Removal of Pharmaceuticals From Wastewater by Biological Processes
Removal of Pharmaceuticals From Wastewater by Biological Processes
Removal of Pharmaceuticals From Wastewater by Biological Processes
Ultrasonics Sonochemistry
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Article history: To augment the removal of pharmaceuticals different conventional and alternative wastewater treatment
Received 19 September 2012 processes and their combinations were investigated. We tested the efficiency of (1) two distinct labora-
Received in revised form 7 December 2012 tory scale biological processes: suspended activated sludge and attached-growth biomass, (2) a combined
Accepted 14 December 2012
hydrodynamic cavitation–hydrogen peroxide process and (3) UV treatment. Five pharmaceuticals were
Available online 28 December 2012
chosen including ibuprofen, naproxen, ketoprofen, carbamazepine and diclofenac, and an active metab-
olite of the lipid regulating agent clofibric acid.
Biological treatment efficiency was evaluated using lab-scale suspended activated sludge and moving
Wastewater treatment
bed biofilm flow-through reactors, which were operated under identical conditions in respect to hydrau-
Biological degradation lic retention time, working volume, concentration of added pharmaceuticals and synthetic wastewater
Suspended activated sludge reactors composition. The suspended activated sludge process showed poor and inconsistent removal of clofibric
Attached-growth biomass reactors acid, carbamazepine and diclofenac, while ibuprofen, naproxen and ketoprofen yielded over 74% removal.
Hydrodynamic cavitation Moving bed biofilm reactors were filled with two different types of carriers i.e. Kaldnes K1 and Mutag
BioChip™ and resulted in higher removal efficiencies for ibuprofen and diclofenac. Augmentation and
consistency in the removal of diclofenac were observed in reactors using Mutag BioChip™ carriers
(85% ± 10%) compared to reactors using Kaldnes carriers and suspended activated sludge (74% ± 22%
and 48% ± 19%, respectively). To enhance the removal of pharmaceuticals hydrodynamic cavitation with
hydrogen peroxide process was evaluated and optimal conditions for removal were established regarding
the duration of cavitation, amount of added hydrogen peroxide and initial pressure, all of which influence
the efficiency of the process. Optimal parameters resulted in removal efficiencies between 3–70%. Cou-
pling the attached-growth biomass biological treatment, hydrodynamic cavitation/hydrogen peroxide
process and UV treatment resulted in removal efficiencies of >90% for clofibric acid and >98% for carbam-
azepine and diclofenac, while the remaining compounds were reduced to levels below the LOD. For ibu-
profen, naproxen, ketoprofen and diclofenac the highest contribution to overall removal was attributed to
biological treatment, for clofibric acid UV treatment was the most efficient, while for carbamazepine
hydrodynamic cavitation/hydrogen peroxide process and UV treatment were equally efficient.
Ó 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Abbreviations: WWTP, wastewater treatment plant; MBBR, moving bed biofilm reactor; AOP, advanced oxidation process; HC, hydrodynamic cavitation; AC, acoustic
cavitation; HC/H2O2, hydrodynamic cavitation with addition of hydrogen peroxide; CLA, clofibric acid; IB, ibuprofen; NP, naproxen; KP, ketoprofen; DF, diclofenac; CBZ,
carbamazepine; IB-d3, (±)-ibuprofen-d3 (a-methyl-d3); CBZ-d10, carbamazepine-d10 (rings-d10); KP-d3, (±)-ketoprofen (a-methyl-d3); MEC-d3, mecoprop-d3; MTBSTFA, N-(t-
butyldimetylsilyl)-N-methyltrifluoroacetamid; SPE, solid phase extraction; GC-MS, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry; LOD, limit of detection; ASR, activated sludge
reactor; ASR0, control suspended activated sludge reactor (without addition of pharmaceuticals); ASR1, ASR2, two parallel suspended activated sludge reactors (with addition
of pharmaceuticals); K0, control moving bed biofilm reactor filled with Kaldnes carriers (without addition of pharmaceuticals); K1, K2, two parallel moving bed biofilm
reactors filled with Kaldnes carriers (with addition of pharmaceuticals); M0, control moving bed biofilm reactor filled with Mutag BiochipTM carriers (without addition of
pharmaceuticals); M1, M2, two parallel moving bed biofilm reactors filled with Mutag BiochipTM carriers (with addition of pharmaceuticals); COD, chemical oxygen demand;
PE, population equivalent.
