ........ Indoors: Warehouses, corridors, hallways, and cilities unless prohibited by local
5 ........ Tunnels, shafts, and general underground work codes:
areas. (Exception: Minimum of 10 foot-candles is (A) Chemical toilets;
required at tunnel and shaft heading during drilling
mucking, and scaling. Mine Safety and Health Ad-
(B) Recirculating toilets;
ministration approved cap lights shall be accept- (C) Combustion toilets; or
able for use in the tunnel heading.) (D) Flush toilets.
10 ...... General shops (e.g., mechanical and electrical
equipment rooms, active storerooms, barracks or (iv) The requirements of this para-
living quarters, locker or dressing rooms, dining graph for sanitation facilities shall not
areas, and indoor toilets and workrooms.) apply to mobile crews having transpor-
30 ...... First aid stations, infirmaries, and offices.
tation readily available to nearby toi-
(n) Sanitation at temporary work- let facilities.
places—(1) Potable water. (i) An ade- (v) Doors entering toilet facilities
quate supply of potable water shall be shall be provided with entrance locks
provided on the site. controlled from inside the facility.
(ii) Portable containers used to dis- (4) Food handling. All food service fa-
pense drinking water shall be capable cilities and operations for employees
of being tightly closed, and equipped shall meet the applicable laws, ordi-
with a tap. Water shall not be dipped nances, and regulations of the jurisdic-
from containers. tions in which they are located.
(iii) Any container used to distribute (5) Temporary sleeping quarters. When
drinking water shall be clearly marked temporary sleeping quarters are pro-
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as to the nature of its contents and not vided, they shall be heated, ventilated,
used for any other purpose. and lighted.
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§ 1926.65 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(6) Washing facilities. The employer tection of employees working with haz-
shall provide adequate washing facili- ardous waste clean-up operations, and
ties for employees engaged in oper- the same shall be implemented as part
ations where hazardous substances of the site safety and health program
may be harmful to employees. Such fa- to assure that employee protection is
cilities shall be in near proximity to being maintained.
the worksite; in areas where exposures (2) New technologies, equipment or
are below permissible exposure limits control measures available to the in-
and published exposure levels and dustry, such as the use of foams,
which are under the controls of the em- absorbents, adsorbents, neutralizers, or
ployer; and shall be so equipped as to other means to suppress the level of air
enable employees to remove hazardous contaminates while excavating the site
substances from themselves. or for spill control, shall be evaluated
(7) Showers and change rooms. When by employers or their representatives.
hazardous waste clean-up or removal Such an evaluation shall be done to de-
operations commence on a site and the termine the effectiveness of the new
duration of the work will require six methods, materials, or equipment be-
months or greater time to complete, fore implementing their use on a large
the employer shall provide showers and scale for enhancing employee protec-
change rooms for all employees ex- tion. Information and data from manu-
posed to hazardous substances and facturers or suppliers may be used as
health hazards involved in hazardous part of the employer’s evaluation ef-
waste clean-up or removal operations. fort. Such evaluations shall be made
(i) Showers shall be provided and available to OSHA upon request.
shall meet the requirements of 29 CFR (p) Certain operations conducted under
1926.51(f)(4). the Resource Conservation and Recovery
(ii) Change rooms shall be provided Act of 1976 (RCRA). Employers con-
and shall meet the requirements of 29 ducting operations at treatment, stor-
CFR 1926.51(i). Change rooms shall con- age and disposal (TSD) facilities speci-
sist of two separate change areas sepa- fied in paragraph (a)(1)(iv) of this sec-
rated by the shower area required in tion shall provide and implement the
paragraph (n)(7)(i) of this section. One programs specified in this paragraph.
change area, with an exit leading off See the ‘‘Notes and Exceptions’’ to
the worksite, shall provide employees paragraph (a)(2)(iii) of this section for
with a clean area where they can re- employers not covered.)’’.
move, store, and put on street clothing. (1) Safety and health program. The em-
The second area, with an exit to the ployer shall develop and implement a
worksite, shall provide employees with written safety and health program for
an area where they can put on, remove employees involved in hazardous waste
and store work clothing and personal operations that shall be available for
protective equipment. inspection by employees, their rep-
(iii) Showers and change rooms shall resentatives and OSHA personnel. The
be located in areas where exposures are program shall be designed to identify,
below the permissible exposure limits evaluate and control safety and health
and published exposure levels. If this hazards in their facilities for the pur-
cannot be accomplished, then a ven- pose of employee protection, to provide
tilation system shall be provided that for emergency response meeting the re-
will supply air that is below the per- quirements of paragraph (p)(8) of this
missible exposure limits and published section and to address as appropriate
exposure levels. site analysis, engineering controls,
(iv) Employers shall assure that em- maximum exposure limits, hazardous
ployees shower at the end of their work waste handling procedures and uses of
shift and when leaving the hazardous new technologies.
waste site. (2) Hazard communication program.
(o) New technology programs. (1) The The employer shall implement a haz-
employer shall develop and implement ard communication program meeting
procedures for the introduction of ef- the requirements of 29 CFR 1926.59 as
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fective new technologies and equip- part of the employer’s safety and pro-
ment developed for the improved pro- gram.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.65
NOTE TO 1926.65: The exemption for haz- ployees shall receive eight hours of re-
ardous waste provided in § 1926.59 is applica- fresher training annually.
ble to this section.
(iii) Trainers. Trainers who teach ini-
(3) Medical surveillance program. The tial training shall have satisfactorily
employer shall develop and implement completed a training course for teach-
a medical surveillance program meet- ing the subjects they are expected to
ing the requirements of paragraph (f) of teach or they shall have the academic
this section. credentials and instruction experience
(4) Decontamination program. The em- necessary to demonstrate a good com-
ployer shall develop and implement a mand of the subject matter of the
decontamination procedure meeting courses and competent instructional
the requirements of paragraph (k) of skills.
this section. (8) Emergency response program—(i)
(5) New technology program. The em- Emergency response plan. An emergency
ployer shall develop and implement response plan shall be developed and
procedures meeting the requirements implemented by all employers. Such
of paragraph (o) of this section for in- plans need not duplicate any of the
troducing new and innovative equip- subjects fully addressed in the employ-
ment into the workplace. er’s contingency planning required by
(6) Material handling program. Where permits, such as those issued by the
employees will be handling drums or U.S. Environmental Protection Agen-
cy, provided that the contingency plan
containers, the employer shall develop
is made part of the emergency response
and implement procedures meeting the
plan. The emergency response plan
requirements of paragraphs (j)(1) (ii)
shall be a written portion of the em-
through (viii) and (xi) of this section,
ployers safety and health program re-
as well as (j)(3) and (j)(8) of this section
quired in paragraph (p)(1) of this sec-
prior to starting such work.
tion. Employers who will evacuate
(7) Training program—(i) New employ- their employees from the worksite lo-
ees. The employer shall develop and im- cation when an emergency occurs and
plement a training program, which is who do not permit any of their employ-
part of the employer’s safety and ees to assist in handling the emergency
health program, for employees exposed are exempt from the requirements of
to health hazards or hazardous sub- paragraph (p)(8) if they provide an
stances at TSD operations to enable emergency action plan complying with
the employees to perform their as- § 1926.35 of this part.
signed duties and functions in a safe (ii) Elements of an emergency response
and healthful manner so as not endan- plan. The employer shall develop an
ger themselves or other employees. The emergency response plan for emer-
initial training shall be for 24 hours gencies which shall address, as a min-
and refresher training shall be for eight imum, the following areas to the ex-
hours annually. Employees who have tent that they are not addressed in any
received the initial training required specific program required in this para-
by this paragraph shall be given a writ- graph:
ten certificate attesting that they have
(A) Pre-emergency planning and co-
successfully completed the necessary
ordination with outside parties.
(B) Personnel roles, lines of author-
(ii) Current employees. Employers who
ity, and communication.
can show by an employee’s previous
work experience and/or training that (C) Emergency recognition and pre-
the employee has had training equiva- vention.
lent to the initial training required by (D) Safe distances and places of ref-
this paragraph, shall be considered as uge.
meeting the initial training require- (E) Site security and control.
ments of this paragraph as to that em- (F) Evacuation routes and proce-
ployee. Equivalent training includes dures.
the training that existing employees (G) Decontamination procedures.
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might have already received from ac- (H) Emergency medical treatment
tual site work experience. Current em- and first aid.
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§ 1926.65 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(I) Emergency alerting and response toms which may result from over expo-
procedures. sures.
(J) Critique of response and follow- (C) The employer shall certify that
up. each covered employee has attended
(K) PPE and emergency equipment. and successfully completed the train-
(iii) Training. (A) Training for emer- ing required in paragraph (p)(8)(iii) of
gency response employees shall be this section, or shall certify the em-
completed before they are called upon ployee’s competency at least yearly.
to perform in real emergencies. Such The method used to demonstrate com-
training shall include the elements of petency for certification of training
the emergency response plan, standard shall be recorded and maintained by
operating procedures the employer has the employer.
established for the job, the personal (iv) Procedures for handling emergency
protective equipment to be worn and incidents. (A) In addition to the ele-
procedures for handling emergency in- ments for the emergency response plan
cidents. required in paragraph (p)(8)(ii) of this
Exception #1: An employer need not train all section, the following elements shall be
employees to the degree specified if the included for emergency response plans
employer divides the work force in a man- to the extent that they do not repeat
ner such that a sufficient number of em- any information already contained in
ployees who have responsibility to control the emergency response plan:
emergencies have the training specified, (1) Site topography, layout, and pre-
and all other employees, who may first re- vailing weather conditions.
spond to an emergency incident, have suffi-
(2) Procedures for reporting incidents
cient awareness training to recognize that
an emergency response situation exists and to local, state, and federal govern-
that they are instructed in that case to mental agencies.
summon the fully trained employees and (B) The emergency response plan
not attempt control activities for which shall be compatible and integrated
they are not trained. with the disaster, fire and/or emer-
Exception #2: An employer need not train all gency response plans of local, state,
employees to the degree specified if ar- and federal agencies.
rangements have been made in advance for
(C) The emergency response plan
an outside fully-trained emergency re-
sponse team to respond in a reasonable pe- shall be rehearsed regularly as part of
riod and all employees, who may come to the overall training program for site
the incident first, have sufficient aware- operations.
ness training to recognize that an emer- (D) The site emergency response plan
gency response situation exists and they shall be reviewed periodically and, as
have been instructed to call the designated necessary, be amended to keep it cur-
outside fully-trained emergency response rent with new or changing site condi-
team for assistance.
tions or information.
(B) Employee members of TSD facil- (E) An employee alarm system shall
ity emergency response organizations be installed to notify employees of an
shall be trained to a level of com- emergency situation; to stop work ac-
petence in the recognition of health tivities if necessary; to lower back-
and safety hazards to protect them- ground noise in order to speed commu-
selves and other employees. This would nication; and to begin emergency pro-
include training in the methods used to cedures.
minimize the risk from safety and (F) Based upon the information avail-
health hazards; in the safe use of con- able at time of the emergency, the em-
trol equipment; in the selection and ployer shall evaluate the incident and
use of appropriate personal protective the site response capabilities and pro-
equipment; in the safe operating proce- ceed with the appropriate steps to im-
dures to be used at the incident scene; plement the site emergency response
in the techniques of coordination with plan.
other employees to minimize risks; in (q) Emerqency response to hazardous
the appropriate response to over expo- substance releases. This paragraph cov-
sure from health hazards or injury to ers employers whose employees are en-
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.65
tions may use the local emergency re- emergency response, until such time
sponse plan or the state emergency re- that the individual in charge of the ICS
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§ 1926.65 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
determines through the use of air mon- (4) Skilled support personnel. Per-
itoring that a decreased level of res- sonnel, not necessarily an employer’s
piratory protection will not result in own employees, who are skilled in the
hazardous exposures to employees. operation of certain equipment, such as
(v) The individual in charge of the mechanized earth moving or digging
ICS shall limit the number of emer- equipment or crane and hoisting equip-
gency response personnel at the emer- ment, and who are needed temporarily
gency site, in those areas of potential to perform immediate emergency sup-
or actual exposure to incident or site port work that cannot reasonably be
hazards, to those who are actively per- performed in a timely fashion by an
forming emergency operations. How- employer’s own employees, and who
ever, operations in hazardous areas will be or may be exposed to the haz-
shall be performed using the buddy sys- ards at an emergency response scene,
tem in groups of two or more. are not required to meet the training
(vi) Back-up personnel shall stand by required in this paragraph for the em-
with equipment ready to provide as- ployer’s regular employees. However,
sistance or rescue. Advance first aid these personnel shall be given an ini-
support personnel, as a minimum, shall tial briefing at the site prior to their
also stand by with medical equipment participation in any emergency re-
and transportation capability. sponse. The initial briefing shall in-
clude instruction in the wearing of ap-
(vii) The individual in charge of the
propriate personal protective equip-
ICS shall designate a safety official,
ment, what chemical hazards are in-
who is knowledgable in the operations
volved, and what duties are to be per-
being implemented at the emergency
formed. All other appropriate safety
response site, with specific responsi-
and health precautions provided to the
bility to identify and evaluate hazards
employer’s own employees shall be
and to provide direction with respect
used to assure the safety and health of
to the safety of operations for the
these personnel.
emergency at hand.
(5) Specialist employees. Employees
(viii) When activities are judged by who, in the course of their regular job
the safety official to be an IDLH condi- duties, work with and are trained in
tion and/or to involve an imminent the hazards of specific hazardous sub-
danger condition, the safety official stances, and who will be called upon to
shall have the authority to alter, sus- provide technical advice or assistance
pend, or terminate those activities. at a hazardous substance release inci-
The safety official shall immediately dent to the individual in charge, shall
inform the individual in charge of the receive training or demonstrate com-
ICS of any actions needed to be taken petency in the area of their specializa-
to correct these hazards at the emer- tion annually.
gency scene. (6) Training. Training shall be based
(ix) After emergency operations have on the duties and function to be per-
terminated, the individual in charge of formed by each responder of an emer-
the ICS shall implement appropriate gency response organization. The skill
decontamination procedures. and knowledge levels required for all
(x) When deemed necessary for meet- new responders, those hired after the
ing the tasks at hand, approved self- effective date of this standard, shall be
contained compressed air breathing ap- conveyed to them through training be-
paratus may be used with approved cyl- fore they are permitted to take part in
inders from other approved self-con- actual emergency operations on an in-
tained compressed air breathing appa- cident. Employees who participate, or
ratus provided that such cylinders are are expected to participate, in emer-
of the same capacity and pressure rat- gency response, shall be given training
ing. All compressed air cylinders used in accordance with the following para-
with self-contained breathing appa- graphs:
ratus shall meet U.S. Department of (i) First responder awareness level.
Transportation and National Institute First responders at the awareness level
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
for Occupational Safety and Health cri- are individuals who are likely to wit-
teria. ness or discover a hazardous substance
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.65
release and who have been trained to vided to the first responder operational
initiate an emergency response se- level.
quence by notifying the proper authori- (C) An understanding of basic haz-
ties of the release. They would take no ardous materials terms.
further action beyond notifying the au- (D) Know how to perform basic con-
thorities of the release. First respond- trol, containment and/or confinement
ers at the awareness level shall have operations within the capabilities of
sufficient training or have had suffi- the resources and personal protective
cient experience to objectively dem- equipment available with their unit.
onstrate competency in the following (E) Know how to implement basic de-
areas: contamination procedures.
(A) An understanding of what haz-
(F) An understanding of the relevant
ardous substances are, and the risks as-
standard operating procedures and ter-
sociated with them in an incident.
mination procedures.
(B) An understanding of the potential
outcomes associated with an emer- (iii) Hazardous materials technician.
gency created when hazardous sub- Hazardous materials technicians are
stances are present. individuals who respond to releases or
(C) The ability to recognize the pres- potential releases for the purpose of
ence of hazardous substances in an stopping the release. They assume a
emergency. more aggressive role than a first re-
(D) The ability to identify the haz- sponder at the operations level in that
ardous substances, if possible. they will approach the point of release
(E) An understanding of the role of in order to plug, patch or otherwise
the first responder awareness indi- stop the release of a hazardous sub-
vidual in the employer’s emergency re- stance. Hazardous materials techni-
sponse plan including site security and cians shall have received at least 24
control and the U.S. Department of hours of training equal to the first re-
Transportation’s Emergency Response sponder operations level and in addi-
Guidebook. tion have competency in the following
(F) The ability to realize the need for areas and the employer shall so certify:
additional resources, and to make ap- (A) Know how to implement the em-
propriate notifications to the commu- ployer’s emergency response plan.
nication center. (B) Know the classification, identi-
(ii) First responder operations level. fication and verification of known and
First responders at the operations level unknown materials by using field sur-
are individuals who respond to releases vey instruments and equipment.
or potential releases of hazardous sub- (C) Be able to function within an as-
stances as part of the initial response signed role in the Incident Command
to the site for the purpose of protecting System.
nearby persons, property, or the envi- (D) Know how to select and use prop-
ronment from the effects of the re- er specialized chemical personal pro-
lease. They are trained to respond in a tective equipment provided to the haz-
defensive fashion without actually try-
ardous materials technician.
ing to stop the release. Their function
(E) Understand hazard and risk as-
is to contain the release from a safe
sessment techniques.
distance, keep it from spreading, and
prevent exposures. First responders at (F) Be able to perform advance con-
the operational level shall have re- trol, containment, and/or confinement
ceived at least eight hours of training operations within the capabilities of
or have had sufficient experience to ob- the resources and personal protective
jectively demonstrate competency in equipment available with the unit.
the following areas in addition to those (G) Understand and implement de-
listed for the awareness level and the contamination procedures.
employer shall so certify: (H) Understand termination proce-
(A) Knowledge of the basic hazard dures.
and risk assessment techniques. (I) Understand basic chemical and
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(B) Know how to select and use prop- toxicological terminology and behav-
er personal protective equipment pro- ior.
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§ 1926.65 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(iv) Hazardous materials specialist. (B) Know how to implement the em-
Hazardous materials specialists are in- ployer’s emergency response plan.
dividuals who respond with and provide (C) Know and understand the hazards
support to hazardous materials techni- and risks associated with employees
cians. Their duties parallel those of the working in chemical protective cloth-
hazardous materials technician, how- ing.
ever, those duties require a more di- (D) Know how to implement the local
rected or specific knowledge of the var- emergency response plan.
ious substances they may be called (E) Know of the state emergency re-
upon to contain. The hazardous mate- sponse plan and of the Federal Re-
rials specialist would also act as the gional Response Team.
site liaison with Federal, state, local (F) Know and understand the impor-
and other government authorities in tance of decontamination procedures.
regards to site activities. Hazardous (7) Trainers. Trainers who teach any
materials specialists shall have re- of the above training subjects shall
ceived at least 24 hours of training have satisfactorily completed a train-
equal to the technician level and in ad- ing course for teaching the subjects
dition have competency in the fol- they are expected to teach, such as the
lowing areas and the employer shall so courses offered by the U.S. National
certify: Fire Academy, or they shall have the
(A) Know how to implement the local training and/or academic credentials
emergency response plan. and instructional experience necessary
(B) Understand classification, identi- to demonstrate competent instruc-
fication and verification of known and tional skills and a good command of
unknown materials by using advanced the subject matter of the courses they
survey instruments and equipment. are to teach.
(C) Know of the state emergency re- (8) Refresher training. (i) Those em-
sponse plan. ployees who are trained in accordance
(D) Be able to select and use proper with paragraph (q)(6) of this section
specialized chemical personal protec- shall receive annual refresher training
tive equipment provided to the haz- of sufficient content and duration to
ardous materials specialist. maintain their competencies, or shall
demonstrate competency in those areas
(E) Understand in-depth hazard and
at least yearly.
risk techniques.
(ii) A statement shall be made of the
(F) Be able to perform specialized
training or competency, and if a state-
control, containment, and/or confine-
ment of competency is made, the em-
ment operations within the capabili-
ployer shall keep a record of the meth-
ties of the resources and personal pro-
odology used to demonstrate com-
tective equipment available.
(G) Be able to determine and imple- (9) Medical surveillance and consulta-
ment decontamination procedures. tion. (i) Members of an organized and
(H) Have the ability to develop a site designated HAZMAT team and haz-
safety and control plan. ardous materials specialists shall re-
(I) Understand chemical, radiological ceive a baseline physical examination
and toxicological terminology and be- and be provided with medical surveil-
havior. lance as required in paragraph (f) of
(v) On scene incident commander. Inci- this section.
dent commanders, who will assume (ii) Any emergency response employ-
control of the incident scene beyond ees who exhibits signs or symptoms
the first responder awareness level, which may have resulted from exposure
shall receive at least 24 hours of train- to hazardous substances during the
ing equal to the first responder oper- course of an emergency incident, either
ations level and in addition have com- immediately or subsequently, shall be
petency in the following areas and the provided with medical consultation as
employer shall so certify: required in paragraph (f)(3)(ii) of this
(A) Know and be able to implement section.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.65
protective suit material, seams, and closures means (caps, plugs, fixture, etc.). Care should
to maintain a fixed positive pressure. The re- be exercised in the sealing process not to
sults of this practice allow the gas tight in- damage any of the suit components.
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§ 1926.65 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
6.1.2 Close all closure assemblies. leak location shall be identified in the test
6.1.3 Prepare the suit for inflation by pro- records. Retest pressure data shall be re-
viding an improvised connection point on the corded as an additional test.
suit for connecting an airline. Attach the 8.1.3 The source of the test apparatus used
pressure test apparatus to the suit to permit shall be identified and the sensitivity of the
suit inflation from a compressed air source pressure gauge shall be recorded.
equipped with a pressure indicating regu- 8.1.4 Records shall be kept for each pres-
lator. The leak tightness of the pressure test sure test even if repairs are being made at
apparatus should be tested before and after the test location.
each test by closing off the end of the tubing
attached to the suit and assuring a pressure CAUTION
of three inches water gauge for three min-
utes can be maintained. If a component is re- Visually inspect all parts of the suit to be
moved for the test, that component shall be sure they are positioned correctly and se-
replaced and a second test conducted with cured tightly before putting the suit back
another component removed to permit a into service. Special care should be taken to
complete test of the ensemble. examine each exhaust valve to make sure it
6.1.4 The pre-test expansion pressure (A) is not blocked.
and the suit test pressure (B) shall be sup- Care should also be exercised to assure
plied by the suit manufacturer, but in no that the inside and outside of the suit is
case shall they be less than: (A) = three completely dry before it is put into storage.
inches water gauge; and (B) = two inches
water gauge. The ending suit pressure (C) B. Totally-encapsulating chemical protective
shall be no less than 80 percent of the test suit qualitative leak test
pressure (B); i.e., the pressure drop shall not
exceed 20 percent of the test pressure (B). 1.0—Scope
6.1.5 Inflate the suit until the pressure in- 1.1 This practice semi-qualitatively tests
side is equal to pressure (A), the pre-test ex- gas tight totally-encapsulating chemical
pansion suit pressure. Allow at least one protective suit integrity by detecting inward
minute to fill out the wrinkles in the suit. leakage of ammonia vapor. Since no modi-
Release sufficient air to reduce the suit pres- fications are made to the suit to carry out
sure to pressure (B), the suit test pressure. this test, the results from this practice pro-
Begin timing. At the end of three minutes, vide a realistic test for the integrity of the
record the suit pressure as pressure (C), the entire suit.
ending suit pressure. The difference between 1.2 Resistance of the suit materials to per-
the suit test pressure and the ending suit meation, penetration, and degradation is not
test pressure (B-C) shall be defined as the determined by this test method. ASTM test
suit pressure drop. methods are available to test suit materials
6.1.6 If the suit pressure drop is more than for these characteristics and the tests are
20 percent of the suit test pressure (B) during usually conducted by the manufacturers of
the three-minute test period, the suit fails the suits.
the test and shall be removed from service. 2.0—Definition of terms
7.0—Retest Procedure 2.1 Totally-encapsulated chemical protective
7.1 If the suit fails the test check for leaks
suit (TECP suit) means a full body garment
by inflating the suit to pressure (A) and
which is constructed of protective clothing
brushing or wiping the entire suit (including
materials; covers the wearer’s torso, head,
seams, closures, lens gaskets, glove-to-sleeve
arms, legs and respirator; may cover the
joints, etc.) with a mild soap and water solu-
wearer’s hands and feet with tightly at-
tion. Observe the suit for the formation of
tached gloves and boots; completely encloses
soap bubbles, which is an indication of a
the wearer and respirator by itself or in com-
leak. Repair all identified leaks.
bination with the wearer’s gloves, and boots.
7.2 Retest the TECP suit as outlined in
Test procedure 6.0. 2.2 Protective clothing material means any
8.0—Report material or combination of materials used in
8.1 Each TECP suit tested by this practice an item of clothing for the purpose of iso-
shall have the following information re- lating parts of the body from direct contact
corded: with a potentially hazardous liquid or gas-
8.1.1 Unique identification number, identi- eous chemicals.
fying brand name, date of purchase, material 2.3 Gas tight means, for the purpose of this
of construction, and unique fit features, e.g., test method, the limited flow of a gas under
special breathing apparatus. pressure from the inside of a TECP suit to
8.1.2 The actual values for test pressures atmosphere at a prescribed pressure and
(A), (B), and (C) shall be recorded along with time interval.
the specific observation times. If the ending 2.4 Intrusion Coefficient means a number ex-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
pressure (C) is less than 80 percent of the test pressing the level of protection provided by a
pressure (B), the suit shall be identified as gas tight totally-encapsulating chemical
failing the test. When possible, the specific protective suit. The intrusion coefficient is
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.65
calculated by dividing the test room chal- 4.4 A shallow plastic pan (PVC) at least
lenge agent concentration by the concentra- 12″:14″:1″ and a half pint plastic container
tion of challenge agent found inside the suit. (PVC) with tightly closing lid.
The accuracy of the intrusion coefficient is 4.5 A graduated cylinder or other volu-
dependent on the challenge agent monitoring metric measuring device of at least 50 milli-
methods. The larger the intrusion coefficient liters in volume with an accuracy of at least
the greater the protection provided by the ±1 milliliters.
TECP suit.
3.0—Summary of recommended practice 5.0—SAFETY PRECAUTIONS
3.1 The volume of concentrated aqueous 5.1 Concentrated aqueous ammonium hy-
ammonia solution (ammonia hydroxide NH4 droxide, NH4 OH, is a corrosive volatile liq-
OH) required to generate the test atmos- uid requiring eye, skin, and respiratory pro-
phere is determined using the directions out- tection. The person conducting the test shall
lined in 6.1. The suit is donned by a person review the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for aque-
wearing the appropriate respiratory equip- ous ammonia.
ment (either a positive pressure self-con- 5.2 Since the established permissible ex-
tained breathing apparatus or a positive posure limit for ammonia is 35 ppm as a 15
pressure supplied air respirator) and worn in- minute STEL, only persons wearing a posi-
side the enclosed test room. The con- tive pressure self-contained breathing appa-
centrated aqueous ammonia solution is ratus or a positive pressure supplied air res-
taken by the suited individual into the test pirator shall be in the chamber. Normally
room and poured into an open plastic pan. A only the person wearing the totally-encap-
two-minute evaporation period is observed sulating suit will be inside the chamber. A
before the test room concentration is meas- stand-by person shall have a positive pres-
ured, using a high range ammonia length of sure self-contained breathing apparatus, or a
stain detector tube. When the ammonia positive pressure supplied air respirator
vapor reaches a concentration of between available to enter the test area should the
1000 and 1200 ppm, the suited individual suited individual need assistance.
starts a standardized exercise protocol to 5.3 A method to monitor the suited indi-
stress and flex the suit. After this protocol is vidual must be used during this test. Visual
completed, the test room concentration is contact is the simplest but other methods
measured again. The suited individual exits using communication devices are acceptable.
the test room and his stand-by person meas- 5.4 The test room shall be large enough to
ures the ammonia concentration inside the allow the exercise protocol to be carried out
suit using a low range ammonia length of and then to be ventilated to allow for easy
stain detector tube or other more sensitive exhaust of the ammonia test atmosphere
ammonia detector. A stand-by person is re- after the test(s) are completed.
quired to observe the test individual during 5.5 Individuals shall be medically
the test procedure; aid the person in donning screened for the use of respiratory protection
and doffing the TECP suit; and monitor the and checked for allergies to ammonia before
suit interior. The intrusion coefficient of the participating in this test procedure.
suit can be calculated by dividing the aver-
age test area concentration by the interior 6.0—TEST PROCEDURE
suit concentration. A colorimetric ammonia 6.1.1 Measure the test area to the nearest
indicator strip of bromophenol blue or equiv- foot and calculate its volume in cubic feet.
alent is placed on the inside of the suit face Multiply the test area volume by 0.2 milli-
piece lens so that the suited individual is liters of concentrated aqueous ammonia so-
able to detect a color change and know if the lution per cubic foot of test area volume to
suit has a significant leak. If a color change determine the approximate volume of con-
is observed the individual shall leave the test centrated aqueous ammonia required to gen-
room immediately. erate 1000 ppm in the test area.
4.0—Required supplies 6.1.2 Measure this volume from the supply
4.1 A supply of concentrated aqueous am- of concentrated aqueous ammonia and place
monium hydroxide (58% by weight). it into a closed plastic container.
4.2 A supply of bromophenol/blue indi- 6.1.3 Place the container, several high
cating paper or equivalent, sensitive to 5–10 range ammonia detector tubes, and the pump
ppm ammonia or greater over a two-minute in the clean test pan and locate it near the
period of exposure. [pH 3.0 (yellow) to pH 4.6 test area entry door so that the suited indi-
(blue)] vidual has easy access to these supplies.
4.3 A supply of high range (0.5–10 volume 6.2.1 In a non-contaminated atmosphere,
percent) and low range (5–700 ppm) detector open a pre-sealed ammonia indicator strip
tubes for ammonia and the corresponding and fasten one end of the strip to the inside
sampling pump. More sensitive ammonia de- of the suit face shield lens where it can be
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
tectors can be substituted for the low range seen by the wearer. Moisten the indicator
detector tubes to improve the sensitivity of strip with distilled water. Care shall be
this practice. taken not to contaminate the detector part
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§ 1926.65 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
of the indicator paper by touching it. A length of stain detector tube or other ammo-
small piece of masking tape or equivalent nia monitor. The internal TECP suit air
should be used to attach the indicator strip should be sampled far enough from the en-
to the interior of the suit face shield. closed test area to prevent a false ammonia
6.2.2 If problems are encountered with reading.
this method of attachment, the indicator 6.12 After completion of the measurement
strip can be attached to the outside of the of the suit interior ammonia concentration
respirator face piece lens being used during the test is concluded and the suit is doffed
the test. and the respirator removed.
6.3 Don the respiratory protective device 6.13 The ventilating fan for the test room
normally used with the suit, and then don should be turned on and allowed to run for
the TECP suit to be tested. Check to be sure enough time to remove the ammonia gas.
all openings which are intended to be sealed The fan shall be vented to the outside of the
(zippers, gloves, etc.) are completely sealed. building.
DO NOT, however, plug off any venting 6.14 Any detectable ammonia in the suit
valves. interior (five ppm ammonia (NH3) or more
6.4 Step into the enclosed test room such for the length of stain detector tube) indi-
as a closet, bathroom, or test booth, cates that the suit has failed the test. When
equipped with an exhaust fan. No air should other ammonia detectors are used a lower
be exhausted from the chamber during the level of detection is possible, and it should be
test because this will dilute the ammonia specified as the pass/fail criteria.
challenge concentrations. 6.15 By following this test method, an in-
6.5 Open the container with the pre-meas- trusion coefficient of approximately 200 or
ured volume of concentrated aqueous ammo- more can be measured with the suit in a
nia within the enclosed test room, and pour completely operational condition. If the in-
the liquid into the empty plastic test pan. trusion coefficient is 200 or more, then the
Wait two minutes to allow for adequate vola- suit is suitable for emergency response and
tilization of the concentrated aqueous am- field use.
monia. A small mixing fan can be used near
the evaporation pan to increase the evapo- 7.0—Retest procedures
ration rate of the ammonia solution.
6.6 After two minutes a determination of 7.1 If the suit fails this test, check for
the ammonia concentration within the leaks by following the pressure test in test A
chamber should be made using the high above.
7.2 Retest the TECP suit as outlined in
range colorimetric detector tube. A con-
the test procedure 6.0.
centration of 1000 ppm ammonia or greater
shall be generated before the exercises are 8.0—Report
6.7 To test the integrity of the suit the 8.1 Each gas tight totally-encapsulating
following four minute exercise protocol chemical protective suit tested by this prac-
should be followed: tice shall have the following information re-
6.7.1 Raising the arms above the head corded.
with at least 15 raising motions completed in 8.1.1 Unique identification number, iden-
one minute. tifying brand name, date of purchase, mate-
6.7.2 Walking in place for one minute with rial of construction, and unique suit fea-
at least 15 raising motions of each leg in a tures; e.g., special breathing apparatus.
one-minute period. 8.1.2 General description of test room
6.7.3 Touching the toes with a least 10 used for test.
complete motions of the arms from above 8.1.3 Brand name and purchase date of
the head to touching of the toes in a one- ammonia detector strips and color change
minute period. data.
6.7.4 Knee bends with at least 10 complete 8.1.4 Brand name, sampling range, and ex-
standing and squatting motions in a one- piration date of the length of stain ammonia
minute period. detector tubes. The brand name and model of
6.8 If at any time during the test the col- the sampling pump should also be recorded.
orimetric indicating paper should change If another type of ammonia detector is used,
colors, the test should be stopped and section it should be identified along with its min-
6.10 and 6.12 initiated (See ¶ 4.2). imum detection limit for ammonia.
6.9 After completion of the test exercise, 8.1.5 Actual test results shall list the two
the test area concentration should be meas- test area concentrations, their average, the
ured again using the high range colorimetric interior suit concentration, and the cal-
detector tube. culated intrusion coefficient. Retest data
6.10 Exit the test area. shall be recorded as an additional test.
6.11 The opening created by the suit zip- 8.2 The evaluation of the data shall be
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
per or other appropriate suit penetration specified as ‘‘suit passed’’ or ‘‘suit failed,’’
should be used to determine the ammonia and the date of the test. Any detectable am-
concentration in the suit with the low range monia (five ppm or greater for the length of
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.65
stain detector tube) in the suit interior indi- the hazards and conditions at the site be-
cates the suit has failed this test. When comes available, the site supervisor can
other ammonia detectors are used, a lower make decisions to up-grade or down-grade
level of detection is possible and it should be the level of PPE protection to match the
specified as the pass fail criteria. tasks at hand.
The following are guidelines which an em-
CAUTION ployer can use to begin the selection of the
Visually inspect all parts of the suit to be appropriate PPE. As noted above, the site in-
sure they are positioned correctly and se- formation may suggest the use of combina-
cured tightly before putting the suit back tions of PPE selected from the different pro-
into service. Special care should be taken to tection levels (i.e., A, B, C, or D) as being
examine each exhaust valve to make sure it more suitable to the hazards of the work. It
is not blocked. should be cautioned that the listing below
Care should also be exercised to assure does not fully address the performance of the
that the inside and outside of the suit is specific PPE material in relation to the spe-
completely dry before it is put into storage. cific hazards at the job site, and that PPE
selection, evaluation and re-selection is an
APPENDIX B TO § 1926.65—GENERAL DESCRIP- ongoing process until sufficient information
TION AND DISCUSSION OF THE LEVELS OF about the hazards and PPE performance is
This appendix sets forth information about Part A. Personal protective equipment is
personal protective equipment (PPE) protec- divided into four categories based on the de-
tion levels which may be used to assist em- gree of protection afforded. (See part B of
ployers in complying with the PPE require- this appendix for further explanation of Lev-
ments of this section. els A, B, C, and D hazards.)
As required by the standard, PPE must be I. Level A— To be selected when the great-
selected which will protect employees from est level of skin, respiratory, and eye protec-
the specific hazards which they are likely to tion is required.
encounter during their work on-site. The following constitute Level A equip-
Selection of the appropriate PPE is a com- ment; it may be used as appropriate;
plex process which should take into consider- 1. Positive pressure, full face-piece self-
ation a variety of factors. Key factors in- contained breathing apparatus (SCBA), or
volved in this process are identification of positive pressure supplied air respirator with
the hazards, or suspected hazards; their escape SCBA, approved by the National In-
routes of potential hazard to employees (in- stitute for Occupational Safety and Health
halation, skin absorption, ingestion, and eye (NIOSH).
or skin contact); and the performance of the 2. Totally-encapsulating chemical-protec-
PPE materials (and seams) in providing a bar- tive suit.
rier to these hazards. The amount of protec- 3. Coveralls. 1
tion provided by PPE is material-hazard spe- 4. Long underwear. 1
cific. That is, protective equipment mate- 5. Gloves, outer, chemical-resistant.
rials will protect well against some haz- 6. Gloves, inner, chemical-resistant.
ardous substances and poorly, or not at all, 7. Boots, chemical-resistant, steel toe and
against others. In many instances, protec- shank.
tive equipment materials cannot be found 8. Hard hat (under suit). 1
which will provide continuous protection 9. Disposable protective suit, gloves and
from the particular hazardous substance. In boots (depending on suit construction, may
these cases the breakthrough time of the be worn over totally-encapsulating suit).
protective material should exceed the work II. Level B—The highest level of res-
durations. piratory protection is necessary but a lesser
Other factors in this selection process to level of skin protection is needed.
be considered are matching the PPE to the The following constitute Level B equip-
employee’s work requirements and task-spe- ment; it may be used as appropriate.
cific conditions. The durability of PPE mate- 1. Positive pressure, full-facepiece self-con-
rials, such as tear strength and seam tained breathing apparatus (SCBA), or posi-
strength, should be considered in relation to tive pressure supplied air respirator with es-
the employee’s tasks. The effects of PPE in cape SCBA (NIOSH approved).
relation to heat stress and task duration are 2. Hooded chemical-resistant clothing
a factor in selecting and using PPE. In some (overalls and long-sleeved jacket; coveralls;
cases layers of PPE may be necessary to pro- one or two-piece chemical-splash suit; dis-
vide sufficient protection, or to protect ex- posable chemical-resistant overalls).
pensive PPE inner garments, suits or equip- 3. Coveralls. 1
ment. 4. Gloves, outer, chemical-resistant.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
The more that is known about the hazards 5. Gloves, inner, chemical-resistant.
at the site, the easier the job of PPE selec- 6. Boots, outer, chemical-resistant steel
tion becomes. As more information about toe and shank.
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§ 1926.65 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
7. Boot-covers, outer, chemical-resistant sence of conditions requiring Level A have
(disposable). 1 not yet been determined.
8. Hard hat. 1 II. Level B—Level B protection should be
9. [Reserved] used when:
10. Face shield. 1 1. The type and atmospheric concentration
III. Level C—The concentration(s) and of substances have been identified and re-
type(s) of airborne substance(s) is known and quire a high level of respiratory protection,
the criteria for using air purifying res- but less skin protection;
pirators are met. 2. The atmosphere contains less than 19.5
The following constitute Level C equip- percent oxygen; or
ment; it may be used as appropriate. 3. The presence of incompletely identified
1. Full-face or half-mask, air purifying res- vapors or gases is indicated by a direct-read-
pirators (NIOSH approved). ing organic vapor detection instrument, but
2. Hooded chemical-resistant clothing vapors and gases are not suspected of con-
(overalls; two-piece chemical-splash suit; taining high levels of chemicals harmful to
disposable chemical-resistant overalls). skin or capable of being absorbed through
3. Coveralls. 1 the skin.
4. Gloves, outer, chemical-resistant.
5. Gloves, inner, chemical-resistant. NOTE: This involves atmospheres with
6. Boots (outer), chemical-resistant steel IDLH concentrations of specific substances
toe and shank. 1 that present severe inhalation hazards and
7. Boot-covers, outer, chemical-resistant that do not represent a severe skin hazard;
(disposable) 1. or that do not meet the criteria for use of
8. Hard hat. 1 air-purifying respirators.
9. Escape mask. 1 III. Level C—Level C protection should be
10. Face shield. 1 used when:
IV. Level D—A work uniform affording 1. The atmospheric contaminants, liquid
minimal protection, used for nuisance con- splashes, or other direct contact will not ad-
tamination only. versely affect or be absorbed through any ex-
The following constitute Level D equip- posed skin;
ment; it may be used as appropriate: 2. The types of air contaminants have been
1. Coveralls. identified, concentrations measured, and an
2. Gloves. 1 air-purifying respirator is available that can
3. Boots/shoes, chemical-resistant steel toe remove the contaminants; and
and shank.
3. All criteria for the use of air-purifying
4. Boots, outer, chemical-resistant (dispos-
respirators are met.
able). 1
IV. Level D—Level D protection should be
5. Safety glasses or chemical splash gog-
used when:
gles *.
6. Hard hat. 1 1. The atmosphere contains no known haz-
7. Escape mask. 1 ard; and
8. Face shield. 1 2. Work functions preclude splashes, im-
Part B. The types of hazards for which lev- mersion, or the potential for unexpected in-
els A, B, C, and D protection are appropriate halation of or contact with hazardous levels
are described below: of any chemicals.
I. Level A—Level A protection should be NOTE: As stated before, combinations of
used when: personal protective equipment other than
1. The hazardous substance has been iden- those described for Levels A, B, C, and D pro-
tified and requires the highest level of pro- tection may be more appropriate and may be
tection for skin, eyes, and the respiratory used to provide the proper level of protec-
system based on either the measured (or po- tion.
tential for) high concentration of atmos- As an aid in selecting suitable chemical
pheric vapors, gases, or particulates; or the protective clothing, it should be noted that
site operations and work functions involve a the National Fire Protection Association
high potential for splash, immersion, or ex- (NFPA) has developed standards on chemical
posure to unexpected vapors, gases, or par- protective clothing. The standards that have
ticulates of materials that are harmful to been adopted by include:
skin or capable of being absorbed through NFPA 1991—Standard on Vapor-Protective
the skin; Suits for Hazardous Chemical Emergencies
2. Substances with a high degree of hazard (EPA Level A Protective Clothing).
to the skin are known or suspected to be NFPA 1992—Standard on Liquid Splash-
present, and skin contact is possible; or Protective Suits for Hazardous Chemical
3. Operations are being conducted in con- Emergencies (EPA Level B Protective Cloth-
fined, poorly ventilated areas, and the ab-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
NFPA 1993—Standard on Liquid Splash-
1 Optional, as applicable. Protective Suits for Non-emergency, Non-
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.65
flammable Hazardous Chemical Situations for identifying and controlling workplace
(EPA Level B Protective Clothing). hazards at the site; (3) means or methods for
These standards apply documentation and the development and communication to em-
performance requirements to the manufac- ployees of the various plans, work rules,
ture of chemical protective suits. Chemical standard operating procedures and practices
protective suits meeting these requirements that pertain to individual employees and su-
are labelled as compliant with the appro- pervisors; (4) means for the training of super-
priate standard. It is recommended that visors and employees to develop the needed
chemical protective suits that meet these skills and knowledge to perform their work
standards be used. in a safe and healthful manner; (5) means to
APPENDIX C TO § 1926.65—COMPLIANCE anticipate and prepare for emergency situa-
GUIDELINES tions; and (6) means for obtaining informa-
tion feedback to aid in evaluating the pro-
1. Occupational Safety and Health Program. gram and for improving the effectiveness of
Each hazardous waste site clean-up effort the program. The management and employ-
will require an occupational safety and ees should be trying continually to improve
health program headed by the site coordi- the effectiveness of the program thereby en-
nator or the employer’s representative. The hancing the protection being afforded those
purpose of the program will be the protec-
working on the site.
tion of employees at the site and will be an
extension of the employer’s overall safety Accidents on the site or workplace should
and health program. The program will need be investigated to provide information on
to be developed before work begins on the how such occurrences can be avoided in the
site and implemented as work proceeds as future. When injuries or illnesses occur on
stated in paragraph (b). The program is to fa- the site or workplace, they will need to be
cilitate coordination and communication of investigated to determine what needs to be
safety and health issues among personnel re- done to prevent this incident from occurring
sponsible for the various activities which again. Such information will need to be used
will take place at the site. It will provide the as feedback on the effectiveness of the pro-
overall means for planning and imple- gram and the information turned into posi-
menting the needed safety and health train- tive steps to prevent any reoccurrence. Re-
ing and job orientation of employees who ceipt of employee suggestions or complaints
will be working at the site. The program will relating to safety and health issues involved
provide the means for identifying and con- with site or workplace activities is also a
trolling worksite hazards and the means for feedback mechanism that can be used effec-
monitoring program effectiveness. The pro- tively to improve the program and may serve
gram will need to cover the responsibilities in part as an evaluative tool(s).
and authority of the site coordinator or the For the development and implementation
employer’s manager on the site for the safe- of the program to be the most effective, pro-
ty and health of employees at the site, and fessional safety and health personnel should
the relationships with contractors or support be used. Certified Safety Professionals,
services as to what each employer’s safety Board Certified Industrial Hygienists or Reg-
and health responsibilities are for their em- istered Professional Safety Engineers are
ployees on the site. Each contractor on the good examples of professional stature for
site needs to have its own safety and health safety and health managers who will admin-
program so structured that it will smoothly ister the employer’s program.
interface with the program of the site coor-
2. Training. The training programs for em-
dinator or principal contractor.
ployees subject to the requirements of para-
Also those employers involved with treat-
graph (e) of this standard should address: the
ing, storing or disposal of hazardous waste as
covered in paragraph (p) must have imple- safety and health hazards employees should
mented a safety and health program for their expect to find on hazardous waste clean-up
employees. This program is to include the sites; what control measures or techniques
hazard communication program required in are effective for those hazards; what moni-
paragraph (p)(1) and the training required in toring procedures are effective in character-
paragraphs (p)(7) and (p)(8) as parts of the izing exposure levels; what makes an effec-
employers comprehensive overall safety and tive employer’s safety and health program;
health program. This program is to be in what a site safety and health plan should in-
writing. clude; hands on training with personal pro-
Each site or workplace safety and health tective equipment and clothing they may be
program will need to include the following: expected to use; the contents of the OSHA
(1) Policy statements of the line of authority standard relevant to the employee’s duties
and accountability for implementing the and function; and, employee’s responsibil-
program, the objectives of the program and ities under OSHA and other regulations. Su-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
the role of the site safety and health super- pervisors will need training in their respon-
visor or manager and staff; (2) means or sibilities under the safety and health pro-
methods for the development of procedures gram and its subject areas such as the spill
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§ 1926.65 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
containment program, the personal protec- safety and health involving specific haz-
tive equipment program, the medical sur- ardous substances.
veillance program, the emergency response Those skilled support personnel, such as
plan and other areas. employees who work for public works depart-
The training programs for employees sub- ments or equipment operators who operate
ject to the requirements of paragraph (p) of bulldozers, sand trucks, backhoes, etc., who
this standard should address: the employers may be called to the incident scene to pro-
safety and health program elements impact- vide emergency support assistance, should
ing employees; the hazard communication have at least a safety and health briefing be-
program; the medical surveillance program; fore entering the area of potential or actual
the hazards and the controls for such hazards exposure. These skilled support personnel,
that employees need to know for their job who have not been a part of the emergency
duties and functions. All require annual re- response plan and do not meet the training
fresher training. requirements, should be made aware of the
The training programs for employees cov- hazards they face and should be provided all
ered by the requirements of paragraph (q) of necessary protective clothing and equipment
this standard should address those com- required for their tasks.
petencies required for the various levels of
There are two National Fire Protection As-
response such as: the hazards associated with
sociation standards, NFPA 472—‘‘Standard
hazardous substances; hazard identification
for Professional Competence of Responders
and awareness; notification of appropriate
to Hazardous Material Incidents’’ and NFPA
persons; the need for and use of personal pro-
471—‘‘Recommended Practice for Responding
tective equipment including respirators; the
to Hazardous Material Incidents’’, which are
decontamination procedures to be used;
excellent resource documents to aid fire de-
preplanning activities for hazardous sub-
partments and other emergency response or-
stance incidents including the emergency
ganizations in developing their training pro-
reponse plan; company standard operating
procedures for hazardous substance emer- gram materials. NFPA 472 provides guidance
gency responses; the use of the incident com- on the skills and knowledge needed for first
mand system and other subjects. Hands-on responder awareness level, first responder
training should be stressed whenever pos- operations level, hazmat technicians, and
sible. Critiques done after an incident which hazmat specialist. It also offers guidance for
include an evaluation of what worked and the officer corp who will be in charge of haz-
what did not and how could the incident be ardous substance incidents.
better handled the next time may be counted 3. Decontamination. Decontamination pro-
as training time. cedures should be tailored to the specific
For hazardous materials specialists (usu- hazards of the site, and may vary in com-
ally members of hazardous materials teams), plexity and number of steps, depending on
the training should address the care, use and/ the level of hazard and the employee’s expo-
or testing of chemical protective clothing in- sure to the hazard. Decontamination proce-
cluding totally encapsulating suits, the med- dures and PPE decontamination methods
ical surveillance program, the standard oper- will vary depending upon the specific sub-
ating procedures for the hazardous materials stance, since one procedure or method may
team including the use of plugging and not work for all substances. Evaluation of
patching equipment and other subject areas. decontamination methods and procedures
Officers and leaders who may be expected should be performed, as necessary, to assure
to be in charge at an incident should be fully that employees are not exposed to hazards
knowledgeable of their company’s incident by re-using PPE. References in appendix D
command system. They should know where may be used for guidance in establishing an
and how to obtain additional assistance and effective decontamination program. In addi-
be familiar with the local district’s emer- tion, the U.S. Coast Guard’s Manual, ‘‘Policy
gency response plan and the state emergency Guidance for Response to Hazardous Chem-
response plan. ical Releases,’’ U.S. Department of Transpor-
Specialist employees such as technical ex- tation, Washington, DC (COMDTINST
perts, medical experts or environmental ex- M16465.30) is a good reference for establishing
perts that work with hazardous materials in an effective decontamination program.
their regular jobs, who may be sent to the 4. Emergency response plans. States, along
incident scene by the shipper, manufacturer with designated districts within the states,
or governmental agency to advise and assist will be developing or have developed local
the person in charge of the incident should emergency response plans. These state and
have training on an annual basis. Their district plans should be utilized in the emer-
training should include the care and use of gency response plans called for in the stand-
personal protective equipment including res- ard. Each employer should assure that its
pirators; knowledge of the incident com- emergency response plan is compatible with
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
mand system and how they are to relate to the local plan. The major reference being
it; and those areas needed to keep them cur- used to aid in developing the state and local
rent in their respective field as it relates to district plans is the Hazardous Materials
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.65
Emergency Planning Guide, NRT–1. The cur- eral companies and many pieces of appa-
rent Emergency Response Guidebook from ratus, a command post would be established.
the U.S. Department of Transportation, This enabled one individual to be in charge of
CMA’s CHEMTREC and the Fire Service managing the incident, rather than having
Emergency Management Handbook may also several officers from different companies
be used as resources. making separate, and sometimes conflicting,
Employers involved with treatment, stor- decisions. The individual in charge of the
age, and disposal facilities for hazardous command post would delegate responsibility
waste, which have the required contingency for performing various tasks to subordinate
plan called for by their permit, would not officers. Additionally, all communications
need to duplicate the same planning ele- were routed through the command post to
ments. Those items of the emergency re- reduce the number of radio transmissions
sponse plan that are properly addressed in and eliminate confusion. However, strategy,
the contingency plan may be substituted tactics, and all decisions were made by one
into the emergency response plan required in individual.
1926.65 or otherwise kept together for em- The ICS is a very similar system, except it
ployer and employee use. is implemented for emergency response to
5. Personal protective equipment programs. all incidents, both large and small, that in-
The purpose of personal protective clothing volve hazardous substances.
and equipment (PPE) is to shield or isolate For a small incident, the individual in
individuals from the chemical, physical, and charge of the ICS may perform many tasks
biologic hazards that may be encountered at of the ICS. There may not be any, or little,
a hazardous substance site. delegation of tasks to subordinates. For ex-
As discussed in appendix B, no single com-
ample, in response to a small incident, the
bination of protective equipment and cloth-
individual in charge of the ICS, in addition
ing is capable of protecting against all haz-
to normal command activities, may become
ards. Thus PPE should be used in conjunc-
the safety officer and may designate only
tion with other protective methods and its
one employee (with proper equipment) as a
effectiveness evaluated periodically.
back-up to provide assistance if needed.
The use of PPE can itself create significant
OSHA does recommend, however, that at
worker hazards, such as heat stress, physical
and psychological stress, and impaired vi- least two employees be designated as back-
sion, mobility, and communication. For any up personnel since the assistance needed
given situation, equipment and clothing may include rescue.
should be selected that provide an adequate To illustrate the operation of the ICS, the
level of protection. However, over-protec- following scenario might develop during a
tion, as well as under-protection, can be haz- small incident, such as an overturned tank
ardous and should be avoided where possible. truck with a small leak of flammable liquid.
Two basic objectives of any PPE program The first responding senior officer would
should be to protect the wearer from safety implement and take command of the ICS.
and health hazards, and to prevent injury to That person would size-up the incident and
the wearer from incorrect use and/or mal- determine if additional personnel and appa-
function of the PPE. To accomplish these ratus were necessary; would determine what
goals, a comprehensive PPE program should actions to take to control the leak; and, de-
include hazard identification, medical moni- termine the proper level of personal protec-
toring, environmental surveillance, selec- tive equipment. If additional assistance is
tion, use, maintenance, and decontamination not needed, the individual in charge of the
of PPE and its associated training. ICS would implement actions to stop and
The written PPE program should include control the leak using the fewest number of
policy statements, procedures, and guide- personnel that can effectively accomplish
lines. Copies should be made available to all the tasks. The individual in charge of the
employees, and a reference copy should be ICS then would designate himself as the safe-
made available at the worksite. Technical ty officer and two other employees as a
data on equipment, maintenance manuals, back-up in case rescue may become nec-
relevant regulations, and other essential in- essary. In this scenario, decontamination
formation should also be collected and main- procedures would not be necessary.
tained. A large complex incident may require
6. Incident command system (ICS). Paragraph many employees and difficult, time-con-
1926.65(q)(3)(ii) requires the implementation suming efforts to control. In these situa-
of an ICS. The ICS is an organized approach tions, the individual in charge of the ICS will
to effectively control and manage operations want to delegate different tasks to subordi-
at an emergency incident. The individual in nates in order to maintain a span of control
charge of the ICS is the senior official re- that will keep the number of subordinates,
sponding to the incident. The ICS is not that are reporting, to a manageable level.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
much different than the ‘‘command post’’ ap- Delegation of task at large incidents may
proach used for many years by the fire serv- be by location, where the incident scene is
ice. During large complex fires involving sev- divided into sectors, and subordinate officers
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§ 1926.65 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
coordinate activities within the sector that Agency (EPA); October 1985 provides an ex-
they have been assigned. cellent example of the types of medical test-
Delegation of tasks can also be by func- ing that should be done as part of a medical
tion. Some of the functions that the indi- surveillance program.
vidual in charge of the ICS may want to del- 9. New Technology and Spill Containment
egate at a large incident are: medical serv- Programs. Where hazardous substances may
ices; evacuation; water supply; resources be released by spilling from a container that
(equipment, apparatus); media relations; will expose employees to the hazards of the
safety; and, site control (integrate activities materials, the employer will need to imple-
with police for crowd and traffic control). ment a program to contain and control the
Also for a large incident, the individual in spilled material. Diking and ditching, as well
charge of the ICS will designate several em- as use of absorbents like diatomaceous
ployees as back-up personnel; and a number earth, are traditional techniques which have
of safety officers to monitor conditions and proven to be effective over the years. How-
recommend safety precautions. ever, in recent years new products have come
Therefore, no matter what size or com- into the marketplace, the use of which com-
plexity an incident may be, by implementing plement and increase the effectiveness of
an ICS there will be one individual in charge these traditional methods. These new prod-
who makes the decisions and gives direc- ucts also provide emergency responders and
tions; and, all actions, and communications others with additional tools or agents to use
are coordinated through one central point of to reduce the hazards of spilled materials.
command. Such a system should reduce con- These agents can be rapidly applied over a
fusion, improve safety, organize and coordi- large area and can be uniformly applied or
nate actions, and should facilitate effective otherwise can be used to build a small dam,
management of the incident. thus improving the workers’ ability to con-
7. Site Safety and Control Plans. The safety trol spilled material. These application tech-
and security of response personnel and oth- niques enhance the intimate contact be-
ers in the area of an emergeny response inci- tween the agent and the spilled material al-
dent site should be of primary concern to the lowing for the quickest effect by the agent or
incident commander. The use of a site safety quickest control of the spilled material.
and control plan could greatly assist those in Agents are available to solidify liquid spilled
charge of assuring the safety and health of materials, to suppress vapor generation from
employees on the site. spilled materials, and to do both. Some spe-
A comprehensive site safety and control cial agents, which when applied as rec-
plan should include the following: summary ommended by the manufacturer, will react
analysis of hazards on the site and a risk in a controlled manner with the spilled ma-
analysis of those hazards; site map or terial to neutralize acids or caustics, or
sketch; site work zones (clean zone, transi- greatly reduce the level of hazard of the
tion or decontamination zone, work or hot spilled material.
zone); use of the buddy system; site commu- There are several modern methods and de-
nications; command post or command cen- vices for use by emergency response per-
ter; standard operating procedures and safe sonnel or others involved with spill control
work practices; medical assistance and efforts to safely apply spill control agents to
triage area; hazard monitoring plan (air con- control spilled material hazards. These in-
taminate monitoring, etc.); decontamination clude portable pressurized applicators simi-
procedures and area; and other relevant lar to hand-held portable fire extinguishing
areas. This plan should be a part of the em- devices, and nozzle and hose systems similar
ployer’s emergency response plan or an ex- to portable fire fighting foam systems which
tension of it to the specific site. allow the operator to apply the agent with-
8. Medical surveillance programs. Workers out having to come into contact with the
handling hazardous substances may be ex- spilled material. The operator is able to
posed to toxic chemicals, safety hazards, bio- apply the agent to the spilled material from
logic hazards, and radiation. Therefore, a a remote position.
medical surveillance program is essential to The solidification of liquids provides for
assess and monitor workers’ health and fit- rapid containment and isolation of haz-
ness for employment in hazardous waste op- ardous substance spills. By directing the
erations and during the course of work; to agent at run-off points or at the edges of the
provide emergency and other treatment as spill, the reactant solid will automatically
needed; and to keep accurate records for fu- create a barrier to slow or stop the spread of
ture reference. the material. Clean-up of hazardous sub-
The Occupational Safety and Health Guid- stances is greatly improved when solidifying
ance Manual for Hazardous Waste Site Activi- agents, acid or caustic neutralizers, or acti-
ties developed by the National Institute for vated carbon adsorbents are used. Properly
Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), applied, these agents can totally solidify liq-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
the Occupational Safety and Health Admin- uid hazardous substances or neutralize or ab-
istration (OSHA), the U.S. Coast Guard sorb them, which results in materials which
(USCG), and the Environmental Protection are less hazardous and easier to handle,
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.65
transport, and dispose of. The concept of 3. OSHA Instruction DTS CPL 2.74—Janu-
spill treatment, to create less hazardous sub- ary 29, 1986, Hazardous Waste Activity Form,
stances, will improve the safety and level of OSHA 175.
protection of employees working at spill 4. Hazardous Waste Inspections Reference
clean-up operations or emergency response Manual, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupa-
operations to spills of hazardous substances. tional Safety and Health Administration,
The use of vapor suppression agents for 1986.
volatile hazardous substances, such as flam- 5. Memorandum of Understanding Among
mable liquids and those substances which the National Institute for Occupational Safe-
present an inhalation hazard, is important ty and Health, the Occupational Safety and
for protecting workers. The rapid and uni- Health Administration, the United States
form distribution of the agent over the sur- Coast Guard, and the United States Environ-
face of the spilled material can provide quick mental Protection Agency, Guidance for
vapor knockdown. There are temporary and Worker Protection During Hazardous Waste Site
long-term foam-type agents which are effec- Investigations and Clean-up and Hazardous
tive on vapors and dusts, and activated car- Substance Emergencies. December 18, 1980.
bon adsorption agents which are effective for 6. National Priorities List, 1st Edition, Octo-
vapor control and soaking-up of the liquid. ber 1984; U.S. Environmental Protection
The proper use of hose lines or hand-held Agency, Revised periodically.
portable pressurized applicators provides 7. The Decontamination of Response Per-
good mobility and permits the worker to de- sonnel, Field Standard Operating Procedures
liver the agent from a safe distance without (F.S.O.P.) 7; U.S. Environmental Protection
having to step into the untreated spilled ma-
Agency, Office of Emergency and Remedial
terial. Some of these systems can be re-
Response, Hazardous Response Support Divi-
charged in the field to provide coverage of
sion, December 1984.
larger spill areas than the design limits of a
8. Preparation of a Site Safety Plan, Field
single charged applicator unit. Some of the
Standard Operating Procedures (F.S.O.P.) 9;
more effective agents can solidify the liquid
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Of-
flammable hazardous substances and at the
same time elevate the flashpoint above 140 fice of Emergency and Remedial Response,
°F so the resulting substance may be handled Hazardous Response Support Division, April
as a nonhazardous waste material if it meets 1985.
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s 9. Standard Operating Safety Guidelines; U.S.
40 CFR part 261 requirements (See particu- Environmental Protection Agency, Office of
larly § 261.21). Emergency and Remedial Response, Haz-
All workers performing hazardous sub- ardous Response Support Division, Environ-
stance spill control work are expected to mental Response Team; November 1984.
wear the proper protective clothing and 10. Occupational Safety and Health Guidance
equipment for the materials present and to Manual for Hazardous Waste Site Activities,
follow the employer’s established standard National Institute for Occupational Safety
operating procedures for spill control. All in- and Health (NIOSH), Occupational Safety
volved workers need to be trained in the es- and Health Administration (OSHA), U.S.
tablished operating procedures; in the use Coast Guard (USCG), and Environmental
and care of spill control equipment; and in Protection Agency (EPA); October 1985.
the associated hazards and control of such 11. Protecting Health and Safety at Haz-
hazards of spill containment work. ardous Waste Sites: An Overview, U.S. Envi-
These new tools and agents are the things ronmental Protection Agency, EPA/625/9–85/
that employers will want to evaluate as part 006; September 1985.
of their new technology program. The treat- 12. Hazardous Waste Sites and Hazardous
ment of spills of hazardous substances or Substance Emergencies, NIOSH Worker Bul-
wastes at an emergency incident as part of letin, U.S. Department of Health and Human
the immediate spill containment and control Services, Public Health Service, Centers for
efforts is sometimes acceptable to EPA and a Disease Control, National Institute for Occu-
permit exception is described in 40 CFR pational Safety and Health; December 1982.
264.1(g)(8) and 265.1(c)(11). 13. Personal Protective Equipment for Haz-
ardous Materials Incidents: A Selection Guide;
APPENDIX D TO § 1926.65—REFERENCES U.S. Department of Health and Human Serv-
The following references may be consulted ices, Public Health Service, Centers for Dis-
for further information on the subject of this ease Control, National Institute for Occupa-
standard: tional Safety and Health; October 1984.
1. OSHA Instruction DFO CPL 2.70—Janu- 14. Fire Service Emergency Management
ary 29, 1986, Special Emphasis Program: Haz- Handbook, International Association of Fire
ardous Waste Sites. Chiefs Foundation, 101 East Holly Avenue,
2. OSHA Instruction DFO CPL 2–2.37A— Unit 10B, Sterling, VA 22170, January 1985.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
January 29, 1986, Technical Assistance and 15. Emergency Response Guidebook, U.S De-
Guidelines for Superfund and Other Hazardous partment of Transportation, Washington,
Waste Site Activities. DC, 1987.
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§ 1926.65 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
16. Report to the Congress on Hazardous Ma- Initial training means training required
terials Training, Planning and Preparedness, prior to beginning work.
Federal Emergency Management Agency, Lecture means an interactive discourse
Washington, DC, July 1986. with a class lead by an instructor.
17. Workbook for Fire Command, Alan V. Proficient means meeting a stated level of
Brunacini and J. David Beageron, National achievement.
Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Site-specific means individual training di-
Park, Quincy, MA 02269, 1985. rected to the operations of a specific job site.
18. Fire Command, Alan V. Brunacini, Na- Training hours means the number of hours
tional Fire Protection Association, devoted to lecture, learning activities, small
Batterymarch Park,, Quincy, MA 02269, 1985. group work sessions, demonstration, evalua-
19. Incident Command System, Fire Protec- tions, or hands-on experience.
tion Publications, Oklahoma State Univer- Suggested Core Criteria:
sity, Stillwater, OK 74078, 1983. 1. Training facility. The training facility
20. Site Emergency Response Planning, Chem- should have available sufficient resources,
ical Manufacturers Association, Washington, equipment, and site locations to perform di-
DC 20037, 1986. dactic and hands-on training when appro-
21. Hazardous Materials Emergency Planning priate. Training facilities should have suffi-
Guide, NRT–1, Environmental Protection cient organization, support staff, and serv-
Agency, Washington, DC, March 1987. ices to conduct training in each of the
22. Community Teamwork: Working Together courses offered.
to Promote Hazardous Materials Transportation 2. Training Director. Each training program
Safety. U.S. Department of Transportation, should be under the direction of a training
Washington, DC, May 1983. director who is responsible for the program.
The Training Director should have a min-
23. Disaster Planning Guide for Business and
imum of two years of employee education ex-
Industry, Federal Emergency Management
Agency, Publication No. FEMA 141, August
3. Instructors. Instructors should be deem
competent on the basis of previous docu-
APPENDIX E TO § 1926.65—TRAINING mented experience in their area of instruc-
CURRICULUM GUIDELINES tion, successful completion of a ‘‘train-the-
trainer’’ program specific to the topics they
The following non-mandatory general cri- will teach, and an evaluation of instruc-
teria may be used for assistance in devel- tional competence by the Training Director.
oping site-specific training curriculum used Instructors should be required to maintain
to meet the training requirements of 29 CFR professional competency by participating in
1926.65(e); 29 CFR 1926.65(p)(7), (p)(8)(iii); and continuing education or professional devel-
29 CFR 1926.65(q)(6), (q)(7), and (q)(8). These opment programs or by completing success-
are generic guidelines and they are not pre- fully an annual refresher course and having
sented as a complete training curriculum for an annual review by the Training Director.
any specific employer. Site-specific training The annual review by the Training Direc-
programs must be developed on the basis of tor should include observation of an instruc-
a needs assessment of the hazardous waste tor’s delivery, a review of those observations
site, RCRA/TSDF, or emergency response op- with the trainer, and an analysis of any in-
eration in accordance with 29 CFR 1926.65. structor or class evaluations completed by
It is noted that the legal requirements are the students during the previous year.
set forth in the regulatory text of § 1926.65. 4. Course materials. The Training Director
The guidance set forth here presents a highly should approve all course materials to be
effective program that in the areas covered used by the training provider. Course mate-
would meet or exceed the regulatory require- rials should be reviewed and updated at least
annually. Materials and equipment should be
ments. In addition, other approaches could
in good working order and maintained prop-
meet the regulatory requirements.
Suggested General Criteria All written and audio-visual materials in
Definitions: training curricula should be peer reviewed by
Competent means possessing the skills, technically competent outside reviewers or
knowledge, experience, and judgment to per- by a standing advisory committee.
form assigned tasks or activities satisfac- Reviews should possess expertise in the fol-
torily as determined by the employer. lowing disciplines were applicable: occupa-
Demonstration means the showing by actual tional health, industrial hygiene and safety,
use of equipment or procedures. chemical/environmental engineering, em-
Hands-on training means training in a sim- ployee education, or emergency response.
ulated work environment that permits each One or more of the peer reviewers should be
student to have experience performing tasks, a employee experienced in the work activi-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
making decisions, or using equipment appro- ties to which the training is directed.
priate to the job assignment for which the 5. Students. The program for accepting stu-
training is being conducted. dents should include:
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.65
a. Assurance that the student is or will be f. An individual identification number for
involved in work where chemical exposures the certificate.
are likely and that the student possesses the g. List of the levels of personal protective
skills necessary to perform the work. equipment used by the student to complete
b. A policy on the necessary medical clear- the course.
ance. This documentation may include a certifi-
6. Ratios. Student-instructor ratios should cate and an appropriate wallet-sized lami-
not exceed 30 students per instructor. Hands- nated card with a photograph of the student
on activity requiring the use of personal pro- and the above information. When such
tective equipment should have the following course certificate cards are used, the indi-
student-instructor ratios. For Level C or vidual identification number for the training
Level D personal protective equipment the certificate should be shown on the card.
ratio should be 10 students per instructor. 9. Recordkeeping. Training providers should
For Level A or Level B personal protective maintain records listing the dates courses
equipment the ratio should be 5 students per were presented, the names of the individual
instructor. course attenders, the names of those stu-
7. Proficiency assessment. Proficiency should dents successfully completing each course,
be evaluated and documented by the use of a and the number of training certificates
written assessment and a skill demonstra- issued to each successful student. These
tion selected and developed by the Training records should be maintained for a minimum
Director and training staff. The assessment of five years after the date an individual par-
and demonstration should evaluate the ticipated in a training program offered by
knowledge and individual skills developed in the training provider. These records should
the course of training. The level of minimum be available and provided upon the student’s
achievement necessary for proficiency shall request or as mandated by law.
be specified in writing by the Training Direc-
10. Program quality control. The Training
Director should conduct or direct an annual
If a written test is used, there should be a
written audit of the training program. Pro-
minimum of 50 questions. If a written test is
gram modifications to address deficiencies, if
used in combination with a skills demonstra-
any, should be documented, approved, and
tion, a minimum of 25 questions should be
implemented by the training provider. The
used. If a skills demonstration is used, the
audit and the program modification docu-
tasks chosen and the means to rate success-
ments should be maintained at the training
ful completion should be fully documented
by the Training Director.
The content of the written test or of the Suggested Program Quality Control Criteria
skill demonstration shall be relevant to the Factors listed here are suggested criteria
objectives of the course. The written test for determining the quality and appropriate-
and skill demonstration should be updated as ness of employee health and safety training
necessary to reflect changes in the cur- for hazardous waste operations and emer-
riculum and any update should be approved gency response.
by the Training Director. A. Training Plan.
The proficiency assessment methods, re- Adequacy and appropriateness of the train-
gardless of the approach or combination of ing program’s curriculum development, in-
approaches used, should be justified, docu- structor training, distribution of course ma-
ment and approved by the Training Director. terials, and direct student training should be
The proficiency of those taking the addi- considered, including
tional courses for supervisors should be eval- 1. The duration of training, course content,
uated and document by using proficiency as- and course schedules/agendas;
sessment methods acceptable to the Training
2. The different training requirements of
Director. These proficiency assessment
the various target populations, as specified
methods must reflect the additional respon-
in the appropriate generic training cur-
sibilities borne by supervisory personnel in
hazardous waste operations or emergency re-
sponse. 3. The process for the development of cur-
8. Course certificate. Written documentation riculum, which includes appropriate tech-
should be provided to each student who sat- nical input, outside review, evaluation, pro-
isfactorily completes the training course. gram pretesting.
The documentation should include: 4. The adequate and appropriate inclusion
a. Student’s name. of hands-on, demonstration, and instruction
b. Course title. methods;
c. Course date. 5. Adequate monitoring of student safety,
d. Statement that the student has success- progress, and performance during the train-
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§ 1926.65 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
Adequacy and appropriateness of staff per- Adequacy and appropriateness of quality
formance and delivering an effective training control and evaluation plans for training
program should be considered, including programs should be considered, including:
1. Demonstration of the training director’s 1. A balanced advisory committee and/or
leadership in assuring quality of health and competent outside reviewers to give overall
safety training. policy guidance;
2. Demonstration of the competency of the 2. Clear and adequate definition of the
staff to meet the demands of delivering high composition and active programmatic role of
quality hazardous waste employee health the advisory committee or outside reviewers.
and safety training. 3. Adequacy of the minutes or reports of
3. Organization charts establishing clear the advisory committee or outside reviewers’
lines of authority. meetings or written communication.
4. Clearly defined staff duties including the 4. Adequacy and appropriateness of the
relationship of the training staff to the over- quality control and evaluations program to
all program. account for instructor performance.
5. Evidence that the training organiza- 5. Adequacy and appropriateness of the
tional structure suits the needs of the train-
quality control and evaluation program to
ing program.
ensure appropriate course evaluation, feed-
6. Appropriateness and adequacy of the
back, updating, and corrective action.
training methods used by the instructors.
6. Adequacy and appropriateness of dis-
7. Sufficiency of the time committed by
ciplines and expertise being used within the
the training director and staff to the train-
ing program. quality control and evaluation program.
8. Adequacy of the ratio of training staff to 7. Adequacy and appropriateness of the
students. role of student evaluations to provide feed-
9. Availability and commitment of the back for training program improvement.
training program of adequate human and E. Students
equipment resources in the areas of Adequacy and appropriateness of the pro-
a. Health effects, gram for accepting students should be con-
b. Safety, sidered, including
c. Personal protective equipment (PPE), 1. Assurance that the student already pos-
d. Operational procedures, sess the necessary skills for their job, includ-
e. Employee protection practices/proce- ing necessary documentation.
dures. 2. Appropriateness of methods the program
10. Appropriateness of management con- uses to ensure that recruits are capable of
trols. satisfactorily completing training.
11. Adequacy of the organization and ap- 3. Review and compliance with any medical
propriate resources assigned to assure appro- clearance policy.
priate training.
12. In the case of multiple-site training F. Institutional Environment and Administra-
programs, adequacy of satellite centers man- tive Support. The adequacy and appropriate-
agement. ness of the institutional environment and
administrative support system for the train-
C. Training facilities and resources. ing program should be considered, including
Adequacy and appropriateness of the facili- 1. Adequacy of the institutional commit-
ties and resources for supporting the train-
ment to the employee training program.
ing program should be considered, including,
2. Adequacy and appropriateness of the ad-
1. Space and equipment to conduct the
ministrative structure and administrative
2. Facilities for representative hands-on
training. G. Summary of Evaluation Questions Key
3. In the case of multiple-site programs, questions for evaluating the quality and ap-
equipment and facilities at the satellite cen- propriateness of an overall training program
ters. should include the following:
4. Adequacy and appropriateness of the 1. Are the program objectives clearly stat-
quality control and evaluations program to ed?
account for instructor performance. 2. Is the program accomplishing its objec-
5. Adequacy and appropriateness of the tives?
quality control and evaluation program to 3. Are appropriate facilities and staff avail-
ensure appropriate course evaluation, feed- able?
back, updating, and corrective action. 4. Is there an appropriate mix of classroom,
6. Adequacy and appropriateness of dis- demonstration, and hands-on training?
ciplines and expertise being used within the 5. Is the program providing quality em-
quality control and evaluation program. ployee health and safety training that fully
7. Adequacy and appropriateness of the meets the intent of regulatory requirements?
role of student evaluations to provide feed-
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.65
8. What is recommended to improve the boiling points, flash points, ph, other phys-
program? ical and chemical properties.
9. Are instructors instructing according to (3) Fire and explosion hazards of chemi-
their training outlines? cals.
10. Is the evaluation tool current and ap- (4) General safety hazards such as but not
propriate for the program content? limited to electrical hazards, powered equip-
11. Is the course material current and rel- ment hazards, motor vehicle hazards, walk-
evant to the target group? ing-working surface hazards, excavation haz-
ards, and hazards associated with working in
Suggested Training Curriculum Guidelines hot and cold temperature extremes.
The following training curriculum guide- (5) Review and knowledge of confined space
lines are for those operations specifically entry procedures in 29 CFR 1910.146.
identified in 29 CFR 1926.65 as requiring (6) Work practices to minimize employee
training. Issues such as qualifications of in- risk from site hazards.
structors, training certification, and similar (7) Safe use of engineering controls, equip-
criteria appropriate to all categories of oper- ment, and any new relevant safety tech-
ations addressed in 1926.65 have been covered nology or safety procedures.
in the preceding section and are not re-ad- (8) Review and demonstration of com-
dressed in each of the generic guidelines. petency with air sampling and monitoring
Basic core requirements for training pro- equipment that may be used in a site moni-
grams that are addressed include toring program.
1. General Hazardous Waste Operations (9) Container sampling procedures and
2. RCRA operations—Treatment, storage, safeguarding; general drum and container
and disposal facilities. handling procedures including special re-
3. Emergency Response. quirement for laboratory waste packs,
A. General Hazardous Waste Operations and shock-sensitive wastes, and radioactive
Site-specific Training 1. Off-site training. wastes.
Minimum training course content for haz- (10) The elements of a spill control pro-
ardous waste operations, required by 29 CFR gram.
1926.65(e), should include the following topics (11) Proper use and limitations of material
or procedures: handling equipment.
a. Regulatory knowledge. (12) Procedures for safe and healthful prep-
aration of containers for shipping and trans-
(1) A review of 29 CFR 1926.65 and the core
elements of an occupational safety and
(13) Methods of communication including
health program.
those used while wearing respiratory protec-
(2) The content of a medical surveillance
program as outlined in 29 CFR 1926.65(f).
c. Technical skills. (1) Selection, use main-
(3) The content of an effective site safety tenance, and limitations of personal protec-
and health plan consistent with the require- tive equipment including the components
ments of 29 CFR 1926.65(b)(4)(ii). and procedures for carrying out a respirator
(4) Emergency response plan and proce- program to comply with 29 CFR 1910.134.
dures as outlined in 29 CFR 1910.38 and 29 (2) Instruction in decontamination pro-
CFR 1926.65(l). grams including personnel, equipment, and
(5) Adequate illumination. hardware; hands-on training including level
(6) Sanitation recommendation and equip- A, B, and C ensembles and appropriate de-
ment. contamination lines; field activities includ-
(7) Review and explanation of OSHA’s haz- ing the donning and doffing of protective
ard-communication standard (29 CFR equipment to a level commensurate with the
1910.1200) and lock-out-tag-out standard (29 employee’s anticipated job function and re-
CFR 1910.147). sponsibility and to the degree required by
(8) Review of other applicable standards in- potential hazards.
cluding but not limited to those in the con- (3) Sources for additional hazard informa-
struction standards (29 CFR part 1926). tion; exercises using relevant manuals and
(9) Rights and responsibilities of employers hazard coding systems.
and employees under applicable OSHA and d. Additional suggested items. (1) A lami-
EPA laws. nated, dated card or certificate with photo,
b. Technical knowledge. (1) Type of poten- denoting limitations and level of protection
tial exposures to chemical, biological, and for which the employee is trained should be
radiological hazards; types of human re- issued to those students successfully com-
sponses to these hazards and recognition of pleting a course.
those responses; principles of toxicology and (2) Attendance should be required at all
information about acute and chronic haz- training modules, with successful comple-
ards; health and safety considerations of new tion of exercises and a final written or oral
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§ 1926.65 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(4) A curriculum should be established for (7) The elements of the confined space pro-
the 8-hour refresher training required by 29 gram including special PPE, permits, moni-
CFR 1926.65(e)(8), with delivery of such toring requirements, communication proce-
courses directed toward those areas of pre- dures, emergency response, and applicable
vious training that need improvement or re- lock-out procedures.
emphasis. b. The employer should provide hazardous
(5) A curriculum should be established for waste employees information and training
the required 8-hour training for supervisors. and should provide a review and access to
Demonstrated competency in the skills and the site safety and plan as follows:
knowledge provided in a 40-hour course (1) Names of personnel and alternate re-
should be a prerequisite for supervisor train- sponsible for site safety and health.
ing. (2) Safety and health hazards present on
2. Refresher training. The 8-hour annual re- the site.
fresher training required in 29 CFR (3) Selection, use, maintenance, and limi-
1926.65(e)(8) should be conducted by qualified tations of personal protective equipment
training providers. Refresher training should specific to the site.
include at a minimum the following topics (4) Work practices by which the employee
and procedures: can minimize risks from hazards.
(a) Review of and retraining on relevant (5) Safe use of engineering controls and
topics covered in the 40-hour program, as ap- equipment available on site.
propriate, using reports by the students on (6) Safe decontamination procedures estab-
their work experiences. lished to minimize employee contact with
(b) Update on developments with respect to hazardous substances, including:
material covered in the 40-hour course.
(A) Employee decontamination,
(c) Review of changes to pertinent provi-
(B) Clothing decontamination, and
sions of EPA or OSHA standards or laws.
(C) Equipment decontamination.
(d) Introduction of additional subject areas
(7) Elements of the site emergency re-
as appropriate.
(e) Hands-on review of new or altered PPE sponse plan, including:
or decontamination equipment or proce- (A) Pre-emergency planning.
dures. Review of new developments in per- (B) Personnel roles and lines of authority
sonal protective equipment. and communication.
(f) Review of newly developed air and con- (C) Emergency recognition and prevention.
taminant monitoring equipment. (D) Safe distances and places of refuge.
3. On-site training. a. The employer should (E) Site security and control.
provide employees engaged in hazardous (F) Evacuation routes and procedures.
waste site activities with information and (G) Decontamination procedures not cov-
training prior to initial assignment into ered by the site safety and health plan.
their work area, as follows: (H) Emergency medical treatment and first
(1) The requirements of the hazard commu- aid.
nication program including the location and (I) Emergency equipment and procedures
availability of the written program, required for handling emergency incidents.
lists of hazardous chemicals, and safety data c. The employer should provide hazardous
sheets. waste employees information and training
(2) Activities and locations in their work on personal protective equipment used at the
area where hazardous substance may be site, such as the following:
present. (1) PPE to be used based upon known or an-
(3) Methods and observations that may be ticipated site hazards.
used to detect the present or release of a haz- (2) PPE limitations of materials and con-
ardous chemical in the work area (such as struction; limitations during temperature
monitoring conducted by the employer, con- extremes, heat stress, and other appropriate
tinuous monitoring devices, visual appear- medical considerations; use and limitations
ances, or other evidence (sight, sound or of respirator equipment as well as docu-
smell) of hazardous chemicals being released, mentation procedures as outlined in 29 CFR
and applicable alarms from monitoring de- 1910.134.
vices that record chemical releases. (3) PPE inspection procedures prior to,
(4) The physical and health hazards of sub- during, and after use.
stances known or potentially present in the (4) PPE donning and doffing procedures.
work area. (5) PPE decontamination and disposal pro-
(5) The measures employees can take to cedures.
help protect themselves from work-site haz- (6) PPE maintenance and storage.
ards, including specific procedures the em- (7) Task duration as related to PPE limita-
ployer has implemented. tions.
(6) An explanation of the labeling system d. The employer should instruct the em-
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and safety data sheets and how employees ployee about the site medical surveillance
can obtain and use appropriate hazard infor- program relative to the particular site, in-
mation. cluding
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.65
(1) Specific medical surveillance programs (m) A review of the applicable appendices
that have been adapted for the site. to 29 CFR 1926.65.
(2) Specific signs and symptoms related to (n) Principles of toxicology and biological
exposure to hazardous materials on the site. monitoring as they pertain to occupational
(3) The frequency and extent of periodic health.
medical examinations that will be used on (o) Rights and responsibilities of employ-
the site. ees and employers under applicable OSHA
(4) Maintenance and availability of and EPA laws.
records. (p) Hands-on exercises and demonstrations
(5) Personnel to be contacted and proce- of competency with equipment to illustrate
dures to be followed when signs and symp- the basic equipment principles that may be
toms of exposures are recognized. used during the performance of work duties,
e. The employees will review and discuss including the donning and doffing of PPE.
the site safety plan as part of the training (q) Sources of reference, efficient use of
program. The location of the site safety plan relevant manuals, and knowledge of hazard
and all written programs should be discussed coding systems to include information con-
with employees including a discussion of the tained in hazardous waste manifests.
mechanisms for access, review, and ref- (r) At least 8 hours of hands-on training.
erences described. (s) Training in the job skills required for
an employee’s job function and responsi-
B. RCRA Operations Training for Treatment, bility before they are permitted to partici-
Storage and Disposal Facilities. pate in or supervise field activities.
1. As a minimum, the training course re- 2. The individual employer should provide
quired in 29 CFR 1926.65 (p) should include hazardous waste employees with information
the following topics: and training prior to an employee’s initial
(a) Review of the applicable paragraphs of assignment into a work area. The training
29 CFR 1926.65 and the elements of the em- and information should cover the following
ployer’s occupational safety and health plan. topics:
(b) Review of relevant hazards such as, but (a) The Emergency response plan and pro-
not limited to, chemical, biological, and ra- cedures including first aid.
diological exposures; fire and explosion haz- (b) A review of the employer’s hazardous
ards; thermal extremes; and physical haz- waste handling procedures including the ma-
ards. terials handling program and elements of the
(c) General safety hazards including those spill containment program, location of spill
associated with electrical hazards, powered response kits or equipment, and the names of
equipment hazards, lock-out-tag-out proce- those trained to respond to releases.
dures, motor vehicle hazards and walking- (c) The hazardous communication program
working surface hazards. meeting the requirements of 29 CFR
(d) Confined-space hazards and procedures. 1910.1200.
(e) Work practices to minimize employee (d) A review of the employer’s medical sur-
risk from workplace hazards. veillance program including the recognition
(f) Emergency response plan and proce- of signs and symptoms of exposure to rel-
dures including first aid meeting the require- evant hazardous substance including known
ments of paragraph (p)(8). synergistic interactions.
(g) A review of procedures to minimize ex- (e) A review of the employer’s decon-
posure to hazardous waste and various type tamination program and procedures.
of waste streams, including the materials (f) An review of the employer’s training
handling program and spill containment pro- program and the parties responsible for that
gram. program.
(h) A review of hazard communication pro- (g) A review of the employer’s personal
grams meeting the requirements of 29 CFR protective equipment program including the
1910.1200. proper selection and use of PPE based upon
(i) A review of medical surveillance pro- specific site hazards.
grams meeting the requirements of 29 CFR (h) All relevant site-specific procedures ad-
1926.65(p)(3) including the recognition of dressing potential safety and health hazards.
signs and symptoms of overexposure to haz- This may include, as appropriate, biological
ardous substance including known syner- and radiological exposures, fire and explo-
gistic interactions. sion hazards, thermal hazards, and physical
(j) A review of decontamination programs hazards such as electrical hazards, powered
and procedures meeting the requirements of equipment hazards, lock-out-tag-out haz-
29 CFR 1926.65(p)(4). ards, motor vehicle hazards, and walking-
(k) A review of an employer’s requirements working surface hazards.
to implement a training program and its ele- (i) Safe use engineering controls and equip-
ments. ment on site.
(j) Names of personnel and alternates re-
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§ 1926.65 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
Federal OSHA standards in 29 CFR (10) Use, care, and limitations of personal
1926.65(q) are directed toward private sector protective equipment.
emergency responders. Therefore, the guide- (11) Safe sampling techniques.
lines provided in this portion of the appendix (12) Rights and responsibilities of employ-
are directed toward that employee popu- ees under OSHA and other related laws con-
lation. However, they also impact indirectly cerning right-to-know, safety and health,
through State OSHA or USEPA regulations compensations and liability.
some public sector emergency responders. (13) Medical monitoring requirements.
Therefore, the guidelines provided in this
(14) Community relations.
portion of the appendix may be applied to
both employee populations. b. Suggested criteria for specific courses.
States with OSHA state plans must cover (1) First responder awareness level.
their employees with regulations at least as (A) Review of and demonstration of com-
effective as the Federal OSHA standards. petency in performing the applicable skills
Public employees in states without approved of 29 CFR 1926.65(q).
state OSHA programs covering hazardous (B) Hands-on experience with the U.S. De-
waste operations and emergency response partment of Transportation’s Emergency Re-
are covered by the U.S. EPA under 40 CFR sponse Guidebook (ERG) and familiarization
311, a regulation virtually identical to with OSHA standard 29 CFR 1926.60.
§ 1926.65. (C) Review of the principles and practices
Since this is a non-mandatory appendix for analyzing an incident to determine both
and therefore not an enforceable standard, the hazardous substances present and the
OSHA recommends that those employers, basic hazard and response information for
employees or volunteers in public sector each hazardous substance present.
emergency response organizations outside (D) Review of procedures for implementing
Federal OSHA jurisdiction consider the fol- actions consistent with the local emergency
lowing criteria in developing their own response plan, the organization’s standard
training programs. A unified approach to operating procedures, and the current edi-
training at the community level between tion of DOT’s ERG including emergency no-
emergency response organizations covered tification procedures and follow-up commu-
by Federal OSHA and those not covered di- nications.
rectly by Federal OSHA can help ensure an (E) Review of the expected hazards includ-
effective community response to the release ing fire and explosions hazards, confined
or potential release of hazardous substances space hazards, electrical hazards, powered
in the community. equipment hazards, motor vehicle hazards,
a. General considerations. and walking-working surface hazards.
Emergency response organizations are re- (F) Awareness and knowledge of the com-
quired to consider the topics listed in petencies for the First Responder at the
§ 1926.65(q)(6). Emergency response organiza- Awareness Level covered in the National
tions may use some or all of the following Fire Protection Association’s Standard No.
topics to supplement those mandatory topics 472, Professional Competence of Responders to
when developing their response training pro- Hazardous Materials Incidents.
grams. Many of the topics would require an (2) First responder operations level.
interaction between the response provider
(A) Review of and demonstration of com-
and the individuals responsible for the site
petency in performing the applicable skills
where the response would be expected.
of 29 CFR 1926.65(q).
(1) Hazard recognition, including:
(A) Nature of hazardous substances (B) Hands-on experience with the U.S. De-
present, partment of Transportation’s Emergency Re-
(B) Practical applications of hazard rec- sponse Guidebook (ERG), manufacturer safety
ognition, including presentations on biology, data sheets, CHEMTREC/CANUTEC, shipper
chemistry, and physics. or manufacturer contacts and other relevant
(2) Principles of toxicology, biological sources of information addressing hazardous
monitoring, and risk assessment. substance releases. Familiarization with
(3) Safe work practices and general site OSHA standard 29 CFR 1926.60.
safety. (C) Review of the principles and practices
(4) Engineering controls and hazardous for analyzing an incident to determine the
waste operations. hazardous substances present, the likely be-
(5) Site safety plans and standard oper- havior of the hazardous substance and its
ating procedures. container, the types of hazardous substance
(6) Decontamination procedures and prac- transportation containers and vehicles, the
tices. types and selection of the appropriate defen-
(7) Emergency procedures, first aid, and sive strategy for containing the release.
self-rescue. (D) Review of procedures for implementing
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(8) Safe use of field equipment. continuing response actions consistent with
(9) Storage, handling, use and transpor- the local emergency response plan, the orga-
tation of hazardous substances. nization’s standard operating procedures,
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.65
and the current edition of DOT’s ERG in- sional Competence of Responders to Hazardous
cluding extended emergency notification Materials Incidents.
procedures and follow-up communications. (4) Hazardous materials specialist.
(E) Review of the principles and practice (A) Review of and demonstration of com-
for proper selection and use of personal pro- petency in performing the applicable skills
tective equipment. of 29 CFR 1926.65(q).
(F) Review of the principles and practice of (B) Hands-on experience with retrieval and
personnel and equipment decontamination. use of written and electronic information
(G) Review of the expected hazards includ- relative to response decision making includ-
ing fire and explosions hazards, confined ing but not limited to the U.S. Department
space hazards, electrical hazards, powered of Transportation’s Emergency Response
equipment hazards, motor vehicle hazards, Guidebook (ERG), manufacturer safety data
and walking-working surface hazards. sheets, CHEMTREC/CANUTEC, shipper or
(H) Awareness and knowledge of the com- manufacturer contacts, computer data bases
petencies for the First Responder at the Op- and response models, and other relevant
erations Level covered in the National Fire sources of information addressing hazardous
Protection Association’s Standard No. 472, substance releases. Familiarization with 29
Professional Competence of Responders to Haz- CFR 1926.60.
ardous Materials Incidents. (C) Review of the principles and practices
(3) Hazardous materials technician. for analyzing an incident to determine the
(A) Review of and demonstration of com- hazardous substances present, their physical
petency in performing the applicable skills and chemical properties, and the likely be-
of 29 CFR 1926.65(q). havior of the hazardous substance and its
(B) Hands-on experience with written and container, vessel, or vehicle.
electronic information relative to response (D) Review of the principles and practices
decision making including but not limited to for identification of the types of hazardous
the U.S. Department of Transportation’s substance transportation containers, vessels
Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG), manu- and vehicles involved in the release; select-
facturer safety data sheets, CHEMTREC/ ing and using the various types of equipment
CANUTEC, shipper or manufacturer con- available for plugging or patching transpor-
tacts, computer data bases and response tation containers, vessels or vehicles; orga-
models, and other relevant sources of infor- nizing and directing the use of multiple
mation addressing hazardous substance re- teams of hazardous material technicians and
leases. Familiarization with 29 CFR 1926.60. selecting the appropriate strategy for ap-
(C) Review of the principles and practices proaching release sites and containing or
for analyzing an incident to determine the stopping the release.
hazardous substances present, their physical (E) Review of procedures for implementing
and chemical properties, the likely behavior continuing response actions consistent with
of the hazardous substance and its container, the local emergency response plan, the orga-
the types of hazardous substance transpor- nization’s standard operating procedures, in-
tation containers and vehicles involved in cluding knowledge of the available public
the release, the appropriate strategy for ap- and private response resources, establish-
proaching release sites and containing the ment of an incident command post, direction
release. of hazardous material technician teams, and
(D) Review of procedures for implementing extended emergency notification procedures
continuing response actions consistent with and follow-up communications.
the local emergency response plan, the orga- (F) Review of the principles and practice
nization’s standard operating procedures, for proper selection and use of personal pro-
and the current edition of DOT’s ERG in- tective equipment.
cluding extended emergency notification (G) Review of the principles and practices
procedures and follow-up communications. of establishing exposure zones and proper de-
(E) Review of the principles and practice contamination, monitoring and medical sur-
for proper selection and use of personal pro- veillance stations and procedures.
tective equipment. (H) Review of the expected hazards includ-
(F) Review of the principles and practices ing fire and explosions hazards, confined
of establishing exposure zones, proper decon- space hazards, electrical hazards, powered
tamination and medical surveillance sta- equipment hazards, motor vehicle hazards,
tions and procedures. and walking-working surface hazards.
(G) Review of the expected hazards includ- (I) Awareness and knowledge of the com-
ing fire and explosions hazards, confined petencies for the Off-site Specialist Em-
space hazards, electrical hazards, powered ployee covered in the National Fire Protec-
equipment hazards, motor vehicle hazards, tion Association’s Standard No. 472, Profes-
and walking-working surface hazards. sional Competence of Responders to Hazardous
(H) Awareness and knowledge of the com- Materials Incidents.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
petencies for the Hazardous Materials Tech- (5) Incident commander. The incident com-
nician covered in the National Fire Protec- mander is the individual who, at any one
tion Association’s Standard No. 472, Profes- time, is responsible for and in control of the
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§ 1926.66 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
response effort. This individual is the person (3) Spray booth. A power-ventilated
responsible for the direction and coordina- structure provided to enclose or accom-
tion of the response effort. An incident com- modate a spraying operation to confine
mander’s position should be occupied by the
most senior, appropriately trained individual
and limit the escape of spray, vapor,
present at the response site. Yet, as nec- and residue, and to safely conduct or
essary and appropriate by the level of re- direct them to an exhaust system.
sponse provided, the position may be occu- (4) Waterwash spray booth. A spray
pied by many individuals during a particular booth equipped with a water washing
response as the need for greater authority, system designed to minimize dusts or
responsibility, or training increases. It is residues entering exhaust ducts and to
possible for the first responder at the aware-
ness level to assume the duties of incident
permit the recovery of overspray fin-
commander until a more senior and appro- ishing material.
priately trained individual arrives at the re- (5) Dry spray booth. A spray booth not
sponse site. equipped with a water washing system
Therefore, any emergency responder ex- as described in paragraph (a)(4) of this
pected to perform as an incident commander section. A dry spray booth may be
should be trained to fulfill the obligations of equipped with
the position at the level of response they will
be providing including the following:
(i) Distribution or baffle plates to
(A) Ability to analyze a hazardous sub- promote an even flow of air through
stance incident to determine the magnitude the booth or cause the deposit of
of the response problem. overspray before it enters the exhaust
(B) Ability to plan and implement an ap- duct; or
propriate response plan within the capabili- (ii) Overspray dry filters to minimize
ties of available personnel and equipment. dusts; or
(C) Ability to implement a response to fa-
vorably change the outcome of the incident
(iii) Overspray dry filters to mini-
in a manner consistent with the local emer- mize dusts or residues entering exhaust
gency response plan and the organization’s ducts; or
standard operating procedures. (iv) Overspray dry filter rolls de-
(D) Ability to evaluate the progress of the signed to minimize dusts or residues
emergency response to ensure that the re- entering exhaust ducts; or
sponse objectives are being met safely, effec- (v) Where dry powders are being
tively, and efficiently.
(E) Ability to adjust the response plan to
sprayed, with powder collection sys-
the conditions of the response and to notify tems so arranged in the exhaust to cap-
higher levels of response when required by ture oversprayed material.
the changes to the response plan. (6) Fluidized bed. A container holding
[58 FR 35129, June 30, 1993, as amended at 59
powder coating material which is aer-
FR 43275, Aug. 22, 1994: 61 FR 5510, Feb. 13, ated from below so as to form an air-
1996; 77 FR 17890, Mar. 26, 2012; 78 FR 9315, supported expanded cloud of such ma-
Feb. 8, 2013; 85 FR 8736, Feb. 18, 2020] terial through which the preheated ob-
ject to be coated is immersed and
§ 1926.66 Criteria for design and con- transported.
struction of spray booths. (7) Electrostatic fluidized bed. A con-
(a) Definitions applicable to this sec- tainer holding powder coating material
tion—(1) Aerated solid powders. Aerated which is aerated from below so as to
powders shall mean any powdered ma- form an air-supported expanded cloud
terial used as a coating material which of such material which is electrically
shall be fluidized within a container by charged with a charge opposite to the
passing air uniformly from below. It is charge of the object to be coated; such
common practice to fluidize such mate- object is transported, through the con-
rials to form a fluidized powder bed and tainer immediately above the charged
then dip the part to be coated into the and aerated materials in order to be
bed in a manner similar to that used in coated.
liquid dipping. Such beds are also used (8) Approved. Shall mean approved
as sources for powder spray operations. and listed by a nationally recognized
(2) Spraying area. Any area in which testing laboratory.
dangerous quantities of flammable va- (9) Listed. See ‘‘approved’’ in para-
pors or mists, or combustible residues, graph (a)(8) of this section.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.66
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§ 1926.66 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
protected that breakage will be un- 20 feet (6.08 m) of any spraying area,
likely. Panels shall be so arranged that and not separated therefrom by parti-
normal accumulations of residue on tions, shall not produce sparks under
the exposed surface of the panel will normal operating conditions and shall
not be raised to a dangerous tempera- otherwise conform to the provisions of
ture by radiation or conduction from subpart S of this part for Class I, Divi-
the source of illumination. sion 2 Hazardous Locations.
(c) Electrical and other sources of igni- (7) Lamps. Electric lamps outside of,
tion—(1) Conformance. All electrical but within 20 feet (6.08 m) of any spray-
equipment, open flames and other ing area, and not separated therefrom
sources of ignition shall conform to the by a partition, shall be totally enclosed
requirements of this paragraph, except to prevent the falling of hot particles
as follows: and shall be protected from mechanical
(i) Electrostatic apparatus shall con- injury by suitable guards or by loca-
form to the requirements of paragraphs tion.
(e) and (f) of this section; (8) Portable lamps. Portable electric
(ii) Drying, curing, and fusion appa- lamps shall not be used in any spraying
ratus shall conform to the require- area during spraying operations. Port-
ments of paragraph (g) of this section; able electric lamps, if used during
(iii) [Reserved] cleaning or repairing operations, shall
(iv) Powder coating equipment shall be of the type approved for hazardous
conform to the requirements of para- Class I locations.
graph (c)(1) of this section. (9) Grounding. (i) All metal parts of
(2) Minimum separation. There shall be spray booths, exhaust ducts, and piping
no open flame or spark producing systems conveying flammable or com-
equipment in any spraying area nor bustible liquids or aerated solids shall
within 20 feet (6.08 m) thereof, unless be properly electrically grounded in an
separated by a partition. effective and permanent manner.
(3) Hot surfaces. Space-heating appli- (d) Ventilation—(1) Conformance. Ven-
ances, steampipes, or hot surfaces shall tilating and exhaust systems shall be
not be located in a spraying area where in accordance with the Standard for
deposits of combustible residues may Blower and Exhaust Systems for Vapor
readily accumulate. Removal, NFPA No. 91–1961, where ap-
(4) Wiring conformance. Electrical wir- plicable and shall also conform to the
ing and equipment shall conform to the provisions of this section.
provisions of this paragraph and shall (2) General. All spraying areas shall
otherwise be in accordance with sub- be provided with mechanical ventila-
part S of this part. tion adequate to remove flammable va-
(5) Combustible residues, areas. Unless pors, mists, or powders to a safe loca-
specifically approved for locations con- tion and to confine and control com-
taining both deposits of readily ignit- bustible residues so that life is not en-
able residue and explosive vapors, there dangered. Mechanical ventilation shall
shall be no electrical equipment in any be kept in operation at all times while
spraying area, whereon deposits of spraying operations are being con-
combustible residues may readily accu- ducted and for a sufficient time there-
mulate, except wiring in rigid conduit after to allow vapors from drying coat-
or in boxes or fittings containing no ed articles and drying finishing mate-
taps, splices, or terminal connections. rial residue to be exhausted.
(6) Wiring type approved. Electrical (3) Independent exhaust. Each spray
wiring and equipment not subject to booth shall have an independent ex-
deposits of combustible residues but lo- haust duct system discharging to the
cated in a spraying area as herein de- exterior of the building, except that
fined shall be of explosion-proof type multiple cabinet spray booths in which
approved for Class I, group D locations identical spray finishing material is
and shall otherwise conform to the pro- used with a combined frontal area of
visions of subpart S of this part, for not more than 18 square feet may have
Class I, Division 1, Hazardous Loca- a common exhaust. If more than one
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
tions. Electrical wiring, motors, and fan serves one booth, all fans shall be
other equipment outside of but within so interconnected that one fan cannot
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.66
operate without all fans being oper- (8) Discharge clearance. Unless the
ated. spray booth exhaust duct terminal is
(4) Fan-rotating element. The fan-ro- from a water-wash spray booth, the
tating element shall be nonferrous or terminal discharge point shall be not
nonsparking or the casing shall consist less than 6 feet from any combustible
of or be lined with such material. exterior wall or roof nor discharge in
There shall be ample clearance be- the direction of any combustible con-
tween the fan-rotating element and the struction or unprotected opening in
fan casing to avoid a fire by friction, any noncombustible exterior wall with-
necessary allowance being made for or- in 25 feet (7.6 m).
dinary expansion and loading to pre- (9) Air exhaust. Air exhaust from
vent contact between moving parts and spray operations shall not be directed
the duct or fan housing. Fan blades
so that it will contaminate makeup air
shall be mounted on a shaft suffi-
being introduced into the spraying area
ciently heavy to maintain perfect
or other ventilating intakes, nor di-
alignment even when the blades of the
fan are heavily loaded, the shaft pref- rected so as to create a nuisance. Air
erably to have bearings outside the exhausted from spray operations shall
duct and booth. All bearings shall be of not be recirculated.
the self-lubricating type, or lubricated (10) Access doors. When necessary to
from the outside duct. facilitate cleaning, exhaust ducts shall
(5) Electric motors. Electric motors be provided with an ample number of
driving exhaust fans shall not be placed access doors.
inside booths or ducts. See also para- (11) Room intakes. Air intake openings
graph (c) of this section. to rooms containing spray finishing op-
(6) Belts. Belts shall not enter the erations shall be adequate for the effi-
duct or booth unless the belt and pul- cient operation of exhaust fans and
ley within the duct or booth are thor- shall be so located as to minimize the
oughly enclosed. creation of dead air pockets.
(7) Exhaust ducts. Exhaust ducts shall (12) Drying spaces. Freshly sprayed
be constructed of steel and shall be articles shall be dried only in spaces
substantially supported. Exhaust ducts provided with adequate ventilation to
without dampers are preferred; how- prevent the formation of explosive va-
ever, if dampers are installed, they pors. In the event adequate and reliable
shall be maintained so that they will ventilation is not provided such drying
be in a full open position at all times spaces shall be considered a spraying
the ventilating system is in operation. area.
(i) Exhaust ducts shall be protected
(e) Fixed electrostatic apparatus—(1)
against mechanical damage and have a
Conformance. Where installation and
clearance from unprotected combus-
use of electrostatic spraying equip-
tible construction or other combustible
ment is used, such installation and use
material of not less than 18 inches
(45.72 cm). shall conform to all other paragraphs
(ii) If combustible construction is of this section, and shall also conform
provided with the following protection to the requirements of this paragraph.
applied to all surfaces within 18 inches (2) Type approval. Electrostatic appa-
(45.72 cm), clearances may be reduced ratus and devices used in connection
to the distances indicated: with coating operations shall be of ap-
(a) 28-gage sheet metal on 1/4-inch as- 12 inches (30.48 proved types.
bestos mill board. cm). (3) Location. Transformers, power
(b) 28-gage sheet metal on 1/8-inch as- 9 inches (22.86
bestos mill board spaced out 1 inch cm).
packs, control apparatus, and all other
(2.54 cm) on noncombustible spacers. electrical portions of the equipment,
(c) 22-gage sheet metal on 1-inch 3 inches (7.62 with the exception of high-voltage
rockwool batts reinforced with wire cm). grids, electrodes, and electrostatic
mesh or the equivalent.
(d) Where ducts are protected with an ap- atomizing heads and their connections,
proved automatic sprinkler system, shall be located outside of the spraying
properly maintained, the clearance re- area, or shall otherwise conform to the
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§ 1926.66 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(4) Support. Electrodes and electro- and to signal the operator under any of
static atomizing heads shall be ade- the following conditions:
quately supported in permanent loca- (i) Stoppage of ventilating fans or
tions and shall be effectively insulated failure of ventilating equipment from
from the ground. Electrodes and elec- any cause.
trostatic atomizing heads which are (ii) Stoppage of the conveyor car-
permanently attached to their bases, rying goods through the high voltage
supports, or reciprocators, shall be field.
deemed to comply with this section. (iii) Occurrence of a ground or of an
Insulators shall be nonporous and non- imminent ground at any point on the
combustible. high voltage system.
(5) Insulators, grounding. High-voltage (iv) Reduction of clearance below
leads to electrodes shall be properly in- that specified in paragraph (e)(6) of this
sulated and protected from mechanical section.
injury or exposure to destructive (10) Guarding. Adequate booths, fenc-
chemicals. Electrostatic atomizing ing, railings, or guards shall be so
heads shall be effectively and perma- placed about the equipment that they,
nently supported on suitable insulators either by their location or character or
and shall be effectively guarded both, assure that a safe isolation of the
against accidental contact or ground- process is maintained from plant stor-
ing. An automatic means shall be pro- age or personnel. Such railings, fenc-
vided for grounding the electrode sys- ing, and guards shall be of conducting
tem when it is electrically deenergized material, adequately grounded.
for any reason. All insulators shall be (11) Ventilation. Where electrostatic
kept clean and dry. atomization is used the spraying area
(6) Safe distance. A safe distance shall shall be so ventilated as to insure safe
be maintained between goods being conditions from a fire and health
painted and electrodes or electrostatic standpoint.
atomizing heads or conductors of at (12) Fire protection. All areas used for
least twice the sparking distance. A spraying, including the interior of the
suitable sign indicating this safe dis- booth, shall be protected by automatic
tance shall be conspicuously posted sprinklers where this protection is
near the assembly. available. Where this protection is not
(7) Conveyors required. Goods being available, other approved automatic
painted using this process are to be extinguishing equipment shall be pro-
supported on conveyors. The conveyors vided.
shall be so arranged as to maintain (f) Electrostatic hand spraying equip-
safe distances between the goods and ment—(1) Application. This paragraph
the electrodes or electrostatic atom- shall apply to any equipment using
izing heads at all times. Any irregu- electrostatically charged elements for
larly shaped or other goods subject to the atomization and/or, precipitation
possible swinging or movement shall be of materials for coatings on articles, or
rigidly supported to prevent such for other similar purposes in which the
swinging or movement which would re- atomizing device is hand held and ma-
duce the clearance to less than that nipulated during the spraying oper-
specified in paragraph (e)(6) of this sec- ation.
tion. (2) Conformance. Electrostatic hand
(8) Prohibition. This process is not ac- spraying equipment shall conform with
ceptable where goods being coated are the other provisions of this section.
manipulated by hand. When finishing (3) Equipment approval and specifica-
materials are applied by electrostatic tions. Electrostatic hand spray appa-
equipment which is manipulated by ratus and devices used in connection
hand, see paragraph (f) of this section with coating operations shall be of ap-
for applicable requirements. proved types. The high voltage circuits
(9) Fail-safe controls. Electrostatic ap- shall be designed so as to not produce
paratus shall be equipped with auto- a spark of sufficient intensity to ignite
matic controls which will operate with- any vapor-air mixtures nor result in
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
out time delay to disconnect the power appreciable shock hazard upon coming
supply to the high voltage transformer in contact with a grounded object
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.66
(g) Drying, curing, or fusion appa- operated while the drying apparatus is
ratus—(1) Conformance. Drying, curing, inside the spray enclosure.
