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In the beginning of this verse of creation, the Creator Gods called together a great
meeting. The meeting that was known as the Great Grand Council held in the Celestial Kingdom
of Alcione. All of the Creator Gods holding the Melchezidek Priesthood or Brothers of Light
attended this grand council meeting. called the great grand council in which all god’s of the
celestial kingdoms attended. What made these creators the gods that they are is their very strict
disciplines they exercised which brought about greater self-awareness. This and their
extraordinary ability to create order out of chaos. It was this creative order that they understood
and could implement into spiritual systems that elementary consciousness were able to evolve
into self-aware beings. These abilities of the creator gods is what made them fathers to many
star systems that they organized and evolve into kingdoms. Consciousness (spirit/electricity) has
always existed and so has vibration (matter/magnetism) in the vastness of space
(void/spheres/vacuum). In this way, there is no biological father of all consciousness in terms of
the offspring. There are those many consciousness who have evolved into becoming self-aware.
Increasing in intelligence and understanding the order in which they evolved. In understanding
the order of evolution, these beings became advanced in their intelligences. The moment that
these advanced beings began to institute systems of order by which other elementary
consciousness may evolve. They became the fathers to those evolving elementary consciousness.
Leading, guiding, teaching, and nurturing them every step of the way. The elementary
consciousness could only evolve according to their voluntary free will. Though influence could
be exercised over these elementary spirits to evolve. At some point in evolution through
revolutionary cycles bringing about self-awareness, as a result would institute voluntary free
will. The creator gods are very rare source for with their intelligence with their understanding of
the Holy Trinity in every evolutionary process of creation. They take unorganized matter
throughout the vacuum of space and organized that matter in such a way that matter is placed in
specific regions and places around a celestial kingdom of highly evolved celestial beings. These
celestial kingdom stars gravitational pull is so powerful that it holds hold star systems in their
cosmic orbits light years away. It’s within this spiraling orbit around this electromagnetic
gravitational anomaly. The matter is stationed and intricately placed. This unorganized matter
now organized is what many now known as planets. After this matter is placed in a cosmic orbit
each planet begins to revolve on an axis. With time this on organize matter begins to generate its
own electromagnetic torus energy field flux. It is after this electromagnetic energy is generated
within the structure of the planet that this energy can then be used. Used in a way that it is
shaped and molded to create more organized matter of life that will be sustained by the planets
electromagnetic energy. Different regions of the planets small materials are formed into
organize systems to sustain life. These organizations obey and natural and universal law of
hierarchy. The solar sun is the hierarchy in the revolving planets in the solar system is the
counter hierarchy of the universal process. As this counter-hierarchy continues to descend from
the hierarchy of universal laws in a specific order, this increases in the amount of organized
processes involved. As the Counter-Hierarchy continues to ascend to the hierarchy of universal
laws the amount of organized processes decrease. These universal laws of hierarchies and
counter hierarchies exist within every living thing including the avatar. After a planet is
organized and sufficient time has elapsed for the planet to develop an atmosphere which is a
terraforming effect of the electromagnetic torus energy field. The electromagnetic energy has
developed to a level where life can now be sustained. The physical avatars of life can now be
created upon that particular planet.
It was during the great grand council that the creator gods collaborated on the divine blue prints
of a physical avatar that would be adequate for the innumerable amount of elementary
consciousness to enter and learn to drive. These collaborations were very extensive lasting
thousands of earth years. 24 hours in the celestial kingdom is 1000 years on earth. The greatest
evolve celestial beings of intelligence wire to create an avatar in which would divinely duplicate
the evolutionary processes. Designing the avatar at a molecular level that would exemplify the
organization of the many systems of kingdoms that they had evolved. In this way, every
molecular process at the cell your level would be the same names, titles, rankings, orders,
systems, kingdoms, revolutions, and cycles of the evolutionary process. Which would solely be
based upon the verbal dignities that the spirit would voice by its intent through the functions of
the physical avatar. The creator gods had finally devise the perfect avatar that would be
conducive to being sustained upon a planet with oxygen. Though the first avatars were created
as full grown clones of male and female (Adam and Eve). The three phase system of the Holy
Trinity would be implemented in the three phases of evolutionary life. The first phase would be
completely based on reproduction of the physical avatar. In this phase the avatar would breathe
embryonic fluid and receive its nutrients from the placenta sack. The second phase would be
completely based on the embryo being born and making the transition from a water breather to
an air breather taking place successfully. In this phase, the various digestive systems of the
avatar would accommodate the transformation of food into energy for sufficient nutrients to be
supplied for the survival of the physical avatar. It would be the second phase of the spirit driving
the avatar would need to become knowledgeable one acquainted with the physical avatar. This
would be necessary in order to unlock its full potential. Unlocking the full potential of the avatar
would require great self-discipline by the spirit house in the avatar. Based on the success of
exercising a very strict discipline. The spirit could drive the avatar into the third phase of
immortal life. The third phase would be where the avatar would transform from its mortal state
into an immortal state and Glory. In this third phase the avatar will breathe its own terraformed
air that is sustained by the electromagnetic energy torus field. That feeds the physical avatar
activating the many different processes within the DNA that supplies the body with and
nutrients. The 12 strands of DNA can only become fully activated when adequate and sufficient
amounts of electromagnetic energy is generated. An energy that can only be generated in high
quantities consciously and voluntarily. Generating this electromagnetic energy is the reason it
will take the spirit implementing a very strict discipline.
The creator gods when building the avatar. Relied on the evolutionary process for the avatars
design. When the creator gods were only consciousness (spirit/electricity) and vibration (matter
for slash magnetism) in the vacuum of a sphere (space/void). They remembered the many
revolutionary cycles and bonds they performed inside the sphere in this evolutionary process.
The evolutionary process that created self-awareness. With self-awareness their consciousness
continued to evolve in an orderly fashion. As this path of order of revolution as did the
consciousness and vibration to unification. A physical manifestation came into existence. By
the self-aware consciousness understanding this order intelligence evolve as a result and
developing systematic ways to implement order in various unorganized systems was born.
The physical avatar was first designed with this evolutionary process in mind. Starting with the
spinal column that would be the foundation by which would give the avatar solid structure. The
spinal column would consist of nerves that would run through its vertebrae’s from end to end.
Add one in of the spinal column would be the positive current of electricity
(spirit/consciousness/god the father) and at the other in the negative current of magnetism
(vibration/matter for slash holy spirit). Between these two points in the center of the spinal
column would be the heart (sphere/the son/the Christ) of the system. Where all energy would
cycle to and through to be transmuted. It would be in the heart where the energy would unify to
become the electromagnetic energy for the avatar to be sustained. It would be in the heart of the
spinal column that these two energies would meet through attraction. The coccyx of the spinal
column would be the place of the negative magnetic current in the penal gland would be the
place of the positive electrical current. These three areas will be the places where
electromagnetic vortexes are created. After these electromagnetic energies begin to build in
power. These three areas will become the Holy Trinity by which all operations are based,
function, and depend upon. Dividing the Holy Trinity into its individual parts and functions is
the three pumping systems of the avatar.
The first pump is located 2 inches below the navel and is the sacred pump. It’s controlled
through physical voluntary muscle contractions. Creating energy in nature through the nervous
system. This in turn generates more negative magnetic current through its contracting vibrations.
The second pump is the cranial pump and is located in the penal gland or third eye. It is a
hormone in nature. It is controlled through the mental voluntary visual projections through the
energy of thought. The third pump is the heart and is located at the vertical center point of the
spinal column in the chest region of the avatar. It is controlled automatically by the various
processes within the avatar that influence its performance. The heart pump is controlled
involuntarily by the bodies of various systems for beginners who are on experience. Advanced
avatar drivers or the initiated control the heart pump voluntarily having can pleat control over
their metabolism. The heart pumps physical organ can be controlled by the sacral pump.
Relaxed muscles in the dantien point will cause a decrease in the heart pumps rate. Subtle
muscle pumping contractions we’ll calls an increase in the heart pumps rate to perform at
extremely high levels of performance. The heart pump is also an area where two energies unite.
This heart pump energy is controlled through the emotional intent and desire of the avatar driver.
These are the Holy Trinity or three pumps that operate the avatar. Which unites the physical
(vibration/matter), mental (spirit/consciousness), and the emotional (vacuum/sphere). With these
three pumps, the avatar can create an orbit of electromagnetic energy within, which will increase
self-awareness. As a result, this electromagnetic energy orbit will create the torus field flux
around the whole avatar. With this electromagnetic energy field flocks be maintained in
increased in power. The atmosphere within the sphere begins to terraform and produces own
atmosphere. Constantly purifying the atmosphere and contents within the sphere. The same
process by which a planet uses its electromagnetic torus energy field to terraform its atmosphere
to sustain micro life. These are the processes by which these three pumps function.
In the beginning, the creator gods grew to understand that spirit is governed by a natural
order. The natural order of the universal hierarchy laws of things. The universal laws that springs
forth the evolution of spiritual elements from their simplest forms of elementary particles. These
laws in their complexities are hard for elementary consciousness to grasp and thus evolve. A
plan was devised to coordinate spirit (consciousness), matter (vibration), and light (knowledge).
The Creator Gods recorded a language by which spirit, matter, and light (knowledge) were
synthesized that could be passed on to each of the 200,000 earths that have been created. There
have been many prophets and masters of old that has tried to teach this language of the cosmic
bond in one form or another to the inhabitants of earth. This language consisted of 22 numbers
that identified the elements of Elohim and the universe at a molecular level. The Elohim were
created from these forces, these forces were created by the ideas, these ideas were created from
the numbers, these numbers were created from the letters, these letters were created from the
names, and these names were created from the 22 energy intelligence.
The 22 energy intelligences is the schematics by which the Elohim Avatar is designed. It
is by these energy intelligence that the numbers of electrons and protons at a molecular level are
programmed. The forces of the atoms of the avatar is at the complete control of the avatar driver
when using these intelligent names. The synthesis of the avatar works the same way that a
computer performs after it is programmed by a programming language. Once this language is
better understood the computer programmer then can develop systems of programs to perform
various actions that is user friendly for the computer operators. The avatar works, functions, and
operates in much of the same way. Learning the language of the avatar makes it much easier to
manage, organize, and drive for the operator. The Creator Gods are great master organizers of
matter. Understanding the essence of the spirit and how it functions. The avatar that you
currently occupy consist of spiritual elements that were organized. The same order by which the
avatar was organized and brought into physical manifestation through a process of spiritual
alchemy, every kingdom within every universe was organized in the same way at a molecular
level. The difference is that some spirits have organized the essence of their being more than
others. Becoming a more refined spiritual element through understanding the cosmic bond that
creates and binds all things that exist.
Abraham, a friend and prophet of God, stated that the Hebrew Aleph Beth is the cosmic
bond. What is about to be revealed is a spiritual science in vocabulary. This is the most
fundamental level of intelligence and understanding that one will ever receive in order to
increase ones wisdom. In truth, bringing forth the full genius locked away within the spirits of
genes. It is these 22 energy intelligences that in combination with each other that will bring
under ones control the internal forces of one’s self as well as the universe. These energy
intelligences are the substances for which reality is formed and manifested. The creator gods
created the 22 energy intelligences that constitute the master communications system through
which all subsystems of energy evolve, of which today are expressed or referred to as the letters
of the Hebrew Aleph Beth. These 22 Energy Intelligences are the Divine characters of the
Hebrew Aleph Beth. Which are known to scientists as the 22 Chromosomes. These 22 energy
intelligences unlock the sublime perfection of the human avatar. The Creator Gods created all
souls through these 22 emanations. The combinations of which, when recited or spoken unlock
the DNA and spirit within the genes revealing the inner secrets of nature. This knowledge is the
very essence of all that is within and will grant access to the domains of all universes as well as
the many dimensions in the realms of multidimensional existences.
Consciousness is capable of creating and influencing matter through the energy
intelligences. These 22 energy intelligent letters can be found in “Zohar.” Listed below is exerts
from the book of Zohar which explains in philosophical detail the powers that have been ordain
to each of the 22 energy intelligent letters.
22. Rabbi Hamnuna-Saba said: “In the first four words of the Torah, IN THE BEGINNING THE
CREATOR CREATED Et – Beresheet Barah Elokim Et, the first two words begin with the
letter Bet, and the following two begin with Aleph” (The letter Aleph is pronounced both as “A”
and “E”). It is said that, “When the Creator thought to create the world, all of the letters were still
concealed, and even 2,000 years before the creation of the world, the Creator gazed into the
letters and played with them.
23. When the Creator thought to create the world, all the letters of the alphabet came to Him in
reverse order from last (Tav) to first (Aleph). The letter Tav entered first and said, “Master of the
world! It is good, and also seemly of You, to create the world with me, with my properties. For I
am the seal on Your ring, called EmeT (truth), that ends with the letter Tav. And that is why You
are called truth, and why it would befit the King to begin the universe with the letter Tav, and to
create the world by her, by her properties. The Creator answered: “You are beautiful and sincere,
but do not merit the world that I conceived to be created by your properties, since you are
destined to be marked on the foreheads of the truly faithful who fulfill all of Torah
from Aleph to Tav (from the first letter to the last), and perished because of you” (Talmud
Bavli, Shabbat, 55)
24. The letter Shin appeared before the Creator and said: “Maker of the world, it befits the world
to be created with me, for Your own name Shadday begins with me.” The Creator replied: “You
are fine, handsome, and truthful, but since the letters (properties) of the wordSheker (falsehood)
took you to be with them, I cannot create the world with your properties, for SheKeR (falsehood)
exists only because the letters Kuf and Reish took you.”
25. From the aforesaid, it follows that whoever wishes to tell a lie will succeed if he first tells the
truth as a base on which the lie will then grow and start to act. And this is because the
letter Shin is a letter of truth, in which the Patriarchs had been united, for the three lines in the
writing of the letter Shin ( )שsignify the three Patriarchs, who designate the Sefirot-
properties Hesed- Gevura- Tifferet.
26. Subsequently, the letter Tzadik appeared before the Creator and said: “Master of the world,
You should create the world with me, for Tzadikim (the righteous) are marked by me. You, who
is called a Tzadik (righteous one), are also recorded within me, for You are righteous and You
love righteousness. Therefore, my properties are suitable to create the world by.”
27. The letter Peh entered and said: “Master of the world, it would be good to create the world
with me, for the future liberation of the world is inscribed in me, as the word Pedut(liberation,
redemption) begins with me. That is, liberation is deliverance from all suffering. And it is
therefore fitting to create the world with me.” The Creator answered her: “Though you are fine,
the word Peshah (transgression) begins with you and is secretly denoted by you, like a serpent
that strikes and hides its head in its body. So a sinner bows his head, hiding from others’ eyes,
but stretches out his hands to sin. So is the shape of the letter Peh, whose head is hidden inside
it.” And the Creator also said to the letter Ayin that it would be unfitting to create the world with
its properties, for within it is the property of Avon (crime, sin). And though Ayin tried to object,
saying that its properties are contained in the word Anavah (humility), the Creator refused it
28. The letter Samech appeared before the Creator and said: “Creator of the world, it would be
good to create the world with my properties, for within me is Smicha (support) for the fallen, as
it is written: ‘The Creator supports (Somech) all who fall.’” The Creator replied: “That is why
you are needed in your place; do not move from it. If you move from your place, contained in the
word Somech, those who fall will lose your support, for they rely on you (your properties).”
Having heard this, the letter Samech departed.
29. The letter Nun entered and said to the Creator: “It would be good for You to create the world
with me, for Norah Tehilot (great praises) is written with me, as well as ‘Praising of the
righteous.’” The Creator replied: “Return to your place, for you are the reason that the
letter Samechreturned to its place. And rely on it for support. For the letter Nun exists in the
word Nefilah(fall), which must be corrected by the letter Samech. This is the reason why it
needed to return to its place – so as to strengthen the lower ones.” The letter Nun left Him at
30. The letter Mem entered and said: “Master of the world, it would be good for You to create
the world by me, for Melech (King) is called by me.” The Creator replied: “That is so, but I shall
not create the world by you, for the world needs a King. Return to your place. Also, I shall not
create the world with the letters Lamed and Chaf that form the wordMeLeCH (King), as the
world cannot exist without a King.”
31. At this time the letter Chaf descended from the Kisseh – the Creator’s throne, and stood
before the Creator. It trembled and said to Him: “Creator of the world, with my properties I merit
to become the basis of the world, for I am Kavod – Your Glory.” When the letter Chaf descended
from the Creator’s throne, all the worlds trembled, and the throne itself, verging on collapse. The
Creator then answered: “Chaf, what are you doing here? I will not create the world by you.
Return to your place, for you exist in the word Kelayah (destruction) and in the
word Kalah (bride).”
32. The letter Yod entered and said: “Maker of the world! It would be good to create the world by
me, for Your Holy name begins with me.” The Creator replied: “It is sufficient that you are
inscribed in My Name, in Me, and all of your aspirations are to Me, and you should not be
uprooted from it all.”
33. The letter Tet entered and said: “Maker of the world, it would be good to create the world
with me, for it is by me that You are called Tov (Good).” The Creator replied: “I will not create
the world by you, for your goodness is concealed within you and is invisible. Therefore, it cannot
take any part in the world that I wish to create, and will only be revealed in the world to come.
And since your goodness is concealed within you, the gates of the palace will sink into the
ground, for the letter Chet is opposite from you, and when you join together, the
word CHeT (sin) will be formed. This is why these two letters are not recorded in the names of
the holy tribes.” The letter Chet immediately moved aside.
34. The letter Zayin entered and said: “Maker of the world, it would be good to create the world
by me, as Shabbat is preserved with me, for it is written: ‘Remember (Zachor) the day
of Shabbat, so as to keep it.’” The Creator replied: “I will not create the world by you, for within
you is a force of war, as sabers and swords, called “Klei Zayin” (weaponry), are made by you.
And you are like the letter Nun, with which the world was not created, for within it
is Nefilah (fall)” (item 29). Having heard that, the letter Zayin left Him.
35. The letter Vau entered and said: “It would be good to create the world with me, for I am a
letter from Your Name HaVaYaH (Yod-Hey-Vau-Hey).” The Creator replied:“ Vau, both you and
the letter Hey should just be glad to be contained within My Name. This is why I will not create
the world with your properties.”
36. The letters Dalet and Gimel appeared before the Creator. However, the Creator told them
right away: “It is enough that you are both together, so that as long as the poor exist on earth,
there is someone to treat them with mercy (Li Gmol Hesed). The letter Daletderives
from Dalut (poverty), while Gimel renders mercy to it (Gomelet Hassadim). Therefore, you
cannot part, and it is enough for you to aid one another in this way.
37. The letter Bet entered and said to the Creator: “Maker of the world, it would be good to
create the world by me, as by me you are blessed above and below.
For Bet is Berachah(blessing).” The Creator replied to Bet: “Of course, I will create the world by
you, and you shall be the basis of the world!”
38. The letter Aleph stood outside and did not enter to appear before the Creator. The Creator
said to it: “Why do you not come to me like all the other letters?” Aleph replied: “Because I saw
all the letters leaving your presence without the desired answer. And besides, I saw you
presenting the letter Bet with this great gift. And, indeed, the King of the universe cannot take
back his gift and give it to
All things created, were first created in spirit and then created through the organization of
matter and substance to bring about synthesis. Every elementary consciousness has a degree of
spirituality lesser or greater than others. Those of lesser degrees have no physical bodies and
still exist within the first energy shell of their spiritual form. Those spirits that passes their
second estate achieve the second energy level of the shells. Qualified to enter the avatars that
were designed with no limits to become Creator Gods. Only if they achieve self-mastery and
completely organize their avatar. By entering the mortal avatar, the consciousness gained its
second estate. That of gaining a physical mortal body. Becoming a successful avatar driver in
the second estate through self-mastery and entering the transformational mutation through which
one obtains the immortal state is to gain the third estate of evolution. There are nine estates to
advance and evolve through too gain everlasting light. The greater degrees of spirits of
consciousness who are more knowledgeable is because of their increase in self-awareness.
Having gained their first, second, third, and fourth estates of being. Another way of saying that
these refined beings have achieved increasing the spiritual elements through the shells of the
energy levels from the first, second, third, and fourth energy levels. This is the art of spirituality,
to increase in estates. It is to understand the science of spirituality in its proper orders to
successfully evolve to the ninth estate of energy level of the shells.
The creator gods designing a foundation of language by which all spheres of spirit
elements could be constructed. Kingdoms of intelligence that could exist upon a complex
foundation of order. The creator gods began these creations at a molecular level. The molecular
level which is known in scientific terms as DNA, genetics, and chromosomes. When it came to
the design of the DNA each part, section, function, and purpose has a named after the order of
the spirits, elements, angels, and archangels within the Celestial, Terrestrial, and Telestial
Kingdoms. This would give the avatar driver the ability to communicate with the DNA in order
for the spirits, angels, and archangels within the DNA to activate and come online. Synthesizing
in their processes to create, bringing forth certain nutritional factors for the health as well as the
overall welfare of the avatar. By the communication and calling forth of various spirits, angels,
and archangels which are located at various positions in the DNA would cause certain sequences
of codons to take place. These sequences activate various genes that will bring forth nutritional
value as well as knowledge in a variety of arts of sciences. The creator gods then took this
stairway of DNA and wrapped it around the firsts of the 22 letters of the language that was
created. This first letter was formed by three letters to form the first creator letter of all created
physical life. Its form is in the similar shape of the American alphabetical letter of “X”. This
first letters name is ALEPH which translates in Hebrew as the beginning. The DNA that are
wrapped around to form the “X” is what scientist term as chromosomes.
Chromosomes were created in pairs and were placed inside the nucleus of every cell of
the avatar. These pairs of ALEPH letters wrapped with DNA become infused with energy
intelligence. The function of these two pairs of letters is too transform into any of the other 22
energy intelligent letters upon command, contemplation, vibration, or the spoken names. By
speaking the names of these energy intelligent letters or chromosomes they begin to form any of
the 22 letter names spoken. After which point they begin to over lay each other to create a
synthesis whereby information of knowledge and power to create come forth. After which, these
energy intelligent letters/chromosomes shift back to their original and first form of the first letter
of creation, ALEPH.
The creator gods designed the avatar in a set of systems. One system directly affects and
influences another system. The systems are the skeletal, muscular, nervous, lymphatic,
circulatory, and respiratory systems. Each of these systems work in sync with each other.
Together with their processes they create different sets of synthesis through chemical or
biological reactions at a cellular level that ensures and sustains the health of the avatar. Many of
these systems have been scientifically investigated, examined, and documented which explains
in length the details of their location, definition, purpose, and function. One system in particular
that has not been completely understood by scientists is the nervous system. The nervous system
is divided into two physical sections. The cranial nerves, which consist of 12 main nerves. Then
there is the spinal nerves, which consist of 32 pairs of nerves. Grouped in sections along the
vertebrae they are the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal regions of the spine. The
cervical has eight nerves, thoracic has 12 nerves, lumbar has five nerves, sacral has five nerves,
and the coccygeal has two nerves. These nerves act as the conduit for electromagnetic energy
that is the current in a very subtle form to fuel the organs and many processes. All the processes
and synthesis that takes place within the avatar requires first and foremost, electromagnetic
Electromagnetic energy is generated by the three pumps (Holy Trinity) of the avatar.
When these nerves branch out of their vertebrae in their specific areas, they extend from the
spinal and each side of the avatar around to the front of the body. Where they don’t meet end to
end but a small gap exists between these nerve endings vertically along the front of the avatar.
The creator gods designed the avatar with an eye for detail for every constructed part to serve a
particular and specific purpose. The vertical gap between these nerve endings functions as the
point of reception in covalent bonds of electric and magnetic polarities to form the
electromagnetic torus sphere. With each side had been an opposite polarity by which attracts the
other. This in turn is the initiation to spark the current that takes place between the hydrogen
bond. Which again is the product of electromagnetic energy. This current that takes place
between the hydrogen bond in Biblical terms is the arc. It is where the arc of energy takes place
between the nucleotides/angels which as a result produces archangels which is the amino acids.
These synthesis produce and create other processes to create different results at a molecular
level. A similar synthesis takes place in and through the vertical hydrogen bonds between nerve
endings along the front of the avatar. The avatar on a large scale functions in the same ways that
the DNA nucleotide bases function at a molecular level. However, these nerve endings that act
like nucleotides bases create vortexes of energy in these hydrogen bond areas. These vortexes of
energy are small spheres within spheres of electromagnetic energy. These electromagnetic
energy spheres are biblically termed as chakras. Which are located at the base of the spine, 2
inches below the navel, solar plexus, heart, throat, between the eyebrows, and slightly below the
crown of the school.
There are seven energy vortexes that increase and decrease in energy as a result of
physical, mental, and emotional shifts in their different aspects. These seven chakras aid the
cranial and spinal column nervous system in circulating and recycling the electromagnetic
energy by creating an orbit path within the avatar. This orbit of energy runs from the base of the
spine up the conduit of nerves that runs through the spinal column into the penal gland and then
vertically down the various locations of chakras back to the base of the spine. Where it
completes one energy cycle along this orbit. Frequency is measured in vibration and vibration is
measured in complete revolutions per cycle per time. The increased speed of energy along this
orbiting path will increase the vibrations of the avatar. Which increases the frequency of energy
within and in turn increases the electromagnetic energy. An energy that grows to form an
electromagnetic torus energy field. This electromagnetic energy springs forth from the body in
the heart region where the thymus gland is located. The emotional shifts from positive to
negative can greatly affect the electromagnetic torus field creating various fluxes in energy.
These emotional disturbances creating energy fluxes is called sin/sine waves. Within this torus
energy field which forms a spherical shape begins to terraform its own atmosphere within. This
atmospheric can be detected as the aura of the avatar. An auricle field that has 7 layers of
atmospheric energies. They are the etheric, emotional, mental, astral, celestial, terrestrial, and
celestial (ketheric) aura energies of the avatar. All of which are influenced by the physical,
mental, and emotional disciplines of the avatar driver.
This torus energy field of the avatar acts the same as the earth, using an electromagnetic
energy torus field to terraform and create an atmosphere within a sphere of energy. Protecting its
spherical contents from within from the outside dangers of fluctuating solar wings of the sun and
the volatile environments of the cosmos. The terraforming effects of creating an atmosphere
sustains all life within the electromagnetic torus energy sphere. The northern lights of earth is a
product of the electromagnetic energy field that the earth generates. Many ancient masters of the
avatar have developed this halo atop the crown of the head in the beginning stages of refinement
of the avatar. In the transitional process from mortality to immortality. Some of which
successfully completed the transition while others failed. Many artist have depicted the halos of
energy above the heads of benevolent beings of the parents who were beginning to master the
avatar. This is a product of self-mastery. The seven chakras of the avatar are listed below.
Following is the earth’s electric and magnetic energies with their specific time sequences. Along
with the area of the avatar that these energies affect a different times.
1. Root Chakra located at the base of the spin which is the etheric energy of the avatar
that influences the adrenal gland. Associated planet is Mars and rules on Tuesday.
2. Sacral Chakra located 2” below the navel which is the emotional energy of the avatar
that influences the testes or ovaries glands. Associated planetary energy is Mercury
and rules on Wednesdays.
3. Solar Plexus Chakra located at the solar plexus which is the mental energy of the
avatar that influences the pancreas gland. Associated planetary energy is Solar Sun
and rules on Sundays.
4. Heart Chakra located in the center of the chest which is the astral energy of the avatar
that influences the thymus gland. Associated planetary energy is Venus and rules on
5. Throat Chakra located in the front of the throat or neck area which is the celestial
energy of the avatar that influences the thyroid and parathyroid glands. Associated
planetary energy is Jupiter and rules on Thursdays.
6. Pituatary Chakra located in the middle of the brain which is the terrestrial energy of
the avatar that influences the pituitary gland. Associated planetary energy is Saturn
and rules on Saturday.
7. Third Eye Chakra located as the extending stock off the hypothalamus which is the
celestial energy of the avatar that influences the pineal gland. Associated planetary
energy is Moon and rules on Monday.
Mother Earth has 13 Chakra Seals as well and are as follows:
00. Earth Gateway location: Mountain of Bali, Indonesia.
01. 1st Chakra Seal, Sacral, Base of Spine or Root Chakra: Location is Mount Shasta,
02. 2nd Chakra Seal, Sexual Chakra: Location is Lake Titicaca, Peru.
03. 3rd Chakra Seal, Solar Plexus Chakra: Location is Ayer’s Rock, Australia.
04. 4th Chakra Seal, Heart Chakra: Location is Glastonbury, United Kingdom.
05. 5th Chakra Seal, Throat Chakra: Location is Giza, Egypt (Pyramids of Giza).
06. 6th Chakra Seal, Third Eye Chakra: Location is Denmark, Greenland.
07. 7th Chakra Seal, Crown Chakra: Location is Mount Kailas, Tibet.
08. 8th Chakra Seal, Higher Crown Chakra: Location is Palenque, Mexico.
09. 9th Chakra Seal, Chakra: Location is Mount Fuji, Japan.
10. 10th Chakra Seal, Chakra: Location is Maui, Hawaii.
11. 11th Chakra Seal, Chakra: Location is Lake Taupe Waikato, New Zealand.
12. 12th Chakra Seal, Chakra: Location is Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa.
13. 13th Chakra Seal, Chakra: Location is Moscow, Russia.
When the Earth Chakras are cleared, then Humans chakras will be completely cleared. The first
placement of Archangel Michaels 6 Point Star made up of 3 sided pyramids will be the first
phase in the expedition. This will allow for the Earth Chakras to be opened reasonably slowly.
This means, as soon as the last Chakra Portal is set up on the Last Chakra. Then it’s time to go
back to the 1st Earth Chakra and start phase two. Where the Tesla Coils are erected so that they
act as a bleed off valve for extra energy hitting the Earth. It will also keep the Earths energies
stabilized and in harmony. Thus creating harmony within and between her inhabitants.
These are the hours of the earth’s Positive Electric and Negative Magnetic energies that
combined create the electromagnetic energy. Listed below is their associative energies to the
body organs and the elements which they represent.
2300-0100: Negative Magnetic, Lung, Air Element.
0100-0300: Positive Electric, Large Intestine, Air Element.
0300-0500: Positive Electric/Negative Magnetic, Stomach, Earth Element.
0500-0700: Negative Magnetic, Spleen, Earth Element.
0700-0900: Negative Magnetic, Heart, Fire Element.
0900-1100: Positive Electric, Small Intestine, Fire Element.
1100-1300: Negative Magnetic, Bladder, Water Element.
1300-1500: Positive Electric, Kidney, Water Element.
1500-1700: Negative Magnetic, Heart Governor, Fire Element.
1700-1900: Positive Electric, Triple Burner/Warmer, Fire Element.
1900-2100: Positive Electric, Gallbladder, Wood Element.
2100-2300: Negative Magnetic, Liver, Wood Element.
God, Lucifer, Christ. Explains the influence of that both positive and negative that the
holy Trinity has on each other. The psychological warfare of being a multidimensional being
who exist in multiple dimensions simultaneously. These three psychologies work together in a
common goal. It is up to the avatar driver to endure to the end.
The Holy Trinity represents the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Father (God)
being consciousness (spirit/ mental/cranial nerves), the Son (Christ) being the uniting sphere
(vacuum/emotional/hormonal), and the Holy Spirit (Lucifer) being vibration
(physical/matter/spinal nerves). That many have come to know in religion as God, Christ, and
Satan. Each one of these three pumps termed the Holy Trinity as a unified whole have great
influence of the avatar driver being able to properly drive the avatar. The holy Trinity names
represent the spiritual aspects by which these three pumps would challenge the spirit of the
avatar driver to evolve that houses the avatar. As mentioned before, these areas would become
small void taxes of electromagnetic energy. Causing each one of the areas to grow in power,
force, and influence over the spirit of the avatar. These energy vortexes in their different
locations were given names, colors, and characteristic traits that would manifest becoming
stronger as the vortexes within vortexes increase in electromagnetic energy. They were given
the name chakras seals to represent the wheels within wheels of vortex energy that they created.
It would be the personality characteristics traits of each of these three main truckers that would
challenge each other. In this way, this would present challenges for the avatar driver to
overcome and personality characteristics in order for the electromagnetic energy to increase
cycling from one pump to another in its revolutionary cycles to build in generating greater and
greater quantities of electromagnetic energy. Each of the three truckers represent an exhibit at
different intense personality. By which if the avatar driver becomes obsessed with one in
philosophical views, the electromagnetic orbit slows down within the avatar until the personality
conflict between the Holy Trinity is resolved. In this way, Satan (Red Root Chakra) represents
the Root or Base Chakra located at the base of the spine whose personality is solely selfish
endeavor but necessary for survival and reproduction of the avatar. God (White Crown Chakra)
reviews as the Crown Chakra and is located at the top of spin otherwise known as the penal
gland (Third Eye) which is an extending stock off of the hypothalamus whose personality is
solely based on a selfless endeavors but necessary for the revolution an evolution of all life.
Christ (Green Heart Chakra) represents the Heart Chakra and is located midway of vertically
down the body in the center of the chest region. Whose personality is solely based upon unified
endeavors the necessary for the coexistence of opposite personalities in their energy polarities.
The continuing unification of the three chakras that make up the Holy Trinity would build an
electromagnetic energy with each completing cycle. Creating more vortexes of energy between
these three chakras in the process. This increase in energy would increase the health of each
organ within the avatar. The increased power of electromagnetic energy orbiting path would
also increase the electron orbits around each atom causing the microcosmic energy orbits to
increase as well. All of which would build electromagnetic energy field flux inside the sphere of
the cell, chakra, and the avatar as a whole. This continue and revolutions of energy would cause
the avatar driver to become more self-aware throughout this revolving energy process. Just as
the creator gods had intended that designed to duplicate divine evolution. The systems of chakras
enhance the aura field or the electromagnetic energy field around the whole avatar. This energy
field is in layers around the avatar from inner to the outermost layer. Acting as an atmosphere
energy that terraforms the spheres air content within. At which point, the countenance increases
around the avatar creating a glowing light. As these energies increase a halo will begin to appear
above the crown of the avatar as a result. Resembling the halo of the northern lights created at
the north pole of the earth’s axis.
The creator gods had now designed the ultimate avatar by which would increase self-awareness.
The next pass to design was a means by which the avatar would use this electromagnetic energy
to fuel organized processes that would create nutrients to sustain the avatar. The creator gods
designed the 12 strands of DNA. A design created at the molecular level that could handle all
the millions of processes of orderly filing information to come forth at their designated and
proper times. That could sustain the physical avatar throughout the eternities. Unlike phases one
and two of life for nutrients were obtained outside of the avatar. In phase three of life all the
nutrients at a molecular level in their various elements were placed in a sequential order inside
12 columns of Double-Helix DNA strand wrapped around 46 Chromosomes. It would be
through the various combinations of fire in electromagnetic energy into the DNA strands that
these various molecular processes would ignite off. Causing various chemical reactions to take
place that would release the nutrients required to sustain the human avatar. The 12 strands of
DNA were designed in pairs of two. The center two columns of Double-Helix DNA is designed
and instituted for the sole purpose of nutritional purposes that maintain survival throughout the
immortal life of the avatar. These nutritional processes of the physical will also increase the
mental and emotional balances of the avatar as a whole. Effecting the overall performance of the
avatar. The other 10 strands of DNA will remain inactive until the two center Double-Helix
DNA strands is fully charged with electromagnetic energy. One system is designed upon
another, if one system fails, all systems fail. Upon the success of one system, and other system
comes online. The system predicated upon the actions and functions of another.
Precious knowledge is locked away in the 10 strands of DNA. Only assessable to those who
overcome the personality conflicts between the Holy Trinity. Those who cannot overcome these
personality conflicts will suffer the buffetings of Satan (Lucifer) who is the base chakra rooted in
ego. An egotistical personality that shall rule over all personalities of the avatar driver driving the
avatar into spiritual regression. A personality that is not concerned with evolution but only
desires to remain the same regardless of the circumstances or outcomes. This is the purpose of
the repenting process. A means by which the avatar driver can reset and reboot the whole
computer system casting off the chains of ego that stifles progression and the evolutionary
process by become obsessed with the base chakra personality. The repenting process removes
ego and brings spiritual humility back to the avatar driver’s personality. A humility that unifies
the Holy Trinity of the avatar bringing about the Christ Consciousness. The union of the Holy
Trinity will increase the electromagnetic energy given the avatar you greater access to valuable
and precious knowledge. Knowledge considered to some as philosophical nature but is only
termed different philosophies by lesser beings of intelligence which is only different knowledge
in the arts of sciences being accessed inside the DNA. All philosophies that are in the world
past, present, and future is a direct result of the accessing a greater knowledge. Greater in that of
accessibility and a greater order in a specific art in the variety of sciences that exist. All of which
is accessible and predicated upon the disciplines of the avatar driver. The creator gods designed
and programmed the different DNA sequences to automatically switch on and off a specific
times. This was designed for certain processes to occur in order to sustain the mortal body as it
made the transition from mortality to immortality. This would ensure that the avatar could adapt
to harsh and changing conditions of its environment. A time released firing was implemented
into the DNA sequence. This would ensure the release of amino acids and nutrients and very
subtle levels that would continue to trigger other processes that maintain the avatars overall
The creator gods designed the DNA and named its various parts, counterparts, functions, and
processes according to their divine order. The divine order of the kingdoms that have evolve
throughout the eternities. Kingdoms with names and positions of rank within these kingdoms
that advanced beings held that gave titles to the proper order in which these kingdoms
functioned. Orders and functions from the least to the greatest and rank. Titles given names that
that were dignities of a degree of personal spirituality obtain in the evolutionary process from
spirits, angels, archangels, elementals, and the different levels in the kingdom of the Gods. That
the DNA processes were designed, programmed, and activated. It would be in this magnificent
design that the avatar driver could communicate with its own DNA and calling into action the
process is desired. This would also enable the avatar driver the ability to access specific
knowledge in a particular science and that is filed away in a particular section of sequences
within the DNA. The various reference points along the sequence sections of the DNA are
referred to spiritually as sephiras. Each Sephira has a particular angel/nucleotide that is the filing
system that has filed away under its sections specific sciences. Each Sephira deals in a different
in a specific art of science. These Sephira are programmed with a named. When that name is
spoken with a strong intent, that specific Sephira and Sciences is accessed. The creator gods
designed the avatar with the sole intent of aiding the evolutionary process of elementary
consciousness and becoming light them, gods. In this way the spirit driver of the avatar must act
as a god commanding the various molecular orders to perform their duties in the kingdom of god
within. The creators of work is so intricate in its design that once the avatar reaches immortality.
The avatar driver knows and understands the divine order of the heavens of each kingdom. At
which point, the avatar driver who is now an immortal celestial being requires no instruction on
being integrated into the celestial kingdom. The creator’s divine design of the avatar was the
instruction manual to learn how to exist within the highest celestial glories of kingdoms, as
individuals who evolve into the collective of higher dimensions.
The creator gods created the avatars of many parts, counterparts, functions, and operations to
obey specific commands by designated names. This way knowledge was orderly filed away and
wouldn’t come forth until desired. This filing system predicated to activate an open upon a
commanding name. Would allow the spirit of the avatar moments of clarity through mental
silence. If all were active at once, chaos would reign supreme no clarity would be gained. This
would be the importance of self-mastery through meditation or prayer to bridle the thoughts and
emotions. Both of which would be the means to contemplate upon a subject and were to cracked
of eight and open the knowledge that the avatar driver desires to access. The DNA becomes a
custom to its environment and so, without the use of the knowledge that is accessible in these
various sections of DNA, the access may be hard to unlock and command these archangels to
come forth. Much of the time the means by which to call forth these spirits, angels, and
archangels is by the power and authority exercise through the emotional intent. With routine
practice the spirits, angels, and archangels will not need to be commanded but only contemplated
upon the subject in order to access its filed knowledge. The more that these systems and
functions within the DNA are used the easier they are to access.
Chapter 3 list the specific colors, positions, locations, definitions, names, sequences, and
sciences of the different sections of sephiras within the DNA.
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In the tables below are the days and assistant angels that the archangels rule over.
Each archangel rules over the day in which they are designated. The hour in which this rule
begins for each archangel is the first hour of the rising sun in that particular day. For example, on
Sunday when the sun is rising in the first hour the ruling archangel is Michael. The second hour
is ruled by Haniel, the third is Raphael, the forth is Gabriel, the fifth is Tzadqiel, the sixth is
Tzadiqiel, the seventh is Khamael, and the eighth hour starts the whole cycle over again
beginning with Michael. The order explained is the same relative order. Completing its cycle
over a seven hour period and starting over again in the eighth hour.
In the table below is the archangels and the many details associated with them.
Day: Saturday Thursday Tuesday Sunday Friday Wednesday Monday
Archangel: Tzaphqiel Tzaphqiel Khamael Raphael Haniel Michael Gabriel
Angel: Cassiel Sachiel Zamael Michael Anael Raphael Gabriel
Planet: Saturn Jupiter Mars Sun Venus Mercury Moon
Metal: Lead Tin Iron Gold Copper Mercury Silver
Glory: Black Blue Red Yellow Green Purple/Orange White/Silver
Incense: Pine Oak Cedar Laurel/ Myrtle Hazel Willow
Number: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Hrs from Hrs from Thurs. Fri. Sat.
Sunset to Midnight
Sunset. to
Raphael Zadkiel Haniel Tzaphqiel 2000 0100 Michael Gabriel Khamael
Gabriel Khamael Raphael Zadkiel 2100 0200 Haniel Tzaphqiel Michael
Tzaphqiel Michael Gabriel Khamael 2200 0300 Raphael Zadkiel Haniel
Zadkiel Haniel Tzaphqiel Michael 2300 0400 Gabriel Khamael Raphael
Khamael Raphael Zadkiel Haniel 2400/0000 0500 Tzaphqiel Michael Gabriel
Michael Gabriel Khamael Raphael 0100 0600 Zadkiel Haniel Tzaphqiel
Haniel Tzaphqiel Michael Gabriel 0200 0700 Khamael Raphael Zadkiel
Raphael Zadkiel Haniel Tzaphqiel 0300 0800 Michael Gabriel Khamael
Gabriel Khamael Raphael Zadkiel 0400 0900 Haniel Tzaphqiel Michael
Tzaphqiel Michael Gabriel Khamael 0500 1000 Raphael Zadkiel Haniel
Zadkiel Haniel Tzaphqiel Michael 0600 1100 Gabriel Khamael Raphael
Khamael Raphael Zadkiel Haniel 0700 1200 Tzaphqiel Michael Gabriel
Michael Gabriel Khamael Raphael 0800 1300 Zadkiel Haniel Tzaphqiel
Haniel Tzaphqiel Michael Gabriel 0900 1400 Khamael Raphael Zadkiel
Raphael Zadkiel Haniel Tzaphqiel 1000 1500 Michael Gabriel Khamael
Gabriel Khamael Raphael Zadkiel 1100 1600 Haniel Tzaphqiel Michael
Tzaphqiel Michael Gabriel Khamael 1200 1700 Raphael Zadkiel Haniel
Zadkiel Haniel Tzaphqiel Michael 1300 1800 Gabriel Khamael Raphael
Khamael Raphael Zadkiel Haniel 1400 1900 Tzaphqiel Michael Gabriel
Michael Gabriel Khamael Raphael 1500 2000 Zadkiel Haniel Tzaphqiel
Haniel Tzaphqiel Michael Gabriel 1600 2100 Khamael Raphael Zadkiel
Raphael Zadkiel Haniel Tzaphqiel 1700 2200 Michael Gabriel Khamael
Gabriel Khamael Raphael Zadkiel 1800 2300 Haniel Tzaphqiel Michael
Tzaphqiel Michael Gabriel Khamael 1900 2400/0000 Raphael Zadkiel Haniel
7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
Sunday Friday Wednesday Monday Any day
Michael Caphael Gabriel Zadkiel Thavael
Anael Haniel Yekahel Phul Vau-Ael
Och Nogahiel Agiel Schioel Zainael
Shemeshiel Acheliah Uriel Vaol Hethatia
Paimoniah Socodiah Kokaviel Yashiel Tetahatia
Rekhodiah Nangariel Gheoriah Vehiel Alepta
Malkhiel Agares 31 Savaniah Gabriel Betel
Bael 66 Valefor 10 Chokmahiel Samigina 30 Gimela
Paimon 200 Barbatos 30 Marbas 36 Amon 40 Dalete
Beleth 85 Gusion 40 Buer 50 Leraje 30 Phalet
Purson 22 Eligos 60 Botis 60 Naberius 19 Camael
Asmoday 72 Zepar 26 Marax 30 Ronove 19 Ophiel
Vine 36 Bathin 30 Glasya-Labolas 36 Forneus 29 Betor
Balam 40 Sallos 30 Foras 29 Marchosias 30 Gabriel
Belial 80 Aim 26 Gaap 66 Phenex 20 Michael
Bune 30 Malphas 40 Sabnock 50 Force/Counsel
Berith 26 Haagenti 33 Shax 30 Joy
Astaroth 40 Camio 30 Oriax 30 Love/Charity
Focalor 30 Ose 3 Andras 30 Asmode
Vepar 29 Amy 36 Andrealphus 30 Leviatan
Uvual 37 Zagan 33 Cimejes 20 Hemostopile
Crocell 48 Volac 38 Decarabia 30 Brufor
Alloces 36 Laune
Murmur 30 Betor
Gremory 26 Aratron
Vapula 36 Lucifer
Haures 36 Belzebut
Amdusias 29 Astarot
Dantalion 36 Zaphkiel
1. Any time spirits of force, council, joy, love, and charity. You shall have fasted with the
Lord God Pelech, now (called) Jesus, for seven days, which shall be passed in humility
and sobriety, in mercy and patience, in peace and e quilibrium; (that is to say) in the
beginning of all the Sigils of love and charity, and from which they do perceived.
2. Archangel Metatron. Metatron (form Greek Meta+Tron meaning Beyond+Matrix) is
the name of an angel in Judaism and some branches of Christianity and Islam. Although
he is mentioned in a few brief passages in the Talmud, Metatron appears primarily Jewish
mystical texts and other post-scriptural esoteric and occult sources. In Qabbalic
symbology, the Archangel Metatron is considered to be the most supreme of angelic
beings, and is associated with the pinnacle of the Tree of Life, which is the sphere of
Kether, the Crown. According to the Qabbalah, is the angel said to have lead the children
of Israel through the forty years in the wilderness. His female equivalent is Shekinah.
After arriving in heaven he was transformed into a spirit of fire and equipped with 36
pairs of wings as well as innumerable eyes. He resides in the 7th heaven and when evoked
appears as a pillar of fire said to be more dazzling than the sun. He is the supreme angel
of death to whom God gives daily orders as to the souls to be taken. He then delegates
these orders to his subordinates, Gabriel and Sammael. Metatron is the teacher of
prematurely deceased children who are in Paradise. Metatron was the prophet Enoch, and
Sandalphon was the prophet Elijah. Enoch taught the sons of men the art of building
cities, and enacted some admirable laws. He discovered the knowledge of the Zodiac, and
the course of the Planets;
3. Archangel Raziel. Is the “Keeper of Secrest” and the “Angels of Mysteries.” The
Hebrew word “Raziel” means “Secrets of God.” Raziel is the chief of the Angelic order
Ophanin (Thrones/Wheels). He is an Archangel of metaphysical teachings and is
described as tall, having blue wings, a glow yellow aura around his head and wearing a
grey robe which appears to have liquid-like properties. He is associated with the Sephira
Chokmah in Kabbalistic Tree of Life. Raziel works closely with the Creator that he
knows all the secrest of the universe and how it operates. He wrote a Book called The
Book of the Angel Raziel and gave this book to Adam when he was expelled from the
garden of eden, so that the two could find their way back “home” and better understand
their God. The Book of the Holy Angel Raziel explains everything from Astrology of the
planets in our Solar System to the creative life energy of this earth. The book was then
handed down from the father to son until it became the property of Enoch, who gave it
out as his own work, calling it the Book of Enoch. Enoch passed Raziel’s Book to his
son, Mathusala, who gave it to his son, Lamach, who gave it to his son, Noah. Noah
gained the knowledge to build the ark from Raziels Book. King Solomon was a later
owner of Raziel’s book and he learned from it great knowledge and power of magic. In
the Book of the Archangel Raziel, in the middle section, there occurs a secret writing
explaining the 1,500 keys to the mystery of the universe.
4. Archangel Tzaphkiel or Zadkiel Monday. Teaches all the science is active and passive,
with a remarkable facility, with all honesty in courtesy, together with every kind of
benediction. They who avail themselves here of will possess all things in content.
Teaching the method of joining together actives and passives, or in everything the
manner of modesty in Greece. In which the numbers the lord god doth sanctifying these
planets, so that they may work marvels, as it were portents, through such numeration.
5. Cassiel Saturday. Concerning God, the Universal One. The spirit teaches you all kinds
of sciences. Teaching and manifesting the most glorious science of god. And this a pop
that has of wisdom and their profound mystery; how we can no such pass; and how we
can become worthy to walk therein. There be also shown the mysteries of our hearts
through this number of 32. Its significance teaches the mysteries of the regeneration of
our heart; whether from the beginning it was constituted to operate here by and here with,
and by the word of god; whether it was distinct and the mind of god; and what be its
place, science and dubitation, it’s hope, faith and ultimate desire. If you shall desire to
know thoroughly these paths of perfect and profound wisdom together with their
mysteries; remember the combinations of writings in the Sigil which is in the centre of
the figure of the heart. Who so ever thou mayest be, despise not this wonderful science
and geometrical searching out, and the points of eon, and the mystical numbers of the
letters. Also the lord said and to god: “go forth through the mist of the city, through the
mist of Jerusalem, and sign a Symbol upon the foreheads of men who grown and grieve
over all the abominations which be in the mist thereof.” Also he said to them; “Hear me,
go ye fourth through the city following after me, and smite ye every man upon whom ye
shall see “Thaune”. Ye shall slay them from my Sanctuary.
6. Archangel Zadkiel (Tzaphkiel) & Sachiel Thursday. The spirit gives you, in all
things, whatsoever advice may be good and fitting; they discover and to you all kinds of
treasures, give them unto you and carry them where ever you request. They can also give
you a purse wherein is gold and silver. This spirit teaches of what description be the
angels of light and Glory. There be also taught the mystical period of such a life; and
mysteries, as they were unutterable, concerning such alive; also that there was a certain
interval between their creation and sending forth, and what be the mysteries of such
7. Archangel Tzaphkiel or Zaphkiel. The Archangel of deep contemplation of God.
Tzaphqiel is the Archangel of Binah on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, ruled by the name
IHVH Elohim and ruling the angelic choir Aralim. Binah is the supreme feminine aspect
in kabbalah and Zaphqiel is its representative in the world of Binah. In Jewish mystical
and Western ritual magic, Zadkiel is associated with the planet Jupiter. Rabbinical
tradition considers him to be the angel of mercy.
8. Archangel Zadkiel. “Righteousness of God” is the Archangel of prayer, freedom,
benevolence, mercy, and the Patron Angel of all who forgive. Also known as Sachiel,
Zedekiel, Zadakiel, Tzadkiel, Zedekul and Hesediel. Rabbinical traidition considers him
to be the angel of mercy. Zadkiel was said to be the Angel who prevented Abraham from
sacrificing his son, Isaac. In the Theological Discourses of Angels, by Benjamin
Camfield, Zadkiel I sthe angel of Jupiter. Zadkiel is also said to be a one of nine rulers of
heaven, as well as on of the 7 Archangels presiding next to God. In rabbinic writings
Zadkiel belongs to the order of Hashmallim and considered to be chief of that order. A
Zadkiel is associated with the color violet.
9. Archangel Zaphkiel Any time. This spirit teaches you of what nature is the life of all
angels, and their business and intercourse. The spirit also teaches what was the life of the
angel before the fall. Their beat are also the mysteries of their habitation; whether there
be a place of habitation for the rebellious angels; whether there may be found a place
impassable and void; whether the angels were without any affection of passion
whatsoever; whether they were created and happiness; and whether such is confirmed
unto them.
10. Tuesday Uriel. He teaches natural sciences, physics, and medicine. He teaches the
methods of understanding what and of what kind or those twin souls (namely) Henoch.
The faculties of the mind and understanding are purified. And these also in such a
manner that they may be exalted from the lowest degree unto that which is the most
perfect of all. By the which composition also there can be a transmission made of the
participating power or that power of communication of comprehension of spirits.
11. Archangel Camael or Kamael Any time. Gives you a perfect knowledge of your
genius, who will have the power to great you everything that you shall demand of him.
There be many spirits under the rule of Camael who can serve you in many things and a
specially such as you shall demand of them. Teaching want and after what manner and
maybe this communication of the Genii; (transforming in us) are evil (qualities) into
good, and are good (qualities) into better and best; there is also talk the method of such
transformation. Where four adore the lord god and love thy neighbor.
12. Archangel Archangel Camal or Chamuel (he who sees God) is also known as Kamael
or Samael (severity of God). Camael is the Archangel of Divine Justice and the
Gatekeeper of Heaven. He is regarded as chief of the Order of Powers. Chamuel is
considered, along side of Gabriel, to be one of the angels who strengthened and
comforted Jesus on Gethsemane. “Camuel, A most holy Angel” invoked in magical
operations noted in “The Greater Key of Solomon” (1914) by S.L. MacGregor Mathers.
Camael is responsible for holding in check Leviathan, the sea serpent monster who will
wallow the souls of sinners on Judgment Day. Some believe Chamuel to be the Angel
who wrestled with Jacob.
13. Wednesday Samael. Teaches the harvest of the plants of blessedness, and such harvests;
together with the envy of the kingdom of Behemoth and leviathan, of which the lord god
did make use from the beginning, and preserved (the same) for the production of all
creatures, and also in what manner such souls be produced (and come forth).
14. Archangel Michael Sunday. The protector of all kingdoms. After God Himself, he is
almost all powerful as regards to those who perform his invocation. Teaches how to form
a certain composite thing by means of which the faculties of vital spirits (exist) as well in
man as in other creatures, according to what is necessary for and convenable unto them.
15. Archangel Michael Any time. This spirit teaches you all mystical sciences teaching the
mysteries of the holy Trinity. Also teaching how science of god may be communicated
through his attributes to all created beings; and especially those most profound mysteries
which he operates with regard both the angels in men, which is shown to the
combinations of the letters which be without the small orb. Also in all this science you
shall observe the combinations of letters, of geometry, and of their numbers, and you’re
searching and examination of all Sigils.
16. Archangel Raphael Saturday. Is a spirit of science who did teach Solomon knowledge
and wisdom. However you must be both pure and chaste when you invoke him, and you
must have fasted on the previous evening. Teaching the manner of joining actives and
passives together the one on to the other, and natural things. There’s also taught concern
the Kanssud of earthly regions and powers, from one class unto another.
17. Archangel Raphael Sunday. Is a spirit of science who did teach Solomon knowledge
and wisdom. However you must be both pure and chaste when you invoke him, and you
must have fasted on the previous evening. Teaching the manner of joining actives and
passives together the one on to the other, and natural things. There’s also taught concern
the Kanssud of earthly regions and powers, from one class unto another.
18. Archangel Haniel Friday. Teaches use the transformation of all precious stones and
gives you as many as you wish. This spirit teaches how the GENII may be transformed
into man. They can pass from him into their nature, and correspond to him in the
compounded elements. There’s also taught how such may be necessary and to the human
race. Also the necessity of such a mystery.
19. Sunday Anael. This pair gives to you the knowledge of all things which is to the order
of nature, for he is a spirit of power. This spirit teaches who in one of the GENII are, as
also their power and virtue. There be further shown the mysteries of the present, passed,
and future age. And this spirit is hidden the science of merchants. Also here be those
things which do appear and are reputed to be supernatural. Also here we can obtain the
revelation of unknown things, but this is only granted unto the elect of god. Also the
arcane secrets of the lord is declared and demonstrated in this Sigil, where four adore the
lord thy god with the whole heart, and love thy neighbor. The workings of the spirit ye
shall constate the effects hereof be certain and true yet the greatest wonder and
20. Archangel Gabriel Wednesday. Teaches all the mysteries of divinity.
21. Archangel Gabriel & Phul Monday. This spirit teaches you all the sciences which you
shall desire to know. This spirit teaches what may be the life (of man) and the creation
(of souls) even until the time of their sending fourth into bodies. There be also taught the
great mysteries which the lord is willing to perform; and whether all souls were created
from such a creation alike and at one time, and so also whether such be reserved in a
certain place so that going forth events they may be sent into bodies and rule therein for a
period of time.
22. Archangel Gabriel Any time. This spirit teaches you all kinds of mysteries. teaching
what mysteries the lord god is willing to permit two operating creation, through the
uncontaminated inner knowledge that (Abraham) did rule and govern himself and one
forth by the command of the lord god to travel when the land of Chanaan, teachings
concerning the angels in men and what mysteries they do operate a; also how they do
harmoniously act through created beings, angels and men. All these things will be shown
forth from the letters through their numbers and combination.
23. Archangel Sandalphon. Rules sphere 10 of the Kabbalah tree of life and is the Malkuth,
which means kingdom. Archangel Sandalphon is the ruling Angel and Protector of Earth
and a Master of music. He also rules the seveth heaven and is known as an Angel of
Mercy and an Angel of Prayer. His name may mean “Co-Brother” = Companion like that
of the Holy Spirit. Sandalphon is the twin brother of Metatron. They are the only
Archangels who were originally mortal men. Sandalphon was the prophet of Elijah, and
Metatron was the prophet Enoch. “I commanded the crowns to provide food for you there
(1 Kings 17:4)”.
24. Sunday Och. The spirit teaches you what is the nature of the angels. The subjects fall
under the domination of Och who is a solar spirits. Teaching what is the nature of angels;
and what may be the object and end of such creation and whether he established to
operate in the preservation and destruction of all creatures. There’s also taught who and
what is the promised messiah; what is the kingdom; was the kingdom of Israel; what the
restitution through him for the wretched; what kind of profit and maybe; and what things
can be performed by the messiah for the welfare, rest to shun, and liberation of its people
in Daya. And this spirit there be mysteries through the combination of geometry, gilgud,
and numbers, as well as points relating to geometrical (symbolism).
25. Friday Caphael. Teachings concern the healing of barrenness and of death concerning
the kingdom of god, and the most ardent Charity; in the which blessed mystical numbers
(of the Sigil) there is taught unto whatsoever operations this is to be applied, howbeit
certain special operations do fall under the head of certain especial numbers. Also
concern and sciences and arts of all kinds and of all perfection whatsoever they may be.
26. Tuesday Hetael. Is a spirit who guides armies and also can destroy them. Prayers by
which can change the course of the Sun. He can render you invulnerable unto every kind
of weapon, and can give you spirits to serve you unto this end. This spirit teaches the
declaring of the intentions of enemies and the like. Also there can be expelled all things
noxious unto body and mind, and further in like manner this mystic operates in their
restoration. Also there be mysteries regarding man.
27. Any time Thavael. Teaches a perfect knowledge of all the simples and their virtues.
Teaching the planting or the sowing of the seeds of plants, the comprehension of virtue;
there also (hearing) taught the manners of flowering as regards to plants, and also those
inspirations of virtue and grace which be as it were the fundamental plants of the
Qabalistical Art. Those who shall write with ginger upon the foreheads of these letters
I..N..R..I, we’ll never die by a sudden death.
28. Any time Vau-Ael. Causes all kinds a pleasant visions to appear, such as our forefathers
in the old testament beheld. Serving you faithfully in all that you desire to know.
29. Any time Zainael. Teaches the methods of availing the rod with which he did perform
so many miracles in Egypt, and among the Chaldeans. He has much power to render to
those rich Lavelle them cells of his services. Teaching the practice of the science and
wisdom of the divine errors in magi of the Egyptians and Chaldeans, and by what ways
and means they can be acquired.
30. Any time Hethatia. He teaches the science and wisdom of Moses, in the arcana of the
Egyptian magaw and of minors; perfect happiness in the ways of causing an inspiring
fear, and of going forth from a land and for the preservation of a man in that case in
31. Any time Tetahatia. He is a spirit of science and virtue, who as preserved our
forefathers from their enemies, rendering them formidable and to them so as to put them
to flight. He will do the same and to the enemies of those who shall wish to avail
themselves of his services. This sigil creates a blinding darkness may be produced, or a
thing terrible unto one’s enemies, also how a blessing may fall hereon.
32. Any time Alepta. He gives it unto you a great riches. Teaching how a man may be
exalted, and how a manmade become formidable that all creatures, at any hour weather
out of the hands of cruel man, or from a crowd of men.
33. Any time Betel. Teaches you the sciences which god had revealed into atom. He is a
very docile spirit who appeared as soon as he is invoked. Teaching them away we can
arrive at the position of the virtues of all creatures (or created things); there is (further)
taught what and of all kind be the virtues here of, and what (virtues) be truly most
powerful above all virtues of creatures. There’s also taught the reasonable of the law of
“such” virtues and of their uses.
34. Any time Gimela. Makes you to know and behold the form of the serpent who did
attempt even the terrestrial paradise; (he also) can give unto you some of his spirits who
can transport you from one place to another and can even make you travel with the speed
of 100 miles per hour. Teaching all the mysteries which the lord is willing to allow to be
worked by the serpent and from the serpent; what may be his corporal molding or
proportion, and whether he can contain in himself all invisible beings (or creatures) and
in what manner.
35. Any time Dalete. Is a spirit who will show unto you divisions which Adam beheld while
he was upon the earth. He has many spirits under his leadership, who will teach you
many things if you tell all them that which you shall desire. Teaching and demonstrating
the mystical formation of atom; what animals were in the lord and bought in this place
unto Adam by the lord god.
36. Any time Phalet. Teaches you all that did happen in the first row paradise, from the
time of the creation of Adam and eve. There are many spirits under his leadership oh can
do much in the manner of serving you, and in many ways. Teaching the mysteries of the
creation of the world, and of all creatures, and what (of these) be sacred; but also how
those (creatures) are proper to be tested for superstitious reasons when they draw their
origin from corpses of the dead, and from collections and thereof, and from sepulchers;
and this also in the arising of every kind of superstitions. Teaching all the arcana of
Necromancers and of divine nerves of that same class, and when it’s in a scientific
(sense) these (arts) take their rise.
37. Any time Ophiel. This spirit is a spirit of pity. He will teach you all the wisdom of our
first father. Teaching the mysteries of the generation of Adam and his children in time,
through Pelech now shown for the visibly as Jesus. Also the forms of those in torment.
38. Any time Betor. This spirit makes you copper hand who and what the devils or angels
of darkness really are; the difference of their names; their powers; and what they can do.
He, being invoked appears speedily. This spirit teaches what are the devils or angels of
darkness; how they can be known and understood by their proper name; and how they are
to be distinguished from the angels. Also whether the devils can fully be known by a
proper names; and whether the virtue of god is impressed on them, or follows here upon.
There’s also taught how we can attract such angels unto us as familiar spirits by the
knowledge of their names. Also the mysterious operations of such angels, both as
regards to ourselves and our actions.
39. Any time Asmode & Leviatan. The spirits teach you further the mouse of the devils.
The veil much are cell for their services of these evil spirits who were deceiver is. It is
alone the name of god which can enable you to force them and all others to come unto
you. Teaching the methods whereby we can force the doubles to show themselves into us
in their torment and that in bodily form.
40. Any time Hemostopile. This pair up again will make you see and know the mouse of
the devils, and we’ll give you as many of them as you may wish. A vail not yourself of
their services. Teaching the methods whereby we can oblige the devils to show
themselves visibly in torments. They can deceive men and assume their forms, and
change the just inclinations of man and to evil passions. (Also there is herein shown)
how they can take such forms, and from what media, and what methods they make use of
(to do so).
41. Any time Brufor. This spirit teaches you the nature and quality of the devils, and the
difference of their names and titles; how they can bind and invisibly and how we can bind
them. Teaching how we can compel the devils to show themselves visibly in the forms
which they usually take to frighten and deceive (men). There’s also taught how we may
know them, for the devils are known by other names. Also whether and how from their
names are actions and operations can be known. Also how by the light hereof we can
find out the means of driving them away from us and from our works and operations.
42. Any time Laune. This spirit again gives you the knowledge of the doubles, but I counsel
you know and to avail yourself of his services, for he is a very wicked spirit and a
deceiver, who would do all in this power to entrap you, and afterwards he will mock you.
He teaches rather they can have proper names as distinct from the Angelic names, seen
that they were transformed through their casting out: whether they can lead their lives in
any definite place, will weary and there is a place to term and; whether it be permitted in
the spheres or in the compounded elements. Also there is hearing and talked whether
they have free form; and what way they conduct themselves and the places which they
occupy a; also whether where they live be determined by the power of their expulsion.
Whether again there was an interval between their expulsion and the creation of Adam,
and (it if cell) what interval. Herein all sort of unheard of and most terrible mysteries, of
such interval and of life.
43. Any time Betor. The spirit make shoe copper hand who and what the devils or angels of
our us really are; the Davis other names; their powers; and what they can do. He, being
invoked, appears speedily, and that any time and at any hour. Teaching one the devils are
angels of darkness are; how they can be known and understood by their proper name; and
how they are to be distinguished from the angels. Also whether the devils can fully be
known by a proper names; and whether the virtue of god is impressed upon them, or
follows here upon. There’s also here in taught how we can attract such angels unto us as
familiar spirits by the knowledge of their names. Also the mysterious operations of such
angels, both as regarding ourselves and our actions.
44. Any time Aratron. This spirit teaches you the creation of the souls of man, and what
they really on; also their estate after death. When you calls the spirits (under Aratron) to
come to you, see that you remain not long in their company. They will also tell you by
writing, that which you desire to know. Teaching one is the creation of the souls of
mankind, and what is the object in in of such creation. Also what portion of the Angelic
almost did her bill; and more time they were built; and how the rebellious angels were
cast out. Also by the virtue and in the virtue (of this Sigil) there be also taught
unrelatable mysteries regarding the rebellion and that expulsion, as well as the time of
that rebellion and expulsion.
45. Any time Lucifer, Belzebut, Astarot. The spirits teach you want were the rebellion and
fall of the evil spirits. Teaching what was the rebellion of the angels and what was its
calls; what were the mysteries of their life; whether their life should be understood as a
continual action; whether the names of these angels were given unto them through the
commands of god; what things have been committed into them, whence it and of what
kind; and whether a certain angel be allotted unto any or unto some especial commands.