⇑ Corresponding author at: Jožef Stefan Institute, Department of Environmental Sciences, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
E-mail address: (E. Heath).
1350-4177/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Zupanc et al. / Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 20 (2013) 1104–1112 1105
1. Introduction Table 1
Oxidation potentials of different oxidants used in water treatment (adapted from
New emerging pollutants like pharmaceuticals have been in the
spotlight of the scientific community for some time [1–5]. These Oxidizing agent Oxidation potential (V)
compounds are currently not, but may in the future become part Fluorine F2 3.03
of routine monitoring programmes, depending on an assessment Hydroxyl radical
OH 2.80
of their environmental impact [6]. Pharmaceuticals are used for Atomic oxygen O 2.42
human and veterinary purposes and in animal husbandry [2] and Ozone O3 2.07
Hydrogen peroxide H2O2 1.78
after accomplishing their mission in target organisms they are ex- Perhydroxyl radical
OOH 1.70
creted in faeces or/and urine as either parent compounds or as Permanganate MnO42 1.68
metabolites, which can then enter the aquatic environment via Hypobromus acid HBrO 1.59
treated or even untreated wastewater discharge [7]. Chlorine dioxide ClO2 1.57
Hypochlorus acid HClO 1.49
Studies have proven that some pharmaceuticals are resistant to
Chlorine Cl2 1.36
conventional biological treatment processes used by municipal
wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and are subsequently
found globally in treated wastewater effluents in concentrations energy [28]. In hydrodynamic cavitation (HC), bubble inception
from low ng L1 to lg L1 [8–11]. In addition, poor removal of car- and collapse is the result of an increase in fluid velocity and accom-
bamazepine (<16%) [3], [12,13] clofibric acid (<35%) [14,15] and panied decrease in static pressure. This phenomenon can occur
inconsistent removal of diclofenac (3–70%), [9,12,16,17], during when the fluid passes through a constriction – e.g. valves [28,31],
conventional biological treatment are reported. Researches also re- or gets a rotational impulse as in the case of hydraulic machines.
veal the detrimental effects that these compounds can have on High local temperatures of 5000 K, which are generated during
aquatic organisms [18–20]. Diclofenac, for example, causes cyto- the process, lead to the formation of OH after homolytic cleavage
logical changes and bioaccumulates in the liver, kidneys and gills of water molecules [32]. The destruction of organic compounds in
of the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) [21]. Similar effects the liquid can therefore occur via two pathways: (i) free radical at-
are also observed in carp (Cyprinus carpio) after exposure to car- tack that can take place in the cavitation bubble, on the interface
bamzepine [22]. Such studies confirm the need to upgrade conven- between the bubble and the surrounding area and in the bulk solu-
tional biological wastewater treatment. One option is to replace tion or (ii) pyrolysis inside or near the bubble [28,30]. Which of the
suspended activated sludge with an attached-growth biomass pro- two mechanisms predominates depends on the properties of the
cess, such as moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) technology, compound and cavitation pattern and intensity [28]. An AOP
where biomass grows on specially designed ‘‘carriers’’ that move combed with HC and the use of different sources of radicals (i.e.
freely within the reactor’s water volume providing a much greater hydrogen peroxide or ozone), can augment the amount of radicals
surface area on which a biofilm can grow [23,24]. The advantages formed during cavitation [33], which can influence removal, if
of the MBBR include its simplicity, compactness, growth of aerobic pharmaceuticals are removed via the first pathway. When com-
and anaerobic organisms in the same system and negligible pared to acoustic cavitation (AC), Braeutigam et al. [32] state that
hydraulic headlosses [24,25]. Fålas and co-workers [26] report HC has several advantages over AC including lower investment
higher removal efficiencies of pharmaceuticals using a process costs and easier scale-up. Its cost-effectiveness compared to other
comparable to a suspended activated sludge process albeit Joss treatment technologies requires further cost benefit analysis. In
et al. [27] conclude that no significant difference exists between addition, studies optimising the removal of pharmaceutical resi-
them. Despite these contradictory results we believe this technol- dues with HC are still needed. To our knowledge only one pub-
ogy is worthy of further investigation. lished study [32] exists regarding the removal of
Further improvement to biological wastewater treatment can pharmaceuticals, e.g. carbamazepine using HC, where 27% removal
also be obtained by adopting novel treatment technologies that was achieved.
