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Banka BioLoo Confidential

• Company Snapshot
• Why we need Jukaso
• What is Jukaso Technology
• What is the acceptable water Quality Norms
• What is Jukaso Technology
• How it Works
• Models
• Pictures
Banka BioLoo Ltd, women Led, award winning NSE listed
company established in August 2012 in Hyderabad
OBJECTIVE: Provide product
VISION: To be Leader in sanitation Scope of Work portfolio to solve life challenges
supply chain solution provider in related to public heath &
Bio-Toilet (DRDO, India Bio-
waste management Industry. Environment.
Digester based)
- Water Saving Toilet
- ANC (“Johkasou” Technology ) ,
Japan Packaged Sewage -
Treatment plant
- Operation & Maintenance
MISSON: yours one-stop shop for (O&M)
sanitation & waste-water - Faecal sewage/sludge
management management (FSM)
- R&D Labs

Banka BioLoo Confidential

Why is Johkasou Technology best suited for small sized
de-centralized sewage treatment ? 4 – 200 people

Low Life-cycle Flexible Space

Low running Cost
Price Requirement

Low on-going
High Quality No/Less Smell

High Treatment
Low Noise

Banka BioLoo Confidential

Meets Current Government Standards
Parameter CC Standards
Wastewater inlet Wastewater outlet Capability 100%
successful ?
BOD (mg/l) <10 300 <10/20
COD (mg/l) <150 500 120
SS (mg/l) <100 240 30
FOG (mg/l) - 50 5
TKN (mg/l) <100 45 35
pH 6-9 6-9 6-9

• Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) norms all over the country demands treatment of sewage at site wherever central sewage plants are
not available. The treatment parameters can be met with combination of Tertiary Treatment Plant (TTP).
• Package Sewage Treatment Plants (PSTP) have proved to be one of the best for meeting these norms in the most efficient manner.
• Johkasou Package STP is based on anaerobic and aerobic treatment and are required to be installed underground thus, overall footprint of
these plants is the lowest compared to MS/FRP package plants.
Banka BioLoo Confidential
Cost Comparison on O&M expenses
ANC Johkasou Normal STP

Comparison of 50 KLD Johkasou Vs STP

Monthly Yearly Monthly Yearly

Operator / Technician 7,500 90,000 7,500 90,000
Investment + Running Cost (INR)

Disinfectant 500 6,000 500 6,000

40,00,000 Maintenance / Desludging 1,800 21,600 4,167 50,000

30,00,000 Inlet / Outlet Lab Test 3,000 36,000 3,000 36,000

20,00,000 Media 0 0 2,083 25,000

10,00,000 Sub-Total 12,800 1,53,600 17,250 2,07,000

0 Electric 4000 48,000 40,000 4,80,000

Y-1 Y-2 Y-3 Y-4 Y-42
ANC MBBR Grand Total 16,800 2,01,600 57,250 6,87,000

CAPEX + OPEX (Over 5 years for 50 KLD), recovery of higher CAPEX within 1st year of operations.
Banka BioLoo Confidential
Technology : How the system works? Secondary treatment

Inlet Primary Secondary Tertiary

Domestic Sand & Active
Grit / Screen chamber Johkasou - STP
Black & Gray carbon filter
Gardening Water
BOD <250 mg/l BOD <250 mg/l
BOD <20 Re-use/Toilet Flush
SS < 300 mg/l TSS <250 mg/l
SS <30 mg/l

Banka BioLoo Confidential

1. Solid separation chamber
• Detention time ~8-9 hrs. Treatment
efficiency BOD 40%
• Suitable retention time for improved
the treatment smoothly. BOD
• In this chamber is one part of the 250 Heavy sludge
treatment that act like anaerobic mg/l zone Water
treatment. separated

This path are designed for the better separation between wastewater
and sludge, which will only water to flow thru treatment process.

