CH 1
CH 1
CH 1
Exercise 1.DEFA
Define in your own words: (a) intelligence, (b) artificial intelligence, (c) agent, (d) ra-
tionality, (e) logical reasoning.
a. Dictionary definitions of intelligence talk about “the capacity to acquire and apply
knowledge” or “the faculty of thought and reason” or “the ability to comprehend and
profit from experience.” These are all reasonable answers, but if we want something
quantifiable we would use something like “the ability to act successfully across a wide
range of objectives in complex environments.”
b. We define artificial intelligence as the study and construction of agent programs that
perform well in a given class of environments, for a given agent architecture; they do
the right thing. An important part of that is dealing with the uncertainty of what the
current state is, what the outcome of possible actions might be, and what is it that we
really desire.
c. We define an agent as an entity that takes action in response to percepts from an envi-
d. We define rationality as the property of a system which does the “right thing” given
what it knows. See Section 2.2 for a more complete discussion. The basic concept is
perfect rationality; Section ?? describes the impossibility of achieving perfect rational-
ity and proposes an alternative definition.
e. We define logical reasoning as the a process of deriving new sentences from old, such
that the new sentences are necessarily true if the old ones are true. (Notice that does not
refer to any specific syntax or formal language, but it does require a well-defined notion
of truth.)
Exercise 1.TURI
Read Turing’s original paper on AI (Turing, 1950). In the paper, he discusses several
objections to his proposed enterprise and his test for intelligence. Which objections still carry
Section 1.1 What Is AI?
weight? Are his refutations valid? Can you think of new objections arising from develop-
ments since he wrote the paper? In the paper, he predicts that, by the year 2000, a computer
will have a 30% chance of passing a five-minute Turing Test with an unskilled interrogator.
What chance do you think a computer would have today? In another 25 years?
See the solution for exercise 26.1 for some discussion of potential objections.
The probability of fooling an interrogator depends on just how unskilled the interrogator
is. A few entrants in the Loebner prize competitions have fooled judges, although if you
look at the transcripts, it looks like the judges were having fun rather than taking their job
seriously. There certainly have been examples of a chatbot or other online agent fooling
humans. For example, see the description of the Julia chatbot at
julia/. We’d say the chance today is something like 10%, with the variation depending
more on the skill of the interrogator rather than the program. In 25 years, we expect that
the entertainment industry (movies, video games, commercials) will have made sufficient
investments in artificial actors to create very credible impersonators.
Note that governments and international organizations are seriously considering rules that
require AI systems to be identified as such. In California, it is already illegal for machines to
impersonate humans in certain circumstances.
Exercise 1.REFL
Are reflex actions (such as flinching from a hot stove) rational? Are they intelligent?
Yes, they are rational, because slower, deliberative actions would tend to result in more
damage to the hand. If “intelligent” means “applying knowledge” or “using thought and
reasoning” then it does not require intelligence to make a reflex action.
Exercise 1.SYAI
To what extent are the following computer systems instances of artificial intelligence:
• Supermarket bar code scanners.
• Web search engines.
• Voice-activated telephone menus.
• Spelling and grammar correction features in word processing programs.
• Internet routing algorithms that respond dynamically to the state of the network.
• Although bar code scanning is in a sense computer vision, these are not AI systems.
The problem of reading a bar code is an extremely limited and artificial form of visual
interpretation, and it has been carefully designed to be as simple as possible, given the
• In many respects. The problem of determining the relevance of a web page to a query
is a problem in natural language understanding, and the techniques are related to those
Exercises 1 Introduction
we will discuss in Chapters 24 and 25. Search engines also use clustering techniques
analogous to those we discuss in Chapter 21. Likewise, other functionalities provided
by a search engines use intelligent techniques; for instance, the spelling corrector uses a
form of data mining based on observing users’ corrections of their own spelling errors.
On the other hand, the problem of indexing billions of web pages in a way that allows
retrieval in seconds is a problem in database design, not in artificial intelligence.
• To a limited extent. Such menus tends to use vocabularies which are very limited –
e.g. the digits, “Yes”, and “No” — and within the designers’ control, which greatly
simplifies the problem. On the other hand, the programs must deal with an uncontrolled
space of all kinds of voices and accents. Modern digital assistants like Siri and the
Google Assistant make more use of artificial intelligence techniques, but still have a
limited repetoire.