may prove more efficient and less time consuming. Nowadays, Some recalcitrant pharmaceuticals are also susceptible to photo
attention has turned to special oxidation techniques known collec- degradation. For example more than 90% removal efficiencies were
tively as advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) [28]. These include achieved for clofibric acid and diclofenac by UV irradiation in
technologies based on UV, Fenton, cavitation (acoustic and hydro- wastewater effluents [34]. Further improvements are possible by
dynamic), radiation and wet air oxidation [28,29]. In an AOP, pow- combining UV irradiation with H2O2. For carbamazepine removal
erful oxidizing species e.g. hydroxyl radicals (OH) are formed. efficiency of up to 95% were achieved by adding H2O2 as compared
Compared to other oxidants like O3,H2O2 and KMnO4, OH are to less than 10% without H2O2 [35].
among the strongest oxidizing species commonly used for water The compounds investigated herein include four nonsteroidal
and wastewater treatment (Table 1). They readily and non-selec- anti-inflammatory drugs: ibuprofen, naproxen, ketoprofen and dic-
tively attack organic compounds present in effluent waters and lofenac, the antiepileptic carbamazepine and the active metabolite
accelerate the rate of contaminants oxidation, preferably resulting of the lipid modifying drugs clofibric acid. Our main objectives
in their complete mineralisation [28,30]. were to: (i) improve the removal efficiencies of selected com-
AOPs can be used for treatment of different water matrices pounds during biological treatment by attached-growth (biofilm)
including groundwater, industrial and municipal wastewater, processes; (ii) study HC/H2O2 process as a possible technology
drinking water, landfill leachate and surface water. They are used for upgrading wastewater treatment; and (iii) improve removal
to remove bio-refractory and toxic compounds in waters with efficiency by sequentially coupling biological treatment, HC/H2O2
CODs from 0 to 3000 mg L1 and effluent flow rate from 0.5 to and UV treatment.
1000 m3 h1 (see Supplementary data Suppl. 1). Studies regarding
AOPs are usually performed on either bench or pilot scale, but 2. Materials and methods
there are some commercial full-scale applications (see Supplemen-
tary data Suppl. 2) 2.1. Standards and chemicals
Cavitation, which is another AOP, is a physical phenomenon,
where the formation, growth and subsequent collapse of small Clofibric acid (CLA), ibuprofen (IB), naproxen (NP), ketoprofen
bubbles and bubble clusters in a liquid releases high amounts of (KP) and diclofenac (DF) were purchased from Sigma–Aldrich
1106 M. Zupanc et al. / Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 20 (2013) 1104–1112
(Steinheim, Germany). All compounds were of high purity (>97%). nation (r2). Effluents from the control bioreactors (ASR0, K0 and
Carbamazepine (CBZ) (99%) was purchased from Acros Organics M0) were used as matrices and the matrix effect was assessed by
(New Jersey, USA). The isotopically labelled internal standards comparing the results to those obtained using deionised water.
(±)-ibuprofen-d3 (a-methyl-d3) (IB-d3), carbamazepine-d10 (rings-
d10) (CBZ-d10) and (±)-ketoprofen (a-methyl-d3) (KP-d3) were ob- 2.4. Biological treatment
tained from CDN Isotopes (Quebec, Canada), while mecoprop-d3
(MEC-d3) was obtained from Dr. Ehrenstorfer (Augsburg, Ger- 2.4.1. Suspended activated sludge reactors (ASRs)
many). N-(t-butyldimetylsilyl)-N-methyltrifluoroacetamid Experiments were performed in two 4 L flow-through rectangu-
(MTBSTFA), used for derivatisation, was supplied by Acros Organics lar reactors (ASR1 and ASR2) into which test compounds were con-
(New Jersey, USA). Analytical grade methanol, acetonitrile and tinuously added in concentrations relevant for wastewater
ethyl acetate were purchased from J.T. Baker (Deventer, the Neth- effluents (1 lg L1). A control bioreactor (ASR0) was also set up.
