CHEM218 Homework Help 3
CHEM218 Homework Help 3
CHEM218 Homework Help 3
2. Who in Greek mythology, who led the Argonauts in search of the Golden Fleece?
a. !Jason
b. Castor
c. Daedalus
d. Odysseus
5. This Greek goddess039;s name was chosen for the dwarf planet responsible for
discord on Pluto039;s classification amongst astronomers.
a. Charon
b. Ceres
c. Dysnomia
d. !Eris
7. The Japanese god Izanagi successfully returned his wife Izanami from the
a. True
b. !False
8. In Norse mythology, what is the name of the serpent which eats the roots of the
ash tree Yggdrasil?
a. Ymir
b. Odin
c. Bragi
d. !Nidhogg
9. Which Greek amp; Roman god was known as the god of music, truth and prophecy,
healing, the sun and light, plague, poetry, and more?
a. !Apollo
b. Athena
c. Aphrodite
d. Artemis
4. Which of the following United States Presidents served the shortest term in
a. Zachary Taylor
b. !William Henry Harrison
c. Warren G. Harding
d. James A. Garfield
5. Which of the following United States senators is known for performing a 24hour
long filibuster?
a. !Strom Thurmond
b. John Barrasso
c. Chuck Schumer
d. Roy Blunt
6. In United States history, how many vice presidents did Franklin D. Roosevelt
have during his time in office as president?
a. 2
b. !3
c. 1
d. 0
7. Former United States President Bill Clinton famously played which instrument?
a. Baritone horn
b. Violin
c. Piano
d. !Saxophone
8. Which of these was an official candidate in the 2017 British General Election?
a. James Francis
b. Robert Wimbledon
c. Sir Crumpetsby
d. !Lord Buckethead
9. What was the personal nickname of the 40th Governor of the US State Louisiana,
Huey Long?
a. The Champ
b. !The Kingfish
c. The Hoot Owl
d. The Oracle
10. What are the first names of the first father and son pair that were both Prime
Ministers of Canada?
a. !Justin and Pierre
b. Brian and Justin
c. Brian and Pierre
d. John and Louis
4. Which of these people is NOT a part of the Internet comedy group Mega64?
a. Derrick Acosta
b. Rocco Botte
c. Shawn Chatfield
d. !Jon Jafari