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Falling and Turning

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Falling and turning

Ruwandi Bandara
Lecturer (IIHS), Science Facilitator (Excel English Academy)
(MSc (R), BEd. TESL, BSc. Biomedical, HND. English)
0094 7677 00005
Falling and turning

The fundamental concept of why objects fall to the ground and how gravitational
fields affect their weight and motion. It also introduces the concept of air
resistance and its impact on falling objects, such as parachutists

Gravity and Weight:

• Objects fall to the ground because they have weight, and their weight is caused
by the gravitational field of the Earth, which pulls them downward due to the
attraction of mass. Weight is the gravitational force acting on an object.

Gravitational Field Strength:

• The strength of the gravitational field is uniform close to the Earth's surface.
This means that all objects near the surface experience the same gravitational
acceleration, provided there are no other forces acting to reduce their acceleration.
Air Resistance and Falling Objects:

• For many objects, especially those falling through the air, the force of air
resistance can affect their acceleration. Air resistance is a form of friction that
opposes the motion of objects moving through the air

Parachutists and Air Resistance:

• Parachutists make use of air resistance during their free fall. Initially, when a
parachutist jumps out of an aircraft, air resistance has little effect, and they
accelerate downwards. However, as they fall, air resistance increases. Eventually, air
resistance balances their weight, and the parachutist stops accelerating. This steady
rate of descent is known as the terminal velocity.

Opening the Parachute:

• When a parachutist opens their parachute, it significantly increases the surface
area exposed to the air, which increases air resistance. The increased air resistance
provides a larger upward force. This force opposes gravity, allowing the parachutist
to slow down and descend more slowly, ensuring a safe landing.

In summary, objects fall to the ground due to the gravitational field of the Earth.
The uniform gravitational field near the Earth's surface means that all objects
experience the same acceleration due to gravity, provided there are no other forces at
play. Air resistance can affect the motion of objects, especially those moving through
the air, and it is used strategically, as in the case of parachutists who utilize air
resistance to control their descent and land safely.
The concept of terminal velocity and how a parachutist uses it to control their
descent safely. It also introduces a graph that shows how the parachutist's speed
changes during a fall.

Terminal Velocity and Parachutists:

• The goal of a parachutist is to reach a new, slower terminal velocity

during their descent, which is approximately 10 m/s. Terminal velocity is the
constant speed at which the forces acting on the parachutist are balanced. At
this point, the downward force (weight) is equal to the upward force (drag or
air resistance).

Balanced and Unbalanced Forces:

• In the context of the parachutist's fall:

• When the graph in Figure 3.10 is horizontal, it indicates that the
parachutist's speed is constant. At this moment, the forces acting on the
parachutist are balanced.
• When the graph is sloping, it indicates that the parachutist's speed is
changing. This means that the parachutist is either accelerating or
decelerating, and the forces on them are unbalanced.
3.5 Analysis of the Speed-Time Graph:
a) Is the parachutist accelerating or decelerating?
• The parachutist is accelerating when the speed-time
graph shows an upward slope. Acceleration is indicated by
a change in speed, and in this case, the speed is increasing.
b) Which of the two forces acting on the parachutist is

• When the speed-time graph shows an upward slope, it

means that the force of gravity (weight) is greater than the
air resistance (drag). The net force is acting in the
direction of motion, leading to acceleration.

c) Explain the shape of the graph after the parachute has

• After the parachute has opened, the graph shows a
horizontal line. This indicates that the parachutist has
reached terminal velocity. Terminal velocity occurs when
the force of air resistance becomes equal to the force of
gravity acting on the parachutist. At this point, the net
force is zero, resulting in a constant speed. The horizontal
line signifies a balanced force situation, where
acceleration is no longer occurring.
The concept of objects moving in circular paths and the forces required to keep
them on track.

1. Changing Direction in Circular Paths:

• When an object, such as a car turning a corner, follows a circular path, it is

constantly changing its direction as it moves. This change in direction requires a
force to keep the object on its intended path.

