Psychiatric syndrome or a disease of the brain, characterized by distorted
& bizarre thought, perceptions, emotions, movements and behaviors
Paranoid type
Characterized by persecutory ( feeling victimized or spied on ) or
grandiose delusions, hallucinations and occasionally excessive religiosity
or hostile and aggressive behavior
Disorganized type
Characterized by grossly inappropriate or flat affect, incoherence, loose
association and extremely disorganized behavior
Catatonic type
Characterized by marked psychomotor disturbance, either motionless or
excessive motor activity.
Undifferentiated type
Characterized by mixed schizophrenic symptoms along with disturbances
of thought, affect and behavior
Residual type
Characterized by at least one previous, though not a current, episode;
social withdrawal; flat affect and looseness of associations
Schizophreniform disorder
The clients exhibit the symptoms of schizophrenia but for less than 6
months necessary to meet the diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia
Schizoaffective disorder
The clients exhibits the symptoms of psychosis and at the same time all
the features of the mood disorder either depression or mania
Dellusional disorder
The client has one or more nonbizarre delusions, that is the focus of the
delusion is believable. Psychosocial functioning is not markedly impaired
and behavior is not obviously odd or bizarre
Dystonic reactions
To antipsychotic medications appear early in the course of treatment and
are characyterized by spasms in discrete muscle groups such as the neck
muscles or the eye muscles.
Or neuroleptic-induced parkinsonism includes shuffling gait, masklike
facies, muscle stiffness or cogwheeling rigidity.
Is characterized by restless movement, pacing, inability to remain still and
the client’s report of inner restlessness.
Tardive Dyskinesia
A late appearing side effect of anti psychotic medications is characterized
by abnormal, involuntary movements such as smacking, tongue
protrusion, chewing, blinking, grimacing and choreiform movements of the
limbs and feet.
Are an infrequent side effect associated with antipsychotic medications
Associative looseness
Lack of connecting ideas in string of thought with impairment of logical
false fixed beliefs do not respond to reality input
Echopraxia ( actions )
Client repeats or mimics the movements of the examiner.
Affective disturbance
Affect impairment, feelings or emotions minimal, flat, blunted or
Co-existence of two opposite feelings
Holding seemingly contradictory beliefs about the same person
Exaggerated self centeredness; preoccupied with fantasy
Flight of ideas
Client jumps from one subject to another accompanied by pressured
There is logical continuity in the ideas presented and each segment of
speech has logical content and structure.
Repetition of speech, movement or an idea over which an individual has
no control.
tendency to speak very little or to convey little substance of meaning
feeling no joy or pleasure from life or any activities or relationship
feelings of indifference toward people, activities and events
Blunted affect
Showing little expression, facial expression slow to respond
Restricted range of emotional feeling, tone or mood
Psycholpgically induced immobilioty occasionally marked by periods of
agitation or excitement; the client seems motionless
Flat affect
Absence of facial expression that would indicate emotions
Lack of volition
Absence of will, ambition or drive to take action
Invented words that have meaning only for the client.
Clang association
Are ideas that are related to one another based on sound or rhyming
rather than meaning.
Echolalia ( words )
Client repeats the interviewer’s speech or questions
Exclusively seen in schizophrenia
Is the stereotyped repetition of words or phrases that may or not have
meaning to the listener
Stilted language
Is use of word or phrases that are flowery, excessive and pompous.
Word Salad
Is a combination of jumbled words and phrases that are disconnected or
incoherent and make no sense to the listener.
Loose Association
Disorganized thinking that jumps from idea to another with little or no
evident relation between the thoughts
Clients answers the questions being asked but only after an excessive
amount of unnecessary detail is given.
Early sign of thorough disorder.
Client wanders off the topic and never provides the
A client’s pervasive and enduring emotional state
An outward expression of client’s emotional state
Normal mood subsequently defined by patient which appears
appropriate to the current situation.
Sadness, helplessness
Bubbly, enthusiastic, joyfulness
Accompanied by irritability and low frustration tolerance
Labille mood
Unpredictable & rapid mood, swing from depressed crying to euphoria.
Elevated extreme feelings.
client feels loose reality of self
sense of reality to his surrounding or situations
Distortions of real sensory stimuli
False sensory perceptions, perceptual experiences that do n
Auditory ( hearing )
complete auditory hallucinations when more than one voice
Visual ( seeing )
Demons, animals
Olfactory ( smell )
Tactile ( skin )
FORMICATION common alcoholic/ cocaine withdrawal
Involve the client’s report that he feels bodily functions that are
usually undetectable.
Occur when the client is motionless but reports the sensation of
bodily movement
Ideas of reference
believe being talk in radio; “ feels world revolves in him “
Religious delusions
often center around the second coming of christ or anther significant
religious figure or prophet.
Nursing Diagnoses:
Imbalanced Nutrition: less than body requirements r/t fear of eating, lack of
awareness of hunger, disinterest toward food
Risk for Caregiver role strain: Risk factors: bizarre behavior of client,
chronicity of condition
Risk for impaired Religiosity: Risk factors: ineffective coping, lack of security
Risk for self- and other-directed Violence: Risk factors: lack of trust, panic,
hallucinations, delusional thinking