1. The document is a midterm reviewer for a Philosophy of Man course covering multiple choice questions about various topics in philosophy.
2. It contains 32 multiple choice questions testing knowledge of key philosophers, philosophical eras, branches of philosophy, and concepts such as valid arguments, inductive vs deductive reasoning, and more.
3. The questions cover topics in logic, epistemology, ethics, metaphysics, aesthetics and various philosophical traditions and thinkers from Plato to Zeno to determine student understanding of fundamental concepts and ideas in philosophy.
1. The document is a midterm reviewer for a Philosophy of Man course covering multiple choice questions about various topics in philosophy.
2. It contains 32 multiple choice questions testing knowledge of key philosophers, philosophical eras, branches of philosophy, and concepts such as valid arguments, inductive vs deductive reasoning, and more.
3. The questions cover topics in logic, epistemology, ethics, metaphysics, aesthetics and various philosophical traditions and thinkers from Plato to Zeno to determine student understanding of fundamental concepts and ideas in philosophy.
1. The document is a midterm reviewer for a Philosophy of Man course covering multiple choice questions about various topics in philosophy.
2. It contains 32 multiple choice questions testing knowledge of key philosophers, philosophical eras, branches of philosophy, and concepts such as valid arguments, inductive vs deductive reasoning, and more.
3. The questions cover topics in logic, epistemology, ethics, metaphysics, aesthetics and various philosophical traditions and thinkers from Plato to Zeno to determine student understanding of fundamental concepts and ideas in philosophy.
1. The document is a midterm reviewer for a Philosophy of Man course covering multiple choice questions about various topics in philosophy.
2. It contains 32 multiple choice questions testing knowledge of key philosophers, philosophical eras, branches of philosophy, and concepts such as valid arguments, inductive vs deductive reasoning, and more.
3. The questions cover topics in logic, epistemology, ethics, metaphysics, aesthetics and various philosophical traditions and thinkers from Plato to Zeno to determine student understanding of fundamental concepts and ideas in philosophy.
Directions: Choose the best answer from the choices provided. 1 point each.
1. The history and a. Logic a. Scientia
definition of the word is b. Epistemology b. Scise found in its linguistic c. Ethics c. Cire form known as: d. Metaphysics d. Scire a. Ontology 7. The quest of Philosophy 12. These are basic facts b. Etymology is to know: and ideas. a. What things exist a. Knowledge c. Cosmology b. What the truth is b. Wisdom c. What is real c. Confidence d. None of the d. Why things happen d. Truth above e. All of the above 13. It refers to the level of 2. What is originally meant 8. In the statement, acceptance of truth. as “love of wisdom”? “Methuselah is the a. Knowledge a. Gymnastics school’s Guidance b. Belief b. Psychology Counselor,” which is the c. Confidence c. Philosophy definiens? d. Good Basis d. Psychography a. Methuselah b. Is the Guidance 14. It is an inferential 3. It serves as the Counselor thinking composed of a argument’s decoder, also premise and a known as art of 9. In the statement, conclusion. persuation. “Edelberto is the a. Statement a. Metaphysics President of Iloilo b. Argument b. Rhetoric Merchant Marine c. Rebuttal c. Ethics School,” which is the d. Necessity Speech d. Physics definiendum? a. President 15. When all the arguments 4. Which branch of b. Iloilo Merchant are true and connected, Philosophy deals with Marine School this argument is known nature, sources, c. Edelberto as: limitations, and validity d. is the a. True Argument of knowledge? b. Valid Argument a. Aesthetics 10. According to c. Sound Argument b. Ethics Pythagoras, there are d. True Statements c. Gymnastics three (3) types of man: d. Epistemology Lover of Pleasure, Lover 16. These are statements of of Success, and Lover of support. 5. Which branch of Wisdom. Among the a. Conclusion Philosophy explores the three types, which is the b. Premise nature of moral virtue most important? c. Rebuttal and evaluates human a. All of the above d. Sentence action? b. Lover of e. a. Ethics Pleasure 17. Which of the following is b. Aesthetics c. Lover of a deductive argument? c. Epistemology Success a. This year began d. Logic d. Lover of very well for me. Wisdom Therefore, this is 6. It is an extension of the probably a lucky fundamental and 11. Science comes from a year. necessary drive of Latin word, b. John Reed’s foot is humans to know what _______________ which bleeding. It was exists and what is real. means “to know.” noted that he ran so fast and 22. Gat Basoy went to the reasoning using disregarded an Iloilo Museum of arguments. This branch aluminum roof Contemporary Arts of Philosophy is: sheet. Therefore, (ILOMOCA). He is a. Aesthetics his injury resulted concerned with the b. Epistemology from lacerations nature and appreciation c. Metaphysics from the aluminum of art, beauty and good d. Logic roof sheet. taste. What branch of c. All the swans that I Philosophy is being 29. Developed by Zeno of have seen are carried by Gat Basoy? Citium, this philosophy white in color. a. Political Philosophy teaches the development Probably, all swans b. Ethics of self-control and are white. c. Logic fortitude as means of d. If it is raining, d. Aesthetics overcoming destructive then the street is emotions. wet. It is raining. 23. It was during this period a. Skepticism Therefore, the that Philosophers first b. Epicureanism streets are wet. rejected mythological c. Stoicism explanations and d. Cynicism 18. It is based on past resorted to logical experiences and is built reasoning. 