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Arms Rules, 2016

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Rules Pe 5 6 The Arms Rules, 2016 CONTENTS Cuapter F GENERAL Short titte .... Definitions... Cigssifivation of arms and ammunition .......... Li¢ence:for.aitns other than firearms and applicability of Section 4 CHAPTER D LICENSING PROCEDURE. Livensing authority and forms of licences ... Resiction in granting licences for acquisition,. possession or carrying of anms or arumumition of Category J of Schedule 1... Licensing authorities to furnish information to district Magistrate - Possession of arms or arnmunit use thereof .. Restrictions by Central Government in certain cases . Safe use and storage of firearms mn for certalm parposes to includke Application tor licence Obligations of licensiag anthotity in certain cases Time limit for grant of licence ..... Tine Limit for police report for grant of lieenees Mainenance f records in electronic format and consolidation of Eeenees .. Dany of licensing authority under NDAL Registration of Yicence with an outsida licensing authority ané change of address with existing licensing authoriry -. Perraission for possession of arms to be soqniced sbeeget ta grant of Hcesce ... Extension of area validity of licence ... Additional licences for individuals ............ (79) Poses TF a7 82 83. ae a1 92 3 Rules 35. 37, 38. 30. 4. 42. 43. 45. 4 Retainers for companies ... . Renewal of licences ...... i. Form of certain licences . Restrictions on carrying of fireartn in public hase, . Correction of information .... . Idertification marks on firearm . ARMS RULES. 2016 Retainers for exemptees Restriction on the quantity of ammunition used in, breecb- spoiling firearms. Grant of licences ca legal heirs Fees for Heances Fee payable for dopiés and. duplicates Collection of fees ... Inspection of arms by the licensing authority Production of licences CHAPTER 11 SPECIAL CATEGORIES OF LICENCES Licence for destruction of wild animals which do injury io human beings or cattle and damage so crops . ‘Licence for training and target practice ___ Licence for sport shooting association ws... Licence for shooting ranges Licence for accredited trainers .. Quantity of ammnnition to sports persons, shooting associations, Licence to museum Licence for artas and ammunition for theatrical, film or television PFOPUCHIODS Herein Acquisition, possession and export of arms or anumuition by tourists visiting Indi Licence to an Enternational sports person for participation in shotting events in lndia . ‘Other temporary categories of impar¥expast licenves ‘Licence for fireatin free zones CHAPTER TW DEPOSIT GF ARMS AND AMMUNITION Deposit of arme and ammunition under Section 31 163 105 107 110 1 112 M2 ug 4 114 7 ARMS RULES, 2016 Rules Pages 48, Deposit of arms and ammunition for safe custody (otherwise than under Section 21) . 119 49. Records and returns of articles deposited y21 50. Inspection su . 123 CHATTER Y¥ MANUFACTURERS, ARMS DEALERS AND GUNSMITHS ParTI MANUFACTURE AND PROOF TEST OF FIREARMS 51. Licence for manufacture anc proof test .. 52. Type of firearms for grant of a ficenee in Form VI for manufacture aad proof test 53. Applications far 2 licence in Form VI... 54. Procedure for grant of liesace im Form, Vil - 55, Qther cequirements as to licences granted in Form Vt 56, Obligations of licensees having licensee Form VIL .. 57. Inport. of machinery for manufacturing anms and amanoi other parts cic - 38. Masking of firearms and amraunition at the lime of manufacture... 130 59. Proof test of firewnms ... 131 60. Capacity revision and “applicability of new worms to exditing manufacturers. wane 133 61. Licence in case of an individual of 4 sole proprietor ~ 134 62. Admission of partners in case of existing manufacturer 134 83. Conversion of partnership fires ino a private limited compiaiy’.... 134 $4. Restoration of licence of a discontinued business of an existing manufacturer 145 65. Record of wansactions wo be maintained by licensees hoding licence in Form V1 .. 66, Enforcement powers as to inspection and confiscation Part IL MANUFACTURE OF REPLICA OF FIREARMS 67. Licence ta manvfacture replica, of FirCANTS .sassensine 17 68. Inspection of saraples of replies of firearms 1a 69. Markings of replicas of firearms 198 70. Mairitenance of records by rianufacturer of replicas of firearms .. 138 TL. Procedure for making replicas of firearms innocuous ......... 42, Sale and export of replicas of firearms... Rules 73. B can 76. 78. 7m. 80. al, 82. a3 85, 86. a7. Sg. 89, aL. 92. 93. 95, ARMS RULES, 3016 Paxt TIL ARMS AND AMMUNITION DEALERS ‘Grant of licences te anns.and afanmmnition dealers Licence for restricted category of firearms and ammunition toarms and amrdunition dealers Records of transactions to be maintained by arms and ammunition dealers Licence to keep i-eustady anms and ammunition: Part Ty ACCREDITED GUNSMITHS Licenee for carrying ent minor repairs ...... Licence for carrying out major repairs, conversion, etc... Other conditions for licences issued in Form IX and EX-A. ‘Unserviceable or defective. and deactivated firearm .. Technical procedure for deactivation of firearms . Revord§ of trausattions to be maintained by gunsmiths bc a licence in Form 1X or TX-A ...... PARTY COMMON PROVISIONS FOR MANUFACTURERS, ARMS DEALERS AND GUNSMITRS. Inspection of premises, stocit and record Manufacture and sale of air weapons including ball markers or gums .. Obligations of air weapon dealers «0. Powers of Central Government in certain cases Carrer V1 IMPORT AND EXPORT OF ARMS AND AMMUNITION Licences for import and export of arms and ammmnition Inport of arms and ammunition Lmport of certain type of arms .. Export of arms and ammunition cee Export and re-import of arms and ammunition .. Tn-teansit Licence of arms and ammumition Vessels entering the territorial waters of Indi .. Arms er ammunition to be delivered 10 Indian customs aahonity in certain cases Scrutiny by authorities of consignments containing anns and ammunition .. en " idl 150 i5l 131 152 152 153 136° 157 159 74 Rules 96, oT, 38. 