Learning Essential
Learning Essential
Learning Essential
Topic; Student Apprenticeship
Learning Essential
*Personalized Teaching
*Cooperating learning
*Learning Modules as instructional materials
*Criteria of a good instructional module
It should be self-contain.
It should be self-pacing.
Its topic of subject matter should be short enough and well-defined.
Name; Vilma G. Labong
Topic; Teaching strategies in art education
Learning Essential
*Have respect for personality
*Be highly sensitive to art and to life about him
*Possess imagination and originality
*Possess emotional security and self-confidence
*Be friendly toward and able to work well with all types of persons
Name; Vilma G. Labong
Topic; Overheads and Opaque Projector New Demand of Education
Learning essential
*Curriculum suitability
*Suitability of materials
*Accuracy of content
*Advantages of instructional television
*Limitations of instructional devices
Professional Ethics embraces a series of statement or criteria which govern the conduct of
the members of a particular profession.
The objective or intention of any code of ethics for any profession is to attain the highest
possible good for all its members so that they may enjoy perfect happiness, camaraderie,
and security in their chosen occupation.
Since teaching is a profession, it is necessary for teachers to have a code of ethics, like
other professionals.
The teacher conduct is covered by his relationship with the state, the community, his
associates, the parents and the general public in which conflicts of interest may arise.