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Journal of Arts and Social Sciences

Journal of Arts and Social Sciences


Concept of Welfare State in Islam ( Riyasat-e- Madina) in the perspective of

Pakistan: An Analysis
Dr. Muhammad Munib Khalid*, Bushra Qamar**, Muhammad Sohail Fazal***
* Assistant Professor, School of Political Science Minhaj Uniersity Lahore munibkhalid@mul.edu.pk
** M. Phil Scholar, School of Political Science Minhaj Uniersity Lahore bushrakhubaib25@gmail.com
*** M. Phil Scholar, School of Political Science Minhaj Uniersity Lahore m.sohail5122@gmail.com


Article history: Islam is a complete system that fulfills the religious, social, individual,
Submitted 20.08.2022 economic and political needs of human beings. It is not a religion but a
Accepted 15.12.2022 complete ‘Deen’. It is a system that covers all aspects of individual and
Published 30.12.2022 collective life of humans. The Islamic theorists like Al- Mawardi, Al- Gazali, Al-
Volume No. 9 Farabi and Alama Iqbal also gave their theories to describe the Islamic state
Issue No. II
and also mentioned the duties of the Imam or Khalifa in Islamic state as he or a
ISSN (Online) 2414-8512
ISSN (Print) 2311-293X
group of persons working as cabinet has to work for the betterment of the
DOI: people living in an Islamic state whether Muslim or Non-Muslim. The qualities
_____________________ of an Islamic / welfare state have been discussed at length and compared these
Keywords: Riyasat-e with the present situation of Pakistan under the present regime boosting to
Madina, Cabinet, Western develop this state as Riyasat-e Madina. All that discussion made the researcher
Welfare State, Khalifa, able to reach on the conclusion that the good initiatives taken by the present
Religion, Pakistan Govt. if continued can change state of Pakistan into an Islamic welfare state

Islam is a complete system that fulfills all the social, individual, economic,religious, and political
needs of the human being. It is not a religion but a complete Deen. A system that covers all aspects of
individual and collective life of humans. It also determines the values of Islamic society and fully describes
the characteristics of the political system. The concept of state is very clear in Islam.
The state is the most important social institution. It would be fair to say that without the state one
cannot imagine living a peaceful, secure and civilized life. If the state had not been established there would
have been lawlessness, chaos and disorder everywhere. Civilized life began because of the state. In the
society where men live, they associate with other human beings for their daily affairs. So, it is natural that
interests of the people are created and to be protected.
We know that man is by nature selfish and greedy. (Hobes, 1651) Man wants protection of his
interest in every possible way in which creates an atmosphere of conflict in the society. Conflict and society
becomes inevitable. The manifestation of the power of Islam is Islamic State. The responsibilities of the
Islamic state are:
1. To protect Islam and the people of Islam.
2. Preaching and full implementation of Islamic law.
3. To ensure the safety of Muslims and Islamic way of life.
4. Promotion of Islam and to establish a centrality.
A state refers to a region or land on which a group of individuals is permanently settled and has its
own independent, self-sufficient and powerful system. Highest Authority and government are included.

Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Dr. Muhammad Munib Khalid, munibkhalid@mul.edu.pk 53
Population refers not only to nomadic groups but also to permanent residents and their families who live in a
specific area or portion of land. But at the same time, it is important that such people are subject to a
government. Be subordinate to power and have their political system under one institution, the government.
(Mughary, 2008)
Islam is a complete system and Shah Waliullah defines the Islamic state as the people of Madinah are
a group of people who live in a certain area, have their own government and are completely free from
external pressure.The definition of state discussed by Shah Waliullah is complete, and accordingly to him,
there are four elements of the state i.e. population, area, Government and high authority. (Shah, Zubair, &
Alam, 2018)
The concept of state in the western point of view is apparently same as that of Islamic concept but the
Islamic concept is better in a sense western concept based on materialism while Islamic concept based on
Definition by Western Theorists
Many scholars have given the definitions according to their understating but most of the scholar’s
definitions are incomplete such as Aristotle’s “a community of families and villages having for its end and
self-sufficing life, by which we mean a happy and honorable life” (Jowett, 1885)This definition was
definitely very important according to the requirement of that age but at present this definition doesn’t work.
Prof. Garner’s definition is considered as the acceptable and comprehensive one as compared to the
others. He asserted, “The state as a concept of political science and public law, is a community of persons,
more or less numerous, permanently occupying a definite portion of territory, independent of external
control, and possessing an organized Govt. to which the great body of inhabitants render habitual
1. To make the exact position of Islamic state and its basis clear for creation.
2. To find out the concept of state according to the Islamic theorists.
3. To analyze the present Govt.’s stance on to establish Riyasat-e-Madina in Pakistan by transforming
it into welfare state.

