ChemicalEngineering Chemical Engineering October 2023
ChemicalEngineering Chemical Engineering October 2023
ChemicalEngineering Chemical Engineering October 2023
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Editorial Director Graphic Designer ydrogen is clearly one of the key drivers for decarbonizing industry and meeting crucial environmental objectives, as
GERALD ONDREY (FRANKFURT) PRODUCTION evidenced by the numerous announced projects and funding
Senior Editor GEORGE SEVERINE initiatives across the globe. This point was further underlined
Production Manager at the third annual HydrogeNext conference, part of Experience Power
Senior Editor INFORMATION Week, presented by Chemical Engineering and POWER (www.hydro- SERVICES The event covered ongoing hydrogen projects, pro-
MARY PAGE BAILEY CHARLES SANDS duction technologies, operational best practices and much more.
Senior Associate Editor Director of Digital Development
JOHN B. SUTTON TINA GARRITY The U.S. moves its hydrogen economy forward
Chief Financial Officer Vice President of Finance
Another highlight was a panel discussion on the regional Hydrogen
Vice President,
Hubs in the U.S. vying for federal funding under the
Chief People Officer
Corporate Controller IRA. Representatives from four hubs discussed the
Divisional President, STUART BONNER
unique benefits and challenges in implementing an
Industry & Infrastructure Vice President, overarching hydrogen economy in each particular re-
Marketing Operations
gion. The regional variation of industries served, as
Vice President, well as differences in production and transport infra-
Production, Digital Media & Design
structure and workforce considerations, illustrate the
9211 Corporate Blvd., 4th Floor
Rockville, MD 20850-3240
many avenues that the hydrogen economy may take as more production capacity comes onstream. ■
Mary Page Bailey, senior associate editor
A new electrolyzer system makes Edited by:
Gerald Ondrey
propane from CO2
lectrolyzers are typically associated 3-methylimidazolium-functionalized Mo3P CARBON CAPTURE
with the production of “green” hy- nanoparticles coated with an anion-ex- Membrane Technology and
drogen from water and renewable change ionomer. “The ionomer is a con- Research, Inc. (MTR; New-
electricity, but a new device bor- ductive polymer that suppresses the hy- ark, Calif.;
rows from traditional electrolyzer principles drogen and water in the system, which Carbon Capture announced
to convert CO2 into propane. Developed also has very good CO2 absorption prop- it has commenced con-
by a team of researchers from the Elec- erties, to deliver the CO2 efficiently to the struction of a large pilot plant
trochemical Energy Materials and Devices catalyst’s reaction region,” says Asadi. at the Wyoming Integrated
Laboratory (e2MDLab) at Illinois Institute Currently, the electrolyzer has been dem- Test Center (ITC) in Gillette,
Wyoming. When operational
of Technology (IIT; Chicago; onstrated in a proof-of-concept laboratory
in 2024, it will be the largest
led by chemical engineering professor Mo- model. While the current runs have used membrane-based capture
hammad Asadi, the team developed a new pure CO2 streams, the team believes that plant in the world.
catalyst material to target the production the system could handle streams as dilute MTR Carbon Capture will
of C3 products — using only CO2, water as 15% CO2 due to the system’s ability to operate out of ITC’s Large
and electricity as inputs — by optimizing readily uptake CO2 to the catalyst region. Test Center to collect CO2
the proton-electron transport reaction to “This is an ongoing project within the group, from fluegas produced by
ensure there was not excessive production and we are working with funding agencies Basin Electric’s Dry Fork Sta-
of co-reactants and byproducts. Since the to evaluate what is the minimum range of tion, a coal-based power
process consumes both water and CO2, CO2 we can handle,” adds Asadi. plant firing Powder River
Basin coal. The Wyoming ITC
and there is competition between Mohammad Asadi, IIT is one of the world’s largest
the two, it is crucial that more CO2 is post-combustion demon-
available in the system and less water. Water outlet stration-scale test facilities.
Excess water will lead to excess hy- MTR Carbon Capture will
drogen in the system and disrupt the Water inlet use its proprietary Polaris
balance of the proton-electron cou- polymeric membrane to
pling reaction that is required to bring capture more than 150
together carbon and hydrogen to form ton/d of CO2 at Dry Fork Sta-
propane, explains Asadi. tion. The process uses no
As reported in a recent issue of chemicals and requires little
water, making its approach
Nature Energy, at the heart of the Cathode to carbon capture cleaner
electrolyzer is a catalytic system com- Membrane
Anode and more environmentally
posed of a new material — 1-ethyl- friendly than conventional
solvent-based methods.
Scaled up facility under construction for The project is part of the
single-step, CO2-to-fuels process U.S. Department of En-
ergy’s large-scale pilot car-
onstruction is underway by half of F-T processes.” bon-capture program.
AIR Co. (Brooklyn, N.Y.; www. Key to the process is a proprietary cat- for a commer- alyst that consists of a mixture of earth- CHEMICAL LOOPING
cial demonstration plant capable abundant metals supported on alumina. The world’s largest chemical
of converting captured carbon dioxide into The catalyst is loaded into a fixed-bed re- looping combustion (CLC)
fuel-grade paraffins, as well as ethanol and actor into which the captured CO2 is intro- unit, constructed by a Sin-
methanol, in a single step. The facility will duced. The company has filed for a patent tef-led Chinese-European
project (CHEERS), is now in
be a larger version of a pilot plant the com- on its catalyst composition and production
its main testing phase, and
pany has been running for the past two method that mimics photosynthesis. results are expected in the
years in Brooklyn, N.Y. The reactor-catalyst system is capable of coming weeks. As part of
AIR’s power-to-liquids technology, known making paraffins in the range from hexane the project, a 3-MWth CLC
as AIRMade, is intended to be a single- to octacosane (C28), with the majority of demonstration unit was de-
step alternative for utilizing waste CO2 for products in the octane to eicosane (C20) signed and constructed in
production of hydrocarbon fuels and other range. Jet-A fuel consists of alkanes from Deyang City, China. Com-
industrial and consumer products. “Tradi- C8 to C18. The AIR Co. process also pro- missioned in May, the 50-m
tional chemistry for making hydrocarbons duces ethanol as a byproduct, from which high demonstration unit has
from CO2 involves the reverse water-gas the company has been making consumer two different configurations
for different fuels: petroleum
shift reaction to make carbon monoxide, products, including perfume and vodka.
coke and lignite coal. The
followed by Fischer-Tropsch [F-T] synthesis “By converting waste CO2 into fuels and goal is that the unit will be
to make hydrocarbons,” explains Stafford alcohols, we are able to establish a circu- able to convert a solid fuel
Sheehan, co-founder and chief technology lar process for making high-energy-density flow of up to 4 MWth into
officer of AIR. “Our technology can gener- fuels for aviation and other transportation steam, while achieving a
ate hydrocarbons in the size range suitable sectors that are not amenable to electrifi-
for aviation fuels with energy costs that are cation,” the company says. (Continues on p. 6)
Seawater electrolysis stabilizes and immobilizes
atmospheric carbon dioxide
eawater is being used in a new electrolysis struction and subsurface exploration. “Unlike other land-
scheme for carbon dioxide removal (CDR), while based direct-air capture technologies, this is functionally
also producing hydrogen as a byproduct. De- permanent CO2 removal. There is no ocean degassing
veloped by Equatic (Los Angeles, Calif.; www. caused by atmospheric CO2 removal. And unlike other, the platform draws seawater into a closed ocean-based technologies, Equatic is able to measure,
electrolysis system, taking advantage of the pH differ- report and verify the CO2 drawdown within the boundar-
ence between the produced streams for efficient cap- ies of the plant, without requiring open-ocean measure-
ture and storage of atmospheric CO2 (diagram). “Split- ments,” adds Sanders.
ting the seawater into hydrogen and oxygen also creates The company recently published details of its compre-
two streams — one alkaline from the cathode side of the hensive methodology for verifying its CDR performance,
cell, and the other acidic from the anode side. The acidic using an array of sensors to provide continuous process
seawater is neutralized with crushed minerals to restore readings. Equatic currently operates two CDR plants in
its natural pH, and is returned to the ocean. The alkaline in Los Angeles and Singapore, each with 100 kg/d of
seawater stores carbon as a solid mineral before atmo- CDR capacity. “Our next plant will be commissioned in
spheric air is passed through to immobilize additional mid-2024 with a capacity of 10 tons/d,” says Sanders.
CO2 as dissolved bicarbonate ions. Finally,
the sequestered CO2 is returned to the ocean
as CaCO3,” explains Edward Sanders, chief
operating officer of Equatic. Proprietary elec-
trodes have been developed to prevent the
production of chlorine gas species in the cell.
This is a major breakthrough, says Sanders,
since the presence of Cl2 gas creates safety
issues and requires treatment with granular
activated carbon.
Using the ocean for CO2 storage holds
several benefits over other CDR methods,
explains Sanders, including the elimination of
costs associated with transport, pipeline con- Equatic
carbon capture rate of 96%.