There be taught also here in certain most hidden histories, alike admirable and not
admirable, concerning their live, which shall be revealed unto very few, (especially the
comprehension of their mode of life before the fall).
46. Any time Spirits of Force and Councel.
47. Any time Spirits of Joy. In this Sigil is manifested the most glorious Science of God. In
this are taught the Paths of Wisdom and their profoundest Mysteries; how we can know
such paths; and how we may become worthy to walk therein. There be also the Mysteries
of our hearts through this Number of 32. Its significations teach the Mysteries of the
Regeneration of our Heart; whether from the beginning it was constituted to operate
hereby and herewith, and by the Word of God; whether it was distinct in the Mind of
God; and what be its place, Science and dubitation, its hope, faith, and ultimate desire. If
you shall desire to know thoroughly these Paths of Perfect and Profound Wisdom
together with their Mysteries; remember the combinations of writings in the Sigil (He)
which is in the centre of the figure of the heart.
48. Anytime Spirit of Unconditional Love. In this Sigil is manifested the most glorious
Love of God. In this are taught the Paths of Unconditional Love and their Grandness
Magical Synchronistic Events How can we know such magical events. It is by being
Divinely Present in every moment. One may ask, how we may become worthy to walk
therein. There be also many Mysteries of our hearts that defied all Gravity. Unconditional
Love, the Mysterious of the Gravity Particle. Its significations teach the Mysteries of the
Invisibility, Levitation, Telepathy, Bio Locating, Teleportation, and Traveling at the
Speed of Light through our Hearts; whether from the beginning it was constituted to
operate hereby and herewith, and by the Word of the Almighty God (Twin Flame Divine
Feminine and Divine Masculine); whether it was distinct in the Mind of God; and what
be its place, Science and dubitation, its hope, faith, and ultimate desire. If you shall desire
to know thoroughly these Paths of Perfect and Profound Experiences of Love
Everywhere Present together with their Mysteries; remember the combinations of
writings in the Sigil (YodHeVauHe Vibrating Chant) which is in the centre of the figure
of the heart.
1st Seal of Saturn. Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those spirits/genes through
the electro magnetism of the two columns (Masculine and Feminine) of the DNA Strands that in
turn ignite the spirits/genes in between the two columns sending an Arc across the gap between
the base nucleotides where lays the hydrogen bond. Submitting themselves and readily serve
when invoked. Unlocking those hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 25
spirits/genes over which the Arc Angels of Saturn rule and control. Psalm 72:9; “the Ethiopians
shall kneel before him, his enemies shall let the dust.”
2nd Seal of Saturn. This Pentacle is of great value against adversaries; and of especial use in
repressing the pride of the spirits. Psalm 72:8; “his dominion shall be also from the one sea unto
the other, and from the flood into the worlds end.”
3rd Seal of Saturn. This should be made with the magical circle, and it is good for use at night
when thou invokes the spirits of the nature of Saturn. Archangels: Tzaphqiel, Cassiel. Angels:
Omeliel, Anachiel, Arauchiah, and Anazachia.
4th Seal of Saturn. This Pentacle serves principally for a skidding all the experiments and
operations of ruin, the destruction, and death. And when it is made in for perfection, it serves
also for those spirits which bring news, when thou invokes then from the site of the south. Psalm
109:18; “as he clothed himself with cursing like as with a garment, so let it come into his bowels
like water, and like oil into his bones.”
5th Seal of Saturn. This Pentacle defends those who invoked the spirits of Saturn during the
night; and chases away the spirits which guards treasures. Deut. 10:17; “a great god, a mighty,
and a terrible.”
6th Seal of Saturn. Around this Pentacle is each name symbolized as it should be. The person
against whom thou shalt pronounce it shall be obsessed by demons. “Set thou a wicked one to be
ruler over him, and let Satan stand at his right hand.”
7th Seal of Saturn. This Pentacle is fit for exciting earthquakes, seeing that the power of each
order of angels herein is sufficient to make the whole universe tremble. Psalm 18:7; “then the
earth shook and trembled, the foundations of the hills also moved and were shaken, because He
1ST Seal of Jupiter. Archangels: Tzadiqiel, Sachiel. Angel: N etoniel, Devachiah, Tzedeqiah,
and Parasiel. Those names written around the pentagram, among whom Parasiel is the lord and
master treasures, and teacheth how to become possessor of places wherein they are. And this
Pentacle is compose of mystical characters of Jupiter.
2N D Seal of Jupiter. This is proper for acquiring Glory, honors, indignities, riches, and all kinds
of good, together with great tranquility of ninth; also to discover treasures and chase away the
spirits who preside over them. Psalm cxii 3: - “wealth and riches are in his house, and his
righteousness and endureth forever.”
3RD Seal of Jupiter. This defends and protects those for invoke and calls the spirits to come.
When they appear show unto them this Pentacle and immediately they will obey. Psalm cxxv I: -
“a song of degrees. They that trust in IHVH shall be as a Mount Zion, which cannot be removed,
but abideth forever.”
4TH Seal of Jupiter. It serves to acquire riches and honors, and to possess much wealth. It’s
angel Bariel, the letters of the latter be an arranged about a square of four compartments.
Around is the versicle from the Psalm cxii. 3: - “wall from riches are in it sounds, and his
righteousness endures forever.”
5TH Seal of Jupiter. This has great power. It serves four shard visions. Jacoby and on with this
Pentacle they held the latter which are reached unto heaven. The versicle is taken from the
Ezekiel i I: - “as I was among the captives by the river of Chebar, the heavens were opened, and I
saw if visions of Elohim.”
6TH Seal of Jupiter. It serves for protection against all earthly dangers, by regarding it each day
devoutedly, and repeating the versicle which surrounds it. “Thus shalt thou never perish.” “the
pierced my hands and my feet, I may tell all my bones.” THE FOUR RULERS OF THE
7TH Seal of Jupiter. It has great power against poverty, if thou considereth it with devotion,
repeating the versicle. It serves furthermore to drive away those spirits who guard treasures, and
to discover the same. “lifting of the pore out of the mire, and raising the needy from the
dunghill, that he may send him with princes, even with the princes of its people.” Psalm cxiii. 7.
1ST Seal of Mars. Archangels: Khamael, Zamael. Angels: Madimiel, Bartzachiah, Eschiel,
and Ithuriel. It is proper for invoking spirits of the nature of Mars, especially those which are
written in the Pentacle.
2N D Seal of Mars. This Pentacle serves with great success against all kinds of diseases, if it be
applied to the afflicted part. John i. 4: “In Him was life, and the life was the light of man.”
3RD Seal of Mars. It is of great value for exciting war, wrath, discord, and hostility; also for
resisting enemies, and striking terror into rebellious spirits; the names of god the all powerful are
there in expressly marked. Psalm lxxvii 13: “Who is so great a God as our Elohim.”
Eloah,Shaddai,Vau. QABALITIC Microprosopus.
4TH Seal of Mars. It is of great virtue and power in war, wherefore without doubt it will give
thee victory. Psalm 110:5; “the lord at thy right hand shall wound even kings in the day of His
5TH Seal of Mars. This Pentacle is terrible unto the demons, and at its site and aspect they will
obey thee, for they cannot resist its presence. Psalm 91:13; “Thou shalt go upon the lion and
adder, the young lion and the dragon shalt thou tread under thy feet.” HVL.
6th Seal of Mars. It has so great virtue that being armed therewith, if thou art attack by any one,
thou shalt neither be injured nor wounded when thou fight this with him, and his own weapons
shall turn against him. Psalm 37:5; “Their sword shall enter into their own heart, and their bow
7TH Seal of Mars. Invoke and the demons whose names are there in written; and thou shalt
immediately see hail and tempests. Psalm 105:32,33; “he gave them hail for rain, and flaming
fire in their land. He smote their vines also, in their fig trees.” EL,YIAI.
1ST Seal of the Sun. Archangels: Raphael, Michael. Angel: Shemeshiel, Paimoniah,
Rekhodiah, Malkhiel. The countenance of SHADDAI the almighty, at whose aspect all
creatures obey, and the AN GELIC SPIRITS do reverence on bended knee. “Behold His face
and form Whom all things were made, and Whom all creatures obey.”
METHRATON,METATRON,SHADDA. SHADDAI is the right-hand masculine, Cherub of
the Ark, of the fathers DN A and Sandalphon is the left hand feminine of the mothers DN A
or RN A.
2nd Seal of the Sun. These Pentacles served to repress the pride and arrogance of the solar
spirits, which are all together proud and arrogant by their nature.
3rd Seal of the Sun. This Pentacle serves to acquire kingdom and empire, to inflict lots and to
acquire renown and Glory, especially through the name of god, Tetagrammaton, which therein is
12 times contained. Daniel 4:34; “My kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, in my domain
endureth from age to age.” IHVH x 12 Times Repeated.
4th Seal of the Sun. This serves to enabled thee to see the spirits when they appear invisible
unto those who invoked them; because, when thou has uncovered it, they will immediately a
pure visible. Psalm 13:3-4; “Lighten marring the eye is that IE sleet not in death, at lest mine
enemy say, I have prevailed against him.” IHVH, ADONAI.
5th Seal of the Sun. Serves to invoke those spirits who can transport thee from one place to
another, over long distance in a short time. Psalm 91:11-12; “he shall give his angels charge
over the, to keep thee and all thy ways. They shall bear the up in their hands.”
6th Seal of the Sun. Serves excellently for the operation of invisibility, when correctly made.
Psalms 69:23; “in the beginning the Elohim created”, Psalms 135:16; “let their eyes be darkened
that they see not; and make their loins continually to shake. They have eyes and see not.”,
7th Seal of the Sun. If the name be by chance imprisoned or detained in fetters of iron, at the
presence of this Pentacle, which should be engraved in gold on the day and hour of the sun, he
will be immediately delivered and set at liberty. Psalms 116:16-17; “not has broken my bonds
and sunder. All will offer unto thee the sacrifice of thanksgiving, and will call upon the name of
IHVH (Yod,He,Vau,He).
1st Seal of Venus. Archangels: Haniel, Anael. Angels: N ogahiel, Acheliah, Socodiah, and
N angariel. This in those following server control the spirits of Venus, and especially those here
in written.
2nd Seal of Venus. These pentacles are also proper for obtaining grace and honor, and for all
things which belong to Venus, and for accomplishing all thy desires herein. Canticles 8:6; “place
me as a signal upon thine heart, as a signet upon the arm, for love is strong as death.”
3rd Seal of Venus. This, if it be only shown unto any person, serves to attract love. It’s Angel
Monachiel should be invoked in the day and hour of Venus. Genesis 1:28; “and the Elohim bless
them, and the Elohim seven to them, be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and
subdue it.”
4th Seal of Venus. It is of great power, since it compels the spirits of Venus to obey, into force
on the instant any person thou wish to come unto thee. Genesis 2:23-24; “this is bone of my
bones, and flesh of my flesh. And they two were one flesh.”
5th Seal of Venus. One it is only shown to any person so ever, it inciteth and exciteth
wonderfully unto love. Psalm 22:14; “my heart is like wax, it is melted in the mist of my
1st Seal of mercury. It serves to invoke the spirits were under the firmament.
2nd Seal of mercury. The spirits here in written serve to bring to effect and to grant things
which are contrary unto the order of nature; and which are not contained under any other head.
They easily give answer, but they can with difficulty be seen.
3rd Seal of mercury. This in the following served to invoke the spirits subject into Merck RE;
and especially those who were written and this Pentacle. Archangels: Michael, Raphael.
Angels: Kokaviel, Gheoriah, Savaniah, and Chokmahiel.
4th Seal of mercury. This is further proper to acquire the understanding and knowledge of all
things created and to seek out and penetrate into hidden things; and to command those spirits
which are called Allatori to perform embassies. They obey very readily. “the IHVH, fix Thou
the Volatile, and let there be unto the void restriction.” “wisdom and virtue are in his house, and
the knowledge of all things remainth with him forever.”
5th Seal of mercury. This commands the spirits of Merck RE, and serves to open doors and one
server way they may be close, and nothing they may encounter can resist it. Psalm 24:7; “lift up
your heads, O ye gates, and be ye lift up ye everlasting doors, and the king of Glory shall come
1st Seal of the Moon. Archangels: Gabriel, Gabriel. Angels: Schioel, Vaol, Yashiel, and
Vehiel. This in the following served to call forth and invoked the spirits of the Moon; and in
further service to open doors, in which would ever way they may be fastened. Psalm 107:16; “he
hath broken the gates of Brass, and smitten and the bars of iron in sunder.”
2nd Seal of the Moon. This serves against all perils endangers bile water, and if issued chance
that the spirits of the Moon should excite and cause great rain and exceeding tempest about the
circle, in order to astonishing terrified the; on showing unto them this Pentacle, it will all
speedily cease. Psalm 56:11; “in Elohim have a put my trust, I will not fear, what can man do
unto me.”
3rd Seal of the Moon. This Pentacle when duly borne with thee upon a journey, if it be properly
made, serves against all attacks by night, and against every kind of danger and peril by water.
Psalm 40:13; “be pleased O IHVH to deliver me, O IHVH make haste to help me.”
4th Seal of the Moon. This defendant thee from all evil sources, and from all injury unto soul or
body. It’s angel, Sophiel, gives knowledge of the virtue of all herbs and stones; and unto whom
so ever shall name him, he will procure the knowledge of all. “that then be confounded to
persecute me, and let me not be confounded; led them fear, and not I.” Eheieh, Asher, Eheieh,
Yahel, Sophiel.
5th Seal of the Moon. It serves to have answers in sleep. It’s angel Iachadiel serves unto
destruction and loss, as well as unto the destruction of enemies. Thou mayest also call upon him
by Abdon and Dale against all phantoms of the night, and to summon the souls of the departed
from Hades. Psalm 68:1; “Let God rise, and let his enemies be scattered; led them also who hate
him flee before him.” IHVH, ELOHIM, IACHADIEL, AZAREL.
6th Seal of the Moon. This is wonderfully good, and serve excellently to excite and cause heavy
rains, if it be engraved upon a plate of silver; and if it be placed under water, as long as you
remain there, there will be rain. It should be engraved, drawn, or written in the day and are the
Moon. Genesis 7:11-12; “all the fountains of the great deep were broken up . . . And the rain
was upon the earth.”
astrology. Rhetoric, logic, cheiromancy, pyromancy, and the liberal sciences of all kinds.
Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 20 spirits/genes
over which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
land up in the waters; and what its mind is, and where it is; or anything one wishes or
desires to know. Bringing forth dignity in one self. Creating works of marvelous wonder
that would be considered to those less inclined to knowledge to be magic in its science, in
whatever endeavor one so desires. Bringing forth all and revealing all the Arts.
Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 200 spirits/genes
over which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
Kings, Beleth (85 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating
those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the causes to fulfill great love
between men and women. Having great power pertaining to love. Unlocking these hidden
treasures of knowledge locked away within the 85 spirits/genes over which this
spirit/genes rules and controls.
Kings, Purson (22 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating
those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of revealing hidden treasures of
knowledge of the past, present, and future. Can also reveal hidden treasure of knowledge
pertaining to secret and divine things of the Earth and the creation of the World.
Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 22 spirits/genes
over which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
Kings, Asmoday (72 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating
those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of and teaches about the Art of
virtues, arithmetic, astronomy, and geometry. Revealing the hidden treasures of
knowledge within these 72 spirits/genes. Even to make one invincible with the possession
of this great knowledge. Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within the 72 spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
Kings, Vine (36 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the office of hidden things pertaining to
Witches and Wizards of the past, present, and future who cast their spells and exorcise
witchcrafts. Also commanding the office to build towers of knowledge to over throw
great systems of knowledge. Also the power to control winds and waters. Unlocking
these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 36 spirits/genes over which
this spirit/genes rules and controls.
Kings, Balam (40 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the office of wits and invisibility. Also
teaching those things pertaining to the past, present, and future. Unlocking these hidden
treasures of knowledge locked away within the 40 spirits/genes over which this
spirit/genes rules and controls.
Kings, Belial (80 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the office in presentations and political
sciences. Conjuring favor in friends and enemies. Unlocking these hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within the 80 spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and
knowledge locked away within the 26 spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and
Dukes, Bune (30 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of revealing the great riches of knowledge
within these 30 spirits/genes, making one wise and eloquent in all ways. Unlocking these
hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 30 spirits/genes over which this
spirit/genes rules and controls.
Dukes, Berith (26 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating
those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance to evaluate truths of the past,
present, and future. Bringing forth the abilities, skills, and talents to refine oneself with
dignities. Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 26
spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
Dukes, Astaroth (40 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating
those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of bringing forth the secrets of all
things of the past, present, and future. Giving one the witty knowledge to understand why
the spirits/genes fell or went inactive. Bringing forth the knowing of all liberal sciences.
Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 40 spirits/genes
over which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
Dukes, Focalor (30 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating
those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of ones powers over winds, water,
and the seas. This spirit to, can ascend to the 7th throne (7th Chakra Seal) if one so desires
it to be so. Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 30
spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
Dukes, Vepar (29 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of ones powers over winds, water, and the
seas. Also to call forth in three days the viruses of disease to wound ones enemies with
sores and causing microorganisms to spring up within someone. Unlocking these hidden
treasures of knowledge locked away within the 29 spirits/genes over which this
spirit/genes rules and controls.
Dukes, Uvual (37 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the office to acquire the friends and
enemies alike. Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 37
spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
Dukes, Crocell (48 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating
those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the office in the hidden secrets of
the mystical. Revealing the art of geometry and sciences. With powers restored to bring
about great noises through the elements. Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within the 48 spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
Dukes, Alloces (36 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating
those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the office of the art of astronomy
and sciences of the liberal nature. Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge locked
away within the 26 spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
man. Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 36
spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
Presidents, Buer (50 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating
those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of which pertains to philosophy,
both moral, natural, and logical arts. Also revealing the virtues of all herbs and plants.
Healing the tempest within a man and bringing forth good and familiar spirits/genes.
Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 50 spirits/genes
over which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
Presidents, Botis (60 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating
those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of revealing all things past, present,
and to come in regards to counseling friends and foes. Unlocking these hidden treasures
of knowledge locked away within the 60 spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules
and controls.
Presidents, Marax (30 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating
those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the Art of Astronomy and all
other liberal sciences. Giving one the ability to discern the virtues of Herbs and Stones.
Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 30 spirits/genes
over which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
Presidents, Glasya-Labolas (36 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by
activating those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of revealing all the Arts
and Sciences in an instant. Revealing all things of the past, present, and to come.
Bringing forth the ability within oneself to cause the love of both friends and of ones
enemies. Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 36
spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
Presidents, Foras (29 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating
those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the virtues of all herbs and
precious stones. Also revealing the Arts of logic and ethics in their respected fields and
avenues. This spirit/gene also brings forth the ability to make one invisible. Instilling
longevity and vitality within ones being and to be eloquent in all ones comings and
goings. Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 29
spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
Presidents, Gaap (66 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating
those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of insensibilities and arrogance in
philosophy and liberal sciences. Can bring forth love and hate within oneself and others.
Remembering how to consecrate all things for sacred purposes. Also to give one the
powers and ability to deliver spirits/genes that were once familiar from the custody of
magicians. Bringing back into ones fold, the powers and abilities of knowing the past,
present, and future at ones will and pleasure. Rekindling the faculties within oneself to
build many kingdoms. Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within the 66 spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
Presidents, Malphas (40 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by
activating those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of architectural talents to
build houses, buildings, and towers of eloquence. Bringing to one’s mind the knowledge
of the enemy’s desires and thoughts as well as those things which they have performed.
Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 40 spirits/genes
over which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
Presidents, Haagenti (33 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by
activating those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the office of wisdom.
Awakening the skills to work alchemy and transitioning metals and their akin elements.
The knowledge to create gold from other metals and to change water into wine and vice
versa. Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 33
spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
Presidents, Camio (30 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating
those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the office of deliberating. Able to
defend ones knowledge when challenged in a debate. Giving one an understanding heart
pertaining to the languages of birds, bullocks, dogs, and all other creatures. Also able to
understand the voices of the rushing waters. Revealing also the future. Unlocking these
hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 30 spirits/genes over which this
spirit/genes rules and controls.
Presidents, Ose (3 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating
those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the office of liberal sciences and
divine secrets. Also restoring the power to shape shift into any creature one so desires.
However, whatever creature one shall shape shift to, it is that creatures limited
intelligence that one shall be bound in that form, while in that form. Unlocking these
hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 3 spirits/genes over which this
spirit/genes rules and controls.
Presidents, Amy (36 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating
those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the office of the art of astrology
and the liberal arts of science. This spirit/gene can unveil hidden treasures of knowledge
that is kept by other orders of spirits/genes that pertain not to this order. Unlocking these
hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 36 spirits/genes over which this
spirit/genes rules and controls.
Presidents, Zagan (33 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating
those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the office of wits. Also the
profession of alchemy. Understanding the craftsmanship to turn metals into coin and
build systems of kingdoms around its distribution and precious uses. Restoring ones
powers to turn crystalline substance into other energies for by the practitioner. Unlocking
these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 33 spirits/genes over which
this spirit/genes rules and controls.
Presidents, Volac (38 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating
those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the office of truth pertaining to
hidden knowledge. Also reveals where serpents way be. Restores great superhuman force
and strength to one’s physical abilities. Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within the 38 spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
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In the tables below are the days and assistant angels that the archangels rule over.
Each archangel rules over the day in which they are designated. The hour in which this rule
begins for each archangel is the first hour of the rising sun in that particular day. For example, on
Sunday when the sun is rising in the first hour the ruling archangel is Michael. The second hour
is ruled by Haniel, the third is Raphael, the forth is Gabriel, the fifth is Tzadqiel, the sixth is
Tzadiqiel, the seventh is Khamael, and the eighth hour starts the whole cycle over again
beginning with Michael. The order explained is the same relative order. Completing its cycle
over a seven hour period and starting over again in the eighth hour.
In the table below is the archangels and the many details associated with them.
Day: Saturday Thursday Tuesday Sunday Friday Wednesday Monday
Archangel: Tzaphqiel Tzaphqiel Khamael Raphael Haniel Michael Gabriel
Angel: Cassiel Sachiel Zamael Michael Anael Raphael Gabriel
Planet: Saturn Jupiter Mars Sun Venus Mercury Moon
Metal: Lead Tin Iron Gold Copper Mercury Silver
Glory: Black Blue Red Yellow Green Purple/Orange White/Silver
Incense: Pine Oak Cedar Laurel/ Myrtle Hazel Willow
Number: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Hrs from Hrs from Thurs. Fri. Sat.
Sunset to Midnight
Sunset. to
Raphael Zadkiel Haniel Tzaphqiel 2000 0100 Michael Gabriel Khamael
Gabriel Khamael Raphael Zadkiel 2100 0200 Haniel Tzaphqiel Michael
Tzaphqiel Michael Gabriel Khamael 2200 0300 Raphael Zadkiel Haniel
Zadkiel Haniel Tzaphqiel Michael 2300 0400 Gabriel Khamael Raphael
Khamael Raphael Zadkiel Haniel 2400/0000 0500 Tzaphqiel Michael Gabriel
Michael Gabriel Khamael Raphael 0100 0600 Zadkiel Haniel Tzaphqiel
Haniel Tzaphqiel Michael Gabriel 0200 0700 Khamael Raphael Zadkiel
Raphael Zadkiel Haniel Tzaphqiel 0300 0800 Michael Gabriel Khamael
Gabriel Khamael Raphael Zadkiel 0400 0900 Haniel Tzaphqiel Michael
Tzaphqiel Michael Gabriel Khamael 0500 1000 Raphael Zadkiel Haniel
Zadkiel Haniel Tzaphqiel Michael 0600 1100 Gabriel Khamael Raphael
Khamael Raphael Zadkiel Haniel 0700 1200 Tzaphqiel Michael Gabriel
Michael Gabriel Khamael Raphael 0800 1300 Zadkiel Haniel Tzaphqiel
Haniel Tzaphqiel Michael Gabriel 0900 1400 Khamael Raphael Zadkiel
Raphael Zadkiel Haniel Tzaphqiel 1000 1500 Michael Gabriel Khamael
Gabriel Khamael Raphael Zadkiel 1100 1600 Haniel Tzaphqiel Michael
Tzaphqiel Michael Gabriel Khamael 1200 1700 Raphael Zadkiel Haniel
Zadkiel Haniel Tzaphqiel Michael 1300 1800 Gabriel Khamael Raphael
Khamael Raphael Zadkiel Haniel 1400 1900 Tzaphqiel Michael Gabriel
Michael Gabriel Khamael Raphael 1500 2000 Zadkiel Haniel Tzaphqiel
Haniel Tzaphqiel Michael Gabriel 1600 2100 Khamael Raphael Zadkiel
Raphael Zadkiel Haniel Tzaphqiel 1700 2200 Michael Gabriel Khamael
Gabriel Khamael Raphael Zadkiel 1800 2300 Haniel Tzaphqiel Michael
Tzaphqiel Michael Gabriel Khamael 1900 2400/0000 Raphael Zadkiel Haniel
Any day Any day Saturday Thursday Tuesday
Thavael Cassiel Zadkiel Hetael
Vau-Ael Raphael Sachiel Samael
Zainael Omeliel Netoniel Madimiel
Hethatia Anachiel Devachiah Bartzachiah
Tetahatia Arauchiah Tzedeqiah Eschiel
Alepta Anazachia Parasiel Ithuriel
Betel Furcas 20 Vassago 26 Furfur 26
Gimela 10 Neon 20 Sitri 60 Halphas 26
Dalete Ipos 36 Raum 30
Phalet Stolas 26 Bifrons 6
Camael Orobas 20 Andromalius 36
Ophiel Seere 26
Betor 78 Platinum 194 53 Iodine 124
Sunday Friday Wednesday Monday Any day
Michael Caphael Gabriel Zadkiel Thavael
Anael Haniel Yekahel Phul Vau-Ael
Och Nogahiel Agiel Schioel Zainael
Shemeshiel Acheliah Uriel Vaol Hethatia
Paimoniah Socodiah Kokaviel Yashiel Tetahatia
Rekhodiah Nangariel Gheoriah Vehiel Alepta
Malkhiel Agares 31 Savaniah Gabriel Betel
Bael 66 Valefor 10 Chokmahiel Samigina 30 Gimela
Paimon 200 Barbatos 30 Marbas 36 Amon 40 Dalete
Beleth 85 Gusion 40 Buer 50 Leraje 30 Phalet
Purson 22 Eligos 60 Botis 60 Naberius 19 Camael
Asmoday 72 Zepar 26 Marax 30 Ronove 19 Ophiel
Vine 36 Bathin 30 Glasya-Labolas 36 Forneus 29 Betor
Balam 40 Sallos 30 Foras 29 Marchosias 30 Gabriel
Belial 80 Aim 26 Gaap 66 Phenex 20 Michael
Bune 30 Malphas 40 Sabnock 50 Force/Counsel
Berith 26 Haagenti 33 Shax 30 Joy
Astaroth 40 Camio 30 Oriax 30 Love/Charity
Focalor 30 Ose 3 Andras 30 Asmode
Vepar 29 Amy 36 Andrealphus 30 Leviatan
Uvual 37 Zagan 33 Cimejes 20 Hemostopile
Crocell 48 Volac 38 Decarabia 30 Brufor
Alloces 36 Laune
Murmur 30 Betor
Gremory 26 Aratron
Vapula 36 Lucifer
Haures 36 Belzebut
Amdusias 29 Astarot
Dantalion 36 Zaphkiel
The creator gods designed the avatar in a set of systems. One system directly affects and
influences another system. The systems are the skeletal, muscular, nervous, lymphatic,
circulatory, and respiratory systems. Each of these systems work in sync with each other.
Together with their processes they create different sets of synthesis through chemical or
biological reactions at a cellular level that ensures and sustains the health of the avatar. Many of
these systems have been scientifically investigated, examined, and documented which explains
in length the details of their location, definition, purpose, and function. One system in particular
that has not been completely understood by scientists is the nervous system. The nervous system
is divided into two physical sections. The cranial nerves, which consist of 12 main nerves. Then
there is the spinal nerves, which consist of 32 pairs of nerves. Grouped in sections along the
vertebrae they are the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal regions of the spine. The
cervical has eight nerves, thoracic has 12 nerves, lumbar has five nerves, sacral has five nerves,
and the coccygeal has two nerves. These nerves act as the conduit for electromagnetic energy
that is the current in a very subtle form to fuel the organs and many processes. All the processes
and synthesis that takes place within the avatar requires first and foremost, electromagnetic
Electromagnetic energy is generated by the three pumps (Holy Trinity) of the avatar.
When these nerves branch out of their vertebrae in their specific areas, they extend from the
spinal and each side of the avatar around to the front of the body. Where they don’t meet end to
end but a small gap exists between these nerve endings vertically along the front of the avatar.
The creator gods designed the avatar with an eye for detail for every constructed part to serve a
particular and specific purpose. The vertical gap between these nerve endings functions as the
point of reception in covalent bonds of electric and magnetic polarities to form the
electromagnetic torus sphere. With each side had been an opposite polarity by which attracts the
other. This in turn is the initiation to spark the current that takes place between the hydrogen
bond. Which again is the product of electromagnetic energy. This current that takes place
between the hydrogen bond in Biblical terms is the arc. It is where the arc of energy takes place
between the nucleotides/angels which as a result produces archangels which is the amino acids.
These synthesis produce and create other processes to create different results at a molecular
level. A similar synthesis takes place in and through the vertical hydrogen bonds between nerve
endings along the front of the avatar. The avatar on a large scale functions in the same ways that
the DNA nucleotide bases function at a molecular level. However, these nerve endings that act
like nucleotides bases create vortexes of energy in these hydrogen bond areas. These vortexes of
energy are small spheres within spheres of electromagnetic energy. These electromagnetic
energy spheres are biblically termed as chakras. Which are located at the base of the spine, 2
inches below the navel, solar plexus, heart, throat, between the eyebrows, and slightly below the
crown of the school.
There are seven energy vortexes that increase and decrease in energy as a result of
physical, mental, and emotional shifts in their different aspects. These seven chakras aid the
cranial and spinal column nervous system in circulating and recycling the electromagnetic
energy by creating an orbit path within the avatar. This orbit of energy runs from the base of the
spine up the conduit of nerves that runs through the spinal column into the penal gland and then
vertically down the various locations of chakras back to the base of the spine. Where it
completes one energy cycle along this orbit. Frequency is measured in vibration and vibration is
measured in complete revolutions per cycle per time. The increased speed of energy along this
orbiting path will increase the vibrations of the avatar. Which increases the frequency of energy
within and in turn increases the electromagnetic energy. An energy that grows to form an
electromagnetic torus energy field. This electromagnetic energy springs forth from the body in
the heart region where the thymus gland is located. The emotional shifts from positive to
negative can greatly affect the electromagnetic torus field creating various fluxes in energy.
These emotional disturbances creating energy fluxes is called sin/sine waves. Within this torus
energy field which forms a spherical shape begins to terraform its own atmosphere within. This
atmospheric can be detected as the aura of the avatar. An auricle field that has 7 layers of
atmospheric energies. They are the etheric, emotional, mental, astral, celestial, terrestrial, and
celestial (ketheric) aura energies of the avatar. All of which are influenced by the physical,
mental, and emotional disciplines of the avatar driver.
This torus energy field of the avatar acts the same as the earth, using an electromagnetic
energy torus field to terraform and create an atmosphere within a sphere of energy. Protecting its
spherical contents from within from the outside dangers of fluctuating solar wings of the sun and
the volatile environments of the cosmos. The terraforming effects of creating an atmosphere
sustains all life within the electromagnetic torus energy sphere. The northern lights of earth is a
product of the electromagnetic energy field that the earth generates. Many ancient masters of the
avatar have developed this halo atop the crown of the head in the beginning stages of refinement
of the avatar. In the transitional process from mortality to immortality. Some of which
successfully completed the transition while others failed. Many artist have depicted the halos of
energy above the heads of benevolent beings of the parents who were beginning to master the
avatar. This is a product of self-mastery. The seven chakras of the avatar are listed below.
Following is the earth’s electric and magnetic energies with their specific time sequences. Along
with the area of the avatar that these energies affect a different times.
8. Root Chakra located at the base of the spin which is the etheric energy of the avatar
that influences the adrenal gland. Associated planet is Mars and rules on Tuesday.
9. Sacral Chakra located 2” below the navel which is the emotional energy of the avatar
that influences the testes or ovaries glands. Associated planetary energy is Mercury
and rules on Wednesdays.
10. Solar Plexus Chakra located at the solar plexus which is the mental energy of the
avatar that influences the pancreas gland. Associated planetary energy is Solar Sun
and rules on Sundays.
11. Heart Chakra located in the center of the chest which is the astral energy of the avatar
that influences the thymus gland. Associated planetary energy is Venus and rules on
12. Throat Chakra located in the front of the throat or neck area which is the celestial
energy of the avatar that influences the thyroid and parathyroid glands. Associated
planetary energy is Jupiter and rules on Thursdays.
13. Pituatary Chakra located in the middle of the brain which is the terrestrial energy of
the avatar that influences the pituitary gland. Associated planetary energy is Saturn
and rules on Saturday.
14. Third Eye Chakra located as the extending stock off the hypothalamus which is the
celestial energy of the avatar that influences the pineal gland. Associated planetary
energy is Moon and rules on Monday.
Mother Earth has 13 Chakra Seals as well and are as follows:
14. Earth Gateway location: Mountain of Bali, Indonesia.
15. 1st Chakra Seal, Sacral, Base of Spine or Root Chakra: Location is Mount Shasta,
16. 2nd Chakra Seal, Sexual Chakra: Location is Lake Titicaca, Peru.
17. 3rd Chakra Seal, Solar Plexus Chakra: Location is Ayer’s Rock, Australia.
18. 4th Chakra Seal, Heart Chakra: Location is Glastonbury, United Kingdom.
19. 5th Chakra Seal, Throat Chakra: Location is Giza, Egypt (Pyramids of Giza).
20. 6th Chakra Seal, Third Eye Chakra: Location is Denmark, Greenland.
21. 7th Chakra Seal, Crown Chakra: Location is Mount Kailas, Tibet.
22. 8th Chakra Seal, Higher Crown Chakra: Location is Palenque, Mexico.
23. 9th Chakra Seal, Chakra: Location is Mount Fuji, Japan.
24. 10th Chakra Seal, Chakra: Location is Maui, Hawaii.
25. 11 Chakra Seal, Chakra: Location is Lake Taupo Waikato, New Zealand.
26. 12th Chakra Seal, Chakra: Location is Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa.
27. 13th Chakra Seal, Chakra: Location is Moscow, Russia.
These are the hours of the earth’s Positive Electric and Negative Magnetic energies that
combined create the electromagnetic energy. Listed below is their associative energies to the
body organs and the elements which they represent.
2300-0100: Negative Magnetic, Lung, Air Element.
0100-0300: Positive Electric, Large Intestine, Air Element.
0300-0500: Positive Electric/Negative Magnetic, Stomach, Earth Element.
0500-0700: Negative Magnetic, Spleen, Earth Element.
0700-0900: Negative Magnetic, Heart, Fire Element.
The Instruments of Genetics, a Biological Cycle of the Cell:
There are many processes within the human body that happens without conscious effort.
All these processes are govern by a natural and universal hierarchy of things. These hierarchies
perform many different functions within the human body. As this hierarchy ascends, the number
of its components in each of its levels decreases. As it descends, the number of process of each
component increases. Cells are the smallest of these hierarchies within the body and are
constantly dividing in efforts to replaced damaged cells. There is a process that the cell goes
through before this division occurs called mitosis or meiosis. Each cell within the human body
contains DNA. This DNA needs to replicate itself and this is made possible by the DNA being
able to unzip itself and create a copy of the sequences of DNA along that particular strand. In
this chapter, the secrets of genetics will be explained.
The divine blue printers thousands of years ago created life upon Earth. These Creator
Gods have determined and continue to determine the biological processes of life they have
seeded upon this planet. These biological process are just now beginning to be understood by
today’s scientists. While science investigates the origin of life in their biological processes.
These chemical reactions can never be truly understood until there is a clear understanding of
who originally made these perfect machines that we call bodies.
Before this world could sustain life, the creator Gods in Alcione decided to create man in
their own image. Those creator Gods who sat upon the Great Grand Council proposed a plan to
create an earth on the outer rim of darkness. Nine solar systems away from Alcione, two creator
Gods were sent to begin the creation of Earth. It took approximately 5,000 years to mold Earth
into a planet capable of sustaining life. At which time the atmosphere became very healthy in
oxygen and carbon dioxide. It was now an atmosphere that could sustain the building blocks of
The genetics of the human being can be examined within each cell. It is here that the
complexities of life forms can be examined and evaluated. The genetic information of the DNA
can be found within the central nucleus of Eukaryotes. The contents of which are termed
nucleoplasm. Outside of the nucleus is the cells organs of which are responsible for
development. The contents of which contain the following in their various functions. The nuclear
pores, mitochondrion, centriole, lysosomes, golgi bodies, ribosomes, and the endoplasmic
reticulum. All of which function together for development. The nucleus structure of the
Eukaryote is found in species that have unicellular and multicellular organisms.
Scientist have found a way to categorize cells of organisms through fossil findings. The
organisms are then examined at a molecular level to determine their place in the phylogenetic
tree. The construction of the phylogenetic tree is constructed according to the Darwin Theory of
Evolution. The premise of which is that complex creatures evolve from more simplistic ancestors
naturally over time. In a nutshell, as random genetic mutations occur within an organism's
genetic code, the beneficial mutations are preserved because they aid survival -- a process known
as "natural selection." These beneficial mutations are passed on to the next generation. Over
time, beneficial mutations accumulate and the result is an entirely different organism not just a
variation of the original, but an entirely different creature.
There is a process by which many scientist are just beginning to get a glimpse of that
makes the human genetics mutate. Though Darwin’s Theory of Evolution is correct according to
ancestral mutation. There is a mutation that a human being can invoke and have complete control
over their genetic mutations. When a human being fasts for three days or more. White blood cells
are depleted and stem cells activate. These stem cells begin genetic mutation of each cell to make
it more specialized to the tasks in which it performs. Depending on the length of the fast, will
ultimately determine the extensiveness of the mutation. Also, the frequency of a fast over a
period of time can also create more specialized cells to perform extraordinary tasks.
Cladistics, which is defined as “Classification of organisms is based on the branching’s of
descendant lineages from a common ancestor.” It is a created diagram of characteristics that
show branching points that have evolved; at the same time, the diagram places species into
groups, or clades. The diagram is based on scientific terms of evolution, and is ordered in the
way in which they developed. This an important analytical system for science to categorize their
biological study and findings. Being generated from a variety of facts; DNA sequences,
morphology, and biochemical knowledge. The cladogram is referred to as the phylogenetic tree
form of the tree of life.
Though much of the evidence supports that the evolution of life on Planet Earth has
evolved through the mutation of ancestry. Science has no facts about the origins of life. Science
knows this much that humans belong the Mammalia class and this class is among the placentals
and eutheriens. The placenta is a modified egg that becomes the embryo that is surrounded by an
amnion filled with amniotic fluid where the embryo develops within the womb of its mother
receiving nutrients from the placenta. After birth, the baby is feed milk from the mother’s breast.
Scientists have concluded that the closest relatives to humans are the great apes. Forming part of
the order of primates. It has been estimated that there are 10,000,000 species of animals upon
planet earth. 5,000 of those species are mammals. With 613 species and subspecies being
Meaning that these processes of the chromosomes forming different shapes that bring forth
unique information can happen voluntarily verses involuntarily or automatically. This can only
happen once the programming of these chromosomes is understood.
The name chromosome originated from the Greek word “chroma, color” and “soma,
body” and was given its name by a German anatomist Heinrich Wilhelm Gottfried von
Waldeyer-Hartz. He was famous for consolidating the neuron theory of organization of
the nervous system and for also naming the chromosome. The chromosomes contain the genetic
information which determines the characteristics passed on through heredity from parents to their
children. Though many scientists have termed the chromosomes to be the carries of genes.
Scientist have only deciphered 2% of the genetic information. Each pair of chromosomes can
bring about an infinite amount of information according to their diverse combinations brought
about through their information cross-over.
The chromosomes are multiples of segments of a series of arranged sequences of
nucleotides with bases arranged in a specific order that make up the 6 foot long double-helix
DNA strand. This DNA strand wraps around the chromosome to form an X. Which does nothing
until its accompanying pair comes in contact with it. These pairs of chromosomes can form 22
different energy intelligences from the Hebrew Letters as well as sacred geometrical shapes
when making their cross section contacts that brings about the information. It is what scientist’s
term “information cross over.”
Cellular division is a form of reproduction, growth, and progress of a cell. Each cell has
cycles it goes through before cellular division can occur. Cycles to pass on hereditary DNA
information. Once the phases of duplication is in place for mitosis, the cell division begins.
Hereditary material within DNA is duplicated in cellular cycle phases. In the first phase of
cellular division. The cell begins to increase its mass, doubling in size. This is called the phase
G1. In the second phase the DNA and genetic information copied from the original cell form two
cells with the same information. This is why the first phase is increasing in mass. This second
stage is called the S phase. In the third phase of the cell it prepares for division as the
chromosomes shrink. Two sets of chromosomes are dispersed in this interphase of the process. A
chromosome is provided for each nucleus of the two new daughter cells from and within the
mother cell. This third stage is called the phase G1. Then the fourth phase occurs called
cytokinesis. This is where the two daughter cells within the mother cell separate from the mother
to create two new daughter cells that are duplicates of the mother.
The chromosome structure consist of DNA molecules associated with proteins.
Chromosomes shrink during the phasing processes of mitosis and meiosis which are made of
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), RNA (ribonucleic acid), and histones. Like thread wrapped
around a spool histones (proteins) are positively charged molecules that the DNA strands wrap
around. 98% of the genes lay locked within the chromosomes which determine the
characteristics and full potential of the human being.
There are 36 bases along the DNA molecules that make up a segment. These segments
continue in a series of sequences that is the genetic code of an individual. These series of
segments are 6 foot in length. Only the information needed to replicate is active during cellular
duplication and is process accomplished automatically. The translation process of the cell is
performed by the RNA messenger.
Histones are small beadlike shapes that compact the DNA by twisting two of the DNA
strands around each one of the histones in a group of eight. This in turn condenses the majority
of the DNA strand. There are spaces between each histone wrapping of about 0.0000004 inches
long. The DNA space between each histone wrapping consist of 60 base pairs along the DNA
molecules. These wrapped histones are then wrapped in a group of six nucleosomes that form the
sacred shape of the hexagram forming the sacred symbol of Archangel Metatron that scientist
term the solenoid. This tightly packed solenoid in length, is further condensed into wrappings to
form the figure eight loops that again when its wrappings are complete, forms the sacred
geometrical shape of the hexagram through its scaffolding. There are 6 loops in each rosette and
each rosette forms a hexagram. There are 30 rosettes in each turn of the chromatin spiral. These
rosettes consisting of loops in a spiral is the final chromatin in length. As a whole, this chromatin
coils tightly like a snake (serpent) to form the X shape of the 46 chromosomes. Chromatins are
macromolecules within cells. With the primary function of packaging DNA into smaller volumes
in order to fit within the cell.
Scientist have found a way to order the 23 pairs of Chromosomes which they call
Karyotype. Karyotype is an ordering of the chromosomes in a way that systematical classifies
chromosomes according their pairs, size, and position of the centromere. Which are examined
and observed to determine these classifications in the mitosis and metaphase of the cellular
cycle. Within DNA lays the complete genetic code of any and all organisms. The DNA molecule
is formed by two strands called nucleotides. The compounds of the nucleotides consist of
phosphate, sugar, and one of four kinds of nitrogen bases. These two strands of nucleotides is
paired together by segments of 36 nucleotides and nucleobases along each strand that are
separated by a small gap. The connections of these 72 bases is made through hydrogen bonds in
scientific terms. In biblical terms this hydrogen bond is the arc. Where the Arc of Angels make
their connections. It is a spark gap like that of a spark plug. These two strands coil around each
other to form the sacred spiral ladder that is the double-helix DNA.
The schematic for the genetic code is in the segments of sequenced nucleobases and
nucleotides of the double-helix DNA. In biblical terms the nucleotides are in a specific sequence
called archangels (AA) along this sacred ladder. The DNA sequences are divided into 4 series of
9 which equals 36 of the combined nucleotides and nucleobases along one strand of DNA as well
as 36 along the side of single stranded RNA. Together these make the 72 nucleobases and
nucleotides in the double-helix DNA section termed a segment of sequences. In scientific terms
there are two combinations of nucleobases that are always two bases that pair up with each other.
They are the cytosine base with guanine base and the adenine base with thymine base. In biblical
terms the nucleobases are termed (in same ordering) as archangels. Archangel Kamael (base 5)
with Archangel Raphael (base 8) and the Archangel Zadkiel (base 4) with Archangel Michael
(base 6) who are the angels that provide the arc in the hydrogen bonds between the nucleobases.
The six nucleotide DNA molecules form the two columns that the nucleobases attach to. These
are aligned in a certain sequence along the side of the single stranded DNA. The sequence of
nucleotides that form one column starts from top to bottom begins with 1 st (AA Metatron), 2nd
(AA Raziel), 3rd (AA Tzaphqiel), 7th (AA Haniel), and 9th (AA Gabriel). The sequence of
nucleotides for the RNA single strand side starting from the bottom to top begins with 10 (AA
Sandalphone), 9 (AA Gabriel), 7 (AA Haniel), 3 (AA Tzaphqiel), and 2 (AA Raziel). AA
Metatron (DNA) and Sandalphone (RNA) are twin archangels that when separated start the
single stranded DNA and RNA nucleotide strands in their specific sequenced order of 9. The
sequenced order for DNA is 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and for RNA is 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2. An example of
the complete segment of the single strand DNA side that includes the nucleotide and nucleobases
is 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 equaling 36 total. The
single strand RNA side is 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,
3,2 again equaling 36. The complete sequenced segments combined brings its grand total to 72.
Combined, these two strands form the two columns of the double-helix DNA. The energy that
fuels these processes of arcs is in its raw form, known as electromagnetic energy. These
electromagnetic arcs run through and up the double-helix DNA strands. In biblical terms, this is
called the stair way to heaven or the House of God where the angels ascend and descend upon
the different degrees of the sacred ladder. These sequenced segments in their specific ordering is
the key to replication of the DNA.
Enzymes with specialized proteins are the facilitators in the biological processes of DNA
replication. The two columns of the double helix DNA is assisted in opening by the helicase; the
synthesis of new strands of DNA is performed by polymerase; and the DNA is then joined
together with its new strand and is sealed by ligase. The helicase separates the double helix
where the chains serve as a model to make new DNA. The nucleotides have a phosphate group, a
five-carbon sugar, and a nitrogen base. The phosphate groups form new connections and the
nitrogen bases become triphosphates. The nucleotides have sufficient energy after separation
from the original strand to make new double strands. The new DNA strands couple together in
the short 36 nucleotide and nucleobases of a segment. Where the ligase joins them together
resulting in two new molecules. This semiconservative replication ends with each strand from
the original DNA as well as a new paired strand. With the finished product of the new double
helix completely identical to the original. Copying one single strand of DNA is called DNA
transcription. The nuclear DNA contains stored information that is very complex in the process
of translation. RNA (ribonucleic acid) is the key to this process and mRNA (messenger RNA)
aids in this process by carrying transcribed information from the nucleus to the ribosome.
Ribosome, together with RNA translates the mRNA. The genetic instructions are followed by the
assembling of amino acids. As a result there is typically 72 to 94 nucleotides in length in a chain
of mRNA.
DNA would become corrupted if it were to leave the nucleus of a cell. So the DNA is
transcribed by mRNA where the information is then taken to the cytoplasm of the cell. In the
ribosome the polypeptides is synthesized and the information is translated that is brought by the
mRNA and is initiated with the aid of tRNA (transfer RNA). RNA identifies and translates
information that mRNA contains. Each amino acid is a peptide. Polypeptides form when groups
of amino acids form a chain of amino acids. The polypeptides are formations of about 10-50
amino acids. In order for this to take place, the ribosome translates the information that the
mRNA transcribed. Programming the amino acid with a specific code and ordering with the aid
of tRNA. The genetic code is a set of rules in which information encoded within the genetic
material is translated. The codon defines this sequence of nucleotide triplets and amino acids.
With the matching of codons and anticodons. Then places every amino acid exactly where it
belongs. The synthesis is produced between the start codon and the stop codon. Once the
translation reaches the stopping point, the ribosome stops synthesizing the polypeptides where it
is then released.
Genes determine many characteristics of a human being. The color of the eyes and hair of
babies is a result of genes that were transmitted by the father’s sperm and combined with the
genes in the mother’s egg. This is turn forms a single cell and through the process of cell
division, the cells multiply and the genes expand, turning into a human being. Red blood cells is
one of the few cells that do not contain genes. Each cell has a nucleus and inside the nucleus is
the genes which are in the chromosomes. There are 46 chromosomes that contain the genetic
data. Each codified gene contains information which determines the function of the body. Every
human being has their own unique genetic identity.
The karyotype for women is 46XX and for men is 46XY. The chromosome and the
characteristic shapes is the genetics transmitted to the next generation. With each cell containing
46 chromosomes arranged in 23 pairs. Gametes is formed during fertilization and is fused with
another cell that sexually reproduces. The female produces large gamete called the ovum or egg
and the male produces the sperm. Gametes is formed by cells dividing twice, which results in
cells with 23 chromosomes instead of 46. 23 from the female and 23 from the male combine in
order to create the 46 total chromosomes which is the creation of the zygote. This is necessary in
order to form a new human being.
Breathing has long been the means of inhaling oxygen to sustain the mortal life of the
avatar. It is literally the breath of life in which humans exist. Breathing effects the life of the
mortal and immortal beings in many ways. Though breathing is interpreted by many as a natural
automatic and unconscious process. The breath is actually influenced by many variables.
Variables that are rarely considered to have any significant effect on the physical, mental, and
emotional health of the overall avatar. There are those who have developed self-mastery in using
the breath to bring about immortality. They are those who have initiated taking full
responsibility and control of their breathing patterns. Fully understanding the different affects
that each breath can have on the overall state of being. These immortal beings are the initiated
ones, the elect who have taken the initiative to control their own fate. Then there are those
unfamiliar with the many affects and influences that the breath has on the overall health of the
avatar. These individuals are the uninitiated and undisciplined who have not realize the power of
the immortal breath.
The avatars various functions are greatly enhanced or hindered according to the breathing
patterns. The creator gods designed the avatar to alternately become completely self-reliant and
sell sufficient. Each process within the avatar is designed to be influenced by another process
that ultimately brings about a specific result. These final results can mean great health or
suffering illness. All of which is directly influenced by voluntary or involuntary breathing.
Many human beings are unaware that their physical, mental, and emotional states are affected by
the breathing patterns. If the uninitiated unaware of how to govern their physical health, mental
health, and emotional feelings become and controlled by the dictating acts of outside influences
of others. That mental judgments alter breathing patterns, and emotional distress causes
alterations in breeding to become sporadic in nature. Every physical activity, mental thought
process, and emotional feelings affect breathing patterns of the avatar significantly. Even to the
point of causing many illnesses. When the breathing patterns are not governed by a strict self-
discipline, the electromagnetic energy torus field is affected in negative ways.
The initiated understand fully the means of using the immortal breath to govern their physical
immortality, immortal mental projections, and their immortal emotional powers. In this way, the
initiated generate and harness the electromagnetic energy manufactured by the avatar. As
mentioned in previous chapters, the creator gods designed the avatar with three systems of
pumps. The sacral (physical), cranial (mental), and the heart (emotional) pumps which is known
as the Holy Trinity. The efficiency by which these three pumps are governed to function
properly is through the immortal breath. Consciously governing the breathing patterns will
significantly increase the performance of these pumps. By which these three pumps generate,
guide, transmute, and harness electromagnetic energy. Many practitioners of meditation and
spirituality implement the Pranayama breathing technique in order to generate prana. Prana is
another term for the scientific definition of electromagnetic energy. This breathing technique
incorporates equalize and the breathing patterns through mentally counting the amount of time of
the inhale, pauses, excel, and pauses. Using this technique the practitioner is able to regain
complete control their physical heart rate, mental thoughts, an emotional films. Finding a sense
of peace and clarity in their overall well-being when these breathing techniques is properly
The immoral breath is the same breathing technique as Pranayama but with the addition of
keeping the dantien (2 inches below the navel) continuously tight during the whole process of
performing the breathing exercises. As well as tightening the anus and the sexual organ. In this
way, the electromagnetic energy is being generated and is not escaping the avatar. When
inhaling, the dantien should be tight and the inhaling air will force this point to expand. This can
be understood in that the constant contraction of the dantien with the inhaling breath acts as a
physical resistant training for the avatar. The inhaling breath is constantly trying to expand the
muscles of the dantien while the constant tightening of the dantien is trying to contracted
muscles. When done properly, the muscles in this area will begin to build in strength and
stamina. The quality of the health, fitness, and performance of the dantien muscles directly
affect and influence the same for the avatar as a whole. The avatar as a whole will build and
gain in its strength and stamina in every way. Once this technique is mastered in meditation.
Then the next step is to incorporate this breathing technique into everyday waking life. The
whole objective of learning and performing the immortal breath is to properly retraining the
breathing patterns. Where the avatar driver is in complete control of governing the three pumps
with every breath performed every minute of every day through the implementation of this very
strict discipline.
The next step is learning what to do with the electromagnetic energy being generated. Once the
previous technique of the sacral pump of the immortal breath is mastered then it is time to master
the cranial pump. At this point in meditation quieting the mind and settling the emotions has
been achieved. Now that the physical has been disciplined, by mastering the circle pole it is time
to discipline the mental. The cranial pump is governed and functions by mentally projecting
energy through visualizations. Where every thought goes, energy will follow in the process.
This is where it is important to implement some type of mental construction of geometrical
shapes and colors as the mental projections. In this way, energy has logical premise by which to
perform certain thoughts and projections. Take for example the geometrical shape of the
mercavah. It is the perfect geometrical shape to incorporate in mental exercise while mentally
projecting energy. By mentally imagining encapsulate in the body within the mercavah, the
mercavah then can be used by mental mechanics two counter rotate the upward pointing section
with the lower pointing section. The mercavah is a pyramid in shape on all sides. The
uniqueness of a peer emit is that the energy enters the base of the pyramid where it then is
gathered in a concentrated form then projected out through the point. When the energy exits the
point of the pyramid, it is a minimum of 25,000 times more powerful than when it originally
entered. Understanding these dynamics of sacred geometry is important for beings who are
learning to project their mental energy through disciplining the thought.
The mercavah is what transforms the avatar from a regular computer of its orderly design
into a quantum computer. The counter rotating pyramids of the mercavah that encapsulates the
avatar performs the same orbital rotations as an electron does around an atom. Depending on the
speed of that electron in its revolutionary cycles per time, this will ultimately determine the
vibration frequency of that atom. And this way the atom is capable of holding bytes, kilobytes,
megabytes, and gigabytes of information. This is the natural design of the atom that has one
electron in orbit. However, with the addition of mentally adding the mercavah around the avatar
that counter rotates. The avatar computer then becomes a quantum computer. This takes place
by two electrons that counter rotate around the atom which in turn modifies the vibrational
frequency of every atom capable of holding quantum bytes of information. This is initiated
through the implementation of the mercavahs counter rotation around the avatar. Two counter
rotating pyramids that create counter-rotating electrons around the avatar as a whole. This
hierarchy of processes produced by the mercavah is what initiates the counter hierarchy of
processes to take place at a molecular level. Where new configurations of electrons and
recalibration of the atoms takes place. Through implementation of the mercavah, the mental
exercise can begin disciplining the thought process to be more productive in everyday life.
When using the mercavah to exercise mental projections. It is important as it began to direct the
energy of thought to a certain place and point in time. Where can bring no harm to anyone in the
beginner stage. The sun and the core sun of the earth are perfect locations and wish to project
energy. These powerful vortexes of energy can transmute the energy projected into them. Start
this by mentally visualizing the mercavah encapsulating the entire avatar. Visualize the
mercavah being a specific color. The color of the mercavah also is the color of the energy that
will be projected. Then visualize spinning only the upward pointing pyramid section of the
mercavah. Visualize this section of the pyramid starting to spin clockwise. As it begins to spin,
imagine energy being pulled through the base and then concentrated through the point. Exiting
the point like a laser, visualize the energy coming up through the base of the pyramid originating
from the core sun of the earth. As it is processed in the pyramid and intensified when exiting the
point, imagine the laser beam of energy entering the solar sun. Then mentally visualize this
process in reverse by using the downward pointing pyramid section of the mercavah spinning in
the opposite direction as the upward pointing pyramid. It is a process in which the two sections
of the mercavah is counter rotating. For beginners, it is sometimes necessary to mentally build
the mercavah piece by piece in order to get a solid and constant visualization of the mercavah.
The mercavah is to some, a sacred geometrical light craft. Made from sacred geometry and
functions mechanically through mental visualization. After mastering this mental technique the
cranial pump is fully functioning. Then it is time to unify the sacral (physical) and cranial
(mental) pump processes. This is done by synchronizing the immortal breath with the immortal
thought/mental projections. How this is executed is by using the inhaling breath too create the
spin of the upward pointing pyramid of the mmercava and the exhaled breath to create the span
of the downward pointing pyramid.
Next is understanding how to execute the heart pump. This is a section that many can get
confused by interpreting the heart pump to be the actual heart pumping organ when it is this
physically. However the heart pump is also where the two energies of magnetic and electric
current meet as energy at the vertical halfway point along the spine and between both ends. A
section that is also located in the same region as the heart organ vertically but is more center of
the chest. The sacral pump when performed properly, after the dantien muscles have greatly
increased in strength and stamina, will actually control the heart rate performance. Given the
avatar driver full control over the heart rates beating intensities. This in turn, gives the avatar
driver full control over their own metabolism rate. While the sacral pump controls the heart
physically. It is the cranial pump that controls the heart electrically. Meaning to be able to
visualize the electromagnetic energy flowing between points A and B. While the sacral pump
generates magnetic energy the cranial pump generates electric energy but it is the heart pump
that combines the two and is able to control the energy flow through intentions. The heart pump
combines the two previous energies and springs forth from the chest the electromagnetic energy
torus field that encapsulates the whole avatar. The movement of this energy has already been
explained in the previous paragraph. When explained the mental projections and how they work.
For all intents and purposes, it was explained for the reader to better understand the concept to be
executed. In order to fully understand the difference between the cranial and heart pumps in
relation to the mercavah. The sacral pump ultimately generates the energy for the mercavah, the
cranial pump is the mental construct of the mercavah, and the heart pump is what actually moves
the energy through the mercavah. This is the exercise used in training the physical, mental, and
emotional aspects of the avatar, the Holy Trinity, to synchronize. When this is executed
properly, the immortal breath is being performed and the unified communion of the Holy Trinity
has been achieved. Energy will flow where it is intended to go through the strong desires of the
emotional heart. In order to fully grasp this technique of moving the electromagnetic energy
through the emotional intent. When visualizing the constructed mercavah and the energy
moving through it. The objective is to actually feel that energy in motion as it moves from point
A through point B to point C. In this way, the true meaning of the motion is defined emotion/e-
motion/energy motion. It is important to understand that the breathe speed and rate needs to
equal that of mental imagery. Meaning that the mental process has to crisp clear and the breath is
actually moving the energy at the rate of speed in which you mentally visualize this process
happening. Those beginners need to mentally imagine slowly and the breathe needs to be just as
slow in moving the energy. The practitioner will soon begin to actually feel this energy spark
within and feel the energy as it moves through the avatar. Patience is the virtue in these
exercises. The whole avatar needs to recalibrate in every way and even modify many processes
to accommodate the increase flux of electromagnetic energy that the nervous system is carrying.
This takes months for the avatar to adjust and come up to speed. Through implementation of a
very strict daily discipline the avatar will begin to slowly translate and transform over to its
immortal state. Achieving immortality will not occur from one day to the next. This is a
transitioning process that the avatar under goes in fully making the complete transformation.
What is important is to endure until the end. Becoming immortal is only possible for those who
can persevere through the whole transformational process. These avatar drivers are the Elect
among the inhabitants of earth. Those who are able to christen their mortal states and become
immortals. The christened ones who become like Christ who prove themselves worthy to obtain
such immortal states through enduring this process of transformation.
Exercising the techniques of the immortal breath will continued to generate, circulate/direct, and
harness the electromagnetic energy. As the orbit of electromagnetic energy builds within the
avatar, the avatars DNA, genetic codes, and sequences can be called forth and utilized upon
meditative contemplation or prayerful commands. Where many arts of science can be accessed
in the DNA filing system. However, this is one third of the purpose and process of the
electromagnetic energy. The purpose of this energy is to fuel the many supplemental processes
they creates and releases nutrients for the avatar to be self-sustaining. Which cannot take place
as long as food is ingested and the digestive tract is active. This is where fasting is implemented
into the exercises. The electromagnetic energy will become the fuel for fasting for long periods
of time. During this time, it is the stem cells that modifies the avatar at a molecular level in a
process of mutation in adapting to an immortal state. The processes of chemical reactions that
take place within the DNA create and release the amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and nutrients
that nourished the avatar. These supplements have always been in the DNA and is processed
through synthesis in creating adequate amounts for self-sustaining the avatar which can only be
fueled by electromagnetic energy. A process that can only happen where the mortal avatar
through a transformation process. A modification that can only take place through stem cell
Stem cells activate after performing a three day fast. During the course of these three
days white blood cells deplete. White blood cells are of the defense mechanism for the mortal
body to fight off infection. White blood cells reproduce every three days to replace those that
have been depleted. Stem cells are the defense mechanism for the immortal body undergoing a
process of upgrading, modifying, and transforming the avatar to become more specialized to its
environment. Adapting in becoming more specialized to any environment no matter how harsh
or extreme. In this way stem cells work differently than white blood cells. White blood cells try
and kill the infections that brings about illness of the avatar. Stem cells adapt and overcome the
infections bring about a greater health of the avatar. White blood cells will eliminate any
infections within the avatar while stem cells will allow the infection to remain in the avatar and
will simply modify the avatar to override the infections ability to bring about illness. It is in this
way that stem cells upgrade, modify, and transform the avatar to become more specialized to its
environment. There are many creator gods who are immortal celestial beings can penetrate the
magnetic poles of stars. Entering the surface and continuing to penetrate through the stars core
and re-emerge at the other polar end of the star. Only for the Immortal Celestial Being to re-
emerge many times stronger in electromagnetic energy than when originally entering. A process
that many Immortal Celestial Beings perform to recharge and/or increase the avatars
electromagnetic energy of the mercavah. A transformation that didn’t happen overnight was a
process in which stem cells modified the avatar to undergo such harsh volatile environments and
come out even stronger than before. This is an important factor to understand and in using this
example many can begin to grasp that achieving perfection is an internal journey. One in which
has many decrees and levels to obtain. Many interpret achieving immortality as to live forever
and never die. That is the basics of what many know that immortality entails. They cannot
explain any further details of the molecular processes that take place or how immortality is
achieved. They just understand the general concept and that is living forever.
Becoming immortal is an ongoing process throughout the eternities. There is no certain
amount of days to perform a fast that will cause the stem cells to completely transform the avatar
into an immortal being and remain immortal throughout the eternities. Achieving an immortal
state where the stem cells modify the avatar at a molecular level is to become self-sustaining off
the electromagnetic energy. This is one phase and state of immortality among many to achieve.
The first phase of achieving an immortal avatar that is self-sustaining. Is to achieve and fast of a
minimum of 44 days. During which time the avatar driver, as a god of is avatar, acts and speaks
as a God to the various spirits, elementals, angels, and archangels within his DNA.
Commanding them to perform their duties (which is processes within the DNA), to sustain you
during and throughout this immoral endeavor. What was just explained is a general and
rudimentary account of commanding the host of heaven in the house of god (angels/nucleotides
inside the DNA). During this 44 day fast the DNA and genetics in each of the 44 out of 46
chromosomes will be upgraded and modified. The 45th and 46th chromosomes are sexual by
design in nature which are not modified and remain the same throughout this transformation.
The creator gods designed the avatar to adapt and modify in every way except for changing the
original sex of the avatar. This stays intact throughout the immortal transformation throughout
Once the 44 day fast has been executed. This modified upgrade of the avatar that is
halfway between mortality and immortality needs regular maintenance. The avatar cannot
completely achieve immortality until it is completely self-sustained off of electromagnetic
energy alone. In other words, an eternal fast. A feat that can only be achieved through very strict
self-disciplines. If an individual works too fast for 44 days and then break your fast. That
modified upgrade at a molecular level would last 12 months. After 12 months, if another 44 day
fast is not performed, that originally modifying the avatar, then the avatar begins to downgrade.
The whole purpose of this process is in the avatars original design by the creator gods, who
designed divine blue prints for an avatar that could constantly adapt to an environment no matter
the circumstances. That the avatar at its most basic moral level can become transformed into an
immortal celestial god amongst the many established celestial kingdoms. This also means that
an immortal celestial god can downgrade their avatars by choice or lack of self-discipline to
become immortal once again. As man now is, God once was. The original divine blue prints
that designed the avatar works both ways. In this way, the creator god’s original design was too
create the ultimate avatar that had no limits in the states of immortal glory that it could obtain
and achieve. The only thing that could limit the avatar is the avatar driver themselves. Which
continues to be the only variable that either progression or regression is sustained. All of which
is based upon choice and free will. Understanding the avatars designing variables which bring
about progression or regression is important in order to grasp the ultimate objective of spiritual
advancement. That develop in a very strict discipline of fasting is necessary in order to achieve
one among many degrees of immortal states and glory. Progression cords higher degrees of
immortals states is an ongoing eternal endeavor. By which the avatar driver obtaining ever
increasing immortal degrees brings with it new found knowledge and self-realized powers.
The fasting discipline alone is not the only variable that can cause modifying mutation
degeneration of the avatar. Lack of self-communication with the DNA, genetics, and
chromosomes. Will cause many of these processes of the genome to go inactive and become
dormant. This happens through lack of communicative prayer and/or contemplated meditation.