100. ol. 102. ARMS RULES, 2016 Pages CHAPTER YI PartI TRANSPORT OF ARMS ANT AMMUNITION Prohibition of transport of armas and anmamaition vse ‘Transport of arms or ammuniticn - Previous cousent.ia certain cases Carriage of arms and ammunition by air . Packaging of ams and ammunition during wanspertatian .. Parti TRANSPORTER’S LICENCE Licence for transporter... Procedural requirements for ransparter's licence ..... 167 CHarrer VIII DISPOSAL AND DESTRUCTION OF FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION 103_ 194. 105. 106. 107. 08. 109, Lif. Lat. 112. Confiscation, capture or seizure. of firearms and ammunition .. Destruction of firearms and ammunitien Cuaprae IX APPEALS UNDER ARMS ACT Appellate authorities .. 169 Reasons to be communicated to appellate authority in certain cases 170 Appeal sgainst onder of licensing authority or an authority suspending or evoking a licence. under sub-section @) of Section 17 of the Act . a pace —. (70 Procedure 16 be followed by ‘appellate authority .. on 170 Fea payable on « petition for appeal made under sub-s Section 18 of the Act . 170 CHarrer X PROVISIONS RELATING TO NEPAL Import, transport and export of anus and ammunition for Government of Nepal .. ened ‘Transport of arms Srom any place in Nepal v0 sy a is Nepal through Indian territory .... CHAPTER XI MISCELLANEOUS Common conditions applicable to all types of licences... 170 17k 1% ARMS RULES. 2016 Rules 113, Security and precantionary conditions for storage of ingredients of ammunition specified in Category VI of Schedule 1 SCHEDULE I... SCHEDULE 11. SCHEDULE ITD Porm f Form TF PoRM DI Form I-A Porm IE-B Form T¥ Form V FORM V-A wen Form V-B Forw V1... Fore Vii Fort VIA .. ForM VIB .. Form VILC , Form Vill FORM 2X1 For XI .. Porm XIIL Porm XTV Form XV . Porm XVI ScuepuLe TI Form A-L.. Form A-2. FORM A-3 ForM A-4 .. 5 Pages 172, 4 177 188 188 19 AG 195 196 197 200 203 204 25 206 21t 212 213 214 231 16 Pages Form A-6 .. 244 FORM A-7 - 246 Form A-8 247 Form A-& .. 248 Form A-8 .. 249 Form A-10 250 Form 4-10-A. 21 Form A-11 253 Form A-12 ... 253 FORM A-1 254 235 256 235 26% 263 264 265 266 266 258 272 The Arms Rules, 2016 Tn exeevise of the powers conferred by Sections 3, 9, 10, 11, 12. 13, [6, 17, 18,21, 41 read with Section 44-cff the Anns Act, 1959 ($4 of 1959), snd in supersession of the Arms Rules, 1992, except as respects things done or emitted ta be done befoce such supersession, the-Central Governament hereby ‘makes the following sules, samely— CHAPTER L GENERAL 1, Short tithe <1) These rules may be-catled the Arme Rules, 2016. (2) They shalt come inta foroc on the dave of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Definitions. <1} In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,— (1) “Act” means the Arms Act, 1959 (54 of 1959); (2) “air weapon” mans a devica that discharges aprojectile from a barrel under the pressure of conpressed dir or other gas but thal does net employ au explosive charge to do so; @) “antique small ann” means “{frearm which has been in existence for not less than one hundred years); () “appellate authority” means the appellate authority referred to in Rule LOS, (5) “authority” or “officer” means, except where otherwise specifically provided in these cules, the District Magistrate oc such other officer as may, from time to dime, be notified in the Official Gazette by the Centra Government; 46) “automatic” means a small arm or light weapon that, after each discharge, autormatically performs ai] the steps necessary to prepare the weapon to fire again; and that will continue to fire foras long as the trigger cor other activating device) remains depressed (assuming that ammunition remains and jamming does not oocir) and an automatic weapon uses a portion of the energy from a firing cartridge to extract the spent cartridge case from the firing chamber and eject it frome the weapon, recock the firing mechanism and load a new round of ammunition from the weapon’s feed-device or magazine into the firing hanaber and if the trigger or othes activating device remains depressed, the firing pin is automatically. released to begin a new firing cycle; (7) “blank cartridge” meuns a cartridge. witheut a bullet or any other projectile; 1, Ministry of Homme Aéfairs, Noti. No, 701(5}. dated 13th July, 2616, published in the Gazette of Indla, Extra, Part (L Section 3(i), dated 15th Jaly, 2016, pp. 434-279, No. 494, 2. Subs. for “firearms manufactured before £899" by GSR, ADEGE), dt. 12-2-2000 (nce F. 12-23-7020}, (7A 8 ARMS RULES, 2016 R2 @) “blank Giing firearms’ means firearms capable of Gring a blank cartridge; (9) “bullet” means the conical head of the cartridge normally made of lead of copper that is expelled oot of barrel or cylinder by means of explosive charge or compressed air or other gas; {10) “caliber” means the ititermal diameter or bore of the barrel of a firearm measured in inches or millimeters or seometnic circumference; (12) “carry” means to bear « smell arm. upon, about or in the proximity of one’s person, (12) “cartridge” means a complete object consisting of a cartige caso, primer, propellant, bullet or any single or multiple projectile; (13) “chartered accountant” means a chartered accountant as defined im clause (6) of sub-section (1). of Section 2 of the Chartéred Accountants Act, 1949 (38 of 1949) who holds a valid certificate of practice under sub-section (1) of Section 6 uf that Act; (14) “company” has the same meaning as assigned to it in the Exptanation under Section.33 of the Act, (15} “conversion” of firearm refers to a permanent