Shearer, 2021
Shearer, 2021
Shearer, 2021
Background: Over the past decade, there has been increased interest amongst researchers, practitioners and
policymakers in physical literacy for children and young people and the assessment of the concept within physical
education (PE). This systematic review aimed to identify tools to assess physical literacy and its physical, cognitive
and affective domains within children aged 7–11.9 years, and to examine the measurement properties, feasibility
and elements of physical literacy assessed within each tool.
Methods: Six databases (EBSCO host platform, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, Scopus, Education Research Complete,
SPORTDiscus) were searched up to 10th September 2020. Studies were included if they sampled children aged
between 7 and 11.9 years, employed field-based assessments of physical literacy and/or related affective, physical or
cognitive domains, reported measurement properties (quantitative) or theoretical development (qualitative), and
were published in English in peer-reviewed journals. The methodological quality and measurement properties of
studies and assessment tools were appraised using the COnsensus-based Standards for the selection of health
Measurement INstruments risk of bias checklist. The feasibility of each assessment was considered using a utility
matrix and elements of physical literacy element were recorded using a descriptive checklist.
Results: The search strategy resulted in a total of 11467 initial results. After full text screening, 11 studies (3
assessments) related to explicit physical literacy assessments. Forty-four studies (32 assessments) were relevant to
the affective domain, 31 studies (15 assessments) were relevant to the physical domain and 2 studies (2
assessments) were included within the cognitive domain. Methodological quality and reporting of measurement
properties within the included studies were mixed. The Canadian Assessment of Physical Literacy-2 and the
Passport For Life had evidence of acceptable measurement properties from studies of very good methodological
quality and assessed a wide range of physical literacy elements. Feasibility results indicated that many tools would
be suitable for a primary PE setting, though some require a level of expertise to administer and score that would
require training.
* Correspondence:
Cara Shearer and Hannah R. Goss are joint lead authors
Cara Shearer and Hannah R. Goss contributed equally to this work.
Physical Activity Exchange, Research Institute for Sport and Exercise
Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, 5 Primrose Hill, Liverpool, UK
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
© The Author(s). 2021 Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License,
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Shearer et al. Sports Medicine - Open (2021) 7:37 Page 2 of 40
Conclusions: This review has identified a number of existing assessments that could be useful in a physical literacy
assessment approach within PE and provides further information to empower researchers and practitioners to make
informed decisions when selecting the most appropriate assessment for their needs, purpose and context. The
review indicates that researchers and tool developers should aim to improve the methodological quality and
reporting of measurement properties of assessments to better inform the field.
Trial registration: PROSPERO: CRD42017062217
Keywords: Physical literacy, Assessment, Physical education, Children, Systematic review
Curriculum for PE aims to ensure that all pupils de- assessment, view physical literacy as holistic with insep-
velop competence to excel in a broad range of phys- arable dimensions and as a complex and dynamic
ical activities, are physically active for sustained process unique to each individual. Assessment can
periods of time, engage in competitive sports/activities therefore only be captured through subjective, qualita-
and lead healthy, active lives [37]. These ambitions tive, interpretivist methods and is centred on an
align with the concept of physical literacy. As such, a assessment-for-learning approach to monitor progress
cross-government action plan positioned physical lit- relative to the individual student’s physical literacy jour-
eracy as a core element of early learning and stated ney [17, 42, 48]. At the other end of the debate are prag-
that physical literacy should be a fundamental part of matic approaches that view physical literacy as a concept
every child’s school experience [38]. that can and should be assessed for the purposes of
Throughout compulsory education, assessment - both evidence-based practice and accountability, with positiv-
formative and summative - is a critical aspect of peda- ist, reductionist measurement methods typically utilised
gogical practice and accountability systems [39–41]. For [42]. Barnett et al. [54] suggested that these approaches
the purposes of this review and in accordance with Ed- do not need to be mutually exclusive: while acknowledg-
wards et al. [42], we define assessment as it is widely ing the holistic nature of physical literacy, they suggested
understood and used within educational contexts: as an that existing measures of physical literacy elements
umbrella term for measurement, charting, monitoring, should not be dismissed if they do not capture the entir-
tracking, evaluating, characterising, observing, indicating, ety of the concept; rather PE teachers should be encour-
and so on. Appropriate assessment of childhood physical aged to recognise this limitation and evaluate the
literacy in PE on both an individual and population level completeness of their assessment approaches. Similarly,
could improve standards and expectations, and raise the Essiet et al. [57] proposed that a comprehensive quanti-
profile of both PE and physical literacy [43, 44]. Primary tative assessment of physical literacy for teachers can be
teachers report that assessment in PE provides a struc- possible through an aggregate measure of all the ele-
ture and focus to planning, teaching and learning, which ments and domains identified within the corresponding
positively impacts on both the teacher and child [45]. definition. Thus, identifying assessments of physical lit-
Thus, the classroom teacher, utilising the close relation- eracy and/or its affective (motivation and confidence),
ship formed between teacher and pupil, should be physical, and cognitive (knowledge and understanding)
empowered to implement an assessment of physical lit- domains, inclusive of idealist and pragmatic approaches
eracy, fulfilling roles such as charting progress, providing to the concept, can inform physical literacy assessment
feedback, and highlighting key areas for how a child may efforts within primary (elementary) PE.
develop their physical literacy over time [46–50]. Barnett and colleagues [54] produced a decision-
Teachers themselves have, however, cited barriers to making guide for researchers and teachers for the assess-
implementing assessment in PE such as the lack of pri- ment of physical literacy within the context of school PE
ority given to PE within the curriculum; limited time, and within the parameters of the Australian definition of
space and expertise [51, 52]; difficulty in assessment dif- physical literacy [16]. This guidance outlined key consid-
ferentiation and limited availability of comparator sam- erations to inform what assessment approach to choose,
ples [45]; and varied beliefs, understandings and including factors such as the physical literacy elements
engagement regarding assessment [39, 40], alongside of importance (what is being measured and what is be-
limited knowledge of physical literacy [53]. Thus, consid- ing missed), the purpose of conducting the assessment,
ering the feasibility of a physical literacy assessment tool the assessment context and the target age range. Barnett
is of vital importance when determining appropriate use et al. [54] recognised that there was not an “ideal” ap-
within educational contexts [54]. proach to measurement and therefore the guidance was
Effective assessment of physical literacy in PE will en- aimed at empowering teachers and researchers to make
able funders, policymakers, researchers and educators to informed decisions on how to assess physical literacy
understand what teaching, learning and curriculum based on their intentions, needs and resources. It was
strategies are most effective in helping support physical beyond the remit of the study to review all potential as-
literacy [27, 44]. Despite this assertion, divergent ap- sessments that could align with physical literacy domains
proaches to understanding the concept of physical liter- and consider whether existing assessments/measures
acy have led to tensions in the research literature were reliable, valid, and trustworthy. Edwards et al. [42]
surrounding whether physical literacy can and should be conducted a systematic review of the literature and iden-
assessed, with implications for how assessment has been tified 52 assessments of physical literacy and related con-
operationalised in practice [5, 17, 18, 42, 47, 55, 56]. Ed- structs evaluating these in relation to age group,
wards et al. [42] suggested that idealist approaches to environment, and philosophy. While several qualitative
the concept of physical literacy, and therefore and quantitative tools were identified for the assessment
Shearer et al. Sports Medicine - Open (2021) 7:37 Page 4 of 40
of affective, cognitive and physical domains as well as years (including overweight and obese children and
the related construct of physical activity for use with children from deprived areas).
children under 12 years old, few assessments captured 2. Reported on a field-based assessment tool (i.e. not
the entire range of domains [42]. Within their review, measured through laboratory methods) within PE
Edwards and colleagues used the global search term or related contexts (such as physical activity, sport,
“physical literacy” to identify assessments. There is scope active play, exercise or recreation) with an outcome
to expand this review through the use of wider search relating to physical literacy (see PICOS statement
terms related to the elements within affective (e.g. mo- for the list of outcomes (Additional file 1). Other
tivation and confidence), cognitive (e.g. knowledge and contexts were considered in order to capture assess-
understanding) and physical (e.g. motor skills) domains ments that could be suitable for use in school set-
of physical literacy, which could identify other relevant tings and PE.
assessment options for consideration in assessment dis- 3. Cross-sectional, longitudinal or experimental study
courses. Furthermore, since this review was published, a design.
number of explicit assessments of physical literacy have 4. Reported a measurement method (qualitative or
been developed, such as the Passport for Life [58] and quantitative) relevant to physical literacy and/or an
Physical Literacy Assessment for Youth [59], that war- element of physical literacy.
rant further consideration. It was outside of the scope of 5. Reported information on measurement properties
the Edwards et al. [42] review to consider the measure- (quantitative assessments) or theoretical
ment properties (i.e. validity, reliability, trustworthiness) development (qualitative assessments).
and feasibility of each assessment. We believe that pro- 6. Published in English and in a peer-reviewed journal.
viding researchers and teachers with information in a
single point of reference on the theoretical development, Exclusion Criteria
measurement properties and feasibility of assessments of Studies identified through the literature search were ex-
physical literacy and its elements within PE contexts will cluded if:
further empower them to make informed decisions on
selecting an appropriate assessment. Such information 1. Included special populations (i.e. children with
could assist with the development of a bank of assess- developmental coordination disorder, diagnosed
ment resources and guide potential physical literacy as- with learning difficulty).
sessment development in the field. 2. Lab-based assessment.
The aim of this study, therefore, is to systematically re- 3. Book chapters, case studies, student dissertations,
view the scientific literature for tools to assess physical conference abstracts, review articles, meta-analyses,
literacy and its physical, cognitive and affective domains editorials, protocol papers and systematic reviews.
within children aged 7–11.9 years. We selected this age 4. Full text articles were not available.
group as it represents the lower and upper ages for chil-
dren within Key Stage 2 of the National Curriculum in Information Sources
England [37] with the aim of informing PE assessments Relevant studies were identified by means of electronic
within this block of education (i.e. school years 3 to 6). searches on EBSCOhost and through scanning reference
This paper will explore and critically discuss each assess- lists of included articles. The EBSCOhost platform sup-
ment tool to appraise its (a) measurement properties, (b) plied access to MEDLINE, PsycINFO, Scopus, Education
physical literacy elements assessed and (c) feasibility for Research Complete and SPORTDiscus databases. Each
use within a primary school setting. of the databases was searched independently. Publication
date restrictions were not applied in any search with the
Methods final search conducted on 10th September 2020.
This study followed the Preferred Reporting Items for
Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) [60]. Search Strategy and Study Selection
The protocol information for this review was registered Search strategies used in the databases included combi-
with PROSPERO, reference: CRD42017062217. nations of key search terms which were divided into four
sections: tool (Assessment OR Measurement OR Test
Inclusion Criteria OR Tool OR Instrument OR Battery OR Method OR
The full PICOS statement can be found in Additional Psychometric OR Observation OR Indicator OR Evalu-
file 1. Studies were included if they: ate OR Valid Or Reliable) AND context (“Physical Activ-
ity” OR “Physical Literacy” OR Play OR Sport OR
1. Sampled typically developing children with a “Physical Education” OR Exercise OR Recreation) AND
reported mean age or age range between 7–11.9 population (Child OR Youth OR Adolescent OR
Shearer et al. Sports Medicine - Open (2021) 7:37 Page 5 of 40
Paediatric OR Schoolchild OR Boy OR Girl OR Pre- of interpretation. The lead authors (CS physical and
school OR Juvenile OR Teenager) AND physical literacy physical literacy; HG affective and cognitive) independ-
elements (Motivation OR Enjoyment OR Confidence OR ently extracted individual study data relating to study in-
Self* Or “Perceived Competence” OR Affective OR So- formation (authors, publication date, country and study
cial OR Emotion* OR Attitude* OR Belief* OR Physical* design), sample description, purpose of study, the phys-
OR Fitness OR Motor OR Movement* OR Skills* OR ical literacy element being assessed (as described by the
Technique* OR Mastery OR Ability* OR Coordination study authors themselves), measurement technique (i.e.
