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General Rules
1 This Standard Method of Measurement provides a uniform basis for measuring building works and embodies the essentials of good practice. Bills of
quantities shall fully describe and accurately represent the quantity and quality of the works to be carried out. More detailed information than is required by
these rules shall be given where necessary in order to define the precise nature and extent of the required work.

2 .The rules apply to measurement of proposed work and executed work.

1. Introduction

The rules in this document are set out in tables. Each section of the rules comprises information (to be) provided, classification tables and supplementary
rules. The tabulated rules are written in the present tense.
2.2 Horizontal lines divide the classification table and supplementary rules into zones to which different rules apply.
Classification tables
2.3 Within the classification table where a broken line is shown, the rules given above and below the broken line may be used as alternatives.
2.4 In referring to columns in classification tables the measurement unit column has been disregarded.
2.5 The left hand column of the classification table lists descriptive features commonly encountered in building works. The next column lists further sub-groups
into which each main group of items shall be divided and similarly the third column provides for further division. The lists in these columns are not intended
to be exhaustive.
2.6 Each item description shall identify the work with respectto one descriptive feature drawn from each of the first three columns in the classification table
2. Use of the tabulated and as many of the descriptive features in the fourth column as are applicable to the item. The general principle does not apply to Preliminaries in that it
rules will be necessary to select as many descriptive features as appropriate from each column.
2.7 Where the abbreviation (nr) is given in the classification table the quantity shall be stated in the item description.

Supplementary rules
2.8 Within the supplementary rules everything above the horizontal line, which is immediately below the classification table heading, is applicable throughout
that table.
2.9 Measurement rules set out when work shall be measured and the method by which quantities shall be computed.
2.10 Definition rules define the extent and limits of the work represented by a word or expression used in the rules and in a bill of quantities prepared in
accordance with the rules.
2.11 Coverage rules draw attention to particular incidental work which shall be deemed to be included in the appropriate items in a bill of quantities to the
extent that such work is included in the tender documents. Where the coverage rules include materials they shall be mentioned in the item descriptions.
2.12 The column headed Supplementary Information contains rules governing the information which shall be given in addition to the information given as a
2. Use of the tabulated result of the application of rule 2.6.
rules 2.13 A separate item shall be given for any work which differs from other work with respect to any matter listed as supplementary information.

3.1 Work shall be measured net as fixed in position except where otherwise stated in a measurement rule applicable to the work.
3.2 Dimensions used in calculating quantities shall be taken to the nearest 10mm (i.e. 5mm and over shall be regarded as 10mm and less than 5mm shall be
3.3 Quantities measured in tonnes shall be given to two places of decimals. Other quantities shall be given to the nearest whole unit except that any quantity
less than one unit shall be given as one unit.
3.4 Unless otherwise stated, where minimum deductions for voids are dealt with in this document they shall refer only to openings or wants which are within
the boundaries of measured areas. Openings or wants which are at the boundaries of measured areas shall always be the subject of deduction irrespective of
3. Quantities size.
3:5 The requirement to measure separate items for widths not exceeding a stated limit shall not apply where these widths are caused by voids.

4.1 Dimensions shall be stated in descriptions generally in the sequence length, width, height. Where ambiguity could arise, the dimensions shall be identified.
4.2 Information required by the application of rules 2.6 and 2.12 may be given in documents (e.g. drawings or specification) separate from the bills of
quantities if a precise and unique cross reference is given in its place in the description of the item concerned. This rule does not allow the aggregation of a
number of measured items which are otherwise required to be measured separately by these rules, except as provided by rule 9.1.
4.3 Headings to groups of items in a bill of quantities shall be read as part of the descriptions of the items to which the headings apply.
4.4 The use of a hyphen between two dimensions in this document or in a bill of quantities shall mean a range of dimensions exceeding the first dimension
stated but not exceeding the second.
4.5 Each work section of a bill of quantities shall begin with a description stating the nature and location of the work unless evident from the drawn or other
information required to be provided by these rules.
4.6 Unless otherwise specifically stated in a bill of quantities or herein, the following shall be deemed to be included with all items:
(a) Labour and all costs in connection therewith.
(b) Materials, goods and all costs in connnection therewith.
(c) Assembling, fitting and fixing materials and goods in position.
(d) Plant and all costs in connection therewith.
4. Descriptions (e) Waste of materials and all costs in connection with disposal.
(f) Square cutting.
(g) Establishment charges, overhead charges and profit.
4.7 A dimensioned description for an item in the bill of quantities shall define the item and state all the dimensions necessary to identify the shape and size of
the item or its components.
5.1 Location drawings:
(a) Block Plan: shall identify the site and locate the outlines of the building works in relation to a town plan or other context.
(b) Site Plan: shall locate the position of the building works in relation to setting out points, means of access and general layout of the site.
(c) Plans, Sections and Elevations: shall show the position occupied by the various spaces in a building and the general construction and location of the
principal elements.

5.2 Component drawings: shall show the information necessary for manufacture and assembly of a component.
5.3 Dimensioned diagrams: shall show the shape and dimensions of the work covered by an item and may be used in a bill of quantities in place of a
dimensioned description, but not in place of an item otherwise required to be measured.
5. Drawn information 5.4 Schedules which provide the required information shall be deemed to be drawings as required under these rules.

6.1 A precise and unique cross-reference to a catalogue or to a standard specification may be given in an item description instead of the description required
by rules 2.6 and 2.12 or instead of a component drawing.

6. Catalogued or standard

7.1 Work of each of the following special types shall be separately identified:
(a) Work on or in existing building — see general rule 13.
(b) Work to be carried out and subsequently removed (other than temporary works).
(c) Work outside the curtilage of the site.
(d) Work carried out in or under water shall be so described stating whether canal, river or sea water and (where applicable) the mean Spring levels of high
7. Work of special types and low water.
(e) Work carried out in compressed air shall be so described stating the pressure and the method of entry and exit.

8.1 Method of fixing shall only be measured and described where required by the rules in each Work Section. Where fixing through vulnerable materials is
required to be identified, such materials are deemed to include those listed in rule 8.3 (e).
8.2 Where the nature of the base is required to be identified each type of base shall be identified separately.
8.3 Where the nature of the background is required to be identified the item description shall state one of the following:
(a) Timber, which shall be deemed to include manufactured building boards.
(b) Masonry, which shall be deemed to include concrete, brick, block and stone.
(c) Metal.
(d) Metal faced materials.
(e) Vulnerable materials, which shall be deemed to include glass, marble, mosaic, tiled finishes and the like.

8. Fixing, base and


9.1 Notwithstanding the requirement of clause 4.2, work to be manufactured off site may be combined into one item even though the rules require items to
be measured separately, provided the items in question are all incorporated into the composite item off site. The item description shall identify the resulting
composite item and the item shall be deemed to include breaking down for transport and installation and subsequent
9. Composite items re-assembly.
10.1 Where work can be described and given in items in accordance with these rules but the quantity of work required cannot be accurately determined, an
estimate of the quantity shall be given and identified as an approximate quantity.
10.2 Where work cannot be described and given in items in accordance with these rules it shall be given as a Provisional Sum and identified as for either
defined or undefined work as appropriate.
10.3 A Provisional Sum for defined work is a sum provided for work which is not completely designed but for which the following information shall be
(a) The nature and construction of the work.
(b) Astatement of how and where the work is fixed to the building and what other work is to be fixed thereto.
(c) A quantity or quantities which indicate the scope and extent of the work.
(d) Any specific limitations and the like identified in Section A35.
10. Procedure where the 10.4 Where Provisional Sums are given for defined work the Contractor will be deemed to have made due allowance in programming, planning and pricing
drawn and Preliminaries. Any such allowance will only be subject to adjustment in those circumstances where a variation in respect of other work measured in detail in
specification information accordance with the rules would give rise to adjustment.
required by these 10.5 A Provisional Sum for undefined work is a sum provided for work where the information required in accordance with rule 10.3 cannot be given.
rules is not available 10.6 Where Provisional Sums are given for undefined work the Contractor will be deemed not to have made any allowance in programming, planning and
pricing Preliminaries.

11.1 Rules of measurement adopted for work not covered by these rules shall be stated in a bill of quantities. Such rules shall, as far as possible, conform with
11. Work not covered those given in this document for similar work.
12.1 The following symbols and abbreviations are used in this method of measurement:
m = metre
m2 = square metre
m3 = cubic metre
mm = millimetre
nr = number
kg = kilogramme
t = tonne
h = hour
pcsum = PrimeCost Sum
provsum = Provisional Sum
> = exceeding
2 = equal to or exceeding
= = not exceeding
< = less than
% = percentage
- = hyphen (see rule 4.4)
12. Symbols and 12.2 Cross references within the classification tables are given in the form:
abbreviations Work Section Number from first Number from Second Number from third Number from fourth
number =: column « column .« column » column
Excavation and filling
To reduce levels
Maximum depth < 1.00m
Commencing level stated where > 0.25m below existing ground level.
12.3 An asterisk within a cross reference represents all entries in the column in which it appears.
12.4 The digit 0 within a cross reference represents no entries in the column in which it appears.

13.1 Work to existing buildings shall be so described. Such work is defined as work on, or in, or immediately under work existing before the current project.
13.2 The additional rules for work to existing buildings are to be read in conjunction with the preceding rules in the appropriate Work Sections.
13.3 A description of the additional Preliminaries/General conditions which are pertinent to the work to the existing building shall be given, drawing attention to
13. Work to existing any specific requirements due to the nature of the work.

14.1 Where the rules require work to be described as curved with the radii stated details shall be given of the curved work including if concave or convex, if
conical or spherical, if to more than one radius and shall state the radius or radii.
14.2 The radius stated shall be the mean radius measured to the centre line of the material unless otherwise stated.
14. General definitions
Published -June 1979, Published by RICS Published -June 1998, Published by RICS First Revision publised-2013, Second Edition - Oct 2021 First Revision publised-1976, 2nd - 1985, 3rd-1991, 4th-2012
Total 17 Sections, GP,A to H, J to R. Total 23 Content, A to H, J to Y. (I & O MISSING) Work Section-41 Sections Class-26, Published by Institution of Civil Engineers
Section GP General Principles A Preliminaries/General conditions Work section 1: Preliminaries
Section A GENERAL REQUIREMENTS B Complete buildings/structures/units Work section 2: Off-site manufactured materials, components or buildings
Section B - SITE WORK C Existing site/buildings/services Work section 3: Demolitions
Section C - CONCRETE WORK D Groundwork Work section 4: Alterations, repairs and conservation
Section D- MASONRY E In situ concrete/large precast concrete Work section 5: Excavating and filling
Section E-METAL WORK F Masonry Work section 6: Ground remediation and soil stabilisation
Section F-WOOD WORK G Structural carcassing metal/timber Work section 7: Piling
Section G-THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION H Cladding/covering Work section 8: Underpinning
Section H- DOORS AND WINDOWS J Waterproofing Work section 9: Diaphragm walls and embedded retaining walls
Section J - FINISHES K Linings/Sheathing/Dry partitioning Work section 10: Crib walls, gabions and reinforced earth
Section K - ACCESSORIES L Windows/doors/stairs Work section 11: In-situ concrete works
Section L - EQUIPMENT M Surface finishes Work section 12: Precast/composite concrete
Section M - FURNISHINGS N Furniture/fittings Work section 13: Precast concrete
Section N - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION P Building fabric sundries Work section 14: Masonry
Section P - CONVEYING SYSTEMS Q Paving/Planting/Fencing/Site furniture Work section 15: Structural metalwork
Section Q - MECHANICAL ENGINEERING INSTALLATIONS R Disposal systems Work section 16: Carpentry
Section R - ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING INSTALLATIONS S Piped supply systems Work section 17: Sheet roof coverings
T Mechanical heating/cooling/refrigeration systems Work section 18: Tile and slate roof and wall coverings
U Ventilation/Air conditioning systems Work section 19: Waterproofing
V Electrical supply/power/lighting systems Work section 20: Proprietary walls, linings and partitions
W Communications/Security/Controls systems Work section 21: Cladding and covering
X Transport systems Work section 22: General joinery
Y Mechanical and Electrical services measurement Work section 23: Windows, screens and lights
Work section 24: Doors, shutters and hatches
Work section 25: Stairs, walkways and balustrades
Work section 26: Metalwork
Work section 27: Glazing

Section A GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Work section 28: Floor, wall, ceiling and roof finishings
A1 Conditions of contract Work section 29: Decoration
A2 Specification Work section 30: Suspended ceilings
A3 Restrictions Work section 31: Insulation, fire stopping and fire protection
A4 Contractor's administrative arrangements Work section 32: Furniture, fittings and equipment
A5 Constructional plant Work section 33: Drainage above ground
A6 Employer's facilities Work section 34: Drainage below ground
A7 Contractor's facilities Work section 35: Site works
A8 Temporary works Work section 36: Fencing
A9 Sundry items Work section 37: Soft landscaping
Work section 38: Mechanical services
Work section 39: Electrical services
Work section 40: Transportation systems
Work section 41: Builder’s work in connection with mechanical, electrical and
transportation installations

Component Included Unit Pricing method Excluded

SECTION B - SITE WORK B.1 Employer’s requirements: site accommodation

Site accommodation for the employer and the employer’s representatives where
separate from main contractor’s site accommodation, including:
• site offices
• sanitary accommodation
B1 Site exploration generally • welfare facilities
• foundations to site accommodation
• temporary drainage to accommodation
• temporary services
• intruder alarms. Item Fixed charge
The type and extent of accommodation to be provided should
B1.1 Site observations, site tests and laboratory tests shall be given as an item. be stated, with each type separately quantified.
B1.2 Samples, site observations, site tests, a oratory tests an analyses shall be given as an item, 1 Bringing to site and installing, including all temporary drainage,
B1.3 Providing reports shall be given as an item. services and intruder alarms.

B2.1 Excavating trial holes shall be measured by depth, taken along the centre line, stating the number and the maximum
B2 Trial holes depth below commencing level.(nr)
B2.2 Earthwork support which is not at the discretion of the contractor shall be measured by depth. (nr) 2 Adaptations/alterations during works.

B3.1 Driving boreholes shall be measured by depth,raking boreholes shall be so described (nr).
B3 Boreholes (including pumping test wells) B3.2 Lining which is not at the discretion of the contractor shall be measured by depth (m).
B3.3 Cap pings shall be enumerated (nr). 3 Dismantling and removing from site, including rectifying any damage.

B4.1 Removing isolated trees shall be enumerated (nr).

B4 Site preparation B4.2 Removing hedges shall be measured by length (m).
B4.3 Site clearance, which shall include removing vegetation, undergrowth, bushes, hedges, trees or the like, shall be measured
by area (m2). 4 Maintaining.

B5.1 The location of each item shall be given. Unless otherwise stated, old materials shall be understood to become the
property of the contractor and shall be cleared away; old materials required to remain the property of the employer shall be so
B5 Demolitions and alterations B5.2 Removing individual fittings, fixtures, engineering installations or the like from an existing structure shall each be given as
an item.
B5.3 Demolishing individual structures (or part thereof) shall each be given as an item; alternatively, demolishing all structures 1 Site accommodation, furniture and equipment,
on a site may be given as an item. telecommunication and IT
B5.4 Cutting openings in existing structures and alterations to existing structures shall each be given as an item; making good all systems for the employer and the employer
1 Site accommodation.
work damaged shall be understood to be included. representatives where an integral part of the
(Employer )
B5.5 Temporary screens and roofs shall be given as an item. 5 Cleaning. main contractor’s site accommodation (included
in B.5 Contractor’s cost items: site establishment,
week Time-related as appropriate).
B6.1 Shoring incidental to demolitions and alterations, together with clearing away and making good all work damaged, shall be
understood to be included.
B6 Shoring B6.2 Shoring (other than that incidental to demolitions and alterations) shall be given as an item, stating the location; clearing
away and making good all work damaged shall be understood to be included.
B6.3 Particulars shall be given where the design of the shoring is not at the discretion of the contractor. Item
B6.4 Shoring which is required by the specification to be left in position shall be so described. 6 Charges.
B7.1 Work in underpinning shall be given under an appropriate heading, stating the location.
B7.2 Unless otherwise stated, work shall be measured in accordance with the appropriate sections of this document.
B7.3 Temporary support shall be given as an item; particulars shall be given where the design of the temporary support is not at
the discretion of the contractor.
B7.4 Excavation shall be measured by volume, taken to the outside line of the projecting foundations or to the outside line of
the new foundations (whichever is the greater), classified as follows:
B7 Underpinning 1. Excavation in preliminary trenches down to the base of the existing foundations (m3)
2. Excavation below the base of the existing foundations (m3)
B7.5 Cutting away projecting foundations shall be measured by length (m).

7 Off-site rented temporary accommodation.

B8 Earthworks generally B8.1 Any information available concerning the nature of the ground and strata shall be provided with the bills of quantities. Item
B8.2 The quantities for excavation, dredging or tunnelling shall be understood to be the bulk before excavation, and no
allowance shall be made for any \\'orking space or subsequent variation in bulk; existing voids shall be deducted.
B8.3 Multiple handling of materials and transporting about the site shall be understood to be included; multiple handling which
is required by the specification shall be so described in the item of disposal.
B8.4 Earthwork support shall be given as an item.
B8.5 Excavation in rock shall be so described; alternatively, it may be measured as extra over excavation (that is, the volume of
rock shall be measured bur no deduction shall be made from the volume of excavation in which the rock occurs). (m 3)
B8.6 For the purposes of measurement rock is defined as any material met with which is of such size or position that. in the
opinion of the employer's representative. It can only be removed by means of wedges, special plant or explosives. 8 Rectifying damage to off-site rented temporary accommodation. Fixed charge

B9.1 Unless otherwise stated, excavation shall be measured by volume (m 3) as the void which is to be occupied by the
permanent construction, or vertically above any part of the permanent construction, classified as follows:
1. Oversite excavation to remove top soil, stating the average depth
2. Excavation to reduce levels
B9 Excavation 3. Excavation in cuttings item Fixed charge
4. Basement excavation
5. Trench excavation to receive foundations, which shall include pile caps and ground beams
6. Pit excavation to receive foundation bases, stating the number Furniture and equipment for the employer and the employer’s representatives
7. Excavation for diaphragm walls, stating the width of the permanent construction and the type of support fluid. where separate from main contractor’s site accommodation. For example, desks,
chairs, meeting table and chairs, cupboards, kettles, coffee maker, photocopier
B9.2 Excavation of trenches for service pipes, drain pipes, cables or the like shall each be measured by length (m), stating the
average depth; disposal and filling shall be understood to be included. and consumables.
B9.3 For excavation in tunnelling see clause B24. 1 Bringing to site and installing.
2 Furniture and
B10 Dredging B10.1 Dredging shall be measured by volume (m 3), stating the location and limits; unless otherwise stated, measurement shall equipment.
be understood to be taken from soundings. 2 Cleaning.

B11.1 Disposal of material arising from excavation, dredging or tunnelling shall be measured by volume (m 3) as equal to the week
B11 Disposal volume of excavation, dredging or tunnelling and each shall be classified as follows:
1. Backfilled into excavation
2. Backfilled in making up levels
3. Backfilled oversite to make up levels, giving details of special contouring, embankments or the like
4. Removed, which shall include providing a suitable tip. 3 Charges.

B12.1 Filling material (other than that arising from excavation, dredging or tunnelling) shall be measured by volume (m 3) as
B12 Filling equal to the void to be filled, classified as follows: item
1. Filled into excavation
2. Filled in making up levels
3. Filled oversite to make up levels, giving details of special contouring, embankments or the like. 4 Dismantling and removing from site. Fixed charge
Telecommunication and IT systems for the employer and the employer’s
representatives where separate from main contractor’s site accommodation,
B13 Piling generally B13.1 For the purposes of measurement, driven piling shall include timber, precast concrete or metal piles. including telephones, mobile phones, photocopier, computers, printers, scanners nr
B13.2 Other piling systems (for example, preformed casing with concrete filling) shall be measured in accordance with the and consumables.
principles for driven piling or bored piling as may be appropriate. 1 Purchase charges.
B13.3 Unless otherwise stated, reinforcement shall be measured in accordance with Section C. Fixed charge
B14.1 Supplying piles shall be measured by length (m), stating the number; reinforcement shall be given separately. 2 Hire charges. Time-related
B14.2 Heads and shoes shall be enumerated (nr). charge
B14.3 Driving piles shall be measured by length (m), taken from the pile point in contact with the ground when pitched to the
B14 Driven piling pile point when driven, stating the number; driving piles on rake shall be so described.
B14.4 Cutting off tops of piles and connections for lengthening piles shall be enumerated (nr).
3 Telecommunications
and IT systems.
3 Consumables.
B15.1 Boring for piles shall be measured by length (m), taken from the formation level of the ground to the bottom of the pile
hole, stating the number; the measurement shall include for blind boring when the pile top is to be below the formation level
B15 Bored piling of the ground.
B15.2 Boring through rock shall be measured by length (m) as extra over boring for piles (that is, the length of boring through
rock shall be measured but no deduction shall be made from the total length of boring).
B15.3 Linings for piles shall be measured by length(m).
B15.4 Disposal of material arising from boring shall be measured in accordance with clause B11 (m3).
B15.5 Concrete filling shall be measured by volume (m3).
B15.6 Cutting off tops of piles and forming enlarged bases shall be enumerated (nr).

B16.1 The measurements for sheet piling shall be taken along the centre line.
B16.2 Supplying sheet piling shall be measured by area (m 2), taken as the area when in final position.
B16 Sheet piling B16.3 Corner piles or the like shall be measured by length(m). B.2 Employer’s requirements: site records
B16.4 Driving sheet piling shall be measured by area (m 2), taken from the formation level of the ground to the bottom edge of
the sheet piling when driven; strutting and waling and withdrawing sheet piling shall be understood to be included.
B16.5 Cutting sheet piling shall be measured by length (m).
B16.6 Sheet piling which is required by the specification to be left in position shall be so described.
B17 Performance designed piling
B17.1 Performance designed piles shall be enumerated (nr); reinforcement and disposal of material arising from boring shall be
understood to be included.
B17.2 Details shall be given when the pile top is to be below the formation level of the ground.
B18 Testing piling B18.1 Testing piling, which shall include trial piles and testing working piles, shall be given as an item. 1 Site records. 1 Operation and maintenance manuals.
2 Compilation of health and safety file.

B19.1 Drain pipes shall be measured by length(m), taken along the centre line over all fittings; drain pipes within inspection
chambers or the like shall be so described and shall be understood to drainage include fixings and supports.
B19 Underground drainage B19.2 Drain fittings in the length (for example, bends, junctions) shall be enumerated (nr), grouped together for each size of
pipe and described as 'fittings'.
B19.3 Drain accessories (for example, gullies, traps) shall be enumerated (nr); concrete surrounds and additional excavation
shall be understood to be included.
B19.4 Concrete beds and coverings for drain pipes shall each be measured by length (m), stating the diameter of the pipe;
surrounds to vertical pipes shall be so described and shall be understood to include formwork.
B19.5 Inspection chambers or the like shall be enumerated (nr); alternatively, they may be measured in accordance \\'ith the
relevant sections of this document and given under an appropriate heading.
B19.6 Connections to existing drains shall be enumerated (nr), subject to clause GP8.
item Fixed charge
2 Web-based 1 Provision of system.
B20 Paving and surfacing B20.1 Paving and surfacing shall be measured by area (m2). information
B20.2 Expansion joints and \\'ater stops shall be measured by length (m).
B20.3 Channels, curbs, edgings or the like shall be measured by length (m); curved work shall be so described. management system.
2 Data uploading.
B21.1 Fencing, which shall include posts and supports in the length, shall be measured by length (m); excavating pits, disposal
and filling shall be understood to be included.
B21 Fencing B21.2 Special posts (for example, gate posts, straining posts) shall be enumerated (nr); excavating pits, disposal and filling shall
be understood to be included.
B21.3 Gates, barriers or the like shall be enumerated (nr).
B21.4 Finishes shall be measured in accordance with Section J.
management system.

3 Training building user’s staff in the operation of the web-based

B22.1 Cultivating and fertilising ground shall be measured by area (m2). management system.
B22 Landscaping B22.2 Soiling, seeding and turfing shall be measured by area (m2).
B22.3 Hedges shall be measured by length (m).
B22.4 Trees and shrubs shall be enumerated (nr).
B23.1 Track, guard rails and conductor rails shall each be measured by length (m), taken along the centre line over all fittings;
curved work shall be so described.
B23.2 Sleepers and chairs shall be enumerated (nr).
B23.3 Switches and crossings shall be enumerated (nr), classified as follows:
B23 Railway work 1. Switches and turnouts B.3 Employer’s requirements: completion and post-completion requirements
2. Diamond crossings
3. Single slip crossings
4. Double slip crossings
5. Other switches and crossings.
B23.4 Ballast shall be measured by volume(m3), without deduction for track, classified as follows:
1. Bottom ballast, placed before the track is laid
2. Top ballast, placed after the track is laid.
B23.5 Concrete track foundations shall be measured by length (m), except that overwidth foundations for switches and
crossings shall be measured by area (m2); reinforcement and shuttering shall be understood to be included.
B23.6 Bitumen filler to complete rail assemblies shall be measured by length (m).
B23.7 Buffer stops, wheel stops or the like shall be enumerated (nr).
B23.8 Signalling installations shall be measured in accordance with Section L or Section R.
1 Training of building user’s staff in the operation and maintenance
of the building engineering services systems.

B24.1 Excavation shall be measured by volume (m 3) as the void which is to be occupied, including the volume of permanent
linings, grouped as may be appropriate to identify different lengths and classified as follows:
1. Straight tunnels
B24 Tunnel excavation 2. Straight shafts
3. Curved tunnels
4. Curved shafts
5. Tapered tunnels
6. Tapered shafts
7. Other cavities, which shall include transitions, breakaways and intersections between shafts and tunnels.
B24.2 Forward probing shall be measured by length (m), stating the number of probes.
B24.3 For disposal see clause B11. 1 Handover
item Fixed charge
requirements. 2 Provision of spare parts for maintenance of building engineering services.

B25 Tunnel linings B25.1 Poured concrete linings shall be measured by area (m 2), stating whether spray or cast concrete, classified as follows:
1. lining
2. Secondary lining.
B25.2 Preformed segmental tunnel linings shall be enumerated (nr).
3 Provision of tools and portable indicating instruments for the operation and
maintenance of building engineering services systems.
B26.1 Timber supports shall be measured by volume (m3).
B26 Tunnel support and stabilisation B26.2 Sprayed concrete supports and reinforcement shall be measured by area (m2).
B26.3 Rock bolts shall be measured by length (m).
B26.4 Face packers shall be enumerated (nr).
B26.5 Metal arch supports shall be measured by weight (kg/ton).
B26.6 Injection of grout materials shall be measured by weight (kg/ton).
2 Operation and 1 Operation and maintenance of building engineering services installations,
maintenance services. mechanical plant and equipment, etc. during the defects liability period, period for
rectifying defects, maintenance period or other specified period (i.e. additional
services that are normally required by the contract).
3 Landscape 1 Maintenance of internal and external planting.
management services.

B.4 Contractor’s cost items: management and staff

1 Project-specific Main contractor’s project-specific management and staff such as: 1 Security staff (included in B.9 Contractor’s
management and staff. • project manager/director items: control and protection).
• construction manager
• supervisors, including works/trade package managers, building services
engineering managers/coordinators and off-site production managers
• health and safety manager/officers
• commissioning manager (building engineering services)
• planning/programming manager and staff
• senior/managing quantity surveyor
• project/package quantity surveyors
• procurement manager
• design manager
• project engineers
• environmental manager
• temporary works design engineers
• materials management staff (e.g. storeworker)
• administrative staff, including secretary, document controllers, finance clerks,
etc. and
• other management and staff.
For preliminaries (works package contract): works package contract’s project-
specific management and staff.

week (number of
staff by number
of hours per Time-related
week charge
by number of
1 Managing director, regional director, operations director, commercial director, 1 Visiting management and staff for which
etc. an allowance has been made in the main
2 Quality manager. contractor’s overheads.

C1.1 Reinforced poured concrete and plain poured concrete shall each be so described.
C1 Generally C1.2 Poured concrete required by the specification to be placed, compacted, cured or otherwise treated in a particular manner
shall be so described.
C1.3 No deduction shall be made for voids less than 1.00 m3, nor for the volume of any reinforcement or structural metal
enclosed in the concrete, except that voids caused by boxed or tubular structural metalwork shall always be deducted.
C1.4 Unless otherwise described, horizontal surfaces of concrete shall be understood to be tamped.
C2.1 Unless otherwise stated, poured concrete shall be measured by volume (m 3), classified as follows: 3 Contracts/commercial manager.
1. Foundations, which shall include combined or isolated bases
2. Pile caps, which shall include ground beams
3. Blinding
4. Beds, which shall include roads and footpaths, stating the thickness
5. Suspended slabs, which shall include floors, landings, roofs or the like, stating the thickness
6. Walls, which shall include attached columns, stating the thickness
7. Columns, which shall include casing to metal stancheons
8. Beams (measured below the slab), which shall include lintels and casing to metal beams
9. Staircases, which shall include steps and strings
10. Diaphragm walls
C2 Poured concrete 11. Other classifications (for example, tunnel linings, bridge abutments) as may be appropriate.
C2.2 Poured concrete suspended slabs of special construction, including floors, landings, roofs or the like, shall be measured by
area(m2); coffered and troughed slabs shall be so described, giving details of solid margins or the like.
C2.3 Where an item is required to be measured by volume (m 3) and the thickness stated, then items of differing thickness may week (number of
be grouped together, provided that the range of the different thicknesses is stated. staff by number
of hours per Time-related
week charge
by number of

C3.1 The weight of bar reinforcement shall be the net weight (kg/ton) without addition for rolling margin, supports, spacers or 4 Health and safety manager.
tying wire.
C3.2 Bar reinforcement shall be measured by weight, stating the diameter; bars of differing diameters shall be given separately.
C3.3 Fabric reinforcement shall be measured by area (m 2), without addition for laps.
C3 Reinforcement C3.4 Reinforcement shall be given as an item where the detailed design work is the responsibility of the contractor.

2 Visiting management
C4.1 Unless otherwise stated, shuttering shall be measured by area, taken as the net area in contact with the finished face of 5 Environmental manager/consultant.
concrete, classified as follows: and staff.
1. Soffits; shuttering to soffits of special construction shall be so described
2. Sloping soffits, which shall include soffits of staircases
3. Sloping upper surfaces, which shall include surfaces more than 15° from horizontal
4. Sides of foundations, which shall include bases, pile caps and ground beams
5. Sides of walls, which shall include attached columns
6. Returns to walls, which shall include ends, projections and reveals of openings or recesses
7. Sides and soffits of beams, which shall include lintels and breaks in soffits; isolated beams shall be so described
8. Sides and soffits of sloping beams, which shall include lintels and breaks in soffits; isolated beams shall be so described
9. Sides of columns
10. Staircases, which shall include treads, risers and strings but exclude soffits
11. Other classifications (for example, tunnel linings, bridges, bridge abutments) as may be appropriate.
C4.2 Shuttering to edges, which shall include face of curb or upstand or break in upper surface of floor, shall be measured by
length (m); items of differing height may be grouped together, provided that the range of different heights is stated.
C4.3 Grooves, which shall include throats, rebates, chamfers or the like, 2500 mm2 sectional area or over shall be measured by
length (m); grooves less than 2500 mm2 sectional area shall be understood to be included.
C4 Shuttering C4.4 Shuttering may be enumerated where it is more appropriate to do so (for example, decorative features).
C4.5 Shuttering which is required by the specification to be left in position shall be so described.
C4.6 Shuttering to curved, conical and spherical surfaces shall each be so described.
C4.7 Shuttering to provide a special finish shall be so described.
C4.8 Unless otherwise stated, if the volume of concrete has not been deducted, shuttering to the faces of a void shall be
understood to be included.

6 Other visiting management and staff.

C5.1 Moulds for precast units shall be understood to be included.

