Taxo and Dist Notes 1993
Taxo and Dist Notes 1993
Taxo and Dist Notes 1993
Summary. - We report new taxonomic and distributional data for five bats and three
rodents of Venezuela, including the first records of Molossops neglectus, Coendou melanurus
and Oecomys rex.
Lichonycteris obscura Thomas, 1895
Specimens examined (2). - Estado Bolivar: Imataca Forest Reserve, Unit V, Km 50 road
Tumeremo-Bochinche (8°00'N; 61°18'W), 180m; one female (EBRG-17367). Left bank of
Rio Chorro Mocho, 80 Km SW San Francisco de la Paragua (6°42'N : 64° 14'W). 240 m ; one
The geographical range of this bat, including L. degener as a synonym (Gardner
1976, Hill 1985, Handley pers. com.), is known by few specimens collected in an
extensive area in Central America, Northern South America, east-central Peru, and the
Amazon Basin of Brazil and Bolivia (Koopman 1982, Eisenberg 1989, Emmons and
Peer 1990). The only previous record for Venezuela was one specimen from El
Manaco, in the southern extreme of Bolivar State (Handley 1976). Some measurements
of the female from Imataca and the male from La Paragua, netted in selectively logged
and primary forests, respectively, are : forearm, 34.2, 32.4; total length of the skull,
18.9, 18.1 ; condylobasal length, 18.0, 17.3 ; postorbital constriction, 4.5, 4.0: breadth
of braincase, 8.3, 8.1 ; mastoidal breadth, 8.3, --; maxillary toothrovv, 6.1, 5.4 ; breadth
across upper molars, 4.4, 4.2.
Two color patterns occur in Lichonycteris. A dark brown pelage agrees with the
taxon described by Thomas (1895) as L. obscura, whose known distribution extends
from Guatemala to French Guiana and east-central Peru. On the other hand, specimens
identified as L. degener are pale brown and have been collected in the Amazon Basin
of Brazil and Bolivia, and the Guiana Shield. However, we do not know any locality
where both color morphs are sympatric.
This apparently segregated distribution, and the similar morphology of specimens
from the entire geographic range of the genus, could suggest two disjunct populations
at a subspecific level (Handley pers. com.). Furthermore, variations in dental features
between specimens from Venezuela make it difficult to use Miller's diagnosis of
L. degener (Miller 1931) in a specific context, as was pointed out by Gardner (1976)
and Hill (1985). The series from Venezuela agrees in the external and cranial charac-
ters with a topotype (USNM-460099) of degener from Para, Brazil.
areas in southern Brazil (Koopman 1982, Marinkelle and Cadena 1971, Eisenberg
1990). The new specimens, collected in secondary vegetation, extend the geographic
range of this South American bat to the Venezuelan Andes, where it probably inhabits
both lowland and mountane forests.
The morphological features of the series from T chira agree with specimens of
5. tildae reported by Gardner (1988) in the Venezuelan Amazonas. In addition, they
closely correspond to descriptions of S. tildae from Trinidad and Colombia (de la Torre
1959, Marinkelle and Cadena 1971), including the type series. However, according to
external and cranial measurements, the Andean specimens are smaller (Table 1).
TABLE I. - External and cranial measurements of Sturnira tildae from Tachira State (Andes of Venezuela),
the Venezuelan Amazonas (Serrania de la Neblina-Gardner, 1988), Colombia and Trinidad (Marinkelle
and Cadena, 1971). Data are : n (range)/mean. H = holotype and P = paratype.
Venezuela _Jlrinidad.
Measurement Andes Amazonas H P
Some external and cranial measurements of the specimens from Imataca, collected
in gaps of primary and selectively logged forests, are summarized in Table 2. In addi-
tion to the larger size of the series assigned to the E. andinus group, their morphologi-
cal features agree with those pointed out by Allen (1914), Davis (1965 and 1966), and
Brosset and Charles-Dominique (1990), including the longer and blackish fur. These
characters contrast with the smaller size and the shorter brownish pelage of sympatric
specimens identify as E. brasiliensis and E.furinalis (Table 2).