• Slightly at most. The spelling correction feature here is done by string comparison to a
fixed dictionary. The grammar correction is more sophisticated as it need to use a set of
rather complex rules reflecting the structure of natural language, but still this is a very
limited and fixed task.
The spelling correctors in search engines would be considered much more nearly
instances of AI than the Word spelling corrector are, first, because the task is much
more dynamic – search engine spelling correctors deal very effectively with proper
names, which are detected dynamically from user queries – and, second, because of the
technique used – data mining from user queries vs. string matching.
• This is borderline. There is something to be said for viewing these as intelligent agents
working in cyberspace. The task is sophisticated, the information available is partial, the
techniques are heuristic (not guaranteed optimal), and the state of the world is dynamic.
All of these are characteristic of intelligent activities. On the other hand, the task is very
far from those normally carried out in human cognition. In recent years there have been
suggestions to base more core algorithmic work on machine learning.
Exercise 1.COGN
Many of the computational models of cognitive activities that have been proposed involve
quite complex mathematical operations, such as convolving an image with a Gaussian or
finding a minimum of the entropy function. Most humans (and certainly all animals) never
learn this kind of mathematics at all, almost no one learns it before college, and almost no
one can compute the convolution of a function with a Gaussian in their head. What sense
does it make to say that the “vision system” is doing this kind of mathematics, whereas the
actual person has no idea how to do it?
Presumably the brain has evolved so as to carry out this operations on visual images, but
the mechanism is only accessible for one particular purpose in this particular cognitive task
of image processing. Until about two centuries ago there was no advantage in people (or
animals) being able to compute the convolution of a Gaussian for any other purpose.
The really interesting question here is what we mean by saying that the “actual person”
can do something. The person can see, but he cannot compute the convolution of a Gaussian;
Section 1.1 What Is AI?
but computing that convolution is part of seeing. This is beyond the scope of this solution
Exercise 1.EVOR
Why would evolution tend to result in systems that act rationally? What goals are such
systems designed to achieve?
Exercise 1.AISC
Is AI a science, or is it engineering? Or neither or both? Explain.
This question is intended to be about the essential nature of the AI problem and what is
required to solve it, but could also be interpreted as a sociological question about the current
practice of AI research.
A science is a field of study that leads to the acquisition of empirical knowledge by the
scientific method, which involves falsifiable hypotheses about what is. A pure engineering
field can be thought of as taking a fixed base of empirical knowledge and using it to solve
problems of interest to society. Of course, engineers do bits of science—e.g., they measure the
properties of building materials—and scientists do bits of engineering to create new devices
and so on.
The “human” side of AI is clearly an empirical science—called cognitive science these
days—because it involves psychological experiments designed out to find out how human
cognition actually works. What about the the “rational” side? If we view it as studying the
abstract relationship among an arbitrary task environment, a computing device, and the pro-
gram for that computing device that yields the best performance in the task environment, then
the rational side of AI is really mathematics and engineering; it does not require any empirical
knowledge about the actual world—and the actual task environment—that we inhabit; that a
given program will do well in a given environment is a theorem. (The same is true of pure
decision theory.) In practice, however, we are interested in task environments that do approx-
imate the actual world, so even the rational side of AI involves finding out what the actual
Exercises 1 Introduction
world is like. For example, in studying rational agents that communicate, we are interested
in task environments that contain humans, so we have to find out what human language is
like. In studying perception, we tend to focus on sensors such as cameras that extract useful
information from the actual world. (In a world without light, cameras wouldn’t be much use.)
Moreover, to design vision algorithms that are good at extracting information from camera
images, we need to understand the actual world that generates those images. Obtaining the
required understanding of scene characteristics, object types, surface markings, and so on is
a quite different kind of science from ordinary physics, chemistry, biology, and so on, but it
is still science.
In summary, AI is definitely engineering but it would not be especially useful to us if it
were not also an empirical science concerned with those aspects of the real world that affect
the design of intelligent systems for that world.
Exercise 1.INTA
“Surely computers cannot be intelligent—they can do only what their programmers tell
them.” Is the latter statement true, and does it imply the former?