C5.2 Reinforcement shall be measured in accordance with clause C3 and given under an appropriate heading; alternatively, it
C5 Precast concrete may be described in the item.
C5.3 Floor slabs, partition slabs or the like shall be measured by area (m2). .'
C5.4 Lintels, sills, duct covers or the like shall be measured by length (m); alternatively, duct covers may be measured by area
C5.5 Structural units (for example, beams, stanchions, tunnel rings) shall be enumerated (nr).
C5.6 Padstones, cappings or the like shall be enumerated (nr).
3 Extraordinary support 1 Legal advice costs (i.e. solicitors). Fixed charge 1 Extraordinary support costs for which an
costs. allowance has been made in the main
C6.1 Prestressed concrete work shall be given under an appropriate heading. contractor’s overheads.
C6 Prestressed concrete C6.2 Prestressed concrete shall be measured by volume(m3), classified in accordance with clause C2.
C6.3 Reinforcement shall be measured in accordance with clause C3; supporting steel wires or cables shall be measured by
weight (kg/ton).
C6.4 Shuttering shall be measured in accordance with clause C4, stating whether to pre-tensioned or post-tensioned members.
2 Recruitment costs.

C7.1 Surfaces finished to falls or cross-falls shall be measured by area (m2).
C7 Sundries C7.2 Surface finishes shall be measured by area (m2), except that tamped finishes shall be understood to be included.
C7.3 Expansion material or the like shall be measured by area(m2).
C7.4 Designed joints, water stops, cast-in channels or the like shall be measured by length(m).
C7.5 Forming sinkings, channels or the like shall be measured by length (m) and, where appropriate, the item may include
additional excavation, hardcore, shuttering and concrete; alternatively, they may be enumerated(nr).
C7.6 Fixings, ties, inserts or the like shall be enumerated (nr); alternatively, they may be measured by area(m2).
C7.7 Mortices, holes or the like shall be understood to be included.
3 Team building costs.
4 Other extraordinary support costs.
week (number
5 Day transport. of days per week Time-related
by number charge
6 Personnel transport (i.e. transportation of work operatives to site).
of weeks)
7 Temporary living accommodation (e.g. long/medium-term
accommodation costs). week (number of
staff by number
8 Subsistence payments. of days per week
by number
of weeks)

week (number of
staff by number
of days per week
9 Out of normal hours working, including non-productive by number
overtime allowances.
4 Staff travel. Costs associated with off-site visits such as: Fixed charge
1 visits to employer’s and consultants’ offices
2 visits to subcontractors’ offices/works or visits to main contractors’ offices/works
D1 Generally nr (number of
(preliminaries (works package contract)) occasions)
3 overseas visits and
D1.1 Sloping, battering and curved work shall each be so described. 4 accommodation charges and overnight expenses.
D1.2 Reinforced masonry shall be so described.
D2.1 Walls and piers shall be measured by area (m2), classified as follows:
1. Walls; integral piers shall be measured as walls of combined pier and wall thickness
2. Walls built against other construction
3. Cavity walls measured as a composite item, including skins and cavity; alternatively, the skins and cavity may each be
measured by area(m2). Closing cavity walls at ends or around openings shall be understood to be included
4. Isolated piers.
D2 Walls and piers D2.2 Faced or fair faced work shall each be so described; alternatively, it may be measured as extra over walls, stating whether B.5 Contractor’s cost items: site establishment
faced or fair faced on one or both sides (that is, the area of faced or fair faced work shall be measured but no deduction shall
be made from the area of walling on which the faced or fair faced work occurs).

1 Site accommodation. Main contractor’s and common user temporary site accommodation 1 Employer’s accommodation, where not an
such as: integral part of the main contractor’s site
• offices accommodation
• conference/meeting rooms (included in B.1 Employer’s requirements: site
• canteens and kitchens accommodation).
• drying rooms 2 Temporary bases, foundations and provision of
• toilets and washrooms and services to temporary site accommodation
• first aid room (included in component
• laboratories 2 of this table).
D3 Sills, etc. • workshops 3 Service provider’s charges for temporary
• secure stores services (included in B.15 Contractor’s cost items:
fees and charges).
• compounds, including containers for material storage
4 Rates for temporary services (included in B.15
• security control room and
Contractor’s cost items: fees and charges).
• stairs and office staging.
For preliminaries (works package contract): works package contractor’s project-specific
site accommodation.
The type and extent of accommodation to be provided should be
D3.1 Sills, copings, oversailing or receding courses or the like shall be measured by length (m). stated, with each type separately quantified.
D3.2 Arches shall be measured by length(m).
D4.1 Reinforcement shall be measured in accordance with clause C3; alternatively, fabric reinforcement may be measured by 1 Purchase charges. Fixed charge
D4 Reinforcement item
2 Hire charges. Time-related
D5.1 Concrete filling to cavities shall be measured by area(m2). charge
D5 Sundries D5.2 Expansion joints or the like shall be measured by length (m).
D5.3 Air bricks or the like shall be enumerated (nr). week
3 Employer’s accommodation, where this is an integral part of the main contractor’s site
4 Delivery of temporary site accommodation to site and erection, construction and Fixed charge
removal of temporary site accommodation.
5 Temporary accommodation made available by the employer. week
6 Intruder alarms. item Fixed charge
7 Land/property rental where site accommodation is located off-site. week
SECTION E - METALWORK 8 Alterations and adaptations to site accommodation, including partitioning, doors,
painting and decorating, etc.
9 Relocation and alterations of temporary accommodation during construction stage.
E1.1 The weight of metalwork shall be the net weight, without addition for rolling margin or welding material and without
E1 Generally deduction for holes, splay cuts, notches or the like.
E1.2 Welded, riveted or bolted work shall each be so described.
10 Reinstating temporary site accommodation to original condition before removal from

E2.1 Unless otherwise stated, structural metalwork shall be measured by weight (kg/ton), classified as follows: item Fixed charge
1. Grillages
2. Beams
E2 Structural metalwork 3. Stanchions
4. Portal frames, stating the number
5. Roof trusses, stating the number
6. Support steelwork, which shall include sheeting rails, braces, struts or the like
7. Other classifications, as may be appropriate.
E2.2 Fittings (for example, caps, brackets) shall be given as an item.
E2.3 Fixings (for example, bolts, distance pieces, rivets) shall be given as an item.
E2.4 Wedging and grouting bases or the like shall be enumerated (nr).
E2.5 Holding down bolts or the like shall be enumerated (nr); temporary boxes and grouting shall be understood to be included.
E2.6 Protective treatment shall be given as an item.
11 Removal of site accommodation and temporary works in connection with site
E3.1 Floor plates, duct covers, sheet metal coverings and linings or the like shall be measured by area (m2). accommodation.
E3 Non-structural metalwork E3.2 Bearers, balustrades, handrails (except where included with a staircase), frames or the like shall be measured by length
E3.3 Matwell frames, cat ladders, gates, staircases or the like shall be enumerated (nr).
2 Temporary works in 1 Temporary bases and foundations for site accommodation, including maintenance and 1 Fixed charge 1 Provision of temporary services to site
connection with site reinstatement of existing surfaces on completion of the works. 2 Time-related establishment (included in
establishment. charge B.6 Contractor’s cost items:
temporary services).
2 Provision of temporary drainage to site
establishment (included in
m2 B.6 Contractor’s cost items:
temporary services).
3 Hoardings, fans, fencing, etc. to site
boundaries and to form site compounds (included
in B.7 Contractor’s cost items: security).

2 Connections to temporary service, including maintenance and removal on completion of

the works.
3 Connections to temporary drainage, including maintenance and removal on completion
of the works.
4 Temporary site roads, paths and pavings (including on-site car parking), including
reinstatement of existing surfaces on completion of the works.
5 Temporary surface water drainage to temporary site roads, paths and pavements,
including maintenance and removal on completion of the works.
SECTION F - WOODWORK 3 Furniture and 1 Workstations for staff, including maintenance. nr 1 Fixed charge 1 Telephone and fax installations (included in B.6
equipment. 2 General office furniture, including maintenance. 2 Time-related Contractor’s cost
charge items: temporary services).
F1 Generally F1.1 Timber which is sawn (that is, not milled) and timber which is finished (that is, milled) shall each be so described. 2 Computers and IT associated equipment
F1.2 Descriptions of timber members shall state whether the sizes are basic (that is, before machining) or finished (that is, (included in component 4 of this table).
milled, within permitted deviations).
3 Conference/meeting room furniture, including maintenance.

F2.1 Structural timbers shall be measured by length(m), classified as follows:

1. Floors and flat roofs
F2 Structural timbers 2. Pitched roofs
3. Walls
4. Kerbs, bearers or the like
5. Cleats, sprockets or the like.
F2.2 Strutting and bridging between joists shall be measured by length(m), taken overall the joists.
4 Photocopiers, including purchase/rental, maintenance and other running costs.

F3.1 Unless otherwise stated, boarding and flooring shall be measured by area (m2), without addition for joints or laps,
classified as follows:
F3 Boarding and flooring 1. Floors, which shall include landings
2. Walls, which shall include returns, reveals of openings or recesses and attached and unattached columns
3. Ceilings, which shall include attached and unattached beams and soffits of staircases
4. Roofs, which shall include tops and cheeks of dormers and sides and bottoms of gutters, stating whether flat, sloping or
vertical; firring pieces and bearers shall be understood to be included.
F3.2 Eaves and verge boards, which shall include fascias, barge boards or the like, shall be measured by length (m).
F3.3 Fillets and rolls shall be measured by length(m).
F4.1 Open-spaced grounds and battens shall be measured by area(m2), taken overall. 5 Canteen furniture, including maintenance.
F4 Grounds and battens
F4.2 Individual grounds and battens shall be measured by length(m).
F5 Framework 6 Canteen equipment, including purchase/rental, maintenance and other running costs.
F5.1 Framework shall be measured by area(m2), taken overall; alternatively, it may be measured by length.
7 Floor coverings, including maintenance.

F6.1 Finishings shall be measured by length(m), classified as follows:

1. Cover fillets, which shall include architraves, skirtings or the like
2. Beads, which shall include stops or the like
3. Edgings, which shall include window boards, nosings or the like.
F6 Finishings and fittings F6.2 Unless otherwise stated, fittings shall be measured by length(m), classified as follows:
1. Work tops, which shall include seats or the like
2. Handrails or balustrades.
F6.3 Shelving shall be measured by area(m2); alternatively, it may be measured by length.
F6.4 Backboards or the like shall be enumerated(nr).
F6.5 Built-up members shall be so described.
F6.6 Plastic coverings or the like shall be described with the item on which they occur, stating whether on one or more faces;
alternatively, they may be measured separately by area(m2).
F6.7 Sheet linings shall be measured by area(m2), classified as follows:
1. Walls, which shall include returns, reveals of openings or recesses and attached and unattached columns
2. Ceilings, which shall include attached and unattached beams and soffits of staircases.
8 Water dispensers, including purchase/rental, maintenance and other running costs.

F7 Composite items F7.1 Unless otherwise stated, composite items (which shall mean items which might be fabricated off-site whether or not they
are fabricated off-site) shall be enumerated (nr); all metal work or the like shall be understood to be included.
F7.2 Any associated work (for example, decorations) shall be measured in accordance with the relevant sections of this
F8 Sundry items F8.1 Finished surfaces on sawn items shall be measured by length(m). 9 Heaters, including maintenance of heaters.
F9.1 Metalwork items associated with woodwork shall be enumerated (nr); alternatively, waterbars or the like may be 10 Other office equipment, including maintenance.
F9 Metalwork
measured by length(m).
F10 Ironmongery F10.1 Units or sets of ironmongery shall be enumerated(nr). 11 Removal of furniture and equipment.
12 Maintenance furniture and floor covering.
4 IT systems. 1 Computer hardware, including purchase/rental, installation, initial set up, maintenance 1 Fixed charge 1 Computer and printer consumables (included in
and running costs, such as: 2 Time-related component 5 of this table).
• desktop and laptop computers charge 2 Document management, including electronic
• CAD stations data management systems (EDMS) (included in
• server and network equipment component 6 of this table).
• printers and plotters item
• other computer system hardware.

2 Software and software licences.

3 Modem lines, modems and connections (i.e. email and internet capability).
4 WAN lines and connections (if on WAN).
data management systems (EDMS) (included in
component 6 of this table).


G1.1 Work shall be measured flat without addition for laps or seams. 6 Internet/website addresses. Fixed charge
G1 Generally
G1.2 Curved, spherical and conical work shall each be so described.
7 Internet service provider (ISP) charges.

G2.l Unless otherwise stated, roofing, tanking, waterproof coverings, linings or the like shall be measured by area(m2),
classified as follows:
1. Flat coverings nr
G2 Coverings and linings 2. Sloping coverings
3. Vertical coverings.
G2.2 Eaves, ridges, skirtings, fascias, flashings, aprons or the like shall be measured by length (m); alternatively, skirtings, fascias
or the like to composite roofing may be measured by area (m2).

G2.3 Roof lights, ventilators, soaker collars, special roofing sheets or the like shall be enumerated(nr); alternatively, special
roofing sheets may be measured as extra over roofing (that is, the special roofing sheets shall be measured but no deduction
shall be made from the roofing in which the special sheeting occurs).
G3 Damp-proof courses G3.1 Damp-proof courses shall be measured by length(m); alternatively, they may be measured by area(m2). 8 Line calls charges. Time-related
week charge
G4 Insulation G4.1 Insulation shall be measured by area; alternatively, it may be described with items of composite roofing. 9 IT support and maintenance.
5 Consumables and 1 Stationery. Time-related
services. 2 Computer and printer consumables (e.g. ink cartridges). charge
3 Postage.
4 Courier charges.
5 Tea, coffee, water bottles, etc.
SECTION H - DOORS AND WINDOWS 6 First aid consumables.
7 Photocopier consumables (e.g. paper and toners).
H1.1 Doors shall be enumerated(nr).
H1 Doors week
H1.2 Jambs, heads, sills, mullions, transomes or the like shall be measured by length (m); alternatively, frame and lining sets
may be enumerated (nr).
H2.1 Windows, skylights or the like, together with their frames, shall be enumerated (nr); sub-frames of a different material 8 Fax consumables (e.g. paper and toners).
H2 Windows
shall be separately enumeraled (nr) or may be measured by length (m).
9 Drawing printer consumables (e.g. ink cartridges).
H3.1 Screens, borrowed lights, curtain walling or the like shall be measured by area(m2); alternatively, they may be
H3 Screens enumerated(nr).

H3.2 Doors and frames within a screen shall be enumerated (nr).

6 Brought-in services. Services outsourced by the main contractor such as: Time-related
• catering charge
• equipment maintenance
• document management, including management information systems and EDMS
• printing (purchasing), including reports and drawings
H4 Ironmongery • staff transport week
• off-site parking charges
• meeting room facilities
• photographic services and
• other.
H4.1 Units or sets of ironmongery shall be enumerated (nr)
7 Sundries. 1 Signboards. Fixed charge

H5.1 Unless otherwise stated, glass shall be measured by area(m2); panes of irregular shape shall be measured as the smallest
rectangle from which such irregular shape can be cut.
H5 Glass
H5.2 Sealed factory-glazed units shall be enumerated(nr).

H5.3 Glass louvres shall be enumerated(nr); alternatively, they may be measured by length(m), stating the number.

H5.4 Glass panes of special shape or with decorative treatment shall be enumerated (nr).
2 Safety and information notice boards.
H6.1 Patent glazing shall be measured by area(m2), classified as follows:
1. Roofs
H6 Patent glazing 2. Skylights, which shall include lantern lights
3. Vertical surfaces.

H6.2 Opening portions shall be enumerated(nr).

3 Fire points.
4 Shelters.
5 Tool stores.
6 Crane signage.
7 Employer’s composite signboards.
B.6 Contractor’s cost items: temporary services
SECTION J - FINISHES 1 Temporary water 1 Temporary connections. nr 1 Fixed charge
supply. 2 Distribution equipment, installation and adaptations. 2 Time-related
J1.1 Work shall be measured flat without addition for laps or seams; finishes on corrugated or ornamental surfaces shall each
be so described.
J1 Generally item
J1.2 Curved, spherical and conical work shall each be so described.

J1.3 Internal and external work shall each be so described.

3 Meter charges.

J2 Backgrounds J2.1 Backgrounds shall be measured by area(m2); backgrounds for floor, wall or ceiling finishes shall each be so described. week

J2.2 Poured backgrounds (for example, screeds) shall each be given separately, stating the surface finish.

J2.3 Pre-formed backgrounds (for example, plasterboard, expanded metal lathing) shall each be given separately.
2 Temporary gas supply. 1 Gas connection. 1 Fixed charge
2 Time-related
J3.1 Unless otherwise stated, finishing shall be measured by area (m2), classified as follows:
J3 Finishings 1. Floors, which shall include landings nr
2. Walls, which shall include returns, reveals of openings or recesses and attached and unattached columns
3. Ceilings, which shall include attached and unattached beams and soffits of staircases
4. Staircases, which shall include treads, risers and edges of landings but exclude soffits.

J3.2 Skirtings, bands, strings, coverings to kerbs, mouldings, coves, channels or the like shall be measured by length (m).
4.1 Non-slip inserts, dividing strips, metal angle beads, lathing at junction of differing backgrounds or the like shall be measured 2 Distribution equipment, installation and adaptations.
J4 Sundries item
by length (m); alternatively, they may be described with the items in which they occur.
3 Charges.
J5.1 Suspended ceilings shall be measured by area(m2), classified as follows:
J5 Suspended ceilings 1. Ceilings stating the drop
2. Sides and soffits of beams or upstands.
4 Bottled gas.

J6.1 Decorations on different surfaces shall each be given separately.

J6.2 Details shall be given of any special method of application (for example, spraying).
J6.3 Unless otherwise stated, decorations shall be measured by area, classified as follows:
1. Floors, which shall include landings week
2. Walls, which shall include returns, reveals of openings or recesses and attached and unattached columns
J6 Decorations 3. Ceilings, which shall include attached and unattached beams and soffits of staircases
4. Staircases, which shall include treads, risers, strings and edges of landings but exclude soffits
5. Cornices
6. General surfaces, which shall include doors, close-type fencing or the like; glazed general surfaces
(measured flat over glass) shall be so described
7. Isolated general surfaces, which shall include door frames, linings, sub-frames of a differing material to the window, skirtings,
rails, architraves, bars, posts, balusters or the like
8. Windows (measured flat over glass, frames, mullions, transomes and architraves), which shall include glazed partitions or the
like, but exclude sub-frames of a differing material to the window; edges of sashes shall be understood to be included
9. Radiators, measured over the area of heating surface
10. Gutters, measured inside and out
11. Large pipes (that is, pipes with an internal diameter exceeding 60mm), including trunking or the like, unless measured as
incidental work; hangers, supports or the like (except common supports to services) shall be understood to be included
12. Structural metalwork, which shall include roof trusses.
J6.4 Decoration on small pipes (that is, pipes with an internal diameter of 60mm or less) unless measured as incidental work,
shall be measured by length; hangers, supports or the like (except common supports to services) shall be understood to be
J6.5 Decoration on gratings, rainwater heads or the like shall each be enumerated separately, irrespective of size.
J7 Signwriting J7.1 Signwriting letters or the like shall be enumerated(nr). 3 Temporary electricity 1 Temporary connections. nr Fixed charge
supply. 2 Temporary electrical supply for tower cranes. item
3 Charges – power consumption for site establishment. Time-related
item charge
4 Charges – power consumption for the works.
5 Distribution equipment, installation and adaptations. item Fixed charge
6 Attendance. Time-related
nr (number of charge
hours per week by
number of weeks)

7 Uninterrupted power supply (UPS). Fixed charge

8 Temporary substation modifications.
4 Temporary 1 Landlines (including connection and rental charges), including: 1 Fixed charge 1 Fax consumables (included in B.5 Contractor’s
SECTION K - ACCESSORIES telecommunication • telephone and fax lines and 2 Time-related cost items: site establishment, component 5).
systems. • ISDN lines. charge
2 Telephone and related equipment, including:
• connection and rental charges
• PABX equipment
K1 Generally • handsets, including purchase or rental
K1.1 For the purposes of identification, accessories to be measured in accordance with the principles in this section shall be • fax machines, including purchase or rental
defined as those being specially manufactured or proprietary items not included in other sections. • installation of equipment and
K1.2 Unless otherwise stated, accessories shall be enumerated (nr). • maintenance of equipment. item
3 Mobile phones, including:
K2.1 Partitions shall be measured by length(m), taken over all doors and glazed units. • purchase or rental and connection charges
K2 Partitions • spare batteries and
K2.2 Doors and glazed units shall be enumerated (nr), stating the partition in which they occur. • mobile phone charges.
K2.3 Cubicles or the like shall be enumerated (nr).
4 Telephone charges, including:
• telephone call charges
• fax charges and
• fax and telephone consumables.
5 Radios, including:
• purchase or rental charges
• base set
• handsets and chargers
• repairs and maintenance
• licences and
• spare batteries.

5 Temporary drainage. 1 Temporary mains. item 1 Fixed charge

2 Septic tanks. nr 2 Time-related
3 On-site treatment plant. item charge
4 Holding tanks.
5 Sewage pumping.
6 Distribution pipework, etc.
5 Temporary drainage. 1 Fixed charge
2 Time-related

SECTION L - EQUIPMENT 7 Drainage installation and adaptations.
8 Disposal charges (i.e. rates). Time-related
L1.1 For the purposes of identification, equipment to be measured in accordance with the principles in this section shall be
defined as specialist equipment related solely to the function of a building or department (for example. food preparation or
L1 Generally service equipment, laboratory equipment, stage equipment). week
L1.2 Each category of equipment shall be given as an item; alternatively, individual items of equipment may be enumerated
9 Disposal costs (i.e. tanker charges).
B.7 Contractor’s cost items: security (preliminaries (main contract) only)
1 Security staff. 1 Security guards (day and night). by number of hours Time-related 1 Security staff accommodation (included in B.5
per week by charge
2 Watch patrols (day and night). Contractor’s cost items: site establishment).
2 Security equipment. 1 Site pass issue equipment, including maintenance and removal. 1 Fixed charge
2 Site pass consumables. 2 Time-related
SECTION M - FURNISHINGS 3 CCTV surveillance installation, including maintenance and removal. charge
4 Temporary vehicle control barriers, including maintenance and removal. nr

M1.1 For the purposes of identification, furnishings to be measured in accordance with the principles in this section shall be item
defined as loose furniture, fittings or the like related to the occupation and use of a building or department (for example, rugs,
M1 Generally curtains, artwork, ashtrays, furnishing accessories).

M1.2 Each category of furnishing shall be given as an item; alternatively, individual items of furnishing may be enumerated (nr)
or measured by length(m), as may be appropriate.
3 Hoardings, fences and 1 Perimeter hoardings and fencing, etc. to site boundaries and to form site compounds. 1 Fixed charge
M2 Curtain track m
M2.1 Curtain track shall be measured by length(m); hooks, gliders, stops or the like shall be understood to be included. gates. 2 Time-related
2 Access gates, including frames and ironmongery. nr charge
3 Painting of hoardings, fencing, gates, etc. m
4 Temporary doors.
5 Modification to line of hoarding and fencing during construction.
6 Dismantling and removal of hoarding, fencing, gates, etc. m
B.8 Contractor’s cost items: safety and environmental protection
1 Safety programme. Works required to satisfy requirements of CDM Regulations: nr (number of staff 1 Health and safety manager/officers (included in
1 Health and safety manager/officers. by number of hours B.4 Contractor’s cost items: management and
per week by staff).
number 2 Welfare facilities (included in B.5 Contractor’s
of weeks) cost items: site establishment).
SECTION N - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION 2 Safety audits, including safety audits carried out by an external consultant. nr 1 Fixed charge
3 Staff safety training. 2 Time-related
N1 Generally N1.1 For the purposes of identification, special construction to be measured in accordance with the principles in this section
shall be defined as either enclosures of a specialist construction (for example. air supported or geodetic structures,
prefabricated buildings) or installations of a specialist nature (for example, radiation protection).
N2.1 Enclosures shall be enumerated(nr); work within the enclosure, not being part of the enclosure construction, shall be 4 Site safety incentive scheme.
N2 Enclosures
measured in accordance with the relevant sections of this document.
N3.1 Installations shall each be given as an item; alternatively, they may be measured in accordance with the relevant sections 5 Notices and information to neighbours.
N3 Installations
of this document.
6 Personal protective equipment (PPE), including for the employer and consultants.
nr (sets)
7 PPE for multi-service gangs.
8 Fire points.
9 Temporary fire alarms. nr
10 Fire extinguishers.
SECTION P - CONVEYING SYSTEMS 11 Statutory safety signage. item
P1 Generally P1.1 Lifts, hoists, conveyors, escalators or the like shall be enumerated (nr). 12 Nurse. Time-related
13 Traffic marshals. charge
nr (number of staff
by number of hours
P2.1 An item shall be given for each of the following: per week by
P2 Sundries 1. Supports, which shall include fixings, anchors, insulating blocks and anti-vibration devices number
2. Identification, which shall include plates, discs,labels, charts and colour coding of weeks)
3. Testing and commissioning, which shall include operating completed installations and providing fuel and power
4. Tools and spares, which shall include loose keys and consumable stores
5. Documents, which shall include drawings, operating instructions and maintenance manuals.
2 Barriers and safety 1 Guard rails and edge protection (e.g. to edges of suspended slabs and roofs).

P3.1 An item shall be given for incidental work, which shall include:
1. Co-ordination with other engineering installations
2. Cutting or forming holes, mortices, chases or the like and making good finishings
P3 Work incidental to conveying systems 3. Building in or cutting and pinning brackets or the like and making good finishings.

P3.2 Protective painting and decorative painting shall each be given as an item for each system and shall include:
1. Removing protective coating or wrapping
2. Cleaning and polishing exposed surfaces. item

P3.3 Other incidental work shall be measured in accordance with the relevant sections of this document and grouped under an
appropriate heading.
2 Temporary staircase balustrades (i.e. to new staircases during construction).
3 Lift shaft protection.
4 Protection to holes and openings in ground floor slabs, suspended slabs, etc.
5 Debris netting/plastic sheeting. 1 Fixed charge
6 Fan protection. 2 Time-related
7 Scaffold inspections. nr charge
9 Protective walkways.
Q1.1 Installations shall be classified by function and given separately under an appropriate heading.
Q1 Generally
Q1.2 Installations shall be measured in accordance with the relevant clauses in this section; alternatively, they may be
enumerated(nr) on a locational basis (for example, cold water installation to ground floor).
10 Other safety measures.

Q2.1 Pipes and gutters shall be measured by length(m), taken along the centre line over all fittings.
Q2 Pipework and gutterwork Q2.2 Fittings to small pipes (that is, pipes with an internal diameter of 60mm or less) shall be understood to be included.
Fittings (except joints in the running length) to large pipes (that is, pipes with an internal diameter exceeding 60mm) and to
gutters shall be enumerated(nr), grouped together for each size of pipe or gutter and described as 'fittings'.

Q2.3 Valves, traps, expansion compensators or the like shall be enumerated(nr); sleeve~, cover-plates or the like shall be
understood to be included.
3 Environmental 1 Control of pollution.
protection measures

Q3.1 Rectangular ductwork shall be measured by weight(kg/ton), based upon the area calculated as the length (m), taken along
the centre line over all fittings, times the net girth of nominal dimensions. Blank ends shall be added to the area for
Q3 Ductwork weighting(kg/ton) but no deduction shall be made for intersections or openings; extra weight for seams, stiffeners, supports,
fixings or the like shall be understood to be included.

Q3.2 Circular, oval and flexible ductwork shall be measured by length(m), taken along the centre line over all fittings.

Q3.3 Fittings to rectangular ductwork shall be understood to be included; fittings to circular and oval ductwork (excluding test
holes and covers) shall be enumerated(nr), grouped together for each size of duct and described as 'fittings'.

Q3.4 Dampers, grilles, flexible connectors or the like shall be enumerated(nr). 1 Fixed charge
item 2 Time-related
2 Residual control of noise.
Q4.1 Sanitary fittings, tanks, fans, pumps, hoods, air-handling units or the like shall be enumerated(nr).
Q4 Equipment
Q4.2 Continuous convectors or the like shall be measured by length(m).

Q4.3 Heated or ventilated ceilings or the like shall be measured by area(m2).

3 Environmental monitoring.

Q5.1 Sensing or activating devices (for example, thermostats, humidistats, motorised valves), control panels, air compressors
and receivers or the like shall be enumerated(nr).
Q5 Automatic controls
Q5.2 Wiring, pneumatic tubing, isolators, starters, relays or the like associated with automatic controls shall be understood to
be included.

Q5.3 Alternatively, automatic control systems shall be given as an item for each installation but equipment common to more
than one system shall be enumerated(nr).
4 Environmental manager/consultant. nr (number of staff
by number of hours
Q6 Connections to supply mains Time-related
per week by
Q6.1 Connections to supply mains shall be enumerated(nr), subject to clause GP8. of weeks)
5 Environmental audits, including safety audits carried out by external consultant.

Q7.1 Insulation to pipework shall be measured by length(m), taken along the centre line over all fittings.

Q7.2 Insulation to rectangular ductwork shall be measured by area(m2), calculated as described In clause Q3; additional 1 Fixed charge
Q7 Insulation, including linings and protective coverings insulation to flanges or the like shall be understood to be included. nr 2 Time-related
Q7.3 Insulation to circular, oval and flexible ductwork shall be measured by length(m), taken along the centre line over all

Q7.4 Insulation boxes around accessories shall be enumerated(nr).

Q7.5 Insulation to equipment shall be enumerated(nr).

Q8 Sundries Q8.1 Sundries shall be measured in accordance with clause P2. B.9 Contractor’s cost items: control and protection
1 Survey, inspections and 1 Surveys. 1 Fixed charge 1 Environmental monitoring (included in B.8
Q9 Work incidental to mechanical engineering installations Q9.1 Work incidental to mechanical engineering installations shall be measured in accordance electrical engineering with monitoring. item 2 Time-related Contractor’s cost items: safety and
clause P3. charge environmental protection).
2 Topographical survey.
3 Non-employer dilapidation survey.
4 Structural/dilapidations survey adjoining buildings.
5 Environmental surveys.
6 Movement monitoring.
7 Maintenance and inspection costs.
2 Setting out. 1 Setting out primary grids. 1 Fixed charge
2 Grid transfers and level checks.

R1.1 Installations and auxiliary installations shall be classified by function and given separately under an appropriate heading.
R1 Generally R1.2 Installations shall be measured in accordance with the relevant clauses in this section; alternatively, they may be
enumerated(nr) on a locational basis (for example, lighting installation to ground floor).

R1.3 The references herein to 'cable' shall be understood to Include tape, bus-bar trunking or the like.

R1.4 The references herein to 'conduit' shall be understood to include trunking, cable tray, ducting or the like.
3 Maintenance of grids.
R2.1 For the purposes of measurement, 'main' is defined as the ‘incoming supply to the main distribution board within a
building or complex'.
R2 Main circuits
R2.2 Cable shall be measured by length(m).

R2.3 Conduit shall be measured by length (m).

4 Take over control and independent checks (i.e. on change of subcontractors).
R3.1 For the purposes of measurement, 'sub-main' is defined as the 'supply from the main distribution board to a sub-main
R3 Sub-main circuits distribution board'.

R3.2 Cable and conduit to individual sub-main circuits shall be enumerated(nr) and separately identified as may be appropriate;
alternatively, sub-main circuits may be measured in accordance with clause R2.
5 Instruments for setting out.

R4.1 Cable and conduit to termination points shall be enumerated (nr), classified as follows:
1. Lighting points
R4 Final sub-circuits and auxiliary installations 2. Lighting switch points, stating whether one-way, two-way or intermediate
3. General purpose socket outlets; multi-gang socket outlets or the like shall count as one point
4. Equipment points, stating type of equipment or the electrical rating; contactors, starters or the like shall be measured
separately as equipment points
5. Auxiliary installation points (for example, bell push, telephone outlet).
3 Protection of works. 1 Protection of finished works to project handover. item 1 Fixed charge
R5 Accessories
R5.1 Ceiling roses and pendants, lighting switches, socket outlets, bell pushes or the like shall be enumerated (nr). 2 Time-related
2 Protection of stairs, balustrades, etc. works to project handover. charge
R6 Control gear
R6.1 Switchgear, distribution gear, contactors, starters, composite switchboards or the like shall be enumerated (nr).
3 Protection of fittings and furnishings works to project handover.
R7.1 Transformers, generators, standby power cubicles, luminaries, external lighting columns, clocks,
R7 Equipment loudspeakers, bells or the like shall be enumerated(nr).