change of caliber or bore of'a firearm and includes replacement or relining or reboring ofa barre! having an integral or séparate chamber, replacement of cylinder and/or barrel or celated parts and chango in-configuration of action or mechanism of s firearm but does not include converting & permissible category firearm into a restricted. or prohibited category firearm, (16) “configured for military use’ means firearms and ammunition (other than small arms and fight weapons} manufactured agd configured according to specifications set by the Deparment of Defence. Production, Ministry of Defence; (1%) “curio” means a-small arm manufactured at least fifty years prior 10 the current date or certified by the curator of a Government regulated smuseam of that derives at least half of its monetary value from the fact that itis novel, rare, bizarre, or associated with some historical figure, period, or event and incindes an antique small arm: (18) “deactivation” means to reader a smuall arm_or light weapon incapable of expelling or launching a shot, bullet, missile or olher projectile by the action of an explosive, and which cannot be readily restored. to its original capability, and thal has been certified and marked as deactivated by an accredited gunsmith or a competent Stare Authority. Zxplanation—Deactivation requires that all pressure-bearing components of a small arm or light weapon be permanently altered in such a way so as to vender the weapon unnsable and inctudes modifications (¢ the barrel, bolt, cylinder, slide, firing pin and receiver or frame; (19) “dealer” means a person who, by way ef trade or business, buys, sells, tests {other than proof test), exports, imports ox transfers or keeps for R.2] (20) @)y A{(21-a) (22) (23) (25) (26) 27) (28) 3. Ins. by GSR, 13421), dt. 27- ARMS RULES, 2016 Be) sale, or test (other than proof test) arms or ammunition and includes the Sports Authority of India (SAI), the National Rifle Association of India (NRAI) and the State Rifle Associations affiliated to NRAT or directly affiliated units of NRAI “dedicated sports person” means a person who actively participates in sports shooting and who is a member of an accredited sports shooting organisation; “electronic disabling device” means an electronic device capable of firing electrode projectiles propelled by compressed gas, which stays connected to the main unit or device by a conductive wire, and causes temporary meuro-muscular incapacitation of the target: “existing manufacturer” means any manufacturer holding manufacturing licence under the Arms Rules, 1962 in Form IX or under the Industrial Development (Regulation) Act, 1951 or rules framed thereunder ou the date of notification of these rules.) “Government arms” rheans 4 firearm or other weapon which is the property of Government; and “Government ammunition” means ammunition manafactured in any Govemment factory or prepared for and suppited to Government other than such ammunition as may be reicased by Government for civilian use; “gunsmith” means any person who performs work of minor or major repairs of firearms and subject to grant of prior permission of the licensing authority. may alter the caliber or barrel length of a firearmor perforin such other wark 2s may bespecified by the licensing anthorit “handgun” means a small arm with a short stock at an angle to and extending below the line of the barrel, that is designed to be held and fired with one hand and includes pistols and revolvers; “n-transit” means the conveyance through India to another country of firearms or ammunition that have been imported: “firearm replica” means an object designed te resemble a firearm which has an appearance that is so realistic as to make it indistinguishable, for all practical purposes, from 2 real firearm and which has been rendered innocuous, “Form” means a form as set out in Schedule LIL of these rules; “Hight weapon” means any man portuble weapon designed for use by two or three persons serving as a crew (although some may be carried and used by a single person) that expels or launches, is designed to expel or laumch, or may be readily converted to expel or launch a shot, bullet or projectile by the action of an explosive and includes, inter alia, heavy machine guns, hand-held under barrel and mounted grenade launchers, portable anti-aircraft guns, recoillese yifles, portable launchers of antitank missile and rocket systems, OUT (wal 271-2017). 80 @9) 30) 6) on GH (35) (36) Bn 8) G9) (40) ARMS RULES, 2016 (R.2 portable Jaunchers of anti-aircraft missile systema, and mortars of 3 caliber of less than 100 millimerets, as well as their parts, components and ammunition; “qnain firearm component” means the barrel, frame or receiver, slide, bolt or breech-block of a firearm; “qanufactorer” teahs'a person, who manufactures, sells, rests (othet than proof test), experts, imports or transfers or keeps for sale, or test (other than proof test) firearms, theix parts, components of ammmnition of arms other than firearms; “manufacturing” means making, preducing or assembling— ® acomplete firearm; (iH) pressure-bearing part or component of a firearm (e.g. barrel, Slide, cylinder, bolt, breech lock, firing pin, etc.