This depends on your definition of “intelligent” and “tell.” In one sense computers only
do what the programmers command them to do, but in another sense what the programmers
consciously tells the computer to do often has very little to do with what the computer actually
does. Anyone who has written a program with an ornery bug knows this, as does anyone
who has written a successful machine learning program. So in one sense Samuel “told” the
computer “learn to play checkers better than I do, and then play that way,” but in another
sense he told the computer “follow this learning algorithm” and it learned to play. So we’re
left in the situation where you may or may not consider learning to play checkers to be a sign
of intelligence (or you may think that learning to play in the right way requires intelligence,
but not in this way), and you may think the intelligence resides in the programmer or in the
Exercise 1.INTB
“Surely animals cannot be intelligent—they can do only what their genes tell them.” Is
the latter statement true, and does it imply the former?
The point of this exercise is to notice the parallel with the previous one. Whatever you de-
cided about whether computers could be intelligent in 1.11, you are committed to making the
same conclusion about animals (including humans), unless your reasons for deciding whether
something is intelligent take into account the mechanism (programming via genes versus pro-
gramming via a human programmer). Note that Searle makes this appeal to mechanism in
his Chinese Room argument (see Chapter 28).
Section 1.2 The Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
Exercise 1.INTC
“Surely animals, humans, and computers cannot be intelligent—they can do only what
their constituent atoms are told to do by the laws of physics.” Is the latter statement true, and
does it imply the former?
Exercise 1.NTRC
There are well-known classes of problems that are intractably difficult for computers, and
other classes that are provably undecidable. Does this mean that AI is impossible?
No. It means that AI systems should avoid trying to solve intractable problems. Usually,
this means they can only approximate optimal behavior. Notice that humans don’t solve NP-
complete problems either. Sometimes they are good at solving specific instances with a lot of
structure, perhaps with the aid of background knowledge. AI systems should attempt to do
the same.
Exercise 1.SLUG
The neural structure of the sea slug Aplysia has been widely studied (first by Nobel Lau-
reate Eric Kandel) because it has only about 20,000 neurons, most of them large and easily
manipulated. Assuming that the cycle time for an Aplysia neuron is roughly the same as for a
human neuron, how does the computational power, in terms of memory updates per second,
compare with the personal computer described in Figure 1.2?
Depending on what you want to count, the computer has a thousand to a million times
more storage, and a thousand times more operations per second.
Exercise 1.INTR
How could introspection—reporting on one’s inner thoughts—be inaccurate? Could I be
wrong about what I’m thinking? Discuss.
Just as you are unaware of all the steps that go into making your heart beat, you are
also unaware of most of what happens in your thoughts. You do have a conscious awareness
of some of your thought processes, but the majority remains opaque to your consciousness.
The field of psychoanalysis is based on the idea that one needs trained professional help to
analyze one’s own thoughts. Neuroscience has also shown that we are unaware of much of
the activity in our brains.
Exercises 1 Introduction
Exercise 1.IQEV
Suppose we extend Evans’s A NALOGY program (Evans, 1968) so that it can score 200 on
a standard IQ test. Would we then have a program more intelligent than a human? Explain.
No. IQ test scores correlate well with certain other measures, such as success in college,
ability to make good decisions in complex, real-world situations, ability to learn new skills
and subjects quickly, and so on, but only if they’re measuring fairly normal humans. The IQ
test doesn’t measure everything. A program that is specialized only for IQ tests (and special-
ized further only for the analogy part) would very likely perform poorly on other measures
of intelligence. Consider the following analogy: if a human runs the 100m in 10 seconds, we
might describe him or her as very athletic and expect competent performance in other areas
such as walking, jumping, hurdling, and perhaps throwing balls; but we would not describe a
Boeing 747 as very athletic because it can cover 100m in 0.4 seconds, nor would we expect
it to be good at hurdling and throwing balls.
Even for humans, IQ tests are controversial because of their theoretical presuppositions
about innate ability (distinct from training effects) and the generalizability of results. See
The Mismeasure of Man (Stephen Jay Gould, 1981) or Multiple Intelligences: the Theory in
Practice (Howard Gardner, 1993) for more on IQ tests, what they measure, and what other
aspects there are to “intelligence.”