R7.2 Controls, which shall include accessories and interconnecting cables. shall be measured in accordance with the relevant
clauses in this section; alternatively, they may be. included with the items of equipment.
R8 Connections to supply mains R8.1 Connections to supply mains shall be enumerated(nr), subject to clause GP8. 4 Protection of entrance doors and frames works to project handover.
R9 Sundries R9.1 Sundries shall be measured in accordance with clause P2. 5 Protection of lift cars and doors works to project handover.
R10 Work incidental to electrical engineering installations R10.1 Work incidental to electrical engineering installations shall be measured in accordance with clause P3 6 Protection of specifically vulnerable products to project handover.
7 Protection of all sundry items.
4 Samples. 1 Provision of samples. item 1 Fixed charge
CESMM 04 2 Provision of sample room. 2 Time-related
3 Mock-ups and sample panels. charge
4 Testing of samples/mock-ups, including testing fees.
5 On-site laboratory equipment.
6 Mock-ups of prefabricated units (e.g. residential units, student
accommodation units, hotel accommodation, etc.).
5 Environmental control 1 Dry out building. 1 Fixed charge
of building 2 Temporary heating/cooling. 2 Time-related
item charge
3 Temporary waterproofing, including over roofs.
4 Temporary enclosures.
B.10 Contractor’s cost items: mechanical plant
1 General. Common user mechanical plant and equipment used in construction operations. Plant and equipment used for specific
construction operations, such as:
1 earthmoving plant
2 piling plant
3 paving and surfacing plant
4 wheel spinners, and road sweepers (included in
B.14 Contractor’s cost items: cleaning) and
5 access scaffolding (included in B.11
Contractor’s cost items: temporary works).

2 Tower cranes. The type of craneage to be provided should be stated, with each type separately 1 Temporary electrical supply to tower
quantified. week crane (included in B.6 Contractor’s cost items:
1 Hire charges. Time-related temporary services).
2 Crane operator. week (number of
3 Overtime for crane and operator. staff by number of
hours per week by
4 Piles for tower crane bases, including maintenance removal. nr 1 Fixed charge
5 Temporary bases for tower cranes, including anchors, maintenance, removal and 2 Time-related
reinstatement on completion (size, in m , should be stated).
2 charge
6 Ties. week Time-related
7 Connections to temporary electrical supply. nr Fixed charge
8 Bring to site, erection, test and commission.
9 Periodic safety checks/inspections. week Time-related
10 Dismantling and removing from site. nr Fixed charge
11 Other costs specific to tower cranes such as: item 1 Fixed charge
• chain pack and sundries 2 Time-related
• relief operator charge
• banksman and
• access cage.
12 Temporary voids in building structure for craneage, hoists, etc. nr Fixed charge
including filling voids after removal.
3 Mobile cranes. The type of craneage to be provided should be stated, with each type separately 1Fixed charge
quantified. week 2Time-related
1 Mobile crane hire charges, including driver/operator charges. charge
2 Attendance. nr (number of
hours per visit
by number of
3 Other costs specific to mobile crane hire. item
4 Hoists. The type of hoist to be provided should be stated, with each type 1 Temporary services to hoist installations
separately quantified. Time-related
week (included in B.6 Contractor’s cost items:
1 Goods and passenger hoists, including protection cages and embedment frames. temporary services).
2 Hoist bases. nr 1 Fixed charge
2 Time-related
4 Hoists. 1 Temporary services to hoist installations
(included in B.6 Contractor’s cost items:
temporary services).

3 Bringing to site, erecting, testing and commissioning. nr Fixed charge

4 Dismantling and removing from site.
4 Hoists. 1 Temporary services to hoist installations
(included in B.6 Contractor’s cost items:
temporary services).

5 Protection systems. item 1 Fixed charge

2 Time-related
6 Hoist operator, including overtime. week (number of Time-related
staff by number of charge
hours per week by
number of weeks)

7 Beam hoists. item 1 Fixed charge

2 Time-related
8 Periodic safety checks/inspections. month Time-related
9 Other costs specific to temporary hoist installations. item 1 Fixed charge
2 Time-related
5 Access plant. 1 Forklifts. week 1 Fixed charge
2 Time-related
2 Scissor lifts.
3 Loading platforms.
4 Maintenance of mechanical access equipment.
5 Other costs specific to mechanical access equipment. item
6 Concrete plant. 1 Concrete plant. week 1 Fixed charge 1 Temporary service to concrete plant (included
2 Time-related in B.6 Contractor’s cost items: temporary
charge services).
2 Plant operator. week (number of Time-related
staff by number of charge
hours per week by
of weeks)
3 Overtime for plant and operator.
4 Bases for concrete plant. nr 1 Fixed charge
2 Time-related
5 Power connections, including cabling and statutory undertaker’s nr 1 Fixed charge
charges for temporary connection to their supply. 2 Time-related
6 Bring to site, erection, test and commission. nr Fixed charge
7 Maintenance of concrete plant. week Time-related
8 Dismantling and removing from site. nr Fixed charge
7 Other plant. 1 Small plant and tools. week Time-related
8 Mechanical plant The type of plant to be provided should be stated, with each type nr 1 Fixed charge
(preliminaries (works separately quantified. 2 Time-related
package contract) only). 1 Bases. charge
2 Bringing to site, erecting, testing and commissioning. nr Fixed charge
3 Dismantling and removing from site.
4 Protection systems. item 1 Fixed charge
2 Time-related
5 Operator/driver, including overtime. week (number of Time-related
staff by number of charge
hours per week by
number of weeks)

6 Periodic safety checks/inspections. month Time-related

7 Other costs’ specific charges. item 1 Fixed charge
2 Time-related
B.11 Contractor’s cost items: temporary works
2 Hire charges. week
3 Altering and adapting during construction. nr Fixed charge
4 Dismantling and removing from site.
2 Temporary works. Common user temporary works or temporary works required by works package 1 Temporary works design (included in B.4
contractor): Contractor’s cost items: management and staff).
• support scaffolding and propping 2 Temporary bases, drainage and services to site
• crash decks accommodation (included in B.5 Contractor’s cost
• temporary protection to existing trees and/or vegetation and items: site establishment).
• floodlights. 3 Temporary roads, paths and pavement,
1 Bringing to site, erecting and initial safety checks. including on-site car parking (included in B.5
Fixed charge Contractor’s cost items: site establishment).
2 Hire charges. week Time related charges 4 Hoardings, fans, fencing, etc. to site
3 Altering and adapting during construction. Fixed charge boundaries and to form site compounds (included
4 Dismantling and removing from site. in B.7 Contractor’s cost items: security).
5 Temporary earthwork support basement
6 Temporary props and walling to support
nr contiguous bored pile wall of basement
7 Traffic management, including traffic marshals
and temporary traffic lights (included in B.8
Contractor’s cost items: safety and environmental

B.12 Contractor’s cost items: site records

1 Site records. Unless included in B.4 Contractor’s cost items: management and staff costs, costs
associated with the following should be included here:
1 Photography: 1 Fixed charge
• camera purchase item 2 Time-related
• consumables and charge
• printing and presentation.
2 Works records:
• progress reporting
• site setting out drawings
• condition surveys and reports
• operation and maintenance manuals
• as-built/installed drawings and schedules
• coordinating, gathering and compiling health and safety information and presentation to
CDM coordinator and
• compilation of health and safety file (if required).

B.13 Contractor’s cost items: completion and post-completion requirements

1 Testing and Unless included in B.4 Contractor’s cost items: management and staff costs, costs 1 Fixed charge
commissioning plan. associated with the following should be included here: item 2 Time-related 1 Testing and commissioning of services.
1 Preparation of commissioning plan. charge
2 Handover. Unless otherwise indicated, costs associated with the following should be included in B.4
Contractor’s cost items: management and staff:
1 Preparation of handover plan.
2 Training of building user’s staff in the operation and maintenance
of the building engineering services systems.
3 Provision of spare parts for maintenance of building engineering services.
4 Provision of tools and portable indicating instruments for the operation and maintenance
of building engineering services systems.
5 Pre-completion inspections.
6 Final inspections.
3 Post-completion 1 Supervisory staff (employer/tenant care). week (number of
services. staff by number of
hours per week by
of weeks)
2 Handyperson.
3 Minor materials and sundry items. item Fixed charge
4 Insurances.
5 Other post-construction staff. week (number of Time-related
staff by number of charge
hours per week by
of weeks)
B.14 Contractor’s cost items: cleaning
1 Site tidy. 1 Cleaning site accommodation – internal, including cleaning telephone handsets, other
office furniture and equipment and window cleaning.
2 Periodic maintenance of site accommodation, including redecoration (internal and
external). Time-related
3 Waste management, including rubbish disposal (including compactor visits; skips and
waste bins; roll-off, roll-on waste bins) and other disposal.
4 Pest control.
2 Maintenance of roads, 1 Maintenance of temporary site roads, paths, and pavements.
paths and pavings. Time-related
2 Maintenance of public and private roads, including wheel spinners and road sweepers. week

3 Building clean. 1 Final builder’s clean. item Fixed charge

B.15 Contractor’s cost items: fees and charges
1 Fees. 1 Building control fees, where not paid by the employer. item 1 Fixed charge 1 Building control fees, where paid by the
2 Time-related employer.
charge 2 Oversailing fees, where paid by the employer.
3 Scheme registration fees or similar fees, where
paid by the employer.

2 Oversailing fees, where not paid by the employer.

3 Considerate Constructors Scheme fees (or alternative scheme operated by local
4 Scheme registration fees or similar fees, where not paid by the employer.
2 Charges. 1 Rates on temporary accommodation. Time-related 1 Statutory undertaker’s charges in connection
charge with permanent services to the building.
week 2 Statutory undertaker’s charges in connection
with temporary services.

2 Licences in connection with hoardings, scaffolding, gantries, etc. 1 Fixed charge

item 2 Time-related
3 Licences in connection with crossovers, parking permits, parking bay suspensions, etc.

B.16 Contractor’s cost items: site services (preliminaries (main contract) only)
1 Temporary works. 1 Temporary works that are not specific to an element. 1 Fixed charge 1 Temporary screens in connection with minor
item/nr/m/ m /m
2 3
2 Time-related demolition works and alteration works.
charge 2 Supports to small openings cut into existing
walls or after removal of internal walls, etc. in
2 Multi-service gang. 1 Ganger.
connection with minor demolition works and
2 Labour. alteration works.
3 Forklift driver. week (number of 3 Temporary or semi-permanent support for
staff by number of Time-related unstable structures or facades – facade retention
4 Service gang plant and transport.
hours per week by charge works (i.e. structures not
number of weeks) to be demolished).

B.17 Contractor’s cost items: insurance, bonds, guarantees and warranties

1 Contractor’s all risks (CAR) insurance. 1 Fixed charge
1 Works insurance. item 2 Time-related
2 Contractor’s plant and equipment insurance.
3 Temporary buildings insurance.
4 Terrorism insurance.
5 Other insurances in connection with the works.
6 Insurance premium tax (IPT).
7 Allowance for recovery of all or part of insurance premium excess.
1 Non-negligence insurance. 1 Fixed charge
2 Public liability
item 2 Time-related
2 Professional indemnity insurance.
3 IPT.
4 Allowance for recovery of all or part of insurance premium excess.
3 Employer’s (main 1 Management and staff, including administrative staff. item 1 Fixed charge
contractor’s) liability 2 Time-related
insurance. charge
2 Works operatives.
3 IPT.
4 Allowance for recovery of all or part of insurance premium excess.
4 Other insurances. 1 Employer’s loss of liquidated damages. 1 Fixed charge
item 2 Time-related
2 Latent defects cover.
3 Motor vehicles.
4 Other insurances.
5 IPT.
6 Allowance for recovery of all or part of insurance premium excess.
5 Bonds. 1 Tender bonds (if applicable). item 1 Fixed charge
2 Performance bonds. 2 Time-related
6 Guarantees. 1 Parent company guarantees. item 1 Fixed charge
2 Product guarantees, insurance backed guarantees. 2 Time-related
7 Warranties. 1 Collateral warranties. item 1 Fixed charge
2 Funder’s warranties. 2 Time-related
3 Purchaser’s and tenant’s warranties. charge
4 Other warranties.
8 Insurances 1 Fixed charge
(preliminaries (works item 2 Time-related
package contract) only). charge

Work section 2: Off-site manufactured materials, components or buildings

Item or work to Unit Level one Level two Level three Notes
be measured
Works and materials included: 1 Component. nr 1 Overall 1 Description of 1 Method of fixing/installing. 1 These are prefabricated proprietary
1 all factory-applied finishes dimensions. component. 2 Height above structural components that are not adequately covered by
2 transport from factory to site the other work sections in this guidance note.
3 offloading and storing on-site ground floor level.
4 setting, hoisting and placing in final position 3 Services connections.
5 all connection and joint materials 2 Prefabricated nr 1 Overall 1 Roofs. 1 These are complete or substantially complete
6 all service connections 2 External walls.
structures. dimensions. building elements of proprietary construction,
7 disposal of all packaging and protective materials. 3 Internal walls/partitions.
4 Floors. largely prefabricated. The fixing of items
5 Stairs. supplied only as part of the proprietary package
6 Bridges. is included here. Other work not forming part of
7 Masts. the proprietary package is measured separately
8 Other, type stated. in the appropriate work section.

3 Prefabricated building nr 1Toilet/bathroom units. 1 These are complete or substantially complete

2 Soundproof rooms.
units. 3 Cold rooms. room units, usually of proprietary construction,
4 Spray booths. for incorporation into buildings, structures or
5 Kiosks. siteworks. The list is not exhaustive.
6 Other, type stated.

4 Prefabricated buildings. nr 1 Description of building. 1 These are complete or substantially complete

building superstructures of
proprietary construction, largely prefabricated.
The fixing of items supplied only as part of the
proprietary package is included here. Other
work not forming part of the proprietary package
is measured separately in the appropriate work
Work section 3: Demolitions
Item or work to Unit Level one Level two Level three Notes
be measured
In this work section: 1 Demolitions. item 1 All structures. 1 Description of building(s) 1 Limitations on disposal of materials. 1 The contractor should be advised to inspect
• demolitions
2 Individual or parts of building(s). 2 Any material that should be the structure(s) to be demolished.
• shoring, facade retention and temporary works.
structures. 2 Lowest level to which retained for re-use.
Works and materials included: 3 Parts of structure(s) should be 3 Any material to remain the property of the
1 all temporary works unless stated otherwise structures. demolished. employer.
2 temporarily diverting, maintaining or sealing off existing services
3 disposal of all debris unless stated otherwise
4 method of demolition unless stated otherwise
5 all temporary support left to the discretion of the contractor 2 Temporary support of item 1 Parts of the 1 Description of building(s) 1 The support is for parts of the structure that
6 clearing away all temporary works structures, roads, etc. existing building or parts of building(s), road should be retained. It does not mean any type
7 disposing of rainwater that should be or other surface or feature of support required as incidental to the
8 making good all work disturbed. retained. that should be retained. demolitions.
1 The lowest level will include basements. 2 Adjoining 2 Type of shoring.
2 If a floor slab is to be removed, the lowest level should be stated as to the underside of that slab. buildings not 3 Length of exposed edge
forming part of the of surface that should
works. be retained and average
3 Roads and other height(s).
surfaces that
should be retained.
4 Any other
existing feature
that should be

3 Temporary works. m2 1 Roofs. 1 Weatherproof. 1 Method of construction if not at the discretion of 1 To ensure the full extent and scope of this
2 Screens. 2 Watertight. the contractor. work, the surveyor may need to provide
3 Floors. 3 Dustproof. 2 Maintaining, duration stated. additional information if not readily ascertained
3 Adapting during the course of works. from the drawings.
4 Roads. 4 Fireproof.
5 Any other requirement, 4 Clearing away.
type stated. 5 Disposing of rainwater, details stated.
6 Providing openings, details stated.

4 Decontamination. item 1 Removal of 1 Scope of work.

hazardous 2 Type of contamination.
materials. 3 Before demolition.
2 Decontamination
4 During demolition or
of existing
repair process.
3 Infestation

5 Recycling. item 1 Detailed 1 To be collected by local

description of the authority.
type of material to 2 To be transported to
be recycled and recycling depot,
any limitations details and location stated.
by employer or
local authority.

Work section 4: Alterations, repairs

and conservation
Item or work to Unit Level one Level two Level three Notes
be measured
In this work section: 1 Works of alteration. item 1 Dimensioned 1 Extent, nature and scope 1 Details should be given
• alteration work to existing buildings description of work described, including of all work involved in each
• repairs/cleaning/renovating and conserving sufficient to identify type and thickness of item, including the method
• decontamination the extent and existing structure. of operation where not at the
• recycling location of work. discretion of the contractor.

Works and materials included:

1 all temporary works, including shoring and scaffolding incidental to the work and excluding those listed below
2 making good all work disturbed
3 extending and making good existing finishes 2 Removing. item/ m /m/ nr
1 Fittings and 1 Enough details for 1 Disconnecting and, if required, reconnection
4 disposal of all waste materials fixtures. identification. of plumbing and electrical or other services
5 all work and materials incidental to the items of alteration installations is included.
2 Plumbing items 2 Approximate area or size
6 materials required for bonding new work to existing. 2 The surveyor should choose the unit most
or installations. of area of each type of
3 Electrical items finish, covering or paving. suitable for the type of work being removed.
1 The items in this section apply to works to existing buildings as defined in section 3.2.3. or installations.
2 Inserting new work includes refixing or reusing removed materials. 4 Finishes.
3 All materials arising from these works become the property of the contractor unless otherwise stated. 5 Coverings.
4 The items in this section do not apply to temporary works except those listed in item 24 of this table. 6 Pavings.

3 Cutting or forming item/ m /m/ nr

1 Dimensioned 1 Reuse of existing 1 Details given of new work should be the
openings. description. materials stated. equivalent of the details required by the items
4 Cutting or forming 2 Type and 2 Type and size(s) of new for the measurement of
recesses. thickness of materials stated. the same in other work sections.
5 Cutting back. existing structure. 2 The surveyor should choose the unit most
6 Filling in openings. 3 Method of suitable for the type of work being cut or filled.
7 Filling in recesses. performing the
work if not left to
discretion of the
8 Removing existing and item/ m /m/ nr
1 Thickness 1 Brickwork. 1 Treatment of exposed sound surface(s) stated. 1 Formwork and any other form of temporary
replacing. stated. 2 Concrete. 2 Treatment of exposed reinforcement or other support is included.
2 Width and 3 Stonework. material stated. 2 The unit of measurement is left to the
thickness stated. 4 Timber. 3 Making good with new materials other than to discretion of the surveyor but should reflect the
3 Length, width match the existing should be described. size and extent of the work.
5 Glass.
and thickness 4 Bonding new to existing. 3 Making good should match the existing
stated. 6 Other, type stated.
unless described otherwise.
4 Dimensioned

9 Preparing existing nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Description should be 1 Nature of existing structure to receive new 1 This will include preparing structural steel
structures for connection description. sufficient to determine work. sections for attachment to new steel framing,
or attachment of new scope and location. etc.

10 Repairing. item/ m /m/ nr

1 Thickness 1 Nature of surface to be 1 Method of repairing stated. 1 The unit of measurement is left to the
stated. repaired stated. discretion of the surveyor but should reflect the
2 Width and size and extent of the work.
thickness stated.
3 Length, width
and thickness.
4 Dimensioned

11 Repointing joints. m 1 Nature of 1 Materials required stated. 1 Width and depth stated. 1 Removal of existing joint material and
existing joint. preparation of exposed surfaces is included.
2 Type of pointing.

12 Repointing. m /m/ nr
1 Thickness 1 Nature of existing 1 Composition and mix of mortar and/or other 1 Types of surface would include brickwork,
stated. surface. joint material(s). blockwork, stonework, etc.
2 Width and 2 Size of existing 2 Areas each less than 1m should be

thickness stated. components. enumerated.

3 Length, width 3 Bond of existing joints. 3 Linear items would include reveals, wall ends,
and thickness 4 Type of new pointing. etc.
stated. 5 Width and depth of 4 The unit of measurement is left to the
raking out of existing joints. discretion of the surveyor but should reflect the
size and extent of the work.

13 Resin or cement item/ m /m/ nr

1 Thickness 1 Method of impregnation 1 Centres or spacings of drilling holes. 1 Work should include making
impregnation/ injection. stated. or injection stated. 2 Localised removal good holes and finishes
2 Width and 2 Nature of existing of finishes. on completion.
thickness stated. material. 2 Overall removal of finishes before this work
3 Length, width 3 Nature of existing finish would be measured elsewhere.
and thickness where applicable. 3 The unit of measurement is left to the
stated. 4 Thickness or depth of discretion
4 Dimensioned treatment. of the surveyor but should reflect the size and
description. extent of the work.

14 Inserting new walls m /nr

1 Size and type of 1 Method of insertion. 1 Centres or spacings of drilling holes. 1 Work should include making good holes and
ties. new ties. 2 Nature and thickness of 2 Localised removal of finishes. finishes on completion.
outer skin. 2 Overall removal of finishes before this work
3 Nature of existing finish would be measured elsewhere.
where applicable.

15 Re-dressing existing m/nr 1 Girth and 1 Dimensioned description 1 Raking out existing joint. 1 The girths and lengths stated are net. No
flashings, etc. thickness stated. of flashing. 2 Repointing with new material, method and type allowance should be made for additional
2 Length, width 2 Description of of pointing material stated. materials required for labours.
and thickness new profile. 2 Removal, cleaning, re-shaping, trimming and
stated. re-fixing existing flashing is included.
16 Damp-proof m 1 Method of 1 Centres or spacings of 1 Chemical. 1 Work should include making good holes and
course renewal. renewal or drilling holes. 2 Injection mortar. finishes on completion.
17 Damp-proof insertion stated. 2 Localised removal 3 Electro osmosis. 2 Overall removal of finishes before this work
course insertion. 2 Nature and of finishes. would be measured elsewhere.
4 Other mechanical methods.
thickness of
existing wall.
3 Nature of
existing finishes
where applicable.
4 Thickness or
depth of treatment.

18 Cleaning surfaces. item/ m /m/ nr

1 Over 500mm 1 Nature of surface to be 1 Treatment material stated. 1 The unit of measurement should be left to the
19 Removing stains. wide. treated stated. 2 Method of treating stated. discretion of the surveyor.
20 Artificial 2 Not exceeding 2 Required finished 2 Any repair and remedial works required to the
weathering. 500mm appearance. surface before treatment should be measured
wide: width stated. separately.
3 Length and width
4 Dimensioned

21 Renovating. item/ m /m/ nr

1 Thickness 1 Brickwork. 1 Details and nature of the renovation stated. 1 The unit of measurement should be left to the
stated. 2 Concrete. 2 Materials required stated. discretion of the surveyor but should reflect the
2 Width and 3 Stonework. 3 Method of renovation stated where not at the size and extent of the work.
thickness stated. 4 Timber. discretion of the contractor.
3 Length, width
5 Other, type stated.
and thickness
4 Dimensioned

22 Conserving. item/ m /m/ nr

1 Thickness 1 Brickwork. 1 Details and nature of the conservation stated. 1 The unit of measurement is left to the
stated. 2 Concrete. 2 Materials required stated. discretion of the surveyor but should reflect the
2 Width and 3 Stonework. 3 Method of conservation stated where not at the size and extent of the work.
thickness stated. 4 Timber. discretion of the contractor.
3 Length, width
5 Other, type stated.
and thickness
4 Dimensioned

23 Decontamination. item 1 Removal of 1 Scope and location of 1 Preparatory works. 1 Enough information should be given to fully
toxic/hazardous work. describe the cause of the contamination or
materials. 2 Type of contamination/ infestation and to allow the contractor to fully
2 Decontamination infestation/fungus treat the condition.
of existing to be treated. 2 Excluding decontamination of existing
premises. ground; this work is measured in work section
3 Infestation 5.
4 Fungus removal/

24 Temporary works. m2 1 Roofs. 1 Weatherproof. 1 Method of construction if not at the discretion of 1 To ensure the full extent and scope of this
2 Screens. 2 Watertight. the contractor. work the surveyor may need to provide
3 Floors. 3 Dustproof. 2 Maintaining, duration stated. additional information if not readily ascertained
3 Adapting during course of works. from the drawings.
4 Roads. 4 Fireproof.
5 Any other requirement, 4 Clearing away.
type stated. 5 Disposing of rainwater, details stated.
6 Providing openings, details stated.

25 Recycling. item 1 Detailed 1 To be collected by local

description of type authority.
of material to be 2 To be transported to
recycled and any recycling depot, details and
limitations imposed location stated.
by employer or
local authority.
Work section 5: Excavating and filling
and conservation
Item or work to Unit Level one Level two Level three Notes
be measured
In this work section: 1 Preliminary sitework. item/ nr 1 Locating 1 Maximum depth and type 1 Specified location(s) stated.
• site clearance/preparation underground of service stated. 2 Means of locating service if not left to discretion
• excavations services.
• disposal of contractor.
2 Trial pits to
• fillings
• membranes. locate existing
services or
Notes: determine ground
1 Quantities relate only to the depths and dimensions shown on the drawings and over dig is conditions.
not included. This applies to associated extra over items and backfilling.

Works and materials included:

1 disposal of all surface water
nr 3 Boreholes to 1 Diameter. 1 Destination of core samples stated.
2 working space determine 2 Maximum depth stated. 2 Type and extent of report required.
3 excavation and filling for temporary works unless not at the discretion of the contractor ground conditions.
4 levelling, grading, trimming and compacting surfaces exposed by the excavations
5 curved work
6 multiple handling of excavated materials on site unless specified 2 Removing trees. nr 1 Girth 500mm to 1 Filling material stated. 1 Removing trees should include removing the
7 all excavated material is deemed to be inert unless described otherwise. 3 Removing tree stumps. 1,500mm. stump and roots unless otherwise stated.
2 Girth 1,500mm 2 Tree girths are measured at a height of 1m
Notes: to 3,000mm. above original ground level.
1 The groundwater level should be re-established at the time each excavation is carried out and is 3 Girth over 3 Stump girths are measured at the top.
defined as the post-contract groundwater level.
3,000mm, 4 This work includes grubbing up roots,
2 Groundwater levels subject to periodic changes due to tidal or similar effects should be so described, giving the mean high
and low water levels. stated in 1,500mm disposal off site of all material arising and filling
3 The quantities given for excavation and filling are the bulk before excavating or the net void to stages. voids.
be filled. No allowance is made for subsequent variations to bulk or for the extra space taken up
by working space or earthwork support unless the type of backfill is not left to the discretion of the
contractor. This also applies to the quantities given for any subsequent extra over items listed in item 7 of the table below.
4 Site clearance. m2 1 Clear site of all 1 Enough description to 1 All growth includes trees and tree stumps less
vegetation and identify scope and location than 500mm girth, bushes, scrub, hedges, etc.
other growth and of work. unless specifically designated to remain.
dispose off site. 2 The removal of invasive vegetation such as
Japanese knotweed or similar should
be mentioned in the description.

5 Site preparation. m2 1 Lifting turf for 1 Method and location of

preservation, preservation stated.
thickness stated.
2 Remove topsoil,
depth stated.

3 Remove hard 1 Destination stated. 1 Method of breaking up if not left to the 1 This excludes any hardcore beds below the
surface paving, 2 Type of paving stated. discretion of the contractor. pavings.
thickness stated. 2 Removal of the hardcore is treated as
reduced level excavation.
4 Remove specific 1 Enough dimensioned 1 This includes any existing items on site not
items. description to identify size designated to remain,
and location of each item. including all types of rubbish such as
abandoned cars, fridges, etc.
2 This excludes all but the simplest of building
structures. Demolition of these is covered in
work section 3.
3 Removal of any associated foundations,
fixings, supports, fastenings, etc. is included.

6 Excavation, starting m3 1 Bulk excavation. 1 Not exceeding 2m deep. 1 Details of obstructions in ground to be stated. 1 Bulk excavation includes excavating to reduce
level stated if not original 2 Over 2m not exceeding levels or to form basements, pools, ponds, etc.
ground level. 4m deep. For clarity, each type of excavation may be
3 Thereafter in stages of measured and described separately.
2m. 2 Obstructions will be piles, manholes, etc. that
should be undisturbed.

m3 2 Foundation 1 Foundation excavation includes excavating

excavation. for strip and pad foundations, pile caps and all
other types of foundations.
2 For clarity, each type of excavation may be
measured and described separately.

7 Extra over all types of m3 1 Excavating in. 1 Hazardous material, 1 A hazardous material is any material that
excavation irrespective of details stated. requires special precautions when handling,
depth. 2 Non-hazardous material, transporting or disposing.
details stated. 2 Groundwater is any water encountered below
3 Below groundwater level. the established water table level. It does not
4 In running water. include water from underground streams,
broken drains or culverts or water arising from
5 Unstable ground.
surface flooding.
3 Running water is a spring, stream or river.
4 Unstable ground is running silt, running sand,
loose ground, etc.

m3 2 Breaking up. 1 Rock. 1 Rock is any hard material that can only be
2 Reinforced concrete. removed by the use of wedges, rock hammers,
3 Concrete. special plant or explosives due to its size or
4 Masonry or stonework.
2 A boulder ≤ 5m in volume or one that can be

lifted out in the bucket of an excavator will not

constitute rock.
3 Degraded or friable rock that can be scraped
out by the excavator bucket does not constitute
4 Trimming exposed faces of rock is included.
5 Breaking up hard surface pavings is
measured in accordance with item 5.3 of this

m 3 Excavating 1 Type, size and depth of 1 Nature of precaution required. 1 These items are measured where there is a
alongside existing service stated. risk of the existing service being affected by the
underground excavation process. The method of protection is
services. left to the discretion of the contractor.
2 If in doubt the surveyor should measure an
item giving the nature of the live service.

nr 4 Excavating
across existing
8 Support to face(s) of m2 1 Maximum depth 1 Location stated, including 1 Method of forming support where not left to the 1 The measurement of support to excavations
excavation. stated, in 1m depth proximity to roads, discretion of the contractor. is to all faces of all excavations over 250mm
stages. buildings and services. 2 Left in place. deep,
3 Distance between opposing faces less than unless the propping and supporting of
2m. excavation faces is measured in other work
4 Distance between opposing faces 2–4m.
2 The measured area includes all additional
5 Distance between opposing faces over 4m.
excavation, backfilling, disposal, etc. to facilitate
6 Curved work. the supports being installed.
3 The measured area includes the installation,
maintenance and
subsequent removal of the supports.
4 The measured area includes any design
necessary for the works.
5 Depths are measured from the starting level
to the bottom of excavation, with the starting
level being stated if not the formation level for
the works.
6 Works in groundwater and unstable ground
are included.

9 Disposal. item 1 Groundwater. 1 Depth below original 1 If the post-contract water level differs from the 1 The method and place of discharge left to the
ground level stated. pre-contract level, the measurements should be discretion of the contractor unless stated
2 Polluted water described revised accordingly. otherwise.
if known.
m3 2 Excavated 1 Destination if not at the 1 Irrespective of where excavated material
material off site. contractor’s discretion. originates.
2 Hazardous material.
3 Non-hazardous material
where it needs to be
disposed of at a specific
10 Retaining excavated m3 1 Topsoil 1 To temporary spoil 1 Specified handling, details 1 If the distance to spoil heap is not stated, the
material on site. 2 All other heaps. stated. location is left to the discretion of the contractor.
excavated 2 Average distance to spoil
material. heap stated.
11 Filling obtained from m2 1 Final thickness of 1 Source, distance, 1 Treatment of material before depositing in final 1 This includes topsoil and any other material
excavated material. filling not destination and method location. from the excavations that have been specified
exceeding 500mm stated. to remain on site.
deep, finished 2 Maximum or average 2 The thickness stated will be that after
thickness stated. depth of layers stated. compaction.
3 Destinations will comprise general areas to
make up levels, backfilling foundations,
landscaping areas, planter beds, etc.
4 Compacting layers and surfaces are included
irrespective of depth and number of layers.
5 Source will be either direct from excavations
or from temporary spoil heaps.

m3 2 Final thickness of
filling exceeding
500mm deep.

