Coversion of Microalgae Biomass To Biofuels
Coversion of Microalgae Biomass To Biofuels
Coversion of Microalgae Biomass To Biofuels
CONVERSION OF MICROALGAE BIOMASS and pyrolysis, which convert biomass into biofuel such
INTO BIOFUEL as biochar, biogas, syngas, and hydrocarbon fuel.
For the production of biofuel, the microalgae biomass
can be transformed via biochemical and thermochemical Transesterification
process. Fig. 10.2 shows the transformation route of Biodiesel in the form of fatty acid methyl esters
microalgae biomass into biofuel and their products. The (FAMEs) are produced from transesterification. Triacyl-
biochemical process such as fermentation and anaerobic glycerol or triglyceride is converted into nontoxic, low-
digestion converts biomass into methane, biohydrogen, molecular-weight, less viscous, and biodegradable
syngas, and methanol. Although biochemical processes FAME (biodiesel) to be directly applied for engine use
are more environmentally friendly and less energy- [17e21]. The reaction is reversible; thus, surplus
consuming, they are not suitable for large-scale produc- amount of methanol is supplied together with the cata-
tion because of their low conversion efficiency, tedious lyst, to shift the reaction equilibrium toward FAME pro-
reaction steps, and non-cost-effective nature [16]. Ther- duction and catalyze the reaction rate. Fig. 10.3
mochemical processes include gasification, liquefaction, illustrates that the transesterification reaction in the
FIG. 10.2 Transformation route of microalgae biomass into biofuel and their products.
CHAPTER 10 Conversion of Microalgae Biomass to Biofuels 151
FIG. 10.3 The triglycerides transesterification reaction producing fatty acid methyl esters.
presence of methanol and catalyst produces FAMEs and biodiesel yield via direct transesterification by using hex-
glycerol. The glycerol, by-product from this reaction, ane as cosolvent and 0.5 M sulfuric acid at 90 C for 2 h
could be used for pharmaceutical and cosmetic purposes [23]. Nevertheless, challenges confronted with large-
[22]. The reaction rate is governed by the reaction condi- scale direct transesterification would affect the reaction
tions (temperature, duration, alcohol quantity, and cata- efficiency. These include high chemicals consumption,
lyst amount). Homogeneous acid and alkaline catalysts energy-intensive, the high water content of biomass
such as potassium hydroxide or sodium hydroxide in cells, the requirement for temperature and stirring speed
methanol, hydrochloric, or sulfuric acid in methanol control, and difficulty in recovering glycerol [17,19,21].
are used [23]. The catalytic activity using acid catalyst is Moisture content of 37.1% would completely inhibit
low and thus requires a high-temperature operation, in the in situ transesterification reaction, by producing fatty
the first step of the transesterification reaction. For acid and diglyceride rather than fatty acid esters [23].
instance, the reaction rate of alkaline catalyst is 4000
times faster than acid-catalyzed reaction; thus it is Biophotolysis
commonly used in the larger-scale operation [9,21]. Hydrogen gas is a highly versatile, efficient fuel energy
Enzymatic catalysis is also applied, which is carried carrier due to the fact that it is renewable, does not pro-
out at 35e45 C, provided enzyme itself has to be duce CO2 during burning, has higher heating value
tolerant of methanol inactivation. Lipase-producing mi- (HHV) per unit mass (141.65 MJ/kg), and is convertible
croorganisms include Pseudomonas cepacia, Mucor mie- into electricity by fuel cells [25]. Currently, hydrogen is
hei, Candida antarctica, and Rhizopus oryzae [18]. produced from reforming process of fossil fuels, which
However, high enzyme cost is the main constraint to generated 9 kg of CO2 per kg of H2 produced and
its application for industrial-scale operation. The qual- released trace amounts of nitrogen dioxide and sulfur
ity of fuel produced via enzymatic reaction may not dioxide [26]. These air pollutants will result in the for-
meet biodiesel ASTM standards [21]. mation of acid rain when it enters the atmosphere
Direct transesterification or in situ transesterification without proper treatment. Biohydrogen production is
is a rapid method that combines lipid extraction and a method to produce hydrogen gas from microorgan-
transesterification in a single-step process. This single- isms. Photosynthesis involves biological electrolysis,
step process produces higher FAME yield than the con- in which the water molecules are being split into a pro-
ventional two-step method, by shifting the reaction ton (Hþ) and oxygen (O2). In typical photosynthesis
equilibrium toward more FAME yields and enhancing pathway, carbohydrate and oxygen are formed when
extraction efficiency [18]. Chemical solvent works as a hydrogen is reacted with carbon dioxide. However, un-
solvent for lipid extraction out of microalgae cell, as der an anaerobic condition or specific microalgae spe-
well as the reactant for transesterification reaction [23]. cies, instead of converting into carbohydrate during
The yield of more than 98% FAME was obtained photosynthesis, hydrogen is being produced. A number
through in situ transesterification, with n-hexane and of microalgae species that belong to Chlamydomonas,
chloroform as solvents, methanol as reactant, and sulfu- Chlorella, Scenedesmus, Tetraspora, etc. may utilize hy-
ric acid as catalyst, respectively [24]. Biodiesel yield was drogenase enzyme to produce hydrogen.