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§ 1926.95 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.97
(7) This section shall become effec- as not to impair the insulating quali-
tive on February 13, 2008. Employers ties of the equipment.
must implement the PPE payment re- (iv) Markings on gloves shall be con-
quirements no later than May 15, 2008. fined to the cuff portion of the glove.
NOTE TO § 1926.95(d): When the provisions of (2) Electrical requirements. (i) Equip-
another OSHA standard specify whether or ment shall be capable of withstanding
not the employer must pay for specific the ac proof-test voltage specified in
equipment, the payment provisions of that Table E–1 or the dc proof-test voltage
standard shall prevail. specified in Table E–2.
[58 FR 35152, June 30, 1993, as amended at 72 (A) The proof test shall reliably indi-
FR 64429, Nov. 15, 2007] cate that the equipment can withstand
the voltage involved.
§ 1926.96 Occupational foot protection. (B) The test voltage shall be applied
Safety-toe footwear for employees continuously for 3 minutes for equip-
shall meet the requirements and speci- ment other than matting and shall be
fications in American National Stand- applied continuously for 1 minute for
ard for Men’s Safety-Toe Footwear, matting.
Z41.1–1967. (C) Gloves shall also be capable of
[58 FR 35152, June 30, 1993] separately withstanding the ac proof-
test voltage specified in Table E–1 after
§ 1926.97 Electrical protective equip- a 16-hour water soak. (See the note fol-
ment. lowing paragraph (a)(3)(ii)(B) of this
(a) Design requirements for specific section.)
types of electrical protective equipment. (ii) When the ac proof test is used on
Rubber insulating blankets, rubber in- gloves, the 60-hertz proof-test current
sulating matting, rubber insulating may not exceed the values specified in
covers, rubber insulating line hose, Table E–1 at any time during the test
rubber insulating gloves, and rubber in- period.
sulating sleeves shall meet the fol- (A) If the ac proof test is made at a
lowing requirements: frequency other than 60 hertz, the per-
(1) Manufacture and marking of rubber missible proof-test current shall be
insulating equipment. (i) Blankets, computed from the direct ratio of the
gloves, and sleeves shall be produced by frequencies.
a seamless process. (B) For the test, gloves (right side
(ii) Each item shall be clearly out) shall be filled with tap water and
marked as follows: immersed in water to a depth that is in
(A) Class 00 equipment shall be accordance with Table E–3. Water shall
marked Class 00. be added to or removed from the glove,
(B) Class 0 equipment shall be as necessary, so that the water level is
marked Class 0. the same inside and outside the glove.
(C) Class 1 equipment shall be (C) After the 16-hour water soak spec-
marked Class 1. ified in paragraph (a)(2)(i)(C) of this
(D) Class 2 equipment shall be section, the 60-hertz proof-test current
marked Class 2. may not exceed the values given in
(E) Class 3 equipment shall be Table E–1 by more than 2 milliamperes.
marked Class 3. (iii) Equipment that has been sub-
(F) Class 4 equipment shall be jected to a minimum breakdown volt-
marked Class 4. age test may not be used for electrical
(G) Nonozone-resistant equipment protection. (See the note following
shall be marked Type I. paragraph (a)(3)(ii)(B) of this section.)
(H) Ozone-resistant equipment shall (iv) Material used for Type II insu-
be marked Type II. lating equipment shall be capable of
(I) Other relevant markings, such as withstanding an ozone test, with no
the manufacturer’s identification and visible effects. The ozone test shall re-
the size of the equipment, may also be liably indicate that the material will
provided. resist ozone exposure in actual use.
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§ 1926.97 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
guide also contains descriptions and photo- mally negligible. For clean, dry insulating
graphs of irregularities that can be found in equipment, the leakage current is small, and
this equipment. the capacitive current predominates.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.97
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (b): Plastic guard (vi) Insulating equipment shall be
equipment is deemed to conform to the per- stored in such a location and in such a
formance requirements of paragraph (b) of manner as to protect it from light,
this section if it meets, and is used in ac-
temperature extremes, excessive hu-
cordance with, ASTM F712–06 (2011), Standard
Test Methods and Specifications for Electrically midity, ozone, and other damaging sub-
Insulating Plastic Guard Equipment for Protec- stances and conditions.
tion of Workers. (vii) Protector gloves shall be worn
over insulating gloves, except as fol-
(c) In-service care and use of electrical lows:
protective equipment—(1) General. Elec- (A) Protector gloves need not be used
trical protective equipment shall be with Class 0 gloves, under limited-use
maintained in a safe, reliable condi- conditions, when small equipment and
tion. parts manipulation necessitate unusu-
(2) Specific requirements. The following ally high finger dexterity.
specific requirements apply to rubber
insulating blankets, rubber insulating NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (c)(2)(vii)(A): Persons
inspecting rubber insulating gloves used
covers, rubber insulating line hose, under these conditions need to take extra
rubber insulating gloves, and rubber in- care in visually examining them. Employees
sulating sleeves: using rubber insulating gloves under these
(i) Maximum use voltages shall con- conditions need to take extra care to avoid
form to those listed in Table E–4. handling sharp objects.
(ii) Insulating equipment shall be in- (B) If the voltage does not exceed 250
spected for damage before each day’s volts, ac, or 375 volts, dc, protector
use and immediately following any in- gloves need not be used with Class 00
cident that can reasonably be sus- gloves, under limited-use conditions,
pected of causing damage. Insulating when small equipment and parts ma-
gloves shall be given an air test, along nipulation necessitate unusually high
with the inspection. finger dexterity.
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (c)(2)(ii): ASTM F1236– NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (c)(2)(vii)(B): Persons
96 (2012), Standard Guide for Visual Inspection inspecting rubber insulating gloves used
of Electrical Protective Rubber Products, pre- under these conditions need to take extra
sents methods and techniques for the visual care in visually examining them. Employees
inspection of electrical protective equipment using rubber insulating gloves under these
made of rubber. This guide also contains de- conditions need to take extra care to avoid
scriptions and photographs of irregularities handling sharp objects.
that can be found in this equipment.
(C) Any other class of glove may be
(iii) Insulating equipment with any used without protector gloves, under
of the following defects may not be limited-use conditions, when small
used: equipment and parts manipulation ne-
(A) A hole, tear, puncture, or cut; cessitate unusually high finger dex-
(B) Ozone cutting or ozone checking terity but only if the employer can
(that is, a series of interlacing cracks demonstrate that the possibility of
produced by ozone on rubber under me- physical damage to the gloves is small
chanical stress); and if the class of glove is one class
(C) An embedded foreign object; higher than that required for the volt-
(D) Any of the following texture age involved.
changes: Swelling, softening, hard- (D) Insulating gloves that have been
ening, or becoming sticky or inelastic. used without protector gloves may not
(E) Any other defect that damages be reused until they have been tested
the insulating properties. under the provisions of paragraphs
(iv) Insulating equipment found to (c)(2)(viii) and (c)(2)(ix) of this section.
have other defects that might affect its (viii) Electrical protective equipment
insulating properties shall be removed shall be subjected to periodic electrical
from service and returned for testing tests. Test voltages and the maximum
under paragraphs (c)(2)(viii) and intervals between tests shall be in ac-
(c)(2)(ix) of this section. cordance with Table E–4 and Table E–5.
(v) Insulating equipment shall be (ix) The test method used under para-
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§ 1926.97 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
the insulating equipment can with- that results in physical and electrical
stand the voltages involved. properties equal to those of the blan-
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (c)(2)(ix): Standard ket.
electrical test methods considered as meet- (D) Rubber insulating gloves and
ing this paragraph are given in the following sleeves with minor physical defects,
national consensus standards: such as small cuts, tears, or punctures,
ASTM D120–09, Standard Specification for
may be repaired by the application of a
Rubber Insulating Gloves.
ASTM D178–01 (2010), Standard Specification compatible patch. Also, rubber insu-
for Rubber Insulating Matting. lating gloves and sleeves with minor
ASTM D1048–12, Standard Specification for surface blemishes may be repaired with
Rubber Insulating Blankets. a compatible liquid compound. The re-
ASTM D1049–98 (2010), Standard Specifica- paired area shall have electrical and
tion for Rubber Insulating Covers.
ASTM D1050–05 (2011), Standard Specifica- physical properties equal to those of
tion for Rubber Insulating Line Hose. the surrounding material. Repairs to
ASTM D1051–08, Standard Specification for gloves are permitted only in the area
Rubber Insulating Sleeves. between the wrist and the reinforced
ASTM F478–09, Standard Specification for In- edge of the opening.
Service Care of Insulating Line Hose and Cov-
ers. (xi) Repaired insulating equipment
ASTM F479–06 (2011), Standard Specification shall be retested before it may be used
for In-Service Care of Insulating Blankets. by employees.
ASTM F496–08, Standard Specification for In- (xii) The employer shall certify that
Service Care of Insulating Gloves and Sleeves.
equipment has been tested in accord-
(x) Insulating equipment failing to ance with the requirements of para-
pass inspections or electrical tests may graphs (c)(2)(iv), (c)(2)(vii)(D),
not be used by employees, except as (c)(2)(viii), (c)(2)(ix), and (c)(2)(xi) of
follows: this section. The certification shall
(A) Rubber insulating line hose may identify the equipment that passed the
be used in shorter lengths with the de- test and the date it was tested and
fective portion cut off. shall be made available upon request to
(B) Rubber insulating blankets may
the Assistant Secretary for Occupa-
be salvaged by severing the defective
tional Safety and Health and to em-
area from the undamaged portion of
the blanket. The resulting undamaged ployees or their authorized representa-
area may not be smaller than 560 milli- tives.
meters by 560 millimeters (22 inches by NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (c)(2)(xii): Marking
22 inches) for Class 1, 2, 3, and 4 blan- equipment with, and entering onto logs, the
kets. results of the tests and the dates of testing
(C) Rubber insulating blankets may are two acceptable means of meeting the cer-
be repaired using a compatible patch tification requirement.
00 ........................................................................................................................................................... 10,000
0 ............................................................................................................................................................. 20,000
1 ............................................................................................................................................................. 40,000
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.97
2 ............................................................................................................................................................. 50,000
3 ............................................................................................................................................................. 60,000
4 ............................................................................................................................................................. 70,000
Note: The dc voltages listed in this table are not appropriate for proof testing rubber insulating line hose or covers. For this
equipment, dc proof tests shall use a voltage high enough to indicate that the equipment can be safely used at the voltages list-
ed in Table E–4. See ASTM D1050–05 (2011) and ASTM D1049–98 (2010) for further information on proof tests for rubber insu-
lating line hose and covers, respectively.
Rubber insulating line hose ............................................. Upon indication that insulating value is suspect and after repair.
Rubber insulating covers ................................................. Upon indication that insulating value is suspect and after repair.
Rubber insulating blankets ............................................... Before first issue and every 12 months thereafter;1 upon indication
that insulating value is suspect; and after repair.
Rubber insulating gloves .................................................. Before first issue and every 6 months thereafter;1 upon indication that
insulating value is suspect; after repair; and after use without pro-
Rubber insulating sleeves ................................................ Before first issue and every 12 months thereafter;1 upon indication
that insulating value is suspect; and after repair.
1 If the insulating equipment has been electrically tested but not issued for service, the insulating equipment may not be placed
into service unless it has been electrically tested within the previous 12 months.
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§ 1926.98 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
the ear shall be fitted or determined in- (ii) ANSI Z87.1–2003, Occupational
dividually by competent persons. and Educational Personal Eye and
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.104
tween lines in this table shall require The rope shall have a nominal breaking
the higher optical density. strength of 5,400 pounds.
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§ 1926.105 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(e) All safety belt and lanyard hard- § 1926.106 Working over or near water.
ware shall be drop forged or pressed (a) Employees working over or near
steel, cadmium plated in accordance water, where the danger of drowning
with type 1, Class B plating specified in exists, shall be provided with U.S.
Federal Specification QQ-P-416. Sur- Coast Guard-approved life jacket or
face shall be smooth and free of sharp buoyant work vests.
edges. (b) Prior to and after each use, the
(f) All safety belt and lanyard hard- buoyant work vests or life preservers
ware, except rivets, shall be capable of shall be inspected for defects which
withstanding a tensile loading of 4,000 would alter their strength or buoy-
pounds without cracking, breaking, or ancy. Defective units shall not be used.
taking a permanent deformation. (c) Ring buoys with at least 90 feet of
line shall be provided and readily avail-
[44 FR 8577, Feb. 9, 1979; 44 FR 20940, Apr. 6,
able for emergency rescue operations.
1979, as amended at 84 FR 21577, May 14, 2019]
Distance between ring buoys shall not
§ 1926.105 Safety nets. exceed 200 feet.
(d) At least one lifesaving skiff shall
(a) Safety nets shall be provided be immediately available at locations
when workplaces are more than 25 feet where employees are working over or
above the ground or water surface, or adjacent to water.
other surfaces where the use of ladders,
scaffolds, catch platforms, temporary § 1926.107 Definitions applicable to
floors, safety lines, or safety belts is this subpart.
impractical. (a) Contaminant means any material
(b) Where safety net protection is re- which by reason of its action upon,
quired by this part, operations shall within, or to a person is likely to cause
not be undertaken until the net is in physical harm.
place and has been tested. (b) Lanyard means a rope, suitable
(c)(1) Nets shall extend 8 feet beyond for supporting one person. One end is
the edge of the work surface where em- fastened to a safety belt or harness and
ployees are exposed and shall be in- the other end is secured to a substan-
stalled as close under the work surface tial object or a safety line.
as practical but in no case more than (c) Lifeline means a rope, suitable for
supporting one person, to which a lan-
25 feet below such work surface. Nets
yard or safety belt (or harness) is at-
shall be hung with sufficient clearance
to prevent user’s contact with the sur-
(d) O.D. means optical density and
faces or structures below. Such clear- refers to the light refractive character-
ances shall be determined by impact istics of a lens.
load testing. (e) Radiant energy means energy that
(2) It is intended that only one level travels outward in all directions from
of nets be required for bridge construc- its sources.
tion. (f) Safety belt means a device, usually
(d) The mesh size of nets shall not ex- worn around the waist which, by rea-
ceed 6 inches by 6 inches. All new nets son of its attachment to a lanyard and
shall meet accepted performance lifeline or a structure, will prevent a
standards of 17,500 foot-pounds min- worker from falling.
imum impact resistance as determined [44 FR 8577, Feb. 9, 1979]
and certified by the manufacturers,
and shall bear a label of proof test.
Edge ropes shall provide a minimum Subpart F—Fire Protection and
breaking strength of 5,000 pounds. Prevention
(e) Forged steel safety hooks or
shackles shall be used to fasten the net AUTHORITY: Section 107 of the Contract
Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (40
to its supports.
U.S.C. 3704); Sections 4, 6, and 8 of the Occu-
(f) Connections between net panels
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.150
25059), 9–83 (48 FR 35736),1–90 (55 FR 9033), 6– (ii) One 55-gallon open drum of water
96 (62 FR 111), 3–2000 (62 FR 50017), 5–2002 (67 with two fire pails may be substituted
FR 650008), 5–2007 (72 FR 31159), 4–2010 (75 FR
for a fire extinguisher having a 2A rat-
55355), or 1–2012 (77 FR 3912), as applicable;
and 29 CFR part 1911. ing.
(iii) A 1⁄2-inch diameter garden-type
§ 1926.150 Fire protection. hose line, not to exceed 100 feet in
(a) General requirements. (1) The em- length and equipped with a nozzle, may
ployer shall be responsible for the de- be substituted for a 2A-rated fire extin-
velopment of a fire protection program guisher, providing it is capable of dis-
to be followed throughout all phases of charging a minimum of 5 gallons per
the construction and demolition work, minute with a minimum hose stream
and he shall provide for the firefighting range of 30 feet horizontally. The gar-
equipment as specified in this subpart. den-type hose lines shall be mounted
As fire hazards occur, there shall be no on conventional racks or reels. The
delay in providing the necessary equip- number and location of hose racks or
ment. reels shall be such that at least one
(2) Access to all available firefighting hose stream can be applied to all points
equipment shall be maintained at all in the area.
times. (iv) One or more fire extinguishers,
(3) All firefighting equipment, pro- rated not less than 2A, shall be pro-
vided by the employer, shall be con-
vided on each floor. In multistory
spicuously located.
buildings, at least one fire extinguisher
(4) All firefighting equipment shall
shall be located adjacent to stairway.
be periodically inspected and main-
tained in operating condition. Defec- (v) Extinguishers and water drums,
tive equipment shall be immediately subject to freezing, shall be protected
replaced. from freezing.
(5) As warranted by the project, the (vi) A fire extinguisher, rated not less
employer shall provide a trained and than 10B, shall be provided within 50
equipped firefighting organization feet of wherever more than 5 gallons of
(Fire Brigade) to assure adequate pro- flammable or combustible liquids or 5
tection to life. pounds of flammable gas are being used
(b) Water supply. (1) A temporary or on the jobsite. This requirement does
permanent water supply, of sufficient not apply to the integral fuel tanks of
volume, duration, and pressure, re- motor vehicles.
quired to properly operate the fire- (vii) Carbon tetrachloride and other
fighting equipment shall be made toxic vaporizing liquid fire extin-
available as soon as combustible mate- guishers are prohibited.
rials accumulate.
(viii) Portable fire extinguishers
(2) Where underground water mains
shall be inspected periodically and
are to be provided, they shall be in-
maintained in accordance with Mainte-
stalled, completed, and made available
nance and Use of Portable Fire Extin-
for use as soon as practicable.
(c) Portable firefighting equipment—(1) guishers, NFPA No. 10A–1970.
Fire extinguishers and small hose lines. (i) (ix) Fire extinguishers which have
A fire extinguisher, rated not less than been listed or approved by a nationally
2A, shall be provided for each 3,000 recognized testing laboratory, shall be
square feet of the protected building used to meet the requirements of this
area, or major fraction thereof. Travel subpart.
distance from any point of the pro- (x) Table F–1 may be used as a guide
tected area to the nearest fire extin- for selecting the appropriate portable
guisher shall not exceed 100 feet. fire extinguishers.
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§ 1926.150 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(2) Fire hose and connections. (i) One persons. Modification of sprinkler sys-
hundred feet, or less, of 11⁄2-inch hose, tems to permit alterations or addi-
with a nozzle capable of discharging tional demolition should be expedited
water at 25 gallons or more per minute, so that the automatic protection may
may be substituted for a fire extin- be returned to service as quickly as
guisher rated not more than 2A in the possible. Sprinkler control valves shall
designated area provided that the hose be checked daily at close of work to as-
line can reach all points in the area. certain that the protection is in serv-
(ii) If fire hose connections are not ice.
compatible with local firefighting (2) Standpipes. In all structures in
equipment, the contractor shall pro- which standpipes are required, or
vide adapters, or equivalent, to permit where standpipes exist in structures
connections. being altered, they shall be brought up
(iii) During demolition involving as soon as applicable laws permit, and
combustible materials, charged hose shall be maintained as construction
lines, supplied by hydrants, water tank progresses in such a manner that they
trucks with pumps, or equivalent, shall are always ready for fire protection
be made available.
use. The standpipes shall be provided
(d) Fixed firefighting equipment—(1) with Siamese fire department connec-
Sprinkler protection. (i) If the facility tions on the outside of the structure, at
being constructed includes the instal-
the street level, which shall be con-
lation of automatic sprinkler protec-
spicuously marked. There shall be at
tion, the installation shall closely fol-
least one standard hose outlet at each
low the construction and be placed in
service as soon as applicable laws per- floor.
mit following completion of each story. (e) Fire alarm devices. (1) An alarm
(ii) During demolition or alterations, system, e.g., telephone system, siren,
existing automatic sprinkler installa- etc., shall be established by the em-
tions shall be retained in service as ployer whereby employees on the site
long as reasonable. The operation of and the local fire department can be
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.151
(2) The alarm code and reporting in- construction or of combustible con-
structions shall be conspicuously post- struction having a fire resistance of
ed at phones and at employee en- not less than 1 hour.
trances. (3) Temporary buildings, located
(f) Fire cutoffs. (1) Fire walls and exit other than inside another building and
stairways, required for the completed not used for the storage, handling, or
buildings, shall be given construction use of flammable or combustible liq-
priority. Fire doors, with automatic uids, flammable gases, explosives, or
closing devices, shall be hung on open- blasting agents, or similar hazardous
ings as soon as practicable. occupancies, shall be located at a dis-
(2) Fire cutoffs shall be retained in tance of not less than 10 feet from an-
buildings undergoing alterations or other building or structure. Groups of
demolition until operations necessitate temporary buildings, not exceeding
their removal. 2,000 square feet in aggregate, shall, for
[44 FR 8577, Feb. 9, 1979; 44 FR 20940, Apr. 6, the purposes of this part, be considered
1979, as amended at 58 FR 35162, June 30, 1993; a single temporary building.
61 FR 31432, June 20, 1996] (c) Open yard storage. (1) Combustible
materials shall be piled with due re-
§ 1926.151 Fire prevention.
gard to the stability of piles and in no
(a) Ignition hazards. (1) Electrical wir- case higher than 20 feet.
ing and equipment for light, heat, or (2) Driveways between and around
power purposes shall be installed in combustible storage piles shall be at
compliance with the requirements of least 15 feet wide and maintained free
subpart K of this part. from accumulation of rubbish, equip-
(2) Internal combustion engine pow- ment, or other articles or materials.
ered equipment shall be so located that Driveways shall be so spaced that a
the exhausts are well away from com- maximum grid system unit of 50 feet
bustible materials. When the exhausts by 150 feet is produced.
are piped to outside the building under (3) The entire storage site shall be
construction, a clearance of at least 6 kept free from accumulation of unnec-
inches shall be maintained between essary combustible materials. Weeds
such piping and combustible material. and grass shall be kept down and a reg-
(3) Smoking shall be prohibited at or
ular procedure provided for the peri-
in the vicinity of operations which con-
odic cleanup of the entire area.
stitute a fire hazard, and shall be con-
(4) When there is a danger of an un-
spicuously posted: ‘‘No Smoking or
derground fire, that land shall not be
Open Flame.’’
(4) Portable battery powered lighting used for combustible or flammable
equipment, used in connection with the storage.
storage, handling, or use of flammable (5) Method of piling shall be solid
gases or liquids, shall be of the type ap- wherever possible and in orderly and
proved for the hazardous locations. regular piles. No combustible material
(5) The nozzle of air, inert gas, and shall be stored outdoors within 10 feet
steam lines or hoses, when used in the of a building or structure.
cleaning or ventilation of tanks and (6) Portable fire extinguishing equip-
vessels that contain hazardous con- ment, suitable for the fire hazard in-
centrations of flammable gases or va- volved, shall be provided at convenient,
pors, shall be bonded to the tank or conspicuously accessible locations in
vessel shell. Bonding devices shall not the yard area. Portable fire extin-
be attached or detached in hazardous guishers, rated not less than 2A, shall
concentrations of flammable gases or be placed so that maximum travel dis-
vapors. tance to the nearest unit shall not ex-
(b) Temporary buildings. (1) No tem- ceed 100 feet.
porary building shall be erected where (d) Indoor storage. (1) Storage shall
it will adversely affect any means of not obstruct, or adversely affect,
exit. means of exit.
(2) Temporary buildings, when lo- (2) All materials shall be stored, han-
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cated within another building or struc- dled, and piled with due regard to their
ture, shall be of either noncombustible fire characteristics.
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§ 1926.152 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.152
over 30 gallons capacity shall not be weeds, debris, and other combustible
stacked one upon the other. material not necessary to the storage.
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§ 1926.152 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(6) Portable tanks, not exceeding 660 outside only through a closed piping
gallons, shall be provided with emer- system, from safety cans, by means of
gency venting and other devices, as re- a device drawing through the top, or
quired by chapters III and IV of NFPA from a container, or portable tanks, by
30–1969, The Flammable and Combus- gravity or pump, through an approved
tible Liquids Code. self-closing valve. Transferring by
(7) Portable tanks, in excess of 660 means of air pressure on the container
gallons, shall have emergency venting or portable tanks is prohibited.
and other devices, as required by chap- (4) The dispensing units shall be pro-
ters II and III of The Flammable and tected against collision damage.
Combustible Liquids Code, NFPA 30– (5) Dispensing devices and nozzles for
1969. Category 1, 2, or 3 flammable liquids
(d) Fire control for flammable liquid shall be of an approved type.
storage. (1) At least one portable fire
(f) Handling liquids at point of final
extinguisher, having a rating of not
use. (1) Category 1, 2, or 3 flammable
less than 20–B units, shall be located
liquids shall be kept in closed con-
outside of, but not more than 10 feet
tainers when not actually in use.
from, the door opening into any room
used for storage of more than 60 gal- (2) Leakage or spillage of flammable
lons of flammable liquids. liquids shall be disposed of promptly
(2) At least one portable fire extin- and safely.
guisher having a rating of not less than (3) Category 1, 2, or 3 flammable liq-
20–B units shall be located not less uids may be used only where there are
than 25 feet, nor more than 75 feet, no open flames or other sources of igni-
from any flammable liquid storage tion within 50 feet of the operation, un-
area located outside. less conditions warrant greater clear-
(3) When sprinklers are provided, ance.
they shall be installed in accordance (g) Service and refueling areas. (1)
with the Standard for the Installation Flammable liquids shall be stored in
of Sprinkler Systems, NFPA 13–1969. approved closed containers, in tanks
(4) At least one portable fire extin- located underground, or in above-
guisher having a rating of not less than ground portable tanks.
20–B:C units shall be provided on all (2) The tank trucks shall comply
tank trucks or other vehicles used for with the requirements covered in the
transporting and/or dispensing flam- Standard for Tank Vehicles for Flam-
mable liquids. mable and Combustible Liquids, NFPA
(e) Dispensing liquids. (1) Areas in No. 385–1966.
which flammable liquids are trans- (3) The dispensing hose shall be an
ferred at one time, in quantities great- approved type.
er than 5 gallons from one tank or con- (4) The dispensing nozzle shall be an
tainer to another tank or container,
approved automatic-closing type with-
shall be separated from other oper-
out a latch-open device.
ations by 25-feet distance or by con-
struction having a fire resistance of at (5) Underground tanks shall not be
least 1 hour. Drainage or other means abandoned.
shall be provided to control spills. Ade- (6) Clearly identified and easily ac-
quate natural or mechanical ventila- cessible switch(es) shall be provided at
tion shall be provided to maintain the a location remote from dispensing de-
concentration of flammable vapor at or vices to shut off the power to all dis-
below 10 percent of the lower flam- pensing devices in the event of an
mable limit. emergency.
(2) Transfer of Category 1, 2, or 3 (7)(i) Heating equipment of an ap-
flammable liquids from one container proved type may be installed in the lu-
to another shall be done only when brication or service area where there is
containers are electrically inter- no dispensing or transferring of Cat-
connected (bonded). egory 1, 2, or 3 flammable liquids, pro-
(3) Flammable liquids shall be drawn vided the bottom of the heating unit is
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from or transferred into vessels, con- at least 18 inches above the floor and is
tainers, or tanks within a building or protected from physical damage.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.152
(F) Special engineering consideration (iv) Low pressure tanks. (A) The nor-
shall be required if the specific gravity mal operating pressure of the tank
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§ 1926.152 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
shall not exceed the design pressure of one tank is less than one-half the di-
the tank. ameter of the adjacent tank, the dis-
(B) Low-pressure tanks shall be built tance between the two tanks shall not
in accordance with acceptable stand- be less than one-half the diameter of
ards of design. Low-pressure tanks may the smaller tank.
be built in accordance with: (C) Where crude petroleum in con-
(1) American Petroleum Institute junction with production facilities are
Standard No. 620. Recommended Rules located in noncongested areas and have
for the Design and Construction of capacities not exceeding 126,000 gallons
Large, Welded, Low-Pressure Storage (3,000 barrels), the distance between
Tanks, Third Edition, 1966. such tanks shall not be less than 3 feet
(2) The principles of the Code for (0.912 m).
Unfired Pressure Vessels, Section VIII (D) Where unstable flammable liquids
of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Ves- are stored, the distance between such
sels Code, 1968. tanks shall not be less than one-half
(C) Atmospheric tanks built accord- the sum of their diameters.
ing to Underwriters’ Laboratories, Inc.,
(E) When tanks are compacted in
requirements in paragraph (i)(1)(iii)(A)
three or more rows or in an irregular
of this section and shall be limited to
pattern, greater spacing or other
2.5 p.s.i.g. under emergency venting
means shall be provided so that inside
tanks are accessible for firefighting
This paragraph may be used for oper- purposes.
ating pressures not exceeding 1 p.s.i.g. (F) The minimum separation between
(D) Pressure vessels may be used as
a liquefied petroleum gas container
low-pressure tanks.
and a flammable liquid storage tank
(v) Pressure vessels. (A) The normal
shall be 20 feet (6.08 m), except in the
operating pressure of the vessel shall
case of flammable liquid tanks oper-
not exceed the design pressure of the
ating at pressures exceeding 2.5 p.s.i.g.
(B) Pressure vessels shall be built in or equipped with emergency venting
accordance with the Code for Unfired which will permit pressures to exceed
Pressure Vessels, Section VIII of the 2.5 p.s.i.g. in which case the provisions
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code of paragraphs (i)(2)(ii) (A) and (B) of
1968. this section shall apply. Suitable
(vi) Provisions for internal corrosion. means shall be taken to prevent the ac-
When tanks are not designed in accord- cumulation of flammable liquids under
ance with the American Petroleum In- adjacent liquefied petroleum gas con-
stitute, American Society of Mechan- tainers such as by diversion curbs or
ical Engineers, or the Underwriters’ grading. When flammable liquid stor-
Laboratories, Inc.’s, standards, or if age tanks are within a diked area, the
corrosion is anticipated beyond that liquefied petroleum gas containers
provided for in the design formulas shall be outside the diked area and at
used, additional metal thickness or least 10 feet (3.04 m) away from the
suitable protective coatings or linings centerline of the wall of the diked area.
shall be provided to compensate for the The foregoing provisions shall not
corrosion loss expected during the de- apply when liquefied petroleum gas
sign life of the tank. containers of 125 gallons (473.125 L) or
(2) Installation of outside aboveground less capacity are installed adjacent to
tanks. (i) [Reserved] fuel oil supply tanks of 550 gallons
(ii) Spacing (shell-to-shell) between (2,081.75 L) or less capacity.
aboveground tanks. (A) The distance be- (iii) [Reserved]
tween any two flammable liquid stor- (iv) Normal venting for aboveground
age tanks shall not be less than 3 feet tanks. (A) Atmospheric storage tanks
(0.912 m). shall be adequately vented to prevent
(B) Except as provided in paragraph the development of vacuum or pressure
(i)(2)(ii)(C) of this section, the distance sufficient to distort the roof of a cone
between any two adjacent tanks shall roof tank or exceeding the design pres-
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not be less than one-sixth the sum of sure in the case of other atmospheric
their diameters. When the diameter of tanks, as a result of filling or
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.152
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§ 1926.152 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
[14.7 psia and 60 °F. (15.55 °C)]
Square feet (m2) CFH (m3H) Square feet (m2) CFH (m3H) Square feet (m2) CFH (m3H)
20 (1.84) 21,100 (590.8) 200 (18.4) 211,000 (5,908) 1,000 (90.2) 524,000 (14,672)
30 (2.76) 31,600 (884.8) 250 (23) 239,000 (6,692) 1,200 (110.4) 557,000 (15,596)
40 (3.68) 42,100 (1,178.8) 300 (27.6) 265,000 (7,420) 1,400 (128.8) 587,000 (16,436)
50 (4.6) 52,700 (1,475.6) 350 (32.2) 288,000 (8,064) 1,600 (147.2) 614,000 (17,192)
60 (5.52) 63,200 (1,769.6) 400 (36.8) 312,000 (8,736) 1,800 (165.6) 639,000 (17,892)
70 (6.44) 73,700 (2,063.6) 500 (46) 354,000 (9,912) 2,000 (180.4) 662,000 (18,536)
80 (7.36) 84,200 (2,357.6) 600 (55.2) 392,000 (10,976) 2,400 (220.8) 704,000 (19,712)
90 (8.28) 94,800 (2,654.4) 700 (64.4) 428,000 (11,984) 2,800 (257.6) 742,000 (20,776)
100 (9.2) 105,000 (2,940) 800 (73.6) 462,000 (12,936) and
120 (11.04) 126,000 (3,528) 900 (82.8) 493,000 (13,804) over
140 (12.88) 147,000 (4,116) 1,000 (90.2) 524,000 (14,672)
160 (14.72) 168,000 (4,704)
180 (16.56) 190,000 (5,320)
200 (18.4) 211,000 (5,908)
(D) For tanks and storage vessels de- 0.15 for approved water spray with approved
signed for pressure over 1 p.s.i.g., the insulation.
total rate of venting shall be deter- (G) The outlet of all vents and vent
mined in accordance with Table F–10, drains on tanks equipped with emer-
except that when the exposed wetted gency venting to permit pressures ex-
area of the surface is greater than 2,800 ceeding 2.5 p.s.i.g. shall be arranged to
square feet (257.6 m2), the total rate of
discharge in such a way as to prevent
venting shall be calculated by the fol-
localized overheating of any part of the
lowing formula:
tank, in the event vapors from such
CFH = 1,107A0.82 vents are ignited.
Where: (H) Each commercial tank venting
CFH = Venting requirement, in cubic feet device shall have stamped on it the
(meters) of free air per hour. opening pressure, the pressure at which
A = Exposed wetted surface, in square feet the valve reaches the full open posi-
(m2). tion, and the flow capacity at the lat-
NOTE: The foregoing formula is based on Q ter pressure, expressed in cubic feet
= 21,000A0.82. (meters) per hour of air at 60 °F. (15.55
°C) and at a pressure of 14.7 p.s.i.a.
(E) The total emergency relief vent-
(I) The flow capacity of tank venting
ing capacity for any specific stable liq-
devices 12 inches (30.48 cm) and smaller
uid may be determined by the fol-
in nominal pipe size shall be deter-
lowing formula:
mined by actual test of each type and
V = 1337 ÷ L√ M size of vent. These flow tests may be
V = Cubic feet (meters) of free air per hour conducted by the manufacturer if cer-
from Table F–10. tified by a qualified impartial observer,
L = Latent heat of vaporization of specific or may be conducted by an outside
liquid in B.t.u. per pound. agency. The flow capacity of tank
M = Molecular weight of specific liquids. venting devices larger than 12 inches
(F) The required airflow rate of para- (30.48 cm) nominal pipe size, including
graph (i)(2)(v) (C) or (E) of this section manhole covers with long bolts or
may be multiplied by the appropriate equivalent, may be calculated provided
factor listed in the following schedule that the opening pressure is actually
when protection is provided as indi- measured, the rating pressure and cor-
cated. Only one factor may be used for responding free orifice area are stated,
any one tank. the word ‘‘calculated’’ appears on the
nameplate, and the computation is
0.5 for drainage in accordance with para-
based on a flow coefficient of 0.5 ap-
graph (i)(2)(vii)(B) of this section for tanks
plied to the rated orifice area.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.152
accordance with paragraph (c) of this comply with the following require-
section. ments:
(B) Where vent pipe outlets for tanks (1) Except as provided in paragraph
storing Category 1 or 2 flammable liq- (i)(2)(vii)(C)(2) of this section, the volu-
uids, or Category 3 flammable liquids metric capacity of the diked area shall
with a flashpoint below 100 °F (37.8 °C), not be less than the greatest amount of
are adjacent to buildings or public liquid that can be released from the
ways, they shall be located so that the largest tank within the diked area, as-
vapors are released at a safe point out- suming a full tank. The capacity of the
side of buildings and not less than 12 diked area enclosing more than one
feet (3.658 m) above the adjacent tank shall be calculated by deducting
ground level. In order to aid their dis- the volume of the tanks other than the
persion, vapors shall be discharged up- largest tank below the height of the
ward or horizontally away from closely dike.
adjacent walls. Vent outlets shall be (2) For a tank or group of tanks with
located so that flammable vapors will fixed roofs containing crude petroleum
not be trapped by eaves or other ob- with boilover characteristics, the volu-
structions and shall be at least 5 feet metric capacity of the diked area shall
(1.52 m) from building openings. be not less than the capacity of the
(C) When tank vent piping is largest tank served by the enclosure,
manifolded, pipe sizes shall be such as assuming a full tank. The capacity of
to discharge, within the pressure limi- the diked enclosure shall be calculated
tations of the system, the vapors they by deducting the volume below the
may be required to handle when height of the dike of all tanks within
manifolded tanks are subject to the the enclosure.
same fire exposure. (3) Walls of the diked area shall be of
(vii) Drainage, dikes, and walls for earth, steel, concrete or solid masonry
aboveground tanks—(A) Drainage and designed to be liquidtight and to with-
diked areas. The area surrounding a stand a full hydrostatic head. Earthen
tank or a group of tanks shall be pro- walls 3 feet (0.912 m) or more in height
vided with drainage as in paragraph shall have a flat section at the top not
(i)(2)(vii)(B) of this section, or shall be less than 2 feet (0.608 m) wide. The
diked as provided in (i)(2)(vii)(C) of this slope of an earthen wall shall be con-
section, to prevent accidental dis- sistent with the angle of repose of the
charge of liquid from endangering ad- material of which the wall is con-
joining property or reaching water- structed.
ways. (4) The walls of the diked area shall
(B) Drainage. Where protection of ad- be restricted to an average height of 6
joining property or waterways is by feet (1.824 m) above interior grade.
means of a natural or manmade drain- (5) [Reserved]
age system, such systems shall comply (6) No loose combustible material,
with the following: empty or full drum or barrel, shall be
(1) [Reserved] permitted within the diked area.
(2) The drainage system shall termi- (viii) Tank openings other than vents
nate in vacant land or other area or in for aboveground tanks.
an impounding basin having a capacity (A)–(C) [Reserved]
not smaller than that of the largest (D) Openings for gaging shall be pro-
tank served. This termination area and vided with a vaportight cap or cover.
the route of the drainage system shall (E) For Category 2 flammable liquids
be so located that, if the flammable or Category 3 flammable liquids with a
liquids in the drainage system are ig- flashpoint below 100 °F (37.8 °C), other
nited, the fire will not seriously expose than crude oils, gasolines, and as-
tanks or adjoining property. phalts, the fill pipe shall be so designed
(C) Diked areas. Where protection of and installed as to minimize the possi-
adjoining property or waterways is ac- bility of generating static electricity.
complished by retaining the liquid A fill pipe entering the top of a tank
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around the tank by means of a dike, shall terminate within 6 inches (15.24
the volume of the diked area shall cm) of the bottom of the tank and shall
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§ 1926.152 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.152
(C) Location and arrangement of (C) Fill and discharge lines shall
vents for Category 3 flammable liquids enter tanks only through the top. Fill
with a flashpoint at or above 100 °F lines shall be sloped toward the tank.
(37.8 °C) or Category 4 flammable liq- (D) For Category 2 flammable liq-
uids. Vent pipes from tanks storing uids, or Category 3 flammable liquids
Category 3 flammable liquids with a with a flashpoint below 100 °F (37.8 °C),
flashpoint at or above 100 °F (37.8 °C) or other than crude oils, gasolines, and
Category 4 flammable liquids shall ter- asphalts, the fill pipe shall be so de-
minate outside of the building and signed and installed as to minimize the
higher than the fill pipe opening. Vent possibility of generating static elec-
outlets shall be above normal snow tricity by terminating within 6 inches
level. They may be fitted with return (15.24 cm) of the bottom of the tank.
bends, coarse screens or other devices (E) Filling and emptying connections
to minimize ingress of foreign mate- which are made and broken shall be lo-
rial. cated outside of buildings at a location
(D) Vent piping shall be constructed free from any source of ignition and
in accordance with paragraph (3)(iv)(C) not less than 5 feet (1.52 m) away from
of this section. Vent pipes shall be so any building opening. Such connection
laid as to drain toward the tank with- shall be closed and liquidtight when
out sags or traps in which liquid can not in use. The connection shall be
collect. They shall be located so that properly identified.
they will not be subjected to physical (4) Installation of tanks inside of build-
damage. The tank end of the vent pipe ings—(i) Location. Tanks shall not be
shall enter the tank through the top. permitted inside of buildings except as
(E) When tank vent piping is provided in paragraphs (e), (g), (h), or
manifolded, pipe sizes shall be such as (i) of this section.
to discharge, within the pressure limi- (ii) Vents. Vents for tanks inside of
tations of the system, the vapors they buildings shall be as provided in para-
may be required to handle when graphs (i)(2) (iv), (v), (vi)(B), and (3)(iv)
manifolded tanks are filled simulta- of this section, except that emergency
neously. venting by the use of weak roof seams
(v) Tank openings other than vents. (A) on tanks shall not be permitted. Vents
Connections for all tank openings shall shall discharge vapors outside the
be vapor or liquid tight. buildings.
(B) Openings for manual gaging, if (iii) Vent piping. Vent piping shall be
independent of the fill pipe, shall be constructed in accordance with para-
provided with a liquid-tight cap or graph (c) of this section.
cover. If inside a building, each such (iv) Tank openings other than vents.
opening shall be protected against liq- (A) Connections for all tank openings
uid overflow and possible vapor release shall be vapor or liquidtight. Vents are
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§ 1926.152 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(B) Each connection to a tank inside (H) Tanks inside buildings shall be
of buildings through which liquid can equipped with a device, or other means
normally flow shall be provided with shall be provided, to prevent overflow
an internal or an external valve lo- into the building.
cated as close as practical to the shell (5) Supports, foundations, and anchor-
of the tank. Such valves, when exter- age for all tank locations—(i) General.
nal, and their connections to the tank Tank supports shall be installed on
shall be of steel except when the chem- firm foundations. Tank supports shall
ical characteristics of the liquid stored be of concrete, masonry, or protected
are incompatible with steel. When ma- steel. Single wood timber supports (not
terials other than steel are necessary, cribbing) laid horizontally may be used
they shall be suitable for the pressures, for outside aboveground tanks if not
structural stresses, and temperatures more than 12 inches (30.48 cm) high at
involved, including fire exposures. their lowest point.
(C) Flammable liquid tanks located (ii) Fire resistance. Steel supports or
inside of buildings, except in one-story exposed piling shall be protected by
buildings designed and protected for materials having a fire resistance rat-
flammable liquid storage, shall be pro- ing of not less than 2 hours, except that
vided with an automatic-closing heat- steel saddles need not be protected if
actuated valve on each withdrawal con- less than 12 inches (30.48 cm) high at
nection below the liquid level, except their lowest point. Water spray protec-
for connections used for emergency dis- tion or its equivalent may be used in
posal, to prevent continued flow in the lieu of fire-resistive materials to pro-
event of fire in the vicinity of the tank. tect supports.
This function may be incorporated in (iii) Spheres. The design of the sup-
the valve required in paragraph porting structure for tanks such as
(i)(4)(iv)(B) of this section, and if a sep- spheres shall receive special engineer-
arate valve, shall be located adjacent ing consideration.
to the valve required in paragraph (iv) Load distribution. Every tank
(i)(4)(iv)(B) of this section. shall be so supported as to prevent the
(D) Openings for manual gaging, if excessive concentration of loads on the
independent of the fill pipe (see para- supporting portion of the shell.
graph (i)(4)(iv)(F) of this section), shall (v) Foundations. Tanks shall rest on
be provided with a vaportight cap or the ground or on foundations made of
cover. Each such opening shall be pro- concrete, masonry, piling, or steel.
tected against liquid overflow and pos- Tank foundations shall be designed to
sible vapor release by means of a spring minimize the possibility of uneven set-
loaded check valve or other approved tling of the tank and to minimize cor-
device. rosion in any part of the tank resting
(E) For Category 2 flammable liquids, on the foundation.
or Category 3 flammable liquids with a (vi) Flood areas. Where a tank is lo-
flashpoint below 100 °F (37.8 °C), other cated in an area that may be subjected
than crude oils, gasolines, and as- to flooding, the applicable precautions
phalts, the fill pipe shall be so designed outlined in this subdivision shall be ob-
and installed as to minimize the possi- served.
bility of generating static electricity (A) No aboveground vertical storage
by terminating within 6 inches (15.24 tank containing a flammable liquid
cm) of the bottom of the tank. shall be located so that the allowable
(F) The fill pipe inside of the tank liquid level within the tank is below
shall be installed to avoid excessive vi- the established maximum flood stage,
bration of the pipe. unless the tank is provided with a guid-
(G) The inlet of the fill pipe shall be ing structure such as described in para-
located outside of buildings at a loca- graphs (i)(5)(vi) (M), (N), and (O) of this
tion free from any source of ignition section.
and not less than 5 feet (1.52 m) away (B) Independent water supply facili-
from any building opening. The inlet of ties shall be provided at locations
the fill pipe shall be closed and where there is no ample and dependable
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liquidtight when not in use. The fill public water supply available for load-
connection shall be properly identified. ing partially empty tanks with water.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.152
(C) In addition to the preceding re- uids, and submerged by flood waters to
quirements, each tank so located that the established flood stage.
more than 70 percent, but less than 100 (H) Pipe connections below the allow-
percent, of its allowable liquid storage able liquid level in a tank shall be pro-
capacity will be submerged at the es- vided with valves or cocks located as
tablished maximum flood stage, shall closely as practicable to the tank shell.
be safeguarded by one of the following Such valves and their connections to
methods: Tank shall be raised, or its tanks shall be of steel or other mate-
height shall be increased, until its top rial suitable for use with the liquid
extends above the maximum flood being stored. Cast iron shall not be per-
stage a distance equivalent to 30 per- mitted.
cent or more of its allowable liquid (I) At locations where an independent
storage capacity: Provided, however, water supply is required, it shall be en-
That the submerged part of the tank tirely independent of public power and
shall not exceed two and one-half times water supply. Independent source of
the diameter. Or, as an alternative to water shall be available when flood wa-
the foregoing, adequate noncombus- ters reach a level not less than 10 feet
tible structural guides, designed to per- (3.04 m) below the bottom of the lowest
mit the tank to float vertically with-
tank on a property.
out loss of product, shall be provided.
(J) The self-contained power and
(D) Each horizontal tank so located
pumping unit shall be so located or so
that more than 70 percent of its stor-
designed that pumping into tanks may
age capacity will be submerged at the
be carried on continuously throughout
established flood stage, shall be an-
the rise in flood waters from a level 10
chored, attached to a foundation of
feet (3.04 m) below the lowest tank to
concrete or of steel and concrete, of
sufficient weight to provide adequate the level of the potential flood stage.
load for the tank when filled with flam- (K) Capacity of the pumping unit
mable liquid and submerged by flood shall be such that the rate of rise of
waters to the established flood stage, water in all tanks shall be equivalent
or adequately secured by other means. to the established potential average
(E) [Reserved] rate of rise of flood waters at any
(F) At locations where there is no
ample and dependable water supply, or (L) Each independent pumping unit
where filling of underground tanks shall be tested periodically to insure
with liquids is impracticable because of that it is in satisfactory operating con-
the character of their contents, their dition.
use, or for other reasons, each tank (M) Structural guides for holding
shall be safeguarded against movement floating tanks above their foundations
when empty and submerged by high shall be so designed that there will be
ground water or flood waters by an- no resistance to the free rise of a tank,
choring, weighting with concrete or and shall be constructed of noncombus-
other approved solid loading material, tible material.
or securing by other means. Each such (N) The strength of the structure
tank shall be so constructed and in- shall be adequate to resist lateral
stalled that it will safely resist exter- movement of a tank subject to a hori-
nal pressures due to high ground water zontal force in any direction equivalent
or flood waters. to not less than 25 pounds per square
(G) At locations where there is an foot (1.05 kg m2) acting on the pro-
ample and dependable water supply jected vertical cross-sectional area of
available, underground tanks con- the tank.
taining flammable liquids, so installed (O) Where tanks are situated on ex-
that more than 70 percent of their stor- posed points or bends in a shoreline
age capacity will be submerged at the where swift currents in flood waters
maximum flood stage, shall be so an- will be present, the structures shall be
chored, weighted, or secured by other designed to withstand a unit force of
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
means, as to prevent movement of such not less than 50 pounds per square foot
tanks when filled with flammable liq- (2.1 kg m2).
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§ 1926.152 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.152
in service. Mechanical caulking is not (iii) Linings. Piping, valves, and fit-
permitted for correcting leaks in weld- tings may have combustible or non-
ed tanks except pinhole leaks in the combustible linings.
roof. (iv) Low-melting materials. When low-
(v) Derated operations. Tanks to be op- melting point materials such as alu-
erated at pressures below their design minum and brass or materials that
pressure may be tested by the applica- soften on fire exposure such as plastics,
ble provisions of paragraphs (i)(7) (i) or or non-ductile materials such as cast
(ii) of this section, based upon the pres- iron, are necessary, special consider-
sure developed under full emergency ation shall be given to their behavior
venting of the tank. on fire exposure. If such materials are
(j) Piping, valves, and fittings—(1) Gen- used in above ground piping systems or
eral—(i) Design. The design (including inside buildings, they shall be suitably
selection of materials) fabrication, as- protected against fire exposure or so
sembly, test, and inspection of piping located that any spill resulting from
systems containing flammable liquids the failure of these materials could not
shall be suitable for the expected work- unduly expose persons, important
ing pressures and structural stresses. buildings or structures or can be read-
Conformity with the applicable provi- ily controlled by remote valves.
sions of Pressure Piping, ANSI B31 se- (3) Pipe joints. Joints shall be made
ries and the provisions of this para- liquid tight. Welded or screwed joints
graph, shall be considered prima facie or approved connectors shall be used.
evidence of compliance with the fore- Threaded joints and connections shall
going provisions. be made up tight with a suitable lubri-
(ii) Exceptions. This paragraph does cant or piping compound. Pipe joints
not apply to any of the following: dependent upon the friction character-
(A) Tubing or casing on any oil or gas istics of combustible materials for me-
wells and any piping connected directly chanical continuity of piping shall not
thereto. be used inside buildings. They may be
(B) Motor vehicle, aircraft, boat, or used outside of buildings above or
portable or stationary engines. below ground. If used above ground, the
(C) Piping within the scope of any ap- piping shall either be secured to pre-
plicable boiler and pressures vessel vent disengagement at the fitting or
code. the piping system shall be so designed
(iii) Definitions. As used in this para- that any spill resulting from such dis-
graph, piping systems consist of pipe, engagement could not unduly expose
tubing, flanges, bolting, gaskets, persons, important buildings or struc-
valves, fittings, the pressure con- tures, and could be readily controlled
taining parts of other components such by remote valves.
as expansion joints and strainers, and (4) Supports. Piping systems shall be
devices which serve such purposes as substantially supported and protected
mixing, separating, snubbing, distrib- against physical damage and excessive
uting, metering, or controlling flow. stresses arising from settlement, vibra-
(2) Materials for piping, valves, and fit- tion, expansion, or contraction.
tings—(i) Required materials. Materials (5) Protection against corrosion. All
for piping, valves, or fittings shall be piping for flammable liquids, both
steel, nodular iron, or malleable iron, aboveground and underground, where
except as provided in paragraphs (j)(2) subject to external corrosion, shall be
(ii), (iii) and (iv) of this section. painted or otherwise protected.
(ii) Exceptions. Materials other than (6) Valves. Piping systems shall con-
steel, nodular iron, or malleable iron tain a sufficient number of valves to
may be used underground, or if re- operate the system properly and to
quired by the properties of the flam- protect the plant. Piping systems in
mable liquid handled. Material other connection with pumps shall contain a
than steel, nodular iron, or malleable sufficient number of valves to control
iron shall be designed to specifications properly the flow of liquid in normal
embodying principles recognized as operation and in the event of physical
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good engineering practices for the ma- damage. Each connection to pipelines,
terial used. by which equipments such as tankcars
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§ 1926.152 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
or tank vehicles discharge liquids by the solid fill type, except as provided in
means of pumps into storage tanks, paragraphs (k)(2) (ii) and (iii) of this
shall be provided with a check valve for section.
automatic protection against backflow (ii) Where shore location would re-
if the piping arrangement is such that quire excessively long supply lines to
backflow from the system is possible. dispensers, tanks may be installed on a
(7) Testing. All piping before being pier provided that applicable portions
covered, enclosed, or placed in use of paragraph (b) of this section relative
shall be hydrostatically tested to 150 to spacing, diking, and piping are com-
percent of the maximum anticipated plied with and the quantity so stored
pressure of the system, or pneumati- does not exceed 1,100 gallons (4,163.5 L)
cally tested to 110 percent of the max- aggregate capacity.
imum anticipated pressure of the sys-
(iii) Shore tanks supplying marine
tem, but not less than 5 pounds per
service stations may be located above
square inch gage at the highest point
ground, where rock ledges or high
of the system. This test shall be main-
water table make underground tanks
tained for a sufficient time to complete
visual inspection of all joints and con-
nections, but for at least 10 minutes. (iv) Where tanks are at an elevation
(k) Marine service stations—(1) Dis- which would produce gravity head on
pensing. (i) The dispensing area shall be the dispensing unit, the tank outlet
located away from other structures so shall be equipped with a pressure con-
as to provide room for safe ingress and trol valve positioned adjacent to and
egress of craft to be fueled. Dispensing outside the tank block valve specified
units shall in all cases be at least 20 in § 1926.152(c)(8) of this section, so ad-
feet (6.08 m) from any activity involv- justed that liquid cannot flow by grav-
ing fixed sources of ignition. ity from the tank in case of piping or
(ii) Dispensing shall be by approved hose failure.
dispensing units with or without inte- (3) Piping. (i) Piping between shore
gral pumps and may be located on open tanks and dispensing units shall be as
piers, wharves, or floating docks or on described in paragraph (k)(2)(iii) of this
shore or on piers of the solid fill type. section, except that, where dispensing
(iii) Dispensing nozzles shall be auto- is from a floating structure, suitable
matic-closing without a hold-open lengths of oil-resistant flexible hose
latch. may be employed between the shore
(2) Tanks and pumps. (i) Tanks, and piping and the piping on the floating
pumps not integral with the dispensing structure as made necessary by change
unit, shall be on shore or on a pier of in water level or shoreline.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.152
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§ 1926.153 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(ii) A readily accessible valve to shut and shall include all facilities used in
off the supply from shore shall be pro- connection therewith.
vided in each pipeline at or near the
[44 FR 8577, Feb. 9, 1979; 44 FR 20940, Apr. 6,
approach to the pier and at the shore
1979, as amended at 51 FR 25318, July 11, 1986;
end of each pipeline adjacent to the 58 FR 35162, June 30, 1993; 63 FR 33469, June
point where flexible hose is attached. 18, 1998; 77 FR 17891, Mar. 26, 2012]
(iii) Piping shall be located so as to
be protected from physical damage. § 1926.153 Liquefied petroleum gas
(iv) Piping handling Category 1 or 2 (LP-Gas).
flammable liquids, or Category 3 flam-
mable liquids with a flashpoint below (a) Approval of equipment and systems.
100 °F (37.8 °C), shall be grounded to (1) Each system shall have containers,
control stray currents. valves, connectors, manifold valve as-
(4) Definition; as used in this section: semblies, and regulators of an approved
Marine service station shall mean that type.
portion of a property where flammable (2) All cylinders shall meet the De-
liquids used as fuels are stored and dis- partment of Transportation specifica-
pensed from fixed equipment on shore, tion identification requirements pub-
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piers, wharves, or floating docks into lished in 49 CFR part 178, Shipping
the fuel tanks of self-propelled craft, Container Specifications.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.153
(3) Definition. As used in this section, (f) Requirements for appliances. (1) LP-
Containers—All vessels, such as tanks, Gas consuming appliances shall be ap-
cylinders, or drums, used for transpor- proved types.
tation or storing liquefied petroleum (2) Any appliance that was originally
gases. manufactured for operation with a gas-
(b) Welding on LP-Gas containers. eous fuel other than LP-Gas, and is in
Welding is prohibited on containers. good condition, may be used with LP-
(c) Container valves and container ac- Gas only after it is properly converted,
cessories. (1) Valves, fittings, and acces- adapted, and tested for performance
sories connected directly to the con- with LP-Gas before the appliance is
tainer, including primary shut off placed in use.
valves, shall have a rated working pres- (g) Containers and regulating equip-
sure of at least 250 p.s.i.g. and shall be ment installed outside of buildings or
of material and design suitable for LP- structures. Containers shall be upright
Gas service. upon firm foundations or otherwise
(2) Connections to containers, except firmly secured. The possible effect on
safety relief connections, liquid level the outlet piping of settling shall be
gauging devices, and plugged openings, guarded against by a flexible connec-
shall have shutoff valves located as tion or special fitting.
close to the container as practicable. (h) Containers and equipment used in-
side of buildings or structures. (1) When
(d) Safety devices. (1) Every container
operational requirements make port-
and every vaporizer shall be provided
able use of containers necessary, and
with one or more approved safety relief
their location outside of buildings or
valves or devices. These valves shall be structures is impracticable, containers
arranged to afford free vent to the and equipment shall be permitted to be
outer air with discharge not less than 5 used inside of buildings or structures in
feet horizontally away from any open- accordance with paragraphs (h)(2)
ing into a building which is below such through (11) of this section.
discharge. (2) Containers in use means connected
(2) Shutoff valves shall not be in- for use.
stalled between the safety relief device (3) Systems utilizing containers hav-
and the container, or the equipment or ing a water capacity greater than 21⁄2
piping to which the safety relief device pounds (nominal 1 pound LP-Gas ca-
is connected, except that a shutoff pacity) shall be equipped with excess
valve may be used where the arrange- flow valves. Such excess flow valves
ment of this valve is such that full re- shall be either integral with the con-
quired capacity flow through the safety tainer valves or in the connections to
relief device is always afforded. the container valve outlets.
(3) Container safety relief devices and (4) Regulators shall be either directly
regulator relief vents shall be located connected to the container valves or to
not less than 5 feet in any direction manifolds connected to the container
from air openings into sealed combus- valves. The regulator shall be suitable
tion system appliances or mechanical for use with LP-Gas. Manifolds and fit-
ventilation air intakes. tings connecting containers to pressure
(e) Dispensing. (1) Filling of fuel con- regulator inlets shall be designed for at
tainers for trucks or motor vehicles least 250 p.s.i.g. service pressure.
from bulk storage containers shall be (5) Valves on containers having water
performed not less than 10 feet from capacity greater than 50 pounds (nomi-
the nearest masonry-walled building, nal 20 pounds LP-Gas capacity) shall be
or not less than 25 feet from the near- protected from damage while in use or
est building or other construction and, storage.
in any event, not less than 25 feet from (6) Aluminum piping or tubing shall
any building opening. not be used.
(2) Filling of portable containers or (7) Hose shall be designed for a work-
containers mounted on skids from stor- ing pressure of at least 250 p.s.i.g. De-
age containers shall be performed not sign, construction, and performance of
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
less than 50 feet from the nearest build- hose, and hose connections shall have
ing. their suitability determined by listing
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§ 1926.153 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.154
(2) Containers shall be in a suitable dles but shall have adequate ferrous
ventilated enclosure or otherwise pro- metal supports.
tected against tampering. (ii) They shall not be located with
(l) Fire protection. Storage locations the outside bottom of the container
shall be provided with at least one ap- shell more than 5 feet (1.52 m) above
proved portable fire extinguisher hav- the surface of the ground unless fire-re-
ing a rating of not less than 20–B:C. sisting supports are provided.
(m) Systems utilizing containers other (iii) The bottom of the skids shall not
than DOT containers—(1) Application. be less than 2 inches (5.08 cm) or more
This paragraph applies specifically to than 12 inches (30.48 cm) below the out-
systems utilizing storage containers side bottom of the container shell.
other than those constructed in accord- (iv) Flanges, nozzles, valves, fittings,
ance with DOT specifications. Para- and the like, having communication
graph (b) of this section applies to this with the interior of the container, shall
paragraph unless otherwise noted in be protected against physical damage.
paragraph (b) of this section. (v) When not permanently located on
(2) Design pressure and classification of fire-resisting foundations, piping con-
storage containers. Storage containers nections shall be sufficiently flexible
shall be designed and classified in ac- to minimize the possibility of breakage
cordance with Table F–31. or leakage of connections if the con-
tainer settles, moves, or is otherwise
TABLE F–31 displaced.
(vi) Skids, or lugs for attachment of
Minimum design pressure of con- skids, shall be secured to the container
tainer, lb. per sq. in. gage
For gases in accordance with the code or rules
with vapor 1949 edition of ASME under which the container is designed
press. Not 1949 and Code (Par. U–200,
Con- to exceed earlier edi- U–201); 1950, 1952, and built (with a minimum factor of
type lb. per sq. tions of 1956, 1959, 1962, safety of four) to withstand loading in
in. gage at ASME 1965, and 1968 (Divi-
100 °F. Code (Par. sion 1) editions of any direction equal to four times the
(37.8 °C.) U–68, U– ASME Code; All edi- weight of the container and attach-
69) tions of API-ASME
Code 3 ments when filled to the maximum per-
missible loaded weight.
1 80 1 80 1 80 1 100
(4) Field welding where necessary
100 100 100 125
125 125 125 156
shall be made only on saddle plates or
150 150 150 187 brackets which were applied by the
175 175 175 219 manufacturer of the tank.
2 200 215 200 250 (n) When LP-Gas and one or more
1 New storage containers of the 80 type have not been au- other gases are stored or used in the
thorized since Dec. 31, 1947. same area, the containers shall be
2 Container type may be increased by increments of 25.
The minimum design pressure of containers shall be 100% of marked to identify their content.
the container type designation when constructed under 1949 Marking shall be in compliance with
or earlier editions of the ASME Code (Par. U–68 and U–69).
The minimum design pressure of containers shall be 125% of American National Standard Z48.1–
the container type designation when constructed under: (1) 1954, ‘‘Method of Marking Portable
the 1949 ASME Code (Par. U–200 and U–201), (2) 1950,
1952, 1956, 1959, 1962, 1965, and 1968 (Division 1) editions Compressed Gas Containers To Identify
of the ASME Code, and (3) all editions of the API-ASME the Material Contained.’’
3 Construction of containers under the API-ASME Code is (o) Damage from vehicles. When dam-
not authorized after July 1, 1961. age to LP-Gas systems from vehicular
(3) Containers with foundations at- traffic is a possibility, precautions
tached (portable or semiportable b con- against such damage shall be taken.
tainers with suitable steel ‘‘runners’’ [44 FR 8577, Feb. 9, 1979; 44 FR 20940, Apr. 6,
or ‘‘skids’’ and popularly known in the 1979, as amended at 58 FR 35170, June 30, 1993]
industry as ‘‘skid tanks’’) shall be de-
signed, installed, and used in accord- § 1926.154 Temporary heating devices.
ance with these rules subject to the fol- (a) Ventilation. (1) Fresh air shall be
lowing provisions: supplied in sufficient quantities to
(i) If they are to be used at a given maintain the health and safety of
general location for a temporary period workmen. Where natural means of
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not to exceed 6 months they need not fresh air supply is inadequate, mechan-
have fire-resisting foundations or sad- ical ventilation shall be provided.
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§ 1926.155 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(2) When heaters are used in confined (2) Heaters designed for barometric
spaces, special care shall be taken to or gravity oil feed shall be used only
provide sufficient ventilation in order with the integral tanks.
to ensure proper combustion, maintain (3) [Reserved]
the health and safety of workmen, and (4) Heaters specifically designed and
limit temperature rise in the area. approved for use with separate supply
(b) Clearance and mounting. (1) Tem- tanks may be directly connected for
porary heating devices shall be in- gravity feed, or an automatic pump,
stalled to provide clearance to combus- from a supply tank.
tible material not less than the § 1926.155 Definitions applicable to
amount shown in Table F–4. this subpart.
(2) Temporary heating devices, which
(a) Approved, for the purpose of this
are listed for installation with lesser
subpart, means equipment that has
clearances than specified in Table F–4,
been listed or approved by a nationally
may be installed in accordance with recognized testing laboratory such as
their approval. Factory Mutual Engineering Corp., or
Underwriters’ Laboratories, Inc., or
Federal agencies such as Bureau of
Minimum clearance, (inches) Mines, or U.S. Coast Guard, which
issue approvals for such equipment.
Heating appliances Chimney
Sides Rear con- (b) Closed container means a container
nector so sealed by means of a lid or other de-
Room heater, circulating
vice that neither liquid nor vapor will
type .................................. 12 12 18 escape from it at ordinary tempera-
Room heater, radiant type .. 36 36 18 tures.
(c) [Reserved]
(3) Heaters not suitable for use on (d) Combustion means any chemical
wood floors shall not be set directly process that involves oxidation suffi-
upon them or other combustible mate- cient to produce light or heat.
rials. When such heaters are used, they (e) Fire brigade means an organized
shall rest on suitable heat insulating group of employees that are knowl-
material or at least 1-inch concrete, or edgeable, trained, and skilled in the
equivalent. The insulating material safe evacuation of employees during
shall extend beyond the heater 2 feet or emergency situations and in assisting
more in all directions. in fire fighting operations.
(4) Heaters used in the vicinity of (f) Fire resistance means so resistant
combustible tarpaulins, canvas, or to fire that, for specified time and
similar coverings shall be located at under conditions of a standard heat in-
least 10 feet from the coverings. The tensity, it will not fail structurally and
coverings shall be securely fastened to will not permit the side away from the
prevent ignition or upsetting of the fire to become hotter than a specified
heater due to wind action on the cov- temperature. For purposes of this part,
fire resistance shall be determined by
ering or other material.
the Standard Methods of Fire Tests of
(c) Stability. Heaters, when in use,
Building Construction and Materials,
shall be set horizontally level, unless NFPA 251–1969.
otherwise permitted by the manufac- (g) Flammable means capable of being
turer’s markings. easily ignited, burning intensely, or
(d) Solid fuel salamanders. Solid fuel having a rapid rate of flame spread.
salamanders are prohibited in buildings (h) Flammable liquid means any liquid
and on scaffolds. having a vapor pressure not exceeding
(e) Oil-fired heaters. (1) Flammable 40 pounds per square inch (absolute) at
liquid-fired heaters shall be equipped 100 °F (37.8 °C) and having a flashpoint
with a primary safety control to stop at or below 199.4 °F (93 °C). Flammable
the flow of fuel in the event of flame liquids are divided into four categories
failure. Barometric or gravity oil feed as follows:
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
shall not be considered a primary safe- (1) Category 1 shall include liquids
ty control. having flashpoints below 73.4 °F (23 °C)
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.200
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§ 1926.201 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
MUTCD (incorporated by reference, see (a) General. (1) All materials stored in
§ 1926.6). tiers shall be stacked, racked, blocked,
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.251
interlocked, or otherwise secured to (i) Used lumber shall have all nails
prevent sliding, falling or collapse. withdrawn before stacking.
(2)(i) The weight of stored materials (ii) Lumber shall be stacked on level
on floors within buildings and struc- and solidly supported sills.
tures shall not exceed maximum safe (iii) Lumber shall be so stacked as to
load limits. be stable and self-supporting.
(ii) Employers shall conspicuously (iv) Lumber piles shall not exceed 20
post maximum safe load limits of feet in height provided that lumber to
floors within buildings and structures, be handled manually shall not be
in pounds per square foot, in all stor- stacked more than 16 feet high.
age areas, except when the storage area
(9) Structural steel, poles, pipe, bar
is on a floor or slab on grade. Posting
stock, and other cylindrical materials,
is not required for storage areas in all
unless racked, shall be stacked and
single-family residential structures
blocked so as to prevent spreading or
and wood-framed multi-family residen-
tial structures. tilting.
(3) Aisles and passageways shall be (c) Housekeeping. Storage areas shall
kept clear to provide for the free and be kept free from accumulation of ma-
safe movement of material handling terials that constitute hazards from
equipment or employees. Such areas tripping, fire, explosion, or pest harbor-
shall be kept in good repair. age. Vegetation control will be exer-
(4) When a difference in road or work- cised when necessary.
ing levels exist, means such as ramps, (d) Dockboards (bridge plates). (1) Port-
blocking, or grading shall be used to able and powered dockboards shall be
ensure the safe movement of vehicles strong enough to carry the load im-
between the two levels. posed on them.
(b) Material storage. (1) Material (2) Portable dockboards shall be se-
stored inside buildings under construc- cured in position, either by being an-
tion shall not be placed within 6 feet of chored or equipped with devices which
any hoistway or inside floor openings, will prevent their slipping.
nor within 10 feet of an exterior wall (3) Handholds, or other effective
which does not extend above the top of means, shall be provided on portable
the material stored. dockboards to permit safe handling.
(2) Each employee required to work (4) Positive protection shall be pro-
on stored material in silos, hoppers, vided to prevent railroad cars from
tanks, and similar storage areas shall being moved while dockboards or
be equipped with personal fall arrest bridge plates are in position.
equipment meeting the requirements
of subpart M of this part. [44 FR 8577, Feb. 9, 1979; 44 FR 20940, Apr. 6,
(3) Noncompatible materials shall be 1979, as amended at 49 FR 18295, Apr. 30, 1984;
segregated in storage. 54 FR 24334, June 7, 1989; 58 FR 35173, June 30,
(4) Bagged materials shall be stacked 1993; 59 FR 40729, Aug. 9, 1994; 61 FR 5510, Feb.
13, 1996; 84 FR 21577, May 14, 2019]
by stepping back the layers and cross-
keying the bags at least every 10 bags § 1926.251 Rigging equipment for ma-
high. terial handling.
(5) Materials shall not be stored on
scaffolds or runways in excess of sup- (a) General. (1) Rigging equipment for
plies needed for immediate operations. material handling shall be inspected
(6) Brick stacks shall not be more prior to use on each shift and as nec-
than 7 feet in height. When a loose essary during its use to ensure that it
brick stack reaches a height of 4 feet, is safe. Defective rigging equipment
it shall be tapered back 2 inches in shall be removed from service.
every foot of height above the 4-foot (2) Employers must ensure that rig-
level. ging equipment:
(7) When masonry blocks are stacked (i) Has permanently affixed and leg-
higher than 6 feet, the stack shall be ible identification markings as pre-
tapered back one-half block per tier scribed by the manufacturer that indi-
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§ 1926.251 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(ii) Not be loaded in excess of its rec- permanently affixed and legible identi-
ommended safe working load as pre- fication markings prescribed by the
scribed on the identification markings manufacturer.
by the manufacturer; and (5) Whenever wear at any point of
(iii) Not be used without affixed, leg- any chain link exceeds that shown in
ible identification markings, required Table H–1, the assembly shall be re-
by paragraph (a)(2)(i) of this section. moved from service.
(3) Rigging equipment, when not in (6) Inspections. (i) In addition to the
use, shall be removed from the imme- inspection required by other para-
diate work area so as not to present a graphs of this section, a thorough peri-
hazard to employees. odic inspection of alloy steel chain
(4) Special custom design grabs, slings in use shall be made on a regular
hooks, clamps, or other lifting acces- basis, to be determined on the basis of
sories, for such units as modular pan- (A) frequency of sling use; (B) severity
els, prefabricated structures and simi- of service conditions; (C) nature of lifts
lar materials, shall be marked to indi- being made; and (D) experience gained
cate the safe working loads and shall on the service life of slings used in
be proof-tested prior to use to 125 per- similar circumstances. Such inspec-
cent of their rated load. tions shall in no event be at intervals
(5) Scope. This section applies to greater than once every 12 months.
slings used in conjunction with other (ii) The employer shall make and
material handling equipment for the maintain a record of the most recent
movement of material by hoisting, in month in which each alloy steel chain
employments covered by this part. The sling was thoroughly inspected, and
types of slings covered are those made shall make such record available for
from alloy steel chain, wire rope, metal examination.
mesh, natural or synthetic fiber rope
(c) Wire rope. (1) Employers must not
(conventional three strand construc-
use improved plow-steel wire rope and
tion), and synthetic web (nylon, poly-
wire-rope slings with loads in excess of
ester, and polypropylene).
the rated capacities (i.e., working load
(6) Inspections. Each day before being
limits) indicated on the sling by per-
used, the sling and all fastenings and
manently affixed and legible identifica-
attachments shall be inspected for
tion markings prescribed by the manu-
damage or defects by a competent per-
son designated by the employer. Addi-
(2) Protruding ends of strands in
tional inspections shall be performed
splices on slings and bridles shall be
during sling use, where service condi-
covered or blunted.
tions warrant. Damaged or defective
slings shall be immediately removed (3) Wire rope shall not be secured by
from service. knots, except on haul back lines on
(b) Alloy steel chains. (1) Welded alloy scrapers.
steel chain slings shall have perma- (4) The following limitations shall
nently affixed durable identification apply to the use of wire rope:
stating size, grade, rated capacity, and (i) An eye splice made in any wire
sling manufacturer. rope shall have not less than three full
(2) Hooks, rings, oblong links, pear- tucks. However, this requirement shall
shaped links, welded or mechanical not operate to preclude the use of an-
coupling links, or other attachments, other form of splice or connection
when used with alloy steel chains, shall which can be shown to be as efficient
have a rated capacity at least equal to and which is not otherwise prohibited.
that of the chain. (ii) Except for eye splices in the ends
(3) Job or shop hooks and links, or of wires and for endless rope slings,
makeshift fasteners, formed from each wire rope used in hoisting or low-
bolts, rods, etc., or other such attach- ering, or in pulling loads, shall consist
ments, shall not be used. of one continuous piece without knot
(4) Employers must not use alloy or splice.
steel-chain slings with loads in excess (iii) Eyes in wire rope bridles, slings,
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
of the rated capacities (i.e., working or bull wires shall not be formed by
load limits) indicated on the sling by wire rope clips or knots.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.251
(iv) Wire rope shall not be used if, in (15) End attachments. (i) Welding of
any length of eight diameters, the end attachments, except covers to
total number of visible broken wires thimbles, shall be performed prior to
exceeds 10 percent of the total number the assembly of the sling.
of wires, or if the rope shows other (ii) All welded end attachments shall
signs of excessive wear, corrosion, or not be used unless proof tested by the
defect. manufacturer or equivalent entity at
(5) When U-bolt wire rope clips are twice their rated capacity prior to ini-
used to form eyes, Table H–2 shall be tial use. The employer shall retain a
used to determine the number and certificate of the proof test, and make
spacing of clips. it available for examination.
(i) When used for eye splices, the U- (16) Wire rope slings shall have per-
bolt shall be applied so that the ‘‘U’’ manently affixed, legible identification
section is in contact with the dead end markings stating size, rated capacity
of the rope. for the type(s) of hitch(es) used and the
(i1) [Reserved] angle upon which it is based, and the
(6) Slings shall not be shortened with number of legs if more than one.
knots or bolts or other makeshift de- (d) Natural rope, and synthetic fiber. (1)
vices. Employers must not use natural- and
(7) Sling legs shall not be kinked. synthetic-fiber rope slings with loads
(8) Slings used in a basket hitch shall
in excess of the rated capacities (i.e.,
have the loads balanced to prevent slip-
working load limits) indicated on the
sling by permanently affixed and leg-
(9) Slings shall be padded or pro-
ible identification markings prescribed
tected from the sharp edges of their
by the manufacturer.
(10) Hands or fingers shall not be (2) All splices in rope slings provided
placed between the sling and its load by the employer shall be made in ac-
while the sling is being tightened cordance with fiber rope manufacturers
around the load. recommendations.
(11) Shock loading is prohibited. (i) In manila rope, eye splices shall
(12) A sling shall not be pulled from contain at least three full tucks, and
under a load when the load is resting short splices shall contain at least six
on the sling. full tucks (three on each side of the
(13) Minimum sling lengths. (i) Cable centerline of the splice).
laid and 6 × 19 and 6 × 37 slings shall (ii) In layed synthetic fiber rope, eye
have a minimum clear length of wire splices shall contain at least four full
rope 10 times the component rope di- tucks, and short splices shall contain
ameter between splices, sleeves or end at least eight full tucks (four on each
fittings. side of the centerline of the splice).
(ii) Braided slings shall have a min- (iii) Strand end tails shall not be
imum clear length of wire rope 40 times trimmed short (flush with the surface
the component rope diameter between of the rope) immediately adjacent to
the loops or end fittings. the full tucks. This precaution applies
(iii) Cable laid grommets, strand laid to both eye and short splices and all
grommets and endless slings shall have types of fiber rope. For fiber ropes
a minimum circumferential length of under 1-inch diameter, the tails shall
96 times their body diameter. project at least six rope diameters be-
(14) Safe operating temperatures. Fiber yond the last full tuck. For fiber ropes
core wire rope slings of all grades shall 1-inch diameter and larger, the tails
be permanently removed from service shall project at least 6 inches beyond
if they are exposed to temperatures in the last full tuck. In applications
excess of 200 °F (93.33 °C). When where the projecting tails may be ob-
nonfiber core wire rope slings of any jectionable, the tails shall be tapered
grade are used at temperatures above and spliced into the body of the rope
400 °F (204.44 °C) or below minus 60 °F using at least two additional tucks
(15.55 °C), recommendations of the sling (which will require a tail length of ap-
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§ 1926.251 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(iv) For all eye splices, the eye shall (vi) Clamps not designed specifically
be sufficiently large to provide an in- for fiber ropes shall not be used for
cluded angle of not greater than 60° at splicing.
the splice when the eye is placed over (vii) For all eye splices, the eye shall
the load or support. be of such size to provide an included
(v) Knots shall not be used in lieu of angle of not greater than 60 degrees at
splices. the splice when the eye is placed over
(3) Safe operating temperatures. Nat- the load or support.
ural and synthetic fiber rope slings, ex- (5) End attachments. Fiber rope slings
cept for wet frozen slings, may be used shall not be used if end attachments in
in a temperature range from minus 20 contact with the rope have sharp edges
°F (¥28.88 °C) to plus 180 °F (82.2 °C) or projections.
without decreasing the working load (6) Removal from service. Natural and
limit. For operations outside this tem- synthetic fiber rope slings shall be im-
perature range and for wet frozen mediately removed from service if any
slings, the sling manufacturer’s rec- of the following conditions are present:
ommendations shall be followed. (i) Abnormal wear.
(4) Splicing. Spliced fiber rope slings (ii) Powdered fiber between strands.
shall not be used unless they have been (iii) Broken or cut fibers.
spliced in accordance with the fol- (iv) Variations in the size or round-
lowing minimum requirements and in ness of strands.
accordance with any additional rec- (v) Discoloration or rotting.
ommendations of the manufacturer: (vi) Distortion of hardware in the
(i) In manila rope, eye splices shall sling.
consist of at least three full tucks, and (7) Employers must use natural- and
short splices shall consist of at least synthetic-fiber rope slings that have
six full tucks, three on each side of the permanently affixed and legible identi-
splice center line. fication markings that state the rated
(ii) In synthetic fiber rope, eye capacity for the type(s) of hitch(es)
splices shall consist of at least four full used and the angle upon which it is
tucks, and short splices shall consist of based, type of fiber material, and the
at least eight full tucks, four on each number of legs if more than one.
side of the center line. (e) Synthetic webbing (nylon, polyester,
(iii) Strand end tails shall not be and polypropylene). (1) The employer
trimmed flush with the surface of the shall have each synthetic web sling
rope immediately adjacent to the full marked or coded to show:
tucks. This applies to all types of fiber (i) Name or trademark of manufac-
rope and both eye and short splices. turer.
For fiber rope under 1 inch (2.54 cm) in (ii) Rated capacities for the type of
diameter, the tail shall project at least hitch.
six rope diameters beyond the last full (iii) Type of material.
tuck. For fiber rope 1 inch (2.54 cm) in (2) Rated capacity shall not be ex-
diameter and larger, the tail shall ceeded.
project at least 6 inches (15.24 cm) be- (3) Webbing. Synthetic webbing shall
yond the last full tuck. Where a pro- be of uniform thickness and width and
jecting tail interferes with the use of selvage edges shall not be split from
the sling, the tail shall be tapered and the webbing’s width.
spliced into the body of the rope using (4) Fittings. Fittings shall be:
at least two additional tucks (which (i) Of a minimum breaking strength
will require a tail length of approxi- equal to that of the sling; and
mately six rope diameters beyond the (ii) Free of all sharp edges that could
last full tuck). in any way damage the webbing.
(iv) Fiber rope slings shall have a (5) Attachment of end fittings to web-
minimum clear length of rope between bing and formation of eyes. Stitching
eye splices equal to 10 times the rope shall be the only method used to at-
diameter. tach end fittings to webbing and to
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
(v) Knots shall not be used in lieu of form eyes. The thread shall be in an
splices. even pattern and contain a sufficient
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.252
wear (inch)
(c) All scrap lumber, waste material,
⁄ .........................................................................
14 ⁄
3 64 and rubbish shall be removed from the
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§ 1926.300 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
immediate work area as the work pro- ployee to injury, shall be guarded. The
gresses. guarding device shall be in conformity
(d) Disposal of waste material or de- with any appropriate standards there-
bris by burning shall comply with local for, or, in the absence of applicable spe-
fire regulations. cific standards, shall be so designed
(e) All solvent waste, oily rags, and and constructed as to prevent the oper-
flammable liquids shall be kept in fire ator from having any part of his body
resistant covered containers until re- in the danger zone during the operating
moved from worksite. cycle.
(iii) Special handtools for placing and
Subpart I—Tools—Hand and removing material shall be such as to
Power permit easy handling of material with-
out the operator placing a hand in the
AUTHORITY: Sections 4, 6, and 8 of the Occu- danger zone. Such tools shall not be in
pational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (29 lieu of other guarding required by this
U.S.C. 653, 655, 657); Secretary of Labor’s section, but can only be used to supple-
Order No. 12–71 (36 FR 8754), 8–76 (41 FR ment protection provided.
25059), 9–83 (48 FR 35736), 1–90 (55 FR 9033), or (iv) The following are some of the
5–2002 (67 FR 65008), as applicable; and 29 CFR
part 1911. Section 1926.307 also issued under 5
machines which usually require point
U.S.C. 553. of operation guarding:
(a) Guillotine cutters.
§ 1926.300 General requirements. (b) Shears.
(a) Condition of tools. All hand and (c) Alligator shears.
power tools and similar equipment, (d) Power presses.
whether furnished by the employer or (e) Milling machines.
the employee, shall be maintained in a (f) Power saws.
safe condition. (g) Jointers.
(b) Guarding. (1) When power operated (h) Portable power tools.
tools are designed to accommodate (i) Forming rolls and calenders.
guards, they shall be equipped with
(5) Exposure of blades. When the pe-
such guards when in use.
riphery of the blades of a fan is less
(2) Belts, gears, shafts, pulleys,
than 7 feet (2.128 m) above the floor or
sprockets, spindles, drums, fly wheels,
working level, the blades shall be
chains, or other reciprocating, rotating
guarded. The guard shall have openings
or moving parts of equipment shall be
guarded if such parts are exposed to no larger than 1⁄2 inch (1.27 cm).
contact by employees or otherwise cre- (6) Anchoring fixed machinery. Ma-
ate a hazard. Guarding shall meet the chines designed for a fixed location
requirements as set forth in American shall be securely anchored to prevent
National Standards Institute, B15.1– walking or moving.
1953 (R1958), Safety Code for Mechan- (7) Guarding of abrasive wheel machin-
ical Power-Transmission Apparatus. ery—exposure adjustment. Safety guards
(3) Types of guarding. One or more of the types described in paragraphs (b)
methods of machine guarding shall be (8) and (9) of this section, where the op-
provided to protect the operator and erator stands in front of the opening,
other employees in the machine area shall be constructed so that the periph-
from hazards such as those created by eral protecting member can be ad-
point of operation, ingoing nip points, justed to the constantly decreasing di-
rotating parts, flying chips and sparks. ameter of the wheel. The maximum an-
Examples of guarding methods are— gular exposure above the horizontal
barrier guards, two-hand tripping de- plane of the wheel spindle as specified
vices, electronic safety devices, etc. in paragraphs (b) (8) and (9) of this sec-
(4) Point of operation guarding. (i) tion shall never be exceeded, and the
Point of operation is the area on a ma- distance between the wheel periphery
chine where work is actually performed and the adjustable tongue or the end of
upon the material being processed. the peripheral member at the top shall
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
(ii) The point of operation of ma- never exceed 1⁄4 inch (0.635 cm). (See
chines whose operation exposes an em- Figures I–1 through I–6.)
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.300
zontal plane of the spindle, the exposure
shall not exceed 125° (See Figures I–9 and
for smaller wheel. the particular personal protective
equipment necessary to protect them
(8) Bench and floor stands. The angu-
from the hazard. All personal protec-
lar exposure of the grinding wheel pe-
tive equipment shall meet the require-
riphery and sides for safety guards used
ments and be maintained according to
on machines known as bench and floor
subparts D and E of this part.
stands should not exceed 90° or one-
(d) Switches. (1) All hand-held pow-
fourth of the periphery. This exposure
ered platen sanders, grinders with
shall begin at a point not more than 65°
wheels 2-inch diameter or less, routers,
above the horizontal plane of the wheel
planers, laminate trimmers, nibblers,
spindle. (See Figures I–7 and I–8 and ER07MR96.003</GPH>
shears, scroll saws, and jigsaws with
paragraph (b)(7) of this section.)
blade shanks one-fourth of an inch
wide or less may be equipped with only
a positive ‘‘on-off’’ control.
(2) All hand-held powered drills, tap-
pers, fastener drivers, horizontal,
Wherever the nature of the work requires be equipped with a momentary contact
contact with the wheel below the hori- ‘‘on-off’’ control and may have a lock-
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§ 1926.301 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
on control provided that turnoff can be pressure at the tool shall have a safety
accomplished by a single motion of the device on the muzzle to prevent the
same finger or fingers that turn it on. tool from ejecting fasteners, unless the
(3) All other hand-held powered tools, muzzle is in contact with the work sur-
such as circular saws, chain saws, and face.
percussion tools without positive ac- (4) Compressed air shall not be used
cessory holding means, shall be for cleaning purposes except where re-
equipped with a constant pressure duced to less than 30 p.s.i. and then
switch that will shut off the power only with effective chip guarding and
when the pressure is released. personal protective equipment which
(4) The requirements of this para- meets the requirements of subpart E of
graph shall become effective on July this part. The 30 p.s.i. requirement does
15, 1972. not apply for concrete form, mill scale
(5) Exception: This paragraph does and similar cleaning purposes.
not apply to concrete vibrators, con- (5) The manufacturer’s safe operating
crete breakers, powered tampers, jack pressure for hoses, pipes, valves, filters,
hammers, rock drills, and similar hand and other fittings shall not be exceed-
operated power tools. ed,
[44 FR 8577, Feb. 9, 1979; 44 FR 20940, Apr. 6, (6) The use of hoses for hoisting or
1979, as amended at 58 FR 35175, June 30, 1993; lowering tools shall not be permitted.
61 FR 9250, Mar. 7, 1996] (7) All hoses exceeding 1⁄2-inch inside
diameter shall have a safety device at
§ 1926.301 Hand tools. the source of supply or branch line to
(a) Employers shall not issue or per- reduce pressure in case of hose failure.
mit the use of unsafe hand tools. (8) Airless spray guns of the type
(b) Wrenches, including adjustable, which atomize paints and fluids at high
pipe, end, and socket wrenches shall pressures (1,000 pounds or more per
not be used when jaws are sprung to square inch) shall be equipped with
the point that slippage occurs. automatic or visible manual safety de-
(c) Impact tools, such as drift pins, vices which will prevent pulling of the
wedges, and chisels, shall be kept free trigger to prevent release of the paint
of mushroomed heads. or fluid until the safety device is
(d) The wooden handles of tools shall manually released.
be kept free of splinters or cracks and (9) In lieu of the above, a diffuser nut
shall be kept tight in the tool. which will prevent high pressure, high
velocity release, while the nozzle tip is
§ 1926.302 Power-operated hand tools. removed, plus a nozzle tip guard which
(a) Electric power-operated tools. (1) will prevent the tip from coming into
Electric power operated tools shall ei- contact with the operator, or other
ther be of the approved double-insu- equivalent protection, shall be pro-
lated type or grounded in accordance vided.
with subpart K of this part. (10) Abrasive blast cleaning nozzles.
(2) The use of electric cords for hoist- The blast cleaning nozzles shall be
ing or lowering tools shall not be per- equipped with an operating valve which
mitted. must be held open manually. A support
(b) Pneumatic power tools. (1) Pneu- shall be provided on which the nozzle
matic power tools shall be secured to may be mounted when it is not in use.
the hose or whip by some positive (c) Fuel powered tools. (1) All fuel pow-
means to prevent the tool from becom- ered tools shall be stopped while being
ing accidentally disconnected. refueled, serviced, or maintained, and
(2) Safety clips or retainers shall be fuel shall be transported, handled, and
securely installed and maintained on stored in accordance with subpart F of
pneumatic impact (percussion) tools to this part.
prevent attachments from being acci- (2) When fuel powered tools are used
dentally expelled. in enclosed spaces, the applicable re-
(3) All pneumatically driven nailers, quirements for concentrations of toxic
staplers, and other similar equipment gases and use of personal protective
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.303
(d) Hydraulic power tools. (1) The fluid (11) All tools shall be used with the
used in hydraulic powered tools shall correct shield, guard, or attachment
be fire-resistant fluids approved under recommended by the manufacturer.
Schedule 30 of the U.S. Bureau of (12) Powder-actuated tools used by
Mines, Department of the Interior, and employees shall meet all other applica-
shall retain its operating characteris- ble requirements of American National
tics at the most extreme temperatures Standards Institute, A10.3–1970, Safety
to which it will be exposed. Requirements for Explosive-Actuated
(2) The manufacturer’s safe operating Fastening Tools.
pressures for hoses, valves, pipes, fil- [44 FR 8577, Feb. 9, 1979; 44 FR 20940, Apr. 6,
ters, and other fittings shall not be ex- 1979, as amended at 58 FR 35175, June 30, 1993]
§ 1926.303 Abrasive wheels and tools.
(e) Powder-actuated tools. (1) Only em-
ployees who have been trained in the (a) Power. All grinding machines
operation of the particular tool in use shall be supplied with sufficient power
shall be allowed to operate a powder- to maintain the spindle speed at safe
actuated tool. levels under all conditions of normal
(2) The tool shall be tested each day operation.
before loading to see that safety de- (b) Guarding. (1) Grinding machines
shall be equipped with safety guards in
vices are in proper working condition.
conformance with the requirements of
The method of testing shall be in ac-
American National Standards Insti-
cordance with the manufacturer’s rec-
tute, B7.1–1970, Safety Code for the Use,
ommended procedure. Care and Protection of Abrasive
(3) Any tool found not in proper Wheels, and paragraph (d) of this sec-
working order, or that develops a de- tion.
fect during use, shall be immediately (2) Guard design. The safety guard
removed from service and not used shall cover the spindle end, nut, and
until properly repaired. flange projections. The safety guard
(4) Personal protective equipment shall be mounted so as to maintain
shall be in accordance with subpart E proper alignment with the wheel, and
of this part. the strength of the fastenings shall ex-
(5) Tools shall not be loaded until ceed the strength of the guard, except:
just prior to the intended firing time. (i) Safety guards on all operations
Neither loaded nor empty tools are to where the work provides a suitable
be pointed at any employees. Hands measure of protection to the operator,
shall be kept clear of the open barrel may be so constructed that the spindle
end. end, nut, and outer flange are exposed;
(6) Loaded tools shall not be left un- and where the nature of the work is
attended. such as to entirely cover the side of the
(7) Fasteners shall not be driven into wheel, the side covers of the guard may
very hard or brittle materials includ- be omitted; and
ing, but not limited to, cast iron, (ii) The spindle end, nut, and outer
flange may be exposed on machines de-
glazed tile, surface-hardened steel,
signed as portable saws.
glass block, live rock, face brick, or
(c) Use of abrasive wheels. (1) Floor
hollow tile.
stand and bench mounted abrasive
(8) Driving into materials easily pen- wheels, used for external grinding,
etrated shall be avoided unless such shall be provided with safety guards
materials are backed by a substance (protection hoods). The maximum an-
that will prevent the pin or fastener gular exposure of the grinding wheel
from passing completely through and periphery and sides shall be not more
creating a flying missile hazard on the than 90°, except that when work re-
other side. quires contact with the wheel below
(9) No fastener shall be driven into a the horizontal plane of the spindle, the
spalled area caused by an unsatisfac- angular exposure shall not exceed 125°.
tory fastening. In either case, the exposure shall begin
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
(10) Tools shall not be used in an ex- not more than 65° above the horizontal
plosive or flammable atmosphere. plane of the spindle. Safety guards
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§ 1926.304 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
shall be strong enough to withstand mounting to ensure that they are free
the effect of a bursting wheel. from cracks or defects.
(2) Floor and bench-mounted grinders (8) Grinding wheels shall fit freely on
shall be provided with work rests the spindle and shall not be forced on.
which are rigidly supported and readily The spindle nut shall be tightened only
adjustable. Such work rests shall be enough to hold the wheel in place.
kept at a distance not to exceed one- (9) All employees using abrasive
eighth inch from the surface of the wheels shall be protected by eye pro-
wheel. tection equipment in accordance with
(3) Cup type wheels used for external the requirements of subpart E of this
grinding shall be protected by either a part, except when adequate eye protec-
revolving cup guard or a band type tion is afforded by eye shields which
guard in accordance with the provi- are permanently attached to the bench
or floor stand.
sions of the American National Stand-
(d) Other requirements. All abrasive
ards Institute, B7.1–1970 Safety Code
wheels and tools used by employees
for the Use, Care, and Protection of Ab-
shall meet other applicable require-
rasive Wheels. All other portable abra-
ments of American National Standards
sive wheels used for external grinding,
Institute, B7.1–1970, Safety Code for the
shall be provided with safety guards
Use, Care and Protection of Abrasive
(protection hoods) meeting the require-
ments of paragraph (c)(5) of this sec- (e) Work rests. On offhand grinding
tion, except as follows: machines, work rests shall be used to
(i) When the work location makes it support the work. They shall be of
impossible, a wheel equipped with safe- rigid construction and designed to be
ty flanges, as described in paragraph adjustable to compensate for wheel
(c)(6) of this section, shall be used; wear. Work rests shall be kept adjusted
(ii) When wheels 2 inches or less in closely to the wheel with a maximum
diameter which are securely mounted opening of 1⁄8 inch (0.3175 cm) to pre-
on the end of a steel mandrel are used. vent the work from being jammed be-
(4) Portable abrasive wheels used for tween the wheel and the rest, which
internal grinding shall be provided may cause wheel breakage. The work
with safety flanges (protection flanges) rest shall be securely clamped after
meeting the requirements of paragraph each adjustment. The adjustment shall
(c)(6) of this section, except as follows: not be made with the wheel in motion.
(i) When wheels 2 inches or less in di- [44 FR 8577, Feb. 9, 1979; 44 FR 20940, Apr. 6,
ameter which are securely mounted on 1979, as amended at 58 FR 35175, June 30, 1993]
the end of a steel mandrel are used;
(ii) If the wheel is entirely within the § 1926.304 Woodworking tools.
work being ground while in use. (a) Disconnect switches. All fixed
(5) When safety guards are required, power driven woodworking tools shall
they shall be so mounted as to main- be provided with a disconnect switch
tain proper alignment with the wheel, that can either be locked or tagged in
and the guard and its fastenings shall the off position.
be of sufficient strength to retain frag- (b) Speeds. The operating speed shall
ments of the wheel in case of acci- be etched or otherwise permanently
dental breakage. The maximum angu- marked on all circular saws over 20
lar exposure of the grinding wheel pe- inches in diameter or operating at over
riphery and sides shall not exceed 180°. 10,000 peripheral feet per minute. Any
(6) When safety flanges are required, saw so marked shall not be operated at
they shall be used only with wheels de- a speed other than that marked on the
signed to fit the flanges. Only safety blade. When a marked saw is reten-
flanges, of a type and design and prop- sioned for a different speed, the mark-
erly assembled so as to ensure that the ing shall be corrected to show the new
pieces of the wheel will be retained in speed.
case of accidental breakage, shall be (c) Self-feed. Automatic feeding de-
used. vices shall be installed on machines
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(7) All abrasive wheels shall be close- whenever the nature of the work will
ly inspected and ring-tested before permit. Feeder attachments shall have
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.305
the feed rolls or other moving parts hood will automatically adjust itself to
covered or guarded so as to protect the the thickness of and remain in contact
operator from hazardous points. with the material being cut but it shall
(d) Guarding. All portable, power- not offer any considerable resistance to
driven circular saws shall be equipped insertion of material to saw or to pas-
with guards above and below the base sage of the material being sawed. The
plate or shoe. The upper guard shall hood shall be made of adequate
cover the saw to the depth of the teeth, strength to resist blows and strains in-
except for the minimum arc required cidental to reasonable operation, ad-
to permit the base to be tilted for bevel justing, and handling, and shall be so
cuts. The lower guard shall cover the designed as to protect the operator
saw to the depth of the teeth, except from flying splinters and broken saw
for the minimum arc required to allow teeth. It shall be made of material that
proper retraction and contact with the is soft enough so that it will be un-
work. When the tool is withdrawn from likely to cause tooth breakage. The
the work, the lower guard shall auto- hood shall be so mounted as to insure
matically and instantly return to the that its operation will be positive, reli-
covering position. able, and in true alignment with the
(e) Personal protective equipment. All saw; and the mounting shall be ade-
personal protective equipment pro- quate in strength to resist any reason-
vided for use shall conform to subpart able side thrust or other force tending
E of this part. to throw it out of line.
(f) Other requirements. All wood-
[44 FR 8577, Feb. 9, 1979; 44 FR 20940, Apr. 6,
working tools and machinery shall 1979, as amended at 58 FR 35175, June 30, 1993;
meet other applicable requirements of 61 FR 9251, Mar. 7, 1996]
American National Standards Insti-
tute, 01.1–1961, Safety Code for Wood- § 1926.305 Jacks—lever and ratchet,
working Machinery. screw, and hydraulic.
(g) Radial saws. (1) The upper hood
(a) General requirements. (1) The man-
shall completely enclose the upper por-
ufacturer’s rated capacity shall be leg-
tion of the blade down to a point that
ibly marked on all jacks and shall not
will include the end of the saw arbor.
be exceeded.
The upper hood shall be constructed in
(2) All jacks shall have a positive
such a manner and of such material
stop to prevent overtravel.
that it will protect the operator from
flying splinters, broken saw teeth, etc., (b) [Reserved]
and will deflect sawdust away from the (c) Blocking. When it is necessary to
operator. The sides of the lower ex- provide a firm foundation, the base of
posed portion of the blade shall be the jack shall be blocked or cribbed.
guarded to the full diameter of the Where there is a possibility of slippage
blade by a device that will automati- of the metal cap of the jack, a wood
cally adjust itself to the thickness of block shall be placed between the cap
the stock and remain in contact with and the load.
stock being cut to give maximum pro- (d)(1) Operation and maintenance. (i)
tection possible for the operation being After the load has been raised, it shall
performed. be cribbed, blocked, or otherwise se-
(h) Hand-fed crosscut table saws. (1) cured at once.
Each circular crosscut table saw shall (ii) Hydraulic jacks exposed to freez-
be guarded by a hood which shall meet ing temperatures shall be supplied with
all the requirements of paragraph (i)(1) an adequate antifreeze liquid.
of this section for hoods for circular (iii) All jacks shall be properly lubri-
ripsaws. cated at regular intervals.
(i) Hand-fed ripsaws. (1) Each circular (iv) Each jack shall be thoroughly in-
hand-fed ripsaw shall be guarded by a spected at times which depend upon
hood which shall completely enclose the service conditions. Inspections
that portion of the saw above the table shall be not less frequent than the fol-
and that portion of the saw above the lowing:
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
material being cut. The hood and (a) For constant or intermittent use
mounting shall be arranged so that the at one locality, once every 6 months,
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§ 1926.306 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(b) For jacks sent out of shop for spe- The drain valve on the air receiver
cial work, when sent out and when re- shall be opened and the receiver com-
turned, pletely drained frequently and at such
(c) For a jack subjected to abnormal intervals as to prevent the accumula-
load or shock, immediately before and tion of excessive amounts of liquid in
immediately thereafter. the receiver.
(v) Repair or replacement parts shall (3) Gages and valves. (i) Every air re-
be examined for possible defects. ceiver shall be equipped with an indi-
(vi) Jacks which are out of order cating pressure gage (so located as to
shall be tagged accordingly, and shall be readily visible) and with one or
not be used until repairs are made. more spring-loaded safety valves. The
[44 FR 8577, Feb. 9, 1979; 44 FR 20940, Apr. 6,
total relieving capacity of such safety
1979, as amended at 55 FR 42328, Oct. 18, 1990; valves shall be such as to prevent pres-
58 FR 35176, June 30, 1993] sure in the receiver from exceeding the
maximum allowable working pressure
§ 1926.306 Air receivers. of the receiver by more than 10 per-
(a) General requirements—(1) Applica- cent.
tion. This section applies to compressed (ii) No valve of any type shall be
air receivers, and other equipment used placed between the air receiver and its
in providing and utilizing compressed safety valve or valves.
air for performing operations such as (iii) Safety appliances, such as safety
cleaning, drilling, hoisting, and chip- valves, indicating devices and control-
ping. On the other hand, however, this ling devices, shall be constructed, lo-
section does not deal with the special cated, and installed so that they can-
problems created by using compressed not be readily rendered inoperative by
air to convey materials nor the prob- any means, including the elements.
lems created when men work in com- (iv) All safety valves shall be tested
pressed air as in tunnels and caissons. frequently and at regular intervals to
This section is not intended to apply to determine whether they are in good op-
compressed air machinery and equip- erating condition.
ment used on transportation vehicles [58 FR 35176, June 30, 1993]
such as steam railroad cars, electric
railway cars, and automotive equip- § 1926.307 Mechanical power-trans-
ment. mission apparatus.
(2) New and existing equipment. (i) All (a) General requirements. (1) This sec-
new air receivers installed after the ef- tion covers all types and shapes of
fective date of these regulations shall power-transmission belts, except the
be constructed in accordance with the following when operating at two hun-
1968 edition of the A.S.M.E. Boiler and dred and fifty (250) feet per minute or
Pressure Vessel Code Section VIII. less: (i) Flat belts 1 inch (2.54 cm) or
(ii) All safety valves used shall be less in width, (ii) flat belts 2 inches
constructed, installed, and maintained (5.08 cm) or less in width which are free
in accordance with the A.S.M.E. Boiler from metal lacings or fasteners, (iii)
and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII round belts 1⁄2 inch (1.27 cm) or less in
Edition 1968. diameter; and (iv) single strand V-
(b) Installation and equipment require- belts, the width of which is thirteen
ments—(1) Installation. Air receivers thirty-seconds (13⁄32) inch or less.
shall be so installed that all drains, (2) Vertical and inclined belts (para-
handholes, and manholes therein are graphs (e) (3) and (4) of this section) if
easily accessible. Under no cir- not more than 21⁄2 inches (6.35 cm) wide
cumstances shall an air receiver be and running at a speed of less than one
buried underground or located in an in- thousand (1,000) feet per minute, and if
accessible place. free from metal lacings or fastenings
(2) Drains and traps. A drain pipe and may be guarded with a nip-point belt
valve shall be installed at the lowest and pulley guard.
point of every air receiver to provide (3) For the Textile Industry, because
for the removal of accumulated oil and of the presence of excessive deposits of
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
water. Adequate automatic traps may lint, which constitute a serious fire
be installed in addition to drain valves. hazard, the sides and face sections only
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.307
of nip-point belt and pulley guards are event of a shaft or wheel mounting fail-
required, provided the guard shall ex- ure.
tend at least 6 inches (15.24 cm) beyond (2) Cranks and connecting rods. Cranks
the rim of the pulley on the in-running and connecting rods, when exposed to
and off-running sides of the belt and at contact, shall be guarded in accordance
least 2 inches (5.08 cm) away from the with paragraphs (m) and (n) of this sec-
rim and face of the pulley in all other tion, or by a guardrail as described in
directions. paragraph (o)(5) of this section.
(4) This section covers the principal (3) Tail rods or extension piston rods.
features with which power trans- Tail rods or extension piston rods shall
mission safeguards shall comply. be guarded in accordance with para-
(b) Prime-mover guards—(1) Flywheels. graphs (m) and (o) of this section, or by
Flywheels located so that any part is 7 a guardrail on sides and end, with a
feet (2.128 m) or less above floor or clearance of not less than 15 (38.1 cm)
platform shall be guarded in accord- nor more than 20 inches (50.8 cm) when
ance with the requirements of this sub- rod is fully extended.
paragraph: (c) Shafting—(1) Installation. (i) Each
(i) With an enclosure of sheet, per- continuous line of shafting shall be se-
forated, or expanded metal, or woven cured in position against excessive end-
wire; wise movement.
(ii) With guard rails placed not less (ii) Inclined and vertical shafts, par-
than 15 inches (38.1 cm) nor more than ticularly inclined idler shafts, shall be
20 inches (50.8 cm) from rim. When securely held in position against end-
flywheel extends into pit or is within 12 wise thrust.
inches (30.48 cm) of floor, a standard (2) Guarding horizontal shafting. (i) All
toeboard shall also be provided; exposed parts of horizontal shafting 7
(iii) When the upper rim of flywheel feet (2.128 m) or less from floor or
protrudes through a working floor, it working platform, excepting runways
shall be entirely enclosed or sur- used exclusively for oiling, or running
rounded by a guardrail and toeboard. adjustments, shall be protected by a
(iv) For flywheels with smooth rims 5 stationary casing enclosing shafting
feet (1.52 m) or less in diameter, where completely or by a trough enclosing
the preceding methods cannot be ap- sides and top or sides and bottom of
plied, the following may be used: A shafting as location requires.
disk attached to the flywheel in such (ii) Shafting under bench machines
manner as to cover the spokes of the shall be enclosed by a stationary cas-
wheel on the exposed side and present a ing, or by a trough at sides and top or
smooth surface and edge, at the same sides and bottom, as location requires.
time providing means for periodic in- The sides of the trough shall come
spection. An open space, not exceeding within at least 6 inches (15.24 cm) of
4 inches (10.16 cm) in width, may be left the underside of table, or if shafting is
between the outside edge of the disk located near floor within 6 inches (15.24
and the rim of the wheel if desired, to cm) of floor. In every case the sides of
facilitate turning the wheel over. trough shall extend at least 2 inches
Where a disk is used, the keys or other (5.08 cm) beyond the shafting or protu-
dangerous projections not covered by berance.
disk shall be cut off or covered. This (3) Guarding vertical and inclined
subdivision does not apply to flywheels shafting. Vertical and inclined shafting
with solid web centers. 7 feet (2.128 m) or less from floor or
(v) Adjustable guard to be used for working platform, excepting mainte-
starting engine or for running adjust- nance runways, shall be enclosed with
ment may be provided at the flywheel a stationary casing in accordance with
of gas or oil engines. A slot opening for requirements of paragraphs (m) and (o)
jack bar will be permitted. of this section.
(vi) Wherever flywheels are above (4) Projecting shaft ends. (i) Projecting
working areas, guards shall be in- shaft ends shall present a smooth edge
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
stalled having sufficient strength to and end and shall not project more
hold the weight of the flywheel in the than one-half the diameter of the shaft
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§ 1926.307 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
unless guarded by nonrotating caps or (e) Belt, rope, and chain drives—(1)
safety sleeves. Horizontal belts and ropes. (i) Where
(ii) Unused keyways shall be filled up both runs of horizontal belts are 7 feet
or covered. (2.128 m) or less from the floor level,
(5) Power-transmission apparatus lo- the guard shall extend to at least 15
cated in basements. All mechanical inches (38.1 cm) above the belt or to a
power transmission apparatus located standard height except that where both
in basements, towers, and rooms used runs of a horizontal belt are 42 inches
exclusively for power transmission (106.68 cm) or less from the floor, the
equipment shall be guarded in accord- belt shall be fully enclosed.
ance with this section, except that the
(ii) In powerplants or power-develop-
requirements for safeguarding belts,
ment rooms, a guardrail may be used
pulleys, and shafting need not be com-
plied with when the following require- in lieu of the guard required by para-
ments are met: graph (e)(1)(i) of this section.
(i) The basement, tower, or room oc- (2) Overhead horizontal belts. (i) Over-
cupied by transmission equipment is head horizontal belts, with lower parts
locked against unauthorized entrance. 7 feet (2.128 m) or less from the floor or
(ii) The vertical clearance in passage- platform, shall be guarded on sides and
ways between the floor and power bottom in accordance with paragraph
transmission beams, ceiling, or any (o)(3) of this section.
other objects, is not less than 5 ft. 6 in. (ii) Horizontal overhead belts more
(1.672 m). than 7 feet (2.128 m) above floor or plat-
(iii) The intensity of illumination form shall be guarded for their entire
conforms to the requirements of ANSI length under the following conditions:
A11.1–1965 (R–1970). (a) If located over passageways or
(iv) [Reserved] work places and traveling 1,800 feet or
(v) The route followed by the oiler is more per minute.
protected in such manner as to prevent (b) If center to center distance be-
tween pulleys is 10 feet (3.04 m) or
(d) Pulleys—(1) Guarding. Pulleys, any
parts of which are 7 feet (2.128 m) or
less from the floor or working plat- (c) If belt is 8 inches (20.32 cm) or
form, shall be guarded in accordance more in width.
with the standards specified in para- (iii) Where the upper and lower runs
graphs (m) and (o) of this section. Pul- of horizontal belts are so located that
leys serving as balance wheels (e.g., passage of persons between them would
punch presses) on which the point of be possible, the passage shall be either:
contact between belt and pulley is (a) Completely barred by a guardrail
more than 6 ft. 6 in. (1.976 m) from the or other barrier in accordance with
floor or platform may be guarded with paragraphs (m) and (o) of this section;
a disk covering the spokes. or
(2) Location of pulleys. (i) Unless the (b) Where passage is regarded as nec-
distance to the nearest fixed pulley, essary, there shall be a platform over
clutch, or hanger exceeds the width of the lower run guarded on either side by
the belt used, a guide shall be provided a railing completely filled in with wire
to prevent the belt from leaving the mesh or other filler, or by a solid bar-
pulley on the side where insufficient rier. The upper run shall be so guarded
clearance exists. as to prevent contact therewith either
(ii) [Reserved]
by the worker or by objects carried by
(3) Broken pulleys. Pulleys with
him. In powerplants only the lower run
cracks, or pieces broken out of rims,
shall not be used. of the belt need be guarded.