OR Performance OR “Perceptual Motor” OR Knowledge interviews, questionnaires, practical trial), outcome vari-
OR Understanding OR Value OR Cognition* OR Health ables, measurement properties/theoretical development
OR Wellbeing*). Boolean searches were carried out and utility information (reliability, validity, responsive-
using “AND” to combine concepts (tool, context, popu- ness and feasibility). Data extraction was checked for ac-
lation, element) and narrow the search to only capture curacy for the first three studies across each domain by
articles in which all relevant concepts appear (see Add- a third reviewer (LF) and any inconsistencies were re-
itional file 2 for an example search strand). Following solved following discussion with the lead authors.
the initial search, all records were exported to Covidence
(Covidence systematic review software, Veritas Health Quality Appraisal
Innovation) for screening (Covidence data/reports are The COnsensus-based Standards for the selection of
available from the contact author upon reasonable re- health Measurement INstruments (COSMIN) checklist
quest). Duplicates were removed using Endnote and the was used to evaluate the methodological rigour of as-
two lead authors (CS and HG) screened all titles and ab- sessments [61, 62]. The COSMIN checklist has been de-
stracts. Only articles published or accepted for publica- veloped by a team of international multidisciplinary
tion in peer-reviewed journals were considered. A third researchers and is of a modular design, which enabled
author (LF) checked decisions on what to include based flexibility to suit the needs of the current systematic re-
on the inclusion/exclusion criteria (i.e. age range, typic- view. Using the COSMIN risk of bias checklist [61] each
ally developing population, field-based assessment, study measurement property (content validity, construct valid-
design, physical literacy element, measurement proper- ity, internal consistency, cross-cultural validity, test re-
ties and peer-reviewed status) and any disagreements test reliability, intra-rater reliability, inter-rater reliability,
were resolved by discussion and collaboration with all criterion validity) was appraised for methodological
authors. Full-text articles were further evaluated separ- quality and subsequently given a rating of “very good”,
ately for relevance by the two lead authors (CS and HG) “adequate”, “doubtful”, or “inadequate” or, if not re-
and labelled “yes”, “no”, or “maybe”. The two reviewers ported, “NR”. This 4-point rating scale and worst score
conferred and, following discussion on any inconsisten- counts method were used throughout. Where the
cies, agreement was reached on all articles. A third re- reporting of measurement properties received a rating of
viewer (LF) checked all of the studies that met the “very good”, the validity and reliability of the tool can be
inclusion criteria and 10% of studies that were excluded appraised using established thresholds [63] (see Add-
to ensure accuracy in the study selection process. All de- itional file 3). The lead authors (CS physical and physical
cisions were made in closed meetings with no recorded literacy assessments; HG affective and cognitive assess-
minutes and are attributable to the authors. Where a ments) independently appraised measurement proper-
manual was available for an assessment that met the in- ties; a third reviewer checked 10% of measurement
clusion criteria, these were accessed if the manual was quality ratings and threshold scoring for accuracy and
freely available online or, alternatively, through contact- any uncertainties were discussed and agreed upon in
ing the study authors where possible. face-to-face meetings with all three reviewers (CS, HG,
LF). The COSMIN guidelines were updated during the
Data Collection Processes review process and new guidance regarding the import-
Due to the large number of studies included after full ance of each measurement property was detailed [62].
text screening, the studies were divided into explicit According to the updated guidelines, if neither the ori-
physical literacy assessments and related physical, ginal study, an associated paper or the tool manual ad-
affective, and cognitive domains in accordance with defi- equately describes the measurement development
nitions and conceptualisations of physical literacy [1, 2, process and/or aspects of content validity, then the tool
6, 16, 20, 26]. This categorisation of assessments of ele- should not be appraised by researchers further in rela-
ments into domains was undertaken in order to position tion to wider measurement properties. We elected to
assessments into familiar categories known to potential follow the previous guidelines and made a conscious de-
assessment users (e.g. coaches, researchers and teachers cision to appraise all the available measurement proper-
in physical literacy and physical education) and for ease ties within all the eligible studies in order to be inclusive
Shearer et al. Sports Medicine - Open (2021) 7:37 Page 6 of 40
and present a detailed overview of what assessments are various conceptualisations of physical literacy [1, 20, 26,
available. As qualitative assessments were also eligible 67–69]. The definitions adopted internationally were
for inclusion, the National Institute for Healthcare and collated and cross-referenced, identifying distinctive
Excellence (NICE) Quality Appraisal Checklist for quali- characteristics of physical literacy referred to in research
tative studies [64] was identified as a tool to appraise the and policy. This process resulted in a checklist that in-
methodological rigour of these assessments. cluded 10 affective, 20 physical and 11 cognitive physical
The feasibility of each assessment tool, including fac- literacy elements (Table 2).
tors such as cost-efficiency (time, space, equipment, Each of the included studies was independently scored
training and qualifications required) and acceptability for feasibility and checked for physical literacy elements
(participant understanding, completed assessments), was by the two lead authors (CS and HG). As above, tools
appraised using a utility matrix developed from previous were divided into domains and scored separately by the
research [65, 66] (see Table 1). Each dimension of feasi- lead authors (CS: physical and physical literacy; HG cog-
bility was independently scored on a 1* (low feasibility) nitive and affective). Each lead author (CS an HG)
to 4* (high feasibility) scale using information reported checked 10% of studies from the other lead author to
within included studies and manuals. An overall feasibil- ensure consistent methodological rigour of the feasibility
ity utility matrix score was also calculated by summing and physical literacy element scoring. Any discrepancies
the scores from each of the seven feasibility items to were discussed and resolved in face-to-face meetings
allow comparisons between assessments (maximum with the third reviewer (LF).
feasibility score = 28).
A physical literacy element checklist was developed to Results
highlight which aspects of physical literacy each assess- An overview of the search process is provided in Fig. 1.
ment captured, as explicitly stated within the included The search strategy resulted in a total of 11467 results
studies and manuals. The checklist was developed by the (NB. this search strand was also used to identify assess-
research team through discussion in a closed meeting ments used in children aged 3–7.9 years, which will be
following an overview of international physical literacy reported elsewhere). After the screening of titles and ab-
literature [2] and utilised elements captured within stracts, 391 articles were retrieved for full text reading.
Fig. 1 PRISMA flow diagram showing the process of study identification and selection
Shearer et al. Sports Medicine - Open (2021) 7:37 Page 8 of 40
After full text screening was completed, in relation to Athletic Skills Track: AST [127]; Bruininks–Oseretsky
the 7–11.9 years age range, a total of 88 eligible studies Test of Motor Proficiency 2nd Edition Short Form:
were included. Eleven studies [58, 70–79] and two corre- BOTMP-SF [128–130, 158]; EUROFIT [131, 159]; FITN
sponding manuals [59, 80] were found for explicit (self- ESSGRAM [132–134, 160]; Golf Swing and Putt skill As-
titled) physical literacy assessments. We also found 44 sessment: GSPA [135]; Movement assessment battery
studies related to the affective domain [81–124] with for children-2: MABC-2 [136–139]; Motorische Basis-
one corresponding manual [125], 31 studies [126–156] kompetenzen in der 3: MOBAK-3 [140–143, 161];
and six corresponding manuals [157–162] related to the Motorisk Utveckling som Grund för Inlärning: MUGI
physical domain, and two studies related to the cognitive [166]; Obstacle Polygon: OP [145]; Physical Activity Re-
domain [163, 164]. From these studies, a total of 52 dis- search and Assessment tool for Garden Observation:
tinct assessments were identified. PARAGON [146]; Star Excursion Balance Test: SEBT
Three tools were explicitly labelled as physical literacy [147]; Stability skill test: SS [148]; Test of Gross Motor
assessments (Canadian Assessment of Physical Literacy: Development-3: TGMD-3 [149–155, 162]; Y Balance
CAPL-2 [70–77, 80]; Physical Literacy Assessment in Test: YBT [156]). Two tools assessed elements within
Youth: PLAYfun [59, 79, 165]; Passport for Life: PFL the cognitive domain (Beat Osteoporosis Now-Physical
[58]). Thirty-two tools assessed elements within the Activity Survey: BONES PAS [163]; Pupil Health Know-
affective domain (Achievement Goal scale for Youth ledge Assessment: PHKA [164]).
Sports: AGSYS [81]; ASK-KIDS [82–84]; Attitudes To-
wards Curriculum Physical Education: ATCPE [85]; Atti- Assessment Characteristics
tudes Towards Outdoor play scale: ATOP [86]; Adapted Table 3 describes the characteristics of the 52 included
Behavioural Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire: BREQ assessment tools. The majority of assessments were de-
[87]; Children’s Attraction to Physical Activity Question- veloped in the USA (n = 28), Australia (n = 5) and Eur-
naire: CAPA [88–90]; Children’s Attitudes Towards ope (n = 12). Notably, the three explicit (self-titled)
Physical Activity: CATPA [91–93]; Commitment to physical literacy assessments—CAPL-2, PLAYfun and
Physical Activity Scale: CPAS [94]; Children and Youth PFL—were all developed in Canada. PLAYfun is one
Physical Self-Perception Profile: CY-PSPP [95, 96]; Mo- component of a wider suite of physical literacy assess-
tivational determinants of elementary school students’ ment in youth (PLAY) tools designed to assist with
participation in physical activity: DPAPI [97]; Enjoyment programme evaluation and research in sport, health and
in Physical Education: EnjoyPE [98]; Food, Health and recreation, including PLAYbasic, PLAYfun, PLAYself,
Choices Questionnaire: FHC-Q [99, 100]; Feelings About PLAYparent and PLAYcoach [59]. Studies were only
Physical Movement: FAPM [83]; Healthy Opportunities found in relation to PLAYfun, which assesses eighteen
for Physical Activity and Nutrition Evaluation: HOP’N motor skill tasks (including running, locomotor, upper
[101]; Lunchtime Enjoyment of Activity and Play Ques- body control, lower body control) by observation from
tionnaire: LEAP [102]; Momentary Assessment of Affect trained assessors. The child’s confidence and compre-
and Physical feeling states: MAAP [103]; Motivational hension towards the movement are also recorded. Confi-
Orientation in Sport Scale: MOSS [104, 105]; Negative dence refers to whether the child had low, medium or
Attitudes Towards Physical Activity Scale: NAS [106]; high confidence when performing each task, while com-
Physical Activity Beliefs and Motives: PABM [107]; prehension is assessed as to whether the child requires a
Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale: PACES [108]; Phys- prompt, mimics their peers, asks the assessor for a de-
ical activity and Healthy Food Efficacy: PAHFE [109]; scription or demonstration of the task. The assessor
Positive Attitudes Towards Physical Activity Scale: PAS must have some education in movement or motion ana-
[106]; Physical Activity Self-Efficacy Questionnaire: lysis and grades each child’s physical ability using a
PASE [110]; Physical Activity Self-Efficacy Scale: PASES 100mm visual analogue scale, placing a mark in one of
[111, 112]; Physical Activity Self-efficacy, Enjoyment, four categories: initial, emerging, competent and profi-
and Social Support Scale [113]; The Revised Perceived cient. Scores of 100 on the scale represent “the best any-
Locus of causality in physical Education: PLOC in PE one can be at the skill, regardless of age” [59]. Scores
[114]; Perceived Motivational Climate in Sport Ques- across tasks are summed and then divided by 18 to gen-
tionnaire: PMCS [115]; Response to Challenge Scale: erate the PLAYfun physical literacy score. The PFL is
RCS [116–118]; Self-Efficacy Scale [119]; Self-Perception designed as a formative criterion-based assessment for
Profile for Children: SPPC [120–123, 125]; Trichotom- PE practitioners and incorporates fitness and movement
ous Achievement Goal Model: TAGM [124]; Task and assessments (Plank, Lateral Bound, Four-Station Circuit,
Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire: TEOSQ [108, Run-Stop-Return, Throw and Catch with a Bounce, Ad-
115]). Fifteen tools assessed elements within the physical vanced Kick) as well as questionnaires to assess active
domain (ALPHA Fitness Battery: ALPHA [126, 157]; participation (22 self-report items relating to diversity,
Table 3 Characteristics of physical literacy and related affective, physical and affective domain assessments
Assessment, country of Participant n, sex Purpose/ use of assessment Constructs assessed Scale Scoring
origin, author(s) of (% female) (age
primary study range; mean age)
[citation], related
studies [citation(s)]
Explicit physical literacy assessments
CAPL-2 N = 963 Assess physical literacy CAMSA Scores from domains are summed to create a
Canada 55% (8–10; 10.1 ± PACER (10m or 25m) CAPL-2 total score out of 100, which is used to
Longmuir et al. [70–77, 1.17) Isometric plank hold classify the children into one of four interpretative
80] Motivation and confidence are measured by a 12 categories (beginning, progressing, achieving or
items questionnaire that aggregate to four excelling) based on age and sex specific cut
Shearer et al. Sports Medicine - Open
Daily behaviour is measured via self-report ques- tion) of the assessment, wherein participants re-
tionnaire and pedometer step counts spond to bipolar statements “What’s most like
me” selecting if it’s “really true for me” or “sort of
true for me” (30 points in total). Daily physical ac-
tivity behaviour as assessed by self-report and
daily pedometer step count (30 points) and know-
ledge and understanding (10 points). The know-
ledge and understanding component include four
questionnaire items and a missing word para-
graph activity.
