Business-Model-Canvas - 2 - Xenith
Business-Model-Canvas - 2 - Xenith
Business-Model-Canvas - 2 - Xenith
Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Customer Relationships Customer Segments
1. Buy from retail shops and 1. Convenience- There is a lot of 1. Customer experiences will be 1. Working class-
1. Small and Medium deliver to customers. hustle in the city to find the right collected by Delivery service those who use
market sized shops - 2. Pick-up and drop service store with the right product, but and app integrated reviews too. internet and use
We are targeting these by using our delivery we can make it easy. 2. Following up with customers and trust
shops because they network. 2. Efficient- Rather than roaming who faced issues and after e-commerce.
have a variety of items 3. Consultancy for new in the city to find the desired resolving we can contact and
in stock with them and shops(later) product, on our app it will be a ask if its now fine with them.
they are the most search away to know where it is 3. To ensure that only good
vulnerable retail market available. products are served to
in this era. 3. Need of the hour- Meds and customers, loose items will be
2. Delivery Agents- They fmcg are required within packed in front of the delivery
will play a major role as minutes and hours, so for those agent and all other packed
much of profit and situations it will come in handy. items will be checked for their
customer relationship is 4. Time saver- No need to find the date of mfg etc at the shop
balanced by them. product by travelling, and no itself.
3. Office employees- They Key Resources need for you to travel to pass an Channels
play a major role in 1. Money item to someone you desire. 1. Social media – like instagram,
getting the feedback 2. Human resource 5. It will be easier for the shops to facebook, youtube etc.
and help in improving 3. Office manage their stocks 2. Mouth to mouth
the idea and app’s 4. Marketing Agents advertisements.
drawbacks. 3. Increased competition among
shops-will gain popularity itself.