2. Tension in Circular Motion (Whirling an Apple):

• In the example of a boy whirling an apple around on the end of a piece of

string, the tension in the string plays a crucial role. The tension force pulls on the
apple, providing the centripetal force required to keep it moving in a circular path.
This force acts at right angles to the apple's velocity.

3. Aircraft Banking in Flight:

• Aircraft, when changing direction, employ a technique called "banking." To

change direction, an aircraft tilts or banks. The lift force generated by the aircraft's
wings provides the necessary force to keep the aircraft moving along a curved path.

4. Gravitational Force in Celestial Orbits (The Moon)

• Celestial bodies, like the Moon, are held in their orbits around larger bodies
(e.g., the Moon orbiting the Earth) due to the gravitational force. The gravitational
pull of the larger body provides the centripetal force necessary to keep the smaller
body in a circular orbit.

5. Centripetal Force in Circular Motion:

• For an object following a circular path, it experiences a force (centripetal force)

directed toward the center of the circle. This force is always at right angles to the
object's velocity. It's responsible for keeping the object in its curved path and
preventing it from moving in a straight line.

In summary, objects moving in circular paths require centripetal forces to maintain

their curved trajectories. These forces are necessary to counteract the tendency of
objects to move in a straight line due to their inertia. Depending on the scenario,
these forces can be provided by tension, lift, or gravitational attraction, and they
always act at right angles to the object's velocity.
Revision work

1. Why is a force required to keep an object moving in a circular path?

2. In the example of a boy whirling an apple on a string, what force keeps the
apple moving in a circle?

3. How does an aircraft change direction when flying, and what force is
responsible for this change?

4. What force keeps celestial bodies like the Moon in their orbits around larger
bodies such as the Earth?

5. What is the centripetal force, and how does it act on an object moving in a
circular path?

6. When an object moves in a circular path, in which direction does the

centripetal force act relative to the object's velocity?

7. Explain the concept of banking in aircraft and how it helps change direction
during flight.

8. Why is the tension in a string considered a centripetal force when an object is

whirled in a circular motion?

9. How is the gravitational force responsible for keeping celestial bodies in orbit
around a larger body?

10. What is the role of centripetal force in preventing objects from moving in a
straight line while they follow a curved path?
1. A force is required to keep an object moving in a circular path because, in such
motion, the object is constantly changing direction. This change in direction
requires a force to prevent the object from moving in a straight line.

2. In the example of a boy whirling an apple on a string, the tension in the string
provides the centripetal force that keeps the apple moving in a circle.

3. Aircraft change direction by "banking" or tilting. The lift force generated by the
aircraft's wings provides the necessary force to keep the aircraft moving along a
curved path.

4. Celestial bodies like the Moon are held in their orbits around larger bodies due
to the gravitational force. The gravitational pull of the larger body provides the
centripetal force necessary to keep the smaller body in a circular orbit.

5. The centripetal force is the force directed toward the center of the circular
path. It is responsible for keeping the object in its curved trajectory by preventing
it from moving in a straight line due to inertia.

6. The centripetal force acts at right angles to the object's velocity. It is directed
toward the center of the circle, which is the point around which the object is

7. Banking in aircraft is a technique where the aircraft tilts to change direction.

This tilting increases the angle of attack on the wings, which, in turn, increases
the lift force on one side, providing the necessary force for changing direction
during flight.

8. The tension in a string is considered a centripetal force when an object is

whirled in a circular motion because it acts toward the center of the circular path,
providing the inward force needed to keep the object in its curved trajectory.

9. The gravitational force between celestial bodies is responsible for keeping

smaller bodies in orbit around larger ones. The larger body's gravity provides the
centripetal force required to maintain the circular orbit.

10. The centripetal force prevents objects from moving in a straight line while
they follow a curved path by constantly changing the object's direction and
keeping it within the circular trajectory.
Ruwandi Bandara
Lecturer (IIHS), Science Facilitator (Excel English Academy)
(MSc (R), BEd. TESL, BSc. Biomedical, HND. English)
0094 7677 00005

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