(4) Pulley speeds. Pulleys intended to (iv) Overhead chain and link belt
operate at rim speed in excess of manu- drives are governed by the same rules
facturers normal recommendations as overhead horizontal belts and shall
shall be specially designed and care- be guarded in the same manner as
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.307
(3) Vertical and inclined belts. (i) (f) Gears, sprockets, and chains—(1)
Vertical and inclined belts shall be en- Gears. Gears shall be guarded in accord-
closed by a guard conforming to stand- ance with one of the following meth-
ards in paragraphs (m) and (o) of this ods:
section. (i) By a complete enclosure; or
(ii) All guards for inclined belts shall (ii) By a standard guard as described
be arranged in such a manner that a in paragraph (o) of this section, at
minimum clearance of 7 feet (2.128 m) least 7 feet (2.128 m) high extending 6
is maintained between belt and floor at inches (15.24 cm) above the mesh point
any point outside of guard. of the gears; or
(4) Vertical belts. Vertical belts run- (iii) By a band guard covering the
ning over a lower pulley more than 7 face of gear and having flanges ex-
feet (2.128 m) above floor or platform tended inward beyond the root of the
shall be guarded at the bottom in the teeth on the exposed side or sides.
same manner as horizontal overhead Where any portion of the train of gears
belts, if conditions are as stated in guarded by a band guard is less than 6
paragraphs (e)(2)(ii) (a) and (c) of this feet (1.824 m) from the floor a disk
section. guard or a complete enclosure to the
(5) Cone-pulley belts. (i) The cone belt height of 6 feet (1.824 m) shall be re-
and pulley shall be equipped with a belt quired.
shifter so constructed as to adequately (2) Hand-operated gears. Paragraph
guard the nip point of the belt and pul- (f)(1) of this section does not apply to
ley. If the frame of the belt shifter does hand-operated gears used only to ad-
not adequately guard the nip point of just machine parts and which do not
the belt and pulley, the nip point shall continue to move after hand power is
be further protected by means of a removed. However, the guarding of
vertical guard placed in front of the these gears is highly recommended.
pulley and extending at least to the top (3) Sprockets and chains. All sprocket
of the largest step of the cone. wheels and chains shall be enclosed un-
(ii) If the belt is of the endless type less they are more than 7 feet (2.128 m)
or laced with rawhide laces, and a belt above the floor or platform. Where the
shifter is not desired, the belt will be drive extends over other machine or
considered guarded if the nip point of working areas, protection against fall-
the belt and pulley is protected by a ing shall be provided. This subpara-
nip point guard located in front of the graph does not apply to manually oper-
cone extending at least to the top of ated sprockets.
the largest step of the cone, and formed (4) Openings for oiling. When frequent
to show the contour of the cone in oiling must be done, openings with
order to give the nip point of the belt hinged or sliding self-closing covers
and pulley the maximum protection. shall be provided. All points not read-
(iii) If the cone is located less than 3 ily accessible shall have oil feed tubes
feet (0.912 m) from the floor or working if lubricant is to be added while ma-
platform, the cone pulley and belt shall chinery is in motion.
be guarded to a height of 3 feet (0.912 (g) Guarding friction drives. The driv-
m) regardless of whether the belt is ing point of all friction drives when ex-
endless or laced with rawhide. posed to contact shall be guarded, all
(6) Belt tighteners. (i) Suspended arm or spoke friction drives and all
counterbalanced tighteners and all web friction drives with holes in the
parts thereof shall be of substantial web shall be entirely enclosed, and all
construction and securely fastened; the projecting belts on friction drives
bearings shall be securely capped. where exposed to contact shall be
Means must be provided to prevent guarded.
tightener from falling, in case the belt (h) Keys, setscrews, and other projec-
breaks. tions. (1) All projecting keys, setscrews,
(ii) Where suspended counterweights and other projections in revolving
are used and not guarded by location, parts shall be removed or made flush or
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§ 1926.307 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
setscrews within gear or sprocket cas- operator. Where belt shifters are not
ings or other enclosures, nor to keys, directly located over a machine or
setscrews, or oilcups in hubs of pulleys bench, the handles shall be cut off 6 ft.
less than 20 inches (50.8 cm) in diame- 6 in. (1.976 m) above floor level.
ter where they are within the plane of (2) Belt shippers and shipper poles. The
the rim of the pulley. use of belt poles as substitutes for me-
(2) It is recommended, however, that chanical shifters is not recommended.
no projecting setscrews or oilcups be (3) Belt perches. Where loose pulleys
used in any revolving pulley or part of or idlers are not practicable, belt
machinery. perches in form of brackets, rollers,
(i) Collars and couplings—(1) Collars. etc., shall be used to keep idle belts
All revolving collars, including split away from the shafts.
collars, shall be cylindrical, and screws (4) Belt fasteners. Belts which of ne-
or bolts used in collars shall not cessity must be shifted by hand and
project beyond the largest periphery of belts within 7 feet (2.128 m) of the floor
the collar. or working platform which are not
(2) Couplings. Shaft couplings shall be guarded in accordance with this sec-
so constructed as to present no hazard tion shall not be fastened with metal in
from bolts, nuts, setscrews, or revolv- any case, nor with any other fastening
ing surfaces. Bolts, nuts, and setscrews which by construction or wear will
will, however, be permitted where they constitute an accident hazard.
are covered with safety sleeves or (m) Standard guards—general require-
where they are used parallel with the ments—(1) Materials. (i) Standard condi-
shafting and are countersunk or else do tions shall be secured by the use of the
not extend beyond the flange of the following materials. Expanded metal,
coupling. perforated or solid sheet metal, wire
(j) Bearings and facilities for oiling. All mesh on a frame of angle iron, or iron
drip cups and pans shall be securely pipe securely fastened to floor or to
fastened. frame of machine.
(k) Guarding of clutches, cutoff cou- (ii) All metal should be free from
plings, and clutch pulleys—(1) Guards. burrs and sharp edges.
Clutches, cutoff couplings, or clutch (2) Methods of manufacture. (i) Ex-
pulleys having projecting parts, where panded metal, sheet or perforated
such clutches are located 7 feet (2.128 metal, and wire mesh shall be securely
m) or less above the floor or working fastened to frame.
platform, shall be enclosed by a sta- (n) [Reserved]
tionary guard constructed in accord- (o) Approved materials—(1) Minimum
ance with this section. A ‘‘U’’ type requirements. The materials and dimen-
guard is permissible. sions specified in this paragraph shall
(2) Engine rooms. In engine rooms a apply to all guards, except horizontal
guardrail, preferably with toeboard, overhead belts, rope, cable, or chain
may be used instead of the guard re- guards more than 7 feet (2.128 m) above
quired by paragraph (k)(1) of this sec- floor, or platform.
tion, provided such a room is occupied (i) [Reserved]
only by engine room attendants. (a) All guards shall be rigidly braced
(l) Belt shifters, clutches, shippers, every 3 feet (0.912 m) or fractional part
poles, perches, and fasteners—(1) Belt of their height to some fixed part of
shifters. (i) Tight and loose pulleys on machinery or building structure.
all new installations made on or after Where guard is exposed to contact with
August 31, 1971, shall be equipped with moving equipment additional strength
a permanent belt shifter provided with may be necessary.
mechanical means to prevent belt from (2) Wood guards. (i) Wood guards may
creeping from loose to tight pulley. It be used in the woodworking and chem-
is recommended that old installations ical industries, in industries where the
be changed to conform to this rule. presence of fumes or where manufac-
(ii) Belt shifter and clutch handles turing conditions would cause the
shall be rounded and be located as far rapid deterioration of metal guards;
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.307
extreme heat make metal guards and free from protruding nails, bolts, and
railings undesirable. In all other indus- splinters. If made of pipe, the post shall
tries, wood guards shall not be used. be 11⁄4 inches (3.175 cm) inside diameter,
(3) Guards for horizontal overhead or larger. If made of metal shapes or
belts. (i) Guards for horizontal overhead bars, their section shall be equal in
belts shall run the entire length of the strength to that of 11⁄2 (3.81 cm) by 11⁄2
belt and follow the line of the pulley to (3.81 cm) by 3⁄16 inch angle iron. If made
the ceiling or be carried to the nearest of wood, the posts shall be two by four
wall, thus enclosing the belt effec- (2 × 4) inches or larger. The upper rail
tively. Where belts are so located as to shall be two by four (2 × 4) inches, or
make it impracticable to carry the two one by four (1 × 4) strips, one at the
guard to wall or ceiling, construction
top and one at the side of posts. The
of guard shall be such as to enclose
midrail may be one by four (1 × 4)
completely the top and bottom runs of
belt and the face of pulleys. inches or more. Where panels are fitted
(ii) [Reserved] with expanded metal or wire mesh the
(iii) Suitable reinforcement shall be middle rails may be omitted. Where
provided for the ceiling rafters or over- guard is exposed to contact with mov-
head floor beams, where such is nec- ing equipment, additional strength
essary, to sustain safely the weight and may be necessary.
stress likely to be imposed by the (iii) Toeboards shall be 4 inches (10.16
guard. The interior surface of all cm) or more in height, of wood, metal,
guards, by which is meant the surface or of metal grill not exceeding 1 inch
of the guard with which a belt will (2.54 cm) mesh.
come in contact, shall be smooth and (p) Care of equipment—(1) General. All
free from all projections of any char- power-transmission equipment shall be
acter, except where construction de- inspected at intervals not exceeding 60
mands it; protruding shallow round- days and be kept in good working con-
head rivets may be used. Overhead belt dition at all times.
guards shall be at least one-quarter (2) Shafting. (i) Shafting shall be kept
wider than belt which they protect, ex- in alignment, free from rust and excess
cept that this clearance need not in oil or grease.
any case exceed 6 inches (15.24 cm) on (ii) Where explosives, explosive dusts,
each side. Overhead rope drive and
flammable vapors or flammable liquids
block and roller-chain-drive guards
exist, the hazard of static sparks from
shall be not less than 6 inches (15.24
shafting shall be carefully considered.
cm) wider than the drive on each side.
In overhead silent chain-drive guards (3) Bearings. Bearings shall be kept in
where the chain is held from lateral alignment and properly adjusted.
displacement on the sprockets, the side (4) Hangers. Hangers shall be in-
clearances required on drives of 20 inch spected to make certain that all sup-
(50.8 cm) centers or under shall be not porting bolts and screws are tight and
less than 1⁄4 inch (0.635 cm) from the that supports of hanger boxes are ad-
nearest moving chain part, and on justed properly.
drives of over 20 inch (50.8 cm) centers (5) Pulleys. (i) Pulleys shall be kept in
a minimum of 1⁄2 inch (1.27 cm) from proper alignment to prevent belts from
the nearest moving chain part. running off.
(4) Guards for horizontal overhead rope (6) Care of belts.
and chain drives. Overhead-rope and (i) [Reserved]
chain-drive guard construction shall (ii) Inspection shall be made of belts,
conform to the rules for overhead-belt lacings, and fasteners and such equip-
guard. ment kept in good repair.
(5) Guardrails and toeboards. (i) Guard-
(7) Lubrication. The regular oilers
rail shall be 42 inches (106.68 cm) in
shall wear tight-fitting clothing. Ma-
height, with midrail between top rail
chinery shall be oiled when not in mo-
and floor.
tion, wherever possible.
(ii) Posts shall be not more than 8
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
feet (2.432 m) apart; they are to be per- [58 FR 35176, June 30, 1993, as amended at 69
manent and substantial, smooth, and FR 31882, June 8, 2004]
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§ 1926.350 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.350
cannot be shut off, the cylinder shall (4) Hose which has been subject to
be properly tagged and removed from flashback, or which shows evidence of
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§ 1926.351 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
severe wear or damage, shall be tested (2) Any current-carrying parts pass-
to twice the normal pressure to which ing through the portion of the holder
it is subject, but in no case less than which the arc welder or cutter grips in
300 p.s.i. Defective hose, or hose in his hand, and the outer surfaces of the
doubtful condition, shall not be used. jaws of the holder, shall be fully insu-
(5) Hose couplings shall be of the type lated against the maximum voltage en-
that cannot be unlocked or discon- countered to ground.
nected by means of a straight pull (b) Welding cables and connectors. (1)
without rotary motion. All arc welding and cutting cables shall
(6) Boxes used for the storage of gas be of the completely insulated, flexible
hose shall be ventilated. type, capable of handling the max-
(7) Hoses, cables, and other equip- imum current requirements of the
ment shall be kept clear of passage- work in progress, taking into account
ways, ladders and stairs. the duty cycle under which the arc
(g) Torches. (1) Clogged torch tip welder or cutter is working.
openings shall be cleaned with suitable (2) Only cable free from repair or
cleaning wires, drills, or other devices splices for a minimum distance of 10
designed for such purpose. feet from the cable end to which the
(2) Torches in use shall be inspected electrode holder is connected shall be
at the beginning of each working shift used, except that cables with standard
for leaking shutoff valves, hose cou- insulated connectors or with splices
plings, and tip connections. Defective whose insulating quality is equal to
torches shall not be used. that of the cable are permitted.
(3) Torches shall be lighted by fric- (3) When it becomes necessary to con-
tion lighters or other approved devices, nect or splice lengths of cable one to
and not by matches or from hot work. another, substantial insulated connec-
(h) Regulators and gauges. Oxygen and tors of a capacity at least equivalent to
fuel gas pressure regulators, including that of the cable shall be used. If con-
their related gauges, shall be in proper nections are effected by means of cable
working order while in use. lugs, they shall be securely fastened to-
(i) Oil and grease hazards. Oxygen cyl- gether to give good electrical contact,
inders and fittings shall be kept away and the exposed metal parts of the lugs
from oil or grease. Cylinders, cylinder shall be completely insulated.
caps and valves, couplings, regulators, (4) Cables in need of repair shall not
hose, and apparatus shall be kept free be used. When a cable, other than the
from oil or greasy substances and shall cable lead referred to in paragraph
not be handled with oily hands or (b)(2) of this section, becomes worn to
gloves. Oxygen shall not be directed at the extent of exposing bare conductors,
oily surfaces, greasy clothes, or within the portion thus exposed shall be pro-
a fuel oil or other storage tank or ves- tected by means of rubber and friction
sel. tape or other equivalent insulation.
(j) Additional rules. For additional de- (c) Ground returns and machine
tails not covered in this subpart, appli- grounding. (1) A ground return cable
cable technical portions of American shall have a safe current carrying ca-
National Standards Institute, Z49.1– pacity equal to or exceeding the speci-
1967, Safety in Welding and Cutting, fied maximum output capacity of the
shall apply. arc welding or cutting unit which it
[44 FR 8577, Feb. 9, 1979; 44 FR 20940, Apr. 6, services. When a single ground return
1979, as amended at 55 FR 42328, Oct. 18, 1990; cable services more than one unit, its
58 FR 35179, June 30, 1993] safe current-carrying capacity shall
equal or exceed the total specified
§ 1926.351 Arc welding and cutting. maximum output capacities of all the
(a) Manual electrode holders. (1) Only units which it services.
manual electrode holders which are (2) Pipelines containing gases or
specifically designed for arc welding flammable liquids, or conduits con-
and cutting, and are of a capacity capa- taining electrical circuits, shall not be
ble of safely handling the maximum used as a ground return. For welding
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
rated current required by the elec- on natural gas pipelines, the technical
trodes, shall be used. portions of regulations issued by the
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.352
(4) Any faulty or defective equipment site side as are taken on the side on
shall be reported to the supervisor. which the welding is being performed.
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§ 1926.353 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.353
(c) Welding, cutting, or heating of met- traviolet rays, and the liberation of
als of toxic significance. (1) Welding, cut- toxic fumes and gases, employees shall
ting, or heating in any enclosed spaces not be permitted to engage in, or be ex-
involving the metals specified in this posed to the process until the following
subparagraph shall be performed with special precautions have been taken:
either general mechanical or local ex- (i) The use of chlorinated solvents
haust ventilation meeting the require- shall be kept at least 200 feet, unless
ments of paragraph (a) of this section: shielded, from the exposed arc, and sur-
(i) Zinc-bearing base or filler metals faces prepared with chlorinated sol-
or metals coated with zinc-bearing ma- vents shall be thoroughly dry before
terials; welding is permitted on such surfaces.
(ii) Lead base metals; (ii) Employees in the area not pro-
(iii) Cadmium-bearing filler mate- tected from the arc by screening shall
rials; be protected by filter lenses meeting
(iv) Chromium-bearing metals or the requirements of subpart E of this
metals coated with chromium-bearing part. When two or more welders are ex-
materials. posed to each other’s arc, filter lens
(2) Welding, cutting, or heating in goggles of a suitable type, meeting the
any enclosed spaces involving the met- requirements of subpart E of this part,
als specified in this subparagraph shall shall be worn under welding helmets.
be performed with local exhaust ven- Hand shields to protect the welder
tilation in accordance with the require- against flashes and radiant energy
ments of paragraph (a) of this section, shall be used when either the helmet is
or employees shall be protected by air lifted or the shield is removed.
line respirators in accordance with the (iii) Welders and other employees
requirements of subpart E of this part: who are exposed to radiation shall be
(i) Metals containing lead, other than suitably protected so that the skin is
as an impurity, or metals coated with covered completely to prevent burns
lead-bearing materials; and other damage by ultraviolet rays.
(ii) Cadmium-bearing or cadmium- Welding helmets and hand shields shall
coated base metals; be free of leaks and openings, and free
(iii) Metals coated with mercury- of highly reflective surfaces.
bearing metals; (iv) When inert-gas metal-arc weld-
(iv) Beryllium-containing base or ing is being performed on stainless
filler metals. Because of its high tox- steel, the requirements of paragraph
icity, work involving beryllium shall (c)(2) of this section shall be met to
be done with both local exhaust ven- protect against dangerous concentra-
tilation and air line respirators. tions of nitrogen dioxide.
(3) Employees performing such oper- (e) General welding, cutting, and heat-
ations in the open air shall be pro- ing. (1) Welding, cutting, and heating,
tected by filter-type respirators in ac- not involving conditions or materials
cordance with the requirements of sub- described in paragraph (b), (c), or (d) of
part E of this part, except that employ- this section, may normally be done
ees performing such operations on be- without mechanical ventilation or res-
ryllium-containing base or filler met- piratory protective equipment, but
als shall be protected by air line res- where, because of unusual physical or
pirators in accordance with the re- atmospheric conditions, an unsafe ac-
quirements of subpart E of this part. cumulation of contaminants exists,
(4) Other employees exposed to the suitable mechanical ventilation or res-
same atmosphere as the welders or piratory protective equipment shall be
burners shall be protected in the same provided.
manner as the welder or burner. (2) Employees performing any type of
(d) Inert-gas metal-arc welding. (1) welding, cutting, or heating shall be
Since the inert-gas metal-arc welding protected by suitable eye protective
process involves the production of equipment in accordance with the re-
ultra-violet radiation of intensities of 5 quirements of subpart E of this part.
to 30 times that produced during
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§ 1926.354 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
§ 1926.354 Welding, cutting, and heat- (a) Installation safety requirements. In-
ing in way of preservative coatings. stallation safety requirements are con-
(a) Before welding, cutting, or heat- tained in §§ 1926.402 through 1926.408. In-
ing is commenced on any surface cov- cluded in this category are electric
ered by a preservative coating whose equipment and installations used to
flammability is not known, a test shall provide electric power and light on
be made by a competent person to de- jobsites.
termine its flammability. Preservative (b) Safety-related work practices. Safe-
coatings shall be considered to be high- ty-related work practices are contained
ly flammable when scrapings burn with in §§ 1926.416 and 1926.417. In addition to
extreme rapidity. covering the hazards arising from the
(b) Precautions shall be taken to pre- use of electricity at jobsites, these reg-
vent ignition of highly flammable ulations also cover the hazards arising
hardened preservative coatings. When from the accidental contact, direct or
coatings are determined to be highly indirect, by employees with all ener-
flammable, they shall be stripped from gized lines, above or below ground,
the area to be heated to prevent igni- passing through or near the jobsite.
tion. (c) Safety-related maintenance and en-
(c) Protection against toxic preserva- vironmental considerations. Safety-re-
tive coatings: (1) In enclosed spaces, all lated maintenance and environmental
surfaces covered with toxic preserva- considerations are contained in
tives shall be stripped of all toxic coat- §§ 1926.431 and 1926.432.
ings for a distance of at least 4 inches (d) Safety requirements for special
from the area of heat application, or equipment. Safety requirements for spe-
the employees shall be protected by air
cial equipment are contained in
line respirators, meeting the require-
§ 1926.441.
ments of subpart E of this part.
(2) In the open air, employees shall be (e) Definitions. Definitions applicable
protected by a respirator, in accord- to this subpart are contained in
ance with requirements of subpart E of § 1926.449.
this part.
§ 1926.401 [Reserved]
(d) The preservative coatings shall be
removed a sufficient distance from the INSTALLATION SAFETY REQUIREMENTS
area to be heated to ensure that the
temperature of the unstripped metal § 1926.402 Applicability.
will not be appreciably raised. Artifi-
cial cooling of the metal surrounding (a) Covered. Sections 1926.402 through
the heating area may be used to limit 1926.408 contain installation safety re-
the size of the area required to be quirements for electrical equipment
cleaned. and installations used to provide elec-
tric power and light at the jobsite.
Subpart K—Electrical These sections apply to installations,
both temporary and permanent, used
on the jobsite; but these sections do
AUTHORITY: 29 U.S.C. 653, 655, 657; 40 U.S.C.
not apply to existing permanent instal-
333; Secretary of Labor’s Order No. 9–83 (48
FR 35736), 1–90 (55 FR 9033) or 1–2012 (77 FR lations that were in place before the
3912), as applicable; 29 CFR part 1911. construction activity commenced.
SOURCE: 51 FR 25318, July 11, 1986, unless NOTE: If the electrical installation is made
otherwise noted. in accordance with the National Electrical
Code ANSI/NFPA 70–1984, exclusive of For-
GENERAL mal Interpretations and Tentative Interim
Amendments, it will be deemed to be in com-
§ 1926.400 Introduction. pliance with §§ 1926.403 through 1926.408, ex-
cept for §§ 1926.404(b)(1) and 1926.405(a)(2)(ii)
This subpart addresses electrical
(E), (F), (G), and (J).
safety requirements that are necessary
for the practical safeguarding of em- (b) Not covered. Sections 1926.402
ployees involved in construction work through 1926.408 do not cover installa-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
and is divided into four major divisions tions used for the generation, trans-
and applicable definitions as follows: mission, and distribution of electric
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.403
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§ 1926.403 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
unless located and arranged so the pur- live parts are exposed for inspection or
pose is evident. These markings shall servicing, the working space, if in a
be of sufficient durability to withstand passageway or general open space,
the environment involved. shall be guarded.
(i) 600 Volts, nominal, or less. This (iii) Access and entrance to working
paragraph applies to equipment oper- space. At least one entrance shall be
ating at 600 volts, nominal, or less. provided to give access to the working
(1) Working space about electric equip- space about electric equipment.
ment. Sufficient access and working (iv) Front working space. Where there
space shall be provided and maintained are live parts normally exposed on the
about all electric equipment to permit front of switchboards or motor control
ready and safe operation and mainte- centers, the working space in front of
nance of such equipment. such equipment shall not be less than 3
(i) Working clearances. Except as re- feet (914 mm).
quired or permitted elsewhere in this (v) Headroom. The minimum head-
subpart, the dimension of the working room of working spaces about service
space in the direction of access to live equipment, switchboards, panelboards,
parts operating at 600 volts or less and or motor control centers shall be 6 feet
likely to require examination, adjust- 3 inches (1.91 m).
ment, servicing, or maintenance while (2) Guarding of live parts. (i) Except as
alive shall not be less than indicated in required or permitted elsewhere in this
Table K–1. In addition to the dimen- subpart, live parts of electric equip-
sions shown in Table K–1, workspace ment operating at 50 volts or more
shall not be less than 30 inches (762 shall be guarded against accidental
mm) wide in front of the electric equip- contact by cabinets or other forms of
ment. Distances shall be measured enclosures, or by any of the following
from the live parts if they are exposed, means:
or from the enclosure front or opening (A) By location in a room, vault, or
if the live parts are enclosed. Walls similar enclosure that is accessible
constructed of concrete, brick, or tile only to qualified persons.
are considered to be grounded. Working (B) By partitions or screens so ar-
space is not required in back of assem- ranged that only qualified persons will
blies such as dead-front switchboards have access to the space within reach
or motor control centers where there of the live parts. Any openings in such
are no renewable or adjustable parts partitions or screens shall be so sized
such as fuses or switches on the back and located that persons are not likely
and where all connections are acces- to come into accidental contact with
sible from locations other than the the live parts or to bring conducting
back. objects into contact with them.
(C) By location on a balcony, gallery,
TABLE K–1—WORKING CLEARANCES or platform so elevated and arranged as
to exclude unqualified persons.
Minimum clear distance
for conditions 1 (D) By elevation of 8 feet (2.44 m) or
Nominal voltage to ground
more above the floor or other working
(a) (b) (c)
surface and so installed as to exclude
Feet 2 Feet 2 Feet 2 unqualified persons.
0–150 ......................................... 3 3 3 (ii) In locations where electric equip-
151–600 ..................................... 3 31⁄2 4
ment would be exposed to physical
1 Conditions (a), (b), and (c) are as follows: (a) Exposed live
damage, enclosures or guards shall be
parts on one side and no live or grounded parts on the other
side of the working space, or exposed live parts on both sides so arranged and of such strength as to
effectively guarded by insulating material. Insulated wire or in- prevent such damage.
sulated busbars operating at not over 300 volts are not con-
sidered live parts. (b) Exposed live parts on one side and (iii) Entrances to rooms and other
grounded parts on the other side. (c) Exposed live parts on guarded locations containing exposed
both sides of the workspace [not guarded as provided in Con-
dition (a)] with the operator between. live parts shall be marked with con-
2 Note: For International System of Units (SI): one foot =
spicuous warning signs forbidding un-
qualified persons to enter.
(ii) Clear spaces. Working space re- (j) Over 600 volts, nominal—(1) General.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
quired by this subpart shall not be used Conductors and equipment used on cir-
for storage. When normally enclosed cuits exceeding 600 volts, nominal,
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.403
shall comply with all applicable provi- imum clear workspace shall not be less
sions of paragraphs (a) through (g) of than 6 feet 6 inches (1.98 m) high (meas-
this section and with the following pro- ured vertically from the floor or plat-
visions which supplement or modify form), or less than 3 feet (914 mm) wide
those requirements. The provisions of (measured parallel to the equipment).
paragraphs (j)(2), (j)(3), and (j)(4) of this The depth shall be as required in Table
section do not apply to equipment on K–2. The workspace shall be adequate
the supply side of the service conduc- to permit at least a 90-degree opening
tors. of doors or hinged panels.
(2) Enclosure for electrical installations. (i) Working space. The minimum clear
Electrical installations in a vault, working space in front of electric
room, closet or in an area surrounded equipment such as switchboards, con-
by a wall, screen, or fence, access to trol panels, switches, circuit breakers,
which is controlled by lock and key or motor controllers, relays, and similar
other equivalent means, are considered equipment shall not be less than speci-
to be accessible to qualified persons fied in Table K–2 unless otherwise spec-
only. A wall, screen, or fence less than ified in this subpart. Distances shall be
8 feet (2.44 m) in height is not consid- measured from the live parts if they
ered adequate to prevent access unless are exposed, or from the enclosure
it has other features that provide a de- front or opening if the live parts are
gree of isolation equivalent to an 8-foot enclosed. However, working space is
(2.44-m) fence. The entrances to all not required in back of equipment such
buildings, rooms or enclosures con- as deadfront switchboards or control
taining exposed live parts or exposed assemblies where there are no renew-
conductors operating at over 600 volts, able or adjustable parts (such as fuses
nominal, shall be kept locked or shall or switches) on the back and where all
be under the observation of a qualified connections are accessible from loca-
person at all times. tions other than the back. Where rear
(i) Installations accessible to qualified access is required to work on de-ener-
persons only. Electrical installations gized parts on the back of enclosed
having exposed live parts shall be ac- equipment, a minimum working space
cessible to qualified persons only and of 30 inches (762 mm) horizontally shall
shall comply with the applicable provi- be provided.
sions of paragraph (j)(3) of this section.
(ii) Installations accessible to unquali- TABLE K–2—MINIMUM DEPTH OF CLEAR WORK-
fied persons. Electrical installations ING SPACE IN FRONT OF ELECTRIC EQUIP-
that are open to unqualified persons MENT
shall be made with metal-enclosed Conditions 1
equipment or shall be enclosed in a Nominal voltage to ground
(a) (b) (c)
vault or in an area, access to which is
controlled by a lock. Metal-enclosed Feet 2 Feet 2 Feet 2
switchgear, unit substations, trans- 601 to 2,500 .............................. 3 4 5
formers, pull boxes, connection boxes, 2,501 to 9,000 ........................... 4 5 6
9,001 to 25,000 ......................... 5 6 9
and other similar associated equipment 25,001 to 75 kV ......................... 6 8 10
shall be marked with appropriate cau- Above 75kV ............................... 8 10 12
tion signs. If equipment is exposed to 1Conditions (a), (b), and (c) are as follows: (a) Exposed live
physical damage from vehicular traffic, parts on one side and no live or grounded parts on the other
side of the working space, or exposed live parts on both sides
guards shall be provided to prevent effectively guarded by insulating materials. Insulated wire or
such damage. Ventilating or similar insulated busbars operating at not over 300 volts are not con-
sidered live parts. (b) Exposed live parts on one side and
openings in metal-enclosed equipment grounded parts on the other side. Walls constructed of con-
shall be designed so that foreign ob- crete, brick, or tile are considered to be grounded surfaces.
(c) Exposed live parts on both sides of the workspace [not
jects inserted through these openings guarded as provided in Condition (a)] with the operator be-
will be deflected from energized parts. tween.
2 NOTE: For SI units: one foot = 0.3048 m.
(3) Workspace about equipment. Suffi-
cient space shall be provided and main- (ii) Lighting outlets and points of con-
tained about electric equipment to per- trol. The lighting outlets shall be so ar-
mit ready and safe operation and main- ranged that persons changing lamps or
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
tenance of such equipment. Where en- making repairs on the lighting system
ergized parts are exposed, the min- will not be endangered by live parts or
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§ 1926.404 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
not be used for purposes other than such as deformed or missing pins or in-
grounding. sulation damage, and for indications of
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.404
(i) Single receptacles. A single recep- ject to vehicular traffic other than
tacle installed on an individual branch truck traffic.
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§ 1926.404 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(C) 15 feet (4.57 m)—over areas other (d) Services—(1) Disconnecting means—
than those specified in paragraph (i) General. Means shall be provided to
(c)(1)(ii)(D) of this section that are sub- disconnect all conductors in a building
ject to truck traffic. or other structure from the service-en-
(D) 18 feet (5.49 m)—over public trance conductors. The disconnecting
streets, alleys, roads, and driveways. means shall plainly indicate whether it
(iii) Clearance from building openings. is in the open or closed position and
Conductors shall have a clearance of at shall be installed at a readily acces-
least 3 feet (914 mm) from windows, sible location nearest the point of en-
doors, fire escapes, or similar loca- trance of the service-entrance conduc-
tions. Conductors run above the top tors.
level of a window are considered to be (ii) Simultaneous opening of poles.
out of reach from that window and, Each service disconnecting means shall
therefore, do not have to be 3 feet (914 simultaneously disconnect all
mm) away. ungrounded conductors.
(iv) Clearance over roofs. Conductors (2) Services over 600 volts, nominal. The
above roof space accessible to employ- following additional requirements
ees on foot shall have a clearance from apply to services over 600 volts, nomi-
the highest point of the roof surface of nal.
not less than 8 feet (2.44 m) vertical (i) Guarding. Service-entrance con-
ductors installed as open wires shall be
clearance for insulated conductors, not
guarded to make them accessible only
less than 10 feet (3.05 m) vertical or di-
to qualified persons.
agonal clearance for covered conduc-
(ii) Warning signs. Signs warning of
tors, and not less than 15 feet (4.57 m)
high voltage shall be posted where un-
for bare conductors, except that:
authorized employees might come in
(A) Where the roof space is also ac- contact with live parts.
cessible to vehicular traffic, the (e) Overcurrent protection—(1) 600
vertical clearance shall not be less volts, nominal, or less. The following re-
than 18 feet (5.49 m), or quirements apply to overcurrent pro-
(B) Where the roof space is not nor- tection of circuits rated 600 volts,
mally accessible to employees on foot, nominal, or less.
fully insulated conductors shall have a (i) Protection of conductors and equip-
vertical or diagonal clearance of not ment. Conductors and equipment shall
less than 3 feet (914 mm), or be protected from overcurrent in ac-
(C) Where the voltage between con- cordance with their ability to safely
ductors is 300 volts or less and the roof conduct current. Conductors shall have
has a slope of not less than 4 inches (102 sufficient ampacity to carry the load.
mm) in 12 inches (305 mm), the clear- (ii) Grounded conductors. Except for
ance from roofs shall be at least 3 feet motor-running overload protection,
(914 mm), or overcurrent devices shall not interrupt
(D) Where the voltage between con- the continuity of the grounded con-
ductors is 300 volts or less and the con- ductor unless all conductors of the cir-
ductors do not pass over more than 4 cuit are opened simultaneously.
feet (1.22 m) of the overhang portion of (iii) Disconnection of fuses and thermal
the roof and they are terminated at a cutouts. Except for devices provided for
through-the-roof raceway or support, current-limiting on the supply side of
the clearance from roofs shall be at the service disconnecting means, all
least 18 inches (457 mm). cartridge fuses which are accessible to
(2) Location of outdoor lamps. Lamps other than qualified persons and all
for outdoor lighting shall be located fuses and thermal cutouts on circuits
below all live conductors, trans- over 150 volts to ground shall be pro-
formers, or other electric equipment, vided with disconnecting means. This
unless such equipment is controlled by disconnecting means shall be installed
a disconnecting means that can be so that the fuse or thermal cutout can
locked in the open position or unless be disconnected from its supply with-
adequate clearances or other safe- out disrupting service to equipment
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
guards are provided for relamping oper- and circuits unrelated to those pro-
ations. tected by the overcurrent device.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.404
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§ 1926.404 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
enclosures shall be permanent and con- ratus such as transformers and capaci-
tinuous. tors mounted on wooden poles at a
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.404
height exceeding 8 feet (2.44 m) above sures around equipment of over IkV be-
ground or grade level. tween conductors.
(iv) Equipment connected by cord and (8) Methods of grounding equipment—
plug. Under any of the conditions de- (i) With circuit conductors. Noncurrent-
scribed in paragraphs (f)(7)(iv)(A) carrying metal parts of fixed equip-
through (f)(7)(iv)(C) of this section, ex- ment, if required to be grounded by
posed noncurrent-carrying metal parts this subpart, shall be grounded by an
of cord- and plug-connected equipment equipment grounding conductor which
which may become energized shall be is contained within the same raceway,
grounded: cable, or cord, or runs with or encloses
(A) If in a hazardous (classified) loca- the circuit conductors. For DC circuits
tion (see § 1926.407). only, the equipment grounding con-
(B) If operated at over 150 volts to ductor may be run separately from the
ground, except for guarded motors and circuit conductors.
metal frames of electrically heated ap- (ii) Grounding conductor. A conductor
pliances if the appliance frames are used for grounding fixed or movable
permanently and effectively insulated equipment shall have capacity to con-
from ground. duct safely any fault current which
(C) If the equipment is one of the may be imposed on it.
types listed in paragraphs (iii) Equipment considered effectively
(f)(7)(iv)(C)(1) through (f)(7)(iv)(C)(5) of grounded. Electric equipment is consid-
this section. However, even though the ered to be effectively grounded if it is
equipment may be one of these types, secured to, and in electrical contact
it need not be grounded if it is exempt- with, a metal rack or structure that is
ed by paragraph (f)(7)(iv)(C)(6). provided for its support and the metal
(1) Hand held motor-operated tools; rack or structure is grounded by the
(2) Cord- and plug-connected equip- method specified for the noncurrent-
ment used in damp or wet locations or carrying metal parts of fixed equip-
by employees standing on the ground ment in paragraph (f)(8)(i) of this sec-
or on metal floors or working inside of tion. Metal car frames supported by
metal tanks or boilers; metal hoisting cables attached to or
(3) Portable and mobile X-ray and as- running over metal sheaves or drums of
sociated equipment; grounded elevator machines are also
(4) Tools likely to be used in wet and/ considered to be effectively grounded.
or conductive locations; and (9) Bonding. If bonding conductors are
(5) Portable hand lamps. used to assure electrical continuity,
(6) Tools likely to be used in wet and/ they shall have the capacity to conduct
or conductive locations need not be any fault current which may be im-
grounded if supplied through an iso- posed.
lating transformer with an ungrounded (10) Made electrodes. If made elec-
secondary of not over 50 volts. Listed trodes are used, they shall be free from
or labeled portable tools and appli- nonconductive coatings, such as paint
ances protected by a system of double or enamel; and, if practicable, they
insulation, or its equivalent, need not shall be embedded below permanent
be grounded. If such a system is em- moisture level. A single electrode con-
ployed, the equipment shall be distinc- sisting of a rod, pipe or plate which has
tively marked to indicate that the tool a resistance to ground greater than 25
or appliance utilizes a system of double ohms shall be augmented by one addi-
insulation. tional electrode installed no closer
(v) Nonelectrical equipment. The metal than 6 feet (1.83 m) to the first elec-
parts of the following nonelectrical trode.
equipment shall be grounded: Frames (11) Grounding of systems and circuits
and tracks of electrically operated of 1000 volts and over (high voltage)—(i)
cranes; frames of nonelectrically driv- General. If high voltage systems are
en elevator cars to which electric con- grounded, they shall comply with all
ductors are attached; hand-operated applicable provisions of paragraphs
metal shifting ropes or cables of elec- (f)(1) through (f)(10) of this section as
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§ 1926.405 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.405
conductors shall be fastened at inter- NOTE: The National Electrical Code, ANSI/
vals not exceeding 10 feet (3.05 m). No NFPA 70, in Article 400, Table 400–4, lists
branch-circuit conductors shall be laid various types of flexible cords, some of which
are noted as being designed for hard or extra-
on the floor. Each branch circuit that hard usage. Examples of these types of flexi-
supplies receptacles or fixed equipment ble cords include hard service cord (types S,
shall contain a separate equipment ST, SO, STO) and junior hard service cord
grounding conductor if the branch cir- (types SJ, SJO, SJT, SJTO).
cuit is run as open conductors. (iii) Guarding. For temporary wiring
(C) Receptacles shall be of the over 600 volts, nominal, fencing, bar-
grounding type. Unless installed in a riers, or other effective means shall be
complete metallic raceway, each provided to prevent access of other
branch circuit shall contain a separate than authorized and qualified per-
equipment grounding conductor, and sonnel.
all receptacles shall be electrically (b) Cabinets, boxes, and fittings—(1)
connected to the grounding conductor. Conductors entering boxes, cabinets, or
Receptacles for uses other than tem- fittings. Conductors entering boxes,
porary lighting shall not be installed cabinets, or fittings shall be protected
on branch circuits which supply tem- from abrasion, and openings through
porary lighting. Receptacles shall not which conductors enter shall be effec-
be connected to the same ungrounded tively closed. Unused openings in cabi-
conductor of multiwire circuits which nets, boxes, and fittings shall also be
supply temporary lighting. effectively closed.
(D) Disconnecting switches or plug (2) Covers and canopies. All pull boxes,
connectors shall be installed to permit junction boxes, and fittings shall be
the disconnection of all ungrounded provided with covers. If metal covers
conductors of each temporary circuit. are used, they shall be grounded. In en-
(E) All lamps for general illumina- ergized installations each outlet box
tion shall be protected from accidental shall have a cover, faceplate, or fixture
contact or breakage. Metal-case sock- canopy. Covers of outlet boxes having
ets shall be grounded. holes through which flexible cord pend-
ants pass shall be provided with bush-
(F) Temporary lights shall not be
ings designed for the purpose or shall
suspended by their electric cords unless
have smooth, well-rounded surfaces on
cords and lights are designed for this
which the cords may bear.
means of suspension.
(3) Pull and junction boxes for systems
(G) Portable electric lighting used in over 600 volts, nominal. In addition to
wet and/or other conductive locations, other requirements in this section for
as for example, drums, tanks, and ves- pull and junction boxes, the following
sels, shall be operated at 12 volts or shall apply to these boxes for systems
less. However, 120-volt lights may be over 600 volts, nominal:
used if protected by a ground-fault cir- (i) Complete enclosure. Boxes shall
cuit interrupter. provide a complete enclosure for the
(H) A box shall be used wherever a contained conductors or cables.
change is made to a raceway system or (ii) Covers. Boxes shall be closed by
a cable system which is metal clad or covers securely fastened in place. Un-
metal sheathed. derground box covers that weigh over
(I) Flexible cords and cables shall be 100 pounds (43.6 kg) meet this require-
protected from damage. Sharp corners ment. Covers for boxes shall be perma-
and projections shall be avoided. Flexi- nently marked ‘‘HIGH VOLTAGE.’’
ble cords and cables may pass through The marking shall be on the outside of
doorways or other pinch points, if pro- the box cover and shall be readily visi-
tection is provided to avoid damage. ble and legible.
(J) Extension cord sets used with (c) Knife switches. Single-throw knife
portable electric tools and appliances switches shall be so connected that the
shall be of three-wire type and shall be blades are dead when the switch is in
designed for hard or extra-hard usage. the open position. Single-throw knife
Flexible cords used with temporary and switches shall be so placed that gravity
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
portable lights shall be designed for will not tend to close them. Single-
hard or extra-hard usage. throw knife switches approved for use
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§ 1926.405 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(C) Connection of portable lamps or (v) Cords passing through holes. Flexi-
appliances; ble cords and cables shall be protected
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.405
more than 6 pounds (2.72 kg) or exceeds (3) Appliances—(i) Live parts. Appli-
16 inches (406 mm) in any dimension ances, other than those in which the
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§ 1926.405 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
tors under any one of the following unless standing on the mats or plat-
conditions: forms.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.406
(5) Transformers—(i) Application. The (ii) Over 600 volts. Capacitors rated
following paragraphs cover the instal- over 600 volts, nominal, shall comply
lation of all transformers, except: with the following additional require-
(A) Current transformers; ments:
(B) Dry-type transformers installed (A) Isolating or disconnecting switch-
as a component part of other appa- es (with no interrupting rating) shall
ratus; be interlocked with the load inter-
(C) Transformers which are an inte- rupting device or shall be provided
gral part of an X-ray, high frequency, with prominently displayed caution
or electrostatic-coating apparatus; signs to prevent switching load cur-
(D) Transformers used with Class 2 rent.
and Class 3 circuits, sign and outline (B) For series capacitors the proper
lighting, electric discharge lighting, switching shall be assured by use of at
and power-limited fire-protective sig- least one of the following:
naling circuits. (1) Mechanically sequenced isolating
(ii) Operating voltage. The operating and bypass switches,
voltage of exposed live parts of trans- (2) Interlocks, or
former installations shall be indicated (3) Switching procedure prominently
by warning signs or visible markings displayed at the switching location.
on the equipment or structure.
(iii) Transformers over 35 kV. Dry- [51 FR 25318, July 11, 1986, as amended at 61
type, high fire point liquid-insulated, FR 5510, Feb. 13, 1996; 85 FR 8736, Feb. 18,
and askarel-insulated transformers in-
stalled indoors and rated over 35 kV § 1926.406 Specific purpose equipment
shall be in a vault. and installations.
(iv) Oil-insulated transformers. If they
present a fire hazard to employees, oil- (a) Cranes and hoists. This paragraph
insulated transformers installed in- applies to the installation of electric
doors shall be in a vault. equipment and wiring used in connec-
(v) Fire protection. Combustible mate- tion with cranes, monorail hoists,
rial, combustible buildings and parts of hoists, and all runways.
buildings, fire escapes, and door and (1) Disconnecting means—(i) Runway
window openings shall be safeguarded conductor disconnecting means. A readily
from fires which may originate in oil- accessible disconnecting means shall
insulated transformers attached to or be provided between the runway con-
adjacent to a building or combustible tact conductors and the power supply.
material. (ii) Disconnecting means for cranes and
(vi) Transformer vaults. Transformer monorail hoists. A disconnecting means,
vaults shall be constructed so as to capable of being locked in the open po-
contain fire and combustible liquids sition, shall be provided in the leads
within the vault and to prevent unau- from the runway contact conductors or
thorized access. Locks and latches other power supply on any crane or
shall be so arranged that a vault door monorail hoist.
can be readily opened from the inside. (A) If this additional disconnecting
(vii) Pipes and ducts. Any pipe or duct means is not readily accessible from
system foreign to the vault installa- the crane or monorail hoist operating
tion shall not enter or pass through a station, means shall be provided at the
transformer vault. operating station to open the power
(viii) Material storage. Materials shall circuit to all motors of the crane or
not be stored in transformer vaults. monorail hoist.
(6) Capacitors—(i) Drainage of stored (B) The additional disconnect may be
charge. All capacitors, except surge ca- omitted if a monorail hoist or hand-
pacitors or capacitors included as a propelled crane bridge installation
component part of other apparatus, meets all of the following:
shall be provided with an automatic (1) The unit is floor controlled;
means of draining the stored charge (2) The unit is within view of the
and maintaining the discharged state power supply disconnecting means; and
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
after the capacitor is disconnected (3) No fixed work platform has been
from its source of supply. provided for servicing the unit.
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§ 1926.407 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(2) Control. A limit switch or other (2) Resistance welders. A switch or cir-
device shall be provided to prevent the cuit breaker shall be provided by which
load block from passing the safe upper each resistance welder and its control
limit of travel of any hoisting mecha- equipment can be isolated from the
nism. supply circuit. The ampere rating of
(3) Clearance. The dimension of the this disconnecting means shall not be
working space in the direction of ac- less than the supply conductor
cess to live parts which may require ampacity.
examination, adjustment, servicing, or (d) X-Ray equipment—(1) Disconnecting
maintenance while alive shall be a means—(i) General. A disconnecting
minimum of 2 feet 6 inches (762 mm). means shall be provided in the supply
Where controls are enclosed in cabi- circuit. The disconnecting means shall
nets, the door(s) shall open at least 90 be operable from a location readily ac-
degrees or be removable, or the instal- cessible from the X-ray control. For
lation shall provide equivalent access. equipment connected to a 120-volt
(4) Grounding. All exposed metal branch circuit of 30 amperes or less, a
parts of cranes, monorail hoists, hoists grounding-type attachment plug cap
and accessories including pendant con- and receptacle of proper rating may
trols shall be metallically joined to- serve as a disconnecting means.
gether into a continuous electrical con- (ii) More than one piece of equipment.
ductor so that the entire crane or hoist If more than one piece of equipment is
will be grounded in accordance with operated from the same high-voltage
§ 1926.404(f). Moving parts, other than circuit, each piece or each group of
removable accessories or attachments, equipment as a unit shall be provided
having metal-to-metal bearing surfaces with a high-voltage switch or equiva-
shall be considered to be electrically lent disconnecting means. This dis-
connected to each other through the connecting means shall be constructed,
bearing surfaces for grounding pur- enclosed, or located so as to avoid con-
poses. The trolley frame and bridge tact by employees with its live parts.
frame shall be considered as elec- (2) Control—Radiographic and
fluoroscopic types. Radiographic and
trically grounded through the bridge
fluoroscopic-type equipment shall be
and trolley wheels and its respective
effectively enclosed or shall have inter-
tracks unless conditions such as paint
locks that deenergize the equipment
or other insulating materials prevent
automatically to prevent ready access
reliable metal-to-metal contact. In this
to live current-carrying parts.
case a separate bonding conductor
shall be provided. § 1926.407 Hazardous (classified) loca-
(b) Elevators, escalators, and moving tions.
walks—(1) Disconnecting means. Ele- (a) Scope. This section sets forth re-
vators, escalators, and moving walks quirements for electric equipment and
shall have a single means for dis- wiring in locations which are classified
connecting all ungrounded main power depending on the properties of the
supply conductors for each unit. flammable vapors, liquids or gases, or
(2) Control panels. If control panels combustible dusts or fibers which may
are not located in the same space as be present therein and the likelihood
the drive machine, they shall be lo- that a flammable or combustible con-
cated in cabinets with doors or panels centration or quantity is present. Each
capable of being locked closed. room, section or area shall be consid-
(c) Electric welders—disconnecting ered individually in determining its
means—(1) Motor-generator, AC trans- classification. These hazardous (classi-
former, and DC rectifier arc welders. A fied) locations are assigned six designa-
disconnecting means shall be provided tions as follows:
in the supply circuit for each motor-
Class I, Division 1
generator arc welder, and for each AC Class I, Division 2
transformer and DC rectifier arc welder Class II, Division 1
which is not equipped with a dis-
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.408
For definitions of these locations see marked with the class, group, division,
§ 1926.449. All applicable requirements or operating temperature.
in this subpart apply to all hazardous (D) Fixed dust-tight equipment,
(classified) locations, unless modified other than lighting fixtures, which is
by provisions of this section. acceptable for use in Class II, Division
(b) Electrical installations. Equipment, 2 and Class III locations need not be
wiring methods, and installations of marked with the class, group, division,
equipment in hazardous (classified) lo- or operating temperature.
cations shall be approved as intrinsi- (3) Safe for the hazardous (classified)
cally safe or approved for the haz- location. Equipment which is safe for
ardous (classified) location or safe for the location shall be of a type and de-
the hazardous (classified) location. Re- sign which the employer demonstrates
quirements for each of these options will provide protection from the haz-
are as follows: ards arising from the combustibility
(1) Intrinsically safe. Equipment and and flammability of vapors, liquids,
associated wiring approved as intrinsi- gases, dusts, or fibers.
cally safe is permitted in any haz- NOTE: The National Electrical Code, NFPA
ardous (classified) location included in 70, contains guidelines for determining the
its listing or labeling. type and design of equipment and installa-
(2) Approved for the hazardous (classi- tions which will meet this requirement. The
fied) location—(i) General. Equipment guidelines of this document address electric
shall be approved not only for the class wiring, equipment, and systems installed in
of location but also for the ignitible or hazardous (classified) locations and contain
specific provisions for the following: wiring
combustible properties of the specific
methods, wiring connections, conductor in-
gas, vapor, dust, or fiber that will be sulation, flexible cords, sealing and drainage,
present. transformers, capacitors, switches, circuit
NOTE: NFPA 70, the National Electrical breakers, fuses, motor controllers, recep-
Code, lists or defines hazardous gases, va- tacles, attachment plugs, meters, relays, in-
pors, and dusts by ‘‘Groups’’ characterized by struments, resistors, generators, motors,
their ignitible or combustible properties. lighting fixtures, storage battery charging
equipment, electric cranes, electric hoists
(ii) Marking. Equipment shall not be and similar equipment, utilization equip-
used unless it is marked to show the ment, signaling systems, alarm systems, re-
class, group, and operating tempera- mote control systems, local loud speaker and
communication systems, ventilation piping,
ture or temperature range, based on
live parts, lightning surge protection, and
operation in a 40-degree C ambient, for grounding. Compliance with these guidelines
which it is approved. The temperature will constitute one means, but not the only
marking shall not exceed the ignition means, of compliance with this paragraph.
temperature of the specific gas, vapor,
or dust to be encountered. However, (c) Conduits. All conduits shall be
the following provisions modify this threaded and shall be made wrench-
marking requirement for specific tight. Where it is impractical to make
equipment: a threaded joint tight, a bonding jump-
(A) Equipment of the non-heat-pro- er shall be utilized.
ducing type (such as junction boxes, [51 FR 25318, July 11, 1986, as amended at 61
conduit, and fitting) and equipment of FR 5510, Feb. 13, 1996]
the heat-producing type having a max-
imum temperature of not more than § 1926.408 Special systems.
100 degrees C (212 degrees F) need not (a) Systems over 600 volts, nominal.
have a marked operating temperature Paragraphs (a)(1) through (a)(4) of this
or temperature range. section contain general requirements
(B) Fixed lighting fixtures marked for all circuits and equipment operated
for use only in Class I, Division 2 loca- at over 600 volts.
tions need not be marked to indicate (1) Wiring methods for fixed installa-
the group. tions—(i) Above ground. Above-ground
(C) Fixed general-purpose equipment conductors shall be installed in rigid
in Class I locations, other than lighting metal conduit, in intermediate metal
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§ 1926.408 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
runs of metal-clad cable designed for method of cable termination used shall
the use and purpose. However, open prevent any strain or pull on the cable
runs of non-metallic-sheathed cable or from stressing the electrical connec-
of bare conductors or busbars may be tions. The enclosure shall have provi-
installed in locations which are acces- sion for locking so only authorized
sible only to qualified persons. Metallic qualified persons may open it and shall
shielding components, such as tapes, be marked with a sign warning of the
wires, or braids for conductors, shall be presence of energized parts.
grounded. Open runs of insulated wires (ii) Guarding live parts. All energized
and cables having a bare lead sheath or switching and control parts shall be en-
a braided outer covering shall be sup- closed in effectively grounded metal
ported in a manner designed to prevent cabinets or enclosures. Circuit break-
physical damage to the braid or sheath. ers and protective equipment shall
(ii) Installations emerging from the have the operating means projecting
ground. Conductors emerging from the through the metal cabinet or enclosure
ground shall be enclosed in raceways. so these units can be reset without
Raceways installed on poles shall be of locked doors being opened. Enclosures
rigid metal conduit, intermediate and metal cabinets shall be locked so
metal conduit, PVC schedule 80 or that only authorized qualified persons
equivalent extending from the ground have access and shall be marked with a
line up to a point 8 feet (2.44 m) above sign warning of the presence of ener-
finished grade. Conductors entering a gized parts. Collector ring assemblies
building shall be protected by an enclo- on revolving-type machines (shovels,
sure from the ground line to the point draglines, etc.) shall be guarded.
of entrance. Metallic enclosures shall (4) Tunnel installations—(i) Applica-
be grounded. tion. The provisions of this paragraph
(2) Interrupting and isolating devices— apply to installation and use of high-
(i) Circuit breakers. Circuit breakers lo- voltage power distribution and utiliza-
cated indoors shall consist of metal-en- tion equipment which is associated
closed or fire-resistant, cell-mounted with tunnels and which is portable and/
units. In locations accessible only to or mobile, such as substations, trailers,
qualified personnel, open mounting of cars, mobile shovels, draglines, hoists,
circuit breakers is permitted. A means drills, dredges, compressors, pumps,
of indicating the open and closed posi- conveyors, and underground exca-
tion of circuit breakers shall be pro- vators.
vided. (ii) Conductors. Conductors in tunnels
(ii) Fused cutouts. Fused cutouts in- shall be installed in one or more of the
stalled in buildings or transformer following:
vaults shall be of a type identified for (A) Metal conduit or other metal
the purpose. They shall be readily ac- raceway,
cessible for fuse replacement. (B) Type MC cable, or
(iii) Equipment isolating means. A (C) Other suitable multiconductor
means shall be provided to completely cable.
isolate equipment for inspection and Conductors shall also be so located or
repairs. Isolating means which are not guarded as to protect them from phys-
designed to interrupt the load current ical damage. Multiconductor portable
of the circuit shall be either cable may supply mobile equipment.
interlocked with a circuit interrupter An equipment grounding conductor
or provided with a sign warning shall be run with circuit conductors in-
against opening them under load. side the metal raceway or inside the
(3) Mobile and portable equipment—(i) multiconductor cable jacket. The
Power cable connections to mobile ma- equipment grounding conductor may
chines. A metallic enclosure shall be be insulated or bare.
provided on the mobile machine for en- (iii) Guarding live parts. Bare termi-
closing the terminals of the power nals of transformers, switches, motor
cable. The enclosure shall include pro- controllers, and other equipment shall
visions for a solid connection for the be enclosed to prevent accidental con-
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ground wire(s) terminal to ground ef- tact with energized parts. Enclosures
fectively the machine frame. The for use in tunnels shall be drip-proof,
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.408
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§§ 1926.409–1926.415 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
equally protective method of conductor (2) In work areas where the exact lo-
separation is employed. cation of underground electric
(4) Equipment location. Outdoor metal powerlines is unknown, employees
structures supporting antennas, as well using jack-hammers, bars, or other
as self-supporting antennas such as hand tools which may contact a line
vertical rods or dipole structures, shall shall be provided with insulated protec-
be located as far away from overhead tive gloves.
conductors of electric light and power (3) Before work is begun the em-
circuits of over 150 volts to ground as ployer shall ascertain by inquiry or di-
necessary to avoid the possibility of rect observation, or by instruments,
the antenna or structure falling into or whether any part of an energized elec-
making accidental contact with such tric power circuit, exposed or con-
circuits. cealed, is so located that the perform-
(5) Grounding—(i) Lead-in conductors. ance of the work may bring any person,
If exposed to contact with electric tool, or machine into physical or elec-
light or power conductors, the metal trical contact with the electric power
sheath of aerial cables entering build- circuit. The employer shall post and
ings shall be grounded or shall be inter- maintain proper warning signs where
rupted close to the entrance to the such a circuit exists. The employer
building by an insulating joint or shall advise employees of the location
equivalent device. Where protective de- of such lines, the hazards involved, and
vices are used, they shall be grounded. the protective measures to be taken.
(b) Passageways and open spaces—-(1)
(ii) Antenna structures. Masts and
Barriers or other means of guarding
metal structures supporting antennas
shall be provided to ensure that work-
shall be permanently and effectively
space for electrical equipment will not
grounded without splice or connection
be used as a passageway during periods
in the grounding conductor.
when energized parts of electrical
(iii) Equipment enclosures. Transmit- equipment are exposed.
ters shall be enclosed in a metal frame (2) Working spaces, walkways, and
or grill or separated from the operating similar locations shall be kept clear of
space by a barrier, all metallic parts of cords so as not to create a hazard to
which are effectively connected to employees.
ground. All external metal handles and (c) Load ratings. In existing installa-
controls accessible to the operating tions, no changes in circuit protection
personnel shall be effectively grounded. shall be made to increase the load in
Unpowered equipment and enclosures excess of the load rating of the circuit
shall be considered grounded where wiring.
connected to an attached coaxial cable (d) Fuses. When fuses are installed or
with an effectively grounded metallic removed with one or both terminals en-
shield. ergized, special tools insulated for the
[51 FR 25318, July 11, 1986, as amended at 61 voltage shall be used.
FR 5510, Feb. 13, 1996] (e) Cords and cables. (1) Worn or
frayed electric cords or cables shall not
§§ 1926.409–1926.415 [Reserved] be used.
(2) Extension cords shall not be fas-
SAFETY-RELATED WORK PRACTICES tened with staples, hung from nails, or
suspended by wire.
§ 1926.416 General requirements.
[44 FR 8577, Feb. 9, 1979; 44 FR 20940, Apr. 6,
(a) Protection of employees—(1) No em- 1979, as amended at 55 FR 42328, Oct. 18, 1990;
ployer shall permit an employee to 58 FR 35179, June 30, 1993; 61 FR 9251, Mar. 7,
work in such proximity to any part of 1996; 61 FR 41738, Aug. 12, 1996]
an electric power circuit that the em-
ployee could contact the electric power § 1926.417 Lockout and tagging of cir-
circuit in the course of work, unless cuits.
the employee is protected against elec- (a) Controls. Controls that are to be
tric shock by deenergizing the circuit deactivated during the course of work
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.449
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§ 1926.449 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
Secretary of Labor, and approved with- ant Secretary of Labor for Occupa-
in the meaning of this subpart K: tional Safety and Health. The defini-
(a) If it is accepted, or certified, or tion of ‘‘acceptable’’ indicates what is
listed, or labeled, or otherwise deter- acceptable to the Assistant Secretary
mined to be safe by a qualified testing of Labor, and therefore approved with-
laboratory capable of determining the in the meaning of this subpart.
suitability of materials and equipment Askarel. A generic term for a group of
for installation and use in accordance nonflammable synthetic chlorinated
with this standard; or hydrocarbons used as electrical insu-
(b) With respect to an installation or lating media. Askarels of various
equipment of a kind which no qualified compositional types are used. Under
testing laboratory accepts, certifies, arcing conditions the gases produced,
lists, labels, or determines to be safe, if while consisting predominantly of non-
it is inspected or tested by another combustible hydrogen chloride, can in-
Federal agency, or by a State, munic- clude varying amounts of combustible
ipal, or other local authority respon- gases depending upon the askarel type.
sible for enforcing occupational safety Attachment plug (Plug cap)(Cap). A de-
provisions of the National Electrical vice which, by insertion in a recep-
Code, and found in compliance with tacle, establishes connection between
those provisions; or the conductors of the attached flexible
(c) With respect to custom-made cord and the conductors connected per-
equipment or related installations manently to the receptacle.
which are designed, fabricated for, and Automatic. Self-acting, operating by
intended for use by a particular cus- its own mechanism when actuated by
tomer, if it is determined to be safe for some impersonal influence, as for ex-
its intended use by its manufacturer on ample, a change in current strength,
the basis of test data which the em- pressure, temperature, or mechanical
ployer keeps and makes available for configuration.
inspection to the Assistant Secretary Bare conductor. See ‘‘Conductor.’’
and his authorized representatives.
Bonding. The permanent joining of
Accepted. An installation is ‘‘accept-
metallic parts to form an electrically
ed’’ if it has been inspected and found
conductive path which will assure elec-
to be safe by a qualified testing labora-
trical continuity and the capacity to
conduct safely any current likely to be
Accessible. (As applied to wiring
methods.) Capable of being removed or
exposed without damaging the building Bonding jumper. A reliable conductor
to assure the required electrical con-
structure or finish, or not permanently
ductivity between metal parts required
closed in by the structure or finish of
to be electrically connected.
the building. (See ‘‘concealed’’ and ‘‘ex-
posed.’’) Branch circuit. The circuit conductors
Accessible. (As applied to equipment.) between the final overcurrent device
Admitting close approach; not guarded protecting the circuit and the outlet(s).
by locked doors, elevation, or other ef- Building. A structure which stands
fective means. (See‘‘Readily acces- alone or which is cut off from adjoining
sible.’’) structures by fire walls with all open-
Ampacity. The current in amperes a ings therein protected by approved fire
conductor can carry continuously doors.
under the conditions of use without ex- Cabinet. An enclosure designed either
ceeding its temperature rating. for surface or flush mounting, and pro-
Appliances. Utilization equipment, vided with a frame, mat, or trim in
generally other than industrial, nor- which a swinging door or doors are or
mally built in standardized sizes or may be hung.
types, which is installed or connecetcd Certified. Equipment is ‘‘certified’’ if
as a unit to perform one or more func- it:
tions. (a) Has been tested and found by a
Approved. Acceptable to the author- qualified testing laboratory to meet
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ity enforcing this subpart. The author- applicable test standards or to be safe
ity enforcing this subpart is the Assist- for use in a specified manner, and
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.449
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§ 1926.449 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
Class III locations. Class III locations disconnecting blade by the inclusion of
are those that are hazardous because of a nonfusible member.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.449
Cutout box. An enclosure designed for Exposed. (As applied to wiring meth-
surface mounting and having swinging ods.) On or attached to the surface or
doors or covers secured directly to and behind panels designed to allow access.
telescoping with the walls of the box [See ‘‘Accessible. (As applied to wiring
proper. (See ‘‘Cabinet.’’) methods.)’’]
Damp location. See ‘‘Location.’’ Exposed. (For the purposes of
Dead front. Without live parts ex- § 1926.408(d), Communications systems.)
posed to a person on the operating side Where the circuit is in such a position
of the equipment. that in case of failure of supports or in-
Device. A unit of an electrical system sulation, contact with another circuit
which is intended to carry but not uti- may result.
lize electric energy. Externally operable. Capable of being
Disconnecting means. A device, or operated without exposing the operator
group of devices, or other means by to contact with live parts.
which the conductors of a circuit can Feeder. All circuit conductors be-
be disconnected from their source of tween the service equipment, or the
supply. generator switchboard of an isolated
Disconnecting (or Isolating) switch. plant, and the final branch-circuit
(Over 600 volts, nominal.) A mechanical overcurrent device.
switching device used for isolating a Festoon lighting. A string of outdoor
circuit or equipment from a source of lights suspended between two points
power. more than 15 feet (4.57 m) apart.
Dry location. See ‘‘Location.’’ Fitting. An accessory such as a lock-
Enclosed. Surrounded by a case, hous- nut, bushing, or other part of a wiring
ing, fence or walls which will prevent system that is intended primarily to
persons from accidentally contacting perform a mechanical rather than an
energized parts. electrical function.
Enclosure. The case or housing of ap- Fuse. (Over 600 volts, nominal.) An
paratus, or the fence or walls sur- overcurrent protective device with a
rounding an installation to prevent circuit opening fusible part that is
personnel from accidentally contacting heated and severed by the passage of
energized parts, or to protect the overcurrent through it. A fuse com-
equipment from physical damage. prises all the parts that form a unit ca-
Equipment. A general term including pable of performing the prescribed
material, fittings, devices, appliances, functions. It may or may not be the
fixtures, apparatus, and the like, used complete device necessary to connect
as a part of, or in connection with, an it into an electrical circuit.
electrical installation. Ground. A conducting connection,
Equipment grounding conductor. See whether intentional or accidental, be-
‘‘Grounding conductor, equipment.’’ tween an electrical circuit or equip-
Explosion-proof apparatus. Apparatus ment and the earth, or to some con-
enclosed in a case that is capable of ducting body that serves in place of the
withstanding an explosion of a speci- earth.
fied gas or vapor which may occur Grounded. Connected to earth or to
within it and of preventing the ignition some conducting body that serves in
of a specified gas or vapor surrounding place of the earth.
the enclosure by sparks, flashes, or ex- Grounded, effectively (Over 600 volts,
plosion of the gas or vapor within, and nominal.) Permanently connected to
which operates at such an external earth through a ground connection of
temperature that it will not ignite a sufficiently low impedance and having
surrounding flammable atmosphere. sufficient ampacity that ground fault
Exposed. (As applied to live parts.) current which may occur cannot build
Capable of being inadvertently touched up to voltages dangerous to personnel.
or approached nearer than a safe dis- Grounded conductor. A system or cir-
tance by a person. It is applied to parts cuit conductor that is intentionally
not suitably guarded, isolated, or insu- grounded.
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§ 1926.449 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.449
common power bus and principally con- Qualified person. One familiar with
taining motor control units. the construction and operation of the
Outlet. A point on the wiring system equipment and the hazards involved.
at which current is taken to supply Qualified testing laboratory. A prop-
utilization equipment. erly equipped and staffed testing lab-
Overcurrent. Any current in excess of oratory which has capabilities for and
the rated current of equipment or the which provides the following services:
ampacity of a conductor. It may result (a) Experimental testing for safety of
from overload (see definition), short specified items of equipment and mate-
circuit, or ground fault. A current in rials referred to in this standard to de-
excess of rating may be accommodated termine compliance with appropriate
by certain equipment and conductors test standards or performance in a
for a given set of conditions. Hence the specified manner;
rules for overcurrent protection are (b) Inspecting the run of such items
specific for particular situations. of equipment and materials at fac-
Overload. Operation of equipment in tories for product evaluation to assure
excess of normal, full load rating, or of compliance with the test standards;
a conductor in excess of rated (c) Service-value determinations
ampacity which, when it persists for a through field inspections to monitor
sufficient length of time, would cause the proper use of labels on products
damage or dangerous overheating. A and with authority for recall of the
fault, such as a short circuit or ground label in the event a hazardous product
fault, is not an overload. is installed;
(See‘‘Overcurrent.’’) (d) Employing a controlled procedure
Panelboard. A single panel or group of for identifying the listed and/or labeled
panel units designed for assembly in equipment or materials tested; and
the form of a single panel; including (e) Rendering creditable reports or
buses, automatic overcurrent devices, findings that are objective and without
and with or without switches for the bias of the tests and test methods em-
control of light, heat, or power cir- ployed.
cuits; designed to be placed in a cabi- Raceway. A channel designed ex-
net or cutout box placed in or against pressly for holding wires, cables, or
a wall or partition and accessible only busbars, with additional functions as
from the front. (See ‘‘Switchboard.’’) permitted in this subpart. Raceways
Portable X-ray. X-ray equipment de- may be of metal or insulating material,
signed to be hand-carried. and the term includes rigid metal con-
Power fuse. (Over 600 volts, nominal.) duit, rigid nonmetallic conduit, inter-
See ‘‘Fuse.’’ mediate metal conduit, liquidtight
Power outlet. An enclosed assembly flexible metal conduit, flexible metal-
which may include receptacles, circuit lic tubing, flexible metal conduit, elec-
breakers, fuseholders, fused switches, trical metallic tubing, underfloor race-
buses and watt-hour meter mounting ways, cellular concrete floor raceways,
means; intended to serve as a means cellular metal floor raceways, surface
for distributing power required to oper- raceways, wireways, and busways.
ate mobile or temporarily installed Readily accessible. Capable of being
equipment. reached quickly for operation, renewal,
Premises wiring system. That interior or inspections, without requiring those
and exterior wiring, including power, to whom ready access is requisite to
lighting, control, and signal circuit climb over or remove obstacles or to
wiring together with all of its associ- resort to portable ladders, chairs, etc.
ated hardware, fittings, and wiring de- (See ‘‘Accessible.’’)
vices, both permanently and tempo- Receptacle. A receptacle is a contact
rarily installed, which extends from device installed at the outlet for the
the load end of the service drop, or load connection of a single attachment
end of the service lateral conductors to plug. A single receptacle is a single
the outlet(s). Such wiring does not in- contact device with no other contact
clude wiring internal to appliances, fix- device on the same yoke. A multiple
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§ 1926.449 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
Receptacle outlet. An outlet where one constitute the main control and means
or more receptacles are installed. of cutoff of the supply.
Remote-control circuit. Any electric Service raceway. The raceway that en-
circuit that controls any other circuit closes the service-entrance conductors.
through a relay or an equivalent de- Signaling circuit. Any electric circuit
vice. that energizes signaling equipment.
Sealable equipment. Equipment en- Switchboard. A large single panel,
closed in a case or cabinet that is pro- frame, or assembly of panels which
vided with a means of sealing or lock- have switches, buses, instruments,
ing so that live parts cannot be made overcurrent and other protective de-
accessible without opening the enclo- vices mounted on the face or back or
sure. The equipment may or may not
both. Switchboards are generally ac-
be operable without opening the enclo-
cessible from the rear as well as from
the front and are not intended to be in-
Separately derived system. A premises
stalled in cabinets. (See ‘‘Panelboard.’’)
wiring system whose power is derived
from generator, transformer, or con- Switches—(a) General-use switch. A
verter windings and has no direct elec- switch intended for use in general dis-
trical connection, including a solidly tribution and branch circuits. It is
connected grounded circuit conductor, rated in amperes, and it is capable of
to supply conductors originating in an- interrupting its rated current at its
other system. rated voltage.
Service. The conductors and equip- (b) General-use snap switch. A form of
ment for delivering energy from the general-use switch so constructed that
electricity supply system to the wiring it can be installed in flush device boxes
system of the premises served. or on outlet box covers, or otherwise
Service conductors. The supply con- used in conjunction with wiring sys-
ductors that extend from the street tems recognized by this subpart.
main or from transformers to the serv- (c) Isolating switch. A switch intended
ice equipment of the premises supplied. for isolating an electric circuit from
Service drop. The overhead service the source of power. It has no inter-
conductors from the last pole or other rupting rating, and it is intended to be
aerial support to and including the operated only after the circuit has been
splices, if any, connecting to the serv- opened by some other means.
ice-entrance conductors at the building (d) Motor-circuit switch. A switch,
or other structure. rated in horsepower, capable of inter-
Service-entrance conductors, overhead rupting the maximum operating over-
system. The service conductors between load current of a motor of the same
the terminals of the service equipment horsepower rating as the switch at the
and a point usually outside the build- rated voltage.
ing, clear of building walls, where Switching devices. (Over 600 volts,
joined by tap or splice to the service nominal.) Devices designed to close
and/or open one or more electric cir-
Service-entrance conductors, under-
cuits. Included in this category are cir-
ground system. The service conductors
cuit breakers, cutouts, disconnecting
between the terminals of the service
(or isolating) switches, disconnecting
equipment and the point of connection
means, and interrupter switches.
to the service lateral. Where service
equipment is located outside the build- Transportable X-ray. X-ray equipment
ing walls, there may be no service-en- installed in a vehicle or that may read-
trance conductors, or they may be en- ily be disassembled for transport in a
tirely outside the building. vehicle.
Service equipment. The necessary Utilization equipment. Utilization
equipment, usually consisting of a cir- equipment means equipment which uti-
cuit breaker or switch and fuses, and lizes electric energy for mechanical,
their accessories, located near the chemical, heating, lighting, or similar
point of entrance of supply conductors useful purpose.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.450
power and light for employee work- § 1926.450 Scope, application and defi-
places, and includes the premises wir- nitions applicable to this subpart.
ing system and utilization equipment. (a) Scope and application. This sub-
Ventilated. Provided with a means to part applies to all scaffolds used in
permit circulation of air sufficient to workplaces covered by this part. It
remove an excess of heat, fumes, or va- does not apply to crane or derrick sus-
pors. pended personnel platforms. The cri-
Volatile flammable liquid. A flammable teria for aerial lifts are set out exclu-
liquid having a flash point below 38 de- sively in § 1926.453.
grees C (100 degrees F) or whose tem- (b) Definitions. Adjustable suspension
perature is above its flash point, or a scaffold means a suspension scaffold
Class II combustible liquid having a equipped with a hoist(s) that can be op-
vapor pressure not exceeding 40 psia erated by an employee(s) on the scaf-
(276 kPa) at 38 °C (100 °F) whose tem- fold.
perature is above its flash point. Bearer (putlog) means a horizontal
Voltage. (Of a circuit.) The greatest transverse scaffold member (which
root-mean-square (effective) difference may be supported by ledgers or run-
of potential between any two conduc- ners) upon which the scaffold platform
tors of the circuit concerned. rests and which joins scaffold uprights,
Voltage, nominal. A nominal value as- posts, poles, and similar members.
signed to a circuit or system for the Boatswains’ chair means a single-
purpose of conveniently designating its point adjustable suspension scaffold
voltage class (as 120/240, 480Y/277, 600, consisting of a seat or sling designed to
etc.). The actual voltage at which a cir- support one employee in a sitting posi-
cuit operates can vary from the nomi- tion.
nal within a range that permits satis- Body belt (safety belt) means a strap
factory operation of equipment. with means both for securing it about
Voltage to ground. For grounded cir- the waist and for attaching it to a lan-
cuits, the voltage between the given yard, lifeline, or deceleration device.
conductor and that point or conductor Body harness means a design of straps
of the circuit that is grounded; for which may be secured about the em-
ungrounded circuits, the greatest volt- ployee in a manner to distribute the
age between the given conductor and fall arrest forces over at least the
any other conductor of the circuit. thighs, pelvis, waist, chest and shoul-
Watertight. So constructed that mois- ders, with means for attaching it to
ture will not enter the enclosure. other components of a personal fall ar-
rest system.
Weatherproof. So constructed or pro-
Brace means a rigid connection that
tected that exposure to the weather
holds one scaffold member in a fixed
will not interfere with successful oper-
position with respect to another mem-
ation. Rainproof, raintight, or water-
ber, or to a building or structure.
tight equipment can fulfill the require-
Bricklayers’ square scaffold means a
ments for weatherproof where varying
supported scaffold composed of framed
weather conditions other than wetness,
squares which support a platform.
such as snow, ice, dust, or temperature
Carpenters’ bracket scaffold means a
extremes, are not a factor.
supported scaffold consisting of a plat-
Wet location. See ‘‘Location.’’ form supported by brackets attached to
building or structural walls.
Subpart L—Scaffolds Catenary scaffold means a suspension
scaffold consisting of a platform sup-
AUTHORITY: 40 U.S.C. 333; 29 U.S.C. 653, 655, ported by two essentially horizontal
657; Secretary of Labor’s Order Nos. 1–90 (55 and parallel ropes attached to struc-
FR 9033), 5–2007 (72 FR 31159), or 1–2012 (77 FR tural members of a building or other
3912); and 29 CFR part 1911. structure. Additional support may be
provided by vertical pickups.
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§ 1926.450 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
provide access to work inside chim- from contact. Such lines do not include
neys. (See ‘‘Multi-point adjustable sus- extension cords or power tool cords.
pension scaffold’’.) Eye or Eye splice means a loop with or
Cleat means a structural block used without a thimble at the end of a wire
at the end of a platform to prevent the rope.
platform from slipping off its supports. Fabricated decking and planking
Cleats are also used to provide footing means manufactured platforms made
on sloped surfaces such as crawling of wood (including laminated wood, and
boards. solid sawn wood planks), metal or
Competent person means one who is other materials.
capable of identifying existing and pre- Fabricated frame scaffold (tubular
dictable hazards in the surroundings or welded frame scaffold) means a scaffold
working conditions which are unsani- consisting of a platform(s) supported
tary, hazardous, or dangerous to em- on fabricated end frames with integral
ployees, and who has authorization to posts, horizontal bearers, and inter-
take prompt corrective measures to mediate members.
eliminate them. Failure means load refusal, breakage,
Continuous run scaffold (Run scaffold) or separation of component parts. Load
means a two- point or multi-point ad- refusal is the point where the ultimate
strength is exceeded.
justable suspension scaffold con-
Float (ship) scaffold means a suspen-
structed using a series of inter-
sion scaffold consisting of a braced
connected braced scaffold members or
platform resting on two parallel bear-
supporting structures erected to form a
ers and hung from overhead supports
continuous scaffold.
by ropes of fixed length.
Coupler means a device for locking Form scaffold means a supported scaf-
together the tubes of a tube and cou- fold consisting of a platform supported
pler scaffold. by brackets attached to formwork.
Crawling board (chicken ladder) means Guardrail system means a vertical bar-
a supported scaffold consisting of a rier, consisting of, but not limited to,
plank with cleats spaced and secured to toprails, midrails, and posts, erected to
provide footing, for use on sloped sur- prevent employees from falling off a
faces such as roofs. scaffold platform or walkway to lower
Deceleration device means any mecha- levels.
nism, such as a rope grab, rip-stitch Hoist means a manual or power-oper-
lanyard, specially-woven lanyard, tear- ated mechanical device to raise or
ing or deforming lanyard, or automatic lower a suspended scaffold.
self-retracting lifeline lanyard, which Horse scaffold means a supported scaf-
dissipates a substantial amount of en- fold consisting of a platform supported
ergy during a fall arrest or limits the by construction horses (saw horses).
energy imposed on an employee during Horse scaffolds constructed of metal
fall arrest. are sometimes known as trestle scaf-
Double pole (independent pole) scaffold folds.
means a supported scaffold consisting Independent pole scaffold (see ‘‘Double
of a platform(s) resting on cross beams pole scaffold’’).
(bearers) supported by ledgers and a Interior hung scaffold means a suspen-
double row of uprights independent of sion scaffold consisting of a platform
support (except ties, guys, braces) from suspended from the ceiling or roof
any structure. structure by fixed length supports.
Equivalent means alternative designs, Ladder jack scaffold means a sup-
materials or methods to protect ported scaffold consisting of a platform
against a hazard which the employer resting on brackets attached to lad-
can demonstrate will provide an equal ders.
or greater degree of safety for employ- Ladder stand means a mobile, fixed-
ees than the methods, materials or de- size, self-supporting ladder consisting
signs specified in the standard. of a wide flat tread ladder in the form
Exposed power lines means electrical of stairs.
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power lines which are accessible to em- Landing means a platform at the end
ployees and which are not shielded of a flight of stairs.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.450
Large area scaffold means a pole scaf- Open sides and ends means the edges
fold, tube and coupler scaffold, systems of a platform that are more than 14
scaffold, or fabricated frame scaffold inches (36 cm) away horizontally from
erected over substantially the entire a sturdy, continuous, vertical surface
work area. For example: a scaffold (such as a building wall) or a sturdy,
erected over the entire floor area of a continuous horizontal surface (such as
room. a floor), or a point of access. Exception:
Lean-to scaffold means a supported For plastering and lathing operations
scaffold which is kept erect by tilting the horizontal threshold distance is 18
it toward and resting it against a inches (46 cm).
building or structure. Outrigger means the structural mem-
Lifeline means a component con- ber of a supported scaffold used to in-
sisting of a flexible line that connects crease the base width of a scaffold in
to an anchorage at one end to hang order to provide support for and in-
vertically (vertical lifeline), or that creased stability of the scaffold.
connects to anchorages at both ends to Outrigger beam (Thrustout) means the
stretch horizontally (horizontal life- structural member of a suspension
line), and which serves as a means for scaffold or outrigger scaffold which
connecting other components of a per- provides support for the scaffold by ex-
sonal fall arrest system to the anchor- tending the scaffold point of attach-
age. ment to a point out and away from the
Lower levels means areas below the structure or building.
level where the employee is located
Outrigger scaffold means a supported
and to which an employee can fall.
scaffold consisting of a platform rest-
Such areas include, but are not limited
ing on outrigger beams (thrustouts)
to, ground levels, floors, roofs, ramps,
projecting beyond the wall or face of
runways, excavations, pits, tanks, ma-
the building or structure, the inboard
terials, water, and equipment.
ends of which are secured inside the
Masons’ adjustable supported scaffold
building or structure.
(see ‘‘Self-contained adjustable scaf-
fold’’). Overhand bricklaying means the proc-
Masons’ multi-point adjustable suspen- ess of laying bricks and masonry units
sion scaffold means a continuous run such that the surface of the wall to be
suspension scaffold designed and used jointed is on the opposite side of the
for masonry operations. wall from the mason, requiring the
Maximum intended load means the mason to lean over the wall to com-
total load of all persons, equipment, plete the work. It includes mason tend-
tools, materials, transmitted loads, ing and electrical installation incor-
and other loads reasonably anticipated porated into the brick wall during the
to be applied to a scaffold or scaffold overhand bricklaying process.
component at any one time. Personal fall arrest system means a
Mobile scaffold means a powered or system used to arrest an employee’s
unpowered, portable, caster or wheel- fall. It consists of an anchorage, con-
mounted supported scaffold. nectors, a body belt or body harness
Multi-level suspended scaffold means a and may include a lanyard, decelera-
two-point or multi-point adjustable tion device, lifeline, or combinations of
suspension scaffold with a series of these.
platforms at various levels resting on Platform means a work surface ele-
common stirrups. vated above lower levels. Platforms
Multi-point adjustable suspension scaf- can be constructed using individual
fold means a suspension scaffold con- wood planks, fabricated planks, fab-
sisting of a platform(s) which is sus- ricated decks, and fabricated plat-
pended by more than two ropes from forms.
overhead supports and equipped with Pole scaffold (see definitions for
means to raise and lower the platform ‘‘Single-pole scaffold’’ and ‘‘Double
to desired work levels. Such scaffolds (independent) pole scaffold’’).
include chimney hoists. Power operated hoist means a hoist
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Needle beam scaffold means a platform which is powered by other than human
suspended from needle beams. energy.
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§ 1926.450 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
rope from an overhead support and form scaffolds and is used in residen-
equipped with means to permit the tial construction for setting trusses.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.451
Tube and coupler scaffold means a sup- the tipping moment imposed by the
ported or suspended scaffold consisting scaffold operating at the stall load of
of a platform(s) supported by tubing, the hoist, whichever is greater.
erected with coupling devices con- (3) Each suspension rope, including
necting uprights, braces, bearers, and connecting hardware, used on non-ad-
runners. justable suspension scaffolds shall be
Tubular welded frame scaffold (see capable of supporting, without failure,
‘‘Fabricated frame scaffold’’). at least 6 times the maximum intended
Two-point suspension scaffold (swing load applied or transmitted to that
stage) means a suspension scaffold con- rope.
sisting of a platform supported by (4) Each suspension rope, including
hangers (stirrups) suspended by two connecting hardware, used on adjust-
ropes from overhead supports and able suspension scaffolds shall be capa-
equipped with means to permit the
ble of supporting, without failure, at
raising and lowering of the platform to
least 6 times the maximum intended
desired work levels.
load applied or transmitted to that
Unstable objects means items whose
rope with the scaffold operating at ei-
strength, configuration, or lack of sta-
bility may allow them to become dis- ther the rated load of the hoist, or 2
located and shift and therefore may (minimum) times the stall load of the
not properly support the loads imposed hoist, whichever is greater.
on them. Unstable objects do not con- (5) The stall load of any scaffold hoist
stitute a safe base support for scaf- shall not exceed 3 times its rated load.
folds, platforms, or employees. Exam- (6) Scaffolds shall be designed by a
ples include, but are not limited to, qualified person and shall be con-
barrels, boxes, loose brick, and con- structed and loaded in accordance with
crete blocks. that design. Non-mandatory appendix
Vertical pickup means a rope used to A to this subpart contains examples of
support the horizontal rope in catenary criteria that will enable an employer
scaffolds. to comply with paragraph (a) of this
Walkway means a portion of a scaf- section.
fold platform used only for access and (b) Scaffold platform construction. (1)
not as a work level. Each platform on all working levels of
Window jack scaffold means a plat- scaffolds shall be fully planked or
form resting on a bracket or jack decked between the front uprights and
which projects through a window open- the guardrail supports as follows:
ing. (i) Each platform unit (e.g., scaffold
[61 FR 46104, Aug. 30, 1996, as amended at 75 plank, fabricated plank, fabricated
FR 48133, Aug. 9, 2010] deck, or fabricated platform) shall be
installed so that the space between ad-
§ 1926.451 General requirements. jacent units and the space between the
This section does not apply to aerial platform and the uprights is no more
lifts, the criteria for which are set out than 1 inch (2.5 cm) wide, except where
exclusively in § 1926.453. the employer can demonstrate that a
(a) Capacity. (1) Except as provided in wider space is necessary (for example,
paragraphs (a)(2), (a)(3), (a)(4), (a)(5) to fit around uprights when side brack-
and (g) of this section, each scaffold ets are used to extend the width of the
and scaffold component shall be capa- platform).
ble of supporting, without failure, its (ii) Where the employer makes the
own weight and at least 4 times the demonstration provided for in para-
maximum intended load applied or graph (b)(1)(i) of this section, the plat-
transmitted to it. form shall be planked or decked as
(2) Direct connections to roofs and fully as possible and the remaining
floors, and counterweights used to bal- open space between the platform and
ance adjustable suspension scaffolds, the uprights shall not exceed 91⁄2 inches
shall be capable of resisting at least 4 (24.1 cm).
times the tipping moment imposed by Exception to paragraph (b)(1): The re-
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the scaffold operating at the rated load quirement in paragraph (b)(1) to pro-
of the hoist, or 1.5 (minimum) times vide full planking or decking does not
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§ 1926.451 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
apply to platforms used solely as walk- (5)(i) Each end of a platform 10 feet or
ways or solely by employees per- less in length shall not extend over its
forming scaffold erection or disman- support more than 12 inches (30 cm) un-
tling. In these situations, only the less the platform is designed and in-
planking that the employer establishes stalled so that the cantilevered portion
is necessary to provide safe working of the platform is able to support em-
conditions is required. ployees and/or materials without tip-
(2) Except as provided in paragraphs ping, or has guardrails which block em-
(b)(2)(i) and (b)(2)(ii) of this section, ployee access to the cantilevered end.
each scaffold platform and walkway (ii) Each platform greater than 10
shall be at least 18 inches (46 cm) wide. feet in length shall not extend over its
(i) Each ladder jack scaffold, top support more than 18 inches (46 cm),
plate bracket scaffold, roof bracket unless it is designed and installed so
scaffold, and pump jack scaffold shall that the cantilevered portion of the
be at least 12 inches (30 cm) wide. platform is able to support employees
There is no minimum width require- without tipping, or has guardrails
ment for boatswains’ chairs. which block employee access to the
cantilevered end.
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (b)(2)(i): Pursuant to (6) On scaffolds where scaffold planks
an administrative stay effective November are abutted to create a long platform,
29, 1996 and published in the FEDERAL REG- each abutted end shall rest on a sepa-
ISTER on November 25, 1996, the requirement
rate support surface. This provision
in paragraph (b)(2)(i) that roof bracket scaf-
folds be at least 12 inches wide is stayed does not preclude the use of common
until November 25, 1997 or until rulemaking support members, such as ‘‘T’’ sec-
regarding the minimum width of roof brack- tions, to support abutting planks, or
et scaffolds has been completed, whichever is hook on platforms designed to rest on
later. common supports.
(7) On scaffolds where platforms are
(ii) Where scaffolds must be used in
overlapped to create a long platform,
areas that the employer can dem-
the overlap shall occur only over sup-
onstrate are so narrow that platforms
ports, and shall not be less than 12
and walkways cannot be at least 18
inches (30 cm) unless the platforms are
inches (46 cm) wide, such platforms and
nailed together or otherwise restrained
walkways shall be as wide as feasible, to prevent movement.
and employees on those platforms and (8) At all points of a scaffold where
walkways shall be protected from fall the platform changes direction, such as
hazards by the use of guardrails and/or turning a corner, any platform that
personal fall arrest systems. rests on a bearer at an angle other than
(3) Except as provided in paragraphs a right angle shall be laid first, and
(b)(3) (i) and (ii) of this section, the platforms which rest at right angles
front edge of all platforms shall not be over the same bearer shall be laid sec-
more than 14 inches (36 cm) from the ond, on top of the first platform.
face of the work, unless guardrail sys- (9) Wood platforms shall not be cov-
tems are erected along the front edge ered with opaque finishes, except that
and/or personal fall arrest systems are platform edges may be covered or
used in accordance with paragraph (g) marked for identification. Platforms
of this section to protect employees may be coated periodically with wood
from falling. preservatives, fire-retardant finishes,
(i) The maximum distance from the and slip-resistant finishes; however,
face for outrigger scaffolds shall be 3 the coating may not obscure the top or
inches (8 cm); bottom wood surfaces.
(ii) The maximum distance from the (10) Scaffold components manufac-
face for plastering and lathing oper- tured by different manufacturers shall
ations shall be 18 inches (46 cm). not be intermixed unless the compo-
(4) Each end of a platform, unless nents fit together without force and
cleated or otherwise restrained by the scaffold’s structural integrity is
hooks or equivalent means, shall ex- maintained by the user. Scaffold com-
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.451
order to intermix them unless a com- (iv) Front-end loaders and similar
petent person determines the resulting pieces of equipment shall not be used
scaffold is structurally sound. to support scaffold platforms unless
(11) Scaffold components made of dis- they have been specifically designed by
similar metals shall not be used to- the manufacturer for such use.
gether unless a competent person has (v) Fork-lifts shall not be used to
determined that galvanic action will support scaffold platforms unless the
not reduce the strength of any compo- entire platform is attached to the fork
nent to a level below that required by and the fork-lift is not moved hori-
paragraph (a)(1) of this section. zontally while the platform is occu-
(c) Criteria for supported scaffolds. (1) pied.
Supported scaffolds with a height to (3) Supported scaffold poles, legs,
base width (including outrigger sup- posts, frames, and uprights shall be
ports, if used) ratio of more than four plumb and braced to prevent swaying
to one (4:1) shall be restrained from tip- and displacement.
ping by guying, tying, bracing, or (d) Criteria for suspension scaffolds. (1)
equivalent means, as follows: All suspension scaffold support devices,
(i) Guys, ties, and braces shall be in- such as outrigger beams, cornice
stalled at locations where horizontal hooks, parapet clamps, and similar de-
vices, shall rest on surfaces capable of
members support both inner and outer
supporting at least 4 times the load im-
posed on them by the scaffold oper-
(ii) Guys, ties, and braces shall be in-
ating at the rated load of the hoist (or
stalled according to the scaffold manu- at least 1.5 times the load imposed on
facturer’s recommendations or at the them by the scaffold at the stall capac-
closest horizontal member to the 4:1 ity of the hoist, whichever is greater).
height and be repeated vertically at lo- (2) Suspension scaffold outrigger
cations of horizontal members every 20 beams, when used, shall be made of
feet (6.1 m) or less thereafter for scaf- structural metal or equivalent
folds 3 feet (0.91 m) wide or less, and strength material, and shall be re-
every 26 feet (7.9 m) or less thereafter strained to prevent movement.
for scaffolds greater than 3 feet (0.91 m) (3) The inboard ends of suspension
wide. The top guy, tie or brace of com- scaffold outrigger beams shall be sta-
pleted scaffolds shall be placed no fur- bilized by bolts or other direct connec-
ther than the 4:1 height from the top. tions to the floor or roof deck, or they
Such guys, ties and braces shall be in- shall have their inboard ends stabilized
stalled at each end of the scaffold and by counterweights, except masons’
at horizontal intervals not to exceed 30 multi-point adjustable suspension scaf-
feet (9.1 m) (measured from one end fold outrigger beams shall not be sta-
[not both] towards the other). bilized by counterweights.
(iii) Ties, guys, braces, or outriggers (i) Before the scaffold is used, direct
shall be used to prevent the tipping of connections shall be evaluated by a
supported scaffolds in all cir- competent person who shall confirm,
cumstances where an eccentric load, based on the evaluation, that the sup-
such as a cantilevered work platform, porting surfaces are capable of sup-
is applied or is transmitted to the scaf- porting the loads to be imposed. In ad-
fold. dition, masons’ multi-point adjustable
(2) Supported scaffold poles, legs, suspension scaffold connections shall
posts, frames, and uprights shall bear be designed by an engineer experienced
on base plates and mud sills or other in such scaffold design.
adequate firm foundation. (ii) Counterweights shall be made of
(i) Footings shall be level, sound, non-flowable material. Sand, gravel
rigid, and capable of supporting the and similar materials that can be eas-
loaded scaffold without settling or dis- ily dislocated shall not be used as
placement. counterweights.
(ii) Unstable objects shall not be used (iii) Only those items specifically de-
to support scaffolds or platform units. signed as counterweights shall be used
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§ 1926.451 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
not limited to, masonry units and rolls (5) Suspension scaffold support de-
of roofing felt, shall not be used as vices such as cornice hooks, roof
counterweights. hooks, roof irons, parapet clamps, or
(iv) Counterweights shall be secured similar devices shall be:
by mechanical means to the outrigger (i) Made of steel, wrought iron, or
beams to prevent accidental displace- materials of equivalent strength;
ment. (ii) Supported by bearing blocks; and
(v) Counterweights shall not be re- (iii) Secured against movement by
moved from an outrigger beam until tiebacks installed at right angles to
the scaffold is disassembled. the face of the building or structure, or
(vi) Outrigger beams which are not opposing angle tiebacks shall be in-
stabilized by bolts or other direct con- stalled and secured to a structurally
nections to the floor or roof deck shall sound point of anchorage on the build-
be secured by tiebacks. ing or structure. Sound points of an-
(vii) Tiebacks shall be equivalent in chorage include structural members,
strength to the suspension ropes. but do not include standpipes, vents,
(viii) Outrigger beams shall be placed other piping systems, or electrical con-
perpendicular to its bearing support duit.
(usually the face of the building or (iv) Tiebacks shall be equivalent in
structure). However, where the em- strength to the hoisting rope.
ployer can demonstrate that it is not (6) When winding drum hoists are
possible to place an outrigger beam used on a suspension scaffold, they
perpendicular to the face of the build- shall contain not less than four wraps
ing or structure because of obstruc- of the suspension rope at the lowest
tions that cannot be moved, the out- point of scaffold travel. When other
rigger beam may be placed at some types of hoists are used, the suspension
other angle, provided opposing angle ropes shall be long enough to allow the
tiebacks are used. scaffold to be lowered to the level
(ix) Tiebacks shall be secured to a below without the rope end passing
structurally sound anchorage on the through the hoist, or the rope end shall
building or structure. Sound anchor- be configured or provided with means
ages include structural members, but to prevent the end from passing
do not include standpipes, vents, other through the hoist.
piping systems, or electrical conduit. (7) The use of repaired wire rope as
(x) Tiebacks shall be installed per- suspension rope is prohibited.
pendicular to the face of the building (8) Wire suspension ropes shall not be
or structure, or opposing angle joined together except through the use
tiebacks shall be installed. Single of eye splice thimbles connected with
tiebacks installed at an angle are pro- shackles or coverplates and bolts.
hibited. (9) The load end of wire suspension
(4) Suspension scaffold outrigger ropes shall be equipped with proper size
beams shall be: thimbles and secured by eyesplicing or
(i) Provided with stop bolts or shack- equivalent means.
les at both ends; (10) Ropes shall be inspected for de-
(ii) Securely fastened together with fects by a competent person prior to
the flanges turned out when channel each workshift and after every occur-
iron beams are used in place of I- rence which could affect a rope’s integ-
beams; rity. Ropes shall be replaced if any of
(iii) Installed with all bearing sup- the following conditions exist:
ports perpendicular to the beam center (i) Any physical damage which im-
line; pairs the function and strength of the
(iv) Set and maintained with the web rope.
in a vertical position; and (ii) Kinks that might impair the
(v) When an outrigger beam is used, tracking or wrapping of rope around
the shackle or clevis with which the the drum(s) or sheave(s).
rope is attached to the outrigger beam (iii) Six randomly distributed broken
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shall be placed directly over the center wires in one rope lay or three broken
line of the stirrup. wires in one strand in one rope lay.
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§ 1926.451 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(v) Hook-on and attachable ladders inches (45.7 cm) long shall be provided
shall have a minimum rung length of at each level.
11 ⁄2 inches (29 cm); and
(ix) Each scaffold stairway shall be at
(vi) Hook-on and attachable ladders least 18 inches (45.7 cm) wide between
shall have uniformly spaced rungs with stairrails.
a maximum spacing between rungs of (x) Treads and landings shall have
163⁄4 inches. slip-resistant surfaces.
(3) Stairway-type ladders shall: (xi) Stairways shall be installed be-
(i) Be positioned such that their bot- tween 40 degrees and 60 degrees from
tom step is not more than 24 inches (61 the horizontal.
cm) above the scaffold supporting (xii) Guardrails meeting the require-
level; ments of paragraph (g)(4) of this sec-
(ii) Be provided with rest platforms tion shall be provided on the open sides
at 12 foot (3.7 m) maximum vertical in- and ends of each landing.
tervals; (xiii) Riser height shall be uniform,
(iii) Have a minimum step width of 16 within 1⁄4 inch, (0.6 cm) for each flight
inches (41 cm), except that mobile scaf- of stairs. Greater variations in riser
fold stairway-type ladders shall have a height are allowed for the top and bot-
minimum step width of 111⁄2 inches (30 tom steps of the entire system, not for
cm); and each flight of stairs.
(iv) Have slip-resistant treads on all (xiv) Tread depth shall be uniform,
steps and landings. within 1⁄4 inch, for each flight of stairs.
(4) Stairtowers (scaffold stairway/ (5) Ramps and walkways. (i) Ramps
towers) shall be positioned such that and walkways 6 feet (1.8 m) or more
their bottom step is not more than 24 above lower levels shall have guardrail
inches (61 cm.) above the scaffold sup- systems which comply with subpart M
porting level. of this part—Fall Protection;
(i) A stairrail consisting of a toprail (ii) No ramp or walkway shall be in-
and a midrail shall be provided on each clined more than a slope of one (1)
side of each scaffold stairway. vertical to three (3) horizontal (20 de-
(ii) The toprail of each stairrail sys- grees above the horizontal).
tem shall also be capable of serving as (iii) If the slope of a ramp or a walk-
a handrail, unless a separate handrail way is steeper than one (1) vertical in
is provided. eight (8) horizontal, the ramp or walk-
(iii) Handrails, and toprails that way shall have cleats not more than
serve as handrails, shall provide an fourteen (14) inches (35 cm) apart which
adequate handhold for employees are securely fastened to the planks to
grasping them to avoid falling. provide footing.
(iv) Stairrail systems and handrails (6) Integral prefabricated scaffold ac-
shall be surfaced to prevent injury to cess frames shall:
employees from punctures or lacera- (i) Be specifically designed and con-
tions, and to prevent snagging of cloth- structed for use as ladder rungs;
ing. (ii) Have a rung length of at least 8
(v) The ends of stairrail systems and inches (20 cm);
handrails shall be constructed so that (iii) Not be used as work platforms
they do not constitute a projection when rungs are less than 111⁄2 inches in
hazard. length, unless each affected employee
(vi) Handrails, and toprails that are uses fall protection, or a positioning
used as handrails, shall be at least 3 device, which complies with § 1926.502;
inches (7.6 cm) from other objects. (iv) Be uniformly spaced within each
(vii) Stairrails shall be not less than frame section;
28 inches (71 cm) nor more than 37 (v) Be provided with rest platforms at
inches (94 cm) from the upper surface 35-foot (10.7 m) maximum vertical in-
of the stairrail to the surface of the tervals on all supported scaffolds more
tread, in line with the face of the riser than 35 feet (10.7 m) high; and
at the forward edge of the tread. (vi) Have a maximum spacing be-
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(viii) A landing platform at least 18 tween rungs of 163⁄4 inches (43 cm). Non-
inches (45.7 cm) wide by at least 18 uniform rung spacing caused by joining
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.451
end frames together is allowed, pro- provided they are erected in a manner
vided the resulting spacing does not ex- that creates a usable ladder and pro-
ceed 163⁄4 inches (43 cm). vides good hand hold and foot space.
(7) Steps and rungs of ladder and (iv) Cross braces on tubular welded
stairway type access shall line up frame scaffolds shall not be used as a
vertically with each other between rest means of access or egress.
platforms. (f) Use. (1) Scaffolds and scaffold com-
(8) Direct access to or from another ponents shall not be loaded in excess of
surface shall be used only when the their maximum intended loads or rated
scaffold is not more than 14 inches (36 capacities, whichever is less.
cm) horizontally and not more than 24 (2) The use of shore or lean-to scaf-
inches (61 cm) vertically from the other folds is prohibited.
surface. (3) Scaffolds and scaffold components
(9) Effective September 2, 1997, access shall be inspected for visible defects by
for employees erecting or dismantling a competent person before each work
supported scaffolds shall be in accord- shift, and after any occurrence which
ance with the following: could affect a scaffold’s structural in-
(i) The employer shall provide safe tegrity.
means of access for each employee (4) Any part of a scaffold damaged or
erecting or dismantling a scaffold weakened such that its strength is less
where the provision of safe access is than that required by paragraph (a) of
feasible and does not create a greater this section shall be immediately re-
hazard. The employer shall have a com- paired or replaced, braced to meet
petent person determine whether it is those provisions, or removed from serv-
feasible or would pose a greater hazard ice until repaired.
to provide, and have employees use a (5) Scaffolds shall not be moved hori-
safe means of access. This determina- zontally while employees are on them,
tion shall be based on site conditions unless they have been designed by a
and the type of scaffold being erected registered professional engineer spe-
or dismantled. cifically for such movement or, for mo-
(ii) Hook-on or attachable ladders bile scaffolds, where the provisions of
shall be installed as soon as scaffold § 1926.452(w) are followed.
erection has progressed to a point that (6) The clearance between scaffolds
permits safe installation and use. and power lines shall be as follows:
(iii) When erecting or dismantling tu- Scaffolds shall not be erected, used,
bular welded frame scaffolds, (end) dismantled, altered, or moved such
frames, with horizontal members that that they or any conductive material
are parallel, level and are not more handled on them might come closer to
than 22 inches apart vertically may be exposed and energized power lines than
used as climbing devices for access, as follows:
Insulated lines Minimum distance Alternatives
EXCEPTION TO PARAGRAPH (f)(6): Scaffolds tem operator, has been notified of the need
and materials may be closer to power lines to work closer and the utility company, or
than specified above where such clearance is electrical system operator, has deenergized
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necessary for performance of work, and only the lines, relocated the lines, or installed
after the utility company, or electrical sys-
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§ 1926.451 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
protective coverings to prevent accidental scaffold, the scaffold shall be secured
contact with the lines. against the sideways thrust exerted by
(7) Scaffolds shall be erected, moved, the ladder;
dismantled, or altered only under the (ii) The platform units shall be se-
supervision and direction of a com- cured to the scaffold to prevent their
petent person qualified in scaffold erec- movement;
tion, moving, dismantling or alter- (iii) The ladder legs shall be on the
ation. Such activities shall be per- same platform or other means shall be
formed only by experienced and trained provided to stabilize the ladder against
employees selected for such work by unequal platform deflection, and
the competent person. (iv) The ladder legs shall be secured
(8) Employees shall be prohibited to prevent them from slipping or being
from working on scaffolds covered with pushed off the platform.
snow, ice, or other slippery material (16) Platforms shall not deflect more
except as necessary for removal of such than 1⁄60 of the span when loaded.
materials. (17) To reduce the possibility of weld-
(9) Where swinging loads are being ing current arcing through the suspen-
hoisted onto or near scaffolds such that sion wire rope when performing weld-
the loads might contact the scaffold, ing from suspended scaffolds, the fol-
tag lines or equivalent measures to lowing precautions shall be taken, as
control the loads shall be used. applicable:
(10) Suspension ropes supporting ad- (i) An insulated thimble shall be used
justable suspension scaffolds shall be of to attach each suspension wire rope to
a diameter large enough to provide suf- its hanging support (such as cornice
ficient surface area for the functioning hook or outrigger). Excess suspension
of brake and hoist mechanisms. wire rope and any additional inde-
(11) Suspension ropes shall be shield- pendent lines from grounding shall be
ed from heat-producing processes. insulated;
When acids or other corrosive sub- (ii) The suspension wire rope shall be
stances are used on a scaffold, the covered with insulating material ex-
ropes shall be shielded, treated to pro- tending at least 4 feet (1.2 m) above the
tect against the corrosive substances, hoist. If there is a tail line below the
or shall be of a material that will not hoist, it shall be insulated to prevent
be damaged by the substance being contact with the platform. The portion
used. of the tail line that hangs free below
(12) Work on or from scaffolds is pro- the scaffold shall be guided or retained,
hibited during storms or high winds or both, so that it does not become
unless a competent person has deter- grounded;
mined that it is safe for employees to (iii) Each hoist shall be covered with
be on the scaffold and those employees insulated protective covers;
are protected by a personal fall arrest (iv) In addition to a work lead at-
system or wind screens. Wind screens tachment required by the welding proc-
shall not be used unless the scaffold is ess, a grounding conductor shall be
secured against the anticipated wind connected from the scaffold to the
forces imposed. structure. The size of this conductor
(13) Debris shall not be allowed to ac- shall be at least the size of the welding
cumulate on platforms. process work lead, and this conductor
(14) Makeshift devices, such as but shall not be in series with the welding
not limited to boxes and barrels, shall process or the work piece;
not be used on top of scaffold platforms (v) If the scaffold grounding lead is
to increase the working level height of disconnected at any time, the welding
employees. machine shall be shut off; and
(15) Ladders shall not be used on scaf- (vi) An active welding rod or
folds to increase the working level uninsulated welding lead shall not be
height of employees, except on large allowed to contact the scaffold or its
area scaffolds where employers have suspension system.
satisfied the following criteria: (g) Fall protection. (1) Each employee
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(i) When the ladder is placed against on a scaffold more than 10 feet (3.1 m)
a structure which is not a part of the above a lower level shall be protected
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.451
from falling to that lower level. Para- (g)(1)(vi) of this section, each employee
graphs (g)(1) (i) through (vii) of this shall be protected by the use of per-
section establish the types of fall pro- sonal fall arrest systems or guardrail
tection to be provided to the employees systems meeting the requirements of
on each type of scaffold. Paragraph paragraph (g)(4) of this section.
