Markov Chains Application To The Financial-Economic Time Series Prediction
Markov Chains Application To The Financial-Economic Time Series Prediction
Markov Chains Application To The Financial-Economic Time Series Prediction
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3 authors, including:
All content following this page was uploaded by Dmitry Chabanenko on 22 May 2015.
Vladimir Soloviev∗
Cherkasy National University named after B. Khmelnitsky, Cherkassy, Ukraine
Vladimir Saptsin†
arXiv:1111.5254v1 [q-fin.ST] 22 Nov 2011
Dmitry Chabanenko‡
Cherkasy National University named after B. Khmelnitsky, Ukraine
1. Introduction 2
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References 22
of the new, systemic, emergent, and quantum in essence approach to investigation of complex
objects, which postulates the limited nature of any kind of modeling and is based upon fixed
and closed system of axioms [10].
However, the development of this new philosophical basis of ESE systems modeling is
still accompanied with numerous difficulties, and new principles are often merely declared.
Current research is devoted to investigation and application of the new modeling and
prediction technology, suggested in [11, 12], based on concepts of determined chaos, complex
Markov chains and hierarchic (in terms of time scale) organization of calculating procedures.
Assume the time series is set by a sequence of discrete levels with constant step of time
sampling ∆t. We need to generate variants of the time series continuation (prognosis sce-
narios) according to the relations between the sequences of absolute and relative changes
Another peculiar feature of ESE systems, apart from complexity, is a memory, including
the long-term one, as well as nonlinear and unstable nature of interactions and components,
which makes it harder to predict their future behavior.
Unfortunately, mathematical models based on differential equations have no memory
(there is no aftereffect), while for models with memory, where integral interrelations are
used, it is not always possible to take into account nonlinearity (the integration procedure
is linear by definition).
In reality, in the Cauchy problem future systems behavior is defined by its initial state
and doesn’t depend on the way the system reached its current state. However, it is hardly
true that future behavior of a real socio-economic or socio-ecological system can be predicted
by giving an immediate time “slice” of a variables set that describe its state.
Let us consider possible ways to take into account past events while modeling ESE sys-
tems’ dynamics, which goes beyond the boundaries of classical differential and integral equa-
Functional differential lagging equation can serve as a simple example of the dynamic
model with memory, where present time is defined by the state variable x(t) and depends
on the past state x(t − τ ) with constant time lag τ = const:
where f (x) is the known function, with initial conditions being set for the half-interval
t0 − τ ≤ t < t0 by the function φ(t):
Given the 2 equation 1 has the only solution, defined by recurrent ratios:
f (φ(t − τ )) ; if t0 ≤ t < t + τ ;
f (f (φ(t − τ ))) ; if t0 + τ ≤ t < t + 2τ ;
x(t) = (3)
f ((f (φ(t − τ )))) ; if t0 + 2τ ≤ t < t + 3τ ;
· · ·
Delta function is not a function in the conventional interpretation and is related to the
class of generalized functions that were mathematically described only in the middle of
the last century [18] (physics started using this function much earlier). Its classical form is
considered to be a limit of the “peak” sequence, with its centre set in the point of origin. The
afore-mentioned “peaks” indefinitely converge widthway, indefinitely increase throughout the
height and have a unit area.
An approximate classic integral analogue of the equation 5 can be derived by substituting
δ(t) with an ordinary function - some specific narrow enough “peak” of a unit area, a certain
finite width v ∆t as well as a finite height . The derivative of the Fermi function is one of
the possible examples:
1 1
Φ(t) = −t
; δ(t) ≈ −t
. (6)
1 + exp θ
θ 2 + exp θ
+ exp θ
If the system’s state in the moment t, x(t), is defined not by one, as in 1, but k (k =
2, 3, 4, · · · ) of her past states x(t − τ1 ), x(t − τ2 ), · · · x(t − τk ) in the following moments of
time (t − τ1 ), (t − τ2 ), · · · , (t − τk ) respectively (τ1 = const, τ2 = const, · · · , τk = const, τ1 >
τ2 > · · · > τk > 0), then instead of (1), (2), (5) we get:
Rt Rt Rt
x(t) = dt1 dt2 · · · dtk f (x(t1 ), x(t2 ), · · · , x(tk )).
