Letter For The National Womens Month Celebration
Letter For The National Womens Month Celebration
Letter For The National Womens Month Celebration
Dear Sir:
This in connection with one of our requirements in our subject, Events Management, that
we are tasked to organize a monthly event starting this month up to the last month of the semester.
For this month, we, the Bachelor of Science in Office Administration third-year students, decided to
plan up an event for the celebration of the 2023 National Women’s Month with the theme “WE for
Gender Equality and Inclusive Society” as this is a great opportunity for us to promote, support and
advocate for women rights and gender equality throughout the campus.
The said event will mainly focus on a one-hour Zumba session led by selected BSOA-3
students. There will also be freebies such as free drinks in case of dehydration and other stuffs that
are yet to be finalized. There will also be a set-up area designed with this year’s National Women’s
Month theme for photobooth wherein everyone are free to take photos at. A donation box will also
be provided in which the funds that will be collected will be used in our upcoming events such as
Tree Planting and Feeding Program.
All the expenses for this event will be covered by the contributions of the BSOA-3 class and
small sponsorships by some students. We will also be requiring a 10-peso worth of ticket to those
who will be joining the Zumba for us to raise funds, including the donations, that will be used to
shoulder our expenses in our upcoming events.
We shall be grateful for the approval of this request and we hope that you recognize the
need to acknowledge and develop women rights and gender equality in our school community
through this event.
Attached are our Project Proposal and the Flow of the Program.
The National Women’s Month Celebration is in accordance to Proclamation No. 227 s. 1988
‘providing for the observance of the Month of March as Women’s Role in History Month’ signed by
the former President Corazon C. Aquino. The proclamation was enforced to recognize and
emphasize the impact women has in socio-political buildup and cultural and economic growth. In
the past years, the number of advocates for gender equality has been continuously growing yet the
discrimination such as through sexism, domestic violence and other hardships women face on a
daily basis is still existent. Thus, the BSOA-3 students would like to help in promoting gender
equality and acknowledging women rights through participating in the celebration of the National
Women’s Month.
The event will be using the same new recurring theme from this year’s National Women’s
Month Celebration up to 2028, “WE for Gender Equality and Inclusive Society”.
C. Activities/Services
Photo Booth
Free Drinks for the Zumba Participants
D. Persons Involved
All the BSOA-3 Students under Ms. Sheryl Basiloy’s ‘Events Management’ Subject
E. Materials Needed
Bond Paper (for Ticket Printing) Ms. Gay Milagros Tentativa, BSOA-3 Student
Sticker Paper (for Ticket Printing) Ms. Gay Milagros Tentativa, BSOA-3 Student
Ink (for Ticket & Sticker Printing) Ms. Gay Milagros Tentativa, BSOA-3 Student
Mr. Orffyreus Bessler Frigillana, BSOA-3
Juice Powder
Mr. Orffyreus Bessler Frigillana, BSOA-3
Drinking Water
Disposable Cups BSOA-3 Class Contribution
Ms. Via Patria Portes & Ms. Joanna C. Balleta,
BSOA-3 Students
Balloons Ms. Meriam Ong Ebria, BSOA-3 Student
Cloth (for Table and Photo Booth Designing) To be borrowed (BSHM Dept.)
Cartolina Paper (for Photo Booth Designing) BSOA-3 Class Contribution
Illustration Board (for Photo Booth Designing) Ms. Joanna C. Balleta, BSOA-3 Student
Table (for the Free Drinks and Donation Box) To be borrowed (BSOA Dept.)
Donation Box Ms. Rea B. Carias, BSOA-3 Student
Microphone and Speaker Ms. Gay Milagros Tentativa, BSOA-3 Student
Garbage Bag BSOA-3 Class Contribution
Other Items (Scissors, Cutter, Glue Gun, Glue,
Personal Belongings of Assigned Students
Glue Stick, Tapes)
F. Budget Overview
The Bachelor of Science in Office Administration third-year students will run the
event through some sponsorships and class contribution. All the expenses will be
recorded and kept by the Event Treasurer.
G. Committee
Zumba Leaders
Communication Management
o Photo Booth Managers
o Event Documentation
Freebie Manager
o Standby Personnel
o Preparation for the Free Drinks
Ticket Management
o Ticket Printing
o Ticket Distribution
H. Master of Ceremony
The emcee of the program for the celebration of National Women’s Month will be
selected among the BSOA-3 students.
The Bachelor of Science in Office Administration third year students sees this event as an
opportunity to support and advocate for women rights and gender equality. We believe that such
advocacy will make the students appreciate and recognize the strengths and impact of women in
our society; and to also abolish, not just in our school community but also in the real world, the still
underlying discrimination the society has against women.