(g)(2) of this section addresses fall pro- (2) Effective September 2, 1997, the
tection for scaffold erectors and dis- employer shall have a competent per-
mantlers. son determine the feasibility and safe-
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (g)(1): The fall protec- ty of providing fall protection for em-
tion requirements for employees installing ployees erecting or dismantling sup-
suspension scaffold support systems on ported scaffolds. Employers are re-
floors, roofs, and other elevated surfaces are quired to provide fall protection for
set forth in subpart M of this part. employees erecting or dismantling sup-
(i) Each employee on a boatswains’ ported scaffolds where the installation
chair, catenary scaffold, float scaffold, and use of such protection is feasible
needle beam scaffold, or ladder jack and does not create a greater hazard.
scaffold shall be protected by a per- (3) In addition to meeting the re-
sonal fall arrest system; quirements of § 1926.502(d), personal fall
(ii) Each employee on a single-point arrest systems used on scaffolds shall
or two-point adjustable suspension be attached by lanyard to a vertical
scaffold shall be protected by both a lifeline, horizontal lifeline, or scaffold
personal fall arrest system and guard- structural member. Vertical lifelines
rail system; shall not be used when overhead com-
(iii) Each employee on a crawling ponents, such as overhead protection
board (chicken ladder) shall be pro- or additional platform levels, are part
tected by a personal fall arrest system, of a single-point or two-point adjust-
a guardrail system (with minimum 200 able suspension scaffold.
pound toprail capacity), or by a three- (i) When vertical lifelines are used,
fourth inch (1.9 cm) diameter grabline they shall be fastened to a fixed safe
or equivalent handhold securely fas- point of anchorage, shall be inde-
tened beside each crawling board; pendent of the scaffold, and shall be
(iv) Each employee on a self-con- protected from sharp edges and abra-
tained adjustable scaffold shall be pro- sion. Safe points of anchorage include
tected by a guardrail system (with structural members of buildings, but
minimum 200 pound toprail capacity) do not include standpipes, vents, other
when the platform is supported by the piping systems, electrical conduit, out-
frame structure, and by both a per- rigger beams, or counterweights.
sonal fall arrest system and a guardrail (ii) When horizontal lifelines are
system (with minimum 200 pound top- used, they shall be secured to two or
rail capacity) when the platform is sup- more structural members of the scaf-
ported by ropes; fold, or they may be looped around
(v) Each employee on a walkway lo- both suspension and independent sus-
cated within a scaffold shall be pro- pension lines (on scaffolds so equipped)
tected by a guardrail system (with above the hoist and brake attached to
minimum 200 pound toprail capacity) the end of the scaffold. Horizontal life-
installed within 91⁄2 inches (24.1 cm) of lines shall not be attached only to the
and along at least one side of the walk- suspension ropes.
way. (iii) When lanyards are connected to
(vi) Each employee performing horizontal lifelines or structural mem-
overhand bricklaying operations from bers on a single-point or two-point ad-
a supported scaffold shall be protected justable suspension scaffold, the scaf-
from falling from all open sides and fold shall be equipped with additional
ends of the scaffold (except at the side independent support lines and auto-
next to the wall being laid) by the use matic locking devices capable of stop-
of a personal fall arrest system or ping the fall of the scaffold in the event
guardrail system (with minimum 200 one or both of the suspension ropes
pound toprail capacity). fail. The independent support lines
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(vii) For all scaffolds not otherwise shall be equal in number and strength
specified in paragraphs (g)(1)(i) through to the suspension ropes.
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§ 1926.451 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
are used, they shall not be more than (xv) Crossbracing is acceptable in
19 inches (48 cm) apart. place of a midrail when the crossing
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.452
point of two braces is between 20 inches tial falling objects shall be erected
(0.5 m) and 30 inches (0.8 m) above the over the employees below.
work platform or as a toprail when the (3) Canopies, when used for falling ob-
crossing point of two braces is between ject protection, shall comply with the
38 inches (0.97 m) and 48 inches (1.3 m) following criteria:
above the work platform. The end (i) Canopies shall be installed be-
points at each upright shall be no more tween the falling object hazard and the
than 48 inches (1.3 m) apart. employees.
(h) Falling object protection. (1) In ad- (ii) When canopies are used on sus-
dition to wearing hardhats each em- pension scaffolds for falling object pro-
ployee on a scaffold shall be provided tection, the scaffold shall be equipped
with additional protection from falling with additional independent support
hand tools, debris, and other small ob- lines equal in number to the number of
jects through the installation of points supported, and equivalent in
toeboards, screens, or guardrail sys- strength to the strength of the suspen-
tems, or through the erection of debris sion ropes.
nets, catch platforms, or canopy struc- (iii) Independent support lines and
tures that contain or deflect the falling suspension ropes shall not be attached
objects. When the falling objects are to the same points of anchorage.
too large, heavy or massive to be con- (4) Where used, toeboards shall be:
tained or deflected by any of the above- (i) Capable of withstanding, without
listed measures, the employer shall failure, a force of at least 50 pounds
place such potential falling objects (222 n) applied in any downward or hor-
away from the edge of the surface from izontal direction at any point along the
which they could fall and shall secure toeboard (toeboards built in accord-
those materials as necessary to prevent ance with appendix A to this subpart
their falling. will be deemed to meet this require-
(2) Where there is a danger of tools, ment); and
materials, or equipment falling from a (ii) At least three and one-half inches
scaffold and striking employees below, (9 cm) high from the top edge of the
the following provisions apply: toeboard to the level of the walking/
(i) The area below the scaffold to working surface. Toeboards shall be se-
which objects can fall shall be barri- curely fastened in place at the outer-
caded, and employees shall not be per- most edge of the platform and have not
mitted to enter the hazard area; or more than 1⁄4 inch (0.7 cm) clearance
(ii) A toeboard shall be erected along above the walking/working surface.
the edge of platforms more than 10 feet Toeboards shall be solid or with open-
(3.1 m) above lower levels for a distance ings not over one inch (2.5 cm) in the
sufficient to protect employees below, greatest dimension.
except on float (ship) scaffolds where [61 FR 46107, Aug. 30, 1996, as corrected and
an edging of 3⁄4 × 11⁄2 inch (2 × 4 cm) amended at 61 FR 59831, 59832, Nov. 25, 1996]
wood or equivalent may be used in lieu
of toeboards; EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: At 61 FR 59832, Nov.
25, 1996, § 1926.451(b)(2)(i) was amended and
(iii) Where tools, materials, or equip- certain requirements stayed until Nov. 25,
ment are piled to a height higher than 1997, or until further rulemaking has been
the top edge of the toeboard, paneling completed, whichever is later.
or screening extending from the
toeboard or platform to the top of the § 1926.452 Additional requirements ap-
guardrail shall be erected for a dis- plicable to specific types of scaf-
tance sufficient to protect employees folds.
below; or In addition to the applicable require-
(iv) A guardrail system shall be in- ments of § 1926.451, the following re-
stalled with openings small enough to quirements apply to the specific types
prevent passage of potential falling ob- of scaffolds indicated. Scaffolds not
jects; or specifically addressed by § 1926.452, such
(v) A canopy structure, debris net, or as but not limited to systems scaffolds,
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§ 1926.452 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(a) Pole scaffolds. (1) When platforms (2) Transverse bracing forming an
are being moved to the next level, the ‘‘X’’ across the width of the scaffold
existing platform shall be left undis- shall be installed at the scaffold ends
turbed until the new bearers have been and at least at every third set of posts
set in place and braced, prior to receiv- horizontally (measured from only one
ing the new platforms. end) and every fourth runner
(2) Crossbracing shall be installed be- vertically. Bracing shall extend diago-
tween the inner and outer sets of poles nally from the inner or outer posts or
on double pole scaffolds. runners upward to the next outer or
(3) Diagonal bracing in both direc- inner posts or runners. Building ties
tions shall be installed across the en- shall be installed at the bearer levels
tire inside face of double-pole scaffolds between the transverse bracing and
used to support loads equivalent to a shall conform to the requirements of
uniformly distributed load of 50 pounds § 1926.451(c)(1).
(22.7 kg) or more per square foot (929 (3) On straight run scaffolds, longitu-
square cm). dinal bracing across the inner and
(4) Diagonal bracing in both direc- outer rows of posts shall be installed
tions shall be installed across the en- diagonally in both directions, and shall
tire outside face of all double- and sin- extend from the base of the end posts
gle-pole scaffolds. upward to the top of the scaffold at ap-
(5) Runners and bearers shall be in- proximately a 45 degree angle. On scaf-
stalled on edge. folds whose length is greater than their
(6) Bearers shall extend a minimum height, such bracing shall be repeated
of 3 inches (7.6 cm) over the outside beginning at least at every fifth post.
edges of runners. On scaffolds whose length is less than
(7) Runners shall extend over a min- their height, such bracing shall be in-
imum of two poles, and shall be sup- stalled from the base of the end posts
ported by bearing blocks securely at- upward to the opposite end posts, and
tached to the poles. then in alternating directions until
(8) Braces, bearers, and runners shall reaching the top of the scaffold. Brac-
not be spliced between poles. ing shall be installed as close as pos-
(9) Where wooden poles are spliced, sible to the intersection of the bearer
the ends shall be squared and the upper and post or runner and post.
section shall rest squarely on the lower (4) Where conditions preclude the at-
section. Wood splice plates shall be tachment of bracing to posts, bracing
provided on at least two adjacent sides, shall be attached to the runners as
and shall extend at least 2 feet (0.6 m) close to the post as possible.
on either side of the splice, overlap the (5) Bearers shall be installed trans-
abutted ends equally, and have at least versely between posts, and when cou-
the same cross-sectional areas as the pled to the posts, shall have the in-
pole. Splice plates of other materials of board coupler bear directly on the run-
equivalent strength may be used. ner coupler. When the bearers are cou-
(10) Pole scaffolds over 60 feet in pled to the runners, the couplers shall
height shall be designed by a registered be as close to the posts as possible.
professional engineer, and shall be con- (6) Bearers shall extend beyond the
structed and loaded in accordance with posts and runners, and shall provide
that design. Non-mandatory appendix full contact with the coupler.
A to this subpart contains examples of (7) Runners shall be installed along
criteria that will enable an employer the length of the scaffold, located on
to comply with design and loading re- both the inside and outside posts at
quirements for pole scaffolds under 60 level heights (when tube and coupler
feet in height. guardrails and midrails are used on
(b) Tube and coupler scaffolds. (1) outside posts, they may be used in lieu
When platforms are being moved to the of outside runners).
next level, the existing platform shall (8) Runners shall be interlocked on
be left undisturbed until the new bear- straight runs to form continuous
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
ers have been set in place and braced lengths, and shall be coupled to each
prior to receiving the new platforms. post. The bottom runners and bearers
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.452
(6) Scaffolds over 125 feet (38.0 m) in through to the opposite side of the
height above their base plates shall be structure’s wall.
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§ 1926.452 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
be fabricated from metal plates and an- shall be securely attached to the win-
gles. Each pump jack bracket shall dow opening.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.452
(2) Scaffolds shall be used only for (3) Boatswains’ chair tackle shall
the purpose of working at the window consist of correct size ball bearings or
opening through which the jack is bushed blocks containing safety hooks
placed. and properly ‘‘eye-spliced’’ minimum
(3) Window jacks shall not be used to five-eighth (5⁄8) inch (1.6 cm) diameter
support planks placed between one win- first-grade manila rope, or other rope
dow jack and another, or for other ele- which will satisfy the criteria (e.g.,
ments of scaffolding. strength and durability) of manila
(m) Crawling boards (chicken ladders). rope.
(1) Crawling boards shall extend from (4) Boatswains’ chair seat slings shall
the roof peak to the eaves when used in be reeved through four corner holes in
connection with roof construction, re- the seat; shall cross each other on the
pair, or maintenance. underside of the seat; and shall be
(2) Crawling boards shall be secured rigged so as to prevent slippage which
to the roof by ridge hooks or by means could cause an out-of-level condition.
that meet equivalent criteria (e.g., (5) Boatswains’ chair seat slings shall
strength and durability). be a minimum of five-eight (5⁄8) inch
(n) Step, platform, and trestle ladder (1.6 cm) diameter fiber, synthetic, or
scaffolds. (1) Scaffold platforms shall other rope which will satisfy the cri-
not be placed any higher than the sec- teria (e.g., strength, slip resistance, du-
ond highest rung or step of the ladder rability, etc.) of first grade manila
supporting the platform. rope.
(2) All ladders used in conjunction
(6) When a heat-producing process
with step, platform and trestle ladder
such as gas or arc welding is being con-
scaffolds shall meet the pertinent re-
ducted, boatswains’ chair seat slings
quirements of subpart X of this part—
shall be a minimum of three-eight (3⁄8)
Stairways and Ladders, except that
inch (1.0 cm) wire rope.
job-made ladders shall not be used to
(7) Non-cross-laminated wood boat-
support such scaffolds.
swains’ chairs shall be reinforced on
(3) Ladders used to support step, plat-
their underside by cleats securely fas-
form, and trestle ladder scaffolds shall
tened to prevent the board from split-
be placed, fastened, or equipped with
devices to prevent slipping.
(4) Scaffolds shall not be bridged one (p) Two-point adjustable suspension
to another. scaffolds (swing stages). The following
(o) Single-point adjustable suspension requirements do not apply to two-point
scaffolds. (1) When two single-point ad- adjustable suspension scaffolds used as
justable suspension scaffolds are com- masons’ or stonesetters’ scaffolds.
bined to form a two-point adjustable Such scaffolds are covered by para-
suspension scaffold, the resulting two- graph (q) of this section.
point scaffold shall comply with the re- (1) Platforms shall not be more than
quirements for two-point adjustable 36 inches (0.9 m) wide unless designed
suspension scaffolds in paragraph (p) of by a qualified person to prevent unsta-
this section. ble conditions.
(2) The supporting rope between the (2) The platform shall be securely fas-
scaffold and the suspension device shall tened to hangers (stirrups) by U-bolts
be kept vertical unless all of the fol- or by other means which satisfy the re-
lowing conditions are met: quirements of § 1926.451(a).
(i) The rigging has been designed by a (3) The blocks for fiber or synthetic
qualified person, and ropes shall consist of at least one dou-
(ii) The scaffold is accessible to res- ble and one single block. The sheaves
cuers, and of all blocks shall fit the size of the
(iii) The supporting rope is protected rope used.
to ensure that it will not chafe at any (4) Platforms shall be of the ladder-
point where a change in direction oc- type, plank-type, beam-type, or light-
curs, and metal type. Light metal-type plat-
(iv) The scaffold is positioned so that forms having a rated capacity of 750
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
swinging cannot bring the scaffold into pounds or less and platforms 40 feet
contact with another surface. (12.2 m) or less in length shall be tested
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§ 1926.452 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
and listed by a nationally recognized (3) When only two ropes are used
testing laboratory. with each float:
(5) Two-point scaffolds shall not be (i) They shall be arranged so as to
bridged or otherwise connected one to provide four ends which are securely
another during raising and lowering fastened to overhead supports.
operations unless the bridge connec- (ii) Each supporting rope shall be
tions are articulated (attached), and hitched around one end of the bearer
the hoists properly sized. and pass under the platform to the
(6) Passage may be made from one other end of the bearer where it is
platform to another only when the hitched again, leaving sufficient rope
platforms are at the same height, are at each end for the supporting ties.
abutting, and walk-through stirrups (t) Interior hung scaffolds. (1) Scaf-
specifically designed for this purpose folds shall be suspended only from the
are used. roof structure or other structural
(q) Multi-point adjustable suspension member such as ceiling beams.
scaffolds, stonesetters’ multi-point adjust- (2) Overhead supporting members
able suspension scaffolds, and masons’ (roof structure, ceiling beams, or other
multi-point adjustable suspension scaf- structural members) shall be inspected
folds. (1) When two or more scaffolds and checked for strength before the
are used they shall not be bridged one scaffold is erected.
to another unless they are designed to (3) Suspension ropes and cables shall
be bridged, the bridge connections are be connected to the overhead sup-
articulated, and the hoists are properly porting members by shackles, clips,
sized. thimbles, or other means that meet
(2) If bridges are not used, passage equivalent criteria (e.g., strength, du-
may be made from one platform to an- rability).
other only when the platforms are at
(u) Needle beam scaffolds. (1) Scaffold
the same height and are abutting.
support beams shall be installed on
(3) Scaffolds shall be suspended from
metal outriggers, brackets, wire rope
(2) Ropes or hangers shall be used for
slings, hooks, or means that meet
supports, except that one end of a nee-
equivalent criteria (e.g., strength, du-
dle beam scaffold may be supported by
a permanent structural member.
(r) Catenary scaffolds. (1) No more
than one platform shall be placed be- (3) The ropes shall be securely at-
tween consecutive vertical pickups, tached to the needle beams.
and no more than two platforms shall (4) The support connection shall be
be used on a catenary scaffold. arranged so as to prevent the needle
(2) Platforms supported by wire ropes beam from rolling or becoming dis-
shall have hook-shaped stops on each placed.
end of the platforms to prevent them (5) Platform units shall be securely
from slipping off the wire ropes. These attached to the needle beams by bolts
hooks shall be so placed that they will or equivalent means. Cleats and over-
prevent the platform from falling if hang are not considered to be adequate
one of the horizontal wire ropes breaks. means of attachment.
(3) Wire ropes shall not be tightened (v) Multi-level suspended scaffolds. (1)
to the extent that the application of a Scaffolds shall be equipped with addi-
scaffold load will overstress them. tional independent support lines, equal
(4) Wire ropes shall be continuous in number to the number of points sup-
and without splices between anchors. ported, and of equivalent strength to
(s) Float (ship) scaffolds. (1) The plat- the suspension ropes, and rigged to
form shall be supported by a minimum support the scaffold in the event the
of two bearers, each of which shall suspension rope(s) fail.
project a minimum of 6 inches (15.2 cm) (2) Independent support lines and sus-
beyond the platform on both sides. pension ropes shall not be attached to
Each bearer shall be securely fastened the same points of anchorage.
to the platform. (3) Supports for platforms shall be at-
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(2) Rope connections shall be such tached directly to the support stirrup
that the platform cannot shift or slip. and not to any other platform.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.452
(w) Mobile scaffolds. (1) Scaffolds shall speed in excess of 1 foot per second (.3
be braced by cross, horizontal, or di- mps); and
agonal braces, or combination thereof, (v) No employee is on any part of the
to prevent racking or collapse of the scaffold which extends outward beyond
scaffold and to secure vertical mem- the wheels, casters, or other supports.
bers together laterally so as to auto- (7) Platforms shall not extend out-
matically square and align the vertical ward beyond the base supports of the
members. Scaffolds shall be plumb, scaffold unless outrigger frames or
level, and squared. All brace connec- equivalent devices are used to ensure
tions shall be secured. stability.
(i) Scaffolds constructed of tube and (8) Where leveling of the scaffold is
coupler components shall also comply necessary, screw jacks or equivalent
with the requirements of paragraph (b) means shall be used.
of this section; (9) Caster stems and wheel stems
(ii) Scaffolds constructed of fab- shall be pinned or otherwise secured in
ricated frame components shall also scaffold legs or adjustment screws.
comply with the requirements of para- (10) Before a scaffold is moved, each
graph (c) of this section. employee on the scaffold shall be made
(2) Scaffold casters and wheels shall aware of the move.
be locked with positive wheel and/or (x) Repair bracket scaffolds. (1) Brack-
wheel and swivel locks, or equivalent ets shall be secured in place by at least
means, to prevent movement of the one wire rope at least 1⁄2 inch (1.27 cm)
scaffold while the scaffold is used in a in diameter.
stationary manner. (2) Each bracket shall be attached to
(3) Manual force used to move the the securing wire rope (or ropes) by a
scaffold shall be applied as close to the positive locking device capable of pre-
base as practicable, but not more than venting the unintentional detachment
5 feet (1.5 m) above the supporting sur- of the bracket from the rope, or by
face. equivalent means.
(4) Power systems used to propel mo- (3) Each bracket, at the contact point
bile scaffolds shall be designed for such between the supporting structure and
use. Forklifts, trucks, similar motor the bottom of the bracket, shall be pro-
vehicles or add-on motors shall not be vided with a shoe (heel block or foot)
used to propel scaffolds unless the scaf- capable of preventing the lateral move-
fold is designed for such propulsion sys- ment of the bracket.
tems. (4) Platforms shall be secured to the
(5) Scaffolds shall be stabilized to brackets in a manner that will prevent
prevent tipping during movement. the separation of the platforms from
(6) Employees shall not be allowed to the brackets and the movement of the
ride on scaffolds unless the following platforms or the brackets on a com-
conditions exist: pleted scaffold.
(i) The surface on which the scaffold (5) When a wire rope is placed around
is being moved is within 3 degrees of the structure in order to provide a safe
level, and free of pits, holes, and ob- anchorage for personal fall arrest sys-
structions; tems used by employees erecting or
(ii) The height to base width ratio of dismantling scaffolds, the wire rope
the scaffold during movement is two to shall meet the requirements of subpart
one or less, unless the scaffold is de- M of this part, but shall be at least 5⁄16
signed and constructed to meet or ex- inch (0.8 cm) in diameter.
ceed nationally recognized stability (6) Each wire rope used for securing
test requirements such as those listed brackets in place or as an anchorage
in paragraph 2.(w) of appendix A to this for personal fall arrest systems shall be
subpart; protected from damage due to contact
(iii) Outrigger frames, when used, are with edges, corners, protrusions, or
installed on both sides of the scaffold; other discontinuities of the supporting
(iv) When power systems are used, structure or scaffold components.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
the propelling force is applied directly (7) Tensioning of each wire rope used
to the wheels, and does not produce a for securing brackets in place or as an
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§ 1926.453 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
anchorage for personal fall arrest sys- and construction requirements of ANSI
tems shall be by means of a turnbuckle A92.2–1969. Aerial lifts include the fol-
at least 1 inch (2.54 cm) in diameter, or lowing types of vehicle-mounted aerial
by equivalent means. devices used to elevate personnel to
(8) Each turnbuckle shall be con- job-sites above ground:
nected to the other end of its rope by (i) Extensible boom platforms;
use of an eyesplice thimble of a size ap- (ii) Aerial ladders;
propriate to the turnbuckle to which it (iii) Articulating boom platforms;
is attached. (iv) Vertical towers; and
(9) U-bolt wire rope clips shall not be (v) A combination of any such de-
used on any wire rope used to secure vices. Aerial equipment may be made
brackets or to serve as an anchor for of metal, wood, fiberglass reinforced
personal fall arrest systems. plastic (FRP), or other material; may
(10) The employer shall ensure that be powered or manually operated; and
materials shall not be dropped to the are deemed to be aerial lifts whether or
outside of the supporting structure. not they are capable of rotating about
(11) Scaffold erection shall progress a substantially vertical axis.
in only one direction around any struc- (2) Aerial lifts may be ‘‘field modi-
ture. fied’’ for uses other than those in-
(y) Stilts. Stilts, when used, shall be tended by the manufacturer provided
used in accordance with the following the modification has been certified in
requirements: writing by the manufacturer or by any
(1) An employee may wear stilts on a other equivalent entity, such as a na-
scaffold only if it is a large area scaf- tionally recognized testing laboratory,
fold. to be in conformity with all applicable
(2) When an employee is using stilts provisions of ANSI A92.2–1969 and this
on a large area scaffold where a guard- section and to be at least as safe as the
rail system is used to provide fall pro- equipment was before modification.
tection, the guardrail system shall be (b) Specific requirements—(1) Ladder
increased in height by an amount equal trucks and tower trucks. Aerial ladders
to the height of the stilts being used by shall be secured in the lower traveling
the employee. position by the locking device on top of
(3) Surfaces on which stilts are used the truck cab, and the manually oper-
shall be flat and free of pits, holes and ated device at the base of the ladder be-
obstructions, such as debris, as well as fore the truck is moved for highway
other tripping and falling hazards. travel.
(4) Stilts shall be properly main- (2) Extensible and articulating boom
tained. Any alteration of the original platforms. (i) Lift controls shall be test-
equipment shall be approved by the ed each day prior to use to determine
manufacturer. that such controls are in safe working
[61 FR 46104, Aug. 30, 1996, as amended at 85 condition.
FR 8736, Feb. 18, 2020] (ii) Only authorized persons shall op-
erate an aerial lift.
§ 1926.453 Aerial lifts. (iii) Belting off to an adjacent pole,
(a) General requirements. (1) Unless structure, or equipment while working
otherwise provided in this section, aer- from an aerial lift shall not be per-
ial lifts acquired for use on or after mitted.
January 22, 1973 shall be designed and (iv) Employees shall always stand
constructed in conformance with the firmly on the floor of the basket, and
applicable requirements of the Amer- shall not sit or climb on the edge of the
ican National Standards for ‘‘Vehicle basket or use planks, ladders, or other
Mounted Elevating and Rotating Work devices for a work position.
Platforms,’’ ANSI A92.2–1969, including (v) A body belt shall be worn and a
appendix. Aerial lifts acquired before lanyard attached to the boom or bas-
January 22, 1973 which do not meet the ket when working from an aerial lift.
requirements of ANSI A92.2–1969, may NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (b)(2)(v): As of Janu-
not be used after January 1, 1976, un-
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.454
system. The use of a body belt in a tethering pneumatic components. Critical com-
system or in a restraint system is acceptable ponents are those in which a failure
and is regulated under § 1926.502(e). would result in a free fall or free rota-
(vi) Boom and basket load limits tion of the boom. All noncritical com-
specified by the manufacturer shall not ponents shall have a bursting safety
be exceeded. factor of at least 2 to 1.
(vii) The brakes shall be set and when (5) Welding standards. All welding
outriggers are used, they shall be posi- shall conform to the following stand-
tioned on pads or a solid surface. Wheel ards as applicable:
chocks shall be installed before using (i) Standard Qualification Procedure,
an aerial lift on an incline, provided AWS B3.0–41.
they can be safely installed. (ii) Recommended Practices for
(viii) An aerial lift truck shall not be Automotive Welding Design, AWS
moved when the boom is elevated in a D8.4–61.
working position with men in the bas- (iii) Standard Qualification of Weld-
ket, except for equipment which is spe- ing Procedures and Welders for Piping
cifically designed for this type of oper- and Tubing, AWS D10.9–69.
ation in accordance with the provisions (iv) Specifications for Welding High-
of paragraphs (a) (1) and (2) of this sec- way and Railway Bridges, AWS D2.0–69.
(ix) Articulating boom and extensible NOTE TO § 1926.453: Non-mandatory appen-
boom platforms, primarily designed as dix C to this subpart lists examples of na-
tional consensus standards that are consid-
personnel carriers, shall have both
ered to provide employee protection equiva-
platform (upper) and lower controls. lent to that provided through the application
Upper controls shall be in or beside the of ANSI A92.2–1969, where appropriate. This
platform within easy reach of the oper- incorporation by reference was approved by
ator. Lower controls shall provide for the Director of the Federal Register in ac-
overriding the upper controls. Controls cordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part
shall be plainly marked as to their 51. Copies may be obtained from the Amer-
function. Lower level controls shall not ican National Standards Institute. Copies
may be inspected at the Docket Office, Occu-
be operated unless permission has been
pational Safety and Health Administration,
obtained from the employee in the lift, U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution
except in case of emergency. Avenue, NW., room N2634, Washington, DC or
(x) Climbers shall not be worn while at the National Archives and Records Ad-
performing work from an aerial lift. ministration (NARA). For information on
(xi) The insulated portion of an aerial the availability of this material at NARA,
lift shall not be altered in any manner call 202–741–6030, or go to: http://
that might reduce its insulating value.
(xii) Before moving an aerial lift for
travel, the boom(s) shall be inspected
to see that it is properly cradled and [61 FR 46116, Aug. 30, 1996; 61 FR 59832, Nov.
outriggers are in stowed position ex- 25, 1996, as amended at 69 FR 18803, Apr. 9,
cept as provided in paragraph 2004]
(b)(2)(viii) of this section.
§ 1926.454 Training requirements.
(3) Electrical tests. All electrical tests
shall conform to the requirements of This section supplements and clari-
ANSI A92.2–1969 section 5. However fies the requirements of § 1926.21(b)(2)
equivalent d.c.; voltage tests may be as these relate to the hazards of work
used in lieu of the a.c. voltage specified on scaffolds.
in A92.2–1969; d.c. voltage tests which (a) The employer shall have each em-
are approved by the equipment manu- ployee who performs work while on a
facturer or equivalent entity shall be scaffold trained by a person qualified
considered an equivalent test for the in the subject matter to recognize the
purpose of this paragraph (b)(3). hazards associated with the type of
(4) Bursting safety factor. The provi- scaffold being used and to understand
sions of the American National Stand- the procedures to control or minimize
ards Institute standard ANSI A92.2– those hazards. The training shall in-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
1969, section 4.9 Bursting Safety Factor clude the following areas, as applica-
shall apply to all critical hydraulic and ble:
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Pt. 1926, Subpt. L, App. A 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. L, App. A
(w) Mobile scaffolds. (i) Allowable spans shall be determined in
(x) Repair bracket scaffolds. compliance with the National Design Speci-
(y) Stilts. fication for Wood Construction published by
(z) Tank builders’ scaffolds. the National Forest Products Association;
paragraph 5 of ANSI A10.8–1988 Scaffolding-
1. GENERAL GUIDELINES AND TABLES Safety Requirements published by the Amer-
(a) The following tables, and the tables in ican National Standards Institute; or for 2 ×
part 2—Specific guidelines and tables, as- 10 inch (nominal) or 2 × 9 inch (rough) solid
sume that all load-carrying timber members sawn wood planks, as shown in the following
(except planks) of the scaffold are a min- table:
imum of 1,500 lb-f/in2 (stress grade) construc-
tion grade lumber. All dimensions are nomi- Maximum per- Maximum per-
missible span
nal sizes as provided in the American missible span
Maximum intended nominal using full thick-
Softwood Lumber Standards, dated January using nominal
load ness un- thickness
1970, except that, where rough sizes are (lb/ft2) dressed lumber
noted, only rough or undressed lumber of the (ft) (ft)
size specified will satisfy minimum require-
ments. 25 ....................................... 10 8
(b) Solid sawn wood used as scaffold planks 50 ....................................... 8 6
shall be selected for such use following the 75 ....................................... 6
grading rules established by a recognized
lumber grading association or by an inde- (ii) The maximum permissible span for 11⁄4
pendent lumber grading inspection agency. × 9-inch or wider wood plank of full thick-
Such planks shall be identified by the grade ness with a maximum intended load of 50 lb/
stamp of such association or agency. The as- ft.2 shall be 4 feet.
sociation or agency and the grading rules (c) Fabricated planks and platforms may
under which the wood is graded shall be cer- be used in lieu of solid sawn wood planks.
tified by the Board of Review, American Maximum spans for such units shall be as
Lumber Standard Committee, as set forth in recommended by the manufacturer based on
the American Softwood Lumber Standard of the maximum intended load being calculated
the U.S. Department of Commerce. as follows:
Light-duty ................... • 25 pounds per square foot applied uniformly over the entire span area.
Medium-duty .............. • 50 pounds per square foot applied uniformly over the entire span area.
Heavy-duty ................. • 75 pounds per square foot applied uniformly over the entire span area.
One-person ................ • 250 pounds placed at the center of the span (total 250 pounds).
Two-person ................ • 250 pounds placed 18 inches to the left and right of the center of the span (total 500 pounds).
Three-person ............. • 250 pounds placed at the center of the span and 250 pounds placed 18 inches to the left and right of
the center of the span (total 750 pounds).
NOTE: Platform units used to make scaf- 11⁄4 inch × 11⁄4 inch structural angle iron; or
fold platforms intended for light-duty use 1 inch × .070 inch wall steel tubing; or
shall be capable of supporting at least 25 1.990 inch × .058 inch wall aluminum tub-
pounds per square foot applied uniformly ing.
over the entire unit-span area, or a 250-pound (iv) Posts shall be equivalent in strength
point load placed on the unit at the center of to 2 inch by 4 inch lumber; or
the span, whichever load produces the great- 11⁄4 inch × 11⁄4 inch × 1⁄8 structural angle
er shear force. iron; or
(d) Guardrails shall be as follows:
1 inch × .070 inch wall steel tubing; or
(i) Toprails shall be equivalent in strength
1.990 inch × .058 inch wall aluminum tub-
to 2 inch by 4 inch lumber; or
11⁄4 inch × 1⁄8 inch structural angle iron; or
(v) Distance between posts shall not exceed
1 inch × .070 inch wall steel tubing; or 1.990
8 feet.
inch × .058 inch wall aluminum tubing.
(ii) Midrails shall be equivalent in strength (e) Overhead protection shall consist of 2
to 1 inch by 6 inch lumber; or inch nominal planking laid tight, or 3⁄4-inch
11⁄4 inch × 11⁄4 inch × 1⁄8 inch structural plywood.
angle iron; or (f) Screen installed between toeboards and
1 inch × .070 inch wall steel tubing; or midrails or toprails shall consist of No. 18
1.990 inch × .058 inch wall aluminum tub- gauge U.S. Standard wire one inch mesh.
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(iii) Toeboards shall be equivalent in
strength to 1 inch by 4 inch lumber; or (a) Pole Scaffolds.
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Pt. 1926, Subpt. L, App. A 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
Maximum intended load ................................ 25 lbs/ft2 .............. 25 lbs/ft2 .............. 50 lbs/ft2 .............. 75 lbs/ft2.
Poles or uprights ........................................... 2 × 4 in ................ 4 × 4 in ................ 4 × 4 in ................ 4 × 4 in.
Maximum pole spacing (longitudinal) ............ 6 feet ................... 10 feet ................. 8 feet ................... 6 feet.
Maximum (transverse) ................................... 6 feet ................... 10 feet ................. 8 feet ................... 8 feet.
Runners ......................................................... 11⁄4 × 4 in ............ 11⁄4 × 9 in ............ 2 × 10 in .............. 2 × 10 in.
Bearers and maximum spacing of bearers:
3 feet ............................................... 2 × 4 in ................ 2 × 4 in ................ 2 × 10 in .............. 2 × 10 in. (rough).
6 feet ............................................... 2 × 6 in. or 3 × 4 2 × 10 in. (rough) 2 × 10 in .............. 2 × 10 in. (rough).
in. or 3 × 8 in.
8 feet ............................................... 2 × 6 in. or 3 × 4 2 × 10 in. (rough) 2 × 10 in ..............
in. or 3 × 8 in.
10 feet ............................................. 2 × 6 in. or 3 × 4 2 × 10 in. (rough) ..............................
in. or 3 × 3 in.
Planking ......................................................... 11⁄4 × 9 in ............ 2 × 10 in .............. 2 × 10 in .............. 2 × 10 in.
Maximum vertical spacing of horizontal 7 feet ................... 7 feet ................... 6 feet ................... 6 feet.
Bracing horizontal .......................................... 1 × 4 in ................ 1 × 4 in ................ 1 × 6 in. or 11⁄4 × 2 × 4 in.
4 in.
Bracing diagonal ............................................ 1 × 4 in ................ 1 × 4 in ................ 1 × 4 in ................ 2 × 4 in.
Tie-ins ............................................................ 1 × 4 in ................ 1 × 4 in ................ 1 × 4 in ................ 1 × 4 in.
NOTE: All members except planking are used on edge. All wood bearers shall be reinforced with 3⁄16 × 2 inch steel strip, or the
equivalent, secured to the lower edges for the entire length of the bearer.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. L, App. A
(c) Fabricated frame scaffolds. Because of inches, or of 11⁄4 inch × 11⁄4 inch × 1⁄8 inch
their prefabricated nature, no additional structural angle iron.
guidelines or tables for these scaffolds are (2) Bolts used to attach brackets to struc-
being adopted in this Appendix. tures shall not be less than 5⁄8 inches in di-
(d) Plasterers’, decorators’, and large area ameter.
scaffolds. The guidelines for pole scaffolds or (3) Maximum bracket spacing shall be 8
tube and coupler scaffolds (Appendix A (a) feet on centers.
and (b)) may be applied. (4) No more than two employees shall oc-
(e) Bricklayers’ square scaffolds. cupy any given 8 feet of a bracket or form
Maximum intended load: 50 lb/ft.2 thnsp;* scaffold at any one time. Tools and materials
Maximum width: 5 ft. shall not exceed 75 pounds in addition to the
Maximum height: 5 ft. occupancy.
Gussets: 1 × 6 in. (5) Wooden figure-four scaffolds:
Braces: 1 × 8 in. Maximum intended load: 25 lb/ft.2
Legs: 2 × 6 in. Uprights: 2 × 4 in. or 2 × 6 in.
Bearers (horizontal members): 2 × 6 in. Bearers (two): 1 × 6 in.
(f) Horse scaffolds. Braces: 1 × 6 in.
Maximum intended load (light duty): 25 lb/ Maximum length of bearers (unsupported): 3
ft.2 ** ft. 6 in.
Maximum intended load (medium duty): 50 (i) Outrigger bearers shall consist of two
lb/ft.2 ** pieces of 1 × 6 inch lumber nailed on opposite
Horizontal members or bearers: sides of the vertical support.
Light duty: 2 × 4 in. (ii) Bearers for wood figure-four brackets
Medium duty: 3 × 4 in. shall project not more than 3 feet 6 inches
Legs: 2 × 4 in. from the outside of the form support, and
Longitudinal brace between legs: 1 × 6 in. shall be braced and secured to prevent tip-
Gusset brace at top of legs: 1 × 8 in. ping or turning. The knee or angle brace
Half diagonal braces: 2 × 4 in. shall intersect the bearer at least 3 feet from
(g) Form scaffolds and carpenters’ bracket the form at an angle of approximately 45 de-
scaffolds. (1) Brackets shall consist of a tri- grees, and the lower end shall be nailed to a
angular-shaped frame made of wood with a vertical support.
cross-section not less than 2 inches by 3 (6) Metal bracket scaffolds:
Maximum intended load: 25 lb/ft.2
* The squares shall be set not more than 8 Uprights: 2 × 4 inch
feet apart for light duty scaffolds and not Bearers: As designed.
more than 5 feet apart for medium duty scaf- Braces: As designed.
folds. (7) Wood bracket scaffolds:
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
** Horses shall be spaced not more than 8 Maximum intended load: 25 lb/ft.2
feet apart for light duty loads, and not more Uprights: 2 × 4 in or 2 × 6 in
than 5 feet apart for medium duty loads. Bearers: 2 × 6 in
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Pt. 1926, Subpt. L, App. A 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
Maximum scaffold width: 3 ft 6 in (p) Two-point adjustable suspension scaffolds.
Braces: 1 × 6 in (1) In addition to direct connections to build-
(h) Roof bracket scaffolds. No specific guide- ings (except window cleaners’ anchors) ac-
lines or tables are given. ceptable ways to prevent scaffold sway in-
(i) Outrigger scaffolds (single level). No spe- clude angulated roping and static lines. An-
cific guidelines or tables are given. gulated roping is a system of platform sus-
(j) Pump jack scaffolds. Wood poles shall not pension in which the upper wire rope sheaves
exceed 30 feet in height. Maximum intended or suspension points are closer to the plane
load—500 lbs between poles; applied at the of the building face than the corresponding
center of the span. Not more than two em- attachment points on the platform, thus
ployees shall be on a pump jack scaffold at causing the platform to press against the
one time between any two supports. When 2
face of the building. Static lines are separate
× 4’s are spliced together to make a 4 × 4 inch
ropes secured at their top and bottom ends
wood pole, they shall be spliced with ‘‘10
penny’’ common nails no more than 12 inches closer to the plane of the building face than
center to center, staggered uniformly from the outermost edge of the platform. By draw-
the opposite outside edges. ing the static line taut, the platform is
(k) Ladder jack scaffolds. Maximum in- drawn against the face of the building.
tended load—25 lb/ft2. However, not more (2) On suspension scaffolds designed for a
than two employees shall occupy any plat- working load of 500 pounds, no more than
form at any one time. Maximum span be- two employees shall be permitted on the
tween supports shall be 8 feet. scaffold at one time. On suspension scaffolds
(l) Window jack scaffolds. Not more than with a working load of 750 pounds, no more
one employee shall occupy a window jack than three employees shall be permitted on
scaffold at any one time. the scaffold at one time.
(m) Crawling boards (chicken ladders). (3) Ladder-type platforms. The side string-
Crawling boards shall be not less than 10 er shall be of clear straight-grained spruce.
inches wide and 1 inch thick, with cleats
The rungs shall be of straight-grained oak,
having a minimum 1 × 11⁄2 inch cross-sec-
ash, or hickory, at least 11⁄8 inches in diame-
tional area. The cleats shall be equal in
length to the width of the board and spaced ter, with 7⁄8 inch tenons mortised into the
at equal intervals not to exceed 24 inches. side stringers at least 7⁄8 inch. The stringers
(n) Step, platform, and trestle ladder scaf- shall be tied together with tie rods not less
folds. No additional guidelines or tables are than 1⁄4 inch in diameter, passing through
given. the stringers and riveted up tight against
(o) Single-point adjustable suspension scaf- washers on both ends. The flooring strips
folds. Maximum intended load—250 lbs. Wood shall be spaced not more than 5⁄8 inch apart,
seats for boatswains’ chairs shall be not less except at the side rails where the space may
than 1 inch thick if made of non-laminated be 1 inch. Ladder-type platforms shall be
wood, or 5⁄8 inches thick if made of marine constructed in accordance with the following
quality plywood. table:
Length of Platform ................................ 12 feet .............. 14 & 16 feet ...... 18 & 20 feet.
Side stringers, minimum cross section
(finished sizes):
At ends ................................... 13⁄4 × 23⁄4 in ...... 13⁄4 × 23⁄4 in ...... 13⁄4 × 3 in.
At middle ................................ 13⁄4 × 33⁄4 in ...... 13⁄4 × 33⁄4 in ...... 13⁄4 × 4 in.
Reinforcing strip (minimum) ................. A1⁄8 × 7⁄8 inch steel reinforcing strip shall be attached
to the side or underside, full length.
Rungs ................................................... Rungs shall be 11⁄8 inch minimum diameter with at
least 7⁄8 inch in diameter tenons, and the maximum
spacing shall be 12 inches to center.
Tie rods:
Number (minimum) ................ 3 ....................... 4 ....................... 4
Diameter (minimum) ............... ⁄ inch ..............
14 ⁄ inch ..............
14 ⁄ inch
Flooring, minimum finished size ........... 1⁄2 × 23⁄4 in ........ 1⁄2 × 23⁄4 in ........ 1⁄2 × 23⁄4 in.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. L, App. A
Flooring, minimum finished size .......................................... 1⁄2 × 23⁄4 in ........ 1⁄2 × 23⁄4 in.
(4) Plank-Type Platforms. Plank-type plat- (s) Float (ship) scaffolds. (1) Maximum in-
forms shall be composed of not less than tended load—750 lbs.
nominal 2 × 8 inch unspliced planks, con- (2) Platforms shall be made of 3⁄4 inch ply-
nected together on the underside with cleats wood, equivalent in rating to American Ply-
at intervals not exceeding 4 feet, starting 6 wood Association Grade B-B, Group I, Exte-
inches from each end. A bar or other effec- rior.
tive means shall be securely fastened to the (3) Bearers shall be made from 2 × 4 inch,
platform at each end to prevent the platform or 1 × 10 inch rough lumber. They shall be
from slipping off the hanger. The span be- free of knots and other flaws.
tween hangers for plank-type platforms shall (4) Ropes shall be equivalent in strength to
not exceed 10 feet. at least 1 inch (2.5 cm) diameter first grade
(5) Beam-Type Platforms. Beam platforms manila rope.
shall have side stringers of lumber not less (t) Interior hung scaffolds.
than 2 × 6 inches set on edge. The span be-
tween hangers shall not exceed 12 feet when Bearers (use on edge): 2 × 10 in.
beam platforms are used. The flooring shall Maximum intended load: Maximum span
be supported on 2 × 6 inch cross beams, laid 25 lb/ft.2: 10 ft.
flat and set into the upper edge of the string- 50 lb/ft.2: 10 ft.
ers with a snug fit, at intervals of not more 75 lb/ft.2: 7 ft.
than 4 feet, securely nailed to the cross (u) Needle beam scaffolds.
beams. Floor-boards shall not be spaced
more than 1⁄2 inch apart. Maximum intended load: 25 lb/ft.2
(q)(1) Multi-point adjustable suspension scaf- Beams: 4 × 6 in.
folds and stonesetters’ multi-point adjustable Maximum platform span: 8 ft.
suspension scaffolds. No specific guidelines or Maximum beam span: 10 ft.
tables are given for these scaffolds. (1) Ropes shall be attached to the needle
(2) Masons’ multi-point adjustable suspension beams by a scaffold hitch or an eye splice.
scaffolds. Maximum intended load—50 lb/ft2. The loose end of the rope shall be tied by a
Each outrigger beam shall be at least a bowline knot or by a round turn and a half
standard 7 inch, 15.3 pound steel I-beam, at hitch.
least 15 feet long. Such beams shall not (2) Ropes shall be equivalent in strength to
project more than 6 feet 6 inches beyond the at least 1 inch (2.5 cm) diameter first grade
bearing point. Where the overhang exceeds 6 manila rope.
feet 6 inches, outrigger beams shall be com- (v) Multi-level suspension scaffolds. No addi-
posed of stronger beams or multiple beams. tional guidelines or tables are being given
(r) Catenary scaffolds. (1) Maximum in- for these scaffolds.
tended load—500 lbs. (w) Mobile Scaffolds. Stability test as de-
(2) Not more than two employees shall be scribed in the ANSI A92 series documents, as
permitted on the scaffold at one time. appropriate for the type of scaffold, can be
(3) Maximum capacity of come-along shall used to establish stability for the purpose of
be 2,000 lbs. § 1926.452(w)(6).
(4) Vertical pickups shall be spaced not (x) Repair bracket scaffolds. No additional
more than 50 feet apart. guidelines or tables are being given for these
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Pt. 1926, Subpt. L, App. C 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(z) Tank builder’s scaffold. (1) The maximum ANSI/SIA A92.8–1993 Vehicle-Mounted Bridge
distance between brackets to which scaf- Inspection and Maintenance Devices
folding and guardrail supports are attached ANSI/SIA A92.9–1993 Mast-Climbing Work
shall be no more than 10 feet 6 inches. Platforms
(2) Not more than three employees shall
occupy a 10 feet 6 inch span of scaffold plank- (NON-MANDATORY) APPENDIX D TO SUB-
ing at any time. PART L OF PART 1926—LIST OF
(3) A taut wire or synthetic rope supported TRAINING TOPICS FOR SCAFFOLD
on the scaffold brackets shall be installed at ERECTORS AND DISMANTLERS
the scaffold plank level between the inner-
most edge of the scaffold platform and the This appendix D is provided to serve as a
curved plate structure of the tank shell to guide to assist employers when evaluating
serve as a safety line in lieu of an inner the training needs of employees erecting or
guardrail assembly where the space between dismantling supported scaffolds.
the scaffold platform and the tank exceeds 12 The Agency believes that employees erect-
inches (30.48 cm). In the event the open space ing or dismantling scaffolds should be
on either side of the rope exceeds 12 inches trained in the following topics:
(30.48 cm), a second wire or synthetic rope • General Overview of Scaffolding
appropriately placed, or guardrails in ac- • regulations and standards
cordance with § 1926.451(g)(4), shall be in- • erection/dismantling planning
stalled in order to reduce that open space to • PPE and proper procedures
less than 12 inches (30.48 cm). • fall protection
(4) Scaffold planks of rough full-dimen- • materials handling
sioned 2-inch (5.1 cm) × 12-inch (30.5 cm) • access
Douglas Fir or Southern Yellow Pine of Se- • working platforms
lect Structural Grade shall be used. Douglas • foundations
Fir planks shall have a fiber stress of at • guys, ties and braces
least 1900 lb/in2 (130,929 n/cm2) and a modulus • Tubular Welded Frame Scaffolds
of elasticity of at least 1,900,000 lb/in2 • specific regulations and standards
(130,929,000 n/cm2), while Yellow Pine planks • components
shall have a fiber stress of at least 2500 lb/in2
• parts inspection
(172,275 n/cm2) and a modulus of elasticity of
• erection/dismantling planning
at least 2,000,000 lb/in2 (137,820,000 n/cm2).
• guys, ties and braces
(5) Guardrails shall be constructed of a
• fall protection
taut wire or synthetic rope, and shall be sup-
• general safety
ported by angle irons attached to brackets
• access and platforms
welded to the steel plates. These guardrails
• erection/dismantling procedures
shall comply with § 1926.451(g)(4). Guardrail
• rolling scaffold assembly
supports shall be located at no greater than
• putlogs
10 feet 6 inch intervals.
• Tube and Clamp Scaffolds
[44 FR 8577, Feb. 9, 1979, as amended at 77 FR • specific regulations and standards
46950, Aug. 7, 2012] • components
• parts inspection
(NON-MANDATORY) APPENDIX B TO SUB- • erection/dismantling planning
PART L OF PART 1926—CRITERIA FOR • guys, ties and braces
PROTECTION FOR SCAFFOLD EREC- • access and platforms
• erection/dismantling procedures
• buttresses, cantilevers, & bridges
• System Scaffolds
• specific regulations and standards
PART L OF PART 1926—LIST OF NA- • parts inspection
TIONAL CONSENSUS STANDARDS • erection/dismantling planning
• guys, ties and braces
ANSI/SIA A92.2–1990 Vehicle-Mounted Ele-
• fall protection
vating and Rotating Aerial Devices
• general safety
ANSI/SIA A92.3–1990 Manually Propelled Ele-
• access and platforms
vating Aerial Platforms
• erection/dismantling procedures
ANSI/SIA A92.5–1990 Boom Supported Ele-
• buttresses, cantilevers, & bridges
vating Work Platforms
ANSI/SIA A92.6–1990 Self-Propelled Elevating Scaffold erectors and dismantlers should
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. L, App. E
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Pt. 1926, Subpt. L, App. E 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. L, App. E
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Pt. 1926, Subpt. L, App. E 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. L, App. E
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Pt. 1926, Subpt. L, App. E 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. L, App. E
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Pt. 1926, Subpt. L, App. E 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.500
[61 FR 46122, Aug. 30, 1996; 61 FR 59832, Nov. 25, 1996; 85 FR 8736, Feb. 18, 2020]
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§ 1926.500 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(2) Section 1926.501 sets forth those belts, lanyards and lifelines used for
workplaces, conditions, operations, and fall protection during tank and com-
circumstances for which fall protection munication and broadcast tower erec-
shall be provided except as follows: tion. Paragraphs (b),(c) and (f) of
(i) Requirements relating to fall pro- § 1926.107 provide definitions for the
tection for employees working on scaf- pertinent terms.)
folds are provided in subpart L of this (v) Criteria for steps, handholds, lad-
part. ders, and grabrails/guardrails/railings
(ii) Requirements relating to fall pro- required by subpart CC are provided in
tection for employees working on subpart CC. Sections 1926.502(a), (c)
cranes and derricks are provided in through (e), and (i) apply to activities
subpart CC of this part. covered under subpart CC unless other-
(iii) Fall protection requirements for wise stated in subpart CC. No other
employees performing steel erection paragraphs of § 1926.502 apply to subpart
work (except for towers and tanks) are CC.
provided in subpart R of this part. (4) Section 1926.503 sets forth require-
(iv) Requirements relating to fall ments for training in the installation
protection for employees working on and use of fall protection systems, ex-
certain types of equipment used in tun- cept in relation to steel erection ac-
neling operations are provided in sub- tivities and the use of equipment cov-
part S of this part. ered by subpart CC.
(v) Requirements relating to fall pro- (b) Definitions.
tection for employees engaged in the Anchorage means a secure point of at-
erection of tanks and communication tachment for lifelines, lanyards or de-
and broadcast towers are provided in celeration devices.
§ 1926.105. Body belt (safety belt) means a strap
(vi) Subpart V of this part provides with means both for securing it about
requirements relating to fall protec- the waist and for attaching it to a lan-
tion for employees working from aerial yard, lifeline, or deceleration device.
lifts or on poles, towers, or similar Body harness means straps which
structures while engaged in the con- may be secured about the employee in
struction of electric transmission or a manner that will distribute the fall
distribution lines or equipment. arrest forces over at least the thighs,
(vii) Requirements relating to fall pelvis, waist, chest and shoulders with
protection for employees working on means for attaching it to other compo-
stairways and ladders are provided in nents of a personal fall arrest system.
subpart X of this part. Buckle means any device for holding
(3) Section 1926.502 sets forth the re- the body belt or body harness closed
quirements for the installation, con- around the employee’s body.
struction, and proper use of fall protec- Connector means a device which is
tion required by part 1926, except as used to couple (connect) parts of the
follows: personal fall arrest system and posi-
(i) Performance requirements for tioning device systems together. It
guardrail systems used on scaffolds and may be an independent component of
performance requirements for falling the system, such as a carabiner, or it
object protection used on scaffolds are may be an integral component of part
provided in subpart L of this part. of the system (such as a buckle or dee-
(ii) Performance requirements for ring sewn into a body belt or body har-
stairways, stairrail systems, and hand- ness, or a snap-hook spliced or sewn to
rails are provided in subpart X of this a lanyard or self-retracting lanyard).
part. Controlled access zone (CAZ) means an
(iii) Additional performance require- area in which certain work (e.g.,
ments for fall arrest and work-posi- overhand bricklaying) may take place
tioning equipment are provided in sub- without the use of guardrail systems,
part V of this part. personal fall arrest systems, or safety
(iv) Section 1926.502 does not apply to net systems and access to the zone is
the erection of tanks and communica- controlled.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
tion and broadcast towers. (Note: Sec- Dangerous equipment means equip-
tion 1926.104 sets the criteria for body ment (such as pickling or galvanizing
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.500
Hole means a gap or void 2 inches (5.1 Overhand bricklaying and related work
cm) or more in its least dimension, in means the process of laying bricks and
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§ 1926.500 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
masonry units such that the surface of permit the hook to receive an object
the wall to be jointed is on the opposite and, when released, automatically
side of the wall from the mason, requir- closes to retain the object. Snaphooks
ing the mason to lean over the wall to are generally one of two types:
complete the work. Related work in- (1) The locking type with a self-clos-
cludes mason tending and electrical in- ing, self-locking keeper which remains
stallation incorporated into the brick closed and locked until unlocked and
wall during the overhand bricklaying pressed open for connection or dis-
process. connection; or
Personal fall arrest system means a
(2) The non-locking type with a self-
system used to arrest an employee in a
closing keeper which remains closed
fall from a working level. It consists of
an anchorage, connectors, a body belt until pressed open for connection or
or body harness and may include a lan- disconnection. As of January 1, 1998,
yard, deceleration device, lifeline, or the use of a non-locking snaphook as
suitable combinations of these. As of part of personal fall arrest systems and
January 1, 1998, the use of a body belt positioning device systems is prohib-
for fall arrest is prohibited. ited.
Positioning device system means a body Steep roof means a roof having a slope
belt or body harness system rigged to greater than 4 in 12 (vertical to hori-
allow an employee to be supported on zontal).
an elevated vertical surface, such as a Toeboard means a low protective bar-
wall, and work with both hands free rier that will prevent the fall of mate-
while leaning. rials and equipment to lower levels and
Rope grab means a deceleration de- provide protection from falls for per-
vice which travels on a lifeline and sonnel.
automatically, by friction, engages the Unprotected sides and edges means any
lifeline and locks so as to arrest the side or edge (except at entrances to
fall of an employee. A rope grab usu- points of access) of a walking/working
ally employs the principle of inertial
surface, e.g., floor, roof, ramp, or run-
locking, cam/level locking, or both.
way where there is no wall or guardrail
Roof means the exterior surface on
the top of a building. This does not in- system at least 39 inches (1.0 m) high.
clude floors or formwork which, be- Walking/working surface means any
cause a building has not been com- surface, whether horizontal or vertical
pleted, temporarily become the top on which an employee walks or works,
surface of a building. including, but not limited to, floors,
Roofing work means the hoisting, roofs, ramps, bridges, runways,
storage, application, and removal of formwork and concrete reinforcing
roofing materials and equipment, in- steel but not including ladders, vehi-
cluding related insulation, sheet metal, cles, or trailers, on which employees
and vapor barrier work, but not includ- must be located in order to perform
ing the construction of the roof deck. their job duties.
Safety-monitoring system means a safe- Warning line system means a barrier
ty system in which a competent person erected on a roof to warn employees
is responsible for recognizing and warn- that they are approaching an unpro-
ing employees of fall hazards. tected roof side or edge, and which des-
Self-retracting lifeline/lanyard means a ignates an area in which roofing work
deceleration device containing a drum- may take place without the use of
wound line which can be slowly ex- guardrail, body belt, or safety net sys-
tracted from, or retracted onto, the tems to protect employees in the area.
drum under slight tension during nor-
Work area means that portion of a
mal employee movement, and which,
after onset of a fall, automatically walking/working surface where job du-
locks the drum and arrests the fall. ties are being performed.
Snaphook means a connector com- [59 FR 40730, Aug. 9, 1994, as amended at 60
prised of a hook-shaped member with a
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.501
§ 1926.501 Duty to have fall protection. the edge that parallels the leading
(a) General. (1) This section sets forth edge.
requirements for employers to provide (3) Hoist areas. Each employee in a
fall protection systems. All fall protec- hoist area shall be protected from fall-
tion required by this section shall con- ing 6 feet (1.8 m) or more to lower lev-
form to the criteria set forth in els by guardrail systems or personal
§ 1926.502 of this subpart. fall arrest systems. If guardrail sys-
(2) The employer shall determine if tems, [or chain, gate, or guardrail] or
the walking/working surfaces on which portions thereof, are removed to facili-
its employees are to work have the tate the hoisting operation (e.g., dur-
strength and structural integrity to ing landing of materials), and an em-
support employees safely. Employees ployee must lean through the access
shall be allowed to work on those sur- opening or out over the edge of the ac-
faces only when the surfaces have the cess opening (to receive or guide equip-
requisite strength and structural integ- ment and materials, for example), that
rity. employee shall be protected from fall
(b)(1) Unprotected sides and edges. hazards by a personal fall arrest sys-
Each employee on a walking/working tem.
surface (horizontal and vertical sur- (4) Holes. (i) Each employee on walk-
face) with an unprotected side or edge ing/working surfaces shall be protected
which is 6 feet (1.8 m) or more above a from falling through holes (including
lower level shall be protected from fall- skylights) more than 6 feet (1.8 m)
ing by the use of guardrail systems, above lower levels, by personal fall ar-
safety net systems, or personal fall ar- rest systems, covers, or guardrail sys-
rest systems. tems erected around such holes.
(2) Leading edges. (i) Each employee (ii) Each employee on a walking/
who is constructing a leading edge 6 working surface shall be protected
feet (1.8 m) or more above lower levels from tripping in or stepping into or
shall be protected from falling by through holes (including skylights) by
guardrail systems, safety net systems, covers.
or personal fall arrest systems. Excep- (iii) Each employee on a walking/
tion: When the employer can dem- working surface shall be protected
onstrate that it is infeasible or creates from objects falling through holes (in-
a greater hazard to use these systems, cluding skylights) by covers.
the employer shall develop and imple- (5) Formwork and reinforcing steel.
ment a fall protection plan which Each employee on the face of formwork
meets the requirements of paragraph or reinforcing steel shall be protected
(k) of § 1926.502. from falling 6 feet (1.8 m) or more to
NOTE: There is a presumption that it is fea- lower levels by personal fall arrest sys-
sible and will not create a greater hazard to tems, safety net systems, or posi-
implement at least one of the above-listed tioning device systems.
fall protection systems. Accordingly, the
(6) Ramps, runways, and other walk-
employer has the burden of establishing that
it is appropriate to implement a fall protec- ways. Each employee on ramps, run-
tion plan which complies with § 1926.502(k) ways, and other walkways shall be pro-
for a particular workplace situation, in lieu tected from falling 6 feet (1.8 m) or
of implementing any of those systems. more to lower levels by guardrail sys-
(ii) Each employee on a walking/ tems.
working surface 6 feet (1.8 m) or more (7) Excavations. (i) Each employee at
above a lower level where leading edges the edge of an excavation 6 feet (1.8 m)
are under construction, but who is not or more in depth shall be protected
engaged in the leading edge work, shall from falling by guardrail systems,
be protected from falling by a guard- fences, or barricades when the exca-
rail system, safety net system, or per- vations are not readily seen because of
sonal fall arrest system. If a guardrail plant growth or other visual barrier;
system is chosen to provide the fall (ii) Each employee at the edge of a
protection, and a controlled access well, pit, shaft, and similar excavation
zone has already been established for 6 feet (1.8 m) or more in depth shall be
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leading edge work, the control line protected from falling by guardrail sys-
may be used in lieu of a guardrail along tems, fences, barricades, or covers.
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§ 1926.501 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(8) Dangerous equipment. (i) Each em- (12) Precast concrete erection. Each em-
ployee less than 6 feet (1.8 m) above ployee engaged in the erection of pre-
dangerous equipment shall be pro- cast concrete members (including, but
tected from falling into or onto the not limited to the erection of wall pan-
dangerous equipment by guardrail sys- els, columns, beams, and floor and roof
tems or by equipment guards. ‘‘tees’’) and related operations such as
(ii) Each employee 6 feet (1.8 m) or grouting of precast concrete members,
more above dangerous equipment shall who is 6 feet (1.8 m) or more above
be protected from fall hazards by lower levels shall be protected from
guardrail systems, personal fall arrest falling by guardrail systems, safety net
systems, or safety net systems. systems, or personal fall arrest sys-
(9) Overhand bricklaying and related tems, unless another provision in para-
work. (i) Except as otherwise provided graph (b) of this section provides for an
in paragraph (b) of this section, each alternative fall protection measure.
employee performing overhand brick- Exception: When the employer can
laying and related work 6 feet (1.8 m) demonstrate that it is infeasible or cre-
or more above lower levels, shall be ates a greater hazard to use these sys-
protected from falling by guardrail sys- tems, the employer shall develop and
tems, safety net systems, personal fall implement a fall protection plan which
arrest systems, or shall work in a con- meets the requirements of paragraph
trolled access zone. (k) of § 1926.502.
(ii) Each employee reaching more NOTE: There is a presumption that it is fea-
sible and will not create a greater hazard to
than 10 inches (25 cm) below the level
implement at least one of the above-listed
of the walking/working surface on fall protection systems. Accordingly, the
which they are working, shall be pro- employer has the burden of establishing that
tected from falling by a guardrail sys- it is appropriate to implement a fall protec-
tem, safety net system, or personal fall tion plan which complies with § 1926.502(k)
arrest system. for a particular workplace situation, in lieu
NOTE: Bricklaying operations performed on of implementing any of those systems.
scaffolds are regulated by subpart L—Scaf- (13) Residential construction. Each em-
folds of this part. ployee engaged in residential construc-
(10) Roofing work on Low-slope roofs. tion activities 6 feet (1.8 m) or more
Except as otherwise provided in para- above lower levels shall be protected
graph (b) of this section, each employee by guardrail systems, safety net sys-
engaged in roofing activities on low- tem, or personal fall arrest system un-
slope roofs, with unprotected sides and less another provision in paragraph (b)
edges 6 feet (1.8 m) or more above lower of this section provides for an alter-
levels shall be protected from falling native fall protection measure. Excep-
by guardrail systems, safety net sys- tion: When the employer can dem-
tems, personal fall arrest systems, or a onstrate that it is infeasible or creates
combination of warning line system a greater hazard to use these systems,
and guardrail system, warning line sys- the employer shall develop and imple-
tem and safety net system, or warning ment a fall protection plan which
line system and personal fall arrest meets the requirements of paragraph
system, or warning line system and (k) of § 1926.502.
safety monitoring system. Or, on roofs NOTE: There is a presumption that it is fea-
50-feet (15.25 m) or less in width (see ap- sible and will not create a greater hazard to
pendix A to subpart M of this part), the implement at least one of the above-listed
use of a safety monitoring system fall protection systems. Accordingly, the
employer has the burden of establishing that
alone [i.e. without the warning line it is appropriate to implement a fall protec-
system] is permitted. tion plan which complies with § 1926.502(k)
(11) Steep roofs. Each employee on a for a particular workplace situation, in lieu
steep roof with unprotected sides and of implementing any of those systems.
edges 6 feet (1.8 m) or more above lower (14) Wall openings. Each employee
levels shall be protected from falling working on, at, above, or near wall
by guardrail systems with toeboards, openings (including those with chutes
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safety net systems, or personal fall ar- attached) where the outside bottom
rest systems. edge of the wall opening is 6 feet (1.8 m)
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.502
or more above lower levels and the in- working level. When conditions war-
side bottom edge of the wall opening is rant, the height of the top edge may
less than 39 inches (1.0 m) above the exceed the 45-inch height, provided the
walking/working surface, shall be pro- guardrail system meets all other cri-
tected from falling by the use of a teria of this paragraph.
guardrail system, a safety net system, NOTE: When employees are using stilts, the
or a personal fall arrest system. top edge height of the top rail, or equivalent
(15) Walking/working surfaces not oth- member, shall be increased an amount equal
to the height of the stilts.
erwise addressed. Except as provided in
(2) Midrails, screens, mesh, inter-
§ 1926.500(a)(2) or in § 1926.501 (b)(1)
mediate vertical members, or equiva-
through (b)(14), each employee on a
lent intermediate structural members
walking/working surface 6 feet (1.8 m)
shall be installed between the top edge
or more above lower levels shall be pro-
of the guardrail system and the walk-
tected from falling by a guardrail sys-
ing/working surface when there is no
tem, safety net system, or personal fall
wall or parapet wall at least 21 inches
arrest system.
(53 cm) high.
(c) Protection from falling objects. (i) Midrails, when used, shall be in-
When an employee is exposed to falling stalled at a height midway between the
objects, the employer shall have each top edge of the guardrail system and
employee wear a hard hat and shall im- the walking/working level.
plement one of the following measures: (ii) Screens and mesh, when used,
(1) Erect toeboards, screens, or shall extend from the top rail to the
guardrail systems to prevent objects walking/working level and along the
from falling from higher levels; or, entire opening between top rail sup-
(2) Erect a canopy structure and keep ports.
potential fall objects far enough from (iii) Intermediate members (such as
the edge of the higher level so that balusters), when used between posts,
those objects would not go over the shall be not more than 19 inches (48
edge if they were accidentally dis- cm) apart.
placed; or, (iv) Other structural members (such
(3) Barricade the area to which ob- as additional midrails and architec-
jects could fall, prohibit employees tural panels) shall be installed such
from entering the barricaded area, and that there are no openings in the
keep objects that may fall far enough guardrail system that are more than 19
away from the edge of a higher level so inches (.5 m) wide.
that those objects would not go over (3) Guardrail systems shall be capa-
the edge if they were accidentally dis- ble of withstanding, without failure, a
placed. force of at least 200 pounds (890 N) ap-
plied within 2 inches (5.1 cm) of the top
§ 1926.502 Fall protection systems cri- edge, in any outward or downward di-
teria and practices.
rection, at any point along the top
(a) General. (1) Fall protection sys- edge.
tems required by this part shall comply (4) When the 200 pound (890 N) test
with the applicable provisions of this load specified in paragraph (b)(3) of
section. this section is applied in a downward
(2) Employers shall provide and in- direction, the top edge of the guardrail
stall all fall protection systems re- shall not deflect to a height less than
quired by this subpart for an employee, 39 inches (1.0 m) above the walking/
and shall comply with all other perti- working level. Guardrail system com-
nent requirements of this subpart be- ponents selected and constructed in ac-
fore that employee begins the work cordance with the appendix B to sub-
that necessitates the fall protection. part M of this part will be deemed to
(b) Guardrail systems. Guardrail sys- meet this requirement.
tems and their use shall comply with (5) Midrails, screens, mesh, inter-
the following provisions: mediate vertical members, solid pan-
(1) Top edge height of top rails, or els, and equivalent structural members
equivalent guardrail system members, shall be capable of withstanding, with-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
shall be 42 inches (1.1 m) plus or minus out failure, a force of at least 150
3 inches (8 cm) above the walking/ pounds (666 N) applied in any downward
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§ 1926.502 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
tems and their use shall comply with stallation for which the certification
the following provisions: record is being prepared; the date that
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.502
it was determined that the identified (4) Dee-rings and snaphooks shall be
net and net installation were in com- proof-tested to a minimum tensile load
pliance with paragraph (c)(3) of this of 3,600 pounds (16 kN) without crack-
section and the signature of the person ing, breaking, or taking permanent de-
making the determination and certifi- formation.
cation. The most recent certification (5) Snaphooks shall be sized to be
record for each net and net installation compatible with the member to which
shall be available at the jobsite for in- they are connected to prevent uninten-
spection. tional disengagement of the snaphook
(5) Defective nets shall not be used. by depression of the snaphook keeper
Safety nets shall be inspected at least by the connected member, or shall be a
once a week for wear, damage, and locking type snaphook designed and
other deterioration. Defective compo- used to prevent disengagement of the
nents shall be removed from service. snaphook by the contact of the
Safety nets shall also be inspected snaphook keeper by the connected
after any occurrence which could affect member. Effective January 1, 1998, only
the integrity of the safety net system. locking type snaphooks shall be used.
(6) Materials, scrap pieces, equip- (6) Unless the snaphook is a locking
ment, and tools which have fallen into type and designed for the following
the safety net shall be removed as soon connections, snaphooks shall not be en-
as possible from the net and at least gaged:
before the next work shift. (i) directly to webbing, rope or wire
(7) The maximum size of each safety rope;
net mesh opening shall not exceed 36 (ii) to each other;
square inches (230 cm 2) nor be longer (iii) to a Dee-ring to which another
than 6 inches (15 cm) on any side, and snaphook or other connector is at-
the opening, measured center-to-center tached;
of mesh ropes or webbing, shall not be (iv) to a horizontal lifeline; or
longer than 6 inches (15 cm). All mesh (v) to any object which is incom-
crossings shall be secured to prevent patibly shaped or dimensioned in rela-
enlargement of the mesh opening. tion to the snaphook such that unin-
(8) Each safety net (or section of it) tentional disengagement could occur
shall have a border rope for webbing by the connected object being able to
with a minimum breaking strength of depress the snaphook keeper and re-
5,000 pounds (22.2 kN). lease itself.
(9) Connections between safety net (7) On suspended scaffolds or similar
panels shall be as strong as integral work platforms with horizontal life-
net components and shall be spaced not lines which may become vertical life-
more than 6 inches (15 cm) apart. lines, the devices used to connect to a
(d) Personal fall arrest systems. Per- horizontal lifeline shall be capable of
sonal fall arrest systems and their use locking in both directions on the life-
shall comply with the provisions set line.
forth below. Effective January 1, 1998, (8) Horizontal lifelines shall be de-
body belts are not acceptable as part of signed, installed, and used, under the
a personal fall arrest system. Note: The supervision of a qualified person, as
use of a body belt in a positioning de- part of a complete personal fall arrest
vice system is acceptable and is regu- system, which maintains a safety fac-
lated under paragraph (e) of this sec- tor of at least two.
tion. (9) Lanyards and vertical lifelines
(1) Connectors shall be drop forged, shall have a minimum breaking
pressed or formed steel, or made of strength of 5,000 pounds (22.2 kN).
equivalent materials. (10) (i) Except as provided in para-
(2) Connectors shall have a corrosion- graph (d)(10)(ii) of this section, when
resistant finish, and all surfaces and vertical lifelines are used, each em-
edges shall be smooth to prevent dam- ployee shall be attached to a separate
age to interfacing parts of the system. lifeline.
(3) Dee-rings and snaphooks shall (ii) During the construction of eleva-
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have a minimum tensile strength of tor shafts, two employees may be at-
5,000 pounds (22.2 kN). tached to the same lifeline in the
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§ 1926.502 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
hoistway, provided both employees are distance an employee travels to 3.5 feet
working atop a false car that is (1.07 m); and,
equipped with guardrails; the strength (v) have sufficient strength to with-
of the lifeline is 10,000 pounds [5,000 stand twice the potential impact en-
pounds per employee attached] (44.4 ergy of an employee free falling a dis-
kN); and all other criteria specified in tance of 6 feet (1.8 m), or the free fall
this paragraph for lifelines have been distance permitted by the system,
met. whichever is less.
(11) Lifelines shall be protected NOTE: If the personal fall arrest system
against being cut or abraded. meets the criteria and protocols contained in
(12) Self-retracting lifelines and lan- appendix C to subpart M, and if the system
yards which automatically limit free is being used by an employee having a com-
fall distance to 2 feet (0.61 m) or less bined person and tool weight of less than 310
shall be capable of sustaining a min- pounds (140 kg), the system will be consid-
ered to be in compliance with the provisions
imum tensile load of 3,000 pounds (13.3
of paragraph (d)(16) of this section. If the
kN) applied to the device with the life- system is used by an employee having a com-
line or lanyard in the fully extended bined tool and body weight of 310 pounds (140
position. kg) or more, then the employer must appro-
(13) Self-retracting lifelines and lan- priately modify the criteria and protocols of
yards which do not limit free fall dis- the appendix to provide proper protection for
tance to 2 feet (0.61 m) or less, ripstitch such heavier weights, or the system will not
lanyards, and tearing and deforming be deemed to be in compliance with the re-
lanyards shall be capable of sustaining quirements of paragraph (d)(16) of this sec-
a minimum tensile load of 5,000 pounds tion.
(22.2 kN) applied to the device with the (17) The attachment point of the
lifeline or lanyard in the fully extended body belt shall be located in the center
position. of the wearer’s back. The attachment
(14) Ropes and straps (webbing) used point of the body harness shall be lo-
in lanyards, lifelines, and strength cated in the center of the wearer’s back
components of body belts and body har- near shoulder level, or above the wear-
nesses shall be made from synthetic fi- er’s head.
bers. (18) Body belts, harnesses, and com-
(15) Anchorages used for attachment ponents shall be used only for em-
of personal fall arrest equipment shall ployee protection (as part of a personal
be independent of any anchorage being fall arrest system or positioning device
used to support or suspend platforms system) and not to hoist materials.
and capable of supporting at least 5,000 (19) Personal fall arrest systems and
pounds (22.2 kN) per employee at- components subjected to impact load-
tached, or shall be designed, installed, ing shall be immediately removed from
and used as follows: service and shall not be used again for
(i) as part of a complete personal fall employee protection until inspected
arrest system which maintains a safety and determined by a competent person
factor of at least two; and to be undamaged and suitable for
(ii) under the supervision of a quali- reuse.
fied person. (20) The employer shall provide for
(16) Personal fall arrest systems, prompt rescue of employees in the
when stopping a fall, shall: event of a fall or shall assure that em-
(i) limit maximum arresting force on ployees are able to rescue themselves.
an employee to 900 pounds (4 kN) when (21) Personal fall arrest systems shall
used with a body belt; be inspected prior to each use for wear,
(ii) limit maximum arresting force damage and other deterioration, and
on an employee to 1,800 pounds (8 kN) defective components shall be removed
when used with a body harness; from service.
(iii) be rigged such that an employee (22) Body belts shall be at least one
can neither free fall more than 6 feet and five-eighths (15⁄8) inches (4.1 cm)
(1.8 m), nor contact any lower level; wide.
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(iv) bring an employee to a complete (23) Personal fall arrest systems shall
stop and limit maximum deceleration not be attached to guardrail systems,
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.502
nor shall they be attached to hoists ex- (v) to any object which is incom-
cept as specified in other subparts of patibly shaped or dimensioned in rela-
this part. tion to the snaphook such that unin-
(24) When a personal fall arrest sys- tentional disengagement could occur
tem is used at hoist areas, it shall be by the connected object being able to
rigged to allow the movement of the depress the snaphook keeper and re-
employee only as far as the edge of the lease itself.
walking/working surface. (9) Positioning device systems shall
(e) Positioning device systems. Posi- be inspected prior to each use for wear,
tioning device systems and their use damage, and other deterioration, and
shall conform to the following provi- defective components shall be removed
sions: from service.
(1) Positioning devices shall be rigged (10) Body belts, harnesses, and com-
such that an employee cannot free fall ponents shall be used only for em-
more than 2 feet (.6 m). ployee protection (as part of a personal
(2) Positioning devices shall be se- fall arrest system or positioning device
cured to an anchorage capable of sup- system) and not to hoist materials.
porting at least twice the potential im- (f) Warning line systems. Warning line
pact load of an employee’s fall or 3,000 systems [See § 1926.501(b)(10)] and their
pounds (13.3 kN), whichever is greater. use shall comply with the following
(3) Connectors shall be drop forged, provisions:
pressed or formed steel, or made of (1) The warning line shall be erected
equivalent materials. around all sides of the roof work area.
(i) When mechanical equipment is
(4) Connectors shall have a corrosion-
not being used, the warning line shall
resistant finish, and all surfaces and
be erected not less than 6 feet (1.8 m)
edges shall be smooth to prevent dam-
from the roof edge.
age to interfacing parts of this system.
(ii) When mechanical equipment is
(5) Connecting assemblies shall have
being used, the warning line shall be
a minimum tensile strength of 5,000
erected not less than 6 feet (1.8 m) from
pounds (22.2 kN)
the roof edge which is parallel to the
(6) Dee-rings and snaphooks shall be direction of mechanical equipment op-
proof-tested to a minimum tensile load eration, and not less than 10 feet (3.1
of 3,600 pounds (16 kN) without crack- m) from the roof edge which is perpen-
ing, breaking, or taking permanent de- dicular to the direction of mechanical
formation. equipment operation.
(7) Snaphooks shall be sized to be (iii) Points of access, materials han-
compatible with the member to which dling areas, storage areas, and hoisting
they are connected to prevent uninten- areas shall be connected to the work
tional disengagement of the snaphook area by an access path formed by two
by depression of the snaphook keeper warning lines.
by the connected member, or shall be a (iv) When the path to a point of ac-
locking type snaphook designed and cess is not in use, a rope, wire, chain,
used to prevent disengagement of the or other barricade, equivalent in
snaphook by the contact of the strength and height to the warning
snaphook keeper by the connected line, shall be placed across the path at
member. As of January 1, 1998, only the point where the path intersects the
locking type snaphooks shall be used. warning line erected around the work
(8) Unless the snaphook is a locking area, or the path shall be offset such
type and designed for the following that a person cannot walk directly into
connections, snaphooks shall not be en- the work area.
gaged: (2) Warning lines shall consist of
(i) directly to webbing, rope or wire ropes, wires, or chains, and supporting
rope; stanchions erected as follows:
(ii) to each other; (i) The rope, wire, or chain shall be
(iii) to a Dee-ring to which another flagged at not more than 6-foot (1.8 m)
snaphook or other connector is at- intervals with high-visibility material;
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§ 1926.502 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
that its lowest point (including sag) is whichever is less, from the leading
no less than 34 inches (.9 m) from the edge.
walking/working surface and its high- (iii) The control line shall extend
est point is no more than 39 inches (1.0 along the entire length of the unpro-
m) from the walking/working surface; tected or leading edge and shall be ap-
(iii) After being erected, with the proximately parallel to the unpro-
rope, wire, or chain attached, stan- tected or leading edge.
chions shall be capable of resisting, (iv) The control line shall be con-
without tipping over, a force of at least nected on each side to a guardrail sys-
16 pounds (71 N) applied horizontally tem or wall.
against the stanchion, 30 inches (.8 m) (2) When used to control access to
above the walking/working surface, areas where overhand bricklaying and
perpendicular to the warning line, and related work are taking place:
in the direction of the floor, roof, or (i) The controlled access zone shall
platform edge; be defined by a control line erected not
(iv) The rope, wire, or chain shall less than 10 feet (3.1 m) nor more than
have a minimum tensile strength of 500 15 feet (4.5 m) from the working edge.
pounds (2.22 kN), and after being at- (ii) The control line shall extend for
tached to the stanchions, shall be capa- a distance sufficient for the controlled
ble of supporting, without breaking, access zone to enclose all employees
the loads applied to the stanchions as performing overhand bricklaying and
prescribed in paragraph (f)(2)(iii) of related work at the working edge and
this section; and shall be approximately parallel to the
(v) The line shall be attached at each working edge.
stanchion in such a way that pulling on
(iii) Additional control lines shall be
one section of the line between stan-
erected at each end to enclose the con-
chions will not result in slack being
trolled access zone.
taken up in adjacent sections before
the stanchion tips over. (iv) Only employees engaged in
(3) No employee shall be allowed in overhand bricklaying or related work
the area between a roof edge and a shall be permitted in the controlled ac-
warning line unless the employee is cess zone.
performing roofing work in that area. (3) Control lines shall consist of
(4) Mechanical equipment on roofs ropes, wires, tapes, or equivalent mate-
shall be used or stored only in areas rials, and supporting stanchions as fol-
where employees are protected by a lows:
warning line system, guardrail system, (i) Each line shall be flagged or oth-
or personal fall arrest system. erwise clearly marked at not more
(g) Controlled access zones. Controlled than 6-foot (1.8 m) intervals with high-
access zones [See § 1926.501(b)(9) and visibility material.
§ 1926.502(k)] and their use shall con- (ii) Each line shall be rigged and sup-
form to the following provisions. ported in such a way that its lowest
(1) When used to control access to point (including sag) is not less than 39
areas where leading edge and other op- inches (1 m) from the walking/working
erations are taking place the con- surface and its highest point is not
trolled access zone shall be defined by more than 45 inches (1.3 m) [50 inches
a control line or by any other means (1.3 m) when overhand bricklaying op-
that restricts access. erations are being performed] from the
(i) When control lines are used, they walking/working surface.
shall be erected not less than 6 feet (1.8 (iii) Each line shall have a minimum
m) nor more than 25 feet (7.7 m) from breaking strength of 200 pounds (.88
the unprotected or leading edge, except kN).
when erecting precast concrete mem- (4) On floors and roofs where guard-
bers. rail systems are not in place prior to
(ii) When erecting precast concrete the beginning of overhand bricklaying
members, the control line shall be operations, controlled access zones
erected not less than 6 feet (1.8 m) nor shall be enlarged, as necessary, to en-
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more than 60 feet (18 m) or half the close all points of access, material han-
length of the member being erected, dling areas, and storage areas.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.502
(5) On floors and roofs where guard- vehicle expected to cross over the
rail systems are in place, but need to cover.
be removed to allow overhand brick- (2) All other covers shall be capable
laying work or leading edge work to of supporting, without failure, at least
take place, only that portion of the twice the weight of employees, equip-
guardrail necessary to accomplish that ment, and materials that may be im-
day’s work shall be removed. posed on the cover at any one time.
(h) Safety monitoring systems. Safety (3) All covers shall be secured when
monitoring systems [See installed so as to prevent accidental
§§ 1926.501(b)(10) and 1926.502(k)] and displacement by the wind, equipment,
their use shall comply with the fol- or employees.
lowing provisions: (4) All covers shall be color coded or
(1) The employer shall designate a they shall be marked with the word
competent person to monitor the safe- ‘‘HOLE’’ or ‘‘COVER’’ to provide warn-
ty of other employees and the em- ing of the hazard.
ployer shall ensure that the safety
NOTE: This provision does not apply to cast
monitor complies with the following iron manhole covers or steel grates used on
requirements: streets or roadways.
(i) The safety monitor shall be com- (j) Protection from falling objects. Fall-
petent to recognize fall hazards; ing object protection shall comply with
(ii) The safety monitor shall warn the following provisions:
the employee when it appears that the
(1) Toeboards, when used as falling
employee is unaware of a fall hazard or
object protection, shall be erected
is acting in an unsafe manner;
along the edge of the overhead walking/
(iii) The safety monitor shall be on
working surface for a distance suffi-
the same walking/working surface and
cient to protect employees below.
within visual sighting distance of the
(2) Toeboards shall be capable of
employee being monitored;
withstanding, without failure, a force
(iv) The safety monitor shall be close
of at least 50 pounds (222 N) applied in
enough to communicate orally with
any downward or outward direction at
the employee; and
any point along the toeboard.
(v) The safety monitor shall not have
other responsibilities which could take (3) Toeboards shall be a minimum of
the monitor’s attention from the moni- 31⁄2 inches (9 cm) in vertical height
toring function. from their top edge to the level of the
(2) Mechanical equipment shall not walking/working surface. They shall
be used or stored in areas where safety have not more than 1⁄4 inch (0.6 cm)
monitoring systems are being used to clearance above the walking/working
monitor employees engaged in roofing surface. They shall be solid or have
operations on low-slope roofs. openings not over 1 inch (2.5 cm) in
(3) No employee, other than an em- greatest dimension.
ployee engaged in roofing work [on (4) Where tools, equipment, or mate-
low-sloped roofs] or an employee cov- rials are piled higher than the top edge
ered by a fall protection plan, shall be of a toeboard, paneling or screening
allowed in an area where an employee shall be erected from the walking/
is being protected by a safety moni- working surface or toeboard to the top
toring system. of a guardrail system’s top rail or
(4) Each employee working in a con- midrail, for a distance sufficient to
trolled access zone shall be directed to protect employees below.
comply promptly with fall hazard (5) Guardrail systems, when used as
warnings from safety monitors. falling object protection, shall have all
(i) Covers. Covers for holes in floors, openings small enough to prevent pas-
roofs, and other walking/working sur- sage of potential falling objects.
faces shall meet the following require- (6) During the performance of
ments: overhand bricklaying and related work:
(1) Covers located in roadways and (i) No materials or equipment except
vehicular aisles shall be capable of sup- masonry and mortar shall be stored
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
porting, without failure, at least twice within 4 feet (1.2 m) of the working
the maximum axle load of the largest edge.
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§ 1926.503 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(ii) Excess mortar, broken or scat- tion systems. For example, the em-
tered masonry units, and all other ma- ployer shall discuss the extent to
terials and debris shall be kept clear which scaffolds, ladders, or vehicle
from the work area by removal at reg- mounted work platforms can be used to
ular intervals. provide a safer working surface and
(7) During the performance of roofing thereby reduce the hazard of falling.
work: (7) The fall protection plan shall
(i) Materials and equipment shall not identify each location where conven-
be stored within 6 feet (1.8 m) of a roof tional fall protection methods cannot
edge unless guardrails are erected at be used. These locations shall then be
the edge. classified as controlled access zones
(ii) Materials which are piled, and the employer must comply with
grouped, or stacked near a roof edge the criteria in paragraph (g) of this sec-
shall be stable and self-supporting. tion.
(8) Canopies, when used as falling ob- (8) Where no other alternative meas-
ject protection, shall be strong enough ure has been implemented, the em-
to prevent collapse and to prevent pen- ployer shall implement a safety moni-
etration by any objects which may fall toring system in conformance with
onto the canopy. § 1926.502(h).
(k) Fall protection plan. This option is (9) The fall protection plan must in-
available only to employees engaged in clude a statement which provides the
leading edge work, precast concrete name or other method of identification
erection work, or residential construc- for each employee who is designated to
tion work (See § 1926.501(b)(2), (b)(12), work in controlled access zones. No
and (b)(13)) who can demonstrate that other employees may enter controlled
it is infeasible or it creates a greater access zones.
hazard to use conventional fall protec- (10) In the event an employee falls, or
tion equipment. The fall protection some other related, serious incident oc-
plan must conform to the following curs, (e.g., a near miss) the employer
provisions. shall investigate the circumstances of
(1) The fall protection plan shall be the fall or other incident to determine
prepared by a qualified person and de- if the fall protection plan needs to be
veloped specifically for the site where changed (e.g. new practices, proce-
the leading edge work, precast concrete dures, or training) and shall implement
work, or residential construction work those changes to prevent similar types
is being performed and the plan must of falls or incidents.
be maintained up to date.
(2) Any changes to the fall protection § 1926.503 Training requirements.
plan shall be approved by a qualified The following training provisions
person. supplement and clarify the require-
(3) A copy of the fall protection plan ments of § 1926.21 regarding the hazards
with all approved changes shall be addressed in subpart M of this part.
maintained at the job site. (a) Training program. (1) The em-
(4) The implementation of the fall ployer shall provide a training program
protection plan shall be under the su- for each employee who might be ex-
pervision of a competent person. posed to fall hazards. The program
(5) The fall protection plan shall doc- shall enable each employee to recog-
ument the reasons why the use of con- nize the hazards of falling and shall
ventional fall protection systems train each employee in the procedures
(guardrail systems, personal fall arrest to be followed in order to minimize
systems, or safety nets systems) are in- these hazards.
feasible or why their use would create (2) The employer shall assure that
a greater hazard. each employee has been trained, as
(6) The fall protection plan shall in- necessary, by a competent person
clude a written discussion of other qualified in the following areas:
measures that will be taken to reduce (i) The nature of fall hazards in the
or eliminate the fall hazard for workers work area;
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
who cannot be provided with protec- (ii) The correct procedures for erect-
tion from the conventional fall protec- ing, maintaining, disassembling, and
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[85 FR 8738, Feb. 18, 2020] plying with these requirements. An employer
may use these guidelines as a starting point
APPENDIX B TO SUBPART M OF PART for designing guardrail systems. However,
1926—GUARDRAIL SYSTEMS the guidelines do not provide all the infor-
mation necessary to build a complete sys-
Non-Mandatory Guidelines for Complying with tem, and the employer is still responsible for
§ 1926.502(b) designing and assembling these components
The standard requires guardrail systems in such a way that the completed system
and components to be designed and built to will meet the requirements of § 1926.502(b) (3),
(4), and (5). Components for which no specific
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. M, App. C
with other materials, and components with (5) The lanyard or lifeline used to create
other dimensions) must also be designed and the free fall distance should be supplied with
constructed in such a way that the com- the system, or in its absence, the least elas-
pleted system meets the requirements of tic lanyard or lifeline available to be used
§ 1926.502. with the system.
(1) For wood railings: Wood components (6) The test weight for each test should be
shall be minimum 1500 lb-ft/in2 fiber (stress hoisted to the required level and should be
grade) construction grade lumber; the posts quickly released without having any appre-
shall be at least 2-inch by 4-inch (5 cm × 10 ciable motion imparted to it.
cm) lumber spaced not more than 8 feet (2.4 (7) The system’s performance should be
m) apart on centers; the top rail shall be at evaluated taking into account the range of
least 2-inch by 4-inch (5 cm × 10 cm) lumber, environmental conditions for which it is de-
the intermediate rail shall be at least 1-inch signed to be used.
by 6-inch (2.5 cm × 15 cm) lumber. All lumber (8) Following the test, the system need not
dimensions are nominal sizes as provided by be capable of further operation.
the American Softwood Lumber Standards, (c) Strength test. (1) During the testing of
dated January 1970. all systems, a test weight of 300 pounds plus
or minus 5 pounds (135 kg plus or minus 2.5
(2) For pipe railings: posts, top rails, and
kg) should be used. (See paragraph (b)(4) of
intermediate railings shall be at least one
this section.)
and one-half inches nominal diameter
(2) The test consists of dropping the test
(schedule 40 pipe) with posts spaced not more
weight once. A new unused system should be
than 8 feet (2.4 m) apart on centers.
used for each test.
(3) For structural steel railings: posts, top (3) For lanyard systems, the lanyard
rails, and intermediate rails shall be at least length should be 6 feet plus or minus 2 inches
2-inch by 2-inch (5 cm × 10 cm) by 3⁄8-inch (1.1 (1.83 m plus or minus 5 cm) as measured from
cm) angles, with posts spaced not more than the fixed anchorage to the attachment on
8 feet (2.4 m) apart on centers. the body belt or body harness.
(4) For rope-grab-type deceleration sys-
APPENDIX C TO SUBPART M OF PART tems, the length of the lifeline above the
1926—PERSONAL FALL ARREST SYSTEMS centerline of the grabbing mechanism to the
lifeline’s anchorage point should not exceed
Non-Mandatory Guidelines for Complying With 2 feet (0.61 m).
§ 1926.502(d) (5) For lanyard systems, for systems with
deceleration devices which do not automati-
I. Test methods for personal fall arrest systems
cally limit free fall distance to 2 feet (0.61 m)
and positioning device systems—(a) General.
or less, and for systems with deceleration de-
This appendix serves as a non-mandatory
vices which have a connection distance in ex-
guideline to assist employers comply with
cess of 1 foot (0.3 m) (measured between the
the requirements in § 1926.502(d). Paragraphs
centerline of the lifeline and the attachment
(b), (c), (d) and (e) of this appendix describe
point to the body belt or harness), the test
test procedures which may be used to deter-
weight should be rigged to free fall a dis-
mine compliance with the requirements in
tance of 7.5 feet (2.3 m) from a point that is
§ 1926.502 (d)(16). As noted in appendix D of
1.5 feet (.46 m) above the anchorage point, to
this subpart, the test methods listed here in
its hanging location (6 feet below the anchor-
appendix C can also be used to assist employ-
age). The test weight should fall without in-
ers comply with the requirements in
terference, obstruction, or hitting the floor
§ 1926.502(e) (3) and (4) for positioning device
or ground during the test. In some cases a
non-elastic wire lanyard of sufficient length
(b) General conditions for all tests in the ap- may need to be added to the system (for test
pendix to § 1926.502(d). (1) Lifelines, lanyards purposes) to create the necessary free fall
and deceleration devices should be attached distance.
to an anchorage and connected to the body- (6) For deceleration device systems with
belt or body harness in the same manner as integral lifelines or lanyards which auto-
they would be when used to protect employ- matically limit free fall distance to 2 feet
ees. (0.61 m) or less, the test weight should be
(2) The anchorage should be rigid, and rigged to free fall a distance of 4 feet (1.22
should not have a deflection greater than m).
0.04 inches (1 mm) when a force of 2,250 (7) Any weight which detaches from the
pounds (10 kN) is applied. belt or harness has failed the strength test.
(3) The frequency response of the load (d) Force test—(1) General. The test consists
measuring instrumentation should be 500 Hz. of dropping the respective test weight once
(4) The test weight used in the strength as specified in paragraph (d)(2)(i) or (d)(3)(i)
and force tests should be a rigid, metal, cy- of this section. A new, unused system should
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Pt. 1926, Subpt. M, App. C 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
plus or minus 1.6 kg) should be used. (See signed for more than one arrest should lock
paragraph (b)(4) of this appendix). each of 1,000 times as they would in normal
(ii) Lanyard length should be 6 feet plus or service.
minus two inches (1.83 m plus or minus 5 cm) II. Additional non-mandatory guidelines for
as measured from the fixed anchorage to the personal fall arrest systems. The following in-
attachment on the body belt or body har- formation constitutes additional guidelines
ness. for use in complying with requirements for a
(iii) The test weight should fall free from personal fall arrest system.
the anchorage level to its hanging location (a) Selection and use considerations. (1) The
(a total of 6 feet (1.83 m) free fall distance) kind of personal fall arrest system selected
without interference, obstruction, or hitting should match the particular work situation,
the floor or ground during the test. and any possible free fall distance should be
(3) For all other systems. (i) A test weight of kept to a minimum. Consideration should be
220 pounds plus or minus 3 pounds (100 kg given to the particular work environment.
plus or minus 1.6 kg) should be used. (See For example, the presence of acids, dirt,
paragraph (b)(4) of this appendix) moisture, oil, grease, etc., and their effect on
(ii) The free fall distance to be used in the the system, should be evaluated. Hot or cold
test should be the maximum fall distance environments may also have an adverse ef-
physically permitted by the system during fect on the system. Wire rope should not be
normal use conditions, up to a maximum
used where an electrical hazard is antici-
free fall distance for the test weight of 6 feet
pated. As required by the standard, the em-
(1.83 m), except as follows:
ployer must plan to have means available to
(A) For deceleration systems which have a
promptly rescue an employee should a fall
connection link or lanyard, the test weight
occur, since the suspended employee may not
should free fall a distance equal to the con-
be able to reach a work level independently.
nection distance (measured between the cen-
terline of the lifeline and the attachment (2) Where lanyards, connectors, and life-
point to the body belt or harness). lines are subject to damage by work oper-
(B) For deceleration device systems with ations such as welding, chemical cleaning,
integral lifelines or lanyards which auto- and sandblasting, the component should be
matically limit free fall distance to 2 feet protected, or other securing systems should
(0.61 m) or less, the test weight should free be used. The employer should fully evaluate
fall a distance equal to that permitted by the the work conditions and environment (in-
system in normal use. (For example, to test cluding seasonal weather changes) before se-
a system with a self-retracting lifeline or lecting the appropriate personal fall protec-
lanyard, the test weight should be supported tion system. Once in use, the system’s effec-
and the system allowed to retract the life- tiveness should be monitored. In some cases,
line or lanyard as it would in normal use. a program for cleaning and maintenance of
The test weight would then be released and the system may be necessary.
the force and deceleration distance meas- (b) Testing considerations. Before pur-
ured). chasing or putting into use a personal fall
(4) A system fails the force test if the re- arrest system, an employer should obtain
corded maximum arresting force exceeds from the supplier information about the sys-
1,260 pounds (5.6 kN) when using a body belt, tem based on its performance during testing
and/or exceeds 2,520 pounds (11.2 kN) when so that the employer can know if the system
using a body harness. meets this standard. Testing should be done
(5) The maximum elongation and decelera- using recognized test methods. This appendix
tion distance should be recorded during the contains test methods recognized for evalu-
force test. ating the performance of fall arrest systems.
(e) Deceleration device tests—(1) General. The Not all systems may need to be individually
device should be evaluated or tested under tested; the performance of some systems
the environmental conditions, (such as rain, may be based on data and calculations de-
ice, grease, dirt, type of lifeline, etc.), for rived from testing of similar systems, pro-
which the device is designed. vided that enough information is available
(2) Rope-grab-type deceleration devices. (i) to demonstrate similarity of function and
Devices should be moved on a lifeline 1,000 design.
times over the same length of line a distance (c) Component compatibility considerations.
of not less than 1 foot (30.5 cm), and the Ideally, a personal fall arrest system is de-
mechanism should lock each time. signed, tested, and supplied as a complete
(ii) Unless the device is permanently system. However, it is common practice for
marked to indicate the type(s) of lifeline lanyards, connectors, lifelines, deceleration
which must be used, several types (different devices, body belts and body harnesses to be
diameters and different materials), of life- interchanged since some components wear
lines should be used to test the device. out before others. The employer and em-
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(3) Other self-activating-type deceleration de- ployee should realize that not all compo-
vices. The locking mechanisms of other self- nents are interchangeable. For instance, a
activating-type deceleration devices de- lanyard should not be connected between a
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. M, App. C
body belt (or harness) and a deceleration de- allows employees to rescue themselves after
vice of the self-retracting type since this can the fall has been arrested may be desirable,
result in additional free fall for which the such as devices which have descent capa-
system was not designed. Any substitution bility.
or change to a personal fall arrest system (g) Inspection considerations. As required by
should be fully evaluated or tested by a com- § 1926.502(d)(21), personal fall arrest systems
petent person to determine that it meets the must be regularly inspected. Any component
standard, before the modified system is put with any significant defect, such as cuts,
in use. tears, abrasions, mold, or undue stretching;
(d) Employee training considerations. Thor- alterations or additions which might affect
ough employee training in the selection and its efficiency; damage due to deterioration;
use of personal fall arrest systems is impera- contact with fire, acids, or other corrosives;
tive. Employees must be trained in the safe distorted hooks or faulty hook springs;
use of the system. This should include the tongues unfitted to the shoulder of buckles;
following: application limits; proper anchor- loose or damaged mountings; non-func-
ing and tie-off techniques; estimation of free tioning parts; or wearing or internal deterio-
fall distance, including determination of de- ration in the ropes must be withdrawn from
celeration distance, and total fall distance to service immediately, and should be tagged or
prevent striking a lower level; methods of marked as unusable, or destroyed.
use; and inspection and storage of the sys- (h) Tie-off considerations. (1) One of the
tem. Careless or improper use of the equip- most important aspects of personal fall pro-
ment can result in serious injury or death. tection systems is fully planning the system
Employers and employees should become fa- before it is put into use. Probably the most
miliar with the material in this Appendix, as overlooked component is planning for suit-
well as manufacturer’s recommendations, able anchorage points. Such planning should
before a system is used. Of uppermost impor- ideally be done before the structure or build-
tance is the reduction in strength caused by ing is constructed so that anchorage points
certain tie-offs (such as using knots, tying can be incorporated during construction for
around sharp edges, etc.) and maximum per- use later for window cleaning or other build-
mitted free fall distance. Also, to be stressed ing maintenance. If properly planned, these
are the importance of inspections prior to anchorage points may be used during con-
use, the limitations of the equipment, and struction, as well as afterwards.
unique conditions at the worksite which may (i) Properly planned anchorages should be
be important in determining the type of sys- used if they are available. In some cases, an-
tem to use. chorages must be installed immediately
(e) Instruction considerations. Employers prior to use. In such cases, a registered pro-
should obtain comprehensive instructions fessional engineer with experience in design-
from the supplier as to the system’s proper ing fall protection systems, or another quali-
use and application, including, where appli- fied person with appropriate education and
cable: experience should design an anchor point to
(1) The force measured during the sample be installed.
force test; (ii) In other cases, the Agency recognizes
(2) The maximum elongation measured for that there will be a need to devise an anchor
lanyards during the force test; point from existing structures. Examples of
(3) The deceleration distance measured for what might be appropriate anchor points are
deceleration devices during the force test; steel members or I-beams if an acceptable
(4) Caution statements on critical use limi- strap is available for the connection (do not
tations; use a lanyard with a snaphook clipped onto
(5) Application limits; itself); large eye-bolts made of an appro-
(6) Proper hook-up, anchoring and tie-off priate grade steel; guardrails or railings if
techniques, including the proper dee-ring or they have been designed for use as an anchor
other attachment point to use on the body point; or masonry or wood members only if
belt and harness for fall arrest; the attachment point is substantial and pre-
(7) Proper climbing techniques; cautions have been taken to assure that
(8) Methods of inspection, use, cleaning, bolts or other connectors will not pull
and storage; and through. A qualified person should be used to
(9) Specific lifelines which may be used. evaluate the suitable of these ‘‘make shift’’
This information should be provided to em- anchorages with a focus on proper strength.
ployees during training. (2) Employers and employees should at all
(f) Rescue considerations. As required by times be aware that the strength of a per-
§ 1926.502(d)(20), when personal fall arrest sys- sonal fall arrest system is based on its being
tems are used, the employer must assure attached to an anchoring system which does
that employees can be promptly rescued or not reduce the strength of the system (such
can rescue themselves should a fall occur. as a properly dimensioned eye-bolt/snap-
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The availability of rescue personnel, ladders hook anchorage). Therefore, if a means of at-
or other rescue equipment should be evalu- tachment is used that will reduce the
ated. In some situations, equipment which strength of the system, that component
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should be replaced by a stronger one, but one dental disengagement of snap-hooks not de-
that will also maintain the appropriate max- signed to be compatible for the connection.
imum arrest force characteristics. (8) Due to the significant reduction in the
(3) Tie-off using a knot in a rope lanyard or strength of the lifeline/lanyard (in some
lifeline (at any location) can reduce the life- cases, as much as a 70 percent reduction), the
line or lanyard strength by 50 percent or sliding hitch knot (prusik) should not be
more. Therefore, a stronger lanyard or life- used for lifeline/lanyard connections except
line should be used to compensate for the in emergency situations where no other
weakening effect of the knot, or the lanyard available system is practical. The ‘‘one-and-
length should be reduced (or the tie-off loca- one’’ sliding hitch knot should never be used
tion raised) to minimize free fall distance, or because it is unreliable in stopping a fall.
the lanyard or lifeline should be replaced by The ‘‘two-and-two,’’ or ‘‘three-and-three’’
one which has an appropriately incorporated knot (preferable) may be used in emergency
connector to eliminate the need for a knot. situations; however, care should be taken to
(4) Tie-off of a rope lanyard or lifeline limit free fall distance to a minimum be-
around an ‘‘H’’ or ‘‘I’’ beam or similar sup- cause of reduced lifeline/lanyard strength.
port can reduce its strength as much as 70 (i) Vertical lifeline considerations. As re-
percent due to the cutting action of the quired by the standard, each employee must
beam edges. Therefore, use should be made of have a separate lifeline [except employees
a webbing lanyard or wire core lifeline engaged in constructing elevator shafts who
around the beam; or the lanyard or lifeline are permitted to have two employees on one
should be protected from the edge; or free lifeline] when the lifeline is vertical. The
fall distance should be greatly minimized. reason for this is that in multiple tie-offs to
(5) Tie-off where the line passes over or a single lifeline, if one employee falls, the
around rough or sharp surfaces reduces movement of the lifeline during the arrest of
strength drastically. Such a tie-off should be the fall may pull other employees’ lanyards,
avoided or an alternative tie-off rigging causing them to fall as well.
should be used. Such alternatives may in- (j) Snap-hook considerations. (1) Although
clude use of a snap-hook/dee ring connection, not required by this standard for all connec-
wire rope tie-off, an effective padding of the tions until January 1, 1998, locking
surfaces, or an abrasion-resistance strap snaphooks designed for connection to suit-
around or over the problem surface. able objects (of sufficient strength) are high-
(6) Horizontal lifelines may, depending on ly recommended in lieu of the nonlocking
their geometry and angle of sag, be subjected type. Locking snaphooks incorporate a posi-
to greater loads than the impact load im- tive locking mechanism in addition to the
posed by an attached component. When the spring loaded keeper, which will not allow
angle of horizontal lifeline sag is less than 30 the keeper to open under moderate pressure
degrees, the impact force imparted to the without someone first releasing the mecha-
lifeline by an attached lanyard is greatly nism. Such a feature, properly designed, ef-
amplified. For example, with a sag angle of fectively prevents roll-out from occurring.
15 degrees, the force amplification is about (2) As required by § 1926.502(d)(6), the fol-
2:1 and at 5 degrees sag, it is about 6:1. De- lowing connections must be avoided (unless
pending on the angle of sag, and the line’s properly designed locking snaphooks are
elasticity, the strength of the horizontal life- used) because they are conditions which can
line and the anchorages to which it is at- result in roll-out when a nonlocking
tached should be increased a number of snaphook is used:
times over that of the lanyard. Extreme care (i) Direct connection of a snaphook to a
should be taken in considering a horizontal horizontal lifeline.
lifeline for multiple tie-offs. The reason for (ii) Two (or more) snaphooks connected to
this is that in multiple tie-offs to a hori- one dee-ring.
zontal lifeline, if one employee falls, the (iii) Two snaphooks connected to each
movement of the falling employee and the other.
horizontal lifeline during arrest of the fall (iv) A snaphook connected back on its inte-
may cause other employees to fall also. Hori- gral lanyard.
zontal lifeline and anchorage strength should (v) A snaphook connected to a webbing
be increased for each additional employee to loop or webbing lanyard.
be tied off. For these and other reasons, the (vi) Improper dimensions of the dee-ring,
design of systems using horizontal lifelines rebar, or other connection point in relation
must only be done by qualified persons. Test- to the snaphook dimensions which would
ing of installed lifelines and anchors prior to allow the snaphook keeper to be depressed
use is recommended. by a turning motion of the snaphook.
(7) The strength of an eye-bolt is rated (k) Free fall considerations. The employer
along the axis of the bolt and its strength is and employee should at all times be aware
greatly reduced if the force is applied at an that a system’s maximum arresting force is
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angle to this axis (in the direction of shear). evaluated under normal use conditions es-
Also, care should be exercised in selecting tablished by the manufacturer, and in no
the proper diameter of the eye to avoid acci- case using a free fall distance in excess of 6
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. M, App. D
feet (1.8 m). A few extra feet of free fall can structions which might interfere with this
significantly increase the arresting force on motion should be avoided or a severe injury
the employee, possibly to the point of caus- could occur.
ing injury. Because of this, the free fall dis- (n) Other considerations. Because of the de-
tance should be kept at a minimum, and, as sign of some personal fall arrest systems, ad-
required by the standard, in no case greater ditional considerations may be required for
than 6 feet (1.8 m). To help assure this, the proper tie-off. For example, heavy decelera-
tie-off attachment point to the lifeline or an- tion devices of the self-retracting type
chor should be located at or above the con- should be secured overhead in order to avoid
nection point of the fall arrest equipment to the weight of the device having to be sup-
belt or harness. (Since otherwise additional ported by the employee. Also, if self- retract-
free fall distance is added to the length of ing equipment is connected to a horizontal
the connecting means (i.e. lanyard)). Attach- lifeline, the sag in the lifeline should be
ing to the working surface will often result minimized to prevent the device from sliding
in a free fall greater than 6 feet (1.8 m). For down the lifeline to a position which creates
instance, if a 6 foot (1.8 m) lanyard is used, a swing hazard during fall arrest. In all
the total free fall distance will be the dis- cases, manufacturer’s instructions should be
tance from the working level to the body followed.
belt (or harness) attachment point plus the 6
feet (1.8 m) of lanyard length. Another im-
portant consideration is that the arresting
force which the fall system must withstand 1926—POSITIONING DEVICE SYSTEMS
also goes up with greater distances of free
Non-Mandatory Guidelines for Complying With
fall, possibly exceeding the strength of the
system. § 1926.502(e)
(l) Elongation and deceleration distance con- I. Testing Methods For Positioning Device
siderations. Other factors involved in a proper Systems. This appendix serves as a non-man-
tie-off are elongation and deceleration dis- datory guideline to assist employers comply
tance. During the arresting of a fall, a lan- with the requirements for positioning device
yard will experience a length of stretching or systems in § 1926.502(e). Paragraphs (b), (c),
elongation, whereas activation of a decelera- (d) and (e) of appendix C of subpart M relat-
tion device will result in a certain stopping ing to § 1926.502(d)—Personal Fall Arrest Sys-
distance. These distances should be available tems—set forth test procedures which may
with the lanyard or device’s instructions and be used, along with the procedures listed
must be added to the free fall distance to ar- below, to determine compliance with the re-
rive at the total fall distance before an em- quirements for positioning device systems in
ployee is fully stopped. The additional stop- § 1926.502(e) (3) and (4) of subpart M.
ping distance may be very significant if the
(a) General. (1) Single strap positioning de-
lanyard or deceleration device is attached
vices shall have one end attached to a fixed
near or at the end of a long lifeline, which
anchorage and the other end connected to a
may itself add considerable distance due to
body belt or harness in the same manner as
its own elongation. As required by the stand-
they would be used to protect employees.
ard, sufficient distance to allow for all of
Double strap positioning devices, similar to
these factors must also be maintained be-
window cleaner’s belts, shall have one end of
tween the employee and obstructions below,
the strap attached to a fixed anchorage and
to prevent an injury due to impact before the
the other end shall hang free. The body belt
system fully arrests the fall. In addition, a
minimum of 12 feet (3.7 m) of lifeline should or harness shall be attached to the strap in
be allowed below the securing point of a rope the same manner as it would be used to pro-
grab type deceleration device, and the end tect employees. The two strap ends shall be
terminated to prevent the device from slid- adjusted to their maximum span.
ing off the lifeline. Alternatively, the lifeline (2) The fixed anchorage shall be rigid, and
should extend to the ground or the next shall not have a deflection greater than .04
working level below. These measures are inches (1 mm) when a force of 2,250 pounds
suggested to prevent the worker from inad- (10 kN) is applied.
vertently moving past the end of the lifeline (3) During the testing of all systems, a test
and having the rope grab become disengaged weight of 250 pounds plus or minus 3 pounds
from the lifeline. (113 kg plus or minus 1.6 kg) shall be used.