PFL Pilot n = 860 PFL includes three assessments for each of Measures include student profile, living skill Living skill and active participation questionnaires
Canada (9–10) the four components (active participation, questionnaire (feelings—7 items, thinking—7 scored on a 4-point Likert scale
Lodewyk et al. [58] 2013–2014 n = fitness, movement and living skills). Aim of items, interacting—7 items) Fitness and Movement skills assessed by teachers
1036 the study was to uncover initial validation Active participation questionnaire (22 items across using a 4-point scale (1 = emerging, 2 = develop-
(8–11; NR) evidence 3 scales of diversity, interests, intentions) ing, 3 = acquired, 4 = accomplished) based on
46% (of the 176 Fitness kills assessed by the Plank Challenge, The detailed descriptions of each in a rubric provided
that reported sex) Lateral Bound and the Four-Station Circuit to teachers
approximately 40% Movement skills assessed by the Run-Stop-Return,
completed all Throw and Catch with a Bounce, Advanced Kick
n = 1199
(8–12; NR)
44% (of the 327
who reported sex)
Paper also reported
data for ages 12–19
years old
PLAYfun N = 215 Assess motor competence, comprehension 18 different movement tasks within five domains Children are assessed using a VAS that is 100 mm
Canada 48% (7–14; NR) and confidence that assess different aspects of a child’s in length and divided into four categories:
Cairney et al. [78, 79, movement skills. The five domains are as follows: Confidence is rated a low, medium or high
165] running Comprehension is rated as Prompt: If the child
locomotor needed the assessor to give them an additional
Page 9 of 40
Table 3 Characteristics of physical literacy and related affective, physical and affective domain assessments (Continued)
Assessment, country of Participant n, sex Purpose/ use of assessment Constructs assessed Scale Scoring
origin, author(s) of (% female) (age
primary study range; mean age)
[citation], related
studies [citation(s)]
object control—upper body prompt (outside of the instructions) (e.g. “Go on.
object control—lower body You can do it.”), or to incite them to perform the
balance, stability, and body control skill/task, place a tick in the “Prompt” column.
Confidence and comprehension is assessed by Mimic: If the child waited for one of their peers to
rater when child is completing motor perform the skill first, place a tick in the “Mimic”
competence assessment column. Describe: If the child asked the assessor to
Shearer et al. Sports Medicine - Open
AGSYS N = 1675 Use the 2x2 achievement goal framework to 12 items related to mastery/ego X approach/ 5-point Likert scale from 1 (not at all true) to 5
USA NR (9–12, NR) assess goal approach orientations avoidance goal framework (very true)
Cumming et al. [81]
ASK-KIDS N = 76 Self-concept in relation to physical Dot-point rating scores 1 (low) to 5 (high) Scores averaged from (1) low to (5) high
Australia 43% (4–13.5, 8.1 ± movement, natural talent, effort, difficulty,
Bornholt & Piccolo 2.3) personal identity, and social identity
ATCPE N = 223 Assess attitudes towards curriculum PE 25 items (13 positive and 12 negative) 5-point Likert scale from strongly disagree (1) to
UK NR (9–12, NR) strongly agree (5)
Jones [85]
ATOP N = 362 Attitudes towards outdoor play Three scales: Perceived benefit of playing outside “How much do you agree with each statement?”
USA 49% (9–13, 11) 4 items; Extent to which students enjoy Responses on a 5-point Likert scale from strongly
Beyer et al. [86] unstructured play 3 items; Barriers to outdoor play disagree to strongly agree
5 items
BREQ N = 462 Assess self-determined motivation for PA and Self-determined motivation for PA: 12 items, 3 per 5-point Likert scale from 1 (not true for me) to 5
UK 56.9% (7–11; 10.0 ± PA psychological need satisfaction in children motivation scale (intrinsic, extrinsic, external). PA (very true for me).
Sebire et al. [87] 0.6) psychological need satisfaction: autonomy (6
items), competence (6 items), relatedness (6
CAPA N = 81 Measurement of attraction to PA Original scale has 25 items (5 subscales with 5 Structured alternate. Adapted version used 1 to 4
USA 53% (9–10; 10.4 ± items each), shorter scale has 15 items (5 Likert scale
Brustad [88–90] 0.3) subscales with 3 items each). Subscales include
liking of games and sports, liking of physical
exertion and exercise, liking of vigorous PA, peer
acceptance in sport and games, importance of
CATPA N = 992 Assess attitudes towards PA 6 scales; social, health and fitness, pursuit of 5-point Likert scale and semantic differential
USA 51% (9–12; NR) vertigo, aesthetic, catharsis, and aesthetic. Each technique with a 0-7 bipolar continuum, with 0 as
Simon & Smoll [87, 91] had 8 items a neutral reference point. Adjectives at each end
of the continuum included good-bad, of no use-
useful, not pleasant-pleasant, bitter-sweet, nice-
Page 10 of 40
Table 3 Characteristics of physical literacy and related affective, physical and affective domain assessments (Continued)
Assessment, country of Participant n, sex Purpose/ use of assessment Constructs assessed Scale Scoring
origin, author(s) of (% female) (age
primary study range; mean age)
[citation], related
studies [citation(s)]
awful, happy-sad, dirty-clean, steady-nervous
CPAS N = 932 Physical activity commitment 12 items measuring attitudes and feelings Likert scale 0 (strongly disagree) to 3 (strongly
USA 100% (9–14, NR) towards PA agree)
DeBate [94]
CY-PSPP N = 152 Assess physical self-perceptions in children 36 items, 6 items for each of the 6 domains 4 point structured alternate format and standard
Shearer et al. Sports Medicine - Open
USA 53% (9–11; NR) (global self-esteem, physical self-worth, sport com- 4-point Likert scale for comparison
Welk et al. [95, 96] petence, body attractiveness, physical strength,
physical condition)
DPAPI N = 435 Assess psychological needs, motivational Innate psychological needs (6 items), motivational Innate psychological needs, motivational types
USA 51% (11–12; 9.9 ± types, and motivational consequences for PA types (12 items), motivational consequences (6 and motivational behavioural consequences were
Chen [97] 1.1) participation outside of school items) assessed on a 5-point Likert scale 5 (very like me)
(2021) 7:37
PABM N = 2092 Assess motives for physical activity Self-efficacy (8 items). Perceived barriers: 3 scales; All used 4-point order response format apart from
USA 53% (10–12, NR) obstacles (3 items), evaluation (3 items), outcomes perceived parental support, 5 point ordered for-
Dishman et al. [107] (3 items). Motives for PA: 30 items, 5 scales for mat. Participants entered all self-administered
intrinsic; enjoyment (7 items), competence (7 questionnaire responses into a survey software
items) and extrinsic; fitness (5 items), appearance database on laptop computers
(6 items), social (5 items). Parental support (5
PACES N = 564 Assess the enjoyment of PA 16 bipolar statements starting with the stem 5-point Likert scale 1 (Disagree a lot) to 5 (Agree a
USA 53% (8–9; 8.7 ± 0.5 “When I am physically active…” lot)
Moore et al. [108]
PAHFE N = 131 Assess personal goal setting and decision- 18 items representing children may experiences 5-point Likert scale from 1 (not sure at all) to 5
USA 54% (8–14; 9.9 ± making efficacy for PA and food choices when attempting to improve PA and eating (completely sure)
Perry et al. [109] NR) behaviours
PAS N = 382 Measure positive attitudes towards PA All items (8) followed the stem “If I were to be 5-point Likert scale from 1 (disagree a lot) to 5
USA 46% (10–12; 10.8 ± physically active on most days…” (agree a lot)
Nelson et al. [106] 0.65)
PASE N = 560 Assess PA self-efficacy 23 physical activity and 24 sedentary behaviour (3 Dichotomous options (sure and not sure)
USA 49% (NR, 11.3 ± 0.6) subscales relating to TV, computer/video game/
Jago et al. [110] telephone) items were loaded onto palm pilots.
All items start with stem “How sure are you that
you have (can)…”
PASES N = 442 Assess psychosocial determinants on Social influences (1 factor), self-efficacy (3 factors; 2-point scale (yes or no)
USA NR (10–11; NR) children’s PA: social influences, self-efficacy, support seeking, barriers, positive alternatives), be-
Saunders et al. [87] beliefs, and intention liefs (2 factors; social outcomes, PA outcomes)
Physical Activity Self- N = 457 Assess PA self-efficacy, enjoyment, social 8 item scale used to measure PA self-efficacy. 7 Self-efficacy and enjoyment scales used Likert
efficacy, enjoyment, 50% (8–12, 10.3 ± support item scale to assess PA enjoyment. 10 items to as- scale ranging from 1 (Disagree a lot) to 5 (Agree a
social support 1.0) sess social support for exercise lot). Social support scale used a 5-point scale 1
China (none) to 5 (very often)
Liang et al. [113]
Page 12 of 40
PLOC in PE N = 817 Assess the revised PLOC for use in PE PLOC scale adapted for PE (19 items), perceived Participants provided their responses on a 1-5
Table 3 Characteristics of physical literacy and related affective, physical and affective domain assessments (Continued)
Assessment, country of Participant n, sex Purpose/ use of assessment Constructs assessed Scale Scoring
origin, author(s) of (% female) (age
primary study range; mean age)
[citation], related
studies [citation(s)]
USA 50% (11–12; NR) autonomy support (6 items), subjective vitality Likert type scale anchored by 1 (totally disagree) 4
Vlachopoulos et al. (unclear how many items) (in between) and 7 (totally agree)
PMCS N = 116 Assess perceptions of the motivational Statement starts with stem “In roadrunners…” Participants responded in agreement to
USA 42% (9–10; NR) climate of team in terms of matter and followed by 24 items related to perception of statements on a 5-point Likert scales from YES (5)
Xiang et al. [115] performance goals motivational climate. 11 mastery focussed and 13 to NO (1) (YES, yes? no, NO), scores calculated by
Shearer et al. Sports Medicine - Open
performance focussed items. In original scale an average for each scale. In original scale 1
(used with older children) 9 mastery and 12 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree)
performance items related team…
RCS N = 112 Assess children’s self-regulatory abilities in 16 items and three subscales: Cognitive Self- Bipolar adjectives (e.g. “attentive–inattentive”) are
USA 51% (NR, 4–11) physically active context Regulation (6 items, including “control over emo- used for each item, and raters were asked to rate
(2021) 7:37
Lakes & Hoyt [87] tions- uncontrolled emotions”) the child using a 7-point scale
Self-efficacy scale N = 15 children Assess self-efficacy in overcoming PA barriers Potentially 12 questions but not reported clearly 5-point Likert scale
USA 68% (NR, 8.2 ± 0.9)
Leary et al. [87]
SPPC N = 2704 Assess perceived competence in children 36 items, 5 domain specific sub-scale each with 6 Structure alternative format
USA NR (8–12, NR) items: scholastic competence, social acceptance,
Harter 1982 [87] athletic competence, physical appearance, behav-
ioural conduct. One global measure of self-worth
TAGM N = 15 Trichotomous achievement goal theory in 15 items reflecting mastery, performance 5-point Likert scale (not at all true to very true)
Turkey 57% elementary PE approach and performance avoidance
Agbuga [87] (8–12, NR) achievement goals. Each item prefaced “in my PE
Physical Domain
ALPHA N = 58 Fitness assessment Pubertal status Individual scores for each test: if the student
Spain NR (6–11; NR) Weight and Height would not perform the task by selecting a reason:
España-Romero et al. Waist circumference 1=shyness, 2=lack of motivation
[87] Skinfold thickness (triceps and subscapular)
Hand grip strength
Standing long jump
4x10m shuttle run test
20m shuttle run test
Athletic Skills Track N = 463 FMS The tracks consisted of a series of fundamental Time taken to complete each track
(AST) NR (6–12; NR) motor tasks (n = 10)
Hoeboer et al. [127]
Bruininks–Oseretsky N = 2485 Motor competence Consists of 4 motor area composites: fine manual Motor skills are quantified based on the results of
Test of Motor 47.7% (6–11; 8.5 ± control, manual coordination, body coordination, goal-directed activities. A raw score for item out-
Proficiency (BOTMP- NR) strength and agility come may be a drawing, a number of correct ac-
SF) tivities performed, a number of seconds to
Canada complete a task, and/or a complete/incomplete
Page 13 of 40
Table 3 Characteristics of physical literacy and related affective, physical and affective domain assessments (Continued)
Assessment, country of Participant n, sex Purpose/ use of assessment Constructs assessed Scale Scoring
origin, author(s) of (% female) (age
primary study range; mean age)
[citation], related
studies [citation(s)]
Fransen et al. [130] task. A scoring form is used to convert raw scores
[87] into point scores
EUROFIT N = 119 Fitness assessment PWC 170 test Highest score for each assessment recorded
Norway 51% 6-min run test
Cepero et al. [87, 131, (8–12; 10.4 ± 1.2) Arm pull (or hand grip)
132] Participant Standing broad jump (or vertical jump)
Shearer et al. Sports Medicine - Open
FITNESSGRAM N = 84 Fitness assessment PACER, One-Mile Run, Walk Test, Body Fat Percent- Individual scores for each assessment then
USA 57% (10–12; NR) age (Skinfold and Bioelectrical Impedance Ana- converted to FITnessGram® classifies fitness levels
Patterson et al. [132– lyser (BIA), Body Mass Index, Curl-Up, Trunk Lift, using discrete zones to allow for more
134, 160] 90° Push-Up, Modified Pull-Up, Flexed Arm Hang, personalised feedback
Flexibility , Back-Saver Sit and Reach, Shoulder
Stretch, flexibility and PA behaviour
Golf Swing and Putt N = 43 FMS Skill Scores for both skills were summed for each child
skill Assessment NR (6–10; 7.8 ± 1.3) Materials resulting in a potential score range of 0-24
Australia Directions
Barnett et al. [135] Golf Swing
Performance Criteria
MOBAK-3 test N = 317 Motor skill 10 test items: Throwing/ throwing and catching, Test items are dichotomously scaled (0 =failed, 1
Germany 55% (6–7;7.0 ± NR) bouncing, dribbling, balancing, rolling, rope = passed, both attempts passed = 2 points)
Hermann et al. [87, skipping and moving variably
Movement N = 323 Motor skill The three broad motor skill categories that are Item performance may be a number of points, a
assessment battery 47% (7–10;9.0 ± assessed are Manual Dexterity, Aiming and number of performance correct or number of
for children - 2 NR) Catching, and Balance. errors performed, and number of seconds to
Spain complete task
Wagner et al. [87]
MUGI N = 251 Motor skill 9 gross motor tasks measuring two components Three levels are used for evaluation of motor skills
Sweden NR (6–8; NR) of motor skills; 0, 1 and 2.