erlands). The same applies for 37% hydrochloric acid (AppliChem, Each bioreactor was divided into anoxic (0.725 L), aerated
Darmstadt, Germany), 96% sulphuric acid (Carlo Erba, Milan, Italy), (2.55 L) and a settlement (0.725 L) compartment. From the settle-
sodium hydroxide-pellets (AppliChem, Darmstadt, Germany) and ment tank the biomass was re-introduced into the anoxic compart-
30% hydrogen peroxide (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany). Potassium ment using an aquarium water pump. The aeration and mixing of
dichromate was purchased from Riedel-de-Haën, Hannover, Ger- the biomass were achieved using an aquarium air pump (Airfizz
many. All standard solutions were prepared in methanol, except 259 200, Ferplast, Castelgomberto, Italy, 100 L h1) and a porous
for the HC/H2O2 process when methanol was replaced by acetoni- stone. More detailed design is described elsewhere [36]. After
trile. The composition of synthetic wastewater is described else- start-up, the reactors were initially fed with 2 L of synthetic waste-
where [36]. water per day without the addition of test compounds for
6 months to allow biomass growth to stabilize at approximately
2.2. Sample preparation and instrumental analysis 6.5 g L1. Afterwards, a mixture of the test compounds was contin-
uously added into the reactor influents. Hydraulic retention time
Prior to analysis, 200 mL samples were filtered through glass was 48 h. The biomass used in the experiments originated from a
microfiber filters (Machery Nagel, Dueren, Germarny), 1.2 lm cel- real wastewater treatment plant and a one month period of adap-
lulose nitrate filters (Whatman, Kent, UK) and acidified to pH 2–3 tation to the addition of pharmaceuticals was allowed prior to
with HCl. Internal standards were then added to give final concen- sampling.
trations of 0.15 lg L1 IB-d3, 1 lg L1 CBZ-d10, 0.5 lg L1 KP-d3 and
0.75 lg L1 MEC-d3. Solid phase extraction (SPE) was performed
2.4.2. Moving bed biofilm reactors (MBBRs)
using 60 mg/3 mL OasisÒHLB cartridges (Waters Corporation, Mas-
Experiments were performed in aerated 4 L cylindrical reactors.
sachusetts, USA) preconditioned with 3 mL of ethyl acetate, meth-
Two types of carriers (shown in Supplementary data Suppl. 3), dif-
anol and acidified water. After enrichment, the cartridges were
fering in shape, structure, size and surface area were investigated
vacuum-dried and eluted with ethyl acetate (3 1 mL). The ex-
separately. Polyethylene Kaldnes K1 carriers (10 mm in diameter
tracts were reduced in volume to approx. 0.5 mL, quantitatively
and 7 mm wide), with an effective specific surface area of
transferred to GC-vials, dried under a gentle flow of nitrogen and
500 m2 m3, were manufactured by Kaldnes Miljøtehnologi AS,
re-dissolved in ethyl acetate (0.5 mL). Prior to analysis 30 lL
Norway. Mutag BioChip™ carriers, made of polyethylene and with
MTBSTFA was added to the samples and derivatisation was per-
an effective specific surface area of 3000 m2 m3. These were
formed at 60 °C for 15 h.
