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DBMS Lab Assignments-1

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Theory and Concept

Practical #1

Syntax for creating a table:-

Create table tablename
(columnname datatype(size), columnname datatype(size));

Insertion of data into tables-

INSERT INTO tablename
[(columnname, columnname, ………)]
Values(expression, expression);

Retrieving of data from the tables-

SELECT * FROM tablename;

The retrieving of specific columns from a table-

SELECT columnname, columnname, ….
FROM tablename;
Assignment No.1
Q1. Create the following tables:
i) client_master
columnname datatype size
client_no varchar 6
name varchar 20
address1 varchar 30
address2 varchar 30
city varchar 15
state varchar 15
pincode integer 6
bal_due integer 10

ii) Product_master

columnname datatype size

Product_no varchar 6
Description varchar 10
Profit_percent number 6
Unit_measure varchar 6
Qty_on_hand integer 5
Reoder_lvl integer 5
Sell_price integer 5
Cost_price integer 6

Q2- Insert the following data into their respective tables:

Data for Product Master:

Q3:- On the basis of above two tables answer the following Questionries:

i) Find out the names of all the clients.

ii) Retrieve the list of names and cities of all the clients.
iii) List the various products available from the product_master table.
iv) List all the clients who are located in Bombay.
v) Display the information for client no 0001 and 0002.
vi) Find the products with description as ‘1.44 drive’ and ‘1.22 Drive’.
vii) Find all the products whose sell price is greater then 5000.
viii) Find the list of all clients who stay in in city ‘Bombay’ or city ‘Delhi’ or ‘Madras’.
ix) Find the product whose selling price is greater than 2000 and less than or equal to 5000.
x) List the name, city and state of clients not in the state of ‘Maharashtra’.

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