You are a charge nurse in the oncology ward looking after Mr Jeremy Taylor,a 54 –years-old patient.
Patient details
Social background
Works as a banker
Marital status :widower (wife died 3 years ago)
Next of kin :daughter ,Julie (27 years, artist );son ,Brad(25 years ,dentist)-both single
Stressful life ,works 13-15hrs/day ;lives alone so has takeaway food ;no exercise ;drinks socially;
smokes 10 cigs/day since age 16
Previously tried nicotine patches +electric cigarettes unsuccessfully
Medical history
Presenting complaints: respiratory infection and rust –colored sputum (patient was visiting
daughter in Brooksbank)
Temp ;38 degree C ;BP 128/83
Amoxicillin 500mg 2/day prescribed for five days
20.03.2018 - 20.05.2018
Adjuvant chemotherapy in 4 cycles (once every two weeks)performed to prevent risk of relapse
(Cisplatin and Docetaxel; Zofran administered for side effects of nausea ) lost 5 kg (now at 60
Borderline leukopenia absolute neutrophil count (ANC) at 1000 (Filgrastim 325 mcg daily) –
subcutaneous injection
Discharge plan
Writing task
Mr. Jeremy Taylor is a 54-years-old patient in the oncology ward of a hospital in which you are Charge
Nurse .He is transferring from Brooksbank back to New Abbey. Using the information in the case notes
to provide a treatment summary and follow up care plan. Address your letter to oncologist Dr Gerald
Jones,24 Sophia Avenue ,New Abbey.