kindly donated by Multi Umwelttechnologie AG (Sachsen, Ger-
The samples were analysed by gas chromatography–mass spec-
many). According to manufacturers recommendations the carriers
trometry (GC–MS). The instrument was a HP 6890 (Hewlett–Pack-
occupied approx. 30% and 5% of the reactor volume, giving a spe-
ard, Waldbronn, Germany) gas chromatograph with a single
cific surface area of 150 m2 m3. The aeration and homogeneous
quadrupole mass detector. Separation was achieved on a DB-5
mixing of carriers in the entire water volume was achieved by
MS (30.0 m 0.25 mm 0.25 lm) capillary column (Agilent
aquarium air pump and a porous stone. Loss of carriers was pre-
J&W, CA, USA) with helium as the carrier gas (37 cm s1). 1 lL sam-
vented by a sieve arrangement at the outlet of bioreactors. The ex-
ples were injected in splitless mode at 250 °C. The temperature
cess sludge produced during the experiments was not returned to
programme of the GC oven was initially set at 65 °C held for
the bioreactor as was the case with the ASRs. The same biomass as
2 min and then ramped at 30 °C min1–180 °C, at 10 °C min1–
mentioned in Section 2.4.1 was used. All experiments were per-
240 °C, at 4 °C min1–249 °C, held for 3 min, ramped at
formed in parallel (K1 and K2 for Kaldnes carriers and M1 and
5 °C min1–254 °C, at 40 °C min1–300 °C and held for 2 min with
M2 for Mutag BioChip™ carriers). For each type of carrier control
1 min post run. The MS was operated in EI ionisation mode at
reactors were set up (K0 for Kaldnes carriers and M0 for Mutag Bio-
70 eV. Identification of pharmaceutical derivatives was made in
Chip™ carriers). The operational conditions including biomass
SIM mode by monitoring the following ions: m/z 271,185, 143 for
adaptation, hydraulic retention time, concentration of added phar-
CLA, m/z 263, 205 for IB, m/z 287, 185, 272 for NP, m/z 311, 295
maceuticals and composition of synthetic wastewater are de-
for KP, m/z 193, 293, 250 for CBZ, m/z 352, 354, 214 for DF, m/z
scribed in Section 2.4.1.
274, 231 for MEC-d3, m/z 266 for IB-d3, m/z 314, 298 for KP-d3
Removal efficiencies, in both ASRs and MBBRs, were determined
and m/z 203, 303 for CBZ-d10. Quantification was performed using
as the difference between concentrations of the target compounds
ions written in bold text. The data was processed using Chemsta-
in the influent and effluent samples using Eq. (1):
tion software.
Ceff 1
2.3. Analytical method validation Removal ð%Þ ¼ 1 100 ð1Þ
Cinf 1
Method validation involved determining SPE efficiency, limits where removal (%) is the removal efficiency, Ceff1 is the concentra-
of detection (LOD) and linearity. SPE efficiency was performed at tion of the pharmaceutical in the effluent and Cinf1 is the concentra-
concentrations of 1 lg L1. Limits of detection were calculated as tion of the same pharmaceutical in the influent. Comparisons of
3-times the standard deviation of the base line of six blank samples removal efficiencies of all tested pharmaceuticals between different
while linearity was assessed in terms of the coefficient of determi- reactors were evaluated with an independent Student’s t-test.
M. Zupanc et al. / Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 20 (2013) 1104–1112 1107
2.4.3. Determination of nitrogen species, chemical oxygen demand, symmetrical Venturi pipe with a constriction of 1 mm height and
dissolved oxygen, pH and biomass concentrations 5 mm width, connecting both reservoirs. The HC reactor is oper-
Besides determining the removal of target pharmaceuticals, the ated in cycles. Water is introduced into the right reservoir, while
performance of the bioreactors was also assessed by observing the the left one remains empty (state 1 in Fig. 1). By opening the valve,
decrease in chemical oxygen demand (COD) and after filtration, the compressed air at high pressure flows into the right reservoir and
concentrations of NO3-N, NO2-N and NH4-N were measured to con- forces the water to flow through the Venturi constriction into the
firm the nitrification process. To take into account the hydraulic left reservoir, where constant pressure is maintained at 1 bar. As
retention time, influent samples were taken 48 h prior to the cor- the flow passes through the constriction, it accelerates, causing a
responding effluents. All samples were analysed immediately after drop in the static pressure which results in cavitation (state 2 in
sampling. In addition pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen and bio- Fig. 1). The valve is electrically controlled – when a signal that
mass concentration (i.e., suspended solids for ASRs and attached the right tank is empty is received, it closes (state 3 in Fig. 1.)
solids for MBBRs) data were also collected. In the case of ASRs dis- and then opens the path for the compressed air to flow to the left
solved oxygen is given as an average concentration of measure- reservoir and for water to flow in the opposite direction and conse-
ments in all three compartments. quently cavitation is achieved (state 4 in Fig. 1). It is worth noting
The COD and nitrogen species were determined using a DR/ that in our experiments we added hydrogen peroxide in the trea-
2800 spectrophotometer and Dr. Hach-Lange cuvettes (Hach- ted water before the start of the cavitation pulses to augment the
Lange, Düsseldorf, Germany), LCK514, LCK 339, LCK341 and oxidation potential of the cavitation phenomena.
