Expo 2023
Expo 2023
Expo 2023
a) Means of Communication
b) Transport
c) E-Commerce
d) Waste Management
General Instructions
Exhibition Stalls
Can set up their exhibition projects in their allotted Stall between 8 a.m.
and 9.30 a.m, on Friday 20th October 2023.
Mobilize the equipment and resource required to organize their
demonstration at the Stall. Keeping the equipment in safe custody shall be
the responsibility of the participants during the exhibition time.
Fix/ illustrate charts on the internal walls of the Stall using thread or Self-
adhesive tapes (no nail or screws should be used)
Complete the set-up decoration of the Stall prior to the start of the
exhibition schedule and take them back after the exhibition.
Evaluation of exhibits starts at 10 a.m. Exhibition Stalls will be opened
for the students by 11.30 a.m.
After the competition, Stall should be kept neat and clean.
3. Recycling Competition
On the spot competition, select any theme given. Use minimum quantity
of thermocol. Number of participants max- 03from each team.
Time of competition 9a.m to 10 a.m.
The participants should bring all the materials they needed.
Each team will get 2 feet x 2 feet space for their exhibit.
Teams shall be responsible for arrangement of the materials required for
the event.
Criteria for Judgment:
1. Concept
2. Creativity
3. Clarity of Message/Idea
One person from each team should represent their team and give the
explanation to the judge ( Max 3 minutes for the presentation).
Payment Details
(√) (√)
Food Arrangement
Breakfast & Lunch shall be arranged at the venue for the participants,
escorts and the officials. Food coupon shall be purchased by the team in
advance by paying the amount along with the registration fee.