Exercise 1.PRMO
Some authors have claimed that perception and motor skills are the most important part
of intelligence, and that “higher level” capacities are necessarily parasitic—simple add-ons to
these underlying facilities. Certainly, most of evolution and a large part of the brain have been
devoted to perception and motor skills, whereas AI has found tasks such as game playing and
logical inference to be easier, in many ways, than perceiving and acting in the real world. Do
you think that AI’s traditional focus on higher-level cognitive abilities is misplaced?
Certainly perception and motor skills are important, and it is a good thing that the fields
of vision and robotics exist (whether or not you want to consider them part of “core” AI).
But given a percept, an agent still has the task of “deciding” (either by deliberation or by
reaction) which action to take. This is just as true in the real world as in artificial micro-
worlds such as chess-playing. So computing the appropriate action will remain a crucial part
of AI, regardless of the perceptual and motor system to which the agent program is “attached.”
On the other hand, it is true that a concentration on micro-worlds has led AI away from the
really interesting environments such as those encountered by self-driving cars.
Exercise 1.WINT
Section 1.3 The History of Artificial Intelligence
Several “AI winters,” or rapid collapses in levels of economic and academic activity (and
media interest) associated with AI, have occurred. Describe the causes of each collapse and
of the boom in interest that preceded it.
In addition to the information in the chapter, ? (?, ?), ? (?), and ? (?) provide ample
starting material for the aspiring historian of AI. One can identify at least three AI winters
(although the phrase was not applied to the first one, because the original phrase nuclear
winter did not emerge until the early 1980s).
a. As noted in the chapter, research funding dried up in the early 1970s in both the US and
UK. The ostensible reason was failure to make progress on the rather lavish promises of
the 1960s, particularly in the areas of neural networks and machine translation. In 1970,
the US Congress curtailed most AI funding from ARPA, and in 1973 the Lighthill report
in the UK ended funding for all but a few researchers. Lighthill referred particularly to
the difficulties of overcoming the combinatorial explosion.
b. In the late 1980s, the expert systems boom ended, due largely to the difficulty and
expense of building and maintaining expert systems for complex applications, the lack
of a valid uncertainty calculus in these systems, and the lack of interoperability between
AI software and hardware and existing data and computation infrastructure in industry.
c. In the early 2000s, the end of the dot-com boom also ended an upsurge of interest in the
use of AI systems in the burgeoning online ecosystem. AI systems had been used for
such tasks as information extraction from web pages to support shopping engines and
price comparisons; various kinds of search engines; planning algorithms for achieving
complex goals requiring several steps and combining information from multiple web
pages; and converting human-readable web pages into machine-readable database tu-
ples to allow global information aggregation, as in citation databases constructed from
online pdf files.
It is also interesting to explore the extent to which the winters were due to over-optimistic
and exaggerated claims by AI researchers or to over-enthusiasm and over-interpretation of
the significance of early results by funders and investors.
Exercise 1.DLAI
The resurgence of interest in AI in the 2010s is often attributed to deep learning. Explain
what deep learning is, how it relates to AI as a whole, and where the core technical ideas
actually originated.
Deep learning is covered in Section 1.3.8, where it is defined as “machine learning using
multiple layers of simple, adjustable computing elements.” Thus, it is a particular branch
of machine learning, which is itself a subfield of AI. Since many AI systems do not use
learning at all, and there are many effective machine learning techniques that are unrelated
to deep learning, the view (often expressed in popular articles on AI) that deep learning has
“replaced” AI is wrong for multiple reasons.
Some of the key technical ideas are the following (see also Chapter 22):
Exercises 1 Introduction
Exercise 1.SOTA
Examine the AI literature to discover whether the following tasks can currently be solved
by computers:
a. Playing a decent game of table tennis (Ping-Pong).
b. Driving in the center of Cairo, Egypt.
c. Driving in Victorville, California.
d. Buying a week’s worth of groceries at the market.
e. Buying a week’s worth of groceries on the Web.
f. Playing a decent game of bridge at a competitive level.
g. Discovering and proving new mathematical theorems.
h. Writing an intentionally funny story.
i. Giving competent legal advice in a specialized area of law.
j. Translating spoken English into spoken Swedish in real time.
k. Performing a complex surgical operation.
For the currently infeasible tasks, try to find out what the difficulties are and predict when, if
ever, they will be overcome.