}; G8) attutunition fer firearm, or (iv) an arm other than a firearm, and inclndes—- () reactivating a deactivated fireamm;-and ii} substantially modifying the finetion of a firearm (c.g. conversion to Tully axiomatic), but dees not inciude— @) repair, restoration, wiaintenance of cosmetic eohancement or alteration of'a firearm: nor (4) the non-commercial reloading of ammunition; “¢marking” means application of permanent inscriptions on firearms, ammunition and ammunition packaging to permit their identification; “qiuzzle energy” means the Kinetic energy of & projectite as it is expelled from the muzzle of a firearm and expressed in joules or foot- pounds, “MODAL” means National Database of Arms Licences; “paimtbail” means a projectile (spherical gelatin capsnie) that primanily Consists of non-toxic watcr soluble substances and dyc designed to mark a pereon or an object; “paintball marker or paintball gu” means a device capable of firing painthalls by use of an expanding gas or compressed air, whether operated mechanically or electro-puenmatically: “partg and ¢amponents” mean any element or replacement element specifically desigaed for a firearm and essential to its operation and inclodes barrel, frame or receiver, slide or cyifnder, bolt or breech block. and any device designed or adapted to diminish the sound. caused by firing; “pistol” means a handguc with a chamber as an integral part of, or permanently aligned with, the barrel, “port” includes a seaport, an airport and a land port; “rimlesg” means a vartrid ge where the rim has the sanie diamieter as the base of the case and used in firearms thal feed from a box magazine, R.2] (Al) (42) (43) (44) (5) (46) an ARMS RULES, 2016, gi “rimmed cartridge’ means where the rim has a significantly larger diameter than the base of the cartridge with the rim serving to hold the cartridge at the proper depth in the chamber; “revolver” means a handgun with a breech-loading, chambered cylinder so arranged that the cocking of the hammer or depression of the trigger rotates the cylinder and brings the next cartridge in line with the barrel for firing; “Sepair” of firearm may be minor or major— “miner repair’ includes— (@ cleaning and carrying out refinishing, Gaing slings, recoil pads, installation of prefabricated stock, gencral aecessorics, preservative packaging and ensuring accuracy or safe working of the firearm and its components; Gi) fabricating or replacing or working on old, damaged, worn-out, eroded, shatout part of a firearm (excluding barrels or receivers of frames or breech badies or holis) for the purpose of repair and safe functioning; (#8 making and replacing stocks, grips (butt stock) and other parts; (iv) ensuring accuracy or safe working of the firearm by means of carrying out work on complete barreled action, fabricating, fitting or adjusting optics, sights, other components, etc., including test firing: making and installing accessories and tuning fabricated parts. ‘major repair’ requires extensive primary and sccondary machining operations of critica! parts and includes— (® working on critical parts including fabrication of components like barrels and actions (ceboring or reé-chambering or replacing or remaking barrels, remachitting of receivers or frames, bolts. slides, cylinders, breech, etc. and other components) for the purpose of repair or conversion: (ii) shortening, conversion, working on triggers, safeties and general safety testing of firearms and devices including firing or testing of firearms repaired or converted. “responsible person” means in the case of 2 company, the person nominated in an application for an arms licence by a company: “rifle” means a small arm designed to expel, through the action of an explosive, a single projectile through-a rifled barrel, while supported against the shoulder and held with bath hands; “Schedule” means a Schedule appended to these rules; “selective fire” means capability of a small ann or light weepon that can be adjusted to fire in two or more of the following ways: () @) semi-automatic (i.c. one shot per depression of the trigger): 82, ARMS RULES, 2016, R3 Ga) ninhtishot burst (.e. a.set number of shots per depression of the ‘wigger}; or (83) auromstic Ge. continuous fire while the trigger is depressed), (48) “sélf-loading”" means semi-automatic; (49) “semi-anfomaric” means a small arm or light weapon that, after cach discharge, automatically performs all of the steps necessary to prepare: the weapon to ire again, but thet requires a separate depression of the tigger tr fire each round of ammunition; (50) “chotgun” means a emall arm designed to expel. through the action of an explosive, shot or a single projectile througha smooth-bored barrel, while supported against the shoulder and held with both hands; (31) “smail arm! mearis any man portable lethal weapon designed for individual use (of caliber wp to 12.7 mm) that expels or launches, is designed t0 expel or Inunch, or may be readily converted to expel or lautch a shot, bullet or projectile by the action of an explosive and inclades imter alia, revolvers and self-loading pistols, rifles and carbines, stb-machine guns, assault rifles asd light machine guns, as well as their paris, componenia and ammunition but does not include antique small arms and firearm replica, Note-—Shotgums, sporting tifles.and muvle loading lack powder firearms, though of caliber of more dian 12.7 mm are also’ covered ondex amall ars; . (52) “sport shooting” means competitive and recreational sports that involve tests of proficiency {accuracy and speed) using permissible category of firearms, ammunition and targets; (53) “section” means a section of the Act, (54) “ivade transfer” means sale or tranafer of arms or atmrmumition between a manofactucer and a dealer oc between.a dealer and.another dealer dating the normal course of the business and includes a sale. of transfer on consignment basis; (55) “unloaded” means that any propellant, projectile or cartridges which ean be discharged from the firearm is nol contained ix the breech- ‘block or firzng chamber of (he firearm nor in the cartridge, magazine or cylinder attached to or insezicd into the firearm: (56) “use of a firearm” includes displaying, aiming and firing 28 well a3 tmanipolating the workidg pats of a Grearm but does not imelnde cleaning or maintenance; (37) “UEN" means Unique Identification Numbcr generated in NDAL for a licensee under these rules. (I) Words and expressions used. but not defined in these rules shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in the Act. 3. Classification of arms and aaumunition —For the purposes of the Act and these mules, arms and ammunition shall be of the categories specified in columns R. 3] ARMS RULES, 2016 33 17) and (3) reapevtively of Schedule I and references to any category of arms or amnraunition in these rules shal] be construed accordingly. 