LCK302 in the case of influents and LCK314, LCK340, LCK342 and A typical cavitation structure behind the Venturi constriction
LCK303 in the case of effluents. Where necessary, samples were (state 4 in Fig. 1) is presented in Fig. 2.
appropriately diluted. Dissolved oxygen levels and temperature Transfer of the reactor contents takes about 10 s. Operating the
were measured simultaneously using a HQ30d probe (Hach, Düs- HC reactor in cycles allows a more accurate evaluation of the cav-
seldorf, Germany). The pH was measured using a pH meter (Ther- itation phenomena after the preset number of pulsations (cycles).
mo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, USA). The described set-up was used for detailed studies of how and to
The biomass concentration in the ASRs was determined by filter- what extent the cavitation contributes to the removal of pharma-
ing 15 mL of sample through previously dried and weighed filters ceuticals. This is why a pump was not included in the test loop,
(glass microfiber filters), heated to constant weight at 105 °C and cal- but pressure was used to force the treated water from one reser-
culated as the difference in weight prior to and after heating. voir to the other. In this way possible cavitation or shear forces
The biomass concentration in the MBBRs was determined developed inside the pump cannot influence the results – thus all
according to the recommendations of manufacturers. In the case removal of pharmaceuticals can be contributed to cavitating condi-
of Kaldnes carriers, 3 carriers were dried at 40 °C for 12 h and then tions developed in the Venturi constriction.
allowed to cool in a desiccator before being weighed. Afterwards To optimise the cavitation process, preliminary experiments
they were soaked in Cr–H2SO4 for 12 h and rinsed with deionised were performed on spiked deionised water (1 lg L1 of target
water, dried and weighed. In the case of the Mutag Biochip™, 3 car- pharmaceuticals) and by varying the added amount of H2O2, the
riers were dried for 12 h at 80 °C, allowed to cool in a desiccator and pressure difference between the reservoirs and the number of cy-
weighed. Afterwards, they were soaked for 36 h in 5% NaOH at 70 °C cles. As a compromise between energy consumption, cost-effec-
and then rinsed with deionised water, dried for 12 h at 80 °C and re- tiveness and the efficiency of the cavitation process the
weighed. In both cases the amount of attached biomass was deter- operational conditions were: addition of 20 mL 30% H2O2 per 1 L
mined as the difference between the two measured weights. sample, an initial pressure of 6 bar (5 bar pressure difference)
and one hundred 20 s long cycles (30 min overall length) per
2.5. Hydrodynamic cavitation experiment. The process was then tested on more complex matri-
ces, e.g. biologically treated wastewater from K1, K2 and M1, M2
The hydrodynamic cavitation reactor (HC reactor) shown in bioreactors. The performance of the HC/H2O2 process was evalu-
Fig. 1, consists of a 3-way valve, two 2 L reservoirs, and a ated by the efficiency of the removal of pharmaceuticals.
Table 2
Results of analytical method validation.
Table 3
Measurements of COD, NO3-N, NO2-N, and NH4-N in bioreactor influents and effluents expressed as average values ± stdev and statistically significant difference obtained by
independent Student’s t-test (a = 0.05).
Bioreactors Suspended activated sludge (ASR1, ASR2)/Kaldnes (K0, K1, K2)/Mutag biochips™ (M0, M1, M2) t-Test (a = 0.05)
Samples Influent Effluent Effluents
n A B C ASR1 ASR2 K0 K1 K2 M0 M1 M2 A/C B/C D/E
COD (mg L1) 6 976 ± 39 707 ± 14 929 ± 14 47 ± 48 54 ± 55 131 ± 38 187 ± 110 104 ± 52 92 ± 48 120 ± 31 128 ± 45 – – –
NO3-N (mg L1) 6 2.3 ± 1.9 2.4 ± 0.4 15 ± 6 15 ± 16 65 ± 15 80 ± 3 81 ± 5 65 ± 9 70 ± 8 80 ± 6 YES YES NO
NO2-N (mg L1) 6 0.2 ± 0.1 0.04 ± 0.01 0.8 ± 0.8 2.3 ± 1.8 1.9 ± 0.4 1.5 ± 0.6 0.5 ± 0.4 3.9 ± 2 3.4 ± 1.3 1.2 ± 0.6 – – –
NH4-N(mg L1) 6 83 ± 7 68 ± 4 4±3 17 ± 11 10 ± 6 3±3 6±7 13 ± 8 4±3 4±1 – YES NO
n = Number of measurements; A: ASR1, ASR2; B: K0, M0; C: K1, K2, M1, M2; D: K1, K2; E: M1, M2.
