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List of Tables
Table 5.1-1 FALSEWORK/FORMWORK ................................................................................... 3
List of Figures
Figure 5.3.2-1 Loads on Formwork and Loads on Falsework........................................................ 7
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Figure 5.3.2-2 Loads on Superstructure Supported Formwork ...................................................... 8 Figure 5.4.5-1 Formwork and Falsework Suggestions (1) ........................................................... 15 Figure 5.4.5-2 Formwork and Falsework Suggestions (2) ........................................................... 16 Figure 5-7-1-1i Deck Falsework on Girder Bridge....................................................................... 19 Figure 5.8-6(a) Finishing Machine Sketch ................................................................................... 31 Figure 5.8.14(a) Example of TAEG 2.1 result summary.............................................................. 43 Figure 5.9-1 Example of Falsework Submission.......................................................................... 45
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The Contractor shall be responsible for designing and constructing safe and adequate falsework. The review or approval of falsework plans by the Engineer or permission to proceed with the work shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for successful erection and satisfactory results. KDOT Specifications require that falsework plans and details be prepared and sealed by a registered Professional Engineer. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to engage a registered Professional Engineer for design and plan preparation of falsework plans. The KDOT Bridge Section (or design Consultant) will review falsework plans when requested by the KDOT Field Engineer. Falsework for bridges designed by a Consultant (at the locations noted below) shall be reviewed by that Consultant as part of the Construction Services phase of the Design Contract. The review of falsework plans shall be documented in a letter from the bridge section (or design Consultant) directed to the Engineer and shall note recommendations, inadequacies or revisions that may be required. Approval or disapproval of the falsework plans and/or as constructed falsework shall be made by the Field Engineer. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer seven copies of detailed falsework plans for review and approval by the railroad company (where applicable) and the Engineer on the following structures: 1. 2. 3. 4. All structures over or under railroad tracks All structures built over highways or streets carrying traffic All structures carrying highway traffic during construction All structures requiring falsework plans as noted on contract plans
Three copies of detailed plans for falsework shall be submitted to the Field Engineer for review prior to falsework construction on those structures not listed in 1 through 4 above. See Table 5.1-1 FALSEWORK/FORMWORK for guidance concerning the types of structural details that may require falsework/formwork plans to be submitted for Field Approval. Seven copies of detailed plans for cofferdams and cribbing for footings on all structures adjacent to railroad tracks, shall be submitted to the Engineer for review and approval by the railroad company and the Engineer. Work platforms or debris platforms used for concrete removal for widening or replacement of bridges over traffic ways or railroads shall be considered falsework, and falsework plans and
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methods of support shall be submitted to the Engineer for review. It is not required that such plans for platforms bear the seal of a registered Professional Engineer, however, they shall meet all requirements of falsework for structural adequacy and safety. Falsework drawings shall be reviewed and considered satisfactory by the bridge section (or design Consultant) before submission to other agencies. All falsework plans are to have the stamp shown below (or similar) with the appropriate date and box marked. If corrections are noted, mark the box titled, RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL (AS NOTED IN RED). Other considerations will be noted in the transmittal letter. The Field Engineer will examine the falsework plan so that the drawings show the type, size, grade, and the finish of all lumber used. Also show the minimum size and type of falsework piling to be used, design piling loads, assumed live loads, concentrated equipment loads, screed loads and adequate details of the Contractor's proposed method of construction to permit checking by the Engineer. The drawings shall also bear the seal of a licensed professional engineer. To document that this review has been accomplished, the Field Engineer will date and initial the falsework plan. The Engineer shall be allowed a reasonable time to review any working drawings submitted by the Contractor for approval. The Engineer may refuse permission to proceed with other phases of the work if he deems the falsework unsafe or inadequate to properly support the loads to which it will be subjected. All falsework plans must have a stamp similar to the one shown below. Locate the stamp as close to the lower right hand corner of the sheet as possible. DATE: REVIEWER
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Table 5.1-1 FALSEWORK/FORMWORK For Structures listed in Spec. Prov. (1-4) 1) Designed by P.E. 2) 7 sets* for review and comment by design. 3) Field review of plans and approval of as constructed falsework/ formwork. Other Structures not listed in (1-4) 1) Designed by P.E. 2) 3 sets for Field review Not required for review 1) Culvert spans < 16 or heights < 14. 2) Formwork 3) Field review of plans and approval of as constructed falsework/formwork 4) Other Structures may include: a) Rigid Frame Boxes with spans > 16 ft. or heights > 14 ft. b) Decks with girder spacing > 14 ft. c) Deck overhangs with distance > beam depth or > 54 inches. d) Substructure forming with non-typical support. e) Superstructure forming with non-typical support. 3) Field approval of as constructed Falsework/formwork
* Submit 3 sets for initial review. 7 sets required for final distribution.
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Formwork is considered to be the material or form that provides the shape to the concrete placement and the immediate structural system that supports the form. Falsework is the structural system that supports the formwork. Temporary bents or supports for beam or girder erection are also considered falsework.
Timber and steel member densities from appropriate manuals may be used. A density of lbs/ft.2 may be estimated for timber formwork down to the falsework.
