Test For Carbohydrates Practical
Test For Carbohydrates Practical
Test For Carbohydrates Practical
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Osazone Test for the presence of osazone crystals in glucose, fructose, sucrose,
lactose, maltose, and water
For the result shown in the first test whichis Molisch’s Test, the water appeared yellow.
Glucose, Fructose, Sucrose, Lactose and starch are seen to either develop a purple ring or
change their colour to purple. It is because concentrated sulfuric acid will dissolve the hydroxyl
group from sugars when they are combined with the Molisch reagent to produce furfural from
pentose sugar and hydroxymethyl furfural from hexose sugar. The existence of a purple result
is caused by the Molisch reagent's reaction of furfural with alpha-naphthol. Thus, glucose,
Besides that, in Benedict’s test for reducing sugar, reducing sugar will precipitate as a
brick-red precipitate. Thus, reducing sugar includes glucose, fructose and lactose as oxidation
reaction occurred and the colour of solution changes from blue to brick-red. According to the
research, all monosaccharides are reducing sugar. In their structures, they contain free reducing
ketone or aldehyde. With the exception of sucrose, disaccharides like maltose and lactose are
reducing sugars, as shown in the result in the table above. When the Cu2+ in Benedict's is
2018). These sugars' aldehyde oxidised to form a carboxyl group. As a result, the red Cu+
precipitate, which is actually Cu2O formed from the blue Benedict's solution, which contains
Based on the result in Seliwanoff’s test, fructose and sucrose contain ketose as they
appeared as red solution in the test. Since fructose is a ketose and can dehydrated more quickly
and gives deeper colour, thus fructose will turn red more rapidly when tested with Seliwanoff’s
reagent. Sucrose is a disaccharides which contains both fructose and glucose so thus it will give
a positive result which will turns the colour of solution from colourless to red. The colour of
sucrose turns to pink due to the present of concentrated HCl. Sucrose is then dehydrated into
glucose and fructose when concentrated HCl react with ketose in sucrose. Then , the fructose
from sucrose react to produce pink solution. Glucose is an aldose so there will be no change
in the colour of glucose and the solution remains clear. However, the colour of glucose solution
will be change after longer period of time because glucose is an aldose and aldose react slowly
and the colour appeared is faint. Based on the result above, ketose dehydrated more rapidly
than aldose. Sucrose react slower as sucrose need to be dehydrated and it is not pure fructose.
In addition, from the iodine test for polysaccharides, some polysaccharides, such as
amylose, dextrin, and glycogen, can be distinguished from other carbohydrates by testing with
iodine test. Iodine tests cannot be used to evaluate branched polysaccharides like cellulose, and
they will remain colourless (Sapkota, 2020). Branched polysaccharides like cellulose,
by amylopectin. As can be observed from the result, amylose will generate a dark blue colour,
indicating that starch was hydrolyzed, whereas glycogen will produce a reddish brown colour.
When the environment was acidic, sucrose and starch were hydrolyzed. The monomer
disaccharides and polysaccharides. In order to make sure that the starch has been converted
into monosaccharides through hydrolysis and do not formed blue solution, an iodine test is
required. Since reducing sugars are formed, Benedict's test indicates this. Since sucrose
hydrolyses to make glucose and fructose, it will produce red precipitate, which will indicate a
positive Benedict's test result. A polysaccharide, starch contains many glycosidic linkages. As
a result, hydrolysis takes longer, and the resulting colour is paler than that of hydrolyzed
In the Barfoed test, glucose and fructose demonstrated that brick-red cuprous oxide
precipitation was appearing while other substances remains unchanged. In the Barfoed test,
monosaccharides are oxidised using glacial acetic acid, a weak acid that reduces Cu2+ to Cu+
more quickly. With this reagent, disaccharides may also react, but the process proceeds
Practically speaking, the Osazone test observation is distinct from other tests. Under a
microscope, we must check the osazone shapes and structures for each sugar. Additionally,
each osazone crystal will show up in the boiling water bath at its own specific time. In glucose
and fructose, needle-shaped crystals form; in lactose, ball-shaped crystals form; and in maltose,
sunflower-shaped crystals form which indicated that glucose is reducing sugar. Lactose is type
of reducing sugar as the structure and shape of the osazone crystal appeared as ball-shape. In
the osazone test, we can distinguish between various sugars by looking at their shapes. Due to
the need to be hydrolyzed into the reducing sugars which are fructose and glucose during a
lengthy 30-minute boil, sucrose will also eventually crystallise as a powderpuff after the
In contrast to the other solutions, which are either brown or yellow, our solution is
bluish-green, according to the results of Bial's test. When a pentose sugar is present, the colour
ribose dehydrates to appear as furfural, which is blue-green in colour. Ferric chloride and
orcinol with concentrated hydrochloric acid make up the acidic medium that was previously
discussed (asus, 2013). The solution changes colour from yellow to grey or brown when heated
with hexose sugars, whereupon hydroxymethylfurfurals are formed. Glucoronates may also
produce a blue-green precipitate when heated for an extended period of time. Controlling the
5. Conclusion
In a nutshell, carbs are necessary for us and our daily lives since they give us energy.
various tests and evaluate their physical and even chemical features. In summary, the Molisch
test can detect all types of carbohydrates, while Benedict's test is used to identify reducing
sugars, the Iodine test is used to determine the presence of starch and some polysaccharides,
Seliwanoff's test detects ketose, which is composed of fructose and sucrose, Barfoed's test only
6. Self-reflection
monosaccharides and disaccharides, using a variety of physical and chemical tests, such as
Molisch's test and Seliwanoff's test. Additionally, you gained observation skills and about the
molecular and physical characteristics of carbohydrates. One of the difficulties I had was using
a test tube holder to manage the test tubes with samples and reagents inside of them; it was
difficult to pick up and hold the test tubes because they were almost completely submerged in
the water bath of the beaker, and I had to be careful not to spill the solution or water bath while
holding the test tubes. I must admit that this practical session was both enjoyable and time-
consuming, but it was also rewarding to see the results of our testing at its conclusion. In my
upcoming practical sessions and in my professional pharmacy practice, I'll begin applying the
Anand Tiwari, PhD. (2015, July). (PDF) practical Biochemistry: A student companion.
Aryal, S. (2018, June 11). Benedict’s Test- Principle, Composition, Preparation, Procedure and
Karki, G. (2018, December 18). Molisch’s Test: Objectives, Principle, Reagents, Procedure and
MD, D. T. S., MD, Dr Nikunj Modi,. (2016, December 12). Utility of Osazone Test to Identify
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LIVESTRONG.COM. https://www.livestrong.com/article/386795-the-definition-of-
Sapkota, A. (2020, November 19). Iodine Test- Definition, Principle, Procedure, Result, Uses.