Operator should check and dispose the

sludge frequently 6-12 month Banka BioLoo Confidential
2/3. Anaerobic & Fixed-Film Aeration chamber
• Bio-Aerobic treatment method
• Wastewater will be dispersed to all
the plastic media area, where
microorganisms live, effectively
removing the requisite parameter.
• The detention time is sufficient to
make the increase in the
treatment’s efficiency.
• Internal back wash air pipe to
prevent clogging of sludge in
plastic media.

Banka BioLoo Confidential

4. Sedimentation chamber
• After treatment from Aeration some
of sludge will leak out from previous
process, but this chamber have
designed surface and volume
functional to setter sludge to bottom
of tank with effective timing.

• Settled sludge will return to the first

chamber for re-treatment/disposal.

• Finally the Chlorine and densification

for made wastewater treated more

Banka BioLoo Confidential

Diaphragm air blower
• High quality Air blower ,
maintenance cost.

• Only check & clean

filters quarterly.

Banka BioLoo Confidential

Summary of Johkasou - STP
• De-centralized STP
• Main concept is to ‘treat at site’ and ‘reuse at site’ with quick and easy installation.
• It can be installed for each building/area/community, thus saving cashflows for the
• Performance Guarantee
• Equipment are manufactured in the factory with strict inspection & test.
• Long Life Product
• Product life of over 25-30 years
• Low lifecycle cost
• Lifetime cost only <2 years operation, and user can recover CAPEX from operating
cost compared to regular STP.

Banka BioLoo Confidential

Our 2 premier ‘Johkasou’ Models of PSTP

Banka BioLoo Confidential

AC-INT Series

- FRP Single/two tank

capacity from 6KLD to 50
- Multiple tanks for higher
capacity installations i.e.
50 KLD to 300+ KLD

BOD in

Banka BioLoo Confidential

100KL/day Installation 100KL/day Installation

50KL/day Installation

50KL/day Installation

…15… Banka BioLoo Confidential

STBF Series

- PE with single tank from

1.2 KLD to 6 KLD.

- Cheap to install and


FLOW CHART Kitchen Grease Trap

Toilet Public Drain

Banka BioLoo Confidential



Banka BioLoo Confidential

• Banka BioLoo Limited
Hyderabad -500082
• email: info@bankabio.com
Thank you • Phone: +91-40-29801495
• www.bankabio.com

Banka BioLoo Confidential

Banka BioLoo Confidential
Main concept of Johkasou STP

Centralized Plant Decentralized Plant - Johkasou

• Management system of any city consists • Applicable to smaller colony-wise/sector-
of collection, treatment and disposal. wise treatment system.
• About 80% of the cost goes for collection • No/minimal cost of sewage conveyance.
& conveyance, which is very high. • De-centralized responsibility
• Depth of sewer increases with increase of
length of sewer line. • Construction and O&M by the residential,
• Pumping of sewage at the intermediate
and terminal points requires a lot of • Compact Package plant is simple to
energy. operate and energy efficient.
• Very large volume of sewage & also • Mostly based on gravity, so requires very
distance of conveyance, to the STP which low energy consumption.
are generally located outside of the cities,
is long. • Low maintenance, land and consumables
requirement, so O&M costs are low.

Banka BioLoo Confidential

Why Johkasou? Treat at site, reuse at site
Low Maintenance & Running Cost
• We suggest 2 type of maintenance
• Monthly removal of stacking goods like a plastic bag etc..
• Every 6-month vacuuming out excess sludge.
• LOW POWER CONSUMPTION - Only electrical component magnetic diaphragm blower.
• Does not require any dedicated manpower for plant operations.
• Low maintenance needed on a quarterly / half-yearly basis
Low Space Requirement
• Johkasou STP can be installed fully underground!
Low Noise
• Less noise! Just below 48db, our blower sound is like vibration of your mobile phone!!
• Roots-type blower : 65db or more (It’s like a truck engine sounds)
No/Minimal Smell
• No leak smell except when doing the maintenance!
Flow rate control
• Already calculate peak flow control, it can control 2.5 times high flow rate than average

Banka BioLoo Confidential

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