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In general, due to the condition of used material, the variance in quality of construction, unexpected construction loads and the consideration of safety for construction personnel and the traveling public, it will be KDOT's policy to use conservative values of allowable structural capacity. Unless otherwise directed on the plans, used material will be permitted when it conforms to the dimensions and material specified on the falsework plans. Used material shall be free of splits, cracks, holes, etc. that will reduce the structural capacity. No. 2 Grade or better material is required. When the Contractor can certify his material is capable of supporting a greater stress, higher values may be used.
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F c
1 L / d 4 = F c 1 - 3 K
K = E = =
For long posts (K L/d < 50): Fc = 0.30 E (L/d)2 Driven timber piling shall be subject to the above criteria; however, the maximum design loads for driven piling shall not exceed: 8" diameter 10" diameter = = 10 ton/pile 16 ton/pile Fasteners
For lateral load and strength of fasteners consult the ACI 347 Formwork book. It is KDOT policy to assume, for temporary structures, 100 percent of allowable design values may be used for lag bolts, nails, spikes or thru bolts. When wind load is a design factor, connection values may be 125 percent of design values.
If the compression flange is supported, this formula is sufficient to determine the section needed to carry the applied load for a beam in bending. If the compression flange of a beam is not supported, the maximum allowable bending stress must be reduced to prevent flange buckling. The strength of beams in lateral buckling is quite complex due to the many factors involved. However, the following formula may be used to estimate the allowable stress: f (maximum) = 12,000,000 18,000 psi Ld/bt
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L d b t
= = = =
In determining the lateral support of compression flanges developed by other falsework members, it is KDOT policy to neglect friction between the joists and top flange of a beam. When bracing steel beams, it is important to realize that timber cross-bracing alone will not prevent flange buckling because timber struts alone resist only compression forces. The most effective bracing system would use the wood cross-bracing in combination with steel tension ties secured across the top and bottom of adjacent beams.
When the L/r limiting value is exceeded, additional bracing can be added to decrease L or use a larger section to increase r. The above formula assumes an effective length factor of 1. Determining the actual effective length of a column with fixed or restraint ends is unnecessary. Treating columns ends in falsework bents as being pinned is conservative for columns with end restraints. Shear
v = V/ht < 11,000 psi where h = t = depth of beam web thickness
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For interior reactions, f = R/t(N+2k) For end-reactions, f = R/t(N+k) where R t N k = = = = concentrated load or reaction, lbs. thickness of web, inches length of bearing, inches distance from outer flange to web toe of fillet, inches
When the actual value exceeds the allowable, the web should be stiffened or the bearing area increased.
5.4.3 Deflection
NOTE: When checking deflections, use dead load only. Formwork
The deflection for formwork should be limited to span/360 with a maximum of 1/16 for deck plywood and 1/4 for walers. Falsework
For falsework the deflection shall be limited to span/240 with a maximum of 1". Whenever the deflection on falsework beams exceeds 1/4, adjustments should be made at the quarter points. Uplift
Negative deflection may occur where falsework beams are continuous over a long span and a relatively short adjacent span. Beam lift-off can be prevented by loading the short span first, or by restraining the end of the beam. Cantilevered falsework spans will also produce an upward deflection which must be considered. Movement may be controlled by blocking of the main span.
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Soil can be classified as average if it is firm enough to walk on without indentation of the heel of a shoe. Jacks may be required for adjustment of falsework due to settlement. Longitudinal bracing between bents founded on sills may be required to provide stability from lateral forces.
5.4.5 Friction
Coefficient of Friction: steel on steel steel on wood wood on wood 0.10 0.20 0.30
Do not rely on friction for lateral support. Vibration, uplift, partial loading, etc., can reasonably be expected to reduce contact bearing during placement or erection.
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Check Plywood deck form Given: 9" deck, 50 psf Live Load Supported at 12" centers Dead load: deck 0.75 x 160 pcf plywood (Table 4-3, ACI-SP4) Live load:
= 120 psf = 2.2 psf = 50.0 psf Total load = 172.2 psf
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From Table 7-2 6th Edition (ACI-SP4), for a load of 175 psf, f = 1,545 psi (four or more supports) & plywood: Safe plywood support spacing = 20" (strong way) > 12" (ok) (ok) = 14" (weak way) > 12" (ok) Note: For an explanation of strong way/weak way use of plywood, see Fig. 4-6, page 4-8 (ACI-SP4). Check 2 x 4 deck joists Given: Joists spaced at 1-0 centers and supported at 4-0 centers. Total load to joists (x 1 spac.) (from previous calculation) Weight of 2 x 4 joists (50 pcf) = 172.2 lbs/ft. = 1.8 lbs/ft. Total load = 174.0 lbs/ft.
M = wL2/10 = 174.0 lbs/ft. x 12 in./ft. x (4)2/10 = 3,341 in.-lb. f = M/S = 3,341 in.-lb./ 3.06 in.3 = 1,092 psi < 1,200 psi (ok) Check deflection: (allowable = 48"/360 = 1/8) (Note: When checking allowable deflections, do not include live load.) Therefore, w = 174.0 lbs/ft. - 50 lbs/ft. = 124 lbs/ft. 124 lbs/ft.(48")4 = wL4/145 EI = (12)145(1.5x106 psi)(5.35 in4) = 0.047 < 1/8 (ok)
Codes (not AASHTO) limit deflection to 1/360 of span as a tolerance for appearance and having a workable structure (see pg. 6-5 ACI Formwork). On a deck, deflection would have little adverse effect unless it affected the finishing screed.