12 Imported filling. m3 1 Blinding bed not 1 Level, to falls, cross falls 1 Destination stated. 1 All types of surface treatments are included.
exceeding 50mm or cambers stated. 2 Maximum or average depth of layers stated. 2 The thickness stated will be that after
thick, finished 2 Sloping not exceeding compaction.
thickness stated. 15 from horizontal.
3 Compacting layers and surfaces are included
3 Sloping over 15 from
irrespective of depth and number of layers.

2 Beds and voids

over 50mm thick
but not exceeding
500mm thick,
finished thickness

3 Beds and voids

exceeding 500mm
13 Geotextile fabric. m 1 Not exceeding 1 Horizontal. 1 Protective fleeces or 1 All turn-ups, turndowns,
14 Radon barrier. 500mm wide, 2 Sloping. boards, type stated. laps and joints are included.
15 Methane barrier. thickness or gauge 3 Vertical. 2 Method of anchoring stated. 2 Forming holes are included.
16 Damp-proof
17 Ground movement
protection boards.
18 Any other fabric,
membrane or board, type
19 Ground stabilisation
meshes, etc., type stated.

m2 2 Over 500mm
thickness or gauge
20 Cutting off tops of nr 1 Size stated. 1 Cutting off tops of piles includes preparation
piles, irrespective of and integration of reinforcement into pile cap or
length. ground beam and disposal of
all debris.
Work section 6: Ground remediation and soil stabilisation
Information that should be provided: and conservation
1 ground conditions
2 groundwater level(s) and date(s) established Item or work to Unit Level one Level two Level three Notes
3 nature of any known non-hazardous or hazardous contamination on the site or in the ground be measured
4 starting level of each type of excavation
1 Site dewatering. item 1 Area of site to be 1 Method of disposal of 1 Pre-contract 1 Each type of remedial work should be
Works and materials included: dewatered. water stated if not at water level. accompanied by a full description of the
1 disposal off site of all surplus excavated material
2 disposal of all surface water 2 Maximum depth discretion of contractor. 2 Level to which groundwater should be lowered proposed works including limits on the
of boreholes. to and maintained at. extent, the proximity of adjoining building,
3 support to faces of excavation unless not at the discretion of the contractor restrictions on method, sequence and timing.
4 working space
5 excavation and filling for temporary works unless not at the discretion of the contractor
6 levelling, grading, trimming and compacting surfaces exposed by the excavations
7 curved work 2 Sterilisation. m3 1 Maximum depth 1 Method of sterilisation
8 multiple handling of excavated materials on site unless specified of ground to be stated.
1 The groundwater level should be re-established at the time each excavation is carried out and is defined as the post-contract
groundwater level. 3 Chemical neutralising. m3 1 Maximum depth 1 Method of neutralisation
2 Groundwater levels subject to periodic changes due to tidal or similar effects should be so described, giving the mean high of ground to be stated.
and low water levels. treated.

4 Freezing. m3 1 Maximum depth 1 Method of freezing 1 Duration may be stated as

of ground to be stated. a period of time or to a point in the contract
treated. 2 Duration of freezing programme such as ‘completion of foundation
stated if not left to the work’.
discretion of the contractor.

5 Ground gas venting. m2 1 Type of gas to 1 Method of collection

be vented. stated.
2 Method of disposal

6 Soil nailing. m2 1 Area of site to be 1 Length and diameter of

treated. nails, details stated.
2 Spacing of nails.
3 Method of grouting.

7 Ground anchors. nr 1 Diameter and 1 Details stated.

length of borehole.

8 Pressure grouting/ m2 1 Area and depth 1 Details stated.

ground permeation. of site to be

9 Compacting. m2 1 Area of site to be 1 Details stated.

2 Weight of

10 Stabilising soil in situ m2 1 Area of site to be 1 Details stated.

by incorporating cement treated.
with a rotavator. 2 Grams/m of


Work section 7: Piling

and conservation
In this work section: Item or work to Unit Level one Level two Level three Notes
• bored piling
• driven piling be measured
• interlocking piling
• vibro-compacted stone piling. 1 Interlocking sheet piles. m2 1 Total driven 1 Section modulus and 1 Removal to be stated if not left to the discretion 1 The cost of extraction is included
area, maximum cross-section size, or of the contractor.
Notes: length stated. section reference stated.
1 Irregular ground levels should be stated. 2 Bored piles. m 1 Type stated. 1 Contiguous/secant piling 1 Reinforcement to precast concrete piles. 1 Lengths are measured along the axes of the
2 Features that might affect piling include rivers, canals, tidal waters, flood areas, etc. that are close enough to the works to 2 Nominal size or
3 Driven piles. described. piles from the commencing level to the bottom
affect the piling process. diameter
4 Other, type stated. 2 Permanent casings of the pile.
Works and materials included: 3 Total bored or stated.
1 temporary containment of spoil driven 3 Raking, inclination stated.
2 any concrete placed in excess of the designed completed length length, maximum
3 backfilling empty bores length
4 all pre-boring stated.
5 re-positioning piling plant during the works 4 Total concreted
6 maintaining all piling plant. length.
5 Total number

5 Vibro-compacted m 1 Nominal
piles. diameter.
2 Total number
6 Vibro-compacted trench m 1 Nominal width
fill. and depth stated.
7 Extra over piling. nr 1 Enlarged bases. 1 Type of piling stated. 1 This work includes everything necessary to
2 Enlarged heads. 2 Diameter or size of form the enlargement, including disposal of
enlargement stated. additional spoil.

m 3 Pile extensions. 1 Total number stated. 1 Preparing head of pile to receive extension is
2 Total concreted length. included.
8 Reinforcement to t 1 Nominal size 1 Reinforcement includes tying wire and
in-situ concrete piles. and type of bars spacers plus links and binders that are
stated. incorporated at the discretion of the contractor.
2 Types of bars include plain, deformed and

9 Breaking through hr 1 Rig standing. 1 This is only measured where the obstruction
obstructions. is encountered abovethe founding stratum of
the pile.
10 Disposal of excavated m3 1 Off site. 1 Hazardous material. 1 The volume calculated is the nominal cross-
materials. 2 On site. 2 Non-hazardous material section by the pile lengths.
where it needs to be 2 The volume of enlarged heads and bases is
disposed of in a specific included.
3 Destination of spoil if not
at the contractor’s

11 Delays. hr 1 Rig standing. 1 This is only measured where

specifically instructed.
2 This includes all associated labour, plant and
12 Tests. nr 1 Details stated. 1 Timing stated.

Works and materials included: Work section 8: Underpinning

1 temporary support of existing structures
2 excavation and disposal Item or work to Unit Level one Level two Level three Notes
3 earthwork support be measured
4 preliminary trenching
5 all working space 1 Underpinning. m/nr 1 Foundations. 1 Brief description of work 1 Method, if not left to the discretion of the
6 disposal of ground and surface water 2 Walls.
3 Bases. stating depth, maximum contractor, may be given by reference to
7 cutting away existing foundations and footings and disposal width and method of drawing(s).
8 preparing the underside of existing work underpinning.
9 backfilling
10 surface treatments 2 Curved work.
11 all new work associated with the process of underpinning
12 all making good if specified.
Notes: 2 Concrete. m3 1 Measured in accordance with the rules of the
1 If the underpinning is of such an extent that it cannot easily be measured in accordance with appropriate trade or work section, stating that
these rules, the works should be measured in detail in accordance with the rules for the relevant trades required. In this case, the work is ‘in underpinning’.
the work should be described as ‘in works of underpinning’. 3 Formwork. m2

4 Reinforcement. t
5 Brickwork or m2

6 Tanking. m2

Work section 9: Diaphragm walls and embedded retaining walls

Notes: Item or work to Unit Level one Level two Level three Notes
1 Irregular ground should be so described.
be measured
Works and materials included: 1 Starting levels of 1 Details and method of
1 excavation and disposal 1 Walls, thickness stated. m2 1 Details of support fluid.
excavation. construction stated.
2 earthwork support 2 Maximum depth 2 Type of concrete.
3 preliminary trenching of excavation.
4 all working space 3 Details of reinforcement.
3 Finished top level
5 disposal of ground and surface water of concrete if
6 backfilling different from
7 surface treatments. starting level of

2 Extra over excavation m3 1 Breaking out

and disposal. hard materials.
2 Excavating in

m2 3 Breaking up hard
pavings, thickness

3 Joints. m 1 Dimensioned 1 Method of forming. 1 Vertical.

description. 2 Horizontal.
3 Raking.
4 Curved, radius stated.
4 Trimming and cleaning m2 1 Details stated.
exposed faces.
5 Delays. hr 1 Authorised 1 Only measured where instructed.
standing time. 2 This includes all associated labour, plant and

6 Tests. item 1 Details stated.

Work section 10: Crib walls, gabions and reinforced earth

Works and materials deemed included: Item or work to Unit Level one Level two Level three Notes
1 final excavation associated with each installation
2 disposal of any excavated material including hazardous material be measured
3 earthwork support
4 preparing surfaces to receive each installation 1 Crib walls. m2 1 Thickness 1 Vertical. 1 Area is measured on front face.
5 disposal of surface water. stated. 2 Battering. 2 No deductions made for voids ≤ 1m . 2

3 Curved on plan, radius 3 Dowels, pins, granular infill, compacting fill,

Notes: stated. special units, providing manufacturers
1 Final excavation means any minor trimming of earth surfaces required during each installation. certificates, building in pipes and forming
All reduced level and foundation excavations, foundations and backfill are measured in accordance with the items in work
openings ≤ 1m are included.
section 5.

2 Extra over crib walls m 1 Ends.

for: 2 Corners
irrespective of
3 Gabion basket walls. m2 1 Basket size 1 Vertical. 1 Type of fill to baskets 1 The area is measured on front face.
stated. 2 Battering, rate stated. described. 2 Gabion baskets include assembling, tying,
2 Gauge of basket 3 Sloping. 2 Specified treatment of basket fill described. fixing, bracing and tying lids.
wire stated. 4 Curved on plan, radius 3 Specified handling details 3 Filling includes compaction
3 Width of the stated. stated. and overfilling of fill material.
base of the wall. 5 Stepped on face.

4 Earth reinforcement. m2 1 Mesh. 1 Horizontal. 1 Method of anchoring stated. 1 The area is measured in contact with base
2 Fabric. 2 Sloping. 2 Minimum laps stated. and excludes laps.
3 Curved on plan, radius 3 Final facing, details stated. 2 Assembling, tying, fixing, stacking and
stated tensioning is included.
3 No deductions made for voids
≤ 1m .
Work section 11: In-situ concrete works
In this work section: Item or work to Unit Level one Level two Level three Notes
• in-situ concrete
• surface finishes to in-situ concrete be measured
• formwork
Plain in-situ concrete
• reinforcement
• designed joints in in-situ concrete Reinforced in-situ concrete
• accessories cast in to in-situ concrete Fibre reinforced in-situ concrete
• in-situ concrete sundries.
Sprayed in-situ concrete
Notes: 1 Mass concrete. m3 1 Any thickness. 1 In filling voids. 1 Poured on or against earth or unblinded 1 Mass concrete is any unreinforced bulk
1 work in substructures, superstructures or external works should be stated in headings or descriptions 2 In trench filling. hardcore. concrete not measured elsewhere.
2 watertight work should be described. 2 The volumes of each type of mass concrete
3 In any other situation,
details stated. work may be aggregated or given separately.
Works and materials are included:
1 concrete volume is measured net
2 no allowance in volume should be made for deflection of formwork
3 deductions are not made for reinforcement, steel sections, cast-in accessories or voids < 0.05m3 except voids in troughed and 2 Horizontal work. m3 1 ≤ 300mm thick. 1 In blinding. 1 Poured on or against earth or unblinded 1 Horizontal work includes blinding, beds,
coffered slabs 2 > 300mm thick. 2 In structures. hardcore. foundations, pile caps, column bases, ground
4 concrete is cast into formwork unless otherwise described 2 Reinforced > 5%. beams, slabs, coffered and troughed slabs,
5 concrete is finished as struck from basic finish formwork landings, beams, attached beams, beam
6 all top surfaces and soffits should finish casings, shear heads, upstands whose height is
horizontal unless otherwise stated less than or equal to three times their width,
7 all top surfaces are finished tamped. kerbs and copings.
Notes: 2 The volumes of each type of horizontal work
1 This applies to concrete laid on ribbed metal may be aggregated or given separately.
decking as well as other types of formwork. 3 Work laid in bays should be so described
giving average area of bays.

3 Sloping work < 15 .0 m3 1 ≤ 300mm thick. 1 In blinding. 1 Poured on or against earth or unblinded 1 Sloping work includes blinding, beds, slabs,
4 Sloping work > 15 .0
2 > 300mm thick. 2 In structures. hardcore. steps and staircases, kerbs and copings.
3 In staircases. 2 Reinforced > 5%. 2 This includes any attached beams, upstands,
shear heads or similar.
3 The volumes of each type of sloping work
may be aggregated
or given separately.
4 Work laid in bays should be so described
giving the average area of bays.

5 Vertical work. m3 1 ≤ 300mm thick. 1 In structures. 1 Reinforced > 5%. 1 Vertical work includes columns, attached
2 > 300mm thick. columns, column casings, walls, retaining walls,
filling to hollow walls, parapets or upstand
beams where the height is greater than three
times the width.
2 The volumes of each type of vertical work
may be aggregated
or given separately.

6 Sundry in-situ m/m 3

1 Work ≤ 300mm 1 Horizontal. 1 Reinforced > 5%. 1 Includes work such as backsills, machine and
concrete work. wide dimensioned 2 Sloping. plant bases, etc.
description 3 Vertical.
sufficient to
the works.
2 Work > 300mm
wide dimensioned

7 Sprayed in-situ m2 1 Thickness 1 Slabs. 1 Tops. 1 The method of application and finish should
concrete. stated. 2 Soffits. be stated in the description.
3 Curved.
2 Walls. 1 Curved.
3 Beams.
4 Columns.
Surface finishes to in-situ concrete.
8 Trowelling. m2 1 To top surfaces. 1 Sloping. 1 Application of surface hardeners, sealers, dust
9 Power floating. 2 To faces. 2 Falls. proofers, waterproofers, carborundum grains, etc.
10 Hacking. 3 To soffits. 3 Crossfalls. should be so described.
11 Grinding.
12 Any other surface
treatment not left to
discretion of the

13 Formwork. 1 Plain formwork. 1 Plain finish should be left to the

2 Special finish discretion of the contractor.
formwork. 2 Special finishes should be described.
3 Curved work should be described stating the
4 Permanent formwork or formwork left in
should be so described.
5 Void formers should be so described.
6 No deductions should be made for voids ≤
5m .

7 All kickers except to walls should be included.

8 Top formwork is measured for sloping
surfaces that are > 15 or where otherwise

9 All square, raking and curved cutting is
10 All holes, boxings, recesses, rebates,
chamfers, nibs, channels, etc. are included.
14 Sides of foundations m/m 2
1 ≤ 500mm high,
and bases. width stated.
15 Edges of horizontal 2 > 500mm high.
16 Soffits of m2 1 For concrete 1 Propping ≤ 3m high. 1 Sloping one-way. 1 This includes suspended slabs and stair
horizontal work. ≤ 300mm thick. 2 Propping over 3m but 2 Sloping two ways. landings.
17 Soffits of troughed or 2 For concrete 300 not exceeding 4.5m high. 2 Through propping should be described if not
waffled horizontal work, to 450mm thick. 3 And thereafter left to the discretion of the contractor.
details described. 3 For concrete in 1.5m stages. 3 This includes work to soffits of slabs
18 Soffits of sloping > 450mm thick. ramps, steps, staircases, etc.

19 Sides and soffits m2 1 Regular, shape 1 The shape is regular unless described as
of isolated beams. stated. otherwise.
20 Sides and soffits 2 Irregular shaped, 2 An irregular shape is any shape other than
of attached beams. dimensioned square or rectangular.
21 Sides of upstand description or 3 This includes concrete casings to steel
beams. diagram. beams and columns.
22 Sides of isolated
columns, nr stated.
23 Sides of attached

23 Faces of walls and m2 1 Vertical. 1 Rate of batter to be 1 Work to single sides should be so described.
other vertical work. 2 Battered one stated.
3 Battered both
24 Extra over. nr 1 Openings for 1 ≤ 5m . 2
1 All additional labour and material needed to
doors, etc. 2 5m to 10m .
2 2 form the opening is included.
thickness of wall 3 > 10m . 2

25 Wall ends, soffits m/m 2
1 ≤ 500mm wide, 1 This excludes ends and soffits of walls
and steps in walls. width created by the formation of an opening. These
stated. are included in the item for forming the opening.
2 > 500mm wide.
26 Staircase strings, etc. m 1 Maximum width
27 Staircase risers, etc. m 1 Vertical, width
2 Undercut, width
28 Sloping top surfaces. m2 1 ≤ 15 .

2 > 15 .

29 Steps in top surfaces. m/m 2

1 ≤ 500mm high,
30 Steps in soffits. height
2 > 500mm high.
31 Complex shapes. nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Propping ≤ 3m high.
description or 2 Propping over 3m but
diagram. not exceeding 4.5m high.
3 Thereafter in 1.5m
32 Wall kickers. m 1 Plain. 1 The length is measured along the centre line
2 Suspended. and includes both sides.
33 Mild steel bars. t 1 Nominal size 1 Straight. 1 Bars exceeding 12m long, 1 Forming hooks, tying wire, spacers, cutting
34 High yield steel bars. stated. 2 Bent. length stated. and bending is included.
3 Curved. 2 Deformed. 2 Chairs and connectors are included unless
4 Links. 3 Bending restrictions. not at the discretion of the contractor.

35 Accessories not at the nr 1 Nominal size 1 Chairs or stools.

discretion of the stated. 2 Connectors.
36 Pre/post- nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Composite construction 1 Sleeves, tendons, fittings 1 Post-tensioning is measured
tensioned members. description. described. and grouting described. by the number of tendons in identical members.
2 Nominal size
3 Method of
tensioning stated.

37 Mesh. m2 1 Weight per m 2

1 Bent. 1 Laps, tying wires, all cutting, bending,
stated. 2 Strips in one width, width spacers, stools, chairs and other supports are
2 Fabric reference stated. included.
stated. 2 Voids ≤ 1m in area are not deducted.

3 Minimum laps 3 Bent fabric includes fabric that is

stated. wrapped around steel members.
Designed joints in in-situ concrete 1 Joints located at the discretion of the
contractor are not measured.
2 Details of primers, cleaners, fillers,
waterstops, backing strips, reinforcement, ties,
sealants, the method of application,
preparation, etc. should be stated in the

38 Plain. m 1 Dimensioned 1 Horizontal. 1 Plain joints are those that do not require
39 Formed. description. 2 Vertical. formwork.
40 Cut. 2 Total depth 3 Curved, radius stated. 2 Formed joints including formwork.
stated. 3 All preparation, cleaners, primers and sealers
are included.
4 All angles, ends and intersections are
included whether they are formed, welded or
purpose made.

Accessories cast into in-situ concrete 1 Kind, quality of materials and size or
manufacturers reference should be stated.
41 Type or proprietary m /m/ nr
1 Dimensioned 1 If linear or superficial 1 Cast-in accessories include anchor bolts,
reference stated. description. quantities are used, the anchor boxes, fixing bolts, dowels, column
description should include guards, isolated glass blocks and any
any appropriate spacing otherancillary item that is specified to be cast
dimensions. inas the concrete work proceeds.
2 Cast-in accessories exclude reinforcement,
tying wire, distance blocks, spacers, chairs,
structural steel members, hollow blocks, filler
blocks, void formers, permanent formwork,
joints and all components around which
concrete is cast but that are not fixed in position
by the contractor.

In-situ concrete sundries

42 Grouting. nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Stanchion bases. 1 Formwork or other temporary means of
description. 2 Grillages. support to exposed edges, etc. is included.
1 Dimensioned 1 Stanchion bases. 1 Formwork or other temporary means of
43 Filling mortices or nr description. 2 Grillages. support to exposed edges, etc. is included.
44 Filling chases. m

Work section 12: Precast/composite concrete

In this work section: Item or work to Unit Level one Level two Level three Notes
• precast/composite concrete walls, partitions and panels
• precast/composite concrete decking and flooring be measured
• other precast/composite concrete work.
1 Composite concrete m2 1 Nature of work 1 Horizontal. 1 Reinforcement, details stated. 1 Will apply to panels, slabs, walls, partitions
Works and materials included: work. described. 2 Sloping ≤ 15 .
2 Post-tensioning, number of tendons and details and decking.
1 moulds and formwork 2 Composition of 3 Sloping > 15 .
0 stated. 2 The thickness stated is the combined
2 reinforcement work described. 4 Vertical. 3 Cast-in accessories, details stated. thickness of both precast and in-situ work.
3 bedding 3 Thickness 3 Margins greater than 500mm wide are
4 fixings stated. measured as ordinary in-situ concrete slabs.
5 temporary support
6 cast-in accessories 4 No deduction is made for voids ≤1m . 2

7 pre-tensioning or pre-stressing
8 filled ends
9 all grouting 2 Designed joints. m 1 Dimensioned 1 Type and sizes of filling 1 Joints formed at the discretion of the
10 margins ≤ 500mm wide. description. and contractor are not measured.
sealant stated.

3 Holding down or tie nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Material type stated. 1 Method of fixing.

straps. description or 2 Protective coating stated.
reference number.

Work section 13: Precast concrete

In this work section: Item or work to Unit Level one Level two Level three Notes
• precast concrete frame structures
• precast concrete sills, lintels, copings and other units be measured
• precast concrete panel cladding
• precast concrete slabs 1 Precast concrete nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Reinforcement, details 1 Stoolings, number stated. 1 This will apply to sills, lintels, padstones,
• precast concrete walls and partitions goods. m description or stated. 2 Span where relevant. staircases, landings, panels, partitions,
• precast concrete decking m2
dimensioned 2 Post-tensioning, number columns, beams, structural frames and other
• precast concrete rooflights and pavement lights diagram. of precast features.
• precast composite staircases and landings. 2 Rooflights. m /nr2
1 Dimensioned 1 Sizes and extent of 1 Isolated glass lenses are measured as
3 Pavement lights. description, reinforcement stated. accessories cast into in-situ concrete.
Works and materials included: 4 Vertical panel lights. number stated. 2 Roof, pavement and panel lights include
1 moulds and formwork, 2 reinforcement, 3 bedding, 4 fixings, 5 temporary support 2 Dimensioned moulds, formwork,
6 cast-in accessories, 7 pre-tensioning or pre-stressing, 8 filled ends, 9 all grouting description. temporary propping, reinforcement, bedding
10 margins, 11 angles and fair ends, 12 glass lenses. and glass lenses.

5 Designed joints. m 1 Dimensioned 1 Type and sizes of filling 1 Joints formed at the discretion of the
description. and contractor are not measured.
sealant stated.
6 Holding down or tie nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Material type stated. 1 Method of fixing.
straps. description or 2 Protective coating stated.
reference number.

Work section 14: Masonry

In this work section: Item or work to be Unit Level one Level two Level three Notes
• brick/block walling
• glass block walling measured
• natural stone rubble walling and dressings
• natural stone ashlar walling and dressings 1 Walls, overall thickness m2 1 Brickwork. 1 Skins of hollow walls. 1 Method of forming. 1 The description should describe the type of
• artificial/cast stone walling and dressings. stated. 2 Blockwork. 2 Battered. 2 Finish/facing one side. construction of the masonry such as rubble or
2 Diaphragm walls, 3 Glass blockwork. 3 Tapered, one side or 3 Finish/facing both sides. ashlar work and height of coursing.
Works and materials included: overall thickness stated, 2 Walls are measured on the centre line of the
4 Natural stone. both sides.
1 all rough and fair cutting spacing and thickness 4 Built against other work. material unless otherwise stated.
2 all ends and angles, either formed or proprietary 5 Cast stone.
of ribs stated. 3 The radius of curved work is taken from the
3 extra material for curved work 6 Other, type 5 Used as formwork.
centre line.
4 forming all rough and fair grooves, throats, mortices, chases, rebates, holes, stops, mitres and similar labours stated 4 Battering walls are sloping walls with
5 raking out joints to form a key
3 Vaulting, thickness and parallel sides.
6 raking out joints to insert flashings m2

7 centering or other forms of temporary support type stated. 5 Thickness stated for tapering walls is the
8 labour in eaves filling mean thickness.
9 labours in returns, ends and angles 6 No deductions should be made for voids or
10 centering built-in items with a cross-sectional area equal
11 overhand work to or less than 0.50m2.
12 bonding ends of walls to other work 7 The thickness stated for diaphragm walls is
13 all extra material required for bonding the total thickness of both skins and cavity void.
14 additional material in laps
15 preparation of all surfaces to receive subsequent applications.

1 All walling is measured on the centre line irrespective of construction.
2 Thicknesses stated are nominal.
3 Work is vertical unless otherwise described.
4 All wall dimensions exclude applied finishes.
4 Isolated piers, isolated m 1 Dimensioned 1 Vertical. 1 Isolated piers are when their length on plan is
5 No deductions will be made for voids or built-in items with a cross sectional area less than 0.50m2.
casings, chimney stacks, description or 2 Battered. equal to or less than four times their thickness
columns. dimensioned 3 Curved, radius stated. except where caused by openings.
diagram. 2 No deductions should be made for flues, etc.
equal to or less than 0.10m2
in a cross-sectional area.

5 Attached projections. m 1 Vertical. 1 Attached projections are attached piers

2 Raking. whose length on plan is equal to or less than
3 Horizontal. four times their thickness plus plinths,
oversailing courses, etc.
4 Curved, radius stated.
6 Arches (number m 1 Height of face, 1 The length is the mean girth or length on
stated). width face.
of soffit and shape
of arch stated.

7 Bands, dimensioned m 1 Flush. 1 Vertical. 1 Entirely of stretchers. 1 Bands are brick-on-edge bands,
description. 2 Sunk, depth of 2 Raking. 2 Entirely of headers. brick-on-end bands, basket pattern bands,
set back stated. 3 Horizontal. 3 Alternate headers/ stretchers. moulded or splayed cappings, moulded string
3 Projecting, depth courses, moulded cornices, etc.
4 Curved, mean radius on 4 Other bond.
of set forward face.

8 Flues. m 1 Dimensioned 1 Method of forming.

9 Flue linings. description.
10 Filling around
11 Extra over walls for m 1 Dimensioned 1 Method of forming. 1 Finish/facing. 1 This will include work forming eaves, copings,
perimeters and description. 2 Closing cavities, kerbs, quoins, ends, etc.
abutments, details stated. additional ties, insulation
and all other associated
work is included.
1 Dimensioned 1 Method of forming. 1 Finish/facing.
description. 2 Closing cavities,
additional ties, insulation
and all other associated
12 Extra over walls for m work is included. 1 This will include work forming sills, jambs,
opening reveals, cavity closers, architraves, lintels,
perimeters, details stated. mullions, transoms, thresholds, steps, etc.

13 Special purpose nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Function stated. 1 Descriptions of stones are given as the
blocks or stones. description. smallest block from which each item can be
obtained, having regard in the case of natural
stone to the plane in which the stone is required
to be laid with relation to its quarry bed. The
dimensions are taken over one mortar bed and
one mortar joint.

14 Forming cavity. m2 1 Width and 1 Type and spacing of ties. 1 These two items of work may be measured
method of forming. together as a composite item when between
two masonry skins.
15 Cavity insulation. m2 1 Type and 1 Method of installing or
thickness. fixing.
16 Damp-proof courses m 1 Gauge or 1 Vertical. 1 Damp-proof courses include:
≤ 300mm wide. thickness. 2 Raking. a forming laps, ends and angles
2 Number of 3 Horizontal. b pointing exposed edges and
layers. 4 Curved, mean radius on
3 Composition and face stated. c bonding to damp-proof membranes, etc.
mix of bedding 5 Stepped.
17 Damp-proof courses > m2 materials.
300mm wide.
18 Pre-formed m
cavity trays.
19 Joint reinforcement. m 1 Width stated.
20 Fillets. m 1 Width and 1 Weather.
thickness stated. 2 Angle.
3 Other.
21 Pointing. m 1 Width and depth 1 Type of finish. 1 This relates to the pointing of joints,
of joint to be flashings, frames, etc.

22 Joints. m 1 Width and 1 Type of filler, sealant, pointing, method of 1 Joints are only measured where their
thickness stated. application and preparation. composition and position are designed.
2 Ties, centres stated.
3 Channels.
23 Wedging and pinning. m 1 Width and
thickness stated.
24 Creasing. m 1 Width stated.
2 Number of
25 Proprietary and nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Proprietary reference or 1 Method of forming, 1 These items include all necessary forming of
individual spot items. description or catalogue number where building in or fixing. openings or pockets, liners, cavity closers,
dimensioned applicable. damp-proof courses, fixings and fastenings and
diagram. builder’s work in connection with any
associated mechanical or electrical
2 This will include items such as windposts,
head restraint channels, steel lintels, wall end
ties, wall end bonding channels, cappings,
chimney pots, finials, boiler seats, soot doors,
plinths, steps, winders, landings, bases, key
blocks, air bricks, ventilator gratings, flue
blocks, fire backs and sides, grates, carved
bricks, blocks or stones, quoin stones, jamb
stones, hearths, weep-hole formers, etc.
3 This list is not exhaustive. Any type of
individual shaped piece should be enumerated
and described either by a dimensioned
description, dimensioned diagram or by
reference to the specification or trade brochure.

Work section 15: Structural metalwork

In this work section: Item or work to Unit Level one Level two Level three Notes
• structural steelwork
• structural aluminium work. be measured
1 Framed members, t 1 Lengths not 1 Weight ≤25kg/m. 1 Columns. 1 Castellated.
framing and fabrication. exceeding 1m. 2 Weight 25–50kg/m. 2 Beams. 2 Tapered.
2 Lengths over 1m 3 Weight50–100kg/m. 3 Rafters. 3 Curved.
but not exceeding 4 And so on in increments 4 Bracings. 4 Cambered.
9m. of 5 Purlins and cladding rails. 5 Hollow, shape stated.
3 Lengths 50kg/m. 6 Grillages. 6 Built-up work, details of
exceeding 9m 7 Trusses. construction stated.
8 Plate girders. 7 Compound fabrications, details
9 Framing to doors of construction stated.
and windows. 8 Cellular.
10 Trimmers to roofs and walls. 9 Secondary steelwork.
11 Rafter and column stays, 10 Temporary bracing or support work not at
number stated. the discretion of the contractor, subsequent
removal is included unless stated otherwise.

2 Framed members, 1 Crane rails. 1 Details and centres of fixing clips and resilient
permanent erection on 1 Wires, cables, rods, ties and bars. pads should be stated.
3 Isolated structural t 1 Plain member, 1 Dimensioned description 1 An isolated structural member is one not
members, fabrication. use stated. and weight per m. integrally connected to other structural
4 Isolated structural nr 2 Built-up member,
members, permanent use stated.
erection on site.
5 Allowance t 1 Calculated 1 To framed members. 1 Fittings are components that allow members
for fittings. weight. 2 To isolated members. to be joined together or are other brackets,
2 Percentage supports, etc. that are supplied and attached,
allowance, either on or off site, to the main loadbearing
percentage stated. frame by the structural metal contractor.
6 Cold rolled purlins, m 1 Type and 1 Purlins and cladding 1 Method of fixing stated.
cladding rails, etc. method of rails.
fixing stated. 2 Sag rods.
2 Size or 3 Stays.
proprietary 4 Other.
reference stated.
7 Extra over steel nr 1 Forming cranks 1 Dimension of member
member for: in members, type stated.

8 Profiled metal decking, m2 1 Height not 1 Shear studs, size and 1 Method 1 This work is only measured here when it
type and/or profile stated. exceeding 5m. spacing stated. of fixing. forms part of the structural steel package
2 Height exceeding otherwise it would be measured in accordance
5m but with the rules for permanent formwork.
not exceeding 2 Heights are always measured from finished
10m. floor level unless otherwise stated.
3 And so on in 5m 3 The area of metal decking is
increments. calculated as the finished area
of concrete cast onto the decking.

