Kassim 2022
Kassim 2022
Kassim 2022
Functional gait training in cerebral palsy can involve over ground gait training or
treadmill-based gait training which incorporates partial body weight support (PBWS) system.
Insufficient clinical evidence prevails to recommend the superiority over the other intervention.
ICF model has created a paradigm shift in understanding motor learning mechanisms, with
the use of repetitive, task-specific movements beneficial to restructuring motor pathways. The
primary aim of the study was to compare the effect of integrated task oriented Body Weight
Supported overground Training (BWSOGT) against the Body Weight Supported Treadmill
Training (BWSTT) and the conventional gait training protocols to improve the functional
mobility in Cerebral Palsy. Methods: A Single-blinded, randomised control design. Sixty-children
with GMFCS Level of III, IV were recruited in the study with an age ranges between 4 to 14
years (mean age = 9). Participants were randomly assigned into three groups using simple
randomisation method with 20 subjects in each group for 8 weeks. The training programme
consists of Group A with 40% of body weight supported walker with overhead pulley system
which allows multiple degrees of freedom. Body weight- supported treadmill training (Group
B) in a closed environment and conventional gait protocol using standard walkers (Group
C). Outcome measures: Gross Motor Function Measure dimension-88 (GMFM-88) score. Gait
kinematics (Stride length, Step length, Cadence) and 10 meter walk test. Tukey’s Post Hoc for
group and time interactions, Krushkal Wallis test for overall significance and Mann Whitney’s
U test to compare the significance between the groups. BWSOGT group showed significance
over the BWSTT and Control group in GMFM score with p = 0.000 p = 0.002, respectively. Step
length of gait parameter remained unchanged in all the three groups. Integrated task oriented
BWSOGT might be an effective intervention to improve functional ambulation in children
with spastic cerebral palsy due to the usage of a context specific environment and the training
Cerebral palsy [CP] is defined as the approximately 2 to 2.5 cases per 1000 live births.
permanent and non-progressive disorders of the In India, it is estimated at around 3 cases per 1000
developing brain resulting in disorders of posture live births; however, being a developing country
and movement1.The worldwide incidence of CP is the actual figure may be much higher than probable
This is an Open Access article licensed under a Creative Commons license: Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY).
Published by Oriental Scientific Publishing Company © 2022
652 Kassim et al., Biomed. & Pharmacol. J, Vol. 15(2), 651-662 (2022)
figures. There are about Twenty-five hundred income countries. The current study is focusing
thousand CP children in India as per the available on evaluating the efficiency of an integrated
statistical information2. task-oriented BWSOGT over the BWSTT and the
The Gait pattern is altered in individuals conventional over ground training.
with spastic diplegia due to increase in muscle Aims and objectives
tone causing scissoring pattern of lower limbs3. Our study aims at comparing the effect
The delicate integration of vision, vestibular of integrated task oriented body weight supported
system, and proprioception has jeopardised the over ground training [BWSOGT] over the body
entire locomotion in children affected with CP4. weight supported treadmill training [BWSTT] and
The neuromuscular dysfunction in spastic diplegia the conventional gait training protocols to improve
includes, loss of selective motor control, altered the functional mobility in Cerebral Palsy.
muscle tone, leading to an imbalance between Methodology
agonist and antagonist muscles. In addition; they A Single-blinded (Assessor) Randomised
have significant coordination disorders and motor Control Trial with 60 children recruited from
planning difficulties5. In recent years, gait training the paediatric rehabilitation unit; Department of
on a treadmill has been used in the treatment Physiotherapy; SVNIRTAR. The children were
of children with CP aiming to enhance postural included after signing the informed consent forms
stability. Treadmill training is believed to improve by the parents, and the study was approved as per
postural control by allowing multiple repetitions Helsinki ethical declaration. Age group ranged
of the gait cycle in a rhythmic pattern, thereby from 4 years to 14 years (with mean age 9);
improving synchronization between agonist and divided into three groups with 20 subjects in each
antagonist muscles and thus resulting in improved group, namely BWSOGT group [mean age 8.75],
static and dynamic balance6. BWSTT [mean age 8.10] and conventional group
Improvement in the mobility function [mean age 8.45] 66.7% of subjects were males
has been an important concept in the recent & 33.3 % of subjects were females. The children
rehabilitation approaches7. Motor theory suggests were randomised using a simple random sampling
that the best way to improve a motor skill is to method and allocated sequentially in to group A,
conduct a context specific repetitive task training8. B and C respectively using chit paper method.