Ericsson [87] Balance/bilateral coordination
Hand eye coordination
OP N = 95 Motor skill Space covering skills The result of the test is the time needed to
Croatia 49% (NR; 8.1 ± 0.3) Resistance overcoming skills successfully accomplish four of the tasks
Zuvela [145] Object control skills
PARAGON N = 65 Gardening movements Gardening motions (bending, carrying, lifting, For each time interval the observer chooses 1 of
USA 59% (5–9; NR) stretching, watering) the 7 PA codes and 1 of the 9 garden tasks
Myers & Wells [87]
Page 14 of 40
Table 3 Characteristics of physical literacy and related affective, physical and affective domain assessments (Continued)
Assessment, country of Participant n, sex Purpose/ use of assessment Constructs assessed Scale Scoring
origin, author(s) of (% female) (age
primary study range; mean age)
[citation], related
studies [citation(s)]
SEBT N = 24 Balance N/A The point at which the participant touched the
Spain 50% (10–12; 11.0 ± line was marked by the examiner and measured
Calatayud et al. [87] NR) manually using a measuring tape
SS N = 337 Stability skills Three postural control tasks were selected (the Each task completed twice, with tasks broken
Australia NR (6–10; 8.2 ± 1.2) log roll, rock and back support) down into performance components (rock-4, log
Rudd et al. [87] Confirmatory factor roll-3, back support 5)
Shearer et al. Sports Medicine - Open
analysis: N = 300
48% (NR; 8.2 ± 1.1)
TGMD-3 N = 1460 FMS The TGMD-3 assesses 13 fundamental motor skills, Each skill is evaluated on three to five
USA 50% (5–10; 8.4 ± subdivided into two subscales: Locomotor: run, performance criteria, 2- trials summed per skill
Ulrich et al. [87] NR) gallop, hop, leap, horizontal jump, slide 0 = if a criterion was not performed
(2021) 7:37
ATCPE • • • •
ATOP Scale •
BREQ • • •
(2021) 7:37
CAPA • •
CPAS • • •
EnjoyPE •
FHC-Q • •
HOP’N • • •
MOSS • • • •
NAS • •
PABM • • • •
PAS • •
PASE • • • •
PASES • • •
PLOC in PE •
Page 16 of 40
Table 4 An overview of the elements of physical literacy covered by assessments included within the affective domain (Continued)
Assessment tool Confidence Motivation Emotional Enjoyment Persistence/resilience/ Adaptability Willingness to try Autonomy Self-perception/ Perceived physical
regulation commitment new activities self-esteem competence
Self-Efficacy Scale •
SPPC • •
AGSYS Achievement Goal scale for Youth Sports, ATCPE Attitudes Towards Curriculum Physical Education, ATOP Attitudes Towards Outdoor play scale, BREQ Adapted Behavioural Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire,
CAPA Children’s Attraction to Physical Activity Questionnaire, CATPA Children’s Attitudes Towards Physical Activity, CPAS Commitment to Physical Activity Scale, CY-PSPP Children and Youth Physical Self-Perception
Profile, DPAPI Motivational determinants of elementary school students’ participation in physical activity, EnjoyPE Enjoyment in Physical Education, FHC-Q Food Health and Choices Questionnaire, FAPM Feelings About
Shearer et al. Sports Medicine - Open
Physical Movement, HOP’N Healthy Opportunities for Physical Activity and Nutrition Evaluation, LEAP Lunchtime Enjoyment of Activity and Play Questionnaire, MAAP Momentary Assessment of Affect and Physical
feeling states, MOSS Motivational Orientation in Sport Scale, NAS Negative Attitudes Towards Physical Activity Scale, PABM Physical Activity Beliefs and Motives, PACES Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale, PAHFE Physical
activity and Healthy Food Efficacy, PAS Positive Attitudes Towards Physical Activity Scale, PASE Physical Activity Self-Efficacy Questionnaire, PASES Physical Activity Self-Efficacy Scale, PLOC in PE The Revised Perceived
Locus of causality in physical Education, PMCS Perceived Motivational Climate in Sport Questionnaire, RCS Response to Challenge Scale, SPPC Self-Perception Profile for Children, TAGM Trichotomous Achievement Goal
Model, TEOSQ Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire, CAPL-2 Canadian Assessment of Physical Literacy, PFL Passport for Life
(2021) 7:37
Page 17 of 40
Table 5 An overview of the elements of physical literacy covered by assessments included within the physical domain
Assessment tool Object control Stability Locomotor Movement Movement Moving using Cardiovascular Muscular Coordination
skills—land skills—water equipment endurance endurance
Explicit physical literacy assessments
CAPL-2 • • • • • • •
PLAYfun • • • • •
PFL • • • • • • •
Physical domain
ALPHA • • • •
Shearer et al. Sports Medicine - Open
AST-1/2 • • • • •
BOT-SF • • • • •
EUROFIT • • • •
(2021) 7:37
GSPA • • •
MABC-2 • • • •
MOBAK-3 • • • • • •
MUGI • • • • •
SEBT • •
Stability Skills • •
TGMD-3 • • •
Y-BT • •
ALPHA ALPHA Fitness Battery, AST Athletic Skills Track ½, BOTMP-SF Bruininks–Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency, EUROFIT, FG FITNESSGRAM, GSPA Golf Swing and Putt skill Assessment, MOBAK-3 Motorische
Basiskompetenzen in der 3, MABC2 Movement assessment battery for children-2, MUGI Motorisk Utveckling som Grund för Inlärning, OP Obstacle Polygon, PARAGON PA Research and Assessment tool for Garden
Observation, SEBT Star Excursion Balance Test, SS Stability skill test protocol, TGMD-3 Test of Gross Motor Development-3, YBT Y Balance Test, CAPL-2 Canadian Assessment of Physical Literacy, PFL Passport for Life
Page 18 of 40
Table 5 An overview of the elements of physical literacy covered by assessments included within the physical domain (Continued)
Assessment tool Flexibility Agility Strength Reaction Time Speed Power Rhythmic Aesthetic/expressive Sequencing Specific to an environment Progression (simple-complex)
Explicit physical literacy assessments
CAPL-2 • • • •
PFL • •
Physical domain
ALPHA • • •
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BOT-SF • • •
(2021) 7:37
MOBAK-3 • • • •
Stability Skills
Y-BT •
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Table 6 An overview of the elements of physical literacy covered by assessments included within the cognitive domain
(2021) 7:37
Assessment Benefits Importance Effects of PA PA Sedentary Ability to identify and Creativity and Decision- Ability to Tactics, rules Safety
tool of PA of PA on body opportunities behaviour describe movement imagination making reflect and strategy considerations
and risk
Explicit physical literacy assessments
CAPL-2 • • •
PLAYfun •
PFL • • • •
Cognitive domain
BONES • • •
BONES PAS Beat Osteoporosis Now-Physical Activity Survey, PHKA Pupil Health Knowledge Assessment, CAPL-2 Canadian Assessment of Physical Literacy, PFL Passport for Life
Page 20 of 40
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Table 7 COSMIN risk of bias scores for the methodological quality of the included studies for each measurement property
Assessment tool [studies] Content Construct Internal Criterion Cross Test-retest Intra-rater Inter-rater
validity validity consistency validity cultural reliability reliability reliability
Explicit physical literacy assessments
CAPL-2 [70–77, 80] VG VG – VG VG VG A A
PFL [58] VG A D – – A A A
PLAYfun [79, 165] A VG VG VG – – A A
Affective domain
AGSYS [81] A VG VG – – A – –
ASK-KIDS [82–84] IN D VG – – – – –
ATCPE [85] A – VG – – – D –
ATOP [86] A D VG – – – – –
BREQ [87] IN VG VG – – – – –
CAPA [87] A – VG – VG – – –
CATPA [87] IN – VG – – – D –
CPAS [87] IN A – – – – – –
DPAPI [87] – VG D – – – – –
EnjoyPE [87] A – VG – – – – –
FHC-Q [87] A D VG – – A – –
FAPM [87] IN – VG – – – – –
HOP’N [87] – – VG – – – – –
LEAP [87] A – VG – – VG – –
MAAP [87] IN – VG – – – –
MOSS [87] – A VG
NAS [87] IN VG VG – – – – –
PABM [87] IN VG – – – – – –
PACES [87] IN VG VG – – – – –
PAHFE [87] A VG VG – – IN – –
PAS [87] IN VG VG – – – – –
PASE [87] A A VG – – – – –
PASES [87] IN A VG – VG A – –
Physical Activity Self-efficacy, en- IN VG VG – – A – –
joyment, social support [87]
PLOC in PE [87] – VG VG – – –
PMCS [87] A – VG – – –
RCS [87] D IN – – – D – D
Self-efficacy scale [87] VG – VG – – – –
SPPC [87] A VG VG – – – – –
TAGM [87] IN IN VG – – – – –
TEOSQ [87] IN – VG – – – – –
Physical domain
ALPHA [87] D – – – – D – D
AST [87] A A – VG – IN – –
BOTMP-SF [87] A A D D – A – A
EUROFIT [87] D – – – – D – –
Shearer et al. Sports Medicine - Open (2021) 7:37 Page 22 of 40
Table 7 COSMIN risk of bias scores for the methodological quality of the included studies for each measurement property
Assessment tool [studies] Content Construct Internal Criterion Cross Test-retest Intra-rater Inter-rater
validity validity consistency validity cultural reliability reliability reliability
GSPA [87] A – – – – D A –
MABC-2 [87] A VG VG VG A – A A
MOBAK-3 [87] A VG – – – – – –
MUGI [87] – D IN – – IN – IN
Obstacle Polygon [87] D IN – D – – IN –
PARAGON [87] – – – – – D – D
SEBT [87] – – – – – A – IN
SS [87] A VG – IN – D – –
YBT [87] – – D – D – – –
Cognitive domain
BONES PAS [87] IN – – – – IN – –
PHKA [87] – – – – – IN – –
Canadian Assessment of Physical Literacy; PFL Passport for Life, AGSYS Achievement Goal scale for Youth Sports, ATCPE Attitudes Towards Curriculum Physical
Education, ATOP,Attitudes Towards Outdoor play scale, BREQ Adapted Behavioural Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire, CAPA Children’s Attraction to Physical
Activity Questionnaire, CATPA Children’s Attitudes Towards Physical Activity, CPAS Commitment to Physical Activity Scale, CY-PSPP Children and Youth Physical
Self-Perception Profile, DPAPI Motivational determinants of elementary school students’ participation in physical activity, EnjoyPE Enjoyment in Physical Education,
FHC-Q Food Health and Choices Questionnaire, FAPM Feelings About Physical Movement, HOP’N Healthy Opportunities for Physical Activity and Nutrition
Evaluation, LEAP Lunchtime Enjoyment of Activity and Play Questionnaire, MAAP Momentary Assessment of Affect and Physical feeling states, MOSS Motivational
Orientation in Sport Scale, NAS Negative Attitudes Towards Physical Activity Scale, PABM Physical Activity Beliefs and Motives, PACES Physical Activity Enjoyment
Scale, PAHFE Physical activity and Healthy Food Efficacy, PAS Positive Attitudes Towards Physical Activity Scale, PASE Physical Activity Self-Efficacy Questionnaire,
PASES Physical Activity Self-Efficacy Scale, PLOC in PE The Revised Perceived Locus of causality in physical Education, PMCS Perceived Motivational Climate in Sport
Questionnaire, RCS Response to Challenge Scale, SPPC Self-Perception Profile for Children, TAGM Trichotomous Achievement Goal Model, TEOSQ Task and Ego
Orientation in Sport Questionnaire, ALPHA ALPHA Fitness Battery, AST Athletic Skills Track ½, BOTMP-SF Bruininks–Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency, CAMSA
Canadian Agility and Movement Skills Assessment, EUROFIT, FG FITNESSGRAM, FGCOMP FG-COMPASS, GSPA Golf Swing and Putt skill Assessment, MOBAK-3
Motorische Basiskompetenzen in der 3, MABC2 Movement assessment battery for children-2, MUGI Motorisk Utveckling som Grund för Inlärning, OP Obstacle
Polygon, PARAGON PA Research and Assessment tool for Garden Observation, SMT Slalom Movement Test, SEBT Star Excursion Balance Test, SS Stability skill test,
TGMD-3 Test of Gross Motor Development-3, 20MSR The Leger 20m Shuttle Run test, YBT Y Balance Test, BONES PAS Beat Osteoporosis Now-Physical Activity
Survey, PHKA Pupil Health Knowledge Assessment
interests and intentions) and living skills (21 items relat- (beginning, progressing, achieving or excelling) based on
ing to feelings, thinking and interacting skills). The fit- age and sex-specific cut points.