CLC technology features a metal raphene has been touted as that we can tune the material based on
oxide that loops between an air a “super” material, boasting how we operate the reactor. From what
reactor and a fuel reactor. In the ultra-high strength, super- we’ve seen, there are no other technolo-
air reactor, the metal oxide ab-
conductivity and many more gies able to deliver a three-dimensional
sorbs oxygen from the air. It then
goes into the fuel reactor, where
superlative properties, but, as a planar graphene material to the market. The real
this oxygen is used as an oxidizer two-dimensional material, its commercial differentiation lies in the ability to consis-
for the combustion process. The use has been limited in terms of reactiv- tently tune three-dimensional materials to
oxygen-depleted (or reduced) ity, since reactions can only occur at the exact specifications,” explains Norman.
metal then returns to the air reac- material’s edges. “With graphene, it’s not With the unique graphene structures
tor to absorb more oxygen, and highly tunable to the exact application that the technology can yield, Lyten is cur-
the process repeats. Using oxy- you want, so you’re often designing your rently pursuing three distinct application
gen instead of air in the combus- application around what graphene could areas: cathodes for lithium-sulfur batter-
tion process makes capturing do for it, versus designing the graphene ies; light-weighting and reinforcement for
and removing harmful particles
around what’s needed for the application,” thermoplastic composites; and advanced
from the resulting smoke much
easier. This is because when
explains Keith Norman, chief sustainabil- sensors and biosensors.
pure O2 is burned, the only major ity officer of Lyten, Inc. (San Jose, Calif.; Lyten is in the process of closing its Se-
end products are CO2 and water, Lyten has developed a ries B fundraising round, which includes
which are then easy to separate proprietary reactor technology to produce investment from leading automotive man-
through steam condensation. three-dimensional graphene (photo) at ufacturer Stellantis. Lyten currently oper-
However, producing pure O2 is scale from a methane feedstock, creating ates an automated pilot-scale manufac-
often expensive. CLC technology a new class of material that is more reac- turing line for graphene-enhanced Li-S
avoids this cost, as extracting the tive and tunable for a wider variety of ap- battery cells in San Jose, and has com-
oxygen already present in the air plications. Norman likens the production mercial partnerships in place to utilize its
is an inherent part of the process.
of three-dimensional graphene to crum- graphene in engineered composite-based
CHEERS is an international
project with nine partners from
pling and twisting a sheet of paper. “In our consumer products. Discussions are also
Europe and China: Sintef Energy reactor, bending and folding the material underway with a major tire manufacturer
Research (coordinator; Trond- increases the number of reactive sites by to employ flexible graphene-based sen-
orders of magnitude. Equally important is sors on the interior of tires.
(Continues on p. 8)
in mixing
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heim, Norway; www.sin- and Sintef Industry, esearchers at the Karlsruhe Institute chips and dried, which causes the proteins
IFP Energies Nouvelles, of Technology (KIT; Germany; www. to polymerize and form a stable hexagonal
Tsinghua University, To- have developed a new class lattice (photo). “These monodisperse all-en-
talEnergies, Dongfang
Boiler Group, Zhejiang
of materials — enzyme foams. Nor- zyme foams are three-dimensional porous
University, Politeknika mally, foaming modifies the enzyme structure networks consisting of biocatalytically active
Slaska and Bellona. It is and enzymes lose their biocatalytic activity. proteins exclusively,” Niemeyer says. The
funded by the E.U.’s Ho- The new protein foams, however, are said to stable hexagonal honeycomb structure of
rizon 2020 research and have “tremendous” stability and activity. the foams has a mean pore diameter of 160
innovation program, the To produce the protein foams, two dehy- µm and a thickness of the lamellae of 8 µm.
Chinese Ministry of Sci- drogenase enzymes are mixed, which carry In industrial biocatalytic processes, en-
ence and Technology and matching sites to spontaneously form a zymes have to be immobilized in large quan-
industry partners. stable protein network. “Then, a gas flow is tities under the most gentle conditions in
added to this mix in a microfluidic chip for the order to maintain their activity. Up to now,
MICROWAVE SMR controlled formation of microscopic bubbles enzymes have been immobilized on poly-
In late August, Nu:ionic
Technologies, Inc. (Fred-
of uniform size,” explains Christof Niemeyer, mers or carrier particles. However, these
ericton, Canada; www. professor at the KIT’s Institute for Biologi- require valuable reactor space and enzyme entered cal Interfaces 1. The foam with the uniform activity may be reduced. “Compared to our
into a memorandum- of- bubble size is applied directly onto plastic ‘all-enzyme hydrogels,’ the new foam-based
understanding (MoU) materials have a far larger surface area on
commercial agreement KIT which the desired reaction can take place,”
with Liberty Utilities (New Niemeyer points out. Also, the newly de-
Brunswick, Canada; www. veloped enzyme foams are far more stable
libertyenergyandwater. after drying for four weeks than the same
com) for the development
enzymes without foams, he says.
of a 2,400-kg/d hydrogen-
production system utilizing
The researchers used the foams to produce
Nu:ionic proprietary Mi- tagatose, which is a promising alternative to
crowave Catalytic Reform- refined sugar. The achievement is described in
ers (MCRs). This is the first a recent issue of Advanced Materials, and a
commercial application patent application has been filed.
of Nu:ionic’s on-site, on-
demand H2-production
technology, which uses
Unlocking the commercial feasibility of
microwave energy to de- graphene-based water sensors
carbonize natural gas with
new, non-intrusive screening compromise the sensors, and performance
electrified reforming. The
proposed facility is sched-
method developed by researchers problems will be further exacerbated with
uled to be in operation in from the Pritzker School of Molec- exposure to water.
the first half of 2025. ular Engineering (PME) at the Uni- “Typically, quality control for this type of
Nu:ionic’s proprietary versity of Chicago (, as device involves measuring its electrical
process technology will well as Argonne National Laboratory (Lem- characteristics, such as transport curves
be used to generate low- ont, Ill.; and the University and current-voltage [I-V] curves, but in
carbon H2 at low cost, of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (, many cases, this is not enough. Even if you
for blending into Liberty’s shows promise for scaling up commercial have very uniform curves, these sensors
natural-gas-distribution production of a special class of graphene- may not necessarily demonstrate corre-
system and clean power
based water sensors. The sensors are tai- sponding sensing performance. You need
generation and fuel pro-
duction for zero-emission
lored for the detection of lead, mercury and to also look into the quality of the dielectric
fuel cell electric vehicles. E. coli in flowing water down to the parts- layer to make sure we find uniform sensing
The MCR design includes per-billion (ppb) or colony-forming unit (cfu) responses beyond just the pure electrical
a carbon-capture system concentration. “The graphene sensors are transport measurements,” explains Chen.
to produce readily trans- coated with a layer of aluminum oxide. To The new approach developed by Chen’s
portable liquid CO2. achieve the selectivity or specificity of the team identifies high-performing devices by
Nu:ionic’s MCRs elimi- detection, we use gold nanoparticles with scanning with A.C. voltage at a wide range
nate the need for fuel com- capturing functional groups on top of this of frequencies to measure its impedance
bustion, greatly reducing dielectric layer,” explains PME professor response. “We can find the specific thresh-
the amount of feedstock
and Argonne’s lead water strategist Jun- old to differentiate good devices from bad
required to produce H2
and significantly reducing
hong Chen. However, a hurdle in com- devices by looking at the ratio of the ca-
greenhouse gas emis- mercializing these types of functionalized pacitive and resistive impedance compo-
sions, while also allowing field-effect-transistor (FET) sensors is the nents,” says Chen. Furthermore, he says,
for the efficient use of re- difficulty in quality assessment, since the this screening method can also indicate if
newable electricity to re- sensors are just a few nanometers thick. there is a need to tune the manufacturing
duce the carbon footprint When there is porosity present in the dielec- recipes used for the dielectric layer depo-
of the natural gas grid. The tric layer, electrical charge can accumulate, sition, giving an opportunity to potentially
or even travel through the layer, which will improve manufacturing yield.
(Continues on p. 9)
Piloting a chemical-recycling process for MCR process uses approximately 30% less
polycarbonate plastics natural gas as compared to conventional
reformer methods (for more on methane re-
forming, see Newsfront on pp. 13–17).
ovestro AG (Leverkusen, by 2050. The mechanical recycling
Germany; www.covestro. process is used whenever waste ETHANOL-TO-SAF
com) has developed a che- streams are sufficiently pure and the
Last month, Lummus Technology LLC
molysis process for recy- recycled polycarbonate meets the
cling polycarbonate back into mono- requirements profile of the future ap- announced the commercial availability of
mers. In laboratory trials, the process plication. The new chemical-recycling its ethanol-to-SAF (sustainable aviation fuel)
has been shown to recycle waste process complements mechanical process technology. The technology provides
streams with more than 50% poly- recycling, converting the plastic back operators with a large-scale, commercially
carbonate content into monomers, into monomers, which can be sepa- demonstrated solution to reduce the aviation
closing the loop to a direct polycar- rated and serve as raw materials for industry’s greenhouse gas emissions.
bonate precursor. The technical im- future plastic. Chemical recycling can Lummus’ ethanol-to-SAF technology in-
plementation of chemical recycling therefore make larger waste streams tegrates ethanol-to-ethylene (EtE), olefin
is now beginning on a pilot scale at that are unsuitable for mechanical oligomerization and hydrogenation tech-
nologies in a process configuration that
Leverkusen, where the process will processes accessible for recycling.
maximizes the final yield to SAF while mini-
be further optimized and will undergo The company is investigation three mizing capital and operating costs, and car-
further development. The pilot plant alternative recycling routes, includ- bon emissions, the company says. Central
(kilogram scale), to be located in ing enzymatic depolymerization and to this process is Lummus and Braskem’s
Leverkusen, will operate in a semi- “smart depolymerization,” a special- technology partnership for producing green
continuous manner, with startup ized and energetically optimized py- ethylene, which accelerates the use of bio-
planned for 2025–2026. The com- rolysis process, the company says. ethanol and supports the industry’s efforts
pany is investing “millions of euros” Unlike conventional pyrolysis, which towards a carbon-neutral economy. Since
over the next few years. breaks plastic waste down to smaller 2010, Braskem has been operating an
Mechanical recycling of polycar- molecules, the smart pyrolysis tar- ethanol dehydration unit in Brazil. Using EtE
EverGreen technology, the unit provides a
bonate is already an important com- gets high-value molecules that can
proven and reliable foundation for produc-
ponent of Covestro’s recycling strat- be directly used in the production of
egy, which aims to be fully circular new polymer. (Continues on p. 10)
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SUPER The evolution of simulation software
ing 260,000 ton/yr of ethylene from
n recent years, some car manufac- occur due to the curved surface area, ethanol. Lummus has integrated
this world-scale dehydration pro-
turers have developed vehicles that and to maintain the overall integrity of
cess with its light-olefins oligo-
integrate photovoltaic cells into the the hood structure.” merization and advanced hydro-
roof — the easiest surface to use for The researchers constructed their processing technologies through
onboard solar-power generation. Now, prototypes using a selection of com- Chevron Lummus Global, a joint
researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute mercial solar cells (IBC, PERC shingle, venture with Chevron.
for Solar Energy Systems (Fraunhofer and TOPCon shingle). In principle, any
ISE; Freiburg, Germany; www.ise. solar cell technology can be used. The LOW-CARBON CEMENT have now gone one step 115-W rated vehicle-hood prototype Last month, Terra CO2 Technol-
further. As part of two publicly funded exhibited at IAA Mobility features more ogy (Golden, Colo.; www.ter-
research projects, they have integrated than 120 PERC shingle solar cells and entered into a definitive
solar cells into the standard sheet- is finished in MorphoColor gray. agreement with Asher Materials
metal hood of a regular passenger car. Together with partners from industry, (Southlake, Tex.; ashermaterials.