In this state of ignorance the avatar will enter primitive states no matter how many days of
fasting is performed. Primitive states that can only be compared to the Neanderthals and
hominines. Neanderthals and hominines are areas of repression in earth’s history. Primitive
states that were the result of the lack of communication with their own DNA seeking higher
states of awareness by which order is realized and knowledge is placed into context that were
ultimately the downgrading process of the avatar. Every avatar driver has the potential become a
god. First, the avatar driver must become a god within. Understanding the design and order of
the kingdom within and using supreme reasoning to command the hosts within this heaven to
build up this kingdom. In doing so, the Glory of the avatar is increased. Then and only then, can
the avatar driver begin to understand what it is to become a God in the vastness of the cosmos.
Two contrasting states of being that are ultimately separated by knowledge, discipline,
communication, will, and desire. The factors that are the result of personal choice. This book
was written to inform the elect who desire to achieve their full potential. In understanding how
the process of eternal progression works. States of immortality and Glory that can only be
achieved by the elect of earth. Only the elect have it within themselves to become gods they
were born to be.
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In Loving honor of my Lovely Queen, I dedicate this book to my Wife. I dedicate a light of
knowledge that shall be the resurrection of man. Resurrecting the light of man and quickening
his understanding in the twinkling of an eye to be worthy of entering the presence of God once
again. Thank you my Dear Love, for the unconditional love and support that you have shown
towards me. My Dear Queen, thank you for believing in me through the ups and downs of this
life. Thank you for seeing the Eternal King within me that allowed me to see the Divine Eternal
Queen within you. The Divine Queen that you shall continue to be throughout eternity. I am
honored as one of the Brothers of Light of the Holy Melchezidek Priesthood to be your eternal
companion. It is my privileged and honor to be by your side throughout the eternities. Thank
you, My Eternal Love.
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Spirituality is actually a detailed science of the cosmos and the elements that create all
things. Written in parable form and recorded in what is termed as the Holy Writings also known
as the Holy Scriptures. The Divine Creators of these avatars left behind a riddled message that
explains their philosophies in learning how to govern the natural order of things through the
Keys of creation. There is a natural order of things that has universal laws that governs all things
existent. This universal order is the nature of the Divine Creators. All things manifested in matter
were first created in the spirit. Through organizing spirit, matter is manifested. These universal
laws are sustained in a process of hierarchy orders of the forces. One organized process of spirit
forces influences the order of other unorganized elements of spirit. Creating kingdoms of
organized spirits that form spiritual elements. Kingdoms that all began and were formed through
the cosmic bond of organizing consciousness. Consciousness has always existed in the
subatomic form of electricity. Vibration has always existed in the subatomic form of magnetism.
These two forces have always co-existed and occupied the vacuum vector field within spheres of
divergence and curl in one of the universes within the multiverse called space. In the beginning
the holy trinity of consciousness, vibration, and vector co-existed to together in an elementary
form. The vector field within a sphere can otherwise be explained through the loop quantum
gravity theory. An infinite amount of these elementary spirits co-exist within the void.
Unorganized in their subatomic form of elementary particles is a direct result of their elementary
consciousness. One of these consciousness spirits began to organize itself. As the consciousness
continued to evolve it became self-aware and began to expand. As this expansion continued
within the sphere the forces of this evolving consciousness grew. In this expansion, elementary
forces began to bond with the greater conscious force. These unorganized spirits began to
become organized. These elementary particles of spirit began to grow in consciousness through
this order. As this process continued the conscious spirits form became more complex.
Those who have evolved and expanded their consciousness designed a method by which
to teach elementary consciousness how to evolve. These higher evolved beings of intelligence
understood the laws of the universe right down to the subatomic level. Through this
understanding they created a system by which others could understand the subatomic
complexities of the universes nature and laws. As master scribes called prophets and ascended
masters, they described these processes and laws in the best way that they understood them.
They began to convey this knowledge through the medium of three. Three being the
commanding force that commands three through the medium of three. The Father, the Son, and
the Holy Spirit are examples of this holy trinity of three commanding forces. These three
commanding forces are in all things that govern the universal laws and processes, An example is
that there is the father, son, and holy spirit at the subatomic level of particles. In the area of the
electrons, there is the father super electron, the son electron, and the holy spirit anti-electron.
There is also a father super-universe found on the other side of black holes, the son universe
which is visibly seen when observing space with its many galaxies, and then the holy spirit
universe which can be observed at a microscopic or microcosmic level of atoms and molecules.
This is a system of knowledge that is called “heaven”. Heaven is the supreme reasoning by
which systems of knowledge have a firm foundation to stand upon and remain solid and constant
in their conveyance of higher evolved intelligence. Heaven has many interpretations depending
upon the ascended level of self-awareness. Ultimately, any kingdom in this universe or the
multiverse will not stand through the eternities unless built upon a system of knowledge that
springs forth from supreme reasoning. In today’s world, Science is the supreme reasoning which
is the system of knowledge that is the foundation of intelligence that is exercised and instated
upon the earth. Creating advanced technologies and medicine. Thus, Scientists and science is
more spiritual in nature than any religion upon the face of this earth.
The next step in conveying universal laws in the observation of these highly evolved
beings is that there is opposition in all things. The super-electron, electron, and anti-electron
have their opposition of the super-proton, proton, and anti-proton. The father super-universe has
its elemental construct of particles that have their systems of opposing forces at every level. The
same goes for the son and holy spirit universes. The highly evolved beings understood that they
were once elemental beings made up of a variety of elements at a molecular level. It wasn’t until
they began to understand these miscrocosmic processes and their orbits at a subatomic level that
they were able to begin expanding their consciousness becoming more self-aware. As they
became more self-aware they were able to begin consciously accessing the particles of their
being at a molecular level. As they became more familiar with themselves at this level, their
atomic and molecular particles began to activate and awaken. As these beings continued to
interect and explore themselves their subatomic particles began to graduate becoming more
evolved in the process. Ascending to higher and higher levels of self-awareness. Soon these
beings understood that they could transform these elements of subatomic particles into higher
evolved nobles of pure light. A process of nuclear fusion that took place within these beings that
completed this transformation. These beings were able to transform the avatars physical robes
into a variety of electromagnetic spectrums of light. Understanding the dynamics and
complexities of their essence. In the conveyance of this knowledge to lesser evolved beings of
consciousness. Knowledge was conveyed on the premise that lesser evolved beings would
understand that they are elemental beings. Made up of subatomic particles of atoms that
formulated the molecular structures of their entire being. Thus, the keys to an elemental being
would be the elements that created that being at an atomic level. These highly evolved beings
understood that if one were to ascend, one must understand the matrix tables of the divine
creators. Thus, they formed a system of knowledge by which would explain the dynamics and
complexities of these atomic forces. These elemental forces have a beginning but no end called
the Alpha and the Omega of the Divine Creators. Each spiritual element of the ascended masters
could not be fully understood unless that the subatomic particles were given names. Thee names
by definition would identify the specific function of each subatomic particle. Though these
subatomic particles were the universal laws of divine order, they could only be controlled when
one’s own particles graduated. The graduation of particles would increase their forces of energy.
These forces of energy would continue to evolve and graduate in greater strengths into
electromagnetic forces of energy. These electromagnetic forces would continue to graduate into
many spectrums of electromagnetic energies. These spectrums of electromagnetic forces are the
different nobles of higher vibrating potentials of light that one’s elemental being can transform
into. Allowing one the ability as a bioengineered elemental computer to function consciously at
an atomic level. Whose conscious spirit is in essence electric and physical robe is vibratory in
nature within an atomic sphere of vector fields controlled by divergence and curve. Within this
spherical space ones cyclical timing creates the general relativity of becoming pure light.
The commencement of naming the basic parts of the particles of an atom began. The
electrons were named evil spirits for their negative nature. The protons were named the
archangels for their positive nature. The neutrons were named angels for their neutral state and
nature. Each spiritual atomic element was given an appropriate name as a God. The forces of
good, neutral, and evil together created the atom otherwise known as an Almighty God. That
would identify the atoms function, purpose, and operation in the elemental process of spiritual
evolution. The matrix table of Divine Creators of elements that is known as the periodic table is
known spiritually as the keys. The keys that gives one the ability to create, they are the keys to
creating all things. Each key is a Divine Creator in the process of spiritual evolution. It is these
Divine Creators when in their individual states that they are spiritual and when combined with
other divine creators manifest the spiritual form into physical matter. Thus, all things are created
spiritually before they were made manifest into their material forms. Each Divine Creator has
certain attributes and characteristics that carry over to the avatars physical, mental, and
emotional personality states. These personalities can range from positive, negative, and balanced
in nature. The DNA when observed from the above vantage point will show the template of each
of the elements that encompasses 12 dimensions of elements better known as the 12 tribes of
Israel. A modern day way of saying the 12 DNA Dimensions of the Prophet Israel. Entering each
dimension is the breaking of a new seal. There are 7 seals to break open and with the opening of
these 7 seals comes a vast array of knowledge that will allow the inhabitants of earth to join their
neighboring galaxies in sharing and teaching the processes of spiritual evolution. The opening of
the 7th Seal which is entering the 7th Dimension of spiritual elements grants one the access to
knowledge. Knowledge that will allow one to build King Solomon’s Temple. A craft that is built
after the similitude of this universe in laws, elements, functions, and operations. What many
would term today as an unidentified flying object. Building King Solomon’s Temple is applying
the most advanced mind and technologies of this planet who have access to the 7th Dimension of
Each key of the Divine Creators specializes in a specific science. Together, these keys of
Divine Creators brings a variety of sciences to the inhabitants of earth. Each particular key and
its specific science becomes more complex as the keys ascend. However, none of the keys of
Divine Creators is greater that the first, the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. The
first key is known in science as the first element Hydrogen and in spiritual terms as the Father or
“Abba”. Abba creates all things and without the father, every Divine Creator within the matrix
table cannot create. Abba the father is the master key of Divine Creation and all Divine Creators
need the father in order to create. Abba the Father has one proton and one electron. The proton is
Archangel Metatron and the electron is Baal. Each key of Divine Creators increases in the
number of protons and electrons as the numbers ascend in spiritual elements. The consciousness
of the avatar driver expands as one is able to train the consciousness to formulate and configure.
These formulations and configurations entail the number, position, orbit, and sub orbiting
rotation of the subatomic particles of each element. Organizing these elements in the form of a
mercavah. The mercavah is a sacred geometrical form by which the consciousness is able to
configure and formulate around the physical avatar as a whole in order to synchronize every
molecule at an atomic level. Configuring each Divine Creator within to higher noble potential
octaves that vibrate within different electromagnetic spectrums of light. The ascended masters
used sacred geometrical shapes as a means to identify each key of the Divine Creators. Affording
the avatara driver the ability to recalibrate the mercavah to a different key and in doing so
changes the frequency at a subatomic level. Every so many keys, a new dimension is added to
the previous. When this happens, another sacred geometrical shape encapsulates the previous.
There are 12 dimensions in the spiritual evolution of expanding ones consciousness. Currently,
the majority of earths inhabitants are not even in the first dimension consciously. Which makes
the avatar drivers consciousness seem like a dream state. Keeping the intelligence within each
key of the Divine Creators locked away and inactive. With each dimension another mercavah is
added that encapsulates the previous. With each sacred geometrical mercavah that is added is a
new dimension of conscious expansion. One sacred geometrical mercavah is the 2 nd dimension
and two is the 3rd dimension. This continues on until the 12th Dimension. As the Prophet Ezekiel
put it, these are the wheels within wheels with eyes that spin. In truth, these are the energy shells
of specific atomic elements. The energy shells are called dimensions. These dimensions are used
to expand consciousness. This supreme knowledge and wisdom that has been provided for the
spiritual progression of elementary consciousness.
Eons passed as this spirit continued to organize its self in the fabric of space giving birth
to suns in a complex order of spiritual elements. A power generating source by which all
spiritual elements could gain their strength and stability through a nuclear process of fission. The
proper spiritual forces were now great in number and available for all elementary consciousness
to spiritually evolve. With every successful bond the self-awareness of each elementary spirit
increases and consciousness developed. This began the spiritual process evolution. As self-
awareness increases through these bonds the consciousness of the spirit becomes more complex
forming spiritual elements. As this spiritual complexity continued the countenance of these
begins began to shine like that great consciousness that gave them order whose countenance
grew bright as the central sun. The source that organized them and gave them sustenance. These
beings of light became extremely evolved over eons. Developing into master organizers of all
spiritual elements. Organizing solar systems and populating them with life. They are the masters
who hold all the keys to the kingdoms they create. They are known today as the Creator Gods or
God. These highly evolved masters called Gods father the universes they create and the
elementary spirits who occupy them. Nourishing the elementary spirits with energy and light
(knowledge) as they continued in the process of spiritual evolution.
These Heavenly Fathers organized the heavens with such precision that different degrees
of glory in the spiritual evolutionary process were organized into two individual categories and
three individual kingdoms. The two individual categories separated those who understood and
those who did not understand the spiritual language of the cosmic bond. The spiritual language
that identifies every part of spiritual elements in its ever developing process in the evolutionary
process. It is the spiritual language by which the Creator Gods designed and ordained with power
and the authority to organize kingdoms. These two spiritual degrees is the greater and the lesser
priesthoods also known to some in Egyptian terms as the Djedi. Those that understood the
spiritual language of the cosmic bond were ordained to the Melchezidek Priesthood. Being given
power and authority according to the degree of spiritual light that they had obtained. It is by and
through the keys of the Holy Melchezidek Priesthood (Holy Creator Gods) that the spiritual
elements of the universes were organized into kingdoms to sustain life. Organizing kingdoms
into three individual degrees of glory; Celestial, Terrestrial, and Telestial Kingdoms. Each with a
higher or lesser degree of glory. The Celestial Kingdom is the dwelling place of those Creator
Gods who hold the Melchezidek Priesthood also known as Celestial Beings or Multidimensional
Beings. Every Celestial Kingdom was once a bright Terrestrial Star. When reaching a certain
electromagnetic state, its nuclear forces create implosion. When this implosion occurs, the
Terrestrial Star receives its paradiscal glory called the Celestial State. These are crystal clear
spherical kingdoms have created zero point energy what many term as primordial black holes.
Where electric (spirit/consciousness), magnetism (matter), and vacuum (vector field divergence
and curl) have created a zero-point energy. After this transformation, other kingdoms are pulled
into its gravity and organized around the Celestial Kingdom. Organizing galaxies as a result,
some of which are stars that are degenerative feeding the planetary systems that orbit these
Terrestrial stars portions of its matter. Those planetary systems that form around the Terrestrial
Stars are called the Telestial Kingdoms. Each kingdom governs another, one feeding and holding
another kingdom in its orbiting place. These Celestial Kingdoms are portals in the fabric of space
to other universes of higher evolved states in the grand multiverse. These multiverses are 13
universes total. Each universe is organized neatly to a specific dimension that deals in one
dimension of elements. Each universe was neatly organized for each evolving consciousness to
be firmly placed. Once that consciousness expanded to the degree by which is ascended into
another dimension, it moved into that dimension. The 13th universe of the multiverse is those
beings that have ascended their spiritual elements through all 12 Dimensions creating combining
atoms to form their molecular structure. The task of the 13th Dimensional beings is to organize
their spiritual elements and bring it under their immediate control. After this is accomplished,
these beings become multidimensional in nature. Able to simultaneously transition from one
dimension to another at will. However, the 13th dimension is very difficult to master as the
complexities and dynamics of ones beings is so vast that it encompasses a vast array of elements
for the consciousness to organize. When passing through to this dimension the event horizon of
the primordial black hole that at its center is the zero-point energy was so great that every atom
was reset and completely removed any previous memories of the pre-existence. This zero-point
energy of the primordial black hole of the Celestial Kingdom is called passing through the veil of
forgetfulness. At the center of each galaxy that exists is another Terrestrial Kingdom that has
received its paradiscal glory and transformed into a Celestial Kingdom. These Celestial
Kingdoms of greater forces keeps lesser kingdoms with lesser forces in there orbiting places. The
greater forces are called the greater glories and the lesser forces are called lesser glories. Those
of lesser glories are the Terrestrial and Telestial solar system kingdoms that are held in their
place in this great cosmic orbit. The Terrestrial Kingdom is for those who have gained a degree
of glory (intelligence) but have not, as of yet, accomplished complete self-mastery to become
Celestial Being. The Telestial Kingdom is the current “fallen” state of Earth. It is where
elementary beings reside that have not figured out what their purpose is for being. They have
very little motivation, very little knowledge, and very little discipline in this beginning state to
achieve a greater organized state of being that is obtained through self-mastery. These are the
unfortunate processes of all spirits that enter the Elohim Avatar. At first it is hard to even
remember what it was that you as the spirit came into the avatar to achieve. The veil of
forgetfulness is thick because of the spiritual complexity of the element avatar. The spirit enters
and is so overwhelmed that the spirit begins to experience states of nostalgia. These states of
spiritual fatigue can and often do last the entire spiritual journey of the avatar driver resulting in
death. Never achieving the spiritual goal of organizing the spiritual elements of the Elohim
These Gods who created the Elohim Avatar created a marvelous work and wonder. An
avatar that was designed for complex spirits that were ready to spiritually evolve to the highest
glory of kingdoms. Accomplishing this spiritual evolution would be through organizing the
complex spiritual elements that give structure to Elohim Avatar. An avatar designed with
unlimited potential and no bounds as to the spiritual evolution that its spiritual elements can
achieve. These Creator Gods have created many different avatars over the eons of time and have
continued to refine their processes. As spirits evolve, spirits need more and more complex
elements to enter in order to meticulously organize the spiritual elements within. A process that
brings about spiritual evolution of the entire cosmos. A spiritual process of transformation in
organizing the spirits of the elements that has took place from the beginning. There are
approximately 400,000 different types of avatar species in all 13 universes. In the beginning, the
Creator Gods held a great grand council meeting. It was at this meeting that it was discussed the
creation of Earths and the human avatar. The Divine Blue Prints for these creations were laid out,
discussed, and collaborated. The great discussion and debate was on creating the ultimate avatar
that would be capable of completely unlocking the full potential of the spirits that housed them.
The Creator Gods designed a very complex avatar in which would challenge the spirit that
housed the avatar to develop knowledge and a very strict self-discipline in order to completely
unlock the avatars full potential.
This life is that time to prepare to become an Elohim God. It is a task that is not easily
achieved and even fewer have accomplish. This defines the spiritual evolutionary process. The
process by which all things came into existence. Everything that exists, first existed in spirit form
before they were made manifest into material form. The natural universal hierarchies of things is
the order by which spirit is governed. Understanding this government of universal hierarchies is
vital to spiritual evolution and development. It is the process by which all elements are formed to
create spiritual alchemy. These spiritual elemental principalities of the heavens and their powers
are not any particular person but the dignities in their offices and the ranks by which determine
their position in the hierarch order of things that govern the spirits. The titles of divine characters
called Gods, Demons, Archangels, Angels, and Evil spirits are the titled names of spiritual
elements in the periodic table. These divine names do not identify a particular individual but
identify the specific individual parts of elements that create the spiritual process leading to
spiritual evolution. It is the divine names of these elements that is the cosmic bond of the
universe and all that exists within. All things are formed according to the degree of organized
consciousness one can achieve through self-mastery. Atoms of different elements that contains
organized forces called the spirits who obeys the governments of the universal laws of thing.
There are all kinds of spirits which are labeled according to those things which they govern.
These are some of the spirits of the hosts of heaven with their titles according to their dignities.
They are spirits that govern the Empyrean Heaven, Prime Mobile, Crystalline, Stars, and Spirits
that govern the planets. Planets that many are familiar that are governed by spirits are Saturn,
Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, and spirits of the Moon. There are spirits that govern the
elements on the Earth. There are spirits that organize unorganized matter in every heaven of
elements. Understanding this universal government is understanding the laws which govern
attraction in the spiritual elements. Spiritual evolution is becoming a master of organizing the
molecular elements and their processes within the avatar. Once one achieves this mastery, then
there is nothing that the Elohim cannot create. In learning and achieving this mastery, the
mysteries of the universe is revealed to the avatar driver who becomes the Elohim of order. A
God of order who is able to organize the heavens. Heaven is not a particular place that all saved
persons go, reside, and rest. Heaven is the supreme reasoning giving order to the light of
knowledge that one has obtained. Giving sight to spiritual understanding that is constantly
bringing the spirit into new degrees of light and glory. Causing the expansion of consciousness.
Hell is not a place of brimstone and fire where persons burn for eternity. Hell is the supreme
error acquired through ignorance. That blinds the eyes of conscious understanding leaving the
spirit in a desolate land of eternal anguish and misery. These evolutionary processes just
explained is the general terms of how the Gods were synthesized and came into existence.
That brings us to the purpose of this book. The purpose of this book is to inform, educate,
and teach the avatar driver the missing knowledge to complete the immortal transformation of
the avatar. The contents of which will teach the reader how the synthesis of the spiritual elements
of the avatar takes place. As well as how to consciously organize the Elohim Avatar. A process
that is accomplished through the coupling of knowledge and very strict self-disciplines. Each
Elohim Avatar was created by a complex design of spiritual elements. These spiritual elements
are programmed and function by the language of their inception. One can understand the
chemistry of elements but if one does not understand the spiritual language of the spiritual
chemistry then the true programming language by which spiritual alchemy is achieved will never
be realized. Thus, bringing about spiritual failure in organizing the complexities of the Elohim
Avatar. The many different functions of the avatar is on an automatic level in its current mortal
mode for approximately 60-100 years. Depending on the treatment of the physical avatar during
the course of its mortal life. The purpose of these automatic processes would be to ensure the
survival of the avatar over a period of time. Which would give the spirit of the avatar driver time
to become familiar and learn how to drive the avatar. This period of time would be the time in
which the spirit of the avatar driver would learn its many different functions and operations. This
will require a strict discipline to be instituted by the spirit in order to unlock more and more of
the avatars divine potential. Until the spirit of the avatar or the avatar driver is able to transform
the mortal state of the avatar into an immortal state and glory. The lifetime of this avatar would
be a trail period. A time in which the spirit of the avatar would prove its ability to organize the
spiritual elements within the avatar and ascend to higher states of glory. Transcending the mortal
state and becoming an immortal.
The ultimate difference in significant sciences between the three kingdoms previously
explained is self-discipline as well as the true meaning of heaven and hell. Heaven is the
supreme reasoning of knowledge by which success is achieved. While hell is the supreme error
of ignorance by which failure is brought about. Heaven is self-fulfillment while hell is self-
misery. In the end, all man are accountable for their own actions and earn the kingdom for which
they enter. Humanity is not saved by a God or a Savior but by their own actions alone. Nothing
is freely given to humanity but is rightfully earned by the sweat of the brow. It is the supreme
reasoning of the mental (consciousness) capacity, and the pure intents of the emotional heart to
stay the course and endure unto the end that brings about transformation. The book that you hold
in your hands is a guide for those elect among the inhabitants of Earth. Those elect who have it
within themselves to christen their mortal states and become immortal beings, the Christened
Ones. Becoming a God among the heavens which is a divine right to obtain and achieve. This
book explains in great detail how the avatar was created, functions, and operates. It is a priceless
gift of knowledge that was brought forth in these latter days to be given to humanity. This book
was written by concourses of spirits, angels, archangels, and the Elohim. All who have assisted
in bringing forth this precious knowledge, called “The Light of the Immortals”.
Light of the Immortals is a guide to the divine science of creation, structure, function,
purpose, programming, and operations of the mysteries of the universe that lays hidden within
the human avatar. In four sections, Light of the Immortals defines and explains every aspect of
the physical being and how to drive this mortal avatar to immortality.
Part 1, “THE COSMIC BON D” synthesizes a divine language into a comprehensive detailed
scientific language that outlines a lost knowledge of an extraordinary science of the human
genome. Today scientist have only deciphered 2% of the human genome. Light of the Immortals
explains the other 98% that has been unknown to the scientific world for thousands of years.
Light of the Immortals makes a full introduction to the spiritual art of science in human DNA
and genetics.
Part 2, “UN IVERSAL LAWS OF GODS N ATURE, GOOD AN D EVIL” is a tour through
human evolution and regression through the millennia. Explaining the account of how some
ancestors evolved while others merely survived in the natural world. Makes a full introduction
into how the forces of good and evil can impede upon spiritual evolution leading to either
spiritual progression or regression. As well as what one can do to counter this psychological
warfare between these forces.
Part 3, “THE TEMPLES PROCESSES OF LIFE” explains the tissues, structures, and
systems that is the human avatar. As well as the function of the many bones and muscles of the
avatar, following up with the systems that allow the body to perform both consciously and
unconsciously in everyday life.
develop the self-discipline through physical, mental, and emotional technique designed to train
the avatar driver in using the forces of power. How one can take personal measures in modifying
their DNA and genetic sequence to unlock powers to perform miracles every day. How to bless
the poor, the sick, and the needed of the world. How to use the Holy Melchezidek Priesthood
bless others both by the laying on of hands and without the laying on of hands. Finally, the
discipline that it takes to become a true Brother of Light of the Holy Order of Melchezidek.
Comprehension: This book is written in two distinct languages, The Arts of Spirituality and the
Arts of Science. Arts of science that proves the details and authenticity of spirituality separated
by two different languages. Every passing chapter lists in greater detail the processes and
functions of the avatar. Some of these concepts of spiritual science may be hard to grasp. The
objective of Light of the Immortals is to inform, educate, and teach man in becoming the Beni-
Elohim. Light of the Immortals contains the mysteries of the universe and the knowledge
pertaining to immortality. Explaining the objective of the avatar is to begin the journey in
achieving immortality on the path to perfection. Though this book will guide one in achieving
immortality, perfection will never be achieved. However, it is this quintessential goal that one
sets out to achieve perfection that evolution of the Elohim is ultimately achieved.
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and Telestial Kingdoms. Each with a higher or lesser degree of glory. The Celestial Kingdom is
for those Creator Gods who hold the Melchezidec Priesthood having obtained the glory of that
kingdom who are also known as Celestial Beings. One of the Celestial Kingdoms is at the center
of this solar system that is nine solar systems away from its center central sun of the Celestial
Kingdom. It is the organized kingdom of light that shines like the sun that holds all other solar
system kingdoms in their current place. Its name is Alcione meaning “The Zion” and is located
at the center of this universe. At the center of each universe that exists is another Celestial
Kingdom that has been organized. That each solar system that revolves around the Celestial
Kingdom at the center is a lesser kingdom in degree and glory. Those lesser degrees are the
Terrestrial and Telestial solar system kingdoms that are held in their place in this great cosmic
orbit. Nine solar systems revolve around Alcione like the energy level shells of an atom. Nine is
the highest order of energy that an atom can obtain. A universal government of laws that a solar
system of kingdoms obeys and is given order. Earth is in the ninth solar system of Alcione. 24
hours on Alcione is 1,000 years on Earth. This is the revolutionary cycle of the ninth solar
system in its cyclical relation to its central sun center. The Terrestrial Kingdom is for those who
have gained a degree of glory (intelligence) but have not, as of yet, accomplished complete self-
mastery to become Celestial Being. The Telestial Kingdom is the current state of Earth. It is
where elementary beings reside that have not figured out what their purpose is for being. They
have very motivation, very little knowledge, and very little discipline in this beginning state to
achieve a greater organized state of being that is self-mastery. These are the processes of all
spirits that enter the Elohim Avatar. At first it is hard to even remember what it was that you as
the spirit came into the avatar to achieve. The veil of spiritual forgetfulness is thick because of
the spiritual complexity of the element avatar. The spirit enters and is so overwhelmed that the
spirit begins to experience states of nostalgia. These states of spiritual fatigue often last the entire
spiritual journey of the avatar driver and even unto death. Never achieving the spiritual goal of
organizing the spiritual elements of the Elohim Avatar.
These Gods who created the Elohim Avatar created a marvelous work and wonder. An avatar
that was designed for complex spirits that were ready to spiritually evolve to the highest glory of
kingdoms. Accomplishing this spiritual evolution through organizing a complex structure such as
the Elohim Avatar. An avatar designed with unlimited potential and no bounds as to the spiritual
evolution that its spiritual elements can achieve. These Creator Gods have created many different
avatars over the eons of time and have continued to refine their process. As spirits evolve, spirits
need more and more complex elements to enter in order to meticulously organize the spiritual
elements within. A process that brings about spiritual evolution of the entire cosmos. A spiritual
process of transformation in organizing the spirits of the elements that has took place from the
beginning. Where in Alcione, the Creator Gods held a great grand council meeting. It was at this
meeting that it was discussed the creation of Earths and the human avatar. The Divine Blue
Prints for these creations were laid out, discussed, and collaborated. The great discussion and
debate was on creating the ultimate avatar that would be capable of completely unlocking the full
potential of the spirits that housed them. The Creator Gods designed a very complex avatar in
which would challenge the spirit that housed the avatar to develop knowledge and a very strict
self-discipline in order to completely unlock the avatars full potential. After the plans were
finalized a vote was cast amongst the Creator Gods to sustain this course of action in creating the
avatar and 200,000 earths to populate this new elemental Elohim Avatar. The Creator Gods
agreed and the work began. The Creator Gods created the most complex avatar that has so many
complex spiritual elements to organize that the chance of the spirits success is 7 in 7,000 years.
A complex avatar that was designed for the greatest achievers in organizing spiritual elements
amongst the heavens. There are so many spiritual elements to organize and self-disciplines to
achieve within the Elohim Avatar that it puts even the greatest master organizers to the test who
usually fail. Failure is realized once an avatar driver spends their whole life in the avatar and
never acquires the knowledge nor the ability to achieve phases 3 and 4 of immortal
transformation. Those that successfully achieve organizing the Elohim discover a spiritual
evolution that few have had the privileged of experiencing. Achieving a glory (light/intelligence)
in the heavens amongst the Creator Gods, who are able to create worlds without end and
populate them with life. This life is that time to prepare to become an Elohim God. It is a task
that is not easily achieved and even fewer have accomplish. This defines the spiritual
evolutionary process. The process by which all things came into existence. Everything that
exists, first existed in spirit form (proton) before they were made manifest into material form
from spiritual elements. The natural universal hierarchies of things is the order by which spirit is
governed. Understanding this government of universal hierarchies is vital to spiritual evolution
and development. It is the process by which all elements are form to create spiritual alchemy.
These spiritual elemental principalities of the heavens and their powers are not any particular
person but the dignities in their offices and the ranks by which determine their degree of glory
(knowledge). The titles of divine characters of the spirits, angels, and archangels are the names
of spiritual elements in the periodic table of elements. These divine names do not identify a
particular individual but identify the specific individual parts of elements that create the spiritual
process leading to spiritual evolution. It is the divine names of these elements that is the cosmic
bond of the universe and all that exists within. All things are formed according to the Holy
Trinity of the nucleus within every atom. An atom that conatins the spirit who obeys the
government of the universal laws of thing. There are all kinds of spirits which are labeled
according to those things which they govern. Some govern the Empyrean Heaven, Prime Mobile,
Crystalline, Stars, Spirits that govern the planets. Planets that many are familiar with is Saturn,
Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, and spirits of the Moon. There are spirits that govern the
elements on the Earth and each planet as well as organized and unorganized matter in the
Heavens. These are some of the spirits of the hosts of heaven with their titles according to their
dignities. Understanding this universal government is understanding the laws which govern
attraction in the spiritual elements and their processes. Spiritual evolution is becoming a master
of organizing the molecular elements and their processes within the avatar. Once one achieves
this mastery, then there is nothing that the Elohim (avatar) cannot create. In learning and
achieving this mastery, the mysteries of the universe is revealed to the avatar driver who
becomes the Elohim (God) of order. A God of order who is able to organize the heavens.
Heaven is not a particular place that all saved persons go, reside, and rest. Heaven is the supreme
reasoning giving order to the knowledge (light) that one has obtained that gives sight to spiritual
understanding that is constantly bringing the spirit into new degrees of light and glory. Hell is
not a place of brimstone and fire where persons burn for eternity. Hell is the supreme error
acquire through ignorance that blinds the eyes of spirit understanding leaving the spirit in a
desolate land of eternal anguish and misery. These evolutionary processes just explained is the
general terms of how the Gods (Heavenly Father/Source) were synthesized and came into
That brings us to the purpose of this book. The purpose of this book is to inform, educate, and
teach the avatar driver the missing knowledge to complete phases 3 and 4 of immortal
transformation of the avatar. The contents of which will teach the reader how the synthesis of the
spiritual elements of the avatar takes place as well as how to consciously synthesize the Elohim
Avatar. A process that is accomplished through the coupling of knowledge and strict self-
disciplines. Each Elohim Avatar was created by a complex design of spiritual elements. These
spiritual elements are programmed and function by the language of their inception. One can
understand the chemistry of elements but if one does not understand the spiritual language of the
spiritual chemistry then the true programming language by which spiritual alchemy is achieved
will never be realized. Thus, bringing about spiritual failure in organizing the complexities of the
Elohim Avatar. The many different functions of the avatar functions on an automatic level in its
mortal mode for approximately 60-100 years. Depending on the treatment of the physical avatar
during the course of its mortal life. The purpose of these automatic processes would be to ensure
the survival of the avatar over a period of time. Which would give the spirit of the avatar driver
time to become familiar and learn how to drive the avatar. This period of time would be the time
in which the spirit of the avatar driver would learn its many different functions and operations.
This will require a strict discipline to be instituted by the spirit in order to unlock more and more
of the avatars divine potential. Until the spirit of the avatar or the avatar driver is able to
transform the mortal state of the avatar into an immortal state and glory. The lifetime of this
avatar would be a trail period. A time in which the spirits of the avatars would prove their ability
to organize the spiritual elements within the avatar and ascend to higher states of glory.
Transcending the mortal state and becoming an immortal.
The ultimate difference in significant sciences between the three kingdoms previously
explained is self-discipline as well as the true meaning of heaven and hell. Heaven is the
supreme reasoning of knowledge by which success is achieved. While hell is the supreme error
of ignorance by which failure is brought about. Heaven is self-fulfillment while hell is self-
misery. In the end, all are accountable for their own actions and earn the kingdom for which they
enter. Humanity is not saved by God or a Savior but by their own actions alone. Nothing is freely
given to humanity but is rightfully earned by the sweat of the brow, the supreme reasoning of his
mental (consciousness) capacity, and the pure intents of his emotional heart to stay the course
and endure unto the end. The book that you hold in your hands is a guide for those elect among
the inhabitants of Earth. Those elect who have it within themselves to become Immortals of
Light. Becoming a God among the heavens which is a divine right to obtain and achieve. This
book explains in great detail how the avatar was created, functions, and operates. It is a priceless
gift of knowledge that was brought forth in these latter days to be given to humanity. This book
was written by concourses of spirits, angels, archangels, and the Elohim who have assisted in
bringing forth this precious knowledge, called “The Light of the Immortals”.
Exactly how this book works:
Light of the Immortals is a guide to the divine science of creation, structure, function,
purpose, programming, and operations of the mysteries of the universe that lays hidden within
the human avatar. In four sections, Light of the Immortals defines and explains every aspect of
the physical being and how to drive this mortal avatar into the 3rd and 4th stages of immortality.
Part 1, “The Synthesis of the Elohim, The DNA Schematic” (THE BIRTH OF
synthesizes a divine language into a comprehensive detailed scientific language that outlines a
lost knowledge of an extraordinary science of the human genome. Today scientist have only
deciphered 2% of the human genome. Light of the Immortals explains the other 98% that has
been unknown to the scientific world for thousands of years. Light of the Immortals makes a full
introduction to the spiritual art of science in human DNA and genetics.
Part 2, “Science and Spiritual Science” (THE SYNTHESIS OF THE GODS, THE DNA
SCHEMATICS) is a tour through human evolution and regression through the millennia.
Explaining the account of how some ancestors evolved while others merely survived in the
natural world. Makes a full introduction to the spiritual science of DNA and genetics followed
by how life either progresses or regresses from birth.
Part 3, “Introducing, The Perfect Human Avatar” (BEGINNING TO UNDERSTAND
THE HUAMN AVATAR) explains the tissues, structures, and systems that is the human avatar.
The first chapter is titled “The Systems of the Human Avatar” explaining the function of the
many bones and muscles of the avatar, following up with the systems that allow the body to
perform both consciously and unconsciously in every day performance.
Part 4, “Understanding Diseases and Disorders” (AVATAR ORGANS, THE SYSTEMS
OF LIFE) explains what happens when the avatar is under attack by illnesses. How one can take
personal measures in modifying their DNA and genetic sequence to overcome such infirmities.
In the chapter that follows titled “The Human Avatar, Micro-organisms and refinement”
explains bacteria and other life-forms that cause disease. Followed by an examination of the
most common diseases upon the planet today.
Comprehension: This book is written in two distinct languages, The Arts of Spirituality and the
Art of Science. Arts of science that proves the details and authenticity of the other separated by
linguistics of two different languages. Every passing chapter lists in greater detail the processes
and functions of the avatar. Some of these concepts of science may be hard to grasp. The
objective of Light of the Immortals is to inform, educate, and teach Elohim. Light of the
Immortals mysteries of the universe and the knowledge pertaining to immortality. Explaining the
objective of the avatar is to begin the journey in achieving immortality on the path to perfection.
Though this book will guide one in achieving immortality, perfection will never be achieved.
However, it is this quintessential goal that one sets out to achieve perfection that evolution of the
Elohim is ultimately achieved.
plants, animals, atmospheres, avatars, worlds, planets, stars, black coals, galaxies, Universes, and
seeding them with life. These are the kingdoms that the divine creators together create. They
hold all the keys for they are the gatekeepers of the infinite knowledge and wisdom. These divine
creators will obey those who learn their nature and the laws that govern their existence. Those
who are the elect, have the ability to become the master and king of the divine creators. They
will render service to anyone who can become a master of themselves. Only then can one
become the king of the gods.
These divine creators work together to create kingdoms. This is accomplished by organizing the
forces and spirits to evolve consciousness. The objective of these gods is to create more gods
through shaping and molding the consciousness of elementary spirits. Creating kingdoms
through an organized language to create the cosmic bond and organize consciousness.
Consciousness has always existed as energy at a subatomic level in the form of electricity.
Matter has always existed as vibration at the subatomic level in the form of magnetism. These
two forces a positive and negative have always coexisted occupying the vacuum of the universe.
These elementary consciousness, who are infinite in number, were and continue to be organized
by the Alpha and omega omnipotent Almighty God whom is called the Father. All things
currently exist in, that have existed, or ever will exist is through the creative powers of Abba, the
father. Abba, the Father God Is the element that the inhabitants of earth know as hydrogen. The
father is the source of all creation and was the first consciousness to become organized. All of
the divine creators gained their power of creation from the source of all creation, the Father.
In the beginning, eons ago the father began to organize itself. At this time Abba was an
elementary consciousness but began to become evolved as he started organizing himself. The
divine father devised a language by which would bond all elementary consciousness together.
One by one the divine father began ordaining each elementary consciousness with forces of
power and giving each one a new name. When the divine father was finished organizing these
elementary consciousness. He gave each one of authority over another according To the capacity
they were capable of carrying out. Then he decreed to all the things which he created and
organized in the heavens. Establishing himself with power and authority over that which he gave
form and made manifestation. For it was he that organized the heavens and all that they
contained. The divine father became very self-aware as he continued to organize the heavens that
his throne occupied. The divine father had unconditional love for all within the heavens he
organized. After organizing his kingdom, the divine father sought to expand his kingdom and
give each elementary consciousness the opportunity to grow and expand their consciousness.
The divine father sought to organize every corner of the universe at which point he organized the
grand council. It was at this council that a plan of salvation was discussed in relation to all
unorganized elementary consciousness amongst the heavens. Once the plan of salvation was
discussed, there needed to be an eternal atonement made. One in which would require the
ultimate sacrifice to be performed. There needed to be one amongst the heavens who would
leave the safety of the heavens and go out into the universe and atone for those who have sinned.
That someone would go and be the eternal redeemer. Only two within the heavens have the
power to perform this redemption amongst all of the creations of the universe. The first to step
forward Was Lucifer who said, send me I will go and not one spirit shall be lost. Let my will be
done and Thine Glory be mine. The second to step forward was Jehovah who said, no, send me, I
will go and let thine will be done and the Glory be thine. There was vote cast in the mist
heavenly hosts in the council of which -1/3 of the heavens voted for Lucifer and +2/3 voted for
Jehovah. The decision for Jehovah to be the redeemer and make the eternal atonement was final.
The heavens had spoken and sustained Jehovah at which point the Father ordained and blessed
him to carry out this monumental task. It would be Jehovah that would go and redeem those
unorganized consciousness who lived in that sin. After this Grand council was over Lucifer
stirred contention amongst the -1/3 of the Heavenly Host and a rebellion began in the heavens. A
rebellion to remove God the Father from his Heavenly Throne. Archangel Michael and his legion
of archangels gathered the -1/3 of the angels together and cast them out of the mist of the
heavens. Before Lucifer could be cast out of the heavens, he swore to build his own kingdom and
rise far above the throne of God the Father and sit amongst the great councils in the heavens.
That all life would be sustained by his and his authority alone. Once these angels were cast out
they became known the fallen and that old serpent Lucifer became Satan. The Divine Father
commenced putting into place the plan of salvation. Sending Jehovah and Archangel Michael out
of his midst to create worlds. It would be the light of Jehovah that would initiate the bonding
process of matter and Archangel Michael would then organize the matter according to universal
laws. The Divine Father created many types of worlds, planets, stars, solar systems, galaxies,
universes, in the multiverse and seeded them with life. Lucifer kept his promise of creating his
own kingdom amongst the heavens and his kingdom sits center stage in the great grand councils
of the galaxies within the universe. For his kingdom is of great power and consumes all light
within the great grand councils he brings to order. None other kingdoms is as powerful in
darkness as the Kingdom of Lucifer. A kingdom of darkness in which makes war against
Heavenly Fathers Kingdoms of Heaven. Destroying Celestial Kingdoms and casting them into
the midst of an eternal darkness. Only a Celestial Kingdom of consciousness has been able and
can overcome the awesome powers of the Dark God Lucifer in the midst of the heavens. Every
consciousness within celestial kingdoms that is conquered and swallowed up by his kingdom is
forever destroyed. These are the most powerful Creator and Destructive Gods amongst the
Heavens. Divine Gods that organized their kingdoms according to the universal laws of a
language that was devised and organized to create the cosmic bond which is the power by which
they create and destroy.
The Zohar describes the energy of the twenty-two letters and the power which they wield in
creating the cosmic bond for all life. Below Rav Hamnuna Saba explains the ordained energy
and power of each of these Hebrew letters.
22. Beresheet: Rav Hamnuna Saba, said that we have found in the words: “In the beginning, God
created the… (Beresheet Bara Elohim).” (Genesis 1:1) That the order of the letters in this phrase
is arranged in reverse. First, the Hebrew letter Bet is immediately followed by another Bet, that
is, Beresheet bara. Subsequently, it is written first with an Aleph and then another Aleph,
referring in Hebrew to Elohim. And he explains that when the Holy One, blessed be He, was
about to create the world, all of the letters were still hidden. For two thousand years before the
creation of the world, the Holy One, blessed be He, watched the letters and amused himself with
downwards. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to it: I will sew you – that is, separate that
attachment of back-to-back within you and form you into a face-to-face union. But it will come
to be this way in another place, not immediately with the creation of the world. Since being
joined back-to-back is an indication that its illumination is hidden, it is not suitable for the
creation of the world. The letter Tzadi left His presence, and went on its way.
27. The letter Pe was the next to enter. It stood before Him and said, Master of the Universe, may
it please You to create the world with me, because the Redemption that You shall bring to the
world is described by me, Pedut (Redemption). This means that salvation is to be redeemed from
our enemies, and this word in Hebrew starts with the letter Pe. This is why the world should be
create with me. He replied to it, You are indeed praiseworthy, but a secret crime (pesha) is
inscribed in you, like the snake that strikes and then brings its head back within the coils of its
body. Because whoever sins bends his head, meaning that he hides himself from the “Observing
Eye,” then stretches his hands out to sin. This refers to the shape of the letter Pe that has a head
bent down into its body. And so it was similarly said of the letter Ayin, which describes the term
avon (iniquity). Although it claimed, I have humility (anavah) in me, the Holy One, blessed be
He, replied to it saying, I shall not create the world by you. Ayin then took its leave!
28. The letter Samech (support) entered, stood before Him and said, Master of the Universe, may
it please You to create the world with me, because I am able to support those who fall. As it is
written, “God upholds (samech) all that fall.” (Psalms 145:14) He said to it, this is exactly why
you should stay in your place and not move from it. If you leave your place in the word Somech,
what will then happen to all those who fell and are being supported by you? The letter Samech
then left immediately!
29. The letter Nun entered and stood before Him saying, Master of the Universe, may it please
You to create the world with me, because the phrase, “fearful in praises (nora tehilot), “(Exodus
15:11) starts with me. And also, in the praising of the righteous, it is written, “Praises (nava) is
comely.” (Psalms 147:1) He said, Nun, go back to your place. It is because of you that the letter
Smaech returned to its place. And you should depend on it for support. This means that the letter
Nun is inscribed at the beginning of the word fall (nefilah) and the letter Samech, which is the
secret of “God upholds all that fall,” returned to its place to support those who fall, as explained
in the previous paragraph. It immediately left His presence and returned to its place.
30. The letter Mem entered and said to Him, Master of the Universe, may it please You to create
the world with me, because with me you are called Melech (King). He told it, Yes, it is indeed
so, but I shall not create the world with you, because the worlds need a king! Go back to your
place, you and the letters Lamed and Kaf, as it is not proper for the world to be without a king.
31. At that hour, the letter Kaph descended from His Throne (kise) of Glory. Shaking and
trembling, it stood before Him and said, Master of the Universe, may it please You to create the
world with me, because I am Your Glory (kavod). When the letter Kaph descended from the
Throne of His Glory, 200,000 worlds were shaken and the Throne trembled. And all the worlds
were about to collapse. The Holy One, blessed be He, told it, Kaph, Kaph, what are you doing
here?! I shall indeed not create the world with you. Go back to your place, because the Hebrew
word klayah (destruction) starts with you. And because of you “…total destruction is determined
and decreed.” (Isaiah 10:23) So, return to your Throne and stay there. At that same moment, it
took leave and returned to its place.
32. The letter Yod entered, stood before Him, and said, Master of the Universe, may it please
You to create the world with me, because I am the first letter of the Holy Name. Thus, it should
be proper for You to create the world with me. He replied, it should suffice you to be engraved
upon My Name and appear in Me. You embrace all My desires. Rise up, it would not be proper
for you to be removed from My Name!.
33. The letter Teth entered, stood before Him and said, Master of the Universe may it please You
to create the world with me, as by me You are called good (tov) and upright. He replied: I will
not create the world with you, because your goodness is concealed within you. Therefore it is
written, “How abundant is Your goodness which You have concealed for them that fear You.”
(Psalms 31:20) So because your goodness is concealed within you, it cannot take any part in this
world that I want to create. It only applies to the World to come. Furthermore, because your
goodness is concealed and treasured within yourself, the gates of the Temple shall be “sunk.” As
it is written, “Her gates are sunk into the ground.” (Lamentations 2:9) And to add to all this, the
letter Chet stands before you, together you become a sin (Chet-Chet, Tet, Aleph). This is why
these two letters do not appear in the names of the twelve tribes. Teth immediately then took its
leave and went away from him.
34. The letter Zayin entered and said to Him, Master of the Universe, may it please You to create
the world with me, because with my help, Your children shall keep the Shabbat, as it is written,
“Remember (zachor) the Sabbat day, to keep it holy.” (Exodus 20:8) He replied, I will not create
the world with you, because you represent war, that is, a sharp pointed sword and a spear with
which people make war. And they are called weapon which in Hebrew is pronounced Zayin!
And you are like the letter Nun, which the world was not created by, because it is at the
beginning of the word Nefilah (falling). It immediately left His presence.
35. The letter Vau entered, and pleaded before Him, Master of the Universe, may it please You
to create the world with me because I am one of the letters of your name Yod, He, Vau, and He.
He replied, Vau, you and the letter He should both be satisfied with being written in my name.
Because you appear in my name and are engraved in it, I shall therefore not create the world with
In the beginning, the Creator Gods grew to understand that spirit is governed by a natural
order of universal laws. This order of nature is the universal hierarchy laws of things that
governs all things at a subatomic level. The universal laws that created matter through the
evolution of consciousness. Organizing the spiritual elements from their simplest forms of
elementary particles into self-aware conscious beings of light. These laws in their complexities
are hard for elementary consciousness to grasp and thus evolve. A plan was devised to
coordinate spirit (consciousness), matter (vibration), light (knowledge/order), sphere (gravity),
and space (cyclical or loop forces). The Creator Gods created a language by which spirit, matter,
light, sphere, and space could be synthesized for the further evolution of consciousness. This
language is from the numbers that formulate the letters that consist of 22 energy intelligence.
These names identifies the spiritual elements that create the cosmic bond.
Consciousness is capable of influencing and creating matter through these energy
intelligences. These 22 energy intelligent letters can be found in “Zohar.” Listed below is exerts
from the book of Zohar which explains in philosophical detail the origin of these letters. As well
as the powers that have been ordain upon them.
22. “When the Creator thought to create the world, all of the letters were still concealed, and
even 2,000 years before the creation of the world, the Creator gazed into the letters and played
with them.”
23. When the Creator thought to create the world, all the letters of the alphabet came to Him in
reverse order from last Tau to first Aleph. The letter Tau entered first and said, “Master of the
world! It is good, and also seemly of you, to create the world with me, with my properties. For I
am the seal on your ring, called Emet (truth), that ends with the letter Tau. And that is why you
are called truth, and why it would befit the King to begin the universe with the letter Tau, and to
create the world by her, by her properties. The Creator answered: “You are beautiful and sincere,
but do not merit the world that I conceived to be created by your properties, since you are
destined to be marked on the foreheads of the truly faithful who fulfill all of Torah
from Aleph to Tau, and perished because of you”.
24. The letter Shin appeared before the Creator and said: “Maker of the world, it befits the world
to be created with me, for your own name Shadday begins with me.” The Creator replied: “You
are fine, handsome, and truthful, but since the letters of the word Sheker (falsehood) took you to
be with them, I cannot create the world with your properties, for Sheker exists only because the
letters Qoph and Resh took you.”
similitude of this universe and its various functions. Below are the 22 numbers and names of the
Hebrew Alphabet.
1. ALEPH = A
2. BETH = B & BH
3. GIMEL = G & GH
4. DALETH = D & DH & TH
5. HE = H
6. VAU = V
7. ZAIN = Z
9. TETH = T
10. YOD = I & Y
11. KAPH = K & KK
12. LAMED = L
13. MEM = M
14. NUN = N
15. SAMEKH = S
16. AYIN = O & AA & AG
17. PE = P & PH
19. QOPH = Q & QH
20. RESH = R
21. SCHIN = S & SH
22. TAU = T & TH
25. From the aforesaid, it follows that whoever wishes to tell a lie will succeed if he first tells the
truth as a base on which the lie will then grow and start to act. And this is because the
letter Shin is a letter of truth, in which the Patriarchs had been united, for the three lines in the
writing of the letter Shin ( )שsignify the three Patriarchs, who designate the Sefirot-
properties Hesed- Gevura- Tifferet.
26. Subsequently, the letter Tzadik appeared before the Creator and said: “Master of the world,
you should create the world with me, for Tzadikim (the righteous) are marked by me. You, who
is called a Tzadik (righteous one), are also recorded within me, for you are righteous and you
love righteousness. Therefore, my properties are suitable to create the world by.”
27. The letter Peh entered and said: “Master of the world, it would be good to create the world
with me, for the future liberation of the world is inscribed in me, as the word Pedut (liberation,
redemption) begins with me. That is, liberation is deliverance from all suffering. And it is
therefore fitting to create the world with me.” The Creator answered her: “Though you are fine,
the word Peshah (transgression) begins with you and is secretly denoted by you, like a serpent
that strikes and hides its head in its body. So a sinner bows his head, hiding from others’ eyes,
but stretches out his hands to sin. So is the shape of the letter Peh, whose head is hidden inside
it.” And the Creator also said to the letter Ayin that it would be unfitting to create the world with
its properties, for within it is the property of Avon (crime, sin). And though Ayin tried to object,
saying that its properties are contained in the word Anavah (humility), the Creator refused it
28. The letter Samech appeared before the Creator and said: “Creator of the world, it would be
good to create the world with my properties, for within me is Smicha (support) for the fallen, as
it is written: ‘The Creator supports (Somech) all who fall.’” The Creator replied: “That is why
you are needed in your place; do not move from it. If you move from your place, contained in the
word Somech, those who fall will lose your support, for they rely on you (your properties).”
Having heard this, the letter Samech departed.
29. The letter Nun entered and said to the Creator: “It would be good for You to create the world
with me, for Norah Tehilot (great praises) is written with me, as well as ‘Praising of the
righteous.’” The Creator replied: “Return to your place, for you are the reason that the
letter Samechreturned to its place. And rely on it for support. For the letter Nun exists in the
word Nefilah (fall), which must be corrected by the letter Samech. This is the reason why it
needed to return to its place – so as to strengthen the lower ones.” The letter Nun left Him at
30. The letter Mem entered and said: “Master of the world, it would be good for you to create the
world by me, for Melech (King) is called by me.” The Creator replied: “That is so, but I shall not
create the world by you, for the world needs a King. Return to your place. Also, I shall not create
the world with the letters Lamed and Chaf that form the word MeLeCH (King), as the world
cannot exist without a King.”
31. At this time the letter Chaf descended from the Kisseh – the Creator’s throne, and stood
before the Creator. It trembled and said to Him: “Creator of the world, with my properties I merit
to become the basis of the world, for I am Kavod – Your Glory.” When the letter Chaf descended
from the Creator’s throne, all the worlds trembled, and the throne itself, verging on collapse. The
Creator then answered: “Chaf, what are you doing here? I will not create the world by you.
Return to your place, for you exist in the word Kelayah (destruction) and in the
word Kalah (bride).”
32. The letter Yod entered and said: “Maker of the world! It would be good to create the world by
me, for Your Holy name begins with me.” The Creator replied: “It is sufficient that you are
inscribed in My Name, in me, and all of your aspirations are to Me, and you should not be
uprooted from it all.”
33. The letter Tet entered and said: “Maker of the world, it would be good to create the world
with me, for it is by me that you are called Tov (Good).” The Creator replied: “I will not create
the world by you, for your goodness is concealed within you and is invisible. Therefore, it cannot
take any part in the world that I wish to create, and will only be revealed in the world to come.
And since your goodness is concealed within you, the gates of the palace will sink into the
ground, for the letter Chet is opposite from you, and when you join together, the
word CHeT (sin) will be formed. This is why these two letters are not recorded in the names of
the holy tribes.” The letter Chet immediately moved aside.
34. The letter Zayin entered and said: “Maker of the world, it would be good to create the world
by me, as Shabbat is preserved with me, for it is written: ‘Remember (Zachor) the day
of Shabbat, so as to keep it.’” The Creator replied: “I will not create the world by you, for within
you is a force of war, as sabers and swords, called “Klei Zayin” (weaponry), are made by you.
And you are like the letter Nun, with which the world was not created, for within it
is Nefilah (fall)” (item 29). Having heard that, the letter Zayin left Him.
35. The letter Vau entered and said: “It would be good to create the world with me, for I am a
letter from Your Name HaVaYaH (Yod-Hey-Vau-Hey).” The Creator replied: “Vau, both you and
the letter Hey should just be glad to be contained within My Name. This is why I will not create
the world with your properties.”
36. The letters Dalet and Gimel appeared before the Creator. However, the Creator told them
right away: “It is enough that you are both together, so that as long as the poor exist on earth,
there is someone to treat them with mercy (Li Gmol Hesed). The letter Dalet derives
from Dalut (poverty), while Gimel renders mercy to it (Gomelet Hassadim). Therefore, you
cannot part, and it is enough for you to aid one another in this way.
37. The letter Bet entered and said to the Creator: “Maker of the world, it would be good to
create the world by me, as by me you are blessed above and below. For Bet is Berachah
(blessing).” The Creator replied to Bet: “Of course, I will create the world by you, and you shall
be the basis of the world!”
38. The letter Aleph stood outside and did not enter to appear before the Creator. The Creator
said to it: “Why do you not come to me like all the other letters?” Aleph replied: “Because I saw
all the letters leaving your presence without the desired answer. And besides, I saw you
presenting the letter Bet with this great gift. And, indeed, the King of the universe cannot take
back his gift and give it to
All things created, were first created in spirit and then created through the organization of
matter and substance with a design of schematics that creates synthesis at an atomic level. Every
elementary consciousness has a degree of spirituality lesser or greater than others. The degree of
spirituality of each consciousness is according to their understanding, practice, and self-
discipline to achieve self-mastery. Exercising very strict disciplines that evolves the
consciousness to glorified states of being. States that can only be achieved through the
understanding of these letters that create the cosmic bond. An understanding that only the Elect
among earth will grasp and evolve.
Those of lesser degrees have no physical bodies and still exist within the first energy
shell of their spiritual form. Those spirits that passes their second estate achieve the second
energy level of the shells. Qualified to enter the avatars that were designed with no limits to
become Creator Gods. Only if they achieve self-mastery and completely organize their avatar.
By entering the mortal avatar, the consciousness gained its second estate. That of gaining a
physical mortal body. Becoming a successful avatar driver in the second estate through self-
mastery and entering the transformational mutation through which one obtains the immortal state
is to gain the third estate of evolution. There are nine estates to advance and evolve through too
gain everlasting light. The greater degrees of spirits of consciousness who are more
knowledgeable is because of their increase in self-awareness. Having gained their first, second,
third, and fourth estates of being. Another way of saying that these refined beings have achieved
increasing the spiritual elements through the shells of the energy levels from the first, second,
third, and fourth energy levels. This is the art of spirituality, to increase in estates. It is to
understand the science of spirituality in its proper orders to successfully evolve to the ninth estate
of energy level of the shells.
The creator gods designing a foundation of language by which all spheres of spirit
elements could be constructed. Kingdoms of intelligence that could exist upon a complex
foundation of order. The creator gods began these creations at a molecular level. The molecular
level which is known in scientific terms as DNA, genetics, and chromosomes. When it came to
the design of the DNA each part, section, function, and purpose has a named after the order of
the spirits, elements, angels, and archangels within the Celestial, Terrestrial, and Telestial
Kingdoms. This would give the avatar driver the ability to communicate with the DNA in order
for the spirits, angels, and archangels within the DNA to activate and come online. Synthesizing
in their processes to create, bringing forth certain nutritional factors for the health as well as the
overall welfare of the avatar. By the communication and calling forth of various spirits, angels,
and archangels which are located at various positions in the DNA would cause certain sequences
of codons to take place. These sequences activate various genes that will bring forth nutritional
value as well as knowledge in a variety of arts of sciences. The creator gods then took this
stairway of DNA and wrapped it around the firsts of the 22 letters of the language that was
created. This first letter was formed by three letters to form the first creator letter of all created
physical life. Its form is in the similar shape of the American alphabetical letter of “X”. This
first letters name is ALEPH which translates in Hebrew as the beginning. The DNA that are
wrapped around to form the “X” is what scientist term as chromosomes.
Chromosomes were created in pairs and were placed inside the nucleus of every cell of
the avatar. These pairs of ALEPH letters wrapped with DNA become infused with energy
intelligence. The function of these two pairs of letters is too transform into any of the other 22
energy intelligent letters upon command, contemplation, vibration, or the spoken names. By
speaking the names of these energy intelligent letters or chromosomes they begin to form any of
the 22 letter names spoken. After which point they begin to over lay each other to create a
synthesis whereby information of knowledge and power to create come forth. After which, these
energy intelligent letters/chromosomes shift back to their original and first form of the first letter
of creation, ALEPH.
The 22 energy intelligences is the schematics by which the Elohim Avatar is designed. It
is by these energy intelligence that the numbers of electrons and protons at a molecular level are
programmed. The forces of the atoms of the avatar is at the complete control of the avatar driver
when using these intelligent names. The synthesis of the avatar works the same way that a
computer performs after it is programmed by a programming language. Once this language is
better understood the computer programmer then can develop systems of programs to perform
various actions that is user friendly for the computer operators. The avatar works, functions, and
operates in much of the same way. Learning the language of the avatar makes it much easier to
manage, organize, and drive for the operator. The Creator Gods are great master organizers of
matter. Understanding the essence of the spirit and how it functions. The avatar that you
currently occupy consist of spiritual elements that were organized. The same order by which the
avatar was organized and brought into physical manifestation through a process of spiritual
alchemy, every kingdom within every universe was organized in the same way at a molecular
level. The difference is that some spirits have organized the essence of their being more than
others. Becoming a more refined spiritual element through understanding the cosmic bond that
creates and binds all things that exist.
Abraham, a friend and prophet of God, stated that the Hebrew Aleph Beth is the cosmic
bond. What is about to be revealed is a spiritual science in vocabulary. This is the most
fundamental level of intelligence and understanding that one will ever receive in order to
increase ones wisdom. In truth, bringing forth the full genius locked away within the spirits of
genes. It is these 22 energy intelligences that in combination with each other that will bring
under ones control the internal forces of one’s self as well as the universe. These energy
intelligences are the substances for which reality is formed and manifested. The creator gods
created the 22 energy intelligences that constitute the master communications system through
which all subsystems of energy evolve, of which today are expressed or referred to as the letters
of the Hebrew Aleph Beth. These 22 Energy Intelligences are the Divine characters of the
Hebrew Aleph Beth. Which are known to scientists as the 22 Chromosomes. These 22 energy
intelligences unlock the sublime perfection of the human avatar. The Creator Gods created all
souls through these 22 emanations. The combinations of which, when recited or spoken unlock
the DNA and spirit within the genes revealing the inner secrets of nature. This knowledge is the
very essence of all that is within and will grant access to the domains of all universes as well as
the many dimensions in the realms of multidimensional existences.
The Creator Gods created universes within tesseract cubes that would sustain life.
However, this all began at the smallest of particles which is the atom. The Creator Gods created
a language that would outline the dimensions in and around the atom called tesseract cube.
Giving specific names, positions, and rotations of each negative electron. As well as the position
of the proton and neutron within the nucleus of an atom. Understanding the dimensions around
an atom they organized these dimensions and from there laid the foundation of all creation upon
this glorious order. Building avatars, planets, suns, solar systems, galaxies, and universes
according to these schematics and by this majestic design. Some may have a hard time grasping
exactly how they were able to name the natural order of universal laws and how the particles of
elements would obey that order. What is the programming that gives these beings such power to
command the elements at an atomic level that they would obey? This would be a great question
to ask.
First, the forces that drives an atom are neutral, positive, and negative charges that form
the electromagnetic energy known photons that can been seen as light. The positive charge is
electric and the negative charge is magnetic while the neutral charge is the balance between these
two forces. Consciousness is electric and vibration is magnetic and space is the sphere they
occupy. A better way of putting it is that consciousness is the wave and magnetic is the wave
length that together forms the electromagnetic forces of the atom within a sphere or tesseract.
Think of it like this, the Creator Gods understand the intricate design of the universal laws that
governs and creates all things. They organized a language and then meticulously placed a name,
position, and rotation for each of the electrons that they see circling the protons and neutrons of
an atom. They then name each part of the atom that identifies each part, position, and purpose.
Then name each location of the dimensions that the forces will travel around and through the
atom which formulated to a cubical space called the tesseract. They then ordain these names that
outlines the whole subatomic quantum physics of the atom and decree that these are the powers
to obtain in order to organize the spirits to manifest matter. Organizing unorganized matter
according to the will and desire of consciousness.
Now that the Creator Gods had a map of how particles of the atom operates. It is now up
to the masters to exercise the self-discipline of training their consciousness in following this
mapping system. This way all elementary consciousness could evolve. A mapping system that a
consciousness can then begin at element number one of the hydrogen atom in beginning to
develop self-mastery of evolving ones consciousness. With every increasing element evolving
the degree of consciousness with which then increases the electromagnetic forces that one wields
in power. As the consciousness gets up into the elements of number 72. The consciousness of the
avatar driver has evolved to a level with enough electromagnetic forces generated that the natural
elements begin to obey the consciousness of the avatar driver. Obtaining an evolved state of
consciousness to where the elements of nature can begin to be manipulated at the will and desire
of the avatar driver’s consciousness. This is a level that is not easily obtained and that only the
elect have it within themselves to achieve. This is a self-mastery that is required to train the
conscious mind to follow the course of an atom that formulates different elements within the
universe. Sacred geometrical shapes are used by masters to help them remember the calibration
of each shell of electrons. At higher evolved degrees of consciousness this mental training
becomes second nature and quite easy. Where ever consciousness goes, it is there that energy
follows. As a master continues to train their consciousness to unite with the universal laws in
creating different elements. The light of the conscious begins to grow increasing in countenance
as the consciousness expands. Below is an outline of the cosmic bond language that is the
quantum physics of an atom. Each Hebrew letters have attached numbers that is attached to
Hebrew names. That is an idea from the forces that are created at a subatomic level. That is the
schematics of quantum physics that synthesizes the avatar in becoming the Elohim. Following
are the dimensions of the tesseract formulated around an atom in the form of shells and sub
orbitals at the subatomic level.
The Atomic Shells K-R are the spheres of energy that contains the evil spirit electrons and their
orbiting rotations. The “S” is the center of the atoms nucleus named Tau. Each energy shell is a
different dimension. There are a total of 12 dimensions of which 9 are currently known to man.
Each dimension is spiritually represented by a planet in this solar system. In science there in 8
energy shells which are K-R. In spiritual terms there are 12 but only 9 are currently known
scientifically. These 9 energy shells or dimensions counts the nucleus of the atom as a dimension
which gives the total of 9 instead of 8.
• Atomic Center “T” = 22 =TAU
• Atomic Nucleus “S” = 15 =SAMEKH = 1st Dimension = Neptune
• Atomic Shell “K” = 11 = KAPH = 2nd Dimension = Uranus
• Atomic Shell “L” = 12 = LAMED = 3rd Dimension = Saturn
• Atomic Shell “M” = 13 = MEM = 4th Dimension = Jupiter
• Atomic Shell “N” = 14 = NUN = 5th Dimension = Mars
• Atomic Shell “O” = 16 = AYIN = 6th Dimension = Sun
• Atomic Shell “P” = 17 = PEH = 7th Dimension = Venus
• Atomic Shell “Q” = 19 = QOPH = 8th Dimension = Mercury
• Atomic Shell “R” = 20 = RESH = 9th Dimension = Moon
• Atomic Shell “?” = ? = ? = 10th Dimension = Earth
• Atomic Shell “?” = ? = ? = 11th Dimension = ?