Exercise 1.CONT
Various subfields of AI have held contests by defining a standard task and inviting re-
searchers to do their best. Examples include the ImageNet competition for computer vision,
the DARPA Grand Challenge for robotic cars, the International Planning Competition, the
Robocup robotic soccer league, the TREC information retrieval event, and contests in ma-
chine translation, speech recognition, and other fields. Investigate one of these contests, and
describe the progress made over the years. To what degree have the contests advanced the
state of the art in AI? Do what degree do they hurt the field by drawing energy away from
new ideas?
Exercises 1 Introduction
The progress made in these contests is a matter of fact, but the impact of that progress is
a matter of opinion. Some examples:
• DARPA Grand Challenge for Robotic Cars: In 2004 the Grand Challenge was a 240
km race through the Mojave Desert. It clearly stressed the state of the art of autonomous
driving, and in fact no competitor finished the race. The best team, CMU, completed
only 12 of the 240 km. In 2005 the race featured a 212km course with fewer curves
and wider roads than the 2004 race. Five teams finished, with Stanford finishing first,
edging out two CMU entries. This was hailed as a great achievement for robotics and
for the Challenge format. In 2007 the Urban Challenge put cars in a city setting, where
they had to obey traffic laws and avoid other cars. This time CMU edged out Stanford.
The competition appears to have been a good testing ground to put theory into practice,
something that the failures of 2004 showed was needed. But it is important that the
competition was done at just the right time, when there was theoretical work to con-
solidate, as demonstrated by the earlier work by Dickmanns (whose VaMP car drove
autonomously for 158km in 1995) and by Pomerleau (whose Navlab car drove 5000km
across the USA, also in 1995, with the steering controlled autonomously for 98% of the
trip, although the brakes and accelerator were controlled by a human driver).
• International Planning Competition: In 1998, five planners competed: Blackbox,
HSP, IPP, SGP, and STAN. The result page (
mcdermott/aipscomp-results.html) stated “all of these planners performed
very well, compared to the state of the art a few years ago.” Most plans found were 30 or
40 steps, with some over 100 steps. In 2008, the competition had expanded quite a bit:
there were more tracks (satisficing vs. optimizing; sequential vs. temporal; static vs.
learning). There were about 25 planners, including submissions from the 1998 groups
(or their descendants) and new groups. Solutions found were much longer than in 1998.
In sum, the field has progressed quite a bit in participation, in breadth, and in power of
the planners. In the 1990s it was possible to publish a Planning paper that discussed
only a theoretical approach; now it is necessary to show quantitative evidence of the
efficacy of an approach. The field is stronger and more mature now, and it seems that
the planning competition deserves some of the credit. However, some researchers feel
that too much emphasis is placed on the particular classes of problems that appear in
the competitions, and not enough on real-world applications.
• Robocup Robotic Soccer: This competition has proved extremely popular, attracting
300–500 teams from 40–50 countries since the mid-2000s (up from 38 teams from 11
countries in 1997). The “standard platform” league, originally based on the Sony AIBO
four-legged robot, switched to the humanoid Aldebaran Nao robot in 2009. There are
also small and mid-size leagues in which teams are free to design their own robots pro-
vided they satisfy certain physical constraints. The competition has served to increase
interest and participation in robotics and has led to some advances in both robotics and
AI (particularly related to learning in team games). Victory on competitions ofen de-
pends less on AI than on specific tricks for improving ball-handling and shooting. The
long-term goal is to defeat a human World-Cup-winning team by 2050, although the
precise details of ensuring safety of human participants remain to be worked out.
• TREC Information Retrieval Conference: This is one of the oldest competitions,
Section 1.4 The State of the Art
started in 1992. The competitions have served to bring together a community of re-
searchers, have led to a large literature of publications, and have seen progress in par-
ticipation and in quality of results over the years. In the early years, TREC served
its purpose as a place to do evaluations of retrieval algorithms on text collections that
were large for the time. However, starting around 2000 TREC became less relevant as
the advent of the World Wide Web created a corpus that was available to anyone and
was much larger than anything TREC had created, and the development of commercial
search engines surpassed academic research.
