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Hl-{d If{tFR / Government of lndia
ft-qga{arcul Ministry of power
gfrqq qqFI 7 lpansmission Division)

{qsIRrfi, {atqrrf, +{ffi- rrooor

fr{is': ol 09.2021

1 . Chief Secretary of all State Governmentsi UTs

2. Principal Secretaries/ Secretaries (Power/Energy) of all State Governments/UTs.

Subject: Bringing 33 kV system under Transmission for performance improvement of

sub-transmission system.

lam directed to say that the subtransmission system plays an important role as an
interface between transmission and distribution system. lt is critical for reliability of power supply
system. However, the sub{ransmission system is beset with problems of higher losses and
inefficient performance.

2. Considering the importance of sub-transmission system, Ministry of Power had constituted

a Committee under the Chairmanship of CMD, POWERGRID, with representatives from Central
Electricity Authority, State Transmission Utilities of Haryana, Maharashtra and Odisha and
Central Transmission Utility of lndia Ltd to suggest measures for reduction of losses in the sub-
transmission system & for ensuring reliability and efficient performance and to make
recommendation for promoting investment in sub-transmission system.

3. The Committee collected information from 25 State Transmission Utilities (STUs) and 30
distribution companies (DISCOMs) on the performance of the utilities at different voltage level
(33 kV, 66 kV, 1321110 kV and 220 kV). The Committee observed that

Losses at 33 kV is about 4.8%, while the loss in 66 kV-220 kV level is only 1.72-2.39%.
Besides, yearly availability at 33 kV is about 96.3ol0, while the same in 66 kV -22O kV
level is 98.5-99.4%.
There is a considerable scope for improvement of performance of 33 kV system, which
is presently maintained by DISCOMs, in terms of reduction of losses and improvement in
availability of network.
The distribution system being end-consumer facing entity, the focus of DISCOMS is
generally on quick restoration of supply in case of any fault or granting connection to the
new consumers, rather than on long term planning and expansion of the distribution
network. Further, due to poor financial health of DISCOMS, coordinated planning and
expansion of 33kV system including adoption of new technologies and the overall
operation and maintenance levels of the 33 kV system is not comparable to that at 66 kV
and above voltage levels.
iv By better upkeep of 33 kV network, availability of 33 kV system would increase resulting
into improved consumer satisfaction. ln addition, by better upkeep of 33 kV system,
incremental revenue of Rs. 7865 crores per annum could be achieved on account of:

a) Reduction in Losses: lf losses can be reduced lrom 4o/o to 3%, then energy
saved could be of the order of 8.99 billion unit per annum and incremental
revenue to States from loss reduction would be Rs 4495 crore per annum
(assuming rate of electricity @ Rs 5 per unit)

b) lmprovement in availability: Many 33kV substations (around 13o/o) are with one
number (single) transformer and so they do not have any contingency for power
supply in case of fault in transformer or malntenance of transformer. Also, it is
observed that more than 80% of substations are not provided with modern
technologies such as SCADA facility, Fault Locator/DR facility, Transformer
Monitoring Devices, predictive and preventive maintenance tools at substations.
lf the availability of 33 kV system can improve by O.7S%, then additional 6.74
billion unit per annum would be available to end consumers and bring additional
revenue of Rs 3370 crores per annum (assuming rate of electricity @ Rs 5 per

4. Considering all these findings/observations, the Committee inter-alia recommended to bring

33 kV system under State Transmission Utility for improvement in performance of 33 kV system.
Further, the Committee also recommended technical measures for improvement of performance
of 33 kV networks including Robust network planning/network re-configuration, Network Re-
conductoringi use of higher capacity conductor, Predictive Maintenance, adoption of modern
technology for improvement of reliability like lndoor Switchgear/GlS switchgear panel, auto-
switched (Thyristor controlled) capacitor Bank, Low Loss power Transformers, scADA based
substation Automation system (sAS), etc. The report of the committee is enclosed for ready

5. The Report of the committee were discussed in a meeting taken by Hon'ble Minister of
Power & NRE on 16.08.2021. Based on discussion in the meeting, state/ur Governments are
requested to take following steps for over-all sustainable improvement in performance of 33 kV

33 kV system should be the handed over from DISCOMS to the STU for better planning,
loss reduction and increased supply reliability. lt can be done in a phased manner. ln
the first phase, incremental assets in 33 kV network and existing overloaded
assets/assets can be handed over to STUs.
State Govt. would need lo provide financial assistance to STU for
upgrading/modernising their 33 kV assets.
t ln the event, the state Govt. is not in a position to provide financial assistance to sru for
upgradation, then STU can be asked to form JV with POWERGRID on 50:50 equity
basis for mobilising their financial resources.

6. lt may be noted that POwERGRID has already been advised by the Ministry of power to
form JV with STU, where-ever State approaches pOWERGRID

7. This issues with the approval ofHon'ble Minister of power and New & Renewable Energy.

Encl.: As above.

Yours faithfully,

(Mritunjay Kumar Naraybn)
Joint Secretary (Transmission)

Copy to

1. Chairperson, CEA, RK Puram, New Delhi

2. CMD, POWERGRID, Gurugram, Haryana
3. COO, CTU, Gurugram, Haryana.

Copy also to

1. PS to Hon'bleMoP
2. APS to Hon'bleMoSP
3. PPSs/PSs to Secretary (Power)/ AS(VKDy AS(SKGR/ JS(Transmission)/
JS(Distribution)/ Director (Transmission)/ Director (Dishibution), Mop.
4. ln-charge, Nlc cell, Ministry of Power with the request to upload the oM on Ministry of
Power's website under "Current Notices".

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