Coupled with ISE’s MorphoColor tech- Fraunhofer ISE developed the patented com) for an exclusive market li-
nology, the solar-active surface can be MorphoColor interface, which gives cense of Terra’s first commercial-
scale advanced processing facility.
color-matched to that of the vehicle. photovoltaic modules an intense color,
Under the agreement, Asher Mate-
The technology was introduced last while maintaining at least 90% of their rials will acquire the plant, based in
month at the IAA Mobility tradefair in efficiency. Besides cars, the technol- the Dallas-Fort Worth, Tex. market,
Munich, Germany (September 5–11). ogy can be used in building-integrated after construction and commis-
“We applied the solar cells to the hood photovoltaic systems for colorful fa- sioning are complete. The plant will
panel of a car model that is frequently cades or brick-red roofs. The Morpho- produce 240,000 ton/yr of OPUS
sold in Germany, interconnected them Color interface is a photonic structure Supplementary Cementitious Ma-
and laminated them with film,” explains in which an interference layer is com- terial (SCM), which can substitute
Martin Heinrich, coordinator for PV bined with a geometrically structured up to 40% of Portland cement in
mobility at Fraunhofer ISE. “To achieve substrate in such a way that a particu- common concrete mixes and sig-
nificantly reduce CO2 and NOx pol-
this, the lamination process was opti- larly narrow-band reflection maximum
lution in the cement industry (Chem.
mized to minimize air pockets, avoid results. The module design is inspired
Eng., September 2022, p. 10). ❐
wrinkling of the film module, which can by the Morpho butterfly. n
Evonik expands production capacity for Andritz starts up carbon-capture plant at
precious-metal powder catalysts in China Voestalpine steel mill in Austria VERSALIS
September 12, 2023 — Evonik Industries August 21, 2023 — Andritz AG (Graz, Austria; VOESTALPINE
AG (Essen, Germany; has supplied its first carbon-
completed the relocation and expansion of capture plant to the steel industry. The pilot
its precious-metal powder catalyst plant in plant started operating at Voestalpine’s steel
Shanghai Chemical Industrial Park (SCIP) in mill in Linz. The plant separates CO2 from the
China. Production is scheduled to commence fluegases resulting from iron making using an
in late 2023. With this new plant, Evonik has amine-based process. The captured CO2 is
completed the upgrade of its global network being delivered to an Austrian energy-storage
of five precious-metal catalyst plants. company that is investigating new ways of
making it available for reuse in steel production.
Sabic and Sinopec start up
PC plant at JV site in China Mergers & Acquisitions
September 5, 2023 — Sabic (Riyadh, Saudi LG Chem and Eni exploring a joint
Arabia; and China Petroleum biorefinery in South Korea
& Chemical Corp. (Sinopec; Beijing; www. September 14, 2023 — LG Chem and Eni began the commercial S.p.A. (Milan, Italy; jointly
operation of a new polycarbonate (PC) plant announced that they are exploring developing
at their 50-50 joint venture (JV) site, Sinopec and operating a new biorefinery at LG Chem’s
Sabic Tianjin Petrochemical Co. (SSTPC). Daesan chemical complex. Final decision for
The new PC plant has a designed capacity of the investment is scheduled by 2024 and
260,000 m.t./yr. SSTPC’s site also includes the plant will be completed by 2026. The
a mega-scale petrochemicals complex that proposed biorefinery would be designed to
produces polyethylene and polypropylene. process approximately 400,000 m.t./yr of
bio-based feedstocks.
BASF begins construction of
syngas plant in Zhanjiang, China Repsol sells Canadian
September 5, 2023 — BASF SE (Ludwigshafen, oil-and-gas assets for $468 million
Germany; has commenced September 12, 2023 — Repsol S.A. (Madrid,
construction of its syngas plant at the Verbund Spain; has agreed to sell
site in Zhanjiang, China. This world-scale syngas its oil-and-gas assets in Canada to Calgary-
facility is scheduled to start up in 2025. The based firm Peyto Exploration & Development
production technologies deployed in the for $468 million (approximately €433 million)
syngas plant will mainly utilize CO2 offgas, a as part of its ongoing portfolio management.
byproduct of the ethylene oxide process, and The agreement encompasses all the mineral Look for more
excess fuelgas from steam-cracker operations rights, related facilities and infrastructure of latest news on
to manufacture syngas. Repsol’s Canadian oil-and-gas business,
including the assets in the Greater acquire a 100% shareholding in AlRajhi developing a technological platform
Edson area in Alberta, which has a net Steel Industries Co., in exchange for for the advanced chemical recycling
production capacity of 23,000 bbl/d. newly issued shares in Hadeed. of plastic waste. This collaboration
Repsol retains operations in Canada aims to create a completely circular
through its St John LNG facility. Albemarle confirms plans to plastic-recycling loop, producing new
acquire minerals firm Liontown polymers that are identical to polymers
Fluor sells Stork business September 5, 2023 — Albemarle Corp. derived from fossil-based materials.
in Europe to Bilfinger (Charlotte, N.C.;
September 7, 2023 — Fluor Corp. confirmed that it will be working toward Teijin to sell its GH Craft
(Irving, Tex.; agreed the execution of a binding agreement composites business in Japan
to sell its Stork business in Belgium, to acquire battery-minerals company September 1, 2023 — Teijin Ltd. (Toyko,
Germany and the Netherlands, as well Liontown Resources Ltd. (West Perth, Japan; has agreed
as its turbo-blading manufacturing Australia; to sell its entire stake in GH Craft Co.,
operation in the U.S., to Bilfinger SE Albemarle’s proposal values Liontown a subsidiary of Teijin’s composites
(Mannheim, Germany; www.bilfinger. at $4.3 billion (A$6.6 billion) on an business in Japan, to TIP Composite
com). Stork mainly offers services in equity value basis. Liontown currently Co., a manufacturer headquartered in
the areas of maintenance, modification controls two major lithium deposits. Matsumoto City, Japan. Teijin acquired
and asset integrity. GH Craft in July 2008.
Technip Energies and Versalis
Sabic sells its Hadeed combine recycling technologies DuPont to divest 80% ownership
iron and steel business September 1, 2023 — Technip in acetal homopolymer business
September 7, 2023 — Sabic has Energies N.V. (Paris, France; www. August 21, 2023 — DuPont (Wilmington,
announced that Saudi Arabia’s Public and Versalis Del.; announced a
Investment Fund (PIF) signed a share S.p.A. (San Donato Milanese, Italy; definitive agreement to sell an 80.1%
purchase agreement to acquire a 100%, Eni’s chemical ownership interest in the Delrin acetal
shareholding in the Saudi Iron & Steel company, have signed an agreement homopolymer business to TJC LP (New
Co. (Hadeed), currently owned by Sabic. aimed at integrating Versalis’ Hoop York, N.Y.) in a transaction valuing the
Based on a cross-conditional share- and Technip Energies’ Pure.rOil and business at $1.8 billion. ■
exchange agreement, Hadeed will also Pure.rGas purification technologies by Mary Page Bailey
ac24_Chemical_Engineering_206,4x142,9.indd 1
03.07.2023 13:27:18
Methane Reforming:
Solving the Hydrogen Blues
Improved catalysts and reconfigured reformer designs make steam-methane reforming the
most scalable, industry-ready source of ‘blue’ H2
or many decades, steam-methane conventional reforming technologies, but IN BRIEF
reforming (SMR) has been, and still combined with carbon capture, utilization IMPROVED SMR
is, the technology of choice for the and storage (CCUS). EFFICIENCIES
large-scale production of synthesis
gas (syngas; a mixture of H2 and CO), which Improving SMR efficiencies
is used for making a large number of chemi- A first step for reducing CO2 emissions from AUTOTHERMAL
cals, including ammonia, methanol, acetic SMR (or any process) is to improve the over- REFORMING
acid, liquid fuels and more. When only H2 all efficiency. One example of a new-gener- OTHER NEWS
is desired, such as for ammonia production, ation SMR developed by Air Liquide Engi-
steel making and petroleum-refining appli- neering & Construction (Frankfurt, Germany;
cations, the CO in the syngas is “shifted” is SMR-X
to CO2 using the water-gas shift reaction technology. SMR-X is a new type of reformer
(WGSR). In the past, the CO2 produced that produces H2 without excess steam, a
from SMRs — both from the burning of fuel byproduct that is declining in demand from
to heat the reformer tubes and the product users. Compared to conventional steam
from the reforming reaction — has been, for methane reforming, SMR-X features higher
the most part, released to the atmosphere. thermal efficiency at low steam co-produc-
Now, with goals to reduce the global tion ratios and emits less CO2.
emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) tak- Some of the notable advantages of this
ing center stage, efforts are underway to next-generation reforming technology are
generate H2 with a low carbon footprint. As increases in the overall yield of the H2 pro-
a result, there has been a growing interest duction process by roughly 5%, together with
in water electrolysis as a source for “green” an intrinsic reduction of CO2 emissions (pre-
hydrogen. However, electrolyzers are still capture) of 5%, making it a reforming process
expensive, are not scalable to meet the with a significantly reduced carbon footprint.
large demands for H2, and the availability In combination with Air Liquide’s CO2-
of a reliable, inexpensive source of “green” capture technologies, like Cryocap, the
electricity to run them is still not a reality. SMR-X technology route can provide the
Until these issues hampering the shift to lowest carbon intensities and highest con-
green H2 are addressed, the medium-term version efficiencies, making it a key pillar for
solution is “blue” hydrogen — H2 made by the energy transition and decarbonization
projects, unlocking attractive H2 routes for
Air Liquide small- and medium-production capacities,
says the company.
