DFES Customer Behaviour Report
DFES Customer Behaviour Report
DFES Customer Behaviour Report
Future Energy
Scenarios 2022
When the customer behaviour assumption in this document are applied to the DFES projections a load
set of MW/MVAr values can be generated. This load set is a key input to the network analysis
processes, whereby the DFES projections are assessed to identify any network constraints. The output
of the network analysis is used to determine where NG-led flexibility services could be used to help the
operation of the distribution network, or where conventional reinforcement may be required. The output
from the network analysis is published every two years in the Network Development Plan (NDP).
It is worth noting that any customer behaviour assumptions must be made with reference to the purpose
and level of network analysis that is being undertaken. The profiles that are presented in this document
have been created with the purpose of assessing the network’s capability and compliance of the NG 33
kV networks. These can also be applied to relevant studies on the 66 kV and 132 kV networks if
appropriate levels of diversity are applied to the projected volumes.
This document utilises a variety of data sources, including metering data from connected customers as
well as outputs from innovation projects across the industry. The profiles presented in this document
cover some emerging low carbon technologies. The impact of how large scale electrification of heat
and transport will affect the operation of distribution networks is not fully understood, these profiles will
be reviewed regularly and improved where new data sources are available.
Part 1: Volumes
The first part of the DFES process aims to provide granular scenario projections for the number of
demand customers and MW of installed generation that are expected to connect to the GB electricity
distribution network. The projections are informed by stakeholder engagement to understand the
specific needs and plans of local stakeholders in each licence area. NG undertake this process in
conjunction with Regen. The DFES volumes are provided at an Electricity Supply Area (ESA) level,
which represents the geographic area supplied by a Primary substation (which contains NG-owned
distribution substations) providing supplies at a voltage below 33 kV, or a customer directly supplied at
132, 66 or 33 kV or by a dedicated Primary substation’. This allows the volumes for each technology to
be spatially allocated to where it would be most likely to connect to the distribution network.
The output of this process is a large dataset of granular projections for different technologies, years,
scenarios and areas of the NG distribution network, along with a suite of reports. The data is available
on the interactive DFES map on the NG website. It provides a key data resource and evidence base to
enable NG to appraise different investment options and develop the business case necessary to
support future investment, including regulated business plans.
In addition, an extra scenario is developed as a hybrid of the four DFES scenarios. This is called the
NG Best View, and covers the most likely growth pathway that NG expect to materialise in the next 10
years. This view is curated through extensive stakeholder engagement, to allocate one of the four DFES
scenarios that is most applicable to the medium term ambition and delivery for different local
Network Customers
The DFES volumes project provides projections for the number of customer assets that are expected
to connect to the NG distribution network in the next 30 years. It is important to note that the units used
in the DFES volumes project are all quantifiable (i.e. they can be counted).
This document outlines the customer behaviour assumptions that NG use for the purpose of strategic
network analysis. These customer behaviour assumptions must be relevant to the purpose of the
network analysis that is undertaken. Different factors that may impact the customer behaviour
assumptions that are required could include:
The voltage level used as the focus of the study – different customer behaviour assumptions
are used depending on the voltage level that is the focus of the network analysis.
The aim of the analysis – different customer behaviour assumptions are applicable depending
on what the study aims to deliver. For example, network capability and compliance edge case
assessments will require a different set of customer behaviour assumptions to a study which
aims to calculate average asset utilisation over a year.
The level of risk – this theme is discussed throughout the document, as there are external
factors to the customer behaviour assumptions not directly in the control of a DNO. The balance
between studying credible edge-case network conditions to achieve network compliance and
designing a network that is operated efficiently will be different for each network company.
1ACE Report no.49, Report on Statistical Method for Calculating Demands and Voltage Regulations
on LV Radial Distribution Systems, Energy Networks Association, 1981;
The magnitude and time of peak of a substation will depend on the constituent parts that make up the
overall aggregated substation demand. The aggregated peak may change over time as the volumes
and individual technology profile changes.
Diversified Primary Demand
This example highlights the impact of Primary level diversity using real-world network loadings from
Portishead Bulk Supply Point (BSP) in South West NG distribution licence area. This aggregated
substation demand inherently captures the diversity observed between everything connected
downstream of the Primary substation, but does not capture the diversity between Primaries.
Substations dominated by unrestricted domestic customers will typically peak in winter around 18:00;
substations dominated by non-domestic customers often peak in the middle of the day. Not all
substations peak in winter, an example of this is a substation that feeds demand in a holiday destination,
where the peak is typically over the holiday periods.
Table 2 summarises the Primary peak and Primary at BSP peak demand for all substations connected
downstream of Portishead BSP. The time of the Primary peak varies notably between 09:00 and 19:30,
with the majority peaking between 17:30 and 19:00. All Primaries except British Gas Hallen 11 kV peak
in the winter season, noting that all have a different date of peak. The sum of the Primary Peaks is
51.43 MVA.
Table 2 gives a breakdown of the Primary demand at the time of BSP peak; the total is 45.12 MVA.
This is 12.3% lower than the sum of the Primary peaks. At the time of the upstream Seabank Grid
Supply Point (GSP) peak, Portishead BSP total demand is 42.64 MVA, which is 17.1% lower than the
sum of Primary peaks.
Table 2: Portishead substation peaks vs BSP peak
Representative Days
Traditionally, distribution networks are assessed using edge-case modelling, where only a snapshot of
the network condition that is deemed most onerous is analysed. As the installed capacity and behaviour
of demand, generation and storage is rapidly changing, it has become difficult to predict what network
condition will be most onerous.
To cover a range of likely onerous cases, NG consider a range of different potential representative
days, which are used to assess network capability for the analysis purpose identified in the
aforementioned Intended use of profile assumptions section:
Winter Peak Demand, with minimum coincident generation – an assessment of the network’s
capability to meet peak demand conditions and determine group demand as per Engineering
Recommendation P2/72;
Summer, Intermediate Warm Intermediate Cool Peak Demand, with minimum coincident
generation – an assessment of the network’s capability to meet access window demand
Summer Peak Generation, with minimum coincident demand – an assessment of the
network’s capability to handle generation output.
The definition of seasons is taken from Engineering Recommendation P27/2 (Current rating guide for
high voltage overhead lines operating in the GB distribution system) 3:
Winter: January, February and December
Intermediate Cool: March, April and November
Intermediate Warm: May, September and October
Summer: June, July and August
The DFES forecasts project high customer uptake of low carbon technologies, such as Electric Vehicles
(EVs) and Heat Pumps (HPs). Low carbon technologies are expected to allow customers to manage
their demand at an individual level, such as shifting energy usage away from traditional times of peak
network loading. As a result, the five representative days studied include a half-hourly power profile.