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Check horizontal shear: H = 3V/2bh V = 0.6 wL (for uniformly loaded) L = 4-0 w =174.0 lbs/ft. V = 417.6 lbs. H = 3(417.6) = 119 psi < 120 psi (ok) 2(1.5) (3.5) Check bearing:
Bearing Length= 1 + 1 L = 3 < 6 Referencing Section Compression Perpendicular to Grain Factor = L + 3 8 = 3 + 3 8 = 1.125 ------------------- -----------------L 3 Reaction = 1.1 wL = 1.1 (174.0 lbs/ft.)(4.0) = 765.6 lbs. Area = (1.5) 2 x 2 = 4.5 in.2 Bearing stress: 765.6 lbs. / 4.5 in.2 = 170 psi < 450 psi (ok) 400(1.125) = 450 psi Check 2 x 4 deck joists by Tables From Dayton-Superior Formbook (pg. 8), (also see Table 7.5.2 ACI Formwork); For f = 1,500 psi, load = 175 lbs/ft., 3 or more spans: Maximum safe spacing of joists equals 56". To correct for values other than the tabular values (such as f = 1,200 psi instead of 1,500 psi), use the following method: Tabular values: L1, f1, w1 Actual values: L2, f2, w2
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M = wL 8 ; f = M / S;
f 1 = w 1 L 2 / 8S 1 f 2 = w 2 L 2 8S
2 2 f 1 / f 2 = ( w1 L1 / 8S) / w2 L2 / 8S) = w1 L1 / w2 L2 2 2
solving for L2 =
2 w1 L1 f 2 / w2 f 1
NOTE:When checking maximum formwork spacings using tables, the allowable bending, shear, and deflection values have been satisfied and therefore need not be checked. Check double 2 x 8 walers Note: Overhang brackets, deck walers and hangers on girder bridges are defined as falsework members. However, these members are subject to direct and nonredundant distribution of loads and therefore it is KDOT's practice to design these members using the more conservative formwork live loading. Reaction of 2 x 4 joist on walers: (See AISC Beam Diagrams for reaction formulas.)
R = 1.1 wL = 1.1 174.0 lbs/ft. 4.0 = 765.6 lbs. The waler selfweight is 7.8 lbs/ft Assume 2 x 4 joists are continuous over 3 supports and load 2 x 8 walers as a uniform load. 2 x 4 joists are at 1-0 centers therefore uniform load = 765.6 lbs/ft.+7.8 lbs/ft. = 773.4 lbs/ft. Beam spacing is 8-0 centers, overhang supports subtract about 1-0 from spacing, therefore, use span = 7-0. Simple beam moment = wL2/8 2 x 8 section properties: Double 2 x 8: S = 13.14 in.3 S = 26.28 in.3
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773.4 ( 7 ) M = ----------------------------- = 4, 737 ft.-lbs. 8 f = 4, 737 ft.-lbs. ( 12 ) 26.28 in. = 2, 163 psi >> 1,200 psi (NG) OVERSTRESS (At this point, the Contractor was contacted and told that the double 2 x 8 walers at 4-0 centers were unacceptable.) Note of Caution: Falsework reviewers should not accept Contractors arguments concerning falsework if the analysis indicates that the members would be excessively overstressed. In this case, the Contractor agreed to reduce the waler spacing to 3-0.
R = 1.1 wL = 1.1 ( 174.0 / ft. ) ( 3 ) = 574.2 lbs. f = M S = 574.2 lbs. ( 7 ) 12 ----------------------------------------------------3 8 26.28 in. = 1, 606 (high, but probably ok) Contractor indicated he would use #2 yellow pine. We assumed he would have good walers. Check double 2 x 8 walers by Tables Reference Dayton-Superior Forming Handbook (pg. 9): For load of 600 lbs./lin.-ft. and f = 1,500 psi, the maximum support spacing for double 2 x 8 walers is 79". Adjust the tabular support spacing as found above for w = 574.2 lbs./lin. ft., and f = 1,606 psi: L2 = L f2 w1 ------------------- = w2 f1
2 2
= 83.56 ( approx. = 84 used; ok ) Check horizontal shear: H = 3V/2bh V = wL/2 L = 7-0 w = 574.2 lbs/ft. V = 2,010 lbs./ 2 walers = 1,005 lbs. 3 ( 1, 005 ) H = ------------------------------ = 139 psi > 120 psi (12% overstress, say okay) 2 ( 1.5 ) ( 7.25 )
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Bearing area = d2/4 - (d x 5/8) = (3.5) 2/4 - (3.5 x 5/8) = 7.43 in.2 Since bearing length < 6" and assume bearing not nearer than 3" to end of member, bearing allowable may be increased by (L+3/8)/L. L = Length of bearing = (3.5 + 3/8)/3.5 = 1.11 Allowable bearing = 1.11 x 400 = 444 psi Actual bearing = 2,010 lbs. / 7.432 = 270.5 < 444 psi (ok)
Waler Hangers Reaction (simple beam) = wL/2 R = 574.2 lb./ft. x 7 / 2 = 2,010 lbs. Contractor should indicate type of hanger used. Most hangers will accommodate this load.
