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Savani School

Chemistry Project
Fermentation in any 5 food

Submitted by:-
Name: Dhruv Pritul Parmar
Class:Xll A
Board roll no:
This is to certify that this project is submitted by Dhruv.Pritul.Parmar to the
chemistry department, P.P. SAVANI SCHOOL,ANKLESHWAR was carried
out by her under the guidance and supervision of Mrs. Shivani Man during
academic session 2023-2024.

Mrs. Shivani Mam
(Chemistry teacher)

External Examiner:-
Internal Examiner:-

I wish to express my deep gratitude and sincere thanks to

P.P.Savani SCHOOL, Ankleshwar for her encouragement and
for all the facilities that she provided for this project work.I
sincerely appreciate this magnanemity by taking me into her
fold for which i shall remain indebted to her. I extend my
hearty thanks to Mrs. Shivani Mam,Chemistry Teacher who
guided me to do this project successful completion of thus
project.I take this opportunity to express my deep sense of
gratitude for her invalueable guidance,constant
encouragement, constructive comments, sympathetic attitude
and immense motivationb which has sustainedmy effort at all
stages of this project work.


• Objective
• Indroduction
• Experiment 1
• Experiment 2
• Experiment 3
• Experiment 4
• Experiment 5
• Result
• Conclusion
• Bibliography
The purpose of the experiment is - to compare the rate of
fermentation ofthe given samples of wheat flour,gram flour,
rice flour and potatoes. I became interested in this idea when i
saw some experiments on fermentation and wanted to find out
some scientific facts about fermentation.The primary benefit
of fermentation is the conversion of sugars and other
carbohydrates,e.g., converting juice into wine, grains into
beer, carbohydrates into carbon dioxide to leaven bread, and
sugars in vegetables into preservative organic acids.
Fermentation typically is the conversion of carbohydrates to
alcohols and carbon dioxide or organic acids using yeasts,
bacteria, or a combination thereof, under anaerobic
conditions. A more restricted definition of fermentation is the
chemical conversion of sugars into ethanol. The science of
fermentation is known as zymology. Fermentation usually
implies that the action of microorganisms is desirable, and the
process is used to produce alcoholic beverages such as wine,
beer, and cider. Fermentation is also employed in preservation
techniques to create lactic acid in sour foods such as
sauerkraut, dry sausages, kimchi and yoghurt, or vinegar for
use in pickling foods.
Experiment 1

Aim:- To compare the rate of fermentation of given sample of

wheat flour.
Theory:- Wheat flour,gram flour,rice flour and potatoes
contains starch as the major constituent.Starch present in these
food materials is first brought into solution.in the presence of
enzyme diastase,starch undergo fermentation to give maltose.

Starch gives blue-violet colour with iodine whereas product of

fermentation starch donot give any characteristic colour.
When the fermentation is complete the reaction mixture stops
giving blue-violet colour with iodine solution. By comparing
the time required for completion of fermentation of equal
amounts of different substances containing starch the rates of
fermentation can be compared.The enzyme diastase is
obtained by germination of moist barley seeds in dark at 15
degree celsius.When the germination is complete the
temperature is raised to 60 degree celsius to stop further
growth.The seeds are crushed into water and filtered.The
filtrate contains enzyme diastase and is called malt extract.

Apparatus:- Conical flask , Test tube , Funnel ,Filter paper ,

Water bath , 1 % Iodine solution , Wheat flour ,Aqueuos NaCl
# Take 5 gms of wheat flour in 100 ml conical flask and add
30 ml of distilled water.
# Boil the contents of the flask for about 5 minutes
# Filter the above contents after cooling, the filtrate obtained
is wheat flour extract.
# To the wheat flour extract. taken in a conical flask. Add 5
ml of 1% aq. NaCl solution.
# Keep this flask in a water bath maintained at a temperature
of 50-60 degree celsius. Add 2 ml of malt extract.
# After 2 minutes take 2 drops of the reaction mixture and
add to diluted iodine solution.
# Repeat step 6 after every 2 minutes. When no bluish colour
is produced the fermentation is complete.
# Record the total time taken for completion of fermentation.
Experiment 2

Aim:- To compare the rate of fermentation of given sample of

Gram flour.
Theory:- Gram flour contains starch as the major
constituent.Starch present in these food materials is first
brought into solution.in the presence of enzyme diastase,
starch undergo fermentation to give maltose.

Starch gives blue-violet colour with iodine whereas product of

fermentation starch donot give any characteristic colour.
When the fermentation is complete the reaction mixture stops
giving blue-violet colour with iodine solution. By comparing
the time required for completion of fermentation of equal
amounts of different substances containing starch the rates of
fermentation can be compared.The enzyme diastase is
obtained by germination of moist barley seeds in dark at 15
degree celsius.When the germination is complete the
temperature is raised to 60 degree celsius to stop further
growth.The seeds are crushed into water and filtered.The
filtrate contains enzyme diastase and is called malt extract.
Apparatus:- Conical flask , Test tube , Funnel ,Filter paper ,
Water bath , 1 % Iodine solution , Gram flour , Aqueuos NaCl

# Take 5 gms of Gram Flour in 100 ml conical flask and add
30 ml of distilled water.
# Boil the contents of the flask for about 5 minutes
# Filter the above contents after cooling, the filtrate obtained
is Gram Flour extract.
# To the Gram Flour extract. taken in a conical flask. Add 5
ml of 1% aq. NaCl solution.
# Keep this flask in a water bath maintained at a temperature
of 50-60 degree celsius. Add 2 ml of malt extract.
# After 2 minutes take 2 drops of the reaction mixture and
add to diluted iodine solution.
# Repeat step 6 after every 2 minutes. When no bluish colour
is produced the fermentation is complete.
# Record the total time taken for completion of fermentation.
Experiment 3

Aim:- To compare the rate of fermentation of given sample of

rice flour.
Theory:- rice flour contains starch as the major
constituent.Starch present in these food materials is first
brought into solution.in the presence of enzyme diastase,
starch undergo fermentation to give maltose.