This aims to help us to understand how the shape of the demand profile will change over time, which
could inadvertently introduce local network peaks at times which are away from the existing time of
network peak.
Figure 3: Output graph to show total 'underlying' demand over a yearly period at a Primary substation
Prior to reinforcement, the site was fed via two 33 kV circuits each rated 31 MVA, 29 MVA, 29 MVA,
and 25 MVA for winter, intermediate cool, intermediate warm, and summer respectively. The
substation’s maximum demand across all four seasons was 27.4 MVA, falling within the intermediate
cool season in April. This makes the site Class C under Engineering Recommendation P2/7 4, requiring
Group Demand to be restored within 3 hours following a First Circuit Outage (FCO). Under a fault
condition on one of the incoming circuits, the following demand would be observed on the second
remaining circuit:
6Distribution System Operability Framework, Changing Load Profiles, National Grid, 2018.
Figure 4: Representation of how customer behavioural changes are applied to the profiles for DFES
Profile Split
Linear scaling of unabated profile to account Linear scaling of flexed profile to account for
for energy efficiency measures energy efficiency measures
Scenario, year and licence area dependent Scenario, year and licence area dependent
Final Profile
7Committee for Climate Change, The Sixth Carbon Budget: The UK’s path to Net Zero, 2020;
Each solar generation customer is geographically allocated to an Electricity Supply Area where it would
be most likely to connect to the distribution network. Solar generation volumes are provided as the
installed capacity (MW) of generation connected.
Real power output data from all solar generation sites across the NG distribution licence areas was
collected and aggregated by each half hour for the three years prior to this analysis. Table 5 shows the
solar generation data sample:
Table 5: Sample size of solar generation site used to create profiles
Licence Area Number of sites in sample Total installed capacity of sites in sample
Half hourly generation profiles were created for each of the five representative days used for network
analysis. This methodology was changed in DFES 2022 to normalise the generation output observed
at each solar site by installed capacity to give a per unit value, before finding the maximum and minimum
half hourly profile for each season by aggregating the sites to licence area. This has the benefit of
ensuring equal weighting of each site’s normalised generation output and prevents results being
skewed by larger sites.
To account for varying levels of diversity of solar generation output across the network, the analysis
was completed with different subcategory groups that correlate to the subtechnologies used in the
analysis. This allows for the capturing of the unique behaviour of each of these categories, and also
captures the diversity associated with different scales of sites being connected at different voltages.
Further development of generation analysis tools allowed for better understanding of behaviour at
different installed capacities level. For sites under 1MW, self-consumption behaviour was observed as
shown in Figure 5. This lower perceived metered generation is due to site self-consumption, which not
only means that less generation is exported to the network, but that the site has lower demand. Due to
this, only sites above 1MW were included in the analysis to create the Solar Generation profile as they
have lower or almost no demand.
As each licence area was analysed separately, there are four sets of solar generation profiles used for
network analysis.
Figure 6: Representative solar generation profiles for customers in the South West licence area
Figure 7: Representative solar generation profiles for customers in the South Wales licence area
East Midlands
Figure 8: Representative solar generation profiles for customers in the East Midlands licence area
Figure 9: Representative solar generation profiles for customers in the West Midlands licence area
Known Limitations
As some of the solar generation sites across the NG distribution network are due to reach the end of
the operational life in the next 30 years, there may be opportunities for customers to replant with more
efficient equipment, as well as utilising behind the meter storage and customer-led load management
schemes. These potential changes have not been accounted for in this analysis. Behind-the-meter
consumption of the generation was not part of this analysis, but a great consideration was given which
resulted in the removal of all sites under 1MW from the analysis.
Future Developments
Further Analysis will be undertaken to better understand self-consumption, which will enable the
production of Photovoltaic sub technology specific profiles. More spatially granular profiles could be
something to investigate in the future.
Each onshore wind generation customer is geographically allocated to an Electricity Supply Area where
it would be most likely to connect to the distribution network. Onshore wind generation volumes are
provided as the installed capacity (MW) of generation connected.
Real power output data from all onshore wind generation sites across the NG distribution licence areas
was collected and aggregated by each half hour for the three years prior to this analysis. Only onshore
wind sites with an installed capacity greater than or equal to 100 kW were considered. Table 7 shows
the onshore wind generator data sample:
Table 7: Sample size of onshore wind generation site used to create profiles
Half hourly generation profiles were created for each of the five representative days used for network
analysis. This methodology was changed in DFES 2022 to normalise the generation output observed
at each wind site by installed capacity to give a per unit value, before finding the maximum and minimum
half hourly profile for each season by aggregating the sites to licence area.
To account for varying levels of diversity of onshore wind generation output across the network, the
analysis was completed with different subcategory groups of licence area totals, 132 kV connected, 33
kV connected and Primary substation connected sites. The licence area aggregated profiles represent
the expected per unit output of onshore wind generation when viewed as part of the total generation
installed across a licence area. At lower levels of diversity the profiles represent the worst case
observed profile of all sites considered in the sample group.
The grouped profiles represent the maximum output of each group combined, so lead to a more
pessimistic profile showing greater generation output due to local diversity being less than that of the
whole licence area. Given the purpose of the analysis for the studies was focussed on the EHV
networks, a worst case Primary substation diversified profile was chosen for this analysis.
As each licence area was analysed separately, there are four sets of onshore wind generation profiles
used for network analysis.
Figure 10: Representative onshore wind profiles for customers in the South West licence area
South Wales
Figure 11: Representative onshore wind profiles for customers in the South Wales licence area
Figure 12: Representative onshore wind profiles for customers in the East Midlands licence area
West Midlands
Figure 13: Representative onshore wind profiles for customers in the West Midlands licence area
Known Limitations
The DFES volume projections assume that existing onshore wind sites will replant with a larger installed
capacity when these sites reach the end of their design life. In addition, there may be future
opportunities for onshore wind sites to co-locate with demand sources, such as hydrogen electrolysis
or energy storage. Any potential changes in onshore wind turbine efficiency and change of import
requirements have not been accounted for in these profiles.
Future Developments
Further analysis will be undertaken to develop more spatially granular profiles to account for regional
variations in onshore wind generation output within a licence area.