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Overhang Brackets Overhang brackets are difficult to check. The shapes are indeterminate and are usually selected for a safe working load stipulated by the fabricator. A catalog print of the bracket is essential and a check should be refused until one is received. Things to watch: 1. Is bracket being used within the dimensions shown? Extensions are available from manufacturer. Bracket may also be blocked out with a 2 x piece in which case an end cantilever may result. For a steel beam or girder the telescoping arm should kick into the bottom flange if possible. There have been problems with bending webs resulting in finishing problems on some steel bridges. Check the location of the rail for the finishing screed. It will usually be carried by the overhang bracket.
Check load on bracket. Brackets are spaced the same as walers because of support hangers. (For this example, bracket spacing is at 3-0 centers).
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Finishing Machine: Finishers generally run on at least 4 supports called bogies. A bogie has 2 wheels and travels over a rail supported by the overhang brackets. Weights of finishers vary from 2,000 to 6,000 lbs. The Contractor should supply finisher weight information. For this example, assume the screed load is 5,700 lbs. Add additional weight for the power unit end of finisher which is heavier than the idler end. Assume 75 lb. per wheel for the power unit. Also include weight of a 200 lb. operator. Total load per wheel = 5,700 lbs./8 wheels = 712.5 lbs./wheel Add weight of 200 lb. operator = 200 lb./4 = 25.0 lbs./wheel Add weight of power unit = 75.0 lbs./wheel Total Finisher weight per wheel = 812.5 lbs. (Use 815 lbs./wheel) Compute wheel load per bracket using simple beam distribution:
R(max) = 815 lbs. + 815 lbs./3 = 1,087 lbs./bracket (Screed Load) Compute dead load to brackets: (P1) Concrete - (0.75)(3)(3)(160 lbs/ft.3) (P5) Bracket (P4) Forms - (5.85)(3) x 5 lbs/ft.2) Total Dead Load Compute live load to brackets: On concrete: 50 lbs/ft.2(3)(3) On walkway: 50 lbs/ft.2(2-6)(3) (P2) Total Live Load
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Total maximum load to bracket: (P1+P5+P4) Dead Load = 1,218 lbs. (P2) Live Load = 825 lbs. (P3) Screed Load = 1,087 lbs. 3,130 lbs. The bracket is rated by the manufacturer at 3,600 lbs., therefore, it is sufficient. Approximate check of overhang bracket:
3.0(F) = 3.21(1,087) + 2.93(913) + 1.5(1,080) + 1.95(50) F = 2,627 lbs. Force in Strut: 2,627 lbs. = 3,025 lbs. Cos 29.7 Check diameter bolt (double shear): (Assume A307 bolt) 3,025 = 7,563 psi < 11,000 psi allowed (ok) 2(0.20 in.2) Check hanger rod: Total load on bracket = 3,130 lbs. 3,130 lbs. = 4,426 lbs. < 6,000 lbs. allowed per Manufacturers Specifications cos 45
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The above screed loading sketch is to be placed on a Miscellaneous Details sheet on all steel girder bridge plans. The Bridge Designer will estimate the maximum screed loads allowable based on the torsional capacity of the beam and the screed configuration shown above. The following section (1.a Check Torsional Stresses in Exterior Girder) presents a method for estimating torsional beam capacity. Another method that more accurately reflects the response of the girder has recently been developed under the K-Tran Project (KU-96-3) entitled Torsion of Exterior Girders of a Steel Girder Bridge During Concrete Deck Placement - A Design Aid. See 3.2.3 Welded Steel Girder and Beam Design for additional discussion on torsion of exterior girders.
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(Ref. Design for Concrete Deck Overhang Loads AISC Marketing, Inc., June 18, 1990 (Final Report)) Flanges in compression shall be checked to limit both permanent deformations and for adequate ultimate strength. Flanges in tension are checked to limit permanent deformations only. In the design phase, the Engineer will need to estimate the maximum screed wheel loads, wheel spacing and overhang cantilever bracket spacing. These variables are dependent upon the type of screed and finishing equipment used, width and skew of the bridge, and length of overhang. Weights of finishing machines may be obtained from their respective catalogue clips. Overhang bracket spacings are normally in the 3 to 4 foot range. For this example, assume a 44-0 roadway with a Gomaco C-450 finishing machine. Compute weight as follows: Gomaco C-450: 24 basic unit + 2-12 extensions = = 4,200 lbs. 1,500 lbs. 5,700 lbs.
5,700 lbs./8 wheels + 200 lb. operator/4 wheels + Power Unit end
= = =
712.5 lbs./wheel 50.0 lbs./wheel 75.0 lbs./wheel 837.5 (Use 850 lbs./wheel)
Note: Using TAEG Software, the bridge designer shall show on the plans the maximum screed load allowable based on the torsional capacity of the beam. (Max. 1,500 lbs./wheel) See Figure 5.8-6(a) Finishing Machine Sketch.