4. Licence for arms other than firearmsand applicability of Section4.—(1) Unless the Central or the State Govenument by novification in the Official Gazette so directs, no licence shall be required for the manufacture, sale, possession for sale or test, of arms of Category V in Schedule | except.in the areas notified under Section 4, (2) In any area specified in the notification issued by the Central Government under Section 4 af the Act, licence for acquisition, possession ur carrying in that area of arms of such class or description as may be specified in that nctilication may also he granted or renewed as provided in Schedule IL, subject to such conditions a8 may be specified in these zules, chat Schedule and in the Hieence. Noves » Requlation of Arms: Ho person in Uttar Pradesh shall manufacture, sell or possess for sale or test the sharp-eiged and. deadly veaponsof Categary Vof Schedule Itothasaid rafes, 2s mentioned in the list appended below. Uniless he holds a licence issued in accordance with the provistons of the Ams Act, 1959 and the Arms Rules, 1942 Framed thereunder: List of sharp-edged and deadly weapons Swords, (including sword-sticks daggers, bayonets, spesrs (including laces and javelines) knives (Inquding Kitans and Khubtis} and gther such weapons with blades donger than 9 indhesand wider than 2 iriches other than those designed for domestic, agricuttural, scientific ‘or Industrial pterpases, and other arms which the State Government may notify under Section 4 of the Amis At, 1959, (CHAPTER I] LICENSING PROCEDURE 5. Licensing suthority and forms of licences Licences under Chapter I of the Act may be granted or renewed for, such purposes, by such authorities, in such forms and to be vatid fof such period and in such areas a§ are specified in Schedule IT, subject to such conditions as are specified in these rules, that Schedule and in the licence: Provided that the'li¢ences granted or renewed by a licensing authority may be signed by suck officer subordinate to thatauthority as may be specially empowered in this behalf by ihe Siate Government. Novis > Ltensing auth ority: i 5 The General Assistants Fa Deputy Commissioners in the State of Haryana are empowered to sign Ficences granted of renewed by the District Magistrates underthe Arms Act, 1959, and the Arms Rules, 1962, ‘within their respective districts. They will mention the particular competent licensing authority on whose behalf they are signing. A. Vide No, 6372.R (iiy VIL-R-18-1066, dared 1-10-1982, S. Vide No. 8.0. TUCA. SASS dAtSRs 6275, dated 11-7975, “ ARMS RULES. 2016 [R.6 (an © With effect fram the date of publication of this notification in the Gazette, Ofies-in-charge (hnns)/Cty Magistrates/Sub-Divisianal Magistrate, Sadar, pasted in the district & empowered only to sigh onthe licences granted or renewed hy the District Magistrate in Uttar Pradesh. 6. Restriction in granting licences for acquisition, possession or carrying of arms or ammunition of Category I of Schedule 1—No licence-shall be granted for acquisition, possession or vamrying of arms or: ammunition specified in Category I(8) or Ife} in Schedule I undess they have been legally manufactured in Lodia or lawfully possessed or lawfully imported into India or are being imported intu India with the sanction of the Central Government. 7, Licensing authorities to furnish information to district Magistrate —(1} A. copy of every licence granted for arms or ammunition specified in Category (a), 1G), 1€e) and Category II in Schedule I'shall forthwith be sent to the District Magistrate of the place in which the arms or ammunition are to be kept. (2) A copy of every other licence granted im any Form by any authority other than a Diserict Magistrate shall be sont forthwith to the District Muyistrate having jevisdiction over the area in which the place of business or residence of the Hcensee is situated. (3) The licences granted under sub-rule (1) and sib-rale (2) shall be tolimated through NDAL sysiem to the District Magistrate of the place having jurisdiction over the area in-which the place of business or residence of the licensee is situated. &. Possession of arme or smmumition for certain purposes to include use thereof, — Possession of the following arms or ammunition for the purposes mentioned against each, includes use thercaf, for such purposes only provided. that such use does not involve manufacture of any ars or ammunition Gnclading explosives and fireworks) ~ fe) arms for theatrical performance, historical re-enactment, historical research (including assessment of performance), cinemato raph or celevision production or signaling for stavting Faces or athlelic meets and safety equipment including signal flare guia, line throwing gums, avalanche cannon, ctc.; (®) ingredients of ammunition including sulphur and chlorates for bona fide industrial, agricultural or medicinal purposes, 9. Restrictions by Central Government in certain cases—Any licence having effect outside the State in which it is granted. shall be subject to any restrictions, which may be imposed by a general or special order of the Central Gevernment. 10, Safe use and storage of flrearms.