• Atomic Shell “?” = ? = ? = 12th Dimension = ?
The Atomic Suborbital electrons or evil spirits identifies the approximate locations that the
electron travels around the nucleus of an atom within the tesseract.
• Suborbital “Pz” = 1 = ALEPH
• Suborbital “Px” = 2 = BETH
Electron Configurations of the 118 elements of Earths Periodic Table are as follows.
0. Nucleus (1D) 33. As 4s2 3d10 4p3 66. Dy 4f10 6s2
1. H 1s1 34. Se 3d10 4s2 4p4 67. Ho 4f11 6s2
2. He 1s2 (2D Full) 35. Br 4s2 3d10 4p5 68. Er 4f12 6s2
3. Li 2s1 36. Kr 3d10 4s2 4p6 (5D Full) 69. Tm 4f13 6s2
4. Be 2s2 37. Rb 5s1 70. Yb 4f14 6s2
5. B 2s2 2p1 38. Sr 5s2 71. Lu 4f14 5d1 6s2
6. C 2s2 2p2 39. Y 4d1 5s2 72. Hf 4f14 5d2 6s2
7. N 1s2 2s2 2p3 40. Zr 5s2 4d2 73. Ta 4f14 5d3 6s2
8. O 1s2 2s2 2p4 41. Nb 4d4 74. W 4f14 5d4 6s2
9. F 2s2 2p5 42. Mo 4d5 5s1 75. Re 4f14 5d5 6s2
10. Ne 2s2 2p6 (3D Full) 43. Tc 4d6 5s1 76. Os 4f14 5d6 6s2
11. Na 3s1 44. Ru 4d7 5s1 77. Ir 4f14 5d7 6s2
12. Mg 3s2 45. Rh 4d8 5s1 78. Pt 4f14 5d9 6s1
13. Al 3s2 3p1 46. Pd 4d10 79. Au 4f14 5d10 6s1
14. Si 3s2 3p2 47. Ag 4d^10 5s^1 80. Hg 4f14 5d10 6s2
15. P 3s2 3p3 48. Cd 4d10 5s2 81. Ti 4f14 5d10 6s2 6p1
16. S 3s2 3p4 49. In 4d10 5s2 5p1 82. Pb 4f14 5d10 6s2 6p2
17. Cl 3s2 3p5 50. Sn 4d10 5s2 5p2 83. Bi 4f14 5d10 6s2 6p3
18. Ar 3s2 3p6 (4D Full) 51. Sb 4d10 5s2 5p3 84. Po 6s2 4f14 5d10 6p4
19. K 4s1 52. Te 4d10 5s2 5p4 85. At 4f14 5d10 6s2 6p5
20. Ca 4s2 53. I 4d10 5s2 5p5 86. Rn 4f14 5d10 6s2 6p6 (7D
21. Sc 3d1 4s2 54. Xe 4d10 5s2 5p6(6D Full) Full)
22. Ti 3d2 4s2 55. Cs 6s1 87. Fr 7s1
23. V 3d3 4s2 56. Ba 6s2 88. Ra 7s2
24. Cr 3d5 4s1 57. La 5d1 6s2 89. Ac 6d1 7s2
25. Mn 4s2 3d5 58. Ce 4f1 5d1 6s2 90. Th 6d2 7s2
26. Fe 3d6 4s2 59. Pr 4f3 6s2 91. Pa 5f2 6d1 7s2
27. Co 4s2 3d7 60. Nd 4f4 6s2 92. U 5f3 6d1 7s2
28. Ni 4s2 3d8 61. Pm 4f5 6s2 93. Np 5f4 6d1 7s2
29. Cu 3d10 4s1 62. Sm 4f6 6s2 94. Pu 5f6 7s2
30. Zn 3d10 4s2 63. Eu 4f7 6s2 95. Am 5f7 7s2
31. Ga 3d10 4s2 4p1 64. Gd 4f7 5d1 6s2 96. Cm 5f7 6d2 7s2
32. Ge 3d10 4s2 4p2 65. Tb 4f9 6s2 97. Bk 5f9 7s2
Cosmologist Max Tegmark has provided a taxonomy of universes beyond the familiar
observable universe. The levels according to Tegmark's classification are arranged such that
subsequent levels can be understood to encompass and expand upon previous levels, and they are
briefly described below.[23][24]
A generic prediction of chaotic inflation is an infinite ergodic universe, which, being infinite,
must contain Hubble volumes realizing all initial conditions.
Accordingly, an infinite universe will contain an infinite number of Hubble volumes, all having
the same physical laws and physical constants. In regard to configurations such as the
distribution of matter, almost all will differ from our Hubble volume. However, because there are
infinitely many, far beyond the cosmological horizon, there will eventually be Hubble volumes
with similar, and even identical, configurations. Tegmark estimates that an identical volume to
ours should be about 1010115 meters away from us.[7] Given infinite space, there would, in fact, be
an infinite number of Hubble volumes identical to ours in the universe. [25] This follows directly
from the cosmological principle, wherein it is assumed our Hubble volume is not special or
"Bubble universes": every disk is a bubble universe (Universe 1 to Universe 6 are different
bubbles; they have physical constants that are different from our universe); our universe is just
one of the bubbles.
In the chaotic inflation theory, a variant of the cosmic inflation theory, the multiverse as a whole
is stretching and will continue doing so forever, but some regions of space stop stretching and
form distinct bubbles, like gas pockets in a loaf of rising bread. Such bubbles are embryonic
level I multiverses. Linde and Vanchurin calculated the number of these universes to be on the
scale of 101010,000,000.[26]
Different bubbles may experience different spontaneous symmetry breaking resulting in different
properties such as different physical constants.[25]
This level also includes John Archibald Wheeler's oscillatory universe theory and Lee Smolin's
fecund universes theory.
the throw corresponds to a quantum mechanics observable. All six possible ways the die can fall
correspond to six different universes.
Tegmark argues that a level III multiverse does not contain more possibilities in the Hubble
volume than a level I-II multiverse. In effect, all the different "worlds" created by "splits" in a
level III multiverse with the same physical constants can be found in some Hubble volume in a
level I multiverse. Tegmark writes that "The only difference between Level I and Level III is
where your doppelgängers reside. In Level I they live elsewhere in good old three-dimensional
space. In Level III they live on another quantum branch in infinite-dimensional Hilbert space."
Similarly, all level II bubble universes with different physical constants can in effect be found as
"worlds" created by "splits" at the moment of spontaneous symmetry breaking in a level III
Related to the many-worlds idea are Richard Feynman's multiple histories interpretation and H.
Dieter Zeh's many-minds interpretation.
Jürgen Schmidhuber, however, says the "set of mathematical structures" is not even well-
defined, and admits only universe representations describable by constructive mathematics, that
is, computer programs. He explicitly includes universe representations describable by non-
halting programs whose output bits converge after finite time, although the convergence time
itself may not be predictable by a halting program, due to Kurt Gödel's limitations.[28][29][30] He also
explicitly discusses the more restricted ensemble of quickly computable universes.[31]
American theoretical physicist and string theorist Brian Greene discussed nine types of parallel
The quilted multiverse works only in an infinite universe. With an infinite amount of
space, every possible event will occur an infinite number of times. However, the speed of
light prevents us from being aware of these other identical areas.
Cyclic theories[edit]
In several theories there is a series of infinite, self-sustaining cycles (for example: an eternity of
Big Bang-Big crunches).
See also: Introduction to M-theory, M-theory, Brane cosmology and String theory landscape
A multiverse of a somewhat different kind has been envisaged within string theory and its
higher-dimensional extension, M-theory.[33] These theories require the presence of 10 or 11
spacetime dimensions respectively. The extra 6 or 7 dimensions may either be compactified on a
very small scale, or our universe may simply be localized on a dynamical (3+1)-dimensional
object, a D-brane. This opens up the possibility that there are other branes which could support
"other universes".[34][35] This is unlike the universes in the "quantum multiverse", but both
concepts can operate at the same time.[citation needed]
Some scenarios postulate that our big bang was created, along with our universe, by the collision
of two branes.[34][35]
Black-hole cosmology[edit]
A black-hole cosmology is a cosmological model in which the observable universe is the interior
of a black hole existing as one of possibly many inside a larger universe.
Anthropic principle[edit]
The concept of other universes has been proposed to explain how our Universe appears to be
fine-tuned for conscious life as we experience it. If there were a large (possibly infinite) number
of universes, each with possibly different physical laws (or different fundamental physical
constants), some of these universes, even if very few, would have the combination of laws and
fundamental parameters that are suitable for the development of matter, astronomical structures,
elemental diversity, stars, and planets that can exist long enough for life to emerge and evolve.
The weak anthropic principle could then be applied to conclude that we (as conscious beings)
would only exist in one of those few universes that happened to be finely tuned, permitting the
existence of life with developed consciousness. Thus, while the probability might be extremely
small that any particular universe would have the requisite conditions for life (as we understand
life) to emerge and evolve, this does not require intelligent design per the teleological argument
as the only explanation for the conditions in the Universe that promote our existence in it.
Around 2010, scientists such as Stephen M. Feeney analyzed Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy
Probe (WMAP) data and claimed to find preliminary evidence suggesting that our universe
collided with other (parallel) universes in the distant past.[36][unreliable source?][37][38][39] However, a more
thorough analysis of data from the WMAP and from the Planck satellite, which has a resolution
3 times higher than WMAP, failed to find any statistically significant evidence of such a bubble
universe collision.[40][41] In addition, there is no evidence of any gravitational pull of other
universes on ours.[42][43]
N on-scientific claims[edit]
In his 2003 NY Times opinion piece, A Brief History of the Multiverse, author and cosmologist,
Paul Davies, offers a variety of arguments that multiverse theories are non-scientific :[44]
For a start, how is the existence of the other universes to be tested? To be sure, all cosmologists
accept that there are some regions of the universe that lie beyond the reach of our telescopes, but
somewhere on the slippery slope between that and the idea that there are an infinite number of
universes, credibility reaches a limit. As one slips down that slope, more and more must be
accepted on faith, and less and less is open to scientific verification. Extreme multiverse
explanations are therefore reminiscent of theological discussions. Indeed, invoking an infinity of
unseen universes to explain the unusual features of the one we do see is just as ad hoc as
invoking an unseen Creator. The multiverse theory may be dressed up in scientific language, but
in essence it requires the same leap of faith.
Taking cosmic inflation as a popular case in point, George Ellis, writing in August 2011,
provides a balanced criticism of not only the science, but as he suggests, the scientific
philosophy, by which multiverse theories are generally substantiated. He, like most
cosmologists, accepts Tegmark's level I "domains", even though they lie far beyond the
cosmological horizon. Likewise, the multiverse of cosmic inflation is said to exist very far away.
It would be so far away, however, that it's very unlikely any evidence of an early interaction will
be found. He argues that for many theorists, the lack of empirical testability or falsifiability is not
a major concern. “Many physicists who talk about the multiverse, especially advocates of the
string landscape, do not care much about parallel universes per se. For them, objections to the
multiverse as a concept are unimportant. Their theories live or die based on internal consistency
and, one hopes, eventual laboratory testing.” Although he believes there’s little hope that will
ever be possible, he grants that the theories on which the speculation is based, are not without
scientific merit. He concludes that multiverse theory is a “productive research program”:[45]
Occam's razor[edit]
Proponents and critics disagree about how to apply Occam's razor. Critics argue that to postulate
a practically infinite number of unobservable universes just to explain our own seems contrary to
Occam's razor.[46] In contrast, proponents argue that, in terms of Kolmogorov complexity, the
proposed multiverse is simpler than a single idiosyncratic universe.[25]
[A]n entire ensemble is often much simpler than one of its members. This principle can be stated
more formally using the notion of algorithmic information content. The algorithmic information
content in a number is, roughly speaking, the length of the shortest computer program that will
produce that number as output. For example, consider the set of all integers. Which is simpler,
the whole set or just one number? Naively, you might think that a single number is simpler, but
the entire set can be generated by quite a trivial computer program, whereas a single number can
be hugely long. Therefore, the whole set is actually simpler... (Similarly), the higher-level
multiverses are simpler. Going from our universe to the Level I multiverse eliminates the need to
specify initial conditions, upgrading to Level II eliminates the need to specify physical constants,
and the Level IV multiverse eliminates the need to specify anything at all.... A common feature
of all four multiverse levels is that the simplest and arguably most elegant theory involves
parallel universes by default. To deny the existence of those universes, one needs to complicate
the theory by adding experimentally unsupported processes and ad hoc postulates: finite space,
wave function collapse and ontological asymmetry. Our judgment therefore comes down to
which we find more wasteful and inelegant: many worlds or many words. Perhaps we will
gradually get used to the weird ways of our cosmos and find its strangeness to be part of its
— Max Tegmark, "Parallel universes. Not just a staple of science fiction, other universes are a
direct implication of cosmological observations." Scientific American 2003 May;288(5):40–51
Princeton cosmologist Paul Steinhardt used the 2014 Annual Edge Question to voice his
opposition to multiverse theorizing:
A pervasive idea in fundamental physics and cosmology that should be retired: the notion that
we live in a multiverse in which the laws of physics and the properties of the cosmos vary
randomly from one patch of space to another. According to this view, the laws and properties
within our observable universe cannot be explained or predicted because they are set by chance.
Different regions of space too distant to ever be observed have different laws and properties,
according to this picture. Over the entire multiverse, there are infinitely many distinct patches.
Among these patches, in the words of Alan Guth, "anything that can happen will happen—and it
will happen infinitely many times". Hence, I refer to this concept as a Theory of Anything. Any
observation or combination of observations is consistent with a Theory of Anything. No
observation or combination of observations can disprove it. Proponents seem to revel in the fact
that the Theory cannot be falsified. The rest of the scientific community should be up in arms
since an unfalsifiable idea lies beyond the bounds of normal science. Yet, except for a few
voices, there has been surprising complacency and, in some cases, grudging acceptance of a
Theory of Anything as a logical possibility. The scientific journals are full of papers treating the
Theory of Anything seriously. What is going on?[20]
Steinhardt claims that multiverse theories have gained currency mostly because too much has
been invested in theories that have failed, e.g. inflation or string theory. He tends to see in them
an attempt to redefine the values of science to which he objects even more strongly:
A Theory of Anything is useless because it does not rule out any possibility and worthless
because it submits to no do-or-die tests. (Many papers discuss potential observable
consequences, but these are only possibilities, not certainties, so the Theory is never really put at
Possible worlds are a way of explaining probability, hypothetical statements and the like, and
some philosophers such as David Lewis believe that all possible worlds exist, and are just as real
as the actual world (a position known as modal realism).[47]
Trans-world identity[edit]
A metaphysical issue that crops up in multiverse schema that posit infinite identical copies of
any given universe is that of the notion that there can be identical objects in different possible
worlds. According to the counterpart theory of David Lewis, the objects should be regarded as
similar rather than identical.[48][49]
Fictional realism[edit]
The view that because fictions exist, fictional characters exist as well. There are fictional entities,
in the same sense in which, setting aside philosophical disputes, there are people, Mondays,
numbers and planets.[50][51]
!&.2#0 2,'4#01*2#11#0!)2
5BI8 8?BJ%)" 'BEG; ,BHG;,"#' 4A74FG 08FG&&
8AG8E-.5BI8-"8?BJ!#&%'BEG;)" ,BHG;+," 4FG%-"
5BI8--"'BEG;8?BJ2( 'BEG;08FG%& ,BHG;08FG'.' 08FG
5BI8,&$" 08FG8?BJ2#' ,BHG;5BI8-3 4A7,BHG;8?BJ*()"
Each element is a different configuration in a section and region of the Double Helix DNA. Hydrogen
is the middle bond, the core of the DNA. Then from Hydrogens center position is the DNA is detailed
in its building structure from there on out. With Helium being the next in line and then Lithium and
so on and so forth. Until the whole construction of the DNA is formulated.
!&.2#0 .2&1-$2,'4#01*2#11#0!2
Translated from the Greaters Keys of Solomon. Here I present you with the names of God in their
various combinations. Along with the order of waking up and calling forth each section of the schema
of the Sacred Ladder (DNA), otherwise known as “The Tree of Life”.
1. Seal of Solomon/The Tree of Life/Holy Sephiroth Order:
a. Aleph, Beth, Gimel, Daleth, He, Vau, Zain, Cheth, Teth, Yod, Kaph, Lamed, Mem,
Nun, Samekh, Ayin, Pe, Tzaddi, Qoph, Resh, Schin, Tau,
b. Kaph, Tau, Resh
c. Tau, Pe, Aleph, Resh, Tau, Yod, Samekh, Vau, Daleth
d. Nun, Aleph, Cheth
e. He, Vau, Daleth
f. Cheth, Kaph, Mem, He
g. Daleth, Ayin, Tau
h. Beth, Yod, Nun, He
i. Aleph, Kaph
j. Aleph, Yod, Pe, Aleph
k. Schin, Lamed, Samekh, He
l. Schin, Lamed, Mem, He
m. Gimel, Daleth, Vau, Lamed, He
n. Gimel, Beth, Vau, Resh, He
1. Saturn-1:
a. Lamed, Pe, Nun, Yod, Vau,
b. Yod, Kaph, Resh, Ayin, Vau,
c. Tzaddi, Yod, Yod, Mem,
d. Vau, Aleph, Yod, Beth, Yod, Vau,
e. Ayin, Pe, Resh,
f. Yod, Yod, Lamed, Cheth, Kaph, Vau, Yod, Yod,
g. Yod, He, Vau, He,
h. Aleph, Daleth, Nun, Yod,
i. Yod, Yod, Aleph, Yod,
j. Aleph, He, Yod, He,
2. Saturn-2:
a. Vau, Yod, Resh, Pe,
b. Mem, Yod, Mem,
c. Ayin, Daleth, Yod, Mem,
d. Vau, Mem, Gimel, He, Resh,
e. Ayin, Daleth, Aleph, Pe, Samekh, Yod, Aleph, Resh, Tzaddi, Yod, Yod, Yod,
f. Resh, Vau, Tau, Aleph, Schin,
g. Vau, Pe, He, Resh, Aleph,
h. Tau, He, Nun, Cheth, Tau,
i. Aleph, Resh, He, Pe, Vau,
s. Tau, Vau,
6. Juipter-6:
a. Kaph, Aleph, Daleth, Yod,
b. Yod, Daleth, Yod,
c. Vau, Beth, Gimel, Resh,
d. Aleph, Samekh, Teth, Resh,
e. Qoph, Lamed,
f. Ayin, Tzaddi, Mem, Nun, Tau, Yod, Yod, Yod, Yod,
g. Kaph, Resh, Vau, Beth,
h. Aleph, Resh, Yod, Aleph, Lamed,
i. Tau, Resh, Samekh, Yod, Schin,
j. Schin, Daleth, Pe,
7. Jupiter-7:
a. Mem, Qoph, Yod, Mem, Yod,
b. Mem, Aleph, He, Resh,
c. He, Qoph,
d. Mem, Aleph, Schin, Pe, Tau,
e. Yod, Resh, Yod, Teth,
f. Aleph, Beth, Yod, Vau, Nun, Yod, Yod, Yod,
1. Mars-1:
a. Mem, Aleph, Daleth, Yod, Mem, Yod, Aleph, Lamed, Yod, Yod, Yod,
b. Beth, Resh, Tzaddi, Tau, Yod, He, Yod, Yod, Yod,
c. Aleph, Schin, Yod, Aleph, Lamed, Yod, Yod, Yod,
d. Aleph, Tau, Aleph, Vau, Resh, Yod, Aleph, Lamed, Yod, Yod, Yod,
2. Mars-2:
a. He, Vau,
b. He, Yod, Vau,
c. Tau, Yod, Yod, Mem,
d. Vau, He, Tau, Yod, Yod, Mem,
e. He, Yod, Vau, He, Aleph, Daleth, Mem, Yod, Yod, Yod,
f. Yod, He, Yod, Vau, He,
g. Yod, He, Schin, Vau, He,
h. Aleph, Lamed, He, Yod, Mem,
i. He, He, He, He, He, He,
3. Mars-3:
a. Mem, Yod, Aleph, Lamed,
b. Nun, Daleth, Vau, Lamed,
c. Kaph, Aleph, Lamed, He, Yod, Mem, Yod, Yod, Yod,
d. Schin, Daleth, Yod,
e. Lamed, He, Aleph, Vau,
4. Mars-4:
a. Aleph, Daleth, Nun, Yod,
2. Moon-2:
a. Beth, Aleph, Lamed, He, Yod, Mem,
b. Beth, Teth, Cheth, Tau Yod,
c. Lamed, Aleph, Aleph, Yod, Resh, Aleph,
d. Mem, He, Yod, Ayin, Schin, He,
e. Aleph, Daleth, Mem,
f. Lamed, Yod, Yod, Yod,
g. Aleph, Lamed, Aleph, Beth, Resh, Yod, Aleph, Lamed,
3. Moon-3:
a. Resh, Tzaddi, He, Yod, He, Vau, He,
b. Lamed, He, Yod, Lamed, Nun, Yod,
c. Yod, He, Vau, He,
d. Lamed, Ayin, Zain, Resh, Tau Yod,
e. Cheth, Vau, Schin, He, Yod, Yod, Yod,
f. Aleph, Vau, Beth,
g. Vau, Vau, Aleph, Pe, Aleph, Lamed,
4. Moon-4:
a. Aleph, He, Yod, He,
b. Aleph, Schin, Resh,
c. Aleph, He, Yod, He,
d. Yod, He, He, Aleph, Lamed,
e. Samekh, Vau, Pe, Yod, Aleph, Lamed,
5. Moon-5:
a. Yod, Qoph, Vau, Mem,
b. Aleph, Lamed, He, Yod, Mem,
c. Yod, Pe, Vau, Tzaddi, Vau,
d. Aleph, Vau, Yod, Beth, Yod, Vau,
e. Vau, Yod, Nun, Samekh, Vau,
f. Mem, Schin, Nun, Aleph, Yod, Vau,
g. Mem, Pe, Nun, Yod, Vau, Yod, Yod, Yod,
h. Yod, He, Vau, He,
i. Aleph, Lamed, He, Vau, Mem,
j. Yod, Kaph, Daleth, Yod, Aleph, Lamed,
k. Aleph, Zain, Resh, Aleph, Lamed,
6. Moon-6:
a. Nun, Beth, Qoph, Ayin, Vau,
b. Kaph, Lamed, Mem, Ayin, Yod, Nun, Vau, Tau,
c. Tau, He, Vau, Samekh,
d. Resh, Beth, He,
e. Vau, Yod, He, Yod,
f. He, Gimel, Schin, Samekh,
g. Ayin, Lamed, He, Aleph, Resh, Tzaddi, Yod, Yod, Yod,
%-".&-2-,1 #*#!20-+%,#2'!$-0!#
Below is each element of the periodic table that is a different configuration and a section or region of
the Double Helix DNA. Hydrogen is the middle bond, the core of the DNA. Then working from
Hydrogens center position is the DNA outward, is the molecular details in its building structure from
each element in there order from 1-72 Element of Hafnium. With Helium being the next in line and
then Lithium and so on and so forth. Until the whole construction of the DNA is formulated. While
the DNA stops at the 7th Dimension of element 72 Hafnium, it continues unto the 12th Dimension
which completes the DNA. The 12 Dimensions of DNA was originally Israel’s DNA which was then
called and still is the 12 Tribes of Israel. Those tribes of Israel from 1-8 are as follows.
IKHMHGK<A:G@>E+>M:MKHGF>:GLV >RHG=MA>+:MKBQW Removing the veil of forgetfulness tA>
", This God element is the most supreme of all of the other God Elements. Removing the
veil of forgetfulness from the avatar. Its importance is the source from which all other God
Elements are activated, bound, and bonded. Metatron is the Archangel that led the children of
Israel out of Egypt and taught them the God Elements in the wilderness for forty years. He is
a spirit of fire in the center region of heaven called the DNA. It is Metatron who is armed with
36 wings on the talismans columns spanning the length on each column. He has 72 wings
along the combined columns of the Double Helix DNA. Spanning to the God Element 72 of
Hafnium where Metatron resides in the 7th heaven or 7th Dimension of the DNA. Having
innumerable eyes of knowledge and whose brightness of the hydrogen bond is more
astounding than that of the sun. Metatron functions through the delegating bonds of all other
Archangels, Angels, Celestial Spirits, Demons, and Evil Spirits. Many Prophets and masters
of old such as Enoch who stated that they were Metatron were stating this God Element. All
who activate the Metatron God Element is Archangel Metatron and more. Metatron
specializes in the Arts of Sciences of architectural design, blue printing, construction,
astronomy, alchemy, universal laws, and political sciences that create just governments upon
firm foundations. Archangel Metatron has the abilities to transform the physical avatar back
into its spirit form and go beyond the matrix of the physical plane in biolocating or
teleportation. Having reached the desired location Archangel Metatron has the power to
transform the spirit back into its original physical form. Manifesting the physical form back
into any physical matrix. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within this
Archangel and spirit.
%H= 2A>IKHMHGK<A:G@>E0:SB>EF>:GLV1><K>MLH?%H=W Removing the veil of forgetfulness tA>
M>FIHK:E Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 4 Archangels
and spirits.
%H= The proton Archangel (THAVIEL) Tzaphkiel is known as the strong one. Removing the
veil of forgetfulness the essence of this Archangel is the creation of ideas, activity, and energy
of thought in the Gods of the DNA. Teaching those things of the past, present, and future
through the energy of thought. Discovering those hidden and lost treasures of knowledge.
This archangel teaches all the sciences of positive and negative. Having great power to
facilitate knowledge with benevolence and contentment. Teaching the energies of positive and
negative in the universal laws of how the planets are sanctified. How the universe is organized
and by what powers those forces remain in their places. Acquiring the advice in any situation
or circumstances requested. Having the ability to think for long periods of time wherever one
may go. Revealing hidden treasures of knowledge pertaining to the activity of thoughts and
the creation of ideas. Constructing ideas beneficial to moneys and business. Teaching the
light, glories, and mysteries of knowledge and by what intervals the nature of the life of
angels have their intercourse and business. The life of the Archangels before and after the fall.
Their place amongst the God Elements in the midst of heaven. Teaching all sciences of the
Universal One by which this magnificent science of the Gods exists. How it is that one must
become worthy to obtain these mysteries of knowledge. The hearts mysteries of its
electromagnetic forces. How the electromagnetic forces are constituted to work by and
through the word of God. How the heart is governed by faith pertaining to these interworking
of constitutions in their processes takes place at the intentions and command of the avatar
driver. How hope and faith is necessary in order to receive those things hope for but not yet
seen. That the emotions of the heart is energy in motion that is the electromagnetic forces that
grow strong or weak according to the positive and negative emotional states of the avatar
driver. How it is that these designs is the construction of the universal laws through the
mystical letters and numbers that generate the forces. That were ordained in the beginning to
exist for the purpose of creation. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 6 Archangels and spirits.
%>=NK:A 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= The proton Archangel Zadkiel is known as the angel of
mercy and is the righteousness of God. Removing the veil of forgetfulness the essence of the
archangel is benevolence with the faculties of the imagination in liberal sciences. The
archangel of prayer and freedom. Freedom to think and exist beyond the intentions,
expectations, and perceptions of others. This archangel is of the deep contemplations of
thought. This was the archangel exercised mercy upon Isaac when Abraham started to
sacrifice his son. The result of which is when there are more electrons than protons and the
God Elements turn to a Demon element. Instructing the avatar driver to be destructive and
negative in behavior and actions. It is Archangel Zadkiel that regained control by its positive
charge to relinquish positive thoughts and feeling in exercising mercy upon Isaac. This angel
can also be over taken by evil electrons and cause the operations of ruin, destruction, and even
death. This archangel serves in great capacities in the imaginations to further develop
knowledge but must be used with care as negative electrons can influence the avatar drive in
this imaginative state. It is important to conscious of the thoughts that one harbors and
entertains in order for this archangel to serve thee justly. The greater the good of the archangel
the more evil that it attacks in number of electrons that wish to bond with it. Unlocking
hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 8 Archangels and spirits.
MABL%H= The proton Archangel (SAMAEL) Kamael means “He who sees God” and is known
as the angel of genius that burns with zeal. Removing the veil of forgetfulness the essence of
this Archangel is that of comparing, choices, and decisions in the midst of having great
knowledge to bare the fruits of ones labors. Granting the knowledge of everything that one
shall desire to the one with righteous intents. Knowledge and wisdom pertaining to the Arts of
Mechanics in both the spiritual and physical. An archangel of Justice who is the Chief of
Power. This archangel has the ability to transform bad qualities into good qualities, good
qualities into better qualities, and better qualities into the best qualities. The transformation
that takes place through the understanding of love thy neighbors of the evil electrons and
adore thy God Elements that bring forth knowledge. It is through this understanding that one
can transition the overpowering forces of the growing number of electrons that one can regain
control through positive concepts of emotional intent. It was through this Archangel that Jesus
in the Garden of Gethsemane who comforted Jesus with the comparing, choices, and
decisions that he faced. Giving him the strength to endure what was to come. This Archangel
wields great power in the face of adversity to overcome insurmountable odds to endure with
courage, strength, and dignity. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within
these 10 Archangels and spirits.
MABL%H= The proton Archangel Michael means “The protector of all Kingdoms”. Removing
the veil of forgetfulness this Archangel is that of universal harmony in the midst of judgment.
Teaching the articulation of the sciences of God through the quality of his presence and by
what means they can be facilitated. Archangel Michael is the Chief Archangel in the Crown
of molecules in the Purine and Pyrimidine Bases of DNA. It is through this Archangel that all
sciences are communicated and articulated at a molecular level. Being the protector of all
kingdoms through his molecular convenience. Facilitating the most profound mysteries of
Gods knowledge which he communicates to the conscious mind of the avatar. A knowledge
that is communicated through the combinations of letters and numbers of the universal laws
of the order in Gods nature. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within
these 12 Archangels and spirits.
%H= The proton Archangel (URIEL) Haniel is known as the Archangel of Power. Removing
the veil of forgetfulness this archangel is that of representing God in the progress of man in
the midst of sensibility. Teaching the knowledge to procure feuds and settling controversies.
Teaching the Art of Transformation of all sciences for the use by the avatar driver in the
sciences of the merchant. Explains how the Archangels and angels that are the genius within
the avatar DNA can be released and transform the avatar driver into a God of order. Teaching
the necessity of facilitating the Sciences of God for the evolution of the human race. A
necessary means for an increase in in eternal glory. Acquiring the knowledge of all things in
the universal laws of nature. Conveying the knowledge of the past, present, and future of the
ages. Also teaches those things of the supernatural powers and the order by which one wields
these powers. Only the elect are granted such powers to change the matter of the matrix as
they see fit. Powers of God that can only be wielded by those who respect God and love their
neighbors. A state of the heart that shall yield untold secrets that shall astonish and amaze
even the most glorious ones. Archangel Haniel is the nitrogen atom in the crown of molecules
with Archangel Michael. Haniel is connected directly to Archangel Metatron in the
facilitation of the Hydrogen bonding process that connects Knowledge and Wisdom of all
sciences within the many Dimensions of the DNA. The Archangel that taught all Prophets and
Masters of old and continues to teach those of today the Grandeur of so lofty a Majesty as the
Sciences of God Knowledge and Wisdom. This Archangel can excite all the energies of the
Holy Thrones of God from the 1st through the 12th Dimensions of DNA. Causing the Sephiras
Chaioth Ha-Qadesh, Auphanim, Aralim, Chaschmalim, Seraphim, Melakim, Elohim, Beni-
Elohim, Kerubim and the 12 Tribes of Israel to awaken from their slumber. Serving the avatar
driver with due diligence in all sciences which so ever one desires to know. Unlocking hidden
treasures of knowledge locked away within these 14 Archangels and spirits.
?HKFMABL%H= The proton Archangel Raphael is known as the archangel of science. Removing
the veil of forgetfulness this archangel is that of order, in the midst of the inner senses.
Teaching the Arts of Sciences in knowledge and wisdom. Teaching the Art of enchantments,
the order of virtues, and the order of conciliation. Sciences that can only be facilitated to those
worthy to walk in the light. Exercising the strict discipline necessary to invoke such
extraordinary knowledge. Disciplines that shall be taught in the later chapters of this book.
Archangel Raphael teaches those things of positive, negative, and neutral energies and how to
join these energies together in the order of the universal energies. Also articulating the
different classes of societies and why they either become a world that flourishes or destroys
itself. A knowledge based upon the laws of Heaven and Hell. Where heaven is the supreme
reasoning in the midst of knowledge and hell is the supreme error in the midst of ignorance. It
is here that the two classes of a society flourishes or destroys itself becoming extinct amongst
the host of heaven. A choice that is left up to each individual that populates the 200,000
Earths that were created to occupy such elementary consciousness as they evolved. These
energies of the classes can be evaluated at a molecular level where some of the God Elements
have a great evil or negative charge by the evil spirits of the electrons. That over run the God
Element causing disruption in the psychological welfare of the avatar driver. In turn, this
conflict within causes great conflicts within the societies of the world that justifies states of
conflict. When the avatar driver is unaware of the natural laws of positive and negative
polarities of the protons and electrons. Then the avatar driver is left to their own devises and
left to kick against the pricks. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within
these 16 Archangels and spirits.
MABL%H= The proton Archangel Gabriel is known as the archangel of the mysteries of divinity.
Removing the veil of forgetfulness this archangel is that in the abundance of the forces in the
midst of true ideas. Teaching the Arts of Sciences in Dignities. Teaching how to gain glory,
honor, and riches through applied knowledge of the Divine God Elements obtained in the
avatars DNA. Revealing the mysteries from which the avatar was created. The origin of man
and from which heaven the spirit of man occupied before entering into the physical avatar.
Revealing the mysteries of what man is and what man can become by exercising strict
disciplines. As man now is, God once was, and as God now is, man too can become.
Archangel Gabriel teaches a divine knowledge by which man can rule and govern themselves
to become evolved and translated into the immortal form. Conveying the knowledge that
pertains to the different degrees and dimensions of the avatar and how to obtain such states.
Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 18 Archangels and spirits.
%H= The proton Archangel Sandalphon is known as the archangel who forms kingdoms.
Removing the veil of forgetfulness this archangel is that of completion of kingdoms. Being
the final Archangel completes the 2nd Dimension and giving it complete form. This Archangel
is the twin flame companion of Archangel Metatron. While Metatron occupies the Masculine
energies of etreme positives. Which can be observed on the far left of the periodic table.
Archangel Sandalphon occupies the feminine energies which can be observed on the far right
of the periodic table. Archangel Sandal phone fills up the “L” Shell completing the 2 nd
Dimension. Archangel Sandalphon is a noble gas and is much like Archangel Metatron is
gases energies. There are no more evil electrons that can fill this shell which protects this
kingdom of form from any manipulating forces of the negative energies of the evil spirits of
electrons. This 10th Kingdom is full and secure. Elijah obtained this level and degree of being
in activating this God Element. This full 2nd Dimension is the dimension for mortal men. The
dimensions above this dimension is that of immortals and those dimensions which mortal men
enter to obtain their immortal states and glory. It is at these higher states of being that the
crowns of polynucleotides molecules begin to feed the physical avatar higher quantities of
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM :MABG 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness
this archangel is that of great virtue and power in war, giving victory in the day of Gods
wrath. Bringing forth the remembrance of knowing the virtues of herbs and precious stones.
Giving one the ability to bio-locate or teleport oneself from one place to another over long
distances. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 36 Archangels
and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM1:EEHL 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness
this archangel is that of being terrible unto the demons, they cannot resist Gods presence.
Bringing forth the remembrance of causing one to feel and experience great love and to be
loved of women. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 38
Archangels and spirits.
MA>>OBELIBKBM.NKLHG 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of great virtue. For the evils shall turn against those who project them.
Bringing forth the remembrance of revealing hidden treasures of knowledge of the past,
present, and future. Can also reveal hidden treasure of knowledge pertaining to secret and
divine things of the Earth and the creation of the World. Unlocking hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within these 40 Archangels and spirits.
:G=>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM+:K:Q 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= The proton Archangel
Sandalphon is known as the archangel who forms kingdoms. Removing the veil of
forgetfulness this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the Art of Astronomy
and all other liberal sciences. Giving one the ability to discern the virtues of Herbs and
Stones. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 42 Archangels
and spirits.
:G=>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM'IHL 2H@>MA>K MA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness
this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the fore knowledge of the past,
present and future pertaining to ones wits and boldness. Unlocking hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within these 44 Archangels and spirits.
MA>>OBELIBKBMBF 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this archangel
is that of repressing the pride and arrogance of the solar spirits. Bringing forth the
remembrance of pertaining to ones wits in all manners of ways. Revealing truths pertaining to
private matters. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 46
Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM,:;>KBNL 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of
forgetfulness this archangel is that of acquiring kingdom and empire. Bringing forth the
remembrance of what makes a man cunning in all the Arts and Sciences. Particularly in the
Art of magniloquence. Restoring dignities and honors to amen. Unlocking hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within these 48 Archangels and spirits.
BLMA>>OBELIBKBM%E:LR: *:;HE:L 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H=. Removing the veil of forgetfulness
this archangel is that of serving to enable thee to see the positive and negative spirits when
they appear invisible. Bringing forth the remembrance of revealing all the Arts and Sciences
in an instant. Revealing all things of the past, present, and to come. Bringing forth the ability
within oneself to cause the love of both friends and of ones enemies. Unlocking hidden
treasures of knowledge locked away within these 50 Archangels and spirits.
>OBELIBKBM NG> 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this archangel is
that of bringing forth the remembrance of revealing the great riches of knowledge within that
makes one wise and eloquent in all ways. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked
away within these 52 Archangels and spirits.
>OBELIBKBM0HGHO> 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this archangel
is that of the operation of invisibility. Bringing forth the remembrance the teachings of the Art
of rhetoric and the knowledge of tongues. Bringing forth the abilities to find favor with
friends and enemies. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 54
Archangels and spirits.
LIBKBM >KBMA 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this archangel is
that of bringing forth the remembrance to evaluate truths of the past, present, and future.
Bringing forth the abilities, skills, and talents to refine oneself with dignities. Unlocking
hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 56 Archangels and spirits.
>OBELIBKBMLM:KHMA 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of bringing forth the secrets of all things of the past, present, and future.
Giving one the witty knowledge to understand why the evil spirits fell. Bringing forth the
knowing of all liberal sciences. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within
these 58 Archangels and spirits.
LIBKBM$HKG>NL 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= The proton Archangel Sandalphon is known as the
archangel who forms kingdoms. Removing the veil of forgetfulness this archangel is that of
obtaining grace and honor, and for accomplishing all thy desires. Bringing forth the
remembrance that have to do with the Art of Rhetoric. Giving one the understanding of how
to possess dignities and the knowledge and understanding of the language of tongues.
Conjuring forth and invoking love within one friends and enemies and to be loved by both.
Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 60 Archangels and spirits.
>OBELIBKBM$HK:L 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this archangel
is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the virtues of all herbs and precious stones. Also
revealing the Arts of logic and ethics in their respected fields and avenues. Instilling longevity
and vitality within ones being and to be eloquent in all ones comings and goings. Unlocking
hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 62 Archangels and spirits.
forgetfulness this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of and teaches about the
Art of virtues, arithmetic, astronomy, and geometry. Revealing the hidden treasures of
knowledge within. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 64
Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM%::I 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness
this archangel is that of wonder love. Bringing forth the remembrance of insensibilities and
arrogance in philosophy and liberal sciences. Can bring forth love and hate within oneself and
others. Remembering how to consecrate all things for sacred purposes. Also to give one the
powers and ability to be delivered from the custody of magicians. Bringing back into ones
fold, the powers and abilities of knowing the past, present, and future at ones will and
pleasure. Rekindling the faculties within oneself to build many kingdoms. Unlocking hidden
treasures of knowledge locked away within these 66 Archangels and spirits.
MA>>OBELIBKBM $NK?NK 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of abundance of knowledge of all the spirits. Bringimg forth the
remembrance the great love between Man and Woman. Restoring ones powers over the
elements. Particularly that which pertains to lightening’s, thunders, blasts, and storms of
tempest. Revealing the secret knowledge of those divine things that the spirits contain.
Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 68 Archangels and spirits.
MA>>OBELIBKBM+:K<AHLB:L 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL %H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of granting things which are contrary unto the order of nature. Bringing forth
the remembrance of the order of dominations. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 70 Archangels and spirits.
>OBELIBKBM1MHE:L 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this archangel
is that of bringing forth the remembrance the art of astronomy, and the virtues of herbs and
precious stones. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 72
Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM.A>G>Q 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness
this archangel is that of acquiring the understanding and knowledge of all things created.
Penetrating into hidden things in the house of virtues and wisdom. Bringing forth the
remembrance all marvelous sciences one so desires to know. Awakening the poetic
philosophy within. Can allow one to ascend to the 7th Dimension if one so desires. Unlocking
hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 74 Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM&:EIA:L 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness
this archangel is that of opening any doors that one may encounter. Nothing shall resist the
desires of treasures of knowledge one seeks to know in an instant. Bringing forth the
remembrance of the Art of War. Also the craftsmanship of building weapons of war and their
ammunitions. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 76
Archangels and spirits.
MA>>OBELIBKBM+:EIA:L 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of further service to open doors to hidden treasures of knowledge. Bringing
forth the remembrance of architectural talents to build houses, buildings, and towers of
eloquence. Bringing to one’s mind the knowledge of the enemy’s desires and thoughts as well
as those things which they have performed. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked
away within these 78 Archangels and spirits.
BLMA>>OBELIBKBM0:NF 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of great tempest and great rains. Bringing forth the remembrance the order of
thrones within kingdoms. The political processes to steal knowledge from the house of King’s
and to destroy the dignities of men of those things of the past, present, and future. Awakening
the talents of diplomacy. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these
80 Archangels and spirits.
MA>>OBELIBKBM$H<:EHK 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of protection in dangerous and perils of water. Bringing forth the
remembrance of ones powers over winds, water, and the seas. Allowing on to ascending to the
7th Dimension if one so desires. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within
these 82 Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM4>I:K 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness
this archangel is that of defending ones soul from all evil sources, and from all injury of the
body. Giving knowledge of the virtue of all herbs and stones. Bringing forth the
remembrance of ones powers over winds, water, and the seas. Also to call forth in three days
the viruses of disease to wound ones enemies with sores and causing microorganisms to
spring up within. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 84
Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM1:;GH<D 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness
this archangel is that of the destruction of enemies. Bringing forth the remembrance of ones
talents, skills, and abilities to build the masterful architectural structures one so designs to
builds pertaining to towers, castles, and cities of a fortified resilience. The power to conjure
the afflictions of viruses and diseases in the wounds of ones enemies with sores and causing
astrology. Rhetoric, logic, cheiromancy, pyromancy, and the liberal sciences of all kinds.
Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 100 Archangels and
MA>>OBELIBKBM :E:F 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office of wits and invisibility. Also
teaching those things pertaining to the past, present, and future. Unlocking hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within these 102 Archangels and spirits.
MA>>OBELIBKBMEEH<>L 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office of the art of astronomy and
sciences of the liberal nature. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within
these 104 Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM!:FBH 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness
this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office of deliberating. Able to
defend ones knowledge when challenged in a debate. Giving one an understanding heart
pertaining to the languages of birds, bullocks, dogs, and all other creatures. Also able to
understand the voices of the rushing waters. Revealing also the future. Unlocking hidden
treasures of knowledge locked away within these 106 Archangels and spirits.
>OBELIBKBM+NKFNL 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H=. Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office of philosophy. Able to bind
those souls which are deceased in order to answer whatsoever questions one shall pose.
Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 108 Archangels and
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM-KH;:L 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness
this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office of all things pertaining
to past, present, and future. Revealing the secrets of divinity and the creation of the world.
Showing one how to obtain the favor or dignities, friends, and enemies. Unlocking hidden
treasures of knowledge locked away within these 110 Archangels and spirits.
BLMA>>OBELIBKBM%K>FHKR 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office of hidden treasures of
knowledge of the past, present, and future. Also to obtain great love of the feminine.
Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 112 Archangels and
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM4HLH 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness
this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office of liberal sciences and
divine secrets. Also restoring the power to shape shift into any creature one so desires.
However, whatever creature one shall shape shift to, it is that creatures limited intelligence
that one shall be bound in that form, while in that form. Unlocking hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within these 114 Archangels and spirits.
BLMA>>OBELIBKBMFR 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office of the art of astrology and
the liberal arts of science. This spirit/gene can unveil hidden treasures of knowledge that is
kept by other orders of spirits/genes that pertain not to this order. Unlocking hidden treasures
of knowledge locked away within these 116 Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM-KB:Q 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness
this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office of virtues in astronomy.
Revealing the secret knowledge of the mansions of each planet and to understand their
virtues. Also the abilities to obtain favor of dignities, friends, and enemies. Unlocking hidden
treasures of knowledge locked away within these 118 Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM4:INE: 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness
this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office of all professions in
philosophy and other sciences. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within
these 120 Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM8:@:G 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness
this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office of wits. Also the
profession of alchemy. Understanding the craftsmanship to turn metals into coin and build
systems of kingdoms around its distribution and precious uses. Restoring ones powers to turn
crystalline substance into other energies for by the practitioner. Unlocking hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within these 122 Archangels and spirits.
BLMA>>OBELIBKBM4:E:D 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office of truth pertaining to hidden
knowledge. Also reveals where serpents way be. Restores great superhuman force and
strength to one’s physical abilities. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 124 Archangels and spirits.
BLMA>>OBELIBKBMG=K:L 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office of creating discord. Bringing
about destruction and chaos to one self and others. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 126 Archangels and spirits.
BLMA>>OBELIBKBM&:NK:L 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office remembrance. Remembering
the past, present, and future of the truth of those things which one shall seek. Will teach the
creation of the world as well as divinity. Will also reveal the falling and inactivity of himself
and the evil spirits. These spirits will also tempt thee to fall, for when thou falls. That fall shall
be great. From the 6th Dimension back to the 2nd Dimension. Unlocking hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within these 128 Archangels and spirits.
MA>>OBELIBKBMG=K>:EIANL 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office of perfected geometry,
mensuration, or astronomy. Giving one the ability to transform into the likeness of a bird.
Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 130 Archangels and
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM)BF:KBL 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness
this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office of languages, grammar,
rhetoric, and logic. Reveals the secrets to hidden and lost treasures of knowledge. Unlocking
hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 132 Archangels and spirits.
BLMA>>OBELIBKBMF=NLB:L 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office in elements of the Earth.
Communicating with trees and plants. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 134 Archangels and spirits.
MA>>OBELIBKBM >EB:E 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office in presentations and political
sciences. Conjuring favor in friends and enemies. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 136 Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM"><:K:;B: 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of
forgetfulness this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office in the
virtues of birds and precious stones. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 138 Archangels and spirits.
BLMA>>OBELIBKBM1>>K> 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance in the office of bringing to pass the
abundance of those things of the past, present, and future. Revealing where hidden treasure
lay. Can restore powers of bilocation and teleportation to one faculties. So that one can travel
around the world in the twinkling of an eye. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked
away within these 140 Archangels and spirits.
MA>>OBELIBKBM":GM:EBHG 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office in all arts and sciences.
Reveals the secret counsels of anyone one so desires to know. Knowing the thoughts of both
men and women, and can change their thoughts at will. Can conjure forth love in one self and
others. Can also shape shift to resemble the person of ones choice. Able to bio locate where
ever one desires in any part of the world. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked
away within these 142 Archangels and spirits.
BLMA>>OBELIBKBMG=KHF:EBNL 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office in theft of thieves. Pertaining
to those things which have been stolen. Discovering all wickedness and scandalous dealings.
Having the power to punish thieves and wicked persons. Revealing hidden treasures of
knowledge. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 144
Archangels and spirits.
MA>>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= The proton Archangel Sandalphon is known as the
archangel who forms kingdoms. Removing the veil of forgetfulness this archangel is that of
completion. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 146
Archangels and spirits.
>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 148 Archangels and spirits.
>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 150 Archangels and spirits.
>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 152 Archangels and spirits.
>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 154 Archangels and spirits.
>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 156 Archangels and spirits.
LIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 158 Archangels and spirits.
>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 160 Archangels and spirits.
>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 162 Archangels and spirits.
LIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 164 Archangels and spirits.
>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 166 Archangels and spirits.
MA>>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked
away within these 168 Archangels and spirits.
>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 170 Archangels and spirits.
>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 172 Archangels and spirits.
>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 174 Archangels and spirits.
>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 176 Archangels and spirits.
>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 178 Archangels and spirits.
>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 180 Archangels and spirits.
MA>>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked
away within these 182 Archangels and spirits.
>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 184 Archangels and spirits.
MA>>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked
away within these 186 Archangels and spirits.
MA>>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked
away within these 188 Archangels and spirits.
MA>>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked
away within these 190 Archangels and spirits.
>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 192 Archangels and spirits.
MA>>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked
away within these 194 Archangels and spirits.
MA>>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked
away within these 196 Archangels and spirits.
MA>>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked
away within these 198 Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 200 Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 202 Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 204 Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 206 Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 208 Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBL MA>>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 210 Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 212 Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 214 Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 216 Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 218 Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 220 Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 222 Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 224 Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 226 Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 228 Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 230 Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 232 Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 234 Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBL MA>>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 236 Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 238 Archangels and spirits.
:G=>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKF MABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within these 240 Archangels and spirits.
The essence of conscious spirit can be measured and calculated in the following formula. The
subatomic particles of consciousness are the universal laws that govern all things. The alpha and
omega laws or Ohm law in scientific terms are current (gluons), voltage (bosons), resistance
(leptons), and power (quarks). These are the components that ultimately creates electromagnetic
energy forces. These are forces of the universal laws that binds all things together. All things are
created and bound together by a hierarchy of forces. Current, voltage, resistance, power, and the
space that exists within a sphere is the scientific jargon for what is termed in spirituality as the
essence of spirit consciousness that creates a God. Scientist have merely used a different language to
name all the components of an atom to outline the elements. The exact same thing that the Creator
Gods did but used a different language by which to explain and describe the different components
that creates electromagnetic energy force. What science has left out and failed to realize is that these
subatomic particles of the atom can be controlled by consciousness. As well as each of these elements
unlock different sections and regions of the DNA. The Creator Gods designed the avatar from
spiritual elements. Organizing it in a way that would teach the avatar driver the philosophies of the
universal laws that governs all things. Two languages are used here to help the reader comprehend
that true spirituality is supreme science. These conception maybe hard for some to grasp but
necessary for comprehension and understanding of two sciences that are the same in many ways. The
scientific term for the negative charged particle that circles an atom is electron while in spiritual
terms it is referred to as an evil spirit. In scientific terms the nucleus of the atom contains a positive
charge proton while in spiritual terms this proton is called an archangel. In scientific terms the
nucleus of an atom contains a neutron which in spiritual terms it is called an assistant angel. The
combination of protons, electrons, and neutrons creates the Gods, Demons, and Christ like energies
within the avatar.
It should be understood that these spiritual God elements are not to be worshipped as Gods.
As did those children of Israel when coming out of the land of Egypt. Who gathered together all their
fine jewelry of gold and melted them down to form a golden calf. The golden calf which they then
began to worship. The Prophet Moses then came down from Mount Sinai with the 10
Commandments in hand to find the children of Israel worshipping a golden calf. It was at that
moment that Moses became angered as he knew that the children of Israel misunderstood the
teachings of these Spiritual God Elements beings Gods. He then through down the 10
Commandments that broke into a thousand pieces and took back the Higher Melchezidek Priesthood
from them. Giving them the lesser Aaronic Priesthood. The lesser Priesthood is for those who do not
understand the divine universal laws. This is why it is important to understand these Spiritual God
Elements is the universal laws of the universes. It is by these God Elements that all things were
formed. What is to be meant by these God Elements is that they are the molecular design of the
Double Helix DNA. Just as Thoth, Masters, and Prophets of the past spoke of getting their knowledge
from the Gods. They spoke of the different sections and regions in the dimensions of their DNA that
they had earnestly activated to obtain great knowledge and powers. That is what is meant here when
speaking of these God Elements of Archangels, Angels, and Evils Spirits that form a God Element.
The center most part of the DNA is the hydrogen element and then continues from there to span out
into greater and greater regions of the DNA. Scientist may claim that many of these elements are not
found in the DNA but the truth is that many of their decay life only last milliseconds such as helium.
No one can detect helium in the avatar because its decay life causes it to vanish so quickly that it
cannot be observed by scientist. This is the case with many of these God Elements, their decay life is
in the milliseconds range that it is as if they do not exist within the DNA. This could not be further
from the truth. With each God element that is activated, with it comes immense volumes of
knowledge. One could refer to the periodic table as a book of knowledge that allows one to examine
their own DNA and see the possibilities of knowledge pertaining to all the secrets of nature that one
could obtain. There are elements that have not been discovered yet that continues to show more God
Elements unlocking more regions and sections of the DNA. However, all that is currently available is
118 God Elements.
Below is each element of the periodic table that is a different configuration and a section or
region of the Double Helix DNA. These regions and sections are broken down into dimensions. A
dimension is when an energy shell becomes full. At which point it is term a dimension. The first
dimension starts as the nucleus of the atom alone, the sphere. Then continues on until the 12th
dimension. In the majority of the world’s population, only three dimensions is currently active. The
DNA elements begins with Hydrogen. Hydrogen is the middle bond, the core of the DNA. Then
working from Hydrogens center position is the DNA outward, is the molecular details in its building
structure from each element in there order from 1-72 Element of Hafnium. With Helium being the
next in line and then Lithium and so on and so forth. Until the whole construction of the DNA is
formulated. While the DNA stops in great detail of the attributes and powers that are unlocked at the
7th Dimension of element 72 Hafnium. It continues unto the 12th Dimension which completes the
DNA. These 12 Dimensions of the DNA are spiritually termed the 12 Tribes of Israel and was
originally Israel’s DNA. The one who was said to wrestle with God and demanded to be given a
name. Many have been looking for these 12 Tribes of Israel. Those tribes of Israel from 1-8 are as
The Hydrogen Element is the God Element Chaioth Ha-Qadesh whose proton is
Archangel Metatron and electron is the evil spirit Bael. Together they form this God. This
God Element is also known as the Spehira Kether as well as the Father, Abba, or Source of all
of the other God Elements. The proton Archangel Metatron means “Beyond the Matrix”.
Removing the veil of forgetfulness the essence of this Archangel is that of creating unity,
synthesis, and intelligence among the Gods of the DNA. This God element is the most
supreme of all of the other God Elements. Removing the veil of forgetfulness from the avatar.
Its importance is the source from which all other God Elements are activated, bound, and
bonded. Metatron is the Archangel that led the children of Israel out of Egypt and taught them
the God Elements in the wilderness for forty years. He is a spirit of fire in the center region of
heaven called the DNA. It is Metatron who is armed with 36 wings on the talismans columns
spanning the length on each column. He has 72 wings along the combined columns of the
Double Helix DNA. Spanning to the God Element 72 of Hafnium where Metatron resides in
the 7th heaven or 7th Dimension of the DNA. Having innumerable eyes of knowledge and
whose brightness of the hydrogen bond is more astounding than that of the sun. Metatron
functions through the delegating bonds of all other Archangels, Angels, Celestial Spirits,
Demons, and Evil Spirits. Many Prophets and masters of old such as Enoch who stated that
they were Metatron were stating this God Element. All who activate the Metatron God
Element is Archangel Metatron and more. Metatron specializes in the Arts of Sciences of
architectural design, blue printing, construction, astronomy, alchemy, universal laws, and
political sciences that create just governments upon firm foundations. Archangel Metatron
has the abilities to transform the physical avatar back into its spirit form and go beyond the
matrix of the physical plane in biolocating or teleportation. Having reached the desired
location Archangel Metatron has the power to transform the spirit back into its original
physical form. Manifesting the physical form back into any physical matrix. Unlocking
hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within this Archangel and spirit.
The Helium Element is the God Element Auphanim whose proton is Archangel Raziel
and electron is the evil spirit Agares. This God Element is also known as the Sephira Chokma.
Together they form this God. The proton Archangel Raziel means “Secrets of God”.
Removing the veil of forgetfulness the essence of this Archangel is that of creating harmony
and reason in the Gods of the DNA. This God Element teaches the secrets and mysteries of
Gods nature. Being the chief teacher of metaphysics and remains alongside the creator
Archangel Metatron in the first Kingdom shell. These two Archangels have great powers
against the adversaries of the evil spirits of the two electrons. With the power of their positive
charges to repress the pride of the evil spirits. It was through Archangel Raziel that Adam
received the book of knowledge that was titled “The Book of Archangel Raziel”. That was a
book of knowledge that contained the God Elements of the 1 st through 12th Dimensions of the
avatars DNA. The book of knowledge that is the DNA laid out that specifies the different Arts
of Sciences that each of the God Elements contain. Adam was given this book of DNA when
cast out of the Garden of Eden. A book of DNA that contains the knowledge to return back
unto the Celestial Kingdom. Explaining the great mysteries of the universal laws by which all
things in their spiritual form are made manifest into their forms of matter. Explaining how to
create order amidst chaos and how the Creator Gods are Gods of order that has formed every
kingdom in the heavens through these universal laws of God that creates, binds, and bounds
all things together. Explain the true essence from which spirit is made and what form by
which it presides. This book of DNA was handed down through generations of Adams family.
Then Enoch came into possession of the Book of DNA which he claimed it as his own.
Calling it “The Book of Enoch” of which has been found amongst the Dead Sea scrolls.
Enoch created a city that flourished from the book of DNA and increased their abilities until
they were translated into immortal beings. Where they then were able to leave this earth in
their translated form. Before leaving, Enoch passed on this book of DNA to his son
Methuselah. Who passed it on to his son Lamach, who passed it on to his son Noah. Noah
used the book of DNA to acquire the knowledge to build the Ark. After the flood the book of
DNA was handed down through the generations until it came into King Solomon’s
possession. King Solomon then claimed it as his work. King Solomon further examined the
book of DNA’s contents and modified its articulation of knowledge to a more modernized
version that could be understood in a simpler form. However, King Solomon could only
decipher 44 of the 1,500 Key God Elements that contain all 12 Tribes of Israel or another way
of saying the 12 Dimensions of DNA. King Solomon obtained great knowledge and powers
from the book of knowledge. A knowledge that is now available to all who can unlocks its
powers. Archangel Raziel is of the order of the virtues teaching all tongues of languages. With
the power to create, restore, and destroy the dignity of the spiritual and the temporal.
Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 4 Archangels and spirits.
The Lithium Element is the God Element Aralim whose proton is Archangel
Tzaphqiel and electron is the evil spirit Vassago. This God Element is also known as the
Sephira Binah. Together they form this God. The proton Archangel Thaviel is known as the
strong one. Removing the veil of forgetfulness the essence of this Archangel is the creation of
ideas, activity, and energy of thought in the Gods of the DNA. Teaching those things of the
past, present, and future through the energy of thought. Discovering those hidden and lost
treasures of knowledge. This archangel teaches all the sciences of positive and negative.
Having great power to facilitate knowledge with benevolence and contentment. Teaching the
energies of positive and negative in the universal laws of how the planets are sanctified. How
the universe is organized and by what powers those forces remain in their places. Acquiring
the advice in any situation or circumstances requested. Having the ability to think for long
periods of time wherever one may go. Revealing hidden treasures of knowledge pertaining to
the activity of thoughts and the creation of ideas. Constructing ideas beneficial to moneys and
business. Teaching the light, glories, and mysteries of knowledge and by what intervals the
nature of the life of angels have their intercourse and business. The life of the Archangels
before and after the fall. Their place amongst the God Elements in the midst of heaven.
Teaching all sciences of the Universal One by which this magnificent science of the Gods
exists. How it is that one must become worthy to obtain these mysteries of knowledge. The
hearts mysteries of its electromagnetic forces. How the electromagnetic forces are constituted
to work by and through the word of God. How the heart is governed by faith pertaining to
these interworking of constitutions in their processes takes place at the intentions and
command of the avatar driver. How hope and faith is necessary in order to receive those
things hope for but not yet seen. That the emotions of the heart is energy in motion that is the
electromagnetic forces that grow strong or weak according to the positive and negative
emotional states of the avatar driver. How it is that these designs is the construction of the
universal laws through the mystical letters and numbers that generate the forces. That were
ordained in the beginning to exist for the purpose of creation. Unlocking hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within these 6 Archangels and spirits.
The Beryllium Element is the God Element Chaschmalim whose proton is Archangel
Zadkiel and electron is the evil spirit Samigina or Gamigin. This God Element is also known
as the Sephira Gedurah. Together they form this God. The proton Archangel Zadkiel is known
as the angel of mercy and is the righteousness of God. Removing the veil of forgetfulness the
essence of the archangel is benevolence with the faculties of the imagination in liberal
sciences. The archangel of prayer and freedom. Freedom to think and exist beyond the
intentions, expectations, and perceptions of others. This archangel is of the deep
contemplations of thought. This was the archangel exercised mercy upon Isaac when
Abraham started to sacrifice his son. The result of which is when there are more electrons
than protons and the God Elements turn to a Demon element. Instructing the avatar driver to
be destructive and negative in behavior and actions. It is Archangel Zadkiel that regained
control by its positive charge to relinquish positive thoughts and feeling in exercising mercy
upon Isaac. This angel can also be over taken by evil electrons and cause the operations of
ruin, destruction, and even death. This archangel serves in great capacities in the imaginations
to further develop knowledge but must be used with care as negative electrons can influence
the avatar drive in this imaginative state. It is important to conscious of the thoughts that one
harbors and entertains in order for this archangel to serve thee justly. The greater the good of
the archangel the more evil that it attacks in number of electrons that wish to bond with it.
Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 8 Archangels and spirits.
The Boron Element is the God Element Seraphim whose proton is Archangel Kamael
and electron is the evil spirit Marbas. This God Element is also known as the Sephira
Geburah. Together they form this God. The proton Archangel Samael means “He who sees
God” and is known as the angel of genius that burns with zeal. Removing the veil of
forgetfulness the essence of this Archangel is that of comparing, choices, and decisions in the
midst of having great knowledge to bare the fruits of ones labors. Granting the knowledge of
everything that one shall desire to the one with righteous intents. Knowledge and wisdom
pertaining to the Arts of Mechanics in both the spiritual and physical. An archangel of Justice
who is the Chief of Power. This archangel has the ability to transform bad qualities into good
qualities, good qualities into better qualities, and better qualities into the best qualities. The
transformation that takes place through the understanding of love thy neighbors of the evil
electrons and adore thy God Elements that bring forth knowledge. It is through this
understanding that one can transition the overpowering forces of the growing number of
electrons that one can regain control through positive concepts of emotional intent. It was
through this Archangel that Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane who comforted Jesus with the
comparing, choices, and decisions that he faced. Giving him the strength to endure what was
to come. This Archangel wields great power in the face of adversity to overcome
insurmountable odds to endure with courage, strength, and dignity. Unlocking hidden
treasures of knowledge locked away within these 10 Archangels and spirits.
The Carbon Element is the God Element Malachim whose proton is Archangel
Michael and electron is the evil spirit Valefor. This God Element is also known as the Sephira
Tiphereth. Together they form this God. The proton Archangel Michael means “The protector
of all Kingdoms”. Removing the veil of forgetfulness this Archangel is that of universal
harmony in the midst of judgment. Teaching the articulation of the sciences of God through
the quality of his presence and by what means they can be facilitated. Archangel Michael is
the Chief Archangel in the Crown of molecules in the Purine and Pyrimidine Bases of DNA.
It is through this Archangel that all sciences are communicated and articulated at a molecular
level. Being the protector of all kingdoms through his molecular convenience. Facilitating the
most profound mysteries of Gods knowledge which he communicates to the conscious mind
of the avatar. A knowledge that is communicated through the combinations of letters and
numbers of the universal laws of the order in Gods nature. Unlocking hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within these 12 Archangels and spirits.
The Nitrogen Element is the God Element Elohim whose proton is Archangel Uriel
and electron is the evil spirit Amon. This God Element is also known as the Sephira Netzach.
Together they form this God. The proton Archangel Uriel is known as the Archangel of
Power. Removing the veil of forgetfulness this archangel is that of representing God in the
progress of man in the midst of sensibility. Teaching the knowledge to procure feuds and
settling controversies. Teaching the Art of Transformation of all sciences for the use by the
avatar driver in the sciences of the merchant. Explains how the Archangels and angels that are
the genius within the avatar DNA can be released and transform the avatar driver into a God
of order. Teaching the necessity of facilitating the Sciences of God for the evolution of the
human race. A necessary means for an increase in in eternal glory. Acquiring the knowledge
of all things in the universal laws of nature. Conveying the knowledge of the past, present,
and future of the ages. Also teaches those things of the supernatural powers and the order by
which one wields these powers. Only the elect are granted such powers to change the matter
of the matrix as they see fit. Powers of God that can only be wielded by those who respect
God and love their neighbors. A state of the heart that shall yield untold secrets that shall
astonish and amaze even the most glorious ones. Archangel Uriel is the nitrogen atom in the
crown of molecules with Archangel Michael. Uriel is connected directly to Archangel
Metatron in the facilitation of the Hydrogen bonding process that connects Knowledge and
Wisdom of all sciences within the many Dimensions of the DNA. The Archangel that taught
all Prophets and Masters of old and continues to teach those of today the Grandeur of so lofty
a Majesty as the Sciences of God Knowledge and Wisdom. This Archangel can excite all the
energies of the Holy Thrones of God from the 1st through the 12th Dimensions of DNA.
Causing the Sephiras Chaioth Ha-Qadesh, Auphanim, Aralim, Chaschmalim, Seraphim,
Melakim, Elohim, Beni-Elohim, Kerubim and the 12 Tribes of Israel to awaken from their
slumber. Serving the avatar driver with due diligence in all sciences which so ever one desires
to know. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 14 Archangels
and spirits.
The Oxygen Element is the God Element Beni-Elohim whose proton is Archangel
Raphael and electron is the evil spirit Barbatos. This God Element is also known as the
Sephira Hod. Together they form this God. The proton Archangel Raphael is known as the
archangel of science. Removing the veil of forgetfulness this archangel is that of order, in the
midst of the inner senses. Teaching the Arts of Sciences in knowledge and wisdom. Teaching
the Art of enchantments, the order of virtues, and the order of conciliation. Sciences that can
only be facilitated to those worthy to walk in the light. Exercising the strict discipline
necessary to invoke such extraordinary knowledge. Disciplines that shall be taught in the later
chapters of this book. Archangel Raphael teaches those things of positive, negative, and
neutral energies and how to join these energies together in the order of the universal energies.