ness and movement assessments are scored by teachers Within the physical domain, assessments were typic-
using detailed rubrics that examine the technique and ally administered within the gym hall or an onsite sports
outcomes of the movements, with children placed into facility within the school setting (n = 15); only one tool
one of four categories: emerging, developing, acquired, (PARAGON) utilised an outdoor garden setting. Add-
accomplished. CAPL-2 was developed for monitoring itionally, each physical tool utilised a form of product
and surveillance of physical literacy [67]. The CAPL-2 scoring (i.e. ALPHA, AST, BOT-2 SF, EUROFIT, FITN
protocol integrates the measurement of physical compe- ESSGRAM, MABC-2, MOBAK-3, MUGI, OP, SEBT,
tence (PACER test, Plank [70] and the Canadian Agility YBT), which focuses on the outcomes of the move-
and Movement Skills Assessment: CAMSA [71]), which ments (e.g. distance jumped) or process scoring (i.e.
is worth 30 points, motivation and confidence (30 GSPA, SS, TGMD-3), which focuses on the technical
points), daily physical activity behaviour as assessed by quality of the movement (e.g. arms extending upwards
self-report and daily pedometer step count (30 points) and outwards during jump). Assessments within the
and knowledge and understanding (10 points). The affective and cognitive domain were typically adminis-
knowledge and understanding component includes four tered via a pen and paper or online questionnaire, with
questionnaire items and a missing word paragraph activ- picture/photo support for some. All questionnaires
ity. Scores from domains are summed to create a CAPL- used Likert scale rating systems or structured alternate
2 total score out of 100, which is used to classify the response formats to score responses. One affective do-
children into one of four interpretative categories main assessment, the RCS, consisted of the observation
Shearer et al. Sports Medicine - Open (2021) 7:37 Page 23 of 40
of a child’s completion of a physical activity obstacle motivation together within the same assessment. Within
course, where observers were asked to score the child’s the cognitive domain, both BONES PAS and PHKA
self-regulation and response to challenge using a 7- assessed the benefits of physical activity. No cognitive
point bipolar adjective scale [118]. The two assessments measures assessed elements related to knowledge and
solely included within the cognitive domain were re- understanding of PA opportunities, sedentary behaviour,
ported in intervention studies [163, 164]. creativity/imagination or tactics, rules and strategy.
confirm the four-factor structure as a good fit within good methodological quality generally reported that the
Greek and Chinese populations, respectively. factor analysis supported the proposed model structure
Within the affective domain, 87% of included studies (AGYS, BREQ, CY-PSPP, DPAPI, NAS, PABM, PACES,
provided detail surrounding content validity. This typic- PAHFE, PAS, PA self-efficacy enjoyment and social sup-
ally included reviews of the literature and contributions port scale, PLOC in PE, SPPC). Cross-cultural validity
from an expert panel. A large number of the affective as- was reported for CAPA [90] and PASES [112] as both
sessments were originally developed for adolescent or studies provided satisfactory evidence that no important
adult populations and were adapted for use with chil- differences were found between language versions in
dren. As a result, these studies received an “inadequate multiple group factor analysis. Only 31% of studies in-
rating” for content validity. Only 36% of studies involved cluded within the affective domain reported information
children in assessment development: ATCPE and CAPA relating to reliability (AGSYS, ATCPE, CATPA, CY-
used children to generate items while other studies in- PSPP, FHC-Q, LEAP, PAHFE, PASES, PA self-efficacy
volved children in pilot assessment or cognitive inter- enjoyment social support, RCS). The majority of studies
viewing (AGYS, ATOP, FHC-Q, MAAP, PACES, reported internal consistency (91%). With the exception
PAHFE, PASES, RCS, Self-efficacy Scale, TAGM). The of the DPAPI, all of the tools that did report internal
majority of affective related studies reported construct consistency were considered of very good methodo-
validity (66%), which was commonly determined through logical quality as they presented Cronbach’s alpha coeffi-
confirmatory factor analysis, although the use of other cient for each subscale. The Cronbach’s alpha
methods and lower sample size downgraded the meth- coefficients generally reported were > 0.7 and therefore
odological quality of some of these studies for other deemed acceptable. Only one affective tool was assessed
tools (CPAS, PASE, PASES, TAGM). The studies of very for test-retest reliability within a very good quality study
Shearer et al. Sports Medicine - Open (2021) 7:37 Page 26 of 40
(LEAP). Median kappa agreement scores varied signifi- details on validity were reported. Both tools (BONES
cantly from 0.22 to 0.74 by construct, ranging from fair PAS, PHKA) included in the cognitive domain reported
to substantial agreement [102]. The RCS scored “inad- test-retest reliability. However, methodological flaws re-
equate” for construct validity, and “doubtful” for inter- sulted in “inadequate” scoring. BONES PAS was admin-
rater reliability methodological quality. istered by trained research assistants once to each child
Within the physical domain, 13 tools (86%) reported on the same day, but only 1–2 h apart. PHKA re-
information relating to content validity, however, no as- administered the questionnaire after a 2-week interval,
sessments received a score of “very good” for methodo- however, ICC or weighted kappa was not reported. Nei-
logical quality. Despite the majority of tools utilising ther tool within the cognitive domain reported details
“widely recognised or well-justified methods” [61] (i.e. relating to other measurement properties and therefore
literature reviews, consulting experts, Delphi polls etc.), these could not be appraised.
there was a lack of clarity regarding the implementation
of these methods and how/if any findings were ana- Feasibility
lysed. This included information concerning researcher Table 8 provides the utility matrix ratings of each assess-
involvement, data collection process, recording of con- ment (maximum score possible=28). All of the explicit
sultations/meetings and who led the analysis of col- physical literacy assessments could be completed using
lected information. Nine tools had studies that reported the space and resources available in a typical primary
construct validity, with studies of the MABC-2, school environment. CAPL-2 (feasibility score=16),
MOKAB-3, SS and TGMD-3 displaying “very good” PLAYfun (14) and PFL (20) all provide a catalogue of re-
methodological rigour and reporting a good fit between sources online, which can be accessed and used by a
each conceptual model and the provided data. In class teacher (or any other engaged stakeholder) to pre-
addition, AST, MABC-2 and the TGMD-3 reported pare for, administer and score all portions of the assess-
“very good” criterion validity protocols. Specifically, ment. PFL, designed for PE teachers, scored highly in
moderate correlations were reported between AST and qualification requirements, training and participant un-
the KTK (r = 0.47 to 0.50) and between TGMD-2 and derstanding. PLAYfun is, however, designed to be used
MABC-2 (r = 0.30). Internal consistency was reported by trained professionals (e.g. coach, physiotherapist, ath-
for 6 assessment tools (BOT-SF, FITNESSGRAM, letic therapist, exercise professional or recreation profes-
MACB 2, MUGI, TGMD-3 and YBT) with only the sional) and therefore was deemed less feasible for use by
MABC-2 and TGMD-3 receiving scores of “very good” PE teachers in terms of qualifications required, though
methodological quality due to studies reporting the specific training for the aforementioned professionals is
relevant statistics for each unidimensional scale. not required. Stearns et al. [79] reported that graduate
MABC-2 showed good reliability across three subscales assistants undertook 3 h of training for PLAYfun, sug-
(α = 0.78), alongside the standard scores on each sub- gesting good feasibility. PLAYfun also records child
test independently (manual dexterity: α = 0.77; ball comprehension; as a result, it scored highly in relation
skills: α = 0.52; balance: α = 0.77). Similarly, the to participant understanding. CAPL-2 scored best for
TGMD-3 reported excellent internal consistency: loco- training requirements and time out of the explicit phys-
motor skills α = 0.92; ball skills α = 0.89; and object ical literacy assessments. CAPL-2 is reported to be com-
control α = 0.92. Finally, the TGMD-3 had very good pleted in approximately 30–40 min per individual (not
evidence for cross-cultural validity, with two studies including the pedometer assessment of daily PA behav-
using confirmatory factor analysis to indicate a good iour across a week), with the knowledge questionnaire
factor structure within Spanish and Brazilian popula- taking up to 20 min depending on the child. Teachers
tions [151, 154]. are encouraged to conduct the assessment components
Both tools within the cognitive domain, BONES PAS over separate days if this is more feasible for larger
[163] and PHKA [164], were developed as part of a group class sizes. Teachers reported conducting PFL
wider intervention. In relation to the content validity of took between 2.5 and 6 classes [58], while four assessors
tool development, BONES PAS researchers reported the completed PLAYfun assessments with 20 children or less
use of focus groups and literature reviews, while PE spe- in 3 h, evaluating each child individually in an isolated
cialists were also consulted by the research team to iden- portion of the gymnasium (remaining students played
tify common weight-bearing activities that children supervised games and other assessments) [79].
engage in on a regular basis. The authors noted that the Within the affective domain, the highest scoring feasi-
need to quantify knowledge and understanding of bility tools were PACES (19), PAHFE (18), LEAP (16)
weight-bearing physical activity was balanced against the and CAPA (16). Within the cognitive domain, BONES
cognitive limitations of children (i.e. short attention PAS scored 11, and PHKA 10, with neither assessment
span, inability to accurately estimate time). No other reporting information on time required to complete or
Shearer et al. Sports Medicine - Open (2021) 7:37 Page 27 of 40
training required to administer the questionnaire. Feasi- aged 7–11.9 years old for use in a primary school PE set-
bility relating to space and equipment scored highly ting. From 88 studies, a total of 52 unique quantitative
across the affective and cognitive domain as many of assessments were identified and subsequently examined
these assessments are pen and paper questionnaires that for validity, reliability, feasibility and physical literacy ele-
could be completed in a small space with equipment ments being measured. In contrast to Edwards et al.