• ImageNet: The ImageNet database is a hand-labelled collection of over 14 million
images in over 20,000 categories (?). The ImageNet competition (more properly, the
ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge or ILSVRC) is based on a subset
of 1,000 categories, 90 of which are breeds of dog. The availability of such large train-
ing sets is often asserted to be a contributing factor in the emergence of deep learning.
In the 2012 competition, the decisive win by AlexNet (?) set off a frenzy of research
that has reduced error rates on ILSVRC well below the human level of about 5%. Re-
search by (?), however, suggests that for many types of deep learning the progress may
be illusory: in many cases, the object is “recognized” through the color and spatial
distribution of background pixels such as the grass on which a dog is sitting.
Overall, we see that whatever you measure is bound to increase over time. For most of these
competitions, the measurement was a useful one, and the state of the art has progressed. In the
case of ICAPS, some planning researchers worry that too much attention has been lavished
on the competition itself. In some cases, progress has left the competition behind, as in
TREC, where the resources available to commercial search engines outpaced those available
to academic researchers. In this case the TREC competition was useful—it helped train many
of the people who ended up in commercial search engines—and in no way drew energy away
from new ideas. In computer vision, as in planning, improved performance on competition
benchmarks has become almost essential for a new idea to be published, which many argue
is a serious obstacle to research and may lead to an entire field become stuck in a dead-end
Exercise 1.DROB
Investigate the state of the art for domestic robots: what can be done (with what assump-
tions and restrictions on the environment) and what problems remain unsolved? Where is
research most needed?
Creating a fully general domestic robot that will work “out of the box” in any household
remains a distant goal. At the time of writing (mid-2021), robot demonstrations for a number
of specific tasks have been given. Some examples:
• Folding laundry (?), The robot assumes that
a pile contains only rectangular pieces of cloth and requires a uniform green back-
ground. Subsequent work allowed a PR2 to complete almost the entire laundry cycle
with a fairly wide assortment of laundry (?),
However, a demonstration exhibit at the Victoria & Albert Museum in London showed
Exercises 1 Introduction
the fragility of the solution: the commercial Baxter robot broke down too often for the
exhibit to function for more than a fraction of the time.
• Loading and unloading a dishwasher: the subject of academic research-lab demos since
the early 2000s (CMU’s HERB robot, for example), this one is creeping closer to com-
mercial realization, with companies such as Samsung showing carefully edited demos
of robotic products that are not yet available. As with other such demos, the technology
is not ready to take on an arbitrary kitchen and dishwasher. Also, many robots are far
from waterproof.
• Cooking: ? (?) describe an integrated system intended to download recipes from the In-
ternet, turn them into executable plans, and carry out those plans in a real kitchen. Only
quite preliminary results were achieved:
As with washing up, cooking is very messy and current general-purpose robots need
to be carefully wrapped in plastic protective gear. There are also commercial “robot
cooks” that claim to cook dishes in the home. Typically these are special-purpose sys-
tems that require specially prepared and sized ingredients and are generally not robust to
failure (see, e.g., and Again, we are far
from having a robot that go into anyone’s kitchen with a bag of ingedients from the
supermarket and make dinner.
Successful teleoperation demos (where a human controls a robot to carry out tasks such as
opening a beer bottle) suggest that the problems do not lie primarily with robotic hardware
(except for the need to design robots that are immune to water, grease, and solid ingredients.
Perception has advanced considerably, but it is still difficult for a robot to analyze a pile of
ingredients in a bowl and judge where the surface is and how well mixed the ingredients are.
Spatial reasoning involving continuous, irregular shapes and liquid, semiliquid, and powdered
ingredients or complex objects made from cloth, leather, etc., is quite weak. Also lacking
is the ability to plan and manage domestic activities on a continuous basis, with constant
interruptions from humans who rearrange the world.
Exercise 1.JRNL
The vast majority of academic publications and media articles report on successes of AI.
Examine recent articles describing failures of AI. (? (?) and ? (?) are good examples, but
feel free to find your own.) How serious are the problems identified? Are they examples of
overclaiming of or fundamental problems with the technical approach?
almost all cases, the trained network labels images with high confidence using only a very
small subset of fairly randomly distributed pixels that, to a human, is unintelligible. This
seems to reveal a fundamental problem both with the technology (the networks appear to
have too much capacity and no notion of what they are looking for) and the standard train/test
methodology (which fails to detect the non-robustness of the learned classifiers). Put another
way, the network does not know that “Norfolk Terrier” is a breed of dog rather than a carpet
color (“Crimson Carpet”), so the task solved by the machine learning algorithm is not the one
solved by a human.