Starch gives blue-violet colour with iodine whereas product of

fermentation starch do not give any characteristic colour.
When the fermentation is complete the reaction mixture stops
giving blue-violet colour with iodine solution. By comparing
the time required for completion of fermentation of equal
amounts of different substances containing starch the rates of
fermentation can be compared. The enzyme diastase is
obtained by germination of moist barley seeds in dark at 15
degree celsius.When the germination is complete the
temperature is raised to 60 degree celsius to stop further
growth.The seeds are crushed into water and filtered.The
filtrate contains enzyme diastase and is called malt extract.
Apparatus:- Conical flask , Test tube , Funnel ,Filter paper ,
Water bath , 1 % Iodine solution , rice flour , Aqueuos NaCl

# Take 5 gms of rice flour in 100 ml conical flask and add 30
ml of distilled water.
# Boil the contents of the flask for about 5 minutes
# Filter the above contents after cooling, the filtrate obtained
is rice flour extract.
# To the rice flour extract. taken in a conical flask. Add 5 ml
of 1% aq. NaCl solution.
# Keep this flask in a water bath maintained at a temperature
of 50-60 degree celsius. Add 2 ml of malt extract.
# After 2 minutes take 2 drops of the reaction mixture and
add to diluted iodine solution.
# Repeat step 6 after every 2 minutes. When no bluish colour
is produced the fermentation is complete.
# Record the total time taken for completion of fermentation.
Experiment 4
Aim:- To compare the rate of fermentation of given sample of
Theory:- patato contains starch as the major
constituent.Starch present in these food materials is first
brought into solution.in the presence of enzyme diastase,
starch undergo fermentation to give maltose.

Starch gives blue-violet colour with iodine whereas product of

fermentation starch do not give any characteristic colour.
When the fermentation is complete the reaction mixture stops
giving blue-violet colour with iodine solution. By comparing
the time required for completion of fermentation of equal
amounts of different substances containing starch the rates of
fermentation can be compared. The enzyme diastase is
obtained by germination of moist barley seeds in dark at 15
degree celsius.When the germination is complete the
temperature is raised to 60 degree celsius to stop further
growth.The seeds are crushed into water and filtered.The
filtrate contains enzyme diastase and is called malt extract.
Apparatus:- Conical flask , Test tube , Funnel ,Filter paper ,
Water bath , 1 % Iodine solution , patato , Aqueuos NaCl
# Take 5 gms of patato in 100 ml conical flask and add 30 ml
of distilled water.
# Boil the contents of the flask for about 5 minutes
# Filter the above contents after cooling, the filtrate obtained
is patato extract.
# To the patato extract. taken in a conical flask. Add 5 ml of
1% aq. NaCl solution.
# Keep this flask in a water bath maintained at a temperature
of 50-60 degree celsius. Add 2 ml of malt extract.
# After 2 minutes take 2 drops of the reaction mixture and
add to diluted iodine solution.
# Repeat step 6 after every 2 minutes. When no bluish colour
is produced the fermentation is complete.
# Record the total time taken for completion of fermentation.
Experiment 5
Aim:- To compare the rate of fermentation of a given sample
of apple juice.
Theory:- Fermentation has been utilized for many years in the
preparation of beverages. Materials from Egyptian tombs
demonstrate the procedures used in making beer and leavened
bread. The history of fermentation, whereby sugar is
converted to ethanol by action of yeast, is also a history of
chemistry. Van Helmont coined the word iogaslt in 1610 to
describe the bubbles produced in fermentation. Leeuwenhoek
observed and described the cells of yeast with his newly
invented microscope in 1680.

The fruit and vegetable juices contain sugar such as sucrose,

glucose and fructose. These sugars on fermentation in the
presence of the enzymes invertase and zymase give with the
evolution of carbon dioxide. Maltose is converted to glucose
by enzyme maltose. Glucose is converted to ethanol by
another enzyme zymase Glucose is a reducing sugar and gives
red coloured precipitates with Fehling’s solution, when
warmed. When the fermentation is complete, the reaction
mixture stops giving any red colour or precipitate with
Fehling solution.

Apparatus:- Conical flasks (250 ml), test tubes and water

bath, Apple juice and Fehling’s solution.
1. Take 5.0 ml of apple juice in a clean 250 ml conical flask
and dilute it with 50 ml of distilled water.
2. Add 2.0 gram of Baker’s yeast and 5.0 ml of solution of
Pasteur’s salts to the above conical flask.
3. Shake well the contents of the flask and maintain the
temperature of the reaction mixture between 35-40°C.
4. After 10minutes take 5 drops of the reaction mixture
from the flask and add to a test tube containing 2 ml of
Fehling reagent. Place the test tube in the boiling water
bath for about 2 minutes and note the colour of the
solution or precipitate.
5. Repeat the step 4 after every 10 minutes when the
reaction mixture stops giving any red colour or
6. Note the time taken for completion of fermentation.
Time required for the fermentation----
# Wheat flour -- 10 hours
# Gram flour -- 12.5 hours
# Rice flour -- 15 hours
# Potato -- 13 hours
#Apple Juice -- 15 hours

Rice flour and apple juice takes maximum time for
fermentation and wheat flour takes the minimum time for

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