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Assume a 3 foot overhang bracket spacing with 21-0 diaphragm spacing. Girder and overhang details are as follows:
Torsional loads may be computed using the method described in the AISC Marketing Report or manually a follows: Compute torsional moments due to screed machine: Screed load should be moved along girder in between diaphragms to obtain the largest torsional moments.
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Compute force to flange: Screed load x moment arm/girder depth (center of flanges) (1133#)(3.21)/(52.75"/12) (567#)(3.21)/(52.75"/12) Schematic of forces on flange: = 827 lbs. = 414 lbs.
Compute shear:
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Compute fixed end moment: M = Pab2/L2 827(4.5)(16.5)2/(441) (repeat for the other 3 loads)
The maximum torsional moment due to the screed load at the diaphragms: (Mfw)max = - 6,464 ft.-lbs. at the center of beam: (M+)max = +3,681 ft.-lbs. Compute torsional moment due to uniform dead and live loads: Lateral Pressure on Form:
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Lateral Pressure Moment = 23.9 lbs./ft. (3) x 44.67"/12 = 267 ft.-lb. Concrete (P1): 1,080 lbs. x 1.5 Forms (P4): 88 lbs. x 2.93 LL on Conc. (P2): 450 lbs. x 1.5 LL on Walkway (P2): 375 lbs. x 4.6 Bracket (P5): 50 lbs. x 1.95 Total dead load torsional moment per bracket = 1,620 ft.-lbs. = 258 = 675 = 1,725 = 98 = 4,376 ft.-lbs.
Lateral Force to flange = 4,376 ft.-lbs. / 4.40 ft. = 995 lbs. Calculate fixed end moments: 995 lbs.(1.5)(19.5)2/(441) (repeat for the other 6 loads) M = Pab2/L2 = = = = = = = FEM L = 21 -1,287 ft.-lbs. -2,764 -3,084 -2,612 -1,713 - 754 - 99 -12,313 ft.-lbs.
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The maximum torsional moments due to uniform dead and live loads at diaphragms: (Mfw)max = -12,313 ft.-lbs. at center of beam: (M+)max = 6,349 ft.-lbs. Apply a load factor of 1.3 to both dead and live loadings and screed load: Total (Mfw)max (@ diaph.) = [-6,464 + (-12,313)] 1.3 = -24,410 ft.-lbs. (AISC Tables = -24,146 ft.-lbs.) Total (M+)max (@ centerline) = [+3,681 + 6,349] 1.3 = +13,039 ft.-lbs. (AISC Tables = +13,402 ft.-lbs.) (Note: AISC Tables and Torsion spreadsheet approximates the moment at centerline as 0.53 x (DL + LL)FEM and 0.60 x screed load FEM.) 1) Check yielding in top flange at Diaphragm. a) Flange tip stresses: (Mfw)max = -24,410 ft.-lbs. = -292.9 K-in.
w =
6( M fw )max
b) Max. longitudinal bending stress due to 1.3 x non-composite dead load. Calculate the maximum factored non-composite dead-load stress at the diaphragm considering the deck-casting sequence. For this example, assume b =13.0 ksi (non-composite dead load stress x 1.3) Total stress = w + b = 12.20 ksi + 13.0 ksi = 25.2 ksi < 36 ksi (OK) 2) Check ultimate strength of the top flange in-between cross-frames. a) Since the top flange is subject to an axial compressive force and lateral bending moments, check the ultimate strength of the flange as an equivalent beam-column using the following interaction equation.
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P 0.85( As ) F cr
M( C m ) 1.0 M u (1 - P / As x F e )
As = 1"(12") = 12.0 in.2 P = 13 ksi (12")(1") = 156K M = 13,039 ft.-lbs. = 13.04 ft.-K (Total (M+)max @ centerline) Cm = 0.85
F cr
2 F y KL = F y 1 2 4 E r
K = 1, r=
I yf / A f = [ ( ( 1 ) ( 12 ) / 12) / 12 ]
= 3.46
KL/r = 1(21)(12)/3.46 = 72.8 < 126.1 (AASHTO Table 10.32.1A) Substituting gives Fcr = 30.0 ksi E F e = --------------- = 54 ksi 2 KL ------ r
4 J = b f t / 3 = 12 ( 1 ) / 3 = 4.0 in. 4 S y = bd / 6 = ( 1 ) ( 12 ) / 6 = 24.0 in. 4 Z = bd / 4 = ( 1 ) ( 12 ) / 4 = 36.0 in. 2 2 2 2 3 3 2
M p = F y Z = 36 ksi ( 36.0 in. 4 ) / ( 12 ) = 108 ft.-K M r = F y S = 36 ksi ( 24.0 in. 4 ) / ( 12 ) = 72 ft.-K Compute Mu: (Ref. AISC LRFD Manual, 1st Ed., Appendix F) Mu is dependent upon the cross-frame spacing (d). Need to determine what unbraced length will allow the section to reach full plastic moment (Lp) and at what unbraced length the section is controlled by elastic lateral-torsional buckling (Lr).