Each offshore wind generation customer is geographically allocated to an Electricity Supply Area where
it would be most likely to connect to the distribution network. Offshore wind generation volumes are
provided as the installed capacity (MW) of generation connected.
Real power output data from all offshore wind generation sites across the NG distribution licence areas
was collected and aggregated by each half hour for the three years prior to this analysis. Only two
offshore wind generation customers are connected to the NG distribution network, both situated off the
coast of the East Midlands licence area.
Half hourly generation profiles were created for each of the five representative days used for network
analysis. This was achieved by considering the maximum and minimum generation output observed
during each half hour across the whole of each season in the aggregated generation data and
normalising this by installed capacity of the sample to give a per unit value.
Both offshore wind sites currently connected to the NG distribution network are connected at 132 kV,
so no study of different diversity levels is applicable. However, as any future offshore wind sites
connected to the distribution network would be most likely to connect at the 132 kV voltage level, the
generated profiles are deemed at a suitable level to be used for network analysis. This profile is applied
to all NG distribution licence areas where offshore wind is projected to connect.
Known Limitations
The sample size used to generate offshore wind profiles is very small and may not be representative of
the behaviour of a larger number of customers connected across the NG distribution network.
Future Developments
Given the small sample size of existing customers and the relatively low projections of future offshore
wind connections, no future developments have been identified for offshore wind customers.
Hydrogen-fuelled generation -
Marine Tidal stream
Wave energy
OCGTs (non CHP) -
Other generation -
Renewable Engines (Landfill Gas, -
Sewage Gas, Biogas)
Retained Connection -
All non-weather dependent generation customers are geographically allocated to an Electricity Supply
Area where they would be most likely to connect to the distribution network. Generation volumes are
provided as the installed capacity (MW) of generation connected.
In the case of infrequently despatched, non-intermittent generation, measured flows may not reflect the
potential network impact. Instead, a flat (continuous output) profile was assumed for each
representative day, representing the realistic behaviour that would have the worst impact upon the
network. These were assumed as follows:
Summer Peak Generation day: continuous export at agreed supply capacity; and
Peak Demand days (all seasons): zero export.
Generation output may in reality be limited by load management schemes, such as Export Limited
connections or Active Network Management schemes. In addition to this, some generation customers
may hold flexibility contracts with NG that mandate a certain profile at certain times of day or year. The
behaviour of these customers is included, as part of the network analysis, but the output of non-weather
dependent generation must be assumed full before network management systems can take effect in
order to accurately assess network capability.
Future Developments
NG is continuing to develop the tools to assess the coincident behaviour of generators connected at a
Primary substation level to determine a suitable profile per generator that balances the safe design and
operation of the distribution network and the design of an economic and efficient network.
Grid services
All battery storage customers are geographically allocated to an Electricity Supply Area where they
would be most likely to connect to the distribution network. Battery storage volumes are provided as
the installed capacity (MW) of storage connected.
NG previously worked with Regen to develop an approach to model the growth and operation of
storage. As part of this modelling work, a consultation paper was developed and issued, aiming to
validate some of the key assumptions used to model energy storage. The results from the consultation
paper are published on the NG website.
The consultation paper proposed different energy storage business models and asked for feedback on
the behaviour of energy storage in each of these business models. One noteworthy response to the
consultation was that customers expressed a desire to be able to ‘stack’ different business models and
revenue streams. Respondents also identified a preference not to commit to a specific operating mode,
as the evolving nature of procurement of balancing services by the Great Britain System Operator
(GBSO) in the future may change some of the proposed operating modes.
The consultation responses demonstrated that energy storage customers prefer flexibility to operate
energy storage without a specific operating profile. As a result, the profile assumptions used in this
study are:
Summer Peak Generation day: continuous export at agreed supply capacity; and
Peak Demand days (all seasons): continuous demand at agreed import capacity; and zero
This unconstrained mode of operation is onerous for networks. In some cases, it may trigger major
reinforcements that would prove unnecessary with relatively minor changes in the behaviour of energy
storage connections. Where battery storage customers hold flexibility contracts with NG that mandate
a certain profile at certain times of day or year, the behaviour of these customers is included, as part of
the network analysis. However; in the absence of load management schemes to limit battery storage
usage, the output of battery storage must be assumed to be worst-case in order to assess network
In DFES 2022 we have included flexible behaviour of domestic batteries, using the same customer
behaviour assumptions regarding uptake and response to domestic flexibility as those observed in the
domestic demand.
Known limitations
The projections and profiles only consider the impacts of battery storage. It is noted that there are other
forms of energy storage, which may connect to the distribution network in the next 30 years. This
feedback was given as part of the DFES 2022 stakeholder engagement exercise and will be
incorporated into future DFES studies.
These profiles are considered to be pessimistic as rarely all storage capacity installed across an area
of the network will be operating in a way to increase network loadings for each of the representative
days studied. When assessing each connected customer in isolation this approach is suitable, but when
assessing a group of generators connected at a Primary substation the behaviour of storage coincident
to local network loadings need to be used to assess a credible edge-case profile.
Future Developments
The energy storage profiles will be reviewed in future studies, with the expansion of the suite of
representative days to further assess the energy curtailment impact of measures such as ANM and
DSR. NG and National Grid ESO have collaborated on the Regional Development Plan 4 (RDP) 8 to
investigate how energy storage or other customers can provide flexibility to the system. This RDP looks
to extend the flexibility arrangements given to generation so that they apply to storage demand. This
will allow storage projects to become part of the solution to network capacity issues, rather than capacity
planning standards being a potential barrier to them.
The underlying demand profiles are not included as part of the DFES Part 1: Volumes project, as this
is data that NG has access to as part of internal network design processes. As the purpose of the
analysis is to study the network impact of the DFES projections on the 33 kV, 66 kV and 132 kV
networks, the demand at each Primary substation needed to be modelled individually.
NG undertake an engineering load survey on an annual cycle to update the Primary demand sets for
network design purposes. This focuses on an annual peak demand figure and accounts for abnormal
network running arrangements and the export of any downstream connected generation customers.
However to be used in the half-hourly analysis, further analysis was required to determine
representative half hourly profiles for different Primary substations.
Due to the absence of directional MW/MVAr monitoring at all Primary substations, it was not possible
to use data directly for each Primary across the NG distribution network. Instead, a sample of 200
Primary substations with directional MW/MVAr monitoring was used to determine a set of representative
profiles that could be retrospectively applied to other Primary substations with similar metrics.
The Primary underlying demand profiles are created as a profile normalised around the peak demand
observed as part of the engineering load survey. For each half hour and representative day, the peak
demand multiplied by the profile value gives an expected MW demand at each Primary substation.