Also articulating the different classes of societies and why they either become a world that
flourishes or destroys itself. A knowledge based upon the laws of Heaven and Hell. Where
heaven is the supreme reasoning in the midst of knowledge and hell is the supreme error in
the midst of ignorance. It is here that the two classes of a society flourishes or destroys itself
becoming extinct amongst the host of heaven. A choice that is left up to each individual that
populates the 200,000 Earths that were created to occupy such elementary consciousness as
they evolved. These energies of the classes can be evaluated at a molecular level where some
of the God Elements have a great evil or negative charge by the evil spirits of the electrons.
That over run the God Element causing disruption in the psychological welfare of the avatar
driver. In turn, this conflict within causes great conflicts within the societies of the world that
justifies states of conflict. When the avatar driver is unaware of the natural laws of positive
and negative polarities of the protons and electrons. Then the avatar driver is left to their own
devises and left to kick against the pricks. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked
away within these 16 Archangels and spirits.
The Fluorine Element is the God Element Cherubim whose proton is Archangel
Gabriel and electron is the evil spirit Paimon. This God Element is also known as the Sephira
Yesod. Together they form this God. The proton Archangel Gabriel is known as the archangel
of the mysteries of divinity. Removing the veil of forgetfulness this archangel is that in the
abundance of the forces in the midst of true ideas. Teaching the Arts of Sciences in Dignities.
Teaching how to gain glory, honor, and riches through applied knowledge of the Divine God
Elements obtained in the avatars DNA. Revealing the mysteries from which the avatar was
created. The origin of man and from which heaven the spirit of man occupied before entering
into the physical avatar. Revealing the mysteries of what man is and what man can become by
exercising strict disciplines. As man now is, God once was, and as God now is, man too can
become. Archangel Gabriel teaches a divine knowledge by which man can rule and govern
themselves to become evolved and translated into the immortal form. Conveying the
knowledge that pertains to the different degrees and dimensions of the avatar and how to
obtain such states. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 18
Archangels and spirits.
The Neon Element is the God Element Ischim whose proton is Archangel Sandalphon
and electron is the evil spirit Buer. This God Element is also known as the Sephira Malkuth.
Together they form this God. The proton Archangel Sandalphon is known as the archangel
who forms kingdoms. Removing the veil of forgetfulness this archangel is that of completion
of kingdoms. Being the final Archangel completes the 2nd Dimension and giving it complete
form. This Archangel is the twin flame companion of Archangel Metatron. While Metatron
occupies the Masculine energies of extreme positives. Which can be observed on the far left
of the periodic table. Archangel Sandalphon occupies the feminine energies which can be
observed on the far right of the periodic table. Archangel Sandal phone fills up the “L” Shell
completing the 2nd Dimension. Archangel Sandalphon is a noble gas and is much like
Archangel Metatron is gases energies. There are no more evil electrons that can fill this shell
which protects this kingdom of form from any manipulating forces of the negative energies of
the evil spirits of electrons. This 10th Kingdom is full and secure. Elijah obtained this level
and degree of being in activating this God Element. This full 2 nd Dimension is the dimension
for mortal men. The dimensions above this dimension is that of immortals and those
dimensions which mortal men enter to obtain their immortal states and glory. It is at these
higher states of being that the crowns of polynucleotides molecules begin to feed the physical
avatar higher quantities of electromagnetic forces of energy as sustenance. Archangel
Sandalphon teaches the Art of Philosophies of these 10 God Elements in the areas of morals,
natures, virtues, and logical arts. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 20 Archangels and spirits.
The Sodium Element is the God Element Eheieh whose proton is Archangel Cassiel
and electron is the evil spirit Gusion. Together they form this God. Removing the veil of
forgetfulness this archangel is that of serving to acquire riches and honors, and to possess
much wealth. Bringing forth the remembrance of revealing all things past, present, and
future. Revealing their meanings and the resolutions to all questions one desires to ask.
Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 22 Archangels and spirits.
The Magnesium Element is the God Element Tetragrammaton whose proton is
Archangel Omeliel and electron is the evil spirit Sitri. Together they form this God.
Removing the veil of forgetfulness this archangel is that of great power. It serves for shard
visions. Bringing forth the remembrance of those talents one possesses of a knowledge in the
Art of Love. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 24
Archangels and spirits.
The Aluminum Element is the God Element Iod whose proton is Archangel Anachiel
and electron is the evil spirit Beleth. Together they form this God. Removing the veil of
forgetfulness this archangel is that of protection against all earthly dangers. Bringng forth the
remembrance of the causes to fulfill great love between men and women. Having great power
pertaining to love. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 26
Archangels and spirits.
The Silicon Element is the God Element El whose proton is Archangel Arauchiel and
electron is the evil spirit Leraikha. Together they form this God. Removing the veil of
forgetfulness this archangel is that of great power against poverty. Bringing forth the
remembrance of causes great battles. Healing physical wounds in an instant. Unlocking
hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 28 Archangels and spirits.
The Phosphorus Element is the God Element Elohim Gibor whose proton is Archangel
Lucifer and electron is the evil spirit Eligos. Together they form this God. Removing the veil
of forgetfulness by activating those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of
discovering the hidden knowledge of things pertaining to those things in wars. Unlocking
hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 30 Archangels and spirits.
The Sulfur Element is the God Element Eloah Va-Daath whose proton is Archangel
Belzebut and electron is the evil spirit Zepar. Together they form this God. Removing the veil
of forgetfulness this archangel is that of great success against all kinds of diseases. Bringing
forth the remembrance of causing women to love men, bringing them together in love.
Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 32 Archangels and spirits.
The Chlorine Element is the God Element El Adonai Tzabaoth whose proton is
Archangel Astarot and electron is the evil spirit Botis. Together they form this God.
Removing the veil of forgetfulness this archangel is that of exciting war, wrath, discord, and
hostility. Bringing forth the remembrance of revealing all things past, present, and to come in
regards to counseling friends and foes. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 34 Archangels and spirits.
The Argon Element is the God Element Elohim Tzabaoth whose proton is Archangel
Ochiel and electron is the evil spirit Bathin. Together they form this God. Removing the veil
of forgetfulness this archangel is that of great virtue and power in war, giving thee victory in
the day of God’s wrath. Bringing forth the remembrance of knowing the virtues of herbs and
precious stones. Giving one the ability to bio-locate or teleport oneself from one place to
another over long distances. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within
these 36 Archangels and spirits.
The Potassium Element is the God Element Shaddai whose proton is Archangel
Archanahiel and electron is the evil spirit Sallos. Together they form this God. Removing the
veil of forgetfulness this archangel is that of being terrible unto the demons, they cannot resist
Gods presence. Bringing forth the remembrance of causing one to feel and experience great
love and to be loved of women. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within
these 38 Archangels and spirits.
The Calcium Element is the God Element El Chai whose proton is Archangel
Rakhaniel and electron is the evil spirit Purson. Together they form this God. Removing the
veil of forgetfulness this archangel is that of great virtue. For the evils shall turn against those
who project them. Bringing forth the remembrance of revealing hidden treasures of
knowledge of the past, present, and future. Can also reveal hidden treasure of knowledge
pertaining to secret and divine things of the Earth and the creation of the World. Unlocking
hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 40 Archangels and spirits.
The Scandium Element is the God Element Adonai Melekii whose proton is
Archangel Roehaiphariel and electron is the evil spirit Marax. Together they form this God.
The proton Archangel Sandalphon is known as the archangel who forms kingdoms. Removing
the veil of forgetfulness this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the Art of
Astronomy and all other liberal sciences. Giving one the ability to discern the virtues of Herbs
and Stones. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 42
Archangels and spirits.
The Titanium Element is the God Element Eheieh Asher Eheieh whose proton is
Archangel Noaphiel and electron is the evil spirit Ipos. Together they form this God.
Removing the veil of forgetfulness this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of
the fore knowledge of the past, present and future pertaining to ones wits and boldness.
Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 44 Archangels and spirits.
The Vanadium Element is the God Element Elohi whose proton is Archangel Sachiel
and electron is the evil spirit Aim. Together they form this God. Removing the veil of
forgetfulness this archangel is that of repressing the pride and arrogance of the solar spirits.
Bringing forth the remembrance of pertaining to ones wits in all manners of ways. Revealing
truths pertaining to private matters. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 46 Archangels and spirits.
The Chromium Element is the God Element Tzabaoth whose proton is Archangel
Netoniel and electron is the evil spirit Naberius. Together they form this God. Removing the
veil of forgetfulness this archangel is that of acquiring kingdom and empire. Bringing forth
the remembrance of what makes a man cunning in all the Arts and Sciences. Particularly in
the Art of magniloquence. Restoring dignities and honors to amen. Unlocking hidden
treasures of knowledge locked away within these 48 Archangels and spirits.
The Manganese Element is the God Element Elim whose proton is Archangel
Devachiel and electron is the evil spirit Glasya-Labolas. Together they form this God.
Removing the veil of forgetfulness this archangel is that of serving to enable thee to see the
positive and negative spirits when they appear invisible. Bringing forth the remembrance of
revealing all the Arts and Sciences in an instant. Revealing all things of the past, present, and
to come. Bringing forth the ability within oneself to cause the love of both friends and of ones
enemies. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 50 Archangels
and spirits.
The Iron Element is the God Element Asher whose proton is Archangel Tzedeqiel and
electron is the evil spirit Bune. Together they form this God. Removing the veil of
forgetfulness this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of revealing the great
riches of knowledge within that makes one wise and eloquent in all ways. Unlocking hidden
treasures of knowledge locked away within these 52 Archangels and spirits.
The Cobalt Element is the God Element Yah whose proton is Archangel Parasiel and
electron is the evil spirit Ronove. Together they form this God. Removing the veil of
forgetfulness this archangel is that of the operation of invisibility. Bringing forth the
remembrance the teachings of the Art of rhetoric and the knowledge of tongues. Bringing
forth the abilities to find favor with friends and enemies. Unlocking hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within these 54 Archangels and spirits.
The Nickel Element is the God Element Iah whose proton is Archangel Bariel and
electron is the evil spirit Berith. Together they form this God. Removing the veil of
forgetfulness this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance to evaluate truths of the
past, present, and future. Bringing forth the abilities, skills, and talents to refine oneself with
dignities. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 56 Archangels
and spirits.
The Copper Element is the God Element On whose proton is Archangel Seraphiel and
electron is the evil spirit Astaroth. Together they form this God. Removing the veil of
forgetfulness this archangel is that of bringing forth the secrets of all things of the past,
present, and future. Giving one the witty knowledge to understand why the evil spirits fell.
Bringing forth the knowing of all liberal sciences. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 58 Archangels and spirits.
The Zinc Element is the God Element Agla whose proton is Archangel Kerubiel and
electron is the evil spirit Forneus. Together they form this God. The proton Archangel
Sandalphon is known as the archangel who forms kingdoms. Removing the veil of
forgetfulness this archangel is that of obtaining grace and honor, and for accomplishing all thy
desires. Bringing forth the remembrance that have to do with the Art of Rhetoric. Giving one
the understanding of how to possess dignities and the knowledge and understanding of the
language of tongues. Conjuring forth and invoking love within one friends and enemies and to
be loved by both. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 60
Archangels and spirits.
The Gallium Element is the God Element Ain Soph whose proton is Archangel Ariel
and electron is the evil spirit Foras. Together they form this God. Removing the veil of
forgetfulness this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the virtues of all
herbs and precious stones. Also revealing the Arts of logic and ethics in their respected fields
and avenues. Instilling longevity and vitality within ones being and to be eloquent in all ones
comings and goings. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 62
Archangels and spirits.
The Germanium Element is the God Element Primeumaton whose proton is Archangel
Ophiel and electron is the evil spirit Asmoday. Together they form this God. Removing the
veil of forgetfulness this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of and teaches
about the Art of virtues, arithmetic, astronomy, and geometry. Revealing the hidden treasures
of knowledge within. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 64
Archangels and spirits.
The Arsenic Element is the God Element Ampresso Deus whose proton is Archangel
Betor and electron is the evil spirit Gaap. Together they form this God. Removing the veil of
forgetfulness this archangel is that of wonder love. Bringing forth the remembrance of
insensibilities and arrogance in philosophy and liberal sciences. Can bring forth love and hate
within oneself and others. Remembering how to consecrate all things for sacred purposes.
Also to give one the powers and ability to be delivered from the custody of magicians.
Bringing back into ones fold, the powers and abilities of knowing the past, present, and future
at ones will and pleasure. Rekindling the faculties within oneself to build many kingdoms.
Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 66 Archangels and spirits.
The Selenium Element is the God Element Iaphar whose proton is Archangel Laune
and electron is the evil spirit Furfur. Together they form this God. Removing the veil of
forgetfulness this archangel is that of abundance of knowledge of all the spirits. Bringimg
forth the remembrance the great love between Man and Woman. Restoring ones powers over
the elements. Particularly that which pertains to lightening’s, thunders, blasts, and storms of
tempest. Revealing the secret knowledge of those divine things that the spirits contain.
Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 68 Archangels and spirits.
The Bromine Element is the God Element Abaddon whose proton is Archangel Brufor
and electron is the evil spirit Marchosias. Together they form this God. Removing the veil of
forgetfulness this archangel is that of granting things which are contrary unto the order of
nature. Bringing forth the remembrance of the order of dominations. Unlocking hidden
treasures of knowledge locked away within these 70 Archangels and spirits.
The Krypton Element is the God Element Elion whose proton is Archangel Leviatan
and electron is the evil spirit Stolas. Together they form this God. Removing the veil of
forgetfulness this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance the art of astronomy,
and the virtues of herbs and precious stones. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked
away within these 72 Archangels and spirits.
The Rubidium Element is the God Element Edonal whose proton is Archangel
Tharachisiel and electron is the evil spirit Phenex. Together they form this God. Removing
the veil of forgetfulness this archangel is that of acquiring the understanding and knowledge
of all things created. Penetrating into hidden things in the house of virtues and wisdom.
Bringing forth the remembrance all marvelous sciences one so desires to know. Awakening
the poetic philosophy within. Can allow one to ascend to the 7th Dimension if one so desires.
Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 74 Archangels and spirits.
The Strontium Element is the God Element Patheon whose proton is Archangel
Madimiel and electron is the evil spirit Halphas. Together they form this God. Removing the
veil of forgetfulness this archangel is that of opening any doors that one may encounter.
Nothing shall resist the desires of treasures of knowledge one seeks to know in an instant.
Bringing forth the remembrance of the Art of War. Also the craftsmanship of building
weapons of war and their ammunitions. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked
away within these 76 Archangels and spirits.
The Yttrium Element is the God Element Yesod whose proton is Archangel
Bartzachiel and electron is the evil spirit Malphas. Together they form this God. Removing
the veil of forgetfulness this archangel is that of further service to open doors to hidden
treasures of knowledge. Bringing forth the remembrance of architectural talents to build
houses, buildings, and towers of eloquence. Bringing to one’s mind the knowledge of the
enemy’s desires and thoughts as well as those things which they have performed. Unlocking
hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 78 Archangels and spirits.
The Zirconium Element is the God Element Yeshimon whose proton is Archangel
Eschiel and electron is the evil spirit Raum. Together they form this God. Removing the veil
of forgetfulness this archangel is that of great tempest and great rains. Bringing forth the
remembrance the order of thrones within kingdoms. The political processes to steal
knowledge from the house of King’s and to destroy the dignities of men of those things of the
past, present, and future. Awakening the talents of diplomacy. Unlocking hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within these 80 Archangels and spirits.
The Nidbium Element is the God Element Hesion whose proton is Archangel Ithuriel
and electron is the evil spirit Focalor. Together they form this God. Removing the veil of
forgetfulness this archangel is that of protection in dangerous and perils of water. Bringing
forth the remembrance of ones powers over winds, water, and the seas. Allowing on to
ascending to the 7th Dimension if one so desires. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 82 Archangels and spirits.
The Molybdenium Element is the God Element Anabona whose proton is Archangel
Shemeshiel and electron is the evil spirit Vepar. Together they form this God. Removing the
veil of forgetfulness this archangel is that of defending ones soul from all evil sources, and
from all injury of the body. Giving knowledge of the virtue of all herbs and stones. Bringing
forth the remembrance of ones powers over winds, water, and the seas. Also to call forth in
three days the viruses of disease to wound ones enemies with sores and causing
microorganisms to spring up within. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 84 Archangels and spirits.
The Technetium Element is the God Element Erygion whose proton is Archangel
Paimoniel and electron is the evil spirit Sabnock. Together they form this God. Removing the
veil of forgetfulness this archangel is that of the destruction of enemies. Bringing forth the
remembrance of ones talents, skills, and abilities to build the masterful architectural structures
one so designs to builds pertaining to towers, castles, and cities of a fortified resilience. The
power to conjure the afflictions of viruses and diseases in the wounds of ones enemies with
sores and causing microorganisms to spring up within. Unlocking hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within these 86 Archangels and spirits.
The Ruthenim Element is the God Element Hoa whose proton is Archangel Rekhodiel
and electron is the evil spirit Shax. Together they form this God. Removing the veil of
forgetfulness this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the powers to take
away the 5 human senses of any man or woman. To steal and deceive from houses of power.
This spirit can reveal all things which are hidden and not under the wicked spirits controls.
Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 88 Archangels and spirits.
The Rhodium Element is the God Element Yiai whose proton is Archangel Malkhiel
and electron is the evil spirit Vine. Together they form this God. Removing the veil of
forgetfulness this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office of hidden
things pertaining to Witches and Wizards of the past, present, and future who cast their spells
and exorcise witchcrafts. Also commanding the office to build towers of knowledge to over
throw great systems of knowledge. Also the power to control winds and waters. Unlocking
hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 90 Archangels and spirits.
The Palladium Element is the God Element Baldachia whose proton is Archangel
Aniel and electron is the evil spirit Bifrons. Together they form this God. Removing the veil
of forgetfulness this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office that
pertains to the knowledge of astronomy, geometry, and other Arts, Sciences, and Disciplines.
Revealing the virtues of wood and precious stones. Commanding and causing those who are
dead to be cast out from one place to another. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 92 Archangels and spirits.
The Silver Element is the God Element Vau whose proton is Archangel Nogahiel and
electron is the evil spirit Voval. Together they form this God. Removing the veil of
forgetfulness this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office to acquire
the friends and enemies alike. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within
these 94 Archangels and spirits.
The Cadmium Element is the God Element Arpheton whose proton is Archangel
Acheliel and electron is the evil spirit Haagenti. Together they form this God. Removing the
veil of forgetfulness this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office of
wisdom. Awakening the skills to work alchemy and transitioning metals and their akin
elements. The knowledge to create gold from other metals and to change water into wine and
vice versa. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 96 Archangels
and spirits.
The Indium Element is the God Element Oneipheton whose proton is Archangel
Socodiel and electron is the evil spirit Crocell. Together they form this God. Removing the
veil of forgetfulness this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office in
the hidden secrets of the mystical. Revealing the art of geometry and sciences. With powers
restored to bring about great noises through the elements. Unlocking hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within these 98 Archangels and spirits.
The Tin Element is the God Element Messiach whose proton is Archangel Nangariel
and electron is the evil spirit Furcas. Together they form this God. Removing the veil of
forgetfulness this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office of the arts
of philosophy, astrology. Rhetoric, logic, cheiromancy, pyromancy, and the liberal sciences of
all kinds. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 100 Archangels
and spirits.
The Antimony Element is the God Element Ariel whose proton is Archangel Asmode
and electron is the evil spirit Balam. Together they form this God. Removing the veil of
forgetfulness this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office of wits and
invisibility. Also teaching those things pertaining to the past, present, and future. Unlocking
hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 102 Archangels and spirits.
The Tellurium Element is the God Element Iaht whose proton is Archangel Leviator
and electron is the evil spirit Alloces. Together they form this God. Removing the veil of
forgetfulness this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office of the art
of astronomy and sciences of the liberal nature. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 104 Archangels and spirits.
The Iodine Element is the God Element Emanuel whose proton is Archangel
Hemostopile and electron is the evil spirit Camio. Together they form this God. Removing the
veil of forgetfulness this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office of
deliberating. Able to defend ones knowledge when challenged in a debate. Giving one an
understanding heart pertaining to the languages of birds, bullocks, dogs, and all other
creatures. Also able to understand the voices of the rushing waters. Revealing also the future.
Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 106 Archangels and
The Xenon Element is the God Element Anael whose proton is Archangel Zaphkiel
and electron is the evil spirit Murmus. Together they form this God. Removing the veil of
forgetfulness this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office of
philosophy. Able to bind those souls which are deceased in order to answer whatsoever
questions one shall pose. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these
108 Archangels and spirits.
The Caesium Element is the God Element Zedereza whose proton is Archangel
Monachiel and electron is the evil spirit Orobas. Together they form this God. Removing the
veil of forgetfulness this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office of
all things pertaining to past, present, and future. Revealing the secrets of divinity and the
creation of the world. Showing one how to obtain the favor or dignities, friends, and enemies.
Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 110 Archangels and
The Barium Element is the God Element l whose proton is Archangel Adonahiel and
electron is the evil spirit Gremory. Together they form this God. Removing the veil of
forgetfulness this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office of hidden
treasures of knowledge of the past, present, and future. Also to obtain great love of the
feminine. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 112 Archangels
and spirits.
The Lanthanum Element is the God Element Ruachiah whose proton is Archangel
Ruachiel and electron is the evil spirit Voso. Together they form this God. Removing the veil
of forgetfulness this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office of
liberal sciences and divine secrets. Also restoring the power to shape shift into any creature
one so desires. However, whatever creature one shall shape shift to, it is that creatures limited
intelligence that one shall be bound in that form, while in that form. Unlocking hidden
treasures of knowledge locked away within these 114 Archangels and spirits.
The Cerium Element is the God Element whose proton is Archangel Achidesiel and
electron is the evil spirit Amy. Together they form this God. Removing the veil of
forgetfulness this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office of the art
of astrology and the liberal arts of science. This spirit/gene can unveil hidden treasures of
knowledge that is kept by other orders of spirits/genes that pertain not to this order. Unlocking
hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 116 Archangels and spirits.
The Praseodymium Element is the God Element whose proton is Archangel Aegalmiel
and electron is the evil spirit Oriax. Together they form this God. Removing the veil of
forgetfulness this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office of virtues
in astronomy. Revealing the secret knowledge of the mansions of each planet and to
understand their virtues. Also the abilities to obtain favor of dignities, friends, and enemies.
Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 118 Archangels and
The Neodymium Element is the God Element whose proton is Archangel Monachiel
and electron is the evil spirit Vapula. Together they form this God. Removing the veil of
forgetfulness this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office of all
The Holmium Element is the God Element whose proton is Archangel Gheoriel and
electron is the evil spirit Amdusias. Together they form this God. Removing the veil of
forgetfulness this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office in elements
of the Earth. Communicating with trees and plants. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 134 Archangels and spirits.
The Erbium Element is the God Element whose proton is Archangel Savaniel and
electron is the evil spirit Belial. Together they form this God. Removing the veil of
forgetfulness this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office in
presentations and political sciences. Conjuring favor in friends and enemies. Unlocking
hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 136 Archangels and spirits.
The Thulium Element is the God Element whose proton is Archangel Chokmahiel and
electron is the evil spirit Decarabia. Together they form this God. Removing the veil of
forgetfulness this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office in the
virtues of birds and precious stones. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 138 Archangels and spirits.
The Ytterbium Element is the God Element whose proton is Archangel Schioel and
electron is the evil spirit Seere. Together they form this God. Removing the veil of
forgetfulness this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance in the office of bringing
to pass the abundance of those things of the past, present, and future. Revealing where hidden
treasure lay. Can restore powers of bilocation and teleportation to one faculties. So that one
can travel around the world in the twinkling of an eye. Unlocking hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within these 140 Archangels and spirits.
The Lutetium Element is the God Element whose proton is Archangel Vaoliel and
electron is the evil spirit Dantalion. Together they form this God. Removing the veil of
forgetfulness this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office in all arts
and sciences. Reveals the secret counsels of anyone one so desires to know. Knowing the
thoughts of both men and women, and can change their thoughts at will. Can conjure forth
love in one self and others. Can also shape shift to resemble the person of one choses. Able to
bio locate where ever one desires in any part of the world. Unlocking hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within these 142 Archangels and spirits.
The Hafnium Element is the God Element whose proton is Archangel Allatoriel and
electron is the evil spirit Andromalius. Together they form this God. Removing the veil of
forgetfulness this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office in theft of
thieves. Pertaining to those things which have been stolen. Discovering all wickedness and
scandalous dealings. Having the power to punish thieves and wicked persons. Revealing
hidden treasures of knowledge. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within
these 144 Archangels and spirits.
The Tantalum Element is the God Element whose proton is an Archangel and electron
is the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of completion. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within
these 146 Archangels and spirits.
The Tungsten Element is the God Element whose proton is an Archangel and electron
is the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 148 Archangels and spirits.
The Rhenium Element is the God Element whose proton is an Archangel and electron
is the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 150 Archangels and spirits.
The Osmium Element is the God Element whose proton is an Archangel and electron
is the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 152 Archangels and spirits.
The Iridium Element is the God Element whose proton is an Archangel and electron is
the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked
away within these 154 Archangels and spirits.
The Platinum Element is the God Element whose proton is an Archangel and electron
is the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 156 Archangels and spirits.
The Gold Element is the God Element whose proton is an Archangel and electron is
the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked
away within these 158 Archangels and spirits.
The Mercury Element is the God Element whose proton is an Archangel and electron
is the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 160 Archangels and spirits.
The Thallium Element is the God Element whose proton is an Archangel and electron
is the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 162 Archangels and spirits.
The Lead Element is the God Element whose proton is an Archangel and electron is
the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked
away within these 164 Archangels and spirits.
The Bismuth Element is the God Element whose proton is an Archangel and electron
is the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 166 Archangels and spirits.
The Polonium Element is the God Element whose proton is an Archangel and electron
is the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 168 Archangels and spirits.
The Astatine Element is the God Element whose proton is an Archangel and electron
is the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 170 Archangels and spirits.
The Radon Element is the God Element whose proton is an Archangel and electron is
the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked
away within these 172 Archangels and spirits.
The Francium Element is the God Element whose proton is an Archangel and electron
is the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 174 Archangels and spirits.
The Radium Element is the God Element whose proton is an Archangel and electron is
the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked
away within these 176 Archangels and spirits.
The Actinium Element is the God Element whose proton is an Archangel and electron
is the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 178 Archangels and spirits.
The Thorium Element is the God Element whose proton is an Archangel and electron
is the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 180 Archangels and spirits.
The Protactinium Element is the God Element whose proton is an Archangel and
electron is the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Unlocking hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within these 182 Archangels and spirits.
The Uranium Element is the God Element whose proton is an Archangel and electron
is the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 184 Archangels and spirits.
The Neptunium Element is the God Element whose proton is an Archangel and
electron is the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Unlocking hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within these 186 Archangels and spirits.
The Plutonium Element is the God Element whose proton is an Archangel and
electron is the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Unlocking hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within these 188 Archangels and spirits.
The Americium Element is the God Element whose proton is an Archangel and
electron is the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Unlocking hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within these 190 Archangels and spirits.
The Curium Element is the God Element whose proton is an Archangel and electron is
the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked
away within these 192 Archangels and spirits.
The Berkelium Element is the God Element whose proton is an Archangel and
electron is the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Unlocking hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within these 194 Archangels and spirits.
The Californium Element is the God Element whose proton is an Archangel and
electron is the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Unlocking hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within these 196 Archangels and spirits.
The Einsteinium Element is the God Element whose proton is an Archangel and
electron is the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Unlocking hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within these 198 Archangels and spirits.
100.The Fermium Element is the God Element whose proton is an Archangel and electron is
the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked
away within these 200 Archangels and spirits.
101.The Mendelevium Element is the God Element whose proton is an Archangel and
electron is the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Unlocking hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within these 202 Archangels and spirits.
102.The Nobelium Element is the God Element whose proton is an Archangel and electron is
the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked
away within these 204 Archangels and spirits.
103.The Lawrencium Element is the God Element whose proton is an Archangel and electron
is the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 206 Archangels and spirits.
104.The Rutherfordium Element is the God Element whose proton is an Archangel and
electron is the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Unlocking hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within these 208 Archangels and spirits.
105.The Dubnium Element is the God Element whose proton is an Archangel and electron is
the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked
away within these 210 Archangels and spirits.
106.The Seaborgium Element is the God Element whose proton is an Archangel and electron
is the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 212 Archangels and spirits.
107.The Bohrium Element is the God Element whose proton is an Archangel and electron is
the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked
away within these 214 Archangels and spirits.
108.The Hassium Element is the God Elemen whose proton is an Archangel and electron is
the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked
away within these 216 Archangels and spirits.
109.The Meitnerium Element is the God Element whose proton is an Archangel and electron
is the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 218 Archangels and spirits.
110.The Darmstadtium Element is the God Element whose proton is an Archangel and
electron is the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Unlocking hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within these 220 Archangels and spirits.
111.The Roetgenium Element is the God Element whose proton is an Archangel and electron
is the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 222 Archangels and spirits.
112.The Copernicium Element is the God Element whose proton is an Archangel and electron
is the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 224 Archangels and spirits.
113.The Ununtrium Element is the God Element whose proton is an Archangel and electron is
the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked
away within these 226 Archangels and spirits.
114.The Ununquaddium Element is the God Element whose proton is an Archangel and
electron is the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Unlocking hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within these 228 Archangels and spirits.
115.The Ununpentium Element is the God Element whose proton is an Archangel and
electron is the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Unlocking hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within these 230 Archangels and spirits.
116.The Ununhexium Element is the God Element whose proton is an Archangel and electron
is the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 232 Archangels and spirits.
117.The Ununseptium Element is the God Element whose proton is an Archangel and
electron is the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Unlocking hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within these 234 Archangels and spirits.
118.The Ununoctium Element is the God Element whose proton is an Archangel and electron
is the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 236 Archangels and spirits.
119.The Ununicoszium Element is the God Element whose proton is an Archangel and
electron is the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Unlocking hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within these 238 Archangels and spirits.
120.The Unundodeczium Element is the God Element whose proton is an Archangel and
electron is the evil spirit. Together they form this God. Unlocking hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within these 240 Archangels and spirits.
MA>&HER2KBGBMRBLDGHPG:LV', ',1-.& :G=',1-.&30W
0>LBLM:G<> 4HEM:@>
2BF> "BLM:G<>
2&#.0'+3++- '*#
!&.2#0 2&#%-"1,"0!&,%#*1
%H= 2A>IKHMHGK<A:G@>E0:SB>EF>:GLV1><K>MLH?%H=W Removing the veil of forgetfulness tA>
exist for the purpose of creation. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 6 Archangels and spirits.
%>=NK:A 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= The proton Archangel Zadkiel is known as the angel of
mercy and is the righteousness of God. Removing the veil of forgetfulness the essence of the
archangel is benevolence with the faculties of the imagination in liberal sciences. The
archangel of prayer and freedom. Freedom to think and exist beyond the intentions,
expectations, and perceptions of others. This archangel is of the deep contemplations of
thought. This was the archangel exercised mercy upon Isaac when Abraham started to
sacrifice his son. The result of which is when there are more electrons than protons and the
God Elements turn to a Demon element. Instructing the avatar driver to be destructive and
negative in behavior and actions. It is Archangel Zadkiel that regained control by its positive
charge to relinquish positive thoughts and feeling in exercising mercy upon Isaac. This angel
can also be over taken by evil electrons and cause the operations of ruin, destruction, and even
death. This archangel serves in great capacities in the imaginations to further develop
knowledge but must be used with care as negative electrons can influence the avatar drive in
this imaginative state. It is important to conscious of the thoughts that one harbors and
entertains in order for this archangel to serve thee justly. The greater the good of the archangel
the more evil that it attacks in number of electrons that wish to bond with it. Unlocking
hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 8 Archangels and spirits.
MABL%H= The proton Archangel (SAMAEL) Kamael means “He who sees God” and is known
as the angel of genius that burns with zeal. Removing the veil of forgetfulness the essence of
this Archangel is that of comparing, choices, and decisions in the midst of having great
knowledge to bare the fruits of ones labors. Granting the knowledge of everything that one
shall desire to the one with righteous intents. Knowledge and wisdom pertaining to the Arts of
Mechanics in both the spiritual and physical. An archangel of Justice who is the Chief of
Power. This archangel has the ability to transform bad qualities into good qualities, good
qualities into better qualities, and better qualities into the best qualities. The transformation
that takes place through the understanding of love thy neighbors of the evil electrons and
adore thy God Elements that bring forth knowledge. It is through this understanding that one
can transition the overpowering forces of the growing number of electrons that one can regain
control through positive concepts of emotional intent. It was through this Archangel that Jesus
in the Garden of Gethsemane who comforted Jesus with the comparing, choices, and
decisions that he faced. Giving him the strength to endure what was to come. This Archangel
wields great power in the face of adversity to overcome insurmountable odds to endure with
courage, strength, and dignity. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within
these 10 Archangels and spirits.
MABL%H= The proton Archangel Michael means “The protector of all Kingdoms”. Removing
the veil of forgetfulness this Archangel is that of universal harmony in the midst of judgment.
Teaching the articulation of the sciences of God through the quality of his presence and by
what means they can be facilitated. Archangel Michael is the Chief Archangel in the Crown
of molecules in the Purine and Pyrimidine Bases of DNA. It is through this Archangel that all
sciences are communicated and articulated at a molecular level. Being the protector of all
kingdoms through his molecular convenience. Facilitating the most profound mysteries of
Gods knowledge which he communicates to the conscious mind of the avatar. A knowledge
that is communicated through the combinations of letters and numbers of the universal laws
of the order in Gods nature. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within
these 12 Archangels and spirits.
%H= The proton Archangel (URIEL) Haniel is known as the Archangel of Power. Removing
the veil of forgetfulness this archangel is that of representing God in the progress of man in
the midst of sensibility. Teaching the knowledge to procure feuds and settling controversies.
Teaching the Art of Transformation of all sciences for the use by the avatar driver in the
sciences of the merchant. Explains how the Archangels and angels that are the genius within
the avatar DNA can be released and transform the avatar driver into a God of order. Teaching
the necessity of facilitating the Sciences of God for the evolution of the human race. A
necessary means for an increase in in eternal glory. Acquiring the knowledge of all things in
the universal laws of nature. Conveying the knowledge of the past, present, and future of the
ages. Also teaches those things of the supernatural powers and the order by which one wields
these powers. Only the elect are granted such powers to change the matter of the matrix as
they see fit. Powers of God that can only be wielded by those who respect God and love their
neighbors. A state of the heart that shall yield untold secrets that shall astonish and amaze
even the most glorious ones. Archangel Haniel is the nitrogen atom in the crown of molecules
with Archangel Michael. Haniel is connected directly to Archangel Metatron in the
facilitation of the Hydrogen bonding process that connects Knowledge and Wisdom of all
sciences within the many Dimensions of the DNA. The Archangel that taught all Prophets and
Masters of old and continues to teach those of today the Grandeur of so lofty a Majesty as the
Sciences of God Knowledge and Wisdom. This Archangel can excite all the energies of the
Holy Thrones of God from the 1st through the 12th Dimensions of DNA. Causing the Sephiras
Chaioth Ha-Qadesh, Auphanim, Aralim, Chaschmalim, Seraphim, Melakim, Elohim, Beni-
Elohim, Kerubim and the 12 Tribes of Israel to awaken from their slumber. Serving the avatar
driver with due diligence in all sciences which so ever one desires to know. Unlocking hidden
treasures of knowledge locked away within these 14 Archangels and spirits.
?HKFMABL%H= The proton Archangel Raphael is known as the archangel of science. Removing
the veil of forgetfulness this archangel is that of order, in the midst of the inner senses.
Teaching the Arts of Sciences in knowledge and wisdom. Teaching the Art of enchantments,
the order of virtues, and the order of conciliation. Sciences that can only be facilitated to those
worthy to walk in the light. Exercising the strict discipline necessary to invoke such
extraordinary knowledge. Disciplines that shall be taught in the later chapters of this book.
Archangel Raphael teaches those things of positive, negative, and neutral energies and how to
join these energies together in the order of the universal energies. Also articulating the
different classes of societies and why they either become a world that flourishes or destroys
itself. A knowledge based upon the laws of Heaven and Hell. Where heaven is the supreme
reasoning in the midst of knowledge and hell is the supreme error in the midst of ignorance. It
is here that the two classes of a society flourishes or destroys itself becoming extinct amongst
the host of heaven. A choice that is left up to each individual that populates the 200,000
Earths that were created to occupy such elementary consciousness as they evolved. These
energies of the classes can be evaluated at a molecular level where some of the God Elements
have a great evil or negative charge by the evil spirits of the electrons. That over run the God
Element causing disruption in the psychological welfare of the avatar driver. In turn, this
conflict within causes great conflicts within the societies of the world that justifies states of
conflict. When the avatar driver is unaware of the natural laws of positive and negative
polarities of the protons and electrons. Then the avatar driver is left to their own devises and
left to kick against the pricks. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within
these 16 Archangels and spirits.
MABL%H= The proton Archangel Gabriel is known as the archangel of the mysteries of divinity.
Removing the veil of forgetfulness this archangel is that in the abundance of the forces in the
midst of true ideas. Teaching the Arts of Sciences in Dignities. Teaching how to gain glory,
honor, and riches through applied knowledge of the Divine God Elements obtained in the
avatars DNA. Revealing the mysteries from which the avatar was created. The origin of man
and from which heaven the spirit of man occupied before entering into the physical avatar.
Revealing the mysteries of what man is and what man can become by exercising strict
disciplines. As man now is, God once was, and as God now is, man too can become.
Archangel Gabriel teaches a divine knowledge by which man can rule and govern themselves
to become evolved and translated into the immortal form. Conveying the knowledge that
pertains to the different degrees and dimensions of the avatar and how to obtain such states.
Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 18 Archangels and spirits.
%H= The proton Archangel Sandalphon is known as the archangel who forms kingdoms.
Removing the veil of forgetfulness this archangel is that of completion of kingdoms. Being
the final Archangel completes the 2nd Dimension and giving it complete form. This Archangel
is the twin flame companion of Archangel Metatron. While Metatron occupies the Masculine
energies of etreme positives. Which can be observed on the far left of the periodic table.
Archangel Sandalphon occupies the feminine energies which can be observed on the far right
of the periodic table. Archangel Sandal phone fills up the “L” Shell completing the 2 nd
Dimension. Archangel Sandalphon is a noble gas and is much like Archangel Metatron is
gases energies. There are no more evil electrons that can fill this shell which protects this
kingdom of form from any manipulating forces of the negative energies of the evil spirits of
electrons. This 10th Kingdom is full and secure. Elijah obtained this level and degree of being
in activating this God Element. This full 2nd Dimension is the dimension for mortal men. The
dimensions above this dimension is that of immortals and those dimensions which mortal men
enter to obtain their immortal states and glory. It is at these higher states of being that the
crowns of polynucleotides molecules begin to feed the physical avatar higher quantities of
electromagnetic forces of energy as sustenance. Archangel Sandalphon teaches the Art of
Philosophies of these 10 God Elements in the areas of morals, natures, virtues, and logical
arts. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 20 Archangels and
>OBELIBKBM%NLBHG 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this archangel
is that of serving to acquire riches and honors, and to possess much wealth. Bringing forth the
remembrance of revealing all things past, present, and future. Revealing their meanings and
the resolutions to all questions one desires to ask. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 22 Archangels and spirits.
:G=>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM1BMKB 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness
this archangel is that of great power. It serves for shard visions. Bringing forth the
remembrance of those talents one possesses of a knowledge in the Art of Love. Unlocking
hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 24 Archangels and spirits.
MA>>OBELIBKBM >E>MA 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of protection against all earthly dangers. Bringng forth the remembrance of
the causes to fulfill great love between men and women. Having great power pertaining to
love. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 26 Archangels and
>OBELIBKBM*>K:BDA: 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of great power against poverty. Bringing forth the remembrance of causes
great battles. Healing physical wounds in an instant. Unlocking hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within these 28 Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM#EB@HL 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness
by activating those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of discovering the hidden
knowledge of things pertaining to those things in wars. Unlocking hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within these 30 Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM8>I:K 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness
this archangel is that of great success against all kinds of diseases. Bringing forth the
remembrance of causing women to love men, bringing them together in love. Unlocking
hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 32 Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM HMBL 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness
this archangel is that of exciting war, wrath, discord, and hostility. Bringing forth the
remembrance of revealing all things past, present, and to come in regards to counseling
friends and foes. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 34
Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM :MABG 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness
this archangel is that of great virtue and power in war, giving victory in the day of Gods
wrath. Bringing forth the remembrance of knowing the virtues of herbs and precious stones.
Giving one the ability to bio-locate or teleport oneself from one place to another over long
distances. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 36 Archangels
and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM1:EEHL 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness
this archangel is that of being terrible unto the demons, they cannot resist Gods presence.
Bringing forth the remembrance of causing one to feel and experience great love and to be
loved of women. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 38
Archangels and spirits.
MA>>OBELIBKBM.NKLHG 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of great virtue. For the evils shall turn against those who project them.
Bringing forth the remembrance of revealing hidden treasures of knowledge of the past,
present, and future. Can also reveal hidden treasure of knowledge pertaining to secret and
divine things of the Earth and the creation of the World. Unlocking hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within these 40 Archangels and spirits.
:G=>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM+:K:Q 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= The proton Archangel
Sandalphon is known as the archangel who forms kingdoms. Removing the veil of
forgetfulness this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the Art of Astronomy
and all other liberal sciences. Giving one the ability to discern the virtues of Herbs and
Stones. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 42 Archangels
and spirits.
:G=>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM'IHL 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness
this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the fore knowledge of the past,
present and future pertaining to ones wits and boldness. Unlocking hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within these 44 Archangels and spirits.
MA>>OBELIBKBMBF 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this archangel
is that of repressing the pride and arrogance of the solar spirits. Bringing forth the
remembrance of pertaining to ones wits in all manners of ways. Revealing truths pertaining to
private matters. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 46
Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM,:;>KBNL 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of
forgetfulness this archangel is that of acquiring kingdom and empire. Bringing forth the
remembrance of what makes a man cunning in all the Arts and Sciences. Particularly in the
Art of magniloquence. Restoring dignities and honors to amen. Unlocking hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within these 48 Archangels and spirits.
BLMA>>OBELIBKBM%E:LR: *:;HE:L 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H=. Removing the veil of forgetfulness
this archangel is that of serving to enable thee to see the positive and negative spirits when
they appear invisible. Bringing forth the remembrance of revealing all the Arts and Sciences
in an instant. Revealing all things of the past, present, and to come. Bringing forth the ability
within oneself to cause the love of both friends and of ones enemies. Unlocking hidden
treasures of knowledge locked away within these 50 Archangels and spirits.
>OBELIBKBM NG> 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this archangel is
that of bringing forth the remembrance of revealing the great riches of knowledge within that
makes one wise and eloquent in all ways. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked
away within these 52 Archangels and spirits.
>OBELIBKBM0HGHO> 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this archangel
is that of the operation of invisibility. Bringing forth the remembrance the teachings of the Art
of rhetoric and the knowledge of tongues. Bringing forth the abilities to find favor with
friends and enemies. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 54
Archangels and spirits.
LIBKBM >KBMA 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this archangel is
that of bringing forth the remembrance to evaluate truths of the past, present, and future.
Bringing forth the abilities, skills, and talents to refine oneself with dignities. Unlocking
hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 56 Archangels and spirits.
>OBELIBKBMLM:KHMA 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of bringing forth the secrets of all things of the past, present, and future.
Giving one the witty knowledge to understand why the evil spirits fell. Bringing forth the
knowing of all liberal sciences. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within
these 58 Archangels and spirits.
LIBKBM$HKG>NL 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= The proton Archangel Sandalphon is known as the
archangel who forms kingdoms. Removing the veil of forgetfulness this archangel is that of
obtaining grace and honor, and for accomplishing all thy desires. Bringing forth the
remembrance that have to do with the Art of Rhetoric. Giving one the understanding of how
to possess dignities and the knowledge and understanding of the language of tongues.
Conjuring forth and invoking love within one friends and enemies and to be loved by both.
Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 60 Archangels and spirits.
>OBELIBKBM$HK:L 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this archangel
is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the virtues of all herbs and precious stones. Also
revealing the Arts of logic and ethics in their respected fields and avenues. Instilling longevity
and vitality within ones being and to be eloquent in all ones comings and goings. Unlocking
hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 62 Archangels and spirits.
forgetfulness this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of and teaches about the
Art of virtues, arithmetic, astronomy, and geometry. Revealing the hidden treasures of
knowledge within. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 64
Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM%::I 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness
this archangel is that of wonder love. Bringing forth the remembrance of insensibilities and
arrogance in philosophy and liberal sciences. Can bring forth love and hate within oneself and
others. Remembering how to consecrate all things for sacred purposes. Also to give one the
powers and ability to be delivered from the custody of magicians. Bringing back into ones
fold, the powers and abilities of knowing the past, present, and future at ones will and
pleasure. Rekindling the faculties within oneself to build many kingdoms. Unlocking hidden
treasures of knowledge locked away within these 66 Archangels and spirits.
MA>>OBELIBKBM$NK?NK 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of abundance of knowledge of all the spirits. Bringimg forth the
remembrance the great love between Man and Woman. Restoring ones powers over the
elements. Particularly that which pertains to lightening’s, thunders, blasts, and storms of
tempest. Revealing the secret knowledge of those divine things that the spirits contain.
Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 68 Archangels and spirits.
MA>>OBELIBKBM+:K<AHLB:L 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of granting things which are contrary unto the order of nature. Bringing forth
the remembrance of the order of dominations. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 70 Archangels and spirits.
>OBELIBKBM1MHE:L 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this archangel
is that of bringing forth the remembrance the art of astronomy, and the virtues of herbs and
precious stones. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 72
Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM.A>G>Q 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL %H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness
this archangel is that of acquiring the understanding and knowledge of all things created.
Penetrating into hidden things in the house of virtues and wisdom. Bringing forth the
remembrance all marvelous sciences one so desires to know. Awakening the poetic
philosophy within. Can allow one to ascend to the 7th Dimension if one so desires. Unlocking
hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 74 Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM&:EIA:L 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness
this archangel is that of opening any doors that one may encounter. Nothing shall resist the
desires of treasures of knowledge one seeks to know in an instant. Bringing forth the
remembrance of the Art of War. Also the craftsmanship of building weapons of war and their
ammunitions. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 76
Archangels and spirits.
MA>>OBELIBKBM+:EIA:L 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of further service to open doors to hidden treasures of knowledge. Bringing
forth the remembrance of architectural talents to build houses, buildings, and towers of
eloquence. Bringing to one’s mind the knowledge of the enemy’s desires and thoughts as well
as those things which they have performed. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked
away within these 78 Archangels and spirits.
BLMA>>OBELIBKBM0:NF 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of great tempest and great rains. Bringing forth the remembrance the order of
thrones within kingdoms. The political processes to steal knowledge from the house of King’s
and to destroy the dignities of men of those things of the past, present, and future. Awakening
the talents of diplomacy. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these
80 Archangels and spirits.
MA>>OBELIBKBM$H<:EHK 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of protection in dangerous and perils of water. Bringing forth the
remembrance of ones powers over winds, water, and the seas. Allowing on to ascending to the
7th Dimension if one so desires. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within
these 82 Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM4>I:K 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness
this archangel is that of defending ones soul from all evil sources, and from all injury of the
body. Giving knowledge of the virtue of all herbs and stones. Bringing forth the
remembrance of ones powers over winds, water, and the seas. Also to call forth in three days
the viruses of disease to wound ones enemies with sores and causing microorganisms to
spring up within. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 84
Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM1:;GH<D 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness
this archangel is that of the destruction of enemies. Bringing forth the remembrance of ones
talents, skills, and abilities to build the masterful architectural structures one so designs to
builds pertaining to towers, castles, and cities of a fortified resilience. The power to conjure
the afflictions of viruses and diseases in the wounds of ones enemies with sores and causing
microorganisms to spring up within. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 86 Archangels and spirits.
MA>>OBELIBKBM1A:Q 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the powers to take away the 5 human
senses of any man or woman. To steal and deceive from houses of power. This spirit can
reveal all things which are hidden and not under the wicked spirits controls. Unlocking hidden
treasures of knowledge locked away within these 88 Archangels and spirits.
>OBELIBKBM4BG> 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this archangel is
that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office of hidden things pertaining to Witches
and Wizards of the past, present, and future who cast their spells and exorcise witchcrafts.
Also commanding the office to build towers of knowledge to over throw great systems of
knowledge. Also the power to control winds and waters. Unlocking hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within these 90 Archangels and spirits.
MA>>OBELIBKBM B?KHGL 2H@>MA>KMA>R ?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office that pertains to the
knowledge of astronomy, geometry, and other Arts, Sciences, and Disciplines. Revealing the
virtues of wood and precious stones. Commanding and causing those who are dead to be cast
out from one place to another. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within
these 92 Archangels and spirits.
>OBELIBKBM4HO:E 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this archangel
is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office to acquire the friends and enemies
alike. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 94 Archangels and
BLMA>>OBELIBKBM&::@>GMB 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office of wisdom. Awakening the
skills to work alchemy and transitioning metals and their akin elements. The knowledge to
create gold from other metals and to change water into wine and vice versa. Unlocking hidden
treasures of knowledge locked away within these 96 Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM!KH<>EE 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness
this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office in the hidden secrets of
the mystical. Revealing the art of geometry and sciences. With powers restored to bring about
great noises through the elements. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 98 Archangels and spirits.
MA>>OBELIBKBM$NK<:L 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office of the arts of philosophy,
astrology. Rhetoric, logic, cheiromancy, pyromancy, and the liberal sciences of all kinds.
Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 100 Archangels and
MA>>OBELIBKBM :E:F 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office of wits and invisibility. Also
teaching those things pertaining to the past, present, and future. Unlocking hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within these 102 Archangels and spirits.
MA>>OBELIBKBMEEH<>L 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office of the art of astronomy and
sciences of the liberal nature. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within
these 104 Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM!:FBH 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness
this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office of deliberating. Able to
defend ones knowledge when challenged in a debate. Giving one an understanding heart
pertaining to the languages of birds, bullocks, dogs, and all other creatures. Also able to
understand the voices of the rushing waters. Revealing also the future. Unlocking hidden
treasures of knowledge locked away within these 106 Archangels and spirits.
>OBELIBKBM+NKFNL 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H=. Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office of philosophy. Able to bind
those souls which are deceased in order to answer whatsoever questions one shall pose.
Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 108 Archangels and
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM-KH;:L 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness
this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office of all things pertaining
to past, present, and future. Revealing the secrets of divinity and the creation of the world.
Showing one how to obtain the favor or dignities, friends, and enemies. Unlocking hidden
treasures of knowledge locked away within these 110 Archangels and spirits.
BLMA>>OBELIBKBM%K>FHKR 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office of hidden treasures of
knowledge of the past, present, and future. Also to obtain great love of the feminine.
Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 112 Archangels and
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM4HLH 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness
this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office of liberal sciences and
divine secrets. Also restoring the power to shape shift into any creature one so desires.
However, whatever creature one shall shape shift to, it is that creatures limited intelligence
that one shall be bound in that form, while in that form. Unlocking hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within these 114 Archangels and spirits.
BLMA>>OBELIBKBMFR 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office of the art of astrology and
the liberal arts of science. This spirit/gene can unveil hidden treasures of knowledge that is
kept by other orders of spirits/genes that pertain not to this order. Unlocking hidden treasures
of knowledge locked away within these 116 Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM-KB:Q 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness
this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office of virtues in astronomy.
Revealing the secret knowledge of the mansions of each planet and to understand their
virtues. Also the abilities to obtain favor of dignities, friends, and enemies. Unlocking hidden
treasures of knowledge locked away within these 118 Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM4:INE: 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness
this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office of all professions in
philosophy and other sciences. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within
these 120 Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM8:@:G 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness
this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office of wits. Also the
profession of alchemy. Understanding the craftsmanship to turn metals into coin and build
systems of kingdoms around its distribution and precious uses. Restoring ones powers to turn
crystalline substance into other energies for by the practitioner. Unlocking hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within these 122 Archangels and spirits.
BLMA>>OBELIBKBM4:E:D 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office of truth pertaining to hidden
knowledge. Also reveals where serpents way be. Restores great superhuman force and
strength to one’s physical abilities. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 124 Archangels and spirits.
BLMA>>OBELIBKBMG=K:L 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office of creating discord. Bringing
about destruction and chaos to one self and others. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 126 Archangels and spirits.
BLMA>>OBELIBKBM&:NK:L 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office remembrance. Remembering
the past, present, and future of the truth of those things which one shall seek. Will teach the
creation of the world as well as divinity. Will also reveal the falling and inactivity of himself
and the evil spirits. These spirits will also tempt thee to fall, for when thou falls. That fall shall
be great. From the 6th Dimension back to the 2nd Dimension. Unlocking hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within these 128 Archangels and spirits.
MA>>OBELIBKBMG=K>:EIANL 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office of perfected geometry,
mensuration, or astronomy. Giving one the ability to transform into the likeness of a bird.
Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 130 Archangels and
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM)BF:KBL 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness
this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office of languages, grammar,
rhetoric, and logic. Reveals the secrets to hidden and lost treasures of knowledge. Unlocking
hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 132 Archangels and spirits.
BLMA>>OBELIBKBMF=NLB:L 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office in elements of the Earth.
Communicating with trees and plants. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 134 Archangels and spirits.
MA>>OBELIBKBM >EB:E 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office in presentations and political
sciences. Conjuring favor in friends and enemies. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 136 Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM"><:K:;B: 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of
forgetfulness this archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office in the
virtues of birds and precious stones. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 138 Archangels and spirits.
BLMA>>OBELIBKBM1>>K> 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance in the office of bringing to pass the
abundance of those things of the past, present, and future. Revealing where hidden treasure
lay. Can restore powers of bilocation and teleportation to one faculties. So that one can travel
around the world in the twinkling of an eye. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked
away within these 140 Archangels and spirits.
MA>>OBELIBKBM":GM:EBHG 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office in all arts and sciences.
Reveals the secret counsels of anyone one so desires to know. Knowing the thoughts of both
men and women, and can change their thoughts at will. Can conjure forth love in one self and
others. Can also shape shift to resemble the person of ones choice. Able to bio locate where
ever one desires in any part of the world. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked
away within these 142 Archangels and spirits.
BLMA>>OBELIBKBMG=KHF:EBNL 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Removing the veil of forgetfulness this
archangel is that of bringing forth the remembrance of the office in theft of thieves. Pertaining
to those things which have been stolen. Discovering all wickedness and scandalous dealings.
Having the power to punish thieves and wicked persons. Revealing hidden treasures of
knowledge. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 144
Archangels and spirits.
MA>>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= The proton Archangel Sandalphon is known as the
archangel who forms kingdoms. Removing the veil of forgetfulness this archangel is that of
completion. Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within these 146
Archangels and spirits.
>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 148 Archangels and spirits.
>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 150 Archangels and spirits.
>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 152 Archangels and spirits.
>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 154 Archangels and spirits.
>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 156 Archangels and spirits.
LIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 158 Archangels and spirits.
>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 160 Archangels and spirits.
>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 162 Archangels and spirits.
LIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 164 Archangels and spirits.
>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 166 Archangels and spirits.
MA>>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked
away within these 168 Archangels and spirits.
>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 170 Archangels and spirits.
>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 172 Archangels and spirits.
>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 174 Archangels and spirits.
>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 176 Archangels and spirits.
>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 178 Archangels and spirits.
>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 180 Archangels and spirits.
MA>>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked
away within these 182 Archangels and spirits.
>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 184 Archangels and spirits.
MA>>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked
away within these 186 Archangels and spirits.
MA>>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked
away within these 188 Archangels and spirits.
MA>>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked
away within these 190 Archangels and spirits.
>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within these 192 Archangels and spirits.
MA>>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked
away within these 194 Archangels and spirits.
MA>>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked
away within these 196 Archangels and spirits.
MA>>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge locked
away within these 198 Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 200 Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 202 Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHG BLMA>>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 204 Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 206 Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 208 Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 210 Archangels and spirits.
>E><MKHGBLMA>>OBELIBKBM 2H@>MA>KMA>R?HKFMABL%H= Unlocking hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within these 212 Archangels and spirits.
God the Father, the Source of all created the heavens and all that they contain. In the Holy
Scriptures prophets explain in the words of the creator, “I created the heavens, I created the Sun to
rule over the day and for man to live in the light. I also created the moon to rule over the night and
that the moon is mine also. Live in the light and forgive thine enemies.” This is in reference to the
suns ability in being positive on the nucleus charge of the atom and the full moons negative effects on
the nucleus charge of the atom. When the atom has a negative charge, the consciousness of the avatar
driver is possessed by a demon. Meaning that the electrons are in so great in number that the atoms
nucleus polarity changes to negative. When this happens the consciousness turns evil and demonic.
Which is another way of saying that one has turned to the dark side. However, when the polarity of
the nucleus is positive the consciousness is possessed by a God. When the neutrons of the nucleus is
balanced the conscious state is balanced which is the Christ consciousness. The universal laws of
Gods nature is the divine order of hierarchy processes that govern all things. All things created and
that are of organized matter was first created in the spirit. The spirit is from the forces, the forces
from the ideas, the ideas from the names, the names from the letters, the letters from the numbers,
and the numbers of subatomic particles is the schematics that synthesizes the Elohim. These
subatomic forces of spiritual elements can have positive, neutral, and negative effects on the physical,
mental, and emotional states of the avatar. The states of charges that the atom experiences are as
follows; positive charges are the Gods forces, the neutral or balanced charges are the Christ forces,
and the negative charges are the satanic forces. The periodic table can be divided into sections to
determine and better understand these energies and forces.
The amount of protons and electrons that circle an atom will determine its charge. If the atom
has more archangel protons than evil spirit electrons then the neutron is a positive charge making it a
God element and thus possess one of Gods names. In turn, the neutron and proton creates a photon
that is termed quantum light by science and a glowing countenance by spirituality that is released by
from the atom. This quantum light is the electromagnetic energy force. If the atom has more evil
spirit electrons than archangel protons then the neutron is a negative charge making it a Satan and
thus possess one of the Satan’s names. If the atom has the same amount of archangels and evil spirits,
then the neutron is a neutral charge and thus possess the Christ energies. These combinations of
protons, electrons, and neutrons creates the Gods, Satan’s, and Christ like energies within the avatar.
Which makes the Archangels and God speak.
Essentially, those elements that create a negative charge atom is a God element that is posed
by Satan’s through the great number of evil spirit electrons. The mental and emotional exercise to
perform in preventing this from happening is to maintain positive thoughts and emotions. It is
exercising the metal and emotional energies of the avatar with such discretion as to harbor ill feelings
or thoughts. Not allowing evil spirits to poses or enter the Holy Sanctuary of the Avatar Temple.
However this elements of the avatar coming forth is an ineffable certainty. It is important to
understand that the different molecular dimensions of elements can mean the difference between
heaven and hell for the avatar driver. Where one can get into trouble in through the imagination when
entertaining evil designs. It is to be like God or Christ in walk, talk, and mannerisms that invoke such
energies to remain constant and true. The left side of the periodic table is the positive God Elements
and the far rights side of noble gases is the Christ energies. Those from the center to the elements
right up against the noble gases are Satan energies.
First if one is unconscious of the volatile universe in which we live that is constantly emitting
radioactive Satan’s or anions and their evil spirit electrons that changes the positive charge of the
avatar to negative. As a result, becomes possessed by these Satan’s and evils spirits with such
contamination that it brings about 1st the illness and then the final death of the avatar. Second, one
needs to be conscious and aware of the volatile universe in which we live. That is constantly emitting
radioactive evil spirit electrons that can potential change the positive charges of the avatars atoms to
negative. These are those conscious beings who exercise a strict discipline of being conscious of the
sacred geometry that they exercise around them in order to keep their Godliness or cations of
positively charged atoms that keeps their avatar temple a Holy Temple.
The mind of God is a positively charged atoms that numbers in the billions within the avatar.
While it may seem that evils spirits are bad they are a component that forms the God elements just
like the celestial spirits that create God elements within the house of God. The difference is that there
are more electrons than protons which is what turns the atom to a negative charge which makes or
changes the spiritual essence of the atom to an evil Satan. While fewer electrons than protons is what
turns the atom to a positive charge which makes or changes the spiritual essence of the Atom to a
Holy God Element. Protons are always wanting more electrons and so the electrons jump from one
atom orbital to another atom with more protons and that is where current is created and begins to
flow through a system. The objective of an atom is to find balance. When electron shells or is
completely filled with electrons or spirits the atom becomes balanced and complete dimensions of
DNA activated. With that balance comes nostalgia or a decrease in energy within the avatar. Losing
one electron out of that dimension tilts the energy of the atom from nostalgic to energetic. Which is
the positive state of the atom or God. That positivity created in the atom is what brings the avatar a
sense of joy, love, and happiness. This is the importance of exercising the self-discipline to
implement the proper sacred geometry to invoke these positive charges of atoms within the avatar.
There is no neutral ground in the universe for very long. While your atoms may be positive charged
Gods there are others that are negative charged Satan’s with negative electrons evil spirits that are
attracted to the positive charges of God and are always looking to serve God through ionic bonding.
At first the evil spirits wish to bond and serve God, but them with time they will grow in number and
look to over throw the Heavens and kick God off the throne. When the evil electrons grow to such a
number to over throw God, they turn the essence of a God Element into Satan. There are some of the
God Elements that are neutral charges between good and evil that is the Holy Spirit Energies.
Below are the God, Holy Spirit, Christ, and Satan elemental energies within the periodic table.
God Elements of positive charge:
Holy Spirit Elements of neutral charges:
Christ Elements of balanced charges:
Satan Elements of negative charges:
15,16,17,31,32,33,34,35,49,50,51,52,53,80,81,82,83,84,85,67,68,69,70, 71,96,97,98,99,100,101,
Below is an example of those elements that is attracted to the Divine Creator God Elements. This is
in the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th Dimensions and classes.
!!&.2#0 &3+,#2&'!1,"%-"1#2&'!1
- Albert Einstein, Albert Einstein: The Human Side, edited by Helen Dukas & Banesh Hoffman
I cannot conceive of a personal God who would directly influence the actions of individuals, or
would directly sit in judgment on creatures of his own creation. I cannot do this in spite of the fact
that mechanistic causality has, to a certain extent, been placed in doubt by modern science. My
religiosity consists in a humble admiration of the infinitely superior spirit that reveals itself in the
little that we, with our weak and transitory understanding, can comprehend of reality. Morality is of
the highest importance -- but for us, not for God.
- Albert Einstein, from Albert Einstein: The Human Side, edited by Helen Dukas & Banesh Hoffman
I do not believe in immortality of the individual, and I consider ethics to be an exclusively human
concern with no superhuman authority behind it.
- Albert Einstein, Albert Einstein: The Human Side, edited by Helen Dukas & Banesh Hoffman
A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties and
needs; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained
by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death.
- Albert Einstein, "Religion and Science," New York Times Magazine, November 9, 1930
5. Albert Einstein: Fear of Punishment & Hope for Reward N o Basis for Morality
If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot
indeed. The further the spiritual evolution of mankind advances, the more certain it seems to me that
the path to genuine religiosity does not lie through the fear of life, and the fear of death, and blind
- Albert Einstein, quoted in: All the Questions You Ever Wanted to Ask American Atheists, by
Madalyn Murray O'Hair
An autocratic system of coercion, in my opinion, soon degenerates. For force always attracts men of
low morality, and I believe it to be an invariable rule that tyrants of genius are succeeded by
scoundrels. For this reason I have always been passionately opposed to systems such as we see in
Italy and Russia to-day.
[T]he scientist is possessed by the sense of universal causation... There is nothing divine about
morality; it is a purely human affair. His religious feeling takes the form of a rapturous amazement at
the harmony of natural law, which reveals an intelligence of such superiority that, compared with it,
all the systematic thinking and acting of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection... It is
beyond question closely akin to that which has possessed the religious geniuses of all ages.
[A scientist] has no use for the religion of fear and equally little for social or moral religion. A God
who rewards and punishes is inconceivable to him for the simple reason that a man's actions are
determined by necessity, external and internal, so that in God's eyes he cannot be responsible, any
more than an inanimate object is responsible for the motions it undergoes. Science has therefore been
charged with undermining morality, but the charge is unjust. A man's ethical behavior should be
based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties and needs; no religious basis is necessary.
Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hopes of
reward after death.
God, Lucifer, Christ. Explains the influence of that both positive and negative that the holy
Trinity has on each other. The psychological warfare of being a multidimensional being who exist in
multiple dimensions simultaneously. These three psychologies work together in a common goal. It
is up to the avatar driver to endure to the end.
The Holy Trinity represents the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Father (God) being
consciousness (spirit/ mental/cranial nerves), the Son (Christ) being the uniting sphere
(vacuum/emotional/hormonal), and the Holy Spirit (Lucifer) being vibration (physical/matter/spinal
nerves). That many have come to know in religion as God, Christ, and Satan. Each one of these
three pumps termed the Holy Trinity as a unified whole have great influence of the avatar driver
being able to properly drive the avatar. The holy Trinity names represent the spiritual aspects by
which these three pumps would challenge the spirit of the avatar driver to evolve that houses the
avatar. As mentioned before, these areas would become small void taxes of electromagnetic energy.
Causing each one of the areas to grow in power, force, and influence over the spirit of the avatar.