9 Extra over for: m 1 Edge trims; size, 1 Straight. 1 Ends, angles, intersections are all included.
girth, profile or 2 Raking.
proprietary 3 Curved, radius stated.
reference stated.
2 Curved cutting.

10 Holding down bolts or nr 1 Type and 1 Anchor plates, frames, 1 Supply only.
assemblies. diameter stated. members, tubes, cones and
any other associated
accessory stated.

11 Special bolts. nr 1 Type and 1 Background if other than 1 Special bolts are all bolts and fasteners other
diameter stated. structural steel. than grade 4.6 black bolts and
holding down assemblies.
12 Connections to nr 1 Details stated. 1 All labours on new and existing steel are
existing steel and other included.
members or structures. 2 Labours on non-steel structures
are measured elsewhere.
13 Trial erection. t 1 Details and 1 These are only measured when not at the
location stated. discretion of the contractor.
2 The information given in the description
should include items such as the number of
erectable pieces and number of site welds. This
information may be given by reference to

14 Filling hollow sections. item 1 Water. 1 Details stated.

2 Concrete.
3 Other material
type stated.
15 Surface treatments. m2 1 Galvanising. 1 On site. 1 Preparation described. 1 All preparation is included.
2 Sprayed coating. 2 Off site. 2 Number of coats stated.
3 Painting. 3 Thickness of coat(s) stated.
4 Other treatment, 4 Fire rating stated.
type stated. 5 Finish stated.

16 Isolated protective nr 1 Approximate 1 Type of protective coated 1 On site.

coatings. size or area stated. stated. 2 Off site.
2 Preparation described.
17 Testing. item 1 Load tests. 1 Details stated.
2 Fire protection
3 Other tests.

In this work section: Work section 16: Carpentry

• timber framing
• timber first fixings Item or work to Unit Level one Level two Level three Notes
• timber, metal and plastic boarding, sheeting, decking, casings and linings be measured
• metal and plastic accessories.
1 Primary or structural m 1 Nominal size 1 Rafters and associated roof 1 Selection and protection for subsequent 1 Strutting is measured through the structural
Notes: timbers. treatment.
timbers. stated. 2 Purlins. members being stiffened.
1 fine linings are measured in work section 22. 2 Matching grains or colours.
3 Wall plates. 3 Limits on planing margins.
Works and materials included: 4 Roof and floor joists.
5 Beams. 4 Fixing centres stated where not at the
1 all sizes nominal unless otherwise stated 6 Posts or columns. discretion of the contractor.
2 all timbers are sawn unless otherwise stated 7 Partition and wall members. 5 Type and size of bolts and other fixings and
3 all work fabricated, assembled and erected on site unless otherwise stated 8 Strutting. fastenings.
4 all work fixed by nails unless otherwise stated 6 Background or nature of base.
5 holes in timber for bolts and all other fixings irrespective of size 7 Fixing through vulnerable materials.
6 all labours on timber 8 Surface finish or treatment applied as part of
7 all webs, gussets, etc. on trusses and portals. the manufacturing process.
9 Length > 6m in one continuous length.

2 Engineered or nr 1 Finished 1 Roof trusses. 1 Manufacturers’ reference.

2 Portal frames.
prefabricated dimensioned 2 Length > 6m in one
members/items. description. 3 Trusses.
4 Wall panels. continuous length.
5 Beams.
6 Joists.
7 Posts or columns.

3 Backing and other first m 1 Nominal 1 Grounds.

fix timbers. dimensioned 2 Battens.
description of each

m2 2 Nominal 1 Framed grounds, battens 1 Centres, each way stated.

dimensioned and bracketing.
description of each

4 Boarding, flooring, m/m 2

1 Not exceeding 1 Horizontal. 1 Finish stated unless sawn. 1 The location of the work should be given,
sheeting, decking, 600mm wide, 2 Sloping. 2 Type of joints where not at the discretion of the such as external walls, internal walls and
casings, linings, sarking, finished width, and 3 Vertical. contractor. attached piers, isolated columns, floors, ceilings
fascias, bargeboards, thickness stated. 3 Profile. and attached beams, isolated beams, roofs,
soffits, etc. 4 Curved, radius stated. eaves, verges, tops and cheeks of dormers, etc.
2 Over 600mm
5 Soffit or ceiling.
wide, finished
6 Other shape described.
thickness stated.

5 Ornamental ends of nr 1 Size and detail

timber members. stated
6 Metal fixings, nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Ties. 1 Method of fixing stated. 1 Bolts include heads, nuts and
fastenings and fittings. description. 2 Rods. 2 Background stated if not washers.
2 Proprietary 3 Brackets. timber. 2 The length of a bolt is measured over the
reference or 4 Straps. head.
catalogue number 3 The work includes all labours in fabricating
5 Shoes. and fixing including drilling holes in the fitting,
where applicable.
6 Bolts. the timber and the background.
7 Joist hangers.
8 Other, details stated.

Work section 17: Sheet roof coverings

In this work section: Item or work to Unit Level one Level two Level three Notes
• bituminous felts
• plastic sheets be measured
• sheet metals
• rigid boards with factory-applied sheet coverings 1 Coverings > m2 1 Horizontal. 1 Underlays. 1 No deduction is made for voids
• any other type of sheet roof covering. 500mm wide. 2 Sloping, pitch 2 Insulation. ≤ 1m .2

2 Coverings ≤ 500mm m stated. 3 Finish to exposed 2 Finishes include solar reflective

Notes: wide. 3 Vertical. surface. paint, chippings, etc.
1 Examples of roof coverings measured in accordance with the rules of this section are: 4 Curved, radii They exclude tiles, paving slabs, grass roofs,
sheet lead, aluminium, copper, zinc, stainless steel, fibre bitumen, butyl rubber, thermoplastic and similar membranes. etc.
2 This list is not exhaustive.

Works and materials included: 3 Extra over for forming. m 1 Height stated. 1 Lengths should be the net length of each
1 underlay in contact with the covering 1 Height stated. 1 Type stated. labour.
2 all rough and fair cutting and waste 2 All additional sheet material required to form
1 Width and height stated. 1 Wood core.
3 extra material required for bonding the labour item should be included.
4 extra material in laps and dressings 2 Hollow.
3 All additional underlay, insulation and surface
5 extra material for curved work 1 Length stated.
6 all ends, angles and intersections either formed or proprietary finish should be included.
7 forming all rough and fair grooves, throats, mortices, chases, rebates, holes, stops, mitres and the like labours 1 Length stated.
8 raking out joints to insert flashings 1 Height stated.
9 labours in returns, ends and angles 4 Boundary work, m 1 Net girth stated. 1 Abutments. 1 Horizontal. 1 Boundary work to voids is only
10 work in isolated areas
11 work in forming voids and holes ≤ 1m2.
location and method of 2 Average net girth 2 Eaves. 2 Vertical. measured where the void is >1m . 2

forming described. stated, number of 3 Ridges. 3 Raking. 2 Boundary work is work associated with
Notes: lengths stated. 4 Verges. 4 Curved, radius stated. closing off or finishing off sheet roofing at the
1 The areas and lengths measured are net in contact with base. external perimeter, at the
5 Valleys. 5 Stepped.
This includes following the profile of all rolls, steps, upstands and downstands, etc. abutment with different materials or the
6 Hips. 6 Preformed. perimeter of openings and voids.
7 Vertical angles. 7 Sloping.

8 Upstands 3 Boundary work includes undercloaks,

≤ 500mm high. insulation, strip ventilators, rough and fair
9 Downstands cutting, bedding, pointing, laps, seams, ends,
≤ 500mm high. angles, intersections, rolls, upstands,
downstands, welted edges, dressings and
wedgings and additional covering material
needed to form the detail and all associated
4 Where several items of the same type of
boundary work have slightly differing net girths,
these may be averaged and the lengths
5 The number of separate lengths aggregated
should be stated.
6 Valleys include everything necessary to form
and line the valley.
7 An upstand, downstand or step
over 500mm high is measured
as vertical work.

5 Flashings. m 1 Net girth stated. 1 Flashings. 1 Horizontal. 1 Flashings include undercloaks, rough and fair
2 Aprons. 2 Sloping. cutting, bedding, pointing, ends, angles,
3 Sills. 3 Vertical. intersections, welted, beaded or shaped edges
and all dressings.
4 Weatherings. 4 Raking.
5 Cappings. 5 Curved, radius stated.
6 Hips. 6 Stepped.
7 Kerbs. 7 Preformed.
8 Ridges.
9 Linings to openings.

6 Gutters. m 1 Net girth stated. 1 Sloping. 1 Nature of base. 1 The length is the mean length
7 Valleys. 2 Stepped. 2 Spacing of structural supports. measured over all fittings.
3 Curved, radius stated. 3 Preformed. 2 Gutter and valley work includes all dressings
4 Secret. required to form the profile, with all joints, laps,
seams, brackets, undercloaks and other
5 Tapered.
associated linings, outlets, overflows, ends,
angles, intersections, bedding, pointing, fixings,
3 The maximum and minimum girth of tapered
gutters or valleys should be given.

8 Spot items. nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Catchpits. 1 Nature of base. 1 Spot item work includes joints, dressing and
diagram or 2 Sumps. 2 Spacing of structural supports. bonding to surrounding work, undercloaks and
dimensioned 3 Outlets. 3 Preformed. other associated linings, ends, angles, bedding,
description. pointing, fixings, etc.
4 Hatch covers.
5 Canopy covers.
6 Collars or sleeves around
pipes, etc.
7 Other, type stated.

9 Fittings. nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Ventilators. 1 Nature of base. 1 Fittings include joints, dressing and bonding
description. 2 Finials. 2 Method of fixing where not at to surrounding work, undercloaks and other
3 Gas terminals. the discretion of the contractor. associated linings, ends, angles, bedding,
pointing, fixings, etc.
4 Hip irons.
2 Proprietary references may be given in lieu of
5 Soakers.
a dimensioned description.
6 Saddles.
7 Rooflights.
8 Other, type stated.
Work section 18: Tile and slate roof and wall coverings
In this work section: Item or work to Unit Level one Level two Level three Notes
• plain tiling
• interlocking tiling be measured
• fibre cement slating
• natural slating 1 Roof coverings. m2 1 Pitch stated. 1 Underlays and battens. 1 Curved, radii stated. 1 Coverings include underlays, battens and
• natural or artificial stone slating 2 Wall coverings. 2 Vertical. 2 Conical, maximum and minimum radii stated. work in forming voids ≤ 1m . 2

• timber or bituminous felt shingles 2 No deduction is made for voids ≤ 1m . 2

• any other type of tile, slate, slab or block roof or wall covering.
3 Boundary work, m 1 Dimensioned 1 Abutments. 1 Horizontal. 1 Boundary work includes undercloaks, rough
Works and materials included: location and method of description stating 2 Eaves. 2 Sloping. and fair cutting,
1 all rough and fair square, raking and curved cutting forming described. net girth. bedding, pointing, ends, angles and
3 Ridges. 3 Raking.
2 all ends and angles either formed or proprietary intersections.
3 extra material for curved work 4 Verges. 4 Vertical.
2 Boundary work to voids is only measured
4 forming all rough and fair grooves, throats, mortices, chases, rebates, holes, stops, mitres and similar labours 5 Valleys. 5 Curved, radius stated.
5 raking out joints to form a key where
6 Hips. 6 Stepped. the void exceeds 1m .
6 raking out joints to insert flashings

7 labours in returns, ends and angles 7 Vertical angles. 7 Preformed. 3 Boundary work is work associated with
8 all extra material required for bonding closing off or finishing off tile or slate roofing at
9 additional material in laps the external perimeter, at the abutment with
10 work in forming voids and holes ≤ 1m2. different materials or the perimeter of openings
and voids.
4 Valleys include everything necessary to form
and line the valley excluding any sheet metal.
Sheet metal linings should be measured in work
section 17.

4 Fittings. nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Ventilators. 1 Nature of base. 1 Proprietary references may be given in lieu of
description. 2 Finials. 2 Method of fixing where not at the discretion of a dimensioned description.
3 Gas terminals. the contractor.
4 Hip irons.
5 Soakers.
6 Saddles.
7 Rooflights.
8 Other, type stated.

Work section 19: Waterproofing

In this work section: Item or work to Unit Level one Level two Level three Notes
• mastic asphalt roofing
• applied liquid roofing be measured
• asphalt tanking or damp proofing
• applied liquid tanking or damp proofing 1 Coverings > m2 1 Horizontal. 1 Underlays. 1 Nature of base. 1 The area measured is that in contact with the
• flexible sheet tanking or damp proofing 500mm wide. 2 Sloping, pitch 2 Insulation. 2 Number of coats or layers. base.
• other proprietary systems of tanking or damp proofing. stated. 3 Finish to exposed 2 No deduction is made for voids
3 Vertical. surface. ≤ 1m2.
Works and materials included: 2 Coverings ≤ 500mm m 4 Curved, radii 4 Protection.
1 cutting to line wide. stated.
2 all labour and material associated with cutting, notching, bending, lapping and reinforcement
3 working into recesses such as duct covers, shaped insets, manhole covers, mat wells, outlet pipes, dished gullies, etc.
4 work to falls and cross falls 3 Skirtings. m 1 Net girth on face. 1 Horizontal. 1 Boundary work to voids is only
5 all boundary work to openings ≤ 1m2 4 Fascias. 2 Sloping. measured where the void is > 1m . 2

6 all preparation to background necessary to form a key, including raking out joints, scabbling or the application of a bonding 5 Aprons. 3 Vertical. 2 Boundary work is work associated with
agent. 6 Other boundary work. 4 Raking. closing off or finishing off the waterproofing at
5 Curved, radius stated. the external perimeter, at the abutment with
6 Stepped. different materials or the perimeter of openings
and voids.
3 Boundary work includes undercloaks,
insulation, strip ventilators, rough and
fair cutting, bedding, pointing, laps, seams,
ends, angles, intersections,rolls, upstands,
downstands, dressings and wedgings.
4 Boundary work includes fair edges, rounded
edges, drips and arrises.

7 Gutters. m 1 Net girth on face. 1 Sloping. 1 Nature of base. 1 The length is the mean length
8 Channels. 2 Stepped. 2 Number of coats or layers. measured over all fittings.
3 Curved. 3 Spacing of structural supports. 2 Lining and covering work includes all
9 Valleys. 4 Secret. dressings required to form the profile, joints,
10 Kerbs. 5 Tapered. brackets, undercloaks and other associated
linings, outlets, overflows, ends, angles,
intersections, bedding, pointing, etc.
3 The maximum and minimum girth of tapered
gutters should be given.
11 Internal angle m 1 Width by height
fillets. stated.

12 Spot items. nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Catch pits. 1 Spot item work includes joints, dressing and
diagram or 2 Sumps. bonding to surrounding work, undercloaks
dimensioned 3 Outlets. and other associated linings, ends, angles
description. bedding, pointing, fixings, etc.
4 Hatch covers.
5 Canopy covers.
6 Collars or sleeves around
pipes, etc.
7 Other, type stated.

13 Fittings. nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Ventilators. 1 Nature of base. 1 Fittings include joints, dressing and bonding
14 Edge trim. m description. 2 Other, type stated. 2 Number of coats or layers. to surrounding work, undercloaks and other
3 Method of fixing where not at the discretion of associated linings, ends, angles bedding,
the contractor. pointing, fixings, etc.
2 Proprietary references may be given in lieu of
a dimensioned description.
Work section 20: Proprietary walls, linings and partitions
In this work section: Item or work to Unit Level one Level two Level three Notes
• metal framed systems to walls and ceilings
• drylining and partitioning systems to walls and ceilings be measured
• structural framed systems (SFS) to walls
1 Proprietary metal m2 1 Finished 1 Insulation. 1 No deductions for voids ≤ 1m . 2

Notes: framed system to form thickness stated. 2 Vapour barriers. 2 The average height will be calculated for each
1 The finish is that which is applied as part of the normal proprietary system. Any finish to be walls. 2 Height or 3 Sublinings. length of partition with a sloping head measured
subsequently made by a different trade should be measured separately under the relevant rules. 2 Structural framed average height between junctions.
4 Finish.
2 Examples of proprietary finishes are taped joints, slurry coats, etc. systems to form walls. stated in 1m
3 Skim coats or other wet trade finishes are measured in work section 28. increments. 5 Glazing.
3 Total length 6 Curved, radius stated.
Works and materials included: stated measured
1 all work is internal unless otherwise stated along centre line.
2 all rough and fair cutting
3 extra material for curved work
4 additional framing to support fittings 3 Proprietary metal m2 1 Over 300mm 1 Insulation. 1 Fixed directly to structural soffit. 1 The adjacent structure such as secondary
5 ends, fair ends and abutments with adjoining work framed system to form wide on face. 2 Vapour barriers. 2 Supported on adjacent structure, span stated in steel framing or timber framing is measured
6 working around columns, beams and services where the outer face of the work is continuous. ceilings. elsewhere.
Notes: 3 Sublinings. 1m increments.
m 2 Not exceeding
1 This refers to the final location of the work. 4 Finish.
300mm wide on
face. 5 Curved, radius stated.
6 Sloping.
7 Convex or concave,
radius stated.

4 Extra over for m2 1 Lining, details 1 This will apply to partitions that
different. stated. have areas of different linings or finishes than
2 Finish, details specified in the general description heading. It
stated. will not apply to different forms of construction
or components. These differences will require
separate items measured.

5 Extra over for forming nr 1 Not exceeding 1 Lined, details stated. 1 Non-proprietary materials are not included
openings. 1m .
2 Unlined. (e.g. timber grounds or inserts would be
2 1–2.50m . 2
3 Opening type (e.g. measured in work section 16).
3 2.50–5m . 2
window, door). 2 Lined openings are those lined as part of this
4 Exceeding 5m in 2
increments of
2.50m .2

6 Extra over for non- m 1 Dimensioned 1 Heads, details stated. 1 Nature of base. 1 Non-standard details are those that involve
standard perimeter description or 2 Soles, details stated. the use of components that are not used in the
details. proprietary 3 Abutments, details main body of work, such as deflection heads,
reference. acoustic seals, fire seals, etc.
7 Extra over for angles. m stated.
1 Tee.
8 Extra over for junctions. m 2 Cross.

9 Extra over for access nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Details stated. 1 Details include type of frame, ironmongery,
panels. description or finish, insulation, fire rating and proprietary
proprietary reference number where applicable.

10 Fair ends to partitions. m 1 Thickness of 1 Finish and/or trims. 1 Fair ends are only measured where the
partition stated. exposed end is finished with the same finish as
the face(s) or with a trim that is an integral part
of the partition system.
2 Fair ends include all extra work and materials

11 Proprietary linings to m2 1 Over 300mm 1 Insulation. 1 Method of fixing.

walls. wide on face. 2 Vapour barriers. 2 Nature of base.
2 Not exceeding 3 Sublinings.
300mm wide on 4 Finish.
5 Curved, radius stated.
6 Sloping.
7 Convex or concave,
radius stated.

12 SFS accessories. nr 1 Z bars. 1 Proprietary reference.

2Cleats/brackets. 2 Finish.
13 Proprietary linings to m2

14 Proprietary linings to m 1 Girth not
columns. exceeding 300mm,
15 Proprietary linings to m nr of faces stated.
beams. 2 Girth 300–
16 Proprietary linings to m
nr of faces stated.
3 Girth 600–
17 Extra over for forming nr 1 Not exceeding 1 Lined, details stated. 1 This includes openings for doors, windows,
openings. 2.50m .2
2 Unlined. screens, etc.
2 2.50–5m . 2

3 Exceeding 5m in 2

increments of
2.50m .2

18 Extra over for non- m 1 Dimensioned 1 Heads, details stated. 1 Nature of base. 1 Non-standard details are those that involve
standard perimeter description or 2 Soles, details stated. the use of components that are not used in the
details. proprietary 3 Abutments, details main body of work such as deflection heads,
reference. acoustic seals, fire seals, etc.
19 Extra over for angles. m stated.

20 Extra over for m 1 Tee.

junctions. 2 Cross.
21 Extra over for access nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Details stated. 1 Details include type of frame, ironmongery,
panels. description or finish, insulation, fire rating and proprietary
proprietary reference number where applicable.
22 Beads, function m 1 Method of fixing. 1 Nature of base. 1 Function of beads include angle beads, stop
stated. beads, shadow gap beads, casing beads, etc.
Work section 21: Cladding and covering
Item or work to Unit Level one Level two Level three Notes
be measured
1 Walls. m 1 Not exceeding 1 Laid diagonally. 1 Internal.
2 Floors. 600mm 2 Sloping, pitch stated. 2 External.
3 Ceilings. wide. 3 Vertical.
4 Roofs. 4 Curved, radius stated.
5 Sides and tops of
dormers. 5 To soffits.
6 Sides and soffits of
7 Sides of columns.

In this work section: m2 1 Exceeding

• patent glazing, curtain walling, rainscreen cladding, glazed vaulting and structural glass assemblies 600mm wide.
• rigid sheet cladding
• weatherboarding nr 1 Isolated area not
• profiled sheet cladding or roofing exceeding 1m ,2

• panel or slab cladding or roofing irrespective of

• sheet claddings or coverings width.
• any other type of cladding, lining or covering.
8 Items extra over the nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Opening lights. 1 Electrical requirements. 1 These items are only for components that are
Works and materials included: work description. 2 Doors. part of the system in which they are installed.
1 ironmongery where supplied with the component in which they occur. 2 Proprietary 3 Rooflights.
2 glazing where part of the installation reference. 4 Ventilator panels.
3 integral insulation, membranes, etc. where part of the system 5 Forming openings for
4 mastics and sealants other trades.
5 cleats and brackets
6 fixings and fastenings 9 Boundary work. m 1 Heads. 1 Horizontal. 1 All edge and intermediate trims, cover pieces,
7 mechanical and electrical operating equipment where supplied with the component. 2 Ridges. 2 Vertical.
Notes: mastics and sealants are included with the
3 Valleys. 3 Sloping. associated boundary or opening perimeter
1 Secondary steel support work is measured in accordance with the rules of work section 15. 4 Hips. 4 Raking. work.
5 Bottom edges. 5 Curved, radius stated. 2 Boundary work is work associated with
6 Eaves. 6 Stepped. closing off or finishing off claddings or coverings
7 Verges. 7 Preformed. at the external perimeter or at the abutment with
8 Abutments. different materials.
9 Flashing pieces.

10 Opening perimeters. m 1 Dimensioned 1 Heads. 1 Horizontal. 1 Opening work is associated with closing off or
description. 2 Jambs. 2 Vertical. finishing off claddings and coverings at the
2 Proprietary 3 Sills. 3 Sloping. perimeter of an opening or a void.
reference. 4 Flashing pieces. 4 Raking.
5 Curved, radius stated.
6 Stepped.
7 Preformed.

11 Angles. m 1 Internal. 1 Regular. 1 Irregular angles are any

2 External. 2 Irregular, angle stated. that are not 90 .

12 Closers. m 1 Fire stops.

2 Other, details stated.

Work section 22: General joinery

Items in this work section: Item or work to Unit Level one Level two Level three Notes
• unframed isolated trims, skirtings, or sundry joinery items
• floor, wall and ceiling boarding, sheeting, panelling, fine linings and casings be measured
• proprietary partitions, panels and cubicles Unframed isolated trims, skirtings and sundry items
• in-fill panels and sheets
• sealant joints 1 Skirtings, picture rails. m 1 Dimensioned 1 Built-up members, size 1 Fixing through vulnerable materials.
• general ironmongery not associated with windows and doors. 2 Architraves, etc. overall of components stated. 2 Curved work should be described stating the
3 Cover fillets, stops, cross-section 2 Timber components radius.
trims, beads, nosings, etc. stated. tongued on.
Works and materials included: 2 Number and
4 Isolated shelves and 3 Different cross-section
2 all timbers should be wrot finish unless described otherwise.
type of labours shapes (nr).
3 all timber sizes are nominal unless stated as finished size worktops.
4 ends, angles, mitres and intersections irrespective of the cross-section area of timber 5 Window boards.
5 work is internal unless described as external. 6 Isolated handrails and
grab rails.
7 Duct covers. m 1 Thickness and 1 Nature and method of 1 Usually the exact width or girth should be
8 Pipe casings. width or girth forming joints. given for these items but where there are many
9 Shelves. stated. differing but similar widths these may be
2 Thickness and grouped into 300mm wide or girth bands.
width or girth not
exceeding 300mm
3 Thickness and
width or girth over
300mm but not
exceeding 600mm
4 Thickness and
width or girth
thereafter in
300mm stages.

10 Pinboards, nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Method of fixing.

backboards, plinth blocks, description. 2 Nature of base.

11 Floor, wall and ceiling

boarding, sheeting,
panelling, fine linings and

12 Boarding, sheeting, m2 1 Thickness. 1 Floors. 1 Method of fixing. 1 These include fully or partially glazed
panelling over 600mm 2 Walls. 2 Method of jointing. partitions and screens whether proprietary or
wide. 3 Ceilings. 3 Nature of base. site constructed and not otherwise included in
work section 20.
13 Boarding, sheeting, m 1 Width and
panelling not exceeding thickness.
600mm wide.
14 Proprietary partitions,
panels and cubicles.

15 Partitions. m 1 Height and 1 Off-site applied finish. 1 Method of jointing 1 The linear measurement is
thickness stated. 2 On-site applied finish. and fixing. the mean length measured along the centre line
2 Proprietary 2 Curved, radius stated. of the partition.
name or reference 3 Nature of background. 2 The length is measured through and over all
stated. obstructions and openings.
4 Integral services.
3 Partitions include all integral components,
fixings, joints, factory applied trims, holes and

16 Items extra over the nr 1 Openings, size 1 Blanks. 1 Openings include everything necessary to
partition they occur in. stated. 2 Doors. form the opening with their associated integral
3 Window. components, glass, doors, ironmongery, linings
and factory-applied trims.
4 Glazed panels.
5 Access panels.
m 2 Trims, 1 Trims are only measured as
dimensioned separate items if fixed on site.

17 Duct panels, nr 1 Overall size 1 Subframes, details 1 Method of fixing. 1 All ancillary items needed to connect the
sanitaryware back panels, stated. stated. 2 Nature of background. sanitary appliances to the M&E installations are
etc. 2 Thickness included.
stated. 2 Associated sanitaryware items are not
included in these items but should be measured
in accordance with the rules of work section 32.

18 Cubicle partition sets. nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Complete cubicles, 1 Nature of background. 1 Cubicle sets include all integral frames,
diagram or number of bays stated. 2 Method of fixing to panels, doors, factory- applied trims,
dimensioned background. connections, fixings and fastenings complete
description. with support legs, brackets
and standard ironmongery.

19 Items extra over the m 1 Trims, 1 Trims are only measured as

partition they occur in. dimensioned separate items if fixed on site.
Infill panels 1 Infill panels are either non- glass or non-glass
plastics, with rigid sheet spandrel and infill
panels of all kinds fixed with beads, gaskets,
etc. to wood, metal, plastic and concrete
surrounds. They exclude panels or sheets
forming an integral part of a component or
proprietary cladding system.

20 Infill panels and m2 1 Thickness 1 Curved, stating radius. 1 Work is internal unless it is described as
sheets, number stated. stated. 2 Panels exceeding size of external.
normal manufactured unit. 2 Infill panels include bedding compounds,
3 Panels requiring special sealants, intumescent compounds and strips,
treatment to edges. distance pieces, location and setting blocks and

Sealant joints 1 Type and quality of materials.

2 Method of application.
3 Method of preparing contact surfaces.
21 Joints, contact m 1 Type and size of 1 Vertical. 1 Lengths are measured on face.
surfaces stated. components 2 Sloping. 2 Work includes preparation, cleaners, primers,
stated. 3 Soffit. sealers, backing strips and fillers.
22 Pointing, contact m 1 One side. 4 Horizontal.
surfaces stated. 2 Both sides.
23 Raking out existing m 1 Width, depth and 1 Vertical. 1 This includes disposal of all debris.
joints. type of material 2 Sloping.
stated. 3 Soffit.
4 Horizontal.
Ironmongery 1 Type and quality of materials
and fixings.
2 Surface finish.
3 Constituent parts of the units or sets.
4 Fixing through vulnerable materials.

24 Type of item, unit or nr 1 Method of fixing. 1 Ironmongery includes fixing with screws to
set stated. 2 Nature of base. match and preparing the base to receive it.
2 Shelf brackets and associated
fittings will be measured here.

Work section 23: Windows, screens and lights

Item or work to Unit Level one Level two Level three Notes
be measured
1 Windows and window nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Curved work, radius 1 Method of fixing if not left to the discretion of 1 Glass may be incorporated into the
frames. description or stated. the contractor. associated work following the rules set out
2 Window shutters. diagram. below.
2 Factory glazed.
In this work section: 3 Sun shields.
• timber, metal, plastic: windows and shop fronts
• rooflights 4 Rooflights, skylights
• screens and lanternlights.
• louvres, shutters, canopies and blinds 5 Screens, borrowed
• associated glass and glazing lights and frames.
• associated ironmongery.
6 Shop fronts.
Works and materials included: 7 Louvres and frames.
1 bedding and pointing frames 8 Glazing.
2 glass, etc. should be installed on site unless stated otherwise.
6 matching grain or colour 9 Glass, type stated. 1 Thickness of 1 Shape if other than 1 Bent, direction stated. 1 Glass includes plastic, or any type of material
10 Louvre blades. glass or overall square or rectangular. 2 Method of glazing or securing. glazed into openings except glass blocks.
thickness of sealed 2 Airspace(s) width(s) of 2 The size given for irregular panes should be
11 Ironmongery.
12 Type of item, unit or 1 Method of fixing. 1 Type and quality of 1 Ironmongery includes fixing with screws to
set stated. 2 Nature of base. materials and fixings. match and preparing the base to receive it.
2 Surface finish.
3 Constituent parts of the
units or sets.

Work section 24: Doors, shutters and hatches

This work section includes: Item or work to Unit Level one Level two Level three Notes
• timber, metal, plastic: doors and frames
• shutters and hatches be measured
• sliding or folding doors and partitions
• grilles 1 Door sets. nr 1 Detailed 1 Background. 1 Smoke stops, details stated. 1 Door sets comprise the door(s) complete with
• associated glass and glazing description of set. 2 Fire stops, details stated. associated frame, stops, architraves and trims.
• associated ironmongery. 2 Structural 2 Any stops, architraves and trims not supplied
opening size. with the door set should be measured in
Works and materials included: accordance with the items in work section 22.
1 bedding and pointing frames 3 Glass may be incorporated into the
2 glass, etc. should be installed on site unless stated otherwise. associated work
following the items set out below.

2 Doors nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Fire resistance 1 Method of fixing if not left to 1 Each leaf of a multi-leafed door
3 Roller shutters. description or performance. the discretion of the contractor. is counted as one door.
4 Collapsible gates. diagram. 2 Factory glazed. 2 Glass may be incorporated into the
5 Sliding folding
partitions. associated work
6 Hatches. following the items set out below.
7 Strong room
8 Grilles.

9 Door frames. m 1 Dimensioned 1 Labours described. 1 Frames and linings includes jambs, heads,
10 Door linings. overall sills, mullions and transoms.
11 Door stops. cross-section
12 Associated fire description.
13 Associated
smoke stops.