(m) Obstruction considerations. The location The weight shall be a rigid object with a
of the tie-off should also consider the hazard girth of 38 inches plus or minus 4 inches (96
of obstructions in the potential fall path of cm plus or minus 10 cm).
the employee. Tie-offs which minimize the (4) Each test shall consist of dropping the
possibilities of exaggerated swinging should specified weight one time without failure of
be considered. In addition, when a body belt the system being tested. A new system shall
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is used, the employee’s body will go through be used for each test.
a horizontal position to a jack-knifed posi- (5) The test weight for each test shall be
tion during the arrest of all falls. Thus, ob- hoisted exactly 4 feet (1.2 m above its ‘‘at
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Pt. 1926, Subpt. M, App. E 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
rest’’ position), and shall be dropped so as to Plan Prepared By llllllllllllll
permit a vertical free fall of 4 feet (1.2 m). Plan Approved By llllllllllllll
(6) The test is failed whenever any break- Plan Supervised By lllllllllllll
age or slippage occurs which permits the The following Fall Protection Plan is a
weight to fall free of the system. sample program prepared for the prevention
(7) Following the test, the system need not of injuries associated with falls. A Fall Pro-
be capable of further operation; however, all tection Plan must be developed and evalu-
such incapacities shall be readily apparent.
ated on a site by site basis. It is rec-
II. Inspection Considerations. As required in
ommended that erectors discuss the written
§ 1926.502 (e)(5), positioning device systems
Fall Protection Plan with their OSHA Area
must be regularly inspected. Any component
Office prior to going on a jobsite.
with any significant defect, such as cuts,
tears, abrasions, mold, or undue stretching; I. STATEMENT OF COMPANY POLICY
alterations or additions which might affect
its efficiency; damage due to deterioration; (Company Name) is dedicated to the pro-
contact with fire, acids, or other corrosives; tection of its employees from on-the-job in-
distorted hooks or faulty hook springs; juries. All employees of (Company Name)
tongues unfitted to the shoulder of buckles; have the responsibility to work safely on the
loose or damaged mountings; non-func- job. The purpose of this plan is: (a) To sup-
tioning parts; or wearing or internal deterio- plement our standard safety policy by pro-
ration in the ropes must be withdrawn from viding safety standards specifically designed
service immediately, and should be tagged or to cover fall protection on this job and; (b) to
marked as unusable, or destroyed. ensure that each employee is trained and
made aware of the safety provisions which
APPENDIX E TO SUBPART M OF PART are to be implemented by this plan prior to
1926—SAMPLE FALL PROTECTION PLAN the start of erection.
This Fall Protection Plan addresses the
Non-Mandatory Guidelines for Complying With
§ 1926.502(k) use of other than conventional fall protec-
tion at a number of areas on the project, as
Employers engaged in leading edge work, well as identifying specific activities that re-
precast concrete construction work and resi- quire non-conventional means of fall protec-
dential construction work who can dem- tion. These areas include:
onstrate that it is infeasible or creates a a. Connecting activity (point of erection).
greater hazard to use conventional fall pro- b. Leading edge work.
tection systems must develop and follow a
c. Unprotected sides or edge.
fall protection plan. Below are sample fall
protection plans developed for precast con- d. Grouting.
crete construction and residential work that This plan is designed to enable employers
could be tailored to be site specific for other and employees to recognize the fall hazards
precast concrete or residential jobsite. This on this job and to establish the procedures
sample plan can be modified to be used for that are to be followed in order to prevent
other work involving leading edge work. The falls to lower levels or through holes and
sample plan outlines the elements that must openings in walking/working surfaces. Each
be addressed in any fall protection plan. The employee will be trained in these procedures
reasons outlined in this sample fall protec- and strictly adhere to them except when
tion plan are for illustrative purposes only doing so would expose the employee to a
and are not necessarily a valid, acceptable greater hazard. If, in the employee’s opinion,
rationale (unless the conditions at the job this is the case, the employee is to notify the
site are the same as those covered by these foreman of the concern and the concern ad-
sample plans) for not using conventional fall dressed before proceeding.
protection systems for a particular precast Safety policy and procedure on any one
concrete or residential construction work- project cannot be administered, imple-
site. However, the sample plans provide guid- mented, monitored and enforced by any one
ance to employers on the type of information individual. The total objective of a safe, ac-
that is required to be discussed in fall pro- cident free work environment can only be ac-
tection plans. complished by a dedicated, concerted effort
by every individual involved with the project
SAMPLE FALL PROTECTION PLANS from management down to the last em-
Fall Protection Plan For Precast/Prestress ployee. Each employee must understand
Concrete Structures their value to the company; the costs of acci-
dents, both monetary, physical, and emo-
This Fall Protection Plan is specific for tional; the objective of the safety policy and
the following project: procedures; the safety rules that apply to the
Location of Job lllllllllllllll
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. M, App. E
their safety policy and procedures. This al- 1. Recognition of the fall hazards in the
lows for a more personal approach to compli- work area (at the leading edge and when
ance through planning, training, under- making initial connections—point of erec-
standing and cooperative effort, rather than tion).
by strict enforcement. If for any reason an 2. Avoidance of fall hazards using estab-
unsafe act persists, strict enforcement will lished work practices which have been made
be implemented. known to the employees.
It is the responsibility of (name of com- 3. Recognition of unsafe practices or work-
petent person) to implement this Fall Pro- ing conditions that could lead to a fall, such
tection Plan. (Name of Competent Person) is as windy conditions.
responsible for continual observational safe- 4. The function, use, and operation of safe-
ty checks of their work operations and to en- ty monitoring systems, guardrail systems,
force the safety policy and procedures. The body belt/harness systems, control zones and
foreman also is responsible to correct any other protection to be used.
unsafe acts or conditions immediately. It is 5. The correct procedure for erecting,
the responsibility of the employee to under- maintaining, disassembling and inspecting
stand and adhere to the procedures of this the system(s) to be used.
plan and to follow the instructions of the 6. Knowledge of construction sequence or
foreman. It is also the responsibility of the the erection plan.
employee to bring to management’s atten- A conference will take place prior to start-
tion any unsafe or hazardous conditions or ing work involving all members of the erec-
acts that may cause injury to either them- tion crew, crane crew and supervisors of any
selves or any other employees. Any changes other concerned contractors. This conference
to this Fall Protection Plan must be ap- will be conducted by the precast concrete
proved by (name of Qualified Person). erection supervisor in charge of the project.
During the pre-work conference, erection
II. FALL PROTECTION SYSTEMS TO BE USED ON procedures and sequences pertinent to this
THIS PROJECT job will be thoroughly discussed and safety
practices to be used throughout the project
Where conventional fall protection is in- will be specified. Further, all personnel will
feasible or creates a greater hazard at the be informed that the controlled access zones
leading edge and during initial connecting are off limits to all personnel other than
activity, we plan to do this work using a those designated erectors specifically
safety monitoring system and expose only a trained to work in that area.
minimum number of employees for the time
necessary to actually accomplish the job. Safety Monitoring System
The maximum number of workers to be mon- A safety monitoring system means a fall
itored by one safety monitor is six (6). We protection system in which a competent per-
are designating the following trained em- son is responsible for recognizing and warn-
ployees as designated erectors and they are ing employees of fall hazards. The duties of
permitted to enter the controlled access the safety monitor are to:
zones and work without the use of conven- 1. Warn by voice when approaching the
tional fall protection. open edge in an unsafe manner.
Safety monitor: 2. Warn by voice if there is a dangerous sit-
Designated erector: uation developing which cannot be seen by
Designated erector: another person involved with product place-
Designated erector: ment, such as a member getting out of con-
Designated erector: trol.
Designated erector: 3. Make the designated erectors aware they
Designated erector: are in a dangerous area.
4. Be competent in recognizing fall haz-
The safety monitor shall be identified by
wearing an orange hard hat. The designated 5. Warn employees when they appear to be
erectors will be identified by one of the fol- unaware of a fall hazard or are acting in an
lowing methods: unsafe manner.
1. They will wear a blue colored arm band, 6. Be on the same walking/working surface
or as the monitored employees and within vis-
2. They will wear a blue colored hard hat, ual sighting distance of the monitored em-
or ployees.
3. They will wear a blue colored vest. 7. Be close enough to communicate orally
Only individuals with the appropriate experi- with the employees.
ence, skills, and training will be authorized 8. Not allow other responsibilities to en-
as designated erectors. All employees that cumber monitoring. If the safety monitor be-
will be working as designated erectors under comes too encumbered with other respon-
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the safety monitoring system shall have sibilities, the monitor shall (1) stop the erec-
been trained and instructed in the following tion process; and (2) turn over other respon-
areas: sibilities to a designated erector; or (3) turn
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Pt. 1926, Subpt. M, App. E 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
over the safety monitoring function to an- disturbed. The opening being uncovered to
other designated, competent person. The erect a column will become part of the point
safety monitoring system shall not be used of erection and will be addressed as part of
when the wind is strong enough to cause this Fall Protection Plan. This uncovering is
loads with large surface areas to swing out of to be done at the erection foreman’s direc-
radius, or result in loss of control of the tion and will only occur immediately prior
load, or when weather conditions cause the to ‘‘feeding’’ the column through the open-
walking-working surfaces to become icy or ing. Once the end of the column is through
slippery. the slab opening, there will no longer exist a
fall hazard at this location.
Control Zone System
A controlled access zone means an area PLAN
designated and clearly marked, in which
leading edge work may take place without The structure being erected is a multistory
the use of guardrail, safety net or personal total precast concrete building consisting of
fall arrest systems to protect the employees columns, beams, wall panels and hollow core
in the area. Control zone systems shall com- slabs and double tee floor and roof members.
ply with the following provisions: The following is a list of the products and
1. When used to control access to areas erection situations on this job:
where leading edge and other operations are
taking place the controlled access zone shall
be defined by a control line or by any other For columns 10 ft to 36 ft long, employees
means that restricts access. disconnecting crane hooks from columns will
When control lines are used, they shall be work from a ladder and wear a body belt/har-
erected not less than 6 feet (l.8 m) nor more ness with lanyard and be tied off when both
than 60 feet (18 m) or half the length of the hands are needed to disconnect. For tying
member being erected, whichever is less, off, a vertical lifeline will be connected to
from the leading edge. the lifting eye at the top of the column,
2. The control line shall extend along the prior to lifting, to be used with a manually
entire length of the unprotected or leading operated or mobile rope grab. For columns
edge and shall be approximately parallel to too high for the use of a ladder, 36 ft and
the unprotected or leading edge. higher, an added cable will be used to reduce
3. The control line shall be connected on the height of the disconnecting point so that
each side to a guardrail system or wall. a ladder can be used. This cable will be left
4. Control lines shall consist of ropes, in place until a point in erection that it can
wires, tapes, or equivalent materials, and be removed safely. In some cases, columns
supporting stanchions as follows: will be unhooked from the crane by using an
5. Each line shall be flagged or otherwise erection tube or shackle with a pull pin
clearly marked at not more than 6-foot (1.8 which is released from the ground after the
m) intervals with high- visibility material. column is stabilized.
6. Each line shall be rigged and supported The column will be adequately connected
in such a way that its lowest point (includ- and/or braced to safely support the weight of
ing sag) is not less than 39 inches (1 m) from a ladder with an employee on it.
the walking/working surface and its highest
Inverted Tee Beams
point is not more than 45 inches (1.3 m) from
the walking/working surface. Employees erecting inverted tee beams, at
7. Each line shall have a minimum break- a height of 6 to 40 ft, will erect the beam,
ing strength of 200 pounds (.88 kN). make initial connections, and final align-
ment from a ladder. If the employee needs to
Holes reach over the side of the beam to bar or
All openings greater than 12 in. × 12 in. will make an adjustment to the alignment of the
have perimeter guarding or covering. All beam, they will mount the beam and be tied
predetermined holes will have the plywood off to the lifting device in the beam after en-
covers made in the precasters’ yard and suring the load has been stabilized on its
shipped with the member to the jobsite. bearing. To disconnect the crane from the
Prior to cutting holes on the job, proper pro- beam an employee will stand a ladder
tection for the hole must be provided to pro- against the beam. Because the use of ladders
tect the workers. Perimeter guarding or cov- is not practical at heights above 40 ft, beams
ers will not be removed without the approval will be initially placed with the use of tag
of the erection foreman. lines and their final alignment made by a
Precast concrete column erection through person on a manlift or similar employee po-
the existing deck requires that many holes sitioning systems.
be provided through this deck. These are to
Spandrel Beams
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. M, App. E
with the use of tag lines with the final place- other end while maintaining the minimum
ment of the spandrel beam made from a lad- distance of six (6) ft at all times.
der at the open end of the structure. A ladder Erection of double tees, where conditions
will be used to make the initial connections require bearing of one end into a closed
and a ladder will be used to disconnect the pocket and the other end on a beam ledge,
crane. The other end of the beam will be restricting the tee legs from going directly
placed by the designated erector from the into the pockets, require special consider-
double tee deck under the observation of the ations. The tee legs that are to bear in the
safety monitor. closed pocket must hang lower than those at
The beams will be adequately connected the beam bearing. The double tee will be
and/or braced to safely support the weight of ‘‘two-lined’’ in order to elevate one end high-
a ladder with an employee on it. er than the other to allow for the low end to
be ducked into the closed pocket using the
Floor and Roof Members
following procedure.
During installation of the precast concrete The double tee will be rigged with a stand-
floor and/or roof members, the work deck ard four-way spreader off of the main load
continuously increases in area as more and line. An additional choker will be attached
more units are being erected and positioned. to the married point of the two-legged
Thus, the unprotected floor/roof perimeter is spreader at the end of the tee that is to be
constantly modified with the leading edge elevated. The double tee will be hoisted with
changing location as each member is in- the main load line and swung into a position
stalled. The fall protection for workers at as close as possible to the tee’s final bearing
the leading edge shall be assured by properly elevation. When the tee is in this position
constructed and maintained control zone and stabilized, the whip line load block will
lines not more than 60 ft away from the lead- be lowered to just above the tee deck. At this
ing edge supplemented by a safety moni- time, two erectors will walk out on the sus-
toring system to ensure the safety of all des- pended tee deck at midspan of the tee mem-
ignated erectors working within the area de- ber and pull the load block to the end of the
fined by the control zone lines. tee to be elevated and attach the additional
The hollow core slabs erected on the ma- choker to the load block. The possibility of
sonry portion of the building will be erected entanglement with the crane lines and other
and grouted using the safety monitoring sys- obstacles during this two lining process
tem. Grout will be placed in the space be- while raising and lowering the crane block
tween the end of the slab and face shell of on that second line could be hazardous to an
the concrete masonry by dumping from a encumbered employee. Therefore, the des-
wheelbarrow. The grout in the keyways be- ignated erectors will not tie off during any
tween the slabs will be dumped from a wheel- part of this process. While the designated
barrow and then spread with long handled erectors are on the double tee, the safety
tools, allowing the worker to stand erect fac- monitoring system will be used. After at-
ing toward the unprotected edge and back taching the choker, the two erectors then
from any work deck edge. step back on the previously erected tee deck
Whenever possible, the designated erectors and signal the crane operator to hoist the
will approach the incoming member at the load with the whip line to the elevation that
leading edge only after it is below waist will allow for enough clearance to let the low
height so that the member itself provides end tee legs slide into the pockets when the
protection against falls. main load line is lowered. The erector, who
Except for the situations described below, is handling the lowered end of the tee at the
when the arriving floor or roof member is closed pocket bearing, will step out on the
within 2 to 3 inches of its final position, the suspended tee. An erection bar will then be
designated erectors can then proceed to their placed between the end of the tee leg and the
position of erection at each end of the mem- inside face of the pocketed spandrel member.
ber under the control of the safety monitor. The tee is barred away from the pocketed
Crane hooks will be unhooked from double member to reduce the friction and lateral
tee members by designated erectors under force against the pocketed member. As the
the direction and supervision of the safety tee is being lowered, the other erector re-
monitor. mains on the tee which was previously erect-
Designated erectors, while waiting for the ed to handle the other end. At this point the
next floor or roof member, will be constantly tee is slowly lowered by the crane to a point
under the control of the safety monitor for where the tee legs can freely slide into the
fall protection and are directed to stay a pockets. The erector working the lowered
minimum of six (6) ft from the edge. In the end of the tee must keep pressure on the bar
event a designated erector must move from between the tee and the face of the pocketed
one end of a member, which has just been spandrel member to very gradually let the
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placed at the leading edge, they must first tee legs slide into the pocket to its proper
move away from the leading edge a min- bearing dimension. The tee is then slowly
imum of six (6) ft and then progress to the lowered into its final erected position.
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Pt. 1926, Subpt. M, App. E 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
The designated erector should be allowed during their usage at the leading edge of pre-
onto the suspended double tee, otherwise cast/prestressed concrete construction.
there is no control over the horizontal move- Leading edge erection and initial connec-
ment of the double tee and this movement tions are conducted by employees who are
could knock the spandrel off of its bearing or specifically trained to do this type of work
the column out of plumb. The control nec- and are trained to recognize the fall hazards.
essary to prevent hitting the spandrel can The nature of such work normally exposes
only be done safely from the top of the dou- the employee to the fall hazard for a short
ble tee being erected. period of time and installation of fall protec-
Loadbearing Wall Panels: The erection of tion systems for a short duration is not fea-
the loadbearing wall panels on the elevated sible because it exposes the installers of the
decks requires the use of a safety monitor system to the same fall hazard, but for a
and a controlled access zone that is a min- longer period of time.
imum of 25 ft and a maximum of 1⁄2 the 1. It is necessary that the employee be able
length of the wall panels away from the un- to move freely without encumbrance in order
protected edge, so that designated erectors to guide the sections of precast concrete into
can move freely and unencumbered when re- their final position without having lifelines
ceiving the panels. Bracing, if required for attached which will restrict the employee’s
stability, will be installed by ladder. After ability to move about at the point of erec-
the braces are secured, the crane will be dis- tion.
connected from the wall by using a ladder.
2. A typical procedure requires 2 or more
The wall to wall connections will also be per-
workers to maneuver around each other as a
formed from a ladder.
concrete member is positioned to fit into the
Non-Loadbearing Panels (Cladding): The
structure. If they are each attached to a life-
locating of survey lines, panel layout and
line, part of their attention must be diverted
other installation prerequisites (prewelding,
from their main task of positioning a mem-
etc.) for non-loadbearing panels (cladding)
ber weighing several tons to the task of
will not commence until floor perimeter and
floor openings have been protected. In some avoiding entanglements of their lifelines or
areas, it is necessary because of panel con- avoiding tripping over lanyards. Therefore, if
figuration to remove the perimeter protec- these workers are attached to lanyards,
tion as the cladding is being installed. Re- more fall potential would result than from
moval of perimeter protection will be per- not using such a device.
formed on a bay to bay basis, just ahead of In this specific erection sequence and pro-
cladding erection to minimize temporarily cedure, retractable lifelines do not solve the
unprotected floor edges. Those workers with- problem of two workers becoming tangled. In
in 6 ft of the edge, receiving and positioning fact, such a tangle could prevent the lifeline
the cladding when the perimeter protection from retracting as the worker moved, thus
is removed shall be tied off. potentially exposing the worker to a fall
greater than 6 ft. Also, a worker crossing
Detailing over the lifeline of another worker can cre-
ate a hazard because the movement of one
Employees exposed to falls of six (6) feet or
more to lower levels, who are not actively person can unbalance the other. In the event
engaged in leading edge work or connecting of a fall by one person there is a likelihood
activity, such as welding, bolting, cutting, that the other person will be caused to fall
bracing, guying, patching, painting or other as well. In addition, if contamination such as
operations, and who are working less than grout (during hollow core grouting) enters
six (6) ft from an unprotected edge will be the retractable housing it can cause exces-
tied off at all times or guardrails will be in- sive wear and damage to the device and
stalled. Employees engaged in these activi- could clog the retracting mechanism as the
ties but who are more than six (6) ft from an lanyard is dragged across the deck. Obstruct-
unprotected edge as defined by the control ing the cable orifice can defeat the device’s
zone lines, do not require fall protection but shock absorbing function, produce cable
a warning line or control lines must be erect- slack and damage, and adversely affect cable
ed to remind employees they are approach- extraction and retraction.
ing an area where fall protection is required. 3. Employees tied to a lifeline can be
trapped and crushed by moving structural
IV. CONVENTIONAL FALL PROTECTION CONSID- members if the employee becomes restrained
ERED FOR THE POINT OF ERECTION OR LEAD- by the lanyard or retractable lifeline and
ING EDGE ERECTION OPERATIONS cannot get out of the path of the moving
A. Personal Fall Arrest Systems The sudden movement of a precast con-
In this particular erection sequence and crete member being raised by a crane can be
procedure, personal fall arrest systems re- caused by a number of factors. When this
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
quiring body belt/harness systems, lifelines happens, a connector may immediately have
and lanyards will not reduce possible hazards to move a considerable distance to avoid in-
to workers and will create offsetting hazards jury. If a tied off body belt/harness is being
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. M, App. E
used, the connector could be trapped. There- surface, will require removal and/or
fore, there is a greater risk of injury if the patching. In order to remove and/or patch
connector is tied to the structure for this these points, requires the employee to be ex-
specific erection sequence and procedure. posed to an additional fall hazard at an un-
When necessary to move away from a re- protected perimeter. The fact that attach-
tractable device, the worker cannot move at ment points could be available anywhere on
a rate greater than the device locking speed the structure does not eliminate the hazards
typically 3.5 to 4.5 ft/sec. When moving to- of using these points for tying off as dis-
ward the device it is necessary to move at a cussed above. A logical point for tying off on
rate which does not permit cable slack to double tees would be using the lifting loops,
build up. This slack may cause cable retrac- except that they must be cut off to eliminate
tion acceleration and cause a worker to lose a tripping hazard at an appropriate time.
their balance by applying a higher than nor- 5. Providing attachment at a point above
mal jerking force on the body when the cable the walking/working surface would also cre-
suddenly becomes taut after building up mo- ate fall exposures for employees installing
mentum. This slack can also cause damage their devices. Final positioning of a precast
to the internal spring-loaded drum, uneven concrete member requires it to be moved in
coiling of cable on the drum, and possible such a way that it must pass through the
cable damage. area that would be occupied by the lifeline
The factors causing sudden movements for and the lanyards attached to the point
this location include: above. Resulting entanglements of lifelines
and lanyards on a moving member could pull
(a) Cranes employees from the work surface. Also, the
structure is being created and, in most cases,
(1) Operator error.
there is no structure above the members
(2) Site conditions (soft or unstable
being placed.
(a) Temporary structural supports, in-
(3) Mechanical failure.
stalled to provide attaching points for life-
(4) Structural failure.
lines limit the space which is essential for
(5) Rigging failure.
orderly positioning, alignment and place-
(6) Crane signal/radio communication fail-
ment of the precast concrete members. To
keep the lanyards a reasonable and manage-
(b) Weather Conditions able length, lifeline supports would nec-
essarily need to be in proximity to the posi-
(1) Wind (strong wind/sudden gusting)—par- tioning process. A sudden shift of the precast
ticularly a problem with the large surface concrete member being positioned because of
areas of precast concrete members. wind pressure or crane movement could
(2) Snow/rain (visibility). make it strike the temporary supporting
(3) Fog (visibility). structure, moving it suddenly and causing
(4) Cold—causing slowed reactions or me- tied off employees to fall.
chanical problems. (b) The time in manhours which would be
(c) Structure/Product Conditions. expended in placing and maintaining tem-
(1) Lifting Eye failure. porary structural supports for lifeline at-
(2) Bearing failure or slippage. taching points could exceed the expended
(3) Structure shifting. manhours involved in placing the precast
(4) Bracing failure. concrete members. No protection could be
(5) Product failure. provided for the employees erecting the tem-
(d) Human Error. porary structural supports and these sup-
(1) Incorrect tag line procedure. ports would have to be moved for each suc-
(2) Tag line hang-up. cessive step in the construction process, thus
(3) Incorrect or misunderstood crane sig- greatly increasing the employee’s exposure
nals. to the fall hazard.
(4) Misjudged elevation of member. (c) The use of a cable strung horizontally
(5) Misjudged speed of member. between two columns to provide tie off lines
(6) Misjudged angle of member. for erecting or walking a beam for con-
4. Anchorages or special attachment points necting work is not feasible and creates a
could be cast into the precast concrete mem- greater hazard on this multi-story building
bers if sufficient preplanning and consider- for the following reasons:
ation of erectors’ position is done before the (1) If a connector is to use such a line, it
members are cast. Any hole or other attach- must be installed between the two columns.
ment must be approved by the engineer who To perform this installation requires an
designed the member. It is possible that erector to have more fall exposure time at-
some design restrictions will not allow a taching the cable to the columns than would
member to be weakened by an additional be spent to make the beam to column con-
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Pt. 1926, Subpt. M, App. E 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
overhead or below him. For example, if a distance and will cause higher forces on the
connector must walk along a 24 in. wide body in the event of an accidental fall.
beam, the presence of a line next to the con- Manufacturers recommend an anchorage
nector at waist level, attached directly to for the retractable lifeline which is immov-
the columns, would prevent the connector ably fixed in space and is independent of the
from centering their weight over the beam user’s support systems. A moveable anchor-
and balancing themselves. Installing the line age is one which can be moved around (such
above the connector might be possible on the as equipment or wheeled vehicles) or which
first level of a two-story column; however, can deflect substantially under shock load-
the column may extend only a few feet above ing (such as a horizontal cable or very flexi-
the floor level at the second level or be flush ble beam). In the case of a very flexible an-
with the floor level. Attaching the line to chorage, a shock load applied to the anchor-
the side of the beam could be a solution; age during fall arrest can cause oscillation of
however, it would require the connector to the flexible anchorage such that the retract-
attach the lanyard below foot level which able brake mechanism may undergo one or
would most likely extend a fall farther than more cycles of locking/unlocking/locking
6 ft. (ratchet effect) until the anchorage deflec-
(3) When lines are strung over every beam, tion is dampened. Therefore, use of a move-
it becomes more and more difficult for the able anchorage involves critical engineering
crane operator to lower a precast concrete and safety factors and should only be consid-
member into position without the member ered after fixed anchorage has been deter-
becoming fouled. Should the member become mined to be not feasible.
entangled, it could easily dislodge the line Horizontal cables used as an anchorage
from a column. If a worker is tied to it at present an additional hazard due to amplifi-
the time, a fall could be caused. cation of the horizontal component of max-
imum arrest force (of a fall) transmitted to
6. The ANSI A10.14–1991 American National
the points where the horizontal cable is at-
Standard for Construction and Demolition
tached to the structure. This amplification
Operations—Requirements for Safety Belts, is due to the angle of sag of a horizontal
Harnesses, Lanyards and Lifelines for Con- cable and is most severe for small angles of
struction and Demolition Use, states that sag. For a cable sag angle of 2 degrees the
the anchor point of a lanyard or deceleration horizontal force on the points of cable at-
device should, if possible, be located above tachment can be amplified by a factor of 15.
the wearer’s belt or harness attachment. It is also necessary to install the retract-
ANSI A10.14 also states that a suitable an- able device vertically overhead to minimize
chorage point is one which is located as high swing falls. If an object is in the worker’s
as possible to prevent contact with an ob- swing path (or that of the cable) hazardous
struction below should the worker fall. Most situations exist: (1) due to the swing, hori-
manufacturers also warn in the user’s hand- zontal speed of the user may be high enough
book that the safety block/retractable life- to cause injury when an obstacle in the
line must be positioned above the D-ring swing fall path is struck by either the user
(above the work space of the intended user) or the cable; (2) the total vertical fall dis-
and OSHA recommends that fall arrest and tance of the user may be much greater than
restraint equipment be used in accordance if the user had fallen only vertically without
with the manufacturer’s instructions. a swing fall path.
Attachment of a retractable device to a With retractable lines, overconfidence may
horizontal cable near floor level or using the cause the worker to engage in inappropriate
inserts in the floor or roof members may re- behavior, such as approaching the perimeter
sult in increased free fall due to the dorsal of a floor or roof at a distance appreciably
D-ring of the full-body harness riding higher greater than the shortest distance between
than the attachment point of the snaphook the anchorage point and the leading edge.
to the cable or insert (e.g., 6 foot tall worker Though the retractable lifeline may arrest a
with a dorsal D-ring at 5 feet above the floor worker’s fall before he or she has fallen a few
or surface, reduces the working length to feet, the lifeline may drag along the edge of
only one foot, by placing the anchorage five the floor or beam and swing the worker like
feet away from the fall hazard). In addition, a pendulum until the line has moved to a po-
impact loads may exceed maximum fall ar- sition where the distance between the an-
rest forces (MAF) because the fall arrest D- chorage point and floor edge is the shortest
ring would be 4 to 5 feet higher than the safe- distance between those two points. Accom-
ty block/retractable lifeline anchored to the panying this pendulum swing is a lowering of
walking-working surface; and the potential the worker, with the attendant danger that
for swing hazards is increased. he or she may violently impact the floor or
Manufacturers also require that workers some obstruction below.
not work at a level where the point of The risk of a cable breaking is increased if
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snaphook attachment to the body harness is a lifeline is dragged sideways across the
above the device because this will increase rough surface or edge of a concrete member
the free fall distance and the deceleration at the same moment that the lifeline is
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. M, App. E
being subjected to a maximum impact load- employees must be suspended by swing
ing during a fall. The typical 3⁄16 in. cable in stages, boatswain chairs or other devices,
a retractable lifeline has a breaking strength thereby increasing the amount of fall expo-
of from 3000 to 3700 lbs. sure time to employees.
7. The competent person, who can take 5. Installed safety nets pose an additional
into account the specialized operations being hazard at the perimeter of the erected struc-
performed on this project, should determine ture where limited space is available in
when and where a designated erector cannot which members can be turned after being
use a personal fall arrest system. lifted from the ground by the crane. There
would be a high probability that the member
B. Safety Net Systems being lifted could become entangled in net
The nature of this particular precast con- hardware, cables, etc.
crete erection worksite precludes the safe 6. The use of safety nets where structural
use of safety nets where point of erection or wall panels are being erected would prevent
leading edge work must take place. movement of panels to point of installation.
1. To install safety nets in the interior To be effective, nets would necessarily have
high bay of the single story portion of the to provide protection across the area where
building poses rigging attachment problems. structural supporting wall panels would be
Structural members do not exist to which set and plumbed before roof units could be
supporting devices for nets can be attached placed.
in the area where protection is required. As 7. Use of a tower crane for the erection of
the erection operation advances, the loca- the high rise portion of the structure poses a
tion of point of erection or leading edge work particular hazard in that the crane operator
changes constantly as each member is at- cannot see or judge the proximity of the load
tached to the structure. Due to this constant in relation to the structure or nets. If the
change it is not feasible to set net sections signaler is looking through nets and sup-
and build separate structures to support the porting structural devices while giving in-
nets. structions to the crane operator, it is not
2. The nature of the erection process for possible to judge precise relationships be-
the precast concrete members is such that tween the load and the structure itself or to
an installed net would protect workers as nets and supporting structural devices. This
they position and secure only one structural could cause the load to become entangled in
member. After each member is stabilized the the net or hit the structure causing poten-
net would have to be moved to a new loca- tial damage.
tion (this could mean a move of 8 to 10 ft or
C. Guardrail Systems
the possibility of a move to a different level
or area of the structure) to protect workers On this particular worksite, guardrails,
placing the next piece in the construction se- barricades, ropes, cables or other perimeter
quence. The result would be the installation guarding devices or methods on the erection
and dismantling of safety nets repeatedly floor will pose problems to safe erection pro-
throughout the normal work day. As the cedures. Typically, a floor or roof is erected
time necessary to install a net, test, and re- by placing 4 to 10 ft wide structural members
move it is significantly greater than the next to one another and welding or grouting
time necessary to position and secure a pre- them together. The perimeter of a floor and
cast concrete member, the exposure time for roof changes each time a new member is
the worker installing the safety net would be placed into position. It is unreasonable and
far longer than for the workers whom the net virtually impossible to erect guardrails and
is intended to protect. The time exposure re- toe boards at the ever changing leading edge
peats itself each time the nets and sup- of a floor or roof.
porting hardware must be moved laterally or 1. To position a member safely it is nec-
upward to provide protection at the point of essary to remove all obstructions extending
erection or leading edge. above the floor level near the point of erec-
3. Strict interpretation of § 1926.502(c) re- tion. Such a procedure allows workers to
quires that operations shall not be under- swing a new member across the erected sur-
taken until the net is in place and has been face as necessary to position it properly
tested. With the point of erection constantly without worrying about knocking material
changing, the time necessary to install and off of this surface.
test a safety net significantly exceeds the Hollow core slab erection on the masonry
time necessary to position and secure the wall requires installation of the perimeter
concrete member. protection where the masonry wall has to be
4. Use of safety nets on exposed perimeter constructed. This means the guardrail is in-
wall openings and opensided floors, causes stalled then subsequently removed to con-
attachment points to be left in architectural tinue the masonry construction. The erector
concrete which must be patched and filled will be exposed to a fall hazard for a longer
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
with matching material after the net sup- period of time while installing and removing
porting hardware is removed. In order to perimeter protection than while erecting the
patch these openings, additional numbers of slabs.
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Pt. 1926, Subpt. M, App. E 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
In hollow core work, as in other precast by merely erecting the precast concrete
concrete erection, others are not typically member.
on the work deck until the precast concrete 2. A scaffold tower could interfere with the
erection is complete. The deck is not com- safe swinging of a load by the crane.
plete until the leveling, aligning, and grout- 3. Power lines, terrain and site do not
ing of the joints is done. It is normal prac- allow for the safe use of scaffolding.
tice to keep others off the deck until at least B. Vehicle mounted platforms are not used
the next day after the installation is com- because:
plete to allow the grout to harden. 1. A vehicle mounted platform will not
2. There is no permanent boundary until reach areas on the deck that are erected over
all structural members have been placed in other levels.
the floor or roof. At the leading edge, work- 2. The leading edge of the building is usu-
ers are operating at the temporary edge of ally over a lower level of the building and
the structure as they work to position the this lower level will not support the weight
next member in the sequence. Compliance of a vehicle mounted platform.
with the standard would require a guardrail 3. A vehicle mounted platform could inter-
and toe board be installed along this edge. fere with the safe swinging of a load by the
However, the presence of such a device would crane, either by the crane swinging the load
prevent a new member from being swung over or into the equipment.
over the erected surface low enough to allow 4. Power lines and surrounding site work
workers to control it safely during the posi- do not allow for the safe use of a vehicle
tioning process. Further, these employees mounted platform.
would have to work through the guardrail to C. Crane suspended personnel platforms are
align the new member and connect it to the not used because:
structure. The guardrail would not protect 1. A second crane close enough to suspend
an employee who must lean through it to do any employee in the working and erecting
the necessary work, rather it would hinder area could interfere with the safe swinging of
the employee to such a degree that a greater a load by the crane hoisting the product to
hazard is created than if the guardrail were be erected.
absent. 2. Power lines and surrounding site work
3. Guardrail requirements pose a hazard at do not allow for the safe use of a second
the leading edge of installed floor or roof crane on the job.
sections by creating the possibility of em-
ployees being caught between guardrails and VI. ENFORCEMENT
suspended loads. The lack of a clear work Constant awareness of and respect for fall
area in which to guide the suspended load hazards, and compliance with all safety rules
into position for placement and welding of are considered conditions of employment.
members into the existing structure creates The jobsite Superintendent, as well as indi-
still further hazards.
viduals in the Safety and Personnel Depart-
4. Where erection processes require precast
ment, reserve the right to issue disciplinary
concrete stairways or openings to be in-
warnings to employees, up to and including
stalled as an integral part of the overall
termination, for failure to follow the guide-
erection process, it must also be recognized
lines of this program.
that guardrails or handrails must not project
above the surface of the erection floor. Such VII. ACCIDENT INVESTIGATIONS
guardrails should be terminated at the level
of the erection floor to avoid placing haz- All accidents that result in injury to work-
ardous obstacles in the path of a member ers, regardless of their nature, shall be inves-
being positioned. tigated and reported. It is an integral part of
any safety program that documentation take
V. OTHER FALL PROTECTION MEASURES place as soon as possible so that the cause
CONSIDERED FOR THIS JOB and means of prevention can be identified to
The following is a list and explanation of prevent a reoccurrence.
other fall protection measures available and In the event that an employee falls or
an explanation of limitations for use on this there is some other related, serious incident
particular jobsite. If during the course of occurring, this plan shall be reviewed to de-
erecting the building the employee sees an termine if additional practices, procedures,
area that could be erected more safely by the or training need to be implemented to pre-
use of these fall protection measures, the vent similar types of falls or incidents from
foreman should be notified. occurring.
A. Scaffolds are not used because:
1. The leading edge of the building is con-
stantly changing and the scaffolding would Any changes to the plan will be approved
have to be moved at very frequent intervals. by (name of the qualified person). This plan
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
Employees erecting and dismantling the shall be reviewed by a qualified person as the
scaffolding would be exposed to fall hazards job progresses to determine if additional
for a greater length of time than they would practices, procedures or training needs to be
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. M, App. E
implemented by the competent person to im- Each employee will be trained in these pro-
prove or provide additional fall protection. cedures and will strictly adhere to them ex-
Workers shall be notified and trained, if nec- cept when doing so would expose the em-
essary, in the new procedures. A copy of this ployee to a greater hazard. If, in the employ-
plan and all approved changes shall be main- ee’s opinion, this is the case, the employee is
tained at the jobsite. to notify the competent person of their con-
cern and have the concern addressed before
Sample Fall Protection Plan for Residential proceeding.
Construction It is the responsibility of (name of com-
petent person) to implement this Fall Pro-
(INSERT COMPANY NAME) tection Plan. Continual observational safety
This Fall Protection Plan Is Specific For checks of work operations and the enforce-
The Following Project: ment of the safety policy and procedures
shall be regularly enforced. The crew super-
Location of Job lllllllllllllll
visor or foreman (insert name) is responsible
Date Plan Prepared or Modified llllll
for correcting any unsafe practices or condi-
Plan Prepared By llllllllllllll tions immediately.
Plan Approved By llllllllllllll It is the responsibility of the employer to
Plan Supervised By lllllllllllll ensure that all employees understand and
The following Fall Protection Plan is a adhere to the procedures of this plan and to
sample program prepared for the prevention follow the instructions of the crew super-
of injuries associated with falls. A Fall Pro- visor. It is also the responsibility of the em-
tection Plan must be developed and evalu- ployee to bring to management’s attention
ated on a site by site basis. It is rec- any unsafe or hazardous conditions or prac-
ommended that builders discuss the written tices that may cause injury to either them-
Fall Protection Plan with their OSHA Area selves or any other employees. Any changes
Office prior to going on a jobsite. to the Fall Protection Plan must be ap-
proved by (name of qualified person).
(Your company name here) is dedicated to II. FALL PROTECTION SYSTEMS TO BE USED ON
the protection of its employees from on-the- THIS JOB
job injuries. All employees of (Your company Installation of roof trusses/rafters, exterior
name here) have the responsibility to work wall erection, roof sheathing, floor sheathing
safely on the job. The purpose of the plan is and joist/truss activities will be conducted
to supplement our existing safety and health by employees who are specifically trained to
program and to ensure that every employee do this type of work and are trained to rec-
who works for (Your company name here) ognize the fall hazards. The nature of such
recognizes workplace fall hazards and takes work normally exposes the employee to the
the appropriate measures to address those fall hazard for a short period of time. This
hazards. Plan details how (Your company name here)
This Fall Protection Plan addresses the will minimize these hazards.
use of conventional fall protection at a num-
ber of areas on the project, as well as identi- Controlled Access Zones
fies specific activities that require non-con- When using the Plan to implement the fall
ventional means of fall protection. During protection options available, workers must
the construction of residential buildings be protected through limited access to high
under 48 feet in height, it is sometimes infea- hazard locations. Before any non-conven-
sible or it creates a greater hazard to use tional fall protection systems are used as
conventional fall protection systems at spe- part of the work plan, a controlled access
cific areas or for specific tasks. The areas or zone (CAZ) shall be clearly defined by the
tasks may include, but are not limited to: competent person as an area where a recog-
a. Setting and bracing of roof trusses and nized hazard exists. The demarcation of the
rafters; CAZ shall be communicated by the com-
b. Installation of floor sheathing and petent person in a recognized manner, either
joists; through signs, wires, tapes, ropes or chains.
c. Roof sheathing operations; and (Your company name here) shall take the
d. Erecting exterior walls. following steps to ensure that the CAZ is
In these cases, conventional fall protection clearly marked or controlled by the com-
systems may not be the safest choice for petent person:
builders. This plan is designed to enable em- • All access to the CAZ must be restricted
ployers and employees to recognize the fall to authorized entrants;
hazards associated with this job and to es- • All workers who are permitted in the
tablish the safest procedures that are to be CAZ shall be listed in the appropriate sec-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
followed in order to prevent falls to lower tions of the Plan (or be visibly identifiable
levels or through holes and openings in walk- by the competent person) prior to implemen-
ing/working surfaces. tation;
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Pt. 1926, Subpt. M, App. E 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
• The competent person shall ensure that • Workers shall have no other duties to
all protective elements of the CAZ be imple- perform during truss/rafter erection proce-
mented prior to the beginning of work. dures;
• All trusses/rafters will be adequately
Installation Procedures for Roof Truss and braced before any worker can use the truss/
Rafter Erection rafter as a support;
• Workers will remain on the top plate
During the erection and bracing of roof
using the previously stabilized truss/rafter as
trusses/rafters, conventional fall protection
a support while other trusses/rafters are
may present a greater hazard to workers. On
being erected;
this job, safety nets, guardrails and personal
• Workers will leave the area of the se-
fall arrest systems will not provide adequate
cured trusses only when it is necessary to se-
fall protection because the nets will cause
cure another truss/rafter;
the walls to collapse, while there are no suit-
• The first two trusses/rafters will be set
able attachment or anchorage points for
from ladders leaning on side walls at points
guardrails or personal fall arrest systems.
where the walls can support the weight of
On this job, requiring workers to use a lad-
the ladder; and
der for the entire installation process will • A worker will climb onto the interior top
cause a greater hazard because the worker plate via a ladder to secure the peaks of the
must stand on the ladder with his back or first two trusses/rafters being set.
side to the front of the ladder. While erecting The workers responsible for detaching
the truss or rafter the worker will need both trusses from cranes and/or securing trusses
hands to maneuver the truss and therefore at the peaks traditionally are positioned at
cannot hold onto the ladder. In addition, lad- the peak of the trusses/rafters. There are
ders cannot be adequately protected from also situations where workers securing
movement while trusses are being maneu- rafters to ridge beams will be positioned on
vered into place. Many workers may experi- top of the ridge beam.
ence additional fatigue because of the in- (Your company name here) shall take the
crease in overhead work with heavy mate- following steps to protect workers who are
rials, which can also lead to a greater haz- exposed to fall hazards while securing truss-
ard. es/rafters at the peak of the trusses/ridge
Exterior scaffolds cannot be utilized on beam:
this job because the ground, after recent • Only the following trained workers will
backfilling, cannot support the scaffolding. be allowed to work at the peak during roof
In most cases, the erection and dismantling truss or rafter installation:
of the scaffold would expose workers to a
greater fall hazard than erection of the
On all walls eight feet or less, workers will
• Once truss or rafter installation begins,
install interior scaffolds along the interior
workers not involved in that activity shall
wall below the location where the trusses/
not stand or walk below or adjacent to the
rafters will be erected. ‘‘Sawhorse’’ scaffolds
roof opening or exterior walls in any area
constructed of 46 inch sawhorses and 2 × 10
where they could be struck by falling ob-
planks will often allow workers to be ele-
vated high enough to allow for the erection
• Workers shall have no other duties than
of trusses and rafters without working on
securing/bracing the trusses/ridge beam;
the top plate of the wall.
• Workers positioned at the peaks or in the
In structures that have walls higher than webs of trusses or on top of the ridge beam
eight feet and where the use of scaffolds and shall work from a stable position, either by
ladders would create a greater hazard, safe sitting on a ‘‘ridge seat’’ or other equivalent
working procedures will be utilized when surface that provides additional stability or
working on the top plate and will be mon- by positioning themselves in previously sta-
itored by the crew supervisor. During all bilized trusses/rafters and leaning into and
stages of truss/rafter erection the stability of reaching through the trusses/rafters;
the trusses/rafters will be ensured at all • Workers shall not remain on or in the
times. peak/ridge any longer than necessary to safe-
(Your company name here) shall take the ly complete the task.
following steps to protect workers who are
exposed to fall hazards while working from Roof Sheathing Operations
the top plate installing trusses/rafters:
Workers typically install roof sheathing
• Only the following trained workers will
after all trusses/rafters and any permanent
be allowed to work on the top plate during
truss bracing is in place. Roof structures are
roof truss or rafter installation:
unstable until some sheathing is installed, so
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. M, App. E
that the roofing system can be used as an an- are to be suspended unless wind breakers are
chorage point. At that point, employees erected.
shall be protected by a personal fall arrest
system. Installation of Floor Joists and Sheathing
Trusses/rafters are subject to collapse if a During the installation of floor sheathing/
worker falls while attached to a single truss joists (leading edge construction), the fol-
with a belt/harness. Nets could also cause lowing steps shall be taken to protect work-
collapse, and there is no place to attach ers:
guardrails. • Only the following trained workers will
All workers will ensure that they have se- be allowed to install floor joists or sheath-
cure footing before they attempt to walk on
the sheathing, including cleaning shoes/boots
of mud or other slip hazards. llllllllllllllllllllllll
To minimize the time workers must be ex- llllllllllllllllllllllll
posed to a fall hazard, materials will be llllllllllllllllllllllll
staged to allow for the quickest installation • Materials for the operations shall be con-
of sheathing. veniently staged to allow for easy access to
(Your company name here) shall take the workers;
following steps to protect workers who are • The first floor joists or trusses will be
exposed to fall hazards while installing roof rolled into position and secured either from
sheathing: the ground, ladders or sawhorse scaffolds;
• Once roof sheathing installation begins, • Each successive floor joist or truss will
workers not involved in that activity shall be rolled into place and secured from a plat-
not stand or walk below or adjacent to the form created from a sheet of plywood laid
roof opening or exterior walls in any area over the previously secured floor joists or
where they could be struck by falling ob- trusses;
jects; • Except for the first row of sheathing
• The competent person shall determine which will be installed from ladders or the
the limits of this area, which shall be clearly ground, workers shall work from the estab-
communicated to workers prior to place- lished deck; and
ment of the first piece of roof sheathing; • Any workers not assisting in the leading
• The competent person may order work edge construction while leading edges still
on the roof to be suspended for brief periods exist (e.g. cutting the decking for the install-
as necessary to allow other workers to pass ers) shall not be permitted within six feet of
through such areas when this would not cre- the leading edge under construction.
ate a greater hazard;
• Only qualified workers shall install roof Erection of Exterior Walls
sheathing; During the construction and erection of ex-
• The bottom row of roof sheathing may be terior walls, employers shall take the fol-
installed by workers standing in truss webs; lowing steps to protect workers:
• After the bottom row of roof sheathing is • Only the following trained workers will
installed, a slide guard extending the width be allowed to erect exterior walls:
of the roof shall be securely attached to the
roof. Slide guards are to be constructed of no llllllllllllllllllllllll
less than nominal 4’’ height capable of lim- llllllllllllllllllllllll
iting the uncontrolled slide of workers. llllllllllllllllllllllll
Workers should install the slide guard while • A painted line six feet from the perim-
standing in truss webs and leaning over the eter will be clearly marked prior to any wall
sheathing; erection activities to warn of the approach-
• Additional rows of roof sheathing may be ing unprotected edge;
installed by workers positioned on pre- • Materials for operations shall be conven-
viously installed rows of sheathing. A slide iently staged to minimize fall hazards; and
guard can be used to assist workers in re- • Workers constructing exterior walls
taining their footing during successive shall complete as much cutting of materials
sheathing operations; and and other preparation as possible away from
• Additional slide guards shall be securely the edge of the deck.
attached to the roof at intervals not to ex-
ceed 13 feet as successive rows of sheathing
are installed. For roofs with pitches in ex- Constant awareness of and respect for fall
cess of 9-in-12, slide guards will be installed hazards, and compliance with all safety rules
at four-foot intervals. are considered conditions of employment.
• When wet weather (rain, snow, or sleet) The crew supervisor or foreman, as well as
are present, roof sheathing operations shall individuals in the Safety and Personnel De-
be suspended unless safe footing can be as- partment, reserve the right to issue discipli-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
sured for those workers installing sheathing. nary warnings to employees, up to and in-
• When strong winds (above 40 miles per cluding termination, for failure to follow the
hour) are present, roof sheathing operations guidelines of this program.
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§ 1926.550 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
IV. ACCIDENT INVESTIGATIONS (d) Cargo hooks. All electrically oper-
All accidents that result in injury to work- ated cargo hooks shall have the elec-
ers, regardless of their nature, shall be inves- trical activating device so designed and
tigated and reported. It is an integral part of installed as to prevent inadvertent op-
any safety program that documentation take eration. In addition, these cargo hooks
place as soon as possible so that the cause shall be equipped with an emergency
and means of prevention can be identified to mechanical control for releasing the
prevent a reoccurrence.
load. The hooks shall be tested prior to
In the event that an employee falls or
each day’s operation to determine that
there is some other related, serious incident
occurring, this plan shall be reviewed to de- the release functions properly, both
termine if additional practices, procedures, electrically and mechanically.
or training need to be implemented to pre- (e) Personal protective equipment. (1)
vent similar types of falls or incidents from Personal protective equipment for em-
occurring. ployees receiving the load shall consist
of complete eye protection and hard
hats secured by chinstraps.
Any changes to the plan will be approved (2) Loose-fitting clothing likely to
by (name of the qualified person). This plan flap in the downwash, and thus be
shall be reviewed by a qualified person as the
job progresses to determine if additional snagged on hoist line, shall not be
practices, procedures or training needs to be worn.
implemented by the competent person to im- (f) Loose gear and objects. Every prac-
prove or provide additional fall protection. tical precaution shall be taken to pro-
Workers shall be notified and trained, if nec- vide for the protection of the employ-
essary, in the new procedures. A copy of this ees from flying objects in the rotor
plan and all approved changes shall be main-
downwash. All loose gear within 100
tained at the jobsite.
feet of the place of lifting the load, de-
[59 FR 40730, Aug. 9, 1994] positing the load, and all other areas
susceptible to rotor downwash shall be
Subpart N—Helicopters, Hoists, secured or removed.
Elevators, and Conveyors (g) Housekeeping. Good housekeeping
shall be maintained in all helicopter
loading and unloading areas.
AUTHORITY: 40 U.S.C. 3701; 29 U.S.C. 653, 655,
657; Secretary of Labor’s Order Nos. 12–71 (36 (h) Operator responsibility. The heli-
FR 8754), 8–76 (41 FR 25059), 9–83 (49 FR 35736), copter operator shall be responsible for
5–2007 (72 FR 31159), or 1–2012 (77 FR 3912), as size, weight, and manner in which
applicable; and 29 CFR 1911. loads are connected to the helicopter.
If, for any reason, the helicopter oper-
§ 1926.550 [Reserved] ator believes the lift cannot be made
safely, the lift shall not be made.
§ 1926.551 Helicopters. (i) Hooking and unhooking loads. When
(a) Helicopter regulations. Helicopter employees are required to perform
cranes shall be expected to comply work under hovering craft, a safe
with any applicable regulations of the means of access shall be provided for
Federal Aviation Administration. employees to reach the hoist line hook
(b) Briefing. Prior to each day’s oper- and engage or disengage cargo slings.
ation a briefing shall be conducted. Employees shall not perform work
This briefing shall set forth the plan of under hovering craft except when nec-
operation for the pilot and ground per- essary to hook or unhook loads.
sonnel. (j) Static charge. Static charge on the
(c) Slings and tag lines. Load shall be suspended load shall be dissipated with
properly slung. Tag lines shall be of a a grounding device before ground per-
length that will not permit their being sonnel touch the suspended load, or
drawn up into rotors. Pressed sleeve, protective rubber gloves shall be worn
swedged eyes, or equivalent means by all ground personnel touching the
shall be used for all freely suspended suspended load.
loads to prevent hand splices from (k) Weight limitation. The weight of an
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spinning open or cable clamps from external load shall not exceed the man-
loosening. ufacturer’s rating.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.551
(l) Ground lines. Hoist wires or other bilizing rotors. Precautions shall also
gear, except for pulling lines or con- be taken by the employer to eliminate
ductors that are allowed to ‘‘pay out’’ as far as practical reduced visibility.
from a container or roll off a reel, shall (n) Signal systems. Signal systems be-
not be attached to any fixed ground tween aircrew and ground personnel
structure, or allowed to foul on any shall be understood and checked in ad-
fixed structure. vance of hoisting the load. This applies
(m) Visibility. When visibility is re- to either radio or hand signal systems.
duced by dust or other conditions,
Hand signals shall be as shown in Fig-
ground personnel shall exercise special
ure N–1.
caution to keep clear of main and sta-
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§ 1926.551 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
proach within 50 feet of the helicopter with blades rotating, all employees
when the rotor blades are turning. shall remain in full view of the pilot
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.552
and keep in a crouched position. Em- inches; and three thirty-seconds inch
ployees shall avoid the area from the for diameters 11⁄4 to 11⁄2 inches.
cockpit or cabin rearward unless au- (4) Hoisting ropes shall be installed
thorized by the helicopter operator to in accordance with the wire rope manu-
work there. facturers’ recommendations.
(q) Personnel. Sufficient ground per- (5) The installation of live booms on
sonnel shall be provided when required hoists is prohibited.
for safe helicopter loading and unload- (6) The use of endless belt-type
ing operations. manlifts on construction shall be pro-
(r) Communications. There shall be hibited.
constant reliable communication be- (b) Material hoists. (1)(i) Operating
tween the pilot, and a designated em- rules shall be established and posted at
ployee of the ground crew who acts as the operator’s station of the hoist.
a signalman during the period of load- Such rules shall include signal system
ing and unloading. This signalman and allowable line speed for various
shall be distinctly recognizable from loads. Rules and notices shall be posted
other ground personnel. on the car frame or crosshead in a con-
(s) Fires. Open fires shall not be per- spicuous location, including the state-
mitted in an area that could result in ment ‘‘No Riders Allowed.’’
such fires being spread by the rotor (ii) No person shall be allowed to ride
downwash. on material hoists except for the pur-
poses of inspection and maintenance.
§ 1926.552 Material hoists, personnel (2) All entrances of the hoistways
hoists, and elevators.
shall be protected by substantial gates
(a) General requirements. (1) The em- or bars which shall guard the full width
ployer shall comply with the manufac- of the landing entrance. All hoistway
turer’s specifications and limitations entrance bars and gates shall be paint-
applicable to the operation of all hoists ed with diagonal contrasting colors,
and elevators. Where manufacturer’s such as black and yellow stripes.
specifications are not available, the (i) Bars shall be not less than 2- by 4-
limitations assigned to the equipment inch wooden bars or the equivalent, lo-
shall be based on the determinations of cated 2 feet from the hoistway line.
a professional engineer competent in Bars shall be located not less than 36
the field. inches nor more than 42 inches above
(2) Rated load capacities, rec- the floor.
ommended operating speeds, and spe- (ii) Gates or bars protecting the en-
cial hazard warnings or instructions trances to hoistways shall be equipped
shall be posted on cars and platforms. with a latching device.
(3) Wire rope shall be removed from (3) Overhead protective covering of 2-
service when any of the following con- inch planking, 3⁄4-inch plywood, or
ditions exists: other solid material of equivalent
(i) In hoisting ropes, six randomly strength, shall be provided on the top
distributed broken wires in one rope of every material hoist cage or plat-
lay or three broken wires in one strand form.
in one rope lay; (4) The operator’s station of a hoist-
(ii) Abrasion, scrubbing, flattening, ing machine shall be provided with
or peening, causing loss of more than overhead protection equivalent to tight
one-third of the original diameter of planking not less than 2 inches thick.
the outside wires; The support for the overhead protec-
(iii) Evidence of any heat damage re- tion shall be of equal strength.
sulting from a torch or any damage (5) Hoist towers may be used with or
caused by contact with electrical without an enclosure on all sides. How-
wires; ever, whichever alternative is chosen,
(iv) Reduction from nominal diame- the following applicable conditions
ter of more than three sixty-fourths shall be met:
inch for diameters up to and including (i) When a hoist tower is enclosed, it
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three-fourths inch; one-sixteenth inch shall be enclosed on all sides for its en-
for diameters seven-eights to 11⁄8 tire height with a screen enclosure of
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§ 1926.552 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
sides used for entrance and exit which tions and safety devices shall be made
have car gates or doors. under the supervision of a competent
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.553
person. A similar inspection and test is (C) Evidence of any heat damage
required following major alteration of from any cause;
an existing installation. All hoists (D) Reductions from nominal diame-
shall be inspected and tested at not ter of more than three-sixty-fourths
more than 3-month intervals. The em- inch for diameters to and including
ployer shall prepare a certification three-fourths inch, one-sixteenth inch
record which includes the date the in- for diameters seven-eights inch to 11⁄8
spection and test of all functions and inches inclusive, three-thirty-seconds
safety devices was performed; the sig- inch for diameters 11⁄4 to 11⁄2 inches in-
nature of the person who performed the clusive;
inspection and test; and a serial num- (E) In standing ropes, more than two
ber, or other identifier, for the hoist broken wires in one lay in sections be-
that was inspected and tested. The yond end connections or more than one
most recent certification record shall broken wire at an end connection.
be maintained on file. (d) Permanent elevators under the
(16) All personnel hoists used by em- care and custody of the employer and
ployees shall be constructed of mate- used by employees for work covered by
rials and components which meet the this Act shall comply with the require-
specifications for materials, construc- ments of American National Standards
tion, safety devices, assembly, and Institute A17.1–1965 with addenda
structural integrity as stated in the A17.1a–1967, A17.1b–1968, A17.1c–1969,
American National Standard A10.4– A17.1d–1970, and inspected in accord-
1963, Safety Requirements for Work- ance with A17.2–1960 with addenda
men’s Hoists. The requirements of this A17.2a–1965, A17.2b–1967.
paragraph (c)(16) do not apply to canti-
lever type personnel hoists. [44 FR 8577, Feb. 9, 1979; 44 FR 20940, Apr. 6,
1979, as amended at 52 FR 36382, Sept. 28,
(17)(i) Personnel hoists used in bridge
1987; 85 FR 8743, Feb. 18, 2020]
tower construction shall be approved
by a registered professional engineer § 1926.553 Base-mounted drum hoists.
and erected under the supervision of a
qualified engineer competent in this (a) General requirements. (1) Exposed
field. moving parts such as gears, projecting
(ii) When a hoist tower is not en- screws, setscrews, chain, cables, chain
closed, the hoist platform or car shall sprockets, and reciprocating or rotat-
be totally enclosed (caged) on all sides ing parts, which constitute a hazard,
for the full height between the floor shall be guarded.
and the overhead protective covering (2) All controls used during the nor-
with 3⁄4-inch mesh of No. 14 U.S. gauge mal operation cycle shall be located
wire or equivalent. The hoist platform within easy reach of the operator’s sta-
enclosure shall include the required tion.
gates for loading and unloading. (3) Electric motor operated hoists
(iii) These hoists shall be inspected shall be provided with:
and maintained on a weekly basis. (i) A device to disconnect all motors
Whenever the hoisting equipment is ex- from the line upon power failure and
posed to winds exceeding 35 miles per not permit any motor to be restarted
hour it shall be inspected and put in until the controller handle is brought
operable condition before reuse. to the ‘‘off’’ position;
(iv) Wire rope shall be taken out of (ii) Where applicable, an overspeed
service when any of the following con- preventive device;
ditions exist: (iii) A means whereby remotely oper-
(A) In running ropes, six randomly ated hoists stop when any control is in-
distributed broken wires in one lay or effective.
three broken wires in one strand in one (4) All base-mounted drum hoists in
lay; use shall meet the applicable require-
(B) Wear of one-third the original di- ments for design, construction, instal-
ameter of outside individual wires. lation, testing, inspection, mainte-
Kinking, crushing, bird caging, or any nance, and operations, as prescribed by
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§ 1926.554 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(c) This section does not apply to (5) Where a conveyor passes over
base-mounted drum hoists used in con- work areas, aisles, or thoroughfares,
junction with derricks. Base-mounted suitable guards shall be provided to
drum hoists used in conjunction with protect employees required to work
derricks must conform to § 1926.1436(e). below the conveyors.
[44 FR 8577, Feb. 9, 1979, as amended at 75 FR (6) All crossovers, aisles, and passage-
48134, Aug. 9, 2010] ways shall be conspicuously marked by
suitable signs, as required by subpart G
§ 1926.554 Overhead hoists. of this part.
(a) General requirements. (1) The safe (7) Conveyors shall be locked out or
working load of the overhead hoist, as otherwise rendered inoperable, and
determined by the manufacturer, shall tagged out with a ‘‘Do Not Operate’’
be indicated on the hoist, and this safe tag during repairs and when operation
working load shall not be exceeded. is hazardous to employees performing
(2) The supporting structure to which maintenance work.
the hoist is attached shall have a safe (8) All conveyors in use shall meet
working load equal to that of the hoist. the applicable requirements for design,
(3) The support shall be arranged so construction, inspection, testing,
as to provide for free movement of the maintenance, and operation, as pre-
hoist and shall not restrict the hoist scribed in the ANSI B20.1–1957, Safety
from lining itself up with the load. Code for Conveyors, Cableways, and
(4) The hoist shall be installed only Related Equipment.
in locations that will permit the oper-
ator to stand clear of the load at all Subpart O—Motor Vehicles,
times. Mechanized Equipment, and
(5) Air hoists shall be connected to an
air supply of sufficient capacity and
Marine Operations
pressure to safely operate the hoist. All
air hoses supplying air shall be posi- AUTHORITY: Section 107, Construction
tively connected to prevent their be- Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (Con-
struction Safety Act) (40 U.S.C. 333); Secs. 4,
coming disconnected during use. 6, 8, Occupational Safety and Health Act of
(6) All overhead hoists in use shall 1970 (29 U.S.C. 653, 655, 657); Secretary of La-
meet the applicable requirements for bor’s Order No. 12–71 (36 FR 8754), 8–76 (41 FR
construction, design, installation, test- 25059), 9–83 (48 FR 35736), 1–90 (55 FR 9033), 6–
ing, inspection, maintenance, and oper- 96 (62 FR 111), or 5–2007 (72 FR 31159), as ap-
ation, as prescribed by the manufac- plicable. Section 1926.602 also issued under 29
turer. CFR part 1911.
(b) Specific requirements. [Reserved]
§ 1926.600 Equipment.
§ 1926.555 Conveyors. (a) General requirements. (1) All equip-
(a) General requirements. (1) Means for ment left unattended at night, adja-
stopping the motor or engine shall be cent to a highway in normal use, or ad-
provided at the operator’s station. Con- jacent to construction areas where
veyor systems shall be equipped with work is in progress, shall have appro-
an audible warning signal to be sound- priate lights or reflectors, or barri-
ed immediately before starting up the cades equipped with appropriate lights
conveyor. or reflectors, to identify the location of
(2) If the operator’s station is at a re- the equipment.
mote point, similar provisions for stop- (2) A safety tire rack, cage, or equiv-
ping the motor or engine shall be pro- alent protection shall be provided and
vided at the motor or engine location. used when inflating, mounting, or dis-
(3) Emergency stop switches shall be mounting tires installed on split rims,
arranged so that the conveyor cannot or rims equipped with locking rings or
be started again until the actuating similar devices.
stop switch has been reset to running (3)(i) Heavy machinery, equipment,
or ‘‘on’’ position. or parts thereof, which are suspended
(4) Screw conveyors shall be guarded or held aloft by use of slings, hoists, or
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.601
maintain the desired clearance by vis- cles shall have a service brake system,
ual means; an emergency brake system, and a
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§ 1926.602 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
ble of being locked in position to pre- (2) Seat belts. (i) Seat belts shall be
vent accidental lowering of the body provided on all equipment covered by
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.602
this section and shall meet the require- present no hazard to personnel from
ments of the Society of Automotive flying materials.
Engineers, J386–1969, Seat Belts for (6) Rollover protective structures
Construction Equipment. Seat belts for (ROPS). See subpart W of this part for
agricultural and light industrial trac- requirements for rollover protective
tors shall meet the seat belt require- structures and overhead protection.
ments of Society of Automotive Engi- (7) Rollover protective structures for off-
neers J333a–1970, Operator Protection highway trucks. The promulgation of
for Agricultural and Light Industrial standards for rollover protective struc-
Tractors. tures for off-highway trucks is reserved
(ii) Seat belts need not be provided pending further study and develop-
for equipment which is designed only ment.
for standup operation. (8) Specific effective dates—brakes and
(iii) Seat belts need not be provided fenders. (i) Equipment mentioned in
for equipment which does not have paragraph (a)(4) and (5) of this section,
roll-over protective structure (ROPS) and manufactured after January 1,
or adequate canopy protection. 1972, which is used by any employer
(3) Access roadways and grades. (i) No after that date, shall comply with the
employer shall move or cause to be applicable rules prescribed therein con-
moved construction equipment or vehi- cerning brakes and fenders. Equipment
cles upon any access roadway or grade mentioned in paragraphs (a) (4) and (5)
unless the access roadway or grade is of this section, and manufactured be-
constructed and maintained to accom- fore January 1, 1972, which is used by
modate safely the movement of the any employer after that date, shall
equipment and vehicles involved. meet the applicable rules prescribed
(ii) Every emergency access ramp herein not later than June 30, 1973. It
and berm used by an employer shall be should be noted that, as permitted
constructed to restrain and control under § 1926.2, employers may request
runaway vehicles. variations from the applicable brakes
(4) Brakes. All earthmoving equip- and fender standards required by this
ment mentioned in this § 1926.602(a) subpart. Employers wishing to seek
shall have a service braking system ca- variations from the applicable brakes
pable of stopping and holding the and fenders rules may submit any re-
equipment fully loaded, as specified in quests for variations after the publica-
Society of Automotive Engineers SAE- tion of this document in the FEDERAL
J237, Loader Dozer–1971, J236, Graders–
REGISTER. Any statements intending to
1971, and J319b, Scrapers–1971. Brake
meet the requirements of § 1926.2(b)(4),
systems for self-propelled rubber-tired
should specify how the variation would
off-highway equipment manufactured
protect the safety of the employees by
after January 1, 1972 shall meet the ap-
providing for any compensating re-
plicable minimum performance criteria
strictions on the operation of equip-
set forth in the following Society of
Automotive Engineers Recommended
(ii) Notwithstanding the provisions of
Self-Propelled Scrapers ................ SAE J319b–1971.
paragraphs (a)(5) and (a)(8)(i) of this
Self-Propelled Graders ................. SAE J236–1971. section, the requirement that fenders
Trucks and Wagons ...................... SAE J166–1971. be installed on pneumatic-tired
Front End Loaders and Dozers .... SAE J237–1971. earthmoving haulage equipment, is
(5) Fenders. Pneumatic-tired earth- suspended pending reconsideration of
moving haulage equipment (trucks, the requirement.
scrapers, tractors, and trailing units) (9) Audible alarms. (i) All
whose maximum speed exceeds 15 miles bidirectional machines, such as rollers,
per hour, shall be equipped with fend- compacters, front-end loaders, bull-
ers on all wheels to meet the require- dozers, and similar equipment, shall be
ments of Society of Automotive Engi- equipped with a horn, distinguishable
neers SAE J321a–1970, Fenders for from the surrounding noise level,
Pneumatic-Tired Earthmoving Haulage which shall be operated as needed when
Equipment. An employer may, of the machine is moving in either direc-
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course, at any time seek to show under tion. The horn shall be maintained in
§ 1926.2, that the uncovered wheels an operative condition.
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§ 1926.602 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.604
identical to those set forth at § 1910.178(l) of vided with the same protection as re-
this chapter. quired for steam lines.
[44 FR 8577, Feb. 9, 1979; 44 FR 20940, Apr. 6, (10) Safety chains, or equivalent
1979, as amended at 58 FR 35183, June 30, 1993; means, shall be provided for each hose
63 FR 66274, Dec. 1, 1998] connection to prevent the line from
thrashing around in case the coupling
§ 1926.603 Pile driving equipment. becomes disconnected.
(a) General requirements. (1) Boilers (11) Steam line controls shall consist
and piping systems which are a part of, of two shutoff valves, one of which
or used with, pile driving equipment shall be a quick-acting lever type with-
shall meet the applicable requirements in easy reach of the hammer operator.
of the American Society of Mechanical (12) Guys, outriggers, thrustouts, or
Engineers, Power Boilers (section I). counterbalances shall be provided as
(2) All pressure vessels which are a necessary to maintain stability of pile
part of, or used with, pile driving driver rigs.
equipment shall meet the applicable (b) Pile driving from barges and floats.
requirements of the American Society Barges or floats supporting pile driving
of Mechanical Engineers, Pressure Ves- operations shall meet the applicable
sels (section VIII). requirements of § 1926.605.
(c) Pile driving equipment. (1) Engi-
(3) Overhead protection, which will
neers and winchmen shall accept sig-
not obscure the vision of the operator
nals only from the designated signal-
and which meets the requirements of
subpart N of this part, shall be pro-
(2) All employees shall be kept clear
vided. Protection shall be the equiva-
when piling is being hoisted into the
lent of 2-inch planking or other solid
material of equivalent strength.
(3) When piles are being driven in an
(4) Stop blocks shall be provided for excavated pit, the walls of the pit shall
the leads to prevent the hammer from be sloped to the angle of repose or
being raised against the head block. sheet-piled and braced.
(5) A blocking device, capable of safe- (4) When steel tube piles are being
ly supporting the weight of the ham- ‘‘blown out’’, employees shall be kept
mer, shall be provided for placement in well beyond the range of falling mate-
the leads under the hammer at all rials.
times while employees are working (5) When it is necessary to cut off the
under the hammer. tops of driven piles, pile driving oper-
(6) Guards shall be provided across ations shall be suspended except where
the top of the head block to prevent the cutting operations are located at
the cable from jumping out of the least twice the length of the longest
sheaves. pile from the driver.
(7) When the leads must be inclined (6) When driving jacked piles, all ac-
in the driving of batter piles, provi- cess pits shall be provided with ladders
sions shall be made to stabilize the and bulkheaded curbs to prevent mate-
leads. rial from falling into the pit.
(8) Fixed leads shall be provided with
ladder, and adequate rings, or similar § 1926.604 Site clearing.
attachment points, so that the loft (a) General requirements. (1) Employ-
worker may engage his safety belt lan- ees engaged in site clearing shall be
yard to the leads. If the leads are pro- protected from hazards of irritant and
vided with loft platforms(s), such plat- toxic plants and suitably instructed in
form(s) shall be protected by standard the first aid treatment available.
guardrails. (2) All equipment used in site clear-
(9) Steam hose leading to a steam ing operations shall be equipped with
hammer or jet pipe shall be securely rollover guards meeting the require-
attached to the hammer with an ade- ments of this subpart. In addition,
quate length of at least 1⁄4-inch diame- rider-operated equipment shall be
ter chain or cable to prevent whipping equipped with an overhead and rear
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in the event the joint at the hammer is canopy guard meeting the following re-
broken. Air hammer hoses shall be pro- quirements:
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§ 1926.605 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(i) The overhead covering on this so located that the load will not pass
canopy structure shall be of not less over employees.
than 1⁄8-inch steel plate or 1⁄4-inch (c) Working surfaces of barges. (1) Em-
woven wire mesh with openings no ployees shall not be permitted to walk
greater than 1 inch, or equivalent. along the sides of covered lighters or
(ii) The opening in the rear of the barges with coamings more than 5 feet
canopy structure shall be covered with high, unless there is a 3-foot clear
not less than 1⁄4-inch woven wire mesh walkway, or a grab rail, or a taut
with openings no greater than 1 inch. handline is provided.
(b) Specific requirements. [Reserved] (2) Decks and other working surfaces
§ 1926.605 Marine operations and shall be maintained in a safe condition.
equipment. (3) Employees shall not be permitted
to pass fore and aft, over, or around
(a) Material handling operations. (1)
deckloads, unless there is a safe pas-
Operations fitting the definition of
‘‘material handling’’ shall be per-
formed in conformance with applicable (4) Employees shall not be permitted
requirements of part 1918, ‘‘Safety and to walk over deckloads from rail to
Health Regulations for Longshoring’’ coaming unless there is a safe passage.
of this chapter. The term ‘‘longshoring If it is necessary to stand at the out-
operations’’ means the loading, unload- board or inboard edge of the deckload
ing, moving, or handling of construc- where less than 24 inches of bulwark,
tion materials, equipment and supplies, rail, coaming, or other protection ex-
etc. into, in, on, or out of any vessel ists, all employees shall be provided
from a fixed structure or shore-to-ves- with a suitable means of protection
sel, vessel-to-shore or fixed structure against falling from the deckload.
or vessel-to-vessel. (d) First-aid and lifesaving equipment.
(b) Access to barges. (1) Ramps for ac- (1) Provisions for rendering first aid
cess of vehicles to or between barges and medical assistance shall be in ac-
shall be of adequate strength, provided cordance with subpart D of this part.
with side boards, well maintained, and (2) The employer shall ensure that
properly secured. there is in the vicinity of each barge in
(2) Unless employees can step safely use at least one U.S. Coast Guard-ap-
to or from the wharf, float, barge, or proved 30-inch lifering with not less
river towboat, either a ramp, meeting than 90 feet of line attached, and at
the requirements of paragraph (b)(1) of least one portable or permanent ladder
this section, or a safe walkway, shall which will reach the top of the apron
be provided. to the surface of the water. If the above
(3) Jacob’s ladders shall be of the equipment is not available at the pier,
double rung or flat tread type. They the employer shall furnish it during
shall be well maintained and properly the time that he is working the barge.
secured. (3) Employees walking or working on
(4) A Jacob’s ladder shall either hang the unguarded decks of barges shall be
without slack from its lashings or be protected with U.S. Coast Guard-ap-
pulled up entirely. proved work vests or buoyant vests.
(5) When the upper end of the means (e) Commercial diving operations. Com-
of access rests on or is flush with the mercial diving operations shall be sub-
top of the bulwark, substantial steps ject to subpart T of part 1910,
properly secured and equipped with at §§ 1910.401–1910.441, of this chapter.
least one substantial hand rail approxi-
mately 33 inches in height, shall be [39 FR 22801, June 24, 1974, as amended at 42
provided between the top of the bul- FR 37674, July 22, 1977]
wark and the deck.
(6) Obstructions shall not be laid on § 1926.606 Definitions applicable to
this subpart.
or across the gangway.
(7) The means of access shall be ade- (a) Apron—The area along the water-
quately illuminated for its full length. front edge of the pier or wharf.
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(8) Unless the structure makes it im- (b) Bulwark—The side of a ship above
possible, the means of access shall be the upper deck.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.650
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§ 1926.651 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.651
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§ 1926.651 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.652
materials or equipment from falling or (b) Design of sloping and benching sys-
rolling into excavations, or by a com- tems. The slopes and configurations of
bination of both if necessary. sloping and benching systems shall be
(k) Inspections. (1) Daily inspections selected and constructed by the em-
of excavations, the adjacent areas, and ployer or his designee and shall be in
protective systems shall be made by a accordance with the requirements of
competent person for evidence of a sit- paragraph (b)(1); or, in the alternative,
uation that could result in possible paragraph (b)(2); or, in the alternative,
cave-ins, indications of failure of pro- paragraph (b)(3), or, in the alternative,
tective systems, hazardous paragraph (b)(4), as follows:
atmospheres, or other hazardous condi- (1) Option (1)—Allowable configurations
tions. An inspection shall be conducted and slopes. (i) Excavations shall be
by the competent person prior to the sloped at an angle not steeper than one
start of work and as needed throughout and one-half horizontal to one vertical
the shift. Inspections shall also be (34 degrees measured from the hori-
made after every rainstorm or other zontal), unless the employer uses one
hazard increasing occurrence. These in- of the other options listed below.
spections are only required when em- (ii) Slopes specified in paragraph
ployee exposure can be reasonably an- (b)(1)(i) of this section, shall be exca-
ticipated. vated to form configurations that are
(2) Where the competent person finds in accordance with the slopes shown
evidence of a situation that could re- for Type C soil in appendix B to this
sult in a possible cave-in, indications subpart.
of failure of protective systems, haz- (2) Option (2)—Determination of slopes
ardous atmospheres, or other haz- and configurations using Appendices A
ardous conditions, exposed employees and B. Maximum allowable slopes, and
shall be removed from the hazardous allowable configurations for sloping
area until the necessary precautions and benching systems, shall be deter-
have been taken to ensure their safety. mined in accordance with the condi-
(l) Walkways shall be provided where tions and requirements set forth in ap-
employees or equipment are required pendices A and B to this subpart.
or permitted to cross over excavations. (3) Option (3)—Designs using other tab-
Guardrails which comply with ulated data. (i) Designs of sloping or
§ 1926.502(b) shall be provided where benching systems shall be selected
walkways are 6 feet (1.8 m) or more from and be in accordance with tab-
above lower levels. ulated data, such as tables and charts.
(ii) The tabulated data shall be in
[54 FR 45959, Oct. 31, 1989, as amended at 59 written form and shall include all of
FR 40730, Aug. 9, 1994] the following:
(A) Identification of the parameters
§ 1926.652 Requirements for protective
systems. that affect the selection of a sloping or
benching system drawn from such data;
(a) Protection of employees in exca- (B) Identification of the limits of use
vations. (1) Each employee in an exca- of the data, to include the magnitude
vation shall be protected from cave-ins and configuration of slopes determined
by an adequate protective system de- to be safe;
signed in accordance with paragraph (C) Explanatory information as may
(b) or (c) of this section except when: be necessary to aid the user in making
(i) Excavations are made entirely in a correct selection of a protective sys-
stable rock; or tem from the data.
(ii) Excavations are less than 5 feet (iii) At least one copy of the tab-
(1.52m) in depth and examination of the ulated data which identifies the reg-
ground by a competent person provides istered professional engineer who ap-
no indication of a potential cave-in. proved the data, shall be maintained at
(2) Protective systems shall have the the jobsite during construction of the
capacity to resist without failure all protective system. After that time the
loads that are intended or could rea- data may be stored off the jobsite, but
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§ 1926.652 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(4) Option (4)—Design by a registered shall only be allowed after the manu-
professional engineer. (i) Sloping and facturer issues specific written ap-
benching systems not utilizing Option proval.
(1) or Option (2) or Option (3) under (iii) Manufacturer’s specifications,
paragraph (b) of this section shall be recommendations, and limitations, and
approved by a registered professional manufacturer’s approval to deviate
engineer. from the specifications, recommenda-
(ii) Designs shall be in written form tions, and limitations shall be in writ-
and shall include at least the following: ten form at the jobsite during con-
(A) The magnitude of the slopes that struction of the protective system.
were determined to be safe for the par-
After that time this data may be
ticular project;
stored off the jobsite, but a copy shall
(B) The configurations that were de-
termined to be safe for the particular be made available to the Secretary
project; and upon request.
(C) The identity of the registered pro- (3) Option (3)—Designs using other tab-
fessional engineer approving the de- ulated data. (i) Designs of support sys-
sign. tems, shield systems, or other protec-
(iii) At least one copy of the design tive systems shall be selected from and
shall be maintained at the jobsite be in accordance with tabulated data,
while the slope is being constructed. such as tables and charts.
After that time the design need not be (ii) The tabulated data shall be in
at the jobsite, but a copy shall be made written form and include all of the fol-
available to the Secretary upon re- lowing:
quest. (A) Identification of the parameters
(c) Design of support systems, shield that affect the selection of a protective
systems, and other protective systems. De- system drawn from such data;
signs of support systems shield sys- (B) Identification of the limits of use
tems, and other protective systems of the data;
shall be selected and constructed by
(C) Explanatory information as may
the employer or his designee and shall
be in accordance with the requirements be necessary to aid the user in making
of paragraph (c)(1); or, in the alter- a correct selection of a protective sys-
native, paragraph (c)(2); or, in the al- tem from the data.
ternative, paragraph (c)(3); or, in the (iii) At least one copy of the tab-
alternative, paragraph (c)(4) as follows: ulated data, which identifies the reg-
(1) Option (1)—Designs using appen- istered professional engineer who ap-
dices A, C and D. Designs for timber proved the data, shall be maintained at
shoring in trenches shall be determined the jobsite during construction of the
in accordance with the conditions and protective system. After that time the
requirements set forth in appendices A data may be stored off the jobsite, but
and C to this subpart. Designs for alu- a copy of the data shall be made avail-
minum hydraulic shoring shall be in able to the Secretary upon request.
accordance with paragraph (c)(2) of this (4) Option (4)—Design by a registered
section, but if manufacturer’s tab- professional engineer. (i) Support sys-
ulated data cannot be utilized, designs tems, shield systems, and other protec-
shall be in accordance with appendix D. tive systems not utilizing Option 1, Op-
(2) Option (2)—Designs Using Manufac- tion 2 or Option 3, above, shall be ap-
turer’s Tabulated Data. (i) Design of sup- proved by a registered professional en-
port systems, shield systems, or other gineer.
protective systems that are drawn
(ii) Designs shall be in written form
from manufacturer’s tabulated data
shall be in accordance with all speci- and shall include the following:
fications, recommendations, and limi- (A) A plan indicating the sizes, types,
tations issued or made by the manufac- and configurations of the materials to
turer. be used in the protective system; and
(ii) Deviation from the specifications, (B) The identity of the registered
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.652
(iii) At least one copy of the design ly so as to note any indication of pos-
shall be maintained at the jobsite dur- sible failure of the remaining members
ing construction of the protective sys- of the structure or possible cave-in of
tem. After that time, the design may the sides of the excavation.
be stored off the jobsite, but a copy of (vi) Backfilling shall progress to-
the design shall be made available to gether with the removal of support sys-
the Secretary upon request. tems from excavations.
(d) Materials and equipment. (1) Mate- (2) Additional requirements for support
rials and equipment used for protective systems for trench excavations. (i) Exca-
systems shall be free from damage or vation of material to a level no greater
defects that might impair their proper than 2 feet (.61 m) below the bottom of
the members of a support system shall
(2) Manufactured materials and
be permitted, but only if the system is
equipment used for protective systems
designed to resist the forces calculated
shall be used and maintained in a man-
ner that is consistent with the rec- for the full depth of the trench, and
ommendations of the manufacturer, there are no indications while the
and in a manner that will prevent em- trench is open of a possible loss of soil
ployee exposure to hazards. from behind or below the bottom of the
(3) When material or equipment that support system.
is used for protective systems is dam- (ii) Installation of a support system
aged, a competent person shall exam- shall be closely coordinated with the
ine the material or equipment and excavation of trenches.
evaluate its suitability for continued (f) Sloping and benching systems. Em-
use. If the competent person cannot as- ployees shall not be permitted to work
sure the material or equipment is able on the faces of sloped or benched exca-
to support the intended loads or is oth- vations at levels above other employ-
erwise suitable for safe use, then such ees except when employees at the lower
material or equipment shall be re- levels are adequately protected from
moved from service, and shall be evalu- the hazard of falling, rolling, or sliding
ated and approved by a registered pro- material or equipment.
fessional engineer before being re- (g) Shield systems—(1) General. (i)
turned to service. Shield systems shall not be subjected
(e) Installation and removal of sup- to loads exceeding those which the sys-
port—(1) General. (i) Members of sup- tem was designed to withstand.
port systems shall be securely con- (ii) Shields shall be installed in a
nected together to prevent sliding, fall- manner to restrict lateral or other haz-
ing, kickouts, or other predictable fail- ardous movement of the shield in the
ure. event of the application of sudden lat-
(ii) Support systems shall be in- eral loads.
stalled and removed in a manner that
(iii) Employees shall be protected
protects employees from cave-ins,
from the hazard of cave-ins when enter-
structural collapses, or from being
ing or exiting the areas protected by
struck by members of the support sys-
(iii) Individual members of support (iv) Employees shall not be allowed
systems shall not be subjected to loads in shields when shields are being in-
exceeding those which those members stalled, removed, or moved vertically.
were designed to withstand. (2) Additional requirement for shield
(iv) Before temporary removal of in- systems used in trench excavations. Exca-
dividual members begins, additional vations of earth material to a level not
precautions shall be taken to ensure greater than 2 feet (.61 m) below the
the safety of employees, such as in- bottom of a shield shall be permitted,
stalling other structural members to but only if the shield is designed to re-
carry the loads imposed on the support sist the forces calculated for the full
system. depth of the trench, and there are no
(v) Removal shall begin at, and indications while the trench is open of
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progress from, the bottom of the exca- a possible loss of soil from behind or
vation. Members shall be released slow- below the bottom of the shield.
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Pt. 1926, Subpt. P, App. A 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. P, App. A
(iv) Soil that meets the unconfined com- (5) Reclassification. If, after classifying a de-
pressive strength or cementation require- posit, the properties, factors, or conditions
ments for Type A, but is fissured or subject affecting its classification change in any
to vibration; or way, the changes shall be evaluated by a
(v) Dry rock that is not stable; or competent person. The deposit shall be re-
(vi) Material that is part of a sloped, lay- classified as necessary to reflect the changed
ered system where the layers dip into the ex- circumstances.
cavation on a slope less steep than four hori- (d) Acceptable visual and manual tests—(1)
zontal to one vertical (4H:1V), but only if the Visual tests. Visual analysis is conducted to
material would otherwise be classified as determine qualitative information regarding
Type B. the excavation site in general, the soil adja-
Type C means: cent to the excavation, the soil forming the
(i) Cohesive soil with an unconfined com- sides of the open excavation, and the soil
pressive strength of 0.5 tsf (48 kPa) or less; or taken as samples from excavated material.
(ii) Granular soils including gravel, sand, (i) Observe samples of soil that are exca-
and loamy sand; or vated and soil in the sides of the excavation.
(iii) Submerged soil or soil from which Estimate the range of particle sizes and the
water is freely seeping; or relative amounts of the particle sizes. Soil
(iv) Submerged rock that is not stable; or that is primarily composed of fine-grained
(v) Material in a sloped, layered system material is cohesive material. Soil composed
where the layers dip into the excavation on primarily of coarse-grained sand or gravel is
a slope of four horizontal to one vertical
granular material.
(4H:1V) or steeper.
(ii) Observe soil as it is excavated. Soil
Unconfined compressive strength means the
that remains in clumps when excavated is
load per unit area at which a soil will fail in
cohesive. Soil that breaks up easily and does
compression. It can be determined by labora-
not stay in clumps is granular.
tory testing, or estimated in the field using
a pocket penetrometer, by thumb penetra- (iii) Observe the side of the opened exca-
tion tests, and other methods. vation and the surface area adjacent to the
Wet soil means soil that contains signifi- excavation. Crack-like openings such as ten-
cantly more moisture than moist soil, but in sion cracks could indicate fissured material.
such a range of values that cohesive material If chunks of soil spall off a vertical side, the
will slump or begin to flow when vibrated. soil could be fissured. Small spalls are evi-
Granular material that would exhibit cohe- dence of moving ground and are indications
sive properties when moist will lose those co- of potentially hazardous situations.
hesive properties when wet. (iv) Observe the area adjacent to the exca-
(c) Requirements—(1) Classification of soil vation and the excavation itself for evidence
and rock deposits. Each soil and rock deposit of existing utility and other underground
shall be classified by a competent person as structures, and to identify previously dis-
Stable Rock, Type A, Type B, or Type C in turbed soil.
accordance with the definitions set forth in (v) Observe the opened side of the exca-
paragraph (b) of this appendix. vation to identify layered systems. Examine
(2) Basis of classification. The classification layered systems to identify if the layers
of the deposits shall be made based on the re- slope toward the excavation. Estimate the
sults of at least one visual and at least one degree of slope of the layers.
manual analysis. Such analyses shall be con- (vi) Observe the area adjacent to the exca-
ducted by a competent person using tests de- vation and the sides of the opened exca-
scribed in paragraph (d) below, or in other vation for evidence of surface water, water
recognized methods of soil classification and seeping from the sides of the excavation, or
testing such as those adopted by the Amer- the location of the level of the water table.
ica Society for Testing Materials, or the U.S. (vii) Observe the area adjacent to the exca-
Department of Agriculture textural classi- vation and the area within the excavation
fication system. for sources of vibration that may affect the
(3) Visual and manual analyses. The visual stability of the excavation face.
and manual analyses, such as those noted as (2) Manual tests. Manual analysis of soil
being acceptable in paragraph (d) of this ap- samples is conducted to determine quan-
pendix, shall be designed and conducted to titative as well as qualitative properties of
provide sufficient quantitative and quali- soil and to provide more information in
tative information as may be necessary to order to classify soil properly.
identify properly the properties, factors, and (i) Plasticity. Mold a moist or wet sample of
conditions affecting the classification of the soil into a ball and attempt to roll it into
deposits. threads as thin as 1⁄8-inch in diameter. Cohe-
(4) Layered systems. In a layered system, sive material can be successfully rolled into
the system shall be classified in accordance threads without crumbling. For example, if
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with its weakest layer. However, each layer at least a two inch (50 mm) length of 1⁄8-inch
may be classified individually where a more thread can be held on one end without tear-
stable layer lies under a less stable layer. ing, the soil is cohesive.
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Pt. 1926, Subpt. P, App. B 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(ii) Dry strength. If the soil is dry and verize easily into very small fragments, the
crumbles on its own or with moderate pres- material is granular.
sure into individual grains or fine powder, it
[85 FR 8743, Feb. 18, 2020]
is granular (any combination of gravel, sand,
or silt). If the soil is dry and falls into
clumps which break up into smaller clumps,
but the smaller clumps can only be broken 1926—SLOPING AND BENCHING
up with difficulty, it may be clay in any
(a) Scope and application. This appendix
combination with gravel, sand or silt. If the
contains specifications for sloping and
dry soil breaks into clumps which do not
benching when used as methods of protecting
break up into small clumps and which can
employees working in excavations from
only be broken with difficulty, and there is
cave-ins. The requirements of this appendix
no visual indication the soil is fissured, the
apply when the design of sloping and bench-
soil may be considered unfissured.
ing protective systems is to be performed in
(iii) Thumb penetration. The thumb penetra-
tion test can be used to estimate the accordance with the requirements set forth
unconfined compressive strength of cohesive in § 1926.652(b)(2).
soils. (This test is based on the thumb pene- (b) Definitions.
tration test described in American Society Actual slope means the slope to which an
for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard excavation face is excavated.
designation D2488—‘‘Standard Recommended Distress means that the soil is in a condi-
Practice for Description of Soils (Visual— tion where a cave-in is imminent or is likely
Manual Procedure).’’) Type A soils with an to occur. Distress is evidenced by such phe-
unconfined compressive strength of 1.5 tsf nomena as the development of fissures in the
can be readily indented by the thumb; how- face of or adjacent to an open excavation;
ever, they can be penetrated by the thumb the subsidence of the edge of an excavation;
only with very great effort. Type C soils with the slumping of material from the face or
an unconfined compressive strength of 0.5 tsf the bulging or heaving of material from the
can be easily penetrated several inches by bottom of an excavation; the spalling of ma-
the thumb, and can be molded by light finger terial from the face of an excavation; and
pressure. This test should be conducted on ravelling, i.e., small amounts of material
an undisturbed soil sample, such as a large such as pebbles or little clumps of material
clump of spoil, as soon as practicable after suddenly separating from the face of an exca-
excavation to keep to a minimum the effects vation and trickling or rolling down into the
of exposure to drying influences. If the exca- excavation.
vation is later exposed to wetting influences Maximum allowable slope means the steep-
(rain, flooding), the classification of the soil est incline of an excavation face that is ac-
must be changed accordingly. ceptable for the most favorable site condi-
(iv) Other strength tests. Estimates of tions as protection against cave-ins, and is
unconfined compressive strength of soils can expressed as the ratio of horizontal distance
also be obtained by use of a pocket pene- to vertical rise (H:V).
trometer or by using a hand-operated Short term exposure means a period of time
shearvane. less than or equal to 24 hours that an exca-
(v) Drying test. The basic purpose of the vation is open.
drying test is to differentiate between cohe- (c) Requirements—(1) Soil classification. Soil
sive material with fissures, unfissured cohe- and rock deposits shall be classified in ac-
sive material, and granular material. The cordance with appendix A to subpart P of
procedure for the drying test involves drying part 1926.
a sample of soil that is approximately one (2) Maximum allowable slope. The maximum
inch thick (2.54 cm) and six inches (15.24 cm) allowable slope for a soil or rock deposit
in diameter until it is thoroughly dry: shall be determined from Table B–1 of this
(A) If the sample develops cracks as it appendix.
dries, significant fissures are indicated. (3) Actual slope. (i) The actual slope shall
(B) Samples that dry without cracking are not be steeper than the maximum allowable
to be broken by hand. If considerable force is slope.
necessary to break a sample, the soil has sig- (ii) The actual slope shall be less steep
nificant cohesive material content. The soil than the maximum allowable slope, when
can be classified as an unfissured cohesive there are signs of distress. If that situation
material and the unconfined compressive occurs, the slope shall be cut back to an ac-
strength should be determined. tual slope which is at least 1⁄2 horizontal to
(C) If a sample breaks easily by hand, it is one vertical (1⁄2H:1V) less steep than the
either a fissured cohesive material or a maximum allowable slope.
granular material. To distinguish between (iii) When surcharge loads from stored ma-
the two, pulverize the dried clumps of the terial or equipment, operating equipment, or
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
sample by hand or by stepping on them. If traffic are present, a competent person shall
the clumps do not pulverize easily, the mate- determine the degree to which the actual
rial is cohesive with fissures. If they pul- slope must be reduced below the maximum
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. P, App. B
allowable slope, and shall assure that such (4) Configurations. Configurations of slop-
reduction is achieved. Surcharge loads from ing and benching systems shall be in accord-
adjacent structures shall be evaluated in ac- ance with Figure B–1.
cordance with § 1926.651(i).
Figure B–1
Slope Configurations
(All slopes stated below are in the horizontal to vertical ratio)
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Exception: Simple slope excavations which are open 24 hours or less (short term) and which
are 12 feet or less in depth shall have a maximum allowable slope of 1⁄2:1.
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Pt. 1926, Subpt. P, App. B 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
EC30OC91.019</GPH> EC30OC91.020</GPH>
3. All excavations 8 feet or less in depth which have unsupported vertically sided lower por-
tions shall have a maximum vertical side of 31⁄2 feet.
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EC30OC91.022</GPH> EC30OC91.023</GPH>
4. All other simple slope, compound slope, and vertically sided lower portion excavations
shall be in accordance with the other options permitted under § 1926.652(b).
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B–1.2 Excavations Made in Type B Soil
1. All simple slope excavations 20 feet or less in depth shall have a maximum allowable
slope of 1:1.
2. All benched excavations 20 feet or less in depth shall have a maximum allowable slope
of 1:1 and maximum bench dimensions as follows:
EC30OC91.025</GPH> EC30OC91.026</GPH>
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3. All excavations 20 feet or less in depth which have vertically sided lower portions shall
be shielded or supported to a height at least 18 inches above the top of the vertical side. All
such excavations shall have a maximum allowable slope of 1:1.
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2. All excavations 20 feet or less in depth which have vertically sided lower portions shall
be shielded or supported to a height at least 18 inches above the top of the vertical side. All
such excavations shall have a maximum allowable slope of 11⁄2:1.
EC30OC91.028</GPH> EC30OC91.029</GPH>
3. All other sloped excavations shall be in accordance with the other options permitted in
§ 1926.652(b).
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B–1.4 Excavations Made in Layered Soils
1. All excavations 20 feet or less in depth made in layered soils shall have a maximum al-
lowable slope for each layer as set forth below.
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2. All other sloped excavations shall be in accordance with the other options permitted in
§ 1926.652(b).
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Pt. 1926, Subpt. P, App. C 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
the excavation is made. The data are ar- (B) When vertical loads imposed on cross
ranged to allow the user the flexibility to se- braces exceed a 240-pound gravity load dis-
lect from among several acceptable configu- tributed on a one-foot section of the center
rations of members based on varying the of the crossbrace.
horizontal spacing of the crossbraces. Stable (C) When surcharge loads are present from
rock is exempt from shoring requirements equipment weighing in excess of 20,000
and therefore, no data are presented for this pounds.
condition. (D) When only the lower portion of a
(2) Information concerning the basis of the trench is shored and the remaining portion
tabular data and the limitations of the data of the trench is sloped or benched unless:
is presented in paragraph (d) of this appen- The sloped portion is sloped at an angle less
dix, and on the tables themselves. steep than three horizontal to one vertical;
(3) Information explaining the use of the or the members are selected from the tables
tabular data is presented in paragraph (e) of for use at a depth which is determined from
this appendix. the top of the overall trench, and not from
(4) Information illustrating the use of the the toe of the sloped portion.
tabular data is presented in paragraph (f) of (e) Use of Tables. The members of the shor-
this appendix.
ing system that are to be selected using this
(5) Miscellaneous notations regarding Ta-
information are the cross braces, the
bles C–1.1 through C–1.3 and Tables C–2.1
uprights, and the wales, where wales are re-
through C–2.3 are presented in paragraph (g)
quired. Minimum sizes of members are speci-
of this Appendix.
fied for use in different types of soil. There
(d) Basis and limitations of the data—(1) Di-
are six tables of information, two for each
mensions of timber members. (i) The sizes of the
soil type. The soil type must first be deter-
timber members listed in Tables C–1.1
through C–1.3 are taken from the National mined in accordance with the soil classifica-
Bureau of Standards (NBS) report, ‘‘Rec- tion system described in appendix A to sub-
ommended Technical Provisions for Con- part P of part 1926. Using the appropriate
struction Practice in Shoring and Sloping of table, the selection of the size and spacing of
Trenches and Excavations.’’ In addition, the members is then made. The selection is
where NBS did not recommend specific sizes based on the depth and width of the trench
of members, member sizes are based on an where the members are to be installed and,
analysis of the sizes required for use by ex- in most instances, the selection is also based
isting codes and on empirical practice. on the horizontal spacing of the crossbraces.
(ii) The required dimensions of the mem- Instances where a choice of horizontal spac-
bers listed in Tables C–1.1 through C–1.3 refer ing of crossbracing is available, the hori-
to actual dimensions and not nominal di- zontal spacing of the crossbraces must be
mensions of the timber. Employers wanting chosen by the user before the size of any
to use nominal size shoring are directed to member can be determined. When the soil
Tables C–2.1 through C–2.3, or have this type, the width and depth of the trench, and
choice under § 1926.652(c)(3), and are referred the horizontal spacing of the crossbraces are
to The Corps of Engineers, The Bureau of known, the size and vertical spacing of the
Reclamation or data from other acceptable crossbraces, the size and vertical spacing of
sources. the wales, and the size and horizontal spac-
(2) Limitation of application. (i) It is not in- ing of the uprights can be read from the ap-
tended that the timber shoring specification propriate table.
apply to every situation that may be experi- (f) Examples to Illustrate the Use of Tables C–
enced in the field. These data were developed 1.1 through C–1.3.
to apply to the situations that are most (1) Example 1.
commonly experienced in current trenching A trench dug in Type A soil is 13 feet deep
practice. Shoring systems for use in situa- and five feet wide.
tions that are not covered by the data in this From Table C–1.1, for acceptable arrange-
appendix must be designed as specified in ments of timber can be used.
§ 1926.652(c).
(ii) When any of the following conditions Arrangement #B1
are present, the members specified in the ta- Space 4 × 4 crossbraces at six feet hori-
bles are not considered adequate. Either an zontally and four feet vertically.
alternate timber shoring system must be de-
Wales are not required.
signed or another type of protective system
Space 3 × 8 uprights at six feet hori-
designed in accordance with § 1926.652.
(A) When loads imposed by structures or zontally. This arrangement is commonly
by stored material adjacent to the trench called ‘‘skip shoring.’’
weigh in excess of the load imposed by a two- Arrangement #B2
foot soil surcharge. The term ‘‘adjacent’’ as
Space 4 × 6 crossbraces at eight feet hori-
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Space 2 × 6 uprights at four feet hori- Space 12 × 12 wales at five feet vertically.
zontally. Position 2 × 6 uprights in a close sheeting
configuration unless water pressure must be
Arrangement #B3 resisted. Tight sheeting must be used where
Space 6 × 6 crossbraces at 10 feet hori- water must be retained.
zontally and four feet vertically. (4) Example 4.
Space 8 × 10 wales at four feet vertically. A trench dug in Type C soil is 20 feet deep
Space 2 × 6 uprights at five feet hori- and 11 feet wide. The size and spacing of
zontally. members for the section of trench that is
over 15 feet in depth is determined using
Arrangement #B4
Table C–1.3. Only one arrangement of mem-
Space 6 × 6 crossbraces at 12 feet hori- bers is provided.
zontally and four feet vertically. Space 8 × 10 crossbraces at six feet hori-
Space 10 × 10 wales at four feet vertically. zontally and five feet vertically.
Spaces 3 × 8 uprights at six feet hori- Space 12 × 12 wales at five feet vertically.
Use 3 × 6 tight sheeting.
(2) Example 2.
A trench dug in Type B soil in 13 feet deep Use of Tables C–2.1 through C–2.3 would fol-
and five feet wide. From Table C–1.2 three low the same procedures.
acceptable arrangements of members are (g) Notes for all Tables.
listed. 1. Member sizes at spacings other than in-
dicated are to be determined as specified in
Arrangement #B1 § 1926.652(c), ‘‘Design of Protective Systems.’’
Space 6 × 6 crossbraces at six feet hori- 2. When conditions are saturated or sub-
zontally and five feet vertically. merged use Tight Sheeting. Tight Sheeting
Space 8 × 8 wales at five feet vertically. refers to the use of specially-edged timber
Space 2 × 6 uprights at two feet hori- planks (e.g., tongue and groove) at least
zontally. three inches thick, steel sheet piling, or
similar construction that when driven or
Arrangement #B2 placed in position provide a tight wall to re-
Space 6 × 8 crossbraces at eight feet hori- sist the lateral pressure of water and to pre-
zontally and five feet vertically. vent the loss of backfill material. Close
Space 10 × 10 wales at five feet vertically. Sheeting refers to the placement of planks
Space 2 × 6 uprights at two feet hori- side-by-side allowing as little space as pos-
zontally. sible between them.
3. All spacing indicated is measured center
Arrangement #B3 to center.
Space 8 × 8 crossbraces at 10 feet hori- 4. Wales to be installed with greater di-
zontally and five feet vertically. mension horizontal.
Space 10 × 12 wales at five feet vertically. 5. If the vertical distance from the center
Space 2 × 6 uprights at two feet vertically. of the lowest crossbrace to the bottom of the
(3) Example 3. trench exceeds two and one-half feet,
A trench dug in Type C soil is 13 feet deep uprights shall be firmly embedded or a
and five feet wide. mudsill shall be used. Where uprights are
From Table C–1.3 two acceptable arrange- embedded, the vertical distance from the
ments of members can be used. center of the lowest crossbrace to the bot-
tom of the trench shall not exceed 36 inches.
Arrangement #B1 When mudsills are used, the vertical dis-
Space 8 × 8 crossbraces at six feet hori- tance shall not exceed 42 inches. Mudsills are
zontally and five feet vertically. wales that are installed at the toe of the
Space 10 × 12 wales at five feet vertically. trench side.
Position 2 × 6 uprights as closely together 6. Trench jacks may be used in lieu of or in
as possible. combination with timber crossbraces.
If water must be retained use special 7. Placement cf crossbraces. When the
tongue and groove uprights to form tight vertical spacing of crossbraces is four feet,
sheeting. place the top crossbrace no more than two
feet below the top of the trench. When the
Arrangement #B2
vertical spacing of crossbraces is five feet,
Space 8 × 10 crossbraces at eight feet hori- place the top crossbrace no more than 2.5
zontally and five feet vertically. feet below the top of the trench.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. P, App. D
APPENDIX D TO SUBPART P OF PART do not exceed 20 feet (6.1m) in depth. This ap-
1926—ALUMINUM HYDRAULIC SHOR- pendix must be used when design of the alu-
ING FOR TRENCHES minum hydraulic protective system cannot
be performed in accordance with
(a) Scope. This appendix contains informa- § 1926.652(c)(2).
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
tion that can be used when aluminum hy- (b) Soil Classification. In order to use data
draulic shoring is provided as a method of presented in this appendix, the soi1 type or
protection against cave-ins in trenches that types in which the excavation is made must
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Pt. 1926, Subpt. P, App. D 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
first be determined using the soil classifica- bles are not considered adequate. In this
tion method set forth in appendix A of sub- case, an alternative aluminum hydraulic
part P of part 1926. shoring system or other type of protective
(c) Presentation of Information. Information system must be designed in accordance with
is presented in several forms as follows: § 1926.652.
(1) Information is presented in tabular (A) When vertical loads imposed on cross
form in Tables D–1.1, D–1.2, D–1.3 and E–1.4. braces exceed a 100 Pound gravity load dis-
Each table presents the maximum vertical tributed on a one foot section of the center
and horizontal spacings that may be used of the hydraulic cylinder.
with various aluminum member sizes and (B) When surcharge loads are present from
various hydraulic cylinder sizes. Each table equipment weighing in excess of 20,000
contains data only for the particular soil pounds.
type in which the excavation or portion of (C) When only the lower portion or a
the excavation is made. Tables D–1.1 and D– trench is shored and the remaining portion
1.2 are for vertical shores in Types A and B of the trench is sloped or benched unless:
soil. Tables D–1.3 and D1.4 are for horizontal The sloped portion is sloped at an angle less
waler systems in Types B and C soil. steep than three horizontal to one vertical;
(2) Information concerning the basis of the or the members are selected from the tables
tabular data and the limitations of the data for use at a depth which is determined from
is presented in paragraph (d) of this appen- the top of the overall trench, and not from
dix. the toe of the sloped portion.
(3) Information explaining the use of the (e) Use of Tables D–1.1, D–1.2, D–1.3 and D–
tabular data is presented in paragraph (e) of 1.4. The members of the shoring system that
this appendix. are to be selected using this information are
(4) Information illustrating the use of the the hydraulic cylinders, and either the
tabular data is presented in paragraph (f) of vertical shores or the horizontal wales. When
this appendix. a waler system is used the vertical timber
(5) Miscellaneous notations (footnotes) re- sheeting to be used is also selected from
garding Table D–1.1 through D–1.4 are pre- these tables. The Tables D–1.1 and D–1.2 for
sented in paragraph (g) of this appendix. vertical shores are used in Type A and B
(6) Figures, illustrating typical installa- soils that do not require sheeting. Type B
tions of hydraulic shoring, are included just soils that may require sheeting, and Type C
prior to the Tables. The illustrations page is soils that always require sheeting are found
entitled ‘‘Aluminum Hydraulic Shoring; in the horizontal wale Tables D–1.3 and D–1.4.
Typical Installations.’’ The soil type must first be determined in ac-
(d) Basis and limitations of the data. (1) cordance with the soil classification system
Vertical shore rails and horizontal wales are described in appendix A to subpart P of part
those that meet the Section Modulus re- 1926. Using the appropriate table, the selec-
quirements in the D–1 Tables. Aluminum tion of the size and spacing of the members
material is 6061–T6 or material of equivalent is made. The selection is based on the depth
strength and properties. and width of the trench where the members
(2) Hydraulic cylinders specifications. (i) 2- are to be installed. In these tables the
inch cylinders shall be a minimum 2-inch in- vertical spacing is held constant at four feet
side diameter with a minimum safe working on center. The tables show the maximum
capacity of no less than 18,000 pounds axial horizontal spacing of cylinders allowed for
compressive load at maximum extension. each size of wale in the waler system tables,
Maximum extension is to include full range and in the vertical shore tables, the hydrau-
of cylinder extensions as recommended by lic cylinder horizontal spacing is the same as
product manufaturer. the vertical shore spacing.