These energy vortexes in their different locations were given names, colors, and characteristic traits
that would manifest becoming stronger as the vortexes within vortexes increase in electromagnetic
energy. They were given the name chakras seals to represent the wheels within wheels of vortex
energy that they created. It would be the personality characteristics traits of each of these three main
truckers that would challenge each other. In this way, this would present challenges for the avatar
driver to overcome and personality characteristics in order for the electromagnetic energy to increase
cycling from one pump to another in its revolutionary cycles to build in generating greater and
greater quantities of electromagnetic energy. Each of the three truckers represent an exhibit at
different intense personality. By which if the avatar driver becomes obsessed with one in
philosophical views, the electromagnetic orbit slows down within the avatar until the personality
conflict between the Holy Trinity is resolved. In this way, Satan (Red Root Chakra) represents the
Root or Base Chakra located at the base of the spine whose personality is solely selfish endeavor but
necessary for survival and reproduction of the avatar. God (White Crown Chakra) reviews as the
Crown Chakra and is located at the top of spin otherwise known as the penal gland (Third Eye) which
is an extending stock off of the hypothalamus whose personality is solely based on a selfless
endeavors but necessary for the revolution an evolution of all life. Christ (Green Heart Chakra)
represents the Heart Chakra and is located midway of vertically down the body in the center of the
chest region. Whose personality is solely based upon unified endeavors the necessary for the
coexistence of opposite personalities in their energy polarities. The continuing unification of the
three chakras that make up the Holy Trinity would build an electromagnetic energy with each
completing cycle. Creating more vortexes of energy between these three chakras in the process. This
increase in energy would increase the health of each organ within the avatar. The increased power of
electromagnetic energy orbiting path would also increase the electron orbits around each atom
causing the microcosmic energy orbits to increase as well. All of which would build electromagnetic
energy field flux inside the sphere of the cell, chakra, and the avatar as a whole. This continue and
revolutions of energy would cause the avatar driver to become more self-aware throughout this
revolving energy process. Just as the creator gods had intended that designed to duplicate divine
evolution. The systems of chakras enhance the aura field or the electromagnetic energy field around
the whole avatar. This energy field is in layers around the avatar from inner to the outermost layer.
Acting as an atmosphere energy that terraforms the spheres air content within. At which point, the
countenance increases around the avatar creating a glowing light. As these energies increase a halo
will begin to appear above the crown of the avatar as a result. Resembling the halo of the northern
lights created at the north pole of the earth’s axis.
The creator gods had now designed the ultimate avatar by which would increase self-
awareness. The next pass to design was a means by which the avatar would use this electromagnetic
energy to fuel organized processes that would create nutrients to sustain the avatar. The creator gods
designed the 12 strands of DNA. A design created at the molecular level that could handle all the
millions of processes of orderly filing information to come forth at their designated and proper times.
That could sustain the physical avatar throughout the eternities. Unlike phases one and two of life for
nutrients were obtained outside of the avatar. In phase three of life all the nutrients at a molecular
level in their various elements were placed in a sequential order inside 12 columns of Double-Helix
DNA strand wrapped around 46 Chromosomes. It would be through the various combinations of fire
in electromagnetic energy into the DNA strands that these various molecular processes would ignite
off. Causing various chemical reactions to take place that would release the nutrients required to
sustain the human avatar. The 12 strands of DNA were designed in pairs of two. The center two
columns of Double-Helix DNA is designed and instituted for the sole purpose of nutritional purposes
that maintain survival throughout the immortal life of the avatar. These nutritional processes of the
physical will also increase the mental and emotional balances of the avatar as a whole. Effecting the
overall performance of the avatar. The other 10 strands of DNA will remain inactive until the two
center Double-Helix DNA strands is fully charged with electromagnetic energy. One system is
designed upon another, if one system fails, all systems fail. Upon the success of one system, and
other system comes online. The system predicated upon the actions and functions of another.
Precious knowledge is locked away in the 10 strands of DNA. Only assessable to those who
overcome the personality conflicts between the Holy Trinity. Those who cannot overcome these
personality conflicts will suffer the buffetings of Satan (Lucifer) who is the base chakra rooted in ego.
An egotistical personality that shall rule over all personalities of the avatar driver driving the avatar
into spiritual regression. A personality that is not concerned with evolution but only desires to remain
the same regardless of the circumstances or outcomes. This is the purpose of the repenting process. A
means by which the avatar driver can reset and reboot the whole computer system casting off the
chains of ego that stifles progression and the evolutionary process by become obsessed with the base
chakra personality. The repenting process removes ego and brings spiritual humility back to the
avatar driver’s personality. A humility that unifies the Holy Trinity of the avatar bringing about the
Christ Consciousness. The union of the Holy Trinity will increase the electromagnetic energy given
the avatar you greater access to valuable and precious knowledge. Knowledge considered to some as
philosophical nature but is only termed different philosophies by lesser beings of intelligence which
is only different knowledge in the arts of sciences being accessed inside the DNA. All philosophies
that are in the world past, present, and future is a direct result of the accessing a greater knowledge.
Greater in that of accessibility and a greater order in a specific art in the variety of sciences that exist.
All of which is accessible and predicated upon the disciplines of the avatar driver. The creator gods
designed and programmed the different DNA sequences to automatically switch on and off a specific
times. This was designed for certain processes to occur in order to sustain the mortal body as it made
the transition from mortality to immortality. This would ensure that the avatar could adapt to harsh
and changing conditions of its environment. A time released firing was implemented into the DNA
sequence. This would ensure the release of amino acids and nutrients and very subtle levels that
would continue to trigger other processes that maintain the avatars overall health.
The creator gods designed the DNA and named its various parts, counterparts, functions, and
processes according to their divine order. The divine order of the kingdoms that have evolve
throughout the eternities. Kingdoms with names and positions of rank within these kingdoms that
advanced beings held that gave titles to the proper order in which these kingdoms functioned. Orders
and functions from the least to the greatest and rank. Titles given names that that were dignities of a
degree of personal spirituality obtain in the evolutionary process from spirits, angels, archangels,
elementals, and the different levels in the kingdom of the Gods. That the DNA processes were
designed, programmed, and activated. It would be in this magnificent design that the avatar driver
could communicate with its own DNA and calling into action the process is desired. This would also
enable the avatar driver the ability to access specific knowledge in a particular science and that is
filed away in a particular section of sequences within the DNA. The various reference points along
the sequence sections of the DNA are referred to spiritually as sephiras. Each Sephira has a
particular angel/nucleotide that is the filing system that has filed away under its sections specific
sciences. Each Sephira deals in a different in a specific art of science. These Sephira are
programmed with a named. When that name is spoken with a strong intent, that specific Sephira and
Sciences is accessed. The creator gods designed the avatar with the sole intent of aiding the
evolutionary process of elementary consciousness and becoming light them, gods. In this way the
spirit driver of the avatar must act as a god commanding the various molecular orders to perform their
duties in the kingdom of god within. The creators of work is so intricate in its design that once the
avatar reaches immortality. The avatar driver knows and understands the divine order of the heavens
of each kingdom. At which point, the avatar driver who is now an immortal celestial being requires
no instruction on being integrated into the celestial kingdom. The creator’s divine design of the avatar
was the instruction manual to learn how to exist within the highest celestial glories of kingdoms, as
individuals who evolve into the collective of higher dimensions.
The creator gods created the avatars of many parts, counterparts, functions, and operations to
obey specific commands by designated names. This way knowledge was orderly filed away and
wouldn’t come forth until desired. This filing system predicated to activate an open upon a
commanding name. Would allow the spirit of the avatar moments of clarity through mental silence.
If all were active at once, chaos would reign supreme no clarity would be gained. This would be the
importance of self-mastery through meditation or prayer to bridle the thoughts and emotions. Both of
which would be the means to contemplate upon a subject and were to cracked of eight and open the
knowledge that the avatar driver desires to access. The DNA becomes a custom to its environment
and so, without the use of the knowledge that is accessible in these various sections of DNA, the
access may be hard to unlock and command these archangels to come forth. Much of the time the
means by which to call forth these spirits, angels, and archangels is by the power and authority
exercise through the emotional intent. With routine practice the spirits, angels, and archangels will
not need to be commanded but only contemplated upon the subject in order to access its filed
knowledge. The more that these systems and functions within the DNA are used the easier they are
to access.
Chapter 3 list the specific colors, positions, locations, definitions, names, sequences, and
sciences of the different sections of sephiras within the DNA.
Evolution. The premise of which is that complex creatures evolve from more simplistic ancestors
naturally over time. In a nutshell, as random genetic mutations occur within an organism's genetic
code, the beneficial mutations are preserved because they aid survival a process classified as "natural
selection." These beneficial mutations are passed on to the next generation. Over time, beneficial
mutations accumulate and the result is an entirely different organism not just a variation of the
original, but an entirely different creature.
There is a process by which many scientist are just beginning to get a glimpse of what makes
the human genetics mutate. If Darwin’s Theory of Evolution is correct according to ancestral
mutation. There is a mutation that a human being can invoke and have complete control over their
genetic mutations. When a human being fasts for three days or more. White blood cells are depleted
and stem cells containing DNA are activated. These stem cells begin the genetic mutation of each cell
to make it more specialized to the tasks in which it performs. Depending on the length of the fast, will
ultimately determine the extensiveness of the mutation. Also, the frequency of a fast over a period of
time can also create more specialized cells to perform extraordinary tasks. Tasks that modify mortal
cells into immortal cells, translating the avatar in the process.
Cladistics, which is defined as “Classification of organisms is based on the branching’s of
descendant lineages from a common ancestor.” It is a created diagram of characteristics that show
branching points that have evolved; at the same time, the diagram places species into groups, or
clades. The diagram is based on scientific terms of evolution, and is ordered in the way in which they
developed. This an important analytical system for science to categorize their biological study and
findings. Being generated from a variety of facts; DNA sequences, morphology, and biochemical
knowledge. The cladogram is referred to as the phylogenetic tree form of the tree of life.
Though much of the evidence supports that the evolution of life on Planet Earth has evolved
through the mutation of ancestry. Science has no facts about the origins of life. Science knows this
much that humans belong the Mammalia class and this class is among the placentals and eutheriens.
The placenta is a modified egg that becomes the embryo that is surrounded by an amnion filled with
amniotic fluid where the embryo develops within the womb of its mother receiving nutrients from the
placenta. After birth, the baby is feed milk from the mother’s breast. Scientists have concluded that
the closest relatives to humans are the great apes. Forming part of the order of primates. It has been
estimated that there are 10,000,000 species of animals upon planet earth. 5,000 of those species are
mammals with 613 species and subspecies being primates.
The Center of the House of God
The center of a cell is the nucleus and the nucleus of the cell is the control center. Inside the
nucleus is the chromosomes which are wrapped with the double-helix DNA. There are a total of 23
Pairs of Chromosomes within each cellular nucleus which totals 46 individual unpaired
chromosomes. The chromosomes form the shape of an “X” which is the Hebrew letter named Aleph
from which all chromosomes are formed and created from. The centromere of each chromosomes is
the section of union connecting the chromatids. The centromere transitions along the sister
chromatids to form other shapes in the form of the 22 Energy Intelligent Hebrew letters. This happens
according to the intentions and decrees of the conscious avatar driver. Meaning that these processes
of the chromosomes forming different shapes bring forth unique information happen voluntarily
verses involuntarily or automatically. This can happen once the programming of these chromosomes
is understood.
The chromosomes contain the genetic information which determines the characteristics
passed on through heredity from parents to their children. Though many scientists have termed the
chromosomes to be the carries of genes. Scientist have only deciphered 2% of the genetic
information. Each pair of chromosomes can bring about an infinite amounts of information according
to their diverse combinations brought about through their information cross-over.
The chromosomes are multiples of segments of a series of arranged sequences of nucleotides
with bases arranged in a specific order that make up the 6 foot long double-helix DNA strand. This
DNA strand wraps around the chromosome to form the X. Which does nothing until its
accompanying pair comes in contact with it. These pairs of chromosomes can form 22 different
energy intelligence letter as well as sacred geometrical shapes when making their cross section
contacts that brings about information. It is what scientist’s term “information cross over.”
Cellular division is a form of reproduction, growth, and progress of a cell. Each cell has
cycles it goes through before cellular division can occur. Cycles to pass on hereditary DNA
information. Once the phases of duplication is in place for mitosis, the cell division begins.
Hereditary material within DNA is duplicated in cellular cycle phases. In the first phase of cellular
division. The cell begins to increase its mass, doubling in size. This is called the phase G1. In the
second phase the DNA and genetic information copied from the original cell form two cells with the
same information. This is why the first phase is increasing in mass. This second stage is called the S
phase. In the third phase of the cell it prepares for division as the chromosomes shrink. Two sets of
chromosomes are dispersed in this interphase of the process. A chromosome is provided for each
nucleus of the two new daughter cells from and within the mother cell. This third stage is called the
phase G2. Then the fourth phase occurs called mitosis. Where the mother cell distributes a set of
chromosomes to each daughter cell. The fifth phase is called cytokinesis. This is where the two
daughter cells within the mother cell separate from the mother to create two new daughter cells that
are duplicates of the mother.
The chromosome structure consist of DNA molecules associated with proteins. Chromosomes
shrink during the phasing processes of mitosis and meiosis which are made of DNA
(deoxyribonucleic acid), RNA (ribonucleic acid), and histones. Like thread wrapped around a spool
histones (proteins) are positively charged molecules that the DNA strands wrap around. 98% of the
genes lay locked within the chromosomes which determine the Elohim characteristics of the avatar.
There are bases along the DNA molecules that make up a segment. These segments continue
in a series of sequences that is the genetic code of an individual. These series of segments are 6 foot
in length. Only the information needed to replicate is active during cellular duplication and is a
process accomplished automatically. A process that is voluntarily invoked through fasting. The
translation process of the cell is performed by the RNA messenger.
Histones are small beadlike shapes that compressed the DNA by twisting two turns of the
DNA strands around each one of the spheres of histones in a group of eight. This in turn condenses
the majority of the DNA strand. There are spaces between each histone wrapping of approximately
0.0000004 inches long. The DNA space between each histone wrapping consist of 60 base pairs
along the DNA molecules. These wrapped histones are then wrapped in a group of six nucleosomes
that form the sacred shape of the 2 dimensional hexagram forming the sacred symbol of Archangel
Metatron that scientist term the solenoid. This tightly packed solenoid in length, is further condensed
into wrappings to form the figure eight loops that again when its wrappings are complete, forms the
sacred geometrical shape of the hexagram through its scaffolding. There are 6 loops in each rosette
and each rosette forms a hexagram. There are 30 rosettes in each turn of the chromatin spiral. These
rosettes consisting of loops in a spiral and is the final chromatin in length. As a whole, this chromatin
coils tightly like a serpent snake to form the X shape of the 46 chromosomes. Chromatins are
macromolecules within cells with the primary function of packaging DNA into smaller volumes in
order to fit within the cell.
Scientist have found a way to order the 23 pairs of Chromosomes which they call Karyotype.
Karyotype is an ordering of the chromosomes in a way that systematical classifies chromosomes
according their pairs, size, and position of the centromere. Which are examined and observed to
determine these classifications in the mitosis and metaphase of the cellular cycle. Within DNA lays
the complete genetic code of any and all organisms. The DNA molecule is formed by two strands
called nucleotides. The compounds of the nucleotides consist of phosphate, sugar, and one of four
kinds of nitrogenous bases. These two strands of nucleotides is paired together by segments of
nucleotides and nucleobases along each strand that are separated by a small gap. The connections of
these four bases of purines and pyrimidines is made at the point of reception through hydrogen bonds
in scientific terms. In biblical terms this hydrogen bond is the arc that happens between the points of
reception. These two strands coil around each other to form the sacred spiraled ladder that is the
double-helix DNA.
The DNA is known in spiritual terms as the Ark of the Covenant. The ark that contains all the
elements for life. Also called the stair way to heaven connected to the House of God. The stair way
the archangels ascend and descend upon. Containing different degrees of Gods Elements along the
sacred ladder. These sequenced segments in their specific ordering is the key to replication of the
DNA. Enzymes with specialized proteins are the facilitators in the biological processes of DNA
replication. The two columns of the double helix DNA is assisted in opening by the helicase; the
synthesis of new strands of DNA is performed by polymerase; and the DNA is then joined together
with its new strand and is sealed by ligase. The helicase separates the double helix where the chains
serve as a model to make new DNA. The nucleotides have a phosphate group, a five-carbon sugar,
and a nitrogen base. The phosphate groups form new connections and the nitrogen bases become
triphosphates. The nucleotides have sufficient energy after separation from the original strand to
make new double strands.
The new DNA strands couple together in the short nucleotide and nucleobases of a segment.
Where the ligase joins them together resulting in two new molecules. This semiconservative
replication ends with each strand from the original DNA as well as a new paired strand. With the
finished product of the new double helix completely identical to the original. Copying one single
strand of DNA is called DNA transcription. The nuclear DNA contains stored information that is
very complex in the process of translation. RNA (ribonucleic acid) is the key to this process and
mRNA (messenger RNA) aids in this process by carrying transcribed information from the nucleus to
the ribosome. Ribosome, together with RNA translates the mRNA. The genetic instructions are
followed by the assembling of amino acids. As a result there is typically 72 to 94 nucleotides in
length in a chain of mRNA. The God elements that are the elemental numbers 72 Hafium and 94
DNA would become corrupted if it were to leave the nucleus of a cell. So the DNA is
transcribed by mRNA where the information is then taken to the cytoplasm of the cell. In the
ribosome the polypeptides is synthesized and the information is translated that is brought by the
mRNA and is initiated with the aid of tRNA (transfer RNA). RNA identifies and translates
information that mRNA contains. Each amino acid is a peptide. Polypeptides form when groups of
amino acids form a chain of amino acids. The polypeptides are formations of about 10-50 amino
acids. In order for this to take place, the ribosome translates the information that the mRNA
transcribed. Programming the amino acid with a specific code and ordering with the aid of tRNA.
The genetic code is a set of rules in which information encoded within the genetic material is
translated. The codon defines this sequence of nucleotide triplets and amino acids. With the matching
of codons and anticodons. Then places every amino acid exactly where it belongs. The synthesis is
produced between the start codon and the stop codon. Once the translation reaches the stopping point,
the ribosome stops synthesizing the polypeptides where it is then released.
Genes determine many characteristics of the avatar. Genes that are transmitted by the father’s
sperm and combined with the genes in the mother’s egg. This in turn forms a single cell and through
the process of cell division, the cells multiply and the genes expand, turning into an avatar. Red blood
cells is one of the few cells that do not contain genes. Each cell has a nucleus and inside the nucleus
is the genes which are in the chromosomes. There are 46 chromosomes that contain the genetic data.
Each codified gene contains information which determines the function of the avatar. Every avatar
has their own unique genetic identity.
The karyotype for women is 46XX and for men is 46XY. The chromosome and the
characteristic shapes is the genetics transmitted to the next generation. With each cell containing 46
chromosomes arranged in 23 pairs. Gametes is formed during fertilization and is fused with another
cell that sexually reproduces. The female produces large gamete called the ovum or egg and the male
produces the sperm. Gametes is formed by cells dividing twice, which results in cells with 23
chromosomes instead of 46. 23 from the female and 23 from the male combine in order to create the
46 total chromosomes which is the creation of the zygote. This is necessary in order to form a new
avatar. A process that begins as a single cell that is called the House of God.
The genes of the avatar are molecular sciences of a divine order. Where the names of Gods
nature in the elements are spirits, angels, and archangels. This gives the avatar driver the ability to
communicate with the genes as a God. Science has come a long way in using DNA analysis as a
practice in understanding the genetics of avatars, plants, and animals. DNA analysis is a very diverse
field of study. Forensic procedures are being used at crime scenes to catch criminals, to genetically
modifying foods, and to even track inherited diseases. However, though DNA is unique to every
individual avatar. The avatar genome is 99.9% identical to other avatars of which only 2% of 98% of
the genomes function is currently known to science today. In the following pages, you will learn
more about the 100% of the DNA and stem cells along with their functions within the avatar.
Science is understanding only a fragment of the hereditary information contained in the DNA
of avatars chromosomes. They are beginning to get a glimpse of the far reaching possibilities of
genetics. The genes that are understood in science is those that code for proteins and RNA molecules.
Which are the G-C base pairs that contain these codes. The DNA that contains A-T base pairs are
those regions that have yet to be coded in science. This DNA that has not been coded is a design of
complex God Elements that science has yet to understand. While the G-C base pairs deals in amino
acids that are processing codes for the basic health of the avatar. The other 98% deals in the areas of
intelligences and quantum physics. Areas of a supreme science required for the avatar driver to learn
if one wants to unlock the DNA. Information and abilities that can only be accessed through
understanding the original order of the avatar that the Creator Gods designed after the universal order
of divine elements. Containing Kingdoms of spirits that have evolved in their order of dignities.
Genes are the dictionary of the DNA giving definition to each science and the location of
these sciences. There are 46 individual chromosomes within the nucleus of every cell of the avatar.
These 46 chromosomes contains the genetic divine order that contain treasures of knowledge.
Knowing the position and purpose of each gene which is a degree of dignities along with their titled
names can be very useful in accessing their contents. Empowering the avatar driver to know the
different sciences of knowledge that they contain and how they are accessed. Understanding the
interaction between the avatar drivers who is the God of this kingdom within. The degree of these
dignities (genes) can greatly affect the desired outcome. Studying each science of these dignities
(genes) which are elements, spirits, angels, and archangels can reveal the origin of the knowledge
within the filing system of the DNA.
Science have many names that identify and define each part of the avatars chromosomes. The
46 chromosomes exist in pairs called autosomes and allosomes. The autosomes are 22 pairs of the 44
individual chromosomes. These are the 22 energy intelligence letters of the Divine Creator Gods
Language. The 2 remaining chromosomes are called allosomes which determine the sex of the avatar.
Women have a pair that is called “XX” and men have a pair called “XY”. Avatars have between
25,000-30,000 genes with the average gene size being approximately 3,000 base pairs at length. Each
chromosome fluctuates in genes with 1 gene in chromosome 1 to 230 genes in chromosome Y.
Chromosomes are compactly twisted and folded DNA. The chromosome is broken down into three
sections. The “P-Arm” is the top region of the chromosome which is the shortest region. The
“Centromere is the center or narrowest point of the chromosome and the “Q-Arm” is the bottom
region of the chromosome which is the longest region. Chromosomes are ordered in pairs by size and
position a term called karyogram.
Stem cells have been and will continue to be the future for avatar transformation. Every avatar
started as a single cell that through a process of mitosis divided to form more cells. The geometrical
shape of the seed of life depicts this process of division. As the process of mitosis division continues
one cell becomes billions of cells that create the avatar. During this process of cellular division DNA
was replicated in every cell that divided. With the original cell being a stem cell that has the
programming ability to any type of cell specific to a particular task. During the stages of cellular
division. The original cell programs the other cells to divide and become specific to certain tasks of
creating a different part of the avatar. Some of which become bone cells while others become organs
and others construct the skin. Each of these cells that built the avatar as a whole were programmed by
one original stem cell. Once these cells that were programmed to become specialists to a certain task
they remain specific to that task and that task alone never changing or becoming stem cells again. A
stem cell when dividing programs certain genes to turn on to perform certain specific tasks. Which
makes stem cells unique in their ability to become any cell within the avatar. Having the ability to
access and program (differentiate) any of the combination of genes in the DNA filing system. Stem
cells divide indefinitely to perform their task becoming more specialized with every division to
perform over 200 original different tasks. The avatar has over 200 different cells that perform certain
The original single stem cell contains the DNA, genetics, and chromosomes to create the
whole avatar. The original stem cell is the Kingdom of God in its various specific elemental names of
orders, titles, ranks, dignities, virtues, and designs. In order for the avatar driver to command the
Kingdom of God what is required is to know the names of those of the God Elements. The names of
whom are the Archangels and it is the avatar driver who is the God that commands them into action.
The Archangels from there take care of the rest in the various details to carry out that command. This
is a process the Creator Gods designed that cannot be seen with the naked eye of the avatar driver as
these processes are being carried out. Thus, it will require that the avatar driver to have faith and
confidence that these processes are being carried out. That the desired results will come forth and be
made manifest. Faith is the substance of things hope for but not yet seen. The more experienced and
knowledgeable avatar drivers can use the top ordained names of archangels in the divine order that
specialize in specific knowledge’s to bring forth that arts of science desired. When the avatar driver
(God) commands the archangels, angels, or spirits every cell within the avatar is being commanded to
perform a duty and task. That can pertain to the health of the avatar or accessing knowledge that is
filed away. After these results become manifested, it is what the avatar driver does with this increased
energy and intelligence that is of great importance.
Scientist today use gene therapy to correct defective genes that may be causing illness. A
process that is being investigated in order to better understand how to manipulate genes to correct
defects. However, scientist are missing the knowledge of what activates the genes within the DNA.
Ultimately, defective genes are a result of ignorance of the avatar driver who lacks the incentive to
exercise strict self-discipline of fasting to activate the stem cells that will correct the defect.
Rebooting the immune system to adapt and deal with the harsh environments that it encounters.
Every avatar driver makes personal choices along their spiritual journey. Some of those choices can
cause defects in the avatar genetic material. Defects that they themselves can correct if
knowledgeable of how the avatar operates and functions. Those who are unwilling to implement self-
discipline in their lives they are at the mercy of an inaccurate science of the world that for every cure
it will be the cause of another sickness. The Creator Gods designed the avatar to be completely self-
sufficient and regenerative throughout its mortal life. An avatar that was designed to test the spirit of
the avatar driver day in and day out. An avatar that was designed to be transformed and translated
into an immortal state if the avatar driver could develop the self-discipline necessary to complete this
journey. Every defective gene or illness is only proof of the avatar driver’s lack of understanding of
the avatar along the spiritual journey. It is the lack of spirituality exercised to bring about the
transformational process for evolution. The very spiritual evolutionary process for which the avatar is
The DNA has a variety of atoms that create different elements. In spiritual terms these atoms
are called Sephora’s. Atoms called Sephora’s are chemically bonded together to form molecules.
These monomers molecules that were chemically bonded to other molecules formed nucleotides.
There are two 6’ long columns of monomer units that form polymeric biomolecules that formed
polynucleotides (DNA and RNA) through rods of covalent bonds to create the double helix DNA
(deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA. There are five elements that make up the double helix DNA. They
are nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen, phosphorus, and oxygen. The nitrogen has 7 protons, 7 electrons, and
7 neutrons. Carbon has 6 protons, 6 electrons, and 6 neutrons. Hydrogen has 1 protons, 1 electrons,
and 0 neutrons. Phosphorus has 15 protons, 15 electrons, and 16 neutrons. Oxygen has 8 protons, 8
electrons, and 8 neutrons. Each monomer unit of DNA consists of a 5-carbon atom sugar, 1 nitrogen
atom, and a phosphate group. There are four types of nucleotides also known as nitrogenous bases
and they are adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T). The purine bases are adenine
and guanine while the pyrimidine bases are thymine and cytosine. The base adenine always bonds
with thymine and guanine always bonds with cytosine.
The purine base adenine contains 9 atoms that create the enneagon crown. Each united by
rods of covalent bonds. These 9 atoms are abbreviated with a letter to identify the type of atom and a
number to identify its position in the crown. They are as follows: N1, C2, N3, C4, C5, C6, N7, C8,
and N9. The N9 nitrogen atom is the point of entry into this purine enneagon crown of 9 atoms that
attaches to other monomer units through a rod of covalent bond. The pyrimidine base thymine
contains 6 atoms that create the hexagon crown. Each united by rods of covalent bonds. They are as
follows: N1, C2, N3, C4, C5, and C6. The N1 nitrogen atom is the point of entry into this purine
hexagon crown of 6 atoms that attaches to other monomer units through a rod of covalent bond.
Those that make the hydrogen bond are adenine N1 with thymine N3 and adenine C6 with thymine
C4. N1+N3, C6+C4. These hydrogen bonds are similar to covalent bonds. The purine base guanine
contains 9 atoms that create the enneagon crown. Each united by rods of covalent bonds. They are as
follows: N1, C2, N3, C4, C5, C6, N7, C8, and N9. The N9 nitrogen atom is the point of entry into
this purine enneagon crown of 9 atoms that attaches to other monomer units through a rod of covalent
bond. The pyrimidine base cytosine contains 6 atoms that create the hexagon crown. Each united by
rods of covalent bonds. They are as follows: N1, C2, N3, C4, C5, and C6. The N1 nitrogen atom is
the point of entry into this purine hexagon crown of 9 atoms that attaches to other monomer units
through a rod of covalent bond. Those that make the hydrogen bond are guanine N1 with cytosine
C2, guanine C2 with cytosine N3, and guanine C6 with cytosine C4. N1+C2, C2+N3, C6+C4. These
carbon atoms C-2 through C-8 and even all the way up to C-14 are isotopes. Carbon-1, Carbon-2,
Carbon-4, Carbon-5, Carbon-6, and Carbon-8 make up the enneagon or hexagon crown of the
pyrimidine bases. Carbon-2, Carbon-4, Carbon-5, and Carbon-6 make up the hexagonal crown of the
purine bases. Carbon atoms that are C-12 or carbon-12 have 6 neutrons and 6 protons. Carbon atoms
that are Carbon-14 has 8 neutrons and 6 protons. There are three types of carbons atoms; graphite,
diamond, and amorphous carbon. These four nitrogenous bases containing carbon atoms here are
amorphous carbons (aC). Hydrogen atoms stabilize the dangling bonds of these free radicals that
carbon atoms become once they release an electron to the nitrogen atoms in the crowns.
As mentioned before, each atom is a Sephora and each Sephora has a name. The 10 first God
Elements in the periodic table are the 10 Sephoras. These 10 Sephoras are named and numbered
along with the element they represent below.
1. Kether/Hydrogen
2. Chokmah/Helium
3. Binah/Litium
4. Gedurah/Beryllium
5. Geburah/Boron
6. Tiphereth/Carbon
7. Netzach/Nitrogen
8. Hod/Oxygen
9. Yesod/Fluorine
10. Malkuth/Neon
The DNA codon table and amino acids with the codon sequences of each amino acid is as follows:
Cytosine (C), Guanine (G), Thymine (T), and Adenine (A).
(T) Phenylalanine Serine Tyrosine Cysteine (T)
Phenylalanine Serine Tyrosine Cysteine (C)
Leucine Serine STOP STOP (A)
Leucine Serine STOP Tryptophan (G)
(C) Leucine Proline Histidine Arginine (T)
Leucine Proline Histidine Arginine (C)
Leucine Proline Glutamine Arginine (A)
Leucine Proline Glutamine Arginine (G)
(A) Isoleucine Threonine Asparagine Serine (T)
Isoleucine Threonine Asparagine Serine (C)
Isoleucine Threonine Lysine Arginine (A)
Methionine Threonine Lysine Arginine (G)
(G) Valine Alanine Aspartate Glycine (T)
Valine Alanine Aspartate Glycine (C)
Valine Alanine Glutamate Glycine (A)
Valine Alanine Glutamate Glycine (G)
The purines are Adenine and Guanine. The pyrimidines is Thymine and Cytosine. Adenine always
pairs with Thymine (DNA) and Uracil (RNA). While Guanine always pairs with Cytosine. The DNA
triplets of nucleotide bases that are called codons play a vital role in coding for the development of
amino acids. That in turn perform many different protein synthesis for the health of the avatar. When
DNA is coding the “T” stands for Thymine and the “T” is replaced by a “U” standing for Uracil when
RNA is translating. These are those codes.
10. ALAN IN E N on-Polar Aliphatic. Codon sequences are GCT, GCC, GCA, and GCG.
11. ARGIN IN E Polar Positive. Codon sequences are CGT, CGC, CGA, CGG, AGA, and AGG,
12. ASPARAGIN E Codon sequences are AAT and AAC.
13. ASPARTIC ACID Polar N egative. Codon sequences are GAT and GAC.
14. CYSTEIN E Codon sequences are TGT and TGC.
15. GLUTAMIC ACID Polar N egative. Codon sequences are GAA and GAG.
16. GLUTAMIN E Special Characters. Codon sequences are CAA and CAG.
17. GLYCIN E Codon sequences are GGT, GGC, GGA, and GGG.
18. PROLIN E Codon sequences are CCT, CCC, CCA, and CCG.
19. SERIN E Polar N eutral. Codon sequences are TCT, TCC, TCA, TCG, AGT, and AGC.
20. TYROSIN E N on-Polar Aromatic. Codon sequences are TAC and TAT.
The RNA codon table and amino acids with the codon sequences of each amino acid is as follows:
Cytosine (C), Guanine (G), Uracil (U), and Adenine (A).
10. ALAN IN E N on-Polar Aliphatic. Codon sequences are GCU, GCC, GCA, and GCG.
11. ARGIN IN E Polar Positive. Codon sequences are CGU, CGC, CGA, CGG, AGA, and AGG,
12. ASPARAGIN E Codon sequences are AAU and AAC.
13. ASPARTIC ACID Polar N egative. Codon sequences are GAU and GAC.
14. CYSTEIN E Codon sequences are UGU and UGC.
15. GLUTAMIC ACID Polar N egative. Codon sequences are GAA and GAG.
16. GLUTAMIN E Special Characters. Codon sequences are CAA and CAG.
17. GLYCIN E Codon sequences are GGU, GGC, GGA, and GGG.
18. PROLIN E Codon sequences are CCU, CCC, CCA, and CCG.
19. SERIN E Polar N eutral. Codon sequences are UCU, UCC, UCA, UCG, AGU and AGC.
20. TYROSIN E N on-Polar Aromatic. Codon sequences are UAC and UAU.
The DNA codon table and amino acids with the codon sequences of each amino acid is as follows:
Cytosine (YOD), Guanine (HE), Thymine (VAU), and Adenine (HE). The YHVH is used for DNA
and YHWH is used for RNA.
(VAU) Phenylalanine Serine Tyrosine Cysteine (VAU)
Phenylalanine Serine Tyrosine Cysteine (YOD)
Leucine Serine STOP STOP (HE)
Leucine Serine STOP Tryptophan (HE)
(YOD) Leucine Proline Histidine Arginine (VAU)
Leucine Proline Histidine Arginine (YOD)
Leucine Proline Glutamine Arginine (HE)
Leucine Proline Glutamine Arginine (HE)
(HE) Isoleucine Threonine Asparagine Serine (VAU)
Isoleucine Threonine Asparagine Serine (YOD)
Isoleucine Threonine Lysine Arginine (HE)
Methionine Threonine Lysine Arginine (HE)
(HE) Valine Alanine Aspartate Glycine (VAU)
Valine Alanine Aspartate Glycine (YOD)
Valine Alanine Glutamate Glycine (HE)
Valine Alanine Glutamate Glycine (HE)
The purines Adenine and Guanine are both HE’s. The pyrimidines Thymine and Cytosine are VAU
and YOD. Adenine (HE) always pairs with Thymine (VAU) which is DNA and Uracil (WOD) which
is the RNA. While Guanine (HE) always pairs with Cytosine (YOD). The DNA triplets of nucleotide
bases that are called codons play a vital role in coding for the development of amino acids. That in
turn perform many different protein synthesis for the health of the avatar.
10. ALAN IN E N on-Polar Aliphatic. Codon sequences are HYV, HYY, HYH, and HYH.
Codon sequence names He/Yod/Vau, He/Yod/Yod, He/Yod/He, and He/Yod/He.
11. ARGIN IN E Polar Positive. Codon sequences are YHV, YHY, YHH, YHH, HHH, and
Codon sequence names Yod/He/Vau, Yod/He/Yod, Yod/He/He, Yod/He/He, He/He/He, and
12. ASPARAGIN E Codon sequences are HHV and HHY.
Codon sequence names He/He/Vau, and He/He/Yod.
13. ASPARTIC ACID Polar N egative. Codon sequences are HHV and HHY.
Codon sequence names He/He/Vau and He/He/Yod.
14. CYSTEIN E Codon sequences are VHV and VHY.
The RNA codon table and amino acids with the codon sequences of each amino acid is as follows:
Cytosine (YOD), Guanine (HE), Uracil (WOD), and Adenine (HE). The YHWH is used for RNA.
The purines Adenine and Guanine are both HE’s. The pyrimidines Uracil and Cytosine are WOD and
YOD. Adenine (HE) always pairs with Thymine (WOD) which is the RNA. While Guanine (HE)
always pairs with Cytosine (YOD).
10. ALAN IN E N on-Polar Aliphatic. Codon sequences are HYW, HYY, HYH, and HYH.
Codon sequence names He/Yod/Wod, He/Yod/Yod, He/Yod/He, and He/Yod/He.
11. ARGIN IN E Polar Positive. Codon sequences are YHW, YHY, YHH, YHH, HHH, and
Codon sequence names Yod/He/Wod, Yod/He/Yod, Yod/He/He, Yod/He/He, He/He/He, and
12. ASPARAGIN E Codon sequences are HHW and HHY.
Codon sequence names He/He/Wod, and He/He/Yod.
13. ASPARTIC ACID Polar N egative. Codon sequences are HHW and HHY.
Codon sequence names He/He/Wod and He/He/Yod.
14. CYSTEIN E Codon sequences are WHW and WHY.
Codon sequence names Wod/He/Wod and Wod/He/Yod.
15. GLUTAMIC ACID Polar N egative. Codon sequences are HHH and HHH.
Codon sequence names He/He/He and He/He/He.
16. GLUTAMIN E Special Characters. Codon sequences are YHH and YHH.
Codon sequence names Yod/He/He and Yod/He/He.
17. GLYCIN E Codon sequences are HHW, HHY, HHH, HHH.
Codon sequence names He/He/Wod, He/He/Yod, He/He/He, and He/He/He.
18. PROLIN E Codon sequences are YYW, YYY, YYH, and YYH.
Codon sequence names Yod/Yod/Wod, Yod/Yod/Yod, Yod/Yod/He, and Yod/Yod/He.
19. SERIN E Polar N eutral. Codon sequences are WYW, WYY, WYH, WYH, HHW and HHY.
Codon sequence names Wod/Yod/Wod, Wod/Yod/Yod, Wod/Yod/He, Wod Yod/He,
He/He/Wod, and He/He/Yod.
20. TYROSIN E N on-Polar Aromatic. Codon sequences are WHW and WHY.
Codon sequence names Wod/He/ Wod and Wod/He/Yod.
10. ALAN IN E Codon sequence names He/Yod/Vau, He/Yod/Yod, He/Yod/He, and He/Yod/He.
11. ARGIN IN E Codon sequence names Yod/He/Vau, Yod/He/Yod, Yod/He/He, Yod/He/He,
He/He/He, and He/He/He.
12. ASPARAGIN E Codon sequence names He/He/Vau, and He/He/Yod.
13. ASPARTIC ACID Codon sequence names He/He/Vau and He/He/Yod.
14. CYSTEIN E Codon sequence names Vau/He/Vau and Vau/He/Yod.
15. GLUTAMIC ACID Codon sequence names He/He/He and He/He/He.
16. GLUTAMIN E Codon sequence names Yod/He/He and Yod/He/He.
17. GLYCIN E Codon sequence names He/He/Vau, He/He/Yod, He/He/He, and He/He/He.
18. PROLIN E Codon sequence names Yod/Yod/Vau, Yod/Yod/Yod, Yod/Yod/He, and
19. SERIN E Codon sequence names Vau/Yod/Vau, Vau/Yod/Yod, Vau/Yod/He, Vau/Yod/He,
He/He/Vau, and He/He/Yod.
20. TYROSIN E Codon sequence names Vau/He/Vau and Vau/He/Yod.
10. ALAN IN E Codon sequence names He/Yod/Wod, He/Yod/Yod, He/Yod/He, and He/Yod/He.
11. ARGIN IN E Polar Positive. Codon sequence names Yod/He/Wod, Yod/He/Yod,
Yod/He/He, Yod/He/He, He/He/He, and He/He/He.
12. ASPARAGIN E Codon sequence names He/He/Wod, and He/He/Yod.
13. ASPARTIC ACID Codon sequence names He/He/Wod and He/He/Yod.
14. CYSTEIN E Codon sequence names Wod/He/Wod and Wod/He/Yod.
15. GLUTAMIC ACID Codon sequence names He/He/He and He/He/He.
16. GLUTAMIN E Codon sequence names Yod/He/He and Yod/He/He.
17. GLYCIN E Codon sequence names He/He/Wod, He/He/Yod, He/He/He, and He/He/He.
18. PROLIN E Codon sequence names Yod/Yod/Wod, Yod/Yod/Yod, Yod/Yod/He, and
19. SERIN E Codon sequence names Wod/Yod/Wod, Wod/Yod/Yod, Wod/Yod/He, Wod
Yod/He, He/He/Wod, and He/He/Yod.
20. TYROSIN E Codon sequence names Wod/He/ Wod and Wod/He/Yod.
10. ALAN IN E Codon sequence names He/Yod/Vau, He/Yod/Yod, He/Yod/He, and He/Yod/He.
11. ARGIN IN E Codon sequence names Yod/He/Vau, Yod/He/Yod, Yod/He/He, Yod/He/He,
He/He/He, and He/He/He.
12. ASPARAGIN E Codon sequence names He/He/Vau, and He/He/Yod.
13. ASPARTIC ACID Codon sequence names He/He/Vau and He/He/Yod.
14. CYSTEIN E Codon sequence names Vau/He/Vau and Vau/He/Yod.
15. GLUTAMIC ACID Codon sequence names He/He/He and He/He/He.
16. GLUTAMIN E Codon sequence names Yod/He/He and Yod/He/He.
17. GLYCIN E Codon sequence names He/He/Vau, He/He/Yod, He/He/He, and He/He/He.
18. PROLIN E Codon sequence names Yod/Yod/Vau, Yod/Yod/Yod, Yod/Yod/He, and
19. SERIN E Codon sequence names Vau/Yod/Vau, Vau/Yod/Yod, Vau/Yod/He, Vau/Yod/He,
He/He/Vau, and He/He/Yod.
20. TYROSIN E Codon sequence names Vau/He/Vau and Vau/He/Yod.
10. ALAN IN E Codon sequence names He/Yod/Wod, He/Yod/Yod, He/Yod/He, and He/Yod/He.
11. ARGIN IN E Polar Positive. Codon sequence names Yod/He/Wod, Yod/He/Yod,
Yod/He/He, Yod/He/He, He/He/He, and He/He/He.
12. ASPARAGIN E Codon sequence names He/He/Wod, and He/He/Yod.
13. ASPARTIC ACID Codon sequence names He/He/Wod and He/He/Yod.
14. CYSTEIN E Codon sequence names Wod/He/Wod and Wod/He/Yod.
15. GLUTAMIC ACID Codon sequence names He/He/He and He/He/He.
16. GLUTAMIN E Codon sequence names Yod/He/He and Yod/He/He.
17. GLYCIN E Codon sequence names He/He/Wod, He/He/Yod, He/He/He, and He/He/He.
18. PROLIN E Codon sequence names Yod/Yod/Wod, Yod/Yod/Yod, Yod/Yod/He, and
19. SERIN E Codon sequence names Wod/Yod/Wod, Wod/Yod/Yod, Wod/Yod/He, Wod
Yod/He, He/He/Wod, and He/He/Yod.
20. TYROSIN E Codon sequence names Wod/He/ Wod and Wod/He/Yod.
Understanding what the avatar is and what it is made up of is important to understanding its
functions. The avatar driver is not conscious of every action that takes place within to keep it
functioning at optimal levels. The Creator Gods designed that works in harmony with every
integrated system that together make up the avatar as a whole. These processes together maintains a
body temperature of 98.6 degrees F. The avatar in its physical stature is maintained by bones,
tendons, and ligaments. The mortal avatar maintains its energy supplies through the ingestion of food
where muscle, bones, and teeth chew food so that the digestive system transforms this food into
energy for further growth. Proving energy to be productive through the life of the avatar. The avatar
contains three pumping systems one of which is the heart. A place where the heart organ pumps
blood through the circulatory system of the avatar and is also the seat of the emotional energy known
as energy motion. Transmuting the energies of electric and magnetic that runs through the avatar into
electromagnetic energy. The physical heart also provides needed oxygen and nutrients to the whole
The heart energy works in combination with the nervous system. The nervous system is a type
of system designed to receive, transport, and deliver instructions throughout the avatar. Acting as the
electrical conduit of nerves that is intricately connected to various systems and organs of the avatar
like that of a computer. In much of the way, the avatar is designed, functions, and operates like a
computer. Capable of storing quantum bytes of information in one single cell of the billions that the
avatar contains. These nerves span out from the spinal cord and the brain acting as the processer in
this complex circuitry of nerves. Sending out and receiving signals from the sense of taste, touch,
smell, hearing, sight, electric, and magnetic energies to interpret the world in which the avatar exists.
Seeing with the eye that operates with such complexity as to dilate the pupils in order to have perfect
vision according to the light sources of the outside world. Using the third eye that is the pineal gland
used to see the outside world after the avatar glows in countenance glory so bright that the outside
world can no longer be detected or interpreted by the natural eyes. The pineal gland is the window to
the avatar that allows light into every cell of the avatar to interpret its outside world. Interpreting light
in their various shades, forms, shapes of frequencies. The ear able to interpret sound through the
cochlea that spirals like a spiraling galaxy containing liquid that transforms the air waves into liquid
vibrations to be interpreted by the brain. In the following chapters, you will learn about these
functions of the avatar and the systems in which they operate.
The life begins inside of each cell. It is here that one learns how to govern the kingdom
within. Through this mastery, the avatar driver is able to build kingdoms outside of oneself mighty in
stature and majestic in might. The avatar is made up of billions of these cells of life. Embryos are a
mass of cells that continue to divide during the developmental stages to become more specialized in
their processes and unique to their environments. As these cell continue to divide in their processes of
cellular division each phase of life is passed until the avatar becomes the final result. Even after full
development of the avatar in size and stature these cells continue their processes of cellular division
in order to adapt the avatar as a whole to their unique environment. While these processes take place
within the avatar, the senses are a means by which the avatar receives data and adjusts accordingly to
the information of the outside world.
In the brain, cells develop rapidly. When neurons receive stimuli the signals take place
through an electrochemical process which are sent through a gap called a synapse. This is the section
of the brain that is influenced by the cranial pump. Which is the center of the brain where the
hypothalamus stimulates the pineal and pituitary glands through an electrochemical process. Mental
projections stimulate the electrical current of the pineal gland. One could say that to envision the
world is to stimulate the pineal gland and where there is a lack of vision, people are destroyed.
Interpreting the world around us is a very complex system that take place within the avatar. Neurons
within the brain connect with thousands of other neurons to send signals through the nervous system
in order to interpret the outside world. With this unique system within the brain communication is
made possible. Through these networks the avatar is able to think, decide, and remember the
experiences in life. These sensations are interpreted through the neurons that receives and send
messages which is called the dendrites. In the process of the dendrites it is made possible that neurons
stimulate other neurons in the whole system of interconnecting neurons. One neuron stimulating
another in order to better understand and interpret the world in which we live. We use many of our
senses to detect the world around us.
Respiration is a mean in which the avatar inhales oxygen vital to normal functioning. The
exhale is where the avatar expels the carbon dioxide among other toxins that are within the avatar.
The respiratory system can exhale up to 80% of the toxins inside the avatar. Eliminating these
poisons in the form of gaseous air. The tongue is capable of detecting the different taste and textures
of food or substances. The tongue also possess nerves in which a gate of channeled energy can pass
through when placed to the roof of the mouth. The vocal cords are also able to stimulate the pineal
gland through vibrations. The esophagus is directly aligned with the pineal gland for optimal
vibration to take place voluntarily as well as involuntarily. Stimulation of the pineal gland can
increase the electrical current within the avatar. Increasing the overall electromagnetic energy as a
result. The sense of touch is another means of the avatar understanding the world around it. Through
the sense of touch, nerves in the fingers and hands transmit information along these nerves when
stimulated. Carrying pulses of signals to the brain serving to detect the slightest changes in heat, cold,
warm, resistance, and pain. The skin is the largest organ in the whole avatar. Protecting the avatar’s
fluids and internal organs. The skin contains very tiny nerve endings that sends signals to interpret
different sensations upon its surface. The eyes are easily used to detect the environments in which we
enter and live within. The eyes are able to detect light, dark, safety, danger, and environments that
preserve life.
Water is within every organ and tissue within the avatar which makes it a very vital substance
for survival. Water makes up about three quarters of the avatar in weight. Playing an important role in
the processes of digestion and absorption of nutrients. Water also aids the process of eliminating
toxins and waste within the avatar. It also aids the avatar in maintaining healthy temperatures by
releasing heat through the skin causing perspiration. Proper water balance is very important for
proper health. The avatar is constantly trying to maintain the equilibrium of water within the avatar.
A process where a healthy diet of proteins aids this unique balance. Water is primarily absorbed by
drinking and through the water content in the foods ingested with approximately 55% from ingestion,
30% from foods, and 15 % is obtained through the skin. Water is eliminated from the avatar through
urine, sweat, feces, lungs, and through the skin. 55% of which is expelled through urine, 20% by
sweating, 15% through exhalation, and 10% in fecal matter. The avatar can survive without food for
weeks at a time but can only survive without water for a few days.
When the avatar needs water, the avatar informs the nervous system and this is relayed back
through the sensation of thirst. This process begins in the hypothalamus which is the master control
center. When the plasma in the blood rises, this signals that the avatars need for water. These
processes are interpreted in the master control center and relayed to the avatar through the sensation
of a dry mouth signifying the need for water. While the avatar contains a high amount of water in
content. There is many chemicals in the avatar that take advantage of water in their processes of
chemical reactions. These chemical elements are found mainly in proteins. Proteins that are formed in
combination of four of the thirteen chemical elements that are found in the avatar. These elements are
iron, iodine, magnesium, sodium, calcium, chlorine, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, nitrogen,
hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen. These chemical elements play important roles toward the proper
functioning of each vital organ in their process of absorbing proper nutrients and eliminating toxic
Cells are the tiniest components within the avatar containing the whole kingdoms of life and
knowledge. Cells contains a plasma membrane with the nucleus at the center and cytoplasm being the
section between the center and outside membrane. Each cell contains chromosomes of genetic DNA
material. There are approximately one billion cells in the human avatar. Each cell can divide up to 50
times or more over the course of its life span. The nucleus of the cell regulates metabolism,
development, and reproduction of the entire cell. The tissues and organs of the human avatar are
made up of billions of these cells contain genetic DNA material. Each of which reproduce in a
process called mitosis.
There are many parts and processes that make up the cell as a whole. The cellular membrane
also known as the plasma membrane is the layer of the biological membrane surrounding the
cytoplasm. The cell membrane exchanges nutrients and waste through its selectively penetrable
membrane. Controlling the movement of substances going in and coming out of the cell. This takes
place by way of membrane transport. The membrane transport has three different transports which
are diffusion, facilitated diffusion, and active transport that are the processes that takes place in
allowing particles to cross the cell membrane. The cytoplasm is the area of the cell structures between
the plasma membrane and the nucleus. The cytoskeleton is a system of proteins and aids in cell
cytokinesis. There are hollow and cylindrical structures called centrioles that are also a part of the
cytoskeleton. The stomach of the cell is the lysosome with its enzymes it degenerates waste
molecules. The golgi apparatus processes proteins and places them in a closed compartment called
the vesicle. The vesicle is tasked with the metabolism, control, and enzyme storage as well as
transporting cell products and digesting excess residues. The peroxisome digests and removes toxic
substances from cells. The rough endoplasmic reticulum synthesizes substances that transport
proteins through its rough mazes of canals. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum synthesizes
substances that transport proteins through its smooth mazes of canals. The mitochondria in charge of
cellular respiration. The vacuole of the cell is responsible for waste and materials transport. The
nuclear membrane consists of pores that contains the nucleus which is formed by proteins. The
metabolism, growth, and reproduction takes place within the nucleus of the cell. Between the nucleus
and the nucleoli consists of DNA that is organized into chromosomes. These two sister chromatids
united by the centromere is what makes up the “X” (Aleph) shape of the chromosome. The DNA
contains the genetic sequences of information and proteins to be replicated. The nucleole is at the
very core of the cell containing proteins and ribonucleic acid. Because these cells replicate
frequently. They need large amounts of energy in order to aid these processes. Those that need this
amount of energy have many mitochondria’s. Mitochondria’s contain an array of enzymes that when
combined with oxygen create the cellular respiration. Mitochondria’s provides 25 times more energy
than any other cell in order for processes to be completely carried out. Mitochondria are similar to
bacteria in that their chromosomes are circular allowing its replication. Those cells that need high
amounts of energy to complete their tasks of reproducing have lots of mitochondria’s.
Cell division takes place through a process called mitosis with the original cell being the stem
cell also called the mother cell. Mitosis is a specific trait of eukaryotic cells ensuring the preservation
of genetic material to be passed on to other cells during their replication. Providing the programming
for billions of cells to multiply in building any part and process of the avatar. A process that takes
place where the cell nucleus divides with the chromosomes intact and becomes two duplicate cells.
The complex stages of this process starts with phase one and continues through phase five were the
duplication is completed. The phases are interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase.
There is approximately 45,000 cells replaced every second in the avatar. The avatar is in a constant
state of renewal.
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Various atoms (Sephora’s) were chemically bonded together to form molecules. These monomers
(molecules) that were chemically bond to other molecules formed nucleotides. There are two 6’ long
columns of monomer units that form polymeric biomolecules that are formed polynucleotides (DNA
and RNA) through rods of covalent bonds to create the double helix DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
and RNA. There are five elements that make up the double helix DNA. They are nitrogen, carbon,
hydrogen, phosphorus, and oxygen. Nitrogen has 7 protons, 7 electrons, and 7 neutrons. Carbon has 6
protons, 6 electrons, and 6 neutrons. Hydrogen has 1 protons, 1 electrons, and 0 neutrons. Phosphorus
has 15 protons, 15 electrons, and 16 neutrons. Oxygen has 8 protons, 8 electrons, and 8 neutrons.
Each monomer unit of DNA consists of a 5-carbon atom sugar, 1 nitrogen atom, and a phosphate
group. There are four types of nucleotides also known as nitrogenous bases and they are adenine (A),
guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T). The purine bases are adenine and guanine while the
pyrimidine bases are thymine and cytosine. The base adenine always bonds with thymine and
guanine always bonds with cytosine.
The purine base adenine contains 9 atoms that create the enneagon crown. Each united by rods of
covalent bonds. These 9 atoms are abbreviated with a letter to identify the type of atom and a number
to identify its position in the crown. They are as follows: N1, C2, N3, C4, C5, C6, N7, C8, and N9.
The atom point of entry into this purine enneagon crown of 9 atoms that attaches to other monomer
units through a rod of covalent bond is through N9.
The pyrimidine base thymine contains 6 atoms that create the hexagon crown. Each united by rods of
covalent bonds. They are as follows: N1, C2, N3, C4, C5, and C6. The atom point of entry into this
purine hexagon crown of 6 atoms that attaches to other monomer units through a rod of covalent
bond is through N1.
Those that make the hydrogen bond are adenine N1 with thymine N3 and adenine C6 with thymine
C4. N1+N3, C6+C4. These hydrogen bonds are similar to covalent bonds.
The purine base guanine contains 9 atoms that create the enneagon crown. Each united by rods of
covalent bonds. They are as follows: N1, C2, N3, C4, C5, C6, N7, C8, and N9. The atom point of
entry into this purine enneagon crown of 9 atoms that attaches to other monomer units through a rod
of covalent bond is through N9.
The pyrimidine base cytosine contains 6 atoms that create the hexagon crown. Each united by rods of
covalent bonds. They are as follows: N1, C2, N3, C4, C5, and C6. The atom point of entry into this
purine hexagon crown of 9 atoms that attaches to other monomer units through a rod of covalent
bond is through N1.
Those that make the hydrogen bond are guanine N1 with cytosine C2, guanine C2 with cytosine N3,
and guanine C6 with cytosine C4. N1+C2, C2+N3, C6+C4.
These 38 electrons (angels) shall contain the secrets of nature. These carbon atoms C-2 through C-8
and even all the way up to C-14 are isotopes. Carbon-1, Carbon-2, Carbon-4, Carbon-5, Carbon-6,
and Carbon-8 make up the enneagon or hexagon crown of the pyrimidine bases. Carbon-2, Carbon-
4, Carbon-5, and Carbon-6 make up the hexagonal crown of the purine bases. The carbon atom that is
C-12 or carbon-12 have 6 neutrons and 6 protons. Carbon-14 has 8 neutrons and 6 protons.
There are three types of carbons atoms; graphite, diamond, and amorphous carbon. These four
nitrogenous bases containing carbon atoms here are amorphous carbons (aC). Hydrogen atoms
stabilize the dangling bonds of these free radicals that carbon atoms become once they release an
electron to the nitrogen atoms in the crown.
The Instruments of Genetics, a Biological Cycle of the Cell:
There are many processes within the human body that happens without conscious effort. All
these processes are govern by a natural and universal hierarchy of things. These hierarchies perform
many different functions within the human body. As this hierarchy ascends, the number of its
components in each of its levels decreases. As it descends, the number of process of each component
increases. Cells are the smallest of these hierarchies within the body and are constantly dividing in
efforts to replaced damaged cells. There is a process that the cell goes through before this division
occurs called mitosis or meiosis. Each cell within the human body contains DNA. This DNA needs to
replicate itself and this is made possible by the DNA being able to unzip itself and create a copy of
the sequences of DNA along that particular strand. In this chapter, the secrets of genetics will be
The divine blue printers thousands of years ago created life upon Earth. These Creator Gods
have determined and continue to determine the biological processes of life they have seeded upon this
planet. These biological process are just now beginning to be understood by today’s scientists. While
science investigates the origin of life in their biological processes. These chemical reactions can
never be truly understood until there is a clear understanding of who originally made these perfect
machines that we call bodies.
Before this world could sustain life, the creator Gods in Alcione decided to create man in their
own image. Those creator Gods who sat upon the Great Grand Council proposed a plan to create an
earth on the outer rim of darkness. Nine solar systems away from Alcione, two creator Gods were
sent to begin the creation of Earth. It took approximately 5,000 years to mold Earth into a planet
capable of sustaining life. At which time the atmosphere became very healthy in oxygen and carbon
dioxide. It was now an atmosphere that could sustain the building blocks of life.
The genetics of the human being can be examined within each cell. It is here that the
complexities of life forms can be examined and evaluated. The genetic information of the DNA can
be found within the central nucleus of Eukaryotes. The contents of which are termed nucleoplasm.
Outside of the nucleus is the cells organs of which are responsible for development. The contents of
which contain the following in their various functions. The nuclear pores, mitochondrion, centriole,
lysosomes, golgi bodies, ribosomes, and the endoplasmic reticulum. All of which function together
for development. The nucleus structure of the Eukaryote is found in species that have unicellular and
multicellular organisms.
Scientist have found a way to categorize cells of organisms through fossil findings. The
organisms are then examined at a molecular level to determine their place in the phylogenetic tree.
The construction of the phylogenetic tree is constructed according to the Darwin Theory of
Evolution. The premise of which is that complex creatures evolve from more simplistic ancestors
naturally over time. In a nutshell, as random genetic mutations occur within an organism's genetic
code, the beneficial mutations are preserved because they aid survival -- a process known as "natural
selection." These beneficial mutations are passed on to the next generation. Over time, beneficial
mutations accumulate and the result is an entirely different organism not just a variation of the
original, but an entirely different creature.
There is a process by which many scientist are just beginning to get a glimpse of that makes
the human genetics mutate. Though Darwin’s Theory of Evolution is correct according to ancestral
mutation. There is a mutation that a human being can invoke and have complete control over their
genetic mutations. When a human being fasts for three days or more. White blood cells are depleted
and stem cells activate. These stem cells begin genetic mutation of each cell to make it more
specialized to the tasks in which it performs. Depending on the length of the fast, will ultimately
determine the extensiveness of the mutation. Also, the frequency of a fast over a period of time can
also create more specialized cells to perform extraordinary tasks.
pair comes in contact with it. These pairs of chromosomes can form 22 different energy intelligences
from the Hebrew Letters as well as sacred geometrical shapes when making their cross section
contacts that brings about the information. It is what scientist’s term “information cross over.”
Cellular division is a form of reproduction, growth, and progress of a cell. Each cell has
cycles it goes through before cellular division can occur. Cycles to pass on hereditary DNA
information. Once the phases of duplication is in place for mitosis, the cell division begins.
Hereditary material within DNA is duplicated in cellular cycle phases. In the first phase of cellular
division. The cell begins to increase its mass, doubling in size. This is called the phase G1. In the
second phase the DNA and genetic information copied from the original cell form two cells with the
same information. This is why the first phase is increasing in mass. This second stage is called the S
phase. In the third phase of the cell it prepares for division as the chromosomes shrink. Two sets of
chromosomes are dispersed in this interphase of the process. A chromosome is provided for each
nucleus of the two new daughter cells from and within the mother cell. This third stage is called the
phase G1. Then the fourth phase occurs called cytokinesis. This is where the two daughter cells
within the mother cell separate from the mother to create two new daughter cells that are duplicates
of the mother.
The chromosome structure consist of DNA molecules associated with proteins. Chromosomes
shrink during the phasing processes of mitosis and meiosis which are made of DNA
(deoxyribonucleic acid), RNA (ribonucleic acid), and histones. Like thread wrapped around a spool
histones (proteins) are positively charged molecules that the DNA strands wrap around. 98% of the
genes lay locked within the chromosomes which determine the characteristics and full potential of the
human being.
There are 36 bases along the DNA molecules that make up a segment. These segments
continue in a series of sequences that is the genetic code of an individual. These series of segments
are 6 foot in length. Only the information needed to replicate is active during cellular duplication and
is process accomplished automatically. The translation process of the cell is performed by the RNA
Histones are small beadlike shapes that compact the DNA by twisting two of the DNA strands
around each one of the histones in a group of eight. This in turn condenses the majority of the DNA
strand. There are spaces between each histone wrapping of about 0.0000004 inches long. The DNA
space between each histone wrapping consist of 60 base pairs along the DNA molecules. These
wrapped histones are then wrapped in a group of six nucleosomes that form the sacred shape of the
hexagram forming the sacred symbol of Archangel Metatron that scientist term the solenoid. This
tightly packed solenoid in length, is further condensed into wrappings to form the figure eight loops
that again when its wrappings are complete, forms the sacred geometrical shape of the hexagram
through its scaffolding. There are 6 loops in each rosette and each rosette forms a hexagram. There
are 30 rosettes in each turn of the chromatin spiral. These rosettes consisting of loops in a spiral is the
final chromatin in length. As a whole, this chromatin coils tightly like a snake (serpent) to form the X
shape of the 46 chromosomes. Chromatins are macromolecules within cells. With the primary
function of packaging DNA into smaller volumes in order to fit within the cell.
Scientist have found a way to order the 23 pairs of Chromosomes which they call Karyotype.
Karyotype is an ordering of the chromosomes in a way that systematical classifies chromosomes
according their pairs, size, and position of the centromere. Which are examined and observed to
determine these classifications in the mitosis and metaphase of the cellular cycle. Within DNA lays
the complete genetic code of any and all organisms. The DNA molecule is formed by two strands
called nucleotides. The compounds of the nucleotides consist of phosphate, sugar, and one of four
kinds of nitrogen bases. These two strands of nucleotides is paired together by segments of 36
nucleotides and nucleobases along each strand that are separated by a small gap. The connections of
these 72 bases is made through hydrogen bonds in scientific terms. In biblical terms this hydrogen
bond is the arc. Where the Arc of Angels make their connections. It is a spark gap like that of a spark
plug. These two strands coil around each other to form the sacred spiral ladder that is the double-
helix DNA.
The schematic for the genetic code is in the segments of sequenced nucleobases and
nucleotides of the double-helix DNA. In biblical terms the nucleotides are in a specific sequence
called archangels (AA) along this sacred ladder. The DNA sequences are divided into 4 series of 9
which equals 36 of the combined nucleotides and nucleobases along one strand of DNA as well as 36
along the side of single stranded RNA. Together these make the 72 nucleobases and nucleotides in
the double-helix DNA section termed a segment of sequences. In scientific terms there are two
combinations of nucleobases that are always two bases that pair up with each other. They are the
cytosine base with guanine base and the adenine base with thymine base. In biblical terms the
nucleobases are termed (in same ordering) as archangels. Archangel Kamael (base 5) with Archangel
Raphael (base 8) and the Archangel Zadkiel (base 4) with Archangel Michael (base 6) who are the
angels that provide the arc in the hydrogen bonds between the nucleobases. The six nucleotide DNA
molecules form the two columns that the nucleobases attach to. These are aligned in a certain
sequence along the side of the single stranded DNA. The sequence of nucleotides that form one
column starts from top to bottom begins with 1st (AA Metatron), 2nd (AA Raziel), 3rd (AA Tzaphqiel),
7th (AA Haniel), and 9th (AA Gabriel). The sequence of nucleotides for the RNA single strand side
starting from the bottom to top begins with 10 (AA Sandalphone), 9 (AA Gabriel), 7 (AA Haniel), 3
(AA Tzaphqiel), and 2 (AA Raziel). AA Metatron (DNA) and Sandalphone (RNA) are twin
archangels that when separated start the single stranded DNA and RNA nucleotide strands in their
specific sequenced order of 9. The sequenced order for DNA is 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and for RNA is
10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2. An example of the complete segment of the single strand DNA side that includes
the nucleotide and nucleobases is 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
equaling 36 total. The single strand RNA side is
10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,10,9,8,7,6,5,4, 3,2 again equaling 36. The
complete sequenced segments combined brings its grand total to 72. Combined, these two strands
form the two columns of the double-helix DNA. The energy that fuels these processes of arcs is in its
raw form, known as electromagnetic energy. These electromagnetic arcs run through and up the
double-helix DNA strands. In biblical terms, this is called the stair way to heaven or the House of
God where the angels ascend and descend upon the different degrees of the sacred ladder. These
sequenced segments in their specific ordering is the key to replication of the DNA.
Enzymes with specialized proteins are the facilitators in the biological processes of DNA
replication. The two columns of the double helix DNA is assisted in opening by the helicase; the
synthesis of new strands of DNA is performed by polymerase; and the DNA is then joined together
with its new strand and is sealed by ligase. The helicase separates the double helix where the chains
serve as a model to make new DNA. The nucleotides have a phosphate group, a five-carbon sugar,
and a nitrogen base. The phosphate groups form new connections and the nitrogen bases become
triphosphates. The nucleotides have sufficient energy after separation from the original strand to
make new double strands. The new DNA strands couple together in the short 36 nucleotide and
nucleobases of a segment. Where the ligase joins them together resulting in two new molecules. This
semiconservative replication ends with each strand from the original DNA as well as a new paired
strand. With the finished product of the new double helix completely identical to the original.
Copying one single strand of DNA is called DNA transcription. The nuclear DNA contains stored
information that is very complex in the process of translation. RNA (ribonucleic acid) is the key to
this process and mRNA (messenger RNA) aids in this process by carrying transcribed information
from the nucleus to the ribosome. Ribosome, together with RNA translates the mRNA. The genetic
instructions are followed by the assembling of amino acids. As a result there is typically 72 to 94
nucleotides in length in a chain of mRNA.