−∞ −∞ −∞ (9)
δ ((t1 − (t − τ1 )) δ ((t2 − (t − τ2 )) · · · δ ((tk − (t − τk )) ; t ≥ t0 .
Therefore if the system’s state in the time moment t depends on the infinite sequence
of its past states, the integral analogue of the functional differential lagging equation will,
generally speaking, contain an integral of the infinite multiplicity. At the same time the
infinite amount of past states can relate to both finite (t − τ1 ; t) (short-term memory) and
infinite (−∞; t) (long-term memory) time span.
Pay attention that the classic integral lagging equation is one of the Volterra type [19]:
x(t) = F x(t̃); t; t̃ dt̃, (10)
where F x(t̃); t; t̃ - is an arbitrary (generally nonlinear) function of variables x(t̃); t; t̃,
which allows to take into account system’s memory of its past states only in the additive
approximation, which becomes evident, if the right section 10 is rewritten in the following
Rt Rt Rt1
F x(t̃); t; t̃ dt̃ ≡ F x(t̃); t; t̃ dt̃ + F x(t̃); t; t̃ dt̃ + · · · =
−∞ t1 t2
F x(t˜1 ); t; t˜1 · (t − t1 ) + F x(t˜2 ); t; t˜2 · (t1 − t2 ) + · · · ;
Meaningful analysis of nonlinear models dynamics with memory, in which the future is
defined by the infinite amount of states in the past is generally possible only in case of a
discrete representation. The results of such analysis will be approximated, i.e. will contain
uncertainty, which has to be considered endogenous, i.e. internal, and peculiar to this very
With a certain level of time sampling, models with memory both 7 and 10 becomes:
To take into account and quantify the uncertainties, observed in ESE as well as other
complex systems probability models are normally used. However their application is based
on doubtful hypotheses, while the statistical interpretation of the results is not always infor-
mative enough and results might not correspond with the real process occurring within the
system. In particular, the well-known problem of 1/f –noise (look for example [20]), closely
connected to the presence of long-term memory in complex systems, implies the absence of
the mean temporary value (as a limit of a certain time span converging to infinity, which
serves as the basis for averaging) for any process occurring in such kind of system. Therefore
such processes can’t have a rigorous statistical substantiation.
New approaches to modeling and prediction of complex nonlinear systems dynamics with
memory are based on the use of determined chaos and neural networks technologies (cf.
e.g. [15, 21, 22]). Both investigation and realization of such techniques has become possible
only with the appearance of quick-operating computers. Use of the recurrent computational
process has become the general feature for all these technologies:
derive classical differential and integral problem statement. Finite ∆t allows to get models
with discrete time, which in the general case in the corresponding phase space (which also
includes lagged variables) can produce both measurable sets (discrete or continuous) that
allow probabilistic interpretation and those of the special structure – fractals [23], that can’t
be always interpreted in that way.
Various digital generators of so-called random sequences used in imitational modeling
can be an example of determined chaos models that allow probabilistic interpretation.
Let us note that in reality there are no accurate procedures that would give an opportunity
to distinguish a “real” random sequence from the pseudorandom one.
Suppose there is a sequence of a certain system discrete states. From this sequence we
can determine transitions probabilities between the two states. Simple Markov chain is a
random process, in which the next state probability depends solely on the previous state
and is independent from the rest of them. Complex Markov chain, unlike the simple one,
stands for the random process, in which the next state probability depends not only on the
current, but also on the sequence of several previous states (history). The amount of states
in history is the order of the Markov chain.
Theory of simple Markov chains is widely presented in literature, for example [24]. As
for the high order Markov chains, modern literature [25] can offer us a mere definition.
Developing complex or high order Markov chain’s properties is not widely presented in
modern scientific publications. It’s necessary to mention the papers [26, 27] where properties
of complex Markov Chains are developed, but no prediction algorithm is proposed there.
The development of prediction method, based on complex Markov chains, is proposed in
this paper.
Markov chain of the higher order can be brought to a simple Markov chain by introducing
the notion of a “generalized state” and including a series of consequent system’s states into
it. In this case, tools of simple Markov chains can be applied to the complex ones.