typically available in a primary school. Studies included [42], our search did not find any qualitative assess-
within these domains often failed to report further de- ments of physical literacy within this age group. Only
tails in relation to feasibility. Only 31% of cognitive and three explicit physical literacy assessments were repre-
affective assessments had information in relation to the sented in studies that met the inclusion criteria (CAPL,
time needed to complete an assessment (ASK-KIDS, P4L, PLAYFun), though there were a number of as-
ATCPE, CAPA, CPAS, EnjoyPE, FHC-Q, LEAP, MAAP, sessments within affective (32 assessments) and phys-
MOSS, PACES, PAHFE, PASES, PMCS, Self-efficacy ical (15 assessments) domains that could be used
scale, TAGM, TEOSQ), 29% of assessments detailed the within a pragmatic physical literacy assessment ap-
qualifications of administrators (CAPA, CATPA, proach. Far fewer assessments were found within the
HOP’N, NAS, PABM, PACES, PAHFE, PAS, PASES, cognitive domain (two assessments). Our check for as-
PMCS, RCS, SPPC, TAGM, TEOSQ, PHKA) and only sessment of 41 different elements of physical literacy
8% of assessments had information on the training re- (10 affective, 20 physical and 11 cognitive), contained
quired to administer these assessments (CAPA, CPAS, in various conceptualisations of the concept [1, 20, 26,
Physical Activity Self-efficacy enjoyment social support, 67–69], highlighted elements that were consistently
RCS). BONES PAS was slightly higher scoring within measured across tools and those not yet measured
the cognitive domain, primarily as the assessment scored through existing assessments. Our analysis revealed
highly for participant understanding, as children were that while some tools have established validity and reli-
involved in the development of the scale and statements. ability, and are feasible, the quality of reporting in
Manios et al. [164] reported little detail in relation to studies concerning many measurement properties are
feasibility, simply stating the PHKA portion of their data mixed, indicating that more robust methodological
collection “was completed in the presence of a member work is required to support tool development. Never-
of the research team”. theless, taken together, the results suggest that there
Within the physical domain, feasibility scores ranged are a number of measurement options available to re-
from 9 (BOTMP-SF) to 17 (YBT, SEBT), with SS (15) searchers and PE teachers to assess physical literacy
also scoring highly. The feasibility findings highlight that and/or its affective, physical and cognitive domains
typically an appropriate time for a school PE lesson (ap- that are feasible for administration within upper pri-
proximately 50 min) was required to complete an assess- mary PE (7–11.9 years old in the UK).
ment. Specifically, 4 assessments (AST, GSPA, SEBT,
YBT) reported taking less than 15 min to complete, with Study Quality
a further 3 tools (BOT-SF, MOKAB-3 and SS) requiring To be included in this review, studies of quantitative
between 15–30 min. Additionally, the equipment needed assessments of physical literacy and related domains
to conduct assessments was scored positively for the ma- had to report data for at one least measurement
jority of tools, as most required equipment would likely property from the properties assessed using the COS-
be present in a typical primary school setting, e.g. balls, MIN risk of bias checklist. Overall, the methodo-
cones, and skipping ropes. Some tools (40%) did require logical quality of studies reporting this information
additional or specialised equipment (OP, GSPA, BOT- was inconsistent. Studies tended to examine and re-
SF) such as sport-specific equipment (i.e. junior-sized port on one or two measurement properties (typically
gold club [GSPA]), or equipment to measure specific el- an aspect of reliability and/or validity), but rarely ad-
ements such as manual dexterity (e.g. pegs and a peg- dressed all relevant measurement properties within
board [BOT-2 SF]). Furthermore, the majority of the risk of bias checklist. Reliability was most fre-
assessments required either a PE/Sports specialist/re- quently assessed across all domains, echoing the find-
searcher to administer (80%), with only two tools (PARA ings of recent reviews investigating motor skill
GON and MUGI) being appraised as “Able to be admin- assessments [167–169]. The majority of studies within
istered by qualified teacher”. the affective domain reported information related to
internal consistency (i.e. the interrelatedness of items
Discussion on a scale) and in the required level of detail (87% of
The aim of this systematic review was to identify and ap- studies receiving a score of “very good”). Similarly,
praise tools to assess physical literacy and related within the cognitive and physical domains, 83% and
affective, physical and cognitive elements within children 80% of assessments provided information relating to
Shearer et al. Sports Medicine - Open (2021) 7:37 Page 28 of 40
tool reliability, respectively. Physical domain assess- Explicit Physical Literacy Assessments
ments were more likely to report inter- and (to a There have been significant efforts towards physical
lesser extent) intra-rater reliability due to the assess- literacy in Canada for over a decade [12, 44]. Each of
ments being administered and scored by researchers the three explicit physical literacy assessments identi-
or teachers, whereas cognitive and affective domain fied was developed by Canadian organisations who
assessments typically employed questionnaire have embraced the concept. These include the
methods, and therefore, these reliability dimensions Healthy Active Living Research Group’s (HALO) Can-
are not relevant. Though test-retest reliability was adian Assessment of Physical Literacy (CAPL-2: see
rarely reported, the wider reporting of a measurement [71, 72], Canadian Sport for Life’s
property relating to other aspects of reliability (i.e. in- Physical Literacy Assessment for Youth (PLAY, specif-
ternal consistency, intra- and inter-rater reliability) ically PLAYfun, see
may suggest that, to date, researchers in physical ac- [59], and Physical and Health Education Canada’s
tivity, exercise, sport and health fields have prioritised Passport for Life (PFL, see
assessing and reporting the reliability of an assess- [58]. These assessments are suitable for ages 8–12
ment tool above other measurement properties. years, 7+ years and 8–18 years, respectively, and sup-
Recent guidance from COSMIN outlines that tool de- ported by a wide range of online resources and train-
velopment and content validity are the most important ing materials, including information and feedback
measurement properties to be considered for assess- guides for children, parents and teachers. Their stated
ments [61, 62]. We found that 43 tools reported infor- purposes differ somewhat with CAPL-2 being devel-
mation relating to content validity, however, only 5 tools oped for monitoring and surveillance of physical liter-
(TGMD-3, FitnessGram, Self-Efficacy Scale, CAPL-2 and acy in children, PFL for formative assessment in PE,
PFL) received a study quality score of “very good”; not- and PLAYfun for programme evaluation and research
ably, two of these assessments (CAPL-2 and PFL) were in sport, health and recreation.
developed specifically as physical literacy tools. This is We found that CAPL-2 (affective, n = 4; physical, n =
particularly concerning as if researchers do not provide 11; cognitive, n = 3) and PFL (affective, n = 8; physical, n
sufficient evidence that assessments are valid for use = 9; cognitive, n = 4) assessed more physical literacy ele-
within the targeted population, then arguably the assess- ments noted within our checklists than the PLAYfun
ments are not appropriate for use [61, 62]. COSMIN (affective, n = 1; physical, n = 5; cognitive, n = 1) assess-
guidance states that in order to achieve a “very good” ment. These tools are anchored within somewhat differ-
score for tool development/content validity, the rele- ent evolutions of physical literacy definitions, which may
vance, comprehensiveness and comprehensibility of as- explain the different elements assessed. In 2015, many
sessments should be considered in detail, i.e. “ensuring organisations across sport, health and education sectors
that included assessment items are relevant and under- in Canada joined together to generate the Canadian
stood by the target population” [61]. This can be Physical Literacy Consensus Statement [7], which en-
achieved by tool developers including participants in the dorsed the IPLA/Whitehead definition of physical liter-
tool development process and encouraging the sharing acy [7, 21]. As such, CAPL-2 assesses the elements
of experiences and opinions regarding assessment. For stated within the IPLA definition using a points-based
tools that received an “inadequate” or “doubtful” score modular system with assessments of motivation and
for tool development/content validity, the associated confidence (30 points), physical competence (30 points),
studies failed to provide adequate detail on concept knowledge and understanding (10 points), as well as
elicitation, i.e. the methods used to identify relevant physical activity behaviour (30 points), which can be ag-
items and/or how these items were piloted and re- gregated to determine a physical literacy score out of
fined. It is unclear whether this information was not 100. The remaining Canadian assessments (PFL, PLAY-
considered by study authors within the tool develop- fun) more closely align with the previous definition put
ment process or whether it was just not reported. forward by Canadian Sport for Life and PHE Canada in
Our findings around the poor methodological quality accordance with Whitehead’s earlier work [18]: “Individ-
of studies reflect those found within recent reviews of uals who are physically literate move with competence
motor competence assessments [167, 168]. Taken to- and confidence in a wide variety of physical activities in
gether, the mixed standards of reporting of informa- multiple environments that benefit the healthy develop-
tion relating to measurement properties indicate that ment of the whole person”. PFL has four distinct assess-
researchers should be encouraged to utilise the COS- ment domains that are intended to be viewed in
MIN checklist to improve the methodological quality isolation including movement skills, fitness, living skills
of assessment development and the reporting of the (described as feeling and thinking skills), and active par-
measurement properties of assessments. ticipation (diversity, interests and intentions). PLAYfun
Shearer et al. Sports Medicine - Open (2021) 7:37 Page 29 of 40
focuses on assessing movement competence in 18 tasks, purposes, so practitioners are encouraged to reflect on
respectively. The child’s confidence and comprehension the most appropriate tool that fits their needs [54].
of each movement task can also be simultaneously
assessed but are not accounted for in the scoring, indi- Assessments of the Affective Domain
cating a hierarchy of focus on physical competence. The affective domain of physical literacy includes ele-
PLAY [59] includes a number of other assessment re- ments such as confidence, motivation, emotional regula-
sources including PLAYparent, PLAYcoach, and PLAY- tion and resilience [1, 20, 26, 67–69]. In total, we found
self, with the latter being a self-report questionnaire for 32 assessments within this domain (35 including CAPL-
children that assesses affective and affective elements, 2, PFL and PLAYfun), with enjoyment being the most
but, at the time of this review, no studies were found frequently assessed affective element (13 assessments),
that reported measurement properties for the wider followed by motivation (11 assessments), confidence (10
PLAY tools. assessments) and perceived competence (8 assessments).
Despite using variations of Whitehead’s conceptualisa- Enjoyment is not explicitly included in definitions of
tions of physical literacy, these Canadian explicit phys- physical literacy [2], though Edwards et al. [1] did iden-
ical literacy assessments appear to have distinct tify “engage, enthuse, enjoy” as a core category of physical
assessment hierarchies (i.e. prioritising one domain over literacy and “engagement and enjoyment” is listed as an
another), strong yet different classifications (referring to element within the psychological domain of the Austra-
what is being assessed and what is not, and within fixed lian Physical Literacy Framework [16]. Previous research
chronological age ranges) and diverse scoring criteria has linked enjoyment to intrinsic motivation and more
[170]. The prioritising of one domain over another autonomously regulated behaviour in relation to PE and
within an explicit physical literacy assessment is prob- PA [11, 171, 172], as well as meaningful experiences in
lematic as it is inconsistent with holistic perspectives PE [173]. The importance of enjoyment indicates that
that view all domains as equal [48]. Furthermore, while researchers and PE teachers may wish to consider the
both CAPL-2 and PFL assess across affective, physical construct within a physical literacy assessment approach
and cognitive elements of physical literacy, these are within PE. Further research and consensus are needed,
modular assessments, and thus, domains are assessed in however, on whether enjoyment should be a more
isolation, reflective of more pragmatic approaches to prominent (i.e. core) element of physical literacy due to
physical literacy assessment [42]. Each tool uses self- its relevance in fostering meaningful movement experi-
reported questionnaires to capture affective, cognitive or ences—perhaps likened to the ongoing considerations
behavioural domains of physical literacy, thus allowing concerning the inclusion of social and behavioural ele-
the participant to portray their own capabilities. Yet as- ments in relation to physical literacy [6, 17, 28].
sessments within the physical domain are primarily Considering the explicit physical literacy assessment
framed as teacher-led and assessed through process and tools, PLAYfun records two affective elements (confi-
product criteria interpreted against age and sex-specific dence and willingness to try new things), yet these do
norms (CAPL-2), or detailed rubrics (PFL) and rating not contribute to the PLAYfun scoring (NB. PLAYself
systems (PLAYfun) based on the quality of movement [59] does assess wider affective items, but no studies
[170]. The latter provide a more individualised focus for reporting measurement properties were located at the
the assessment and reduce comparisons with others, time of this review). CAPL-2 includes questionnaire
which some may consider more reflective of agreed con- items stated to assess confidence, intrinsic motivation,
ceptualisations of physical literacy [48]. PFL and PLAY- enjoyment, and perceived physical competence, though
fun tools show promise in capturing important aspects the confidence items more closely relate to perceived
of physical literacy, but more validity, reliability and competence (e.g. “When it comes to playing active
feasibility evidence are required. CAPL-2 demonstrated games, I think I’m pretty good”) and adequacy (e.g.