Modern concept of motor learning indicates that the Inclusion criteria
training is most effective; when a training activity is Children diagnosed as spastic diplegic
most specific to the intended outcome9. The optimal CP, whose age range between 4 to 14 years with
improvement in function will occur as a result of GMFCS level III to IV. Participant should be able
precise and structured training programme10. to follows instructions and independent in standing
Currently partial body-weight-supported with aids.
treadmill training [PBWSTT] has been more widely Exclusion criteria
used in rehabilitating people with neurological Children with the following were
conditions. The available literatures, either has excluded. Intellectual Disability, epileptic attack
insufficient sample size or lack of randomisation in past 6 months, hemiplegic, athetoid, ataxic,
in the study. and flaccid CP, cardio vascular illness, visual
There are limited evidences towards the and cognitive deficits, under another gait training
effect of robotic and treadmill training in the field protocol, congenital musculoskeletal defects,
of paediatric rehabilitation especially for children dislocations of hip, significant hip and knee
with central motor dysfunction11. There are several contractures, behavioural disorders, recent
studies which reported the superiority of over- botulinum toxin injections.
ground gait training above the treadmill training Dependent Variables
with effectiveness of task oriented training for Gross Motor Function Measure dimension
functional recovery in cerebral palsy children12. [GMFM-88] score, Gait kinematics [Stride length,
Body weight-supported training over Step length, Cadence], 10 meter walk test [self-
level ground is affordable. This is predominantly dependent and fast velocity].
important consideration for the low and middle-
Kassim et al., Biomed. & Pharmacol. J, Vol. 15(2), 651-662 (2022) 653
analysed with Mann-Whitney U test by calculating [mean age 8.75] & BWSTT [mean age 8.10] and
the median of GMFM-88 [post minus pre scores]. conventional group [mean age 8.45]. 66.7% of
Separate comparisons between the groups were subjects were males & 33.3% of subjects were
obtained and tabulated. females.
RESULTS There was a significant improvement in
scores for all the three groups from pre to post-test
Demographics measurements. However, the BWSOGT group
A total number of 60 subjects with mean showed greater improvement than BWSTT and
age 6.3 were taken & divided into three groups Control group. There was no significance between
with 20 subjects in each group, namely BWSOGT
group showed significantly greater improvement from pre to post-test measurements. BWSOGT
than BWSTT and Control group. There was no group showed significantly greater improvement
significance between BWSTT and control group than BWSTT and Control group. There was no
at the end of 8 weeks of intervention. significance between BWSTT and control group
Stride Length Right at the end of 8 weeks of intervention
There was a significant improvement Step Length
in stride length score for all the three groups There was a clinical significance; on the
contrary it failed to register statistical significance Gross Motor Function Measures Goal Area -
between the groups and within the group. [GMFM -88]
Cadence BWSOGT had statistical significance
There was a significant improvement in over the BWSTT and the control, BWSTT had
cadence score for all the three groups from pre to significance over the control group.
post-test measurements. However, the BWSOGT
group showed significantly greater improvement Discussion
than BWSTT and Control group. BWSTT had
significance over control group at the end of 8 The overall result of this study showed
weeks of intervention. that all the three groups [Body weight supported
Gross Motor Function Measures Goal Area- Over ground training, Body weight supported
[GMFM -88] treadmill training and Conventional gait training]
A Kruskal-Wallis test was conducted to had statistical significance in terms of Gross Motor
determine whether the GMFM score remain same Function Measure, cadence, stride, and 10 MWT
in all three groups or they had variability among from pre to post-test measurements. However,
the performance after the intervention across the Step length parameter has showed no significance
groups. Results of that analysis indicated that there in all the three groups. From the present synthesis
was significance difference in GMFM Goal area of data in our study comparing all three groups
function between the 3 groups with H= [2] =15.412 BWSOGT group with BWSTT showed a large
and p=0.000.
opportunity for exploring environment due to enabled the development of the Central Pattern
holding the walker. It was also noted; children were Generators. Over ground gait velocity increased
unable to complete the session, often take a break post adaptation due to increased stride length and
or discontinue the session which decreased the decreased stride duration after motor adaptation
repetitive training protocol. Decreased degree of during treadmill walking14.
freedom due to the necessity of holding the walker The treadmill provides an objective
also contributed to the poor sustainability13. measurement of speed and a precise measurement
The improvement in the BWSTT of distance, which can be quantified and progressed.
group could be because of the repetitive training Although over ground walking allows the
pattern. Moreover, the constant speed and the participant to practice the target skill, it is difficult
moving platform provided a trigger to initiate the for the individual to maintain a consistent speed
ambulation. This allowed the children to improve over longer distances15.
the gait parameters which could be another reason Our results suggested that the faster
for the fast velocity. The training would have walking speeds may have been accomplished after
the BWSOGT training by increasing the cadence. training, which would have lowered the motivation
Motor theory suggests the best way to improve a than the BWSOGT group.
motor skill is repetitive practice. BWSOGT also It’s well established, that task- oriented
has advantages over treadmill training by preparing programmes are necessary for motor learning to
patients for walking in the real-life environments16. occur and functional reorganisation. Therefore,
During treadmill locomotion with body weight- optimal training effect occurs; when the training
support, the ground moves relative to the person is similar to that of the real-life task18,19.
but the visual surround remains the same. In the There was a common phenomenon that
real-world, a person moves relatively to the ground occurred in all the three groups. In our study, it
and the visual surroundings17. was observed there is clinical significance in step
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