30. Also known as on probability. a. Hellenistic Period Pyrrhonism, it is the a. Inductive b. Medieval Period philosophical position Argument c. Modern Period that one should refrain b. Deductive d. Socratic Period from making truth Argument claims. c. Abductive 24. It is the philosophy that a. Skepticism Argument pleasure is the most b. Epicureanism d. Invalid Argument important pursuit of c. Machiavellianism mankind, and the only d. Cynicism 19. Arguments which shows thing good for the cause and effect based individual. 31. This is the ancient era of on best explanation of a. Hedonism Philosophy which the situation is: b. Platonism generally continues the a. Abductive c. Cynicism Greek tradition and b. Deductive d. Aristotelianism ended with the Fall of c. Inductive Rome in the 5th Century. d. None of the above 25. The purpose of life is to a. Medieval Period life a life of virtue in b. Hellenistic Period 20. Which type of argument agreement with nature. c. Renaissance is shown in these Hence, living a simple Period statements? life. d. Socratic Period a. Hedonism e. Roman Period Premise: b. Platonism All MandaraGats that I c. Cynicism 32. He was the first major have known are physically d. Aristotelianism Philosopher of Ethics. He fit. was concerned with how 26. The imitation of a serious people should behave. Conclusion: action in dramatic form a. Plato Probably, all MandaraGats which achieves b. Aristotle are physically fit. purification is called: c. Augustine a. Poetry d. Socrates a. Inductive b. State b. Abductive c. Tragedy 33. He was credited as the c. Deductive d. Nirvana Founder of Western d. Subjective Philosophy. He was 27. Living life in the middle respected for his belief 21. It is a deductive of two extremes. that, “happiness is reasoning where the a. Katharsis actually obtainable argument has 2 premises b. Virtue through human effort.” and a conclusion. c. Poetry a. Socrates a. Aristotelianism d. Tragedy b. Aristotle b. Platonism c. Plato c. Syllogism 28. Philosophy is the d. Epicurus d. Hedonism scientific study of reason. It is anchored on 34. Socrates was convicted the study of correct and sentenced to death because he was found a. Lyceum 4. Teo just went through a guilty of ‘corrupting the b. Ho Kepos break-up with his girlfriend. minds of the youth.” His c. Academus To move on, he writes death penalty was in the d. Stoa Poikile poems and other literary form of: pieces which reflects his a. Decapitation real emotions. Ans: C b. Lethal Injection Test II. ANALOGY c. Electric Chair Supply the needed logical pair. d. Assassination by (2 points each) 5. Carl stole Remarc’s death squad ballpen. In view of this, e. None of the above 1. Aristotle: Aristotelianism Remarc was very angry Plato: Platonism but he chooses to control his emotion and talked to 35. He became a devoted 2. Plato: Academy Carl in a nice way. Ans: E follower of Socrates. He Epicurus: Ho Kepos was one of the youths 6. Ang Probinsyano is a Socrates was 3. Logic: Arguments teleserye which incites fear condemned for allegedly Ethics: Behavior and pity, thus achieving a corrupting. state of purification known a. Aristotle 4. Plato: Republic as katharsis. Ans: C b. Epicurus Aristotle: Organon c. Plato d. Zeno 5. Definition: Definire 7. Arbie Jun is a fat boy. He Science: Scire was teased by his 36. It is considered the classmates as a big man. world’s first university. Test III. Classification However, Arbie Jun was a. Lyceum not bothered because his b. Ho Kepos Choose from among the happiness is eating a lot of c. Academus schools of thought that best foods even if it means d. Stoa Poikile reflects the situation. (2 points increasing his weight. Ans: e. None of the above each) B
37. Aristotle was summoned a. Cynicism
to Macedonia by King b. Hedonism 8. Rod Ryan has a Philip II to tutor his child. c. Aristotelianism permanent marker. He Who is this child being d. Platonism knows that permanent referred to? e. Stoicism markers should not be a. Alexander the f. Skepticism used on a whiteboard Great g. Epicureanism since it could not be easily b. King Tutankhamun erased. Ans: D c. Cleopatra 1. May Florence loves d. Jesus of Nazareth Hermes bags. Her 9. Junniel is a generous happiness depends on her individual. However, he 38. This is considered one of purchase of this bag worth knows that his generosity the world’s first great P200,000. Ans: B has limitations. It should libraries. not go less or go beyond a. Lyceum 2. Christian is the group what is expected of him. If b. Ho Kepos leader for their debate he goes less, he becomes c. Academus team. He proposed selfish. If he goes beyond, d. Stoa Poikile arguments which he he becomes a martyr. believes is necessary for Ans: C 39. “Man conquers the world his team to win the debate. by conquering himself.” However, Gabriel This man believes that challenges Christian’s 10. Nika is the new corps wisdom is possible arguments by asking him commander of the school’s through reason, and about the strength of the Corps of Midshipmen. She requires being in control arguments. For Christian, does not give punishments of one’s emotion. Philosophy is his way of which go beyond the a. Socrates life. Ans: D school’s Discipline b. Plato Program because she c. Aristotle knows it is against the d. Zeno 3. Jomel believes that he school rules. Nika always does not need a big zooms out the picture and 40. Unlike all the other mansion or an expensive empathizes with the schools, this school car to live. He only wants violator of the act. Ans: E admitted both men and to live simply. Ans: G women, free and slaves.