improved by 20% through direct transesterification, as The production of biohydrogen can occur via three
compared with conventional method [17]. Chlorella pyr- pathways, namely, (1) direct biophotolysis where
enoidosa with the lipid content of 56.2% obtained 95% hydrogen is generated from the electrons and proton
152 Microalgae Cultivation for Biofuels Production
from water splitting at photosystem II (PSII), (2) indi- hydrogen production [16,33]. For example,
rect biophotolysis where electrons and proton are C. reinhardtii D1 mutant strain shows a higher rate of
generated by the degradation of intracellular carbon hydrogen production under sulfur deprivation due to
compounds, and (3) fermentation where electrons the low chlorophyll content and improved respiration
derived from oxidation of cellular endogeneous rate [33]. Immobilization of microorganism has several
substate react with Hþ to form H2 as end product advantages such as high cell density, ease control of cul-
[22]. In direct biophotolysis, the water is being split ture parameter, and cell protection from undesirable
into molecular oxygen (O2) and proton (Hþ), and the conditions (change in pH, salinity, heavy metal, etc.)
electrons originated from the water splitting at PSII [34]. The common immobilization matrices used in
are transferred to PSI by the photosynthetic transport photohydrogen production include alginate film, agar,
chain [4]. At PSI, upon utilization of sunlight, the porous glass, and carrageenan gels [27]. For example,
elevated potential energy of these electrons reduces C. reinhardtii under sulfur/phosphorus deprivation
the ferredoxin (Fd) to Fdred as stated in Eq. (10.1). immobilized in alginate films exhibited higher cell den-
sity (2000 mg Chl mL), higher hydrogen evolution
2H2 O þ light þ Fdox /O2 þ 4Hþ þ Fdred 4e (10.1)
(12.5 mmol/mg Chl h), and >1% quantum yield and
In indirect biophotolysis, instead of water splitting, resisted to [Fe-Fe] hydrogenase deactivation [35]. The
the electrons and protons can be produced from the improved production of hydrogen is due to the pres-
glycolysis of endogenous substrate (carbon source) ence of acetate, which maintains higher respiration rates
[27]. In fermentation pathway, the starch reserves that and effective O2 removal by the alginate film. In the
build up during the photosynthesis are biochemically study by Stojkovic et al. [36], encapsulation of
degraded into pyruvate and then oxidized by C. reinhardtii in the TiO2 under sulfur deprivation has
pyruvate-ferredoxin oxidoreductase (PFOR) enzyme to achieved a twofold higher field of H2 production than
form acetyl-CoA and CO2, together with the production their nonencapsulated counterpart. Besides, Das et al.
of Fdred [27]. Other products such as ethanol and ace- [10] reported that C. reinhardtii immobilized in “artifi-
tate may be formed from the acetyl-CoA as well cial leaf device,” which is made up of fabric and algi-
[28,29]. The Fdred combines with the proton to produce nate, has improved the hydrogen yield up to 20-fold
molecular H2 in a reversible reaction catalyzed by as compared with that obtained from the batch reactor.
[FeFe]-hydrogenase, as shown in Eq. (10.2) [30].