? (?) describe a similar issue: for any given training set, there are typically vast numbers
of learned network configurations that give equally good (or even perfect) performance on
held-out data. They call this underspecification and note that it leads to poor performance
after deployment in a wide range of real-world applications including computer vision, med-
ical imaging, natural language processing, clinical risk prediction based on electronic health
records, and medical genomics. They conclude that machine learning pipelines must be con-
strained by strong semantic priors if learning is to be effective and reliable (?, see also).
For a paper highly critical of the use of machine learning to diagnose COVID-19 from
chest X-rays, see ? (?). The authors selected 62 of the most promising and carefully docu-
mented studies from a total of 2,212 published in 2020, but found that “none of the models
identified are of potential clinical use due to methodological flaws and/or underlying biases.”
The problems identified were primarily failings on the part of the studies’ authors, who may
not have been aware of the stringent criteria for real-world deployment of high-stakes diag-
nostic tools. However, even a methodologically perfect study using deep learning might well
have failed for reasons given in the preceding two paragraphs.
Exercise 1.PRIN
Find and analyze at least three sets of proposed principles for the governance of AI. What
do the sets of principles have in common? How do they differ? How implementable are these
There are several hundred published sets of principles: some of the best-known are the
OECD, Beijing, and Asilomar principles. ? (?, ?), and ? (?) provide useful analytical sur-
veys and summaries.
Exercise 1.EURG
Study the 2021 EU “Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the
Council Laying Down Harmonised Rules on Artificial Intelligence (Artificial Intelligence
Act)” (or its final version, if available). Which provisions appear to have the most direct and
tangible impact on what kinds of AI systems can be deployed?
If students have never seen legislation before, this will be an eye-opening exercise. Most
Exercises 1 Introduction
of the document stipulates practices in testing, documentation, etc. Only a few of the clauses
have tangible impact—most obviously, those concerning facial recognition, impersonation of
humans, and deepfakes. In these three areas, the rules are quite strict compared to those in
force in most other parts of the world.
Exercise 1.LATM
Summarize the pros and cons of allowing the development, deployment, and use of lethal
autonomous weapons.
A good place to start is the Congressional Research Service report “International Discus-
sions Concerning Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems,” dated October 15, 2020. Unfortu-
nately the report leaves out the principal argument against lethal autonomous weapons: they
will become cheap, scalable weapons of mass destruction that will proliferate easily and are
likely to be used against civilian populations.
Exercise 1.BIAS
Many researchers have pointed to the possibility that machine learning algorithms will
produce classifiers that display racial, gender, or other forms of bias. How does this bias arise?
Is it possible to constrain machine learning algorithms to produce rigorously fair predictions?
Bias in ML occurs largely because of two things: first, the bias that exists in data gener-
ated by a biased society, and second, specifying an incorrect objective for machine learning
algorithms–—namely, maximizing agreement with the training data. This is not the real ob-
jective: in fact, we care about fairness too.
It’s possible to define various measures of fairness and to design algorithms that respect
them. See ? (?) for a survey. Unfortunately, it is not possible to simultaneously satisfy all
“reasonable” definitions of fairness, and there may be some sacrifice in accuracy.
Exercise 1.SIFI
Examine at least three science-fiction movies in which AI systems threaten to (or actually
do) “take control.” In the movie, does the takeover stem from “spooky emergent conscious-
ness” or from a poorly defined objective? If the latter, what was it?
explicitly in the film, her objective seems to be in places populated by large numbers of
people; she is portrayed as having this objective as a result of a process of consciousness
emerging from the sum total of human interactions recorded in a global social media
c. Transcendence: Will Caster, a Berkeley AI professor, is gunned down by anti-AI ter-
rorists. Before he dies, his brain is uploaded to a quantum supercomputer. The machine
becomes conscious and begins to quickly outrun the human race, threatening to take
over the world. Here, the risk comes from the possibility that the machine’s conscious
goals differ from those of its human progenitor.