Investigated dynamic series is a result of a certain process. It is assumed that this process
is determined, which implies the existence of a causal dependence of further states on history.
It is impossible to fix and analyze the infinite history, which puts obstacles in the way of an
Discrete presentation of the time series is in fact a way of existence of this very system.
New prices are formed on the basis of contracts or deals, made on the market in certain
discrete moments of time, while the price time series is a series of the averaged price levels
during the chosen time intervals. While making a decision each trader, who is an active
part of the pricing system, works solely with discrete series of the chosen time interval (e.g.
minute, 5-minute, hourly, daily etc.). For ∆t → 0 the accuracy of data presentations reaches
a certain limit, since for relatively small ∆t the price leaps in the moment of deal, while
staying unchanged and equal to the last deal during the time between the two deals. Hence,
the discreteness of time series has to be understood not only as a limited presentation of
activity of the complex financial system, but also as one of the principles of its operation
[11, 12, 28–30].
The time series of initial conditions has to be turned into a sequence of discrete states.
Let us denote the amount of chosen states as s, each of them being connected to the change
in the quantity of the initial signal (returns). For example, consider the classification with
two states, first of which corresponds to positive returns as the price increases, while the
second one – to negative as it descends. Generally all possible increments of the initial time
series are divided into s groups. Ways of division will be discussed further.
Next we develop predictions for the time series of sampled states. For the given order
of the Markov chain and the last generalized state the most probable state is chosen to
be the next one. In case if ambiguity occurs while the state of maximum probability is
being evaluated, an algorithm is used that allows reducing the amount of possible prediction
scenarios. Therefore we get the series of predicted states that can be turned into a sampled
sequence of prognostic values.
Evaluation of increments, prediction, and subsequent restoration are conducted for the
given hierarchy of time increments t. To use the given information as effectively as possible,
the prediction is conducted for time increments t = 1, 2, 4, 8, ..., or a more complex hierarchy
of increments and subsequent “splicing” of the results derived from different prediction
The procedure of prediction and splicing is iterative and conducted starting from smaller
increments, adding a prediction with the bigger time increment on every step.
As the sampling time step t increases, the statistics for the investigation of Markov chains
decreases, whereas the biggest sampling step, which takes part in the prognostication, limits
itself. To supplement the prediction with the low-frequency component the approximation
of zero order is being used in the form of a linear trend or a combination of a linear trend
and harmonic oscillations [31, 32].
Let us consider the consequence of operations, required for the prognostic time series
construction. To do this we need to set the following parameters:
1) The type of time increments hierarchy (simple – powers of two, complex – product of
powers of the first simple numbers).
2) Values of s – the amount of states and r – the order of the Markov chain. These
parameters can be individual for every sampling level; finding of optimal parameters is done
3) Threshold values δ, and minimal number of transitions Nmin .
Prediction construction algorithm includes the following steps:
1) Generating hierarchy of time increments - t sequence. The maximal of them has to
correspond to the length of a prognostic interval Nmax .
2) For every time increment ∆t, as the increments increase, a prediction of states and
restoration of the time series along the prognostic states is conducted. Current stage includes
following actions:
2.1. Evaluating increments (returns) of the series with ∆t sampling.
2.2. Transforming the time series of increments into the series of state numbers (1..s).
2.3. Calculating transition probabilities for generalized states.
2.4. Constructing the series of prognostic states using the procedure of defining the most
probable next state.
2.5. Restoring the value series from the state series with ∆t sampling.
2.6. Splicing the prediction of ∆t sampling with the time series derived from splicing of
the previous layers (with the lesser step ∆t). In case if the current time series is the first
one, the unchanged time series will come as a result of splicing.
3) To splice the last spliced time series with the continuation of the linear trend, created
along all previously known points.
The time series, spliced with the linear trend, is the result of prediction. Let us consider
the stages of the given algorithm in detail.
In everything that concerns current technology, states are connected to the measuring of
a prognostic value. There is a number of ways to classify returns in states, from which the
following are suggested. One of them is the classification based on the homogeneity principle
as concerning the amount of representatives in classes; based on the homogeneity principle
of deviation, as well their combinations for different deviation modules.
Increment or returns of the time series serves as the basis for states classification [32, 33].