Air Liquide has been operating an indus-
trial-scale plant (Figure 1) with this technol-
ogy in Antwerp, Belgium since April 2021
and is said to be the first industrial-size
greenfield recuperative-reforming plant in
the world. The SMR-X technology is cur-
rently selected in many ongoing low-carbon
H2 concept and technology studies, as well
as projects advancing to the front-end engi-
FIGURE 1. This plant in Antwerp, Belgium is the first to use neering and design (FEED) stage.
Air Liquide's SMR-X process. The plant started up in 2021 Catalyst developments are also leading
Pressure Relief
© REMBE® | All rights reserved
here is no shortage of data courage processors to use the data chemicals industry principal with
produced in a chemical to find potentially impactful situations Seeq (Seattle, Wash.; www.seeq.
processing facility, but sift- in advance, as opposed to reacting com). “Advanced analytics software
ing through the data to drill and ‘firefighting’. provides the data connectivity, visu-
down to the useful information can “Current solutions allow users to alization and analytics capabilities
be particularly cumbersome. Further, move away from using data analytics needed to maximize uptime, im-
it is often challenging to understand to figure out why there was a prob- prove quality and consistency and
what those data are trying to tell you lem yesterday and begin monitoring push throughput rates to meet pro-
and how that knowledge can be ap- and finding the problems before they duction and sustainability goals,”
plied to create a plan of action that affect production,” he says. “It’s like she says (Figure 2).
prevents inefficiencies, equipment making chocolate chip cookies but Andreas Eschbach, founder and
downtime or process disruptions. waiting until you taste them to learn CEO of Eschbach Software (Boston,
Fortunately, today’s advanced data- that they are burnt versus monitoring Mass.; agrees:
analytics software effectively present the temperature of the oven so you “Better access to data improves de-
data analysis results in a format that don’t have to worry about burning the cision making across all levels of the
is both understandable and action- cookies again. Today’s data-analytics organization because analytical tools
able, which helps chemical proces- software packages focus on preven- turn data from various sources into
sors shift from reactive to proactive tion — seeing a problem and mitigat- actionable, understandable informa-
process management and encour- ing it before it negatively impacts the tion about plant status, processes
ages optimization of the process. process, the equipment, the quality or and products. When everyone has
“Employing data analysis is nothing the throughput” (Figure 1). access to the information they need
new,” says Josh Shupp, vice presi- to do their jobs effectively, they can
dent of customer success with North- Helping to stay competitive make better operational decisions
west Analytics (Portland, Ore.; www. Smart processors are using data an- both individually and collectively, “People have been alytics software to monitor all sorts which drives continuous improve-
doing it for years using spreadsheets of impactful data in an effort to op- ment across the organization, en-
or standard historian-type software. timize the process, upgrade quality abling optimization of processes,
What is different is that today’s data- control, perform predictive mainte- better quality control, increased
analytics software solutions apply nance, enhance safety and improve throughput and improved asset uti-
meaning to the data, focus on key resource efficiency, all of which are lization,” notes Eschbach (Figure 3).
process indicators [KPIs] and en- becoming increasingly important as He adds that advanced data ana-
chemical processors lytics solutions can help with virtually
struggle to remain every aspect of plant performance,
competitive. from environmental, health and
However, achiev- safety (EHS) compliance to predic-
ing these goals in tive maintenance decisions. “A cen-
today’s fast-paced tralized knowledge-management
environment de- platform allows team members to
mands an advanced learn from past events to optimize
data-analytics plat- processes,” Eschbach continues.
form that is capable “For example, operators can mine
of joining disparate information from digital platforms to
sources to enable correlate variations in product qual-
seamless analytics ity to equipment parameters, batch
and visualizations, timing or other variables. Often in-
Northwest Analytics
in addition to ad- formation that could be useful for
FIGURE 1. Northwest Analytics’s Knowledge Suite helps processors iden- hoc and highly pol- troubleshooting, process optimiza-
tify early warning signals, codify institutional knowledge and take quick ished reports, says tion and planning is hiding in the
and decisive actions Allison Buenemann, vast amounts of data collected in a
possible, because data enough tangible benefits to be de-
analysis can identify rived by employing data-analysis
opportunities to en- software versus sticking with more
hance production rates traditional methods of collecting and
and reduce cycle times using data and the answer is “yes,”
through process optimi- according to experts.
zations. “Real-time ana- “The obvious benefit of using data-
lytics can help identify analysis software and the one most
production bottlenecks, ask about is a financial benefit,”
allowing timely correc- says Northwest’s Shupp. “And that
tive actions to improve is certainly there, as optimizing the
throughput,” says Hold- process and increasing throughput
FIGURE 2. Seeq, an advanced analytics solution, combines the
data from numerous subsystems to create enterprise-wide insights away. And, data-anal- provide obvious financial benefits,
and facilitate data sharing specific to the level required by each ysis solutions can also as does the ability to detect main-
software user help reduce downtime tenance issues or process anoma-
processing facility every day. Ana- because real-time monitoring and lies early on. Even if the facility can’t
lytical tools and emerging AI [arti- anomaly detection can help uncover avoid downtime entirely, they are
ficial intelligence] tools can help to early signs of equipment issues, en- likely able to use the data to reduce
surface this information and make it abling proactive maintenance before downtime from days to a few hours
findable and usable.” breakdowns occur, reducing down- and that’s huge as the lost profit
time and increasing availability of chemical processors can experience
Optimization and improvement equipment to further enhance uptime from downtime is significant.”
But how can chemical processors and throughput. Bob Rice, vice president of engi-
use data-analysis software to opti- He continues to say that product neering with Control Station, Inc.,
mize their own operations and meet quality improvements are also possi- (Manchester, Conn.; www.control
specific goals? “Data analysis and ble. “Data-analysis software can also, which provides con-
the associated software can play a monitor and analyze real-time quality trol-loop performance monitoring
significant role in helping chemical parameters, ensuring adherence to (CLPM) solutions that simplify the
manufacturers achieve their goals, quality standards and early detection identification, isolation and correc-
including optimizing and streamlin- of deviations, so factors affecting tion of common regulatory control
ing processes, increasing efficiency, product quality can be identified and issues that negatively impact both
reducing downtime and increasing adjustments to the process can be process performance and plant
throughput,” says Keith Holdaway, made for improved quality.” profitability, says the ability of data
global advisor for IoT at SAS (Cary, Energy efficiency and sustainabil- analysis and CLPM solutions to in-
N.C.; “Additionally, ity goals may also be achieved, ac- crease throughput while also reduc-
data analysis can contribute to sev- cording to Holdaway, because data ing waste and energy consumption
eral other crucial goals for modern analysis identifies energy-intensive is noteworthy. “Studies put gains in
chemical manufacturers” (Figure 4). processes and provides insights to production throughput between 2%
Holdaway suggests multiple ways optimize energy consumption and and 5%, with increases in yield top-
that data analytics software can help reduce emissions for sustainability ping out at 10%,” says Rice.
processors achieve a variety of goals. goals. “It helps track environmental In addition to improved produc-
For example, for processors who are metrics, supporting efforts to reduce tivity and operational and efficiency
looking for process optimization and the carbon footprint and comply with gains, there are “softer” benefits,
efficiency, data-analysis software environmental regu-
can analyze historical process data lations,” he says. Eschbach Software
to identify inefficiencies and opera- Safety and risk man-
tional bottlenecks. “By leveraging agement may also
advanced analytics, the software be enhanced as data
can suggest optimal process pa- analysis can identify
rameters to improve efficiency and potential safety haz-
reduce waste, because real-time ards and deviations,
data analysis allows for continuous aiding in proactive
monitoring and adjustment of pro- risk management.
cess variables for ongoing optimi-
zation,” Holdaway explains. Further, The benefits
data analysis drives a culture of con- Although these
tinuous improvement by providing sound like great ap-
insights for ongoing process optimi- plications, chemi- FIGURE 3. A centralized knowledge management center, such as Es-
chbach’s Shiftconnector, helps team members communicate, generate
zation and performance evaluation. cal processors may ideas, preserve best practice information and apply them into chemical
Increases in throughput are also wonder if there are factory solutions
Written for engineers,
More and more,
business in the 02
ww w.chem
rt Feature s: m
Chemical Process
for Chemical Processes
oF HigH-sH
in 3-D ances
ear dispers
Housek Industrial
• Heat
Industries (CPI) is
Dimens Your Fingertip
• Environmentally friendly
e Service
High-S entals o
hear D f
To keep up with
• Safe pumping of hazardous flammable material
122 No.
ll over the chemical process University (MKOPSC; College Sta- when compared to normal operating
industries (CPI), almost re- tion, Tex.; In conditions,” he explains.
gardless of the product this article, Faisal Khan, professor of In such highly complex instru-
being made or the material chemical engineering and director of mented systems as a typical pres-
being handled, protecting against MKOPSC, discusses some of the sure-relieving scheme, any type of
overpressure is of the utmost con- most important safety issues facing failure can create a potential safety
cern. Whether the situation involves the CPI, and gives some insight into incident, but advanced digital tech-
a potential release of hazardous or what the next generation of smart nologies enable the study of vast
toxic vapors, a runaway exothermic pressure-relieving systems may look numbers of overpressure scenarios
reaction or the formation of a poten- like. in ways that were not previously pos-
tially explosive dust cloud, there are As a simple analogy to the critical sible. “Within the digital world, we
numerous state-of-the art technolo- nature of overpressure-protection can discover the boundaries of how
gies available to help mitigate these systems to process operations, Khan and where systems fail and enable
dangerous situations. Alongside brings to mind a car’s braking system. sufficient redundancy and operational
these commercial offerings, research “Can you imagine having a car with- control to minimize failures. Digitaliza-
institutions and standards organiza- out a brake pedal? Pressure protec- tion helps us to better understand
tions are ensuring that there are reli- tion in today’s industrial plants, where those gray areas where we might see
able pressure-relieving technologies we are pushing the limits in terms of equipment fail,” notes Khan.