14 Glass, type stated. nr 1 Thickness of 1 Shape if other than 1 Bent, direction stated. 1 Glass includes plastic or any type of material
15 Louvre blades. glass or overall square or rectangular. 2 Method of glazing or securing. glazed into openings except glass blocks.
Ironmongery. thickness of sealed 2 Airspace(s) width(s) of 2 The size given for irregular panes should be
16 Type of item, unit or nr 1 Method of fixing. 1 Type and quality 1 Ironmongery includes fixing with screws to
set stated. 2 Nature of base. of materials and fixings. match and preparing the base to receive it.
2 Surface finish.
3 Constituent parts of the
units or sets.
In this section: Work section 25: Stairs, walkways and balustrades
• timber, metal, plastic staircases
• walkways and gantries Item or work to Unit Level one Level two Level three Notes
• balustrades, barriers, guardrails. be measured
Works and materials included: 1 Staircase, type stated. nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Hatch doors where part of the loft ladder 1 Staircases include attached balustrades and
1 all ramps, wreaths, bends, plain ends, ornamental ends and similar labours description. component. newel posts.
2 linings, nosings, cover moulds, trims, etc. where an integral part of the unit
3 soffit linings, spandrel panels, etc. where an integral part of the unit 2 Loft ladders. 2 Component 2 Any trims, etc. fixed to the unit after
4 ironmongery where an integral part of the unit drawing reference. installation should be measured in accordance
3 Ladders.
5 finishes applied off site with the items in work section 22.
4 Extra over for: 1 Quarter landing. 1 Dimensioned description.
6 fixings, fastenings, blockings, wedges, bolts, brackets, cleats, etc.
2 Half landing.
5 Catwalks. m 1 Dimensioned 1 Curved, radius stated. 1 Method of fixing
6 Walkways. description. or support.
7 Balustrades. m/nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Curved, radius stated. 2 Infill
1 Background.
panels, 1 These items are measured when not forming
8 Handrails. description. detail stated. an integral part of a staircase unit.
9 Barriers. 2 Component 2 Method of fixing 2 These items include all integral rails, infill
drawing reference. or support. panels, ironmongery, factory-applied finishes,
10 Guard rails.
3 Background. fixings and fastenings.
11 Balcony units.
12 Extra over for: nr 1 Opening
portions, size and
details stated.

In this work section: Work section 26: Metalwork

• isolated metal members
• general metalwork Item or work to Unit Level one Level two Level three Notes
• general metalwork fittings and fixtures be measured
Works and materials included: 1 Isolated metal m 1 Dimensioned 1 Built up, details of 1 Method of fixing in position. 1 Forming holes, mortices, etc. in the item and
1 all fabrication and erection
2 all bolts, nuts, washers, fixings and fastenings.
members. description, construction stated. 2 Fixing plates, brackets, etc., dimensioned background for fixing purposes are included.
cross-section 2 Tapered. description stated.
profile stated. 3 Curved, radius stated.
4 Hollow, shape stated. 3 Protective coating applied off
2 General metalwork m/nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Protective coating 1 Method of fixing.
members. description, applied off site. 2 Nature of background.
cross-section 3 Surface pattern or finish.
profile stated.
3 Sheet metal. m /nr
1 Thickness
2 Dimensioned
4 Wire mesh. m /nr2
1 Mesh size and 1 Protective coating 1 Method of fixing. 1 Forming holes, mortices, etc. in the item and
thickness stated. applied off site. 2 Nature of background. background for fixing purposes are included.
2 Dimensioned 3 Surface pattern
description. or finish.
5 Composite items. m/nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Full description of all 1 Method of fixing. 1 Non-metallic integral items forming part of the
description. components including 2 Nature of background. composite item may be included in the
2 Drawing integral non-metallic items. composite item provided they are clearly
reference. described as such.
2 Any non-metallic item applied after the
composite item has been installed on site
should be measured in accordance with the
rules of the relevant section.

6 Filling hollow sections. item 1 Water. 1 Details stated.

2 Concrete.
3 Other material,
type stated.
7 Surface treatments. m2 1 Galvanising. 1 On site. 1 Surface preparation described. 1 All preparation is included.
2 Sprayed coating. 2 Off site. 2 Any finish applied after installation is
3 Painting. measured in accordance with the rules in work
4 Other treatment, section 29.
type stated.

8 Isolated protective nr 1 Approximate 1 Type of protective coated 1 On site.

coatings. size or area stated. stated. 2 Off site.
2 Preparation described.
Work section 27: Glazing
Notes: Item or work to Unit Level one Level two Level three Notes
1 This section covers all types of glass and glass plastics and glazing with putty, beads or gaskets into prepared openings.
2 Glazing supplied as part of a window, door or other component is measured elsewhere with those components. be measured

Works and materials included: 1 Glass, type stated. nr 1 Thickness of 1 Shape if other than 1 Bent, direction stated. 1 Glass includes laminated, toughened, double
1 all raking and curved cutting 2 Sealed glazed units, glass or overall square or rectangular. 2 Method of glazing or securing, details stated. or triple glazing units, lead, acrylic,
2 all polished and bevelled edges unless given in the description type of glass stated. thickness of sealed 2 Airspace(s) width(s) of 3 Edge treatment. polycarbonate, etc. or any other type of material
3 drilling holes. 3 Louvre blades, type of unit. double/triple glazed units. glazed into openings except glass blocks.
glass stated. 2 Pane size. 3 Gas filling of airspaces. 2 Glass blocks are measured in accordance
with the items in work section 14.
3 The size given for irregular panes should be
the smallest rectangular size from which the
pane can be obtained.

4 Extra over for: nr 1 Grinding. 1 Plain work, pane size 1 Detailed description 1 This information may be given by reference to
2 Sandblasting. stated. of work including extent of work over the pane. detailed drawings.
3 Acid etching. 2 Design work, pane size
4 Embossing.
5 Engraving.
5 Lead light glazing, type nr 1 Thickness of 1 Pane sizes where regular 1 Bent, direction stated. 1 The pattern will be described as regular,
of glass stated. glass. shape. 2 Method of glazing or securing, details stated. diamond or irregular.
2 Overall window 2 Spacings of lead cames. 3 Edge treatment. 2 Cames are the H-shaped lead strips that are
or light size. 3 Pattern of lead cames. soldered together to form the lead glazed

6 Saddle bars. m 1 Diameter and 1 Method of fixing 1 Method of attaching to lead light glazing. 1 Saddle bars are metal rods used to
length stated. to window surround. strengthen and provide support to large lead
glazed panes. These bars are usually built into
the window surround.

7 Mirrors. nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Edge description. 1 Nature of background. 1 Edges can be plain, rounded, bevelled, etc.
description. 2 Pattern, method of 2 Method of fixing,
forming described. details stated.
8 Removing existing nr 1 Type of frame or 1 Panes ≤ 1m . 2
1 Method of disposal of debris where not at the
glass and preparing frame surround. 2 Panes 1–2m . 2 discretion of the contractor.
or surround to receive 2 Type of glass to 3 Panes 2–3m . 2 2 Materials to be kept
new glass. be removed. for re-use.
4 Panes 3–4m . 2

5 Panes 4m , size stated.


In this work section: Work section 28: Floor, wall, ceiling and roof finishings
• in-situ, tiled, block, mosaic, sheet, applied liquid or planted finishes.
Item or work to Unit Level one Level two Level three Notes
Notes: be measured
1 The area measured is net in contact with the base.
2 Widths stated are the width of each finished face. 1 Screeds, beds and m/m 2
1 ≤ 600mm wide. 1 Level and to falls only 1 Surface finish. 1 Thicknesses stated are the thickness
3 There should be no deduction for voids ≤ 1m2.
4 No allowance should be made in the net area for laps, dressings or any other labour.
toppings, thickness and 2 > 600mm wide. ≤ 15 from horizontal.
2 Nature of background. exclusive of
number of coats stated. 2 To falls, cross falls and 3 Backings and beddings, adhesives, keys, grooves, etc.
5 All work is internal unless stated as external.
slopes ≤ 15 from 0
thickness stated. 2 Underlays include plasterboard or other rigid
Works and materials included: 2 Finish to floors, type of m/m 2
1 ≤ 600mm wide. horizontal. 4 Underlays, type and thickness stated. sheet lathing.
3 Tiles should be laid with their long edges
1 all rough and fair square, raking and curved cutting and waste finish and overall 2 > 600mm wide. 3 To falls, cross falls and 5 Insulation, type and thickness stated.
2 all ends and angles either formed or proprietary thickness stated. slopes > 15 from horizontal. vertical or parallel to the long axis of the floor or
6 Laid in one operation with its base.

3 extra material for curved work ceiling.

4 forming all rough and fair grooves, throats, mortices, chases, edges, rebates, holes, stops, mitres and similar labours 3 Raised access floors, 1 Height of cavity stated.
4 The height stated is the height at the top end.
5 raking out joints to form a key type of finish and
6 raking out joints to insert skirtings, etc. thickness
7 all work in forming returns, ends, internal and external angles of panels stated.
8 all extra material required for bonding
4 Ramps to raised nr 1 Length, width
9 additional material in laps and dressings
10 all work on attached columns and beams access floors. and height.
11 work in forming voids and holes ≤ 1m2 5 Fire barriers in void m /m
1 Thickness 1 Fire rating. 1 Fire barriers include all support work, scribing
12 formwork or any other form of temporary support below raised floor. stated. 2 Method of fixing in or forming to
13 working finishes up to and around all accessories. 2 Thickness and position. fit, angles, ends and working around structures,
height stated. 3 Obstructed by services. support work and services.

6 Finish to roofs, type m/m 2

1 ≤ 600mm wide. 1 Level and to falls only 1 Roof finishes include grass, sedum, etc. and
of finish and overall 2 > 600mm wide. ≤ 15 from horizontal.
live finishes.
thickness stated. 2 To falls, cross falls and 2 They exclude solar reflective paint, chippings,
slopes ≤15 from horizontal.
0 etc. that will be measured with their associated
3 To falls, cross falls and roof covering.
slopes > 15 from horizontal.
0 3 Width is the width of each face.

7 Finish to walls, type m/m 2

1 ≤ 600mm wide. 1 Curved, radius stated. 1 The height of wall finishes is measured to the
of finish and overall 2 > 600mm wide. finished ceiling height or specified height past
thickness stated. suspended ceilings.
2 Wall finishes are measured behind skirtings
unless the skirting is installed before the wall
3 The width is the width of each face.

8 Finish to isolated
columns, type of finish
and overall thickness
9 Finish to ceilings, type m/m 2
1 ≤ 600mm wide. 1 Over 3.50m above 1 The height of the ceiling is measured from
of finish and overall 2 > 600mm wide. structural floor level. structural floor level to soffit of finished ceiling
thickness stated. or isolated beam.
10 Finish to isolated m/m 2
1 ≤ 600mm wide. 2 The width is the width of each face.
beams, type of finish and 2 > 600mm wide.
overall thickness stated.

11 Finish to treads. m 1 Net width stated. 1 Curved, radius stated. 1 Nature of background. 1 Ends, angles and outlets are included.
2 Insets described.
12 Finish to risers. m 1 Net width stated. 1 Curved, radius stated. 1 Nature of background.
2 Undercut.
13 Finish to strings and m 1 Net width or girth 1 Raking. 1 Nature of background.
aprons. on face stated. 2 Sloping.
3 Curved, radius stated.
1 Ends, angles and outlets are included.

14 Skirtings, net height m 1 Net height 1 Raking. 1 Nature of background.

stated. stated. 2 Sloping. 2 Cove formers.
3 Curved, radius stated.
15 Linings to channels. m 1 Net girth on face 1 Raking. 1 Nature of background. 1 Ends, angles and outlets are included.
stated. 2 Sloping.
3 Curved, radius stated.
16 Kerbs and cappings. m 1 Net girth on face
17 Coves. m 1 Girth and shape 1 Patterned, details stated. 1 Method of fixing. 1 Measure the length in contact with the base.
18 Mouldings. stated. 2 Horizontal. 2 Nature of background. 2 All ends, angles and intersections are
19 Cornices. 2 Dimensioned 3 Raking. included.
20 Architraves. description. 4 Sloping.
23 Special tiles, slabs or nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Special tiles are only measured here if not
blocks description. already measured under items 11–22 of this
m2 2 Manufacturers’ table.
24 Surface dressings, m2 1 Type stated. 1 Horizontal. 1 Nature of finish being treated. 1 Dressings include carborundum grains, stone
sealers or polishes. 2 Rate of coverage 2 Sloping. chippings, etc.
stated. 3 Vertical. 2 Sealers include waterproofers, hardeners,
4 Soffits. dustproofers, polishes, etc.

25 Movement joints. m 1 Dimensioned 1 Method of fixing. 1 Movement joints include expansion joints.
26 Cover strips. description. 2 Nature of background. 2 Function of beads include angle beads, stop
27 Dividing strips. beads, shadow gap beads, casing beads, etc.
28 Beads, function
29 Nosings.

30 Reinforcement, details m/m 2

1 To walls. 1 Depth of suspension. 1 Method of fixing.
stated. 2 To ceilings. 2 Nature of background.
31 Metal mesh lathing, 3 To floors.
details stated. 4 To roofs.
32 Board insulation,
5 To isolated
thickness stated.
33 Quilt insulation,
6 To isolated
thickness stated.
34 Isolation membranes,
thickness stated.

35 Accessories. nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Method of fixing. 1 Nature of background. 1 Accessories include access panels, special
description. panels in raised access floors, vent grilles,
ornaments, etc.
36 Precast plaster m 1 Dimensioned 1 Method of fixing. 1 Nature of background. 1 The dimensioned description should fully
components. description or describe the component including stating the
proprietary end use such as cornice, moulded band,
reference. architrave, etc.

Work section 29: Decoration

In this work section: Item or work to Unit Level one Level two Level three Notes
• painting and clear finishes
• intumescent coatings be measured
• decorative papers or fabrics
• anti-corrosion treatments. 1 Painting general m/m / nr
1 ≤ 300mm girth. 1 Internal. 1 Work to ceilings or beams over 3.5m but not 1 The area or girth measured is that covered.
surfaces. 2 > 300mm girth. 2 External. exceeding 5m above finished floor level and 2 The girth of frames, etc. is calculated from
Notes: 2 Painting glazed 3 Isolated areas ≤ thereafter in 3m stages. one edge to the other over all trims, architraves,
1 The method of application is left to the contractor unless stated otherwise. surfaces 1m irrespective of
2 2 Surfaces to remain unpainted. stops, etc. and assume doors have been
2 The nature of non-smooth base includes a description of base texture and profile such as corrugated, fluted, moulded or irrespective of pane sizes. location or girth. removed before painting.
carved 3 The girth designated as external on door
frames, etc. is the part of the frame that is
3 Painting structural 3 Multi-coloured visible when the door is closed.
Works and materials included: metalwork. on one surface. 4 Examples of radiator types are
1 all cutting to line
2 multi-coloured work on differing surfaces 4 Painting radiators, type 4 Patterned, details stated. flat, panelled, column, tubular, etc.
3 all cutting to papers and fabrics stated. 5 Fire rating.
4 rubbing down between coats 5 Painting gutters. 6 Application on site before
5 work to opening edges and portions of frames covered by opening lights and sashes.
6 Painting pipes. fixing.
7 Painting services, type 7 Application off site before fixing.
8 Painting railings, fences m/m / nr
1 ≤ 300mm girth. 1 Closed. 1 Closed means no gaps whatsoever.
and gates. 2 > 300mm girth. 2 Open.
3 Isolated areas 3 Ornamental.
≤ 1m irrespective

of location or girth.

Decorative papers or fabrics

9 Walls and columns. nr/m 2
1 Areas ≤ 1m . 2
1 Curved surfaces, radii 1 Lining paper. 1 No deduction made for voids ≤ 1m . 2

10 Ceilings and beams. 2 Areas > 1m . 2 stated. 2 Work to ceilings or beams over 3.5m but not
11 Borders. exceeding 5m above finished floor level and 1 Mitres, ends angles, scribing or cutting is
thereafter in 3m stages. included.
12 Motifs. nr 1 Dimensioned
description or
In this work section: Work section 30: Suspended ceilings
• demountable suspended ceilings
• solid suspended ceilings. Item or work to Unit Level one Level two Level three Notes
be measured
1 All work is internal unless described as external. 1 Ceilings. m2 1 Depth of 1 Type and thickness of 1 Patterned, details stated. 1 The area measured is that on the exposed
2 Secondary steel or timber support work is measured elsewhere.
2 Plenum ceilings. suspension lining. 2 Sloping. face.
3 Beams. ≤ 150mm. 2 Method of fixing lining 3 Curved, radius and plane of curve stated. 2 The depth of suspension is measured from
Works and materials included:
1 working over and around obstructions 4 Bulkheads. 2 Depth of to suspension. 4 Suspension obstructed by services. the underside of the main structural soffit or
2 all cutting suspension 3 Integral insulation. secondary support work to back surface of
5 Trims at regular intervals in area of ceiling,
3 forming openings and holes 150–500mm. 4 Integral vapour barrier. lining.
details stated.
4 all additional support work including bridging for fittings 3 Depth thereafter 5 Height of work exceeding 3 The height of work is measured from the
5 all extra work required for work described as patterned. in 500mm stages. finished floor level to the face of the ceiling.
Notes: 3.50m above finished floor
level in 1.50m stages. 4 Where ceilings are suspended from sloping,
1 Integral fittings are those designed to be incorporated into the ceiling structure. curved or irregular structures with an average
5 Isolated strips. m 1 Width ≤ 600mm. depth of suspension should be stated.
2 Width thereafter
in 300mm stages.

6 Upstands. m 1 Height ≤
2 Height thereafter
in 300mm stages.

7 Access panels. nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Composition. 1 Method of locking. 1 Access panels include all additional support
description. 2 Method of fixing. work, framing, edge trim and fixings.
2 Proprietary
8 Edge trims. m 1 Dimensioned 1 Plain. 1 Centres of fixing. 1 Plain trims are those fixed
9 Angle trims. description. 2 Floating. 2 Nature of background. to the structure.
2 Floating trims are those
fixed to the ceiling system.
3 Trims include ends and angles.
10 Fire barriers. m/m 2
1 Dimensioned 1 Fire rating where 1 Method of fixing 1 Fire barriers include all support work, scribing
description. required. in position. or forming to fit, angles, ends and working
2 Thickness 2 Obstructed by services stated. around structures, support work
stated. and services.
11 Collars for services nr 1 Diameter of pipe. 1 Pipes. 1 Length of sleeve each side of barrier stated. 1 Collars are only measured here where they
passing through fire 2 Size of trunking. 2 Trunking. 2 Fire rating. are integral to the fire barrier. If they are not
barriers. integral they should be measured
in accordance with the items in work section 40.

12 Fittings. m/nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Nature of background stated.

13 Shadow gap battens. m 1 Dimensioned 1 Centres of fixing. 1 Ends, angles, etc. are included.
description. 2 Nature of background.

Work section 31: Insulation, fire stopping and fire protection

Item or work to Unit Level one Level two Level three Notes
be measured
In this work section: 1 Boards. m2 1 Thickness 1 Plain areas. 1 Horizontal. 1 The area measured is that covered.
• board, sheet, quilt, sprayed, loose fill or foamed insulation and fire protection installations.
2 Sheets. stated. 2 Laid across joists, rafters, 2 Vertical. 2 No deduction is made for voids ≤ 1m . 2

Works and materials included: 3 Quilts. partition framing or similar 3 Sloping. 3 The area of joists, rafters, partition framing or
1 all cutting 4 Loose. members, centres of 4 Soffit. similar members is deducted when the material
2 working around or over all members and services. members stated. is laid between such members.
3 Laid between joists, 4 Sloping is the upper surface that is not
rafters, partition framing horizontal.
or similar members, centres 5 Soffits are the underside of any
of members stated. horizontal or sloping structure.
m 2 Purpose and 4 Location stated
5 Sprayed. m2 1 Thickness 1 Nature of background.
6 Filling cavities. m2 1 Thickness 1 Mineral fibre. 1 Internal. 1 Drilling holes in the structure to allow injection
stated. 2 Plastic beads. 2 External. of material and subsequent making good is
3 Cellulose fibre. included.

4 Expanding foam.
5 Other type of blown or
injected material.
7 Fire stops, type stated. m 1 Dimensioned 1 Horizontal. 1 Method of fixing.
description. 2 Vertical. 2 Background when mechanically fixed.
2 Fire rating. 3 Raking.
4 Stepped.
5 Curved, radius stated.
8 Fire sleeves, collars, nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Method of fixing.
etc. description. 2 Background when mechanically fixed.
2 Fire rating.

Work section 32: Furniture, fittings and equipment

In this work section: Item or work to Unit Level one Level two Level three Notes
• general fixtures, furnishings and equipment
• kitchen fittings be measured
• catering equipment
• sanitary appliances and fittings 1 Fixtures, fittings or nr 1 Component 1 Ancillary items provided 1 Nature of fixing. 1 Accepting delivery, unloading, transporting
• notices and signs equipment without drawing reference. with the equipment. 2 Nature of background. about site, storing and handling and disposing
• site and street furniture services. 2 Dimensioned 2 Integral controls and of all packing materials are included.
• bird/vermin control 2 Fixtures, fittings or diagram. indicators.
• fall restraint and fall arrest systems. equipment with services. 3 Manufacturers 3 Remote controls and
reference. indicators.
4 Supports, mountings and
Works and materials included:
1 marking positions
2 connecting to services
3 commissioning 3 Ancillary items not nr 1 Type, size and
4 all associated excavations and concrete foundations or bases unless stated as measured elsewhere. provided with the item of method of jointing
equipment. stated.
4 Fixtures, fittings or nr 1 Type and size. 1 Collecting from location
equipment supplied by off site, details stated.
the employer.
5 Signwriting. nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Font. 1 Nature of background.
6 Fall restraint and fall item 1Manufacturer/ 1 Total area(s) of roof/ 1 Each roof or surface area should be
arrest systems. supplier and/ or surface to be accessible separated.
enough information from system.
on the scope of
works required to
2 Training.
3 Commissioning.

Work section 33: Drainage above ground

In this work section: Item or work to Unit Level one Level two Level three Notes
• rainwater installations
• foul drainage installations be measured
1 Pipework. m 1 Nominal 1 Straight, curved, flexible. 1 Method of fixing to 1 Measured over all fittings.
Works and materials included: diameter. 2 Extendable. background.
1 all joints 3 Method of jointing.
2 all brackets and supports.
2 Pipework ancillaries. nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Ancillaries include valves,
description. non-return flaps, reducers, tapers, bends,
hoppers, gullies, tun dishes, rodding eyes,
traps, access doors, angles, offsets, shoes,
sockets, tappings, bosses, etc.
2 This list is not exhaustive.
3 Items extra over the nr 1 Fittings, nominal 1 One end. 1 With inspection door. 1 Cutting and jointing pipes
pipe pipe size ≤ 65mm. 2 Two ends. 2 Method of jointing stated where different from to fittings is included.
in which they occur. 2 Fittings, nominal 3 Three ends. pipe in which the fitting occurs. 2 Fittings that are reducing are measured extra
pipe 4 Other, details stated. over the
size > 65mm. largest pipe in which they occur.

4 Pipe sleeves through nr 1 Type and 1 Type of structure being 1 Method of fixing and packing. 1 All making good including fire
walls, floors and ceilings. nominal diameter passed through described. 2 Handing to others for fixing. stopping is included.
of pipe.
2 Length of sleeve
or thickness of
structure being
passed through.
3 Fire rating.

5 Gutters. m 1 Nominal size. 1 Straight, curved, flexible. 1 Method of fixing 1 Measured over all fittings.
2 Extendable. to background.
3 Method of jointing.

6 Gutter ancillaries. nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Ancillaries include stop ends, angles, outlets,

description. overflows, tapers, reducers, etc.
2 The list is not exhaustive.
7 Items extra over the nr 1 Dimensioned
gutter in which they occur. description.

8 Marking, position of and item 1 Number and

leaving or forming all type of
holes, mortices, chases, installations.
etc. required in the

9 Identification. nr 1 Plates. 1 Details stated. 1 Method of fixing.

2 Discs.
3 Labels.
4 Tapes.
5 Symbols or
6 Bands.
7 Charts or
8 Other, type

10 Testing and item 1 Installation 1 Attendance required. 1 Preparatory operations stated. 1 All fuel and power used is included.
commissioning. stated. 2 Insurances required by 2 Stage tests (nr) listed and purpose stated. 2 Provision of test certificates
employer. is included.
11 Preparing drawings. item 1 Number of 1 Method stated. 1 Working drawings.
12 Operating manuals item copies stated. 2 Information to be shown 2 As fitted drawings.
and instructions. stated.

Work section 34: Drainage below ground

In this work section: Item or work to Unit Level one Level two Level three Notes
• storm water drain systems
• foul drain systems be measured
• pumped drain systems
• land drainage. 1 Drain runs. m 1 Average trench 1 Method of jointing pipes. 1 Vertical. 1 Drain runs are measured from the external
depth 2 Pipe bedding and/or 2 Curved. face of the manhole to the external face of the
in 500mm surround, details stated. 3 Below groundwater level. manhole or accessory.
Works and materials included: increments. 3 Type of backfill if not 2 Average depth is calculated for each run
4 Next to existing roadway or path.
1 earthwork support 2 Type and obtained from the irrespective of maximum depth.
2 compacting bottoms of excavations 5 Next to existing building.
nominal diameter excavations.
3 trimming excavations of pipe.
4 backfilling with excavated materials 3 Multiple pipes
5 compacting backfill stating number and
6 disposal of surplus excavated materials nominal diameter
7 disposal of all water of pipes.
8 lengths of pipes in manhole walls
9 building in ends of pipes
10 bedding and pointing. 6 Specified multiple handling,
details stated.
Notes: 7 Disposal of excavated material where not at the
1 Work outside site boundary should be measured separately. discretion of the contractor, details stated.
2 Work below buildings should be measured separately.
3 All trenches should be measured as cover level to invert level, irrespective of the starting level of the 2 Items extra over drain m2 1 Breaking up hard 1 Reinstating to match 1 The measurement of these extra over items
trench. Any site-specific information affecting this runs irrespective of surface existing, details stated. should be based on the designed width of beds
should be identified as a condition of pricing. depth or pipe size. pavings, thickness 2 Relaying turf previously in the trench. In the absence of a bed the width
stated. set aside. should be
2 Lifting and calculated as the nominal size of the service
preserving turf, plus 300mm subject to a minimum width of
thickness stated. 500mm.
2 Hard material is any material that can only be
m3 3 Breaking out 1 Details stated. removed by special plant or explosives due to
hard its size, position or consistency.
4 Excavating in
and removing
5 Excavating in
running silt,
running sand or
other unstable

6 Excavating
below groundwater
m 7 Next to existing 1 This should be measured where precautions
live services. are specifically required. The method of
protection is left to the
nr 8 Around existing discretion of the contractor.
live services
crossing trench.

2 If in doubt the surveyor should measure an

item giving the nature of the service.
3 Pipe fittings. nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Type stated. 1 Pipe fittings include bends, junctions,
description. 2 Method of jointing to inspection pipes, rodding eyes, etc.
4 Accessories. nr pipes. 1 Accessories include gullies, traps, inspection
shoes, fresh air inlets, non-return flaps, valves,
rodding eyes, etc. and include gratings, covers,
frames, baskets, filters and all other integral
and/ or associated fittings.
2 This list is not exhaustive.

5 Pumps. nr 1 Size and 1 Integral controls. 1 Method of fixing.

capacity stated. 2 Remote controls. 2 Nature of background.
3 Indicators.
4 Supports.
6 Manholes. nr 1 Detailed 1 Base slab thickness. 1 The size stated is the maximum internal size
7 Inspection chambers. description stating 2 Wall thickness. of the chamber.
8 Soakaways. maximum internal 3 Cover slab dimensions. 2 Rocker joints are included.
size of chamber. 3 Other tanks and pits would include catch pits,
9 Cesspits. 4 Intermediate slab
2 Depth from the service chambers, stopcock pits, etc.
10 Septic tanks. top surface of
11 Other tanks and pits, cover to invert level 5 Benching dimensions.
type stated. in 250 mm stages. 6 Main channel diameter
3 Proprietary and
system, details configuration.
stated. 7 Number and diameter of
branch channels.
8 Internal finish.
9 External finish.
10 Step irons.
12 Extra over the m2 1 Breaking up hard 1 Making good around edges of surfaces is
excavation for: surface included.
pavings, thickness
2 Lifting and
preserving turf,
thickness stated.
12 Extra over the 1 Making good around edges of surfaces is
excavation for: included.

m3 3 Breaking out
4 Excavating in
and removing
5 Excavating in
running silt,
running sand or
other unstable
6 Excavating
below ground
water level.

13 Sundries. nr 1 Detailed 1 Intercepting traps. 1 Bedding, jointing and building

dimensioned 2 Backdrops. is included.
description. 3 Any other associated 2 These items may be included with their
item, type stated. associated manhole or chamber if part of a
proprietary system.
14 Covers and frames. nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Manufacturer’s reference. 1 Method of fixing frame. 1 Bedding covers in grease
description. is included.
15 Marker posts. nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Identification plates, 1 Method of fixing, 1 Excavation, disposal of spoil and concrete for
description. details details stated. base is included.
16 Connections. item 1 Details stated.
17 Testing and item 1 Detailed 1 Attendance required. 3 Preparatory operations stated. 1 Provision of all fuel, power, water and other
commissioning. description. 2 Instruments and 4 Stage tests (nr) listed. supplies
2 Type of test and equipment to be provided. is included.
standard to be 2 Provision of test certificates
achieved. is included.

In this work section: Work section 35: Site works

• road and path pavings
• hard landscaping Item or work to Unit Level one Level two Level three Notes
• sports surfacing. be measured
Works and materials included: 1 Kerbs. m 1 Dimensioned 1 Curved, radius stated. 1 Foundation, size and details stated. 1 Excavation and disposal is included.
1 all work is external unless described as internal
2 formwork and all other temporary support 2 Edgings. description.
3 fair joints 3 Channels. 2 Reinforcement, details stated. 2 Ends, angles, outlets and intersections are
4 fair edges included.
5 working over and around obstructions and into recesses and shaped inserts
4 Paving accessories. 3 Method of fixing or support. 3 Edgings include pegs and supports.
6 forming shallow channels
7 cutting 5 Extra over for: nr 1 Special unit. 1 Dimensioned description.
8 disposal of surplus excavated material off site. 2 Accessories.

Notes: 6 In-situ concrete. 1 All measured in

1 The areas measured are those in contact with the base. 7 Formwork. accordance with
2 No deductions made in superficial items for voids ≤ 1m2. rules of work
3 All thicknesses stated are nominal or finished after laying and compacting. section 11.
8 Reinforcement.
9 Joints.
10 Worked finishes.
11 Accessories cast in.

12 Coated macadam and m /m 2

1 Over 300mm 1 Roads. 1 Level and to falls only.
asphalt. wide, thickness 2 Pavings. 2 To falls and crossfalls and slopes ≤ 15 from

stated. horizontal.
2 Not exceeding 3 To slopes > 15 from horizontal.

300mm wide,
thickness and
width stated.

4 Method of application.
5 Surface treatment or finish.
6 Special curing
of finished work.
1 Thickness and 3 Linings to channels. 7 Horizontal. 1 Arrises, coves, ends, angles and outlets are
girth on face 8 To falls. included.
13 Gravel, hoggin and m /m 2
1 Over 300mm 1 Roads. 1 Level and to falls only. 1 The area measured is that in contact with the
woodchip. wide, thickness 2 Pavings. 2 To falls and crossfalls and slopes ≤ 15 from
0 base.
stated. horizontal.
2 Not exceeding 3 To slopes > 15 from horizontal.

300mm wide,
thickness and
width stated.

4 Method of application.
5 Surface treatment or finish.
6 Special curing of finished
14 Interlocking brick and m /m 2
1 Over 300mm 1 Roads. 1 Bedding, thickness stated. 1 Setting pavings into recessed manhole
blocks, slabs, bricks, wide. 2 Pavings. 2 Level and to falls only. covers is included.
blocks, setts and cobbles. 2 Not exceeding 3 Treads. 3 To falls, crossfalls and slopes 2 All cutting and fitting is
300mm wide, 4 Risers. ≤ 15 from horizontal.
thickness and
4 To slopes > 15 3 Excavation and disposal is included.
width stated. 5 Margins or bands. 0

from horizontal.
6 Channels. 5 Laid in bays, average size of bays stated. 4 Ends, angles, outlets and intersections are
6 Joint pattern stated.
7 Curved, radius stated.
8 Foundation and haunching.
m 3 Thickness and 7 Linings to channels. 9 Horizontal. 5 Arrises, coves, ends, angles and outlets are
girth on face 10 To falls. included.