½FeFehydrogenase Fermentation is a metabolic process that converts
4H þ Fdred 4e 2H2 þ Fdox
! (10.2)
organic substrates such as sucrose, bagasse, cellulose,
The [FeFe]-hydrogenase found in the chloroplast of or starch to ethanol via microbial activities [37,38]. Basi-
microalgae is 10- to 100-fold more reactive than cally, fermentation is classified into two types: (1) aero-
[NiFe]-hydrogenase found in cyanobacteria. However, bic and (2) anaerobic depending on the requirement of
the hydrogen production stops after a few minutes as oxygen in the process. Microalgae with relatively high
[FeFe]-hydrogenase is very extremely sensitive to the carbohydrates concentration are suitable for fermenta-
O2 produced during the PSII activity [30]. The photo- tion to produce bioethanol [38]. However, most of the
synthetic rate is usually four to seven times higher microalgae species have very low carbohydrates; the
than respiration rate under normal condition; sulfur biomass composition of the algae can be modified by
deprivation can be used to reduce the oxygenic PSII ac- controlling the cultivation conditions such as nutrient
tivity [25,31]. As a result, the culture medium becomes level and light source [4]. Sugar source from carbohy-
anaerobic as the photosynthetic oxygen generation rate drates component of algae biomass such as laminarin,
is slower than the oxygen uptake rate by respiration and alginate, agar, sulfated polysaccharides, and mannitol
maintaining the activity of the [FeFe]-hydrogenase. The is broken down into ethanol by yeast [39]. The bio-
duration of photosynthetic hydrogen production has ethanol yield produced from microalgae is two to five
been extended from 2 min to about 5 days with this times higher than ethanol produced from sugarcane
approach [32]. However, this process requires alterna- and corn, respectively [40]. Eq. (10.3) shows breakdown
tion of the stage between photosynthesis and sulfur of the sugar stored in microalgae to ethanol by yeast:
deprivation as the cells will eventually run out of starch. yeast
C6 H12 O6 ! 2C2 H5 OH þ 2CO2 (10.3)
Other than sulfur deprivation, phosphorus, nitrogen,
and potassium deprivation have been reported to be
effective in hydrogen photoproduction [27]. Some C. vulgaris is an ideal microalgae species for bio-
microalgae strain have been developed to increase their ethanol production; this species possesses high starch
CHAPTER 10 Conversion of Microalgae Biomass to Biofuels 153
content (ca. 37%), which can achieve up to 65% of carbon dioxide [22] in the absence of oxygen or with
ethanol conversion [41]. Chlamydomonas, Dunaliella, the aid of hydrogen (refer to Fig. 10.5). The produced
Scenedesmus, and Spirulina with more than 50% starch biogas has an energy content of 20%e40% of the lower
are also considered as potential species for bioethanol heating value of the feedstock [37]. AD is commonly
production [42]. Fermentation of microalgae biomass used for organic waste with high moisture content
or starch requires pretreatment to convert algae biomass (80%e90%). Hence, it is applicable for conversion of
or starch into sugars by milling, and then it is mixed wet microalgae biomass, which is an environmentally
with Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast and water in a feasible way to create renewable energy source for do-
fermenter for fermentation [43]. The diluted alcohol mestic and industrial consumption.
produced after fermentation is pumped to a holding The AD conversion of organic matters releases
tank for distillation. Commonly, the diluted alcohol methane gas by extracting the carbon and nitrogen con-
product contains 10%e15% of ethanol [37]. The distil- tent from lipids of microalgae biomass. The carbohy-
lation process can purify the product and produced drates, lipids, and proteins content of the microalgae
concentrated ethanol with 95% purity, which is suitable will directly affect the AD process. Lipids of microalgae
as a supplement or substitute for transport fuel [44]. biomass can produce more biogas as compared
This fermentation process requires less energy con- with carbohydrate or protein [45]. The microalgae
sumption; the CO2 formed during the process can be such as Ulva lactuca can produce 271 m3 of methane
channeled for microalgae cultivation, while the residue per ton of organic matter [48]. The pathways involved
can be used as animal feed [37] or recycled as medium in AD process are shown in Fig. 10.6. Basically, AD
for microalgae growth. Red, green, and brown microal- proceeds through four sequential stages: (1) hydro-
gae are all studied for fermentation to produce ethanol. lysis, (2) acidogenesis, (3) acetogenesis, and (4)
Among the microalgae types, brown algae are recom- methanogenesis.