for new and emerging processes. operation, serves a similar purpose He also emphasizes the impor-
One organization at the forefront of as the brake in the car. It provides tance of applied research and experi-
dedicated research and technology broader operability to the system,” mentation alongside advanced math-
development related to overpressure he says. And like a car, he points out, ematical models to help guide safer
protection is the Mary K. O’Connor alongside the conventional brake, industry practices. “We can set up
Process Safety Center at Texas A&M you will also find an emergency brake. experimental methodologies along
Similarly, within a pressure-protection with mathematical models to form
system, there will also be elements in- basic tools that vendors and opera-
stalled that are uniquely designed for tors can use to interrogate and study
emergency conditions. their systems to find weak links. Our
experimental facilities, along with
Digitalization our computational abilities, are able
As with any operational function in to create the methods that must be
the CPI, digital technologies and carried out, step by step, to under-
data analysis are becoming integral stand the hidden risks, calculate and
in overpressure-protection systems. develop the models to help users
The key benefit of digitalization in pro- to understand their associated risks
cess-safety applications, says Khan, and how they can follow strategies
is its ability to reveal hidden risks and to minimize it. The outcome of our
so-called gray areas where gaps in work is to set the stage for vendors
protection may exist. and operators to better study their
“In any process there are certain systems.”
elements that create some hidden Ultimately, Khan says what the in-
Edison Sripaul,
risks. And while these risks could dustry really desires is to effectively
MKOPSC cause a significant impact or even use their data to make informed
FIGURE 1. At MKOPSC, a dust-explosion testing catastrophic consequences, be- safety decisions. “That’s one of the
system helps researchers generate guidance for cause their likelihood of occurrence is things team members are working
industrial processors to help them optimize their relatively low, they may remain hidden closely with industry to unleash.”
operating conditions to avoid dangerous situations
Uncovering dust-explosion risks in a totally different pressure domain Edison Sripaul, MKOPSC
One of the main hidden hazards in than what we typically expose tra-
the CPI is dust, as many people may ditional protection devices to, so
not understand the risks of dust ex- those systems may not be directly
plosions. Crucial to advancing the applicable to the particular environ-
dust-control sector is to expand the ment where hydrogen operates,”
industry’s understanding of the con- says Khan. More research will be
ditions that can lead to dust explo- required to provide more suitable
sivity — from the size of particles to overpressure-protection solutions,
the optimal operating conditions and which not only must be vetted from
what type of protection devices might a technical standpoint, but also must
be required (Figure 1). “MKOPSC eventually be accepted by the pub-
works closely with industry to analyze lic as safe. “One thing that is very
data from many different substances clear is that overpressure protec-
to provide guidance about under tion systems for hydrogen cannot be
which conditions dust could become open-release, which is very unique
explosive, therefore demanding the when compared to other hydrocar-
specification of an overpressure-pro- bons or fuels, where the protection
tection system,” states Khan. system can provide safe relieving FIGURE 2. Experimentation using reactor calorim-
eters can help shed light on the conditions that
One area where such guidance has of the pressure to a relatively open can lead to runaway reactions, such as those seen
changed drastically in recent years is atmosphere. Unfortunately, in the sometimes in battery systems
in biomass-handling applications for case of hydrogen, given its low ig-
converting solids, such as sugar or nition energy, its release to an open have been significant commercial ad-
wood, into biofuels and bio-based atmosphere is sufficient to ignite and vancements in installing relief devices
chemicals. “The operating envelopes create an explosion,” explains Khan. into individual battery pack systems,
have changed significantly with new To address this added complexity, but incidents can still occur at very
applications for biomass. Guidance work is underway to develop unique large scales. “We have witnessed
can be as simple as changing the pressure-protection systems that di- quite a few major accidents at those
size of particles, or potentially speci- rect the release into a safe, confined levels of facilities due to overpressure
fying a device that can relieve excess space. Otherwise, says Khan, the and explosions, where a single pack
energy levels in the system to avoid pressure-relieving action itself could experiences overpressure and ends
explosivity,” he adds. According to be the source of an accident. “In a up creating overpressure over the
Khan, the biomass-handling indus- very simplistic system, you might entire installation. We have a good
tries have learned a great deal over have a full cylinder of hydrogen being understanding at the smaller scale,
time and have built more robust sys- transported, with an empty cylin- but at the utility level, there is still a
tems to better avoid explosivity limits der beside it in the event of a pos- knowledge gap,” says Khan.
by maintaining certain operating con- sible overpressure situation. Then
ditions, while at the same time install- you could use the second cylinder The next steps
ing appropriate protection systems as the pressure-relieving system,” Considering the current state of over-
that will enable them to safely relieve he notes. pressure protection, and looking
pressures in case they must operate Batteries also have special char- ahead at the next generation, Khan
outside their normal conditions. acteristics that make them prone to sees sensors and process monitor-
overpressure events related runaway ing as key elements. On the hori-
Emerging energy systems reactions and overheating (Figure zon are devices that not only relieve
As the world continues to explore 2). However, as battery systems are or divert pressure buildup, but that
lower-carbon energy options, such scaling up for utility-scale energy minimize the pressure buildup itself.
as battery energy storage and hydro- storage, there is still a need to de- “This means that we are monitoring
gen, there are many challenges and velop proper overpressure protection pressure conditions at the relief de-
process-safety risks that must be for individual battery packs. “We are vice such that they can operate on a
addressed. “In evolving fields, such designing relief and overpressure de- continuous basis rather than based
as hydrogen and batteries, overpres- vices to be as miniscule as possible on a certain threshold.” This enables
sure protection is one of the most im- at the pack level. This is a whole new a more circular system where mate-
portant elements,” says Khan. dimension for overpressure-protec- rial can be re-circulated through the
Hydrogen — with its low ignition tion systems. The industry is work- device continuously to avoid pressure
energy, propensity to leak and its ing to design such systems now, not buildup in the system. “This is in stark
detection difficulties — poses many only to safely run battery systems at contrast to current threshold-based
unique safety challenges that must a larger scale, but to also monitor models, where you allow pressure to
be addressed as larger volumes of operation in abnormal conditions to build up within the system and then it
hydrogen enter the energy land- relieve pressure and avoid major ac- is all released at once,” Khan adds. ■
scape. “Hydrogen absolutely works cidents.” says Khan. Indeed, there Mary Page Bailey
pusher, which can be operated with peratures that exceed 150°F (66°C);
light pressure without special tools, or large particle sizes that do not re-
is used to quickly disconnect wires. lease moisture easily; or low drying
The terminal design and vertical wire rates for materials that have bound
insertion from above enable installa- moisture content, such as grains,
tion close to the wiring channels and fruits and vegetables. — Kason Corp.,
thus very compact setups in the field. Millburn, N.J.
The high contact force of the push-in www.kason/com/fluid-bed
spring ensures secure fixation of the
wire ends that withstands even strong New headgear models merge
vibrations and mechanical shocks. comfort and safety compliance Kason
— Conta-Clip Verbindungstechnik Four new safety helmets have been re-
GmbH, Hövelhof, Germany leased as part of the Skullerz product line, including models with adjustable
venting and rechargeable three-mode
Bin activators are designed to LED headlamps (photo). The newly
enhance solids handling developed Type 2 safety helmets pro-
This company’s Bin Activators (photo) vide comprehensive protection, offer-
help to eliminate bridging and rathol- ing safeguards to the top, front, side
ing in bulk-solids handling applica- and rear of the head to meet the strin-
tions. They also reduce particle seg- gent ANSI/ISEA Z89.1-2014 (R2019)
regation and promote improved mass Type 2 requirements –– all without
flow. The company offers a number of compromising on breathable comfort,
Bin Activator designs to meet a wide a major point of concern among other
range of processing requirements: Type 2 headgear, says the manufac-
the original Dished Head design; the turer. — Ergodyne, St. Paul, Minn.
Model HDBD, which uses a com- Ergodyne
lange-bolted joints enable con- gasket load must then
Bolt load
nections of singular segments be greater than the in- Hydrostatic
of pipes into more complex sec- ternal blowout pressure end force
tions, as well as joining measuring and to ensure the integrity of
process devices, such as flowmeters, the seal. If it is not, a leak
pumps, fans and pressure vessels. or gasket blowout can
These joints are potential sources of occur [2]. Gasket
leakage, which can introduce safety
and environmental hazards, as well as Leakage rate Blowout/
process inefficiencies. This one-page The leakage rate refers internal
reference reviews concepts associ- to the quantity of fluid
ated with preventing leaks in flange- that passes through the
bolted joints. body and over the faces
of a gasket per unit pe-
Design considerations riphery of the gasket over FIGURE 1. The three main forces at play in a bolted flange joint as-
The design of flange-bolted joints de- a specified time [3]. The sembly (shown here) act to prevent leaks and gasket blowouts
pends on the selection of a gasket, as leakage rate is highly in-
well as the proper assembly. Required fluenced by process media, pressure, calibrated torque-control device
design data include the nominal di- temperature, surface pressure and to ensure proper torque values
ameter of the pipeline, the tempera- other factors. It is usually measured are applied
ture and pressure of the process fluid under a specific gasket load and at a • Keep assembly records to verify that
and the chemical and physical prop- specific fluid pressure. For given set proper procedures were followed
erties of the transported medium. of conditions, the lower the leakage
Additional data are external loads on rate, the better the fluid is retained by Gasket materials
joint (and their variations in time), re- the gasket material. Common gasket materials include
quired tightness and durability of the As a general guideline, increas- elastomers, polytetrafluoroethylene
joint. Over the past several decades, ing internal pressure leads to higher (PTFE), flexible graphite, natural fi-
computational algorithms have been leakage rates. Increasing surface bers or mineral-based materials.