the strongest methodological quality of the three explicit “Some kids are good at active games, Other kids find ac-
physical literacy assessments, with good validity and reli- tive games hard to play”), than confidence or self-
ability reported across several studies. Furthermore, efficacy per se, which corresponds with capability beliefs
CAPL-2 is the only one of the three tools that has pro- about whether the movement or physical activity behav-
vided evidence of cross-cultural validity, supporting its iour can be achieved [174, 175]. The PFL questionnaire
potential use with other countries and cultures [76, 77]. items assessed eight elements of the affective domain
Accordingly, to date, we suggest that the CAPL-2 is cur- and therefore was the most comprehensive; the only
rently the most robust explicit physical literacy assess- element it did not assess was the willingness to try new
ment tool available to PE teachers and researchers to activities. As a result, and in consideration of the re-
assess children aged 8 to 12. Of course, each explicit ported measurement quality, properties and feasibility,
physical literacy assessment can be aimed at different this could be an appropriate questionnaire-based
Shearer et al. Sports Medicine - Open (2021) 7:37 Page 30 of 40
method to assess the affective domain of physical literacy important to chart progress in relation to an individual’s
in this age group (7–11.9 years), though this question- attitudes, beliefs, emotions and understanding in relation
naire is lengthy (21 items) and would take longer for to movement and physical activity. Yet the feasibility of
children to complete. time-poor primary school PE teachers undertaking these
We identified 32 other tools that assessed affective re- qualitative assessments with a class of approximately 30
lated elements of physical literacy and could therefore children is unclear. Thus, more research is needed to de-
be useful in a physical literacy measurement approach. velop rigorous qualitative methods that align with the
Several of these tools reported good evidence for con- stated definition adopted for physical literacy and its
struct validity and internal consistency (AGSYS, BREQ, corresponding elements and are feasible for use in
CY-PSPP, NAS, PASES, PAHFE, PAS, PASSEESS, PLOC school contexts by primary school teachers.
in PE, SPPC), indicating that they were theoretically
sound in their measured outcomes. Eight of these add- Assessments of the Physical Domain
itional tools measured at least three affective elements in Physical competence is a fundamental component of
our checklist (ATCPE, BREQ, CPAS, HOP’N, MOSS, physical literacy and as such is represented in every con-
PABM, PASE, PASES). For example, the PABM (motiv- temporary definition of the concept available [2, 42].
ation, confidence and enjoyment, persistence), ATCPE Within the physical domain, there is some overlap be-
(emotional regulation, enjoyment, self-esteem, perceived tween physical competence and common terminology
physical competence) and PASE (confidence, autonomy, used within well-established research fields, i.e. motor
self-esteem and perceived physical competence) each in- competence, motor control, motor proficiency, and
clude items to assess four affective elements. There were health- and skill-related fitness [13–15]. This was further
13 tools that only assessed one element: ATOP (emo- supported by the findings of this review as a high pro-
tional regulation), DPAPI (motivation), EnjoyPE (enjoy- portion of existing tools assessed fundamental move-
ment), FAPM (emotional regulation), LEAP (enjoyment), ment skills (AST, BOT-2 SF, MABC-2, MOBAK-3,
MAAP (enjoyment), PAHFE (confidence), PLOC in PE MUGI, OP, TGMD-3) and fitness components (ALPHA,
(motivation), PMSC (motivation), RCS (emotional regu- EUROFIT, FITNESSGRAM). Similar to recent reviews
lation), Self-efficacy scale (confidence), TAGM (motiv- on motor competence assessments [167, 168], we found
ation) and TEOSQ (motivation). While many affective that the TGMD-3 [149–155, 162] and MABC-2 [136–
measures were found, these individual elements are fre- 139] had the best methodological quality studies for
quently assessed as multi-dimensional constructs and as measurement properties of the movement skill-specific
such include a large number of questions/items per at- assessments, while FITNESSGRAM [132–134, 160] had
tribute. Thus, regardless of their feasibility, methodo- the best methodological quality studies for the broader
logical quality and measurement properties, these tools health and skill-related fitness test batteries. All tools
only provide a narrow picture of the affective domain of within the physical domain provided assessments for
physical literacy and would therefore need to be com- land-based movement skills, though we did not examine
bined with other affective assessments if a more compre- whether assessments were suitable for assessing the use
hensive assessment was sought by PE teachers or of such skills within different terrains (e.g. rocky-terrain,
researchers. forest, sand). None of the tools assessed water-based ac-
The majority of the affective (and cognitive) assess- tivities, despite swimming being the only compulsory
ments included within this review were questionnaire physical activity within the UK, Australian and American
based. The systematic review by Edwards et al. [42] on primary PE curriculums [37, 176]. Similarly, through our
physical literacy measurement identified a number of search terms and inclusion criteria, we did not identify
qualitative assessments including interviews, reflective any assessments of cycling, which is an important foun-
diaries, and participant observation used amongst chil- dational movement for physical activity across the life-
dren under 12. These findings suggest that alternative span [177], nor did we identify tools designed to
methods are available, though these studies were not explicitly assess the elements of aesthetic/expressive
identified in the current review using our search terms movement, sequencing, progression and application of
and inclusion criteria. Although these qualitative assess- movement specific to the environment. This could be a
ment methods can be individualised, ipsative, holistic limitation of our search strand (e.g. we did not include
and thus aligning with idealist perspectives of physical dance as a search term, but did include “coordination”
literacy [48], these methods are perhaps not appropriate and “performance”) or a consequence of the lack of as-
to effectively assess the affective/cognitive domains of sessments of these elements in this age group and/or
physical literacy in children when used in isolation due associated studies not reporting information on meas-
to the (in)stability of children’s thoughts and feelings urement properties to meet the inclusion criteria. Given
[42]. Thus, regular observations of children would be that the capability to move within different
Shearer et al. Sports Medicine - Open (2021) 7:37 Page 31 of 40
environments, regardless of weather, season, or terrain, PHKA), though the methodological quality of these
will likely influence a child’s safety and opportunities to studies [163, 164] was inadequate and therefore we do
be physically active, the appropriateness of land-based not recommend these tools for use at this time. Some
assessments to assess competence in moving across dif- cognitive aspects are also captured in the explicit phys-
ferent terrains warrants further study. Similarly, the ical literacy assessments (CAPL-2, PFL and PLAYfun).
identification and appraisal or development of assess- BONES PAS, PHKA, CPAL-2 and PFL included an as-
ments of dance and foundational movement skills for sessment for knowledge and understanding of the bene-
lifelong physical activity such as cycling, and swimming fits of PA, an element which is associated with improved
should be a focus for future research. PA behaviours [185] and a defining element within
Of the self-titled physical literacy assessments, CAPL-2 Whitehead’s interpretation of the cognitive domain [21].
explicitly assessed 11 elements within the physical do- BONES PAS, CAPL-2 and PFL also assessed the import-
main—the most comprehensive assessment in this re- ance of PA, while BONES PAS and CAPL-2 both
gard, PFL 9 elements, while PLAYfun assessed 5 assessed the effects of PA on the body. Considering these
elements. PLAYfun only assessed skill-related aspects of five tools together in relation to the cognitive domain,
physical competence and did not include any measures there remains a lack of assessments relating to the sub-
of strength or endurance, which have been found to be elements of sedentary behaviour, safety considerations,
important markers of health and functional living across reflection, creativity and imagination in application of
the life course [178–180]. The assessments within the movement, and knowledge and understanding of tactics,
physical domain utilised a form of product scoring (i.e. rules and strategy. The original CAPL assessment [67]
ALPHA, AST, BOT-2 SF, EUROFIT, FITNESSGRAM, did include items related to safety, activity preferences,
MABC-2, MOBAK-3, MUGI, OP, SEBT, YBT), which and screen time guidelines, but they were removed from
focuses on the outcomes of the movements (e.g. distance CAPL-2 following a Delphi survey with experts and be-
jumped, time to completion) or process scoring (i.e. cause of their weak factor loadings onto higher order
GSPA, SS, TGMD-3), which focuses on the technical constructs [73]. Movement creativity is a perceptual abil-
quality of the movement (e.g. arms extending upwards ity that requires emotional regulation and critical think-
and outwards during jump). Some researchers have ar- ing, with a high degree of knowledge and understanding
gued that the use of product-based scoring does not required to achieve a task goal [186, 187]. Assessing
consider the quality of the movement and therefore po- movement creativity could be an important outcome for
tentially provides an opportunity for children to draw PE teachers within a physical literacy assessment ap-
comparisons between peers, which they consider prob- proach as children that can create and modify move-
lematic as physical literacy is a concept concerned with ment actions within different physical activity
the unique individual [42, 48]. On the other hand, re- environments can also identify opportunities to engage
searchers advocating for nonlinear perspectives on in physical activity [188]. Furthermore, knowledge of
movement competence argue that assessing the tech- tactics, rules and strategy are likely to be important out-
nical quality of movement is less important than the comes for the primary educational curriculum wherein
functional effectiveness of the movement, which can be children are introduced to competitive games and sports
achieved through a range of different movement solu- and asked to apply basic principles of attacking and
tions [181]. Moreover, product scoring does require less defending [189]. Thus, working with PE educators to es-
training and expertise than observing the quality of tablish assessments in this regard would be useful to
movement [182, 183], and so therefore may have a place chart developmental progress in cognitive domains of
in primary school assessment providing it is adminis- physical literacy.
tered in an appropriate, non-competitive manner. The cognitive domain is the least frequently assessed
domain of physical literacy in children aged 7–11.9 years
Assessments of the Cognitive Domain old, and the least represented domain in the explicit
For individuals to value and take responsibility for main- physical literacy assessments. This is problematic for
taining an active lifestyle, knowledge and understanding holistic considerations of physical literacy. Identifying
of the benefits of involvement in physical activity and of stage-appropriate knowledge and understanding in rela-
the nature of different activities and their particular chal- tion to physical activity, and the subsequent assessment
lenges is important [20, 184, 185]. The cognitive domain of this competency, and its relationship to physical activ-
checklist therefore included 11 elements related to the ity behaviour, is an area for ongoing development. The
knowledge and understanding of factors related to phys- development of the Physical Literacy Knowledge Ques-
ical activity [1, 20, 26, 67–69]. We found two assess- tionnaire for children aged 8–12 years old in CAPL-2 by
ments that solely related to elements within the Longmuir et al. [73] followed robust methodological
cognitive domain of physical literacy (BONES PAS, work. This included content analysis of the educational
Shearer et al. Sports Medicine - Open (2021) 7:37 Page 32 of 40
curriculum, contributions from expert advisors and the and qualifications required to administer and score the
piloting of open-ended questions with children, to gen- assessment, nor the time it would take for children to
erate the closed-ended format. Again, it may be benefi- complete the assessment (see Table 8). Furthermore,
cial for physical literacy researchers to examine across domains, only around a third of tools reported in-
educational curriculums and explore other fields such as formation on participant understanding of the assess-
physical activity or health literacy, to identify what is ments, which is particularly important if an assessment
stage-appropriate knowledge in this age group, and how is to be used as assessment for learning, as feedback is a
this is assessed. Health literacy, defined as the ability of crucial part of the assessment process [195]. Affective
an individual to find, understand, appraise, remember and cognitive assessments were mostly questionnaires
and apply information to promote and maintain good and therefore scored excellent for space and equipment
health and wellbeing [190–192], includes similar core required. Some of the physical assessments scored
outcomes to physical literacy. Therefore, the potential poorly for space requirements due to needing over 20 m
links between health and physical literacy warrant fur- of space for some aerobic or locomotor tasks (e.g. 20-m
ther study [193]. Taken together, the cognitive domain shuttle run in EUROFIT), which would not be possible
is understudied and perhaps not widely understood. indoors in a primary school within a UK context. Studies
Therefore, more research is needed to identify and clar- associated with assessment tools within the physical do-
ify the key cognitive elements that are important to the main better reported the training and qualification skills
concept of physical literacy and enrich assessments of required to administer assessments, though most tools
this domain. rated as “fair” as they generally needed to be conducted
by a PE/ sports specialist, or a researcher with additional
Feasibility qualifications. Typically, physical domain assessments
Teachers have noted significant barriers to implement- using product-based scoring which focuses on quantify-
ing assessment in PE [34, 35, 40. 46-48] [194]. Therefore, ing the outcome of the movement (e.g. EUROFIT,
considering the feasibility of each physical literacy as- MOBAK) scored slightly higher for feasibility in terms of
sessment tool in relation to a primary school context expertise required than assessments that assessed the
was an important aspect of this review. The results of technical quality of the movement (e.g. TGMD-3). Al-
this review suggest that many of the included assess- though not included within the matrix, the equipment
ments could be suitable for a primary school setting. costs of many of the assessments should not be a barrier
The explicit physical literacy assessments (CAPL-2, to assessment and could easily be met within primary
PLAYfun, PFL) scored relatively high for feasibility, school budgets. Many of the assessments are freely avail-
though PLAYfun required more qualified staff to admin- able, while the cost of the resources for physical assess-
ister the tool, suggesting that this tool may not be feas- ments, which require sports equipment, is typically
ible for a generalist teacher. These explicit tools under $1000 (e.g. full equipment kits for MABC2 $976,
generally scored higher as a result of more comprehen- TGMD-3 $300, YBT $260, respectively).
sive reporting of feasibility information within studies. Feasibility findings suggest that there is insufficient at-
This is likely because they have been designed with prac- tention given to reporting the expertise, confidence and
titioners in mind, reflecting a growing demand for as- competence of individuals required to administer assess-
sessments within applied rather than research or clinical ments, particularly in assessments within the affective
settings [66]. Both CAPL-2 and PFL assess affective, and cognitive domains. Therefore, an effective assess-
physical and cognitive elements of physical literacy but ment would need to consider who would be conducting
the assessment process can be lengthy in terms of time, it to determine any potential training needed, ultimately,
with the assessment of large groups of children necessi- this would be an influential factor in the overall cost of
tating assessment activity to run across several classes. the assessment. Edwards et al. [42, 53] and Goss et al.