mended as the main feedstock due to the high carbohy- Hydrolysis, the first stage in AD process, is the com-
drate concentration and ease of mass cultivation [45]. mon process that is applied in pretreatment of waste-
Fig. 10.4 shows the overall fermentation process. water. The organic substrate of microalgae cell lipids is
In the past decade, ethanol is widely used as the sub- degraded into simple monomers (soluble sugars and
stitution for gasoline, due to the potential of CO2 and amino acids, respectively) [37,41,49]. The second stage
some hazardous gases (CO, NO) reduction during com- involved in AD process is acidogenesis, where volatile
bustion [46]. Bioethanol is market available and readily fatty acid (VFA), carbon dioxide, and hydrogen are be-
used as transportation fuel; statistics shows that in year ing produced by acidogenic bacteria [50]. In the third
2008, 86% of cars sold in Brazil are using gasoline with stage of AD, acetogenesis, the VFA is oxidized to acetate
blending of ethanol [47]. However, bioethanol has substrates that are easy for methanogenesis [49]. The
some drawbacks such as corrosive, low energy value, acetogenesis can be aided by adding hydrogen pressure
toxic to ecosystem, and low vapor pressure. Bioethanol for the oxidation of acids produced from the acidogen-
is currently ready to integrate with existing transporta- esis process [50]. Methanogenesis is the last stage of AD,
tion fuel, but, to achieve long-term benefits and sustain- which converts acetate substrates to produce methane
ability, more efforts are needed to upgrade the (60%e70%) and carbon dioxide (30%e40%) [51].
bioethanol to higher quality fuel that can be stand The extracted microalgae lipids can be used as a fresh
alone and compatible with fossil fuel. medium for microalgae cultivation [49,52]. The
methane gas produced from AD has 650e750 Btu/ft3
Anaerobic Digestion for Biogas Production of heating value [53]. Combustion of methane fuel re-
Anaerobic digestion (AD) is the process of converting leases less carbon dioxide as compared with combus-
organic matters into a biogas, primarily methane and tion of hydrocarbon fuel, which contributes to
biofertilizer [60,61]. With the high carbon content MJ/Nm3) and comparable H2 þ CO content with the
(>50%), this biochar can help in reducing the GHG ef- conventional gasification process [71].
fect and increase the water retention in the soil due to
its highly porous structure [61]. Besides, biochar con-
tains functional groups and inorganic minerals, which Torrefaction
make it a good bioadsorbent in water treatment to Torrefaction is the thermochemical conversion method
remediate organic and inorganic contaminants to produce coal fuel (biochar) from biomass. The main
[62,63]. While faster heating rate and shorter duration product of the torrefaction is solid coal fuel, while liq-
in fast pyrolysis tend to produce biooil, greater liquid uids and gases are produced as by-products [72]. Bio-
and gas yield (around 70%e80%) is attained with fast char is a carbon-rich material from a biomass, which
pyrolysis compared with that in slow pyrolysis (15% is produced by thermal composition of organic feed-
e65%) [64]. Francavilla et al. [65] reported stock in the oxygen-free condition [73]. As mentioned
45.13 wt.% of biooil yield is produced from the fast in the previous section, biochar can be obtained via
pyrolysis of the residue of Dunaliella tertiolecta at slow pyrolysis of biomass. The biochar produced by py-
600 C. Lack of phenolic compounds in microalgae rolysis has high surface area, which is more suitable in
biomass makes its fast pyrolysis more simple and effi- the soil fertility improvement and waste treatment.
cient than other lignocellulosic biomass [41]. Howev- However, as compared with the torrefaction, the in-
er, the biooil produced from pyrolysis suffered from crease in the calorific value is minimal. Therefore,
drawbacks such as high acidic content, high oxygen high-quality solid fuel can be obtained via torrefaction
content, and high viscosity. Besides, high nitrogenous as compared with pyrolysis [74].
content resulted from decomposition of chlorophyll Torrefaction can be divided into two groups,
and protein present in the microalgae will increase namely, (1) dry torrefaction and (2) wet torrefaction.
