Weekly Plan KG2: Week Subject Song / Story / Game Instrument
Weekly Plan KG2: Week Subject Song / Story / Game Instrument
Weekly Plan KG2: Week Subject Song / Story / Game Instrument
KG 2
Week Subject Song / Story / Game Instrument
Who am I? Breath ex. Piano.
What`s music Vocal ex. Xylophone.
mean? Sing music lesson welcome song.
1 Music lesson What`s your name song?
Sing a song.
Music lesson Play with xylophone fast and slow then Rhythm instrument.
welcome song. say our names slowly then fast then Xylophone.
Fast and Slow normal.
2 rhythms. Play fast and slow clapping , walking ,
Music lesson Play with xylophone soft and loud then Piano.
welcome song. say our names softly then loudly then Xylophone.
Soft and Loud normal.
3 voices. Sing abc song soft then loud then normal.