BCE03-4 Summary 1
BCE03-4 Summary 1
BCE03-4 Summary 1
0 Introduction
A residential development project is under a design and build contract. The site is located at
Welfare Road in Aberdeen, Hong Kong and this project includes six number of 30-storey
residential towers in two building masses with 5m gap in between, 1-storey of communal sky
garden, and 6-storey of carpark. There are 411 residential units with 59815 m2 GFA assessed
comprising high rise units and garden units at podium level.
This report aims to provide analyses how to make decisions regarding material choices, based
on (i) health and safety aspect, (ii) environmental sustainability, (iii) properties and
performance of materials, and (iv) human comfort requirements.
The slump tests conducted followed the procedures in CS1:2010. The photos show the results
from two samples of slump test and the results were 80 mm and 140 mm. The slumps of
concrete were within the recommended slumps stated in the method statement. The tests
yielded a true slump which the concrete remains substantially intact and symmetrical, so that
the tests are considered as valid. From these results, the following conclusion can be made:
• The ratio of water to cement is correct. The right amount of cement paste the coating of
aggregates delivers a good consolidation and finish, and
• The size and shape of the aggregates used in the concrete mix were sufficient. The large
sizes of aggregates tend to bond best with the cement and deliver decent workability.
Determination of Compressive Strength of Concrete Cube
The method statement stated that a set of two 150 mm test cubes would be made per 25m3 of
concrete placed. The design concrete mix and concrete grade were supposed to be 40D/20 and
40 MPa. The test of compressive strength of concrete cube was conducted by HOKLAS
laboratory and followed the procedures from CS1:2010. From the laboratory report, it showed
that the results of compressive strength at 28 days were 58.0 and 52.0 MPa, which beyond the
required concrete grade of 40 MPa. It implies that the concrete strength is able to resist all loads
including dead loads, imposed loads and wind loads and have good strength and structural
Although testing results were satisfactory, unexpected results may be happened in any time.
The slump test may be failed because of incorrect water content-water/cement ratio,
aggregate/cement ratio, and grading, shape, surface texture, maximum size of the aggregates,
etc. The unexpected results on the compressive strength of concrete may be caused by type of
cement, water/cement ratio, strength and grading of aggregates, degree of compaction, method
of curing and age of concrete.
4.5 Selection of Materials for given Project
The selection of construction materials based on their material and performance properties:
Construction Materials Performance Properties
Concrete • Strength and Structural Stability: Concrete is good in
(Reinforced Concrete compression and steel is good in tension, so that the reinforced
Structure) concrete structure should be able to provide enough strength to
resist all loads.
• Fire Resistance: As specified in the code of practice, adequate
concrete cover to steel has to be provided for protection of fire.
• Durability: Similarly, concrete cover is also used to protect
embedded bars from corrosion and to perform satisfactorily for
the design working life of the structure (50 years in Hong
Glass (for Windows) • Strength: Tempered glass gets its strength from the
manufacturing processes and it can withstand wind load.
• Thermal Insulation: Toned glass has a lower solar heat gain but
does not affect the light levels.
• Sound Insulation: Double / Secondary glazing provide a good
noise control
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