Wave Phenomena
Wave Phenomena
Wave Phenomena
Essential idea: The solution of the harmonic oscillator can be framed around the variation of kinetic and potential energy in the system.
Nature of science:
Insights: The equation for simple harmonic motion (SHM) can be solved analytically and numerically. Physicists use such solutions to help them to visualize the behaviour
of the oscillator. The use of the equations is very powerful as any oscillation can be described in terms of a combination of harmonic oscillators. Numerical modelling of
oscillators is important in the design of electrical circuits. (1.11)
Understandings: Utilization:
t The defining equation of SHM t Fourier analysis allows us to describe all periodic oscillations in terms of simple
t Energy changes harmonic oscillators. The mathematics of simple harmonic motion is crucial to
any areas of science and technology where oscillations occur
Applications and skills:
t The interchange of energies in oscillation is important in electrical
t Solving problems involving acceleration, velocity and displacement during phenomena
simple harmonic motion, both graphically and algebraically
t Quadratic functions (see Mathematics HL sub-topic 2.6; Mathematics SL sub-
t Describing the interchange of kinetic and potential energy during simple topic 2.4; Mathematical studies SL sub-topic 6.3)
harmonic motion
t Trigonometric functions (see Mathematics SL sub-topic 3.4)
t Solving problems involving energy transfer during simple harmonic motion,
both graphically and algebraically
Physics guide
t Contexts for this sub-topic include the simple pendulum and a mass-spring
9.1 – Simple harmonic motion
Physics guide
Nature of science:
Development of theories: When light passes through an aperture the summation of all parts of the wave leads to an intensity pattern that is far removed from the
geometrical shadow that simple theory predicts. (1.9)
Nature of science:
Curiosity: Observed patterns of iridescence in animals, such as the shimmer of peacock feathers, led scientists to develop the theory of thin film interference. (1.5)
Serendipity: The first laboratory production of thin films was accidental. (1.5)
t Students should be introduced to interference patterns from a variety of
coherent sources such as (but not limited to) electromagnetic waves, sound
and simulated demonstrations
t Diffraction grating patterns are restricted to those formed at normal incidence
t The treatment of thin film interference is confined to parallel-sided films at
normal incidence
t The constructive interference and destructive interference formulae listed
below and in the data booklet apply to specific cases of phase changes at
interfaces and are not generally true
Data booklet reference:
t nλ = d sin θ
⎛ 1⎞
t Constructive interference: 2dn = ⎜ m + ⎟ λ
⎝ 2⎠
t Destructive interference: 2dn = mλ
Nature of science:
Improved technology: The Rayleigh criterion is the limit of resolution. Continuing advancement in technology such as large diameter dishes or lenses or the use of smaller
wavelength lasers pushes the limits of what we can resolve. (1.8)
Understandings: International-mindedness:
t The size of a diffracting aperture t Satellite use for commercial and political purposes is dictated by the
t The resolution of simple monochromatic two-source systems resolution capabilities of the satellite
Applications and skills: Theory of knowledge:
t Solving problems involving the Rayleigh criterion for light emitted by two t The resolution limits set by Dawes and Rayleigh are capable of being
sources diffracted at a single slit surpassed by the construction of high quality telescopes. Are we capable of
breaking other limits of scientific knowledge with our advancing technology?
t Resolvance of diffraction gratings
t An optical or other reception system must be able to resolve the intended
t Proof of the diffraction grating resolvance equation is not required
images. This has implications for satellite transmissions, radio astronomy and
Data booklet reference: many other applications in physics and technology (see Physics option C)
t θ = 1.22 t Storage media such as compact discs (and their variants) and CCD sensors rely
on resolution limits to store and reproduce media accurately
t R= = mN
∆λ Aims:
t Aim 3: this sub-topic helps bridge the gap between wave theory and real-life
t Aim 8: the need for communication between national communities via
satellites raises the awareness of the social and economic implications of
Physics guide
Essential idea: The Doppler effect describes the phenomenon of wavelength/frequency shift when relative motion occurs.
Physics guide
Nature of science:
Technology: Although originally based on physical observations of the pitch of fast moving sources of sound, the Doppler effect has an important role in many different
areas such as evidence for the expansion of the universe and generating images used in weather reports and in medicine. (5.5)
Understandings: International-mindedness:
t The Doppler effect for sound waves and light waves t Radar usage is affected by the Doppler effect and must be considered for
Applications and skills: applications using this technology
Theory of knowledge:
t Sketching and interpreting the Doppler effect when there is relative motion
between source and observer t How important is sense perception in explaining scientific ideas such as the
t Describing situations where the Doppler effect can be utilized Doppler effect?
t Solving problems involving the change in frequency or wavelength observed Utilization:
due to the Doppler effect to determine the velocity of the source/observer t Astronomy relies on the analysis of the Doppler effect when dealing with fast
Guidance: moving objects (see Physics option D)
t For electromagnetic waves, the approximate equation should be used for all Aims:
calculations t Aim 2: the Doppler effect needs to be considered in various applications of
t Situations to be discussed should include the use of Doppler effect in radars technology that utilize wave theory
and in medical physics, and its significance for the red-shift in the light spectra t Aim 6: spectral data and images of receding galaxies are available from
of receding galaxies professional astronomical observatories for analysis
t Moving observer: f ′ = f ⎛⎜
v ± u0 ⎞
⎝ v ⎟⎠
t ∆f ∆λ v
= ≈
f λ c