—{[} Every applicant applying for a Jicence in Form E,-Form 1 and Form TY; or a rifle club or association or firing range or staff employed by such club, essociation or firing range, applying for'a licence in Porm ¥; or a manulacturer or dealer or gunsmith or staff employed by such mamnfactucer, dealer or gunsmith applying far a licence in Form VI. Form 6. Wide Novi. Ba, 6632-R/¥E-5-264-69, dated 27-3-1976. | A APY No ke Se ee RI ARMS RULES, 2016 85 ‘VII, Form IX or Form EX-A, shall be required to complete atms and. ammunition safely training course which shall include— (a) tasicacins and aramunition safety practices, including safe handling and carry procedures; (b) firing techniques and procedures; {c)_ care of anns and arumonition; (d) safe slorage and transportation of arms and ammnuition; {e) reasonable working knowledge of inmportant provisions of the Act and these rules; and 4) responsibilities of the armas owner or user, particularly. in relation to children. ) The safety teaining course under sub-rule (1) shall be conducted by the acerediled trainer oc master accredijed trainer having licence under Rule 39, wio shall issug-a certificate in Form 8-1, to the applicanl, on successful completion of the said course. (3) The effective date and duration of the safety taining course as laid dowo in sub-rale (1) shall be notified by the Central Government by issuing a general or special order in this tegard. 44) Every application for a licence in Form TI, For WT and Form TY shail be accomipanied by— (a) a -wrilten undertaking that the applicant has the capacity to store the firearm safely and securely ina safe or steel alctirah im order tu minimise the cisk that it could be stolen or accessed by somedme other than the licensee; and (2) a written undertaking to practice sate storage of the firearm Cin knocked down condition} and its ammunition and to exlucate the children about lhe dangers of interacting with arms aid atzuminition, in Form 8-2, (3) The licensing authority sesponsible for the grant or renewal of a licence shail conduct periodic inspections of the premises of companies, dealers, gunsmiths and manufacturers. where arms snd srmunition are stored in order to ensure compliance with safe storage requirements, 7{(6) Small arms falling under the category of curio shall be kept securely and out of reach of other persons by the owner. Such small arms shall yor be used, Carried of transported without the prescribed licence. (7) No licence is required for ludian citizens for acyuisition, possession of Small arms falling under the category of curio, However, appropriate licence as Prescribed would be requized for use or to carry or transport such smal! arms. Without the endorsement of such finearms én the prescribed licerice of the owner, no-arnmunition shall be sold for their use] 11. Application for ticence.—{1) Every application for the grant of a jicence. under these rulkes—— 7. dns. by C-8.R. 108(B), de 12-2-2070 (wef 12-2200), 86 ARMS RULES, 2016 {RIL (a) shall be submitted in Form A-1 to A-14 as applicable to the category af the licence applied; (&) may be presented by the applicant in person or sent through the medium of post office or filed electronically or otberwiso, to the licensing authority, as far as possible, having jurisdiction in respect of the place whee he ordinarily resides or has his occupation. (2) Whete the grant of licence requires a certificate of no objection from some other authority as provided in Rule 98, shall state whether such certificate has been obtained and, if so, be supported by evidence thereof either in physical form oF by an electronically generated confirmation on NIDAL system for the particular UIN of the applicant, (3) Bvery application for grant of licence for special category under Chapter 111 of these mules, shall be subject to such additional requirements specified for these categories in that chapter. ¢4) Every application in Form A-1 submitted by an individual for greuit of a licence in Form MI, Form JI or Form TV shall be accompanied by the following documents, namely-~ . (a) four passport size copies of the latest photograph of the applicant. fin white backgroand); (&) proof of dais of binth: (¢) identification proof— () Asdhar Card; of (i in case the applicant does not have Aedbur Card, « writen declaration in the form of an Affidavit to be submitted in this regard along with an alternative identification preof whieh may include Passport or Voter's Identification Card or Permanent Account Number (PAN) card oc Edentity Cand igeued to the employees; Gif) in case of exemptee sparts persons, shooters identifipation card issued by the National Rifle Association of India. (a) residence proof in case the applicant does not possess Aadhar Card or Passport, which may inelude— () voter's identification card; or (Gi) electricity bill; or (@i#) landline telephone bill; ox (i) rent.deed or lease deed or property documents; or (} any other document to the satisfaction of the licensing authority. (©) safe use.and storage of firearms undertaking referred to in suboule (4) of Rule 10; () for professional category applicant, referred to under clause (2) of sub-rule (3) of Rule 12, self-attested copies of the educational and professional qualification certificaies, wherever applicable; R. 12] ARMS RULES, 2016 ay (g). medical certificate about mental health and phystcal fitness of the applicant with specific mention that ihe applicant is not dependent on intoxicating or narcotic substances (iz Form S-3); (A) incase.ofan application fora licence in Form IV, the particulars specified in sub-rule (2) of Rule 35 along with a permit from the authority empowered under the Wild Life (Protection) Act; 1974 (53 of 1972); (6) Every application in Form A-2 submitted by 2 company for the grant of a Tieence im Fora UI or Form IM, shall be accompanied by the following documents, aamely— (a) written undertaking on the Jetter head of the applicant duly signed by the responsible person defined under clanse (44) of Rulle 2; (b} original copy of tre board resolution