Clustering Methodology
A bespoke machine learning Python-based program was written to cluster the Primary substations in
the sample into groups with similar profile characteristics for the representative days used for analysis.
This used metering data for a yearly period for all sample sites. More information about the cluster
methodology is contained in Appendix B: Primary substation clustering of this report.
The output of the clustering was a list of Primary substations with ‘similar’ behaviour (in terms of the
time of peak and the profile shape) for all five representative days.
Grouping Methodology
The most important part for categorising primaries is using its time of peak. As part of the engineering
load survey two distinct groups of Primary substations were found, one with a morning peak and another
with an evening peak. The Primary substations with a morning/midday peak were identified and these
substations grouped to create a representative morning/midday peaking profile. The clustering
methodology outlined above was used for the evening peaking Primaries in the sample to identify two
different demand profiles for evening peaking Primary substations.
After profiles were clustered there was a need to find available data that could correlate with each group
to define the profile. This involved collating a list of publicly available data for the geographic areas
supplied by Primary substations, including the customer density and average energy consumption for
domestic and non-domestic customers.
Demand type:
Time of peak before 14:00
Single customers
There are a number of customers connected to the NG distribution network with connections at 132 kV,
66 kV, and 33 kV or by a dedicated Primary transformer at a Primary substation. Such customers do
not have a regular daily or seasonal demand profile. As a result, the assumed profile for these
customers is:
Peak Demand days: continuous demand at peak annual demand observed in the engineering
load survey; and
Summer Peak Generation day: zero demand.
Figure 20: Representative morning peaking underlying demand active power profiles
Figure 21: Representative morning peaking underlying demand reactive power profiles
9Ofgem, RIIO-ED1 Electricity Distribution Network Performance Summary 2019-20 [Data set]
These figures demonstrate that although greater numbers of customers have connected to the
distribution network, the total observed peak demand per licence area and the total energy consumption
has reduced over the same period. This aligns with increasing customer uptake of more energy efficient
devices and a more energy conscious consumer.
However, extrapolating from these datasets to inform future peak power demand reduction due to
energy efficiency does not provide a complete picture. Further analysis to estimate the additional
demand contribution from newly connected customers over a three year period was used to determine
a more accurate underlying demand reduction without accounting for any new connections. These
assumptions have been used to infer a licence area specific peak demand reduction for each year and
scenario using measureable data observed from historic NG distribution licence area peak demand
Energy Assumptions
The energy consumption figures reported on for DFES 2022 focus on the licence area total energy
consumption, and are not provided at a more granular level. As demonstrated in Figure 27, the energy
consumption across NG’s distribution network has decreased in the previous ten years. A similar
process to the underlying demand decreases was undertaken to extrapolate these trends into the
future, also accounting for the fact that new connections made in the previous 10 years. These
assumptions have been used to infer a licence area specific energy reduction for each year and
scenario using measureable data observed from historic NG specific energy consumption figures. The
2020 data was excluded from this analysis due to the impact of Covid-19 on customer behaviour.
Known Limitations
The underlying demand profiles currently all assume a profile peak which occurs in the winter season.
Analysis from the engineering load survey demonstrates that not all Primary substations across NG
peak in the winter season.
The expected underlying demand reduction due to energy efficiency analysis was completed at a
licence area level, and may not account for the more granular changing demand trends on a per Primary
substation basis.
Future Developments
NG has committed to improving the network monitoring installed across Primary substations during
ED210. Once the data for these substations is available, this can be used directly in the analysis to
provide more accurate data without the need for assigning a representative profile.
Where Primary substation monitoring is not suitable to use the data directly in network analysis, the
above process has demonstrated to provide useful clusters of sites with similar behaviour based on
observed data. This can further be improved by subcategorising the sample by the season that the
peak demand occurred, also further subcategorising the time of peak to capture early morning and
midday peaking substations as different categories.
The DFES volumes project includes an analysis of all local authority development plans to identify new
domestic developments. Each development is geographically allocated to an Electricity Supply Area
where it would be most likely to connect to the distribution network. This only accounts for the electrical
household demand due to lighting, cooking and entertainment. Any additional domestic demand due to
the installation of Heat Pumps, Direct Electric Heating, Air Conditioning or Electric Vehicle chargers are
covered in other sections of this report.
Domestic developments are provided with units of the number of domestic dwellings. Each new
domestic customer is assigned an electrical demand profile for each of the five representative days
considered in the analysis.
The customer behaviour assumptions are based on the Elexon Profile Class 1 profiles 11 used in the
electricity settlement purposes, and are consistent with the NG Policy Document ST:SD5A (Design of
Low Voltage Domestic Connections) 12. This process is developed for the purposes of Low Voltage
network design, and uses a statistical methodology consistent with that published in the ACE49
methodology13. For the application of these domestic profiles for use in strategic analysis of the EHV
networks, a diversity level of 57 customers was chosen. This represents the profile to be a credible
usage profile for a single domestic customer, aggregated as part of a wider group of 57 domestic
customers. The diversity level was chosen as the average number of additional domestic dwellings per
Primary substation per year considered in the DFES volumes projections.
A limitation of the ACE49 methodology is it does not produce a half-hourly profile for all representative
days assessed. To create a profile for all demand representative days, the ratio of the urban underlying
demand profile referenced to winter peak was used as an approximation for seasonal scaling.
In addition to the increased level of diversity to make the profiles suitable for network analysis, an
Estimated Annual Consumption (EAC) was used that is consistent with the Total Domestic
Consumption Values (TDCVs) recommended by Ofgem in January 2020 14. This was deemed a suitable
figure for new-build domestic properties. The application of revised TDCV values into existing NG
system design policy is under review.
To account for customers who alter their electricity demand in response to flexibility services, a flexed
profile is also used. This assumes a domestic demand of zero for the time of day where a GB electricity
system peak is assumed to occur in the winter and intermediate cool seasons. The total energy
consumption of the flexed profile is the same as used in the unabated profile, however it allows a total
domestic energy reduction at time of system peak to be consistent with the residential white good DSR
at peak figures published in the Future Energy Scenarios (FES) data workbook15.
Domestic (flexed)
Energy Assumptions
The energy assumptions for new domestic customers projected to connect to the distribution network
are consistent with the Total Domestic Consumption Values recommended values of 2900 kWh per
year, scaled to the new baseline of 2021. This is projected to decrease further, in line with the expected
annual energy consumption reduction assumptions used in Figure 29.