(ii) 3-inch cylinders shall be a minimum 3- (f) Example to Illustrate the Use of the Tables:
inch inside diameter with a safe working ca- (1) Example 1:
pacity of not less than 30,000 pounds axial A trench dug in Type A soil is 6 feet deep
compressive load at extensions as rec- and 3 feet wide. From Table D–1.1: Find
ommended by product manufacturer. vertical shores and 2 inch diameter cylinders
(3) Limitation of application. spaced 8 feet on center (o.c.) horizontally and
(i) It is not intended that the aluminum 4 feet on center (o.c.) vertically. (See Figures
hydraulic specification apply to every situa- 1 & 3 for typical installations.)
tion that may be experienced in the field. (2) Example 2:
These data were developed to apply to the A trench is dug in Type B soil that does
situations that are most commonly experi- not require sheeting, 13 feet deep and 5 feet
enced in current trenching practice. Shoring wide. From Table D–1.2: Find vertical shores
systems for use in situations that are not and 2 inch diameter cylinders spaced 6.5 feet
covered by the data in this appendix must be o.c. horizontally and 4 feet o.c. vertically.
otherwise designed as specified in (See Figures 1 & 3 for typical installations.)
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trench is 16 feet deep and 9 feet wide. From (2) 2 inch diameter cylinders, at this width,
Table D–1.2: Find vertical shores and 2 inch shall have structural steel tube (3.5 × 3.5 ×
diameter cylinder (with special oversleeves 0.1875) oversleeves, or structural oversleeves
as designated by footnote #B2) spaced 5.5 feet of manufacturer’s specification, extending
o.c. horizontally and 4 feet o.c. vertically, the full, collapsed length.
plywood (per footnote (g)(7) to the D–1 Table) (3) Hydraulic cylinders capacities. (i) 2
should be used behind the shores. (See Fig- inch cylinders shall be a minimum 2-inch in-
ures 2 & 3 for typical installations.) side diameter with a safe working capacity
(4) Example 4: A trench is dug in pre- of not less than 18,000 pounds axial compres-
viously disturbed Type B soil, with charac- sive load at maximum extension. Maximum
teristics of a Type C soil, and will require extension is to include full range of cylinder
sheeting. The trench is 18 feet deep and 12 extensions as recommended by product man-
feet wide. 8 foot horizontal spacing between ufacturer.
cylinders is desired for working space. From (ii) 3-inch cylinders shall be a minimum 3-
Table D–1.3: Find horizontal wale with a sec- inch inside diameter with a safe work capac-
tion modulus of 14.0 spaced at 4 feet o.c. ity of not less than 30,000 pounds axial com-
vertically and 3 inch diameter cylinder pressive load at maximum extension. Max-
spaced at 9 feet maximum o.c. horizontally. imum extension is to include full range of
3 × 12 timber sheeting is required at close cylinder extensions as recommended by
spacing vertically. (See Figure 4 for typical product manufacturer.
(4) All spacing indicated is measured cen-
(5) Example 5: A trench is dug in Type C
ter to center.
soil, 9 feet deep and 4 feet wide. Horizontal
(5) Vertical shoring rails shall have a min-
cylinder spacing in excess of 6 feet is desired
imum section modulus of 0.40 inch.
for working space. From Table D–1.4: Find
horizontal wale with a section modulus of 7.0 (6) When vertical shores are used, there
and 2 inch diameter cylinders spaced at 6.5 must be a minimum of three shores spaced
feet o.c. horizontally. Or, find horizontal equally, horizontally, in a group.
wale with a 14.0 section modulus and 3 inch (7) Plywood shall be 1.125 in. thick
diameter cylinder spaced at 10 feet o.c. hori- softwood or 0.75 inch. thick, 14 ply, arctic
zontally. Both wales are spaced 4 feet o.c. white birch (Finland form). Please note that
vertically. 3 × 12 timber sheeting is required plywood is not intended as a structural
at close spacing vertically. (See Figure 4 for member, but only for prevention of local rav-
typical installation.) eling (sloughing of the trench face) between
(g) Footnotes, and general notes, for Tables shores.
D–1.1, D–1.2, D–1.3, and D–1.4. (8) See appendix C for timber specifica-
(1) For applications other than those listed tions.
in the tables, refer to § 1926.652(c)(2) for use of (9) Wales are calculated for simple span
manufacturer’s tabulated data. For trench conditions.
depths in excess of 20 feet, refer to (10) See appendix D, item (d), for basis and
§ 1926.652(c)(2) and § 1926.652(c)(3). limitations of the data.
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Pt. 1926, Subpt. P, App. D 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. P, App. D
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Pt. 1926, Subpt. P, App. D 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. P, App. E
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Pt. 1926, Subpt. P, App. F 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. P, App. F
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Pt. 1926, Subpt. P, App. F 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. P, App. F
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§ 1926.700 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.703
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§ 1926.703 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
inspected prior to erection to deter- (c) Vertical slip forms. (1) The steel
mine that the equipment meets the re- rods or pipes on which jacks climb or
quirements specified in the formwork by which the forms are lifted shall be—
drawings. (i) Specifically designed for that pur-
(2) Shoring equipment found to be pose; and
damaged such that its strength is re- (ii) Adequately braced where not en-
duced to less than that required by cased in concrete.
§ 1926.703(a)(1) shall not be used for (2) Forms shall be designed to pre-
shoring. vent excessive distortion of the struc-
(3) Erected shoring equipment shall ture during the jacking operation.
be inspected immediately prior to, dur- (3) All vertical slip forms shall be
ing, and immediately after concrete provided with scaffolds or work plat-
placement. forms where employees are required to
(4) Shoring equipment that is found work or pass.
to be damaged or weakened after erec- (4) Jacks and vertical supports shall
tion, such that its strength is reduced be positioned in such a manner that
to less than that required by the loads do not exceed the rated ca-
§ 1926.703(a)(1), shall be immediately re- pacity of the jacks.
inforced. (5) The jacks or other lifting devices
(5) The sills for shoring shall be shall be provided with mechanical dogs
sound, rigid, and capable of carrying or other automatic holding devices to
the maximum intended load. support the slip forms whenever failure
(6) All base plates, shore heads, ex- of the power supply or lifting mecha-
tension devices, and adjustment screws nism occurs.
shall be in firm contact, and secured (6) The form structure shall be main-
when necessary, with the foundation tained within all design tolerances
and the form. specified for plumbness during the
jacking operation.
(7) Eccentric loads on shore heads
(7) The predetermined safe rate of lift
and similar members shall be prohib-
shall not be exceeded.
ited unless these members have been
(d) Reinforcing steel. (1) Reinforcing
designed for such loading.
steel for walls, piers, columns, and
(8) Whenever single post shores are
similar vertical structures shall be
used one on top of another (tiered), the
adequately supported to prevent over-
employer shall comply with the fol-
turning and to prevent collapse.
lowing specific requirements in addi-
(2) Employers shall take measures to
tion to the general requirements for
prevent unrolled wire mesh from re-
coiling. Such measures may include,
(i) The design of the shoring shall be but are not limited to, securing each
prepared by a qualified designer and end of the roll or turning over the roll.
the erected shoring shall be inspected (e) Removal of formwork. (1) Forms
by an engineer qualified in structural and shores (except those used for slabs
design. on grade and slip forms) shall not be
(ii) The single post shores shall be removed until the employer determines
vertically aligned. that the concrete has gained sufficient
(iii) The single post shores shall be strength to support its weight and su-
spliced to prevent misalignment. perimposed loads. Such determination
(iv) The single post shores shall be shall be based on compliance with one
adequately braced in two mutually per- of the following:
pendicular directions at the splice (i) The plans and specifications stipu-
level. Each tier shall also be diagonally late conditions for removal of forms
braced in the same two directions. and shores, and such conditions have
(9) Adjustment of single post shores been followed, or
to raise formwork shall not be made (ii) The concrete has been properly
after the placement of concrete. tested with an appropriate ASTM
(10) Reshoring shall be erected, as the standard test method designed to indi-
original forms and shores are removed, cate the concrete compressive
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
whenever the concrete is required to strength, and the test results indicate
support loads in excess of its capacity. that the concrete has gained sufficient
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.705
strength to support its weight and su- § 1926.705 Requirements for lift-slab
perimposed loads. construction operations.
(2) Reshoring shall not be removed (a) Lift-slab operations shall be de-
until the concrete being supported has signed and planned by a registered pro-
attained adequate strength to support fessional engineer who has experience
its weight and all loads in place upon in lift-slab construction. Such plans
it. and designs shall be implemented by
the employer and shall include detailed
APPENDIX TO § 1926.703(a)(1)
instructions and sketches indicating
GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR FORMWORK the prescribed method of erection.
These plans and designs shall also in-
(This appendix is non-mandatory.) clude provisions for ensuring lateral
This appendix serves as a non-mandatory stability of the building/structure dur-
guideline to assist employers in complying ing construction.
with the formwork requirements in (b) Jacks/lifting units shall be
§ 1926.703(a)(1). Formwork which has been de- marked to indicate their rated capac-
signed, fabricated, erected, braced, supported ity as established by the manufacturer.
and maintained in accordance with Sections (c) Jacks/lifting units shall not be
6 and 7 of the American National Standard loaded beyond their rated capacity as
for Construction and Demolition Oper- established by the manufacturer.
ations—Concrete and Masonry Work, ANSI
(d) Jacking equipment shall be capa-
A10.9–1983, shall be deemed to be in compli-
ance with the provision of § 1926.703(a)(1).
ble of supporting at least two and one-
half times the load being lifted during
[53 FR 22643, June 16, 1988, as amended at 61 jacking operations and the equipment
FR 5510, Feb. 13, 1996] shall not be overloaded. For the pur-
pose of this provision, jacking equip-
§ 1926.704 Requirements for precast ment includes any load bearing compo-
nent which is used to carry out the lift-
(a) Precast concrete wall units, ing operation(s). Such equipment in-
structural framing, and tilt-up wall cludes, but is not limited, to the fol-
panels shall be adequately supported to lowing: threaded rods, lifting attach-
prevent overturning and to prevent col- ments, lifting nuts, hook-up collars, T-
lapse until permanent connections are caps, shearheads, columns, and foot-
completed. ings.
(b) Lifting inserts which are embed- (e) Jacks/lifting units shall be de-
ded or otherwise attached to tilt-up signed and installed so that they will
precast concrete members shall be ca- neither lift nor continue to lift when
pable of supporting at least two times they are loaded in excess of their rated
the maximum intended load applied or capacity.
transmitted to them. (f) Jacks/lifting units shall have a
(c) Lifting inserts which are embed- safety device installed which will cause
ded or otherwise attached to precast the jacks/lifting units to support the
concrete members, other than the tilt- load in any position in the event any
up members, shall be capable of sup- jack/lifting unit malfunctions or loses
porting at least four times the max- its lifting ability.
imum intended load applied or trans- (g) Jacking operations shall be syn-
mitted to them. chronized in such a manner to ensure
(d) Lifting hardware shall be capable even and uniform lifting of the slab.
of supporting at least five times the During lifting, all points at which the
slab is supported shall be kept within
maximum intended load applied or 1⁄2 inch of that needed to maintain the
transmitted to the lifting hardware.
slab in a level position.
(e) No employee shall be permitted (h) If leveling is automatically con-
under precast concrete members being trolled, a device shall be installed that
lifted or tilted into position except will stop the operation when the 1⁄2inch
those employees required for the erec- tolerance set forth in paragraph (g) of
tion of those members. this section is exceeded or where there
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
[53 FR 22643, June 16, 1988, as amended at 54 is a malfunction in the jacking (lifting)
FR 41088, Oct. 5, 1989] system.
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§ 1926.705 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
until the wedges at that column have ferred to them as a result of the loss of sup-
been secured. port at the lifting jack considered.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.706
§ 1926.706 Requirements for masonry constructed plus four feet, and shall
construction. run the entire length of the wall.
(a) A limited access zone shall be es- (3) The limited access zone shall be
tablished whenever a masonry wall is established on the side of the wall
being constructed. The limited access which will be unscaffolded.
zone shall conform to the following. (4) The limited access zone shall be
(1) The limited access zone shall be restricted to entry by employees ac-
established prior to the start of con- tively engaged in constructing the
struction of the wall.
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Pt. 1926, Subpt. Q, App. A 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(5) The limited access zone shall re- Insulating Concrete for Compressive
main in place until the wall is ade- Strength (ASTM C513–86).
quately supported to prevent over- • Test Method for Comprehensive Strength
of Lightweight Insulating Concrete (ASTM
turning and to prevent collapse unless
the height of wall is over eight feet, in • Method of Making, Accelerating Curing,
which case, the limited access zone and Testing of Concrete Compression Test
shall remain in place until the require- Specimens (ASTM C684–81).
ments of paragraph (b) of this section • Test Method for Compressive Strength of
have been met. Concrete Using Portions of Beams Broken in
(b) All masonry walls over eight feet Flexure (ASTM C116–68 (1980)).
in height shall be adequately braced to
prevent overturning and to prevent col- Subpart R—Steel Erection
lapse unless the wall is adequately sup-
ported so that it will not overturn or AUTHORITY: 40 U.S.C. 3701; 29 U.S.C. 653, 655,
collapse. The bracing shall remain in 657; Secretary of Labor’s Order Nos. 3–2000 (65
place until permanent supporting ele- FR 50017), 5–2002 (67 FR 65008), 5–2007 (72 FR
ments of the structure are in place. 31159), or 1–2012 (77 FR 3912), as applicable;
and 29 CFR part 1911.
SOURCE: 66 FR 5265, Jan. 18, 2001, unless
1926—REFERENCES TO SUBPART Q OF otherwise noted.
PART 1926
(This appendix is non-mandatory.)
§ 1926.750 Scope.
The following non-mandatory references
(a) This subpart sets forth require-
provide information which can be helpful in ments to protect employees from the
understanding and complying with the re- hazards associated with steel erection
quirements contained in subpart Q. activities involved in the construction,
• Accident Prevention Manual for Indus- alteration, and/or repair of single and
trial Operations; Eighth Edition; National multi-story buildings, bridges, and
Safety Council. other structures where steel erection
• Building Code Requirements for Rein-
occurs. The requirements of this sub-
forced Concrete (ACI 318–83).
• Formwork for Concrete (ACI SP–4). part apply to employers engaged in
• Recommended Practice for Concrete steel erection unless otherwise speci-
Formwork (ACI 347–78). fied. This subpart does not cover elec-
• Safety Requirements for Concrete and trical transmission towers, commu-
Masonry Work (ANSI A10.9–1983). nication and broadcast towers, or
• Standard Test Method for Compressive tanks.
Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens
(ASTM C39–86). NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (a): Examples of struc-
• Standard Test Method for Making and tures where steel erection may occur include
Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field but are not limited to the following: Single
(ASTM C31–85). and multi-story buildings; systems-engi-
• Standard Test Method for Penetration neered metal buildings; lift slab/tilt-up
Resistance of Hardened Concrete (ASTM structures; energy exploration structures;
C803–82). energy production, transfer and storage
• Standard Test Method for Compressive structures and facilities; auditoriums; malls;
Strength of Concrete Cylinders Cast In-Place amphitheaters; stadiums; power plants;
in Cylindrical Molds (ASTM C873–85). mills; chemical process structures; bridges;
• Standard Method for Developing Early trestles; overpasses; underpasses; viaducts;
Age Compressive Test Values and Projecting aqueducts; aerospace facilities and struc-
Later Age Strengths (ASTM C918–80). tures; radar and communication structures;
• Recommended Practice for Inspection light towers; signage; billboards; score-
and Testing Agencies for Concrete, Steel and boards; conveyor systems; conveyor supports
Bituminous Materials as Used in Construc- and related framing; stairways; stair towers;
tion (ASTM E329–77). fire escapes; draft curtains; fire containment
• Method of Making and Curing Concrete structures; monorails; aerialways; catwalks;
Test Specimens in the Laboratory (ASTM curtain walls; window walls; store fronts; el-
C192–88). evator fronts; entrances; skylights; metal
• Methods of Obtaining and Testing Drilled roofs; industrial structures; hi-bay struc-
Cores and Sawed Beams of Concrete (ASTM tures; rail, marine and other transportation
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.751
domes; canopies; racks and rack support lights; joint fillers; gaskets; sealants
structures and frames; platforms; walkways; and seals; doors; windows; hardware;
balconies; atriums; penthouses; car dumpers;
detention/security equipment and
stackers/reclaimers; cranes and craneways;
bins; hoppers; ovens; furnaces; stacks; doors, windows and hardware; con-
amusement park structures and rides; and veying systems; building specialties;
artistic and monumental structures. building equipment; machinery and
plant equipment, furnishings and spe-
(b)(1) Steel erection activities in-
clude hoisting, laying out, placing, cial construction.
connecting, welding, burning, guying, (c) The duties of controlling contrac-
bracing, bolting, plumbing and rigging tors under this subpart include, but are
structural steel, steel joists and metal not limited to, the duties specified in
buildings; installing metal decking, §§ 1926.752 (a) and (c), 1926.755(b)(2),
curtain walls, window walls, siding sys- 1926.759(b), and 1926.760(e).
tems, miscellaneous metals, orna-
mental iron and similar materials; and § 1926.751 Definitions.
moving point-to-point while per- Anchored bridging means that the
forming these activities. steel joist bridging is connected to a
(2) The following activities are cov- bridging terminus point.
ered by this subpart when they occur Bolted diagonal bridging means diago-
during and are a part of steel erection nal bridging that is bolted to a steel
activities: rigging, hoisting, laying out, joist or joists.
placing, connecting, guying, bracing,
Bridging clip means a device that is
dismantling, burning, welding, bolting,
attached to the steel joist to allow the
grinding, sealing, caulking, and all re-
lated activities for construction, alter- bolting of the bridging to the steel
ation and/or repair of materials and as- joist.
semblies such as structural steel; fer- Bridging terminus point means a wall,
rous metals and alloys; non-ferrous a beam, tandem joists (with all bridg-
metals and alloys; glass; plastics and ing installed and a horizontal truss in
synthetic composite materials; struc- the plane of the top chord) or other ele-
tural metal framing and related brac- ment at an end or intermediate
ing and assemblies; anchoring devices; point(s) of a line of bridging that pro-
structural cabling; cable stays; perma- vides an anchor point for the steel joist
nent and temporary bents and towers; bridging.
falsework for temporary supports of Choker means a wire rope or syn-
permanent steel members; stone and thetic fiber rigging assembly that is
other non-precast concrete architec- used to attach a load to a hoisting de-
tural materials mounted on steel vice.
frames; safety systems for steel erec- Cold forming means the process of
tion; steel and metal joists; metal using press brakes, rolls, or other
decking and raceway systems and ac- methods to shape steel into desired
cessories; metal roofing and acces- cross sections at room temperature.
sories; metal siding; bridge flooring; Column means a load-carrying
cold formed steel framing; elevator
vertical member that is part of the pri-
beams; grillage; shelf racks; multi-pur-
mary skeletal framing system. Col-
pose supports; crane rails and acces-
umns do not include posts.
sories; miscellaneous, architectural
and ornamental metals and metal Competent person (also defined in
work; ladders; railings; handrails; § 1926.32) means one who is capable of
fences and gates; gratings; trench cov- identifying existing and predictable
ers; floor plates; castings; sheet metal hazards in the surroundings or working
fabrications; metal panels and panel conditions which are unsanitary, haz-
wall systems; louvers; column covers; ardous, or dangerous to employees, and
enclosures and pockets; stairs; per- who has authorization to take prompt
forated metals; ornamental iron work, corrective measures to eliminate them.
expansion control including bridge ex- Connector means an employee who,
pansion joint assemblies; slide bear- working with hoisting equipment, is
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§ 1926.751 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
Double connection seat means a struc- includes metal floor and roof decks,
tural attachment that, during the in- standing seam metal roofs, other metal
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.751
roof systems and other products such appears on the structural contract doc-
as bar gratings, checker plate, ex- uments.
panded metal panels, and similar prod- Purlin (in systems-engineered metal
ucts. After installation and proper fas- buildings) means a ‘‘Z’’ or ‘‘C’’ shaped
tening, these decking materials serve a member formed from sheet steel span-
combination of functions including, ning between primary framing and sup-
but not limited to: a structural ele- porting roof material.
ment designed in combination with the Qualified person (also defined in
structure to resist, distribute and § 1926.32) means one who, by possession
transfer loads, stiffen the structure and of a recognized degree, certificate, or
provide a diaphragm action; a walking/ professional standing, or who by exten-
working surface; a form for concrete sive knowledge, training, and experi-
slabs; a support for roofing systems; ence, has successfully demonstrated
and a finished floor or roof. the ability to solve or resolve problems
Multiple lift rigging means a rigging relating to the subject matter, the
assembly manufactured by wire rope work, or the project.
rigging suppliers that facilitates the Safety deck attachment means an ini-
attachment of up to five independent tial attachment that is used to secure
loads to the hoist rigging of a crane. an initially placed sheet of decking to
Opening means a gap or void 12 keep proper alignment and bearing
inches (30.5 cm) or more in its least di-
with structural support members.
mension in a floor, roof or other walk-
Shear connector means headed steel
ing/working surface. For the purposes
studs, steel bars, steel lugs, and similar
of this subpart, skylights and smoke
devices which are attached to a struc-
domes that do not meet the strength
tural member for the purpose of
requirements of § 1926.754(e)(3) shall be
achieving composite action with con-
regarded as openings.
Permanent floor means a structurally
completed floor at any level or ele- Steel erection means the construction,
vation (including slab on grade). alteration or repair of steel buildings,
Personal fall arrest system means a bridges and other structures, including
system used to arrest an employee in a the installation of metal decking and
fall from a working level. A personal all planking used during the process of
fall arrest system consists of an an- erection.
chorage, connectors, a body harness Steel joist means an open web, sec-
and may include a lanyard, decelera- ondary load-carrying member of 144
tion device, lifeline, or suitable com- feet (43.9 m) or less, designed by the
bination of these. The use of a body manufacturer, used for the support of
belt for fall arrest is prohibited. floors and roofs. This does not include
Positioning device system means a body structural steel trusses or cold-formed
belt or body harness rigged to allow an joists.
employee to be supported on an ele- Steel joist girder means an open web,
vated, vertical surface, such as a wall primary load-carrying member, de-
or column and work with both hands signed by the manufacturer, used for
free while leaning. the support of floors and roofs. This
Post means a structural member with does not include structural steel truss-
a longitudinal axis that is essentially es.
vertical, that: (1) weighs 300 pounds or Steel truss means an open web mem-
less and is axially loaded (a load press- ber designed of structural steel compo-
es down on the top end), or (2) is not nents by the project structural engi-
axially loaded, but is laterally re- neer of record. For the purposes of this
strained by the above member. Posts subpart, a steel truss is considered
typically support stair landings, wall equivalent to a solid web structural
framing, mezzanines and other sub- member.
structures. Structural steel means a steel member,
Project structural engineer of record or a member made of a substitute ma-
means the registered, licensed profes- terial (such as, but not limited to, fi-
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§ 1926.752 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
not limited to, steel joists, joist gird- priate ASTM standard test method of
ers, purlins, columns, beams, trusses, field-cured samples, either 75 percent
splices, seats, metal decking, girts, and of the intended minimum compressive
all bridging, and cold formed metal design strength or sufficient strength
framing which is integrated with the to support the loads imposed during
structural steel framing of a building. steel erection.
Systems-engineered metal building (c) Site layout. The controlling con-
means a metal, field-assembled build- tractor shall ensure that the following
ing system consisting of framing, roof is provided and maintained:
and wall coverings. Typically, many of (1) Adequate access roads into and
these components are cold-formed through the site for the safe delivery
shapes. These individual parts are fab- and movement of derricks, cranes,
ricated in one or more manufacturing trucks, other necessary equipment, and
facilities and shipped to the job site for the material to be erected and means
assembly into the final structure. The and methods for pedestrian and vehic-
engineering design of the system is ular control. Exception: this require-
normally the responsibility of the sys- ment does not apply to roads outside of
tems-engineered metal building manu- the construction site.
facturer. (2) A firm, properly graded, drained
Tank means a container for holding area, readily accessible to the work
gases, liquids or solids. with adequate space for the safe stor-
Unprotected sides and edges means any age of materials and the safe operation
side or edge (except at entrances to of the erector’s equipment.
points of access) of a walking/working (d) Pre-planning of overhead hoisting
surface, for example a, floor, roof, ramp operations. All hoisting operations in
or runway, where there is no wall or steel erection shall be pre-planned to
guardrail system at least 39 inches (1.0 ensure that the requirements of
m) high. § 1926.753(d) are met.
§ 1926.752 Site layout, site-specific (e) Site-specific erection plan. Where
erection plan and construction se- employers elect, due to conditions spe-
quence. cific to the site, to develop alternate
means and methods that provide em-
(a) Approval to begin steel erection. Be-
ployee protection in accordance with
fore authorizing the commencement of
§ 1926.753(c)(5), § 1926.757(a)(4) or
steel erection, the controlling con-
§ 1926.757(e)(4), a site-specific erection
tractor shall ensure that the steel erec-
plan shall be developed by a qualified
tor is provided with the following writ-
person and be available at the work
ten notifications:
site. Guidelines for establishing a site-
(1) The concrete in the footings, piers
specific erection plan are contained in
and walls and the mortar in the ma-
appendix A to this subpart.
sonry piers and walls has attained, on
the basis of an appropriate ASTM § 1926.753 Hoisting and rigging.
standard test method of field-cured
samples, either 75 percent of the in- (a) All the provisions of subpart CC
tended minimum compressive design apply to hoisting and rigging with the
strength or sufficient strength to sup- exception of § 1926.1431(a).
port the loads imposed during steel (b) In addition, paragraphs (c)
erection. through (e) of this section apply re-
(2) Any repairs, replacements and garding the hazards associated with
modifications to the anchor bolts were hoisting and rigging.
conducted in accordance with (c) General. (1) Pre-shift visual in-
§ 1926.755(b). spection of cranes.
(b) Commencement of steel erection. A (i) Cranes being used in steel erection
steel erection contractor shall not activities shall be visually inspected
erect steel unless it has received writ- prior to each shift by a competent per-
ten notification that the concrete in son; the inspection shall include obser-
the footings, piers and walls or the vation for deficiencies during oper-
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mortar in the masonry piers and walls ation. At a minimum this inspection
has attained, on the basis of an appro- shall include the following:
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.753
(A) All control mechanisms for mal- sonnel except as provided in paragraph
adjustments; (c)(4) of this section.
(B) Control and drive mechanism for (4) Cranes or derricks may be used to
excessive wear of components and con- hoist employees on a personnel plat-
tamination by lubricants, water or form when work under this subpart is
other foreign matter; being conducted, provided that all pro-
(C) Safety devices, including but not visions of § 1926.1431 (except for
limited to boom angle indicators, boom § 1926.1431(a)) are met.
stops, boom kick out devices, anti-two (5) Safety latches on hooks shall not
block devices, and load moment indica- be deactivated or made inoperable ex-
tors where required; cept:
(D) Air, hydraulic, and other pressur- (i) When a qualified rigger has deter-
ized lines for deterioration or leakage, mined that the hoisting and placing of
particularly those which flex in normal purlins and single joists can be per-
operation; formed more safely by doing so; or
(E) Hooks and latches for deforma- (ii) When equivalent protection is
tion, chemical damage, cracks, or provided in a site-specific erection
wear; plan.
(F) Wire rope reeving for compliance (d) Working under loads. (1) Routes for
with hoisting equipment manufactur- suspended loads shall be pre-planned to
er’s specifications; ensure that no employee is required to
(G) Electrical apparatus for malfunc- work directly below a suspended load
tioning, signs of excessive deteriora- except for:
tion, dirt, or moisture accumulation; (i) Employees engaged in the initial
(H) Hydraulic system for proper fluid connection of the steel; or
level; (ii) Employees necessary for the
(I) Tires for proper inflation and con- hooking or unhooking of the load.
dition; (2) When working under suspended
(J) Ground conditions around the loads, the following criteria shall be
hoisting equipment for proper support, met:
including ground settling under and
(i) Materials being hoisted shall be
around outriggers, ground water accu-
rigged to prevent unintentional dis-
mulation, or similar conditions;
(K) The hoisting equipment for level
(ii) Hooks with self-closing safety
position; and
latches or their equivalent shall be
(L) The hoisting equipment for level
used to prevent components from slip-
position after each move and setup.
ping out of the hook; and
(ii) If any deficiency is identified, an
immediate determination shall be (iii) All loads shall be rigged by a
made by the competent person as to qualified rigger
whether the deficiency constitutes a (e) Multiple lift rigging procedure. (1) A
hazard. multiple lift shall only be performed if
(iii) If the deficiency is determined to the following criteria are met:
constitute a hazard, the hoisting equip- (i) A multiple lift rigging assembly is
ment shall be removed from service used;
until the deficiency has been corrected. (ii) A maximum of five members are
(iv) The operator shall be responsible hoisted per lift;
for those operations under the opera- (iii) Only beams and similar struc-
tor’s direct control. Whenever there is tural members are lifted; and
any doubt as to safety, the operator (iv) All employees engaged in the
shall have the authority to stop and multiple lift have been trained in these
refuse to handle loads until safety has procedures in accordance with
been assured. § 1926.761(c)(1).
(2) A qualified rigger (a rigger who is (v) No crane is permitted to be used
also a qualified person) shall inspect for a multiple lift where such use is
the rigging prior to each shift in ac- contrary to the manufacturer’s speci-
cordance with § 1926.251. fications and limitations.
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(3) The headache ball, hook or load (2) Components of the multiple lift
shall not be used to transport per- rigging assembly shall be specifically
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§ 1926.754 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
designed and assembled with a max- (1) The permanent floors shall be in-
imum capacity for total assembly and stalled as the erection of structural
for each individual attachment point. members progresses, and there shall be
This capacity, certified by the manu- not more than eight stories between
facturer or a qualified rigger, shall be the erection floor and the upper-most
based on the manufacturer’s specifica- permanent floor, except where the
tions with a 5 to 1 safety factor for all structural integrity is maintained as a
components. result of the design.
(3) The total load shall not exceed: (2) At no time shall there be more
(i) The rated capacity of the hoisting than four floors or 48 feet (14.6 m),
equipment specified in the hoisting whichever is less, of unfinished bolting
equipment load charts; or welding above the foundation or up-
(ii) The rigging capacity specified in permost permanently secured floor, ex-
the rigging rating chart. cept where the structural integrity is
(4) The multiple lift rigging assembly maintained as a result of the design.
shall be rigged with members: (3) A fully planked or decked floor or
(i) Attached at their center of grav- nets shall be maintained within two
ity and maintained reasonably level; stories or 30 feet (9.1 m), whichever is
(ii) Rigged from top down; and less, directly under any erection work
(iii) Rigged at least 7 feet (2.1 m) being performed.
apart. (c) Walking/working surfaces—shear
(5) The members on the multiple lift connectors and other similar devices—(1)
rigging assembly shall be set from the Tripping hazards. Shear connectors
bottom up. (such as headed steel studs, steel bars
(6) Controlled load lowering shall be or steel lugs), reinforcing bars, de-
used whenever the load is over the con- formed anchors or threaded studs shall
nectors. not be attached to the top flanges of
[66 FR 5265, Jan. 18, 2001, as amended at 75 beams, joists or beam attachments so
FR 48134, Aug. 9, 2010] that they project vertically from or
horizontally across the top flange of
§ 1926.754 Structural steel assembly. the member until after the metal deck-
(a) Structural stability shall be ing, or other walking/working surface,
maintained at all times during the has been installed.
erection process. (2) Installation of shear connectors on
composite floors, roofs and bridge decks.
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (a): Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA) regulations incor- When shear connectors are used in con-
porate by reference a number of standards, struction of composite floors, roofs and
policies, and standard specifications pub- bridge decks, employees shall lay out
lished by the American Association of State and install the shear connectors after
Highway and Transportation Officials the metal decking has been installed,
(AASHTO) and other organizations. (See 23 using the metal decking as a working
CFR 625.4). Many of these incorporated pro-
visions may be relevant to maintaining
platform. Shear connectors shall not be
structural stability during the erection proc- installed from within a controlled
ess. For instance, as of May 17, 2010, in many decking zone (CDZ), as specified in
cases FHWA requires a Registered Engineer § 1926.760(c)(7).
to prepare and seal working drawings for (d) Plumbing-up. (1) When deemed
falsework used in highway bridge construc- necessary by a competent person,
tion. (See AASHTO Specifications for High-
way Bridges, Div. II, § 3.2.1, 15th edition, 1992,
plumbing-up equipment shall be in-
which FHWA incorporates by reference in 23 stalled in conjunction with the steel
CFR 625.4). FHWA also encourages compli- erection process to ensure the stability
ance with AASHTO Specifications that the of the structure.
FHWA regulations do not currently incor- (2) When used, plumbing-up equip-
porate by reference. (See http:// ment shall be in place and properly in-
stalled before the structure is loaded
(b) The following additional require- with construction material such as
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.755
(ii) All covers shall be secured when the column in each direction at the top
installed to prevent accidental dis- of the column shaft.
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§ 1926.756 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(3) Columns shall be set on level fin- secure the first member and prevent
ished floors, pre-grouted leveling the column from being displaced (See
plates, leveling nuts, or shim packs appendix H to this subpart for exam-
which are adequate to transfer the con- ples of equivalent connection devices).
struction loads. (2) If a seat or equivalent device is
(4) All columns shall be evaluated by used, the seat (or device) shall be de-
a competent person to determine signed to support the load during the
whether guying or bracing is needed; if double connection process. It shall be
guying or bracing is needed, it shall be adequately bolted or welded to both a
installed. supporting member and the first mem-
(b) Repair, replacement or field modi- ber before the nuts on the shared bolts
fication of anchor rods (anchor bolts). (1) are removed to make the double con-
Anchor rods (anchor bolts) shall not be nection.
repaired, replaced or field-modified (d) Column splices. Each column splice
without the approval of the project shall be designed to resist a minimum
structural engineer of record. eccentric gravity load of 300 pounds
(2) Prior to the erection of a column, (136.2 kg) located 18 inches (.46 m) from
the controlling contractor shall pro- the extreme outer face of the column
vide written notification to the steel in each direction at the top of the col-
erector if there has been any repair, re- umn shaft.
placement or modification of the an- (e) Perimeter columns. Perimeter col-
chor rods (anchor bolts) of that col- umns shall not be erected unless:
umn. (1) The perimeter columns extend a
minimum of 48 inches (1.2 m) above the
§ 1926.756 Beams and columns. finished floor to permit installation of
(a) General. (1) During the final plac- perimeter safety cables prior to erec-
ing of solid web structural members, tion of the next tier, except where
the load shall not be released from the constructibility does not allow (see ap-
hoisting line until the members are se- pendix F to this subpart);
cured with at least two bolts per con- (2) The perimeter columns have holes
nection, of the same size and strength or other devices in or attached to pe-
as shown in the erection drawings, rimeter columns at 42–45 inches (107–114
drawn up wrench-tight or the equiva- cm) above the finished floor and the
lent as specified by the project struc- midpoint between the finished floor
tural engineer of record, except as and the top cable to permit installa-
specified in paragraph (b) of this sec- tion of perimeter safety cables required
tion. by § 1926.760(a)(2), except where
(2) A competent person shall deter- constructibility does not allow. (See
mine if more than two bolts are nec- appendix F to this subpart).
essary to ensure the stability of canti-
levered members; if additional bolts § 1926.757 Open web steel joists.
are needed, they shall be installed. (a) General. (1) Except as provided in
(b) Diagonal bracing. Solid web struc- paragraph (a)(2) of this section, where
tural members used as diagonal brac- steel joists are used and columns are
ing shall be secured by at least one bolt not framed in at least two directions
per connection drawn up wrench-tight with solid web structural steel mem-
or the equivalent as specified by the bers, a steel joist shall be field-bolted
project structural engineer of record. at the column to provide lateral sta-
(c)(1) Double connections at columns bility to the column during erection.
and/or at beam webs over a column. When For the installation of this joist:
two structural members on opposite (i) A vertical stabilizer plate shall be
sides of a column web, or a beam web provided on each column for steel
over a column, are connected sharing joists. The plate shall be a minimum of
common connection holes, at least one 6 inch by 6 inch (152 mm by 152 mm)
bolt with its wrench-tight nut shall re- and shall extend at least 3 inches (76
main connected to the first member mm) below the bottom chord of the
unless a shop-attached or field-at- joist with a 13⁄16 inch (21 mm) hole to
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.757
(ii) The bottom chords of steel joists (ii) These connections shall be field-
at columns shall be stabilized to pre- bolted unless constructibility does not
vent rotation during erection. allow.
(iii) Hoisting cables shall not be re- (9) Steel joists and steel joist girders
leased until the seat at each end of the shall not be used as anchorage points
steel joist is field-bolted, and each end for a fall arrest system unless written
of the bottom chord is restrained by approval to do so is obtained from a
the column stabilizer plate. qualified person.
(2) Where constructibility does not (10) A bridging terminus point shall
allow a steel joist to be installed at the
be established before bridging is in-
stalled. (See appendix C to this sub-
(i) an alternate means of stabilizing
joists shall be installed on both sides part.)
near the column and shall: (b) Attachment of steel joists and steel
(A) provide stability equivalent to joist girders. (1) Each end of ‘‘K’’ series
paragraph (a)(1) of this section; steel joists shall be attached to the
(B) be designed by a qualified person; support structure with a minimum of
(C) be shop installed; and two 1⁄8-inch (3 mm) fillet welds 1 inch
(D) be included in the erection draw- (25 mm) long or with two 1⁄2-inch (13
ings. mm) bolts, or the equivalent.
(ii) hoisting cables shall not be re- (2) Each end of ‘‘LH’’ and ‘‘DLH’’ se-
leased until the seat at each end of the ries steel joists and steel joist girders
steel joist is field-bolted and the joist shall be attached to the support struc-
is stabilized. ture with a minimum of two 1⁄4-inch (6
(3) Where steel joists at or near col- mm) fillet welds 2 inches (51 mm) long,
umns span 60 feet (18.3 m) or less, the or with two 3⁄4-inch (19 mm) bolts, or
joist shall be designed with sufficient the equivalent.
strength to allow one employee to re- (3) Except as provided in paragraph
lease the hoisting cable without the (b)(4) of this section, each steel joist
need for erection bridging.
shall be attached to the support struc-
(4) Where steel joists at or near col-
ture, at least at one end on both sides
umns span more than 60 feet (18.3 m),
of the seat, immediately upon place-
the joists shall be set in tandem with
all bridging installed unless an alter- ment in the final erection position and
native method of erection, which pro- before additional joists are placed.
vides equivalent stability to the steel (4) Panels that have been pre-assem-
joist, is designed by a qualified person bled from steel joists with bridging
and is included in the site-specific erec- shall be attached to the structure at
tion plan. each corner before the hoisting cables
(5) A steel joist or steel joist girder are released.
shall not be placed on any support (c) Erection of steel joists. (1) Both
structure unless such structure is sta- sides of the seat of one end of each
bilized. steel joist that requires bridging under
(6) When steel joist(s) are landed on a Tables A and B shall be attached to the
structure, they shall be secured to pre- support structure before hoisting ca-
vent unintentional displacement prior bles are released.
to installation. (2) For joists over 60 feet, both ends
(7) No modification that affects the of the joist shall be attached as speci-
strength of a steel joist or steel joist fied in paragraph (b) of this section and
girder shall be made without the ap-
the provisions of paragraph (d) of this
proval of the project structural engi-
section met before the hoisting cables
neer of record.
are released.
(8) Field-bolted joists. (i) Except for
steel joists that have been pre-assem- (3) On steel joists that do not require
bled into panels, connections of indi- erection bridging under Tables A and
vidual steel joists to steel structures in B, only one employee shall be allowed
bays of 40 feet (12.2 m) or more shall be on the joist until all bridging is in-
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§ 1926.757 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
Joist Span Joist Span
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.757
TABLE B—ERECTION BRIDGING FOR LONG SPAN (iii) Hoisting cables shall not be re-
JOISTS—Continued leased until this bolted diagonal erec-
tion bridging is installed and anchored;
Joist Span
28LH09 .................................. NM. (iv) No more than two employees
28LH10 .................................. NM. shall be allowed on these spans until
28LH11 .................................. NM.
28LH12 .................................. NM.
all other bridging is installed and an-
28LH13 .................................. NM. chored.
32LH06 .................................. 47–0 through 60–0. (3) Where the span of the steel joist is
32LH07 .................................. 47–0 through 60–0.
32LH08 .................................. 55–0 through 60–0.
over 100 feet (30.5 m) through 144 feet
32LH09 .................................. NM through 60–0. (43.9 m), the following shall apply:
32LH10 .................................. NM through 60–0. (i) All rows of bridging shall be
32LH11 .................................. NM through 60–0. bolted diagonal bridging;
32LH12 .................................. NM through 60–0.
32LH13 .................................. NM through 60–0. (ii) Hoisting cables shall not be re-
32LH14 .................................. NM through 60–0. leased until all bridging is installed
32LH15 .................................. NM through 60–0. and anchored; and
36LH07 .................................. 47–0 through 60–0.
36LH08 .................................. 47–0 through 60–0. (iii) No more than two employees
36LH09 .................................. 57–0 through 60–0. shall be allowed on these spans until
36LH10 .................................. NM through 60–0. all bridging is installed and anchored.
36LH11 .................................. NM through 60–0.
36LH12 .................................. NM through 60–0.
(4) For steel members spanning over
36LH13 .................................. NM through 60–0. 144 feet (43.9 m), the erection methods
36LH14 .................................. NM through 60–0. used shall be in accordance with
36LH15 .................................. NM through 60–0. § 1926.756.
NM = diagonal bolted bridging not mandatory. (5) Where any steel joist specified in
(4) Employees shall not be allowed on paragraphs (c)(2) and (d)(1), (d)(2), and
steel joists where the span of the steel (d)(3) of this section is a bottom chord
joist is equal to or greater than the bearing joist, a row of bolted diagonal
span shown in Tables A and B except in bridging shall be provided near the sup-
accordance with § 1926.757(d). port(s). This bridging shall be installed
(5) When permanent bridging ter- and anchored before the hoisting
minus points cannot be used during cable(s) is released.
erection, additional temporary bridg- (6) When bolted diagonal erection
ing terminus points are required to bridging is required by this section, the
provide stability. (See appendix C of following shall apply:
this subpart.) (i) The bridging shall be indicated on
(d) Erection bridging. (1) Where the the erection drawing;
span of the steel joist is equal to or (ii) The erection drawing shall be the
greater than the span shown in Tables exclusive indicator of the proper place-
A and B, the following shall apply: ment of this bridging;
(i) A row of bolted diagonal erection (iii) Shop-installed bridging clips, or
bridging shall be installed near the functional equivalents, shall be used
midspan of the steel joist; where the bridging bolts to the steel
(ii) Hoisting cables shall not be re- joists;
leased until this bolted diagonal erec- (iv) When two pieces of bridging are
tion bridging is installed and anchored; attached to the steel joist by a com-
and mon bolt, the nut that secures the first
(iii) No more than one employee shall piece of bridging shall not be removed
be allowed on these spans until all from the bolt for the attachment of the
other bridging is installed and an- second; and
chored. (v) Bridging attachments shall not
(2) Where the span of the steel joist is protrude above the top chord of the
over 60 feet (18.3 m) through 100 feet steel joist.
(30.5 m), the following shall apply: (e) Landing and placing loads. (1) Dur-
(i) All rows of bridging shall be ing the construction period, the em-
bolted diagonal bridging; ployer placing a load on steel joists
(ii) Two rows of bolted diagonal erec- shall ensure that the load is distrib-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
tion bridging shall be installed near uted so as not to exceed the carrying
the third points of the steel joist; capacity of any steel joist.
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§ 1926.758 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(2) Except for paragraph (e)(4) of this (d) Construction loads shall not be
section, no construction loads are al- placed on any structural steel frame-
lowed on the steel joists until all bridg- work unless such framework is safely
ing is installed and anchored and all bolted, welded or otherwise adequately
joist-bearing ends are attached. secured.
(3) The weight of a bundle of joist (e) In girt and eave strut-to-frame
bridging shall not exceed a total of connections, when girts or eave struts
1,000 pounds (454 kg). A bundle of joist share common connection holes, at
bridging shall be placed on a minimum least one bolt with its wrench-tight
of three steel joists that are secured at nut shall remain connected to the first
one end. The edge of the bridging bun- member unless a manufacturer-sup-
dle shall be positioned within 1 foot (.30 plied, field-attached seat or similar
m) of the secured end. connection device is present to secure
(4) No bundle of decking may be the first member so that the girt or
placed on steel joists until all bridging eave strut is always secured against
has been installed and anchored and all displacement.
joist bearing ends attached, unless all (f) Both ends of all steel joists or
of the following conditions are met: cold-formed joists shall be fully bolted
(i) The employer has first determined and/or welded to the support structure
from a qualified person and docu- before:
mented in a site-specific erection plan (1) Releasing the hoisting cables;
that the structure or portion of the (2) Allowing an employee on the
structure is capable of supporting the joists; or
load; (3) Allowing any construction loads
(ii) The bundle of decking is placed on the joists.
on a minimum of three steel joists; (g) Purlins and girts shall not be used
(iii) The joists supporting the bundle as an anchorage point for a fall arrest
of decking are attached at both ends; system unless written approval is ob-
(iv) At least one row of bridging is in- tained from a qualified person.
stalled and anchored; (h) Purlins may only be used as a
(v) The total weight of the bundle of walking/working surface when install-
decking does not exceed 4,000 pounds ing safety systems, after all permanent
(1816 kg); and bridging has been installed and fall
(vi) Placement of the bundle of deck- protection is provided.
ing shall be in accordance with para- (i) Construction loads may be placed
graph (e)(5) of this section. only within a zone that is within 8 feet
(5) The edge of the construction load (2.5 m) of the center-line of the primary
shall be placed within 1 foot (.30 m) of support member.
the bearing surface of the joist end.
§ 1926.759 Falling object protection.
[66 FR 5265, Jan. 18, 2001, as amended at 85
FR 8745, Feb. 18, 2020] (a) Securing loose items aloft. All mate-
rials, equipment, and tools, which are
§ 1926.758 Systems-engineered metal not in use while aloft, shall be secured
buildings. against accidental displacement.
(a) All of the requirements of this (b) Protection from falling objects other
subpart apply to the erection of sys- than materials being hoisted. The con-
tems-engineered metal buildings ex- trolling contractor shall bar other con-
cept §§ 1926.755 (column anchorage) and struction processes below steel erec-
1926.757 (open web steel joists). tion unless overhead protection for the
(b) Each structural column shall be employees below is provided.
anchored by a minimum of four anchor
rods (anchor bolts). § 1926.760 Fall protection.
(c) Rigid frames shall have 50 percent (a) General requirements. (1) Except as
of their bolts or the number of bolts provided by paragraph (a)(3) of this sec-
specified by the manufacturer (which- tion, each employee engaged in a steel
ever is greater) installed and tightened erection activity who is on a walking/
on both sides of the web adjacent to working surface with an unprotected
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
each flange before the hoisting equip- side or edge more than 15 feet (4.6 m)
ment is released. above a lower level shall be protected
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.761
from fall hazards by guardrail systems, (4) Each employee working in a CDZ
safety net systems, personal fall arrest shall have completed CDZ training in
systems, positioning device systems or accordance with § 1926.761.
fall restraint systems. (5) Unsecured decking in a CDZ shall
(2) Perimeter safety cables. On multi- not exceed 3,000 square feet (914.4 m2).
story structures, perimeter safety ca- (6) Safety deck attachments shall be
bles shall be installed at the final inte- performed in the CDZ from the leading
rior and exterior perimeters of the edge back to the control line and shall
floors as soon as the metal decking has have at least two attachments for each
been installed. metal decking panel.
(3) Connectors and employees work- (7) Final deck attachments and in-
ing in controlled decking zones shall be stallation of shear connectors shall not
protected from fall hazards as provided be performed in the CDZ.
in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this sec- (d) Criteria for fall protection equip-
tion, respectively. ment. (1) Guardrail systems, safety net
(b) Connectors. Each connector shall: systems, personal fall arrest systems,
(1) Be protected in accordance with positioning device systems and their
components shall conform to the cri-
paragraph (a)(1) of this section from
teria in § 1926.502 (see appendix G to
fall hazards of more than two stories or
this subpart).
30 feet (9.1 m) above a lower level,
whichever is less; (2) Fall arrest system components
shall be used in fall restraint systems
(2) Have completed connector train-
and shall conform to the criteria in
ing in accordance with § 1926.761; and
§ 1926.502 (see appendix G). Either body
(3) Be provided, at heights over 15 belts or body harnesses shall be used in
and up to 30 feet above a lower level, fall restraint systems.
with a personal fall arrest system, po- (3) Perimeter safety cables shall
sitioning device system or fall re- meet the criteria for guardrail systems
straint system and wear the equipment in § 1926.502 (see appendix G).
necessary to be able to be tied off; or be (e) Custody of fall protection. Fall pro-
provided with other means of protec- tection provided by the steel erector
tion from fall hazards in accordance shall remain in the area where steel
with paragraph (a)(1) of this section. erection activity has been completed,
(c) Controlled Decking Zone (CDZ). A to be used by other trades, only if the
controlled decking zone may be estab- controlling contractor or its author-
lished in that area of the structure ized representative:
over 15 and up to 30 feet above a lower (1) Has directed the steel erector to
level where metal decking is initially leave the fall protection in place; and
being installed and forms the leading (2) Has inspected and accepted con-
edge of a work area. In each CDZ, the trol and responsibility of the fall pro-
following shall apply: tection prior to authorizing persons
(1) Each employee working at the other than steel erectors to work in
leading edge in a CDZ shall be pro- the area.
tected from fall hazards of more than
two stories or 30 feet (9.1 m), whichever § 1926.761 Training.
is less. The following provisions supplement
(2) Access to a CDZ shall be limited the requirements of § 1926.21 regarding
to only those employees engaged in the hazards addressed in this subpart.
leading edge work. (a) Training personnel. Training re-
(3) The boundaries of a CDZ shall be quired by this section shall be provided
designated and clearly marked. The by a qualified person(s).
CDZ shall not be more than 90 feet (27.4 (b) Fall hazard training. The employer
m) wide and 90 (27.4 m) feet deep from shall train each employee exposed to a
any leading edge. The CDZ shall be fall hazard in accordance with the re-
marked by the use of control lines or quirements of this section. The em-
the equivalent. Examples of acceptable ployer shall institute a training pro-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
procedures for demarcating CDZ’s can gram and ensure employee participa-
be found in appendix D to this subpart. tion in the program. The program shall
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Pt. 1926, Subpt. R, App. A 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
§ 1926.760.
(ii) The establishment, access, proper (5) A description of the procedures that
installation techniques and work prac- will be used to comply with § 1926.759.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. R, App. A
(6) A description of the special procedures (d) Other plan information. The plan:
required for hazardous non-routine tasks. (1) Includes the identification of the site
(7) A certification for each employee who and project; and
has received training for performing steel (2) Is signed and dated by the qualified per-
erection operations as required by § 1926.761. son(s) responsible for its preparation and
(8) A list of the qualified and competent
(9) A description of the procedures that
will be utilized in the event of rescue or
emergency response. [RESERVED]
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Pt. 1926, Subpt. R, App. C 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. R, App. G
and are approximately parallel to the unpro- NOTE: When employees are using stilts, the
tected or leading edge. top edge height of the top rail, or equivalent
(iii) Control lines are connected on each member, shall be increased an amount equal
side to a guardrail system, wall, stanchion or to the height of the stilts.
other suitable anchorage. (2) Midrails, screens, mesh, intermediate
(2) Control lines consist of ropes, wires, vertical members, or equivalent inter-
tapes, or equivalent materials, and sup- mediate structural members shall be in-
porting stanchions as follows: stalled between the top edge of the guardrail
(i) Each line is rigged and supported in system and the walking/working surface
such a way that its lowest point (including when there is no wall or parapet wall at least
sag) is not less than 39 inches (1.0 m) from 21 inches (53 cm) high.
the walking/working surface and its highest
(i) Midrails, when used, shall be installed
point is not more than 45 inches (1.3 m) from
at a height midway between the top edge of
the walking/working surface.
the guardrail system and the walking/work-
(ii) Each line has a minimum breaking
ing level.
strength of 200 pounds (90.8 kg).
(ii) Screens and mesh, when used, shall ex-
tend from the top rail to the walking/work-
ing level and along the entire opening be-
1926—TRAINING: NON-MANDATORY tween top rail supports.
GUIDELINES FOR COMPLYING WITH (iii) Intermediate members (such as balus-
§ 1926.761 ters), when used between posts, shall be not
more than 19 inches (48 cm) apart.
The training requirements of § 1926.761 will
(iv) Other structural members (such as ad-
be deemed to have been met if employees
ditional midrails and architectural panels)
have completed a training course on steel
shall be installed such that there are no
erection, including instruction in the provi-
openings in the guardrail system that are
sions of this standard, that has been ap-
more than 19 inches (.5 m) wide.
proved by the U.S. Department of Labor Bu-
(3) Guardrail systems shall be capable of
reau of Apprenticeship.
withstanding, without failure, a force of at
least 200 pounds (890 N) applied within 2
APPENDIX F TO SUBPART R OF PART inches (5.1 cm) of the top edge, in any out-
1926—PERIMETER COLUMNS: NON- ward or downward direction, at any point
PLYING WITH § 1926.756(e) TO PRO- (4) When the 200 pound (890 N) test load
TECT THE UNPROTECTED SIDE OR specified in paragraph (b)(3) of this section
EDGE OF A WALKING/WORKING SUR- (§ 1926.502) is applied in a downward direc-
FACE tion, the top edge of the guardrail shall not
deflect to a height less than 39 inches (1.0 m)
In multi-story structures, when holes in above the walking/working level. Guardrail
the column web are used for perimeter safety system components selected and constructed
cables, the column splice must be placed suf- in accordance with the appendix B to subpart
ficiently high so as not to interfere with any M of this part will be deemed to meet this re-
attachments to the column necessary for the quirement.
column splice. Column splices are rec- (5) Midrails, screens, mesh, intermediate
ommended to be placed at every other or vertical members, solid panels, and equiva-
fourth levels as design allows. Column lent structural members shall be capable of
splices at third levels are detrimental to the withstanding, without failure, a force of at
erection process and should be avoided if pos- least 150 pounds (666 N) applied in any down-
sible. ward or outward direction at any point along
the midrail or other member.
APPENDIX G TO SUBPART R OF PART (6) Guardrail systems shall be so surfaced
1926—§ 1926.502 (b)–(e) FALL PROTEC- as to prevent injury to an employee from
TION SYSTEMS CRITERIA AND PRAC- punctures or lacerations, and to prevent
TICES snagging of clothing.
(7) The ends of all top rails and midrails
(b) ‘‘Guardrail systems.’’ Guardrail sys- shall not overhang the terminal posts, ex-
tems and their use shall comply with the fol- cept where such overhang does not con-
lowing provisions: stitute a projection hazard.
(1) Top edge height of top rails, or equiva- (8) Steel banding and plastic banding shall
lent guardrail system members, shall be 42 not be used as top rails or midrails.
inches (1.1 m) plus or minus 3 inches (8 cm) (9) Top rails and midrails shall be at least
above the walking/working level. When con- one-quarter inch (0.6 cm) nominal diameter
ditions warrant, the height of the top edge or thickness to prevent cuts and lacerations.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
may exceed the 45-inch height, provided the If wire rope is used for top rails, it shall be
guardrail system meets all other criteria of flagged at not more than 6-foot intervals
this paragraph (§ 1926.502(b)). with high-visibility material.
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Pt. 1926, Subpt. R, App. G 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(10) When guardrail systems are used at (i) Except as provided in paragraph
hoisting areas, a chain, gate or removable (c)(4)(ii) of this section (§ 1926.502), safety
guardrail section shall be placed across the nets and safety net installations shall be
access opening between guardrail sections drop-tested at the jobsite after initial instal-
when hoisting operations are not taking lation and before being used as a fall protec-
place. tion system, whenever relocated, after major
(11) When guardrail systems are used at repair, and at 6-month intervals if left in one
holes, they shall be erected on all unpro- place. The drop-test shall consist of a 400
tected sides or edges of the hole. pound (180 kg) bag of sand 30 + or ¥2 inches
(12) When guardrail systems are used (76 + or ¥5 cm) in diameter dropped into the
around holes used for the passage of mate- net from the highest walking/working sur-
rials, the hole shall have not more than two face at which employees are exposed to fall
sides provided with removable guardrail sec- hazards, but not from less than 42 inches (1.1
tions to allow the passage of materials. m) above that level.
When the hole is not in use, it shall be closed (ii) When the employer can demonstrate
over with a cover, or a guardrail system that it is unreasonable to perform the drop-
shall be provided along all unprotected sides test required by paragraph (c)(4)(i) of this
or edges. section (§ 1926.502), the employer (or a des-
(13) When guardrail systems are used ignated competent person) shall certify that
around holes which are used as points of ac- the net and net installation is in compliance
cess (such as ladderways), they shall be pro- with the provisions of paragraphs (c)(3) and
vided with a gate, or be so offset that a per- (c)(4)(i) of this section (§ 1926.502) by pre-
son cannot walk directly into the hole. paring a certification record prior to the net
(14) Guardrail systems used on ramps and being used as a fall protection system. The
runways shall be erected along each unpro- certification record must include an identi-
tected side or edge. fication of the net and net installation for
(15) Manila, plastic or synthetic rope being which the certification record is being pre-
used for top rails or midrails shall be in- pared; the date that it was determined that
spected as frequently as necessary to ensure the identified net and net installation were
that it continues to meet the strength re- in compliance with paragraph (c)(3) of this
quirements of paragraph (b)(3) of this section section (§ 1926.502) and the signature of the
(§ 1926.502). person making the determination and cer-
(c) Safety net systems. Safety net systems tification. The most recent certification
and their use shall comply with the fol- record for each net and net installation shall
lowing provisions: be available at the jobsite for inspection.
(1) Safety nets shall be installed as close as (5) Defective nets shall not be used. Safety
practicable under the walking/working sur- nets shall be inspected at least once a week
face on which employees are working, but in for wear, damage, and other deterioration.
no case more than 30 feet (9.1 m) below such Defective components shall be removed from
level. When nets are used on bridges, the po- service. Safety nets shall also be inspected
tential fall area from the walking/working after any occurrence which could affect the
surface to the net shall be unobstructed. integrity of the safety net system.
(2) Safety nets shall extend outward from (6) Materials, scrap pieces, equipment, and
the outermost projection of the work surface tools which have fallen into the safety net
as follows: shall be removed as soon as possible from the
net and at least before the next work shift.
Minimum required horizontal (7) The maximum size of each safety net
Vertical distance from working
level to horizontal plane of distance of outer edge of net mesh opening shall not exceed 36 square
from the edge of the working inches (230 cm) nor be longer than 6 inches
net surface
(15 cm) on any side, and the opening, meas-
Up to 5 feet ............................ 8 feet ured center-to-center of mesh ropes or web-
More than 5 feet up to 10 10 feet bing, shall not be longer than 6 inches (15
feet. cm). All mesh crossings shall be secured to
More than 10 feet .................. 13 feet prevent enlargement of the mesh opening.
(8) Each safety net (or section of it) shall
(3) Safety nets shall be installed with suffi- have a border rope for webbing with a min-
cient clearance under them to prevent con- imum breaking strength of 5,000 pounds (22.2
tact with the surface or structures below kN).
when subjected to an impact force equal to (9) Connections between safety net panels
the drop test specified in paragraph (4) of shall be as strong as integral net components
this section [§ 1926.502]. and shall be spaced not more than 6 inches
(4) Safety nets and their installations shall (15 cm) apart.
be capable of absorbing an impact force (d) ‘‘Personal fall arrest systems.’’ Per-
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equal to that produced by the drop test spec- sonal fall arrest systems and their use shall
ified in paragraph (c)(4)(i) of this section comply with the provisions set forth below.
[§ 1926.502]. Effective January 1, 1998, body belts are not
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. R, App. G
acceptable as part of a personal fall arrest both employees are working atop a false car
system. that is equipped with guardrails; the
strength of the lifeline is 10,000 pounds [5,000
NOTE: The use of a body belt in a posi-
pounds per employee attached] (44.4 kN); and
tioning device system is acceptable and is
regulated under paragraph (e) of this section all other criteria specified in this paragraph
(§ 1926.502). for lifelines have been met.
(11) Lifelines shall be protected against
(1) Connectors shall be drop forged, pressed being cut or abraded.
or formed steel, or made of equivalent mate- (12) Self-retracting lifelines and lanyards
rials. which automatically limit free fall distance
(2) Connectors shall have a corrosion-re- to 2 feet (0.61 m) or less shall be capable of
sistant finish, and all surfaces and edges sustaining a minimum tensile load of 3,000
shall be smooth to prevent damage to inter- pounds (13.3 kN) applied to the device with
facing parts of the system. the lifeline or lanyard in the fully extended
(3) Dee-rings and snaphooks shall have a position.
minimum tensile strength of 5,000 pounds (13) Self-retracting lifelines and lanyards
(22.2 kN). which do not limit free fall distance to 2 feet
(4) Dee-rings and snaphooks shall be proof- (0.61 m) or less, ripstitch lanyards, and tear-
tested to a minimum tensile load of 3,600 ing and deforming lanyards shall be capable
pounds (16 kN) without cracking, breaking, of sustaining a minimum tensile load of 5,000
or taking permanent deformation. pounds (22.2 kN) applied to the device with
(5) Snaphooks shall be sized to be compat- the lifeline or lanyard in the fully extended
ible with the member to which they are con- position.
nected to prevent unintentional disengage- (14) Ropes and straps (webbing) used in lan-
ment of the snaphook by depression of the yards, lifelines, and strength components of
snaphook keeper by the connected member, body belts and body harnesses shall be made
or shall be a locking type snaphook designed from synthetic fibers.
and used to prevent disengagement of the (15) Anchorages used for attachment of
snaphook by the contact of the snaphook personal fall arrest equipment shall be inde-
keeper by the connected member. Effective pendent of any anchorage being used to sup-
January 1, 1998, only locking type snaphooks port or suspend platforms and capable of sup-
shall be used. porting at least 5,000 pounds (22.2 kN) per
(6) Unless the snaphook is a locking type employee attached, or shall be designed, in-
and designed for the following connections, stalled, and used as follows:
snaphooks shall not be engaged: (i) as part of a complete personal fall ar-
(i) directly to webbing, rope or wire rope; rest system which maintains a safety factor
(ii) to each other; of at least two; and
(iii) to a dee-ring to which another (ii) under the supervision of a qualified
snaphook or other connector is attached; person.
(iv) to a horizontal lifeline; or (16) Personal fall arrest systems, when
(v) to any object which is incompatibly stopping a fall, shall:
shaped or dimensioned in relation to the (i) limit maximum arresting force on an
snaphook such that unintentional disengage- employee to 900 pounds (4 kN) when used
ment could occur by the connected object with a body belt;
being able to depress the snaphook keeper (ii) limit maximum arresting force on an
and release itself. employee to 1,800 pounds (8 kN) when used
(7) On suspended scaffolds or similar work with a body harness;
platforms with horizontal lifelines which (iii) be rigged such that an employee can
may become vertical lifelines, the devices neither free fall more than 6 feet (1.8 m), nor
used to connect to a horizontal lifeline shall contact any lower level;
be capable of locking in both directions on (iv) bring an employee to a complete stop
the lifeline. and limit maximum deceleration distance an
(8) Horizontal lifelines shall be designed, employee travels to 3.5 feet (1.07 m); and,
installed, and used, under the supervision of (v) have sufficient strength to withstand
a qualified person, as part of a complete per- twice the potential impact energy of an em-
sonal fall arrest system, which maintains a ployee free falling a distance of 6 feet (1.8 m),
safety factor of at least two. or the free fall distance permitted by the
(9) Lanyards and vertical lifelines shall
system, whichever is less.
have a minimum breaking strength of 5,000
pounds (22.2 kN). NOTE: If the personal fall arrest system
(10)(i) Except as provided in paragraph meets the criteria and protocols contained in
(d)(10)(ii) of this section [§ 1926.502], when appendix C to subpart M, and if the system
vertical lifelines are used, each employee is being used by an employee having a com-
shall be attached to a separate lifeline. bined person and tool weight of less than 310
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(ii) During the construction of elevator pounds (140 kg), the system will be consid-
shafts, two employees may be attached to ered to be in compliance with the provisions
the same lifeline in the hoistway, provided of paragraph (d)(16) of this section [§ 1926.502].
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Pt. 1926, Subpt. R, App. H 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
If the system is used by an employee having (3) Connectors shall be drop forged, pressed
a combined tool and body weight of 310 or formed steel, or made of equivalent mate-
pounds (140 kg) or more, then the employer rials.
must appropriately modify the criteria and (4) Connectors shall have a corrosion-re-
protocols of the appendix to provide proper sistant finish, and all surfaces and edges
protection for such heavier weights, or the shall be smooth to prevent damage to inter-
system will not be deemed to be in compli- facing parts of this system.
ance with the requirements of paragraph (5) Connecting assemblies shall have a
(d)(16) of this section (§ 1926.502). minimum tensile strength of 5,000 pounds
(17) The attachment point of the body belt (22.2 kN)
shall be located in the center of the wearer’s (6) Dee-rings and snaphooks shall be proof-
back. The attachment point of the body har- tested to a minimum tensile load of 3,600
ness shall be located in the center of the pounds (16 kN) without cracking, breaking,
wearer’s back near shoulder level, or above or taking permanent deformation.
the wearer’s head. (7) Snaphooks shall be sized to be compat-
(18) Body belts, harnesses, and components ible with the member to which they are con-
shall be used only for employee protection nected to prevent unintentional disengage-
(as part of a personal fall arrest system or ment of the snaphook by depression of the
positioning device system) and not to hoist snaphook keeper by the connected member,
materials. or shall be a locking type snaphook designed
(19) Personal fall arrest systems and com- and used to prevent disengagement of the
ponents subjected to impact loading shall be snaphook by the contact of the snaphook
immediately removed from service and shall keeper by the connected member. As of Jan-
not be used again for employee protection uary 1, 1998, only locking type snaphooks
until inspected and determined by a com- shall be used.
petent person to be undamaged and suitable (8) Unless the snaphook is a locking type
for reuse. and designed for the following connections,
(20) The employer shall provide for prompt snaphooks shall not be engaged:
rescue of employees in the event of a fall or (i) directly to webbing, rope or wire rope;
shall assure that employees are able to res- (ii) to each other;
cue themselves. (iii) to a dee-ring to which another
(21) Personal fall arrest systems shall be snaphook or other connector is attached;
inspected prior to each use for wear, damage (iv) to a horizontal lifeline; or to depress
and other deterioration, and defective com- the snaphook keeper and release itself.
ponents shall be removed from service. (v) to any object which is incompatibly
(22) Body belts shall be at least one and shaped or dimensioned in relation to the
five-eighths (15⁄8) inches (4.1 cm) wide. snaphook such that unintentional disengage-
(23) Personal fall arrest systems shall not ment could occur by the connected object
be attached to guardrail systems, nor shall being able to depress the snaphook keeper
they be attached to hoists except as specified and release itself.
in other subparts of this Part. (9) Positioning device systems shall be in-
(24) When a personal fall arrest system is spected prior to each use for wear, damage,
used at hoist areas, it shall be rigged to and other deterioration, and defective com-
allow the movement of the employee only as ponents shall be removed from service.
far as the edge of the walking/working sur- (10) Body belts, harnesses, and components
face. shall be used only for employee protection
(e) Positioning device systems. Positioning (as part of a personal fall arrest system or
device systems and their use shall conform positioning device system) and not to hoist
to the following provisions: materials.
(1) Positioning devices shall be rigged such
that an employee cannot free fall more than APPENDIX H TO SUBPART R OF PART
2 feet (.9 m).
(2) Positioning devices shall be secured to
an anchorage capable of supporting at least TRATION OF A CLIPPED END CONNEC-
twice the potential impact load of an em- TION AND A STAGGERED CONNECTION:
ployee’s fall or 3,000 pounds (13.3 kN), which- NON-MANDATORY GUIDELINES FOR
ever is greater. COMPLYING WITH § 1926.756(c)(1)
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. R, App. H
Clipped end connections are connection member to remain in place. The notch(es)
material on the end of a structural member fits around the nut or bolt head of the oppos-
which has a notch at the bottom and/or top ing member to allow the second member to
to allow the bolt(s) of the first member be bolted up without removing the bolt(s)
placed on the opposite side of the central holding the first member.
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§ 1926.800 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
FR 31159), or 1–2012 (77 FR 3912), as applica- when the remaining construction ac-
ble. tivity will not cause any environ-
mental hazard or structural failure
§ 1926.800 Underground construction. within the facilities.
(a) Scope and application. (1) This sec- (d) Safety instruction. All employees
tion applies to the construction of un- shall be instructed in the recognition
derground tunnels, shafts, chambers, and avoidance of hazards associated
and passageways. This section also ap- with underground construction activi-
plies to cut-and-cover excavations ties including, where appropriate, the
which are both physically connected to following subjects:
ongoing underground construction op- (1) Air monitoring;
erations within the scope of this sec- (2) Ventilation;
tion, and covered in such a manner as (3) Illumination;
to create conditions characteristic of (4) Communications;
underground construction. (5) Flood control;
(2) This section does not apply to the (6) Mechanical equipment;
following: (7) Personal protective equipment;
(i) Excavation and trenching oper- (8) Explosives;
ations covered by subpart P of this (9) Fire prevention and protection;
part, such as foundation operations for and
above-ground structures that are not (10) Emergency procedures, including
physically connected to underground evacuation plans and check-in/check-
construction operations, and surface out systems.
excavation; nor (e) Notification. (1) Oncoming shifts
(ii) Underground electrical trans- shall be informed of any hazardous oc-
mission and distribution lines, as ad- currences or conditions that have af-
dressed in subpart V of this part. fected or might affect employee safety,
(b) Access and egress. (1) The employer including liberation of gas, equipment
shall provide and maintain safe means failures, earth or rock slides, cave-ins,
of access and egress to all work sta- floodings, fires or explosions.
tions. (2) The employer shall establish and
(2) The employer shall provide access maintain direct communications for
and egress in such a manner that em- coordination of activities with other
ployees are protected from being employers whose operations at the job-
struck by excavators, haulage ma- site affect or may affect the safety of
chines, trains and other mobile equip- employees underground.
ment. (f) Communications. (1) When natural
(3) The employer shall control access unassisted voice communication is in-
to all openings to prevent unauthorized effective, a power-assisted means of
entry underground. Unused chutes, voice communication shall be used to
manways, or other openings shall be provide communication between the
tightly covered, bulkheaded, or fenced work face, the bottom of the shaft, and
off, and shall be posted with warning the surface.
signs indicating ‘‘Keep Out’’ or similar (2) Two effective means of commu-
language. Completed or unused sec- nication, at least one of which shall be
tions of the underground facility shall voice communication, shall be provided
be barricaded. in all shafts which are being developed
(c) Check-in/check-out. The employer or used either for personnel access or
shall maintain a check-in/check-out for hoisting. Additional requirements
procedure that will ensure that above- for hoist operator communication are
ground personnel can determine an ac- contained in paragraph (t)(3)(xiv) of
curate count of the number of persons this section.
underground in the event of an emer- (3) Powered communication systems
gency. However, this procedure is not shall operate on an independent power
required when the construction of un- supply, and shall be installed so that
derground facilities designed for the use of or disruption of any one
human occupancy has been sufficiently phone or signal location will not dis-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
completed so that the permanent envi- rupt the operation of the system from
ronmental controls are effective, and any other location.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.800
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§ 1926.800 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
emanating from the strata that indi- (j) Air quality and monitoring—(1) Gen-
cates the presence of such gases; or eral. Air quality limits and control re-
(iii) The underground construction quirements for construction are found
operation is both connected to an un- in § 1926.55, except as modified by this
derground work area which is cur- section.
rently classified as gassy and is also (i)(A) The employer shall assign a
subject to a continuous course of air competent person who shall perform all
containing the flammable gas con- air monitoring required by this sec-
centration. tion.
(3) Declassification to potentially gassy (B) Where this paragraph requires
operations. Underground construction monitoring of airborne contaminants
gassy operations may be declassified to ‘‘as often as necessary,’’ the competent
Potentially Gassy when air monitoring person shall make a reasonable deter-
results remain under 10 percent of the mination as to which substances to
lower explosive limit for methane or monitor and how frequently to mon-
other flammable gases for three con- itor, considering at least the following
secutive days. factors:
(i) Gassy operations-additional require- (1) Location of jobsite: Proximity to
ments. (1) Only acceptable equipment, fuel tanks, sewers, gas lines, old land-
maintained in suitable condition, shall fills, coal deposits, and swamps;
be used in gassy operations.
(2) Geology: Geological studies of the
(2) Mobile diesel-powered equipment
jobsite, particularly involving the soil
used in gassy operations shall be either
type and its permeability;
approved in accordance with the re-
(3) History: Presence of air contami-
quirements of 30 CFR part 36 (formerly
nants in nearby jobsites, changes in
Schedule 31) by MSHA, or shall be dem-
levels of substances monitored on the
onstrated by the employer to be fully
prior shift; and
equivalent to such MSHA-approved
equipment, and shall be operated in ac- (4) Work practices and jobsite condi-
cordance with that part. tions: The use of diesel engines, use of
(3) Each entrance to a gassy oper- explosives, use of fuel gas, volume and
ation shall be prominently posted with flow of ventilation, visible atmospheric
signs notifying all entrants of the conditions, decompression of the at-
gassy classification. mosphere, welding, cutting and hot
(4) Smoking shall be prohibited in all work, and employees’ physical reac-
gassy operations and the employer tions to working underground.
shall be responsible for collecting all (ii)(A) The atmosphere in all under-
personal sources of ignition, such as ground work areas shall be tested as
matches and lighters, from all persons often as necessary to assure that the
entering a gassy operation. atmosphere at normal atmospheric
(5) A fire watch as described in pressure contains at least 19.5 percent
§ 1926.352(e) shall be maintained when oxygen and no more than 22 percent ox-
hot work is performed. ygen.
(6) Once an operation has met the cri- (B) Tests for oxygen content shall be
teria in paragraph (h)(2) warranting made before tests for air contaminants.
classification as gassy, all operations (iii)(A) The atmosphere in all under-
in the affected area, except the fol- ground work areas shall be tested
lowing, shall be discontinued until the quantitatively for carbon monoxide, ni-
operation either is in compliance with trogen dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, and
all of the gassy operation requirements other toxic gases, dusts, vapors, mists,
or has been declassified in accordance and fumes as often as necessary to en-
with paragraph (h)(3) of this section: sure that the permissible exposure lim-
(i) Operations related to the control its prescribed in § 1926.55 are not ex-
of the gas concentration; ceeded.
(ii) Installation of new equipment, or (B) The atmosphere in all under-
conversion of existing equipment, to ground work areas shall be tested
comply with this paragraph (i); and quantitatively for methane and other
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.800
(A) Prominently post a notice at all at the beginning and midpoint of each
entrances to the underground jobsite shift.
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§ 1926.800 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(ii) When using rapid excavation ma- other underground work areas shall be
chines, continuous automatic flam- at least 30 feet (9.15 m) per minute
mable gas monitoring equipment shall where blasting or rock drilling is con-
be used to monitor the air at the head- ducted, or where other conditions like-
ing, on the rib, and in the return air ly to produce dust, fumes, mists, va-
duct. The continuous monitor shall sig- pors, or gases in harmful or explosive
nal the heading, and shut down electric quantities are present.
power in the affected underground (4) The direction of mechanical air
work area, except for acceptable pump- flow shall be reversible.
ing and ventilation equipment, when 20 (5) Following blasting, ventilation
percent or more of the lower explosive systems shall exhaust smoke and
limit for methane or other flammable fumes to the outside atmosphere before
gases is encountered. work is resumed in affected areas.
(iii) A manual flammable gas mon- (6) Ventilation doors shall be de-
itor shall be used as needed, but at signed and installed so that they re-
least at the beginning and midpoint of main closed when in use, regardless of
each shift, to ensure that the limits the direction of the air flow.
prescribed in paragraphs (h) and (j) are (7) When ventilation has been re-
not exceeded. In addition, a manual duced to the extent that hazardous lev-
electrical shut down control shall be els of methane or flammable gas may
provided near the heading. have accumulated, a competent person
(iv) Local gas tests shall be made shall test all affected areas after ven-
prior to and continuously during any tilation has been restored and shall de-
welding, cutting, or other hot work. termine whether the atmosphere is
(v) In underground operations driven within flammable limits before any
by drill-and-blast methods, the air in power, other than for acceptable equip-
the affected area shall be tested for ment, is restored or work is resumed.
flammable gas prior to re-entry after (8) Whenever the ventilation system
blasting, and continuously when em- has been shut down with all employees
ployees are working underground. out of the underground area, only com-
(3) Recordkeeping. A record of all air petent persons authorized to test for
quality tests shall be maintained above air contaminants shall be allowed un-
ground at the worksite and be made derground until the ventilation has
available to the Secretary of Labor been restored and all affected areas
upon request. The record shall include have been tested for air contaminants
the location, date, time, substance and and declared safe.
amount monitored. Records of expo- (9) When drilling rock or concrete,
sures to toxic substances shall be re- appropriate dust control measures
tained in accordance with § 1910.33 of shall be taken to maintain dust levels
this chapter. All other air quality test within limits set in § 1926.55. Such
records shall be retained until comple- measures may include, but are not lim-
tion of the project. ited to, wet drilling, the use of vacuum
(k) Ventilation. (1)(i) Fresh air shall collectors, and water mix spray sys-
be supplied to all underground work tems.
areas in sufficient quantities to pre- (10)(i) Internal combustion engines,
vent dangerous or harmful accumula- except diesel-powered engines on mo-
tion of dusts, fumes, mists, vapors or bile equipment, are prohibited under-
gases. ground.
(ii) Mechanical ventilation shall be (ii) Mobile diesel-powered equipment
provided in all underground work areas used underground in atmospheres other
except when the employer can dem- than gassy operations:
onstrate that natural ventilation pro- (A) Shall comply with MSHA provi-
vides the necessary air quality through sions in 30 CFR 57.5067; or
sufficient air volume and air flow. (B) If purchased on or before July 15,
(2) A minimum of 200 cubic feet (5.7 2019, may alternatively comply with
m3) of fresh air per minute shall be sup- MSHA provisions under 30 CFR part 32
plied for each employee underground. (revised as of July 1, 1996) (formerly
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.800
in areas free of fire and explosion haz- Where this is not feasible because of
ards. space limitations at the jobsite, such
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§ 1926.800 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(o) Ground support—(1) Portal areas. (viii) A shield or other type of sup-
Portal openings and access areas shall port shall be used to maintain a safe
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.800
air quality meets the requirements of and secured to prevent accidental dis-
paragraph (j) of this section. placement.
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§ 1926.800 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(9) Scaling bars shall be available at (ii) No employee shall ride haulage
scaling operations and shall be main- equipment unless it is equipped with
tained in good condition at all times. seating for each passenger and protects
Blunted or severely worn bars shall not passengers from being struck, crushed,
be used. or caught between other equipment or
(10)(i) Blasting holes shall not be surfaces. Members of train crews may
drilled through blasted rock (muck) or ride on a locomotive if it is equipped
water. with handholds and nonslip steps or
(ii) Employees in a shaft shall be pro- footboards. Requirements applicable to
tected either by location or by suitable Underground Construction for motor
barrier(s) if powered mechanical load- vehicle transportation of employees
ing equipment is used to remove muck are found in § 1926.601 of this part.
containing unfired explosives. (7) Powered mobile haulage equip-
(11) A caution sign reading ‘‘Buried ment, including trains, shall not be left
Line,’’ or similar wording shall be post-
unattended unless the master switch or
ed where air lines are buried or other-
motor is turned off; operating controls
wise hidden by water or debris.
are in neutral or park position; and the
(r) Haulage. (1)(i) A competent person
brakes are set, or equivalent pre-
shall inspect haulage equipment before
cautions are taken to prevent rolling.
each shift.
(ii) Equipment defects affecting safe- (8) Whenever rails serve as a return
ty and health shall be corrected before for a trolley circuit, both rails shall be
the equipment is used. bonded at every joint and crossbonded
(2) Powered mobile haulage equip- every 200 feet (60.96 m).
ment shall have suitable means of stop- (9) When dumping cars by hand, the
ping. car dumps shall have tiedown chains,
(3)(i) Power mobile haulage equip- bumper blocks, or other locking or
ment, including trains, shall have audi- holding devices to prevent the cars
ble warning devices to warn employees from overturning.
to stay clear. The operator shall sound (10) Rocker-bottom or bottom-dump
the warning device before moving the cars shall be equipped with positive
equipment and whenever necessary locking devices to prevent unintended
during travel. dumping.
(ii) The operator shall assure that (11) Equipment to be hauled shall be
lights which are visible to employees loaded and secured to prevent sliding
at both ends of any mobile equipment, or dislodgement.
including a train, are turned on when- (12)(i) Mobile equipment, including
ever the equipment is operating. rail-mounted equipment, shall be
(4) In those cabs where glazing is stopped for manual connecting or serv-
used, the glass shall be safety glass, or ice work.
its equivalent, and shall be maintained (ii) Employees shall not reach be-
and cleaned so that vision is not ob- tween moving cars during coupling op-
(5) Anti-roll back devices or brakes
(iii) Couplings shall not be aligned,
shall be installed on inclined conveyor
drive units to prevent conveyors from shifted or cleaned on moving cars or lo-
inadvertently running in reverse. comotives.
(6)(i) (A) Employees shall not be per- (13)(i) Safety chains or other connec-
mitted to ride a power-driven chain, tions shall be used in addition to cou-
belt, or bucket conveyor unless the plers to connect man cars or powder
conveyor is specifically designed for cars whenever the locomotive is uphill
the transportation of persons. of the cars.
(B) Endless belt-type manlifts are (ii) When the grade exceeds one per-
prohibited in underground construc- cent and there is a potential for run-
tion. away cars, safety chains or other con-
(C) General requirements also appli- nections shall be used in addition to
cable to underground construction for couplers to connect haulage cars or, as
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.800
(iii) Such safety chains or other con- with the requirements of subpart CC of
nections shall be capable of maintain- this part, except that the limitation in
ing connection between cars in the § 1926.1431(a) does not apply to the rou-
event of either coupler disconnect, fail- tine access of employees to an under-
ure or breakage. ground worksite via a shaft; ensure
(14) Parked rail equipment shall be that material hoists comply with
chocked, blocked, or have brakes set to § 1926.552(a) and (b) of this part; and en-
prevent inadvertent movement. sure that personnel hoists comply with
(15) Berms, bumper blocks, safety the personnel-hoists requirements of
hooks, or equivalent means shall be § 1926.552(a) and (c) of this part and the
provided to prevent overtravel and elevator requirements of § 1926.552(a)
overturning of haulage equipment at and (d) of this part.
dumping locations. (1) General requirements for cranes and
(16) Bumper blocks or equivalent hoists. (i) Materials, tools, and supplies
stopping devices shall be provided at being raised or lowered, whether within
all track dead ends. a cage or otherwise, shall be secured or
(17)(i) Only small handtools, lunch stacked in a manner to prevent the
pails or similar small items may be load from shifting, snagging or falling
transported with employees in man- into the shaft.
cars, or on top of a locomotive. (ii) A warning light suitably located
(ii) When small hand tools or other to warn employees at the shaft bottom
small items are carried on top of a lo- and subsurface shaft entrances shall
comotive, the top shall be designed or flash whenever a load is above the
modified to retain them while trav- shaft bottom or subsurface entrances,
eling. or the load is being moved in the shaft.
(18)(i) Where switching facilities are This paragraph does not apply to fully
available, occupied personnel-cars shall enclosed hoistways.
be pulled, not pushed. If personnel-cars (iii) Whenever a hoistway is not fully
must be pushed and visibility of the enclosed and employees are at the
track ahead is hampered, then a quali- shaft bottom, conveyances or equip-
fied person shall be stationed in the ment shall be stopped at least 15 feet
lead car to give signals to the loco- (4.57 m) above the bottom of the shaft
motive operator. and held there until the signalman at
(ii) Crew trips shall consist of per- the bottom of the shaft directs the op-
sonnel-loads only. erator to continue lowering the load,
(s) Electrical safety. This paragraph except that the load may be lowered
applies in addition to the general re- without stopping if the load or convey-
quirements for electrical safety which ance is within full view of a bottom
are found in subpart K of this part. signalman who is in constant voice
(1) Electric power lines shall be insu- communication with the operator.
lated or located away from water lines, (iv)(A) Before maintenance, repairs,
telephone lines, air lines, or other con- or other work is commenced in the
ductive materials so that a damaged shaft served by a cage, skip, or bucket,
circuit will not energize the other sys- the operator and other employees in
tems. the area shall be informed and given
(2) Lighting circuits shall be located suitable instructions.
so that movement of personnel or (B) A sign warning that work is being
equipment will not damage the circuits done in the shaft shall be installed at
or disrupt service. the shaft collar, at the operator’s sta-
(3) Oil-filled transformers shall not tion, and at each underground landing.
be used underground unless they are lo- (v) Any connection between the
cated in a fire-resistant enclosure suit- hoisting rope and the cage or skip shall
ably vented to the outside and sur- be compatible with the type of wire
rounded by a dike to retain the con- rope used for hoisting.
tents of the transformers in the event (vi) Spin-type connections, where
of rupture. used, shall be maintained in a clean
(t) Hoisting unique to underground con- condition and protected from foreign
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struction. Except as modified by this matter that could affect their oper-
paragraph (t), employers must: Comply ation.
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§ 1926.800 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(vii) Cage, skip, and load connections (vii) Line speed shall not exceed the
to the hoist rope shall be made so that design limitations of the systems.
the force of the hoist pull, vibration, (viii) Hoists shall be equipped with
misalignment, release of lift force, or landing level indicators at the opera-
impact will not disengage the connec- tor’s station. Marking the hoist rope
tion. Moused or latched openthroat does not satisfy this requirement.
hooks do not meet this requirement. (ix) Whenever glazing is used in the
(viii) When using wire rope wedge hoist house, it shall be safety glass, or
sockets, means shall be provided to its equivalent, and be free of distor-
prevent wedge escapement and to en- tions and obstructions.
sure that the wedge is properly seated. (x) A fire extinguisher that is rated
(2) Additional requirements for cranes. at least 2A:10B:C (multi-purpose, dry
Cranes shall be equipped with a limit chemical) shall be mounted in each
switch to prevent overtravel at the hoist house.
boom tip. Limit switches are to be used (xi) Hoist controls shall be arranged
only to limit travel of loads when oper- so that the operator can perform all
ational controls malfunction and shall operating cycle functions and reach the
not be used as a substitute for other emergency power cutoff without hav-
operational controls. ing to reach beyond the operator’s nor-
mal operating position.
(3) Additional requirements for hoists.
(xii) Hoists shall be equipped with
(i) Hoists shall be designed so that the
limit switches to prevent overtravel at
load hoist drum is powered in both di-
the top and bottom of the hoistway.
rections of rotation, and so that brakes
(xiii) Limit switches are to be used
are automatically applied upon power
only to limit travel of loads when oper-
release or failure.
ational controls malfunction and shall
(ii) Control levers shall be of the not be used as a substitute for other
‘‘deadman type’’ which return auto- operational controls.
matically to their center (neutral) po- (xiv) Hoist operators shall be pro-
sition upon release. vided with a closed-circuit voice com-
(iii) When a hoist is used for both munication system to each landing sta-
personnel hoisting and material hoist- tion, with speaker microphones so lo-
ing, load and speed ratings for per- cated that the operator can commu-
sonnel and for materials shall be as- nicate with individual landing stations
signed to the equipment. during hoist use.
(iv) Material hoisting may be per- (xv) When sinking shafts 75 feet (22.86
formed at speeds higher than the rated m) or less in depth, cages, skips, and
speed for personnel hoisting if the hoist buckets that may swing, bump, or snag
and components have been designed for against shaft sides or other structural
such higher speeds and if shaft condi- protrusions shall be guided by fenders,
tions permit. rails, ropes, or a combination of those
(v) Employees shall not ride on top of means.
any cage, skip or bucket except when (xvi) When sinking shafts more than
necessary to perform inspection or 75 feet (22.86 m) in depth, all cages,
maintenance of the hoisting system, in skips, and buckets shall be rope or rail
which case they shall be protected by a guided to within a rail length from the
body belt/harness system to prevent sinking operation.
falling. (xvii) Cages, skips, and buckets in all
(vi) Personnel and materials (other completed shafts, or in all shafts being
than small tools and supplies secured used as completed shafts, shall be rope
in a manner that will not create a haz- or rail-guided for the full length of
ard to employees) shall not be hoisted their travel.
together in the same conveyance. How- (xviii) Wire rope used in load lines of
ever, if the operator is protected from material hoists shall be capable of sup-
the shifting of materials, then the op- porting, without failure, at least five
erator may ride with materials in times the maximum intended load or
cages or skips which are designed to be the factor recommended by the rope
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.800
for design factors for wire rope used in (iii) All sides of personnel cages shall
personnel hoists. The design factor be enclosed by one-half inch (12.70 mm)
shall be calculated by dividing the wire mesh (not less than No. 14 gauge
breaking strength of wire rope, as re- or equivalent) to a height of not less
ported in the manufacturer’s rating ta- than 6 feet (1.83 m). However, when the
bles, by the total static load, including cage or skip is being used as a work
the weight of the wire rope in the shaft platform, its sides may be reduced in
when fully extended. height to 42 inches (1.07 m) when the
(xix) A competent person shall vis- conveyance is not in motion.
ually check all hoisting machinery, (iv) All personnel cages shall be pro-
equipment, anchorages, and hoisting vided with a positive locking door that
rope at the beginning of each shift and does not open outward.
during hoist use, as necessary. (v) All personnel cages shall be pro-
(xx) Each safety device shall be vided with a protective canopy. The
checked by a competent person at least canopy shall be made of steel plate, at
weekly during hoist use to ensure suit- least 3/16-inch (4.763 mm) in thickness,
able operation and safe condition. or material of equivalent strength and
(xxi) In order to ensure suitable oper- impact resistance. The canopy shall be
ation and safe condition of all func- sloped to the outside, and so designed
tions and safety devices, each hoist as- that a section may be readily pushed
sembly shall be inspected and load- upward to afford emergency egress.
tested to 100 percent of its rated capac- The canopy shall cover the top in such
ity: at the time of installation; after a manner as to protect those inside
any repairs or alterations affecting its from objects falling in the shaft.
structural integrity; after the oper-
(vi) Personnel platforms operating on
ation of any safety device; and annu-
guide rails or guide ropes shall be
ally when in use. The employer shall
equipped with broken-rope safety de-
prepare a certification record which in-
vices, safety catches or arrestment de-
cludes the date each inspection and
vices that will stop and hold 150 per-
load-test was performed; the signature
cent of the weight of the personnel
of the person who performed the in-
platform and its maximum rated load.
spection and test; and a serial number
or other identifier for the hoist that (vii) During sinking operations in
was inspected and tested. The most re- shafts where guides and safeties are
cent certification record shall be main- not yet used, the travel speed of the
tained on file until completion of the personnel platform shall not exceed 200
project. feet (60.96 m) per minute. Governor
(xxii) Before hoisting personnel or controls set for 200 feet (60.96 m) per
material, the operator shall perform a minute shall be installed in the control
test run of any cage or skip whenever system and shall be used during per-
it has been out of service for one com- sonnel hoisting.
plete shift, and whenever the assembly (viii) The personnel platform may
or components have been repaired or travel over the controlled length of the
adjusted. hoistway at rated speeds up to 600 feet
(xxiii) Unsafe conditions shall be cor- (182.88 m) per minute during sinking
rected before using the equipment. operations in shafts where guides and
(4) Additional requirements for per- safeties are used.
sonnel hoists. (i) Hoist drum systems (ix) The personnel platform may
shall be equipped with at least two travel at rated speeds greater than 600
means of stopping the load, each of feet (182.88 m) per minute in completed
which shall be capable of stopping and shafts.
holding 150 percent of the hoist’s rated (u) Definitions. ‘‘Accept’’—Any de-
line pull. A broken-rope safety, safety vice, equipment, or appliance that is
catch, or arrestment device is not a either approved by MSHA and main-
permissible means of stopping under tained in permissible condition, or is
this paragraph (t). listed or labeled for the class and loca-
(ii) The operator shall remain within tion under subpart K of this part.
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§ 1926.801 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
roadheaders, or any other similar exca- (b) Warning signals for evacuation of
vation machine. employees in case of emergency shall
be developed and posted.
[54 FR 23850, June 2, 1989; 58 FR 35311, June
(c) Cofferdam walkways, bridges, or
30, 1993, as amended at 61 FR 5510, Feb. 13,
1996; 63 FR 1297, Jan. 8, 1998; 71 FR 16674, Apr.
ramps with at least two means of rapid
3, 2006; 75 FR 48135, Aug. 9, 2010; 77 FR 49728, exit shall be provided with guardrails
Aug. 17, 2012; 78 FR 23841, Apr. 24, 2013; 84 FR as specified in subpart M of this part.
21577, May 14, 2019] (d) Cofferdams located close to navi-
gable shipping channels shall be pro-
§ 1926.801 Caissons. tected from vessels in transit, where
(a) Wherever, in caisson work in
which compressed air is used, and the § 1926.803 Compressed air.
working chamber is less than 11 feet in
length, and when such caissons are at (a) General provisions. (1) There shall
be present, at all times, at least one
any time suspended or hung while work
competent person designated by and
is in progress so that the bottom of the
representing the employer, who shall
excavation is more than 9 feet below
be familiar with this subpart in all re-
the deck of the working chamber, a
spects, and responsible for full compli-
shield shall be erected therein for the
ance with these and other applicable
protection of the employees. subparts.
(b) Shafts shall be subjected to a hy- (2) Every employee shall be in-
drostatic or air-pressure test, at which structed in the rules and regulations
pressure they shall be tight. The shaft which concern his safety or the safety
shall be stamped on the outside shell of others.
about 12 inches from each flange to (b) Medical attendance, examination,
show the pressure to which they have and regulations. (1) There shall be re-
been subjected. tained one or more licensed physicians
(c) Whenever a shaft is used, it shall familiar with and experienced in the
be provided, where space permits, with physical requirements and the medical
a safe, proper, and suitable staircase aspects of compressed air work and the
for its entire length, including landing treatment of decompression illness. He
platforms, not more than 20 feet apart. shall be available at all times while
Where this is impracticable, suitable work is in progress in order to provide
ladders shall be installed with landing medical supervision of employees em-
platforms located about 20 feet apart to ployed in compressed air work. He
break the climb. shall himself be physically qualified
(d) All caissons having a diameter or and be willing to enter a pressurized
side greater than 10 feet shall be pro- environment.
vided with a man lock and shaft for the (2) No employee shall be permitted to
exclusive use of employees. enter a compressed air environment
(e) In addition to the gauge in the until he has been examined by the phy-
locks, an accurate gauge shall be main- sician and reported by him to be phys-
tained on the outer and inner side of ically qualified to engage in such work.
each bulkhead. These gauges shall be (3) In the event an employee is absent
accessible at all times and kept in ac- from work for 10 days, or is absent due
to sickness or injury, he shall not re-
curate working order.
sume work until he is reexamined by
(f) In caisson operations where em-
the physician, and his physical condi-
ployees are exposed to compressed air tion reported, as provided in this para-
working environments, the require- graph, to be such as to permit him to
ments contained in § 1926.803 shall be work in compressed air.
complied with. (4) After an employee has been em-
ployed continuously in compressed air
§ 1926.802 Cofferdams.
for a period designated by the physi-
(a) If overtopping of the cofferdam by cian, but not to exceed 1 year, he shall
high waters is possible, means shall be be reexamined by the physician to de-
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.803
(5) Such physician shall at all times (viii) Be equipped with internal con-
keep a complete and full record of ex- trols which may be overridden by ex-
aminations made by him. The physi- ternal controls;
cian shall also keep an accurate record (ix) Be provided with air pressure
of any decompression illness or other gauges to show the air pressure within
illness or injury incapacitating any each compartment to observers inside
employee for work, and of all loss of and outside the medical lock.
life that occurs in the operation of a (x) Be equipped with a manual type
tunnel, caisson, or other compartment sprinkler system that can be activated
in which compressed air is used. inside the lock or by the outside lock
(6) Records shall be available for the tender.
inspection of the Secretary or his rep- (xi) Be provided with oxygen lines
resentatives, and a copy thereof shall and fittings leading into external
be forwarded to OSHA within 48 hours tanks. The lines shall be fitted with
following the occurrence of the acci- check valves to prevent reverse flow.
dent, death, injury, or decompression The oxygen system inside the chamber
illness. It shall state as fully as pos- shall be of a closed circuit design and
sible the cause of said death or decom- be so designed as to automatically shut
pression illness, and the place where off the oxygen supply whenever the fire
the injured or sick employee was system is activated.
taken, and such other relative informa- (xii) Be in constant charge of an at-
tion as may be required by the Sec-
tendant under the direct control of the
retained physician. The attendant shall
(7) A fully equipped first aid station be trained in the use of the lock and
shall be provided at each tunnel project suitably instructed regarding steps to
regardless of the number of persons be taken in the treatment of employee
employed. An ambulance or transpor- exhibiting symptoms compatible with
tation suitable for a litter case shall be a diagnosis of decompression illness;
at each project.
(xiii) Be adjacent to an adequate
(8) Where tunnels are being excavated emergency medical facility;
from portals more than 5 road miles
(xiv) The medical facility shall be
apart, a first aid station and transpor-
equipped with demand-type oxygen in-
tation facilities shall be provided at
halation equipment approved by the
each portal.
U.S. Bureau of Mines;
(9) A medical lock shall be estab-
(xv) Be capable of being maintained
lished and maintained in immediate
at a temperature, in use, not to exceed
working order whenever air pressure in
90 °F. nor be less than 70 °F.; and
the working chamber is increased
(xvi) Be provided with sources of air,
above the normal atmosphere.
free of oil and carbon monoxide, for
(10) The medical lock shall:
normal and emergency use, which are
(i) Have at least 6 feet of clear head- capable of raising the air pressure in
room at the center, and be subdivided the lock from 0 to 75 p.s.i.g. in 5 min-
into not less than two compartments; utes.
(ii) Be readily accessible to employ- (11) Identification badges shall be
ees working under compressed air; furnished to all employees, indicating
(iii) Be kept ready for immediate use that the wearer is a compressed air
for at least 5 hours subsequent to the worker. A permanent record shall be
emergence of any employee from the kept of all identification badges issued.
working chamber; The badge shall give the employee’s
(iv) Be properly heated, lighted and name, address of the medical lock, the
ventilated; telephone number of the licensed phy-
(v) Be maintained in a sanitary con- sician for the compressed air project,
dition; and contain instructions that in case of
(vi) Have a nonshatterable port emergency of unknown or doubtful
through which the occupant(s) may be cause or illness, the wearer shall be
kept under constant observation; rushed to the medical lock. The badge
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
(vii) Be designed for a working pres- shall be worn at all times—off the job,
sure of 75 p.s.i.g. as well as on the job.
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§ 1926.803 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(c) Telephone and signal communica- lieved. If, after 5 minutes the discom-
tion. (1) Effective and reliable means of fort does not disappear, the lock at-
communication, such as bells, whistles, tendant shall gradually reduce the
or telephones, shall be maintained, at pressure until the employee signals
all times between all the following lo- that the discomfort has ceased. If he
cations: does not indicate that the discomfort
(i) The working chamber face; has disappeared, the lock attendant
(ii) The working chamber side of the shall reduce the pressure to atmos-
man lock near the door; pheric and the employee shall be re-
(iii) The interior of the man lock; leased from the lock.
(iv) Lock attendant’s station; (5) No employee shall be subjected to
(v) The compressor plant; pressure exceeding 50 pounds per
(vi) The first-aid station; square inch except in emergency.
(vii) The emergency lock (if one is re- (f) Decompression. (1) Decompression
quired); and to normal condition shall be in accord-
(viii) The special decompression ance with the Decompression Tables in
chamber (if one is required). appendix A of this subpart.
(d) Signs and records. (1) The time of
(2) In the event it is necessary for an
decompression shall be posted in each
employee to be in compressed air more
man lock as follows:
than once in a 24-hour period, the ap-
TIME OF DECOMPRESSION FOR THIS LOCK pointed physician shall be responsible
ll pounds to ll pounds in ll minutes. for the establishment of methods and
ll pounds to ll pounds in ll minutes. procedures of decompression applicable
(Signed by) llllll (Superintendent) to repetitive exposures.
This form shall be posted in the Man Lock at (3) If decanting is necessary, the ap-
all times. pointed physician shall establish proce-
(2) Any code of signals used shall be dures before any employee is permitted
conspicuously posted near workplace to be decompressed by decanting meth-
entrances and such other locations as ods. The period of time that the em-
may be necessary to bring them to the ployees spend at atmospheric pressure
attention of all employees concerned. between the decompression following
(3) For each 8-hour shift, a record of the shift and recompression shall not
employees employed under air pressure exceed 5 minutes.
shall be kept by an employee who shall (g) Man locks and special decompres-
remain outside the lock near the en- sion chambers—(1) Man locks. (i) Except
trance. This record shall show the pe- in emergency, no employees employed
riod each employee spends in the air in compressed air shall be permitted to
chamber and the time taken from de- pass from the working chamber to at-
compression. A copy shall be submitted mospheric pressure until after decom-
to the appointed physician after each pression, in accordance with the proce-
shift. dures in this subpart.
(e) Compression. (1) Every employee (ii) The lock attendant in charge of a
going under air pressure for the first man lock shall be under the direct su-
time shall be instructed on how to pervision of the appointed physician.
avoid excessive discomfort. He shall be stationed at the lock con-
(2) During the compression of em- trols on the free air side during the pe-
ployees, the pressure shall not be in- riod of compression and decompression
creased to more than 3 p.s.i.g. within and shall remain at the lock control
the first minute. The pressure shall be station whenever there are men in the
held at 3 p.s.i.g. and again at 7 p.s.i.g. working chamber or in the man lock.
sufficiently long to determine if any (iii) Except where air pressure in the
employees are experiencing discomfort. working chamber is below 12 p.s.i.g.,
(3) After the first minute the pres- each man lock shall be equipped with
sure shall be raised uniformly and at a automatic controls which, through
rate not to exceed 10 p.s.i. per minute. taped programs, cams, or similar appa-
(4) If any employee complains of dis- ratus, shall automatically regulate de-
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.803
lock attendant to override the auto- (xi) In addition to the pressure gauge
matic mechanism in the event of an in the locks, an accurate pressure
emergency, as provided in paragraph gauge shall be maintained on the outer
(g)(1)(viii) of this section. and inner side of each bulkhead. These
(iv) A manual control, which can be gauges shall be accessible at all times
used in the event of an emergency, and shall be kept in accurate working
shall be placed inside the man lock. order.
(v) A clock, thermometer, and con- (xii) Man locks shall have an observa-
tinuous recording pressure gauge with tion port at least 4 inches in diameter
a 4-hour graph shall be installed out- located in such a position that all oc-
side of each man lock and shall be cupants of the man lock may be ob-
changed prior to each shift’s decom- served from the working chamber and
pression. The chart shall be of suffi- from the free air side of the lock.
cient size to register a legible record of (xiii) Adequate ventilation in the
variations in pressure within the man lock shall be provided.
lock and shall be visible to the lock at- (xiv) Man locks shall be maintained
tendant. A copy of each graph shall be at a minimum temperature of 70 °F.
submitted to the appointed physician (xv) When locks are not in use and
after each shift. In addition, a pressure employees are in the working chamber,
gauge, clock, and thermometer shall lock doors shall be kept open to the
also be installed in each man lock. Ad- working chamber, where practicable.
ditional fittings shall be provided so (xvi) Provision shall be made to
that test gauges may be attached allow for rescue parties to enter the
whenever necessary. tunnel if the working force is disabled.
(vi) Except where air pressure is (xvii) A special decompression cham-
below 12 p.s.i.g. and there is no danger ber of sufficient size to accommodate
of rapid flooding, all caissons having a the entire force of employees being de-
working area greater than 150 square compressed at the end of a shift shall
feet, and each bulkhead in tunnels of 14 be provided whenever the regularly es-
feet or more in diameter, or equivalent tablished working period requires a
area, shall have at least two locks in total time of decompression exceeding
perfect working condition, one of 75 minutes.
which shall be used exclusively as a (2) Special decompression chamber. (i)
man lock, the other, as a materials The headroom in the special decom-
lock. pression chamber shall be not less than
(vii) Where only a combination man- a minimum 7 feet and the cubical con-
and-materials lock is required, this tent shall provide at least 50 cubic feet
single lock shall be of sufficient capac- of airspace for each employee. For each
ity to hold the employees constituting occupant, there shall be provided 4
two successive shifts. square feet of free walking area and 3
(viii) Emergency locks shall be large square feet of seating space, exclusive
enough to hold an entire heading shift of area required for lavatory and toilet
and a limit maintained of 12 p.s.i.g. facilities. The rated capacity shall be
There shall be a chamber available for based on the stated minimum space per
oxygen decompression therapy to 28 employee and shall be posted at the
p.s.i.g. chamber entrance. The posted capacity
(ix) The man lock shall be large shall not be exceeded, except in case of
enough so that those using it are not emergency.
compelled to be in a cramped position, (ii) Each special decompression
and shall not have less than 5 feet clear chamber shall be equipped with the fol-
head room at the center and a min- lowing:
imum of 30 cubic feet of air space per (a) A clock or clocks suitably placed
occupant. so that the attendant and the chamber
(x) Locks on caissons shall be so lo- occupants can readily ascertain the
cated that the bottom door shall be not time;
less than 3 feet above the water level (b) Pressure gauges which will indi-
surrounding the caisson on the outside. cate to the attendants and to the
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
(The water level, where it is affected by chamber occupants the pressure in the
tides, is construed to mean high tide.) chamber;
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§ 1926.803 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
the normal operation of the man lock, air contaminants will be at a min-
nor with the release of the occupants of imum.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.803
(10) Gauges indicating the pressure in foot-candles, and in all workplaces the
the working chamber shall be installed lighting shall at all times be such as to
in the compressor building, the lock at- enable employees to see clearly.
tendant’s station, and at the employ- (3) All electrical equipment and wir-
er’s field office. ing for light and power circuits shall
(i) Ventilation and air quality. (1) Ex- comply with the requirements of sub-
haust valves and exhaust pipes shall be part K of this part for use in damp,
provided and operated so that the hazardous, high temperature, and com-
working chamber shall be well venti- pressed air environments.
lated, and there shall be no pockets of (4) External parts of lighting fixtures
dead air. Outlets may be required at in- and all other electrical equipment,
termediate points along the main low- when within 8 feet of the floor, shall be
pressure air supply line to the heading constructed of noncombustible, non-
to eliminate such pockets of dead air. absorptive, insulating materials, ex-
Ventilating air shall be not less than 30 cept that metal may be used if it is ef-
cubic feet per minute. fectively grounded.
(2) The air in the workplace shall be (5) Portable lamps shall be equipped
analyzed by the employer not less than with noncombustible, nonabsorptive,
once each shift, and records of such insulating sockets, approved handles,
tests shall be kept on file at the place basket guards, and approved cords.
where the work is in progress. The test
(6) The use of worn or defective port-
results shall be within the threshold
able and pendant conductors is prohib-
limit values specified in subpart D of
this part, for hazardous gases, and
(k) Sanitation. (1) Sanitary, heated,
within 10 percent of the lower explosive
lighted, and ventilated dressing rooms
limit of flammable gases. If these lim-
and drying rooms shall be provided for
its are not met, immediate action to
all employees engaged in compressed
correct the situation shall be taken by
air work. Such rooms shall contain
the employer.
suitable benches and lockers. Bathing
(3) The temperature of all working
accommodations (showers at the ratio
chambers which are subjected to air
of one to 10 employees per shift),
pressure shall, by means of after-cool-
equipped with running hot and cold
ers or other suitable devices, be main-
water, and suitable and adequate toilet
tained at a temperature not to exceed
accommodations, shall be provided.
85 °F.
One toilet for each 15 employees, or
(4) Forced ventilation shall be pro-
fractional part thereof, shall be pro-
vided during decompression. During
the entire decompression period, forced
ventilation through chemical or me- (2) When the toilet bowl is shut by a
chanical air purifying devices that will cover, there should be an air space so
ensure a source of fresh air shall be that the bowl or bucket does not im-
provided. plode when pressure is increased.
(5) Whenever heat-producing ma- (3) All parts of caissons and other
chines (moles, shields) are used in com- working compartments shall be kept in
pressed air tunnel operations, a posi- a sanitary condition.
tive means of removing the heat build- (l) Fire prevention and protection. (1)
up at the heading shall be provided. Firefighting equipment shall be avail-
(j) Electricity. (1) All lighting in com- able at all times and shall be main-
pressed-air chambers shall be by elec- tained in working condition.
tricity exclusively, and two inde- (2) While welding or flame-cutting is
pendent electric-lighting systems with being done in compressed air, a
independent sources of supply shall be firewatch with a fire hose or approved
used. The emergency source shall be extinguisher shall stand by until such
arranged to become automatically op- operation is completed.
erative in the event of failure of the (3) Shafts and caissons containing
regularly used source. flammable material of any kind, either
(2) The minimum intensity of light above or below ground, shall be pro-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
on any walkway, ladder, stairway, or vided with a waterline and a fire hose
working level shall be not less than 10 connected thereto, so arranged that all
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§ 1926.803 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
points of the shaft or caisson are with- combustible material shall not be used
in reach of the hose stream. in the working chamber in quantities
(4) Fire hose shall be at least 11⁄2 which could cause a fire hazard. The
inches in nominal diameter; the water compressor building shall be con-
pressure shall at all times be adequate structed of non-combustible material.
for efficient operation of the type of (9) Man locks shall be equipped with
nozzle used; and the water supply shall a manual type fire extinguisher system
be such as to ensure an uninterrupted that can be activated inside the man
flow. Fire hose, when not in use, shall lock and also by the outside lock at-
be located or guarded to prevent injury tendant. In addition, a fire hose and
thereto. portable fire extinguisher shall be pro-
(5) The power house, compressor vided inside and outside the man lock.
house, and all buildings housing ven- The portable fire extinguisher shall be
tilating equipment, shall be provided the dry chemical type.
with at least one hose connection in (10) Equipment, fixtures, and fur-
the water line, with a fire hose con- niture in man locks and special decom-
nected thereto. A fire hose shall be pression chambers shall be constructed
maintained within reach of structures of noncombustible materials. Bedding,
of wood over or near shafts. etc., shall be chemically treated so as
(6) Tunnels shall be provided with a to be fire resistant.