Absolute ra and relative rt increments of the time series are considered:
ra = pt − pt−∆t , (17)
pt − pt−∆t
rt = , (18)
where pt – is the input time series of price dynamics, ∆t – sampling interval, which is
chosen for subsequent analysis. It is known that mathematical expectation of the returns
time series equals zero, whereas variation comes as the measure of time series volatility.
Based on returns values rt classification and transformation of values to the time series of
discrete states are conducted. One of the classification principles is homogeneity according to
the amount of class representatives. This classification divides the set of all increments into s
groups equal in number. Calculated with the given sampling, time series increments are then
systematized in growth and divided into equal parts. Thus we define limit values {rlim,i },
which are used afterwards during transformation of the returns into class numbers. Large
number of identical states can cause certain problems, such as identical bounds of several
neighbouring states. It creates a number of states with no representatives, which makes
correction of the division a necessary action. In that way we will reach the largest possible
homogeneity in state division. Classification is conducted along the following algorithm
[34, 35]:
where st is the number of state, which corresponds to the moment of time t, for which the
returns level was computed rt ; i is the number of state [1 . . . s], which is characterized by
the interval [rlim,i−1 , rlim,i ] corresponding to the calculated returns level rt .
Apart from the returns interval, given by the aforementioned values [rlim,i−1 , rlim,i ], a
mean returns value is chosen for every state ravg,i , which will be used in time series values
transformation according to the prognostic discrete states.
Another way of dividing the time series into states implies dividing the interval of returns
values into equal parts, from minimal to maximal deviation. In this case homogeneity
according to the amount of representatives in states does not occur. In fact this method
differs from the previous one in terms of defining limit values {rlim,i }. Possible combined
ways of division, in case of which the limit value, dependent on standard deviation, is used
instead of maximal and minimal value, and division is conducted homogenously according
to the deviation.
Since the real causal dependence is unknown during the process, to find it adequate
state classification, which would allow to reveal vital dependencies of the time series, is
required. We suggest a couple of ways to divide the time series into states, which in the first
place allow to preserve adequate transition probabilities between states, as well as prevent
averaged deviations inside the states from affecting the accuracy of the derived prediction.
To check the efficiency of division we conduct the sampling procedure and classify the
increments according to each hierarchy. Having completed that, we restore the time series
using known states for each hierarchy and finish the splicing procedure. Since the state series
correspond to the initial time series, we get the curve, with deviation, caused exclusively
by the state averaging mistake (quantum mistake). Thus, having set a certain value of
state numbers s and carried out sampling, restoring, and sampling procedures (excluding
prediction), we get absolute sampling (quantum) mistake.
Increasing the number of states, we improve the accuracy of restoration, however one
should remember, that the choice of the quantum levels is limited by the fact that the
transition probabilities definition with sufficient accuracy is required, which is confirmed by
artificial test time series prediction experiments.
Predicting procedure uses the most probable state as the next one under current circum-
stances. Probability matrix of state transitions is used for the afore-mentioned purpose.
In this case, you have to take into account that probabilities are calculated with a certain
mistake. We cannot precisely compute the probabilities, since it is impossible to derive an
infinite time series, and only a part of the time series is known – the known part serves as
the basis for probabilities. The second important aspect implies the case of several states
with maximal probability.
To prevent the omission of the states, for which the probabilities are computed with a
mistake, one should add a state with maximal probability to the states, which are located in
the distance of δ from the maximal one. The value of parameter δ depends on the probability
evaluation mistake and requires experimental refinement.
If δ > 0, the number of states with maximal probability increases in comparison to the
value δ = 0. Let us call a couple of neighbouring states with maximal probability a cluster.
Cluster states with average deviation values are supposed to have the largest probability.
To predict the dynamics, let us confine ourselves to one or two most probable states. To
define them a following algorithm is suggested:
1) If levels (discretized increments) create several clusters (cluster is a group of several
neighbouring levels – cluster elements, minimal cluster is a single isolated level) with maximal
probability, we choose the largest cluster.
2) If the number of cluster elements is odd, as kmax we choose a central element.
3) If the number of cluster elements is even, we consider two central cluster elements and
choose as kmax the one, which is closer to the centre of distribution.
