This document discusses creating and manipulating tables in a database. It provides the syntax for creating a table, inserting data into tables, and retrieving data from tables. It also includes an assignment asking to create tables, insert sample data, and answer queries by selecting data from the tables.
The document outlines how to create tables with column names and data types, insert data into tables using values, and retrieve all or specific columns of data from tables. An assignment is included that has students create sample client and product tables, insert data, and answer queries by selecting data from the tables to list, find, or filter records.
This document discusses creating and manipulating tables in a database. It provides the syntax for creating a table, inserting data into tables, and retrieving data from tables. It also includes an assignment asking to create tables, insert sample data, and answer queries by selecting data from the tables.
The document outlines how to create tables with column names and data types, insert data into tables using values, and retrieve all or specific columns of data from tables. An assignment is included that has students create sample client and product tables, insert data, and answer queries by selecting data from the tables to list, find, or filter records.
This document discusses creating and manipulating tables in a database. It provides the syntax for creating a table, inserting data into tables, and retrieving data from tables. It also includes an assignment asking to create tables, insert sample data, and answer queries by selecting data from the tables.
The document outlines how to create tables with column names and data types, insert data into tables using values, and retrieve all or specific columns of data from tables. An assignment is included that has students create sample client and product tables, insert data, and answer queries by selecting data from the tables to list, find, or filter records.
This document discusses creating and manipulating tables in a database. It provides the syntax for creating a table, inserting data into tables, and retrieving data from tables. It also includes an assignment asking to create tables, insert sample data, and answer queries by selecting data from the tables.
The document outlines how to create tables with column names and data types, insert data into tables using values, and retrieve all or specific columns of data from tables. An assignment is included that has students create sample client and product tables, insert data, and answer queries by selecting data from the tables to list, find, or filter records.
Q2- Insert the following data into their respective tables:
Data for Product Master:
Q3:- On the basis of above two tables answer the following Questionries:
i) Find out the names of all the clients.
ii) Retrieve the list of names and cities of all the clients. iii) List the various products available from the product_master table. iv) List all the clients who are located in Bombay. v) Display the information for client no 0001 and 0002. vi) Find the products with description as ‘1.44 drive’ and ‘1.22 Drive’. vii) Find all the products whose sell price is greater then 5000. viii) Find the list of all clients who stay in in city ‘Bombay’ or city ‘Delhi’ or ‘Madras’. ix) Find the product whose selling price is greater than 2000 and less than or equal to 5000. x) List the name, city and state of clients not in the state of ‘Maharashtra’.