the NOx emission in the transportation fuel [66,67]. Dry torrefaction is operated at temperature range be-
Therefore, these pyrolysis oils require future upgrading tween 200 and 300 C, under atmospheric pressure
process such as hydrogenation and deoxygenation to and inert nitrogen gas atmosphere with absence of oxy-
produce biofuel that has same properties as fossil fuels gen. Dry torrefaction is also known as mild pyrolysis or
[68,69]. These drawbacks can be overcome by addition low temperature pyrolysis, as lower reaction tempera-
of a catalyst in the pyrolysis. For example, catalytic py- ture is used as compared with conventional pyrolysis
rolysis with HZSM-5 has reduced the oxygen content (>400 C) [74]. In this torrefaction, nitrogen gas is
in biooil from 30.09% by direct pyrolysis to 19.53% commonly used as a torrefaction gas to prevent the
and therefore increased the HHV from 24.6 to oxidation of the biochar during the reactions. Recently,
32.7 MJ/kg, respectively [12]. In the study of Gao there are some studies that used noninert gas (combus-
et al. [70], catalytic pyrolysis of cyanobacteria with tion gas or CO2) to reduce the energy and the cost
MgAl-LDO not only improved the liquid yield from [75,76]. However, noninert promotes the oxidative re-
22.0% (direct pyrolysis) to 41.1%, but also reduced actions. As a result, CO and CO2 gas are present in
the nitrogenous compounds from 50.91% to the gas phase, while water, phenol, and acetic acid are
54.314%. Upon incorporation of Ni onto zeolite Y in present in the liquid phase of end product. Besides,
the pyrolysis of C. vulgaris at 500 C, the nitrogenous the solid yield using noninert gas is lower compared
and oxygenous compounds were reduced from with that of inert nitrogen gas, which may be due to
33.33% to 29.09% and from 31.75% to 16.36%, the Boudouard reaction [77]. Torrefaction temperature
respectively [11]. In flash pyrolysis, a very high temper- is a critical factor in the torrefaction process. For
ature with very fast heating rate and short heating example, in the torrefaction of Chlamydomonas sp.
duration produces syngas, which has half the energy JSC4, the solid yield has decreased from 93.9% to
density of natural gas and can be used as a feedstock 51.3% when the torrefaction temperature increased
for methanol synthesis [22]. Besides the temperature from 200 to 300 C [78]. Similar trend was observed
effect, the carbohydrate and protein content in micro- in another study where solid yield decreased from
algae biomass will affect the pyrolysis product. In the 86.37% to 63.23% when temperature increased from
study of Hong et al. [71], higher biooil yield (13 wt 200 to 300 C in torrefaction of S. obliquus CNW-N
%) is produced from protein-rich biomass (spirulina) [79]. The main challenge of the dry torrefaction is that
due to their low PAHs content, while higher gas yield is the predrying step is required to reduce the moisture
produced from carbohydrate-rich biomass (porphyra). content to less than 10 wt% [80]. Large amount of en-
It is worth to mention that the gaseous product from ergy (3e5 MJ) is required to reduce the moisture the
pyrolysis of porphyra contains high HHV (13e19 content from 50e60 wt% to 10e15 wt%, which in
156 Microalgae Cultivation for Biofuels Production
turn largely increased the operating cost and reduced protein-rich residue biomass from biodiesel processes
the overall performance of dry torrefaction [81]. and lipid-extracted biomass residues (LMBRs) [4].
Wet torrefaction is an attractive technique to pro- Otherwise, these materials will be discarded as waste,
duce coal fuel from biomass without predrying step. and their disposal cost will surge the biodiesel produc-
Similar to dry torrefaction, the process is operated in tion cost. The biooil produced from the liquefaction
the inert condition but with a temperature of process contains lower oxygen and moisture content,
180e260 C, which is relatively lower than that of dry which resulted in the more stable product than that
torrefaction [80]. In wet torrefaction, subcritical water from the pyrolysis process [92]. Addition of homoge-
is used a reaction medium. Its low dielectric constant neous catalysts such as KOH [93], Na2CO3 [94], and
enhances the ionic reaction and thus effectively solubi- acetic acid [95] has increased the biooil yield. As an
lizes the biomass elements [82]. In terms of reaction example, maximum oil yield has increased to
mechanism, presence of subcritical water hydrolyzed 22.67% with KOH-catalyzed liquefaction of Cyanidio-
the C-O bond in the ether and ester bonds between schyzon at 300 C as compared with the noncatalyzed
monomeric sugar, which reduce the activation energy; system (16.98%) [93]. Besides, coliquefaction with
thus, degradation of hemicellulose in the wet torrefac- other species [96,97] or feedstock like swine manure
tion is more efficient compared with dry torrefaction [98] can also improve the yield of biooil. Coliquefac-
[83]. As discussed by Bach and Skreiberg [80], wet torre- tion of Cyanidioschyzon merolae and Galdieria sulphura-
faction is more efficient than dry torrefaction as it re- ria in 80:20 mass ratio at 300 C increased the biooil
quires relatively low temperature and holding due to yield to 25.5% from individual liquefaction of
the highly reactive reaction media (hydrothermal treat- C. merolae and G. sulphuraria (18.9% and 14.0%,
ment). Similar solid yield (w52%) can be achieved via respectively) [97]. However, similar to pyrolysis, the
wet torrefaction at 180 C for 10 min or 170 C for product from liquefaction also contains oxygen and
30 min as compared with dry torrefaction (300 C for nitrogen, which invite undesirable properties such as
60 min) [76,84]. high viscosity and therefore require pretreatment,
further upgrading or introducing catalyst during the
Liquefaction liquefaction process [87,99,100]. By applying pretreat-
Liquefaction process is carried out in a low tempera- ment step (mild treatment < 200 C), the nitrogen
ture typically at 250e350 C and high H2 pressure in content has reduced by 55% compared with single-
the range of 5e20 MPa, and a catalyst is used to assist stage hydrothermal liquefaction (250e350 C) [101].