4) If two central cluster elements are equidistant to the centre of distribution, we consider
both cases as possible variants of kmax values (bifurcation point).
5) If there are several clusters of maximal size, we consider them as new elements, which
can also form clusters that will undergo the same steps 1)-4).
This principle is based on the following ideas:
1) If there are two neighbouring states of maximal probability, it is better to take the
one, which is closer to the centre of distribution, in order to minimize the risk of occurrence
of false linear trends in the prediction.
2) If levels of maximal probability are not the neighbouring ones, at least two variants
have to be considered, as it can be connected to the bifurcations that should not be omitted.
3) If the prediction is carried out according to 1) (on all stages of the hierarchy), we
receive a certain approximation of the lower limit of the prediction, whereas in case of 2) –
we get an approximation of the upper limit.
Hence this algorithm can adequately restore the case of possible bimodal probability
distribution, it is proposed to consider 2 prediction scenarios.
In case of the complex Markov chains, probability of the next state depends not only on
the previous state, but also on the sequence of r states, which have occurred before given.
In this case, it is necessary to calculate transition probabilities from the sequence of r states
into the r + 1 state. Formally, these probabilities can be written into the rectangular table
of (rs , s) size.
Having generalized the notion of “present state” and included a sequence of r preceding
states into it, we can reduce Markov chains of r order to the chain of the first order. Thus
transition probabilities can be written into rectangular matrices of (rs , rs ), that come as
transition probability matrices for generalized states.
The process of prediction implies the following: the last state is chosen (in case of Markov
chains of an order r > 1 a sequence of r latest states is taken). The probability of transition
from current state to all possible states is defined. From all possible states a state with
maximal probability is chosen. It is possible that several states with maximal probability
occur, which can be explained by the bimodal probability distribution. The process of
decision-making in this case is described later.
The chosen most probable state is taken as the next prognostic state and the procedure
is repeated for the next (last added) state. Thus we receive a time series of prognostic states
for the given sampling time ∆t.
Further according to the received state sequence and known initial value the time series is
being restored for the given time sampling ∆t. In this case every state implies ∆t points of
the time series. On the stage of state classification every state was connected to the average
increment ravg,i , which is added to the value of the last point in the time series, and the
next discrete point is computed. Intermediate points are filled as linear interpolation of two
known neighbouring points. Algorithm of yt time series values restoration according to the
initial price pt and a series of average increments ravg,ik , corresponding to the prognostic
states sk , can be given by a sequence of calculations:
yt = p t ,
yt+1 = yt + ravg,i1 /∆t = pt + ravg,i1 /∆t,
yt+2 = yt+1 + ravg,i1 /∆t = pt + 2ravg,i1 /∆t,
yt+∆t−1 = yt+∆t−2 + ravg,i1 /∆t = pt + (∆t − 1)ravg,i /t,
yt+∆t = yt+∆t−1 + ravg,i1 /∆t = pt + ∆travg,i /∆t = pt + ravg,i1 ,
yt+∆t+1 = yt+∆t + ravg,i2 /∆t = pt + ravg,i1 + ravg,i2 /∆t,
yt+n∆t−1 = yt+n∆t−2 + ravg,in /∆t = pt + ravg,ik + (∆t−1)
k=1 ∆t
ravg,ik ,
yt+n∆t = yt+n∆t−1 + ravg,in /∆t = pt + k=1 ravg,ik .
Time series increments will be computed with different steps. For example, analogous
to the discrete Fourier transform, time increments are equal the powers of 2 are considered.
First, we calculate increments as a remainder of two nearest neighbouring time series values,
then next nearest values are considered with the step of 2, 4, 8, 16 etc. Let us mark this
difference in time as ∆t.
For every ∆t we conduct an increment time series transformation leading to a time series
of states. Further we predict the future sequence of states and restore the time series with
the given sampling rate according to the prognostic series of states.
Time series, received as a result of restoring for different ∆t, undergo the splicing proce-
dure, which gives out an actual prognostic time series.
Thus an increment hierarchy is chosen, where each one is responsible for its own sampling
rate, which serves as a basis for predicting, restoring and splicing.