M. Zupanc et al. / Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 20 (2013) 1104–1112 1109
Still, according to our experience with plastic carriers on different ferent operational conditions and biomass properties i.e., origin,
occasions, the biomass is somehow reluctant to adhere onto the sludge age and biomass adaptation.
plastic and much more biomass is adhered to inorganic carriers Our results show that the removal efficiencies of individual
like expanded clay, glass or mineral foam, slag, etc. compounds can be influenced by using different biological treat-
ments. Also, from the data (Table 4) the efficiency of MBBR, based
on the biomass concentration per litre, is higher than that in the
3.2.2. Removal of pharmaceuticals ASR. The reason is not well understood, but it could be that the bio-
Our results from the ASRs are in accordance with the literature film that developed in the MBBR consists of microorganisms that
[3,9,12–17] and demonstrate that average removals of CLA, CBZ are able, to a much higher degree, exploit pharmaceuticals as or-
and DF by suspended activated sludge process are poor and incon- ganic substrates. Even though little is known about the efficiency
sistent ranging from 9% for CLA to 48% for DF (Table 4) whereas the of removal of pharmaceuticals by biofilm systems, we can state
average removals for IB, NP and KP are all higher than 74%. that the composition and capacity of the biofilm formed in MBBRs
The results from MBBRs also show zero removal of CBZ, poor re- favours the removal of certain compounds.
moval of CLA (5–28 %) and high average removals of IB, NP and KP To exclude adsorption as an elimination mechanism, a parallel
(63–94 %). In the case of Mutag Biochip™ carriers high and consis- experiment was performed with carriers and no biomass. Results
tent average removal of DF (85%) was achieved. show that for the investigated compounds adsorption onto the car-
Zwiener and Frimmel [15] investigated removals of pharmaceu- riers and based on available solid-water distribution coefficients
ticals in lab-scale aerobic biofilm systems and obtained results in [27,40] sorption onto sludge, are not important removal mecha-
accordance with ours for CLA and IB, but did not observe any re- nisms. From this we can conclude that removal of investigated
moval of DF. Results obtained by Falås and co-workers [26] using compounds is a result of interactions of investigated compounds
carriers from full-scale WWTP are also in agreement with our re- with the biomass.
sults for IB, NP, KP and DF, but opposite in the case of CLA. CBZ once
again proved to be recalcitrant to biological agreeing with Joss and 3.3. Removal of pharmaceuticals by HC/H2O2 process in different water
co-workers [27]. matrices
With the use of independent Student’s t-test significantly differ-
ent removals between the ASRs and MBBRs were demonstrated in To evaluate the performance of the HC/H2O2 process, experi-
the case of IB, KP, CBZ and DF, whereas no significant difference in ments were initially performed using 1 L of deionised water.
removal was observed in the case of CLA and NP (Table 4). Higher Table 5 shows that cavitation time, initial pressure and the addi-
removals of IB and DF and lower removals of KP and CBZ were tion of H2O2 all play a role in removing pharmaceuticals, which
determined in MBBRs. Our results are in accordance with the study can occur via pyrolysis or free radical attack [28,30]. Results in Ta-
performed by Falås and co-workers [26] in the case of DF and ble 5 show that addition of H2O2 enhances removal efficiencies,
opposite in the case of KP. According to Joss and co-workers [39] suggesting that degradation of pharmaceuticals is driven by OH
the discrepancy in the results is due to several reasons, such as radicals. The amount of H2O2 added is clearly important [28], since
the different concentrations of investigated pharmaceuticals, dif- highest removal efficiencies were obtained with 20 mL 30% H2O2
Table 4
Removal efficiency of selected pharmaceuticals with ASRs and MBBRs expressed as average removal ± stdev, statistically significant difference obtained by independent Student’s
t-test (a = 0.05) and the average amount of biomass concentration in parallel bioreactors.
n = Number of measurements; ASR/K: statistically significant difference in removal efficiencies between ASR1, ASR2 and K1, K2; ASR/M: statistically significant difference in
removal efficiencies between ASR1, ASR2 and M1, M2; K/M: statistically significant difference in removal efficiencies between K1, K2 and M1, M2; K + M/ASR: statistically
significant difference in removal efficiencies between K1, K2, M1, M2 and ASR1, ASR2.