Based on these criteria, we have assigned the name £. andinus to the large blac-
kish population that inhabits lowland forests in the Venezuelan Guiana. This species
has a broad geographical and altitudinal distribution, including highlands of the nor-
thern and central Andes, and lowlands of the Guiana Shield. However, populations
from the latter region may represent an undescribed subspecies.
TABLE 2. - External and cranial measurements of sympatric specimens of Eptesicus from the Vene/uelan
lowland Guiana Shield (Bolivar State : Reserva Forestal de Imataca). Data are : n (range)/mean.
.6 6 . 1 ) 3(6.0-6.2) b(
5.9 6. 1 6.7
records of M. neglectus for Venezuela and gives new information on the biology of this
rare species.
Their morphological features agree with those described by Williams and Geno-
ways (1980) and Ascorra et aL (1991), including the remarkable sexual dimorphism
(Table 3), with males being larger than females.
TABLE 3. - External and cranial measurements of specimens of Molossops neglectus from the Guiana
Region of Venezuela (Bolivar State : Reserva Forestral de Imataca) and Suriname (holotype). Data
are : n (range)/mean.
Venezuela Suriname"
Measurement mal e females f e m a l e holotyp
Length of 3(36.2-36.6)
forearm 30. 0 36.4 35.1
Postorbital 3(4.5)
c o n s t r i c t i on 4.5 4.5 4. 1
Zygomatic 2(10.7-11. 1)
breadth 12.4 10. V 11.0
C-M··» 3(6.5-6.7)
7. 1 6.6 6.3
M '•»-M'1 3(7.7-7.8)
8.4 /.Θ 7.7
- W i l l i a m s anil Gennwdya ( 1 9 0 0 ) .
The Venezuelan specimens, a lactating female and a young male, were collected
together in a 25 cm diameter hollow dead tree in primary forest. A 50 cm layer of por-
cupine fecal pellets was found in the bottom of the hole, indicating a relatively long
term use of this den site. One specimen of the bat Phylloderma stenops was collected
in the same hole. No additional specimens of C. melanurus were recorded at Imataca
despite 550 hours of nightly and daily transect observations.
The following external features distinguish C. melanurus from other hairy dwarf
porcupines recorded in northern South America (C. pruinosus and C. vestitus): larger
size (total length and weight near 770 and 1550 gr, respectively); tail long (3/4 of
head-body length); general appearence blackish, including tail and feet: dorsal hairs
relatively more scattered, with a whitish basal band; dorsal color pattern extending on
to the tail about 1/3 of its length (1/2 of the tail length in the other species); ventral fur
with a tufted pattern.
Some cranial measurements (see Handley and Pine 1992, for measurement crite-
ria) of the female of C. melanurus from Venezuela, in addition to those of one adult
female from Amapa, Brazil (USNM-394732), respectively, are : length of zygoma,
37.7, 32.2 ; height of zygoma, 7.8, 6.8 ; rostral height, 21.7, 22.4 ; rostral length, 20.7,
20.5 ; orbital-premaxilary length, 29.2, 28.5 ; nasal length, 23.0, 25.6; nasal breadth,
19.3, 19.0; M l -M 3 length, 15.7, 17.3.
and Carleton in press, for taxonomic nomenclature). This arboreal rat seems to be an
uncommon component of the small mammal community at understory levels. However,
according to its external and cranial morphology (including short and broad hind feet,
and skull with strongly developed supraorbital ridges), it could be more associated with
canopy levels, showing specific arboreal behavior and preferences for hard fruits or
The male and female were trapped 2-3 m above ground, on dense tangles near
natural gaps. Some cranial measurements, respectively, are : Total lenght of skull, 35.6,
32.3; condyloincisive length, 32.5, 28.8; zygomatic breadth, 19.1, 17.9; postorbital
constriction, 7.5, 5.7 ; braincase breadth, 14.4, 13.7 ; maxillary toothrow, 5.2, 5.5.
Charles Handley, Karl Koopman, and Michael Carleton helped us to identify some of the
specimens and gave useful information for this paper. Francisco Bisbai (Museo de la Estacion
Biologica de Rancho Grande) and Mario Palacios (Museo de Historia Natural La Salle) allowed
us to study specimens under their care. Field research of JOG at the Imataca Forest Reserve was
supported by Wildlife Conservation Society, Audubon Society of Venezuela, the Association
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