The splicing process implies the following. The procedure is iterative. With every next
(along with the increasing step) sampling time the series corrects itself, driving the predic-
tion, formed under lower ∆t, to its actual point. Transformations that are conducted during
splicing can be written down in the form of the following calculations.
Suppose the splicing procedure has been finished for all time increments ∆t < Deltati ,
the prediction has been done under the ∆ti sampling according to formulae 20, and as a
result a time series yi has been derived. Let us consider the iterative splicing procedure of
the received series yi with the series, acquired during all preceding splicing procedures gi .
Since the series yi contains system points only in moments aliquot to ∆ti , and other
points of the series are interpolated, the process of splicing implies the substitution of these
interpolated points with the values of system points from previous ∆t < ∆ti , which are
contained in the series of results of previous splicing procedures gi . Splicing algorithm can
be written in the sequence of computations:
zt = gt = pt ,
zt+1 = gt+1 + (yt+∆ti − gt+∆ti ) /∆ti ,
zt+2 = gt+2 + 2 (yt+∆ti − gt+∆ti ) /∆ti ,
zt+∆t−1 = gt+∆t−1 + (∆ti − 1) (yt+∆ti − gt+∆ti ) /∆ti ,
zt+∆t = gt+∆t + (∆ti ) (yt+∆ti − gt+∆ti ) /∆ti = yt+∆ti ,
zt+∆t+1 = gt+∆t+1 + ((yt+2∆ti − gt+2∆ti ) − (yt+∆ti − gt+∆ti )) /∆ti ,
zt+∆t+2 = gt+∆t+2 + 2 ((yt+2∆ti − gt+2∆ti ) − (yt+∆ti − gt+∆ti )) /∆ti ,
zt+n∆t−1 = gt+n∆t−1 + ∆t
(yt−n∆t − gt−n∆t ) − yt−(n−1)∆t − gt−(n−1)∆t ,
zt+n∆t = gt+n∆t + (yt−n∆t − gt+n∆t ) − yt+(n−1)∆t − gt+(n−1)∆t =
= gt+(n−1)∆t − yt+(n−1)∆t − yt−n∆t .
In this section we offer the results of stock indices prediction. The stock’s indices
databases are available from [36]. Point 2000 indicates the starting moment of the prog-
nosis: March 24, 2011. The green line on the next figures indicates real indice’s or price’s
values. Our software for time series forecasting by the proposed methods is available from
our website:
Figure 1: Stock indices prediction. a) Dow Jones Industrial Average - DJI (USA). b)
FTSE 100 (Great Britain)
Prediction time series with different input learning set’s length are shown at the fig.3
and 4. Prediction series for DJI at the figure 3 are more correlated, than FTSE index at
the figure 4. At the subplot b) of the above mentioned plots the mean value and standard
deviations of the prediction’s series are presented. The time of prediction series beginning
on the next figures is the point 1000 and correspond to October 14, 2011.
Figure 3: Dow Jones Industrial Average - DJI (USA). a) Prediction series, calculated with
different learning set’s length. b) Mean value and standard deviation for prediction series.
Figure 4: FTSE 100 index prediction. a) Prediction series, calculated with different
learning set’s length. b) Mean value and standard deviation for prediction series.
The normalization procedure is proposed in order to compare indices and it’s prediction
series with different absolute values. The normalized values calculated with the following
y(t) − min (y(t))
yn (t) = . (22)
max (y(t)) − min (y(t))
Normalized prediction time series are shown at the fig.5 (America), fig.6 (Europe, devel-
oped countries), fig.7 (Europe, PIIGS), fig.8 (Asian markets). All the figures contain mean
time series, which are weighted average of countrie’s stock indices predictions, weihted with
GDP values [37] for the corresponding countries.
Figure 5: Normalized mean values for the prediction series of America’s stock indices.
Brazil (BVSP), Mexico (MXX), Canada (GSPTSE), Argentina (MERV), USA (S&P 500)
Current paper suggests an algorithm of time series prediction based on complex Markov
chains. Hierarchy of time increments principle allows to use the information, which is con-
tained in the time series during the prognosis construction, to its fullest. Experimental work
on stock market indices time series prediction shows the efficiency of the algorithm and
confirms the relevance of further research of the offered method.
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