Republic of The Philippine1
Republic of The Philippine1
Republic of The Philippine1
15. A family lives near a creek and the toilet is separated from
their own house. Their excreta fall freely to the creek. What
type of toilet is this?
A. Overhung latrine
B. Bored-hole latrine
C. Antipolo latrine
D. Open pit privy
Situation: In public health, quality improvement (QI) techniques
are used to improve performance and service delivery.
16. PDCA is the basic structure for most quality improvement (QI)
process. In public health, PDCA is focused on activities that are
responsive to community needs and improving population health.
PDCA stands for:
a. Perform-Document-Correct-Act
b. Perform-Do-Check-Analyze
c. Plan-Document-Check-Analyze
d. Plan-Do-Check-Act
17. There are several approaches and tools in (QI). One of these
is the Fishbone diagram, developed by K. Ishikawa. Which BEST
describes the Fishbone diagram? It is ____.
a. A cause-and-effect diagram
b. A wholistic approach in problem identification
c. Used in interview sessions
d. Useful in focusing on problem symptoms
Situation: You are making a home visit to Mr. and Mrs. Uy who are
both in their seventies. Communicating with older persons
requires effective and therapeutic techniques.
31. You noted that Mrs. Uy frequently shifts the conversation to
reminisce. Which of the following communication techniques would
be most effective with Mrs. Bojie?
A. Asking exploring questions
B. Changing the subject
C. Giving information
D. Restarting
34. Mr. and Mrs. Uy are an elderly couple that you are
interviewing at home. Mr. Uy asks to speak you alone. He tells
you that Mrs. Uy has become forgetful lately and yesterday he
received an overdue water bill. He asks, “Should I take over this
responsibility?” What would you say to Mr. Uy?
A. “Old people get forgetful at times”
B. “Could you tell Mrs. Bojie that you will help with the bill
C. “Tell Mrs. Joson that you will assume the responsibility now.”
D. “You don’t know what to suggest. This is a family matter.”
38. When Nurse Gloria assesses a family, which family task would
she consider having HIGHEST PRIORITY for health family
a. Reproduction of new family members
b. Physiologic maintenance and safety
c. Allocation of family resources
d. Maintenance of order and authority
39. Which documentation of family assessment indicates a healthy
and functional family?
a. Member provide loving and mutual support
b. Under stress, members turn inward so as not to be burden
c. Members believe they can depend in each other.
d. Husband holds dominant power over his wife
44. Nurse Chan explains to a mother whose ten year child just
received a tetanus- toxoid injection that the toxoid vaccine
confers which of the following immunity?
a. Long lasting active immunity
b. Lifelong natural immunity
c. Intermediate artificial immunity
d. Short-acting passive immunity
45. Nurse Chan knows that one of the following is NOT a vaccine
preventable disease, hence no immunity can be given to a child.
a. Measle
b. Polio
c. Hepatitis B
d. Asthma
54. Nurse Trich noted that there were number of poor older women,
living alone, who are suffering from depression. Her FIRST goal
is to ______.
a. Improved quality of life
b. Provide recreation and entertainment
c. Reduce suicide risk
d. Improve level of function
57. Along with the natural greenhouse gases, there are some man-
made ones that keep on increasing in the atmosphere that
contribute to the heating up of the Earth’s surface. These
HARMFUL human activities include the following:
1) use of liquefied petroleum gases
2) burning of fossil fuels
3) use of aerosols and plastics
4) cutting down trees
5) burning waste materials
6) use of recycled paper
A. 1, 2, 5, and 6
B. 2, 4, 5 and 6
C. 2, 3, 4, and 5
D. 1, 3, 4, and 6
58. You are aware of the consequences of the Earth’s climate
getting warm on the weather which eventually affect people. Which
of the following is NOT included?
A. storms and floods
B. cool summer
C. droughts
D. more rains and winters
59. You are concerned about the effects of global warming on the
health of people. In your advocacy, which of the following
statements should NOT be included?
A. Increased aeroallergens result in increase in cardiovascular
B. There is an increase in mental health problems due to harmful
and unexpected consequences.
C. Increased exposure to ultraviolet rays results in increases in
skin cancers.
D. Changing patterns result in increases in vector, food and
waterborne disease
73. The nurse is making a referral for the client. What should be
the first consideration for the nurse to do?
a. Acceptability of the referral to the client
b. Cost of the referral service
c. Barriers to making a referral
d. Client’s eligibility for the service
82. Nurse Chie remembers that blood pressure taken in the upper
arm versus the forearm varies. Thus, there is a need to document
which site is used. Which of the following values is the correct
variation in mmHg?
A. 10-15
B. 5-10
C. 14-20
D. 1-4
83. Nurse Chie needs to expose the patient’s arm and position it
with palm upward and the arm slightly flexed with the whole arm
supported at which level?
A. Above heart
B. Below heart
C. Heart level
D. Any level
84. Nurse Chie took the blood pressure of a 45 year old family
member and got the reading as 146/92 mmHg. This reading is
classified as:
A. Hypertension, stage 1
B. Hypertension, stage 3
C. Hypertension, stage 2
D. Prehypertension
95. For safe nursing practice, you should observe some of the
do’s and do not’s in performing your professional duty. Which
ones are NOT acceptable standard of actions by the nurse?
1. Keeping current year license to practice
2. Being a witness to a patient’s will
3. Following policies and procedures
4. Protecting patients from injuring themselves
5. Accepting money or gift from patients
6. Giving practical advice contrary to the doctor’s orders
a. 1,4, 6
b. 1,3,4
c. 2,4,5
d. 5,6
100. In the said Code of Ethics for Nurses, the nurse in relation
to her profession, is expected to do the following, EXCEPT
A. Participate actively in the growth and development of the
nursing profession
B. Strictly adhere to the nursing standard set by the
Professional Regulatory Board of Nursing
C. Strive to secure equitable socio-economic and work conditions
for nurses.
D. Be a member of the accredited professional organization which
is the International Council of Nurses.