This indicates the feasibility challenges of using separate [194] highlighted the need to support teachers with con-
domain-level assessments of physical literacy to paint an tinuous professional development in order to ensure that
overall “holistic” picture of a child’s physical literacy. pedagogical processes regarding assessment, teaching
Klingberg et al. [66] conducted a systematic review of and learning were appropriate. Thus, assessments aimed
the feasibility of motor skill assessments for preschool towards educators should ensure that appropriate train-
children and their findings revealed weak reporting of ing and resources, designed at a level to be understood
feasibility-related information. Similarly, we found that by generalist primary school teachers, should be offered.
the quality of reporting of some aspects of feasibility in- This could include written guidance for how to adminis-
formation was lacking for many assessments. For ex- ter questionnaires, model videos of how to score phys-
ample, a large number of affective and cognitive domain ical competence assessments [52, 194], and the creation
assessments did not report information on the training of communities of practice to support the ongoing
Shearer et al. Sports Medicine - Open (2021) 7:37 Page 33 of 40
development of physical literacy assessment. While it [39, 194, 195, 200, 201]. Therefore, assessment devel-
may require additional resources to effectively prepare opers and manuals should include guidance on how to
classroom teachers to administer assessments, enabling facilitate a meaningful discussion concerning progress
the teacher to conduct and interpret the results of a with individual learners and key stakeholders. Future re-
physical literacy assessment is particularly important as searchers could examine the subsequent implementation
a classroom teacher will relate to and understand their and effectiveness of these feedback guidelines by the as-
pupils on a deeper level than that of a researcher [46]. sessment users.
Our findings suggest that there is scope for more re-
Future Considerations in Physical Literacy Assessment search developing and examining rigorous qualitative
Goss et al. [194] recently examined stakeholder percep- methods of physical literacy assessment for use in pri-
tions of physical literacy assessment in a qualitative mary school contexts. Such methods might include in-
study involving children, teachers, academics and practi- terviews, verbal discussions, pupil diaries, portfolios,
tioners. In the study, children themselves highlighted photographs, video, text, drawing tasks and storytelling
that assessment should be a fun and enjoyable experi- [42, 48, 202]. Given teacher time constraints [51, 52], fu-
ence. Participants across stakeholder groups indicated ture studies could also explore the development of self-
that being active, working with peers, providing optimal assessment and reflective strategies and the use of tech-
challenges, and positive teacher feedback would contrib- nology [194]. Self-assessment aligns with the person-
ute to a fun assessment. Scholars have also argued that centred philosophy of physical literacy [48] and has been
assessment in PE should be an enjoyable and motivating found to promote self-regulated learning and self-
learning experience [195, 196], particularly given, as efficacy [203]. Self-assessment could also provide an op-
noted above, the importance of enjoyment for autono- portunity for children to evaluate and reflect on their
mous motivation and meaningful experiences in PE progress and help to develop their self-awareness of
[171–173]. Therefore, whatever measure/assessment is meaningful experiences [202]; in turn, empowering chil-
used, researchers and practitioners should monitor chil- dren to take ownership of their relationship with phys-
dren’s acceptability, satisfaction, and enjoyment of the ical activity [48, 202]. Few of the assessments identified
assessment process. This is important as poor experi- within our review utilised technology. Nevertheless, the
ences of assessment could generate negative memories importance and use of technology in PE assessment were
of PE, which could have implications for lifelong enjoy- highlighted within a recent position statement from the
ment and motivation for physical activity [197, 198]. International Association for Physical Education in
This review has identified a range of assessments of Higher Education (AIESEP) [204]. Technology has been
learning within physical literacy and related domains, yet successful within an assessment for the learning process
it is unclear how these assessments help to support chil- that enhanced knowledge and understanding [205] and
dren’s learning per se. Learning is a critical concept has been shown to provide an engaging and learning ex-
within physical literacy [1, 15, 20, 21, 26] and many perience for students of all abilities [206]. Furthermore,
teachers and educators would argue that assessment technology can be used to support students to document
should be a learning experience [194–196]. Future re- their learning experiences and physical literacy journey
search should therefore explore the learning potential of through pictures and videos, which can be uploaded to
physical literacy assessments, for example in developing mobile and web-based platforms and shared for discus-
children’s knowledge and understanding of movement sion with wider stakeholders, including teachers and par-
and physical activity concepts. Moreover, researchers ents [52]. Thus, further research examining how
could evidence how an assessment helps children to technology can be used to support physical literacy as-
chart and reflect on their own physical literacy journey, sessment in PE is warranted.
setting goals and optimal, realistic challenges [48]. In re-
lation, more evidence is needed concerning if and how Strengths and Limitations
results from physical literacy assessments are returned The strengths of this systematic review include:
to learners, as well as if and how learners utilise this
feedback. In order for an assessment to inspire learning (i) The use of wider search terms encompassing
and have educational impact, participants should feel physical literacy elements identified 52 physical
empowered [195, 199]. To achieve this, physical literacy literacy or related affective, physical and cognitive
assessment results could be discussed by teachers/re- assessments that can be used to inform assessment
searchers with each individual child and their parents, approaches in PE.
with constructive and encouraging feedback offered in (ii) An assessment of the methodological quality of
terms of areas where the child is progressing well on included studies through the COSMIN risk of bias
their physical literacy journey and areas for development checklist enabled a robust, transparent and
Shearer et al. Sports Medicine - Open (2021) 7:37 Page 34 of 40
systematic appraisal of the validity and reliability within the affective domain within physical literacy
standards of the identified quantitative assessments. conceptualisations, but confidence could also be
(iii)The reporting of the feasibility of assessments classified within the cognitive domain as it is
provided pragmatic information that can be used by influenced by social-cognitive means [207]. Conse-
teachers, coaches and researchers to decide whether quently, our checklist should not be taken as the
a tool is appropriate for use in PE and educational definitive list of key elements within the concept.
contexts. Researchers should check and appraise the tools for
the elements in accordance with their stated defin-
The limitations of this systematic review include: ition of physical literacy.
(vi) Each assessment tool was appraised for physical
(i) Only papers published in the English language were literacy elements in accordance with the explicit
considered. Thus, the identified assessment tools information provided within the associated studies
were primarily derived from the US, the UK, and manuals. It is therefore possible that some tools
Australia, Canada and Western Europe and relevant may assess wider elements than those appraised
assessments developed within non-English language within our results and this should be explored in
countries may have been missed. future research.
(ii) To be included in the review, articles had to be
published in a peer-reviewed journal and written in Conclusions
the English language. Therefore, tools developed by There is demand amongst primary school children and
practitioners and used currently within schools may wider stakeholders in England for assessments to chart
not have been captured. progress in physical literacy [194]. This systematic re-
(iii)Although we used “assessment” related search view has identified three explicit physical literacy assess-
terms in our search strand, we did not capture any ments and a number of assessments within affective and
qualitative assessments of physical literacy. Had we physical domains that could be used within a pragmatic
used more specific qualitative methods as search physical literacy assessment approach. The review pro-
terms (e.g. interviews, focus groups) then we might vides information that can help researchers and PE
have captured more assessments better aligned with teachers understand what elements of physical literacy
an idealist perception of assessment of physical are being assessed and what elements are being missed.
literacy. Our findings highlight that the methodological quality
(iv) The developed search strand did not include sport- and reporting of measurement properties in the assess-
specific search terms such as, “swimming”, “dance” ment literature require improvement. Furthermore,
and “gymnastics”. Inclusion of these terms may have while many assessments are considered feasible within a
better captured water-based assessments and tools school context, further empirical research is needed to
assessing elements such as rhythm, coordination consider the feasibility of the scoring and administration
and expressive/aesthetic movement. of assessment tools by teachers as opposed to re-
(v) The physical literacy elements checklist reflects searchers. Nevertheless, this review provides information
commonly identified elements and was developed that can be used by researchers and PE teachers to in-
by the research team through discussion in a closed form the selection or development of tools for the as-
meeting after an overview of international physical sessment of physical literacy within the 7–11.9-year-old
literacy literature was conducted [1, 20, 26, 67–69]. age range.
Some elements identified within international
definitions and various conceptualisations of the Abbreviations
concept were not included in our checklist and PA: Physical activity; COSMIN: COnsensus-based Standards for the selection
of health status Measurement INstruments; PRISMA: Preferred Reporting
therefore not checked for, but this should not Items for Systematic review and Meta-Analysis; IPLA: International Physical
diminish their respective importance. In addition, Literacy Association; PROM: Patient-Reported Outcome Measures; AGSY
assessments of elements were categorised within S: Achievement Goal scale for Youth Sports; ATCPE: Attitudes Towards
Curriculum Physical Education; ATOP: Attitudes Towards Outdoor play scale;
physical, affective and cognitive domains in BREQ: Adapted Behavioural Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire;
accordance with different definitions and CAPA: Children’s Attraction to Physical Activity Questionnaire;
conceptualisations of physical literacy in order to CATPA: Children’s Attitudes Towards Physical Activity; CPAS: Commitment to
Physical Activity Scale; CY-PSPP: Children and Youth Physical Self-Perception
position assessments into familiar categories for Profile; DPAPI: Motivational determinants of elementary school students’
assessment users [1, 2, 6, 16, 20, 26]. Arguably, participation in physical activity; EnjoyPE: Enjoyment in Physical Education;
many physical literacy elements and therefore FHC-Q: Food, Health and Choices Questionnaire; FAPM: Feelings About
Physical Movement; HOP’N: Healthy Opportunities for Physical Activity and
assessments could span across different domains. Nutrition Evaluation; LEAP: Lunchtime Enjoyment of Activity and Play
For example, confidence is commonly classified Questionnaire; MAAP: Momentary Assessment of Affect and Physical feeling
Shearer et al. Sports Medicine - Open (2021) 7:37 Page 35 of 40
states; MOSS: Motivational Orientation in Sport Scale; NAS: Negative Attitudes Author details
Towards Physical Activity Scale; PABM: Physical Activity Beliefs and Motives; Physical Activity Exchange, Research Institute for Sport and Exercise
PACES: Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale; PAHFE: Physical activity and Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, 5 Primrose Hill, Liverpool, UK.
Healthy Food Efficacy; PAS: Positive Attitudes Towards Physical Activity Scale; School of Health & Human Performance, Dublin City University, Dublin,
PASE: Physical Activity Self-Efficacy Questionnaire; PASES: Physical Activity Ireland. 3Faculty of Education, The University of Gloucestershire, Francis Close
Self-Efficacy Scale; PLOC in PE: The Revised Perceived Locus of causality in Hall, Swindon Road, Cheltenham, UK.
physical Education; PMCS: Perceived Motivational Climate in Sport
Questionnaire; RCS: Response to Challenge Scale; SPPC: Self-Perception Received: 28 October 2019 Accepted: 29 April 2021
Profile for Children; TAGM: Trichotomous Achievement Goal Model;
TEOSQ: Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire; ALPHA: ALPHA
Fitness Battery; AST: Athletic Skills Track ½; BOTMP-SF: Bruininks–Oseretsky
Test of Motor Proficiency; CAMSA: Canadian Agility and Movement Skills References
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