passed or an anthority letter confisming the appointment of responsible person referred to in clause @y, (c} certified copies of the founding documems of the company incleding Memorandum and Articles of Association, (@) safe use and storage of firearms undertaking refered ta in sub-rule (4) of Rule 1. (6) An applicasion by a member of the armed fortes of the Union shall be made through his Commanding Officer to the licensing authority having jurisdiction in respect of the place to which he is for the time being posted. (7) The licensing authority may. in accordance with any instructions issued by the State Government in respect of all or any class of fircarms, require che personal attendance of the applicant before granting the licence under this rule, (8) The applicant shall not suppress any factual informarion or fhrnish any false or wrong information in the application form. 12. Obligations of licensing authority in certain cases—(1) Save as othecwise provided in the Act, every licensing authority granting a licence in Form TI to an individual for the restricted or permissible arms or ammunition as specified in Category 16) and Kc) or Category ILI respectively in Schedule I, shail have due cegard tu the appiication of norms specified in sub-rules (2) and (3). (2) For grant of a licence for the restricted arms or amriunition specified in Category Kb) and Ke} in Schedule-T, the licensing authority, may consider the application of — {@) any person who fives grave and anticipated threat to his life by reason. {4 boing resident of a geographical area or areas where militants, terrorists or extremists are most active; or (#) being the prime target im the eyes of militants, terrorists or extremists; or Gié) facing danger to his iife for being inimical to the aims and objectives of the militants, terroriers or extremists: or 88 ey () @ © ARMS RULES, 2016 RB any Government official who by virtue of the office occupied by him or by the nature of duty performed by him and/or in due discharge of his official duty is exposed to anticipated risk to bis life; or any Member of Parliament or Meniber of Legislative Assembly, who by virtuc of having close or active association with anti-militant, anti- terrorist or anti-extremist programmes and policies of the Goverament or by mere reason uf holding views, polifical or otherwise, exposed himeelf to anticipated risk to his life; or any family member or kith and kin of a person who hy the very nature of his duty or performance (past or present) or position occupied 1 the. Government (past or present) or even otherwise for known or unknown reasous exposed himself to anticipated cisk to-bis Lifes or any othec person, for any legitimate and genuine reason, to the satisfaction of the licensing authonty, by passing of a speaking order in this regard: Provided that before grant of a license under this sub-rule, the Ticensing suthority based on the recommendations of the District ‘Magistrate and of thé State Government concered and on examination of the police report and after conducting a separate verification fram its own some, shall satisfy itself thar the applicant requires such Licence, (3) For grant of a licence for the permissible axmus or amurunition Specified it Category TZ in Schedule I, and without prejudice to the provisions contained in elause (a) of sub-section G) of Section 13, the licensing authority, based on the: police report and co his own assessment, may consider the applications of— @) (oy (3) any person, who by the very nature of his business, profession. job or otherwise has genuine requirement to protect his life and/or property; or apy dedicated sports person being active member for the last two years, of a shooting club or'a rifle association, licensed under these rules and ‘who wants to pursue sport hooting for target practice in a structared leaming process; or any person in service or having served ia the Defence Forces, Central Armed Police Forces or the State Police Foree and has gene requirement to protect bis life and/or property. 13. Time limit for grant of ticence—Tbe licensing authority, afier considering the application and on being satisfied that the applicant has fulfilled the eligibility conditions, shall grant or refuse t9 grant a licence for permissible category of arms or ammunition specified in Category Il of Schedule I, to any person by recatding in writing the reasons for such grant or refusal, by passing a speaking order, within a period of sixty days of the receipt of the police report. Provided that the licensing authority shall specify, the type of arms and ammunition to be procured by the applicant after assessing the neasor and the need for possession of the type of arms and ammunition applied for by the applicant, considering ily lethality or fire power. R15] ARMS RULES. 2016 89 ‘Case Lew > Time limit for grant of licence —Under the new Rules, any application for grant of fire arm licence is required to be processed and dealt with either by an order granting the lence or an order refusing to grant of arm licence, giving reasons therefor within a time period of ninety days from the date of Making the epplication, Santosh Kurmar Maurya v. State of U.P., 2017 SCC OnLine All 1748, 14. Time limit for police report for grant of licences —(1) On receipt of an application for grant of a licence under sub-section (1) of Section 13 or every subsequent renewal thereof under Section 15, the Licensing authority shall call for a report of the officer in-charge of the nearest police station on thal application, and such officer shell send his report in Form S.4, within a period of thirty days from the date of receipt of application by him. (2) The Central Government may by issuance of a general or special order, extend the period of thirty days as specified in sub-rule (1) up to ninety days for certain areas or States for any reason deemed appropriate by it. (3) The licensing authority may in case of non-receipt of police report within the period of thirty days under sub-rule (1) or within the extended period under sub-rule (2), make an order in writing for grant or refusal of licence, without further waiting for the report. x 15. Maintenance of records in electronic format and consolidation of licences.