Literature Review
Some of the books have been chosen for literature review for the current topic to create its relevance
with the past and the present.
Al-Mawardi (2017) pointed out the features of Islamic state which include the absolute power of Allah
almighty as sovereignty andin Islamic State the successor of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) will be the Imam /
Khalifah selected by Election and will impose Shariah. Al-Mawardi also set some rules for the selection of
Imam along with the rules for his deposition in case he doesn’t fulfil the criteria set for the Imam or lose
control of any one of them. Muslim population and area are also necessary part of Islamic state but without
Al-Ghazali (1969) concluded state as a Devine entity and Almighty Allah is the Supreme Authority
whose laws should always be ruled. The Khalifa was considered by him for the first time as Khalifatullah
instead of Khalifatur-Rasul as was in practice during the time of Khulifa-e-Rashideen. He also mentioned the
duties of the Khalifaatlength.Ibn-Khaldun(1377) in his well- known book “The Muqaddama” derived four
kinds of State from the history of Islam:
1. Islamic state in its true sense established by the Holy Prophet (SAW) and the four pious Khulafa-e-
2. Mulk under Shariah. This was the type of state in which some of the characteristics of the Islamic
state were lost and harmed the true image of Islamic caliphate ggradually.
3. Mulk under the SiyasaAqlia – This state can be termed as Muslim not Islamic as it turned into
Monarchy because the rulers started to assume sovereignty instead of working on the lines
established by Allah Almighty.
4. Siyasa-tul-Madaniya-A speculative type of Government which was introduced by Al-Farabi and ibn-
Sina. Ibn-Khaldun, ignored as it never existed in mankind's set of experiences.

(Engineer, 1980) asserted about Alama Muhammad Iqbal,s book Reconstruction of Religious
Thoughts and the theory of Islamic State. This theory is actually a practical one.It presented the Islamic
State according to the requirements of the present age.
Al-Farabi (1999) had given some unique and original ideas in Political science but still remained
unrealized by the world. He emphasized that the basic target of the state is the happiness of the people as the

Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Dr. Muhammad Munib Khalid, munibkhalid@mul.edu.pk 54
people have thought and feelings, so, they should be treated on priority bases. Again he emphasized, in
Islamic state, on the presence of qualified imam/ khalifa and in case non-availability of one quailed person,
state can be ruled by a group of persons having qualities required for the ruler. His theory gave the
modernidea of council of ministers to run the administrative works.
Al-Farabi also gave the idea of one state in the world that might be taken by the Israel for its struggle
to run the world under concept of greater Israel. The same reason can be find behind non- research attitude
towards Al-Farabi and other Muslim theorist rather it can be pointed out that the western Political thought
artificially given the importance by banning Islamic thought.
This article has based on secondary Data collected through various books from history as well as from
present, articles, Internet sources and newspapers. This Secondary data helped the researcher to achieve the
objectives of the study under-discussion as well as to answer the research questions satisfactorily. Historical,
analytical methods along with comparative method have been used for the research undertaken.
Significance of the Studies
The study of this article will help the new researchers and students to find out description of Islamic
state by the great Muslim Scholars and also the reasons on the bases of which the present Govt. is trying to
change the previous corrupt practices of the Politicians which helped them in the past to boost themselves
materially into loyal practices for the welfare of the people. Islamic State of Madina was basically the
welfare state and many of the steps taken presently help us to remember the Riyast-e Madina which was
established for the well-being of the people.
Limitations of The Study
Riyasat-e Madina is a very deep concept to study. It has dimensional aspects, so, it is not possible to
study all the aspects in this brief assignment. So, the researcher will limit her study to some extent to the
comparative study of Islamic and western concepts and then will remain on the main point according to the
objectives and research questions of this study i.e. the concept of Islamic state as a welfare state.
State as a Generic
The generic concept of state is taken as having four elements in it which include physical bases of
state or the political bases of state. The first two elements area, population are the physical bases of state
while the political base are Govt. and sovereignty. If anyone is lacking, the state is unable to imagine.
On the other hand, the Islamic concept base on physical as well as spiritual bases rather than political
bases. Area / Land is necessary but without boundaries. Sovereignty belongs to Allah rather than a person, a
group of people or parliament.
Islamic State
The state is one of the political institutions established by Islam for the training, civilization and
development of the collective life of Muslims. Islamic community is essential for Islamic life and Islamic
government is essential for Islamic community, as if there is a consensus of the Ummah. All the members of
the state together have not the right to abolish the institution of the state. Al-Mawardi has emphasized in the
debate on the "obligation of the Imam." it is necessary for an Islamic society to have an Islamic state and for
a state to have an Imam. In Islam, the Sultan and the government are twin brothers. Islam provides the
foundation and the government protects it. A building without a foundation collapses and a building without
a protector is destroyed.(Al-Mawardi, 1996)
All the Muslim theorists, Ibne-Khaldun,Al-Mawardi and Al-Ghazali, agree on the point that an Islamic
state must be a divine state and the divine laws are made by Almighty Allah used to rule. Love of Prophet
(SAW) is necessary for the ruler. He must be pious, honest, dutiful, sincere, educated and wise to handle the
affairs of the state. It is his foremost duty to abolish discrimination and work for the attainment of peaceful
environment through law and order. Being ruler, he must be the protector of the rights of minorities. A
person who always ready to answer back in case of foreign attack is the ruler in an Islamic state. This should
also be clear to him that in case of any physical or mental ailment / defects, involvement in corruption or any
immorality, according to Sharia, he will not continue as a ruler.
Characteristicsof an Islamic state.
“Behold, thy Lord said to the angels: “I will create a vicegerent on earth.(Al-Quran) Allah has created
man his vicegerent and in general, all human beings are responsible to establish a system under the guidance
of Almighty’s Divine Law.
Allah’s Sovereignty
The foundation of an Islamic State is to have full belief on Allah Almighty as the supreme authority
in all affairs. Allah is above all and His laws & rules are without any discrepancy. All the human beings and
all the universe depends upon Allah Almighty for their existence. All land and universe is Allah’s and as a

Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Dr. Muhammad Munib Khalid, munibkhalid@mul.edu.pk 55
result, His laws are applicable to all. In an Islamic state, Allah is the sovereign and above all final laws.
Khalifa / Ruler
Caliphat is the proper name used for that govt. which based on Islamic Laws. In an Islamic state, the
head is called as “Khalifa / Ameer-ul-Momineen” Khalifa should be the true follower of Hazrat Muhammad
(SAW). A Ruler / Khalifa is always selected on the bases of his piousness and wisdom which make him
trustworthy as the guardian of the divine laws and make him able to impose the Islamic laws with life and
spirit. The unity and brotherhood of the Muslim’s is symbolized by the ruler. In Islamic state the Judiciary
can call him accountable like any other ordinary person, in case he commits any blunder, error or crime.
Islamic state is not a dictatorial state rather it is a system where all public affairs dealt with mutual
consultation of the pious, educated (knowledge of Islamic Fiqa) and wise people. Merit is the basic criteria of
their selectionas member of Majlis -e-Shura. Islamic Sharia described in detail, the criteria for merit in
Quran.“Those who hearken to their Lord, and establish regular Prayer; who (conduct) their affairs by mutual
Consultation; who spend out of what We bestow on them for Sustenance” (Al-Quran)
Ruler’s Obedience
It is the duty of the public in an Islamic state to obey the ruler until he works contrary to the Islamic
Sharia. The public in Islamic state has the right to object and raise questions or questions against the Khalifa
, if they doubts about the ruler, in the courts of law or before Qazi. Law will be applied on the public in case
they disobey the ruler without any genuine reason or break the law.
Equal Opportunity for all
There is no concept of discrimination in Islamic state related to color, cast, creed, faith, language, race
and nationality. Within the boundaries of an Islamic state, all the human beings have equal rights as Islam
believes on it. The rights of minorities are protected by the guardians and authorities but they are not allowed
to interfere in their personal and religious matters.
An Islamic state has manty objectives, among them the main objective is the rule of law and the safety
of people’s property and life. Before Islamic Law, all are equal whether believer or disbeliever, elite or poor.
All the citizens have the right to approach the judicial courts for fair justice rapid solution of their disputes.
Thus all the citizens enjoy their legal rights.
Welfare State/Social Welfare
The state is liable for the prosperity of each resident and for the appropriate arrangement of essential
necessities to them. The social government assistance is kept up through assortment of zakaht. Zakaht is the
yearly assessment levied upon Muslims on their reserve funds. Khilafat is a foundation where religion and
legislative issues are not viewed as discrete and khalifa is an authority over the two terms, hence the public
authority is approved to gather zakah and appropriate it as per the guidelines of sharia'.
“It is not righteousness that ye turn your faces Towards east or West; but it is righteousness- to believe
in Allah and the Last Day, and the Angels, and the Book, and the Messengers; to spend of your substance,
out of love for Him, for your kin, for orphans, for the needy, for the wayfarer, for those who ask, and for the
ransom of slaves; to be steadfast in prayer, and practice regular charity; to fulfil the contracts which ye have
made; and to be firm and patient, in pain (or suffering) and adversity, and throughout all periods of panic.
Such are the people of truth, the fearing from Allah” (Al-Quran)
“Alms are for the poor and the needy, and those employed to administer the (funds); for those whose
hearts have been (recently) reconciled (to Truth); for those in bondage and in debt; in the cause of Allah. and
for the wayfarer: (thus is it) ordained by Allah, and Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom”(Surah
TaubaAyat no. 60)
The Islamic state is a welfare state. It is the State’s responsibilityto fulfill the primary needs of the
people such equality, justice, tolerance, democracy and social welfare. It is the responsibility of the Islamic
State to improve the economic conditions of the people, raise their living standards, alleviate poverty,
provide employment and distribute wealth fairly. And it is his duty to cure the sufferings of the people.
Concept of Riasat-e- Madina / Pakistan as a Welfare State
At present, the PTI Government’s stance is to transform Pakistan into Riasat-e- Madina or to change it
according to the rules established by Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) under the revelation of Allah Almighty
through Holy Quran. The reason why PM Imran Khan again and again mentioned in his election 2018
speeches and after becoming PM in every speech, he desired and showed his Will to run Pakistan on the
footing of Riayasat-e- Madina. Why does he stress time and again on the need of it? The to this valid
question is that the Islamic state’s basic purpose is to work for the well-being of its people, to improve their
life style, to raise them from the poverty and to bring them to the level of self- sufficient economic level.

Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Dr. Muhammad Munib Khalid, munibkhalid@mul.edu.pk 56
To have a look on the initiatives taken by this Govt. from 2018 to till now, we find, the Ahsaas
Program to help the poor, Kaamyab Awan give loan youngsters to start new business, stock Exchange
improved, building of new dams to cope the severe problem of water shortage, Citizen portal for the solution
of the problems of the Masses, created ease to the formers to sell their crops on good rates, managing all the
issues created by the opposition, created better environment for the Pakistanis living abroad and many more.
From all the above mentioned initiatives taken by the present Govt. the researcher can reach on the
point that these are the things which will definitely can bring the Pakistani state towards changing into a
welfare state and if they continue their journey on the same lines, they will soon get the status of welfare/
Riayasat-e-Madinasecond in Pakistan.
The subject undertaken for research, after a long and deep analysis of Islamic state along with its all
features to know the actual position of Islamic state which was in practice during the time of Holy Prophet
(SAW) and after his death of four pious Caliphs run the state on the same footing. How with the passage of
time the Islamic state lost its actual position and changed or adopted other things which made it the state of
the Muslims rather that the Islamic state.
The Islamic theorists like Al- Mawardi, Al- Gazali, Al- Farabi and Alama Iqbal also gave their
theories to describe the Islamic state and also mentioned the duties of the Imam or Khalifa in Islamic state as
he or a group of persons working as cabinet has to work for the betterment of the people living in an Islamic
state no matter they are believer or disbeliever.
The welfare state’s qualities have been discussed at length and compared these with the present
situation of Pakistan under the present regime boosting to develop this state as Riyasat-e Madina. All that
discussion made the researcher able to reach on theconclusion that the good initiatives taken by the present
Govt. if continued, can change state of Pakistan into an Islamic welfare state soon.
Al-Farabi, A. N. (1999). Ara Ahl al-Madina al-Fadila. Frankfurt: Institute for the History of Arabic -
ISlamic Science Goethe University.
Al-Gazali, 1. (1969). Logica et philosophia Algazelis Arabis,. Manerva, , GR: Venice: P. Liechtenein. P.93
Allah. (1995). Al-Quran. In S. Baqara, Surah Al-Baqarah (p. 43). Jeddah, KSA: Darrus-Salaam. (p. 57)
Allah. (2000). Al-Quran. In Surah Shurah. Madina, KSA: Darrus-Salaam. p. 57
Al-Mawardi. (1996). Al-Aḥkām al-Sulṭāniyya wʼ al-Wilāyāt al-Dīniyya ( Translation. Doha, Qatar: Center
for Muslim Contribution to Civilization ; Reading, UK : Garnet Publishing Limited. p.164
Behling, F. (2018). Welfare Beyond the Welfare State. Bern, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. P.80
Engineer, A. A. (1980). Iqbal's "Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam": A Critical Appraisal.
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Garland, D. (2016). THe Welfare State, A Very Short Introduction. London, UK: Oxford University Press.
Hobes, T. (1651). Leviathan. London, UK: McMaster University Archive.
Ibn Khaldun, A. R. (1377). The Muqaddimah of Ibn Khaldun (Vol. 5). Cairo, EP: Al-Azhar University.
Jowett, B. (1885). The Politics by Aristotle. Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press. P.111
Mawardi, A. H. (2017). Al Ahkam As Sultaniyyah. Repro Knowledgcast Limited.
Mughary, K. (2008). Concept of State in ISlam. Cairo, EP: Al-Azhar University.
Svallfors, S. (2012). Contested Welfare States Welfare Attitudes in Europe and Beyond. California, CA:
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Zahir, S. M. Z. (2018). Shah Waliullah and his Concept of Welfare State: An Analysis. Global Social
Sciences Review (GSSR), III(I), 113-129.

Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Dr. Muhammad Munib Khalid, munibkhalid@mul.edu.pk 57

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