Work section 36: Fencing

Notes: Item or work to Unit Level one Level two Level three Notes
1 Unless stated as included, all associated excavations, disposals and fillings are measured in accordance with work section 5.
be measured
Works and materials included:
1 all excavations, backfilling and disposal off site of surplus materials 1 Fencing, type stated. m 1 Height of fence. 1 Spacing, height and 1 Set to curve but straight between posts. 1 Fencing is measured over all supports.
2 earthwork support depth of supports.
3 disposal of ground and surface water 2 Curved, radius stated. 2 The height of fencing is measured from the
4 in-situ concrete for post bases, etc. 3 Ground sloping > 15 0 finished surface of the ground to the top of the
5 temporary supports from horizontal. infilling or, where there
6 formwork. is no infilling, to the top wire or
4 Lengths ≤ 3m.
rail unless otherwise stated.
3 Supports are posts, struts, etc. occurring at
regular intervals.
4 Curved fencing is fencing curved between
5 The depth of supports and special supports is
the depth below the ground surface or other
stated base.
6 The height of supports and special supports
is the height above the ground surface or other
stated base.
2 Extra over for special nr 1 Size, height and 1 End post. 1 Method of fixing. 1 Integral and independent gate posts include
supports. depth stated. 2 Angle or corner post. 2 Background stated. slamming stops and hanging pins or fillets.
3 Independent gate nr 3 Integral gate post. 3 Details of backstays or struts stated.
posts. 4 Straining post.
5 Other, type stated.
4 Items extra over m3 1 Excavating 1 If the post-contract groundwater level differs
fencing, supports and below groundwater from the pre-contract groundwater level, the
special supports and level. measurements are adjusted accordingly.
independent gate posts 2 Excavating in
irrespective of type. hazardous
material, details

m /m 3 2
3 Breaking out 1 Rock. 1 Rock is any hard material that can only be
existing. 2 Concrete. removed with wedges, rock hammers, special
4 Breaking up 3 Reinforced concrete. plant or explosives due to its size or location.
existing hard 2 A boulder ≤ 5m in volume or one that can be
4 Brickwork, blockwork or

pavings, thickness lifted out in the bucket of an excavator will not

stated. constitute rock.
5 Tarmacadam or asphalt.

3 Degraded or friable rock that can be scraped

out by the excavator bucket does not constitute
4 Making good existing hard pavings is
5 Gates. nr 1 Height and width 1 Type stated. 1 Power supply. 1 Gates include stops, catches, independent
stated. stays, sounders, warning lights and all
associated work.
6 Ironmongery. nr 1 Type of item, 1 Type and quality of 1 Method of fixing. 1 Ironmongery includes fixing with screws or
unit or set stated. materials and fixings. 2 Nature of base. bolts to match and preparing the base to
2 Surface finish. receive it.
3 Constituent parts of the
units or sets.
Work section 37: Soft landscaping
Notes: Item or work to Unit Level one Level two Level three Notes
1 Unless stated as included, all associated excavations, disposals and fillings are measured in
accordance with work section 5. be measured
2 Supply of, placing and working with topsoil (imported or site won) is measured in accordance with work section 5.
1 Cultivating. m2 1 Depth stated. 1 Method and degree of
Works and materials included: tilth.
1 all work is external unless described as internal 2 Surface applications. m2 1 Type and rate 1 Herbicides. 1 Before sowing or planting. 1 Working in is included.
2 all excavations and backfilling stated. 2 Weedkillers. 2 After planting.
3 all necessary multiple handling of excavated material 2 Method of
4 disposal of surplus excavated material off site 3 Peat. 3 Around individual plants.
application stated.
5 removal of stones and rubbish
6 watering
7 labelling. 4 Manure. 4 To general areas.
1 The areas measured are those in contact with the base. 5 Compost. 5 To beds.
2 No deductions are made in superficial items for voids ≤ 1m2. 6 Mulch. 6 To planters.
3 All thicknesses stated are nominal or finished after laying and compacting. 7 Fertiliser. 7 To pots
8 Sand.
9 Soil ameliorates.
10 Other, details stated.
3 Seeding. m2 1 Rate stated. 1 Grass seed. 1 Raking in, harrowing and rolling is included.
2 Cultivated plant seed.
3 Wildflower seed.
4 Other, type stated.
4 Turfing. m2 1 Type and 1 Cutting includes trimming edges.
thickness stated.
m 2 Type, width and
thickness stated.

5 Trees. nr 1 Botanical name. 1 British Standard (BS)size 1 Planting in cultivated 1 Supports and ties are included.
designation and root or grassed areas prepared by others should be 2 BS size includes standard,
system stated. stated including all necessary reinstatement. advanced nursery stock
2 Girth, height and clear 2 Planting indoors should be stated. or semi-mature types.
stem and root system 3 Details of initial cut back should be stated. 3 Young nursery stock includes seedlings,
stated. 4 Details of watering should be stated. transplants and whips.
6 Young nursery stock nr 3 Height and root system 5 Backfill type should be stated if not the material
trees. stated. arising from excavations.
7 Shrubs. nr
8 Hedge plants. nr 4 Height stated.
m 5 Height, spacing, number
of rows
and layout stated.
9 Plants. nr 6 Size stated.
m2 7 Size and number per m 2

10 Bulbs, corms and nr 8 Size stated
tubers. m2 9 Size and weight per m 2

11 Plant containers. nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Linings, type stated. 1 Method of fixing.
12 Protection. m 1 Temporary 1 Ultimate ownership, 1 Permanent fencing is measured in
fencing, type and details stated. accordance with the rules
duration stated. of work section 36.
nr 2 Tree guards, 2 Type stated. 1 Method of fixing stated.
nr 3 Wrappings, 3 Chemical application 2 Method of fixing stated.
height of wrapping stated.
and girth of tree

nr 4 Anti-desiccant 4 Type stated. 3 Rate of spray stated.

sprays, height and
girth of tree or
spread of plant
item 5 General, details 5 Duration.
13 Maintenance. item 1 Details stated
Work section 38: Mechanical services
Notes: Item or work to Unit Level one Level two Level three Notes
1 Where the information is available, measurement of pipework and/or ductwork should be fully
detailed with the measurement of fittings identified and measured separately, in accordance with be measured
item 4 in the table below. However, where the information is not available, pipework/ductwork
and associated insulation and fire protection should be measured inclusive of fittings. 1 Primary equipment. nr 1 System. 1 Location of installation – 1 Type, size, capacity, 1 Primary equipment is defined as plant or
Works and materials included: roofs, high or low level in load, rating, special finishes, casings, in-fills, equipment from which a system originates, e.g.
1 all waste plantrooms, risers associated integrated or remote ancillaries, boiler, main storage tank, air handling unit, fan,
2 extra material for labour-made fittings or service ducts, high controls, indicators or components, anti- vibration etc.
3 all couplings, brackets, supports, fixings and cast-in channels or low level on floors. mountings, acoustic performance/treatment and 2 This should be cross-referenced to drawings
4 all labelling, tagging, identification and charts method of fixing. and/or a full specification.
5 marking of all holes, chases and mortices
6 earth connectors, straps and links.
Notes: 3 High and low level should be in accordance
1 All work is internal unless stated as external. with national health and safety
recommendations and national working rule
nr 2 Off-load and
primary equipment.

nr 3 Assembly of
composite items of
primary equipment.

2 Terminal equipment nr 1 System. 1 Location of installation – 1 Type, size, capacity, load, rating, special 1 Terminal equipment and fittings are defined
and fittings. roofs, high or low level in finishes, casings, in-fills, associated integrated or as any item to which a system is distributed to,
plantrooms, risers or remote ancillaries, controls, e.g. heat emitters, grilles, fan coil units, etc.
service ducts, high or low indicators or components, anti- vibration
level on floors. mountings, acoustic performance/treatment and
method of fixing.
3 Pipework. m 1 Material, finish, 1 Location of installation – 1 Generally, all pipework should be measured
nominal diameter, roofs, high or low level in inclusive of all fittings, i.e. unions, connectors,
method of jointing, plantrooms, risers or flanges, bends, tees, junctions, reducers, test
fixings and service ducts, high or low points, bosses, sockets, tappings, etc.
background level on floors, in trenches. 2 Unless measured separately,
for fixing. all fittings are included.

4 Alternative – pipe nr 1 Type, material, 1 Unions, connectors, flanges, bends, tees,

fittings. finish, nominal sets, junctions, reducers, test points, bosses,
diameter, method sockets, tappings, etc.
of jointing.

5 Pipe ancillaries. nr 1 Type, material, 1 Valves, strainers, expansion bellows,

finish, nominal anchors, guides and rollers, gullies, outlets,
diameter, method rainwater heads, tundishes, traps, pipe sleeves,
of jointing. wall, floor and ceiling plates, etc.

6 Ventilation ducts. 1 Material, finish, 1 Location of installation – 1 Generally, all ductwork should be measured
section shape, roofs, high or low level in inclusive of all fittings, i.e. connectors, flanges,
dimensions, plantrooms, risers or bends, tees, junctions, reducers, spigots, test
method of jointing, service ducts, high or low holes, etc.
fixings and level on floors.
background for
2 Unless
separately, all
fittings are to be

7 Alternative – duct nr 1 Type, material, 1 Joints, flanges, bends, tees, sets, junctions,
fittings. finish, shape, reducers, spigots, test holes, etc.
method of jointing.

8 Duct ancillaries. nr 1 Type, material, 1 Dampers, in-duct

finish, shape, heater/cooling coils.
method of jointing.

9 Insulation and fire nr 1 Type, material, 1 Location of installation – 1 To equipment and fittings.
protection. finish. roofs, high or low level in
plantrooms, risers
or service ducts, high or
low level on floors, in
m 2 Thickness, 1 To pipework. 1 Generally, all insulation to pipework should be
material, finish, measured inclusive of all fittings, i.e. unions,
nominal diameter connectors, flanges, bends,
of pipe. tees, sets, junctions, reducers, test points,
bosses, sockets, tappings, etc.
3 Unless
all fittings are
10 Alternative – nr 1 Type, material, 1 Unions, connectors, flanges, bends, tees,
insulation and fire finish, nominal sets, junctions, reducers, test points, bosses,
protection to pipe fittings. diameter, method sockets, tappings, etc.
of jointing.

11 Insulation and fire nr 1 Type, material, 1 Valves, strainers, expansion bellows, gullies,
protection to pipe finish, nominal outlets, tundishes, traps, pipe sleeves, etc.
ancillaries. diameter, method
of jointing.
12 Insulation and fire m2 1 Thickness, 1 Location of installation – 1 Generally, all insulation to ductwork should be
protection to ventilation material, finish, roofs, high or low level in measured inclusive of all fittings, i.e.
ducts. duct dimensions. plantrooms, risers or connectors, flanges, bends, tees, sets,
service ducts, high or low junctions, reducers, spigots, test holes, etc. on
level on floors, the external girth of the duct to be insulated.
in trenches.

2 Unless
insulation and fire
protection to all
fittings is included.

13 Alternative – 1 Type, material, 1 Joints, flanges, bends, tees, sets, junctions,

insulation and fire finish, nominal reducers, spigots, test holes, etc.
protection to duct fittings. diameter, method
of jointing.

14 Insulation and fire m2 1 Thickness, 1 Insulation to equipment is measured

protection to equipment. material, finish, separately where not given in the description of
nominal area, the items to which it relates.
15 Fire stopping. nr 1 Material,
location, size of
opening to be
stopped, size of
service stopping to
be installed
around, depth and
fire rating.

16 Identification. item 1 Plates.

2 Discs.
3 Labels.
4 Tapes.
5 Symbols or
6 Bands.
7 Charts or
8 Other, type

17 Testing. item 1 This includes chemical treatment, purging,

sterilisation, pressure testing.
18 Commissioning. item 1 This includes all final balancing,
calibration and setting to work.
19 System validation. item
20 Operation and item
maintenance manuals.
21 Drawing preparation. item 1 Classification of 1 Installation, coordination, as installed, and
drawings. record drawings.
22 Training. item
23 Loose ancillaries. item 1 Keys, tools,
spares, chemicals,
24 Post-completion item 1 Maintenance, 1 See glossary of terms for
services. adjustments, definition of completion.
servicing, etc.
Work section 39: Electrical services
Works and materials included: Item or work to Unit Level one Level two Level three Notes
1 all work is internal unless stated as external
2 all waste be measured
3 extra material for labour-made fittings
4 al brackets, supports, fixings and cast-in channels 1 Primary equipment. nr 1 System. 1 Location of installation – 1 Type, size, capacity, load, rating, associated 1 Primary equipment is defined as plant or
5 all labelling, tagging, identification and charts roofs, integrated or remote ancillaries, controls, equipment from which a system originates,
6 marking of all holes, chases and mortices high or low level indicators or components and method of fixing. e.g. main switchboard, main control box, etc.
7 earth connectors, straps and links. in plantrooms, risers or 2 High and low level should be in accordance
Notes: service ducts, high or low with national health and safety
1 Where the information is available, measurement of cable containment and busbars should be fully detailed with the level on floors. recommendations and national working rule
measurement of fittings identified and measured separately, agreements.
in accordance with item 4 in the table below.
However, where the information is not available, cable containment and busbars should be measured inclusive of fittings.
nr 2 Off-load and
primary equipment.

3 Assembly of
composite items of
primary equipment.

2 Terminal nr 1 System. 1 Type, size, capacity, 1 Location of installation – 1 Terminal equipment and
equipment and rating, special finishes, roofs, high or low level fittings are defined as any item
fittings. casings, in-fills, associated in plantrooms, risers or service to which a system is distributed

integrated or remote ducts, high or to, e.g. luminaires, switches,

ancillaries, controls, low level on floors. actuators, etc.
indicators or components
and method of fixing.
3 Cable containment. m 1 Type, material, 1 Location of installation – 1 Generally all cable containment to be
finish, section roofs, high or low level in measured inclusive
shape, dimensions, plantrooms, risers of all fittings, i.e. joint boxes, connectors,
number of or service ducts, high or flanges, bends, tees, junctions, reducers,
compartments, low level on floors, in spigots, fire barriers, etc.
method of jointing, trenches.
fixings and
background for

2 Unless
separately, all
fittings are deemed
to be included.

4 Alternative – cable nr 1 Type, material, 1 Joint boxes, connectors, flanges, bends, tees,
containment fittings. finish, shape, sets, junctions, reducers, spigots, fire barriers,
dimensions, etc.
method of jointing.

5 Cables. m 1 Type, rating, 1 Location of installation –

size, number of roofs, high or low level in
cores, material, plantrooms, risers
armouring, or service ducts, high or
sheathing, method low level on floors, in
of jointing, trenches.
fixings and
background for

6 Cable terminations and nr 1 Type, rating, 1 This includes all pots, seals, glands, lugs,
joints. size, number of connector blocks and shrouds.
cores, material,

7 Final circuits. nr 1 Cable type, 1 Location of installation – 1 This includes all containment not measured
rating, size, roofs, high or low level in separately, junction boxes, terminations, pots,
material, plantrooms, risers seals, glands, lugs, connector blocks and
sheathing, number or service ducts, high shrouds.
and type of points. or low level on floors. 2 This includes fixing containment or cables in
chases, surface or suspended from soffits.

8 Modular wiring nr 1 Cable type, 1 This includes all containment not measured
systems. rating, size, separately, junction boxes, terminations, pots,
material, seals, glands, lugs, connector blocks and
sheathing, number shrouds.
and type of points. 2 This includes fixing containment or cables in
chases, surface or suspended from soffits.

9 Busbar. m 1 Type, rating, 1 Location of installation – 1 Generally all busbar should be

material, number of roofs, measured inclusive of all fittings,
bars, method of high or low level i.e. connectors, flanges, bends, tees, sets,
jointing, fixings and in plantrooms, risers or junctions, feeder units, tap-off boxes fire
background for service ducts, high or low barriers, etc.
fixing. level on floors, in trenches.

1 Unless
all fittings are
10 Alternative – nr 1 Type, material, 1 Connectors, flanges, bends, tees, sets,
busbar fittings. finish, shape, junctions, feeder units, tap-off boxes fire
dimensions, barriers, etc.
method of jointing. 2 Joints, flanges, bends, tees, sets, junctions,
reducers, spigots, test holes, etc.
11 Tapes. m 1 Type, rating, 1 Location of installation – 1 This includes all connections, joints, test
size, material, roofs, high or low level in clamps.
sheathing, method plantrooms, risers
of jointing, fixings or service ducts, high or
and background low level on floors, in
for fixing. trenches.

12 Electrodes, earth nr 1 Type, rating,

rods, air terminations, size, material,
termination bars. method of jointing,
fixings and
background for
13 Fire stopping and nr 1 Material,
other associated fire location, size of
protection work. opening to be
stopped, size of
service stopping to
be installed
around, depth and
fire rating.

14 Identification. item 1 Plates.

2 Discs.
3 Labels.
4 Tapes.
5 Symbols or
6 Bands.
7 Charts or
8 Other, type

15 Testing. item
16 Commissioning. item
17 System validation. item
18 Operation and item
maintenance manuals.
19 Drawing preparation. item 1 Classification of 1 Installation, coordination, as installed and
drawings. record drawings.
20 Training. item
21 Loose ancillaries. item 1 Keys, tools,
spares, chemicals.

22 Post-practical item 1 Maintenance,

completion services. adjustments and

Work section 40: Transportation systems

Works and materials included: Item or work to Unit Level one Level two Level three Notes
1 all waste
2 extra material for labour-made fittings be measured
3 all brackets, supports, fixings and cast-in channels
4 all labelling, tagging, identification and charts 1 System. nr 1 Type, size, 1 This should be cross-referenced to drawings
5 marking of all holes, chases and mortices. capacity, load, and/or a full specification detailing finishes.
Notes: rating, length,
1 All work is internal unless stated as external. number
of stops, storey
height, associated
integrated or
remote ancillaries,
controls, indicators
or components.

nr 2 Off-load and
primary equipment.

nr 3 Assembly of
composite items of
primary equipment.

item 4 Free issue fixing 1 Type of free issue

steelwork and materials.
other components
for installation by

item 5 Interface with 1 Type of system. 1 Nature of interface. 1 Systems supplied and installed by others will
and connection to include telephones, intercoms, fire alarm, etc.
systems supplied
and installed by

2 Fire stopping and other nr 1 Material,

associated location, size of
fire-protection work. opening to be
stopped, size of
service stopping to
be installed
around, depth and
fire rating.

3 Identification. item 1 Plates.

2 Discs.
3 Labels.
4 Tapes.
5 Symbols or
6 Bands.
7 Charts or
8 Other, type

4 Testing and item

5 System validation. item
6 Operation and item
maintenance manuals.
7 Drawing preparation. item 1 Classification of 1 Installation, coordination, as installed and
drawings. record drawings.
8 Training. item
9 Loose ancillaries. item 1 Keys, tools,
spares, chemicals.

10 Post-practical item 1 Maintenance,

completion services. adjustments and
Work section 41: Builder’s work in connection with mechanical, electrical and transportation installations
Notes: Item or work to Unit Level one Level two Level three Notes
1 Builder’s work refers to the general work needed to accommodate the installation of
the mechanical and electrical systems, and transportation installations after completion of the building structure as defined in be measured
items 1 and Work for services installations in new buildings
2 of this work section. Any other work required by these installations should be measured in accordance with the relevant work
section rules. 1 General builder’s work item 1 Type of 1 An item should be given for each services
in connection with (the installation stated. installation.
relevant type of 2 Examples of installations are cold water
installation as set out in services, hot water services, lighting
the Notes column): installations, power installations, lift installations.
In the case
2 Marking position of item
of large projects, it may be necessary to
holes, mortices and subdivide each installation into locations.
chases in the structure.
3 This item means every type of general
3 Pipe and duct sleeves. nr 1 Size and type 1 Fire rating stated. 1 Nature and thickness of structure stated. 1 Making good around the sleeve is included.
stated. 2 Method of fixing stated.
3 Sleeves supplied by others stated.
4 Bases, plinths, etc. nr 1 Size stated. 1 Method of forming or 1 Anti-vibration pads.
construction stated. 2 Acoustic pads.
5 Duct covers and m/nr 1 Width and type 1 Limitations to lengths of 1 Method of fixing stated.
frames. stated. covers stated. 2 Nature of background stated.
2 Size and type 2 Finish stated.
6 Supports for services m/nr 1 Size and type 1 Pylons.
not provided by services stated. 2 Poles.
contractor. 2 Size, length and 3 Wall brackets.
type stated. 4 Soffit hangers.
5 Stays.
6 Proprietary supports.
7 Manufacturers reference

7 Catenary cables. m 1 Size and type 1 Eye bolts, details stated. 1 The length is net with no allowance made for
stated. 2 Shackles, details stated. sag.
3 Straining screws, details

Work for services installations in existing buildings

8 Cutting holes through nr 1 Size stated. 1 Nature and thickness of 1 Making good to match existing or preparing
existing structures. structure stated. for new work is included.
9 Cutting mortices and nr 1 Size stated. 1 Nature of
sinkings in existing structure stated.
10 Cutting chases m 1 Size and number
through existing of services stated.
11 Lifting and replacing m 1 Size and number 1 No distinction is made between routes
floorboards. of services stated. parallel or at an angle
to the floorboards.
12 Lifting and replacing m 1 Width and type 2 Cutting boards and notching or holing joists is
duct covers or chequer stated. included.
Work for external services installations
13 Underground service m 1 Average trench 1 Method of jointing pipe 1 Vertical. 1 Pipe duct runs should run straight unless
runs. depth ducts. 2 Curved. stated otherwise.
in 500mm 2 Pipe duct bedding and/or 3 Below groundwater level. 2 Pipe duct runs are measured from the
increments. surround, details stated. external face of the manhole to the external
4 Next to existing roadway or path.
2 Type and 3 Type of backfill if not face of the manhole or accessory.
5 Next to existing building.
nominal diameter obtained from the 3 The average depth is calculated for each run
of pipe duct. excavations. 6 Specified multiple handling, irrespective of maximum depth.
3 Multiple pipe details stated.
ducts stating 7 Disposal of excavated material where not at the
number and discretion of the contractor, details stated.
nominal diameter
of pipe ducts.
4 Pipe duct(s)
supplied by others,
type and nominal
5 Type and size of
cover tile(s)
or identification

14 Items extra over m2 1 Breaking up hard 1 Reinstating to match 1 The measurement of these extra over items
service runs irrespective surface existing, details stated. should be based on the designed width of beds
of depth or pipe size. pavings, thickness 2 Relaying turf previously in the trench. In the absence of a bed, the width
stated. set aside. should be
2 Lifting and calculated as the nominal size of the service
preserving turf, plus 300mm, subject to a minimum width of
thickness stated. 500mm.

m3 3 Breaking out 3 Details stated. 1 Hard material is any material that can only be
hard materials. removed by special plant or explosives due to
4 Excavating in its size, position or consistency.
and removing
5 Excavating in
running silt,
running sand or
other unstable
6 Excavating
below groundwater
m 7 Next to existing 1 This should be measured where precautions
live services. are required.
2 The method of protection is left to the
nr 8 Around existing discretion of the contractor.
live services
crossing trench.

15 Pipe duct fittings. nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Type stated. 1 Method of jointing to pipe ducts. 1 Pipe duct fittings include bends, junctions,
description. inspection pipes, stop ends, etc. and
connections to pipes.
16 Accessories. nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Accessories include all integral and or
description. associated fittings and connections to pipes.
17 Manholes. nr 1 Detailed 1 Base slab thickness. 1 Size stated is the maximum internal size of
18 Access chambers. description stating 2 Wall thickness. the chamber.
19 Valve chambers. maximum internal 3 Cover slab dimensions. 2 Rocker joints are included.
size of chamber.
20 Inspection chambers. 4 Intermediate slab
2 Depth from top
21 Surface boxes. surface of cover to
22 Stopcock pits. top surface of base 5 Internal finish.
or invert level in 6 External finish.
250mm stages. 7 Cover and frame, type
3 Proprietary stated.
chambers boxes,
etc., details stated.

23 Extra over the m2 1 Breaking up hard 1 Making good around edges of surfaces is
excavation for: surface included.
pavings, thickness
2 Lifting and
preserving turf,
thickness stated.

m3 3 Breaking out
hard materials.
4 Excavating in
and removing
5 Excavating in
running silt,
running sand or
other unstable
6 Excavating
below groundwater

24 Marker posts. nr 1 Dimensioned 1 Identification plates, 1 Method of fixing, 1 Excavation, disposal of spoil and concrete for
25 Marker plates. description. details details stated. base is included.
2 Lettering required.
26 Connections. item 1 Details stated.
27 Testing and item 1 Detailed 1 Attendance required. 1 Provision of water and other supplies is
commissioning. description. 2 Instruments and included.
2 Type of test and equipment to be provided. 2 Provision of test certificates
standard to be is included.
Published -June 1979, Published by RICS
Total 17 Sections, GP,A to H, J to R. (I & O MISSING )
Section B - SITE WORK
Section D- MASONRY
Section J - FINISHES
A1 Conditions of contract
A1.1 A schedule of the clause headings shall be set out in the bills of quantities.
A1.2 Where there is an appendix to the conditions of contract requiring insertions to
be made, a schedule of the insertions shall be set out in the bills of quantities.

A2 Specification
A2.1 Where the specification contains clauses related to any of the following
General Requirements, the bills of
quantities shall make reference to the appropriate clauses.

A3 Restrictions
1. Access to and possession or use of the site
2. Limitations of working space
3. Limitations of working hours
4. The maintenance of existing services on, under or over the site
5. The execution or completion of the work in any specific order, sections or phases
6. Items of a like nature.
A4 Contractor's administrative arrangements
1. Site administration
2. Supervision
3. Security
4. Safety, health and welfare of workpeople
5. Transport of workpeople.

A5 Constructional plant
1. Small plant and tools
2. Scaffolding
3. Cranes and lifting plant
4. Site transport
5. Plant required for specific trades.

A6 Employer's facilities
1. Temporary accommodation (for example, offices, laboratories, living
accommodation), including heating, cooling, lighting, furnishing, attendance or
related facilities
2. Telephones, including costs of calls; alternatively, the cost of calls may be given as
a sum
3. Vehicles
4. Attendance of staff (for example, drivers, laboratory assistants)
5. Equipment (for example, surveyor laboratory equipment)
6. Special requirements for programmes or progress charts
7. Any other facilities (for example, progress photographs, signboards).
A7 Contractor's facilities
1. Accommodation and buildings, including offices, laboratories, compounds, stores,
messrooms and living
2. Temporary fencing, including hoardings, screens, roofs and guardrails
3. Temporary roads, including hardstandings and crossings
4. Water for the works; particulars shall be given if water will be supplied to the
5. Lighting and power for the works; particulars shall be given if current will be
supplied to the contractor
6. Temporary telephones.

A8 Temporary works
1. Traffic diversion
2. Access roads
3. Bridges
4. Cofferdams
5. Pumping
6. De-watering
7. Compressed air for tunnelling.

A9 Sundry items
1. Testing of materials
2. Testing of the works
3. Protecting the works from inclement weather
4. Removing rubbish, protective casings and coverings and cleaning the works at
5. Traffic regulations
6. Maintenance of public and private roads '
7. Drying the works
8. Control of noise and pollution
9. All statutory obligations
SMM 07
Published -June 1998, Published by RICS
Total 23 Content, A to H, J to Y. (I & O MISSING)
A Preliminaries/General conditions
B Complete buildings/structures/units
C Existing site/buildings/services
D Groundwork
E In situ concrete/large precast concrete
F Masonry
G Structural carcassing metal/timber
H Cladding/covering
J Waterproofing
K Linings/Sheathing/Dry partitioning
L Windows/doors/stairs
M Surface finishes
N Furniture/fittings
P Building fabric sundries
Q Paving/Planting/Fencing/Site furniture
R Disposal systems
S Piped supply systems
T Mechanical heating/cooling/refrigeration systems
U Ventilation/Air conditioning systems
V Electrical supply/power/lighting systems
W Communications/Security/Controls systems
X Transport systems
Y Mechanical and Electrical services measurement
A Preliminaries/General conditions
A10 Project particulars
1 Name, nature and location (Item)
2 Names and addresses of Employer and Consultants (Item)

A11 Tender and contract documents

1 List of drawings/other documents (Item)

A12 The site/Existing buildings

1 Site boundaries (Item)
2 Existing buildings on or adjacent to the site (Item)
3 Existing mains/services (Item)
4 Others, details stated (Item)

A13 Description of the Works

1 Elements of each new building (Item)
2 Dimensions and shape relating to each building (Item)
3 Details of related work by others (Item)
20 The Contract/Sub-contract (Item)
1 Form of Contract
1 Schedule of clause headings of standard
2 Special conditions or amendments to standard
3 Appendix insertions
4 Employer's insurance responsibility
5 Performance guarantee bond/collateral warranties

A30 Employer's requirements: Tendering/Sub-letting/Supply

(FC & TRC ) ,(Item)
1 Employer's requirements or limitations
1 Details stated 1 Fixed charge
2 Time related charge

A31 Employer's requirements: Provision, content and use of documents (FC & TRC ) , (Item)
1 Employer's requirements or limitations

32 Employer's requirements: Management of the Works (FC & TRC ) , (Item)

1 Employer's requirements or imitations
A33 Employer's requirements: Quality standards/control (FC & TRC ) , (Item)
1 Employer's requirements or imitations

A34 Employer's requirements: (FC & TRC ) , (Item) Security/Safety/Protection

1 Noise and pollution control
2 Maintain adjoining buildings
3 Maintain public and private roads
4 Maintain live services
5 Security
6 Protection of work in all sections
7 Others

A35 Employer's requirements: Specific limitations on method/sequence/timing/use of site (FC & TRC ) , (Item)
1 Design constraints
2 Method and sequence of work
3 Access
4 Use of the site
5 Use or disposal of materials found
6 Start of work
7 Working hours
8 Others

A36 Employer's requirements: Facilities/femporary works/Services (FC & TRC ) , (Item)

1 Offices
2 Sanitary accommodation
3 Temporary fences, hoardings, screens and roofs
4 Name boards
5 Technical and surveying equipment
6 Temperature and humidity
7 Telephone/Facsimile installation and rental/maintenance
8 Others
9 Telephone/Facsimile call charges, (Prov. Sum)

A37 Employer's requirements: Operation/ Maintenance of the finished building (FC & TRC ) , (Item)
Employer's requirements or limitations.

