27.10 H2 Morphology
27.10 H2 Morphology
27.10 H2 Morphology
the minimal distinctive unit of grammar; the smallest (abstract) linguistic unit that has a
meaning or grammatical function
the smallest (abstract) distinctive unit in the meaning (semantic) system of a language; the
abstract unit underlying sets of grammatical variants, e.g., the forms ‘give’, ‘gives’, ‘given’,
‘giving’, ‘gave’ all belong to the same lexeme GIVE; lexemes are units conventionally listed in
dictionaries as separate entries
the base form to which affixes are attached in the formation of words
• simple stem – consisting of a single root morpheme (‘man’),
• compound stem – two root morphemes (‘postman’),
• complex stem – a root and (a) derivational affix(es) (‘manly’, ‘unmanly’, ‘manliness’)
the base form of a word which cannot be further analyzed without total loss of identity
(morphologically simple); that part of the word left when all the affixes are removed
a bound morpheme attached to a stem or root (e.g., suffix, prefix, infix, circumfix, interfix)
one that changes the meaning or lexical category of the word to which it is attached
one that serves a purely grammatical function, never creating a new word but only a
different form of the word to which it is attached
free morphemes which provide information about the grammatical relationships between
words in a sentence, but have little meaning outside of their grammatical purposes; belong
to a ‘closed’ class of words (articles, prepositions, conjunctions, pronouns, auxiliary verbs)
an affix which occurs in a word both before and after the root
II. Match the terms with examples:
IV. Formulate the conditions for the insertion of the appropriate interfix, -o-, -i/y- and –u- in Polish, using
the following data: [Willim/Mańczak]
When he arrived in the morning, the old man had an umbrella and a large plastic bag full of books.
VIII. Take the following sentence apart and list the ‘elements’ of which it is composed.
IX. Consider the following examples. In each case decide whether the expression in bold is a lexical or a
functional word. Motivate your answer.
X. Consider the following data. On that basis try to decide whether the English morpheme – ed is an
inflectional or a derivational morpheme. Motivate your answer.
XI. Identify lexemes underlying the following word-forms; group the word-forms under each identified
XII. Analyse the following words into morphemes (indicate roots and stems)