DNA would become corrupted if it were to leave the nucleus of a cell. So the DNA is
transcribed by mRNA where the information is then taken to the cytoplasm of the cell. In the
ribosome the polypeptides is synthesized and the information is translated that is brought by the
mRNA and is initiated with the aid of tRNA (transfer RNA). RNA identifies and translates
information that mRNA contains. Each amino acid is a peptide. Polypeptides form when groups of
amino acids form a chain of amino acids. The polypeptides are formations of about 10-50 amino
acids. In order for this to take place, the ribosome translates the information that the mRNA
transcribed. Programming the amino acid with a specific code and ordering with the aid of tRNA.
The genetic code is a set of rules in which information encoded within the genetic material is
translated. The codon defines this sequence of nucleotide triplets and amino acids. With the matching
of codons and anticodons. Then places every amino acid exactly where it belongs. The synthesis is
produced between the start codon and the stop codon. Once the translation reaches the stopping point,
the ribosome stops synthesizing the polypeptides where it is then released.
Genes determine many characteristics of a human being. The color of the eyes and hair of
babies is a result of genes that were transmitted by the father’s sperm and combined with the genes in
the mother’s egg. This is turn forms a single cell and through the process of cell division, the cells
multiply and the genes expand, turning into a human being. Red blood cells is one of the few cells
that do not contain genes. Each cell has a nucleus and inside the nucleus is the genes which are in the
chromosomes. There are 46 chromosomes that contain the genetic data. Each codified gene contains
information which determines the function of the body. Every human being has their own unique
genetic identity.
The karyotype for women is 46XX and for men is 46XY. The chromosome and the
characteristic shapes is the genetics transmitted to the next generation. With each cell containing 46
chromosomes arranged in 23 pairs. Gametes is formed during fertilization and is fused with another
cell that sexually reproduces. The female produces large gamete called the ovum or egg and the male
produces the sperm. Gametes is formed by cells dividing twice, which results in cells with 23
chromosomes instead of 46. 23 from the female and 23 from the male combine in order to create the
46 total chromosomes which is the creation of the zygote. This is necessary in order to form a new
human being.
The genes of the avatar are molecular sciences of a divine order in which the names of
elements, spirits, angels, and archangels are programed. This gives the avatar driver the ability to
communicate with the genes as a God who commands their activation. Science has come a long way
in using DNA analysis as a practice in understanding the genetics of avatars, plants, and animals.
DNA analysis is a very diverse field of study. Forensic procedures are being used at crime scenes to
catch criminals, to genetically modifying foods, and to even track inherited diseases. However,
though DNA is unique to every individual avatar. The avatar genome is 99.9% identical to other
avatars of which only 2% of 98% of the genomes function is currently known to science of earth. In
the following pages, you will learn more about the 100% of the DNA and stem cells along with their
functions within the avatar.
Science understanding the genes of the avatar is within sight. Today, scientist have only
deciphered 2% of the human genome. Only understanding a fragment of the hereditary information
contained in the DNA of avatar chromosomes. Science is just beginning to get a glimpse of the far
reaching possibilities of genetics. A genetic design that half of which is automatically activated while
the other half is voice and/or intention activated. The genes that are understood in science is those
that code for proteins and RNA molecules. Which are the G-C base pairs that contain these codes.
The DNA that contains A-T base pairs are those regions that have yet to be coded in science. This
DNA that has not been coded is a design of complex activating programs that science has yet to
understand. While the G-C base pairs deals in amino acids are all processing codes for the basic
health of the avatar the other 98% deals in the areas of intelligences and physics. Information and
abilities that can only be accessed through understanding the original order of the avatar. That the
Creator Gods designed after the order of the kingdoms that have evolved in their order of dignities.
Genes are the dictionary of the DNA giving definition to each science and the location of
these sciences. There are 46 individual chromosomes within the nucleus of every cell of the avatar.
These 46 chromosomes contains the genetic divine order that contain treasures of knowledge.
Knowing the position and purpose of each gene which is a degree of dignities along with their titled
names can be very useful in accessing their contents. Empowering the avatar driver to know the
different sciences of knowledge that they contain and how they are accessed. Understanding the
interaction between the avatar driver who is God of this kingdom within and the degree of these
dignities (genes) can greatly affect the desired outcome. Studying each science of these dignities
(genes) which are elements, spirits, angels, and archangels can reveal the origin of the knowledge
within the filing system of DNA.
Science have many names that identify and define each part of the avatars chromosomes. The
46 chromosomes exist in pairs called autosomes and allosomes. The autosomes are 22 pairs of the 44
individual chromosomes. These are the 22 energy intelligence letters of the Divine Creator Gods
Language. The 2 remaining chromosomes are called allosomes which determine the sex of the avatar.
Women have a pair that is called “XX” which letters names are aleph aleph. Men have a pair called
“XY” whose letter names are aleph tzaddi. Avatars have between 25,000-30,000 genes with the
average gene size being approximately 3,009 base pairs at length. Each chromosome fluctuates in
genes with 1 gene in chromosome 1 and 231 genes in chromosome Y. Chromosomes are compactly
twisted and folded DNA that are broken down into three sections. The “P-Arm” is the top region of
the chromosome which is the shortest region. The “Centromere is the center or narrowest point of the
chromosome and the “Q-Arm” is the bottom region of the chromosome which is the longest region.
Chromosomes are ordered in pairs by size and position a term called karyogram.
Stem cells have been and will continue to be the future for avatar transformation. Every avatar
started as a single cell that through a process of mitosis divided to form more cells. The geometrical
shape of the seed of life depicts this process of division. As the process of mitosis division continues
one cell becomes billions of cells that create the avatar. During this process of cellular division DNA
was replicated in every cell that divided. With the original cell being a stem cell that has the
programming ability to any type of cell specific to a particular task. During the stages of cellular
division. The original cell programs the other cells to divide and become specific to certain tasks of
creating a different part of the avatar. Some of which become bone cells while others become organs
and others construct the skin. Each of these cells that built the avatar as a whole were programmed by
one original stem cell. Once these cells that were programmed to become specialists to a certain task.
They remain specific to that task and that task alone never changing or becoming stem cells again. A
stem cell when dividing programs certain genes to turn on to perform certain specific tasks. Which
makes stem cells unique in their ability to become any cell within the avatar. Having the ability to
access and program (differentiate) any of the combination of genes in the DNA filing system. Stem
cells divide indefinitely to perform their task becoming more specialized with every division to
perform over 200 original different tasks. The avatar has over 200 different cells that perform certain
The original single stem cell contains the DNA, genetics, and chromosomes to create the
whole avatar. Within this original stem cell contains the Kingdom of God in its various specific
names of orders, titles, ranks, dignities, virtues, and design. Of which is programmed to obey a
universal law by design. The universal law of the Hierarchy and Counter-Hierarchy of the natural
order of things. Which is to mean in order for the avatar driver to command the Kingdom of God
what is required is to know the names of those of the Hierarchy. The names of whom are the
Archangels and it is the avatar driver who is the God that commands them into action. The
Archangels from there take care of the rest is the various details to carry out that command. This is a
process the Creator Gods designed that cannot be seen with the naked eye of the avatar driver as
these processes are being carried out. Thus, it will require that the avatar driver to have faith and
confidence in that these processes are being carried out. That the desired results will come forth and
be made manifest. Faith is the substance of things hope for but not yet seen. The more experienced
and knowledgeable avatar driver can use the top ordained names of these process that being
archangels. As well as the proceeding in descending dignities that being angels and the spirits that
specialize in specific knowledge’s in the arts of science. When the avatar driver (God) commands the
archangels, angels, or spirits every cell within the avatar is being commanded to perform a duty and
task that can pertain to the health of the avatar or accessing knowledge that is filed away. After these
results become manifested, it is what the avatar driver does with this increased energy and
intelligence that is of great importance. Will the avatar driver ask for knowledge and change their
realities through the sweat of their brow or will they squander such knowledge and abilities away.
After an avatar matures into an adult the stem cells are difficult to activate consciously. These
stem cells remain inactive as long as the white blood cells of the avatar remain active. White blood
cells renew every three days to replenish the deplete stores of white blood cells in the lymphatic
system. In order for the avatar driver to deplete these white blood cells and for them not to renew
after three days. It requires a three day fast where the digestive tract rests and does not function. After
a three day fast the white blood cells will not renew and the stem cells within the avatar will activate.
Once active it is the intentions, state of mind, and communications that the avatar driver has with
each Archangel (Nucleotide) that will determine the knowledge accessible. The stem cells will begin
to automatically rebuild the avatar at a molecular level. Programming the genes within the DNA of
each cell to turn on and perform certain tasks in rebuilding the avatar and making it better through
differentiated tasks. There have been many ancient masters of the past that understood this spiritual
science in the design of the avatar putting it into action. Masters and Prophets like Moses and Jesus
who fasted for 40 days and 40 nights. It was called the christening of the mortal avatar. The
christening in which Jesus became christened or better known as the Christ. A state of being that was
transformed through translation in which gave many ancient masters and prophets powers of God.
That were considered to many mortal avatars of lesser knowledge as unnatural powers. After which
their countenance glowed and they were unrecognizable to those that knew them. It is during fasting
that the avatar driver has the clearest communication of receiving intelligent knowledge in a variety
of arts of science. As well as the time that the avatar transforms and begins its journey of becoming
translated. A process of translation that is taking place between DNA and RNA. Through stem cell
activation and cellular division who divide forever with all their genetic material firmly intact.
Scientist today use gene therapy to correct defective genes that may be causing illness. A
process that is being investigated in order to better understand how to manipulate genes to correct
defects. However, scientist are missing the knowledge of what activates the genes within the DNA in
the first place. While scientist look at defective genes as a reason to take corrective action in healing
the potential illnesses they will bring about. These defective genes are a result of the ignorance of the
avatar driver who lacks the incentive to exercise strict self-discipline of fasting to activate the stem
cells that will correct the defect. Every avatar driver makes personal choices along their spiritual
journey. Some of those choices can cause defects in the avatar genetic material. Defects that they
themselves can correct if knowledgeable of how the avatar operates and functions but for those who
are unwilling to implement self-discipline in their lives. They are at the mercy of an inaccurate
science of the world that for every cure that is cured will cause another sickness. The Creator Gods
designed the avatar to be completely self-sufficient and regenerative throughout its mortal avatar life.
An avatar that was designed to test the spirit of the avatar driver day in and day out. An avatar that
was designed to be transformed and translated into an immortal state if the avatar driver could
develop the self-discipline necessary to complete this journey. Every defective gene or illness is only
proof of the avatar driver’s lack of understanding of the avatar and the spiritual journey. It is the lack
of spirituality exercised to bring about the transformational process for evolution. The very spiritual
evolutionary process for which the avatar is designed.
This is the importance of implementation of the mercavah. It is the sacred geometrical shape of the
mercavah that atomically represents the atomic structure of the carbon atom. Placing one within the
heart chakra and another around the avatar will create the 6 protons in the nucleus of the atom and the
6 electrons around the atom. The spinning of these mercavahs in a clockwise direction will stabilize
the carbon atoms within the avatar that release their electrons in covalent bonds and become free
radicals. When these four nucleotides crowns are in operation, each of the atoms have specific times
(24 thrones of wisdom) and days that they activate in performing their covalent bonds. Dangling
bonds obey the octet rule with each atom having eight electrons in its valence shell. This octet rule
applies to carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, sodium, magnesium, and halogens. During the time and day that
a specific atom in the four nucleotide base crowns becomes active, 4 atoms in each nucleotide crown
form covalent bonds in pairs of two. Each pair contribute one electron in the covalent bond that
results in both atoms sharing two electrons. The path of this covalent bond that each electron takes
forms a figure eight as it rotates around each one sharing electrons. These forces (23 energy
intelligences) of the covalent bond is the communication line between these two atoms by which light
(knowledge/information/science) is exchanged. Those carbon atoms in the nucleotide crown that has
dangling bonds of an unsatisfied valence becomes free radicals but can become stabilized once again
through the configuration of the mercavah around the avatar.
In genetic science the linguistic terms these atoms have protons, electrons, and neutrons surrounding
the atom. In biblical science the atom is the Sephora and each every energy level of the atomic
structure is identified as archangels and angels instead of electrons. The first energy level is the
Archangel and Assistant Archangel who both have specific names and sciences by which they yield
to those who invokes their services. The second energy level is four angels with names that obey the
archangel and assistant angel. The path of the archangel or angel (electrons) has a name as well that
are called the 32 paths of the Yetzirah. The Yetzirah is the 23 energy intelligent names of the Hebrew
Alphabet. These 23 names each has a different path that the angels (electrons) will take when
commanded. These paths are known in chemistry as some being electrovalent and others being
covalent bonds that form the figure eight as the electron circles around both atoms. This figure eight
in spiritual terms is known as the kundalini energy. Kundalini energy is nothing more than a covalent
bond that unites atoms with an electron. The pyrimidine base cytosine obeys the name YOD, the
purine base guanine obeys HE, the pyrimidine base thymine obeys VAU, and the purine base adenine
obeys HE. Through speaking or contemplating these words in unison YOD, HE, VAU, HE the 4
nucleotides bases will form their hydrogen bonds. With every archangel and angel (electron)
following the path they were biologically designed to make and forming the bonds they were created
to performing.
Once the living intelligence of the double helix DNA was formed, the DNA was then coiled to form
the 23 letters of the energy intelligences known in science as the 23 pairs of chromosomes. The 23
pairs of chromosomes function as living intelligent organisms that function according to a design of
linguistics that bonds the universe together. The Creator Gods continued to design and build the
avatar from particles of matter too atoms, molecules, macromolecules, cell organelles, cells, tissues,
organs, and systems. Creating a system of creation through linguistics by which all life in the whole
universe is bonded together. This system of linguistics of numbers that formed the letters, the letters
that formed the names, the names that formed the ideas, the ideas that formed the forces, and the
forces that formed the Elohim is the ultimate system of creation in the evolutionary process. A
schematic design that synthesizes the Elohim. It is through this marvelous work and wonder of
designing the Elohim avatar that the conscious Elohim driver can now communicate with the
molecular mechanics of the living intelligence within, which is a kingdom which he manages to order
or fails to understand.
Adam became the first man upon Earth through the numbers of angels (electrons) that built the
Sephora’s (atoms) that the Creator Gods designed to become Elohim (God). The purpose of this book
is to inform, educate, and teach the elect among Earth how to become the Elohim that they are
destined to become.
The part of the avatar that gives it structure and solid form is the bones and muscles. The
Creator Gods designed the avatars every musculoskeletal movement to be in opposition to another
movement. In this way, as long as the avatar was in motion it would be generating a degree in health
in which the avatar would receive exercise. This system also provides protection for the avatars
internal organs. It is a system that creates movement for the avatar driver in the physical world to
explore the dimensions of realities. The bones of the avatar is what creates red blood cells and stores
minerals. Bones and muscles are connected to each other through tendons. While bones alone are
connected to each other through ligaments and cartilage. It is an intricate and flawless design created
by the Creator Gods.
Each bone within the avatar contains nerves and blood. These bones are incredible strong and
are able to lift 8 tons of weight without breaking. Every bone within the avatar frame is supported by
the spinal column. The spinal column is a pillar of 33 vertebras that ascend from the coccyx. Where
the limbs of the legs are attached by the hip and pelvis. Ascending 2/3’s up the spinal column is
where the upper limbs of the arms are attached by shoulder blades and the clavicles. Continuing up
the spin to the top where the atlas vertebrae is positioned atop of the spinal column where the
cranium is attached. The sexual differences of the bone structure for male and female are similar. The
largest difference is in the shape of the sacrum and coxals bones. In males the center of the pelvis
opening in narrower than it is for females. This wider opening in the center section of the pelvis of
women serves the purpose of being able to pass the head of an infant through this section during
birth. A section that contains the reproduction, digestive, and urinary systems. There are anywhere
from 206 bones in the avatar. There are the axial bones which are 80 bones that form the cranium,
spinal column, and ribs. There are also the appendicular bones which are 126 bones that form the
arms, shoulders, legs, and hips. The bones of the avatar are classified in to three types according to
their characteristic sizes and shapes. They are the short, long, flat, irregular, and sesamoid bones.
Short bones are spherical or conical shaped. The heel bone is an example of a short bone. Long bones
are in the arms and legs. The humerus is a long bone. Flat bones are primarily in the cranium
consisting of flat and thin plates of bone. Irregular bones come in many shapes and sizes. The
cranium consists of many irregular bones such as the sphenoidal sinus is an irregular bone. Sesamoid
bones are usually small and rounded like the patella of the knee section as well as the joints of the
feet and hands.
The exterior of bones are extremely hard while the interior is spongy. The interior forms a
honeycomb like holes with cavities that blood can flow through. The center of the bone called the
bone marrow is where millions of red blood cells are produced every day. Though bones have the
ability to hold 8 tons of weight without breaking. Bones were formed by millions of cells that
originated from a stem cell. Calcium minerals are what builds bone while calcium and phosphorus
along with other minerals give the bone its solid firm structure. It is proteins in the form of collagen
that give the tendons and ligaments their flexibility and elasticity. There are two types of bone cells
osteoblasts and osteoclasts. The strength of the bone is maintained through by osseous which is
produced by osteoblast cells. The tissue of the bone that breaks down is replaced by osteoclasts cells.
Each bone has a system of blood vessels, veins, and arteries that maintains the life of the interior
producing networks. An interior system of blood flowing in and out that keeps the bone alive and
The cranium of the avatar protects the internal control center of the brain. The cranium is the
only section of the avatar that has the ability to resonate sound off the interior sphere of the skull.
This design was to allow the ability of sound to stimulate the vibration of many fluids, the secretion
of hormones, and the electrical current of the pineal gland that also stimulates the 12 nerves within
the cranium. The cranium is formed by eight bones that construct the skull and the base of the
cranium. The foramen magnum located at the base of the cranium is the opening where the spinal
column, medulla oblongata, vertebrae arteries, and the spinal nerves enter. The cranium is united with
the spin by the atlas vertebrae.
The spinal column consists of chain of 33 bones that are called vertebras that create a pillar of
flexibility. The spinal column is divided into sections. Starting from the bottom and ascending up the
spin. There is the 4 small fused vertebras of the coccyx. Then there is the 5 fused sacrum vertebras
S5-S1 where nerves pass through the eight holes of the sacrum. There is the 5 lumbar vertebrae L5-
L1 that support the weight of the upper body. There are 12 thoracic vertebrae T12-T1 that are joined
to the ribs. There are 7 cervical vertebrae C7-C1 that support the cranium and its motion of
movement. These are the vertebras that as a whole make up the spinal column. These vertebrae bones
also have a foramen magnum like that of the cranium that contains the spinal cord which runs the
length of the spinal column. The spinal column offers stability and range of motion for the avatar.
The weight of the avatar is supported by each vertebras centrum. The centrum has a gelatinous
interior and is separated by intervertebral disks made of cartilage. Ligaments and muscles create the
strength and flexibility of alignment for the avatar. The peripheral nervous system is connected to the
spinal cord within the spinal column. The 12 ribs that make up the rib cage extend from the spinal
column to protect the vital organs of the lungs, heart, liver, spleen, and the stomach.
Joints, muscles, and bones combined with cartilage, ligaments, and tendons create a system in
a wide variety in ranges of motions. Ranges of motion that allows the physical avatar to perform all
sorts of physical tasks. Joints along with tendons and ligaments give the skeletal system movement.
There are four characteristic joint types in range of motion. There is the hypermobility, mobile, semi
mobile, and fixed joints. Those of hypermobility joints are the elbows, wrists, fingers, and knees of
double jointed avatars. The mobile joints constitute most of the joints of the avatar. The semi mobile
are those joints that bone and cartilage make contact like that of the vertebras. The fixed joints are in
the cranium where there is no need for motion, only for protection. The knee is the largest joint in the
avatar protected by the knee cap. Often time’s joints make crackling and popping sounds. This is
where gas is explodes inside the joint that allows the shock absorbing fluid to enter.
Muscles of the avatar are attached to the bones and joints allowing movement. Voluntary
movements controlled by the brain center of the avatar. Each muscle is an organ of tissue created by
cells. These muscle tissues are striated, smooth, and cardiac types of muscle. The muscles that cover
the skeleton is striated muscles. They consist of slow and fast twitch muscle fibers. The digestion
system consists of smooth muscles. Muscles fibers that slowly contract over long periods of time.
The heart consists of cardiac muscles that are continuously pumping every second. Thousands of
movements are made possible through muscles. There are a total of 650 in the avatar. The average
avatars total weight is made up of 40% of the muscular system. It takes 30 muscles to control the face
movement, 70 muscles to control speech and respiration, and 40 muscles to control one foot
movement. The occipital muscles pulls the scalp back. The frontal muscles controls the forehead. The
orbicular muscles controls blinking. The splenius muscle keeps the head upright. The
sternocleidomastoid turns the head and moves it forward. The trapezium muscles stabilizes the
shoulders and turns the head. The deltoid muscles makes possible the ability to lift and swing the
arm. The pectoralis major allows the arm to be moved in close and forward. The brachial bicep
muscle bends the arm forward at the elbow. The brachial tricep muscle allows the arm to bend at the
elbow. The external oblique muscle allows for range of motion for the body to turn at the trunk and
bend side to side. The rectus abdominis muscles bend the avatar forward. The gluteus maximus
muscle is the buttocks muscle and connects the hip and thigh. The femoral quadriceps consist of four
muscles connecting the femur, pelvis, and the tibia of each leg. The femoral bicep muscle bends the
leg at the knee. The gastrocnemius which is two muscles that make up the calf muscle also bend the
leg at the knee. The anterior tibia muscles lift the foot. The extensor digitorum longus muscle
connects to the back part of the foot.
Fascicles are long and cylinder in shape that are groups of hundreds of fibers is what makes
up the fleshy tissue called muscle. There are two groups of these muscle fibers. Fast twitch and slow
twitch. The fast twitch muscles create fast and rapid contractions. Slow twitch performs slow motions
and contractions. The fast twitch are white and the slow twitch is red in color. These muscle fibers
contain filaments called myofibers. These muscles contain protein filaments that are called myosin
(thick filament) and actin (thin filament) filaments. These two filaments are contained within
mediums called sarcomeres. The motor unit of these fibers combined with neurons stimulate the
contractions of the muscle groups. When the nervous system sends the signal to the muscle fibers to
contract, the myosin and actin come together to overlap one another shortening the muscles. The
heads of the thick (myosin) filaments is what makes contact with the thin (actin) filaments creating
the muscle contraction. Thousands of these thick and thin filaments are groups together and contained
within bundles in a sarcomere. This is long and cylinder in shaped. A bundle of these sarcomeres is
what make up a muscle fiber contents. On the exterior of the sarcomere is Z bands that separate the
boundaries between the sarcomere and the myofibril filament. Together the skin of the sarcomere
along with the Z band and the myofibril create a gridding system of zig zags that is comparative to
circuitry. The circuitry skin of the sarcomere. This skin of circuitry is what the axon nerves make
contact with in communicating with the myosin and actin bundled within the sarcomere. These
muscle fibers are weaved with capillaries that bring blood to the muscle fibers. Dozens of these
muscle fibers are what makes up the fascicle. Fascicle are the bundles of these muscle fibers
contained within a muscle strand. Like that of the striated strand muscles. These strands is what
constitutes a muscle. Each of these muscle contractions is in opposition to another muscle. While one
muscle contracts another relaxes being stretched in the process of the others flex. A system of duality
that was designed throughout every system of the avatar. A system of duality that is the universal
laws of the natural order of all things. It is the gravity/opposition in all things that is the glue by
which binds the cosmos together.
`Archangel Uriel
!&.2#0 2,2'1-$2&##*-&'+
The genes of the avatar are molecular sciences of a divine order in which the names of
elements, spirits, angels, and archangels are programed. This gives the avatar driver the ability to
communicate with the genes as a God who commands their activation. Science has come a long way
in using DNA analysis as a practice in understanding the genetics of avatars, plants, and animals.
DNA analysis is a very diverse field of study. Forensic procedures are being used at crime scenes to
catch criminals, to genetically modifying foods, and to even track inherited diseases. However,
though DNA is unique to every individual avatar. The avatar genome is 99.9% identical to other
avatars of which only 2% of 98% of the genomes function is currently known to science of earth. In
the following pages, you will learn more about the 100% of the DNA and stem cells along with their
functions within the avatar.
Science understanding the genes of the avatar is within sight. Today, scientist have only
deciphered 2% of the human genome. Only understanding a fragment of the hereditary information
contained in the DNA of avatar chromosomes. Science is just beginning to get a glimpse of the far
reaching possibilities of genetics. A genetic design that half of which is automatically activated while
the other half is voice and/or intention activated. The genes that are understood in science is those
that code for proteins and RNA molecules. Which are the G-C base pairs that contain these codes.
The DNA that contains A-T base pairs are those regions that have yet to be coded in science. This
DNA that has not been coded is a design of complex activating programs that science has yet to
understand. While the G-C base pairs deals in amino acids are all processing codes for the basic
health of the avatar the other 98% deals in the areas of intelligences and physics. Information and
abilities that can only be accessed through understanding the original order of the avatar. That the
Creator Gods designed after the order of the kingdoms that have evolved in their order of dignities.
Genes are the dictionary of the DNA giving definition to each science and the location of
these sciences. There are 46 individual chromosomes within the nucleus of every cell of the avatar.
These 46 chromosomes contains the genetic divine order that contain treasures of knowledge.
Knowing the position and purpose of each gene which is a degree of dignities along with their titled
names can be very useful in accessing their contents. Empowering the avatar driver to know the
different sciences of knowledge that they contain and how they are accessed. Understanding the
interaction between the avatar driver who is God of this kingdom within and the degree of these
dignities (genes) can greatly affect the desired outcome. Studying each science of these dignities
(genes) which are elements, spirits, angels, and archangels can reveal the origin of the knowledge
within the filing system of DNA.
Science have many names that identify and define each part of the avatars chromosomes. The
46 chromosomes exist in pairs called autosomes and allosomes. The autosomes are 22 pairs of the 44
individual chromosomes. These are the 22 energy intelligence letters of the Divine Creator Gods
Language. The 2 remaining chromosomes are called allosomes which determine the sex of the avatar.
Women have a pair that is called “XX” which letters names are aleph aleph. Men have a pair called
“XY” whose letter names are aleph tzaddi. Avatars have between 25,000-30,000 genes with the
average gene size being approximately 3,009 base pairs at length. Each chromosome fluctuates in
genes with 1 gene in chromosome 1 and 231 genes in chromosome Y. Chromosomes are compactly
twisted and folded DNA that are broken down into three sections. The “P-Arm” is the top region of
the chromosome which is the shortest region. The “Centromere is the center or narrowest point of the
chromosome and the “Q-Arm” is the bottom region of the chromosome which is the longest region.
Chromosomes are ordered in pairs by size and position a term called karyogram.
Stem cells have been and will continue to be the future for avatar transformation. Every avatar
started as a single cell that through a process of mitosis divided to form more cells. The geometrical
shape of the seed of life depicts this process of division. As the process of mitosis division continues
one cell becomes billions of cells that create the avatar. During this process of cellular division DNA
was replicated in every cell that divided. With the original cell being a stem cell that has the
programming ability to any type of cell specific to a particular task. During the stages of cellular
division. The original cell programs the other cells to divide and become specific to certain tasks of
creating a different part of the avatar. Some of which become bone cells while others become organs
and others construct the skin. Each of these cells that built the avatar as a whole were programmed by
one original stem cell. Once these cells that were programmed to become specialists to a certain task.
They remain specific to that task and that task alone never changing or becoming stem cells again. A
stem cell when dividing programs certain genes to turn on to perform certain specific tasks. Which
makes stem cells unique in their ability to become any cell within the avatar. Having the ability to
access and program (differentiate) any of the combination of genes in the DNA filing system. Stem
cells divide indefinitely to perform their task becoming more specialized with every division to
perform over 200 original different tasks. The avatar has over 200 different cells that perform certain
The original single stem cell contains the DNA, genetics, and chromosomes to create the
whole avatar. Within this original stem cell contains the Kingdom of God in its various specific
names of orders, titles, ranks, dignities, virtues, and design. Of which is programmed to obey a
universal law by design. The universal law of the Hierarchy and Counter-Hierarchy of the natural
order of things. Which is to mean in order for the avatar driver to command the Kingdom of God
what is required is to know the names of those of the Hierarchy. The names of whom are the
Archangels and it is the avatar driver who is the God that commands them into action. The
Archangels from there take care of the rest is the various details to carry out that command. This is a
process the Creator Gods designed that cannot be seen with the naked eye of the avatar driver as
these processes are being carried out. Thus, it will require that the avatar driver to have faith and
confidence in that these processes are being carried out. That the desired results will come forth and
be made manifest. Faith is the substance of things hope for but not yet seen. The more experienced
and knowledgeable avatar driver can use the top ordained names of these process that being
archangels. As well as the proceeding in descending dignities that being angels and the spirits that
specialize in specific knowledge’s in the arts of science. When the avatar driver (God) commands the
archangels, angels, or spirits every cell within the avatar is being commanded to perform a duty and
task that can pertain to the health of the avatar or accessing knowledge that is filed away. After these
results become manifested, it is what the avatar driver does with this increased energy and
intelligence that is of great importance. Will the avatar driver ask for knowledge and change their
realities through the sweat of their brow or will they squander such knowledge and abilities away.
After an avatar matures into an adult the stem cells are difficult to activate consciously. These
stem cells remain inactive as long as the white blood cells of the avatar remain active. White blood
cells renew every three days to replenish the deplete stores of white blood cells in the lymphatic
system. In order for the avatar driver to deplete these white blood cells and for them not to renew
after three days. It requires a three day fast where the digestive tract rests and does not function. After
a three day fast the white blood cells will not renew and the stem cells within the avatar will activate.
Once active it is the intentions, state of mind, and communications that the avatar driver has with
each Archangel (Nucleotide) that will determine the knowledge accessible. The stem cells will begin
to automatically rebuild the avatar at a molecular level. Programming the genes within the DNA of
each cell to turn on and perform certain tasks in rebuilding the avatar and making it better through
differentiated tasks. There have been many ancient masters of the past that understood this spiritual
science in the design of the avatar putting it into action. Masters and Prophets like Moses and Jesus
who fasted for 40 days and 40 nights. It was called the christening of the mortal avatar. The
christening in which Jesus became christened or better known as the Christ. A state of being that was
transformed through translation in which gave many ancient masters and prophets powers of God.
That were considered to many mortal avatars of lesser knowledge as unnatural powers. After which
their countenance glowed and they were unrecognizable to those that knew them. It is during fasting
that the avatar driver has the clearest communication of receiving intelligent knowledge in a variety
of arts of science. As well as the time that the avatar transforms and begins its journey of becoming
translated. A process of translation that is taking place between DNA and RNA. Through stem cell
activation and cellular division who divide forever with all their genetic material firmly intact.
Scientist today use gene therapy to correct defective genes that may be causing illness. A
process that is being investigated in order to better understand how to manipulate genes to correct
defects. However, scientist are missing the knowledge of what activates the genes within the DNA in
the first place. While scientist look at defective genes as a reason to take corrective action in healing
the potential illnesses they will bring about. These defective genes are a result of the ignorance of the
avatar driver who lacks the incentive to exercise strict self-discipline of fasting to activate the stem
cells that will correct the defect. Every avatar driver makes personal choices along their spiritual
journey. Some of those choices can cause defects in the avatar genetic material. Defects that they
themselves can correct if knowledgeable of how the avatar operates and functions but for those who
are unwilling to implement self-discipline in their lives. They are at the mercy of an inaccurate
science of the world that for every cure that is cured will cause another sickness. The Creator Gods
designed the avatar to be completely self-sufficient and regenerative throughout its mortal avatar life.
An avatar that was designed to test the spirit of the avatar driver day in and day out. An avatar that
was designed to be transformed and translated into an immortal state if the avatar driver could
develop the self-discipline necessary to complete this journey. Every defective gene or illness is only
proof of the avatar driver’s lack of understanding of the avatar and the spiritual journey. It is the lack
of spirituality exercised to bring about the transformational process for evolution. The very spiritual
evolutionary process for which the avatar is designed.
Various atoms (Sephora’s) were chemically bonded together to form molecules. These monomers
(molecules) that were chemically bond to other molecules formed nucleotides. There are two 6’ long
columns of monomer units that form polymeric biomolecules that are formed polynucleotides (DNA
and RNA) through rods of covalent bonds to create the double helix DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
and RNA. There are five elements that make up the double helix DNA. They are nitrogen, carbon,
hydrogen, phosphorus, and oxygen. Nitrogen has 7 protons, 7 electrons, and 7 neutrons. Carbon has 6
protons, 6 electrons, and 6 neutrons. Hydrogen has 1 protons, 1 electrons, and 0 neutrons. Phosphorus
has 15 protons, 15 electrons, and 16 neutrons. Oxygen has 8 protons, 8 electrons, and 8 neutrons.
Each monomer unit of DNA consists of a 5-carbon atom sugar, 1 nitrogen atom, and a phosphate
group. There are four types of nucleotides also known as nitrogenous bases and they are adenine (A),
guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T). The purine bases are adenine and guanine while the
pyrimidine bases are thymine and cytosine. The base adenine always bonds with thymine and
guanine always bonds with cytosine.
The purine base adenine contains 9 atoms that create the enneagon crown. Each united by rods of
covalent bonds. These 9 atoms are abbreviated with a letter to identify the type of atom and a number
to identify its position in the crown. They are as follows: N1, C2, N3, C4, C5, C6, N7, C8, and N9.
The atom point of entry into this purine enneagon crown of 9 atoms that attaches to other monomer
units through a rod of covalent bond is through N9.
The pyrimidine base thymine contains 6 atoms that create the hexagon crown. Each united by rods of
covalent bonds. They are as follows: N1, C2, N3, C4, C5, and C6. The atom point of entry into this
purine hexagon crown of 6 atoms that attaches to other monomer units through a rod of covalent
bond is through N1.
Those that make the hydrogen bond are adenine N1 with thymine N3 and adenine C6 with thymine
C4. N1+N3, C6+C4. These hydrogen bonds are similar to covalent bonds.
The purine base guanine contains 9 atoms that create the enneagon crown. Each united by rods of
covalent bonds. They are as follows: N1, C2, N3, C4, C5, C6, N7, C8, and N9. The atom point of
entry into this purine enneagon crown of 9 atoms that attaches to other monomer units through a rod
of covalent bond is through N9.
The pyrimidine base cytosine contains 6 atoms that create the hexagon crown. Each united by rods of
covalent bonds. They are as follows: N1, C2, N3, C4, C5, and C6. The atom point of entry into this
purine hexagon crown of 9 atoms that attaches to other monomer units through a rod of covalent
bond is through N1.
Those that make the hydrogen bond are guanine N1 with cytosine C2, guanine C2 with cytosine N3,
and guanine C6 with cytosine C4. N1+C2, C2+N3, C6+C4.
These 38 electrons (angels) shall contain the secrets of nature. These carbon atoms C-2 through C-8
and even all the way up to C-14 are isotopes. Carbon-1, Carbon-2, Carbon-4, Carbon-5, Carbon-6,
and Carbon-8 make up the enneagon or hexagon crown of the pyrimidine bases. Carbon-2, Carbon-
4, Carbon-5, and Carbon-6 make up the hexagonal crown of the purine bases. The carbon atom that is
C-12 or carbon-12 have 6 neutrons and 6 protons. Carbon-14 has 8 neutrons and 6 protons.
There are three types of carbons atoms; graphite, diamond, and amorphous carbon. These four
nitrogenous bases containing carbon atoms here are amorphous carbons (aC). Hydrogen atoms
stabilize the dangling bonds of these free radicals that carbon atoms become once they release an
electron to the nitrogen atoms in the crown.
2A>L>:K>MAHL> <H=>L
Amino Acids
Protein is made up of varying combinations of the 22 amino acids, which are the individual building blocks of
the structure of protein. Chia seeds contain 18 of the 22 amino acids, including all nine essential amino acids:
isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, valine, and histadine.
.AHLIA:M>@KHNI $BO> !:K;HG1N@:K :G=:,BMKH@>G :L> H?MA>",1MK:G=L
H?MA>&>;K>P#G>K@R'GM>EEB@>G<>L;>:K>MA:G:F> :G=>:<AG:F>BL:G;LHENM>'=>: 2A>K>:K>,:F>L
Falling in love is a matter of the delicate processes involved in hormonal release. It is because
of hormones that the mind and sexual organs of the avatar become aroused. Where the motivated
pursuit of the avatar driver begins and in many cases ends in sexual relations. This whole process of
internal systems and organs can be explained through a specific science of identification and primary
functions. However, what has not been explained is that the release of these hormones and these
many internal systems can be consciously controlled by the avatar driver. Without understanding
how to consciously trigger the release of hormones, the avatar driver cannot properly govern their
emotions and thoughts. When left unchecked by those uninitiated undisciplined individuals, these
thoughts and emotions can govern their motives and actions. Learning to stimulate and control the
release of hormones can greatly increase the amount of discipline the avatar driver develops in
thought and emotions. Hormonal release stimulates many of the function of other internal systems
and organs to operate at differ levels of performance. When the hormones function on an unconscious
level, then the avatar driver is merely an automated system reacting according to these releases. With
no idea as to what is governing their motivated actions. In this way, the avatar driver becomes a slave
to the sporadic releases of hormones. When the hormones function on a conscious level, the avatar
driver is able to understand the influx of being inundated with certain thoughts and emotions which is
to be expected. This is where the conscious avatar driver begins exercising self-discipline in
overcoming these lower urges and understands their functions for higher purposes. The higher
purposes of quickening the energies of the electromagnetic energy at will when called upon. These
hormones serve higher purposes for those immortals that seek to quicken the light within to perform
God like acts of performing what is considered to many as miracles. Miracles is a term used by those
who do not understand the science behind these acts of a God. These internal systems work in united
effort to bring about and create harmonious health for the avatar to perform at optimal levels.
The circulatory system also referred to as the river of life circulates the blood within the
avatar. The driving force of the circulatory system is the heart where oxygenated blood is pumped to
each organ and returns oxygen depleted. A system designed with arteries which delivers the
oxygenated rich blood throughout the avatar and veins that recover the oxygen poor blood. The
avatar is made up of 18% arteries, 10% heart, 7% capillaries, and 65% consisting of veins. Arteries
are thick muscular vessels that carry the oxygen rich blood throughout the avatar where capillaries
are the very small veins that make the exchange of oxygen rich blood and nutrients once the blood
has been delivered. Veins are the retrievers of oxygen poor blood which has thin muscular walls with
a variety of valves in the centrum of the vein to prevent oxygen poor blood from flowing in the
wrong direction. In a process called hematosis the oxygen rich blood is delivered to the capillary
system by the aortic artery. Once there, the veins retrieve the oxygen poor blood and runs it through
the pulmonary artery to be replenished with oxygen where carbon dioxide can be removed. The heart
consists of cardiac muscles that can continuously beat and maintain its beating rhythm. The avatar
contains approximately 10 pints of blood and circulates this amount every minute. The heart can
range from 60 beats per minute at rest and up to 190 beats per minute by high performance athletes.
A disciplined avatar driver can increase their heart rate to 250 beats per minute or slow the heart rate
down to 40 beats per minute at will. Having full control over the metabolism rate of the avatar. The
heart is located in the center of the chest encased in the thoracic cavity.
An intricate design of valves within the arteries and veins control the blood flow that enters to
only flow in one direction. Within each valve are tendinous cords also known as heart strings is what
attaches the tricuspid valve to the inside heart wall. When these heart strings break or sever the heart
can begin to experience difficulty in performing its normal functions. Severed and breaks of these
heart strings can often occur through emotional trauma. Valves prevents blood from flowing in the
wrong direction termed as preventing blood reflux. The left atrium is where oxygen rich blood is
received from the lungs. The mitral valve between the atrium and the left ventricle opens to allow the
oxygen rich blood through and then closes to prevent blood reflux. Where the oxygen rich blood can
then enter the aortic valve which regulates the passage of the blood toward the aorta artery. The aorta
artery is the avatars main artery for delivering oxygen rich blood throughout the avatar. The superior
vena cava receives the oxygen poor blood of the avatar. The right atrium sends blood through the
tricuspid valve that opens to allow blood to flow into the right ventricle and then closes to prevent
blood reflux. The right ventricle pumps oxygen poor blood from the right ventricle through the
pulmonary valve to be oxygenated and into the pulmonary artery.
The blood that flows through the avatar contains 88% water, 10% protein, and 2% substances
such as salt, nutrients, glucose, amino acids, and waste. Blood contains both red and white blood
cells. Blood receives its red color from its oxygen content. The red blood cells contain hemoglobin
protein which binds very well with oxygen. Oxygen rich blood is full of nutrients that is delivered to
the cells of the avatar by the red blood cells in exchange for carbon dioxide waste. Red blood cells
carry the oxygen and some nutrients. The white blood cells protect the body by attacking toxins and
viruses that are foreign invaders that can bring about illnesses. 50% of the blood contains red and
white blood cells while the other 50% contains plasma which 88% water and 10% nutrients. Platelets
are found in bone marrow whose primary role is in blood coagulation. Blood is divided into 4 groups.
Group A, B, AB, and O. Group A blood type has antigen A in its membranes. Group B blood type
have antigen B in its membrane. Group AB blood type has antigen A and B in its membrane and
group O blood type have no antigens in their membranes but have Anti-A and Anti-B in the blood
The immune system is partially maintained by the lymphatic system. The liquid known as
lymph circulates through the avatar by a lymphatic network of lymph nodes that consist of cells
called lymphocytes and macrophages. Lymph circulates in one direction through nodes. Whose basic
functions are for defense against foreign invaders that can compromise the immune system and the
transport of liquids helping to maintain the balance of liquids and filters healthy liquids surrounding
the cells the avatar uses up 4 quarts of lymph a day of the 6 gallons of lymph that the avatar contains.
Once lymph transfers into the blood through lymphatic vessels it can only be reabsorbed into the
lymphatic system through the lymphatic capillaries. B lymphocytes become active once a foreign
invader is identified. At which pint the B lymphocytes divide to become plasmatic cells who
discharges antibodies which divide rapidly once invaders are found to quickly surround and contain
the foreign invader. Invaders are marked by protein molecules that are called antibodies which are
then identified by the macrophages as foreign invaders to be devoured. Invaders such as bacteria,
viruses, and protozoa. The immune systems fight against these foreign invaders with the aid of white
blood cells which takes place within the lymph nodes (lymph glands). White blood cells are produced
by the spleen which is the largest lymphatic organ which also filters the blood. Lymph nodes can
become inflamed when fighting large amount of invaders which can be identified as swollen lymph
node glands. Lymph glands are round in shape and are the lymphatic network lined throughout the
The skin that encapsulates the lymph node is a connective tissue called the resistant capsule
and offers protection to the internal organs of the node. Nodes have valves, veins, arteries, efferent
lymphatic vessels, and afferent lymphatic vessels that enter and exit. One valve regulates the flow of
lymph moving out of the node. This valve is in the efferent lymphatic vessel that the lymph exits and
returns back into the blood stream. Arteries connected internally to the node allow oxygen rich blood
to enter. Veins also connect to the internal section allowing oxygen poor blood to flow out of the
node. The afferent lymphatic vessel delivers lymph from the blood stream into the node. Reticular
fibers are a network of fibers that support the nodes. The lymphocytes are white blood cells that
combined with macrophages, are the cellular elements that make up the immune system. T cells
created in the thymus help detect antigens. The task of the macrophages is to devour foreign invaders
once they have been detected. The germinal center is where B lymphocytes and T cells are stored that
produce antibodies. B lymphocytes are acquire in the bone marrow and liver to protect the immune
system. The efferent vessel is where the immune cells that have been produced exit the node some of
which enter the blood stream looking for foreign invaders to devour infections that can be brought on
by fungi, bacteria, viruses, and protozoa.
The respiratory system is the means by which the avatar takes in air where oxygen is absorbed
which is also called the breath of life. Air is inhaled and exhaled through the nose or mouth.
Breathing is a very conscious and voluntary act performed by the initiated. It is through the breath of
life that the emotions and thoughts synchronize. Given one the ability to channel the electromagnetic
energy that is being generated. Through breathing, oxygen is inhaled and processed in the blood to be
carried to every cell. Carbon dioxide is exhaled as a byproduct of waste made possible through the
design of respiration. The respiration process takes place within the lungs where the process is
refined. The lungs have the ability to turn the waste within the avatar into a gas where it is then
dispelled through the exhaling breath. Up to 70% of the toxins within the body are dispelled in
exhalation. When the avatar inhales, it not only inhales oxygen but many components that exist
within the atmosphere. These components are nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water vapor.
The average person breathe between 12-14 times a minute. The lung capacity is
approximately 7 quarts for the average avatar. When air enters the nose hairs collect the air
impurities. The air then passes through the larynx and through the trachea. The trachea then splits in
to two bronchial tubes going in to the lungs. Where the bronchi become bronchial trees that continue
to subdivide into bronchioles and terminate into the smallest size of the alveoli. The bronchioles
deliver air to the pulmonary alveoli where the oxygen is exchanged into the blood for the carbon
dioxide waste that is discarded through the exhaled air.
The digestive system plays a very important role in sustaining the avatar with energy. Food
first enters through the mouth where it is chewed to a consistency that can be swallowed. Where the
food passes through the esophagus into the stomach. The stomach can stretch up 22 times it original
size after ingestion of food. The stomach is tasked with meshing the food into a creamy substance
and the gastric juices eliminate bacteria. The meshing of the food is performed by the stomach itself
which consists of muscular layers. After the creamy consistency of the food in achieved this creamy
substance is then released into the small intestine. The length of which is 20-22 feet long. The large
intestine is approximately 6 feet in length. While these process takes place, the pancreas begins to
release pancreatic juices containing enzymes. Releasing enzymes to chemically break down the food.
The liver also begins to release hormones to help in the chemical break down of food. After which
point the walls of the small intestines begin to absorb the nutrients that are the result of the chemical
reactions. It is here that the avatar begins to receive nutrients into the blood stream. Where the liver
begins to filter out the harmful toxins contained in the blood. Regulating the metabolism of
hormones, vitamins, proteins, fats, glucose, and cholesterol. Bile in the gallbladder is delivered to the
small intestine for the purpose of breaking down fats to be absorbed by the avatar. The byproduct left
over by the small intestine is discarded by the large intestine. Which will exit the avatar in the form
of fecal matter.
Glucose is the cells primary source of energy which is stored in the liver. The avatar turns to
fat stores when there is no glucose available. This is where the transition for the avatar at a physical
level begins in the fasting process. It is to exercise the discipline of refraining from food long enough
for the avatar to run out of glucose and turn to fat stores as energy. The liver is responsible for the
regulation of the metabolism when the avatar is dependent upon fats, proteins, carbohydrates,
vitamins, and minerals. A process that converts foods into nutrients that takes anywhere from 32 to
48 hours from beginning stage of ingestion to the end of digestion. It will take 2 days for the
digestive tract to completely digest food. Plus another day for white blood cells to become depleted
before stem cells will activate. First the avatar will change its metabolic state of using glucose for
energy to transforming fat into energy through ketone bodies. This metabolic state is called ketosis.
Fat stores are metabolized for fuel through a hormonal release of lipase (HSL). Stored fat in the form
of triglyceride is broken down by lipase to form the glycerol molecule and 3 fatty acids. Where it is
then transported into liver into the mitochondria of a cell to undergo a metabolism process called
beta-oxidation. The liver while increasing the beta-oxidation automatically increases the amount of
Acetyl-CoA molecules being released. The increase in Acetyl-CoA molecules is a process called
ketogenesis. Ketogenisis produces a ketone body called acetoacetate. Then the ketone is transformed
into beta-hydroxybutyrate and acetone which are two subdivided types of ketones. The fat molecule
(glycerol) is converted through a process called gluconeogenesis into glucose. Once these process
takes place, the avatar begins to use ketones as its main fuel source. After a three day fast, this
process is well under way and the stem cells become activated that begin to correct cellular metabolic
dysfunctions. Healing some while reversing others like diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, cancers,
diseases, illnesses, sicknesses, and overall health of every kind known to humanity. Once stem cells
activate the avatars metabolism begins the transformational process of modification. This upgrade in
performed upon the whole avatar at once. With each passing day the stem cells become more
specialized to their tasks of modifying the avatar. The whole metabolism at first is rebuilt and
rebooted after 4-6 days without food. Water can be consumed during this time as it does not effect
this process in any way. The avatar needs to stay hydrated at all times during each fast. Dehydration
will retard the whole process of the avatars upgrade.
The urinary system is a very important system that maintains the balance of fluids and water.
Kidneys produce the urine while the bladder sac stores urine. Urine consists primarily of water and
salts. When the avatars equilibrium of fluids and waters become imbalanced the bladder then releases
the urine by passing it through the urethra duct. Where it is discarded from the avatar. Atop of the
kidney are the adrenal gland. The adrenal glands produces adrenalin while its cortex produces
corticoids. The ureter is a tube connecting the kidneys to the bladder. The bladder is where urine is
temporarily stored in an organ with muscular walls. Blood is supplied to the kidneys by the renal
artery which is an artery branching off of the abdominal aorta. The abdominal aorta is the oxygen
rich blood supplied from the heart. The oxygen poor blood is returned back through the renal vein
which is a vein branching off of the inferior vena cava where it is the channeled back to the heart.
Glomerulus is a group of vessels and capillaries in the kidneys where the nephrons filter blood and as
a result produces the urine. The renal tubule then gathers the urine and discards it out of the avatar.
The blood rich with nutrients is reabsorbed into the avatar by flowing through the proximal
convoluted tubule. The avatar was designed to perform very efficiently in a variety of processes that
eliminates waste and reabsorbs nutrients.
The endocrine system is a very important system in the design of the avatar. Functioning to
release more than 48 hormones into the blood. The development of organs are made possible by the
release of hormones during embryotic development. Metabolism and reproduction are also stimulated
in their developments and performance. This endocrine system of hormonal releases is distributed
throughout the avatar in various places by the endocrine glands. Hormone release excites the avatar
physically, mentally, and emotionally through the chemical reactions played out through its
processes. There are many glands that secrete these hormones which are hypothalamus, pineal,
thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas, adrenals, testicles, and ovaries. The master gland that controls these
hormonal release is the pituitary or hypophysis gland. It is located in the center of the brain at its
base. It controls the other glands by sending out the order through hormonal stimulation for the other
glands to produce their specific hormones needed for the avatar to function in performing various
operations. One of the hormones released into the skin is pheromones. Pheromones release an aroma
in the air through the skin that has a sexual attraction in attracting a mate to start the process of
reproduction. The oxytocin hormone which is stimulated through the pineal gland can begin to
secrete this hormone when singing or vibrating the vocal cords. The oxytocin hormone is considered
the confidence hormone and influence bonding and affections associated with love, having orgasms,
breast feeding, and giving birth. Hormonal releases greatly influence the psychological effects of the
avatar which are related to friendliness and sympathy.
The neurosecretory cells in the hypothalamus is where hormones are produced. Hormones are
stored in the posterior lobule and then are released in the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland stock.
When the pituitary hormones are released various glands throughout the avatar are stimulated to
produce their hormones. The pituitary gland stimulates the release of many hormones such as
adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH) or adrenaline hormone, antidiuretic hormone (ADH), follicle-
stimulating hormone (FSH), growth hormone (GH), Luteinizing hormone (LH), melanocyte-
stimulating hormone (MSH), oxytocin hormone, prolactin (PRL), and the thyroid-stimulating
hormone (TSH). The mammary glands are stimulated by the LH hormone which stimulates the
production of estrogen hormones. The adrenal glands are stimulated by the ACTH hormone which
stimulates excitement of the avatar. Increasing heart rate, glucose levels, and muscle performance.
Which stimulates the pancreas to increase glucose in the blood as well as controls the glycogen and
insulin levels. The sexual gland are stimulated by LH and FSH hormones which initiates the
reproductive system glands to begin performing and producing. Which consist of the prostate,
testicles, and glans in the male avatar and
The reproductive system of the male avatar is very important in the process of populating the
world. The male reproductive organs consist of the penis and two testicles. Production of
spermatozoa in manufactured in the testicles while the penis delivers the semen into the vagina. Each
spermatozoa contains a tail, middle, head, and point. The tail is what propels the sperm, the middle
contains mitochondria is the driving energy for the tail to propel, the head is where the DNA is
contained, and the point is where the enzymes are located that help the sperm penetrate the ovum
membrane. This is only half of the genetic material that will create life. The other half of the genetic
information comes from the mother. The penis is also used by the urinary system to discard urine
through the urethra. The prostate gland surrounds the urethra and produces the consistent liquid that
delivers spermatozoa. Orgasms cause muscular contractions that cause the spermatozoa to ejaculate
through the urethra. The reproductive system of the female avatar is very important as well. The
female reproductive organs consist of the vagina, uterus, ovaries, and the fallopian tubes. The
production of ova is manufactured in the ovaries. When the ovum matures through menstrual cycles
is deliver to the uterus by the fallopian tubes. The ovum is what contains the other half of the genetic
material that will create life. The spermatozoon fertilizes the ovum which as a result brings about
pregnancy. Pregnancy is when the embryo begins to form and take shape through a nine month
process to create a new life.
`Archangel Uriel
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nerves are outside of the spinal cord and brain they are called ganglia and when they are inside these
areas they are called nuclei. The structure of the nerve is identified here from its center to the external
parts of the nerve. The nerve fiber is a nerve strand. The nerve fascicle is a bundle of these nerve
fibers that transmits nerves impulses. The perineural is what encases the nerve fascicles and the blood
vessels. The epineural encases the perineural which is the nerve as a whole. The ganglia is a cluster
of these neuronal cells.
The brain is the great commander of the avatars nervous system. A nervous system that
creates the tree of life that are the various branches of nerves that controls the avatar. The equilibrium
and management of actions are controlled by the cerebellum. The facial muscles are controlled by the
facial nerve. The spinal cord is a pack of nerves starting at the base of the brain and covers 2/3’s the
length of spinal column. The lumbar plexus is a pack of nerves in the lumbar area that controls the
legs and hips as well as the lower shoulder sections. The cardiac rhythm is controlled automatically
by the vagus nerve and voluntarily by the pudenda nerve (perineum nerve). The vagus nerve also
divides to connect to other various organs. The sciatic nerve communicates nerve impulses to
muscles and joints. The wrist and some of the forearms are controlled by the median nerve. The
cubital nerve controls the hands and some of the forearms. The palms of the hands are controlled by
the common palmar digital nerve. The tibial nerve controls the muscles of the leg and the muscles of
the leg that are responsible for lift are controlled by the common nerve of the fibula. The movement
of the toes is controlled by the plantar nerve.
Nerve cells that are electrically excitable are called neurons. Neurons are nerve cells that
process and conduct data through electrical and chemical signals. These signals are carried to the
brain where the brain then communicates with the peripheral system. This complex network of
communication is based upon excitable and non-excitable nerve cells. The non-excitable nerve cells
called neuroglia surround and protect the excitable nerve cells called neurons. The neuroglia acts as
the glue in which the excitable nerve cells are insulated and the nervous system remains in place.
Neuroglia also have a variety of other functions such as supplying nutrients and oxygen to neurons as
well as eliminate dead neurons.
Neurons are made of axons and dendrites. Neurons communicate with each other through a
system of synapses which is a continuous ongoing process. Neurons are activated, deactivated, and
modified according to the amounts of electromagnetic energy that is being generated by the avatar.
Which as a result can determine the activation, deactivation, and modification of the neurons. When
the avatar has a lot of strength in muscles of the lower abdominal and perineum, that neurons will
constantly modify. When there is little strength in this area, the neurons will activate. When there is
no strength in this area the neurons will deactivate and the avatars health will begin to greatly
diminish. Neurons are completely regenerative which means that it is never too late to begin getting
fit to regain one’s health.
There are many parts that many up the neuron. The nucleus of the neurons contains its genetic
material. The many dynamic processes of the neuron is generated in the cell body. The nerve cell is
provided with energy by the mitochondria’s. There is the synaptic node which contains the many
chemicals that conducts nerve impulses. This is the terminal point of the axon branch. The axon is the
nerve fiber that communicates the electrical impulses. The neuroglia surroundings an axon is called
the schwann cell. Some axons of neurons are insulated with a fatty layer to help in the cooling down
of the heat generated in these electrical currents accelerating the transmission of nerve impulses. This
insulation is called the myelin sheath. There is an opening in the myelin sheath that the prong called
the ranvier’s node extends out of which aids in the nerve impulses being transmitted. Transmission
signals by neurons is captured by the dendrite of the neuron. There are approximately 200 dendrites
in each neuron.
The communication and broadcasting impulses between neurons is called synapses. This
synaptic process is divided up into three principle divisions; the cleft, knob, and the target. Neurons
deactivate when there electrical charge is negative and activate when it is positive. The process of
stimulating the electrical charge of the neuron cell from negative to positive is the synaptic cleft.
These nerves impulses that have been activated then travel through the axon causing a chemical
substances to be released which produces the neurotransmitters. This is called the synaptic knob.
Where the neurotransmitter is transmitting to is the synaptic target. The process happens like this.
The 1st neuron cell transmits through the axon in the myelin sheath that then fires an arc of electrical
current across to the 2nd cell. That arc of electrical current being fired across is the synapses process.
The 2nd cell captures the signal by the dendrites that is contains. The order is then repeated on to the
3rd, 4th, 5th, etc. This is the process of communication and broadcasting that happens within and by
There are many mechanisms of the synapse. The cell membrane is what contains the charge
which remains negative until stimulated to turn on to positive. Inside the cell membrane is the
neurotransmitter where the chemicals of the molecules are released. These neurotransmitters are
contained inside sacs called the synaptic vesicles. The synaptic vesicles releases these chemical
molecules (neurotransmitters) to the synaptic cleft through a process of calcium ions. On the other
side of the spark gap is the microtubules. The microtubules construction helps neurotransmitter
molecules transmit to the synaptic membrane. The point of reception is the point where neuronal
communication takes place. Where the chemical molecules of the neurotransmitter combines with the
protein receptors creating a point of neuronal communication. The different types of neurons are the
unipolar, bipolar, and multipolar neurons. The unipolar neuron is one cell body with two branches
extending from the same axon of the cell body. The bipolar neuron has two axons that are separate
one on each side that extend from each end of the cell body. The multipolar neuron is one axon with a
variety of dendrites extending from the cell body.
The transmission of nerve impulses happens in three principle divisions which is the cleft,
knob, and the target. When at rest, the sodium ions within the cell membrane are negative. The
synaptic cleft happens when the chemical molecules create the neurotransmitters this completed
process brings about the neurotransmission which is received by the dendrites. This causes a reversal
of the previous negative charge to a positive charge. At which point the positive charge begins to
move towards the negative charged part of the cell where it reaches the synapse of the other cell.
Once this synapse has taken place the regions that were left return to an inactive state of a negative
The brain is the mind of God (avatar driver). The brain forms the spinal cord which is the
central nervous system. The central nervous system is what initiates the peripheral nervous system.
There are protective membranes called meninges that cover the brain they are the cranial bone, blood
vessels, dura mater, arachnoids, piamater, cephalo-spinal liquid, and then the brain. The inside of the
cranial bone is where the veins and arteries that transfer blood to and from the whole cranial that is
called the dura mater. After the dura mater there is a flexible connective tissue called the arachnoid.
Next is the piamater which is a protective layer for the cerebral cortex. Protective in ways of
preventing any dangerous toxins from entering the brain. The cephalo-spinal liquid is a circulating
fluid that is transparent that is the shock absorber that protects the brain from any potential hard
The brain is one gigantic neuron that consist of what is called white and gray matter. White
matter retains its name from the color of the myelin sheath color. White matter contains very many
axons tracts and very few neuronal cell bodies. While gray matter obtains its color from capillary
blood vessels and the many neuronal cell bodies. The gray matter that contains neuronal cells is
found in the cerebral cortex as well as in the spinal column which is the outer layer of the brain. The
myelin sheath that insulates the axon of neurons is what the white matter is made of that spread out
from the neuron cell bodies. This white matter insulation protects the ventricles of the center brain
from the gray matter of the outer brain functioning just like a neuron. Where the center ventricles of
the hypothalamus (produces hormones) is the nucleus and is where the chemical molecules that
creates the neurotransmitters takes place. The myelin sheath is the white brain matter that is the fatty
layer that permits the rapid transmission of nerve impulses to increase. Transferring the
neurotransmitter molecules to the synaptic membrane (gray matter) of the brain.
The spinal cord also known as the spinal medulla also consists of white and gray matter. In
the spinal medulla these processes are in reverse. While the brain has the grey matter on the outer
layer and the white insulated layer on the inside. The spinal medulla has the gray matter on the inside
and the white insulated matter on the outside. The gray matter contains neurons while the white
matter again transmit the signals of the nerve fibers. The various organs and extremities of the avatar
is linked to the spinal nerves that is connected to the spinal medulla. The center gray matter of the
medulla that is surrounded by white matter is encased in meninges.
The cerebral cortex has many parts that identify different sections. These sections are divided
up into four lobes consisting of neurons that govern different functions of the avatar. There is the
frontal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, and the temporal lobe. The frontal lobe controls speech,
though, emotion, and intricate move movements. The parietal lobe obtains sensory information and
effects three-dimensional orientation. The occipital lobe perceives and understands visual imageries.
The temporal lobe stores memories also perceives sound and volume. Within these four lobes is other
sensory sections that chart the cerebral cortex. The visual association cortex perceives imageries
through association analysis. The primary visual cortex is the sensory information from the eyes. The
primary auditory cortex receives and perceives sensory data from the eyes. The associative auditory
cortex receives and perceives sound. The broca’s area controls the vocal cords for the production of
speech. The sensory association cortex perceives linguistics and deciphers auditory. The primary
sensory cortex perceives the senses of touch through the skin. The motor cortex instructs muscles to
contract. The pre-motor cortex manages intricate muscle movements. The prefrontal cortex stimulates
the advancement in intellectual thoughts and organization. In the center region of the brain is the
ventricles. The callus body is connected to both hemispheres of the brain through a group of nerve
fibers. Beneath the callus body is the thalamus which communicates nerve signals to the cerebral
cortex. Below the thalamus is the hypothalamus which controls the production of hormones of the
endocrine system.
The outside world of the avatar is communicated to the peripheral nervous system that then
communicates these signals to the central nervous system. The peripheral nerves are sensory fibers
lined throughout the avatar and is a two way communication that is sensory and reactive. The spinal
nerves are 31 pairs of nerves that extend through the spaces between the vertebrae. The spinal
cervical nerves consist of eight pairs. The thoracic spinal nerves consist of 12 pairs. The lumbar
spinal nerves consist of five pairs. The sacral spinal nerves consist of five pairs. The coccygeal
spinal nerve consist of one nerve located in the coccyx. Each one of these nerves except for the
coccyx subdivides into various branches and spread throughout the avatar controlling the skeletal
muscles as well as the glands. The muscles of the chest and shoulders are controlled by the cervical
nerves. The abdomen and some of the legs are controlled by the lumbar nerves. The other parts of the
legs and feet are controlled by the sacral nerves. There are three types of responses the automatic,
voluntary, and the reflexive response. The automatic responses are the impulses of dilation or
contraction. The voluntary responses are those impulses created through conscious thought processed
in the cerebral cortex that actions of movement follow. The reflexive response is processed in the
spinal cord and the reflexive reaction occurs in movement response.
The cranial nerves consist of 12 pair’s nerves that spread out from the lower portion of the
brain. The cranial nerves control the sense organs of the cranium and the muscles of the neck as well
as the head. The olfactory nerve is the first pair connected to the upper region of the nose and
perceives the sense of smell. The optic nerve is the second pair connected to the retina photo
receptors and perceives vision. The oculomotor nerve is the third pair connected to the eyelid and
eye controlling their movement and focus. The trochlear nerve is the fourth pair connected to the
muscles above the eye. The trigeminal nerve is the fifth pair connected to the jaw muscles involved in
chewing perceives information from the eyes, teeth, and side of the face. The abducens nerve is the
sixth pair connected to the rectus muscle of the eye controlling its movement. The facial nerve is the
seventh pair connected to the muscles of face, the salivary, and tear glands. Perceiving the sense of
taste. The cochlear vestibular nerve is the eighth pair connected to the inner ear perceiving sound and
assists equilibrium. The glossopharyngeal nerve is the ninth pair connected to the salivary glands
perceiving the tongue and pharynx senses. The vagus nerve is the tenth pair controls the glands and
muscles of the heart and stomach organs. The accessory nerve is the eleventh pair connected to the
muscles involved with swallowing and moving the head. The hypoglossal nerve is the twelfth pair
connected to the muscle movement of the tongue.
There are two basic forms of memory by which the brain functions connected to different
lobes and systems of the brain. They are the short-term and long-term memory. Short term memory is
maintained by the prefrontal cortex. Short term memory is stored and then converted into long-term
memory. Semantic memory is stored in the temporal lobe. The behavior and emotional changes are
created by the cingular gyrus. Fears and phobias are stored in the amygdala. The avatar movements
and equilibrium are controlled by the cerebellum. The sense of smell is received by the olfactory bulb
and then communicated to the limbic system. Wrapped around the upper part of the brain stem is the
limbic system. The emotions are controlled through this organized system.
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nerves are outside of the spinal cord and brain they are called ganglia and when they are inside these
areas they are called nuclei. The structure of the nerve is identified here from its center to the external
parts of the nerve. The nerve fiber is a nerve strand. The nerve fascicle is a bundle of these nerve
fibers that transmits nerves impulses. The perineural is what encases the nerve fascicles and the blood
vessels. The epineural encases the perineural which is the nerve as a whole. The ganglia is a cluster
of these neuronal cells.