Known Limitations
The domestic profile used for Profile Class 1 does not fully reflect the varying energy requirements of
new domestic customers. Further subcategorising the domestic customer type by the size of house and
number of electrical appliances could improve the granularity and accuracy of domestic customer
The assumptions for the demand contribution and energy consumption reductions for domestic
customers align with the licence area observed demand and energy reductions. Further
subcategorisation by customer type of the existing underlying demand could improve the assumptions
for expected customer behaviour change for domestic customers.
Future Developments
With an increased amount of domestic customers switching to smart meters and half-hourly metering,
this data could be used to infer how customer behaviour changes with reference to price signals which
a DNO does not directly impact. NG plan to investigate the suitability of aggregated smart meter data
to inform assumptions on the behaviour of existing and future domestic customers.
C1 Hotels
The DFES volumes project includes an analysis of all local authority development plans to identify new
industrial and commercial developments. Each development is geographically allocated to an Electricity
Supply Area where it would be most likely to connect to the distribution network.
Non-domestic developments are provided with units as m² of floor space in the development. There are
ten difference categories used in the DFES volume analysis, which encompass different industrial and
commercial customer types. These are consistent with the planning use classes, before they were
updated in September 202016. The units and categories of industrial and commercial customer were
chosen as they are the most consistently used in local authority development plans and the Energy
Performance Certificate (EPC) database.
For large non-domestic customers with an accepted connection offer to the NG 33 kV, 66 kV or 132 kV
networks, these customers are modelled as a distinct category and profiled based on the requested
import capacity as per the connection offer.
Creating a sample of connected customers
To create representative profiles for each non-domestic customer type suitable for strategic network
analysis, a demand profile per m² of development floorspace is required. This requires two datasets
with the necessary information to be joined together as shown in Table 13.
As the address is the only common field to join the two datasets, a bespoke Python string-matching
program was developed match the different address fields for each customer. This uses an adaption of
an algorithm published by Ratcliff and Obershelp (commonly known as the Getsalt Pattern Matching
algorithm)18. This process generates a large sample of half-hourly metered customers with the required
fields as in Table 13.
For the purposes of DFES analysis, it is assumed that new industrial and commercial customers
connected to the network will have an EPC rating of C and above. This assumption is intended to
remove the impacts of customers with low EPC ratings influencing the representative profiles for future
non-domestic connections, and broadly aligns with proposals made in the Future Building Standard
Creating Representative Demand Profiles
For each customer in the sample above, half-hourly metering data is collected for the calendar year of
2019. Analysis of Valuation Office Agency (VOA) data on the number of non-domestic properties in
each Local Authority was cross-referenced against the NG geographic polygon datasets for Primary
substations. This process creates a representative sample size of the number of customers of each
non-domestic customer type connected to each Primary substation. The table below shows the total
sample size available of customers used to generate non-domestic profiles, alongside the
representative sample size for the average number of customers per non-domestic customer type
connected to a Primary substation.
17Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, Energy Performance of Buildings Data
[Data set], https://epc.opendatacommunities.org/ (Accessed 13th September 2019)
18 Python Software Foundation, difflib – Helpers for computing deltas, 2020;
https://docs.python.org/2/library/difflib.html (Accessed 19th August 2020)
19 Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, Future Buildings Standard: Consultation
on changes to Part L (conservation of fuel and power) and Part F (ventilation) of the Building
Regulations for non-domestic buildings and dwellings; and overheating in new residential buildings,
Property Use Class Number of customers in sample Representative sample size used
A3/A4/A5 68 65
B1 129 100
B2 64 60
B8 79 75
C1 60 30
C2 60 25
D1 69 35
D2 38 20
Sui Generis 9 5
For each customer type, the representative sample size was randomly selected from the input dataset.
The total demand for all half-hourly periods across a year was extracted from metering data and
normalised over the total floor space of the sample. For each of the seasons identified in the
Representative Days section of this report, a daily demand profile was generated for each
representative day using the following logic:
Peak demand representative day: for each season studied, the maximum normalised value
for the sample was extracted for each half hour; and
Peak generation representative day: for each season studied, the minimum normalised value
for the sample was extracted for each half hour; and zero export.
To ensure the worst-case network conditions were captured, the above process was repeated 1,000
times with different randomly selected input data for each customer type. The maxima and minima of
all repeated samples taken was used to derive the demand profiles.
Profile Benchmarking
The representative profiles were benchmarked against a range of data sources to validate their
suitability for use in network analysis, including similar data shared by other DNOs.
Non-domestic profiles used by NG in previous strategic studies: NG has used non-
domestic normalised around the industrial and commercial floorspace in previous strategic
studies20. The profiles generated using the above process are similar when compared for
network impact totals for the same input volume data. A key improvement is the ability to split
the ‘Factory and warehouse’ customer type into distinct ‘General Industrial/B2’ and ‘Storage
and Distribution/B8’ categories, as it is observed they follow different electrical profiles.
BSRIA Rules of Thumb21: This document is for building services engineers to specify the
electrical requirements for non-domestic buildings. The ‘rules of thumb’ for the after diversity
maximum demand figures (of kW/m²) compared favourably to the newly generated profiles.
Any differences can be explained by the aggregate behaviour of a group of customers
connected at a Primary substation level, rather than the individual customer demand.
B2 (general industrial)
C1 (hotel)
D1 (non-residential institutions)
Sui Generis
Energy Assumptions
As part of the non-domestic profiling exercise, the years’ worth of metering was collated for the sample
and normalised over the total floorspace. An annual scaling factor for the floorspace to annual energy
consumption in kWh was generated. To obtain total estimated annual energy consumption from new
non-domestic customers, the values in Table 15 can be used. The energy consumption for new non-
domestic customers is expected to decrease further in line with the expected annual energy
consumption reduction assumptions used in Table 15: Average scaling factor from floorspace (m²) to
total annual energy consumption (kWh) for each non-domestic customer type
Property Use Scaling factor from development floorspace to total annual energy
Class consumption (m² to kWh/year)
A1/A2 360.6
A3/A4/A5 742.2
B1 186.9
B2 132.6
B8 166.8
C1 147.8
C2 211.1
D1 117.2
D2 144.3
Known Limitations
The non-domestic profiling exercise is reliant on the accuracy of the EPC database of non-domestic
properties. There are some instances whereby the floorspace did not correlate to the floorspace of a
customer connected to the NG distribution network.
The electrification of industrial processes for existing customers is not captured as part of this analysis.