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3,750 r JA f L p = ----------------------------- ( if d < L p then M u = M p ) Mp 57, 000r JA f C b E I yf GJ L r = -------------------------------- if d > L r than M u = M p = ----------------------------------- Mr Kd If the cross frame spacing (d) falls in between Lp and Lr, Mu is computed from the following straight-line approximation: d - Lp M p M u = Cb M p - ( M p - M r ) Lr - L p Cb = 1 (conservative) Ref. AASHTO ART 3, 750 ( 3.46 ) ( 4.0 ) ( 12.0 ) L p = -------------------------------------------------------------- = 5.78 ft. ( 108 ) ( 12 ) ( 12 ) 57, 000 ( 3.46 ) ( 4.0 ) ( 12.0 ) L r = ----------------------------------------------------------------- = 131.8 ft. ( 72 ) ( 12 ) ( 12 ) d = 21 ft.: L p < d < L r thus 21.0 - 5.78M u = 1.0 108 - ( 108 - 72 ) ---------------------------- M p 131.8 - 5.78 Mu = 103.7 ft.-K therefore, solving the interaction equation: 13.04 ft.-K 156 K ------------------------------------------------------------ + ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- = 156.0 0.85 ( 12.0 in.2 ) ( 30.0 ksi ) 103.7 ft.-K 1 - ----------------------------------------- 12.0 in.2 54.0 ksi 0.51 + 0.17 = 0.68 < 1 (OK)
Estimate Angle of Rotation The beam fixity at the diaphragms is somewhere between a fixed and pinned condition. Compute the angle of rotation for both end conditions and average the results. The average angle of rotation should be less than 1 (one) degree.
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(ref. Torsional Analysis of Steel Members AISC, 1983.) Convert point loaded torsional moments to a uniform torsional moment. Screed Machine: Dead Loads: 850 lbs./wheel x 4 wheels x 3.21 4,376 ft.-lbs. Total = 10,914 ft.-lbs. = 30,632 ft.-lbs. = 41,546 ft.-lbs.
41, 546 ft.-lbs. m = ---------------------------------- = 1.98 K-ft./ft. 21.0 ( 1, 000 ) mLa 1 + cosh ( L/a ) Z Z Z Z = ---------- ---------------------------------- cosh -- - 1.0 + -- 1 - -- - sinh -- a a a 2GJ sinh ( L/a ) L
The above formula assumes a uniformly distributed torque on member with fixed ends. L = 21(12) = 252" G = shear modulus of elasticity of steel = 11,200 ksi J = a = ----- bt 3
Z = distance from left end of the member to the transverse section under examination = 252 / 2 = 126" E = 29,000 ksi
( 12 ) ( 1 ) 3 + 16 ( 1.5 )3 + 51.5 ( 0.375 )3 4 = -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- = 22.9 in. 3 E = 29, 000 ksi h2 I1 I2 = -------------Iy
ECw / GJ
a = 188 in.
Iy = 1(12)3 + 1.5(16)3 + 51.5(0.375)3 12 12 12 = 144 + 512 + 0.23 Iy = 656.23 in.4 I1 = 512 in.4 I2 = 144 in.4 Cw = (52.75)2(512 in.4)(144 in.4) 656.23 in.4 = 312,623 in.6
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cosh x = (ex + e-x) sinh x = (ex - e-x) Substituting yields: = 0.0022 Radians = 0.13 < 1 (OK) Pinned Assume a uniformly distributed torque on member with pinned ends.
2 2 z z2 z L z = ma L 2 2 +cosh tanh sinh 10 .
GJ 2 a L
L = 252" a = 188"
z = L/2 = 126"
Average angle of rotation = 0.13 + 0.55 = 0.34 < 1 (ok) 2 The beam will twist around the shear center. The shear center for a symmetrical beam is located at the mid-depth of beam. The shear center for an unsymmetrical beam is located as follows:
1) Find the center of gravity of the beam about the Xaxis. 1.5"(16") 0.375"(51.5") 1(12") 55.31 in.2 x x x 0.75 = 18.0 in.3 27.25 = 526.3 53.50 = 642.0 1,186.3 in.3
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2) Find e, distance from center of gravity to shear center. e = (c1I1-c2I2)/Iy [if 0.1 < I1/Iy < 0.9]
c1 = 21.45" - 0.75" = 20.7 in. c2 = 54" - 21.45" - 0.5" = 32.05" I1 = bd3/12 = 1.5(16) 3/12 = 512 in.4 I2 = (1)(12) 3/12 = 144 in.4 Iy = I1 + I2 + 51.5"(0.375) 3/12 = (512 + 144 + 0.23) = 656.23 in.4 20.7 ( 512 ) - 32.05 ( 144 ) therefore,e = --------------------------------------------------------- = 9.12 656.23 [I1/Iy = 0.78 < 0.9]
To find the horizontal deflection () at the top of the girder, multiply the rotation (in radians) by the distance from the top of the girder to the shear center: Average angle of Rotation = [0.0022 (fixed) + 0.00965 (pinned)] / 2 = 0.006 Radians
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BRIDGE LATERAL DATA Distance Between Lateral Supports...................................................... 248 [in.] Distance Between Adjacent Girders..................................................... 60 [in.] Number of Girders................................................................................ 7 Bridge Skew......................................................................................... 0 - 20 [Degrees] Continuous Girder................................................................................ YES Length of Maximum Side Span............................................................ 1240 [in.] Length of Maximum Inner Span........................................................... 1240 [in.] Symmetric Loading ?..............................................................................YES Continuous Diaphragms or Cross-Frames Full Width of Bridge ?..........YES Continuous Timber Blocks Full Width of Bridge ?..................................NO Continuous Tie-Rods Full Width of Bridge ?...........................................NO PERMANENT LATERAL SUPPORT DATA Stiffener Width............................................ Stiffener Thickness..................................... Permanent Lateral Support Height.............. Yield Stress, Fy.......................................... Modulus of Elasticity, E............................... Top Offset................................................... Cross-Frames............................................. Total Section Area of Chord Member.......... Total Section Area of Web Member............. 5 [in.] 0.4375 [in.] 26 [in.] 36 [ksi] 29000 [ksi] 4 [in.] YES 2.4 [in.^2] 2.4 [in.^2]
TEMPORARY LATERAL SUPPORT DATA Number of Tie-Rods...................................... NONE Number of Timber Blocks.............................. NONE BRACKET DATA Bracket Dimension A..........76 [in.] Walkway Width (B)............ 30 [in.] Bracket Dimension C......... 36 [in.] Bracket Dimension D......... 5 [in.] Bracket Dimension E..........5 [in.] Bracket Dimension F..........30 [Degrees] Bracket Dimension G......... 36 [in.] Bracket Spacing.................36 [in.] Bracket Weight.................. 50 [lbs] LOAD DATA L.L. Walkway.............................................................. 50 [psf] L.L. Slab...................................................................... 50 [psf] D.L. Formwork............................................................. 5 [psf] D.L. Concrete............................................................... 115 [psf] Top Flange Stress Due to Max. Pos. Moment.............. 0.0 [ksi] Bottom Flange Stress Due to Max. Pos. Moment........ 0.0 [ksi] Top Flange Stress Due to Max. Neg. Moment..............0.0 [ksi] Bottom Flange Stress Due to Max. Neg. Moment........ 0.0 [ksi] Maximum Wheel Load.................................................. 0.9 [kips] Wheel Spacing [ 1 - 2 - 3 ]........................................ 24 - 48 - 24 [in.]
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Bridge Section 5 -1 - 45
Design Manual
Bridge Information: 1) 40-10 @ 48-40 Reinforced Concrete Haunched Slab 2) 44-0 Roadway 3) Slab thickness varies from 16" to 24 7/16 "
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Design Manual
Check section in interior span that has the 7 beams supported by 8 piling with the joints spaced at 9" centers. (See Falsework sketch). Beams spaced at 7.42, piling spaced at 6.36. Check Plywood Deck Form Dead Load: (Assume slab depth as 1.86) deck 1.86 x 160 lbs./ft.3 plywood Live Load:
= = =
From ACI-SP4, Table 7-3, pg. 7-9, for a load of 400 psf: Safe plywood support spacing = 14" (strong way) > 9" (ok) = 10" (weak way) > 9" (ok) Check 2 x 8 Deck Joists Given: Joists spaced at 9" centers and supported at 7.42 centers. Total load to joists (from previous calculation) = 349.8 psf Adjust for 9" spacing: Weight of 2 x 8 joists (50 pcf) 349.8 x
Check bending: 2 x 8 section properties: For continuous 3-span beam: S = 13.14 in.3
M = wL2/10 = 266.2 x (7.42) 2/10 = 1,465.6 ft.-lbs. f = M/S = 1,465.6 ft.-lbs.(12)/13.14 in.3 = 1,338 psi (ok) Joints in 50 x 200 mm should be scabbed or lapped and secured. Check Bearing: 2 x 8 joints bearing on 2 x 4. Bearing is perpendicular to grain. Reaction = 1.1 wL = 1.1 (266.2 lbs./ft.) 7.42 = 2,173 lbs. Area = 1.5 x 3.5 = 5.25 in.2
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The allowable bearing stress may be increased by a factor related to the bearing area (See Section (L + 3/8)/L= = (3.5 + 0.375)/3.5 1.11
Allowable bearing stress = 400 psi x 1.11 = 444 psi Bearing stress: 2,173 lbs. / 5.25 in.2 = 414 psi < 444.0 psi (ok)
Check lateral support rules (see Section For a 2 x 8, the depth to width ratio is 4. The ends shall be held in position and the member held in line. A 2 x 8 block between joists would be adequate at the support and nailing the plywood along the joists would hold it in line. Bracing and supporting makes the formwork more difficult to remove, but it should be specified. Check bearing on horizontal 2 x 4's
Haunch is formed in various ways. Some contractors use variable form as shown above. Another method is to step the longitudinal beams to more closely match the haunch. Estimate load: Concrete: 7.42 x 1.86 x 160 pcf= 2,208 lbs/ft. Plywood: 7.42 x 2.2 lbs/ft.2 = 16 lbs/ft. 2x8s: 1.25 brds/ft. x 3.8 lbs/ft. x 7.42= 35 lbs./ft. 2,259 lbs/ft. Bearing area (2 x 4 upright) = 1.5" x 3.5" = 5.25 in.2 Bearing stress = 2,259 lbs/ft. (1 ft.)/5.25 in.2 = 430 psi < 444 psi
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(ok) Steel Beams Steel beams may be old sections with an allowable stress of 18,000 psi. For old sections check AISC Book on Iron and Steel Beams. Occasionally it is necessary to have field forces send in dimensions of the beam. Beam: S 18 x 54.7 Ix = 804 in.4 Sx = 89.4 in.3 d = 18 in.