—(1) Every licensing authority and the renewing authority specified in Schedule H, while granting a licence or renewing a licence, thereof, shall enter the data of the record locally in an electronic format specified by the Ceniral Government. #{(2) Every licensing authority and the renewing authority shall also entér such data in the NDAL system which shall generate a unique identification nmbet (UIN) and with effect from the [30th June, 2020], any arms license without LIN shall be considered invalid.] (3) The UIN so generated under sub-rule (2) shull be unique for a licensee. 49((4) Any existing licensee holding multiple iicenses in Form [1 shall-on or before the "1[30th June, 2020], make an application for grant of a single license in 8 Subs. by G.5.R. 634(B), dt. 12-7-208 (as corrected by G.S.R. 7410), de, 58-2018, pub. im the Gaz, 6-8-2018). Prior to substitution it read as: "(2) Every licensing euthority and the renewing authority shall also enter such data in the NDAL, system which shall generate a unique identification mumber (ULN} and with effect froma the [1st April, 2018), auy-atms iccoce without VIN shall be considered invalid,” Subs, for “Ist day of Apuil, 2019” by G.S.R, LEE), dls 3-1-2020 bw, Sues, by G.S.R. 6245), dt. 12-7-2018 (as corrected by G.S.R. 741 (6), dt. 3-8-2(018, pub. in the Caz. 6-8-2018). Prior to substitution itread as: “(4) Auy existing licensee hoidigg muldiple licences in Foun TI chafi em or before the (ist April, 2018), make an apphestion for grant ol's single licence in respect of ail the firearms held by him under hhis UIN, to the concemed licensing authority Providled that whese the applicant applying « licence for restricted éategory of arms or ammunition specified in Schedule T ip also a holder of # ficene: fer permissible emegory af unas or ammunition specified in the said Schedate: or where the applicant, applying for permissible catepory of arms or aannnition is also a holder of a Tiesnce for restricted! category of arms or ammunition specified in the. said Sehedula, the leenSag apthority comremed shull issue a new licence for stch restricted cr Be ba} ABMS RULES, 2016 IR. 16 Fespect of all the Hrearms lield by him under his UIN, to the concemed licensing authority: Provided that where the applicant applying a license for restricted category of sms ox ammunition specified in Schedole 1 is also.a holder of a licence for permissible category of arms or ammunition specified in the said Schedule; or where the applicant, applying for permissible category of arms or ammunition is also. bolder of a licence for restricted category of arms or ammunition specified in the said Schedule, the licensing authocity concerned shall issue a new licence for such resiricted or permissible category of arms or ammunition, as may be applicable, under the existing UIN of the licensee: "(Provided further that separate licence either in book form or in electronic foro shall he generated in case of each licence in Form I, Form Il, Form. T- ‘A and Form TV and in case of a licence in Form TI, separately for restricted and. permissible categories of arms and ammunition specified in Schedule I, with an byeral] cviling of two firearms under a single UIN].| (5) ‘The licensing authority on receipt of an application from a multiple liceace holder under sub-nale (4) shall cuncel the existing multiple liceaces of the applicant and issue in lieu thereof, a new licence endorsing therein, all the existing firearms of the aaid licensee. (6) The period of validity of the new licence so issued by the Hicensing authority ‘under sub-rule (5) shall be the farthest period as mentioned in any of the cancelled licences and the area validity endorsed on the usw licence shall be the more extensive area in any of the cancelled licences. 16. Duty of licensing authority under NDAL_—(1) The licensing authority, while granting or renewing.a licence or at the time of providing any-allied service to any licensee under these rules shall ensure that the data of the transaction approved by him, is simudtaneously updated ia the electronic format locally and on the NDAL system under its login ID: Provided that the licensee shail not be held accountable for failure on the part of the licensing authority to update such data in the electronic format, (2) The liccnsing. authority shall ensure compliance of delivery of different services specified in column (2) of Schedule. V, within the tine specified incolumn (4), of the seid Schedule, pennissitle calegory of amis or amumiitiod, as OMiy be applicable, under the existing UIN ‘of the leemsee: Provided. further thie separate Liccace books shall be generanéd in ease of cach Hetnoe in Fame, ‘Fam WT and Foon IV aud in casc of a Goence ia Form [0 separately for restricted and permissibis seegocies of seme ari! arounition specified in Schoduie 1 with an overall oeDing of tee firearms sunder.a single UIN. 11, Subs, for “Lst day -of April, 209" by GSR. £1(B) de, 3-1-2020 (wast. 3-1-2020), 12. Subs. for “Provided facther that soparete ocacc books shall be geuctaled int eave of each cence in Form. tt, Foon Il and Form TV and io case.of # licence in For TE, separately Sor restricted and ‘peroxistible omegnries of arms and aramusition specified in Schedule 1, with an over-all ociing of ‘eee reams under a single LIN” by G.8:R. 108(B), dt. 12-2-2020 (ws.f. 1362-20203.

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