developed to help achieve the desired pressure results in lower leakage Gasket manufacturers provide pres-
bolt tightness. In most cases, the al- rates. Increasing molecular size gen- sure-versus-temperature charts to
gorithms apply to flange-bolted joints erally means lower leakage rates. help determine whether or not the
with circular gaskets, and the results Increasing temperature gives lower material is safe to use for a particu-
of the calculations provide the torque leakage rates for some gasket ma- lar application.
at which the nuts should be tightened terials, although toward the end of
to ensure sufficient tightness [1]. service life, the leakage rate is likely Flange compressibility
to increase [3]. Flange compressibility is consid-
Forces on joints ered to be the percentage reduc-
Three main forces act upon a bolted Installation tips tion in thickness of a flange under
flange joint assembly (BFJA; Figure 1). The following are tips to consider compressive pressure (applied at a
The flange/bolt load acts to compress when installing BFJAs [2]. constant rate, at ambient tempera-
the gasket enough to fill any serra- • Make sure the flange sealing sur- ture). This value provides a means to
tions or imperfections on the sealing faces are clean and free of dings, measure the deformation properties
surface. This helps prevent potential marks or indentations of a gasket, and is an indication of
leak paths. The hydrostatic end load, • Flanges should be aligned to maxi- the ability of the material to conform
caused by the internal pressure of the mize sealing contact and to pro- to the flange surface irregularities [3].
fluid in the system, acts to push the vide a uniform gasket load Gasket materials with higher com-
two flanges apart. The internal blow- • Working surfaces of bolts, nuts and pressibilities will more effectively fill
out pressure acts upon the gasket washers should be lubricated to surface roughness. n
and tries to push it out through the ensure uniform friction
gap between the flanges. • Verify the material, grade and con- References
A main concern surrounding the dition of the bolts. Nuts should 1. Jaszak, P. and Adamek, K., Design and analysis of the flange-
bolted join with respect to required tightness and strength, Open
design and installation of the BFJA spin freely onto the bolt thread Engineering, 2019.
is determining the gasket stress or without binding 2. Norton, C., Back to Basics: Soft Gaskets, Fluid Sealing Associa-
load that will be applied to the gas- • Number and tighten bolts using a tion (FSA), Sealing Sense, 2016.
ket (the flange/bolt load minus the proven tightening sequence or 3. European Sealing Association (ESA) and the Fluid Sealing As-
sociation (FSA). Flange Gaskets: Glossary of Terms, ESA/FSA,
hydrostatic end load). This remaining assembly pattern, and use a Publication 018/09. 2009.
Alice Chin eciding when to
Swagelok change industrial
hoses is a common
challenge facing plant
managers and engineers — and
IN BRIEF it is a challenging decision for
SETTING UP good reason. If plant managers
A PROACTIVE wait too long to replace hoses,
MAINTENANCE PLAN the hoses may fail and cause
IDENTIFY ALL HOSES safety issues and unplanned
downtime. On the other hand,
replacing those hoses too early
may cost a plant unnecessary
ELIMINATE HOSE STRAIN time and money. Therefore, find-
ARE PROTECTIVE ing the right balance for proac-
COVERS REQUIRED? tive hose replacements is key. FIGURE 1. Determining which hose is appropriate for specific applications
But it will take some work to de- depends on the specific criteria necessary for the application. Using an im-
INSPECTION AND termine the appropriate timing. properly reinforced hose could result in early catastrophic failure
An excellent starting point for based on their construction. Replacing them
ANALYZE YOUR DATA optimizing hose replacement schedules is all after one year may be cost prohibitive,
for plant managers and engineers to create while waiting five years in between replace-
preventive hose-maintenance plans. Such ments could result in at least half the hoses
plans should include tracking the life and experiencing failures.
performance of each hose, which will help As a plant manager surveys the situation
plants zero in on appropriate replacement and tracks the performance of each hose,
intervals. In addition, such plans should in- it makes sense to replace the 25 hoses
clude protocols for making frequent inspec- that experience accelerated wear each
tions, proactively replacing specific hoses, year, moving the second set of hoses to
and identifying which hoses to have in stock a five-year replacement plan. If each hose
in case of failure. It may seem daunting to costs $200, this approach could save the
create this sort of comprehensive plan at plant $20,000 in direct costs per year, not
first, but the long-term savings potential for including the value of reduced downtime
a facility makes it worth the effort. and maintenance. That is a significant
Remember that each hose will face its savings potential that demonstrates why
own stresses and strains depending on facilities should seriously consider estab-
its application, which means replacement lishing and adhering to a preventive hose-
intervals will vary by environment and ex- maintenance plan.
posures (Figure 1). Factors like pressure,
movement demands and which equipment Setting up a proactive maintenance plan
is nearby will affect how hoses wear and Start with the recommendations of your
must be considered when designing pre- hose supplier when developing a preventive
ventive maintenance plans. maintenance schedule, but also supplement
For example, a facility may have a specific those tips based on a real-world understand-
application that uses 50 identical hoses, ing of operating environments, hose materi-
50% of which wear out after one year. The als and other factors. Do not guess how long
other 50% may last five times as long. De- the hoses will function properly. Effective
spite the fact the hoses are identical, it is plant managers should observe their hoses
impossible to set a replacement schedule carefully over time and record changes to
determine what the right replace- require system down-
ment interval should be for specific time. During such routine
hoses. Below are the key steps inspections, employees
plant managers should take to help should examine hoses
create a proper preventive hose- for scrapes, cuts, corro-
maintenance schedule. sion, kinks and general
deterioration, which may
Identify all hoses provide an indication
Before creating your plan, it is cru- that it is time to replace
cial to understand what hoses are in the hose. Record all ob-
the plant. That means conducting a servations in the main- FIGURE 3. Exceeding a hose’s recommended bend radius can pro-
full plant audit, tagging each hose, tenance spreadsheet. If duce undue strain and even result in premature failure
and creating a log detailing the full it is determined that it is
roster of hoses. For each one, in- time to change the hose, the service sources or are installed in strain-
clude information, such as the hose interval should be noted for future inducing configurations, remediate
type, part number, process fluid reference. Over time, understanding those conditions immediately. If left
contained inside, pressure or tem- these intervals allows plant manag- unchecked, they could reduce the
perature ratings and which vendor ers to replace hoses before they fail. lifetime of a hose or, in some cases,
supplied the hose, along with the If a hose does fail despite regular cause outright failure.
appropriate contact information. inspections, employees should note
This information will be handy for every detail, including the location Are protective covers required?
not only tracking hose performance, of failure on the hose, how severe In some cases, hoses require
but also for ordering replacements. the break was and how the hose protective covers, including
In addition, plant managers should was mounted. Recording such in- the following:
log other information like the hose’s formation provides a roadmap for • Thermosleeves, which protect
length, size, core material and con- determining why the hose failed and hoses from weld spatter and resist
struction, reinforcement layers, end how to prevent a similar problem in deterioration from ultraviolet light
connections, mounting, cover type, the future. • Fire jacketing, which protects
operating conditions and cleaning hoses from temperature extremes
procedures. Finally, records should Eliminate hose strain posed by internal system fluids
be kept that indicate when a hose Hoses can come under undue strain • Spiral guards, which protect
was installed and when a replace- during their operation due to several hoses against abrasion
ment is scheduled. If nothing else, common circumstances, including • Armor guards, which keep
these steps will offer significant in- the following: hoses from kinking and experienc-
formation on how well a plant is op- • Twisting a hose or bending it on
ing abrasions
erating. If the process seems over- more than one plane (Figure 2)
• Spring guards, which also help
whelming, a reliable hose supplier • Bending the hose beyond its
to minimize kinking and abrasions
should be able to help perform the recommended radius (Figure 3)
audit and offer recommendations • Bending too close to the hose/ Importantly, hose covers do not
about what needs to be done. fitting connection (Figure 4) alter the technical data provided by
• Allowing insufficient hose length suppliers. Before deploying a hose
Track the lifecycle of each hose so the hose is strained during im- cover, it is crucial to understand the
Schedule hose inspections at the pulses (Figure 5) operating temperature of each op-
interval recommended by the hose • Failing to use elbows and adapt- tion and what the cover does effec-
supplier. More often than not, these tively. For example, thermosleeves
ers to relieve hose strain on hori-
inspections may be visual and do not may keep hoses safe from weld
zontal end connections
splatter, but it will not protect them
(Figure 6)
from abrasion.