Dead Load: Concrete [(1.33 + 2.04)/2](7.42)160 lbs/ft.3 = 2,000 lbs/ft. Plywood 2.2 lbs/ft. x 7.42 = 16.3 lbs/ft. 2 x 8's 1.25 brds/ft. x 3.8 lbs/ft. x 7.42 = 35.2 lbs/ft. Formwork for parabolic haunch 5.5 lbs/ft. Beam 54.7 lbs/ft. Total Dead Load = 2,112 lbs/ft. Uniform Live Load: 20 lbs/ft.2 x 7.42 75 lbs/lin.ft. (outside slab beam) Concentrated Live Load: Finisher 4,000 lbs. Operator Total uniform load to beam = 2,337 lbs/ft. Total concentrated load to beam = 2,200 lbs. Moment at mid-span (simple span): Uniform load M = wL2/8 = 2,337 lbs/ft. x (13.33)2/8 = 51,907 ft.-lbs. = 2,200 lbs. x 13.33/4 = 7,332 ft.-lbs. = 2,000 lbs. = 200 lbs. = 150 lbs./ft. = 75 lbs./ft.
Total moment = 59,239 ft.-lbs. S required = 12 M/f = 12(59,239)/18,000 = 39.49 in.3 (ok)
Volume III US (LFD) Version 1/09 Bridge Section 5 -1 - 49
Design Manual
<< 89.4 in.3 (S furnished)(ok) Contractors will generally use material in his yard for steel beams. He also considers deflection because if he furnishes a beam with too much deflection he will be giving concrete away. Check Deflection Simple beam concentrated load: Simple beam uniform load: = 4ML2/48EI = 5wL4/384EI = 5ML2/48EI
Deflection is negligible. If more than 1/4, adjust falsework at quarter points. Check Bracing (Ref. AISC, Eight Edition, pg. 2-51) Max. stress in beam: f = M/S = 59.2 K-ft.(12)/89.4 in.3 f =7.95 ksi Using actual stress, compute required bracing length: L = 12 x 103 f 12d/Af L= 12,000 7.95 ksi 12(18")/415 in.2 = 29.0 ft.
Therefore, no bracing required except at end reaction. Check Piling Check piling in the second bay of the center span. Use reaction (simple beam) from 7 beams supported by 8 piling. Load: Dead load + 20 lbs/ft.2 uniform live load = 2,112 lbs/ft. + (20 lbs/ft. x 7.42) = 2,260 lbs/ft. 2,260 lbs/ft. 13.33 7 beams = 26.4K
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1,000 lbs/K
Add 75 lbs/lin. ft.: 0.075 13.33 Add finisher over pile: Add 12" x 12" cap: 45.92 lbs/ft. 6.4 1,000 Total
This should be a maximum load. Plans show to drive to 13 tons. Piling are driven using the ENR formula which usually has an adequate factor of safety. Since the load computed for a maximum condition and no distribution is considered, the load is probably okay. Since we (in design) have no control over the type of pile used, it would be better to limit the load to about 12 tons. One advantage to using timber piling is that if they can drive it without splitting it, it will probably support the load. Load should not go over 15 ton unless contractor can certify the material used. Check Lateral Load Design for a minimum lateral load of 2% of dead load or 100 lbs/lin. ft. KDOT recommends a minimum of 2 x 6 bracing. 100 lbs/lin. ft. 16 span = 1.6 K/bent 2% Dead Load = Concrete + formwork = (load/ft.2 width span) 0.02 = 2.11 K/ft. 44.5 16 ft. 7.42 ft. = 202.5 x 0.02 = 4.05 K/bent The 7-pile bents are in the abutment berm and are not critical. The bracing for the 8-pile bents are probably critical for L/d. L/d = 44.5 / 7 spaces 12"/ft. = 50.86 1.5" Allowable stress = 0.30 E (see Section
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Assume two braces per cross-section, therefore actual stress equals: P/A = 4.05 K (1000) = 245.4 psi > 174 psi 2(1.5 x 5.5) Say okay since we are ignoring the lateral resistance of the piling. If this was a bent constructed on a pad, would recommend using 3 x bracing to reduce L/d ratio and thus increase the allowable stresses. Allowable lateral load on a 20d spike is approximately 176 lbs. (ACI-SP4, Table 4-8, for douglas fir or southern pine). There should be a minimum of 4 spikes per pile, times eight piling equals 5.6 Kips, which should be sufficient to resist the lateral force provided all material is sound.
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If the permanent bearing devices do not provide adequate support in all directions to stabilize the applied loads to the partially constructed bridge elements, list all additional supports, their locations, and their intended resistance clearly on the erection plans. Note: friction is not considered a positive connection and should be discounted when considering stability. For calculations to support the above stated stability conditions, the Engineer may need to review the following design guides and specifications. This is not considered an exhaustive list. AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications, Section 11. AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, Section 6. AASHTO/NSBA Collaboration Document S10.1, Steel Bridge Erection Guide Specification.
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