the process to produce biooil [59]. This technique is Li et al. [100] have studied the catalytic upgrading of
very suitable for moisture feedstock like microalgae biooil from liquefaction of Chlorella over series of
as it has very high water content (>80%) and no dry- modified SBA-15 catalysts. Compared with thermal
ing process is required [66]. Due to the small size of upgrading, the amount of heavy oil (>400 C) has
microalgae, it is a good feedstock for liquefaction as reduced from 9.57 wt% to 1.89 wt%, respectively,
it enhances the thermal transfer during the process while 65.7 wt% hydrocarbon yield was achieved by
[85]. However, this process is expensive as compared CuO/Al-SBA-15 as compared with thermal upgrading
with pyrolysis and gasification, owing to the complex (25.1 wt%) [100]. Due to the simplicity and low en-
reactors setup and fuel-feed system [37] that decom- ergy consumption, direct introduction of catalyst
poses the biomass into smaller and shorter molecular (one-pot method) is preferred over the catalytic
materials that possess high energy density by using upgrading process (two-step method) [102]. At 2011,
high subcritical water activity [86]. Through liquefac- Duan and Savage [103] reported the liquefaction of
tion, microalgae can be decomposed into four types Nannochloropsis at 350 C over noble metals (Pd, Pt,
of products: biooil, biochar, aqueous phase, and and Ru) supported on carbon and transition metals
gaseous product [87]. One advantage of the liquefac- (Ni, Co, and Mo) supported on Al2O3, SiO2, or zeolite.
tion process is that aqueous phase that contains C, They discovered that biooil from Pt/C, Ni/SiO2-Al2O3,
N, and P nutrients can be recycled and used in the and Co-Mo/Al2O3 showed a lower O/C ratio than
cultivation of microalgae [88,89]. Usually, 10% catalysis-free reaction, while zeolite produced most
e15% higher biooil yield than the lipid content is pro- N2 in the gas product. Zeolites catalysts are active in
duced from the liquefaction as the carbohydrates and removing the nitrogenous compounds and acid com-
proteins fraction can also be converted into biooil pounds in the liquefaction process. For instance, in
through hydrolysis and repolymerization in hot com- the liquefaction of Euglena sp. over zeolite H-beta at
pressed water condition [87,90,91]. Therefore, this 280 C, the amount of nitrogenous compounds and
process could apply to the carbohydrate- and that of acid compounds have been reduced from
CHAPTER 10 Conversion of Microalgae Biomass to Biofuels 157
30.87% and 16.44% to 16.68% and 9.50%, respec- namely, steam reforming (Eq. 10.4), water-gas shift (Eq.
tively [104]. The inclusion of metal (Ni, Fe, Ce) on ze- 10.5), and methanation (Eq. 10.6) [113].