As the profiles are based on existing customer metering data, this covers the existing penetration of
electric heating and cooling for non-domestic customers.
22Ofgem, Modification Proposal: Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) P272: Mandatory Half-Hourly
Settlement for Profile Classes 5-8, 2014; https://www.elexon.co.uk/wp-
Hybrid HGV
Hybrid LGV
Hybrid motorcycle
Domestic off-street
Domestic on-street
En-route / local charging stations
The DFES has been developed to include vehicle and charger projections for all NG distribution licence
areas. There are 12 vehicle and 8 charger types projected for all years and scenarios. Each vehicle
and charger is geographically allocated to an Electricity Supply Area where it would be most likely to
be registered or connect to the distribution network; noting that EVs will charge at multiple locations. All
vehicle and charger types projected are given in Table 16. Out of the 12 vehicle types assessed, hybrid
bus and coach, hybrid HGV, hybrid motorcycle and hybrid car (non-autonomous) were identified as not
being credible vehicle types and the volumes for all years and scenarios remain at zero. They are
included in the DFES projections volumes for completeness. All charger types are considered viable
and the volumes connected increase under all scenarios.
The distribution of EVs in the near term is based on affluence, rurality, existing vehicle baselines and
the distribution of on and off street parking. However, in the late 2020s under all Net Zero scenarios
uptake is assumed ubiquitous. This means that almost all consumers are assumed to have the same
likelihood of adopting an EV.
Work Fleet/Depot
Slow/Fast Public En-route / local charging stations
Car parks
Rapid Public* En-route national network
*”The rapid public charger data was not made publically available, as the relatively low sample size could be traced
back to individual customers. As stated in the Element Energy report “this charger type classification provides an
effective trade-off between distinctions in usage while ensuring each type has a large enough data volume”.
The NG DFES charger types are forecast at a more granular level to help inform interested stakeholders
and aid in the future development of EV customer behaviour modelling. The profiles described below
were created for the four overarching charging groups, and then applied to the more granular NG
charger types.
Normalised Profile Creation
The Element Energy dataset provides a whole yearly hourly profile for residential, work and slow/fast
for each NG distribution licence area. These profiles underwent detailed validation, including removal
of erroneous charging events, correcting for increasing EV and charger stock and ensuring anomalously
high and low demand were reflected in the final profiles. The final profiles used in this analysis are
normalised hourly profiles that give a kW per yearly kWh.
23Element Energy, Electric Vehicle Charging Behaviour Study, Final Report for National Grid ESO,
2019; https://www.smarternetworks.org/project/nia_ngso0021/documents
24 National Grid, Electric Nation, 2019; https://www.nationalgrid.co.uk/projects/electric-nation
Residential 74.7
Work 14.7
To obtain an hourly profile for each charge category for all representative days the equation below was
used to apportion the energy across each charger category.
𝑁𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑑 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑙𝑒 ( ) ∗ 𝑠ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑑(%) ∗
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐸𝑉 𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦(𝑘𝑊ℎ)
𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒𝑟 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑙𝑒 (𝑘𝑊 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒𝑟) =
𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑
This final output is a year and scenario dependent profile that accounts EV energy requirements and
how this will be apportioned across the available chargers. These profiles are then applied to the NG
EV Charge Point subtechnologies using the mapping given in Table 17.
Figure 42: Residential unabated kW/yearly kWh representative day charging profile
Figure 43: Residential managed charging (flexed) kW/yearly kWh representative day charging profile
Figure 44: Work unabated kW/yearly kWh representative day charging profiles
Figure 45: Slow/Fast unabated kW/yearly kWh representative day charging profile
25 Department for Transport, Transport Analysis Guidance Data Workbook v1.13.1 [Data set]
8797/tag-data-book.xlsm (Accessed 15th December 2022)
26National Grid, Electric Nation – Powered Up, 2020; https://www.nationalgrid.co.uk/projects/electric-
Energy Assumptions
The baseline energy assumptions per vehicle category are given in Table 19.
Table 19: Electric vehicle average annual mileage, kWh/mile and yearly energy requirement in Baseline
Future Developments
As more data becomes available, improve the modelling assumptions on autonomous vehicles. This
includes understanding credible autonomous market models, including annual mileage and charging
Improve the constant EV energy apportionment assumption to charger category based on number of
available chargers and the chargers each vehicle type will utilise.
Evaluate ways to better capture EV customers who are charging via 13A plugs, who do not have a
dedicated EV charger.
Assess the outputs of the ongoing SP Energy Networks CHARGE 27 innovation project, which is
combining transport and electricity network data to highlight the best location for public EV charge points
at the lowest cost. It will also trial deployment of smart management of public chargers. The output of
this project should help inform public charger profiles and quantify the potential reduction due to smart
public charging.
Planned review of UK Power Networks OPTIMISE PRIME28 innovation project that is the world’s biggest
trial of commercial EVs. It is looking at how to minimise the impact the electrification of commercial
vehicles will have on the distribution network. The results of this project will help inform our commercial
EV charging behaviour.
As more charging data becomes available, producing EV charging profiles at a higher granularity (half-
hourly or better) will help identify any short duration peaks that will not be fully captured with a hourly
profile. Additional charging data will also enable explicit profiling of all NG EV Charge Point
subtechnologies, rather than grouping into high-level categories.
Better understand the behaviour of domestic chargers where users are utilising EV Charge Point
leasing applications.
Resistive electric Direct electric heating Number of customers with resistive electric
heating heating
Night storage heating
Resistive electric heating is a system using electricity to provide primary space heat and hot water to
domestic buildings that is not driven by a heat pump. Typically, this is night storage heating or direct
electric heating. This does not include heat networks.
The baseline number of resistive electric heating units is based on analysis of domestic heating
technology types from EPC data, census data and NG connected customers. The installation rate of
direct electric heating in new builds is also based on local EPC data. The most recent national data
shows that c.11% of new builds are heated by resistive electric heating, a proportion which has been
relatively stable over recent years. The NG DFES analysis of new build domestic properties is used to
project increases in the number of resistive electric heating installations. Resistive electric heating has
a higher running cost than a heat pump, they are assumed not to be the target of national policy to
decarbonise domestic heating.
The customer behaviour assumptions for resistive electric heating and night storage are based on the
Elexon profile classes29. They are consistent with the NG Policy Document ST:SD5A (Design of Low
Voltage Domestic Connections)30. This process is developed for the purposes of Low Voltage network
design, and uses a statistical methodology consistent with that published in the ACE49 methodology 31.