During regular inspec-
tions, employees should Inspection and replacement
pay particular atten- As replacement intervals reveal
tion to any unusual cir- themselves over time, a preventive-
cumstances that may maintenance schedule will even-
be putting unexpected tually come into focus. Though
strain on the hose body. replacement intervals may offer
If hoses are rubbing good information about when a
against other equipment, hose may need to be replaced,
FIGURE 2. Strain can occur when a hose is twisted or bent on experiencing pulses, are periodic inspections are still es-
more than one plane subject to external heat sential. In the dynamic world of
Maintenance Basics
Enabled by modern digitalization tools, predictive maintenance strategies have distinct
advantages over traditional approaches and preventive maintenance protocols
he era of visual-inspection-only basis to minimize costly downtime. The initial Namit Tripathi
maintenance routines with an em- data collected can be used to train ML mod- Senior process engineer
ployee checking boxes off on a els to teach these algorithms how to make
clipboard could soon become a predictions or perform tasks. It is important
relic thanks to predictive maintenance. In to ensure those algorithms are programmed
today’s highly automated manufacturing to avoid collecting information or noise that IN BRIEF
environment, data collected from sensors is not related to the task at hand, a condition
can be analyzed to detect any maintenance that may impair the PdM methodology. MAINTENANCE DEFINED
issues that need to be addressed. Further- The type of data collected for PdM might
more, those digital clues can also be har- include temperature or pressure varia- SHIFTING FROM
nessed to create predictive maintenance tions (compared to an acceptable range or PREVENTIVE
routines to help mitigate problems before baseline number), flowrates, motor speeds TO PREDICTIVE
they arise. Whether these issues occur in (by monitoring the variable-frequency drive MAIINTENANCE
process equipment, pipelines or in other controller), or other metrics critical to a spe- SCADA FOR DATA
circumstances, information can be relayed cific operation. PdM differs from preventive COLLECTION
to a software program to monitor for prob- maintenance (PvM) — where routine main- MAINTENANCE
lematic conditions before costly downtime tenance occurs at predetermined intervals STRATEGIES
results. When scheduled on a regular, rou- whether or not it is needed. PvM is often
tine basis, predictive maintenance can help based on past experiences and timeframes, MAKING THE MOVE
extend the life expectancy of physical as- but that may not be a reliable predictor of fu- TO PREDICTIVE
sets, an important factor to consider when ture issues. The drawback is that it also may MAINTENANCE
making an investment in current sensor lead to unnecessary downtime. LOOKING AHEAD: THE
technologies. This article describes predic- FUTURE OF INDUSTRIAL
tive maintenance and outlines the benefits Shifting from PvM to PdM MAINTENANCE
of using it for modern processes. There are some issues to consider when
making the shift from PvM to PdM. These
Predictive maintenance defined include upfront costs associated with the
Predictive maintenance (PdM) is a proac- hardware needed for monitoring systems
tive technique that uses data collected in (such as the sensors, for example), ad-
real time through an array of sensors (even vanced analytical software programs to
drones, in some cases), historical perfor- customize, employee hours to install new
mance data and advanced analytics. Those technology, and the hiring and training of
data are then analyzed by PdM software tools employees required to analyze and then for-
that use algorithms to forecast asset failure mulate a PdM plan. As with any major capi-
with a high degree of reliability unmatched tal project, it is vital to factor the return on
by visual inspections alone. Cutting-edge investment (ROI) into the equation. The di-
technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and rect benefits of using PdM are fairly straight-
machine learning (ML) are now employed forward. One indirect benefit is that a time-
more for PdM routines. The industrial inter- frame for PdM scheduled on a certain day or
net of things (IIoT) allows data from critical time slot can be relayed to customers, who
operations to be transmitted remotely as can plan accordingly around that pause in
well, alerting key personnel to detect failing operations. Performing those tasks on an
assets in real time. This means that mainte- emergency basis can be more costly (for ex-
nance work can be scheduled ahead of an ample, extra shipping costs from expedited
asset failure (a leaking pipeline or a seized shipping of replacement parts, extra labor
pumping station, for example) on a routine costs for repairs made outside of normal
at least to an extent that produces maximum benefits. Dryers & Complete Systems Proteins ∙ Resins ∙ Vitamins
It is also important to watch for improper data se-
lection — a lack of coordination when employees from
different departments are involved with data analysis,
as well as poor modeling and inadequate training when
launching PdM. Using the same personnel to collect
the same data from the same location every time,
known as repeatability, increases the confidence level
Quality &
in what datasets are being aggregated. Failing to keep Innovation Since 1911
up with the constant evolution of technology (the lat-
est in sensors and software, for example) can lead to
a competitive disadvantage, which is why it is essential
to maintain and update the model guiding PdM routines 855-789-9827
as required, based on the latest data. For details visit
facturers, because it is essential in allowing for a more precise analysis
rtificial intelligence (AI) has ensuring drug and container quality of inspection data. Moving forward,
revolutionized the phar- before the product gets distributed we foresee human inspection and
maceutical industry, per- to the patient. These systems can AI continuing to work together, le-
meating every aspect from efficiently inspect containers, detect veraging real-time data to improve
drug discovery to drug manufactur- defects, reduce false rejects, and production knowledge.
ing. With its ability to analyze vast ensure product integrity with high
amounts of data, AI has become accuracy, significantly increasing Deep learning for inspection
an invaluable tool in enabling the manufacturing capacity. Deep learning has emerged as a
biopharmaceutical industry to bring By automating the inspection pro- powerful tool within the biomanufac-
safer and more reliable drugs to the cess, pharmaceutical manufacturers turing industry, offering substantial
market. Notable applications of AI can improve productivity, reduce er- benefits in terms of quality control
in biomanufacturing, such as deep rors and enhance overall product and inspection performance. Par-
learning models and digital twin quality. These systems can swiftly ticularly, when applied to visual in-
technology, can be implemented in analyze images and identify even the spection, deep-learning algorithms
visual inspection processes — all of tiniest defects or imperfections that can significantly enhance accuracy
which can provide drugmakers and may not be easily detectable by the and efficiency throughout the bio-
biomanufacturers with increased human eye. By doing so, they provide manufacturing lifecycle. By leverag-
productivity and improved efficiency a level of precision that surpasses ing extensive training on large da-
(Figure 1). While these technolo- manual inspection, ensuring that no tasets, deep-learning models can
gies are redefining the standards of potential issues are overlooked dur- detect subtle defects and anomalies
drug development and manufac- ing the production process. (Figure 2).
turing, they also come with draw- Manual inspection remains the This not only improves the overall
backs that drug manufacturers regulatory standard today. However, product quality but also reduces the
must overcome to reap the ultimate the industry is seeing a pattern of number of false rejects and reduces
benefits of adopting these cutting- increasing automation, using tradi- the need for manual re-inspection of
edge technologies. tional rule-based algorithms and ap- “grey” items that do not meet quality
plying deep-learning models, as AI standards. From manufacturing data,
The evolution of visual inspection continues to permeate the industry. it can be seen that false rejects can
While manual inspection continues Every automated inspection system be reduced tenfold, to less than 1%,
to be the gold standard for detect- is challenged against manual in- and the detection rate can also be
ing defects across the drug manu- spection to prove efficacy, and this improved because of deep learning,
facturing lifecycle, this process is will also be the benchmark to be yielding up to 99.9% accuracy. As a
time-consuming and labor-intensive. reached and
Stevanato Group
The market continues to demand a surpassed
higher volume output. To address by automa-
these limitations, drug manufactur- tion. The use
ers turned to automated inspection of AI-pow-
systems that incorporated advanced ered vision
vision software and machine learn- equipment
ing algorithms. The implementation not only can
of visual inspection equipment has enhance the FIGURE 1. Optical inspection is one of the major applications where AI and deep-
significantly impacted the quality- efficiency of learning technologies are frequently being applied in biomanufacturing processes
Stevanato Group
result, deep learning helps stream- Digital twin technology also ap-
line the inspection process, saving plies real-time data to replicate
both time and resources, and lead- complex supply chain processes,
ing to a reduction in the total cost of enabling drug manufacturers to
ownership (TCO) for manufacturers. identify potential weak spots and
These robust systems can adapt to plan contingencies even before
variations within production with- they occur. By leveraging machine
out the need to constantly adjust learning and AI, the digital twin can
the inspection recipe, ensuring analyze historical data patterns, FIGURE 2. Deep-learning models are being imple-
consistent performance and elimi- compare them with real-time data, mented in quality-control schemes to quickly
detect product defects and learn about manufac-
nating the costs associated with and predict the likelihood of future turing patterns
frequent modifications. issues. As a result, maintenance
Being such a nascent technology, teams can move from traditional, inspection technology enables the
the main roadblock with deep-learn- time-based maintenance sched- detection of even subtle defects,
ing technology is the scarcity of de- ules to condition-based strategies, ensuring product integrity and
fect examples to “train” the technol- intervening precisely when needed. safety. Deep-learning algorithms,
ogy, especially with new products Predictive maintenance minimizes when trained on extensive data-
that have just entered production. downtime, prevents costly break- sets, bring unparalleled precision
This has sparked discussions within downs, extends the lifespan of as- and efficiency to quality control pro-
the industry around how to effec- sets and optimizes maintenance cesses, reducing false rejects and
tively validate the learning process costs by focusing efforts on critical minimizing manual re-inspections.
and identify an effective way forward areas. This approach not only en- Additionally, digital twin technology
that pharmaceutical companies can hances operational efficiency, but offers a virtual replica of the manu-
adopt. Neural networks, which lie at also boosts overall productivity and facturing process, facilitating pre-
the core of the deep learning pro- ensures a more reliable and sustain- dictive analysis, risk mitigation and
cess, possess the ability to continu- able operation of complex systems. resource optimization.
ously learn and adapt. However, this While digital twin technology can The combination of these tech-
adaptability can make them seem be extremely beneficial, the as- nologies can lead to improved ac-
like proverbial “black boxes,” mak- sociated maintenance requires curacy, increased productivity and
ing it challenging to ensure that they consistent money, time and effort streamlined operations in biomanu-
abide by the predefined acceptable from drug manufacturers. If a digi- facturing, ultimately enhancing the
levels of performance. To address tal twin is not maintained properly, quality and reliability of biopharma-
this concern, the practice of “freez- the effort to create the digital twin ceutical products. As these tech-
ing” the neural network is being is voided, because it is no longer an nologies continue to evolve and be
widely considered as the preferred exact replica of the process. For ex- integrated into processes, we can
method of validation. By freezing ample, many errors across the bio- expect even greater advancements
the network at certain points dur- manufacturing lifecycle are a result and innovations in the field, further
ing its learning, researchers and of outdated data, which can cause solidifying their critical role in shap-
developers can evaluate its perfor- major delays as drug manufactur- ing the future of biopharmaceutical
mance and check that it respects ers need to spend time identifying production. The companies that
the identified appropriate levels the inaccurate data. To combat are best able to leverage these new
of operation. this, drug manufacturers can work capabilities will emerge as the vic-
With its ability to enhance quality, with a partner that facilitates the tors, as AI continues to develop and
increase inspection performance, implementation of infrastructure shape the world we know. ■
and reduce operational expenses, that collects, monitors and inter- Edited by Mary Page Bailey
deep learning has the potential to prets data to ensure processes are
provide significant benefits to the running smoothly. Author
pharmaceutical industry. Overall, the implementation of Riccardo Butta is the president of
digital twin technology in biomanu- the Americas at Stevanato Group
(Website: www.stevanatogroup.