All the results are given as the average removal of 12 samples 6 from each reactor ASR1, ASR2, K1, K2, M1 and M2.
Table 5
Removal of selected pharmaceuticals by HC/H2O2 process in deionised water under different operational conditions.
n = Number of measurements.
1110 M. Zupanc et al. / Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 20 (2013) 1104–1112
Table 6 was lowered to 0.75 bar to prevent cavitation. All other variables
Removal of pharmaceuticals in experiments without cavitation (non cavitating/H2O2 remained the same. In second experiment (Table 6, H2O2) 1 L of
and H2O2) vs. cavitation and H2O2 (HC/H2O2).
deionised water containing 1 lg L1 of selected pharmaceuticals
Non cavitating/H2O2 H2O2 HC/H2O2 and 20 mL of 30% H2O2 was stirred with magnetic stirrer for
Pharmaceutical Removal (%) Removal (%) Removal (%) 30 min. Both experiments are described in details in the Supple-
n 2 1 10 mentary data (Suppl. 6). Table 6 shows that experiments per-
CLA 11 ± 1 5 45 ± 16 formed without cavitation are less effective than HC/H2O2 and
IB 10 ± 4 8 48 ± 15 confirms that OH radicals produced during cavitation are primar-
NP 41 ± 3 38 86 ± 7 ily responsible for pharmaceuticals removal.
KP 12 ± 3 11 52 ± 14
Higher pressures and longer duration of cavitation both influ-
CBZ 6±3 4 72 ± 10
DF 33 ± 3 28 77 ± 9 enced the removal of selected pharmaceuticals. Based on these re-
sults (Table 5), the following optimal operational parameters were
n = Number of repeated experiments.
selected: an initial pressure of 6 bar, a cavitation time of 30 min
and the addition of 20 mL 30% H2O2 per 1 L sample. Experiments
were conducted in 10 parallels, where a high removal of NP
K0 EFFL (n = 2) (86% ± 7%), poor removals of CLA, IB and KP (from 45% to 52%)
M0 EFFL (n = 3) and substantial removals of CBZ (72% ± 10%) and DF (77% ± 9%)
DEIONISED WATER (n = 10) were achieved (Table 5). This is important since CBZ and DF are
both biologically persistent (Table 4), and we can assume that cou-
pling biological treatment with HC/H2O2 can substantially improve
Fig. 4. Contributions of sequentially coupled biological, HC/H2O2 and UV treatment on overall removal of pharmaceuticals (K = K1, K2 effluent; M = M1, M2 effluent).
M. Zupanc et al. / Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 20 (2013) 1104–1112 1111
stages give similar results. Concentrations under LOD were Slovene-Croatian bilateral project ‘‘Determination of toxicity and
achieved for IB, NP and KP and a total removal higher than 98% physico-chemical properties of pharmaceuticals’’), Slovenian Tech-
was determined in the case of CBZ and DF. High overall removal nology Agency (Young Researcher in the Economy, Grant P-MR-09/
of >90% was observed for otherwise very recalcitrant CLA. The 26, Operation is partly financed by the European Union, European
average COD values determined in K1, K2 effluent Social Fund) and the EU FP7 Project CytoThreat (Fate and effects of
(145 ± 93 mg L1) were higher than those determined in M1, M2 cytostatic pharmaceuticals in the environment and the identifica-
effluent (124 ± 37 mg L1), which is in accordance with higher ob- tion of biomarkers for and improved risk assessment on environ-
served removal of pharmaceuticals in the effluent with lower ini- mental exposure. Grant agreement No.: 265264). The authors
tial COD concentration. would also like to thank Dr. Marjeta Stražar, Dr. Meta Levstek
and Barbara Brajer Humar from Central Wastewater Treatment
Plant Domžale-Kamnik and to Multi Umwelttechnologie AG (Sach-
4. Conclusions
sen, Germany) for donating Mutag BioChip™ carriers.
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