olites could further improve biooil yield
Steam reforming : Cx Hy Oz þ ð2x zÞH2 O /
[102,105,106]. In the liquefaction of Nannochloropsis y (10.4)
at 365 C, highest biooil yield (38.1%) was achieved 2x z þ H2 þ xCO2
by Fe/HZSM-5, which is 25% improvement over
catalysis-free counterpart [102]. Water gas shift ðWGSÞ: CO þ H2 O/CO2 þ H2 (10.5)
Methanation: CO þ 3H2 /CH4 þ H2 O (10.6)
Gasification is a partial oxidation of microalgae However, low reaction rate in WGS reaction leads to
biomass in the air atmosphere, oxygen, or steam at the high CO content in the noncatalyzed SCWG, thus
high temperature of 800e1000 C [107]. Through gasi- requiring higher reaction temperature (w600 C) to
fication, carbonaceous materials in microalgae are achieve better gasification efficiency [113]. A catalyst
transformed into synthesis gas (syngas). The syngas is such as noble metal catalyst is commonly used in the
a mixture of gases such as hydrogen, carbon monoxide, gasification of microalgae to enhance the gasification
methane, and ethylene and has a low calorific content of tar and char and produce more H2 and CH4 and
(4e6 MJ/m3) [108]. Both hydrogen and methane are therefore can be carried out at lower temperature
considered as a clean energy source in the future global [114]. The yield of H2 and CH4 can increase up to three
energy portfolio [109]. The burning of syngas can pro- and nine times, respectively, as compared with noncata-
duce heat for electricity generation or be used as feed- lyzed SCWG process [113]. Jiao et al. [113] have studied
stock for methanol production and hydrogen as a the SCWG of C. pyrenoidosa at 430 C over series of no-
transportation fuel [64]. The gasification processes ble metals supported on activated carbon. They claimed
begin with pyrolysis of biomass for biochar production; that Ru/C, Pt/C, and Ir/C favored WGS and steam-
then the produced biochar is gasified in the presence of reforming process, while methanation is preferred
gasifying agents such as oxygen and water to produce over Pd/C and Rh/C. Particularly, 5.97 mmol/g H2 yield
syngas. There are two branches of gasification processes: and 7.19 mmol/g methane yield were attained with Ru/
(1) conventional gasification and (2) supercritical water C and Rh/C, respectively. Recently, same research group
gasification (SCWG). In conventional gasification, has reported that the synergistic effect between Ru/C
higher temperature (800e1000 C) and pressure and Rh/C in 1:1 mass ratio has increased the methane
(1e10 bar) are used, where dry microalgae react with yield to 19.85 mmol/g, as compared with individual
the oxidizer such as air, oxygen, or steam [107]. Khoo catalyzed system (Ru/C: 16.58 mmol/g and Rh/C:
et al. [107] studied the gasification of Nannochloropsis 18.20 mmol/g) [115].
sp. with a fixed-bed reactor at temperature of 850 C;
the products comprise 58.18 wt.% char, 13.74 wt.%
biooil, and 28.08 wt.% gas, with HHVs of 17.5, 34.1, CONCLUSION
and 32.9 MJ/kg, respectively. However, in conventional The growing concern over the utilization of fossil fuels,
gasification, drying process of microalgae is very energy GHG emissions, and the competition of biofuel feed-
intensive to remove moisture from wet microalgae stocks with agricultural resources has motivated the
biomass. In SCWG, supercritical water (374 C and research interest in the biofuel production from micro-
22.1 MPa) is used as a reaction medium, and microal- algae. However, the existing upstream and downstream
gae are directly converted to a gas product without dry- technologies are not effective enough to unleash all the
ing process [110,111]. The SCWG is carried out at the potential of microalgae. Recently, a number of achieve-
low reaction temperature (300e600 C) [111]. For ments in genetic engineering and cultivation method
instance, 50% less energy is needed to heat the water have successfully boosted the biomass growth and lipid
from 25 to 300 C rather than vaporize it [112]. Unlike productivity of microalgae. The successive growth of
liquefaction, supercritical water in SCWG breaks the C- microalgae needs to be supported by highly efficient
C bonds for production of burnable gases such as CH4 and cost-effective downstream processing to achieve
and H2, while subcritical water produces the liquid hy- high-quality biofuel production to reduce the depen-
drocarbon in gasoline and diesel range [111,112]. Ac- dence of fossil fuels. Downstream processing technol-
cording to literature, 10.37 mol/kg hydrogen yield was ogy involves harvesting, lipid-extracting mechanisms,
obtained from the SCWG of Posidonia oceanica at and transforming biomass into solid, liquid, and
600 C [111]. In SCWG, there are three main reactions, gaseous biofuel. The main challenge faced in the
158 Microalgae Cultivation for Biofuels Production
harvesting of microalgae and extraction is related to the [11] N.H. Zainan, S.C. Srivatsa, F. Li, S. Bhattacharya, Quality
energy input, time, and cost in concentrating and dew- of bio-oil from catalytic pyrolysis of microalgae Chlorella
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