Digital twins facturing holds the potential to sig- com), a global provider of drug
Further to the enhancements that nificantly improve quality, increase containment, drug delivery and
visual inspection technology and operational efficiency and mitigate diagnostic solutions to the phar-
maceutical, biotechnology and life
deep-learning algorithms provide, production issues. sciences industries. He holds an
digital twin technology offers yet an- M.S. degree in mechanical engi-
neering from Politecnico in Milan,
other transformative approach in the Unleashing the power of AI Italy, and a degree in business management and inno-
field of biomanufacturing. By creat- The integration of visual inspection vation from MIP in Milan. Butta was formerly the senior
ing a virtual replica of real-world technology, deep learning and digi- vice president of Flex Health Solutions. At Flex, he was
responsible for the global commercial organization of a
assembly processes, a digital twin tal twin technology has significantly business unit providing contract design, manufacturing
enables risk prediction, minimizes enhanced accuracy and perfor- and logistics services to the healthcare industry. His pri-
errors and reduces delivery time. mance in biomanufacturing. Visual mary focus was on medical devices, drug delivery solu-
tions, diagnostics and life-sciences equipment.
sions and ensure that a dust collec- DHA, plant designers and operators
he presence of dust is one of tion system is meeting the require- can determine methods of prevention
the many potential causes for ments of the process, it is imperative and mitigation of dust explosions.
explosions and fires at pro- to go a step further than rule-of-
cess plants. Dust collection thumb designs and perform a sys- Design considerations
systems can provide a significant tem-level flow analysis. Accurate The primary function of a dust col-
level of explosion prevention, and system-level flow analysis of dust lection system is to provide points
they can also help maintain a safe collection systems is critical for ex- of entry into the ducting network
working environment and reliable plosion prevention in process plant where dust can be collected and
equipment operation. operations. This article discusses then transported into a primary dust
Despite their status as critical com- considerations for flow analyses of collector. The dust collection system
ponents in a plant’s overall safety in- dust collection systems, including is basically a large vacuum, so high
frastructure, dust collection system the use of flow analysis to aid design velocities and flows are needed to
designs are often based on simplified for normal operation, as well as vari- transport the dust through the duct-
rules of thumb, rather than being rig- ous operating scenarios when differ- ing network.
orously designed like other process ent components and flow paths are When dust collection systems are
units and systems in a plant. Using online at different times, and when- not working as they should, dust
basic rules of thumb to guide de- ever additional branch paths are may start to accumulate within the
signs can be problematic because added into an existing system. ducting. If moisture is present, then
designers assume that the rules of dust can begin to stick to walls and
thumb will necessarily lead to a prop- Potential dust hazards fittings. This is just one of many ex-
erly functional system. Flow analysis There are five critical conditions that amples of how a dust collection sys-
of dust control systems finds that this when met, can lead to a disastrous tem may fail — continued analysis
is often not the case. Dust collection explosion event, such as the one can help avoid this. The following are
systems that are “thrown together” that occurred at the Imperial Sugar some of the main areas that must be
without well-thought-out designs can Refinery in Georgia in February 2008 considered for designing a dust col-
introduce problems and the system that killed 14 people and injured 38 lection system.
may not work properly. In addition, others [1]. In addition to the three Flow velocities. If velocities are
new pieces of equipment get added components needed for all combus- too low, then dust may settle and
to a process over time as produc- tion — fuel (in this case a combusti- increase system pressure drop,
tion expands, and the dust collection ble dust), oxidant and ignition source which leads to higher energy costs,
system quickly becomes increasingly — dust explosions also require the because blowers must overcome
complicated. This leads to uncer- dust to be dispersed in the atmo- higher levels of resistance. Even
sphere and confined. worse is potentially plugging up the
Dust is just one of ducting. Excessively high velocities
the many fuel sources can also be an issue. High velocities
that can cause explo- can cause the dust to erode duct-
sions and it is difficult ing and other network components.
to know which types Also, dust flowing at too high a ve-
of dust can explode, locity may hit features like sharp turn
and under what con- elbows or branch line connections,
ditions, and which which can potentially cause an ac-
ones will not. There- cumulation of dust at those points.
fore, whenever dust Another issue is that if dust is moist
is present, a dust haz- or sticky, it might smear along the
ards analysis (DHA) is wall, also leading to potential duct-
FIGURE 1. The diagram shows an example of a simple dust collection performed to deter- ing erosion and accumulation.
system with multiple pieces of equipment after layout and duct sizing mine the dust charac- The velocity in a certain duct
has been determined
Type of dust Velocity in Velocity in ing temperatures do not
branches main reach unsafe levels.
Metalworking Dust 4,500 ft/min 4,000 ft/min Dust buildup. It is critical
Woodworking Dust 4,000 ft/min 3,500 ft/min to ensure that dust does
Other Light Dust 4,000 ft/min 3,500 ft/min not collect and build-up
ft3/min requirements for diameter at specified velocity within the ducting sys-
Diameter 3,500 ft/min 4,000 ft/min 4,500 ft/min tem. If it does, this can
3 in. 170 195 220 cause a dust collection
4 in. 300 350 390
system to become a part
5 in. 475 550 610
of the problem instead of
part of the solution. Ac-
6 in. 700 785 880
cumulated dust inside
7 in. 950 1,100 1,200
the ducting network is an
8 in. 1,200 1,400 1,570
explosion or fire hazard.
9 in. 1,550 1,800 1,990 Another major concern
10 in. 1,900 2,200 2,450 is that the accumulation
12 in. 2,800 3,175 3,600 can cause an explosion
14 in. 3,800 4,300 4,800 or fire that may have been
started and caused by
FIGURE 2. Example dust types have different velocity require-
ments and equipment flow requirements for various duct sizes at some other means in the
specified velocities plant to quickly propa-
gate an explosion or fire
branch line may be adequate for through the ducting system itself.
proper transport. However, when it
ties into another duct line, the com- System-level flow analysis
bined flows may lead to excessive ve- Overall, ensuring flow velocities that
locities. Combined flows and associ- are not too low or too high, and ob-
ated velocities are just as important to taining the proper system flow capac-
pay attention to as individual branch ity is easily achieved through system-
line velocities. Basic, rudimentary level flow analysis. Once the design
designs based on simplified rules-of- has been proven functional through
thumb likely will not allow designs to the flow analysis, other operating
arrive at the correct flow velocities for scenarios must be considered. This
a dust collection system. includes simulating when various
Compressible flow. A major aspect branch lines are online or not, as well
of a dust collection system that is as the effect on system performance
often overlooked is the fact that it is if excessive dust buildup is present,
a compressible flow system. Most or when the dust collector and fil-
often, dust collection systems are ters need to be changed, and when
assumed to be incompressible, and branch lines are added and removed.
this leads to uncertainties when real Dust collection systems often evolve
gas effects are not dealt with cor- significantly over time and a quality
rectly. Various rules of thumb exist flow analysis can save time in rebal-
that some will apply for when to treat ancing the system.
a compressible system as incom- Before designing a dust collec-
pressible and often these assump- tion system, one needs to know the
tions and rules of thumb fall short. location of the equipment produc-
Due to the nature of compress- ing dust to identify the location of
ibility, the flow inside the system will the dust collection unit. Floor-to-
tend to accelerate. This can lead joist measurements need to be de-
to excessive velocities and pres- termined so elevation data can be
sure drops and would not be de- handled properly. Any obstructions
termined and dealt with properly if interfering with the ducting (such
constant velocities under incom- as walls or other pieces of equip-
pressible flow assumptions are em- ment) or direction changes need to
ployed. Also, temperature change be known.
and heat transfer play an important Next, the ductwork layout can be
role in compressible flow of gas established. The duct sizes are then
piping and ducting systems. Com- determined during the design and
pression heating through blowers calculation process based upon the
will increase temperatures and it is rules of thumb and associated flow
important to monitor that the result- and velocity requirements. Figure 1
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Classified Index October 2023
(1957–59 = 100) July ’23 June ’23 Jul. ’22 Annual Index: 850
Prelim. Final Final
2015 = 556.8
CE Index_______________________________________________ 798.3 803.3 829.8 800
Equipment _____________________________________________ 1,004.5 1,013.1 1,054.5 2016 = 541.7
Heat exchangers & tanks __________________________________ 824.4 835.5 891.0
Process machinery ______________________________________ 1,026.7 1,033.9 1,073.9 2017 = 567.5 750
Pipe, valves & fittings _____________________________________ 1,348.0 1,366.2 1,480.2 2018 = 603.1
Process instruments _____________________________________ 561.9 563.1 558.8 700
Pumps & compressors ____________________________________ 1,459.5 1443.1 1,304.4 2019 = 607.5
Electrical equipment _____________________________________ 802.3 799.0 770.0 2020 = 596.2 650
Structural supports & misc. ________________________________ 1,129.9 1,142.6 1,199.5
Construction labor ________________________________________ 369.2 364.4 357.1 2021 = 708.8
Buildings ______________________________________________ 812.6 816.8 834.2 2022 = 816.0 600
Engineering & supervision __________________________________ 313.7 313.9 312.0
Starting in April 2007, several data series for labor and compressors were converted to accommodate series IDs discontinued by the 550
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Starting in March 2018, the data series for chemical industry special machinery was replaced
because the series was discontinued by BLS (see Chem. Eng., April 2018, p. 76–77.)
110 2400 85
2300 80
95 75
80 1900
75 1800 60
*Due to discontinuance, the Index of Industrial Activity has been replaced by the Industrial Production in Manufacturing index from the U.S. Federal Reserve Board.
†For the current month’s CPI output index values, the base year was changed from 2012 to 2017
Current business indicators provided by Global Insight, Inc., Lexington, Mass.
28180 CE Economic indicator On Demand Webinar House Ad.indd 1 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING WWW.CHEMENGONLINE.COM
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