For the application of these resistive heating profiles for use in strategic analysis of the EHV networks,
a diversity level of 50 customers was chosen. This represents a credible usage profile for a single
resistive electric heating installation, aggregated as part of a wider group of 50 domestic customers with
night storage.
A limitation of the ACE49 methodology is it does not produce a half-hourly profile for all representative
days assessed. To create a profile for all demand representative days, the ratio of HP energy
requirement referenced to winter peak was used as an approximation for seasonal scaling.
Night storage
The Elexon profile class 2 represents domestic economy 7 customers. This is the profile class normally
allocated to domestic customers with night storage. Profile class 2 includes the energy requirement for
domestic demand, not just the night storage heating. To derive a night storage only profile, the delta
between Elexon profile class 1 and profile class 2 was calculated. The profiles for night storage in the
baseline year is shown in Figure 47.
Figure 48: Direct Electric heating profile per installation in baseline year
Figure 49 and Figure 50 is applied. The scaling factor is normalised around the baseline for each year
and scenario and can be linearly applied to the profiles in Figure 47 and Figure 48.
Energy Assumptions
Figure 49.
Annual energy consumption percentage change from baseline per direct electric heating customer
Figure 49: Direct electric heating energy percentage change from baseline by scenario
Figure 50: Night storage heating energy percentage change from baseline by scenario
Known Limitations
There are known limitations of these assumptions used for night storage and direct electric heating
where the profiles do not currently vary by the archetype of house that they would be found on. Due to
the varying thermal properties of different buildings, this could result in variations from the modelling
Future Developments
In future there is scope to integrate these heating profiles into a heat model that also includes both heat
pumps and district heating, along with further categorisation into building types.
Each heat pump connection is geographically allocated to an Electricity Supply Area where it would be
most likely to connect to the distribution network. Heat pump volumes are provided in number of heat
pumps. As described in the Domestic section, heat pumps are forecast independently to new domestic
properties. This allows the retrofitting of heat pumps in the existing housing stock to be more accurately
Ground Source Heat Pumps (GSHP) and Air Source Heat Pumps (ASHP) have been forecast
separately, an addition compared to last year’s analysis; however, it is expected that GSHPs will be
less prevalent due to GSHPs space requirements for the ground source loop and cost of installation. It
is worth noting that GSHPs do have a higher coefficient of performance, particularly at times of low
ambient temperatures.
Recent developments in hybrid heat pumps, which work with a backup technology (primarily gas), have
started to reduce some of the barriers and raise potential for much higher growth in the sector. As well
as starting to make it a cost-effective option for an on-gas grid customer, a hybrid system also requires
less disruptive change. The higher temperature heat can use existing radiators and the heat pump
operates at times when it is most efficient (e.g. low electricity prices or moderate heat requirements),
with back up sources taking over when it is not.
The majority of substations see a yearly peak demand during the winter or intermediate cool seasons,
at times of cold ambient temperatures. The majority of heat pump energy demand is also within the
winter and intermediate cool seasons, with a peak demand that is shown to correlate very closely with
existing peak demand.
With non-hybrid heat pumps, all energy is provided via the electricity network, compared with hybrid
systems that can switch between electricity and gas. At times of high network demand and low ambient
temperatures, non-hybrid systems coefficient of performance can drop significantly. An additional
electrical backup source is used where the non-hybrid heat pump is unable to maintain the required
temperature. A hybrid system is able to switch over to its alternate fuel source at times of high electricity
When determining the heat pump profiles, it was important to consider the coincident nature of existing
peak demand and heat pump peak demand. The use of average or typical profiles does not capture
the onerous network loading that will be seen for a 1-in-20 winter.
33 Electricity North West Lid, NIA ENWL001 – Demand Scenarios with Electric Heat and Commercial
Capacity Options, (2017) https://www.enwl.co.uk/globalassets/innovation/enwl001-demand-scenarios-
34Northern Powergrid, Customer Led Network Revolution Insight Report: Domestic Heat Pumps, 2015;
35 Northern Powergrid, Customer Led Network Revolution TC3 Dataset, [Data set] (2014)
(Accessed July 2019)
36 Watson, S.D. et al, (2019), Decarbonising Domestic Heating: What is the peak GB demand? Energy
Policy 126, p533-544
37 Love, J et al, (2017), The addition of heat pump electricity load profiles to GB electricity demand:
Evidence from a heat pump field trial, Applied Energy 204, p332-342
38 National Grid ESO, FES Data Workbook 2022 v03, pED1
“The field trial demonstrated that hybrids can provide fully flexible loads with the
ability to: constrain peak whole-home demand below the existing Elexon Profile
Class 1 peak whilst still delivering 50% of the heat demand through the heat
pump; enforce a capacity cap across a population, including a cap of zero ASHP
demand; increase ASHP demand at times of plentiful low-cost renewable
electricity; for the first time ever live carbon forecasts were used so that the ASHP
could track grid carbon intensity and avoid times of high carbon peaking plant
Based on the FREEDOM project findings, hybrid heat pumps are modelled as running on gas for the
Winter and Intermediate Cool Peak Demand representative days. Both of these representative are
focussed on extreme cold ambient temperatures, where the ASHP coefficient of performance will be
greatly reduced and it is presumed that the heat pump control system and price signals will incentive
gas sufficiently during these representative days.
Summer and intermediate warm representative days are profiled at 80% of the non-hybrid profile,
accounting for hybrid systems that are still operating on gas even during less onerous periods. The
profiles used for hybrid heat pumps can be found in Figure 54.
District heating profiles
New to DFES 2022, a profile has been produced to model district heating schemes. District heating has
been split into two categories to support this – bulk and non-bulk. We are treating the bulk district
heating schemes (those heat pump powered systems that can be found in a city centre or other high
density area) as a single customer with a unique operating profile, and non-bulk district heating
schemes (a few properties connected to a single large heat pump) as a profile per customer connected
to said heat pump.
Through using this methodology, the operating behaviour of bulk district heating schemes is better
captured, as this varies by network characteristic such as storage capacity and topography of the
network. This is particularly true where a heat network extends across multiple primary substations,
and the point of connection to the distribution network falls within only one of the primary electricity
supply areas.
39National Grid, FREEDOM: Flexible Residential Energy Efficiency Demand Optimisation and
Management, 2019; https://www.nationalgrid.co.uk/projects/freedom
Figure 52: Non-hybrid heat pump with thermal storage profiles in baseline year
Figure 54: Hybrid heat pump with thermal storage profiles in baseline year
Figure 55: Heat pump profile of small-scale district heating scheme in baseline year
Energy Assumptions
The energy requirements of non-hybrid (ASHP and GSHP) and hybrid heat pumps for each year and
scenario were derived from the FES workbook.