2-inch minimum diameter water line
(11) Head frames shall be constructed
extending into the working chamber
of structural steel or open frame-work
and to within 100 feet of the working
fireproofed timber. Head houses and
face. Such line shall have hose outlets
other temporary surface buildings or
with 100 feet of fire hose attached and
structures within 100 feet of the shaft,
maintained as follows: One at the
caisson, or tunnel opening shall be
working face; one immediately inside
built of fire-resistant materials.
of the bulkhead of the working cham-
ber; and one immediately outside such (12) No oil, gasoline, or other combus-
bulkhead. In addition, hose outlets tible material shall be stored within
shall be provided at 200-foot intervals 100 feet of any shaft, caisson, or tunnel
throughout the length of the tunnel, opening, except that oils may be stored
and 100 feet of fire hose shall be at- in suitable tanks in isolated fireproof
tached to the outlet nearest to any lo- buildings, provided such buildings are
cation where flammable material is not less than 50 feet from any shaft,
being kept or stored or where any caisson, or tunnel opening, or any
flame is being used. building directly connected thereto.
(7) In addition to fire hose protection (13) Positive means shall be taken to
required by this subpart, on every floor prevent leaking flammable liquids
of every building not under compressed from flowing into the areas specifically
air, but used in connection with the mentioned in the preceding paragraph.
compressed air work, there shall be (14) All explosives used in connection
provided at least one approved fire ex- with compressed air work shall be se-
tinguisher of the proper type for the lected, stored, transported, and used as
hazard involved. At least two approved specified in subpart U of this part.
fire extinguishers shall be provided in (m) Bulkheads and safety screens. (1)
the working chamber as follows: One at Intermediate bulkheads with locks, or
the working face and one immediately intermediate safety screens or both,
inside the bulkhead (pressure side). Ex- are required where there is the danger
tinguishers in the working chamber of rapid flooding.
shall use water as the primary extin- (2) In tunnels 16 feet or more in di-
guishing agent and shall not use any ameter, hanging walkways shall be
extinguishing agent which could be provided from the face to the man lock
harmful to the employees in the work- as high in the tunnel as practicable,
ing chamber. The fire extinguisher with at least 6 feet of head room. Walk-
shall be protected from damage. ways shall be constructed of non-
(8) Highly combustible materials combustible material. Standard rail-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
shall not be used or stored in the work- ings shall be securely installed
ing chamber. Wood, paper, and similar throughout the length of all walkways
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. S, App. A
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Pt. 1926, Subpt. S, App. A 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
at the end of stage 1. This reduction in pres- Examples Minutes
sure in stage 1 will always take place at a
rate not greater than 5 pounds per minute. Example No. 1: 4 hours working period at 20
pounds gauge.
Further reduction in pressure will take Decompression Table No. 1: 20 pounds for 4
place during stage 2 and subsequent stages as hours, total decompression time ...................... 43
required at a slower rate, but in no event at Decompression Table No. 2:
a rate greater than 1 pound per minute. Stage 1: Reduce pressure from 20 pounds
to 4 pounds at the uniform rate of 5
Decompression Table No. 1 indicates in the
pounds per minute.
body of the table the total decompression Elapsed time stage 1: 16/5 ................... 3
time in minutes for various combinations of Stage 2 (final stage): Reduce pressure at a
working chamber pressure and exposure uniform rate from 4 pounds to 0-pound
time. gage over a period of 40 minutes.
Rate—0.10 pound per minute or 10 minutes
Decompression Table No. 2 indicates for per pound.
the same various combinations of working Stage 2 (final) elapsed time ......................... 40
chamber pressure and exposure time the fol-
lowing: Total time .............................................. 43
Example No. 2: 5-hour working period at 24
a. The number of stages required;
pounds gage.
b. The reduction in pressure and the ter- Decompression Table No. 1: 24 pounds for 5
minal pressure for each required stage; hours, total decompression time ...................... 117
c. The time in minutes through which the Decompression Table No. 2:
reduction in pressure is accomplished for Stage 1: Reduce pressure from 24 pounds
to 8 pounds at the uniform rate of 5
each required stage; pounds per minute.
d. The pressure reduction rate in minutes Elapsed time stage 1: 16/5 ................... 3
per pound for each required stage; Stage 2: Reduce pressure at a uniform rate
from 8 pounds to 4 pounds over a period
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Pressure Reduction of 4 minutes. Rate, 1 pound per minute
in Each Stage is Accomplished at a Uniform elapsed time, stage 2 ............................... 4
Rate. Do Not Interpolate Between Values Transfer men to special decompression
Shown on the Tables. Use the Next Higher chamber maintaining the 4-pound pres-
Value of Working Chamber Pressure or Expo- sure during the transfer operation.
Stage 3 (final stage): In the special decom-
sure Time Should the Actual Working Cham- pression chamber, reduce the pressure at
ber Pressure or the Actual Exposure Time, a uniform rate from 4 pounds to 0-pound
Respectively, Fall Between Those for Which gage over a period of 110 minutes. Rate,
Calculated Values Are Shown in the Body of 0.037 pound per minute or 27.5 minutes
the Tables. per pound. Stage 3 (final) elapsed time ... 110
9 to 12 ........................................ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
14 ................................................ 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 16 16 33
16 ................................................ 7 7 7 7 7 7 17 33 48 48 62
18 ................................................ 7 7 7 8 11 17 48 63 63 73 87
20 ................................................ 7 7 8 15 15 43 63 73 83 103 113
22 ................................................ 9 9 16 24 38 68 93 103 113 128 133
24 ................................................ 11 12 23 27 52 92 117 122 127 137 151
26 ................................................ 13 14 29 34 69 104 126 141 142 142 163
28 ................................................ 15 23 31 41 98 127 143 153 153 165 183
30 ................................................ 17 28 38 62 105 143 165 168 178 188 204
32 ................................................ 19 35 43 85 126 163 178 193 203 213 226
34 ................................................ 21 39 58 98 151 178 195 218 223 233 248
36 ................................................ 24 44 63 113 170 198 223 233 243 253 273
38 ................................................ 28 49 73 128 178 203 223 238 253 263 278
40 ................................................ 31 49 84 143 183 213 233 248 258 278 288
42 ................................................ 37 56 102 144 189 215 245 260 263 268 293
44 ................................................ 43 64 118 154 199 234 254 264 269 269 293
46 ................................................ 44 74 139 171 214 244 269 274 289 299 318
48 ................................................ 51 89 144 189 229 269 299 309 319 319 ..........
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50 ................................................ 58 94 164 209 249 279 309 329 .......... .......... ..........
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. S, App. A
Decompression data
Working chamber pressure Total time
period Pressure reduc. p.s.i.g. Time in Pressure
p.s.i.g. decom-
hours Stage No. stage min- reduc. rate press min-
utes Min/pound
From To utes
14 ................................................ 12 ⁄ 1 14 4 2 0.20 6
2 4 0 4 1.00 6
1 1 14 4 2 0.20 6
2 4 0 4 1.00 6
11⁄2 1 14 4 2 0.20 6
2 4 0 4 1.00 6
2 1 14 4 2 0.20 6
2 4 0 4 1.00 6
3 1 14 4 2 0.20 6
2 4 0 4 1.00 6
4 1 14 0 2 0.20 6
2 4 0 4 1.00 6
5 1 14 4 2 0.20 6
2 4 0 4 1.00 6
6 1 14 4 2 0.20 ..................
2 4 0 4 1.00 6
7 1 14 4 2 0.20 ..................
2 4 0 14 3.50 16
8 1 14 4 2 0.20 ..................
2 4 0 14 3.50 16
Over 8 1 14 4 2 0.20 ..................
2 4 0 30 7.50 32
16 ................................................ 12 ⁄ 1 16 4 3 0.20 ..................
2 4 0 4 1.00 7
1 1 16 4 3 0.20 7
2 4 0 4 1.00 7
1 ⁄
12 1 16 4 3 0.20 ..................
2 4 0 4 1.00 7
2 1 16 4 3 0.20 ..................
2 4 0 4 1.00 7
3 1 16 4 3 0.20 ..................
2 4 0 4 1.00 7
4 1 14 4 3 0.20 ..................
2 4 0 4 1.00 7
5 1 14 4 3 0.20 7
2 4 0 4 3.50 17
6 1 14 4 3 0.20 ..................
2 4 0 30 7.50 33
7 1 14 4 3 0.20 ..................
2 4 0 45 11.25 48
8 1 14 4 3 0.20 ..................
2 4 0 45 11.25 48
Over 8 1 14 4 3 0.20 ..................
2 4 0 60 15.00 63
18 ................................................ 12 ⁄ 1 18 4 3 0.20 ..................
2 4 0 4 1.00 7
1 1 18 4 3 0.20 ..................
2 4 0 4 1.00 7
11⁄2 1 18 4 3 0.20 ..................
2 4 0 4 1.00 7
2 1 18 4 3 0.20 ..................
2 4 0 5 1.25 8
3 1 18 4 3 0.20 ..................
2 4 0 8 2.00 11
4 1 18 4 3 0.20 ..................
2 4 0 14 3.50 17
5 1 18 4 3 0.20 ..................
2 4 0 45 11.25 48
6 1 18 4 3 0.20 ..................
2 4 0 60 15.00 63
7 1 18 4 3 0.20 ..................
2 4 0 60 15.00 63
8 1 18 4 3 0.20 ..................
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
2 4 0 70 17.50 73
Over 8 1 18 4 3 0.20 ..................
2 4 0 84 21.00 87
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Pt. 1926, Subpt. S, App. A 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
Decompression data
Working chamber pressure Total time
period Pressure reduc. p.s.i.g. Time in Pressure
p.s.i.g. decom-
hours Stage No. stage min- reduc. rate press min-
utes Min/pound
From To utes
2 8 4 4 1.00 ..................
3 4 0 110 27.50 117
6 1 24 8 3 0.20 ..................
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. S, App. A
Decompression data
Working chamber pressure Total time
period Pressure reduc. p.s.i.g. Time in Pressure
p.s.i.g. decom-
hours Stage No. stage min- reduc. rate press min-
utes Min/pound
From To utes
2 8 4 4 1.00 ..................
3 4 0 115 28.80 122
7 1 24 8 3 0.20 ..................
2 8 4 4 1.00 ..................
3 4 0 120 30.00 127
8 1 24 8 3 0.20 ..................
2 8 4 4 1.00 ..................
3 4 0 130 32.50 137
Over 8 1 24 8 3 0.20 ..................
2 8 4 8 2.00 ..................
3 4 0 140 35.00 151
26 ................................................ 12 ⁄ 1 26 10 3 0.20 ..................
2 10 4 6 1.00 ..................
3 4 0 4 1.00 13
1 1 26 10 3 0.20 ..................
2 10 4 6 1.00 ..................
3 4 0 5 1.25 14
11⁄2 1 26 10 3 0.20 ..................
2 10 4 6 1.00 ..................
3 4 0 20 5.00 29
2 1 26 10 3 0.20 ..................
2 10 4 6 1.00 ..................
3 4 0 25 6.25 34
3 1 26 10 3 0.20 ..................
2 10 4 6 1.00 ..................
3 4 0 60 15.00 69
4 1 26 10 3 0.20 ..................
2 10 4 6 1.00 ..................
3 4 0 95 23.75 104
5 1 26 10 3 0.20 ..................
2 10 4 8 1.33 ..................
3 4 0 115 28.80 126
6 1 26 10 3 0.20 ..................
2 10 4 8 1.33 ..................
3 4 0 130 32.50 141
7 1 26 10 3 2.20 ..................
2 10 4 9 1.50 ..................
3 4 0 130 32.50 142
8 1 26 10 3 0.20 ..................
2 10 4 9 1.50 ..................
3 4 0 130 32.50 142
Over 8 1 26 10 3 0.20 ..................
2 10 4 30 5.00 ..................
3 4 0 30 32.50 163
28 ................................................ 12 ⁄ 1 28 12 3 0.20 ..................
2 12 4 8 1.00 ..................
3 4 0 4 1.00 15
1 1 28 12 3 0.20 ..................
2 12 4 8 1.00 ..................
3 4 0 12 3.00 23
11⁄2 1 28 12 3 0.20 ..................
2 12 4 8 1.00 ..................
3 4 0 20 5.00 31
2 1 28 12 3 0.20 ..................
2 12 4 8 1.00 ..................
3 4 0 30 7.50 41
3 1 28 12 3 0.20 ..................
2 12 4 10 1.25 ..................
3 4 0 85 21.20 98
4 1 28 12 3 0.20 ..................
2 12 4 14 1.75 ..................
3 4 0 110 27.50 127
5 1 28 12 3 0.20 ..................
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
2 12 4 20 2.50 ..................
3 4 0 120 30.00 143
6 1 28 12 3 0.20 ..................
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Pt. 1926, Subpt. S, App. A 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
Decompression data
Working chamber pressure Total time
period Pressure reduc. p.s.i.g. Time in Pressure
p.s.i.g. decom-
hours Stage No. stage min- reduc. rate press min-
utes Min/pound
From To utes
2 12 4 20 2.50 ..................
3 4 0 130 32.50 153
7 1 28 12 3 0.20 ..................
2 12 4 20 2.50 ..................
3 4 0 120 32.50 153
8 1 28 12 3 0.20 ..................
2 12 4 32 4.00 ..................
3 4 0 130 32.50 165
Over 8 1 28 12 3 0.20 ..................
2 12 4 50 6.25 ..................
3 4 0 130 32.50 183
30 ................................................ 12 ⁄ 1 30 14 3 0.20 ..................
2 14 4 10 1.00 ..................
3 4 0 4 1.00 17
1 1 30 14 3 0.20 ..................
2 14 4 10 1.00 ..................
3 4 0 15 3.75 28
11⁄2 1 30 14 3 0.20 ..................
2 14 4 10 1.00 ..................
3 4 0 25 6.25 38
2 1 30 14 3 0.20 ..................
2 14 4 14 1.40 ..................
3 4 0 45 11.25 62
3 1 30 14 3 0.20 ..................
2 14 4 17 1.70 ..................
3 4 0 85 21.20 105
4 1 30 14 3 0.20 ..................
2 14 4 30 3.00 ..................
3 4 0 110 27.50 143
5 1 30 14 3 0.20 ..................
2 14 4 35 3.50 ..................
3 4 0 130 32.50 165
6 1 30 14 3 0.20 ..................
2 14 4 35 3.50 ..................
3 4 0 130 32.50 168
7 1 30 14 3 0.20 ..................
2 14 4 45 4.50 ..................
3 4 0 130 32.50 178
8 1 30 14 3 0.20 ..................
2 14 4 55 5.50 ..................
3 4 0 130 32.50 188
Over 8 1 30 14 3 0.20 ..................
2 14 4 71 7.10 ..................
3 4 0 130 32.50 204
32 ................................................ 12 ⁄ 1 32 16 3 0.20 ..................
2 16 4 12 1.00 ..................
3 4 0 4 1.00 19
1 1 32 16 3 0.20 ..................
2 16 4 12 1.00 ..................
3 4 0 20 5.00 35
11⁄2 1 32 16 3 0.20 ..................
2 16 4 15 1.25 ..................
3 4 0 25 6.25 43
2 1 32 16 3 0.20 ..................
2 16 4 22 1.83 ..................
3 4 0 60 15.00 85
3 1 32 16 3 0.20 ..................
2 16 4 28 2.33 ..................
3 4 0 95 23.75 126
4 1 32 16 3 0.20 ..................
2 16 4 40 3.33 ..................
3 4 0 120 30.00 163
5 1 32 16 3 0.20 ..................
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
2 16 4 45 3.75 ..................
3 4 0 130 32.50 178
6 1 32 16 3 0.20 ..................
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. S, App. A
Decompression data
Working chamber pressure Total time
period Pressure reduc. p.s.i.g. Time in Pressure
p.s.i.g. decom-
hours Stage No. stage min- reduc. rate press min-
utes Min/pound
From To utes
2 16 4 60 5.00 ..................
3 4 0 130 32.50 193
7 1 32 16 3 0.20 ..................
2 16 4 70 5.83 ..................
3 4 0 130 32.50 203
8 1 32 16 3 0.20 ..................
2 16 4 80 6.67 ..................
3 4 0 130 32.50 213
Over 8 1 32 16 3 0.20 ..................
2 16 4 93 7.75 ..................
3 4 0 130 32.50 226
34 ................................................ 12 ⁄ 1 34 18 3 0.20 ..................
2 18 4 14 1.00 ..................
3 4 0 4 1.00 21
1 1 34 18 3 0.20 ..................
2 18 4 14 1.00 ..................
3 4 0 22 5.50 39
11⁄2 1 34 18 3 0.20 ..................
2 18 4 25 1.80 ..................
3 4 0 30 7.50 58
2 1 34 18 3 0.20 ..................
2 18 4 35 2.50 ..................
3 4 0 60 15.00 98
3 1 34 18 3 0.20 ..................
2 18 4 43 3.10 ..................
3 4 0 105 26.25 151
4 1 34 18 3 0.20 ..................
2 18 4 55 3.93 ..................
3 4 0 120 30.00 178
5 1 34 18 3 0.20 ..................
2 18 4 62 4.43 ..................
3 4 0 130 32.50 195
6 1 34 18 3 0.20 ..................
2 18 4 85 6.07 ..................
3 4 0 130 32.50 218
7 1 34 18 3 0.20 ..................
2 18 4 90 6.43 ..................
3 4 0 130 32.50 223
8 1 34 18 3 0.20 ..................
2 18 4 100 7.15 ..................
3 4 0 130 32.50 233
Over 8 1 34 18 3 0.20 ..................
2 18 4 115 8.23 ..................
3 4 0 130 32.50 248
36 ................................................ 12 ⁄ 1 36 20 3 0.20 ..................
2 20 4 16 1.00 ..................
3 4 0 5 1.25 24
1 1 36 20 3 0.20 ..................
2 20 4 16 1.00 ..................
3 4 0 25 6.25 44
11⁄2 1 36 20 3 0.20 ..................
2 20 4 30 1.88 ..................
3 4 0 30 7.50 63
2 1 36 20 3 0.20 ..................
2 20 4 40 2.50 ..................
3 4 0 70 17.50 113
3 1 36 20 3 0.20 ..................
2 20 4 52 3.25 ..................
3 4 0 115 28.75 170
4 1 36 20 3 0.20 ..................
2 20 4 65 4.06 ..................
3 4 0 130 32.50 198
5 1 36 20 3 0.20 ..................
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
2 20 4 90 5.63 ..................
3 4 0 130 32.50 223
6 1 36 20 3 0.20 ..................
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Pt. 1926, Subpt. S, App. A 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
Decompression data
Working chamber pressure Total time
period Pressure reduc. p.s.i.g. Time in Pressure
p.s.i.g. decom-
hours Stage No. stage min- reduc. rate press min-
utes Min/pound
From To utes
VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:16 Sep 01, 2020 Jkt 250123 PO 00000 Frm 00446 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8002 Q:\29\29V8.TXT PC31
Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. S, App. A
Decompression data
Working chamber pressure Total time
period Pressure reduc. p.s.i.g. Time in Pressure
p.s.i.g. decom-
hours Stage No. stage min- reduc. rate press min-
utes Min/pound
From To utes
3 8 4 35 8.75 ..................
4 4 0 130 32.50 213
5 1 40 24 3 0.20 ..................
2 24 8 47 2.94 ..................
3 8 4 53 13.25 ..................
4 4 0 130 32.50 233
6 1 40 24 3 0.20 ..................
2 24 8 55 3.44 ..................
3 8 4 60 15.00 ..................
4 4 0 130 32.50 248
7 1 40 24 3 0.20 ..................
2 24 8 65 4.06 ..................
3 8 4 60 15.00 ..................
4 4 0 130 32.50 258
8 1 40 24 3 0.20 ..................
2 24 8 75 4.70 ..................
3 8 4 60 15.00 ..................
4 4 0 130 32.50 268
Over 8 1 40 24 3 0.20 ..................
2 24 8 95 5.93 ..................
3 8 4 60 15.00 ..................
4 4 0 130 32.50 288
42 ................................................ 12 ⁄ 1 42 26 3 0.20 ..................
2 26 10 16 1.00 ..................
3 10 4 6 1.00 ..................
4 4 0 12 3.00 37
1 1 42 26 3 0.20 ..................
2 26 10 16 1.00 ..................
3 10 4 12 2.00 ..................
4 4 0 25 6.25 56
11⁄2 1 42 26 3 0.20 ..................
2 26 10 16 1.00 ..................
3 10 4 23 3.83 ..................
4 4 0 60 15.00 102
2 1 42 26 3 0.20 ..................
2 26 10 16 1.00 ..................
3 10 4 30 5.00 ..................
4 4 0 95 23.75 144
3 1 42 26 3 0.20 ..................
2 26 10 16 1.00 ..................
3 10 4 50 8.34 ..................
4 4 0 120 30.00 189
4 1 42 26 3 0.20 ..................
2 26 10 17 1.06 ..................
3 10 4 65 10.83 ..................
4 4 0 130 32.50 215
5 1 42 26 3 0.20 ..................
2 26 10 27 1.69 ..................
3 10 4 85 14.18 ..................
4 4 0 130 32.50 245
6 1 42 26 3 0.20 ..................
2 26 10 27 1.69 ..................
3 10 4 100 16.67 ..................
4 4 0 130 32.50 260
7 1 42 26 3 0.20 ..................
2 26 10 30 1.88 ..................
3 10 4 100 16.67 ..................
4 4 0 130 32.50 263
8 1 42 26 3 0.20 ..................
2 26 10 35 2.19 ..................
3 10 4 100 16.67 ..................
4 4 0 130 32.50 268
Over 8 1 42 26 3 0.20 ..................
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
2 26 10 60 3.75 ..................
3 10 4 100 16.67 ..................
4 4 0 130 32.50 293
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Pt. 1926, Subpt. S, App. A 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
Decompression data
Working chamber pressure Total time
period Pressure reduc. p.s.i.g. Time in Pressure
p.s.i.g. decom-
hours Stage No. stage min- reduc. rate press min-
utes Min/pound
From To utes
VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:16 Sep 01, 2020 Jkt 250123 PO 00000 Frm 00448 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8002 Q:\29\29V8.TXT PC31
Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. S, App. A
Decompression data
Working chamber pressure Total time
period Pressure reduc. p.s.i.g. Time in Pressure
p.s.i.g. decom-
hours Stage No. stage min- reduc. rate press min-
utes Min/pound
From To utes
3 14 4 95 9.50 ..................
4 4 0 130 32.50 244
5 1 46 30 3 0.20 ..................
2 30 14 16 1.00 ..................
3 14 4 120 12.00 ..................
4 4 0 130 32.50 269
6 1 46 30 3 0.20 ..................
2 30 14 16 1.00 ..................
3 14 4 125 12.50 ..................
4 4 0 130 32.50 274
7 1 46 30 3 0.20 ..................
2 34 14 16 1.00 ..................
3 10 4 140 14.00 ..................
4 4 0 130 32.50 289
8 1 46 30 3 0.20 ..................
2 30 14 16 1.00 ..................
3 14 4 150 15.00 ..................
4 4 0 130 32.50 299
Over 8 1 46 30 3 0.20 ..................
2 30 14 25 1.56 ..................
3 14 4 160 16.00 ..................
4 4 0 130 32.50 318
48 ................................................ 12 ⁄ 1 48 32 3 0.20 ..................
2 32 16 16 1.00 ..................
3 16 4 12 1.00 ..................
4 4 0 20 5.00 51
1 1 48 32 3 0.20 ..................
2 32 16 16 1.00 ..................
3 16 4 35 2.92 ..................
4 4 0 35 8.75 89
11⁄2 1 48 32 3 0.20 ..................
2 32 16 16 1.00 ..................
3 16 4 45 3.75 ..................
4 4 0 80 20.00 144
2 1 48 32 3 0.20 ..................
2 32 16 16 1.00 ..................
3 16 4 60 5.00 ..................
4 4 0 110 27.50 189
3 1 48 32 3 0.20 ..................
2 32 16 16 1.00 ..................
3 16 4 90 7.50 ..................
4 4 0 120 30.00 229
4 1 48 32 3 0.20 ..................
2 32 16 16 1.00 ..................
3 16 4 120 10.00 ..................
4 4 0 130 32.50 269
5 1 48 32 3 0.20 ..................
2 32 16 16 1.00 ..................
3 16 4 140 11.67 ..................
4 4 0 130 32.50 209
6 1 48 32 3 0.20 ..................
2 32 16 16 1.00 ..................
3 16 4 160 13.33 ..................
4 4 0 130 32.50 309
7 1 48 32 3 0.20 ..................
2 32 16 16 1.00 ..................
3 16 4 170 14.17 ..................
4 4 0 130 32.50 ..................
8 1 48 32 3 0.20 ..................
2 32 16 16 1.00 ..................
3 16 4 170 14.17 ..................
4 4 0 130 32.50 ..................
50 ................................................ 12 ⁄ 1 50 34 3 0.20 ..................
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
2 34 18 16 1.00 ..................
3 18 4 14 1.00 ..................
4 4 0 25 6.25 58
VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:16 Sep 01, 2020 Jkt 250123 PO 00000 Frm 00449 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8002 Q:\29\29V8.TXT PC31
§ 1926.850 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
Decompression data
Working chamber pressure Total time
period Pressure reduc. p.s.i.g. Time in Pressure
p.s.i.g. decom-
hours Stage No. stage min- reduc. rate press min-
utes Min/pound
From To utes
1 1 50 34 3 0.20 ..................
2 34 18 16 1.00 ..................
3 18 4 40 2.86 ..................
4 4 0 35 8.75 94
11⁄2 1 50 34 3 0.20 ..................
2 34 18 16 1.00 ..................
3 18 4 55 3.93 ..................
4 4 0 90 22.50 164
2 1 50 34 3 0.20 ..................
2 34 18 16 1.00 ..................
3 18 4 70 5.00 ..................
4 4 0 120 30.00 209
3 1 50 34 3 0.20 ..................
2 34 18 16 1.00 ..................
3 18 4 100 7.15 ..................
4 4 0 130 32.50 249
4 1 50 34 3 0.20 ..................
2 34 18 16 1.00 ..................
3 18 4 130 8.58 ..................
4 4 0 130 32.50 279
5 1 50 34 3 0.20 ..................
2 34 18 16 1.00 ..................
3 18 4 160 11.42 ..................
Decompression data
Working chamber pressure Total time
period Pressure reduc. p.s.i.g. Time in Pressure
p.s.i.g. decom-
hours Stage No. stage min- reduc. rate press min-
utes Min/pound
From To utes
[44 FR 8577, Feb. 9, 1979; 44 FR 20940, Apr. 6, 1979, as amended at 58 FR 35311, June 30, 1993]
ing, floors, and walls, and possibility of case, any utility company which is in-
unplanned collapse of any portion of volved shall be notified in advance.
VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:16 Sep 01, 2020 Jkt 250123 PO 00000 Frm 00450 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8002 Q:\29\29V8.TXT PC31
Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.852
(d) If it is necessary to maintain any protection from the face of the build-
power, water or other utilities during ing for a minimum of 8 feet. All such
demolition, such lines shall be tempo- canopies shall be at least 2 feet wider
rarily relocated, as necessary, and pro- than the building entrances or open-
tected. ings (1 foot wider on each side thereof),
(e) It shall also be determined if any and shall be capable of sustaining a
type of hazardous chemicals, gases, ex- load of 150 pounds per square foot.
plosives, flammable materials, or simi-
larly dangerous substances have been § 1926.851 Stairs, passageways, and
used in any pipes, tanks, or other ladders.
equipment on the property. When the (a) Only those stairways, passage-
presence of any such substances is ap- ways, and ladders, designated as means
parent or suspected, testing and purg- of access to the structure of a building,
ing shall be performed and the hazard shall be used. Other access ways shall
eliminated before demolition is start- be entirely closed at all times.
ed. (b) All stairs, passageways, ladders
(f) Where a hazard exists from frag- and incidental equipment thereto,
mentation of glass, such hazards shall which are covered by this section, shall
be removed. be periodically inspected and main-
(g) Where a hazard exists to employ- tained in a clean safe condition.
ees falling through wall openings, the (c) In a multistory building, when a
opening shall be protected to a height stairwell is being used, it shall be prop-
of approximately 42 inches. erly illuminated by either natural or
(h) When debris is dropped through artificial means, and completely and
holes in the floor without the use of substantially covered over at a point
chutes, the area onto which the mate- not less than two floors below the floor
rial is dropped shall be completely en- on which work is being performed, and
closed with barricades not less than 42 access to the floor where the work is in
inches high and not less than 6 feet progress shall be through a properly
back from the projected edge of the lighted, protected, and separate pas-
opening above. Signs, warning of the sageway.
hazard of falling materials, shall be
posted at each level. Removal shall not § 1926.852 Chutes.
be permitted in this lower area until
debris handling ceases above. (a) No material shall be dropped to
(i) All floor openings, not used as ma- any point lying outside the exterior
terial drops, shall be covered over with walls of the structure unless the area is
material substantial enough to support effectively protected.
the weight of any load which may be (b) All materials chutes, or sections
imposed. Such material shall be prop- thereof, at an angle of more than 45°
erly secured to prevent its accidental from the horizontal, shall be entirely
movement. enclosed, except for openings equipped
(j) Except for the cutting of holes in with closures at or about floor level for
floors for chutes, holes through which the insertion of materials. The open-
to drop materials, preparation of stor- ings shall not exceed 48 inches in
age space, and similar necessary pre- height measured along the wall of the
paratory work, the demolition of exte- chute. At all stories below the top
rior walls and floor construction shall floor, such openings shall be kept
begin at the top of the structure and closed when not in use.
proceed downward. Each story of exte- (c) A substantial gate shall be in-
rior wall and floor construction shall stalled in each chute at or near the dis-
be removed and dropped into the stor- charge end. A competent employee
age space before commencing the re- shall be assigned to control the oper-
moval of exterior walls and floors in ation of the gate, and the backing and
the story next below. loading of trucks.
(k) Employee entrances to multi- (d) When operations are not in
story structures being demolished shall progress, the area surrounding the dis-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
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§ 1926.853 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(e) Any chute opening, into which hibit the cutting of floor beams for the
workmen dump debris, shall be pro- disposal of materials or for the instal-
tected by a substantial guardrail ap- lation of equipment, provided that the
proximately 42 inches above the floor requirements of §§ 1926.853 and 1926.855
or other surface on which the men are met.
stand to dump the material. Any space (e) Floor openings within 10 feet of
between the chute and the edge of any wall being demolished shall be
openings in the floors through which it planked solid, except when employees
passes shall be solidly covered over. are kept out of the area below.
(f) Where the material is dumped (f) In buildings of ‘‘skeleton-steel’’
from mechanical equipment or wheel- construction, the steel framing may be
barrows, a securely attached toeboard left in place during the demolition of
or bumper, not less than 4 inches thick masonry. Where this is done, all steel
and 6 inches high, shall be provided at beams, girders, and similar structural
each chute opening. supports shall be cleared of all loose
(g) Chutes shall be designed and con- material as the masonry demolition
structed of such strength as to elimi- progresses downward.
nate failure due to impact of materials (g) Walkways or ladders shall be pro-
or debris loaded therein. vided to enable employees to safely
§ 1926.853 Removal of materials reach or leave any scaffold or wall.
through floor openings. (h) Walls, which serve as retaining
walls to support earth or adjoining
Any openings cut in a floor for the structures, shall not be demolished
disposal of materials shall be no larger until such earth has been properly
in size than 25 percent of the aggregate braced or adjoining structures have
of the total floor area, unless the lat- been properly underpinned.
eral supports of the removed flooring
(i) Walls, which are to serve as re-
remain in place. Floors weakened or
taining walls against which debris will
otherwise made unsafe by demolition
be piled, shall not be so used unless ca-
operations shall be shored to carry
pable of safely supporting the imposed
safely the intended imposed load from
demolition operations.
a floor have been demolished and re- point without walking upon exposed
moved. This provision shall not pro- beams.
VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:16 Sep 01, 2020 Jkt 250123 PO 00000 Frm 00452 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8002 Q:\29\29V8.TXT PC31
Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.859
(d) Stringers of ample strength shall (e) Storage space into which material
be installed to support the flooring is dumped shall be blocked off, except
planks, and the ends of such stringers for openings necessary for the removal
shall be supported by floor beams or of material. Such openings shall be
girders, and not by floor arches alone. kept closed at all times when material
(e) Planks shall be laid together over is not being removed.
solid bearings with the ends overlap-
ping at least 1 foot. § 1926.858 Removal of steel construc-
(f) When floor arches are being re- tion.
moved, employees shall not be allowed (a) When floor arches have been re-
in the area directly underneath, and moved, planking in accordance with
such an area shall be barricaded to pre- § 1926.855(b) shall be provided for the
vent access to it. workers engaged in razing the steel
(g) Demolition of floor arches shall framing.
not be started until they, and the sur- (b) Cranes, derricks, and other hoisting
rounding floor area for a distance of 20 equipment. Employers must meet the
feet, have been cleared of debris and requirements specified in subparts N
any other unnecessary materials. and CC of this part.
(c) Steel construction shall be dis-
§ 1926.856 Removal of walls, floors, mantled column length by column
and material with equipment. length, and tier by tier (columns may
(a) Mechanical equipment shall not be in two-story lengths).
be used on floors or working surfaces (d) Any structural member being dis-
unless such floors or surfaces are of membered shall not be overstressed.
sufficient strength to support the im- [44 FR 8577, Feb. 9, 1979 , 75 FR 48135, Aug. 9,
posed load. 2010; 77 FR 49730, Aug. 17, 2012; 78 FR 23843,
(b) Floor openings shall have curbs or Apr. 23, 2013]
stop-logs to prevent equipment from
running over the edge. § 1926.859 Mechanical demolition.
(c) Cranes, derricks, and other mechan- (a) No workers shall be permitted in
ical equipment. Employers must meet any area, which can be adversely af-
the requirements specified in subparts fected by demolition operations, when
N, O, and CC of this part. balling or clamming is being per-
[44 FR 8577, Feb. 9, 1979 , 75 FR 48135, Aug. 9, formed. Only those workers necessary
2010; 77 FR 49730, Aug. 17, 2012; 78 FR 23843, for the performance of the operations
Apr. 23, 2013] shall be permitted in this area at any
other time.
§ 1926.857 Storage. (b) The weight of the demolition ball
(a) The storage of waste material and shall not exceed 50 percent of the
debris on any floor shall not exceed the crane’s rated load, based on the length
allowable floor loads. of the boom and the maximum angle of
(b) In buildings having wooden floor operation at which the demolition ball
construction, the flooring boards may will be used, or it shall not exceed 25
be removed from not more than one percent of the nominal breaking
floor above grade to provide storage strength of the line by which it is sus-
space for debris, provided falling mate- pended, whichever results in a lesser
rial is not permitted to endanger the value.
stability of the structure. (c) The crane boom and loadline shall
(c) When wood floor beams serve to be as short as possible.
brace interior walls or free-standing (d) The ball shall be attached to the
exterior walls, such beams shall be left loadline with a swivel-type connection
in place until other equivalent support to prevent twisting of the loadline, and
can be installed to replace them. shall be attached by positive means in
(d) Floor arches, to an elevation of such manner that the weight cannot
not more than 25 feet above grade, may become accidentally disconnected.
be removed to provide storage area for (e) When pulling over walls or por-
debris: Provided, That such removal tions thereof, all steel members af-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
does not endanger the stability of the fected shall have been previously cut
structure. free.
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§ 1926.860 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(f) All roof cornices or other such or- with explosives. All employees shall be
namental stonework shall be removed removed to a safe area and the fire area
prior to pulling walls over. guarded against intruders.
(g) During demolition, continuing in- (g) Original containers, or Class II
spections by a competent person shall magazines, shall be used for taking det-
be made as the work progresses to de- onators and other explosives from stor-
tect hazards resulting from weakened age magazines to the blasting area.
or deteriorated floors, or walls, or loos- (h) When blasting is done in con-
ened material. No employee shall be gested areas or in proximity to a struc-
permitted to work where such hazards
ture, railway, or highway, or any other
exist until they are corrected by shor-
installation that may be damaged, the
ing, bracing, or other effective means.
blaster shall take special precautions
§ 1926.860 Selective demolition by ex- in the loading, delaying, initiation, and
plosives. confinement of each blast with mats or
Selective demolition by explosives other methods so as to control the
shall be conducted in accordance with throw of fragments, and thus prevent
the applicable sections of subpart U of bodily injury to employees.
this part. (i) Employees authorized to prepare
explosive charges or conduct blasting
Subpart U—Blasting and the Use operations shall use every reasonable
of Explosives precaution including, but not limited
to, visual and audible warning signals,
AUTHORITY: Sec. 107, Contract Work Hours
flags, or barricades, to ensure employee
and Safety Standards Act (40 U.S.C. 333); safety.
secs. 4, 6, 8, Occupational Safety and Health (j) Insofar as possible, blasting oper-
Act of 1970 (29 U.S.C. 653, 655, 657); Secretary ations above ground shall be conducted
of Labor’s Order No. 12–71 (36 FR 8754), 8–76 between sunup and sundown.
(41 FR 25059), 9–83 (48 FR 35736), or 6–96 (62 FR
(k) Due precautions shall be taken to
111), as applicable; and 29 CFR part 1911.
prevent accidental discharge of electric
§ 1926.900 General provisions. blasting caps from current induced by
(a) The employer shall permit only radar, radio transmitters, lightning,
authorized and qualified persons to adjacent powerlines, dust storms, or
handle and use explosives. other sources of extraneous electricity.
(b) Smoking, firearms, matches, open These precautions shall include:
flame lamps, and other fires, flame or (1) Detonators shall be short-
heat producing devices and sparks shall circuited in holes which have been
be prohibited in or near explosive mag- primed and shunted until wired into
azines or while explosives are being the blasting circuit.
handled, transported or used. (2) The suspension of all blasting op-
(c) No person shall be allowed to han- erations and removal of persons from
dle or use explosives while under the the blasting area during the approach
influence of intoxicating liquors, nar- and progress of an electric storm;
cotics, or other dangerous drugs. (3)(i) The prominent display of ade-
(d) All explosives shall be accounted quate signs, warning against the use of
for at all times. Explosives not being mobile radio transmitters, on all roads
used shall be kept in a locked maga- within 1,000 feet of blasting operations.
zine, unavailable to persons not au- Whenever adherence to the 1,000-foot
thorized to handle them. The employer
distance would create an operational
shall maintain an inventory and use
handicap, a competent person shall be
record of all explosives. Appropriate
consulted to evaluate the particular
authorities shall be notified of any
loss, theft, or unauthorized entry into situation, and alternative provisions
a magazine. may be made which are adequately de-
(e) No explosives or blasting agents signed to prevent any premature firing
shall be abandoned. of electric blasting caps. A description
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(f) No fire shall be fought where the of any such alternatives shall be re-
fire is in imminent danger of contact duced to writing and shall be certified
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.900
as meeting the purposes of this subdivi- (q) All loading and firing shall be di-
sion by the competent person con- rected and supervised by competent
sulted. The description shall be main- persons thoroughly experienced in this
tained at the construction site during field.
the duration of the work, and shall be (r) All blasts shall be fired elec-
available for inspection by representa- trically with an electric blasting ma-
tives of the Secretary of Labor. chine or properly designed electric
(ii) Specimens of signs which would power source, except as provided in
meet the requirements of paragraph § 1926.906 (a) and (r).
(k)(3) of this section are the following: (s) Buildings used for the mixing of
blasting agents shall conform to the re-
quirements of this section.
(1) Buildings shall be of noncombus-
tible construction or sheet metal on
wood studs.
(2) Floors in a mixing plant shall be
of concrete or of other nonabsorbent
(3) All fuel oil storage facilities shall
be separated from the mixing plant and
located in such a manner that in case
(4) Ensuring that mobile radio trans- of tank rupture, the oil will drain away
mitters which are less than 100 feet from the mixing plant building.
away from electric blasting caps, in (4) The building shall be well venti-
other than original containers, shall be lated.
deenergized and effectively locked; (5) Heating units which do not depend
(5) Compliance with the rec- on combustion processes, when prop-
ommendations of The Institute of the erly designed and located, may be used
Makers of Explosives with regard to in the building. All direct sources of
blasting in the vicinity of radio trans- heat shall be provided exclusively from
mitters as stipulated in Radio Fre- units located outside the mixing build-
quency Energy—A Potential Hazard in ing.
the Use of Electric Blasting Caps, IME (6) All internal-combustion engines
Publication No. 20, March 1971. used for electric power generation shall
(l) Empty boxes and paper and fiber be located outside the mixing plant
packing materials, which have pre- building, or shall be properly venti-
viously contained high explosives, lated and isolated by a firewall. The ex-
shall not be used again for any purpose, haust systems on all such engines shall
but shall be destroyed by burning at an be located so any spark emission can-
approved location. not be a hazard to any materials in or
(m) Explosives, blasting agents, and adjacent to the plant.
blasting supplies that are obviously de- (t) Buildings used for the mixing of
teriorated or damaged shall not be water gels shall conform to the re-
used. quirements of this subdivision.
(n) Delivery and issue of explosives (1) Buildings shall be of noncombus-
shall only be made by and to author- tible construction or sheet metal on
ized persons and into authorized maga- wood studs.
zines or approved temporary storage or (2) Floors in a mixing plant shall be
handling areas. of concrete or of other nonabsorbent
(o) Blasting operations in the prox- materials.
imity of overhead power lines, commu- (3) Where fuel oil is used all fuel oil
nication lines, utility services, or other storage facilities shall be separated
services and structures shall not be from the mixing plant and located in
carried on until the operators and/or such a manner that in case of tank rup-
owners have been notified and meas- ture, the oil will drain away from the
ures for safe control have been taken. mixing plant building.
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(p) The use of black powder shall be (4) The building shall be well venti-
prohibited. lated.
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§ 1926.901 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(5) Heating units that do not depend (c) No person shall smoke, or carry
on combustion processes, when prop- matches or any other flame-producing
erly designed and located, may be used device, nor shall firearms or loaded
in the building. All direct sources of cartridges be carried while in or near a
heat shall be provided exclusively from motor vehicle or conveyance trans-
units located outside of the mixing porting explosives.
building. (d) Explosives, blasting agents, and
(6) All internal-combustion engines blasting supplies shall not be trans-
used for electric power generation shall ported with other materials or cargoes.
be located outside the mixing plant
Blasting caps (including electric) shall
building, or shall be properly venti-
not be transported in the same vehicle
lated and isolated by a firewall. The ex-
haust systems on all such engines shall with other explosives.
be located so any spark emission can- (e) Vehicles used for transporting ex-
not be a hazard to any materials in or plosives shall be strong enough to
adjacent to the plant. carry the load without difficulty, and
shall be in good mechanical condition.
[44 FR 8577, Feb. 9, 1979; 44 FR 20940, Apr. 6,
1979, as amended at 58 FR 35183, June 30, 1993]
(f) When explosives are transported
by a vehicle with an open body, a Class
§ 1926.901 Blaster qualifications. II magazine or original manufacturer’s
(a) A blaster shall be able to under- container shall be securely mounted on
stand and give written and oral orders. the bed to contain the cargo.
(b) A blaster shall be in good physical (g) All vehicles used for the transpor-
condition and not be addicted to nar- tation of explosives shall have tight
cotics, intoxicants, or similar types of floors and any exposed spark-producing
drugs. metal on the inside of the body shall be
(c) A blaster shall be qualified, by covered with wood, or other non-
reason of training, knowledge, or expe- sparking material, to prevent contact
rience, in the field of transporting, with containers of explosives.
storing, handling, and use of explo- (h) Every motor vehicle or convey-
sives, and have a working knowledge of ance used for transporting explosives
State and local laws and regulations shall be marked or placarded on both
which pertain to explosives. sides, the front, and the rear with the
(d) Blasters shall be required to fur- word ‘‘Explosives’’ in red letters, not
nish satisfactory evidence of com- less than 4 inches in height, on white
petency in handling explosives and per- background. In addition to such mark-
forming in a safe manner the type of ing or placarding, the motor vehicle or
blasting that will be required. conveyance may display, in such a
(e) The blaster shall be knowledge- manner that it will be readily visible
able and competent in the use of each from all directions, a red flag 18 inches
type of blasting method used. by 30 inches, with the word ‘‘Explo-
§ 1926.902 Surface transportation of sives’’ painted, stamped, or sewed
explosives. thereon, in white letters, at least 6
inches in height.
(a) Transportation of explosives shall
meet the provisions of Department of (i) Each vehicle used for transpor-
Transportation regulations contained tation of explosives shall be equipped
in 46 CFR parts 146–149, Water Carriers; with a fully charged fire extinguisher,
49 CFR parts 171–179, Highways and in good condition. An Underwriters
Railways; 49 CFR part 195, Pipelines; Laboratory-approved extinguisher of
and 49 CFR parts 390–397, Motor Car- not less than 10-ABC rating will meet
riers. the minimum requirement. The driver
(b) Motor vehicles or conveyances shall be trained in the use of the extin-
transporting explosives shall only be guisher on his vehicle.
driven by, and be in the charge of, a li- (j) Motor vehicles or conveyances
censed driver who is physically fit. He carrying explosives, blasting agents, or
shall be familiar with the local, State, blasting supplies, shall not be taken in-
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and Federal regulation governing the side a garage or shop for repairs or
transportation of explosives. servicing.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.904
separate the locomotive from the pow- derground operation until the oper-
der car. ation has been developed to the point
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§ 1926.905 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
where at least two modes of exit have or blasting agents being loaded into
been provided. drill holes. Cables in the proximity of
(e) Permanent underground storage the blast area shall be deenergized and
magazines shall be at least 300 feet locked out by the blaster.
from any shaft, adit, or active under- (k) Holes shall be checked prior to
ground working area. loading to determine depth and condi-
(f) Permanent underground maga- tions. Where a hole has been loaded
zines containing detonators shall not with explosives but the explosives have
be located closer than 50 feet to any failed to detonate, there shall be no
magazine containing other explosives drilling within 50 feet of the hole.
or blasting agents. (l) When loading a long line of holes
with more than one loading crew, the
[44 FR 8577, Feb. 9, 1979; 44 FR 20940, Apr. 6,
1979, as amended at 58 FR 35311, June 30, 1993] crews shall be separated by practical
distance consistent with efficient oper-
§ 1926.905 Loading of explosives or ation and supervision of crews.
blasting agents. (m) No explosive shall be loaded or
(a) Procedures that permit safe and used underground in the presence of
efficient loading shall be established combustible gases or combustible
before loading is started. dusts.
(b) All drill holes shall be sufficiently (n) No explosives other than those in
large to admit freely the insertion of Fume Class 1, as set forth by the Insti-
the cartridges of explosives. tute of Makers of Explosives, shall be
(c) Tamping shall be done only with used; however, explosives complying
wood rods or plastic tamping poles with the requirements of Fume Class 2
without exposed metal parts, but non- and Fume Class 3 may be used if ade-
sparking metal connectors may be used quate ventilation has been provided.
for jointed poles. Violent tamping shall (o) All blast holes in open work shall
be avoided. The primer shall never be be stemmed to the collar or to a point
tamped. which will confine the charge.
(d) No holes shall be loaded except (p) Warning signs, indicating a blast
those to be fired in the next round of area, shall be maintained at all ap-
blasting. After loading, all remaining proaches to the blast area. The warn-
explosives and detonators shall be im- ing sign lettering shall not be less than
mediately returned to an authorized 4 inches in height on a contrasting
magazine. background.
(e) Drilling shall not be started until (q) A bore hole shall never be sprung
all remaining butts of old holes are ex- when it is adjacent to or near a hole
amined for unexploded charges, and if that is loaded. Flashlight batteries
any are found, they shall be refired be- shall not be used for springing holes.
fore work proceeds. (r) Drill holes which have been
(f) No person shall be allowed to sprung or chambered, and which are
deepen drill holes which have con- not water-filled, shall be allowed to
tained explosives or blasting agents. cool before explosives are loaded.
(g) No explosives or blasting agents (s) No loaded holes shall be left unat-
shall be left unattended at the blast tended or unprotected.
site. (t) The blaster shall keep an accu-
(h) Machines and all tools not used rate, up-to-date record of explosives,
for loading explosives into bore holes blasting agents, and blasting supplies
shall be removed from the immediate used in a blast and shall keep an accu-
location of holes before explosives are rate running inventory of all explosives
delivered. Equipment shall not be oper- and blasting agents stored on the oper-
ated within 50 feet of loaded holes. ation.
(i) No activity of any nature other (u) When loading blasting agents
than that which is required for loading pneumatically over electric blasting
holes with explosives shall be per- caps, semiconductive delivery hose
mitted in a blast area. shall be used and the equipment shall
(j) Powerlines and portable electric be bonded and grounded.
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cables for equipment being used shall [44 FR 8577, Feb. 9, 1979; 44 FR 20940, Apr. 6,
be kept a safe distance from explosives 1979, as amended at 58 FR 35184, June 30, 1993]
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.906
main firing switch; that is, between (t) After firing an electric blast from
this switch and the source of power. a blasting machine, the leading wires
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§ 1926.907 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
firing mudcap charges unless charges (j) Detonators for firing the trunk-
are separated sufficiently to prevent line shall not be brought to the loading
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.912
area nor attached to the detonating and in tunnels, after the muck pile has
cord until everything else is in readi- been wetted down.
ness for the blast.
§ 1926.911 Misfires.
§ 1926.909 Firing the blast. (a) If a misfire is found, the blaster
(a) A code of blasting signals equiva- shall provide proper safeguards for ex-
lent to Table U–1, shall be posted on cluding all employees from the danger
one or more conspicuous places at the zone.
operation, and all employees shall be (b) No other work shall be done ex-
required to familiarize themselves with cept that necessary to remove the haz-
the code and conform to it. Danger ard of the misfire and only those em-
signs shall be placed at suitable loca- ployees necessary to do the work shall
tions. remain in the danger zone.
(b) Before a blast is fired, a loud (c) No attempt shall be made to ex-
warning signal shall be given by the tract explosives from any charged or
blaster in charge, who has made cer- misfired hole; a new primer shall be
tain that all surplus explosives are in a put in and the hole reblasted. If re-
safe place and all employees, vehicles, firing of the misfired hole presents a
and equipment are at a safe distance, hazard, the explosives may be removed
or under sufficient cover. by washing out with water or, where
(c) Flagmen shall be safely stationed the misfire is under water, blown out
on highways which pass through the with air.
danger zone so as to stop traffic during (d) If there are any misfires while
blasting operations. using cap and fuse, all employees shall
(d) It shall be the duty of the blaster remain away from the charge for at
to fix the time of blasting. least 1 hour. Misfires shall be handled
(e) Before firing an underground under the direction of the person in
blast, warning shall be given, and all charge of the blasting. All wires shall
possible entries into the blasting area, be carefully traced and a search made
and any entrances to any working for unexploded charges.
place where a drift, raise, or other (e) No drilling, digging, or picking
opening is about to hole through, shall shall be permitted until all missed
be carefully guarded. The blaster shall holes have been detonated or the au-
make sure that all employees are out thorized representative has approved
of the blast area before firing a blast. that work can proceed.
§ 1926.912 Underwater blasting.
WARNING SIGNAL—A 1-minute series of long
blasts 5 minutes prior to blast signal.
(a) A blaster shall conduct all blast-
BLAST SIGNAL—A series of short blasts 1 ing operations, and no shot shall be
minute prior to the shot. fired without his approval.
ALL CLEAR SIGNAL—A prolonged blast fol- (b) Loading tubes and casings of dis-
lowing the inspection of blast area. similar metals shall not be used be-
cause of possible electric transient cur-
§ 1926.910 Inspection after blasting. rents from galvanic action of the met-
(a) Immediately after the blast has als and water.
been fired, the firing line shall be dis- (c) Only water-resistant blasting caps
connected from the blasting machine, and detonating cords shall be used for
or where power switches are used, they all marine blasting. Loading shall be
shall be locked open or in the off posi- done through a nonsparking metal
tion. loading tube when tube is necessary.
(b) Sufficient time shall be allowed, (d) No blast shall be fired while any
not less than 15 minutes in tunnels, for vessel under way is closer than 1,500
the smoke and fumes to leave the feet to the blasting area. Those on
blasted area before returning to the board vessels or craft moored or an-
shot. An inspection of the area and the chored within 1,500 feet shall be noti-
surrounding rubble shall be made by fied before a blast is fired.
the blaster to determine if all charges (e) No blast shall be fired while any
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§ 1926.913 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
area. If such operations are in progress, (g) When tunnel excavation in rock
signals and arrangements shall be face is approaching mixed face, and
agreed upon to assure that no blast when tunnel excavation is in mixed
shall be fired while any person is in the face, blasting shall be performed with
water. light charges and with light burden on
(f) Blasting flags shall be displayed. each hole. Advance drilling shall be
(g) The storage and handling of ex- performed as tunnel excavation in rock
plosives aboard vessels used in under- face approaches mixed face, to deter-
water blasting operations shall be ac- mine the general nature and extent of
cording to provisions outlined herein rock cover and the remaining distance
on handling and storing explosives. ahead to soft ground as excavation ad-
(h) When more than one charge is vances.
placed under water, a float device shall
be attached to an element of each § 1926.914 Definitions applicable to
charge in such manner that it will be this subpart.
released by the firing. Misfires shall be
handled in accordance with the re- (a) American Table of Distances (also
quirements of § 1926.911. known as Quantity Distance Tables)
means American Table of Distances for
§ 1926.913 Blasting in excavation work Storage of Explosives as revised and
under compressed air. approved by the Institute of the Mak-
(a) Detonators and explosives shall ers of Explosives, June 5, 1964.
not be stored or kept in tunnels, shafts, (b) Approved storage facility—A facil-
or caissons. Detonators and explosives ity for the storage of explosive mate-
for each round shall be taken directly rials conforming to the requirements of
from the magazines to the blasting this part and covered by a license or
zone and immediately loaded. Deto- permit issued under authority of the
nators and explosives left over after Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Fire-
loading a round shall be removed from arms. (See 27 CFR part 55)
the working chamber before the con- (c) Blast area—The area in which ex-
necting wires are connected up. plosives loading and blasting oper-
(b) When detonators or explosives are ations are being conducted.
brought into an air lock, no employee (d) Blaster—The person or persons au-
except the powderman, blaster, lock thorized to use explosives for blasting
tender and the employees necessary for purposes and meeting the qualifica-
carrying, shall be permitted to enter tions contained in § 1926.901.
the air lock. No other material, sup-
(e) Blasting agent—A blasting agent is
plies, or equipment shall be locked
any material or mixture consisting of a
through with the explosives.
fuel and oxidizer used for blasting, but
(c) Detonators and explosives shall be
not classified an explosive and in which
taken separately into pressure working
chambers. none of the ingredients is classified as
(d) The blaster or powderman shall be an explosive provided the furnished
responsible for the receipt, unloading, (mixed) product cannot be detonated
storage, and on-site transportation of with a No. 8 test blasting cap when
explosives and detonators. confined. A common blasting agent
(e) All metal pipes, rails, air locks, presently in use is a mixture of ammo-
and steel tunnel lining shall be elec- nium nitrate (NH4 NO3) and carbo-
trically bonded together and grounded naceous combustibles, such as fuel oil
at or near the portal or shaft, and such or coal, and may either be procured,
pipes and rails shall be cross-bonded to- premixed and packaged from explosives
gether at not less than 1,000-foot inter- companies or mixed in the field.
vals throughout the length of the tun- (f) Blasting cap—A metallic tube
nel. In addition, each low air supply closed at one end, containing a charge
pipe shall be grounded at its delivery of one or more detonating compounds,
end. and designed for and capable of detona-
(f) The explosives suitable for use in tion from the sparks or flame from a
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wet holes shall be water-resistant and safety fuse inserted and crimped into
shall be Fume Class 1. the open end.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.914
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§ 1926.950 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(z) Water gels, or slurry explosives—A ance with § 1910.269 of this chapter will not
wide variety of materials used for excuse an employer from compliance obliga-
blasting. They all contain substantial tions under other subparts of this part.
proportions of water and high propor- (ii) Notwithstanding paragraph
tions of ammonium nitrate, some of (a)(1)(i) of this section, this subpart
which is in solution in the water. Two does not apply to electrical safety-re-
broad classes of water gels are: (1) lated work practices for unqualified
Those which are sensitized by a mate- employees.
rial classed as an explosive, such as (2) Other part 1926 standards. This sub-
TNT or smokeless powder, and (2) those part applies in addition to all other ap-
which contain no ingredient classified plicable standards contained in this
as an explosive; these are sensitized part 1926. Employers covered under this
with metals such as aluminum or with subpart are not exempt from com-
other fuels. Water gels may be plying with other applicable provisions
premixed at an explosives plant or in part 1926 by the operation of
mixed at the site immediately before § 1910.5(c) of this chapter. Specific ref-
delivery into the bore hole. erences in this subpart to other sec-
(aa) Semiconductive hose. tions of part 1926 are provided for em-
Semiconductive hose—a hose with an phasis only.
electrical resistance high enough to (3) Applicable part 1910 requirements.
limit flow of stray electric currents to (i) Line-clearance tree trimming per-
safe levels, yet not so high as to pre- formed for the purpose of clearing
vent drainage of static electric charges space around electric power genera-
to ground; hose of not more than 2 tion, transmission, or distribution
megohms resistance over its entire lines or equipment and on behalf of an
length and of not less than 5,000 ohms organization that operates, or that
per foot meets the requirement. controls the operating procedures for,
[44 FR 8577, Feb. 9, 1979; 44 FR 20940, Apr. 6,
those lines or equipment shall comply
1979, as amended at 58 FR 35184, 35311, June with § 1910.269 of this chapter.
30, 1993] (ii) Work involving electric power
generation installations shall comply
Subpart V—Electric Power with § 1910.269 of this chapter.
(b) Training—(1) All employees. (i)
Transmission and Distribution Each employee shall be trained in, and
familiar with, the safety-related work
SOURCE: 79 FR 20696, Apr. 11, 2014, unless practices, safety procedures, and other
otherwise noted. safety requirements in this subpart
AUTHORITY: 40 U.S.C. 3701 et seq.; 29 U.S.C. that pertain to his or her job assign-
653, 655, 657; Secretary of Labor’s Order No. ments.
1–2012 (77 FR 3912); and 29 CFR Part 1911. (ii) Each employee shall also be
trained in and familiar with any other
§ 1926.950 General. safety practices, including applicable
(a) Application—(1) Scope. (i) This sub- emergency procedures (such as pole-top
part, except for paragraph (a)(3) of this and manhole rescue), that are not spe-
section, covers the construction of cifically addressed by this subpart but
electric power transmission and dis- that are related to his or her work and
tribution lines and equipment. As used are necessary for his or her safety.
in this subpart, the term ‘‘construc- (iii) The degree of training shall be
tion’’ includes the erection of new elec- determined by the risk to the employee
tric transmission and distribution lines for the hazard involved.
and equipment, and the alteration, (2) Qualified employees. Each qualified
conversion, and improvement of exist- employee shall also be trained and
ing electric transmission and distribu- competent in:
tion lines and equipment. (i) The skills and techniques nec-
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (a)(1)(i): An employer
essary to distinguish exposed live parts
that complies with § 1910.269 of this chapter from other parts of electric equipment,
(ii) The skills and techniques nec-
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.950
(iii) The minimum approach dis- (6) Training goals. The training shall
tances specified in this subpart cor- establish employee proficiency in the
responding to the voltages to which the work practices required by this subpart
qualified employee will be exposed and and shall introduce the procedures nec-
the skills and techniques necessary to essary for compliance with this sub-
maintain those distances, part.
(iv) The proper use of the special pre- (7) Demonstration of proficiency. The
cautionary techniques, personal pro- employer shall ensure that each em-
tective equipment, insulating and ployee has demonstrated proficiency in
shielding materials, and insulated tools the work practices involved before that
for working on or near exposed ener- employee is considered as having com-
gized parts of electric equipment, and pleted the training required by para-
(v) The recognition of electrical haz- graph (b) of this section.
ards to which the employee may be ex-
NOTE 1 TO PARAGRAPH (b)(7): Though they
posed and the skills and techniques are not required by this paragraph, employ-
necessary to control or avoid these ment records that indicate that an employee
hazards. has successfully completed the required
training are one way of keeping track of
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (b)(2): For the pur-
when an employee has demonstrated pro-
poses of this subpart, a person must have the
training required by paragraph (b)(2) of this
NOTE 2 TO PARAGRAPH (b)(7): For an em-
section to be considered a qualified person.
ployee with previous training, an employer
(3) Supervision and annual inspection. may determine that that employee has dem-
The employer shall determine, through onstrated the proficiency required by this
regular supervision and through in- paragraph using the following process: (1)
Confirm that the employee has the training
spections conducted on at least an an-
required by paragraph (b) of this section, (2)
nual basis, that each employee is com- use an examination or interview to make an
plying with the safety-related work initial determination that the employee un-
practices required by this subpart. derstands the relevant safety-related work
(4) Additional training. An employee practices before he or she performs any work
shall receive additional training (or re- covered by this subpart, and (3) supervise the
training) under any of the following employee closely until that employee has
conditions: demonstrated proficiency as required by this
(i) If the supervision or annual in-
spections required by paragraph (b)(3) (c) Information transfer—(1) Host em-
of this section indicate that the em- ployer responsibilities. Before work be-
ployee is not complying with the safe- gins, the host employer shall inform
ty-related work practices required by contract employers of:
this subpart, or (i) The characteristics of the host
(ii) If new technology, new types of employer’s installation that are re-
equipment, or changes in procedures lated to the safety of the work to be
necessitate the use of safety-related performed and are listed in paragraphs
work practices that are different from (d)(1) through (d)(5) of this section;
those which the employee would nor-
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (c)(1)(i): This para-
mally use, or graph requires the host employer to obtain
(iii) If he or she must employ safety- information listed in paragraphs (d)(1)
related work practices that are not through (d)(5) of this section if it does not
normally used during his or her regular have this information in existing records.
job duties.
(ii) Conditions that are related to the
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (b)(4)(iii): The Occupa- safety of the work to be performed,
tional Safety and Health Administration that are listed in paragraphs (d)(6)
considers tasks that are performed less often through (d)(8) of this section, and that
than once per year to necessitate retraining are known to the host employer;
before the performance of the work practices
involved. NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (c)(1)(ii): For the pur-
poses of this paragraph, the host employer
(5) Type of training. The training re- need only provide information to contract
quired by paragraph (b) of this section
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§ 1926.951 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
does not require the host employer to make each employee of the contract em-
inspections of worksite conditions to obtain ployer and the host employer is pro-
this information.
tected as required by this subpart.
(iii) Information about the design (d) Existing characteristics and condi-
and operation of the host employer’s tions. Existing characteristics and con-
installation that the contract em- ditions of electric lines and equipment
ployer needs to make the assessments that are related to the safety of the
required by this subpart; and work to be performed shall be deter-
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (c)(1)(iii): This para- mined before work on or near the lines
graph requires the host employer to obtain or equipment is started. Such charac-
information about the design and operation teristics and conditions include, but
of its installation that contract employers are not limited to:
need to make required assessments if it does
not have this information in existing (1) The nominal voltages of lines and
records. equipment,
(2) The maximum switching-tran-
(iv) Any other information about the
design and operation of the host em- sient voltages,
ployer’s installation that is known by (3) The presence of hazardous induced
the host employer, that the contract voltages,
employer requests, and that is related (4) The presence of protective
to the protection of the contract em- grounds and equipment grounding con-
ployer’s employees. ductors,
(5) The locations of circuits and
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (c)(1)(iv): For the pur-
poses of this paragraph, the host employer equipment, including electric supply
need only provide information to contract lines, communication lines, and fire-
employers that the host employer can obtain protective signaling circuits,
from its existing records through the exer- (6) The condition of protective
cise of reasonable diligence. This paragraph grounds and equipment grounding con-
does not require the host employer to make
inspections of worksite conditions to obtain
this information. (7) The condition of poles, and
(8) Environmental conditions relat-
(2) Contract employer responsibilities.
ing to safety.
(i) The contract employer shall ensure
that each of its employees is instructed [44 FR 8577, Feb. 9, 1979; 44 FR 20940, Apr. 6,
in the hazardous conditions relevant to 1979, as amended at 80 FR 60040, Oct. 5, 2015]
the employee’s work that the contract
employer is aware of as a result of in- § 1926.951 Medical services and first
formation communicated to the con- aid.
tract employer by the host employer (a) General. The employer shall pro-
under paragraph (c)(1) of this section. vide medical services and first aid as
(ii) Before work begins, the contract required in § 1926.50.
employer shall advise the host em- (b) First-aid training. In addition to
ployer of any unique hazardous condi- the requirements of § 1926.50, when em-
tions presented by the contract em- ployees are performing work on, or as-
ployer’s work. sociated with, exposed lines or equip-
(iii) The contract employer shall ad-
ment energized at 50 volts or more, per-
vise the host employer of any unantici-
sons with first-aid training shall be
pated hazardous conditions found dur-
available as follows:
ing the contract employer’s work that
the host employer did not mention (1) Field work. For field work involv-
under paragraph (c)(1) of this section. ing two or more employees at a work
The contract employer shall provide location, at least two trained persons
this information to the host employer shall be available.
within 2 working days after discovering (2) Fixed work locations. For fixed
the hazardous condition. work locations such as substations, the
(3) Joint host- and contract-employer re- number of trained persons available
sponsibilities. The contract employer shall be sufficient to ensure that each
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and the host employer shall coordinate employee exposed to electric shock can
their work rules and procedures so that be reached within 4 minutes by a
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.953
trained person. However, where the ex- (e) Working alone. An employee work-
isting number of employees is insuffi- ing alone need not conduct a job brief-
cient to meet this requirement (at a re- ing. However, the employer shall en-
mote substation, for example), each sure that the tasks to be performed are
employee at the work location shall be planned as if a briefing were required.
a trained employee.
§ 1926.953 Enclosed spaces.
§ 1926.952 Job briefing.
(a) General. This section covers en-
(a) Before each job—(1) Information closed spaces that may be entered by
provided by the employer. In assigning employees. It does not apply to vented
an employee or a group of employees to vaults if the employer makes a deter-
perform a job, the employer shall pro- mination that the ventilation system
vide the employee in charge of the job is operating to protect employees be-
with all available information that re- fore they enter the space. This section
lates to the determination of existing applies to routine entry into enclosed
characteristics and conditions required spaces. If, after the employer takes the
by § 1926.950(d).
precautions given in this section and in
(2) Briefing by the employee in charge.
§ 1926.965, the hazards remaining in the
The employer shall ensure that the em-
enclosed space endanger the life of an
ployee in charge conducts a job brief-
entrant or could interfere with an en-
ing that meets paragraphs (b), (c), and
trant’s escape from the space, then
(d) of this section with the employees
entry into the enclosed space must
involved before they start each job.
(b) Subjects to be covered. The briefing meet the permit space entry require-
shall cover at least the following sub- ments of subpart AA of this part. For
jects: Hazards associated with the job, routine entries where the hazards re-
work procedures involved, special pre- maining in the enclosed space do not
cautions, energy-source controls, and endanger the life of an entrant or
personal protective equipment require- interfere with an entrant’s escape from
ments. the space, this section applies in lieu of
(c) Number of briefings—(1) At least one the permit-space entry requirements
before each day or shift. If the work or contained in §§ 1926.1204 through
operations to be performed during the 926.1211.
work day or shift are repetitive and (b) Safe work practices. The employer
similar, at least one job briefing shall shall ensure the use of safe work prac-
be conducted before the start of the tices for entry into, and work in, en-
first job of each day or shift. closed spaces and for rescue of employ-
(2) Additional briefings. Additional job ees from such spaces.
briefings shall be held if significant (c) Training. Each employee who en-
changes, which might affect the safety ters an enclosed space or who serves as
of the employees, occur during the an attendant shall be trained in the
course of the work. hazards of enclosed-space entry, in en-
(d) Extent of briefing—(1) Short discus- closed-space entry procedures, and in
sion. A brief discussion is satisfactory enclosed-space rescue procedures.
if the work involved is routine and if (d) Rescue equipment. Employers shall
the employees, by virtue of training provide equipment to ensure the
and experience, can reasonably be ex- prompt and safe rescue of employees
pected to recognize and avoid the haz- from the enclosed space.
ards involved in the job. (e) Evaluating potential hazards. Be-
(2) Detailed discussion. A more exten- fore any entrance cover to an enclosed
sive discussion shall be conducted: space is removed, the employer shall
(i) If the work is complicated or par- determine whether it is safe to do so by
ticularly hazardous, or checking for the presence of any at-
(ii) If the employee cannot be ex- mospheric pressure or temperature dif-
pected to recognize and avoid the haz- ferences and by evaluating whether
ards involved in the job. there might be a hazardous atmosphere
in the space. Any conditions making it
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§ 1926.953 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (e): The determination used ensure that employees are not ex-
called for in this paragraph may consist of a posed to the hazards posed by oxygen
check of the conditions that might deficiency.
foreseeably be in the enclosed space. For ex-
(k) Testing for flammable gases and va-
ample, the cover could be checked to see if it
is hot and, if it is fastened in place, could be
pors. Before an employee enters an en-
loosened gradually to release any residual closed space, the internal atmosphere
pressure. An evaluation also needs to be shall be tested for flammable gases and
made of whether conditions at the site could vapors with a direct-reading meter or
cause a hazardous atmosphere, such as an similar instrument capable of collec-
oxygen-deficient or flammable atmosphere, tion and immediate analysis of data
to develop within the space. samples without the need for off-site
(f) Removing covers. When covers are evaluation. This test shall be per-
removed from enclosed spaces, the formed after the oxygen testing and
opening shall be promptly guarded by a ventilation required by paragraph (j) of
railing, temporary cover, or other bar- this section demonstrate that there is
rier designed to prevent an accidental sufficient oxygen to ensure the accu-
fall through the opening and to protect racy of the test for flammability.
employees working in the space from (l) Ventilation, and monitoring for flam-
objects entering the space. mable gases or vapors. If flammable
(g) Hazardous atmosphere. Employees gases or vapors are detected or if an ox-
ygen deficiency is found, forced-air
may not enter any enclosed space while
ventilation shall be used to maintain
it contains a hazardous atmosphere,
oxygen at a safe level and to prevent a
unless the entry conforms to the con-
hazardous concentration of flammable
fined spaces in construction standard
gases and vapors from accumulating. A
in subpart AA of this part.
continuous monitoring program to en-
(h) Attendants. While work is being
sure that no increase in flammable gas
performed in the enclosed space, an at- or vapor concentration above safe lev-
tendant with first-aid training shall be els occurs may be followed in lieu of
immediately available outside the en- ventilation if flammable gases or va-
closed space to provide assistance if a pors are initially detected at safe lev-
hazard exists because of traffic pat- els.
terns in the area of the opening used
for entry. The attendant is not pre- NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (l): See the definition
cluded from performing other duties of ‘‘hazardous atmosphere’’ for guidance in
determining whether a specific concentra-
outside the enclosed space if these du-
tion of a substance is hazardous.
ties do not distract the attendant from:
Monitoring employees within the space (m) Specific ventilation requirements. If
or ensuring that it is safe for employ- continuous forced-air ventilation is
ees to enter and exit the space. used, it shall begin before entry is
made and shall be maintained long
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (h): See § 1926.965 for enough for the employer to be able to
additional requirements on attendants for
work in manholes and vaults.
demonstrate that a safe atmosphere ex-
ists before employees are allowed to
(i) Calibration of test instruments. Test enter the work area. The forced-air
instruments used to monitor ventilation shall be so directed as to
atmospheres in enclosed spaces shall be ventilate the immediate area where
kept in calibration and shall have a employees are present within the en-
minimum accuracy of ±10 percent. closed space and shall continue until
(j) Testing for oxygen deficiency. Be- all employees leave the enclosed space.
fore an employee enters an enclosed (n) Air supply. The air supply for the
space, the atmosphere in the enclosed continuous forced-air ventilation shall
space shall be tested for oxygen defi- be from a clean source and may not in-
ciency with a direct-reading meter or crease the hazards in the enclosed
similar instrument, capable of collec- space.
tion and immediate analysis of data (o) Open flames. If open flames are
samples without the need for off-site used in enclosed spaces, a test for flam-
evaluation. If continuous forced-air mable gases and vapors shall be made
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ventilation is provided, testing is not immediately before the open flame de-
required provided that the procedures vice is used and at least once per hour
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.954
while the device is used in the space. (C) Hardware surfaces shall be
Testing shall be conducted more fre- smooth and free of sharp edges.
quently if conditions present in the en- (ii) Buckles shall be capable of with-
closed space indicate that once per standing an 8.9-kilonewton (2,000-
hour is insufficient to detect hazardous pound-force) tension test with a max-
accumulations of flammable gases or imum permanent deformation no
vapors. greater than 0.4 millimeters (0.0156
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (o): See the definition inches).
of ‘‘hazardous atmosphere’’ for guidance in (iii) D rings shall be capable of with-
determining whether a specific concentra- standing a 22-kilonewton (5,000-pound-
tion of a substance is hazardous. force) tensile test without cracking or
NOTE TO § 1926.953: Entries into enclosed breaking.
spaces conducted in accordance with the per-
mit space entry requirements of subpart AA (iv) Snaphooks shall be capable of
of this part are considered as complying with withstanding a 22-kilonewton (5,000-
this section. pound-force) tension test without fail-
[44 FR 8577, Feb. 9, 1979; 44 FR 20940, Apr. 6,
1979, as amended at 80 FR 25518, May 4, 2015] NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (b)(2)(iv): Distortion of
the snaphook sufficient to release the keeper
§ 1926.954 Personal protective equip- is considered to be tensile failure of a
ment. snaphook.
(a) General. Personal protective (v) Top grain leather or leather sub-
equipment shall meet the requirements stitute may be used in the manufacture
of subpart E of this part. of body belts and positioning straps;
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (a): Paragraph (d) of however, leather and leather sub-
§ 1926.95 sets employer payment obligations stitutes may not be used alone as a
for the personal protective equipment re- load-bearing component of the assem-
quired by this subpart, including, but not bly.
limited to, the fall protection equipment re-
quired by paragraph (b) of this section, the (vi) Plied fabric used in positioning
electrical protective equipment required by straps and in load-bearing parts of
§ 1926.960(c), and the flame-resistant and arc- body belts shall be constructed in such
rated clothing and other protective equip- a way that no raw edges are exposed
ment required by § 1926.960(g). and the plies do not separate.
(b) Fall protection—(1) Personal fall ar- (vii) Positioning straps shall be capa-
rest systems. (i) Personal fall arrest sys- ble of withstanding the following tests:
tems shall meet the requirements of (A) A dielectric test of 819.7 volts,
subpart M of this part. AC, per centimeter (25,000 volts per
(ii) Personal fall arrest equipment foot) for 3 minutes without visible de-
used by employees who are exposed to terioration;
hazards from flames or electric arcs, as (B) A leakage test of 98.4 volts, AC,
determined by the employer under per centimeter (3,000 volts per foot)
§ 1926.960(g)(1), shall be capable of pass- with a leakage current of no more than
ing a drop test equivalent to that re- 1 mA;
quired by paragraph (b)(2)(xii) of this
section after exposure to an electric
(b)(2)(vii)(B): Positioning straps that pass di-
arc with a heat energy of 40±5 cal/cm2. rect-current tests at equivalent voltages are
(2) Work-positioning equipment. Body considered as meeting this requirement.
belts and positioning straps for work-
positioning equipment shall meet the (C) Tension tests of 20 kilonewtons
following requirements: (4,500 pounds-force) for sections free of
(i) Hardware for body belts and posi- buckle holes and of 15 kilonewtons
tioning straps shall meet the following (3,500 pounds-force) for sections with
requirements: buckle holes;
(A) Hardware shall be made of drop- (D) A buckle-tear test with a load of
forged steel, pressed steel, formed 4.4 kilonewtons (1,000 pounds-force);
steel, or equivalent material. and
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§ 1926.954 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.955
must meet the applicable requirements for tection any time they are more than 1.2 me-
the design and use of that equipment. ters (4 feet) above the ground.
(iii) The employer shall ensure that (iv) On and after April 1, 2015, work-
employees use fall protection systems positioning systems shall be rigged so
as follows: that an employee can free fall no more
(A) Each employee working from an than 0.6 meters (2 feet).
aerial lift shall use a fall restraint sys- (v) Anchorages for work-positioning
tem or a personal fall arrest system. equipment shall be capable of sup-
Paragraph (b)(2)(v) of § 1926.453 does not porting at least twice the potential im-
apply. pact load of an employee’s fall, or 13.3
(B) Except as provided in paragraph kilonewtons (3,000 pounds-force),
(b)(3)(iii)(C) of this section, each em- whichever is greater.
ployee in elevated locations more than
1.2 meters (4 feet) above the ground on NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (b)(3)(v): Wood-pole
poles, towers, or similar structures fall-restriction devices meeting American
Society of Testing and Materials Standard
shall use a personal fall arrest system,
Specifications for Personal Climbing Equipment,
work-positioning equipment, or fall re- ASTM F887–12e1, are deemed to meet the an-
straint system, as appropriate, if the chorage-strength requirement when they are
employer has not provided other fall used in accordance with manufacturers’ in-
protection meeting subpart M of this structions.
(vi) Unless the snaphook is a locking
(C) Until March 31, 2015, a qualified
type and designed specifically for the
employee climbing or changing loca-
tion on poles, towers, or similar struc- following connections, snaphooks on
tures need not use fall protection work-positioning equipment may not
equipment, unless conditions, such as, be engaged:
but not limited to, ice, high winds, the (A) Directly to webbing, rope, or wire
design of the structure (for example, no rope;
provision for holding on with hands), or (B) To each other;
the presence of contaminants on the (C) To a D ring to which another
structure, could cause the employee to snaphook or other connector is at-
lose his or her grip or footing. On and tached;
after April 1, 2015, each qualified em- (D) To a horizontal lifeline; or
ployee climbing or changing location (E) To any object that is incom-
on poles, towers, or similar structures patibly shaped or dimensioned in rela-
must use fall protection equipment un- tion to the snaphook such that acci-
less the employer can demonstrate dental disengagement could occur
that climbing or changing location should the connected object suffi-
with fall protection is infeasible or cre- ciently depress the snaphook keeper to
ates a greater hazard than climbing or allow release of the object.
changing location without it.
§ 1926.955 Portable ladders and plat-
(b)(3)(iii)(C): These paragraphs apply to
structures that support overhead electric (a) General. Requirements for port-
power transmission and distribution lines able ladders contained in subpart X of
and equipment. They do not apply to por- this part apply in addition to the re-
tions of buildings, such as loading docks, or
quirements of this section, except as
to electric equipment, such as transformers
and capacitors. Subpart M of this part con- specifically noted in paragraph (b) of
tains the duty to provide fall protection as- this section.
sociated with walking and working surfaces. (b) Special ladders and platforms. Port-
NOTE 2 TO PARAGRAPHS (b)(3)(iii)(B) AND able ladders used on structures or con-
(b)(3)(iii)(C): Until the employer ensures that ductors in conjunction with overhead
employees are proficient in climbing and the line work need not meet
use of fall protection under § 1926.950(b)(7),
§ 1926.1053(b)(5)(i) and (b)(12). Portable
the employees are not considered ‘‘qualified
employees’’ for the purposes of paragraphs ladders and platforms used on struc-
tures or conductors in conjunction
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§ 1926.956 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(1) Design load. In the configurations generators used to supply cord- and
in which they are used, portable plat- plug-connected equipment covered by
forms shall be capable of supporting paragraph (b) of this section shall meet
without failure at least 2.5 times the the following requirements:
maximum intended load. (1) Equipment to be supplied. The gen-
(2) Maximum load. Portable ladders erator may only supply equipment lo-
and platforms may not be loaded in ex- cated on the generator or the vehicle
cess of the working loads for which and cord- and plug-connected equip-
they are designed. ment through receptacles mounted on
(3) Securing in place. Portable ladders the generator or the vehicle.
and platforms shall be secured to pre- (2) Equipment grounding. The non-cur-
vent them from becoming dislodged. rent-carrying metal parts of equipment
(4) Intended use. Portable ladders and and the equipment grounding con-
platforms may be used only in applica- ductor terminals of the receptacles
tions for which they are designed. shall be bonded to the generator frame.
(c) Conductive ladders. Portable metal (3) Bonding the frame. For vehicle-
ladders and other portable conductive mounted generators, the frame of the
ladders may not be used near exposed generator shall be bonded to the vehi-
energized lines or equipment. However, cle frame.
in specialized high-voltage work, con- (4) Bonding the neutral conductor. Any
ductive ladders shall be used when the neutral conductor shall be bonded to
employer demonstrates that non- the generator frame.
conductive ladders would present a (d) Hydraulic and pneumatic tools—(1)
greater hazard to employees than con- Hydraulic fluid in insulating tools. Para-
ductive ladders. graph (d)(1) of § 1926.302 does not apply
to hydraulic fluid used in insulating
§ 1926.956 Hand and portable power sections of hydraulic tools.
equipment. (2) Operating pressure. Safe operating
(a) General. Paragraph (b) of this sec- pressures for hydraulic and pneumatic
tion applies to electric equipment con- tools, hoses, valves, pipes, filters, and
nected by cord and plug. Paragraph (c) fittings may not be exceeded.
of this section applies to portable and NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (d)(2): If any hazardous
vehicle-mounted generators used to defects are present, no operating pressure is
supply cord- and plug-connected equip- safe, and the hydraulic or pneumatic equip-
ment. Paragraph (d) of this section ap- ment involved may not be used. In the ab-
sence of defects, the maximum rated oper-
plies to hydraulic and pneumatic tools. ating pressure is the maximum safe pressure.
(b) Cord- and plug-connected equip-
ment. Cord- and plug-connected equip- (3) Work near energized parts. A hy-
ment not covered by subpart K of this draulic or pneumatic tool used where it
part shall comply with one of the fol- may contact exposed energized parts
lowing instead of § 1926.302(a)(1): shall be designed and maintained for
(1) The equipment shall be equipped such use.
with a cord containing an equipment (4) Protection against vacuum forma-
grounding conductor connected to the tion. The hydraulic system supplying a
equipment frame and to a means for hydraulic tool used where it may con-
grounding the other end of the con- tact exposed live parts shall provide
ductor (however, this option may not protection against loss of insulating
be used where the introduction of the value, for the voltage involved, due to
ground into the work environment in- the formation of a partial vacuum in
creases the hazard to an employee); or the hydraulic line.
(2) The equipment shall be of the dou- NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (d)(4): Use of hydraulic
ble-insulated type conforming to sub- lines that do not have check valves and that
part K of this part; or have a separation of more than 10.7 meters
(3) The equipment shall be connected (35 feet) between the oil reservoir and the
to the power supply through an iso- upper end of the hydraulic system promotes
the formation of a partial vacuum.
lating transformer with an ungrounded
secondary of not more than 50 volts. (5) Protection against the accumulation
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.958
(i) Each tool shall be thoroughly ex- stored closer to energized lines or ex-
amined for defects. posed energized parts of equipment
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§ 1926.959 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
than the following distances, plus a (3) Operation without outriggers. If the
distance that provides for the max- work area or the terrain precludes the
imum sag and side swing of all conduc- use of outriggers, the equipment may
tors and for the height and movement be operated only within its maximum
of material-handling equipment: load ratings specified by the equipment
(i) For lines and equipment energized manufacturer for the particular con-
at 50 kilovolts or less, the distance is figuration of the equipment without
3.05 meters (10 feet). outriggers.
(ii) For lines and equipment ener- (c) Applied loads. Mechanical equip-
gized at more than 50 kilovolts, the dis- ment used to lift or move lines or other
tance is 3.05 meters (10 feet) plus 0.10 material shall be used within its max-
meter (4 inches) for every 10 kilovolts imum load rating and other design lim-
over 50 kilovolts. itations for the conditions under which
(2) Restricted areas. In areas restricted the mechanical equipment is being
to qualified employees, materials may used.
not be stored within the working space (d) Operations near energized lines or
about energized lines or equipment. equipment—(1) Minimum approach dis-
tance. Mechanical equipment shall be
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (b)(2): Paragraph (b) of operated so that the minimum ap-
§ 1926.966 specifies the size of the working proach distances, established by the
space. employer under § 1926.960(c)(1)(i), are
maintained from exposed energized
§ 1926.959 Mechanical equipment. lines and equipment. However, the in-
(a) General requirements—(1) Other ap- sulated portion of an aerial lift oper-
plicable requirements. Mechanical equip- ated by a qualified employee in the lift
ment shall be operated in accordance is exempt from this requirement if the
with applicable requirements in this applicable minimum approach distance
part, including subparts N, O, and CC is maintained between the uninsulated
of this part, except that § 1926.600(a)(6) portions of the aerial lift and exposed
does not apply to operations performed objects having a different electrical po-
by qualified employees. tential.
(2) Inspection before use. The critical (2) Observer. A designated employee
safety components of mechanical ele- other than the equipment operator
vating and rotating equipment shall re- shall observe the approach distance to
ceive a thorough visual inspection be- exposed lines and equipment and pro-
fore use on each shift. vide timely warnings before the min-
imum approach distance required by
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (a)(2): Critical safety paragraph (d)(1) of this section is
components of mechanical elevating and ro- reached, unless the employer can dem-
tating equipment are components for which
failure would result in free fall or free rota-
onstrate that the operator can accu-
tion of the boom. rately determine that the minimum
approach distance is being maintained.
(3) Operator. The operator of an elec- (3) Extra precautions. If, during oper-
tric line truck may not leave his or her ation of the mechanical equipment,
position at the controls while a load is that equipment could become ener-
suspended, unless the employer can gized, the operation also shall comply
demonstrate that no employee (includ- with at least one of paragraphs (d)(3)(i)
ing the operator) is endangered. through (d)(3)(iii) of this section.
(b) Outriggers—(1) Extend outriggers. (i) The energized lines or equipment
Mobile equipment, if provided with exposed to contact shall be covered
outriggers, shall be operated with the with insulating protective material
outriggers extended and firmly set, ex- that will withstand the type of contact
cept as provided in paragraph (b)(3) of that could be made during the oper-
this section. ation.
(2) Clear view. Outriggers may not be (ii) The mechanical equipment shall
extended or retracted outside of the be insulated for the voltage involved.
clear view of the operator unless all The mechanical equipment shall be po-
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employees are outside the range of pos- sitioned so that its uninsulated por-
sible equipment motion. tions cannot approach the energized
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.960
lines or equipment any closer than the shall be present while any employees
minimum approach distances, estab- perform the following types of work:
lished by the employer under (A) Installation, removal, or repair of
§ 1926.960(c)(1)(i). lines energized at more than 600 volts,
(iii) Each employee shall be pro- (B) Installation, removal, or repair of
tected from hazards that could arise deenergized lines if an employee is ex-
from mechanical equipment contact posed to contact with other parts ener-
with energized lines or equipment. The gized at more than 600 volts,
measures used shall ensure that em- (C) Installation, removal, or repair of
ployees will not be exposed to haz- equipment, such as transformers, ca-
ardous differences in electric potential. pacitors, and regulators, if an em-
Unless the employer can demonstrate ployee is exposed to contact with parts
that the methods in use protect each energized at more than 600 volts,
employee from the hazards that could (D) Work involving the use of me-
arise if the mechanical equipment con- chanical equipment, other than insu-
tacts the energized line or equipment, lated aerial lifts, near parts energized
the measures used shall include all of at more than 600 volts, and
the following techniques: (E) Other work that exposes an em-
(A) Using the best available ground ployee to electrical hazards greater
to minimize the time the lines or elec- than, or equal to, the electrical hazards
tric equipment remain energized, posed by operations listed specifically
(B) Bonding mechanical equipment in paragraphs (b)(3)(i)(A) through
together to minimize potential dif- (b)(3)(i)(D) of this section.
ferences, (ii) Paragraph (b)(3)(i) of this section
(C) Providing ground mats to extend does not apply to the following oper-
areas of equipotential, and ations:
(D) Employing insulating protective (A) Routine circuit switching, when
equipment or barricades to guard the employer can demonstrate that
against any remaining hazardous elec- conditions at the site allow safe per-
trical potential differences. formance of this work,
(B) Work performed with live-line
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (d)(3)(iii): Appendix C
to this subpart contains information on haz- tools when the position of the em-
ardous step and touch potentials and on ployee is such that he or she is neither
methods of protecting employees from haz- within reach of, nor otherwise exposed
ards resulting from such potentials. to contact with, energized parts, and
(C) Emergency repairs to the extent
§ 1926.960 Working on or near exposed necessary to safeguard the general pub-
energized parts. lic.
(a) Application. This section applies (c) Live work—(1) Minimum approach
to work on exposed live parts, or near distances. (i) The employer shall estab-
enough to them to expose the employee lish minimum approach distances no
to any hazard they present. less than the distances computed by
(b) General—(1) Qualified employees Table V–2 for ac systems or Table V–7
only. (i) Only qualified employees may for dc systems.
work on or with exposed energized (ii) No later than April 1, 2015, for
lines or parts of equipment. voltages over 72.5 kilovolts, the em-
(ii) Only qualified employees may ployer shall determine the maximum
work in areas containing unguarded, anticipated per-unit transient over-
uninsulated energized lines or parts of voltage, phase-to-ground, through an
equipment operating at 50 volts or engineering analysis or assume a max-
more. imum anticipated per-unit transient
(2) Treat as energized. Electric lines overvoltage, phase-to-ground, in ac-
and equipment shall be considered and cordance with Table V–8. When the em-
treated as energized unless they have ployer uses portable protective gaps to
been deenergized in accordance with control the maximum transient over-
§ 1926.961. voltage, the value of the maximum an-
(3) At least two employees. (i) Except ticipated per-unit transient over-
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§ 1926.960 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
the statistical sparkover voltage of the not expose his or her upper arm to con-
gap and the statistical withstand volt- tact with other energized parts.
age corresponding to the electrical (ii) When an employee uses rubber in-
component of the minimum approach sulating gloves or rubber insulating
distance. The employer shall make any gloves and sleeves as insulation from
engineering analysis conducted to de- energized parts (under paragraph
termine maximum anticipated per-unit (c)(1)(iii)(A) of this section), the em-
transient overvoltage available upon ployer shall ensure that the employee:
request to employees and to the Assist- (A) Puts on the rubber insulating
ant Secretary or designee for examina- gloves and sleeves in a position where
tion and copying. he or she cannot reach into the min-
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (c)(1)(ii): See appendix imum approach distance, established
B to this subpart for information on how to by the employer under paragraph (c)(1)
calculate the maximum anticipated per-unit of this section; and
transient overvoltage, phase-to-ground, (B) Does not remove the rubber insu-
when the employer uses portable protective lating gloves and sleeves until he or
gaps to reduce maximum transient she is in a position where he or she
overvoltages. cannot reach into the minimum ap-
(iii) The employer shall ensure that proach distance, established by the em-
no employee approaches or takes any ployer under paragraph (c)(1) of this
conductive object closer to exposed en- section.
ergized parts than the employer’s es- (d) Working position—(1) Working from
tablished minimum approach distance, below. The employer shall ensure that
unless: each employee, to the extent that
(A) The employee is insulated from other safety-related conditions at the
the energized part (rubber insulating worksite permit, works in a position
gloves or rubber insulating gloves and from which a slip or shock will not
sleeves worn in accordance with para- bring the employee’s body into contact
graph (c)(2) of this section constitutes with exposed, uninsulated parts ener-
insulation of the employee from the gized at a potential different from the
energized part upon which the em- employee’s.
ployee is working provided that the (2) Requirements for working without
employee has control of the part in a electrical protective equipment. When an
manner sufficient to prevent exposure employee performs work near exposed
to uninsulated portions of the employ- parts energized at more than 600 volts,
ee’s body), or but not more than 72.5 kilovolts, and is
(B) The energized part is insulated not wearing rubber insulating gloves,
from the employee and from any other being protected by insulating equip-
conductive object at a different poten- ment covering the energized parts, per-
tial, or forming work using live-line tools, or
(C) The employee is insulated from performing live-line barehand work
any other exposed conductive object in under § 1926.964(c), the employee shall
accordance with the requirements for work from a position where he or she
live-line barehand work in § 1926.964(c). cannot reach into the minimum ap-
(2) Type of insulation. (i) When an em- proach distance, established by the em-
ployee uses rubber insulating gloves as ployer under paragraph (c)(1) of this
insulation from energized parts (under section.
paragraph (c)(1)(iii)(A) of this section), (e) Making connections. The employer
the employer shall ensure that the em- shall ensure that employees make con-
ployee also uses rubber insulating nections as follows:
sleeves. However, an employee need not (1) Connecting. In connecting deener-
use rubber insulating sleeves if: gized equipment or lines to an ener-
(A) Exposed energized parts on which gized circuit by means of a conducting
the employee is not working are insu- wire or device, an employee shall first
lated from the employee; and attach the wire to the deenergized
(B) When installing insulation for part;
purposes of paragraph (c)(2)(i)(A) of (2) Disconnecting. When disconnecting
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this section, the employee installs the equipment or lines from an energized
insulation from a position that does circuit by means of a conducting wire
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.960
or device, an employee shall remove could ignite and continue to burn when
the source end first; and exposed to flames or the heat energy
(3) Loose conductors. When lines or estimated under paragraph (g)(2) of
equipment are connected to or discon- this section.
nected from energized circuits, an em-
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (g)(3): This paragraph
ployee shall keep loose conductors prohibits clothing made from acetate, nylon,
away from exposed energized parts. polyester, rayon and polypropylene, either
(f) Conductive articles. When an em- alone or in blends, unless the employer dem-
ployee performs work within reaching onstrates that the fabric has been treated to
distance of exposed energized parts of withstand the conditions that may be en-
equipment, the employer shall ensure countered by the employee or that the em-
that the employee removes or renders ployee wears the clothing in such a manner
nonconductive all exposed conductive as to eliminate the hazard involved.
articles, such as keychains or watch (4) Flame-resistant clothing. The em-
chains, rings, or wrist watches or ployer shall ensure that the outer layer
bands, unless such articles do not in- of clothing worn by an employee, ex-
crease the hazards associated with con- cept for clothing not required to be arc
tact with the energized parts. rated under paragraphs (g)(5)(i)
(g) Protection from flames and electric through (g)(5)(v) of this section, is
arcs—(1) Hazard assessment. The em- flame resistant under any of the fol-
ployer shall assess the workplace to lowing conditions:
identify employees exposed to hazards (i) The employee is exposed to con-
from flames or from electric arcs. tact with energized circuit parts oper-
(2) Estimate of available heat energy. ating at more than 600 volts,
For each employee exposed to hazards (ii) An electric arc could ignite flam-
from electric arcs, the employer shall mable material in the work area that,
make a reasonable estimate of the inci- in turn, could ignite the employee’s
dent heat energy to which the em- clothing,
ployee would be exposed. (iii) Molten metal or electric arcs
NOTE 1 TO PARAGRAPH (g)(2): Appendix E to from faulted conductors in the work
this subpart provides guidance on estimating area could ignite the employee’s cloth-
available heat energy. The Occupational ing, or
Safety and Health Administration will deem
employers following the guidance in appen- NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (g)(4)(iii): This para-
dix E to this subpart to be in compliance graph does not apply to conductors that are
with paragraph (g)(2) of this section. An em- capable of carrying, without failure, the
ployer may choose a method of calculating maximum available fault current for the
incident heat energy not included in appen- time the circuit protective devices take to
dix E to this subpart if the chosen method interrupt the fault.
reasonably predicts the incident energy to
which the employee would be exposed. (iv) The incident heat energy esti-
NOTE 2 TO PARAGRAPH (g)(2): This para- mated under paragraph (g)(2) of this
graph does not require the employer to esti- section exceeds 2.0 cal/cm2.
mate the incident heat energy exposure for (5) Arc rating. The employer shall en-
every job task performed by each employee. sure that each employee exposed to
The employer may make broad estimates hazards from electric arcs wears pro-
that cover multiple system areas provided tective clothing and other protective
the employer uses reasonable assumptions
about the energy-exposure distribution
equipment with an arc rating greater
throughout the system and provided the esti- than or equal to the heat energy esti-
mates represent the maximum employee ex- mated under paragraph (g)(2) of this
posure for those areas. For example, the em- section whenever that estimate exceeds
ployer could estimate the heat energy just 2.0 cal/cm2. This protective equipment
outside a substation feeding a radial dis- shall cover the employee’s entire body,
tribution system and use that estimate for except as follows:
all jobs performed on that radial system.
(i) Arc-rated protection is not nec-
(3) Prohibited clothing. The employer essary for the employee’s hands when
shall ensure that each employee who is the employee is wearing rubber insu-
exposed to hazards from flames or elec- lating gloves with protectors or, if the
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tric arcs does not wear clothing that estimated incident energy is no more
could melt onto his or her skin or that than 14 cal/cm2, heavy-duty leather
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§ 1926.960 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
work gloves with a weight of at least to hazards from electric arcs wears the
407 gm/m2 (12 oz/yd2), required arc-rated protective equip-
(ii) Arc-rated protection is not nec- ment commences April 1, 2015.
essary for the employee’s feet when the (h) Fuse handling. When an employee
employee is wearing heavy-duty work must install or remove fuses with one
shoes or boots, or both terminals energized at more
(iii) Arc-rated protection is not nec- than 300 volts, or with exposed parts
essary for the employee’s head when energized at more than 50 volts, the
the employee is wearing head protec- employer shall ensure that the em-
tion meeting § 1926.100(b)(2) if the esti- ployee uses tools or gloves rated for
mated incident energy is less than 9 the voltage. When an employee installs
cal/cm2 for exposures involving single- or removes expulsion-type fuses with
phase arcs in open air or 5 cal/cm2 for one or both terminals energized at
other exposures, more than 300 volts, the employer shall
(iv) The protection for the employ- ensure that the employee wears eye
ee’s head may consist of head protec- protection meeting the requirements of
tion meeting § 1926.100(b)(2) and a subpart E of this part, uses a tool rated
faceshield with a minimum arc rating for the voltage, and is clear of the ex-
of 8 cal/cm2 if the estimated incident- haust path of the fuse barrel.
energy exposure is less than 13 cal/cm2 (i) Covered (noninsulated) conductors.
for exposures involving single-phase The requirements of this section that
arcs in open air or 9 cal/cm2 for other pertain to the hazards of exposed live
exposures, and parts also apply when an employee per-
(v) For exposures involving single- forms work in proximity to covered
phase arcs in open air, the arc rating (noninsulated) wires.
for the employee’s head and face pro- (j) Non-current-carrying metal parts.
tection may be 4 cal/cm2 less than the Non-current-carrying metal parts of
estimated incident energy. equipment or devices, such as trans-
former cases and circuit-breaker
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (g): See appendix E to housings, shall be treated as energized
this subpart for further information on the
selection of appropriate protection.
at the highest voltage to which these
parts are exposed, unless the employer
(6) Dates. (i) The obligation in para- inspects the installation and deter-
graph (g)(2) of this section for the em- mines that these parts are grounded
ployer to make reasonable estimates of before employees begin performing the
incident energy commences January 1, work.
2015. (k) Opening and closing circuits under
(ii) The obligation in paragraph load. (1) The employer shall ensure that
(g)(4)(iv) of this section for the em- devices used by employees to open cir-
ployer to ensure that the outer layer of cuits under load conditions are de-
clothing worn by an employee is flame- signed to interrupt the current in-
resistant when the estimated incident volved.
heat energy exceeds 2.0 cal/cm2 com- (2) The employer shall ensure that
mences April 1, 2015. devices used by employees to close cir-
(iii) The obligation in paragraph cuits under load conditions are de-
(g)(5) of this section for the employer signed to safely carry the current in-
to ensure that each employee exposed volved.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.960
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§ 1926.960 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.960
m ft m ft
KV 1 2 3
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§ 1926.961 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
distance (m)
Maximum anticipated per-unit maximum line-to-ground voltage (kV)
transient overvoltage
250 400 500 600 750
[79 FR 20696, Apr. 11, 2014, as amended at 79 FR 56962, Sept. 24, 2014; 80 FR 60040, Oct. 5, 2015]
(3) Single crews working with the means the employer’s control (for example,
of disconnection under the control of the the general public) inoperable while
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.961
the disconnecting means are open for network protector in a closed position,
the purpose of protecting employees. that: The line connected to the net-
(c) Deenergizing lines and equipment— work protector is not deenergized for
(1) Request to deenergize. The employee the protection of any employee work-
that the employer designates pursuant ing on the line; and (if the line con-
to paragraph (b) of this section as nected to the network protector is not
being in charge of the clearance shall deenergized for the protection of any
make a request of the system operator employee working on the line) the pri-
to deenergize the particular section of mary conductors for the network pro-
line or equipment. The designated em- tector are energized.
ployee becomes the employee in charge (5) Tags. Tags shall prohibit oper-
(as this term is used in paragraph (c) of ation of the disconnecting means and
this section) and is responsible for the shall indicate that employees are at
clearance. work.
(2) Open disconnecting means. The em- (6) Test for energized condition. After
ployer shall ensure that all switches, the applicable requirements in para-
disconnectors, jumpers, taps, and other graphs (c)(1) through (c)(5) of this sec-
means through which known sources of tion have been followed and the system
electric energy may be supplied to the operator gives a clearance to the em-
particular lines and equipment to be ployee in charge, the employer shall
deenergized are open. The employer ensure that the lines and equipment
shall render such means inoperable, un- are deenergized by testing the lines and
less its design does not so permit, and equipment to be worked with a device
then ensure that such means are designed to detect voltage.
tagged to indicate that employees are (7) Install grounds. The employer shall
at work. ensure the installation of protective
(3) Automatically and remotely con- grounds as required by § 1926.962.
trolled switches. The employer shall en- (8) Consider lines and equipment deen-
sure that automatically and remotely ergized. After the applicable require-
controlled switches that could cause ments of paragraphs (c)(1) through
the opened disconnecting means to (c)(7) of this section have been fol-
close are also tagged at the points of lowed, the lines and equipment in-
control. The employer shall render the volved may be considered deenergized.
automatic or remote control feature (9) Transferring clearances. To transfer
inoperable, unless its design does not the clearance, the employee in charge
so permit. (or the employee’s supervisor if the
(4) Network protectors. The employer employee in charge must leave the
need not use the tags mentioned in worksite due to illness or other emer-
paragraphs (c)(2) and (c)(3) of this sec- gency) shall inform the system oper-
tion on a network protector for work ator and employees in the crew; and
on the primary feeder for the network the new employee in charge shall be re-
protector’s associated network trans- sponsible for the clearance.
former when the employer can dem- (10) Releasing clearances. To release a
onstrate all of the following condi- clearance, the employee in charge
tions: shall:
(i) Every network protector is main- (i) Notify each employee under that
tained so that it will immediately trip clearance of the pending release of the
open if closed when a primary con- clearance;
ductor is deenergized; (ii) Ensure that all employees under
(ii) Employees cannot manually that clearance are clear of the lines
place any network protector in a closed and equipment;
position without the use of tools, and (iii) Ensure that all protective
any manual override position is grounds protecting employees under
blocked, locked, or otherwise disabled; that clearance have been removed; and
and (iv) Report this information to the
(iii) The employer has procedures for system operator and then release the
manually overriding any network pro- clearance.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
tector that incorporate provisions for (11) Person releasing clearance. Only
determining, before anyone places a the employee in charge who requested
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§ 1926.962 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
the clearance may release the clear- ergized under the provisions of
ance, unless the employer transfers re- § 1926.961.
sponsibility under paragraph (c)(9) of (2) No possibility of contact. There is
this section. no possibility of contact with another
(12) Removal of tags. No one may re- energized source.
move tags without the release of the (3) No induced voltage. The hazard of
associated clearance as specified under induced voltage is not present.
paragraphs (c)(10) and (c)(11) of this (c) Equipotential zone. Temporary pro-
section. tective grounds shall be placed at such
(13) Reenergizing lines and equipment. locations and arranged in such a man-
The employer shall ensure that no one ner that the employer can demonstrate
initiates action to reenergize the lines will prevent each employee from being
or equipment at a point of disconnec- exposed to hazardous differences in
tion until all protective grounds have electric potential.
been removed, all crews working on the
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (c): Appendix C to this
lines or equipment release their clear-
subpart contains guidelines for establishing
ances, all employees are clear of the the equipotential zone required by this para-
lines and equipment, and all protective graph. The Occupational Safety and Health
tags are removed from that point of Administration will deem grounding prac-
disconnection. tices meeting these guidelines as complying
with paragraph (c) of this section.
§ 1926.962 Grounding for the protec-
tion of employees. (d) Protective grounding equipment—(1)
Ampacity. (i) Protective grounding
(a) Application. This section applies equipment shall be capable of con-
to grounding of transmission and dis- ducting the maximum fault current
tribution lines and equipment for the that could flow at the point of ground-
purpose of protecting employees. Para- ing for the time necessary to clear the
graph (d) of this section also applies to fault.
protective grounding of other equip- (ii) Protective grounding equipment
ment as required elsewhere in this Sub- shall have an ampacity greater than or
part. equal to that of No. 2 AWG copper.
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (a): This section cov- (2) Impedance. Protective grounds
ers grounding of transmission and distribu- shall have an impedance low enough so
tion lines and equipment when this subpart that they do not delay the operation of
requires protective grounding and whenever protective devices in case of accidental
the employer chooses to ground such lines
energizing of the lines or equipment.
and equipment for the protection of employ-
ees. NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (d): American Society
for Testing and Materials Standard Specifica-
(b) General. For any employee to tions for Temporary Protective Grounds to Be
work transmission and distribution Used on De-Energized Electric Power Lines and
lines or equipment as deenergized, the Equipment, ASTM F855–09, contains guide-
employer shall ensure that the lines or lines for protective grounding equipment.
equipment are deenergized under the The Institute of Electrical Engineers Guide
provisions of § 1926.961 and shall ensure for Protective Grounding of Power Lines, IEEE
proper grounding of the lines or equip- Std 1048–2003, contains guidelines for select-
ment as specified in paragraphs (c) ing and installing protective grounding
through (h) of this section. However, if
the employer can demonstrate that in- (e) Testing. The employer shall ensure
stallation of a ground is impracticable that, unless a previously installed
or that the conditions resulting from ground is present, employees test lines
the installation of a ground would and equipment and verify the absence
present greater hazards to employees of nominal voltage before employees
than working without grounds, the install any ground on those lines or
lines and equipment may be treated as that equipment.
deenergized provided that the employer (f) Connecting and removing grounds—
establishes that all of the following (1) Order of connection. The employer
conditions apply: shall ensure that, when an employee
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.963
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§ 1926.963 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(ii) A barrier or barricade that limits tentials that may develop during the
access to the test area to a degree test.
equivalent, physically and visually, to
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (d)(3)(ii): See appendix
the barricade specified in paragraph C to this subpart for information on meas-
(c)(3)(i) of this section, or ures that employers can take to protect em-
(iii) One or more test observers sta- ployees from hazardous step and touch po-
tioned so that they can monitor the en- tentials.
tire area.