40 Contractor's general cost items: Management and staff (FC & TRC ) , (Item)
Management and staff includes management, trades supervision, engineering, programming
and production, quantity surveying support staff and the like.
A41 Contractor's general cost items: Site accommodation (FC & TRC ) , (Item)
Include Site accommodation includes offices, laboratories, cabins, stores, compounds,
canteens, sanitary facilities and the like

A42 Contractor's general cost items: Services and facilities Services and facilities (FC & TRC ) , (Item)
1 Power
2 Lighting
3 Fuels
4 Water
5 Telephone and administration
6 Safety, health and welfare
7 Storage of materials
8 Rubbish disposal
9 Cleaning
10 Orying out
11 Protection of work in all sections
12 Security
13 Maintain public and private roads
14 Small plant and tools
15 Others
16 General attendance on nominated sub-contractors
17 General attendance of Nominated sub-contractors in respect of the requirements of the Joint Fire Code

The items listed are not exhaustive and are for the convenience of pricing only
A43 Contractor's general cost items: Mechanical plant (FC & TRC ) , (Item)
1 Cranes
2 Hoists
3 Personnel transport
4 Transport
5 Earthmoving plant
6 Concrete plant
7 Piling plant
8 Paving and surfacing plant
9 Others

The items listed are not exhaustive and are for the convenience of pricing only

A44 Contractor's general cost items: Temporary works (FC & TRC ) , (Item)
1 Temporary roads
2 Temporary walkways
3 Access scatfolding
4 Support scaffolding and propping
5 Hoardings, fans, fencing etc.
6 Hardstanding
7 Traffic regulations
8 Others

The items listed are not exhaustive and are for the convenience of pricing only

A50 Work/Products by/on behalf of the Employer (Item)

1 Work by others directly employed by the Employer, details stated
2 Attendance on others directly employed by the Employer, details stated
3 Materials provided by or on behalf of the Employer, details stated
A51 Nominated sub-contractors
1 Sub-contractor's : P.C Sum
2 Main contractor's profit %
3 Main contractor's overheads %
4 Special attendance, (FC & TRC ) , (Item)
1 Scaffolding
2 Access roads
3 Hardstandings
4 Positioning
5 Storage
6 Power
7 Temperature and humidity
8 Others

D8 Scaffolding under this rule is special scaffolding, scaffolding additional to the

Contractor's standing scaffolding, or standing scaffolding required to be altered or retained
D9 Positioning includes unloading, distributing,
hoisting and placing in Position giving in the case of significant items the weight and/or size and position
relative to ground level or other datum

A52 Nominated suppliers

1 Supplier's materials: P.C Sum
2 Main contractor's profit %

A53 Work by statutory authorities/undertakers

1 Work by the local authority: Prov.Sum
2 Work by Statutory undertakers: Prov.Sum

D10 Work by statutory authorities includes work by public companies responsible for statutory
work when executing their statutory duty

A54 Provisional work

1 Defined : Prov.Sum
2 Undefined : Prov.Sum

A55 Dayworks
1 Labour : Prov.Sum
2 Materials : Prov.Sum
3 Plant : Prov.Sum
NRM 02
NRM 02, First Revision publised-2013, Second Edition - Oct 2021
Work Section-41 Sections

Work section 1: Preliminaries

Work section 2: Off-site manufactured materials, components or buildings
Work section 3: Demolitions
Work section 4: Alterations, repairs and conservation
Work section 5: Excavating and filling
Work section 6: Ground remediation and soil stabilisation
Work section 7: Piling
Work section 8: Underpinning
Work section 9: Diaphragm walls and embedded retaining walls
Work section 10: Crib walls, gabions and reinforced earth
Work section 11: In-situ concrete works
Work section 12: Precast/composite concrete
Work section 13: Precast concrete
Work section 14: Masonry
Work section 15: Structural metalwork
Work section 16: Carpentry
Work section 17: Sheet roof coverings
Work section 18: Tile and slate roof and wall coverings
Work section 19: Waterproofing
Work section 20: Proprietary walls, linings and partitions
Work section 21: Cladding and covering
Work section 22: General joinery
Work section 23: Windows, screens and lights
Work section 24: Doors, shutters and hatches
Work section 25: Stairs, walkways and balustrades
Work section 26: Metalwork
Work section 27: Glazing
Work section 28: Floor, wall, ceiling and roof finishings
Work section 29: Decoration
Work section 30: Suspended ceilings
Work section 31: Insulation, fire stopping and fire protection
Work section 32: Furniture, fittings and equipment
Work section 33: Drainage above ground
Work section 34: Drainage below ground
Work section 35: Site works
Work section 36: Fencing
Work section 37: Soft landscaping
Work section 38: Mechanical services
Work section 39: Electrical services
Work section 40: Transportation systems
Work section 41: Builder’s work in connection with mechanical, electrical and transportation installations
The main reason for the new edition of NRM is the
publication of:
• International Cost Management Standards (ICMS):
Global Consistency in Presenting Construction Life Cycle
Costs and Carbon Emissions
• International Property Measurement Standards (IPMS)
• Cost prediction, RICS professional statement
• RIBA Plan of Work 2020 and
• RIBA Digital Plan of Work (DPoW).

Bill of quantities (BQ) A list of items that gives detailed identifying descriptions and firm quantities of the work comprising a contract.
Construction information Information used to construct the building systems on site. This information can be prepared by the design team or a specialist subcontractor and must comprise
prescriptive information. See also the definitions of building systems and prescriptive information.
Cost target In the context of bills of quantities (BQs), the cost target is the total expenditure for an element or works package.
Credit A refund offered by the contractor to the employer in return for the benefit of taking ownership of materials, goods, items, mechanical and electrical plant,
equipment, etc. arising from demolition or strip-out works.
Daywork The method of valuing work on the basis of the time spent by the contractor’s team, the materials used and the plant employed.
Defined provisional sum A sum provided for work that is not completely designed but for which the following information is provided:
• the nature and construction of the work
• a statement of how and where the work is fixed to the building, and what other work should be fixed
• a quantity or quantities that indicate the scope and extent of the work, and
• any specific limitations, etc. identified.

Descriptive information The means by which the design team describe a building system or component in a manner that enables a specialist subcontractor to design the system or
Design team Architects, engineers and technology specialists responsible for the conceptual design aspects and developing these into drawings, specifications and
instructions required for construction of the building or facility and associated processes. The design team is a part of the project team.

Director’s adjustment A reduction or addition to the tender price derived by the specific contractor’s estimating team, offered by the director(s) of the maintenance contractor.

Element A major part of a group element (e.g. the elements that create group element 3: Internal finishes are 3.1: Wall finishes, 3.2: Floor finishes and 3.3: Ceiling
A separate cost target can be established for each element.
Note also the use of the term ‘cost group’ or ‘cost sub- group’ in the context of ICMS.

Final specifications The specifications issued at RIBA Stage 4 (Technical Design). These specifications can be descriptive or prescriptive.
Fixed charge Work for which the cost should be considered independently from the duration.
Group element The main headings used to describe the facets of an elemental cost plan.
Note also the use of the term ‘cost group’ or ‘cost sub- group’ in the context of ICMS.
Main contractor (or prime contractor) The primary/principal contractor appointed by the client to coordinate the construction/site production phase of a project, which may involve more than one
subcontractor. The term prime contractor is often used to mean main contractor in central civil government and the defence sector. The terms are used
synonymously, irrespective of the contract strategy used (e.g. traditional, design and build, design and construct, design and manage or management
Main contractor’s overheads The main contractor’s costs associated with head office administration proportioned to each building contract plus the main contractor’s return on capital
and profit investment.
Main contractor’s preliminaries Items that cannot be allocated to a specific element, sub-element or component.
Manufacturing information Information prepared for the manufacture of building systems and/or components during RIBA Stage 4 (Technical Design).
Other project costs Costs that are not necessarily directly associated with the cost of constructing the building, but form part of the total cost of the building project to the employer
(e.g. land acquisition costs, fees for letting agents, marketing costs and contributions associated with planning permission).
Post-tender estimate A cost estimate carried out after the evaluation of tenders to corroborate the funds required by the employer to complete the building maintenance contract.

Pre-tender estimate A cost estimate prepared immediately before calling tenders for servicing, maintenance and life cycle replacement works.
Prescriptive information Complete, instructive information used to manufacture and construct building systems and components, produced by the design team or the construction team.

Prime cost sum (PC sum) A sum of money included in a unit rate to be expended on materials or goods from suppliers (e.g. supply-only ceramic wall tiles at £50/m , supply-only door

furniture at £120/door or supply-only facing bricks at £480/1,000).

It is a supply-only rate for materials or goods where the precise quality of those materials and goods is unknown. PC sums exclude all costs associated with
fixing or installation, all ancillary and sundry materials, and goods required for the fixing or installation
of the materials or goods, subcontractor’s design fees, subcontractor’s preliminaries, subcontractor’s overheads and profit, main contractor’s design fees, main
contractor’s preliminaries and main contractor’s overheads and profit.

Project A single, or a series of, construction intervention(s) with a single purpose or common purposes to create a single asset or a series of assets commissioned by a
client, or group of clients, with defined start and end dates. A project may comprise several sub-projects.
Project information Information, including models, documents, specifications, schedules and spreadsheets, issued between parties during each RIBA Stage and in formal
information exchanges at the end of each RIBA Stage.
Project team Client/employer, project manager, quantity surveyor/ cost manager, design team and all other consultants responsible for the delivery of the building project on
time, on cost and to the required performance criteria (design and quality). The project team includes the main contractor where one has been engaged by the
employer to provide pre-construction services.

Provisional quantity A quantity that cannot be accurately determined (i.e. an estimate of the quantity).
Provisional sum A sum of money set aside to carry out work that cannot be fully described and given in quantified items in accordance with the tabulated rules of measurement.
A provisional sum should be identified as either defined or undefined (see definitions of defined provisional sum and undefined provisional sum).

Residual risk (or retained risk) The risks retained by the client. Could also be defined by reference to the effect of uncertainty on objectives (ISO 31000). An uncertain event or condition that,
RIBA Plan of Work itRefers
Work, aonframework
project objectives or the
setting out business
of a building project. It consists of eight Stages. The RIBA Plan of Work specifies the tasks to be
undertaken by the project team at each Stage.
RIBA Stage The stage the project is at. The RIBA Plan of Work consists of eight Stages identified by the numbers 0 to 7. Tendering and the awarding of works contracts is
treated as a variable task, as they depend on the selected procurement route and can occur at any time between Stages.
Site area (SA) The total area of the site within the site title boundaries (or the total area within the site title boundaries defined by the client as the site for the building),
measured on a horizontal plane.
Statutory undertaker Organisations such as water, gas, electricity and telecommunications companies that are authorised by statute to construct and operate public utility
Subcontractor A contractor who undertakes specific work within the building project. They are known as specialist-, works-, trade-, works package- and labour-only
Sub-project A subdivision of a project that can be described by a single set of attributes and values.
Temporary works Non-permanent work or activity that is necessary for the completion of permanent construction work.
Time-related charge A charge for work, the cost of which should be considered dependent on duration.
Undefined provisional sum A sum provided for work that is not completely designed, but for which the information required for a defined provisional sum cannot be provided.
Work breakdown structure (WBS) In the context of BQs, the WBS is used to subdivide a building project into meaningful elements or works packages.
Works package contractor A specialist contractor who undertakes identifiable aspects of maintenance or replacement work, e.g. maintenance of non-specialist mechanical and electrical
engineering services; maintenance of specialist installations (such as building management systems and fuel installations); maintenance of building fabric,
structure, finishes and fittings, furnishings and equipment; landscaping management and grounds maintenance works; or labour-only. Depending on the contract
strategy, works contractors can be employed directly by the client or by the maintenance contractor.

Works package contractor preliminaries Preliminaries that relate specifically to the work that is carried out by a works package contractor.

2.2 Benefits of a bill of quantities 2.3 Types of bills of quantities 2.3.1 Firm bill of quantities 2.3.2 Approximate bill of quantities
Irrespective of which contract strategy is used, at some • firm (to obtain a lump sum price for a fully designed The reliability of the tender price will increase in relation Approximate BQs are used when there is not enough
stage in the procurement process, one party – whether building project) or to the accuracy of the quantities provided (i.e. the more detail to prepare a firm BQ, or where it is decided by the
that is the client’s quantity surveyor/cost manager or the • approximate (subject to remeasurement as built). precisely the work is measured and described). In theory, client that the time or cost of producing a firm BQ is not
main contractor – will need to quantify the extent of if there were warranted.
works to be executed for the purpose of: no design changes, a firm BQ would provide a price at the Such contracts do not provide a lump sum price, but
• obtaining a price for completing building works tender stage, which would equal the rather tender price totals (i.e. a quantified schedule of
• valuing the extent of work completed, for the purposes final cost. rates), since the quantities are subject to remeasurement
of payment on completion by the quantity surveyor/cost manager.
• valuing variations in the content or extent of building These contracts are usually subject to greater variation
works or than lump sum contracts and therefore should only be
• supporting applications for tax or other financial used where time is a limiting factor or where there is
incentives. great uncertainty in certain elements, such as major
excavation and earthworks.

Procurement strategy Basis of invitation documents Prepared by BQs usually comprise the following sections:
• form of tender (including certificate of bona fide
Traditional lump sum Firm BQ Client’s quantity surveyor/cost manager. tender)
Approximate BQ • summary
• preliminaries
Design and build Employer’s requirements Client’s project team (normally the client’s quantity • measured works
surveyor/cost manager). • non-measurable works
Note: Quantification of the employer’s requirements • provisional sums
will be carried out either by the main contractor or • contractor-designed works
works package contractor, who will prepare a firm or • risks
approximate BQ or quantified schedules of work as • credits (for materials arising from the works)
appropriate. • dayworks (provisional) and
• annexes.

Management Firm BQ Client’s quantity surveyor/cost manager, or main

contractor if the invitation documents prepared by
Approximate BQ
the client’s quantity surveyor/cost manager or
Management (design and manage) Firm BQ contractors respectively are based on either
Approximate BQ specification and drawings or unquantified schedule
of works (i.e. unquantified information).
Construction Firm BQ
management Approximate BQ
There are two main types of specification used. 2 Performance specifications: A performance BOQ Coding
1 Prescriptive specifications: These are required to specification describes the requirements of a
prepare a firm BQ. The function of a product (e.g. windows), equipment (e.g. chiller plant),
prescriptive specification is to prescribe the materials and system or installation (e.g. mechanical
workmanship required for a and electrical installations) in terms of the performance
building project in as much detail as possible. Specific objectives or criteria.
products and materials will be named,
2.6.2 Director’s Adjustment (tender Adjudication) and the assembly of the building will be described and
It is the responsibility of the contractor’s directors, or supported with drawn information
other senior managers, to secure work and schedules (see sections 2.7.2 and 2.7.3). Where
for the company. Therefore, before submitting a tender materials are not named, reference will
price, the contractor’s directors will be made to published standards governing their
undertake a commercial review of the project and the composition (e.g. British standards or other
estimated price. This review might country-specific standards).
result in the contractor’s directors requiring adjustment
to the estimated price, referred to as
a director’s adjustment. The director’s adjustment will
include adjustments for commercial
matters such as financing charges, cash flow,
opportunities and competition. This is a sum
added to or omitted from the estimated price to arrive at
a tender price. Separate provision
should be incorporated in the BQ for the contractor to
insert a director’s adjustment.
• Component drawings (sometimes known as detail or • Record drawings (sometimes known as existing, as-built 2.9.1 Pre-tender estimate
assembly drawings): these should show or as-installed drawings): these are a Pre-tender estimates are prepared immediately before
the information necessary for manufacture and assembly
set of drawings that depict the actual as-built conditions calling the first tenders for construction.
of a component, including key of an existing building or structure, This is the final cost check undertaken by the quantity
details and interfaces (e.g. interface between curtain
including mechanical and electrical engineering services surveyor/cost manager before tender
walling system and structure, balconies, installed. These are required for bids for the building project, or any part of the building
etc.). building projects involving the refurbishment or the project, are obtained. When a BQ is the
demolition (partial or complete) of an basis of obtaining a tender price, the pre-tender
Drawn information should include the following. • Schematic drawings: these show how something works existing building or structure. estimates will be based on the BQ.
• General arrangement drawings (sometimes known as and the relation between the parts
location drawings), comprising: (e.g. the wiring of an electrical system).
– a block plan: this should identify the site and locate the
outlines of the building works in
relation to the town plan or other wider context
– a site plan: this should locate the position of the
building works in relation to the setting out points, the
means of access and the general layout of the site, and
– plans, sections and elevations: these should show the
position occupied by the various spaces in a building and
the general construction and location of the principal
elements and components. The extent of elevations and
sections should be as appropriate to cover all major
building zones.
2.9.2 Post-tender estimate 2.9.4 Pricing variations 2.9.5 Interim valuations and payment 3.2.1 Quantities
A post-tender estimate is prepared at the Contractor The rates in a priced BQ provide a basis for the valuation Many building projects require interim payments to be The rules for quantifying building components/ items are
Engagement RIBA Stage or OGC Gateway of varied work. Pro rata and analogous paid to the contractor. This is to relieve as follows.
3C (Investment Decision), after all the construction rates can also be ascertained from the base rates the contractor of the burden of financing the whole of • Measurement and billing:
tenders have been received and evaluated. It tendered to calculate the prices of other the building works until completion, – measure work net as fixed in position, unless otherwise
is based on the outcome of any post-tender negotiations, components not specifically described in the BQ. especially for works that may take many months or years stated
including the resolution of any tender to complete. In – net quantity measured should include all additional
qualifications and tender price adjustments. The post- material required for laps, joints, seams, etc. as well as
tender estimate will include the actual any waste material
known construction costs and any residual risks. – curved work should be measured on the centre line of
the material unless otherwise stated
– dimensions should be measured to the nearest 10mm;
5mm and over should be regarded as 10mm, and less
than 5mm should be disregarded
– except for quantities measured in tonnes (t), quantities
should be given to the nearest whole number. Quantities
smaller than one unit should be given as one unit.
measured in tonnes should be given to two decimal

• Voids:
– unless otherwise stated, minimum deductions for voids
refer only to openings or wants
within the boundaries of the measured work
– always deduct openings or wants at the boundaries of
measured areas, irrespective of
– do not measure separate items for widths not
exceeding a stated limit where these
widths are caused by voids.
Appendix A: Guidance on the preparation of bill of
A1 Bill of quantities breakdown structure
There a number of different breakdown structures for a BQ. They each have their own advantages and disadvantages. However, computerised BQ production systems with
Elemental breakdown structure
multiple sort facilities can be used to generate different BQ formats and make it easy to trace items – as long as items have been properly codified (refer to section 2.8
(Codification bill1of quantities)).
Preliminaries (main contract)
Bill No. 2 Facilitating works
Bill No. 3 Substructure
Bill No. 4 Superstructure
Bill No. 5 Internal finishes
Bill No. 6 Fittings, furnishings and equipment
Bill No. 7 Services
Bill No. 8 External works
Bill No. 9 Risks
Bill No. 10 Provisional sums
Bill No. 11 Credits
Bill No. 12 Daywork (provisional)
Figure A.1: Elemental BQ breakdown structures for a simple building project
easier for the quantity surveyor/cost manager to analyse a contractor’s tender price and collect real- time cost data for future use.
b Work
Work section:
section Measurement
breakdown and description is divided into the work sections listed in NRM 2 (refer to Part 3 of these rules).
Bill No. 1 Preliminaries
Bill No. 2 Off-site manufactured materials, components or buildings
Bill No. 3 Demolitions
Bill No. 4 Alterations, repairs and conservation
Bill No. 5 Excavating and filling
Bill No. 6 Ground remediation and soil stabilisation
Bill No. 7 Piling
Bill No. 8 Underpinning
Bill No. 9 Diaphragm walls and embedded retaining walls
Bill No. 10 Crib walls, gabions and reinforced earth
Bill No. 11 In-situ concrete works
Bill No. 12 Precast/composite concrete
Bill No. 13 Precast concrete
Bill No. 14 Masonry
Bill No. 15 Structural metalwork
Bill No. 16 Carpentry
Bill No. 17 Sheet roof coverings
Bill No. 18 Tile and slate roof and wall coverings
Bill No. 19 Waterproofing
Bill No. 20 Proprietary walls, linings and partitions
Bill No. 21 Cladding and covering
Bill No. 22 General joinery
Bill No. 23 Windows, screens and lights
Bill No. 24 Doors, shutters and hatches
Bill No. 25 Stairs, walkways and balustrades
Bill No. 26 Metalwork
Bill No. 27 Glazing
Bill No. 28 Floor, wall, ceiling and roof finishings
Bill No. 29 Decoration
Bill No. 30 Suspended ceilings
Bill No. 31 Insulation, fire stopping and fire protection
Bill No. 32 Furniture, fittings and equipment
Bill No. 33 Drainage above ground
Bill No. 34 Drainage below ground
Bill No. 35 Site works
Bill No. 36 Fencing
Bill No. 37 Soft landscaping
Bill No. 38 Mechanical services
Bill No. 39 Electrical services
Bill No. 40 Transportation systems
Bill No. 41 Builder’s work in connection with mechanical, electrical and
Bill No. 42 transportation installations
Bill No. 43 Provisional sums
Bill No. 44 Credits
Bill No. 45 Daywork (provisional)
Figure A.2: Work section BQ breakdown structures for a simple building project
This Work package:
breakdown Measurement
structure and description
is often preferred is divided
by contractors into
for the employer,
purpose quantity
of pricing as surveyor/ cost manager
all alike products or contractor
and components aredefined
groupedwork packages,
together whichever
(e.g. the is applicable.
reinforced concrete
Works packages can be based on either a specific-trade (e.g. concrete work, brickwork and blockwork, roof coverings, painting and decorating, and wall tiling) or a single
Work section breakdown structure
Bill No. 1 Contractor’s preliminaries
Bill No. 2 Intrusive investigations
Bill No. 3 Demolition works
Bill No. 4 Groundworks
Bill No. 5 Piling
Bill No. 6 Concrete works
Bill No. 7 Roof coverings and roof drainage
Bill No. 8 External and internal structural walls
Bill No. 9 Cladding
Bill No. 10 Windows and external doors
Bill No. 11 Mastic
Bill No. 12 Non-structural walls and partitions
Bill No. 13 Joinery
Bill No. 14 Suspended ceilings
Bill No. 15 Architectural metalwork
Bill No. 16 Tiling
Bill No. 17 Painting and decorating
Bill No. 18 Floor coverings
Bill No. 19 Fittings, furnishings and equipment
Bill No. 20 Combined mechanical and electrical engineering services
Bill No. 21 Lifts and escalators
Bill No. 22 Facade access equipment
Bill No. 23 External works and drainage
Bill No. 24 Risks
Bill No. 25 Provisional sums
Bill No. 26 Credits
Bill No. 27 Daywork (provisional)
Figure A.3: Typical BQ breakdown structure for discrete work package
Again, codification of BQ items using computerised BQ systems will enable the resorting of items from elements to works packages for the purposes of tendering, and vice
versa for the purpose of overall cost control (refer to section 2.8 (Codification of bill of quantities)).
g Contractor-designed works should be incorporated under the applicable element or sub- element, after measured work, under a heading of ‘Contractor-designed work’. A price analysis
for contractor-designed work should be incorporated (see section 2.5.5).
h Items
d Provisional
each should be listed
subdivision in (b)and
(c) shouldinbe
a separate
placed inbill.
order of value, least expensive first.
Bill No. 3 Superstructure
3.2.5 External walls External walls above ground floor level Common brickwork in cement: lime mortar102.5mm
Walls (1:1:6) thick, brickwork; built 196 m2 against other work

Walls 215mm thick, brickwork 369 m2

Figure A.4: Typical BQ format for an elemental bill of quantities

Bill No. 2 Superstructure
2.14 Masonry
2.14.1 Brick/block walling Common brickwork in cement: lime mortar102.5mm
Walls (1:1:6) thick, brickwork; built 196 m2 against other work

Walls 215mm thick, brickwork 369 m2

Figure A.5: Typical BQ format for a work section bill of quantities

Bill No. 8 External and internal structural walls
8.1 Masonry
8.1.1 Brick/block walling Common brickwork in cement: lime mortar102.5mm
Walls (1:1:6) thick, brickwork; built 196 m2 against other work

Walls 215mm thick, brickwork 369 m2

Figure A.6: Typical BQ format for a work package bill of quantities

A5 Codifying items
A9 Unit of billing
Carried forward £

The top of the following bill page is completed as follows:

Brought forward £

To end each bill section, the section is completed as follows:

TOTAL carried to main summary £

Figure A.7: Examples of how to total pages
A12 Price summary
Appendix B: Template for preliminaries (main contract)
pricing schedule (condensed)
Component Time- related
£ p
Fixed charges
Total charges
1 Preliminaries
1.1 Employer’s requirements
1.1.1 Site accommodation
1.1.2 Site records
1.1.3 Completion and post-completion requirements
1.2 Main contractor’s cost items
1.2.1 Management and staff
1.2.2 Site establishment
1.2.3 Temporary services
1.2.5 Safety and environmental protection
1.2.6 Control and protection
1.2.7 Mechanical plant
1.2.8 Temporary works
1.2.9 Site records
1.2.10 Completion and post-completion requirements
1.2.11 Cleaning
1.2.12 Fees and charges
1.2.13 Site services
1.2.14 Insurance, bonds, guarantees and warranties
Totals £
Total carried to main summary £
Note: Costs relating to items of the main contractor’s preliminaries that are not specifically identified in the contractor’s full and detailed breakdown will be deemed to have no
cost implications or have been included elsewhere within the contractor’s rates and prices.

Appendix C: Template for preliminaries (main contract)

pricing schedule (expanded)
Cost centre Component Time-related charges
Fixed charges
Total charges
1.1 Employer’s requirements
1.1.1 Site accommodation Site accommodation Furniture and equipment Telecommunications and IT systems
1.1.2 Site records Site records
1.1.3 Completion and post-completion requirements
Handover requirements Operation and maintenance services
1.2 Main contractor’s cost items
1.2.1 Management and staff Project specific management and staff Visiting management and staff Extraordinary support costs Staff travel
1.2.2 Site establishment Site accommodation Temporary works in connection with site establishment
Furniture and equipment IT systems Consumables and services Brought-in services Sundries
1.2.3 Temporary services Temporary water supply Temporary gas supply Temporary electricity supply Temporary telecommunication systems Temporary drainage
1.2.4 Security Security staff Security equipment Hoardings, fences and gates
1.2.5 Safety and environmental protection Safety programme Barriers and safety scaffolding Environmental protection measures
1.2.6 Control and protection Survey, inspections and monitoring Setting out Protection of works Samples Environmental control of building
1.2.7 Mechanical plant Generally Tower cranes Mobile cranes Hoists Access plant Concrete plant Other plant
1.2.8 Temporary works Access scaffolding Temporary works
1.2.9 Site records Site records
1.2.10 Completion and post-completion requirements
Testing and commissioning plan Handover Post-completion services
1.2.11 Cleaning Site tidy Maintenance of roads, paths and pavings clean
1.2.12 Fees and charges Fees Charges
1.2.13 Site services Temporary works Multi-service gang
1.2.14 Insurance, bonds, guarantees and warranties
Works insurance Public liability insurance Employer’s (main contractor’s) liability insurance
Other insurances Bonds Guarantees Warranties
Totals £
Total carried to main summary
Note: Costs relating to items of the main contractor’s preliminaries that are not specifically identified in the contractor’s full and detailed breakdown will be deemed to have no
cost implications or have been included elsewhere within the contractor’s rates and prices.

Appendix D: Template for pricing summary for elemental

bill of quantities (condensed)
Facilitating works
£/p £/p
1.0 Substructure £0.00
2.0 Superstructure £0.00
3.0 Internal finishes £0.00
4.0 Fittings, furnishings and equipment £0.00
5.0 Services £0.00
6.0 Prefabricated buildings and building units £0.00
7.0 Work to existing building £0.00
8.0 External works £0.00
TOTAL (Building works, including M&E engineering services) £0.00
9.0 Main contractor’s preliminaries £0.00
Subtotal £0.00
10.0 Provisional sums: £0.00
10.1 Defined provisional sums £0.00
10.2 Undefined provisional sums £0.00
10.3 Works to be carried out by statutory undertakers £0.00
Subtotal £0.00
11.0 Risks £0.00
11.1 Subtotal £0.00
12.0 Main contractor’s overheads and profit (insert required % 0.00% £0.00
Subtotal £0.00
13.0 Credit (for retained arisings) £0.00
Subtotal £0.00
14.0 Main contractor’s fixed price adjustment (insert required % 0.00% £0.00
Cost adjustment)
Element £/p £/p
centre Subtotal £0.00
15.0 Director’s adjustment (insert required adjustment (+/-)) £0.00
Subtotal or £0.00
16.0 Dayworks (Provisional) £0.00
Total tender price, exclusive of VAT (carried to form of tender) £0.00
Appendix E: Template for pricing summary for elemental bill
of quantities (expanded)
Facilitating works
£/p £/p
0.1 Toxic/hazardous/contaminated material treatment £0.00
0.2 Major demolition works £0.00
0.3 Specialist ground works £0.00
0.4 Temporary diversion works £0.00
0.5 Extraordinary site investigation works £0.00
1.0 Substructure £0.00
1.1 Substructure £0.00
2.0 Superstructure £0.00
2.1 Frame £0.00
2.2 Upper floors £0.00
2.3 Roof £0.00
2.4 Stairs and ramps £0.00
2.5 External walls £0.00
2.6 Windows and external doors £0.00
2.7 Internal walls and partitions £0.00
2.8 Internal doors £0.00
3.0 Internal finishes £0.00
3.1 Wall finishes £0.00
3.2 Floor finishes £0.00
3.3 Ceiling finishes £0.00
4.0 Fittings, furnishings and equipment £0.00
4.1 Fittings, furnishings and equipment £0.00
5.0 Services £0.00
5.1 Sanitary installations £0.00
5.2 Services equipment £0.00
5.3 Disposal installations £0.00
5.4 Water installations £0.00
5.5 Heat source £0.00
5.6 Space heating and air conditioning £0.00
5.7 Ventilation £0.00
5.8 Electrical installations £0.00
5.9 Fuel installations/systems £0.00
5.10 Lift and conveyor installations/systems £0.00
5.11 Fire and lightning protection £0.00
5.12 Communication, security and control systems £0.00
5.13 Special installations/systems £0.00
5.14 Builder’s work in connection with services £0.00
6.0 Complete buildings £0.00
6.1 Pre-fabricated buildings £0.00
7.0 Work to existing building
7.1 Minor demolition works and alteration works £0.00
7.2 Repairs to existing services £0.00
7.3 Damp proof courses/fungus and beetle eradication £0.00
7.4 Facade retention £0.00
7.5 Cleaning existing surfaces £0.00
7.6 Renovation works £0.00
8.0 External works £0.00
8.1 Site preparation works £0.00
8.2 Roads, paths and pavings £0.00
8.3 Soft landscaping, planting and irrigation systems £0.00
8.4 Fencing, railings and walls £0.00
8.5 Site/street furniture and equipment £0.00
8.6 External drainage £0.00
8.7 External services £0.00
8.8 Minor building works and ancillary buildings £0.00
Total (Building works, including M&E engineering services) £0.00
Cost Element £/p £/p
9.0 Main contractor’s preliminaries £0.00
Subtotal £0.00
10.0 Provisional sums: £0.00
10.1 Defined provisional sums £0.00
10.2 Undefined provisional sums £0.00
10.3 Works to be carried out by statutory undertakers £0.00
Subtotal £0.00
11.0 Risks £0.00
Subtotal £0.00
12.0 Main contractor’s overheads and profit (insert required % adjustment) 0.00%
Subtotal £0.00
13.0 Credit (for retained arisings) £0.00
Subtotal £0.00
14.0 Main contractor’s fixed price adjustment (insert required % adjustment) 0.00%
Subtotal £0.00
15.0 Director’s adjustment (insert required adjustment (+/-)) £0.00 or
Appendix F: Templates for provisional sums, risks and
Schedule of provisional sums
Cost centre Provisional sum £/p
Defined provisional sums
Undefined provisional sums
Total provisional sums, exclusive of VAT (carried to main summary)
Schedule of construction risks
Cost centre Risk description £/p
Total risk allowance, exclusive of VAT (carried to main summary)
Cost centre Description £/p
Total credits, exclusive of VAT (carried to main summary)

Appendix G: Example of a work package breakdown

Serial no.
Work package title/content
Main contractor’s preliminaries
2 Intrusive investigations: /02
3 • Asbestos works:
Demolition and other hazardous materials /01.2
4 • Asbestos and other hazardous materials removal/treatment works
Groundworks: /01.2
Serial no. •Work
package ground material removal
title/content /01.2
5 Piling: /05
6 • Piling works
Concrete works: /01.2
7 • Frame
Roof coverings and roof drainage: /01.2
8 •External
Roof cladding/coverings
and internal structural walls: /01.2
9 •Cladding:
Structural steelwork /01.2
Serial no. •Work
Cladding systems,
package including integral windows and external doors
title/content /01.2
10 Windows and external doors (non-integral to cladding system): /10
11 •Mastic:
Windows /01.2
12 • Mastic to windows,
Non-structural louvers
walls and and external door frames
partitions: /01.2
13 • Tiling (floor and wall)
Joinery: /01.2
14 • Reception ceilings:
Suspended desk /01.2
15 • Suspended metalwork:
Architectural ceilings /01.2
Serial no. •Work
All architectural
packagemetalwork items
title/content /01.2
16 Tiling: /16
17 •Painting
stone finishes
decorating: /01.2
18 •Floor
Painting and decorating
coverings: /01.2
19 •Fittings,
Carpet furnishings and equipment: /01.2
20 • Cupboards
Combined andengineering
M&E shelves to storerooms
services: /01.2
21 • Sanitary
Lifts appliances, including kitchette sinks
and escalators: /01.2
Serial no. •Work
Passenger lifts title/content
package /01.2
22 Facade access equipment: /22
23 • Buildingworks
External maintenance units (BMUs), including proprietary storage
and drainage: /01.2
• External drainage /01.2

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