As described in the above section, these energy improvement figures were applied to the non-hybrid
profiles to represent the reduction in peak MW requirement as housing stock thermal efficiency
improves and coefficient of performance of heat pumps increases. This does not apply to the winter
and intermediate cool hybrid profiles, where they are already assumed to be operating on an alternate
fuel source.
Figure 56: Yearly energy requirement per non-hybrid air source heat pump
Non-hybrid Ground Source Heat Pump (and Non-hybrid Ground Source Heat Pump co-located with
thermal storage) annual energy consumption
Figure 57: Yearly energy requirement per non-hybrid ground source heat pump
Known Limitations
Currently only domestic heat pumps are forecast as part of the DFES volumes process. The inclusion
of non-domestic heat pump volumes would enable a more representative profile to be applied to the
entire building stock across the NG distribution network.
The current profiles used are produced from the CLNR project, which is a static dataset. This does not
account for differences in property size, or thermal efficiency of the properties, which may result in
variations to the real life demand of these technologies.
Future Developments
NG will continue to monitor the progress of existing projects, trials and business as usual processes for
assigning customer behaviour for Heat Pumps suitable for network analysis of the EHV networks and
update the assumptions as necessary.
The outputs of the Defender NGED Innovation project will provide heat pump profiles that are better
aligned to archetypes, and would improve the ability to increase the granularity of the profiles while still
reflecting the area that the profile is representing. Through using smart meter data, this also ensures
that, should customer behaviours change, this can be identified and incorporated into the profiles. Some
work to ensure that the profiles are of appropriate diversity for the analysis being carried out will need
to be done prior to using these profiles.
Energy Assumptions
As described in the Methodology section, the air-conditioning demand is assumed as zero for all existing
representative days. However, the overall energy is modelled as 500 kWh/year for each installation.
This figure is taken from the FES workbook and is assumed to not change by year and scenario.
Future Developments
NG plan to undertake analysis on domestic and non-domestic air-conditioning operating behaviour.
Focussing on existing behaviour at time of network peak and potential for new edge-cases to occur as
uptake increases. Consideration of increased energy requirement as average temperature increases
could also be reviewed.
Known Limitations
There is currently limited knowledge about the running of hydrogen electrolysers as they are in the early
stages of development. As more hydrogen electrolysers are rolled out we will be able to apply real-
world use cases and data to our forecasting.
Future Developments
NG plan to undertake agile analysis on the operating behaviour of hydrogen electrolysers and continue
to develop the forecasts as the industry gains further insight into the operational workings of this new
technology. Focussing on existing behaviour at time of network peak and potential for new edge-cases
to occur as uptake increases.
Retained connection - -
Solar PV Ground mounted (>1MW) Gen_BB012
Solar PV Commercial rooftop (10kw - 1MW) Gen_BB013
This is analogous to a human matching up profiles by examining the similarity of their shapes. To
prevent DTW from excessively warping the profiles in attempt to match the profile shapes (e.g.
attempting to match evening peaks with midday peaks), a constraint was set so that the algorithm could
only match points within a 90-minute range.
The DTW algorithm was applied to all pairs of profiles. In turn, this produced a matrix containing a
measure of similarity between the profiles. This matrix was used as the input for second stage of ML
clustering. To partition the profiles in to groups using the similarity matrix, the k-means algorithm was
used. This algorithm produces k clusters by minimising the within-cluster-sum-of-squares criterion. In
other words, the algorithm aims to produce k clusters where the variance between samples inside each
cluster is minimised.
B 2 3 0 2
C 1 4 0 1
D 0 3 1 2
Table 23 provides an example of this analysis. As substations “A” and “C” have identical cluster
assignments, they have the same profile behaviour over the course of the year. This can be used as
an input for mapping behaviour to categorisation metrics (e.g. housing density, proportion of
domestic/commercial customers etc.). The k-means algorithm was repeated for each seasonal rating,
using the optimum value of k identified. This clustering provides a starting point for further analysis.
Given that each substation has been assigned a cluster for each seasonal rating, substations with
identical cluster assignments can be viewed as having similar behaviour. Figure 63 is an example of
the clusters that are produced using ML clustering.
– Access Window The period of spring, summer and autumn in which arranged
outages are normally taken.
ANM Active Network The ENA Active Network Management Good Practice Guide
Management summarises ANM as:
Using flexible network customers autonomously and in real-
time to increase the utilisation of network assets without
breaching operational limits, thereby reducing the need for
reinforcement, speeding up connections and reducing costs.
ASHP Air Source Heat Type of Heat Pump that absorbs heat from outside air for the
Pump purposes of space heating and hot water.
BEV Battery Electric Electric vehicle with a battery as the only means of propulsion
BSP Bulk Supply Point A substation comprising one or more Grid Transformers and
associated switchgear
– Demand The consumption of electrical energy.
DSR Demand Side Ofgem led tariffs and schemes which incentivise customers to
Response change their electricity usage habits
DfT Department for The governmental department responsible for the transport
Transport network in England and part of Scotland, Wales and Northern
Ireland which are not devolved.
DFES Distribution Future An annual process undertaken by Distribution Network
Energy Scenarios Operations to forecast future growth on the distribution network
DG Distributed Generation connected to a distribution network. Sometimes
Generation known as Embedded Generation.
DNO Distribution Network A company licenced by Ofgem to distribute electricity in the
Operator United Kingdom who has a defined Distribution Services Area.
DSOF Distribution System A document published by National Grid that assesses the
Operability technical issues facing Distribution Network Operators as they
Framework transition to Distribution System Operator (DSO).
DTW Dynamic Time An algorithm to measure similarity between two time series
EV Electric Vehicle General term for a vehicle which uses electric motors as its
method of propulsion.
ESA Electricity Supply Each ESA represents a block of demand and generation as
Area visible from the distribution network. For the 2022 DFES
studies, each ESA represents the geographic area supplied by
a Primary Substation (which contains NG-owned distribution
substations) providing supplies at a voltage below 33 kV, or a
customer directly supplied at 132, 66 or 33 kV or by a
dedicated Primary Substation.
ENA Energy Networks The Energy Networks Association is an industry association
Association funded by gas or distribution or transmission licence holders.
EPC Energy Performance Rating scheme to summarise the energy efficiency of buildings.