(4) Removal of safeguards. The em- (4) Equipment grounding conductors.
ployer shall ensure the removal of the For tests in which using the equipment
safeguards required by paragraph (c)(3) grounding conductor in the equipment
of this section when employees no power cord to ground the test equip-
longer need the protection afforded by ment would result in greater hazards
the safeguards. to test personnel or prevent the taking
(d) Grounding practices—(1) Establish of satisfactory measurements, the em-
and implement practices. The employer ployer may use a ground clearly indi-
shall establish and implement safe cated in the test set-up if the employer
grounding practices for the test facil- can demonstrate that this ground af-
ity. fords protection for employees equiva-
(i) The employer shall maintain at lent to the protection afforded by an
ground potential all conductive parts equipment grounding conductor in the
accessible to the test operator while power supply cord.
the equipment is operating at high (5) Grounding after tests. The em-
voltage. ployer shall ensure that, when any em-
(ii) Wherever ungrounded terminals ployee enters the test area after equip-
of test equipment or apparatus under ment is deenergized, a ground is placed
test may be present, they shall be on the high-voltage terminal and any
treated as energized until tests dem- other exposed terminals.
onstrate that they are deenergized. (i) Before any employee applies a di-
(2) Installation of grounds. The em- rect ground, the employer shall dis-
ployer shall ensure either that visible charge high capacitance equipment or
grounds are applied automatically, or apparatus through a resistor rated for
that employees using properly insu- the available energy.
lated tools manually apply visible (ii) A direct ground shall be applied
grounds, to the high-voltage circuits to the exposed terminals after the
after they are deenergized and before stored energy drops to a level at which
any employee performs work on the it is safe to do so.
circuit or on the item or apparatus (6) Grounding test vehicles. If the em-
under test. Common ground connec- ployer uses a test trailer or test vehicle
tions shall be solidly connected to the in field testing, its chassis shall be
test equipment and the apparatus grounded. The employer shall protect
under test. each employee against hazardous touch
(3) Isolated ground return. In high- potentials with respect to the vehicle,
power testing, the employer shall pro- instrument panels, and other conduc-
vide an isolated ground-return con- tive parts accessible to employees with
ductor system designed to prevent the bonding, insulation, or isolation.
intentional passage of current, with its (e) Control and measuring circuits—(1)
attendant voltage rise, from occurring Control wiring. The employer may not
in the ground grid or in the earth. How- run control wiring, meter connections,
ever, the employer need not provide an test leads, or cables from a test area
isolated ground-return conductor if the unless contained in a grounded metal-
employer can demonstrate that both of lic sheath and terminated in a ground-
the following conditions exist: ed metallic enclosure or unless the em-
(i) The employer cannot provide an ployer takes other precautions that it
isolated ground-return conductor due can demonstrate will provide employ-
to the distance of the test site from the ees with equivalent safety.
electric energy source, and (2) Instruments. The employer shall
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(ii) The employer protects employees isolate meters and other instruments
from any hazardous step and touch po- with accessible terminals or parts from
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.964
test personnel to protect against haz- head lines and equipment and for live-
ards that could arise should such ter- line barehand work.
minals and parts become energized dur- (2) Checking structure before climbing.
ing testing. If the employer provides Before allowing employees to subject
this isolation by locating test equip- elevated structures, such as poles or
ment in metal compartments with towers, to such stresses as climbing or
viewing windows, the employer shall the installation or removal of equip-
provide interlocks to interrupt the ment may impose, the employer shall
power supply when someone opens the ascertain that the structures are capa-
compartment cover. ble of sustaining the additional or un-
(3) Routing temporary wiring. The em- balanced stresses. If the pole or other
ployer shall protect temporary wiring structure cannot withstand the ex-
and its connections against damage, pected loads, the employer shall brace
accidental interruptions, and other or otherwise support the pole or struc-
hazards. To the maximum extent pos- ture so as to prevent failure.
sible, the employer shall keep signal, NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (a)(2): Appendix D to
control, ground, and power cables sepa- this subpart contains test methods that em-
rate from each other. ployers can use in ascertaining whether a
(4) Test observer. If any employee will wood pole is capable of sustaining the forces
be present in the test area during test- imposed by an employee climbing the pole.
ing, a test observer shall be present. This paragraph also requires the employer to
ascertain that the pole can sustain all other
The test observer shall be capable of
forces imposed by the work employees will
implementing the immediate deener- perform.
gizing of test circuits for safety pur-
poses. (3) Setting and moving poles. (i) When
(f) Safety check—(1) Before each test. a pole is set, moved, or removed near
Safety practices governing employee an exposed energized overhead con-
work at temporary or field test areas ductor, the pole may not contact the
shall provide, at the beginning of each conductor.
series of tests, for a routine safety (ii) When a pole is set, moved, or re-
check of such test areas. moved near an exposed energized over-
(2) Conditions to be checked. The test head conductor, the employer shall en-
operator in charge shall conduct these sure that each employee wears elec-
routine safety checks before each se- trical protective equipment or uses in-
ries of tests and shall verify at least sulated devices when handling the pole
the following conditions: and that no employee contacts the pole
with uninsulated parts of his or her
(i) Barriers and safeguards are in
workable condition and placed properly
(iii) To protect employees from fall-
to isolate hazardous areas;
ing into holes used for placing poles,
(ii) System test status signals, if
the employer shall physically guard
used, are in operable condition;
the holes, or ensure that employees at-
(iii) Clearly marked test-power dis- tend the holes, whenever anyone is
connects are readily available in an working nearby.
emergency; (b) Installing and removing overhead
(iv) Ground connections are clearly lines. The following provisions apply to
identifiable; the installation and removal of over-
(v) Personal protective equipment is head conductors or cable (overhead
provided and used as required by sub- lines).
part E of this part and by this subpart; (1) Tension stringing method. When
and lines that employees are installing or
(vi) Proper separation between sig- removing can contact energized parts,
nal, ground, and power cables. the employer shall use the tension-
stringing method, barriers, or other
§ 1926.964 Overhead lines and live-line equivalent measures to minimize the
barehand work. possibility that conductors and cables
(a) General—(1) Application. This sec- the employees are installing or remov-
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tion provides additional requirements ing will contact energized power lines
for work performed on or near over- or equipment.
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§ 1926.964 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(2) Conductors, cables, and pulling and sultant current would be more than 6
tensioning equipment. For conductors, milliamperes.
cables, and pulling and tensioning (5) Safe operating condition. Reel-han-
equipment, the employer shall provide dling equipment, including pulling and
the protective measures required by tensioning devices, shall be in safe op-
§ 1926.959(d)(3) when employees are in- erating condition and shall be leveled
stalling or removing a conductor or and aligned.
cable close enough to energized con- (6) Load ratings. The employer shall
ductors that any of the following fail- ensure that employees do not exceed
ures could energize the pulling or ten- load ratings of stringing lines, pulling
sioning equipment or the conductor or lines, conductor grips, load-bearing
cable being installed or removed: hardware and accessories, rigging, and
(i) Failure of the pulling or ten- hoists.
sioning equipment, (7) Defective pulling lines. The em-
(ii) Failure of the conductor or cable ployer shall repair or replace defective
being pulled, or pulling lines and accessories.
(iii) Failure of the previously in- (8) Conductor grips. The employer
stalled lines or equipment. shall ensure that employees do not use
(3) Disable automatic-reclosing feature. conductor grips on wire rope unless the
If the conductors that employees are manufacturer specifically designed the
installing or removing cross over ener- grip for this application.
gized conductors in excess of 600 volts (9) Communications. The employer
and if the design of the circuit-inter- shall ensure that employees maintain
rupting devices protecting the lines so reliable communications, through two-
permits, the employer shall render in- way radios or other equivalent means,
operable the automatic-reclosing fea- between the reel tender and the pull-
ture of these devices. ing-rig operator.
(4) Induced voltage. (i) Before employ- (10) Operation of pulling rig. Employ-
ees install lines parallel to existing en- ees may operate the pulling rig only
ergized lines, the employer shall make when it is safe to do so.
a determination of the approximate
voltage to be induced in the new lines, NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (b)(10): Examples of
or work shall proceed on the assump- unsafe conditions include: employees in loca-
tion that the induced voltage is haz- tions prohibited by paragraph (b)(11) of this
section, conductor and pulling line hang-ups,
and slipping of the conductor grip.
(ii) Unless the employer can dem-
onstrate that the lines that employees (11) Working under overhead oper-
are installing are not subject to the in- ations. While a power-driven device is
duction of a hazardous voltage or un- pulling the conductor or pulling line
less the lines are treated as energized, and the conductor or pulling line is in
temporary protective grounds shall be motion, the employer shall ensure that
placed at such locations and arranged employees are not directly under over-
in such a manner that the employer head operations or on the crossarm, ex-
can demonstrate will prevent exposure cept as necessary for the employees to
of each employee to hazardous dif- guide the stringing sock or board over
ferences in electric potential. or through the stringing sheave.
(c) Live-line barehand work. In addi-
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (b)(4)(ii): Appendix C
to this subpart contains guidelines for pro- tion to other applicable provisions con-
tecting employees from hazardous dif- tained in this subpart, the following re-
ferences in electric potential as required by quirements apply to live-line barehand
this paragraph. work:
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (b)(4): If the employer (1) Training. Before an employee uses
takes no precautions to protect employees or supervises the use of the live-line
from hazards associated with involuntary re- barehand technique on energized cir-
actions from electric shock, a hazard exists
cuits, the employer shall ensure that
if the induced voltage is sufficient to pass a
current of 1 milliampere through a 500-ohm the employee completes training con-
forming to § 1926.950(b) in the technique
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.964
(2) Existing conditions. Before any em- aerial device to the energized line or
ployee uses the live-line barehand tech- equipment.
nique on energized high-voltage con- (i) The employee shall be connected
ductors or parts, the employer shall as- to the bucket liner or other conductive
certain the following information in device by the use of conductive shoes,
addition to information about other ex- leg clips, or other means.
isting conditions required by (ii) Where differences in potentials at
§ 1926.950(d): the worksite pose a hazard to employ-
(i) The nominal voltage rating of the ees, the employer shall provide electro-
circuit on which employees will per- static shielding designed for the volt-
form the work, age being worked.
(ii) The clearances to ground of lines (7) Bonding the employee to the ener-
and other energized parts on which em- gized part. The employer shall ensure
ployees will perform the work, and that, before the employee contacts the
(iii) The voltage limitations of equip- energized part, the employee bonds the
ment employees will use. conductive bucket liner or other con-
(3) Insulated tools and equipment. (i) ductive device to the energized con-
The employer shall ensure that the in- ductor by means of a positive connec-
sulated equipment, insulated tools, and tion. This connection shall remain at-
aerial devices and platforms used by tached to the energized conductor until
employees are designed, tested, and the employee completes the work on
made for live-line barehand work. the energized circuit.
(ii) The employer shall ensure that (8) Aerial-lift controls. Aerial lifts used
employees keep tools and equipment for live-line barehand work shall have
clean and dry while they are in use. dual controls (lower and upper) as fol-
(4) Disable automatic-reclosing feature.
(i) The upper controls shall be within
The employer shall render inoperable
easy reach of the employee in the
the automatic-reclosing feature of cir-
bucket. On a two-bucket-type lift, ac-
cuit-interrupting devices protecting
cess to the controls shall be within
the lines if the design of the devices
easy reach of both buckets.
(ii) The lower set of controls shall be
(5) Adverse weather conditions. The near the base of the boom and shall be
employer shall ensure that employees designed so that they can override op-
do not perform work when adverse eration of the equipment at any time.
weather conditions would make the (9) Operation of lower controls. Lower
work hazardous even after the em- (ground-level) lift controls may not be
ployer implements the work practices operated with an employee in the lift
required by this subpart. Additionally, except in case of emergency.
employees may not perform work when (10) Check controls. The employer
winds reduce the phase-to-phase or shall ensure that, before employees ele-
phase-to-ground clearances at the work vate an aerial lift into the work posi-
location below the minimum approach tion, the employees check all controls
distances specified in paragraph (c)(13) (ground level and bucket) to determine
of this section, unless insulating that they are in proper working condi-
guards cover the grounded objects and tion.
other lines and equipment. (11) Body of aerial lift truck. The em-
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (c)(5): Thunderstorms ployer shall ensure that, before em-
in the vicinity, high winds, snow storms, and ployees elevate the boom of an aerial
ice storms are examples of adverse weather lift, the employees ground the body of
conditions that make live-line barehand the truck or barricade the body of the
work too hazardous to perform safely even truck and treat it as energized.
after the employer implements the work
(12) Boom-current test. The employer
practices required by this subpart.
shall ensure that employees perform a
(6) Bucket liners and electrostatic boom-current test before starting work
shielding. The employer shall provide each day, each time during the day
and ensure that employees use a con- when they encounter a higher voltage,
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ductive bucket liner or other conduc- and when changed conditions indicate
tive device for bonding the insulated a need for an additional test.
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§ 1926.965 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
(i) This test shall consist of placing (17) Passing objects to employee. The
the bucket in contact with an ener- employer shall ensure that employees
gized source equal to the voltage to be do not pass uninsulated equipment or
encountered for a minimum of 3 min- material between a pole or structure
utes. and an aerial lift while an employee
(ii) The leakage current may not ex- working from the bucket is bonded to
ceed 1 microampere per kilovolt of an energized part.
nominal phase-to-ground voltage. (18) Nonconductive measuring device. A
(iii) The employer shall immediately nonconductive measuring device shall
suspend work from the aerial lift when be readily accessible to employees per-
there is any indication of a malfunc- forming live-line barehand work to as-
tion in the equipment. sist them in maintaining the required
(13) Minimum approach distance. The minimum approach distance.
employer shall ensure that employees (d) Towers and structures. The fol-
maintain the minimum approach dis- lowing requirements apply to work per-
tances, established by the employer formed on towers or other structures
under § 1926.960(c)(1)(i), from all ground- that support overhead lines.
ed objects and from lines and equip- (1) Working beneath towers and struc-
ment at a potential different from that tures. The employer shall ensure that
to which the live-line barehand equip- no employee is under a tower or struc-
ment is bonded, unless insulating ture while work is in progress, except
guards cover such grounded objects and when the employer can demonstrate
other lines and equipment. that such a working position is nec-
(14) Approaching, leaving, and bonding essary to assist employees working
to energized part. The employer shall above.
ensure that, while an employee is ap- (2) Tag lines. The employer shall en-
proaching, leaving, or bonding to an sure that employees use tag lines or
energized circuit, the employee main- other similar devices to maintain con-
tains the minimum approach distances, trol of tower sections being raised or
established by the employer under positioned, unless the employer can
§ 1926.960(c)(1)(i), between the employee demonstrate that the use of such de-
and any grounded parts, including the vices would create a greater hazard to
lower boom and portions of the truck employees.
and between the employee and conduc- (3) Disconnecting load lines. The em-
tive objects energized at different po- ployer shall ensure that employees do
tentials. not detach the loadline from a member
(15) Positioning bucket near energized or section until they safely secure the
bushing or insulator string. While the load.
bucket is alongside an energized bush- (4) Adverse weather conditions. The
ing or insulator string, the employer employer shall ensure that, except dur-
shall ensure that employees maintain ing emergency restoration procedures,
the phase-to-ground minimum ap- employees discontinue work when ad-
proach distances, established by the verse weather conditions would make
employer under § 1926.960(c)(1)(i), be- the work hazardous in spite of the
tween all parts of the bucket and the work practices required by this sub-
grounded end of the bushing or insu- part.
lator string or any other grounded sur-
face. NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (d)(4): Thunderstorms
in the vicinity, high winds, snow storms, and
(16) Handlines. The employer shall en- ice storms are examples of adverse weather
sure that employees do not use conditions that make this work too haz-
handlines between the bucket and the ardous to perform even after the employer
boom or between the bucket and the implements the work practices required by
ground. However, employees may use this subpart.
nonconductive-type handlines from
conductor to ground if not supported § 1926.965 Underground electrical in-
from the bucket. The employer shall stallations.
ensure that no one uses ropes used for (a) Application. This section provides
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live-line barehand work for other pur- additional requirements for work on
poses. underground electrical installations.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.965
(b) Access. The employer shall ensure (e) Duct rods. The employer shall en-
that employees use a ladder or other sure that, if employees use duct rods,
climbing device to enter and exit a the employees install the duct rods in
manhole or subsurface vault exceeding the direction presenting the least haz-
1.22 meters (4 feet) in depth. No em- ard to employees. The employer shall
ployee may climb into or out of a man- station an employee at the far end of
hole or vault by stepping on cables or the duct line being rodded to ensure
hangers. that the employees maintain the re-
(c) Lowering equipment into manholes— quired minimum approach distances.
(1) Hoisting equipment. Equipment used (f) Multiple cables. When multiple ca-
to lower materials and tools into man- bles are present in a work area, the em-
holes or vaults shall be capable of sup- ployer shall identify the cable to be
porting the weight to be lowered and worked by electrical means, unless its
shall be checked for defects before use. identity is obvious by reason of distinc-
(2) Clear the area of employees. Before tive appearance or location or by other
anyone lowers tools or material into readily apparent means of identifica-
the opening for a manhole or vault, tion. The employer shall protect cables
each employee working in the manhole other than the one being worked from
or vault shall be clear of the area di- damage.
rectly under the opening. (g) Moving cables. Except when para-
graph (h)(2) of this section permits em-
(d) Attendants for manholes and
ployees to perform work that could
vaults—(1) When required. While work is
cause a fault in an energized cable in a
being performed in a manhole or vault
manhole or vault, the employer shall
containing energized electric equip-
ensure that employees inspect ener-
ment, an employee with first-aid train-
gized cables to be moved for abnormali-
ing shall be available on the surface in
the immediate vicinity of the manhole
(h) Protection against faults—(1) Cables
or vault entrance to render emergency
with abnormalities. Where a cable in a
manhole or vault has one or more ab-
(2) Brief entries allowed. Occasionally, normalities that could lead to a fault
the employee on the surface may brief- or be an indication of an impending
ly enter a manhole or vault to provide fault, the employer shall deenergize
nonemergency assistance. the cable with the abnormality before
NOTE 1 TO PARAGRAPH (d)(2): Paragraph (h) any employee may work in the man-
of 1926.953 may also require an attendant and hole or vault, except when service-load
does not permit this attendant to enter the conditions and a lack of feasible alter-
manhole or vault. natives require that the cable remain
NOTE 2 TO PARAGRAPH (d)(2): Paragraph energized. In that case, employees may
(b)(1)(ii) of § 1926.960 requires employees en- enter the manhole or vault provided
tering manholes or vaults containing un- the employer protects them from the
guarded, uninsulated energized lines or parts
possible effects of a failure using
of electric equipment operating at 50 volts or
more to be qualified. shields or other devices that are capa-
ble of containing the adverse effects of
(3) Entry without attendant. For the a fault. The employer shall treat the
purpose of inspection, housekeeping, following abnormalities as indications
taking readings, or similar work, an of impending faults unless the em-
employee working alone may enter, for ployer can demonstrate that the condi-
brief periods of time, a manhole or tions could not lead to a fault: Oil or
vault where energized cables or equip- compound leaking from cable or joints,
ment are in service if the employer can broken cable sheaths or joint sleeves,
demonstrate that the employee will be hot localized surface temperatures of
protected from all electrical hazards. cables or joints, or joints swollen be-
(4) Communications. The employer yond normal tolerance.
shall ensure that employees maintain (2) Work-related faults. If the work
reliable communications, through two- employees will perform in a manhole
way radios or other equivalent means, or vault could cause a fault in a cable,
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among all employees involved in the the employer shall deenergize that
job. cable before any employee works in the
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§ 1926.966 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
manhole or vault, except when service- render the control circuit inoperable if
load conditions and a lack of feasible the design of the equipment permits.
alternatives require that the cable re- (d) Substation fences. Conductive
main energized. In that case, employ- fences around substations shall be
ees may enter the manhole or vault grounded. When a substation fence is
provided the employer protects them expanded or a section is removed, fence
from the possible effects of a failure sections shall be isolated, grounded, or
using shields or other devices that are bonded as necessary to protect employ-
capable of containing the adverse ef- ees from hazardous differences in elec-
fects of a fault. tric potential.
(i) Sheath continuity. When employees NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (d): IEEE Std 80–2000,
perform work on buried cable or on IEEE Guide for Safety in AC Substation
cable in a manhole or vault, the em- Grounding, contains guidelines for protec-
ployer shall maintain metallic-sheath tion against hazardous differences in
continuity, or the cable sheath shall be electric potential.
treated as energized. (e) Guarding of rooms and other spaces
§ 1926.966 Substations. containing electric supply equipment—(1)
When to guard rooms and other spaces.
(a) Application. This section provides Rooms and other spaces in which elec-
additional requirements for sub- tric supply lines or equipment are in-
stations and for work performed in stalled shall meet the requirements of
them. paragraphs (e)(2) through (e)(5) of this
(b) Access and working space. The em- section under the following conditions:
ployer shall provide and maintain suf- (i) If exposed live parts operating at
ficient access and working space about 50 to 150 volts to ground are within 2.4
electric equipment to permit ready and meters (8 feet) of the ground or other
safe operation and maintenance of such working surface inside the room or
equipment by employees. other space,
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (b): American Na- (ii) If live parts operating at 151 to
tional Standard National Electrical Safety 600 volts to ground and located within
Code, ANSI/IEEE C2–2012 contains guidelines 2.4 meters (8 feet) of the ground or
for the dimensions of access and working other working surface inside the room
space about electric equipment in sub- or other space are guarded only by lo-
stations. Installations meeting the ANSI cation, as permitted under paragraph
provisions comply with paragraph (b) of this (f)(1) of this section, or
section. The Occupational Safety and Health
Administration will determine whether an
(iii) If live parts operating at more
installation that does not conform to this than 600 volts to ground are within the
ANSI standard complies with paragraph (b) room or other space, unless:
of this section based on the following cri- (A) The live parts are enclosed within
teria: grounded, metal-enclosed equipment
(1) Whether the installation conforms to whose only openings are designed so
the edition of ANSI C2 that was in effect that foreign objects inserted in these
when the installation was made; openings will be deflected from ener-
(2) Whether the configuration of the instal- gized parts, or
lation enables employees to maintain the
minimum approach distances, established by (B) The live parts are installed at a
the employer under § 1926.960(c)(1)(i), while height, above ground and any other
the employees are working on exposed, ener- working surface, that provides protec-
gized parts; and tion at the voltage on the live parts
(3) Whether the precautions taken when corresponding to the protection pro-
employees perform work on the installation vided by a 2.4-meter (8-foot) height at
provide protection equivalent to the protec- 50 volts.
tion provided by access and working space (2) Prevent access by unqualified per-
meeting ANSI/IEEE C2–2012.
sons. Fences, screens, partitions, or
(c) Draw-out-type circuit breakers. The walls shall enclose the rooms and other
employer shall ensure that, when em- spaces so as to minimize the possibility
ployees remove or insert draw-out-type that unqualified persons will enter.
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circuit breakers, the breaker is in the (3) Restricted entry. Unqualified per-
open position. The employer shall also sons may not enter the rooms or other
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.967
spaces while the electric supply lines barriers around the work area to pre-
or equipment are energized. vent employees who are not working
(4) Warning signs. The employer shall on the equipment, but who are in the
display signs at entrances to the rooms area, from contacting the exposed live
and other spaces warning unqualified parts.
persons to keep out. (g) Substation entry—(1) Report upon
(5) Entrances to rooms and other. The entering. Upon entering an attended
employer shall keep each entrance to a substation, each employee, other than
room or other space locked, unless the employees regularly working in the
entrance is under the observation of a station, shall report his or her presence
person who is attending the room or to the employee in charge of substation
other space for the purpose of pre- activities to receive information on
venting unqualified employees from en- special system conditions affecting em-
tering. ployee safety.
(f) Guarding of energized parts—(1) (2) Job briefing. The job briefing re-
Type of guarding. The employer shall quired by § 1926.952 shall cover informa-
provide guards around all live parts op- tion on special system conditions af-
erating at more than 150 volts to fecting employee safety, including the
ground without an insulating covering location of energized equipment in or
unless the location of the live parts adjacent to the work area and the lim-
gives sufficient clearance (horizontal, its of any deenergized work area.
vertical, or both) to minimize the pos-
sibility of accidental employee con- § 1926.967 Special conditions.
tact. (a) Capacitors. The following addi-
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (f)(1): American Na- tional requirements apply to work on
tional Standard National Electrical Safety capacitors and on lines connected to
Code, ANSI/IEEE C2–2002 contains guidelines capacitors.
for the dimensions of clearance distances
NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (a): See §§ 1926.961 and
about electric equipment in substations. In-
1926.962 for requirements pertaining to the
stallations meeting the ANSI provisions
deenergizing and grounding of capacitor in-
comply with paragraph (f)(1) of this section.
The Occupational Safety and Health Admin-
istration will determine whether an installa- (1) Disconnect from energized source.
tion that does not conform to this ANSI Before employees work on capacitors,
standard complies with paragraph (f)(1) of the employer shall disconnect the ca-
this section based on the following criteria: pacitors from energized sources and
(1) Whether the installation conforms to
the edition of ANSI C2 that was in effect
short circuit the capacitors. The em-
when the installation was made; ployer shall ensure that the employee
(2) Whether each employee is isolated from short circuiting the capacitors waits at
energized parts at the point of closest ap- least 5 minutes from the time of dis-
proach; and connection before applying the short
(3) Whether the precautions taken when circuit,
employees perform work on the installation (2) Short circuiting units. Before em-
provide protection equivalent to the protec- ployees handle the units, the employer
tion provided by horizontal and vertical
shall short circuit each unit in series-
clearances meeting ANSI/IEEE C2–2002.
parallel capacitor banks between all
(2) Maintaining guards during oper- terminals and the capacitor case or its
ation. Except for fuse replacement and rack. If the cases of capacitors are on
other necessary access by qualified per- ungrounded substation racks, the em-
sons, the employer shall maintain ployer shall bond the racks to ground.
guarding of energized parts within a (3) Short circuiting connected lines. The
compartment during operation and employer shall short circuit any line
maintenance functions to prevent acci- connected to capacitors before the line
dental contact with energized parts is treated as deenergized.
and to prevent dropped tools or other (b) Current transformer secondaries.
equipment from contacting energized The employer shall ensure that em-
parts. ployees do not open the secondary of a
(3) Temporary removal of guards. Be- current transformer while the trans-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
fore guards are removed from energized former is energized. If the employer
equipment, the employer shall install cannot deenergize the primary of the
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§ 1926.967 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
vices used for the protection of em- cial precautions are required. Obtain
ployees shall meet § 1926.200(g)(2). specific instruction before entering.’’
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.968
out insulation and other coverings (sin- transport personnel, tools, and mate-
gle-conductor cable), or a combination rial for electric supply line work.
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§ 1926.968 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
like used as part of or in connection tion below 19.5 percent or above 23.5
with an electrical installation. percent;
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.968
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§ 1926.968 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. Pt. 1926, Subpt. V, App. B
conductor and ground. This subpart ex- accordance with § 1926.960(c)(1)(i) and Table
presses voltages in nominal values, un- V–2 and Table V–7. This appendix provides
less otherwise indicated. The nominal essential background information and tech-
nical criteria for the calculation of the re-
voltage of a system or circuit is the quired minimum approach distances for live-
value assigned to a system or circuit of line work on electric power generation,
a given voltage class for the purpose of transmission, and distribution installations.
convenient designation. The operating Unless an employer is using the maximum
voltage of the system may vary above transient overvoltages specified in Table V–
or below this value. 8 for voltages over 72.5 kilovolts, the em-
Work-positioning equipment. A body ployer must use persons knowledgeable in
the techniques discussed in this appendix,
belt or body harness system rigged to
and competent in the field of electric trans-
allow an employee to be supported on mission and distribution system design, to
an elevated vertical surface, such as a determine the maximum transient over-
utility pole or tower leg, and work voltage.
with both hands free while leaning.
[79 FR 20696, Apr. 11, 2014, as amended at 79
A. Definitions. The following definitions
FR 56962, Sept. 24, 2014; 80 FR 25518, May 4,
from § 1926.968 relate to work on or near elec-
2015; 85 FR 8745, Feb. 18, 2020]
tric power generation, transmission, and dis-
tribution lines and equipment and the elec-
trical hazards they present.
[RESERVED] Exposed. . . . Not isolated or guarded.
Guarded. Covered, fenced, enclosed, or oth-
APPENDIX B TO SUBPART V OF PART erwise protected, by means of suitable covers
1926—WORKING ON EXPOSED ENER- or casings, barrier rails or screens, mats, or
GIZED PARTS platforms, designed to minimize the possi-
bility, under normal conditions, of dangerous
I. INTRODUCTION approach or inadvertent contact by persons
Electric utilities design electric power gen- or objects.
eration, transmission, and distribution in- NOTE TO THE DEFINITION OF ‘‘GUARDED’’:
stallations to meet National Electrical Safe- Wires that are insulated, but not otherwise
ty Code (NESC), ANSI C2, requirements. protected, are not guarded.
Electric utilities also design transmission
and distribution lines to limit line outages Insulated. Separated from other conducting
as required by system reliability criteria 1 surfaces by a dielectric (including air space)
and to withstand the maximum overvoltages offering a high resistance to the passage of
impressed on the system. Conditions such as current.
switching surges, faults, and lightning can NOTE TO THE DEFINITION OF ‘‘INSULATED’’:
cause overvoltages. Electric utilities gen- When any object is said to be insulated, it is
erally select insulator design and lengths understood to be insulated for the conditions
and the clearances to structural parts so as to which it normally is subjected. Otherwise,
to prevent outages from contaminated line it is, for the purpose of this subpart,
insulation and during storms. Line insulator uninsulated.
lengths and structural clearances have, over
the years, come closer to the minimum ap- Isolated. Not readily accessible to persons
proach distances used by workers. As min- unless special means for access are used.
imum approach distances and structural Statistical sparkover voltage. A transient
clearances converge, it is increasingly im- overvoltage level that produces a 97.72-per-
portant that system designers and system cent probability of sparkover (that is, two
standard deviations above the voltage at
operating and maintenance personnel under-
which there is a 50-percent probability of
stand the concepts underlying minimum ap-
proach distances.
Statistical withstand voltage. A transient
The information in this appendix will as-
overvoltage level that produces a 0.14-per-
sist employers in complying with the min-
cent probability of sparkover (that is, three
imum approach-distance requirements con-
standard deviations below the voltage at
tained in §§ 1926.960(c)(1) and 1926.964(c). Em-
which there is a 50-percent probability of
ployers must use the technical criteria and
methodology presented in this appendix in
B. Installations energized at 50 to 300 volts.
establishing minimum approach distances in The hazards posed by installations energized
at 50 to 300 volts are the same as those found
1 Federal, State, and local regulatory bod- in many other workplaces. That is not to say
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
ies and electric utilities set reliability re- that there is no hazard, but the complexity
quirements that limit the number and dura- of electrical protection required does not
tion of system outages. compare to that required for high-voltage
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Pt. Pt. 1926, Subpt. V, App. B 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
systems. The employee must avoid contact III. DETERMINATION OF MINIMUM APPROACH
with the exposed parts, and the protective DISTANCES FOR AC VOLTAGES GREATER
equipment used (such as rubber insulating THAN 300 VOLTS
gloves) must provide insulation for the
A. Voltages of 301 to 5,000 volts. Test data
voltages involved.
generally forms the basis of minimum air in-
C. Exposed energized parts over 300 volts AC.
sulation distances. The lowest voltage for
Paragraph (c)(1)(i) of § 1926.960 requires the
which sufficient test data exists is 5,000
employer to establish minimum approach
volts, and these data indicate that the min-
distances no less than the distances com-
imum air insulation distance at that voltage
puted by Table V–2 for ac systems so that
is 20 millimeters (1 inch). Because the min-
employees can work safely without risk of
imum air insulation distance increases with
increasing voltage, and, conversely, de-
Unless the employee is using electrical
creases with decreasing voltage, an assumed
protective equipment, air is the insulating
minimum air insulation distance of 20 milli-
medium between the employee and energized
meters will protect against sparkover at
parts. The distance between the employee
voltages of 301 to 5,000 volts. Thus, 20 milli-
and an energized part must be sufficient for
meters is the electrical component of the
the air to withstand the maximum transient
minimum approach distance for these
overvoltage that can reach the worksite
under the working conditions and practices
the employee is using. This distance is the B. Voltages of 5.1 to 72.5 kilovolts. For
minimum air insulation distance, and it is voltages from 5.1 to 72.5 kilovolts, the Occu-
equal to the electrical component of the pational Safety and Health Administration
minimum approach distance. bases the methodology for calculating the
Normal system design may provide or in- electrical component of the minimum ap-
clude a means (such as lightning arrestors) proach distance on Institute of Electrical
to control maximum anticipated transient and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Standard 4–
overvoltages, or the employer may use tem- 1995, Standard Techniques for High-Voltage
porary devices (portable protective gaps) or Testing. Table 1 lists the critical sparkover
measures (such as preventing automatic cir- distances from that standard as listed in
cuit breaker reclosing) to achieve the same IEEE Std 516–2009, IEEE Guide for Mainte-
result. Paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of § 1926.960 re- nance Methods on Energized Power Lines.
quires the employer to determine the max-
imum anticipated per-unit transient over- TABLE 1—SPARKOVER DISTANCE FOR ROD-TO-
voltage, phase-to-ground, through an engi- ROD GAP
neering analysis or assume a maximum an-
Gap spacing from IEEE Std
ticipated per-unit transient overvoltage, 60 Hz rod-to-rod sparkover 4–1995
phase-to-ground, in accordance with Table (kV peak) (cm)
V–8, which specifies the following maximums
for ac systems: 25 2
36 3
72.6 to 420.0 kilovolts ............. 3.5 per unit. 46 4
420.1 to 550.0 kilovolts ........... 3.0 per unit. 53 5
550.1 to 800.0 kilovolts ........... 2.5 per unit. 60 6
See paragraph IV.A.2, later in this appen- 70 8
79 10
dix, for additional discussion of maximum
86 12
transient overvoltages. 95 14
D. Types of exposures. Employees working 104 16
on or near energized electric power genera- 112 18
tion, transmission, and distribution systems 120 20
face two kinds of exposures: Phase-to-ground 143 25
and phase-to-phase. The exposure is phase- 167 30
to-ground: (1) With respect to an energized 192 35
part, when the employee is at ground poten- 218 40
tial or (2) with respect to ground, when an 243 45
employee is at the potential of the energized 270 50
322 60
part during live-line barehand work. The ex-
posure is phase-to-phase, with respect to an Source: IEEE Std 516–2009.
energized part, when an employee is at the
potential of another energized part (at a dif- To use this table to determine the elec-
ferent potential) during live-line barehand trical component of the minimum approach
work. distance, the employer must determine the
peak phase-to-ground transient overvoltage
and select a gap from the table that cor-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. Pt. 1926, Subpt. V, App. B
minimum approach distance for voltages be- overvoltage, which corresponds to the with-
tween 5 and 72.5 kilovolts, use the following stand voltage for the relevant exposure.3
procedure: 4. Divide the maximum phase-to-ground
1. Divide the phase-to-phase voltage by the transient overvoltage by 0.85 to determine
square root of 3 to convert it to a phase-to- the corresponding critical sparkover voltage.
ground voltage. (The critical sparkover voltage is 3 standard
2. Multiply the phase-to-ground voltage by deviations (or 15 percent) greater than the
withstand voltage.)
the square root of 2 to convert the rms value
5. Determine the electrical component of
of the voltage to the peak phase-to-ground
the minimum approach distance from Table
1 through interpolation.
3. Multiply the peak phase-to-ground volt- Table 2 illustrates how to derive the elec-
age by the maximum per-unit transient over- trical component of the minimum approach
voltage, which, for this voltage range, is 3.0, distance for voltages from 5.1 to 72.5 kilo-
as discussed later in this appendix. This is volts, before the application of any altitude
the maximum phase-to-ground transient correction factor, as explained later.
Maximum system phase-to-phase voltage (kV)
15 36 46 72.5
C. Voltages of 72.6 to 800 kilovolts. For In Equation 1, C is 0.01: (1) For phase-to-
voltages of 72.6 kilovolts to 800 kilovolts, ground exposures that the employer can
this subpart bases the electrical component demonstrate consist only of air across the
of minimum approach distances, before the approach distance (gap) and (2) for phase-to-
application of any altitude correction factor, phase exposures if the employer can dem-
on the following formula: onstrate that no insulated tool spans the gap
and that no large conductive object is in the
gap. Otherwise, C is 0.011.
In Equation 1, the term a varies depending
D = 0.3048(C + a)VL-GT on whether the employee’s exposure is phase-
Where: to-ground or phase-to-phase and on whether
objects are in the gap. The employer must
D = Electrical component of the minimum
use the equations in Table 3 to calculate a.
approach distance in air in meters;
Sparkover test data with insulation span-
C = a correction factor associated with the
variation of gap sparkover with voltage; ning the gap form the basis for the equations
for phase-to-ground exposures, and sparkover
a = A factor relating to the saturation of
air at system voltages of 345 kilovolts or test data with only air in the gap form the
higher; 4 basis for the equations for phase-to-phase ex-
VL-G = Maximum system line-to-ground posures. The phase-to-ground equations re-
rms voltage in kilovolts—it should be the sult in slightly higher values of a, and, con-
‘‘actual’’ maximum, or the normal highest sequently, produce larger minimum ap-
voltage for the range (for example, 10 percent proach distances, than the phase-to-phase
above the nominal voltage); and equations for the same value of VPeak.
T = Maximum transient overvoltage factor
in per unit.
3 The withstand voltage is the voltage at of about 630 kilovolts. Systems operating at
which sparkover is not likely to occur across 345 kilovolts (or maximum system voltages
a specified distance. It is the voltage taken of 362 kilovolts) can have peak maximum
at the 3s point below the sparkover voltage, transient overvoltages exceeding 630 kilo-
assuming that the sparkover curve follows a volts. Table V–2 sets equations for calcu-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
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Pt. Pt. 1926, Subpt. V, App. B 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
In Equation 1, T is the maximum transient mine the total safe minimum approach dis-
overvoltage factor in per unit. As noted ear- tances used in live-line work.
lier, § 1926.960(c)(1)(ii) requires the employer The Occupational Safety and Health Ad-
to determine the maximum anticipated per- ministration based the ergonomic compo-
unit transient overvoltage, phase-to-ground, nent of the minimum approach distance on
through an engineering analysis or assume a response time-distance analysis. This tech-
maximum anticipated per-unit transient nique uses an estimate of the total response
overvoltage, phase-to-ground, in accordance
time to a hazardous incident and converts
with Table V–8. For phase-to-ground expo-
sures, the employer uses this value, called that time to the distance traveled. For ex-
TL-G, as T in Equation 1. IEEE Std 516–2009 ample, the driver of a car takes a given
provides the following formula to calculate amount of time to respond to a ‘‘stimulus’’
the phase-to-phase maximum transient over- and stop the vehicle. The elapsed time in-
voltage, TL-L, from TL-G: volved results in the car’s traveling some
TL-L = 1.35TL-G + 0.45. distance before coming to a complete stop.
This distance depends on the speed of the car
For phase-to-phase exposures, the employer
at the time the stimulus appears and the re-
uses this value as T in Equation 1.
D. Provisions for inadvertent movement. The action time of the driver.
minimum approach distance must include an In the case of live-line work, the employee
‘‘adder’’ to compensate for the inadvertent must first perceive that he or she is ap-
movement of the worker relative to an ener- proaching the danger zone. Then, the worker
gized part or the movement of the part rel- responds to the danger and must decelerate
ative to the worker. This ‘‘adder’’ must ac- and stop all motion toward the energized
count for this possible inadvertent move- part. During the time it takes to stop, the
ment and provide the worker with a com- employee will travel some distance. This is
fortable and safe zone in which to work. Em- the distance the employer must add to the
ployers must add the distance for inad- electrical component of the minimum ap-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
vertent movement (called the ‘‘ergonomic proach distance to obtain the total safe min-
component of the minimum approach dis- imum approach distance.
tance’’) to the electrical component to deter-
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. Pt. 1926, Subpt. V, App. B
At voltages from 751 volts to 72.5 kilo- constant distance from the employee and,
volts,5 the electrical component of the min- thus, maintain the appropriate minimum ap-
imum approach distance is smaller than the proach distance automatically.
ergonomic component. At 72.5 kilovolts, the The location of the worker and the type of
electrical component is only a little more work methods the worker is using also influ-
than 0.3 meters (1 foot). An ergonomic com- ence the length of the ergonomic component
ponent of the minimum approach distance of the minimum approach distance. In this
must provide for all the worker’s unantici- higher voltage range, the employees use
pated movements. At these voltages, work-
work methods that more tightly control
ers generally use rubber insulating gloves;
their movements than when the workers per-
however, these gloves protect only a work-
er’s hands and arms. Therefore, the energized form work using rubber insulating gloves.
object must be at a safe approach distance to The worker, therefore, is farther from the
protect the worker’s face. In this case, 0.61 energized line or equipment and must be
meters (2 feet) is a sufficient and practical more precise in his or her movements just to
ergonomic component of the minimum ap- perform the work. For these reasons, this
proach distance. subpart adopts an ergonomic component of
For voltages between 72.6 and 800 kilovolts, the minimum approach distance of 0.31 m (1
employees must use different work practices foot) for voltages between 72.6 and 800 kilo-
during energized line work. Generally, em- volts.
ployees use live-line tools (hot sticks) to per- Table 4 summarizes the ergonomic compo-
form work on energized equipment. These nent of the minimum approach distance for
tools, by design, keep the energized part at a various voltage ranges.
The ergonomic component of the minimum the work. For example, the employee should
approach distance accounts for errors in be able to perform all of the following ac-
maintaining the minimum approach distance tions without straying into the minimum ap-
(which might occur, for example, if an em- proach distance:
ployee misjudges the length of a conductive • Adjust his or her hardhat,
object he or she is holding), and for errors in • maneuver a tool onto an energized part
judging the minimum approach distance. with a reasonable amount of overreaching or
The ergonomic component also accounts for underreaching,
inadvertent movements by the employee, • reach for and handle tools, material, and
such as slipping. In contrast, the working po- equipment passed to him or her, and
sition selected to properly maintain the min- • adjust tools, and replace components on
imum approach distance must account for them, when necessary during the work pro-
all of an employee’s reasonably likely move- cedure.
ments and still permit the employee to ad- The training of qualified employees re-
here to the applicable minimum approach quired under § 1926.950, and the job planning
distance. (See Figure 1.) Reasonably likely and briefing required under § 1926.952, must
movements include an employee’s adjust- address selection of a proper working posi-
ments to tools, equipment, and working posi- tion.
tions and all movements needed to perform
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
5 For voltages of 50 to 300 volts, Table V–2 distance for this voltage range contains nei-
specifies a minimum approach distance of ther an electrical component nor an ergo-
‘‘avoid contact.’’ The minimum approach nomic component.
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Pt. Pt. 1926, Subpt. V, App. B 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. Pt. 1926, Subpt. V, App. B
standard atmospheric conditions is approxi- overvoltage has an associated transient volt-
mately 3 kilovolts per millimeter.6 The pres- age wave shape. The wave shape arriving at
sure, temperature, and humidity of the air, the site and its magnitude vary consider-
the shape, dimensions, and separation of the ably.
electrodes, and the characteristics of the ap- In developing requirements for minimum
plied voltage (wave shape) affect the disrup- approach distances, the Occupational Safety
tive gradient. and Health Administration considered the
2. Atmospheric effect. The empirically deter- most common wave shapes and the mag-
mined electrical strength of a given gap is nitude of transient overvoltages found on
normally applicable at standard atmospheric electric power generation, transmission, and
conditions (20 °C, 101.3 kilopascals, 11 grams/ distribution systems. The equations in Table
cubic centimeter humidity). An increase in V–2 for minimum approach distances use per-
the density (humidity) of the air inhibits unit maximum transient overvoltages, which
sparkover for a given air gap. The combina- are relative to the nominal maximum volt-
tion of temperature and air pressure that re- age of the system. For example, a maximum
sults in the lowest gap sparkover voltage is transient overvoltage value of 3.0 per unit in-
high temperature and low pressure. This dicates that the highest transient over-
combination of conditions is not likely to voltage is 3.0 times the nominal maximum
occur. Low air pressure, generally associated system voltage.
with high humidity, causes increased elec- 3. Typical magnitude of overvoltages. Table 5
trical strength. An average air pressure gen- lists the magnitude of typical transient
erally correlates with low humidity. Hot and overvoltages.
dry working conditions normally result in
reduced electrical strength. The equations TABLE 5—MAGNITUDE OF TYPICAL TRANSIENT
for minimum approach distances in Table V– OVERVOLTAGES
2 assume standard atmospheric conditions.
3. Altitude. The reduced air pressure at high Magnitude
altitudes causes a reduction in the electrical (per unit)
strength of an air gap. An employer must in- Energized 200-mile line without closing resistors 3.5
crease the minimum approach distance by Energized 200-mile line with one-step closing
about 3 percent per 300 meters (1,000 feet) of resistor ............................................................. 2.1
increased altitude for altitudes above 900 me- Energized 200-mile line with multistep resistor ... 2.5
ters (3,000 feet). Table V–4 specifies the alti- Reclosing with trapped charge one-step resistor 2.2
tude correction factor that the employer Opening surge with single restrike ...................... 3.0
Fault initiation unfaulted phase ........................... 2.1
must use in calculating minimum approach Fault initiation adjacent circuit ............................. 2.5
distances. Fault clearing ....................................................... 1.7 to 1.9
DISTANCES 4. Standard deviation—air-gap withstand.
For each air gap length under the same at-
A. Factors Affecting Voltage Stress at the mospheric conditions, there is a statistical
Worksite variation in the breakdown voltage. The
probability of breakdown against voltage has
1. System voltage (nominal). The nominal a normal (Gaussian) distribution. The stand-
system voltage range determines the voltage ard deviation of this distribution varies with
for purposes of calculating minimum ap- the wave shape, gap geometry, and atmos-
proach distances. The employer selects the pheric conditions. The withstand voltage of
range in which the nominal system voltage the air gap is three standard deviations (3s)
falls, as given in the relevant table, and uses below the critical sparkover voltage. (The
the highest value within that range in per- critical sparkover voltage is the crest value
unit calculations. of the impulse wave that, under specified
2. Transient overvoltages. Operation of conditions, causes sparkover 50 percent of
switches or circuit breakers, a fault on a line the time. An impulse wave of three standard
or circuit or on an adjacent circuit, and deviations below this value, that is, the
similar activities may generate transient withstand voltage, has a probability of
overvoltages on an electrical system. Each sparkover of approximately 1 in 1,000.)
5. Broken Insulators. Tests show reductions
6 For the purposes of estimating arc length, in the insulation strength of insulator
Subpart V generally assumes a more con- strings with broken skirts. Broken units
servative dielectric strength of 10 kilovolts may lose up to 70 percent of their withstand
per 25.4 millimeters, consistent with assump- capacity. Because an employer cannot deter-
tions made in consensus standards such as mine the insulating capability of a broken
the National Electrical Safety Code (IEEE unit without testing it, the employer must
C2–2012). The more conservative value ac- consider damaged units in an insulator to
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
counts for variables such as electrode shape, have no insulating value. Additionally, the
wave shape, and a certain amount of over- presence of a live-line tool alongside an insu-
voltage. lator string with broken units may further
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Pt. Pt. 1926, Subpt. V, App. B 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
reduce the overall insulating strength. The ing transient overvoltages. Alternatively,
number of good units that must be present in the employer can hold the overvoltage to an
a string for it to be ‘‘insulated’’ as defined by acceptable level by installing surge arresters
§ 1926.968 depends on the maximum over- or portable protective gaps on the system. In
voltage possible at the worksite. addition, the employer can change the trans-
mission system to minimize the effect of
B. Minimum Approach Distances Based on
Known, Maximum-Anticipated Per-Unit switching operations. Section 4.8 of IEEE
Transient Overvoltages Std 516–2009 describes various ways of con-
trolling, and thereby reducing, maximum
1. Determining the minimum approach dis- transient overvoltages.
tance for AC systems. Under § 1926.960(c)(1)(ii), 2. Operation of circuit breakers.7 The max-
the employer must determine the maximum imum transient overvoltage that can reach
anticipated per-unit transient overvoltage, the worksite is often the result of switching
phase-to-ground, through an engineering
on the line on which employees are working.
analysis or must assume a maximum antici-
Disabling automatic reclosing during ener-
pated per-unit transient overvoltage, phase-
to-ground, in accordance with Table V–8. gized line work, so that the line will not be
When the employer conducts an engineering reenergized after being opened for any rea-
analysis of the system and determines that son, limits the maximum switching surge
the maximum transient overvoltage is lower overvoltage to the larger of the opening
than specified by Table V–8, the employer surge or the greatest possible fault-gen-
must ensure that any conditions assumed in erated surge, provided that the devices (for
the analysis, for example, that employees example, insertion resistors) are operable
block reclosing on a circuit or install port- and will function to limit the transient over-
able protective gaps, are present during ener- voltage and that circuit breaker restrikes do
gized work. To ensure that these conditions not occur. The employer must ensure the
are present, the employer may need to insti- proper functioning of insertion resistors and
tute new live-work procedures reflecting the other overvoltage-limiting devices when the
conditions and limitations set by the engi- employer’s engineering analysis assumes
neering analysis. their proper operation to limit the over-
2. Calculation of reduced approach distance voltage level. If the employer cannot disable
values. An employer may take the following the reclosing feature (because of system op-
steps to reduce minimum approach distances erating conditions), other methods of con-
when the maximum transient overvoltage on
trolling the switching surge level may be
the system (that is, the maximum transient
overvoltage without additional steps to con-
trol overvoltages) produces unacceptably Transient surges on an adjacent line, par-
large minimum approach distances: ticularly for double circuit construction,
Step 1. Determine the maximum voltage may cause a significant overvoltage on the
(with respect to a given nominal voltage line on which employees are working. The
range) for the energized part. employer’s engineering analysis must ac-
Step 2. Determine the technique to use to count for coupling to adjacent lines.
control the maximum transient overvoltage. 3. Surge arresters. The use of modern surge
(See paragraphs IV.C and IV.D of this appen- arresters allows a reduction in the basic im-
dix.) Determine the maximum transient pulse-insulation levels of much transmission
overvoltage that can exist at the worksite system equipment. The primary function of
with that form of control in place and with early arresters was to protect the system in-
a confidence level of 3s . This voltage is the sulation from the effects of lightning. Mod-
withstand voltage for the purpose of calcu- ern arresters not only dissipate lightning-
lating the appropriate minimum approach caused transients, but may also control
distance. many other system transients caused by
Step 3. Direct employees to implement pro- switching or faults.
cedures to ensure that the control technique
The employer may use properly designed
is in effect during the course of the work.
arresters to control transient overvoltages
Step 4. Using the new value of transient
along a transmission line and thereby reduce
overvoltage in per unit, calculate the re-
quired minimum approach distance from the requisite length of the insulator string
Table V–2.
7 The detailed design of a circuit inter-
C. Methods of Controlling Possible Transient
rupter, such as the design of the contacts, re-
Overvoltage Stress Found on a System
sistor insertion, and breaker timing control,
1. Introduction. There are several means of are beyond the scope of this appendix. The
controlling overvoltages that occur on trans- design of the system generally accounts for
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
mission systems. For example, the employer these features. This appendix only discusses
can modify the operation of circuit breakers features that can limit the maximum switch-
or other switching devices to reduce switch- ing transient overvoltage on a system.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. Pt. 1926, Subpt. V, App. B
and possibly the maximum transient over- site by installing portable protective gaps,
voltage on the line.8 the employer may calculate the minimum
4. Switching Restrictions. Another form of approach distance as follows:
overvoltage control involves establishing Step 1. Select the appropriate withstand
switching restrictions, whereby the em- voltage for the protective gap based on sys-
ployer prohibits the operation of circuit tem requirements and an acceptable prob-
breakers until certain system conditions are ability of gap sparkover.9
present. The employer restricts switching by
using a tagging system, similar to that used Step 2. Determine a gap distance that pro-
for a permit, except that the common term vides a withstand voltage 10 greater than or
used for this activity is a ‘‘hold-off’’ or ‘‘re- equal to the one selected in the first step.11
striction.’’ These terms indicate that the re- Step 3. Use 110 percent of the gap’s critical
striction does not prevent operation, but sparkover voltage to determine the phase-to-
only modifies the operation during the live- ground peak voltage at gap sparkover (VPPG
work activity. Peak).
Step 4. Determine the maximum transient
D. Minimum Approach Distance Based on Con- overvoltage, phase-to-ground, at the work-
trol of Maximum Transient Overvoltage at the
site from the following formula:
When the employer institutes control of
maximum transient overvoltage at the work-
Step 5. Use this value of T 12 in the equation that is subject to transient overvoltages of
in Table V–2 to obtain the minimum ap- 2.4 p.u. The maximum operating voltage of
proach distance. If the worksite is no more the line is 550 kilovolts. Determine the
than 900 meters (3,000 feet) above sea level, length of the protective gap that will provide
the employer may use this value of T to de- the minimum practical safe approach dis-
termine the minimum approach distance tance. Also, determine what that minimum
from Table 7 through Table 14. approach distance is.
NOTE: All rounding must be to the next Step 1. Calculate the smallest practical
higher value (that is, always round up). maximum transient overvoltage (1.25 times
the crest phase-to-ground voltage): 13
Sample protective gap calculations.
Problem: Employees are to perform work on
a 500-kilovolt transmission line at sea level
8 Surge arrester application is beyond the voltage for each gap spacing (for example, a
scope of this appendix. However, if the em- critical sparkover voltage of 665 kilovolts for
ployer installs the arrester near the work a gap spacing of 1.2 meters). The withstand
site, the application would be similar to the voltage for the gap is equal to 85 percent of
protective gaps discussed in paragraph IV.D its critical sparkover voltage.
of this appendix. 11 Switch steps 1 and 2 if the length of the
9 The employer should check the withstand
protective gap is known.
voltage to ensure that it results in a prob- 12 IEEE Std 516–2009 states that most em-
ability of gap flashover that is acceptable
from a system outage perspective. (In other ployers add 0.2 to the calculated value of T
words, a gap sparkover will produce a system as an additional safety factor.
13 To eliminate sparkovers due to minor
outage. The employer should determine
whether such an outage will impact overall system disturbances, the employer should
system performance to an acceptable de- use a withstand voltage no lower than 1.25
gree.) In general, the withstand voltage p.u. Note that this is a practical, or oper-
should be at least 1.25 times the maximum ational, consideration only. It may be fea-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
crest operating voltage. sible for the employer to use lower values of
10 The manufacturer of the gap provides,
withstand voltage.
based on test data, the critical sparkover
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Pt. Pt. 1926, Subpt. V, App. B 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
This value equals the withstand voltage of Step 3. The phase-to-ground peak voltage
the protective gap. at gap sparkover (VPPG Peak) is 110 percent of
Step 2. Using test data for a particular pro- the value from the previous step:
tective gap, select a gap that has a critical
665kV × 1.10 = 732kV
sparkover voltage greater than or equal to:
561kV ÷ 0.85 = 660kV This value corresponds to the withstand
voltage of the electrical component of the
For example, if a protective gap with a 1.22- minimum approach distance.
m (4.0-foot) spacing tested to a critical
Step 4. Use this voltage to determine the
sparkover voltage of 665 kilovolts (crest), se-
lect this gap spacing. worksite value of T:
Step 5. Use this value of T in the equation 3. Worksite. If the employer installs protec-
in Table V–2 to obtain the minimum ap- tive gaps at the worksite, the gap setting es-
proach distance, or look up the minimum ap- tablishes the worksite impulse insulation
proach distance in Table 7 through Table 14: strength. Lightning strikes as far as 6 miles
MAD = 2.29m(7.6ft) from the worksite can cause a voltage surge
greater than the gap withstand voltage, and
E. Location of Protective Gaps a gap sparkover can occur. In addition, the
1. Adjacent structures. The employer may gap can sparkover from overvoltages on the
install the protective gap on a structure ad- line that exceed the withstand voltage of the
jacent to the worksite, as this practice does gap. Consequently, the employer must pro-
not significantly reduce the protection af- tect employees from hazards resulting from
forded by the gap. any sparkover that could occur.
2. Terminal stations. Gaps installed at ter- F. Disabling automatic reclosing. There are
minal stations of lines or circuits provide a two reasons to disable the automatic-re-
level of protection; however, that level of closing feature of circuit-interrupting de-
protection may not extend throughout the vices while employees are performing live-
length of the line to the worksite. The use of line work:
substation terminal gaps raises the possi- • To prevent reenergization of a circuit
bility that separate surges could enter the faulted during the work, which could create
line at opposite ends, each with low enough a hazard or result in more serious injuries or
magnitude to pass the terminal gaps without damage than the injuries or damage pro-
sparkover. When voltage surges occur simul- duced by the original fault;
taneously at each end of a line and travel to- • To prevent any transient overvoltage
ward each other, the total voltage on the caused by the switching surge that would re-
line at the point where they meet is the sult if the circuit were reenergized.
arithmetic sum of the two surges. A gap in-
However, due to system stability consider-
stalled within 0.8 km (0.5 mile) of the work-
ations, it may not always be feasible to dis-
site will protect against such intersecting
able the automatic-reclosing feature.
waves. Engineering studies of a particular
line or system may indicate that employers V. MINIMUM APPROACH-DISTANCE TABLES
can adequately protect employees by install-
ing gaps at even more distant locations. In A. Legacy tables. Employers may use the
any event, unless using the default values for minimum approach distances in Table 6 until
T from Table V–8, the employer must deter- March 31, 2015.
mine T at the worksite.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. Pt. 1926, Subpt. V, App. B
B. Alternative minimum approach distances. vided that the employer follows the notes to
Employers may use the minimum approach those tables.
distances in Table 7 through Table 14 pro-
Phase-to-ground exposure Phase-to-phase exposure
T (p.u.)
m ft m ft
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[79 FR 20696, Apr. 11, 2014, as amended at 79 FR 56962, Sept. 24, 2014]
case, the term ‘‘grounded’’ means connected towers and substation structures should be
to earth, regardless of whether or not that designed to minimize the step and touch po-
connection is intentional. tentials involved.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. V, App. C
of voltage is a ground potential. Figure 1 is
a typical voltage-gradient distribution curve
(assuming a uniform soil texture).
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B. Step and touch potentials. Figure 1 also tial is equal to the difference in voltage be-
shows that workers are at risk from step and tween the electrode (which is at a distance of
touch potentials. Step potential is the volt- 0 meters) and a point some distance away
age between the feet of a person standing from the electrode (where the point rep-
near an energized grounded object (the elec- resents the location of the feet of the person
trode). In Figure 1, the step potential is in contact with the object). The touch poten-
equal to the difference in voltage between tial could be nearly the full voltage across
two points at different distances from the the grounded object if that object is ground-
electrode (where the points represent the lo- ed at a point remote from the place where
cation of each foot in relation to the elec- the person is in contact with it. For exam-
trode). A person could be at risk of injury ple, a crane grounded to the system neutral
during a fault simply by standing near the and that contacts an energized line would ex-
object. pose any person in contact with the crane or
Touch potential is the voltage between the its uninsulated load line to a touch potential
energized grounded object (again, the elec- nearly equal to the full fault voltage.
trode) and the feet of a person in contact Figure 2 illustrates step and touch poten-
with the object. In Figure 1, the touch poten- tials.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. V, App. C
for the attachment and bonding of grounding Ground mat (grounding grid). A temporarily
and bonding cables to the structure. or permanently installed metallic mat or
grating that establishes an equipotential
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Pt. 1926, Subpt. V, App. C 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
surface and provides connection points for an equipotential zone for workers on the
attaching grounds. ground, with respect to a grounded object,
B. Analyzing the hazard. The employer can through the use of a metal mat connected to
use an engineering analysis of the power sys- the grounded object. The employer can use a
tem under fault conditions to determine grounding grid to equalize the voltage within
whether hazardous step and touch voltages the grid or bond conductive objects in the
will develop. The analysis should determine immediate work area to minimize the poten-
the voltage on all conductive objects in the tial between the objects and between each
work area and the amount of time the volt- object and ground. (Bonding an object out-
age will be present. Based on the this anal- side the work area can increase the touch po-
ysis, the employer can select appropriate tential to that object, however.) Section
measures and protective equipment, includ- III.D of this appendix discusses equipotential
ing the measures and protective equipment zones for employees working on deenergized
outlined in Section III of this appendix, to and grounded power lines.
protect each employee from hazardous dif- 2. Insulating equipment, such as rubber
ferences in electric potential. For example, gloves, can protect employees handling
from the analysis, the employer will know grounded equipment and conductors from
the voltage remaining on conductive objects hazardous touch potentials. The insulating
after employees install bonding and ground- equipment must be rated for the highest
ing equipment and will be able to select insu- voltage that can be impressed on the ground-
lating equipment with an appropriate rating, ed objects under fault conditions (rather
as described in paragraph III.C.2 of this ap- than for the full system voltage).
pendix. 3. Restricting employees from areas where
C. Protecting workers on the ground. The em- hazardous step or touch potentials could
ployer may use several methods, including arise can protect employees not directly in-
equipotential zones, insulating equipment, volved in performing the operation. The em-
and restricted work areas, to protect em- ployer must ensure that employees on the
ployees on the ground from hazardous dif- ground in the vicinity of transmission struc-
ferences in electrical potential. tures are at a distance where step voltages
1. An equipotential zone will protect work- would be insufficient to cause injury. Em-
ers within it from hazardous step and touch ployees must not handle grounded conduc-
potentials. (See Figure 3.) Equipotential tors or equipment likely to become energized
zones will not, however, protect employees to hazardous voltages unless the employees
located either wholly or partially outside the are within an equipotential zone or protected
protected area. The employer can establish by insulating equipment.
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Pt. 1926, Subpt. V, App. C 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
requires temporary protective grounds to be Finally, Section III.D.3 of this appendix
placed at such locations and arranged in discusses other safety considerations that
such a manner that the employer can dem- will help the employer comply with other re-
onstrate will prevent exposure of each em- quirements in § 1926.962. Following these
ployee to hazardous differences in electric guidelines will protect workers from hazards
potential.3 Sections III.D.1 and III.D.2 of this that can occur when a deenergized and
appendix provide guidelines that employers grounded line becomes energized.
can use in making the demonstration re- 1. Determining safe body current limits. This
quired by § 1926.962(c). Section III.D.1 of this
Section III.D.1 of Appendix C provides guide-
appendix provides guidelines on how the em-
lines on how an employer can determine
ployer can determine whether particular
whether any differences in electric potential
grounding practices expose employees to
hazardous differences in electric potential. to which workers could be exposed are haz-
Section III.D.2 of this appendix describes ardous as part of the demonstration required
grounding methods that the employer can by § 1926.962(c).
use in lieu of an engineering analysis to Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engi-
make the demonstration required by neers (IEEE) Standard 1048–2003, IEEE Guide
§ 1926.962(c). The Occupational Safety and for Protective Grounding of Power Lines, pro-
Health Administration will consider employ- vides the following equation for determining
ers that comply with the criteria in this ap- the threshold of ventricular fibrillation when
pendix as meeting § 1926.962(c). the duration of the electric shock is limited:
where I is the current through the worker’s Employers may use the IEEE Std 1048–2003
body, and t is the duration of the current in equation to determine safe body current lim-
seconds. This equation represents the ven- its only if the employer protects workers
tricular fibrillation threshold for 95.5 percent from hazards associated with involuntary
of the adult population with a mass of 50 muscle reactions from electric shock (for ex-
kilograms (110 pounds) or more. The equa- ample, the hazard to a worker from falling as
tion is valid for current durations between a result of an electric shock). Moreover, the
0.0083 to 3.0 seconds. equation applies only when the duration of
To use this equation to set safe voltage the electric shock is limited. If the pre-
limits in an equipotential zone around the cautions the employer takes, including those
worker, the employer will need to assume a required by applicable standards, do not ade-
value for the resistance of the worker’s body. quately protect employees from hazards as-
IEEE Std 1048–2003 states that ‘‘total body sociated with involuntary reactions from
resistance is usually taken as 1000 W for de- electric shock, a hazard exists if the induced
termining . . . body current limits.’’ How-
voltage is sufficient to pass a current of 1
ever, employers should be aware that the im-
milliampere through a 500-ohm resistor. (The
pedance of a worker’s body can be substan-
500-ohm resistor represents the resistance of
tially less than that value. For instance,
an employee. The 1-milliampere current is
IEEE Std 1048–2003 reports a minimum hand-
to-hand resistance of 610 ohms and an inter- the threshold of perception.) Finally, if the
nal body resistance of 500 ohms. The internal employer protects employees from injury
resistance of the body better represents the due to involuntary reactions from electric
minimum resistance of a worker’s body when shock, but the duration of the electric shock
the skin resistance drops near zero, which is unlimited (that is, when the fault current
occurs, for example, when there are breaks at the work location will be insufficient to
in the worker’s skin, for instance, from cuts trip the devices protecting the circuit), a
or from blisters formed as a result of the cur- hazard exists if the resultant current would
rent from an electric shock, or when the
worker is wet at the points of contact.
each employee’s work environment. Ideally, tential differences. If these potential dif-
a protective grounding system would create ferences are hazardous, the employer may
a true equipotential zone in which every not treat the zone as an equipotential zone.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. V, App. C
be more than 6 milliamperes (the recognized mote ground when lower impedance grounds
let-go threshold for workers 4). are not available. In the absence of a ground-
2. Acceptable methods of grounding for em- ed system neutral, substation grid, and re-
ployers that do not perform an engineering de- mote ground, the employer may use a tem-
termination. The grounding methods pre- porary driven ground at the worksite.
sented in this section of this appendix ensure In addition, if employees are working on a
that differences in electric potential are as three-phase system, the grounding method
low as possible and, therefore, meet must short circuit all three phases. Short
§ 1926.962(c) without an engineering deter- circuiting all phases will ensure faster clear-
mination of the potential differences. These ing and lower the current through the
methods follow two principles: (i) The grounding cable connecting the deenergized
grounding method must ensure that the cir- line to ground, thereby lowering the voltage
cuit opens in the fastest available clearing across that cable. The short circuit need not
time, and (ii) the grounding method must en- be at the worksite; however, the employer
sure that the potential differences between must treat any conductor that is not ground-
conductive objects in the employee’s work ed at the worksite as energized because the
area are as low as possible. ungrounded conductors will be energized at
Paragraph (c) of § 1926.962 does not require fault voltage during a fault.
grounding methods to meet the criteria em- ii. Ensuring that the potential differences be-
bodied in these principles. Instead, the para- tween conductive objects in the employee’s work
graph requires that protective grounds be area are as low as possible. To achieve as low
‘‘placed at such locations and arranged in a voltage as possible across any two conduc-
such a manner that the employer can dem- tive objects in the work area, the employer
onstrate will prevent exposure of each em- must bond all conductive objects in the work
ployee to hazardous differences in electric area. This section of this appendix discusses
potential.’’ However, when the employer’s how to create a zone that minimizes dif-
grounding practices do not follow these two ferences in electric potential between con-
principles, the employer will need to perform ductive objects in the work area.
an engineering analysis to make the dem- The employer must use bonding cables to
onstration required by § 1926.962(c). bond conductive objects, except for metallic
i. Ensuring that the circuit opens in the fast- objects bonded through metal-to-metal con-
est available clearing time. Generally, the tact. The employer must ensure that metal-
higher the fault current, the shorter the to-metal contacts are tight and free of con-
tamination, such as oxidation, that can in-
clearing times for the same type of fault.
crease the impedance across the connection.
Therefore, to ensure the fastest available
For example, a bolted connection between
clearing time, the grounding method must
metal lattice tower members is acceptable if
maximize the fault current with a low im-
the connection is tight and free of corrosion
pedance connection to ground. The employer
and other contamination. Figure 4 shows
accomplishes this objective by grounding the
how to create an equipotential zone for
circuit conductors to the best ground avail-
metal lattice towers.
able at the worksite. Thus, the employer
Wood poles are conductive objects. The
must ground to a grounded system neutral poles can absorb moisture and conduct elec-
conductor, if one is present. A grounded sys- tricity, particularly at distribution and
tem neutral has a direct connection to the transmission voltages. Consequently, the
system ground at the source, resulting in an employer must either: (1) Provide a conduc-
extremely low impedance to ground. In a tive platform, bonded to a grounding cable,
substation, the employer may instead on which the worker stands or (2) use cluster
ground to the substation grid, which also has bars to bond wood poles to the grounding
an extremely low impedance to the system cable. The employer must ensure that em-
ground and, typically, is connected to a ployees install the cluster bar below, and
grounded system neutral when one is close to, the worker’s feet. The inner portion
present. Remote system grounds, such as of the wood pole is more conductive than the
pole and tower grounds, have a higher imped- outer shell, so it is important that the clus-
ance to the system ground than grounded ter bar be in conductive contact with a
system neutrals and substation grounding metal spike or nail that penetrates the wood
grids; however, the employer may use a re- to a depth greater than or equal to the depth
the worker’s climbing gaffs will penetrate
4 Electric current passing through the body the wood. For example, the employer could
has varying effects depending on the amount mount the cluster bar on a bare pole ground
of the current. At the let-go threshold, the wire fastened to the pole with nails or sta-
current overrides a person’s control over his ples that penetrate to the required depth. Al-
or her muscles. At that level, an employee ternatively, the employer may temporarily
grasping an object will not be able to let go nail a conductive strap to the pole and con-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
of the object. The let-go threshold varies nect the strap to the cluster bar. Figure 5
from person to person; however, the recog- shows how to create an equipotential zone
nized value for workers is 6 milliamperes. for wood poles.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. V, App. C
For underground systems, employers com- gized or if a fault occurs on a different, but
monly install grounds at the points of dis- nearby, energized cable. The fault current
connection of the underground cables. These causes potential gradients in the earth, and
grounding points are typically remote from a potential difference will exist between the
the manhole or underground vault where em- earth where the worker is standing and the
ployees will be working on the cable. Work- earth where the cable is grounded. Con-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
ers in contact with a cable grounded at a re- sequently, to create an equipotential zone
mote location can experience hazardous po- for the worker, the employer must provide a
tential differences if the cable becomes ener- means of connecting the deenergized cable to
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Pt. 1926, Subpt. V, App. D 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
ground at the worksite by having the worker APPENDIX D TO SUBPART V OF PART
stand on a conductive mat bonded to the de- 1926—METHODS OF INSPECTING AND
energized cable. If the cable is cut, the em- TESTING WOOD POLES
ployer must install a bond across the open-
ing in the cable or install one bond on each I. INTRODUCTION
side of the opening to ensure that the sepa- When employees are to perform work on a
rate cable ends are at the same potential. wood pole, it is important to determine the
The employer must protect the worker from condition of the pole before employees climb
any hazardous differences in potential any it. The weight of the employee, the weight of
time there is no bond between the mat and equipment to be installed, and other working
the cable (for example, before the worker in- stresses (such as the removal or retensioning
stalls the bonds). of conductors) can lead to the failure of a de-
3. Other safety-related considerations. To en- fective pole or a pole that is not designed to
sure that the grounding system is safe and handle the additional stresses.1 For these
effective, the employer should also consider reasons, it is essential that, before an em-
the following factors: 5 ployee climbs a wood pole, the employer as-
certain that the pole is capable of sustaining
i. Maintenance of grounding equipment. It is
the stresses of the work. The determination
essential that the employer properly main-
that the pole is capable of sustaining these
tain grounding equipment. Corrosion in the stresses includes an inspection of the condi-
connections between grounding cables and tion of the pole.
clamps and on the clamp surface can in- If the employer finds the pole to be unsafe
crease the resistance of the cable, thereby to climb or to work from, the employer must
increasing potential differences. In addition, secure the pole so that it does not fail while
the surface to which a clamp attaches, such an employee is on it. The employer can se-
as a conductor or tower member, must be cure the pole by a line truck boom, by ropes
clean and free of corrosion and oxidation to or guys, or by lashing a new pole alongside
ensure a low-resistance connection. Cables it. If a new one is lashed alongside the defec-
must be free of damage that could reduce tive pole, employees should work from the
their current-carrying capacity so that they new one.
can carry the full fault current without fail- II. INSPECTING WOOD POLES
ure. Each clamp must have a tight connec-
tion to the cable to ensure a low resistance A qualified employee should inspect wood
and to ensure that the clamp does not sepa- poles for the following conditions:2
rate from the cable during a fault. A. General condition. Buckling at the
ground line or an unusual angle with respect
ii. Grounding cable length and movement.
to the ground may indicate that the pole has
The electromagnetic forces on grounding ca-
rotted or is broken.
bles during a fault increase with increasing B. Cracks. Horizontal cracks perpendicular
cable length. These forces can cause the to the grain of the wood may weaken the
cable to move violently during a fault and pole. Vertical cracks, although not normally
can be high enough to damage the cable or considered to be a sign of a defective pole,
clamps and cause the cable to fail. In addi- can pose a hazard to the climber, and the
tion, flying cables can injure workers. Con- employee should keep his or her gaffs away
sequently, cable lengths should be as short from them while climbing.
as possible, and grounding cables that might C. Holes. Hollow spots and woodpecker
carry high fault current should be in posi- holes can reduce the strength of a wood pole.
tions where the cables will not injure work- D. Shell rot and decay. Rotting and decay
ers during a fault. are cutout hazards and possible indications
of the age and internal condition of the pole.
E. Knots. One large knot or several smaller
ones at the same height on the pole may be
evidence of a weak point on the pole.
F. Depth of setting. Evidence of the exist-
5 This appendix only discusses factors that
ence of a former ground line substantially
relate to ensuring an equipotential zone for
employees. The employer must consider 1 A properly guyed pole in good condition
other factors in selecting a grounding sys-
should, at a minimum, be able to handle the
tem that is capable of conducting the max-
weight of an employee climbing it.
imum fault current that could flow at the 2 The presence of any of these conditions is
point of grounding for the time necessary to an indication that the pole may not be safe
clear the fault, as required by to climb or to work from. The employee per-
§ 1926.962(d)(1)(i). IEEE Std 1048–2003 contains forming the inspection must be qualified to
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. V, App. E
above the existing ground level may be an tive clothing and other protective equipment
indication that the pole is no longer buried that has an arc rating greater than or equal
to a sufficient depth. to the available heat energy under certain
G. Soil conditions. Soft, wet, or loose soil conditions (paragraphs (g)(4) and (g)(5)). This
around the base of the pole may indicate appendix contains information to help em-
that the pole will not support any change in ployers estimate available heat energy as re-
stress. quired by § 1926.960(g)(2), select protective
H. Burn marks. Burning from transformer clothing and other protective equipment
failures or conductor faults could damage with an arc rating suitable for the available
the pole so that it cannot withstand changes heat energy as required by § 1926.960(g)(5),
in mechanical stress. and ensure that employees do not wear flam-
mable clothing that could lead to burn in-
III. TESTING WOOD POLES jury as addressed by §§ 1926.960(g)(3) and
The following tests, which are from (g)(4).
§ 1910.268(n)(3) of this chapter, are acceptable
methods of testing wood poles:
A. Hammer test. Rap the pole sharply with
a hammer weighing about 1.4 kg (3 pounds), Paragraph (g)(1) of § 1926.960 requires the
starting near the ground line and continuing employer to assess the workplace to identify
upwards circumferentially around the pole employees exposed to hazards from flames or
to a height of approximately 1.8 meters (6 from electric arcs. This provision ensures
feet). The hammer will produce a clear sound that the employer evaluates employee expo-
and rebound sharply when striking sound sure to flames and electric arcs so that em-
wood. Decay pockets will be indicated by a ployees who face such exposures receive the
dull sound or a less pronounced hammer re- required protection. The employer must con-
bound. Also, prod the pole as near the ground duct an assessment for each employee who
line as possible using a pole prod or a screw- performs work on or near exposed, energized
driver with a blade at least 127 millimeters (5 parts of electric circuits.
inches) long. If substantial decay is present,
the pole is unsafe. A. Assessment Guidelines
B. Rocking test. Apply a horizontal force to Sources electric arcs. Consider possible
the pole and attempt to rock it back and sources of electric arcs, including:
forth in a direction perpendicular to the line. • Energized circuit parts not guarded or in-
Exercise caution to avoid causing power sulated,
lines to swing together. Apply the force to • Switching devices that produce electric
the pole either by pushing it with a pike pole arcs in normal operation,
or pulling the pole with a rope. If the pole • Sliding parts that could fault during op-
cracks during the test, it is unsafe. eration (for example, rack-mounted circuit
breakers), and
APPENDIX E TO SUBPART V OF PART • Energized electric equipment that could
1926—PROTECTION FROM FLAMES fail (for example, electric equipment with
AND ELECTRIC ARCS damaged insulation or with evidence of arc-
ing or overheating).
I. INTRODUCTION Exposure to flames. Identify employees ex-
Paragraph (g) of § 1926.960 addresses pro- posed to hazards from flames. Factors to
tecting employees from flames and electric consider include:
arcs. This paragraph requires employers to: • The proximity of employees to open
(1) Assess the workplace for flame and elec- flames, and
tric-arc hazards (paragraph (g)(1)); (2) esti- • For flammable material in the work
mate the available heat energy from electric area, whether there is a reasonable likeli-
arcs to which employees would be exposed hood that an electric arc or an open flame
(paragraph (g)(2)); (3) ensure that employees can ignite the material.
wear clothing that will not melt, or ignite Probability that an electric arc will occur.
and continue to burn, when exposed to Identify employees exposed to electric-arc
flames or the estimated heat energy (para- hazards. The Occupational Safety and Health
graph (g)(3)); and (4) ensure that employees Administration will consider an employee
wear flame-resistant clothing 1 and protec- exposed to electric-arc hazards if there is a
reasonable likelihood that an electric arc
1 Flame-resistant clothing includes cloth- will occur in the employee’s work area, in
other words, if the probability of such an
ing that is inherently flame resistant and
clothing chemically treated with a flame re- event is higher than it is for the normal op-
tardant. (See ASTM F1506–10a, Standard Per- eration of enclosed equipment. Factors to
formance Specification for Flame Resistant Tex- consider include:
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Pt. 1926, Subpt. V, App. E 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
• For energized circuit parts not guarded ing operation is part of the normal operation
or insulated, whether conductive objects can of the equipment or occurs during servicing
come too close to or fall onto the energized or maintenance, and
parts, • For energized electric equipment, wheth-
• For exposed, energized circuit parts, er there is evidence of impending failure,
whether the employee is closer to the part such as evidence of arcing or overheating.
than the minimum approach distance estab-
lished by the employer (as permitted by B. Examples
§ 1926.960(c)(1)(iii)).
• Whether the operation of electric equip- Table 1 provides task-based examples of ex-
ment with sliding parts that could fault dur- posure assessments.
Normal operation of enclosed equip- The employer properly installs and No.
ment, such as closing or opening a maintains enclosed equipment, and
switch. there is no evidence of impending
There is evidence of arcing or over- Yes.
Parts of the equipment are loose or Yes.
sticking, or the equipment otherwise
exhibits signs of lack of maintenance.
Inspection of electric equipment with ex- The employee is not holding conduc- No.
posed energized parts. tive objects and remains outside the
minimum approach distance estab-
lished by the employer.
The employee is holding a conductive Yes.
object, such as a flashlight, that
could fall or otherwise contact ener-
gized parts (irrespective of whether
the employee maintains the minimum
approach distance).
The employee is closer than the min- Yes.
imum approach distance established
by the employer (for example, when
wearing rubber insulating gloves or
rubber insulating gloves and sleeves).
Using open flames, for example, in wiping cable splice sleeves ............................... Yes.
III. PROTECTION AGAINST BURN INJURY the expected length of the electric arc, the
distance from the arc to the employee, and
A. Estimating Available Heat Energy the clearing time for the fault (that is, the
Calculation methods. Paragraph (g)(2) of time the circuit protective devices take to
§ 1926.960 provides that, for each employee ex- open the circuit and clear the fault). The em-
posed to an electric-arc hazard, the employer ployer can precisely determine some of these
must make a reasonable estimate of the heat parameters, such as the fault current and
energy to which the employee would be ex- the clearing time, for a given system. The
posed if an arc occurs. Table 2 lists various employer will need to estimate other param-
methods of calculating values of available eters, such as the length of the arc and the
heat energy from an electric circuit. The Oc- distance between the arc and the employee,
cupational Safety and Health Administra- because such parameters vary widely.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. V, App. E
1. Standard for Electrical Safety Requirements for Employee Workplaces, NFPA 70E–2012, Annex D, ‘‘Sam-
ple Calculation of Flash Protection Boundary.’’
2. Doughty, T.E., Neal, T.E., and Floyd II, H.L., ‘‘Predicting Incident Energy to Better Manage the Electric Arc
Hazard on 600 V Power Distribution Systems,’’ Record of Conference Papers IEEE IAS 45th Annual Petro-
leum and Chemical Industry Conference, September 28—30, 1998.
3. Guide for Performing Arc-Flash Hazard Calculations, IEEE Std 1584–2002, 1584a––2004 (Amendment 1
to IEEE Std 1584–2002), and 1584b–2011 (Amendment 2: Changes to Clause 4 of IEEE Std 1584–
2002). *
4. ARCPRO, a commercially available software program developed by Kinectrics, Toronto, ON, CA.
* This appendix refers to IEEE Std 1584–2002 with both amendments as IEEE Std 1584b–2011.
The amount of heat energy calculated by distance from the arc to the employee is key
any of the methods is to protecting employees.
approximatelyinversely proportional to the The employer must select a method of esti-
square of the distance between the employee mating incident heat energy that provides a
and the arc. In other words, if the employee reasonable estimate of incident heat energy
is very close to the arc, the heat energy is for the exposure involved. Table 3 shows
very high; but if the employee is just a few which methods provide reasonable estimates
more centimeters away, the heat energy
for various exposures.
drops substantially. Thus, estimating the
Selecting a reasonable distance from the em- is free to use other reasonable distances, but
ployee to the arc. In estimating available heat must consider equipment enclosure size and
energy, the employer must make some rea- the working distance to the employee in se-
sonable assumptions about how far the em- lecting a distance from the employee to the
ployee will be from the electric arc. Table 4 arc. The Occupational Safety and Health Ad-
lists reasonable distances from the employee ministration will consider a distance reason-
to the electric arc. The distances in Table 4 able when the employer bases it on equip-
are consistent with national consensus ment size and working distance.
standards, such as the Institute of Electrical
and Electronic Engineers’ National Electrical
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Pt. 1926, Subpt. V, App. E 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
Three-phase arc
Single-phase arc mm
Class of equipment mm
(inches) (inches)
Selecting a reasonable arc gap. For a single- pendent on the spacing between parts ener-
phase arc in air, the electric arc will almost gized at different electrical potentials. Docu-
always occur when an energized conductor ments such as IEEE Std 1584b–2011 provide
approaches too close to ground. Thus, an em- information on these distances. Employers
ployer can determine the arc gap, or arc may select a reasonable arc gap from Table
length, for these exposures by the dielectric 5, or they may select any other reasonable
strength of air and the voltage on the line. arc gap based on sparkover distance or on
The dielectric strength of air is approxi- the spacing between (1) live parts at different
mately 10 kilovolts for every 25.4 millimeters potentials or (2) live parts and grounded
(1 inch). For example, at 50 kilovolts, the arc parts (for example, bus or conductor spacings
gap would be 50 ÷ 10 × 25.4 (or 50 × 2.54), which in equipment). In any event, the employer
equals 127 millimeters (5 inches). must use an estimate that reasonably resem-
For three-phase arcs in open air and in en- bles the actual exposures faced by the em-
closures, the arc gap will generally be de- ployee.
Single-phase arc mm Three-phase arc mm 1
Class of equipment (inches) (inches)
Making estimates over multiple system areas. incident heat energy levels for open-air,
The employer need not estimate the heat-en- phase-to-ground electric-arc exposures typ-
ergy exposure for every job task performed ical for overhead systems.2 Table 6 presents
by each employee. Paragraph (g)(2) of estimates of available energy for employees
§ 1926.960 permits the employer to make using rubber insulating gloves to perform
broad estimates that cover multiple system work on overhead systems operating at 4 to
areas provided that: (1) The employer uses 46 kilovolts. The table assumes that the em-
reasonable assumptions about the energy-ex- ployee will be 380 millimeters (15 inches)
posure distribution throughout the system, from the electric arc, which is a reasonable
and (2) the estimates represent the max-
imum exposure for those areas. For example, 2 The Occupational Safety and Health Ad-
the employer can use the maximum fault ministration used metric values to calculate
current and clearing time to cover several the clearing times in Table 6 and Table 7. An
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. V, App. E
estimate for rubber insulating glove work. ing time specified in the table. For example,
Table 6 also assumes that the arc length an employer that provides employees with
equals the sparkover distance for the max- arc-flash protective equipment rated at 8 cal/
imum transient overvoltage of each voltage cm2 can use the table to determine if any
range.3 To use the table, an employer would system area exceeds 8 cal/cm2 by checking
use the voltage, maximum fault current, and the clearing time for the highest fault cur-
maximum clearing time for a system area rent for each voltage range and ensuring
and, using the appropriate voltage range and that the clearing times do not exceed the
fault-current and clearing-time values cor- values specified in the 8-cal/cm2 column in
responding to the next higher values listed the table.
in the table, select the appropriate heat en- Table 7 presents similar estimates for em-
ergy (4, 5, 8, or 12 cal/cm2) from the table. ployees using live-line tools to perform work
For example, an employer might have a
on overhead systems operating at voltages of
12,470-volt power line supplying a system
4 to 800 kilovolts. The table assumes that the
area. The power line can supply a maximum
arc length will be equal to the sparkover dis-
fault current of 8 kiloamperes with a max-
tance 4 and that the employee will be a dis-
imum clearing time of 10 cycles. For rubber
glove work, this system falls in the 4.0-to- tance from the arc equal to the minimum ap-
15.0-kilovolt range; the next-higher fault cur- proach distance minus twice the sparkover
rent is 10 kA (the second row in that voltage distance.
range); and the clearing time is under 18 cy- The employer will need to use other meth-
cles (the first column to the right of the ods for estimating available heat energy in
fault current column). Thus, the available situations not addressed by Table 6 or Table
heat energy for this part of the system will 7. The calculation methods listed in Table 2
be 4 cal/cm2 or less (from the column head- and the guidance provided in Table 3 will
ing), and the employer could select protec- help employers do this. For example, em-
tion with a 5-cal/cm2 rating to meet ployers can use IEEE Std 1584b–2011 to esti-
§ 1926.960(g)(5). Alternatively, an employer mate the available heat energy (and to select
could select a base incident-energy value and appropriate protective equipment) for many
ensure that the clearing times for each volt- specific conditions, including lower-voltage,
age range and fault current listed in the phase-to-phase arc, and enclosed arc expo-
table do not exceed the corresponding clear- sures.
Maximum clearing time (cycles)
Fault current
Voltage range (kV) ** (kA) 4 cal/cm2 5 cal/cm2 8 cal/cm2 12 cal/cm2
3 The Occupational Safety and Health Ad- 4 The dielectric strength of air is about 10
ministration based this assumption, which is kilovolts for every 25.4 millimeters (1 inch).
more conservative than the arc length speci- Thus, the employer can estimate the arc
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
fied in Table 5, on Table 410–2 of the 2012 length in millimeters to be the phase-to-
NESC. ground voltage in kilovolts multiplied by
2.54 (or voltage (in kilovolts) × 2.54).
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Pt. 1926, Subpt. V, App. E 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
4.0 to 15.0 kV 51 mm (2 in.)
15.1 to 25.0 kV 102 mm (4 in.)
25.1 to 36.0 kV 152 mm (6 in.)
36.1 to 46.0 kV 229 mm (9 in.)
‡ The Occupational Safety and Health Administration calculated the values in this table using the ARCPRO method listed in
Table 2.
** The voltage range is the phase-to-phase system voltage.
† ‡ #
Table 2.
# For voltages of more than 72.6 kV, employers may use this table only when the minimum approach distance established
under § 1926.960(c)(1) is greater than or equal to the following values:
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. V, App. E
72.6 to 121.0 kV 1.02 m
121.1 to 145.0 kV 1.16 m
145.1 to 169.0 kV 1.30 m
169.1 to 242.0 kV 1.72 m
242.1 to 362.0 kV 2.76 m
362.1 to 420.0 kV 2.50 m
420.1 to 550.0 kV 3.62 m
550.1 to 800.0 kV 4.83 m
** The voltage range is the phase-to-phase system voltage.
B. Selecting Protective Clothing and Other appropriate degree of protection for an em-
Protective Equipment ployee exposed to electric-arc hazards.
Paragraph (g)(5) of § 1926.960 does not re-
Paragraph (g)(5) of § 1926.960 requires em-
quire arc-rated protection for exposures of 2
ployers, in certain situations, to select pro-
cal/cm2 or less. Untreated cotton clothing
tective clothing and other protective equip-
will reduce a 2-cal/cm2 exposure below the
ment with an arc rating that is greater than
or equal to the incident heat energy esti- 1.2- to 1.5-cal/cm2 level necessary to cause
mated under § 1926.960(g)(2). Based on labora- burn injury, and this material should not ig-
tory testing required by ASTM F1506–10a, the nite at such low heat energy levels. Al-
expectation is that protective clothing with though § 1926.960(g)(5) does not require cloth-
an arc rating equal to the estimated incident ing to have an arc rating when exposures are
heat energy will be capable of preventing 2 cal/cm2 or less, § 1926.960(g)(4) requires the
second-degree burn injury to an employee outer layer of clothing to be flame resistant
exposed to that incident heat energy from an under certain conditions, even when the esti-
electric arc. Note that actual electric-arc ex- mated incident heat energy is less than 2 cal/
posures may be more or less severe than the cm2, as discussed later in this appendix. Ad-
estimated value because of factors such as ditionally, it is especially important to en-
arc movement, arc length, arcing from re- sure that employees do not wear undergar-
closing of the system, secondary fires or ex- ments made from fabrics listed in the note to
plosions, and weather conditions. Addition- § 1926.960(g)(3) even when the outer layer is
ally, for arc rating based on the fabric’s arc flame resistant or arc rated. These fabrics
thermal performance value 5 (ATPV), a work- can melt or ignite easily when an electric
er exposed to incident energy at the arc rat- arc occurs. Logos and name tags made from
ing has a 50-percent chance of just barely re- non-flame-resistant material can adversely
ceiving a second-degree burn. Therefore, it is affect the arc rating or the flame-resistant
possible (although not likely) that an em- characteristics of arc-rated or flame-resist-
ployee will sustain a second-degree (or ant clothing. Such logos and name tags may
worse) burn wearing clothing conforming to violate § 1926.960(g)(3), (g)(4), or (g)(5).
§ 1926.960(g)(5) under certain circumstances. Paragraph (g)(5) of § 1926.960 requires that
However, reasonable employer estimates and arc-rated protection cover the employee’s
maintaining appropriate minimum approach entire body, with limited exceptions for the
distances for employees should limit burns employee’s hands, feet, face, and head. Para-
to relatively small burns that just barely ex- graph (g)(5)(i) of § 1926.960 provides that arc-
tend beyond the epidermis (that is, just bare- rated protection is not necessary for the em-
ly a second-degree burn). Consequently, pro- ployee’s hands under the following condi-
tective clothing and other protective equip- tions:
ment meeting § 1926.960(g)(5) will provide an
For any estimated When the employee
incident heat en- is wearing rubber
5 ASTM F1506–10a defines ‘‘arc thermal per- ergy. insulating gloves
formance value’’ as ‘‘the incident energy on with protectors
a material or a multilayer system of mate- If the estimated inci- When the employee
rials that results in a 50% probability that dent heat energy is wearing heavy-
sufficient heat transfer through the tested does not exceed 14 duty leather work
specimen is predicted to cause the onset of a cal/cm2. gloves with a
second-degree skin burn injury based on the weight of at least
Stoll [footnote] curve, cal/cm2.’’ The foot- 407 gm/m2 (12 oz/
note to this definition reads: ‘‘Derived from: yd2)
Stoll, A.M., and Chianta, M.A., ‘Method and
Paragraph (g)(5)(ii) of § 1926.960 provides
Rating System for Evaluations of Thermal
Protection,’ Aerospace Medicine, Vol 40, 1969, that arc-rated protection is not necessary for
pp. 1232–1238 and Stoll A.M., and Chianta, the employee’s feet when the employee is
M.A., ‘Heat Transfer through Fabrics as Re- wearing heavy-duty work shoes or boots. Fi-
nally, § 1926.960(g)(5)(iii), (g)(5)(iv), and
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Pt. 1926, Subpt. V, App. E 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
Single-phase, open air ............................. 2–8 cal/cm2 .................. 9–12 cal/cm2 ................ 13 cal/2 or higher.†
Three-phase ............................................. 2–4 cal/cm2 .................. 5–8 cal/cm2 .................. 9 cal/cm2 or higher.‡
* These ranges assume that employees are wearing hardhats meeting the specifications in § 1910.135 or § 1926.100(b)(2), as
† The arc rating must be a minimum of 4 cal/cm2 less than the estimated incident energy. Note that § 1926.960(g)(5)(v) permits
this type of head and face protection, with a minimum arc rating of 4 cal/cm2 less than the estimated incident energy, at any inci-
dent energy level.
‡ Note that § 1926.960(g)(5) permits this type of head and face protection at any incident energy level.
ees must wear flame-resistant clothing as imum available fault current are not a con-
the outer layer of clothing even when the in- cern, and employers need not consider such
cident heat energy does not exceed 2 cal/cm2. grounds a possible electric arc source.
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor Pt. 1926, Subpt. V, App. G
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§ 1926.1000 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
ASTM F1236–96 (2012), Standard Guide for Vis- IEEE Std 1048–2003, IEEE Guide for Protective
ual Inspection of Electrical Protective Rub- Grounding of Power Lines.
ber Products. IEEE Std 1067–2005, IEEE Guide for In-Service
ASTM F1430/F1430M–10, Standard Test Method Use, Care, Maintenance, and Testing of
for Acoustic Emission Testing of Insulated Conductive Clothing for Use on Voltages up
and Non-Insulated Aerial Personnel Devices to 765 kV AC and ±750 kV DC.
with Supplemental Load Handling Attach- IEEE Std 1307–2004, IEEE Standard for Fall
ments. Protection for Utility Work.
ASTM F1505–10, Standard Specification for In- IEEE Stds 1584–2002, 1584a–2004 (Amendment
sulated and Insulating Hand Tools. 1 to IEEE Std 1584–2002), and 1584b–2011
ASTM F1506–10a, Standard Performance Speci- (Amendment 2: Changes to Clause 4 of
fication for Flame Resistant and Arc Rated IEEE Std 1584–2002), IEEE Guide for Per-
Textile Materials for Wearing Apparel for forming Arc-Flash Hazard Calculations.
Use by Electrical Workers Exposed to Mo- IEEE C2–2012, National Electrical Safety Code.
mentary Electric Arc and Related Thermal NFPA 70E–2012, Standard for Electrical Safety
Hazards. in the Workplace.
ASTM F1564–13, Standard Specification for
Structure-Mounted Insulating Work Plat- Subpart W—Rollover Protective
forms for Electrical Workers. Structures; Overhead Protection
ASTM F1701–12, Standard Specification for Un-
used Polypropylene Rope with Special Elec-
trical Properties. AUTHORITY: 40 U.S.C. 3701; 29 U.S.C. 653, 655,
ASTM F1742–03 (2011), Standard Specification 657; and Secretary of Labor’s Order No. 12–71
for PVC Insulating Sheeting. (36 FR 8754), 8–76 (41 FR 25059), 9–83 (48 FR
ASTM F1796–09, Standard Specification for 35736), 1–90 (55 FR 9033), 6–96 (62 FR 111), 3–
High Voltage Detectors—Part 1 Capacitive 2000 (65 FR 50017), 5–2002 (67 FR 65008), or 1–
Type to be Used for Voltages Exceeding 600 2012 (77 FR 3912), as applicable.
Volts AC.
ASTM F1797–09 ε 1, Standard Test Method for § 1926.1000 Scope.
Acoustic Emission Testing of Insulated and (a) Coverage. This subpart applies to
Non-Insulated Digger Derricks. the following types of material han-
ASTM F1825–03 (2007), Standard Specification dling equipment: All rubber-tired, self-
for Clampstick Type Live Line Tools.
ASTM F1826–00 (2011), Standard Specification
propelled scrapers, rubber-tired front-
for Live Line and Measuring Telescoping end loaders, rubber-tired dozers, wheel-
Tools. type agricultural and industrial trac-
ASTM F1891–12, Standard Specification for Arc tors, crawler tractors, crawler-type
and Flame Resistant Rainwear. loaders, and motor graders, with or
ASTM F1958/F1958M–12, Standard Test Method without attachments, that are used in
for Determining the Ignitability of Non- construction work. This subpart also
flame-Resistant Materials for Clothing by applies to compactors and rubber-tired
Electric Arc Exposure Method Using Man-
skid-steer equipment, with or without
ASTM F1959/F1959M–12, Standard Test Method attachments, manufactured after July
for Determining the Arc Rating of Materials 15, 2019, that are used in construction
for Clothing. work. This subpart does not apply to
IEEE Stds 4–1995, 4a–2001 (Amendment to sideboom pipelaying tractors.
IEEE Standard Techniques for High-Volt- (b) Equipment manufactured before
age Testing), IEEE Standard Techniques for July 15, 2019. Material handling equip-
High-Voltage Testing. ment described in paragraph (a) of this
IEEE Std 62–1995, IEEE Guide for Diagnostic section (excluding compactors and rub-
Field Testing of Electric Power Apparatus—
Part 1: Oil Filled Power Transformers, Reg-
ber-tired skid-steer equipment) manu-
ulators, and Reactors. factured before July 15, 2019, shall be
IEEE Std 80–2000, Guide for Safety in AC Sub- equipped with rollover protective
station Grounding. structures that meet the minimum per-
IEEE Std 100–2000, The Authoritative Dic- formance standards prescribed in
tionary of IEEE Standards Terms Seventh § 1926.1001(b), as applicable. Agricul-
Edition. tural and industrial tractors used in
IEEE Std 516–2009, IEEE Guide for Mainte- construction shall be equipped with
nance Methods on Energized Power Lines.
IEEE Std 524–2003, IEEE Guide to the Installa-
rollover protective structures that
tion of Overhead Transmission Line Con- meet the minimum performance stand-
ards prescribed in § 1926.1002(b), as ap-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
IEEE Std 957–2005, IEEE Guide for Cleaning plicable. When overhead protection is
Insulators. provided on agricultural and industrial
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.1001
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§ 1926.1002 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.1050
protection shall be designed and in- cleat ladder, but with a center rail to
stalled according to the requirements allow simultaneous two-way traffic for
contained in the test and performance employees ascending or descending.
requirements of the International Or- Equivalent means alternative designs,
ganization for Standardization (ISO) materials, or methods that the em-
standard ISO 27850:2013, Tractors for ployer can demonstrate will provide an
agriculture and forestry—Falling ob- equal or greater degree of safety for
ject protective structures—Test proce- employees than the method or item
dures and performance requirements, specified in the standard.
which pertains to overhead protection Extension trestle ladder means a self-
requirements (incorporated by ref- supporting portable ladder, adjustable
erence, see § 1926.6). in length, consisting of a trestle ladder
(d) Site clearing. In the case of ma- base and a vertically adjustable exten-
chines to which § 1926.604 (relating to
sion section, with a suitable means for
site clearing) also applies, the overhead
locking the ladders together.
protection may be either the type of
protection provided in § 1926.604, or the Failure means load refusal, breakage,
type of protection provided by this sec- or separation of component parts. Load
tion. refusal is the point where the struc-
tural members lose their ability to
[84 FR 21578, May 14, 2019] carry the loads.
Fixed ladder means a ladder that can-
Subpart X—Stairways and Ladders not be readily moved or carried be-
cause it is an integral part of a build-
AUTHORITY: 40 U.S.C. 3701 et seq.; 29 U.S.C. ing or structure. A side-step fixed ladder
653, 655, 657; Secretary of Labor’s Order No. is a fixed ladder that requires a person
1–90 (55 FR 9033), 5–2007 (72 FR 31159), or 1– getting off at the top to step to the
2012 (77 FR 3912), as applicable; and 29 CFR side of the ladder side rails to reach the
Part 1911.
landing. A through fixed ladder is a
SOURCE: 55 FR 47687, Nov. 14, 1990, unless fixed ladder that requires a person get-
otherwise noted. ting off at the top to step between the
side rails of the ladder to reach the
§ 1926.1050 Scope, application, and
definitions applicable to this sub- landing.
part. Handrail means a rail used to provide
employees with a handhold for support.
(a) Scope and application. This sub-
part applies to all stairways and lad- Individual-rung/step ladders means
ders used in construction, alteration, ladders without a side rail or center
repair (including painting and deco- rail support. Such ladders are made by
rating), and demolition workplaces mounting individual steps or rungs di-
covered under 29 CFR part 1926, and rectly to the side or wall of the struc-
also sets forth, in specified cir- ture.
cumstances, when ladders and stair- Job-made ladder means a ladder that
ways are required to be provided. Addi- is fabricated by employees, typically at
tional requirements for ladders used on the construction site, and is not com-
or with scaffolds are contained in sub- mercially manufactured. This defini-
part L—Scaffolds. This subpart does tion does not apply to any individual-
not apply to integral components of rung/step ladders.
equipment covered by subpart CC. Sub- Ladder stand. A mobile fixed size self-
part CC exclusively sets forth the cir- supporting ladder consisting of a wide
cumstances when ladders and stair- flat tread ladder in the form of stairs.
ways must be provided on equipment The assenbly may include handrails.
covered by subpart CC. Lower levels means those areas to
(b) Definitions. Cleat means a ladder which an employee can fall from a
crosspiece of rectangular cross section stairway or ladder. Such areas include
placed on edge upon which a person ground levels, floors, roofs, ramps, run-
may step while ascending or descend- ways, excavations, pits, tanks, mate-
ing a ladder. rial, water, equipment, and similar sur-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
Double-cleat ladder means a ladder faces. It does not include the surface
similar in construction to a single- from which the employee falls.
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§ 1926.1051 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
Maximum intended load means the Unprotected sides and edges means any
total load of all employees, equipment, side or edge (except at entrances to
tools, materials, transmitted loads, points of access) of a stairway where
and other loads anticipated to be ap- there is no stairrail system or wall 36
plied to a ladder component at any one inches (.9 m) or more in height, and
time. any side or edge (except at entrances to
Nosing means that portion of a tread points of access) of a stairway landing,
projecting beyond the face of the riser or ladder platform where there is no
immediately below. wall or guardrail system 39 inches (1 m)
Point of access means all areas used or more in height.
by employees for work-related passage [55 FR 47687, Nov. 14, 1990; 56 FR 2585, Jan. 23,
from one area or level to another. Such 1991, as amended at 58 FR 35184, June 30, 1993;
open areas include doorways, 75 FR 48135, Aug. 9, 2010]
1passageways, stairway openings, stud-
ded walls, and various other permanent § 1926.1051 General requirements.
or temporary openings used for such (a) A stairway or ladder shall be pro-
travel. vided at all personnel points of access
Portable ladder means a ladder that where there is a break in elevation of
can be readily moved or carried. 19 inches (48 cm) or more, and no ramp,
Riser height means the vertical dis- runway, sloped embankment, or per-
tance from the top of a tread to the top sonnel hoist is provided.
of the next higher tread or platform/ (1) Employees shall not use any spi-
landing or the distance from the top of ral stairways that will not be a perma-
a platform/landing to the top of the nent part of the structure on which
next higher tread or platform/landing. construction work is being performed.
Side-step fixed ladder. See ‘‘Fixed lad- (2) A double-cleated ladder or two or
der.’’ more separate ladders shall be provided
Single-cleat ladder means a ladder when ladders are the only mean of ac-
consisting of a pair of side rails, con- cess or exit from a working area for 25
nected together by cleats, rungs, or or more employees, or when a ladder is
steps. to serve simultaneous two-way traffic.
Single-rail ladder means a portable (3) When a building or structure has
ladder with rungs, cleats, or steps only one point of access between levels,
mounted on a single rail instead of the that point of access shall be kept clear
normal two rails used on most other to permit free passage of employees.
ladders. When work must be performed or
Spiral stairway means a series of steps equipment must be used such that free
attached to a vertical pole and pro- passage at that point of access is re-
gressing upward in a winding fashion stricted, a second point of access shall
within a cylindrical space. be provided and used.
Stairrail system means a vertical bar- (4) When a building or structure has
rier erected along the unprotected two or more points of access between
sides and edges of a stariway to pre- levels, at least one point of access shall
vent employees from falling to lower be kept clear to permit free passage of
levels. The top surface of a stairrail employees.
system may also be a ‘‘handrail.’’ (b) Employers shall provide and in-
Step stool (ladder type) means a self- stall all stairway and ladder fall pro-
supporting, foldable, portable ladder, tection systems required by this sub-
nonadjustable in length, 32 inches or part and shall comply with all other
less in overall size, with flat steps and pertinent requirements of this subpart
without a pail shelf, designed to be before employees begin the work that
climbed on the ladder top cap as well necessitates the installation and use of
as all steps. The side rails may con- stairways, ladders, and their respective
tinue above the top cap. fall protection systems.
Through fixed ladder. See ‘‘Fixed lad-
der.’’ § 1926.1052 Stairways.
Tread depth means the horizontal dis- (a) General. The following require-
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
tance from front to back of a tread (ex- ments apply to all stairways as indi-
cluding nosing, if any). cated:
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Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1926.1052
(1) Stairways that will not be a per- (c) Stairrails and handrails. The fol-
manent part of the structure on which lowing requirements apply to all stair-
construction work is being performed ways as indicated:
shall have landings of not less than 30 (1) Stairways having four or more ris-
inches (76 cm) in the direction of travel ers or rising more than 30 inches (76
and extend at least 22 inches (56 cm) in cm), whichever is less, shall be
width at every 12 feet (3.7 m) or less of equipped with:
vertical rise. (i) At least one handrail; and
(2) Stairs shall be installed between (ii) One stairrail system along each
30° and 50° from horizontal. unprotected side or edge.
(3) Riser height and tread depth shall NOTE: When the top edge of a stairrail sys-
be uniform within each flight of stairs, tem also serves as a handrail, paragraph
including any foundation structure (c)(7) of this section applies.
used as one or more treads of the
(2) Winding and spiral stairways shall
stairs. Variations in riser height or
be equipped with a handrail offset suf-
tread depth shall not be over 1⁄4-inch ficiently to prevent walking on those
(0.6 cm) in any stairway system. portions of the stairways where the
(4) Where doors or gates open directly tread width is less than 6 inches (15
on a stairway, a platform shall be pro- cm).
vided, and the swing of the door shall (3) The height of stairrails shall be as
not reduce the effective width of the follows:
platform to less than 20 inches (51 cm). (i) Stairrails installed after March 15,
(5) Metal pan landings and metal pan 1991, shall be not less than 36 inches
treads, when used, shall be secured in (91.5 cm) from the upper surface of the
place before filling with concrete or stairrail system to the surface of the
other material. tread, in line with the face of the riser
(6) All parts of stairways shall be free at the forward edge of the tread.
of hazardous projections, such as pro- (ii) Stairrails installed before March
truding nails. 15, 1991, shall be not less than 30 inches
(7) Slippery conditions on stairways (76 cm) nor more than 34 inches (86 cm)
shall be eliminated before the stair- from the upper surface of the stairrail
ways are used to reach other levels. system to the surface of the tread, in
(b) Temporary service. The following line with the face of the riser at the
requirements apply to all stairways as forward edge of the tread.
indicated: (4) Midrails, screens, mesh, inter-
(1) Except during stairway construc- mediate vertical members, or equiva-
tion, foot traffic is prohibited on stair- lent intermediate structural members,
ways with pan stairs where the treads shall be provided between the top rail
and/or landings are to be filled in with of the stairrail system and the stair-
concrete or other material at a later way steps.
date, unless the stairs are temporarily (i) Midrails, when used, shall be lo-
fitted with wood or other solid mate- cated at a height midway between the
rial at least to the top edge of each top edge of the stairrail system and the
pan. Such temporary treads and land- stairway steps.
ings shall be replaced when worn below (ii) Screens or mesh, when used, shall
the level of the top edge of the pan. extend from the top rail to the stair-
(2) Except during stairway construc- way step, and along the entire opening
tion, foot traffic is prohibited on skel- between top rail supports.
eton metal stairs where permanent (iii) When intermediate vertical
treads and/or landings are to be in- members, such as balusters, are used
stalled at a later date, unless the stairs between posts, they shall be not more
are fitted with secured temporary than 19 inches (48 cm) apart.
treads and landings long enough to (iv) Other structural members, when
cover the entire tread and/or landing used, shall be installed such that there
area. are no openings in the stairrail system
(3) Treads for temporary service shall that are more than 19 inches (48 cm)
be made of wood or other solid mate- wide.
kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB
rial, and shall be installed the full (5) Handrails and the top rails of
width and depth of the stair. stairrail systems shall be capable of
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§ 1926.1053 29 CFR Ch. XVII (7–1–20 Edition)
withstanding, without failure, a force the maximum intended load. The abil-
of at least 200 pounds (890 n) applied ity of a ladder to sustain the loads in-
within 2 inches (5 cm) of the top edge, dicated in this paragraph shall be de-
in any downward or outward direction, termined by applying or transmitting
at any point along the top edge. the requisite load to the ladder in a
(6) The height of handrails shall be downward vertical direction. Ladders
not more than 37 inches (94 cm) nor built and tested in conformance with
less than 30 inches (76 cm) from the the applicable provisions of appendix A
upper surface of the handrail to the of this subpart will be deemed to meet
surface of the tread, in line with the this requirement.
face of the riser at the forward edge of (ii) Each portable ladder that is not
the tread. self-supporting: At least four times the
(7) When the top edge of a stairrail maximum intended load, except that
system also serves as a handrail, the each extra-heavy-duty type 1A metal
height of the top edge shall be not or plastic ladders shall sustain at least
more than 37 inches (94 cm) nor less 3.3 times the maximum intended load.
than 36 inches (91.5 cm) from the upper The ability of a ladder to sustain the
surface of the stairrail system to the loads indicated in this paragraph shall
surface of the tread, in line with the be determined by applying or transmit-
face of the riser at the forward edge of ting the requisite load to the ladder in
the tread. a downward vertical direction when the
(8) Stairrail systems and handrails ladder is placed at an angle of 751⁄2 de-
shall be so surfaced as to prevent in- grees from the horizontal. Ladders
jury to employees from punctures or built and tested in conformance with
lacerations, and to prevent snagging of the applicable provisions of appendix A
clothing. will be deemed to meet this require-
(9) Handrails shall provide an ade- ment.
quate handhold for employees grasping (iii)