The brain is the great commander of the avatars nervous system. A nervous system that
creates the tree of life that are the various branches of nerves that controls the avatar. The equilibrium
and management of actions are controlled by the cerebellum. The facial muscles are controlled by the
facial nerve. The spinal cord is a pack of nerves starting at the base of the brain and covers 2/3’s the
length of spinal column. The lumbar plexus is a pack of nerves in the lumbar area that controls the
legs and hips as well as the lower shoulder sections. The cardiac rhythm is controlled automatically
by the vagus nerve and voluntarily by the pudenda nerve (perineum nerve). The vagus nerve also
divides to connect to other various organs. The sciatic nerve communicates nerve impulses to
muscles and joints. The wrist and some of the forearms are controlled by the median nerve. The
cubital nerve controls the hands and some of the forearms. The palms of the hands are controlled by
the common palmar digital nerve. The tibial nerve controls the muscles of the leg and the muscles of
the leg that are responsible for lift are controlled by the common nerve of the fibula. The movement
of the toes is controlled by the plantar nerve.
Nerve cells that are electrically excitable are called neurons. Neurons are nerve cells that
process and conduct data through electrical and chemical signals. These signals are carried to the
brain where the brain then communicates with the peripheral system. This complex network of
communication is based upon excitable and non-excitable nerve cells. The non-excitable nerve cells
called neuroglia surround and protect the excitable nerve cells called neurons. The neuroglia acts as
the glue in which the excitable nerve cells are insulated and the nervous system remains in place.
Neuroglia also have a variety of other functions such as supplying nutrients and oxygen to neurons as
well as eliminate dead neurons.
Neurons are made of axons and dendrites. Neurons communicate with each other through a
system of synapses which is a continuous ongoing process. Neurons are activated, deactivated, and
modified according to the amounts of electromagnetic energy that is being generated by the avatar.
Which as a result can determine the activation, deactivation, and modification of the neurons. When
the avatar has a lot of strength in muscles of the lower abdominal and perineum, that neurons will
constantly modify. When there is little strength in this area, the neurons will activate. When there is
no strength in this area the neurons will deactivate and the avatars health will begin to greatly
diminish. Neurons are completely regenerative which means that it is never too late to begin getting
fit to regain one’s health.
There are many parts that many up the neuron. The nucleus of the neurons contains its genetic
material. The many dynamic processes of the neuron is generated in the cell body. The nerve cell is
provided with energy by the mitochondria’s. There is the synaptic node which contains the many
chemicals that conducts nerve impulses. This is the terminal point of the axon branch. The axon is the
nerve fiber that communicates the electrical impulses. The neuroglia surroundings an axon is called
the schwann cell. Some axons of neurons are insulated with a fatty layer to help in the cooling down
of the heat generated in these electrical currents accelerating the transmission of nerve impulses. This
insulation is called the myelin sheath. There is an opening in the myelin sheath that the prong called
the ranvier’s node extends out of which aids in the nerve impulses being transmitted. Transmission
signals by neurons is captured by the dendrite of the neuron. There are approximately 200 dendrites
in each neuron.
The communication and broadcasting impulses between neurons is called synapses. This
synaptic process is divided up into three principle divisions; the cleft, knob, and the target. Neurons
deactivate when there electrical charge is negative and activate when it is positive. The process of
stimulating the electrical charge of the neuron cell from negative to positive is the synaptic cleft.
These nerves impulses that have been activated then travel through the axon causing a chemical
substances to be released which produces the neurotransmitters. This is called the synaptic knob.
Where the neurotransmitter is transmitting to is the synaptic target. The process happens like this.
The 1st neuron cell transmits through the axon in the myelin sheath that then fires an arc of electrical
current across to the 2nd cell. That arc of electrical current being fired across is the synapses process.
The 2nd cell captures the signal by the dendrites that is contains. The order is then repeated on to the
3rd, 4th, 5th, etc. This is the process of communication and broadcasting that happens within and by
There are many mechanisms of the synapse. The cell membrane is what contains the charge
which remains negative until stimulated to turn on to positive. Inside the cell membrane is the
neurotransmitter where the chemicals of the molecules are released. These neurotransmitters are
contained inside sacs called the synaptic vesicles. The synaptic vesicles releases these chemical
molecules (neurotransmitters) to the synaptic cleft through a process of calcium ions. On the other
side of the spark gap is the microtubules. The microtubules construction helps neurotransmitter
molecules transmit to the synaptic membrane. The point of reception is the point where neuronal
communication takes place. Where the chemical molecules of the neurotransmitter combines with the
protein receptors creating a point of neuronal communication. The different types of neurons are the
unipolar, bipolar, and multipolar neurons. The unipolar neuron is one cell body with two branches
extending from the same axon of the cell body. The bipolar neuron has two axons that are separate
one on each side that extend from each end of the cell body. The multipolar neuron is one axon with a
variety of dendrites extending from the cell body.
The transmission of nerve impulses happens in three principle divisions which is the cleft,
knob, and the target. When at rest, the sodium ions within the cell membrane are negative. The
synaptic cleft happens when the chemical molecules create the neurotransmitters this completed
process brings about the neurotransmission which is received by the dendrites. This causes a reversal
of the previous negative charge to a positive charge. At which point the positive charge begins to
move towards the negative charged part of the cell where it reaches the synapse of the other cell.
Once this synapse has taken place the regions that were left return to an inactive state of a negative
The brain is the mind of God (avatar driver). The brain forms the spinal cord which is the
central nervous system. The central nervous system is what initiates the peripheral nervous system.
There are protective membranes called meninges that cover the brain they are the cranial bone, blood
vessels, dura mater, arachnoids, piamater, cephalo-spinal liquid, and then the brain. The inside of the
cranial bone is where the veins and arteries that transfer blood to and from the whole cranial that is
called the dura mater. After the dura mater there is a flexible connective tissue called the arachnoid.
Next is the piamater which is a protective layer for the cerebral cortex. Protective in ways of
preventing any dangerous toxins from entering the brain. The cephalo-spinal liquid is a circulating
fluid that is transparent that is the shock absorber that protects the brain from any potential hard
The brain is one gigantic neuron that consist of what is called white and gray matter. White
matter retains its name from the color of the myelin sheath color. White matter contains very many
axons tracts and very few neuronal cell bodies. While gray matter obtains its color from capillary
blood vessels and the many neuronal cell bodies. The gray matter that contains neuronal cells is
found in the cerebral cortex as well as in the spinal column which is the outer layer of the brain. The
myelin sheath that insulates the axon of neurons is what the white matter is made of that spread out
from the neuron cell bodies. This white matter insulation protects the ventricles of the center brain
from the gray matter of the outer brain functioning just like a neuron. Where the center ventricles of
the hypothalamus (produces hormones) is the nucleus and is where the chemical molecules that
creates the neurotransmitters takes place. The myelin sheath is the white brain matter that is the fatty
layer that permits the rapid transmission of nerve impulses to increase. Transferring the
neurotransmitter molecules to the synaptic membrane (gray matter) of the brain.
The spinal cord also known as the spinal medulla also consists of white and gray matter. In
the spinal medulla these processes are in reverse. While the brain has the grey matter on the outer
layer and the white insulated layer on the inside. The spinal medulla has the gray matter on the inside
and the white insulated matter on the outside. The gray matter contains neurons while the white
matter again transmit the signals of the nerve fibers. The various organs and extremities of the avatar
is linked to the spinal nerves that is connected to the spinal medulla. The center gray matter of the
medulla that is surrounded by white matter is encased in meninges.
The cerebral cortex has many parts that identify different sections. These sections are divided
up into four lobes consisting of neurons that govern different functions of the avatar. There is the
frontal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, and the temporal lobe. The frontal lobe controls speech,
though, emotion, and intricate move movements. The parietal lobe obtains sensory information and
effects three-dimensional orientation. The occipital lobe perceives and understands visual imageries.
The temporal lobe stores memories also perceives sound and volume. Within these four lobes is other
sensory sections that chart the cerebral cortex. The visual association cortex perceives imageries
through association analysis. The primary visual cortex is the sensory information from the eyes. The
primary auditory cortex receives and perceives sensory data from the eyes. The associative auditory
cortex receives and perceives sound. The broca’s area controls the vocal cords for the production of
speech. The sensory association cortex perceives linguistics and deciphers auditory. The primary
sensory cortex perceives the senses of touch through the skin. The motor cortex instructs muscles to
contract. The pre-motor cortex manages intricate muscle movements. The prefrontal cortex stimulates
the advancement in intellectual thoughts and organization. In the center region of the brain is the
ventricles. The callus body is connected to both hemispheres of the brain through a group of nerve
fibers. Beneath the callus body is the thalamus which communicates nerve signals to the cerebral
cortex. Below the thalamus is the hypothalamus which controls the production of hormones of the
endocrine system.
The outside world of the avatar is communicated to the peripheral nervous system that then
communicates these signals to the central nervous system. The peripheral nerves are sensory fibers
lined throughout the avatar and is a two way communication that is sensory and reactive. The spinal
nerves are 31 pairs of nerves that extend through the spaces between the vertebrae. The spinal
cervical nerves consist of eight pairs. The thoracic spinal nerves consist of 12 pairs. The lumbar
spinal nerves consist of five pairs. The sacral spinal nerves consist of five pairs. The coccygeal
spinal nerve consist of one nerve located in the coccyx. Each one of these nerves except for the
coccyx subdivides into various branches and spread throughout the avatar controlling the skeletal
muscles as well as the glands. The muscles of the chest and shoulders are controlled by the cervical
nerves. The abdomen and some of the legs are controlled by the lumbar nerves. The other parts of the
legs and feet are controlled by the sacral nerves. There are three types of responses the automatic,
voluntary, and the reflexive response. The automatic responses are the impulses of dilation or
contraction. The voluntary responses are those impulses created through conscious thought processed
in the cerebral cortex that actions of movement follow. The reflexive response is processed in the
spinal cord and the reflexive reaction occurs in movement response.
The cranial nerves consist of 12 pair’s nerves that spread out from the lower portion of the
brain. The cranial nerves control the sense organs of the cranium and the muscles of the neck as well
as the head. The olfactory nerve is the first pair connected to the upper region of the nose and
perceives the sense of smell. The optic nerve is the second pair connected to the retina photo
receptors and perceives vision. The oculomotor nerve is the third pair connected to the eyelid and
eye controlling their movement and focus. The trochlear nerve is the fourth pair connected to the
muscles above the eye. The trigeminal nerve is the fifth pair connected to the jaw muscles involved in
chewing perceives information from the eyes, teeth, and side of the face. The abducens nerve is the
sixth pair connected to the rectus muscle of the eye controlling its movement. The facial nerve is the
seventh pair connected to the muscles of face, the salivary, and tear glands. Perceiving the sense of
taste. The cochlear vestibular nerve is the eighth pair connected to the inner ear perceiving sound and
assists equilibrium. The glossopharyngeal nerve is the ninth pair connected to the salivary glands
perceiving the tongue and pharynx senses. The vagus nerve is the tenth pair controls the glands and
muscles of the heart and stomach organs. The accessory nerve is the eleventh pair connected to the
muscles involved with swallowing and moving the head. The hypoglossal nerve is the twelfth pair
connected to the muscle movement of the tongue.
There are two basic forms of memory by which the brain functions connected to different
lobes and systems of the brain. They are the short-term and long-term memory. Short term memory is
maintained by the prefrontal cortex. Short term memory is stored and then converted into long-term
memory. Semantic memory is stored in the temporal lobe. The behavior and emotional changes are
created by the cingular gyrus. Fears and phobias are stored in the amygdala. The avatar movements
and equilibrium are controlled by the cerebellum. The sense of smell is received by the olfactory bulb
and then communicated to the limbic system. Wrapped around the upper part of the brain stem is the
limbic system. The emotions are controlled through this organized system.
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Everything we know about the world comes to us through the senses. Traditionally it was
thought that we had only five: vision, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. However, for some time now
we have known that we have many additional classes of sensations-such as pain, pressure,
temperature, muscular sensation, and a sense of motion-that are generally included in the sense of
touch. The areas of the brain involved are called somatosensory areas. Although we often take our
senses for granted, each one of them is delicate an irreplaceable. Without them it is nearly impossible
to understand our surroundings. They are the connection in which the avatar interprets the outside
world that ultimate reflect certain realities. The five most common senses of the avatar are taste,
touch, smell, hearing, and vision.
The two sense of taste and smell are aids to the endocrine system in releasing hormones to
initiate the digestive system to begin its processes. The tongue contains between 6,000 and 13,000
gustatory papillae which each comprise of sensory cells. The gustatory papillae contains a bud that’s
root is called the cell support. The buds middle is the cell receptor, 2/3’s way up is the taste hairs, and
at the very top is the taste pores. Through these sensory receptors the tongue is able to distinguish the
4 favors of sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. When substance is placed in the mouth the salivary glands
are triggered. The salivary glands releases an alkaline liquid that is the biochemical solvent that the
taste receptors of the fungiform papillae can then begin to perceive taste. The glossopharyngeal nerve
gathers the sensory information for taste and delivers them to the brain. The sense of smell has the
ability to sense danger, safety, food, pheromones of sexual attraction, and many other abilities that
notify the brain of the outside environment. The olfactory bulb is connected to the olfactory receptors
that interpret smell where the olfactory nerve fibers aid in the process. The bulb sends the nerve
impulses to the brain where the information is simulated. These receptors have the ability to perceive
over 9,000 different odors.
Another sense that we often use to interpret the world around us is the sense of touch. This
sense is perceived through the largest organ in the avatar, the skin. Skin is a protective layer of tissue
that protects the internal functions of the avatar. Touch is tasked with perceiving sensations of
interactions, forces, and fluxes in temperature of the surrounding environments. Skin identifies the
sense of cold when blood vessels and muscles contract allowing heat within the avatar to remain
contained. When the skin identifies the sense of heat the blood vessels expand allowing heat within
the avatar to escape. These changes in pores of skin glands directly influences the avatars ability to
maintain its temperature at 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Hair also plays an important role in cooling the
skin as the roots of the hair are in the pores of the skin and are able to transfer heat as well as induce
coolness into the skin. Toxins within the avatar are much of the time released through the skin when
sweating. The skin has glands that makes it unique in its ability to be reflexive to sudden changes in
environments to protect the internal organs.
The skin consist of four layers the upper squamous layer, epidermis, dermis, and the
subcutaneous fat layer. The upper squamous layer of the skin is the top layer of skin and is
transparent. The epidermis is the next layer that is the thinnest layer. The basal cell layer is the
deepest level of the epidermis. The dermis is the middle layer and thickest layer below the epidermis.
The subcutaneous fat is the bottom layer of the skin that acts as a thermal insulator which is the
hypodermis layer. The pacinian corpuscles located in the hypodermis are spiraling coils of nerve
receptors that are sensitive to pressure and vibration. The venulae are the small blood vessels that
carry oxygen rich and poor blood in and out of the skin. The meissner corpuscles is also located in
the dermis layer are receptors that is sensitive to pressure and vibration. They are located in the lips,
breasts, fingers, and genitalia. The ruffini corpuscle extending up into the dermis layer are ligaments
deep within the skin and act as stretch receptors. The sebaceous gland located in the dermis layer
discharges a substance that coats the skin and keeps it flexible. The sudoriferous glands regulates the
avatars temperature and the also aid in this process. The sudoriferous conduit is the liquid called
sweat that is secreted by the sudoriferous gland extends through every layer of the sin and acts as the
pore to release sweat. The apocrine glands are located in the dermis layer and are found in the
genitalia and armpits areas aid in temperature regulation. The merkel disk is a nerve receptor that is
sensitive in detecting pressure located in the dermis layer. The bulbus pili is the internal end of the
hair surrounding the nerve papilla and the hair shaft is the part of the bulbus pili above the skin. The
hair follicle is the sheath covering the hair. The nails of the avatar consist of a keratin protein that is
the hard protective guard of the fingers and toes.
The sense of sight or vision is one of the most complex organs within the avatar. The eyes
contain 75% of the avatars sensory receptors. The eyes give the avatar the ability to interpret images
through a complex system of nerve impulses. Everything reflects light in some way or form. Certain
colors absorb light while others reflect light. The cornea of the eye is what focuses and bends the
entrained rays of light. The focused lens of the eyes narrows the channel of light as it passes through
the inside of the eye to the retina where the image is perceived. Relayed to the brain to interpret
different shapes, sizes, and colors of the world we live in. The eye muscles are made up of six
muscles the covers the eye ball in the eye socket allowing it to turn in all directions. There are many
areas that identify the eye. The sclera is the white membrane that covers the eye except for the iris.
The eye ball has two openings. One in the front where the cornea is located and on the opposite side
where the optic nerves enter. The ciliary body is the muscles that function to change the shape of the
lens and the vitreous humor is gelatinous material behind the lens. The optic disk is a group of nerve
fibers that form the optic nerve. The retina is the internal lining that transforms light into nerve
impulses. There are two photosensitive cells within the retina. This part of the retina is called the
fovea which is where rod cells and cones cells are located. The cones interpret colors and the rods
function to see shapes. The optic nerve is the nerve that communicates nerve impulses between the
retina and the brain. The eyelid opens and shut to protect the eye from extra light. The eyelashes also
are designed to catch any dust and protect the eye as well. The iris is the center colored section of the
eye that is a membranous disk containing circular and radial muscle fibers. The pupil is the black
section in the center of the eye opening that permits light to enter the eye. The iris contracts muscle
fibers to reduce the amount of light that enters. Circular fibers contract and radial fibers relax when
exposed to bright light sources. Less light sources cause the circular muscles fibers to relax, and the
radial ones contract. The iris of the pupil then widens allowing more light to enter the eye. The lens
focuses the light so that images are made clear. And the cornea is the translucent membrane that
refracts light upon entry.
The sense of hearing is interpreted through the organ of the ears. Ears have the distinct ability
to interpret sound through vibrations. The ear drums contain a liquid maintains equilibrium that
directly effects the avatars balance It is by the ears that the avatar is able to communicate verbally
and hear the wonderful sounds of nature and music. The ears interpret vibrations in the air that are
transmitted into nerve impulses. Vibrations are measured in Hertz (Hz). One vibrational hertz, is
measured in the form of sixty completed cycles per second. The avatar ear can hear up to 20,000 Hz.
Sound is interpreted in three ways. Entrance, vibration, and transmission. Sound is captured at the
entry of the ear in the form of vibration that is then transformed into nerve impulses for the brain to
interpret. The ear is broken up into three sections. The external ear, middle ear, and the inner ear. The
auricular pavilion is the cartilage and skin that is located on the outside of the skull on each side that
captures sound vibrations and funnels this sound into the ear. The external auditory canal is the
channel by which sound goes through the ear to the eardrum. The eardrum vibrates and these
vibrations are captures by the hammer, anvil, and the stirrup. There are ligament that hold the
hammer in place as it transfers the eardrums vibrations. The anvil then obtains the hammers
vibrations and the stirrup transfers these vibrations to the vestibule. The vestibule is enclosed in the
temporal bone, one channel is directed to the cochlea for hearing and the other two go to canals
designed for equilibrium. The air pressure in the ear is controlled by the nose and the pharynx which
is connected to the Eustachian tube. The cochlea is filled with fluid inside of a spiral structure like
that of a sea shell. When the fluid vibrates it is then transferred to the brain by the organ of corti. The
organ of corti are ciliary cells that accumulate information through vibrations and then transforms
this energy into impulses that the nervous system can interpret which is then delivered by the
cochlear nerve. The cochlear nerve brings the binary information of nerve impulses from the inner
ear to the brain.
The verbal sounds of the avatar is made possible by the air of the lungs. The esophagus
delivers air from the lungs that is pushed up by the diaphragm. The air then travels through the
trachea to the larynx. The larynx is where the vocals cords are located. These vocal cords produce
sound and are used like a musical instrument. These vocal cords make sound when air passes through
them while the cords close in horizontally to its center point. The lips and tongue are what adjust the
sounds by changing their shapes and positions. The oral cavity becomes the resonance chamber
where sound can be modified to be understood and the nasal cavity aids in this resonance for the
production of speech. These are some of the common senses that the avatar uses to sense, interpret,
and communicate with the outside world.
`Archangel Uriel
The brain of the avatar is the conscious command center of the whole avatar. The brain is the
mind of God and God is the avatar driver. The brains pineal gland is the eye of God and the pituitary
gland is the grace of God. The mind of God is always broadcasting two frequencies. One is the light
of God which is positive in nature and the other is darkness of Satan which is negative in nature. It is
both of that complements the other and ultimately aids in the evolutionary process of conscious
expansion. Depending on the mindset of the conscious avatar driver will greatly determine which one
of these frequencies takes precedence. It is the constant battle between the light and the dark that
creates the cycles for spiritual evolution. The combination of these processes is how the avatar driver
consciously controls and drives the avatar. The brain contains millions of neurons that are constantly
making connections through synapses. It is the electromagnetic energy that synapses is able to take
place. Through synapses, the systems of the brain is able to recollect, compute, resolve, reason,
envision, construct, and articulate emotions. This chapter entails how the systems of brains activities
work and how they are accomplished.
The nervous system is the avatars greatest system of complexity by which the avatar
generates, harnesses, and distributes electromagnetic energy. It is through the nervous system that the
avatar is constantly evolving. It is through this intricate system of nerves also known as the tree of
life that the avatar is able to function properly. Coupled with the endocrine system the avatar driver is
able operate its many systems. The energy that travels through the nervous system is very fast and
depending on the synapses of this system greatly determines the intellectual actions of the avatar. Its
specific functions are rapid and intellectual activities, such as memory, emotions, and will. The
avatar brain is separated into three standard parts which are the central, which consist of the brain and
the spinal cord, the peripheral which are the nerves of the spinal cord and skull, and the automatic
nerve system. The central nervous system comprises of the spinal bulb, cerebellum, cerebrum, and
the spinal cord. The spinal bulb, cerebellum, and the cerebrum are the brain. Which receives
information from the senses, organs, and the muscles. The peripheral system is also managed by the
central nervous system. The peripheral nervous system is separated into three principle parts: sensory,
somatic, and the automatic divisions. The sensory division notifies the central system of changes in
the five common senses. The somatic division notifies the central system of the need for muscle
movements. The automatic division coordinates the functions of the internal organs automatically.
The great manager of the avatar is the nervous system. Managing the many functions of the
organs and parts of the avatar. Each cell of the avatar are receivers of the electromagnetic impulses
by the nervous system. Some of these cells are receptors cells while others are effectors cells. The
receptor cells create stimuli and are interconnected to the senses of the avatar. The muscles and the
glands are interconnected to the effector cells which are involved in the responsive functions. The
function of these tasks are connected to the three standard parts of the brain. Each nerve of the avatar
comprises of axons and dendrites that are encased in a sheath of connective tissue. When groups of
nerves are outside of the spinal cord and brain they are called ganglia and when they are inside these
areas they are called nuclei. The structure of the nerve is identified here from its center to the external
parts of the nerve. The nerve fiber is a nerve strand. The nerve fascicle is a bundle of these nerve
fibers that transmits nerves impulses. The perineural is what encases the nerve fascicles and the blood
vessels. The epineural encases the perineural which is the nerve as a whole. The ganglia is a cluster
of these neuronal cells.
The brain is the great commander of the avatars nervous system. A nervous system that
creates the tree of life that are the various branches of nerves that controls the avatar. The equilibrium
and management of actions are controlled by the cerebellum. The facial muscles are controlled by the
facial nerve. The spinal cord is a pack of nerves starting at the base of the brain and covers 2/3’s the
length of spinal column. The lumbar plexus is a pack of nerves in the lumbar area that controls the
legs and hips as well as the lower shoulder sections. The cardiac rhythm is controlled automatically
by the vagus nerve and voluntarily by the pudenda nerve (perineum nerve). The vagus nerve also
divides to connect to other various organs. The sciatic nerve communicates nerve impulses to
muscles and joints. The wrist and some of the forearms are controlled by the median nerve. The
cubital nerve controls the hands and some of the forearms. The palms of the hands are controlled by
the common palmar digital nerve. The tibial nerve controls the muscles of the leg and the muscles of
the leg that are responsible for lift are controlled by the common nerve of the fibula. The movement
of the toes is controlled by the plantar nerve.
Nerve cells that are electrically excitable are called neurons. Neurons are nerve cells that
process and conduct data through electrical and chemical signals. These signals are carried to the
brain where the brain then communicates with the peripheral system. This complex network of
communication is based upon excitable and non-excitable nerve cells. The non-excitable nerve cells
called neuroglia surround and protect the excitable nerve cells called neurons. The neuroglia acts as
the glue in which the excitable nerve cells are insulated and the nervous system remains in place.
Neuroglia also have a variety of other functions such as supplying nutrients and oxygen to neurons as
well as eliminate dead neurons.
Neurons are made of axons and dendrites. Neurons communicate with each other through a
system of synapses which is a continuous ongoing process. Neurons are activated, deactivated, and
modified according to the amounts of electromagnetic energy that is being generated by the avatar.
Which as a result can determine the activation, deactivation, and modification of the neurons. When
the avatar has a lot of strength in muscles of the lower abdominal and perineum, that neurons will
constantly modify. When there is little strength in this area, the neurons will activate. When there is
no strength in this area the neurons will deactivate and the avatars health will begin to greatly
diminish. Neurons are completely regenerative which means that it is never too late to begin getting
fit to regain one’s health.
There are many parts that many up the neuron. The nucleus of the neurons contains its genetic
material. The many dynamic processes of the neuron is generated in the cell body. The nerve cell is
provided with energy by the mitochondria’s. There is the synaptic node which contains the many
chemicals that conducts nerve impulses. This is the terminal point of the axon branch. The axon is the
nerve fiber that communicates the electrical impulses. The neuroglia surroundings an axon is called
the Schwann cell. Some axons of neurons are insulated with a fatty layer to help in the cooling down
of the heat generated in these electrical currents accelerating the transmission of nerve impulses. This
insulation is called the myelin sheath. There is an opening in the myelin sheath that the prong called
the Ranvier’s node extends out of which aids in the nerve impulses being transmitted. Transmission
signals by neurons is captured by the dendrite of the neuron. There are approximately 200 dendrites
in each neuron.
The communication and broadcasting impulses between neurons is called synapses. This
synaptic process is divided up into three principle divisions; the cleft, knob, and the target. Neurons
deactivate when there electrical charge is negative and activate when it is positive. The process of
stimulating the electrical charge of the neuron cell from negative to positive is the synaptic cleft.
These nerves impulses that have been activated then travel through the axon causing a chemical
substances to be released which produces the neurotransmitters. This is called the synaptic knob.
Where the neurotransmitter is transmitting to is the synaptic target. The process happens like this.
The 1st neuron cell transmits through the axon in the myelin sheath that then fires an arc of electrical
current across to the 2nd cell. That arc of electrical current being fired across is the synapses process.
The 2nd cell captures the signal by the dendrites that is contains. The order is then repeated on to the
3rd, 4th, 5th, etc. This is the process of communication and broadcasting that happens within and by
There are many mechanisms of the synapse. The cell membrane is what contains the charge
which remains negative until stimulated to turn on to positive. Inside the cell membrane is the
neurotransmitter where the chemicals of the molecules are released. These neurotransmitters are
contained inside sacs called the synaptic vesicles. The synaptic vesicles releases these chemical
molecules (neurotransmitters) to the synaptic cleft through a process of calcium ions. On the other
side of the spark gap is the microtubules. The microtubules construction helps neurotransmitter
molecules transmit to the synaptic membrane. The point of reception is the point where neuronal
communication takes place. Where the chemical molecules of the neurotransmitter combines with the
protein receptors creating a point of neuronal communication. The different types of neurons are the
unipolar, bipolar, and multipolar neurons. The unipolar neuron is one cell body with two branches
extending from the same axon of the cell body. The bipolar neuron has two axons that are separate
one on each side that extend from each end of the cell body. The multipolar neuron is one axon with a
variety of dendrites extending from the cell body.
The transmission of nerve impulses happens in three principle divisions which is the cleft,
knob, and the target. When at rest, the sodium ions within the cell membrane are negative. The
synaptic cleft happens when the chemical molecules create the neurotransmitters this completed
process brings about the neurotransmission which is received by the dendrites. This causes a reversal
of the previous negative charge to a positive charge. At which point the positive charge begins to
move towards the negative charged part of the cell where it reaches the synapse of the other cell.
Once this synapse has taken place the regions that were left return to an inactive state of a negative
The brain is the mind of God (avatar driver). The brain forms the spinal cord which is the
central nervous system. The central nervous system is what initiates the peripheral nervous system.
There are protective membranes called meninges that cover the brain they are the cranial bone, blood
vessels, Dura mater, arachnoids, piamater, cephalo-spinal liquid, and then the brain. The inside of the
cranial bone is where the veins and arteries that transfer blood to and from the whole cranial that is
called the Dura mater. After the Dura mater there is a flexible connective tissue called the arachnoid.
Next is the piamater which is a protective layer for the cerebral cortex. Protective in ways of
preventing any dangerous toxins from entering the brain. The cephalo-spinal liquid is a circulating
fluid that is transparent that is the shock absorber that protects the brain from any potential hard
The brain is one gigantic neuron that consist of what is called white and gray matter. White
matter retains its name from the color of the myelin sheath color. White matter contains very many
axons tracts and very few neuronal cell bodies. While gray matter obtains its color from capillary
blood vessels and the many neuronal cell bodies. The gray matter that contains neuronal cells is
found in the cerebral cortex as well as in the spinal column which is the outer layer of the brain. The
myelin sheath that insulates the axon of neurons is what the white matter is made of that spread out
from the neuron cell bodies. This white matter insulation protects the ventricles of the center brain
from the gray matter of the outer brain functioning just like a neuron. Where the center ventricles of
the hypothalamus (produces hormones) is the nucleus and is where the chemical molecules that
creates the neurotransmitters takes place. The myelin sheath is the white brain matter that is the fatty
layer that permits the rapid transmission of nerve impulses to increase. Transferring the
neurotransmitter molecules to the synaptic membrane (gray matter) of the brain.
The spinal cord also known as the spinal medulla also consists of white and gray matter. In
the spinal medulla these processes are in reverse. While the brain has the grey matter on the outer
layer and the white insulated layer on the inside. The spinal medulla has the gray matter on the inside
and the white insulated matter on the outside. The gray matter contains neurons while the white
matter again transmit the signals of the nerve fibers. The various organs and extremities of the avatar
is linked to the spinal nerves that is connected to the spinal medulla. The center gray matter of the
medulla that is surrounded by white matter is encased in meninges.
The cerebral cortex has many parts that identify different sections. These sections are divided
up into four lobes consisting of neurons that govern different functions of the avatar. There is the
frontal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, and the temporal lobe. The frontal lobe controls speech,
though, emotion, and intricate move movements. The parietal lobe obtains sensory information and
effects three-dimensional orientation. The occipital lobe perceives and understands visual imageries.
The temporal lobe stores memories also perceives sound and volume. Within these four lobes is other
sensory sections that chart the cerebral cortex. The visual association cortex perceives imageries
through association analysis. The primary visual cortex is the sensory information from the eyes. The
primary auditory cortex receives and perceives sensory data from the eyes. The associative auditory
cortex receives and perceives sound. The broca’s area controls the vocal cords for the production of
speech. The sensory association cortex perceives linguistics and deciphers auditory. The primary
sensory cortex perceives the senses of touch through the skin. The motor cortex instructs muscles to
contract. The pre-motor cortex manages intricate muscle movements. The prefrontal cortex stimulates
the advancement in intellectual thoughts and organization. In the center region of the brain is the
ventricles. The callus body is connected to both hemispheres of the brain through a group of nerve
fibers. Beneath the callus body is the thalamus which communicates nerve signals to the cerebral
cortex. Below the thalamus is the hypothalamus which controls the production of hormones of the
endocrine system.
The outside world of the avatar is communicated to the peripheral nervous system that then
communicates these signals to the central nervous system. The peripheral nerves are sensory fibers
lined throughout the avatar and is a two way communication that is sensory and reactive. The spinal
nerves are 31 pairs of nerves that extend through the spaces between the vertebrae. The spinal
cervical nerves consist of eight pairs. The thoracic spinal nerves consist of 12 pairs. The lumbar
spinal nerves consist of five pairs. The sacral spinal nerves consist of five pairs. The coccygeal
spinal nerve consist of one nerve located in the coccyx. Each one of these nerves except for the
coccyx subdivides into various branches and spread throughout the avatar controlling the skeletal
muscles as well as the glands. The muscles of the chest and shoulders are controlled by the cervical
nerves. The abdomen and some of the legs are controlled by the lumbar nerves. The other parts of the
legs and feet are controlled by the sacral nerves. There are three types of responses the automatic,
voluntary, and the reflexive response. The automatic responses are the impulses of dilation or
contraction. The voluntary responses are those impulses created through conscious thought processed
in the cerebral cortex that actions of movement follow. The reflexive response is processed in the
spinal cord and the reflexive reaction occurs in movement response.
The cranial nerves consist of 12 pair’s nerves that spread out from the lower portion of the
brain. The cranial nerves control the sense organs of the cranium and the muscles of the neck as well
as the head. The olfactory nerve is the first pair connected to the upper region of the nose and
perceives the sense of smell. The optic nerve is the second pair connected to the retina photo
receptors and perceives vision. The oculomotor nerve is the third pair connected to the eyelid and
eye controlling their movement and focus. The trochlear nerve is the fourth pair connected to the
muscles above the eye. The trigeminal nerve is the fifth pair connected to the jaw muscles involved in
chewing perceives information from the eyes, teeth, and side of the face. The abducens nerve is the
sixth pair connected to the rectus muscle of the eye controlling its movement. The facial nerve is the
seventh pair connected to the muscles of face, the salivary, and tear glands. Perceiving the sense of
taste. The cochlear vestibular nerve is the eighth pair connected to the inner ear perceiving sound and
assists equilibrium. The glossopharyngeal nerve is the ninth pair connected to the salivary glands
perceiving the tongue and pharynx senses. The vagus nerve is the tenth pair controls the glands and
muscles of the heart and stomach organs. The accessory nerve is the eleventh pair connected to the
muscles involved with swallowing and moving the head. The hypoglossal nerve is the twelfth pair
connected to the muscle movement of the tongue.
There are two basic forms of memory by which the brain functions connected to different
lobes and systems of the brain. They are the short-term and long-term memory. Short term memory is
maintained by the prefrontal cortex. Short term memory is stored and then converted into long-term
memory. Semantic memory is stored in the temporal lobe. The behavior and emotional changes are
created by the cingular gyrus. Fears and phobias are stored in the amygdala. The avatar movements
and equilibrium are controlled by the cerebellum. The sense of smell is received by the olfactory bulb
and then communicated to the limbic system. Wrapped around the upper part of the brain stem is the
limbic system. The emotions are controlled through this organized system. These are some of the
complexities of the avatars control centers for life.
`Archangel Uriel
Breathing has long been the means of inhaling oxygen to sustain the mortal life of the avatar.
It is literally the breath of life in which humans exist. Breathing effects the life of the mortal and
immortal beings in many ways. Though breathing is interpreted by many as a natural automatic and
unconscious process. The breath is actually influenced by many variables. Variables that are rarely
considered to have any significant effect on the physical, mental, and emotional health of the overall
avatar. There are those who have developed self-mastery in using the breath to bring about
immortality. They are those who have initiated taking full responsibility and control of their
breathing patterns. Fully understanding the different affects that each breath can have on the overall
state of being. These Immortal beings are the initiated ones, the Elect who have taken the initiative to
control their God Elements. There are also those unfamiliar with the many affects and influences that
the breath has on the overall health of the avatar. These individuals are the uninitiated and
undisciplined who have not yet realized the power of their immortal breath.
The avatars various functions are greatly enhanced or hindered according to the breathing
patterns. The creator gods designed the avatar to alternately become completely self-reliant and sell
sufficient. Each process within the avatar is designed to be influenced by another process that
ultimately brings about a specific result. These final results can mean great health or suffering
illness. All of which is directly influenced by voluntary or involuntary breathing. Many human
beings are unaware that their physical, mental, and emotional states are affected by the breathing
patterns. If the uninitiated unaware of how to govern their physical health, mental health, and
emotional feelings become and controlled by the dictating acts of outside influences of others. That
mental judgments alter breathing patterns, and emotional distress causes alterations in breeding to
become sporadic in nature. Every physical activity, mental thought process, and emotional feelings
affect breathing patterns of the avatar significantly. Even to the point of causing many illnesses.
When the breathing patterns are not governed by a strict self-discipline, the electromagnetic energy
torus field is affected in negative ways.
The initiated understand fully the means of using the immortal breath to govern their physical
immortality, immortal mental projections, and their immortal emotional powers. In this way, the
initiated generate and harness the forces of electromagnetic energies manufactured by the avatar. The
Creator Gods designed the avatar with three systems of pumps. The sacral (physical), cranial
(mental), and the heart (emotional) pumps which is known as the Holy Trinity of the Avatar. The
efficiency by which these three pumps are governed to function properly is through the immortal
breath. Consciously governing the breathing patterns will significantly increase the performance of
these pumps. By which these three pumps generate, guide, transmute, and harness electromagnetic
energy. Many practitioners of meditation and spirituality implement the Pranayama breathing
technique in order to generate prana. Prana is another term for the scientific definition of
electromagnetic energy. This breathing technique incorporates equalize and the breathing patterns
through mentally counting the amount of time of the inhale, pauses, excel, and pauses. Using this
technique the practitioner is able to regain complete control their physical heart rate, mental thoughts,
an emotional films. Finding a sense of peace and clarity in their overall well-being when these
breathing techniques is properly executed.
The immoral breath is the same breathing technique as Pranayama but with the addition of
using the DanTien (2 inches below the navel) or Sacral Chakra to perform the actual breathing of
inhaling and exhaling air. In this way, the electromagnetic energy is being generated and is not
escaping the avatar. When inhaling, the dantien should be relaxed and expand. When exhaling the
contraction of the dantien along with the transverse perineum, ischiocavernous, and the
bulbocavernosus muscles begins to slowly take place. At the end of the exhale being the greatest and
most intense part of the contraction. The greater the intense contraction the greater amounts of
nuclear energy is created. As the exhale begins the contraction slowly begin to push the air out of the
lungs. The purpose of this sacred pump that incorporates these muscles to perform the breathing. Is
that these muscles stimulate the pudendal nerve or perineum nerve. The perineum is a diamond
shaped area located between the legs between the penis/vagina and the anus (coccyx). The perineum
nerve that ascends up to the pudendal nerve. These deep muscle contractions stimulates the pudendal
nerve that connects to the neurons spinal medulla of the Onuf’s nucleus area of the sacral section.
The Onuf’s neural cells are moto neurons in S1, S2, and S3 of the sacral plexus. The moto neurons
are alpha motors, beta motor, and gamma motor neurons that control every nervous system in the
avatar. Through the contraction of previously mentioned muscles termed the sacred pump, the
nervous system of the avatar can be stimulate. This stimulation in turn acts as a process of synapse
within the brain and other areas of the avatar. The brain is essentially one giant neuron and all that a
neuron requires is stimulation in order to switch its negative (off) cells to positive (on) and the whole
system of the brain is invigorated with electromagnetic light. Bringing the whole brains functions and
operations online. This also generates a lot of electromagnetic energy. That needs to be managed by
the avatar driver through the expanded consciousness techniques. This sacred pump when performed
creates a contraction upon the perineum nerve.
The immense energy generated by the sacred pump can be explained by Albert Einstein’s
theory of mass and energy E=MC2 that was generated from the Special Relativity Theory. “Mass–
energy relation states that the universal proportionality factor between equivalent amounts of energy
and mass is equal to the speed of light squared.” This intense contraction is the mass that is being
forced upon this nerve. As a result of this mass being placed on this object is the energy equivalent
that is created in the form of nucleosynthesis. A term in physics which explains supernovas process.
This is when the creation of elements happens at a subatomic level during the expulsion of a pre-
supernova. The sacred pump is the creation of a supernova at a subatomic level. The brain is
essentially one gigantic neuron. As mentioned before the greater the contraction upon the perineum
the greater the electromagnetic energy that is generated. It is this nuclear energy that then travels up
the gray matter (neurons) of the spinal medulla to the hypothalamus where hormones is produced.
This stimulation triggers the gigantic neuron of the brains hypothalamus to release chemical
substances that combine and create neurotransmitters. In this process the sodium ions change from
negative (off) to positive (on) and through attraction moves toward the negatively charged part of the
brains gray matter. The thalamus is what releases these positive charged ions that move toward the
negatively charged part of the brains gray matter. Where they meet at the point of reception
combining with protein receptors or dendrites where the synapse of the neural communication is
made. This process of synopses then triggers the counter hierarchy of processes to follow suit.
Providing the nuclear energy of electromagnetic energy needed for each chemical reaction, synthesis,
and process to take place within the nucleus of each cell. What is required for a neuron to activate
and produce its neurotransmitters through its internal chemical reactions is an outside stimulus that
triggers its processes to begin. This outside stimuli is exactly what the sacred pump creates within the
When done properly, the muscles in this area will begin to build in strength and stamina. The
quality of the health, fitness, and performance of the dantien muscles directly affect and influence the
same for the avatar as a whole. The avatar as a whole will build and gain in its strength and stamina
in every way. Once this technique is mastered in meditation. Then the next step is to incorporate this
breathing technique into everyday waking life. The whole objective of learning and performing the
immortal breath is to properly retraining the breathing patterns. Where the avatar driver is in
complete control of governing the three pumps with every breath performed every minute of every
day through the implementation of this very strict discipline. The next step is learning what to do
with the electromagnetic energy being generated. Once the previous technique of the sacral pump of
the immortal breath is mastered then it is time to master the cranial pump. At this point in meditation
quieting the mind and settling the emotions has been achieved.
When breathing, many are unaware that the exhaled breath is mostly carbon dioxide and
nitrogen. Most of the nitrogen is generated by the hydrogen bonding process inside the DNA of each
cell. This nitrogen in turn when exhaled, is exhaled into the electromagnetic torus field surrounding
the avatar. Just like the earth, the electromagnetic torus field creates a magical circle or sphere of its
own. That allows the atmosphere to stay contained within that sphere. The avatars electromagnetic
torus sphere acts the same way. Using the nitrogen that is exhaled to create an atmosphere. A process
of terraforming takes place in which nitrogen is cooperate of its creation. These atmospheres are
refined by the exhaled nitrogen with each layer developing into a biosphere which is an ecosphere.
These layers of spherical atmospheres that begins to form is what many have termed layers of the
esoteric bodies of the avatar. This is the importance of breathing and maintaining the magical circle
or sphere that encapsulates the avatar that is the electromagnetic torus field.
Now that the physical has been disciplined, by mastering the sacred pump it is time to
discipline the mental. The cranial pump is governed and functions by consciousness. The mentally
projecting energy through visualizations. Where every thought goes, energy will follow in the
process. This is where it is important to implement some type of mental construction of geometrical
shapes and colors as the mental projections. In this way, energy has logical premise by which to
perform certain thoughts, projections, and actions that synchronize. The immortal breath is very
complex in a lot of different ways. It requires the greatest of disciplines and only the elect among
beings are able to perform such feats. Coming off as conquers of themselves as well as the subatomic
universal laws that govern all things. We have covered a lot in this book unto this point. Having
reached this chapter, one should have a firm understanding that the universal forces at a subatomic
level effect every one rather they like it or not. It is the natural order of things. Understanding that
each level of God elements from number 1 Hydrogen to 118 Ununoctium have archangel protons,
angel neutrons, and evil spirit electrons. It has also been firmly explained the different energies that
one can experience. Those being God energies, Satan energies, and Christ energies. As one gets up
into the higher dimensions of the God elements. It becomes more difficult to gather the amount of
neutrons, protons, and electrons to fill all of the shells of energy that is required as well as necessary
to maintain higher dimensions. This is where the avatars consciousness is really put to the test.
The avatar driver’s consciousness needs great refinement in order to activate all 12 tribes of
Israel or 12 Dimensions of the DNA. The avatar driver should begin small in exercising the
consciousness and work their way up. Starting with the five point star. The five point star is the
perfect sacred geometrical shape for beginners who are first starting out. The reason being is that it is
the five elements of spirit, fire, earth, air, and water. Each one of these has a Hebrew name that
identifies that electron point and element. They are Spirit is Schin, Fire is Yod, Earth is He, Air is
Vau, Water is He, and the circle that connects all of these points is Tau. When drawing any section of
the five point star it should always be drawn in a clockwise direction for creation and counter
clockwise direction for destruction. In this instance we are creating so it is necessary to draw in a
clockwise direction. The five point star should be drawn with the imagination in its two dimensional
form. First, for beginners the five point star should be drawn around the avatar with the point above
the head being the Spirit/Schin Element. If one were to extend their arms straight out on each side
and spread their legs a little their body would form this five point star shape. This is good because the
physical avatar can be used as a template to refine the conscious imagination. The point of the spirit
element is above the head. The point of the fire element extends out past the right arms fingers. The
point of the earth element extends just past the right foot. The point of the air element extends past
the left foot. The point of the water element extends past the fingers of the left arm that is extended.
The circle is drawn around this two dimensional form in a clock wise direction connecting each point.
There should be either a marcavah drawn in the center heart region or an octagonal bi-pyramid of the
avatar. If we were to consciously draw the five point star with the imagination starting at the spirit
element it would go like this. Schin, He, He, Yod, Vau, Schin, Tau. Meaning that the starting point
would be the spirit element named Schin and would go down to the earth/He element point, up to the
water/He element point, across to the fire/Yod element point, down and across to the air/Vau element
point, back up to the spirit/Schin element point, then circling from there in a clockwise direction to
connect all the points which is Tau/circle. Once the five point star is drawn. Each point can be used to
memorize the electron configuration that orbits around the physical avatar that acts as the atom its
self. By using the Hebrew letter names at each point. One can train the consciousness to associate the
name and practice with the action. This is important to understand so that as the imagination is
drawing each part the name is recited is a long vibration type way, silently or out loud. The point is
that the pronunciation of the word extends for the amount of time that it takes to draw that particular
orbiting path in the sections of the five point star. This syncs up all the senses of the avatar. Training
the consciousness through the techniques should be done every hour on the hour every day. Once this
technique is mastered. The avatar driver should continue to sharpen and expand their consciousness.
Next imagine the five point star being a different color every day. Starting with Black or
Indigo on Saturdays, Gold on Sundays, Purple on Mondays, Red on Tuesdays, Orange on
Wednesdays, Blue on Thursdays, Green on Fridays. After mastering that technique continue to
expand the consciousness. Starting with Schin imagine the electrons of light starting from that point
and circling the avatar from above, to front, to below (between the legs, two elemental points at feet
level), to the back, and back to above again to Schin. Completing one cycle of light of an electrons
orbiting path. Perform this act while silently or verbally saying the name Schin. This way the sense
always stay in sync with one’s consciousness that is being trained. Implement this with the regular
routines that has already been implemented every hour on the hour. After mastering this, continue to
expand the consciousness by becoming more organized and specific in pushing one consciousness to
transition from one color to another every hour on the hour. If it is Saturday, upon the rising of the
sun is the first hour. In that first hour, the color that the five point star that one is drawing with the
imagination to expand their consciousness is Black or Indigo. Then the second hour when drawing
again the color changes to Gold for Sunday. Then the third hour the color changes to Purple for
Monday. The fourth hour the color changes to Red for Tuesday. The fifth hour the color changes to
Orange for Wednesday. The sixth hour the color changes to Blue for Thursday. The seventh hour the
color changes to Green for Friday. The eighth hour the rotation starts all over again. With Black or
Indigo for Saturday being the eighth hour and so on etc. Each day is a particular color that begins the
first hour of the rising of the sun and proceeds in the order of days of colors every hour on the hour
throughout the day. After mastering this technique move on to expanding the consciousness even
In order to gather this many subatomic particles. One needs to create an imaginative magical
circle with their consciousness around there being approximately nine foot in diameter. Then with the
conscious imagination draw a square around the circle with each point at the four cardinal points.
Place a five point star at each point with an octagonal bi-pyramid or mercavah in the center.
Implement this microcosmic orbit into the regular routine of expanding the consciousness every hour
on the hour. After mastering this level of consciousness expansion place between those four cardinal
points, place four more five point stars between the previous four. Now there should be eight total
five point stars around the avatar. The five point star is the amount of electrons that will circle the 8
or 6 protons in the center. Those are configurations that are around the avatar. After mastering this
conscious expansion begin changing the sacred geometrical shape inside the nine foot magical circle.
Inside the nine foot circle is a constructing of consciousness that is now calibrated according to the
sacred geometrical shape of the dimension one desires to acquire. These configurations of neutrons,
protons, and electrons of the eight point stars around the avatar will have generated the necessary
amounts of subatomic particles to maintain higher dimensional states of 108. Hassium. This is with
the five point stars at the eight locations outside of the nine foot magical circle or sphere with the five
point around the avatar and mercavahs within the heart of each one of these stars. This will equate to
achieving the 7th Dimension of conscious expansion. Achieving the God element 108. Hassium. This
is one of many ways to achieve this and other dimensions.
I am merely a guide showing the way of training the consciousness to expand. Expanding
ones consciousness to understand the “Know How” of techniques that one can apply in achieving
higher states of consciousness. Once one understands the general concept. Then one can walk their
own path in deciding what sacred geometrical shapes to implement in order to achieve the expansion
of their consciousness. However, I must enlighten the reader with the details of what one has
accomplished by using the five point star and the Hebrew names. At one point the consciousness
becomes trained in sync with the Hebrew names and the electron orbits and suborbital. That one is
able to speak the names silently or out loud and one’s consciousness follows the course of light that
one has trained it to take. A process that becomes automatic. When exploring to implement different
sacred geometrical shapes. One needs to consider and bring their work to perfection. This is
accomplished by naming the points of each part with a Hebrew name that mimics or duplicates the
electron orbit when drawing the sacred geometrical shape or speaking the name. If one were to
implement a different sacred geometrical shape. Be sure and go to the “The Universal Tesseract”
chapter and learn the complexities of the subatomic orbits of each Hebrew Letter that is attached to a
name. At one point or another this step will be necessary for everyone implement and configure their
ideas to a sacred geometrical shape in order to expand their consciousness. Once one understands the
complexities of the subatomic orbits of the atom. Then calibrate the new scared geometrical shape
according to the proper orbiting rotation associated to the name. In this way, one can formulate an
idea that is attached to a sacred geometrical shape. These ideas are made possible from the Hebrew
names that are symbolized by the letters that identify the subatomic orbit that one is trying to achieve
in expanding the consciousness.
One can construct their own sacred geometrical shape with the letters that are attached to the
names that are from the numbers. The goal is to create and gather the necessary amount of subatomic
particles to activate each of the 12 Dimensions of the 12 Tribes of DNA. Currently, with only using
five point star and the mercavah within, one is only generating 6 electrons and 6 protons which places
the consciousness at the God Element of number 12 Magnesium. At this point one is just coming out
of 3Dimension. The 1st dimension is the nucleus of the atom itself. It is a sphere or the magical circle.
Each dimension after this is determined when a subatomic energy shell is completely full of
electrons. The electron configuration of “0,2” is 2. Helium is the 2 nd Dimension. It is the sacred
geometry of a sphere within a sphere with a straight line from one side to the other. The electron
configuration of “0,2,8” is number 10. Neon is the 3rd Dimension. It is the previous sacred geometries
within an octagonal shape with eight points with a circle or sphere connecting each point. The
electron configuration of “0,2,8,8” is 18. Argon is the 4 th Dimension. It is the previous sacred
geometrical shapes within another octagonal shape inside of a sphere. The electron configuration of
“0,2,8,18,8” is 36. Krypton is the 5th Dimension. It is the sacred geometrical shapes that have the 2
points in the center, surrounded by an 8 points star, surrounded by an eighteen point star, surrounded
by and eight point star and sphere that gathers these subatomic particles of the 5th Dimension. This
continues the same way with each dimension. The electron configuration of each shell determines the
sacred geometries in the proper order that encapsulates each other. They are sacred geometrical
shapes within circles connecting each point. Circles that are actually spheres. Spheres that are within
spheres or wheels within wheels with thousands of eyes that are the electrons of each point. The
electron configuration of “0,2,8,18,18,8” is 54. Xenon is the 6 th Dimension. The electron
heart. In order to fully grasp this technique of moving the electromagnetic energy through emotional
intent. When visualizing the constructs of the different sacred geometries of dimensions and the
energy moving through and around them. The objective is to actually feel that energy in motion as it
moves from point A, to point B, to point C, and etc.. In this way, the true meaning of the motion is
defined emotion is energy motion.
It is important to understand that the breath speed and rate needs to equal that of mental
imagery. Meaning that the mental process has to be crisp clear and the breath is actually moving the
energy at the rate of speed in which you mentally visualize this energy moving as this process is
happening. Those beginners need to mentally imagine slowly and the breathe needs to be just as slow
in moving the energy. The practitioner will soon begin to actually feel the control of this immense
energy within and feel the energy as it moves through and around the avatar. Patience is the virtue in
these exercises of expanding the consciousness. The whole avatar needs to recalibrate in every way
and even modify many processes to accommodate the increase flux of electromagnetic energy that
the nervous system is carrying. This takes months for the avatar to adjust and come up to speed.
Through implementation of a very strict daily discipline the avatar will begin to slowly transform.
These forces of energy is what will be needed for the christening of the avatar.
`Archangel Uriel
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After an avatar matures into an adult the stem cells are difficult to activate consciously. These
stem cells remain inactive as long as the white blood cells of the avatar remain active. White blood
cells renew every three days to replenish the deplete stores of white blood cells in the lymphatic
system. In order for the avatar driver to deplete these white blood cells and for them not to renew
after three days. It requires a three day fast where the digestive tract rests and does not function. After
a three day fast the white blood cells will not renew and the stem cells within the avatar will activate.
Once active it is the intentions, state of mind, and communications that the avatar driver has with
each Archangel (Nucleotide) that will determine the knowledge accessible. The stem cells will begin
to automatically rebuild the avatar at a molecular level. Programming the genes within the DNA of
each cell to turn on and perform certain tasks in rebuilding the avatar and making it better through
differentiated tasks. There have been many ancient masters of the past that understood this spiritual
science in the design of the avatar putting it into action. Masters and Prophets like Moses and Jesus
who fasted for 40 days and 40 nights. It was called the christening of the mortal avatar. The
christening in which Jesus became christened or better known as the Christ. A state of being that was
transformed through translation in which gave many ancient masters and prophets powers of God.
That were considered to many mortal avatars of lesser knowledge as unnatural powers. After which
their countenance glowed and they were unrecognizable to those that knew them. It is during fasting
that the avatar driver has the clearest communication of receiving intelligent knowledge in a variety
of arts of science. As well as the time that the avatar transforms and begins its journey of becoming
translated. A process of translation that is taking place between DNA and RNA. Through stem cell
activation and cellular division who divide forever with all their genetic material firmly intact.
Stem cells activate after performing a three day fast. During the course of these three days
white blood cells deplete. White blood cells are of the defense mechanism for the mortal body to
fight off infection. White blood cells reproduce every three days to replace those that have been
depleted. Stem cells are the defense mechanism for the immortal body undergoing a process of
upgrading, modifying, and transforming the avatar to become more specialized to its environment.
Adapting in becoming more specialized to any environment no matter how harsh or extreme. In this
way stem cells work differently than white blood cells. White blood cells try and kill the infections
that brings about illness of the avatar. Stem cells adapt and overcome the infections bring about a
greater health of the avatar. White blood cells will eliminate any infections within the avatar while
stem cells will allow the infection to remain in the avatar and will simply modify the avatar to
override the infections ability to bring about illness. It is in this way that stem cells upgrade, modify,
and transform the avatar to become more specialized to its environment. There are many creator
gods who are immortal celestial beings who can penetrate the magnetic poles of stars. Entering the
surface and continuing to penetrate through the stars core and re-emerge at the other polar end of the
star. A technique used by the Immortal Celestial Beings to re-emerge many times stronger in their
electromagnetic energy than when originally entering. A process that many Immortal Celestial
Beings perform to recharge and/or increase the avatars electromagnetic energy at a molecular level.
A transformation that didn’t happen overnight it was a process in which stem cells modified the
avatar to undergo such harsh volatile environments and come out even stronger than before. This is
an important factor to understand and in using this example. Many can begin to grasp that achieving
perfection is an eternal endeavor and journey. One in which has many decrees and levels to obtain
along the way. Many interpret achieving immortality as to live forever and never die. That is the
basics of what many know that immortality entails. They cannot explain any further details of the
molecular processes that take place or how immortality is achieved. They just understand the general
concept and that is living forever.
Becoming immortal is an ongoing process throughout the eternities. There is no certain
amount of days to perform a fast that will cause the stem cells to completely transform the avatar into
an immortal being and remain immortal throughout the eternities. Achieving an immortal state where
the stem cells modify the avatar at a molecular level is to become self-sustaining off the
electromagnetic energy. This is one phase and state of immortality among many to achieve. The first
phase of achieving an immortal avatar that is self-sustaining. Is to achieve and fast of a minimum of
44 days. During which time the avatar driver, as a god of is avatar, acts and speaks as a God to the
various spirits, elementals, angels, and archangels within his DNA. Commanding them to perform
their duties (which is processes within the DNA), to sustain you during and throughout this immoral
endeavor. What was just explained is a general and rudimentary account of commanding the host of
heaven in the house of god (angels/nucleotides inside the DNA). During this 44 day fast the DNA
and genetics in each of the 44 out of 46 chromosomes will be upgraded and modified. The 45th and
46th chromosomes are sexual by design in nature which are not modified and remain the same
throughout this transformation. The creator gods designed the avatar to adapt and modify in every
way except for changing the original sex of the avatar. This stays intact throughout the immortal
transformation throughout entity.
Once the 44 day fast has been executed. This modified upgrade of the avatar that is halfway
between mortality and immortality needs regular maintenance. The avatar cannot completely achieve
immortality until it is completely self-sustained off of electromagnetic energy alone. In other words,
an eternal fast. A feat that can only be achieved through very strict self-disciplines. If an individual
works too fast for 44 days and then break your fast. That modified upgrade at a molecular level
would last 12 months. After 12 months, if another 44 day fast is not performed, that originally
modifying the avatar, then the avatar begins to downgrade. The whole purpose of this process is in
the avatars original design by the creator gods, who designed divine blue prints for an avatar that
could constantly adapt to an environment no matter the circumstances. That the avatar at its most
basic moral level can become transformed into an immortal celestial god amongst the many
established celestial kingdoms. This also means that an immortal celestial god can downgrade their
avatars by choice or lack of self-discipline to become immortal once again. As man now is, God
once was. The original divine blue prints that designed the avatar works both ways. In this way, the
creator god’s original design was too create the ultimate avatar that had no limits in the states of
immortal glory that it could obtain and achieve. The only thing that could limit the avatar is the
avatar driver themselves. Which continues to be the only variable that either progression or
regression is sustained. All of which is based upon choice and free will. Understanding the avatars
designing variables which bring about progression or regression is important in order to grasp the
ultimate objective of spiritual advancement. That develop in a very strict discipline of fasting is
necessary in order to achieve one among many degrees of immortal states and glory. Progression
cords higher degrees of immortals states is an ongoing eternal endeavor. By which the avatar driver
obtaining ever increasing immortal degrees brings with it new found knowledge and self-realized
The fasting discipline alone is not the only variable that can cause modifying mutation
degeneration of the avatar. Lack of self-communication with the DNA, genetics, and chromosomes.
Will cause many of these processes of the genome to go inactive and become dormant. This happens
through lack of communicative prayer and/or contemplated meditation. In this state of ignorance the
avatar will enter primitive states no matter how many days of fasting is performed. Primitive states
that can only be compared to the Neanderthals and hominines. Neanderthals and hominines are areas
of repression in earth’s history. Primitive states that were the result of the lack of communication
with their own DNA seeking higher states of awareness by which order is realized and knowledge is
placed into context that were ultimately the downgrading process of the avatar. Every avatar driver
has the potential become a god. First, the avatar driver must become a god within. Understanding
the design and order of the kingdom within and using supreme reasoning to command the hosts
within this heaven to build up this kingdom. In doing so, the Glory of the avatar is increased. Then
and only then, can the avatar driver begin to understand what it is to become a God in the vastness of
the cosmos. Two contrasting states of being that are ultimately separated by knowledge, discipline,
communication, will, and desire. The factors that are the result of personal choice. This book was
written to inform the elect who desire to achieve their full potential. In understanding how the
process of eternal progression works. States of immortality and Glory that can only be achieved by
the elect of earth. Only the elect have it within themselves to become gods they were born to be.
Exercising the techniques of the immortal breath will continued to generate, direct, and
harness the electromagnetic energy. As the microcosmic orbit of electromagnetic energy builds
within the avatar. The avatars DNA, genetic codes, and sequences can be called forth and utilized
upon meditative contemplation or prayerful commands. Where many arts of science can be accessed
in the DNA filing system. However, this is one third of the purpose and process of the
electromagnetic energy. The purpose of this energy is to fuel the many processes that creates and
releases nutrients for the avatar to be self-sustaining. Which cannot take place as long as food is
ingested and the digestive tract is active. This is where fasting is implemented into the exercises.
The electromagnetic energy will become the fuel for fasting for long periods of time. During this
time, it is the stem cells that modifies the avatar at a molecular level in a process of mutation in
adapting to an immortal state. The processes of chemical reactions that take place within the DNA
create and release the amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that nourished the avatar. These
supplements have always been in the DNA and is processed through synthesis in creating adequate
amounts for self-sustaining the avatar which can only be fueled by electromagnetic energy. A
modification that can only take place through stem cell activation.
Achieving immortality will not occur from one day to the next. This is a transitioning process
that the avatar under goes in fully making the complete transformation. What is important is to
endure until the end. The avatar drivers that are the elect among the inhabitants of earth will achieve
becoming like Christ. Those who are able to christen their mortal states and become immortals. The
christened ones who become like Christ who prove themselves worthy to obtain such immortal states
through enduring this process of transformation to the end.
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down to 40 beats per minute at will. Having full control over the metabolism rate of the avatar. The
heart is located in the center of the chest encased in the thoracic cavity.
An intricate design of valves within the arteries and veins control the blood flow that enters to
only flow in one direction. Within each valve are tendinous cords also known as heart strings is what
attaches the tricuspid valve to the inside heart wall. When these heart strings break or sever the heart
can begin to experience difficulty in performing its normal functions. Severed and breaks of these
heart strings can often occur through emotional trauma. Valves prevents blood from flowing in the
wrong direction termed as preventing blood reflux. The left atrium is where oxygen rich blood is
received from the lungs. The mitral valve between the atrium and the left ventricle opens to allow the
oxygen rich blood through and then closes to prevent blood reflux. Where the oxygen rich blood can
then enter the aortic valve which regulates the passage of the blood toward the aorta artery. The aorta
artery is the avatars main artery for delivering oxygen rich blood throughout the avatar. The superior
vena cava receives the oxygen poor blood of the avatar. The right atrium sends blood through the
tricuspid valve that opens to allow blood to flow into the right ventricle and then closes to prevent
blood reflux. The right ventricle pumps oxygen poor blood from the right ventricle through the
pulmonary valve to be oxygenated and into the pulmonary artery.
The blood that flows through the avatar contains 88% water, 10% protein, and 2% substances
such as salt, nutrients, glucose, amino acids, and waste. Blood contains both red and white blood
cells. Blood receives its red color from its oxygen content. The red blood cells contain hemoglobin
protein which binds very well with oxygen. Oxygen rich blood is full of nutrients that is delivered to
the cells of the avatar by the red blood cells in exchange for carbon dioxide waste. Red blood cells
carry the oxygen and some nutrients. The white blood cells protect the body by attacking toxins and
viruses that are foreign invaders that can bring about illnesses. 50% of the blood contains red and
white blood cells while the other 50% contains plasma which 88% water and 10% nutrients. Platelets
are found in bone marrow whose primary role is in blood coagulation. Blood is divided into 4 groups.
Group A, B, AB, and O. Group A blood type has antigen A in its membranes. Group B blood type
have antigen B in its membrane. Group AB blood type has antigen A and B in its membrane and
group O blood type have no antigens in their membranes but have Anti-A and Anti-B in the blood
The immune system is partially maintained by the lymphatic system. The liquid known as
lymph circulates through the avatar by a lymphatic network of lymph nodes that consist of cells
called lymphocytes and macrophages. Lymph circulates in one direction through nodes. Whose basic
functions are for defense against foreign invaders that can compromise the immune system and the
transport of liquids helping to maintain the balance of liquids and filters healthy liquids surrounding
the cells the avatar uses up 4 quarts of lymph a day of the 6 gallons of lymph that the avatar contains.
Once lymph transfers into the blood through lymphatic vessels it can only be reabsorbed into the
lymphatic system through the lymphatic capillaries. B lymphocytes become active once a foreign
invader is identified. At which pint the B lymphocytes divide to become plasmatic cells who
discharges antibodies which divide rapidly once invaders are found to quickly surround and contain
the foreign invader. Invaders are marked by protein molecules that are called antibodies which are
then identified by the macrophages as foreign invaders to be devoured. Invaders such as bacteria,
viruses, and protozoa. The immune systems fight against these foreign invaders with the aid of white
blood cells which takes place within the lymph nodes (lymph glands). White blood cells are produced
by the spleen which is the largest lymphatic organ which also filters the blood. Lymph nodes can
become inflamed when fighting large amount of invaders which can be identified as swollen lymph
node glands. Lymph glands are round in shape and are the lymphatic network lined throughout the
The skin that encapsulates the lymph node is a connective tissue called the resistant capsule
and offers protection to the internal organs of the node. Nodes have valves, veins, arteries, efferent
lymphatic vessels, and afferent lymphatic vessels that enter and exit. One valve regulates the flow of
lymph moving out of the node. This valve is in the efferent lymphatic vessel that the lymph exits and
returns back into the blood stream. Arteries connected internally to the node allow oxygen rich blood
to enter. Veins also connect to the internal section allowing oxygen poor blood to flow out of the
node. The afferent lymphatic vessel delivers lymph from the blood stream into the node. Reticular
fibers are a network of fibers that support the nodes. The lymphocytes are white blood cells that
combined with macrophages, are the cellular elements that make up the immune system. T cells
created in the thymus help detect antigens. The task of the macrophages is to devour foreign invaders
once they have been detected. The germinal center is where B lymphocytes and T cells are stored that
produce antibodies. B lymphocytes are acquire in the bone marrow and liver to protect the immune
system. The efferent vessel is where the immune cells that have been produced exit the node some of
which enter the blood stream looking for foreign invaders to devour infections that can be brought on
by fungi, bacteria, viruses, and protozoa.
The respiratory system is the means by which the avatar takes in air where oxygen is absorbed
which is also called the breath of life. Air is inhaled and exhaled through the nose or mouth.
Breathing is a very conscious and voluntary act performed by the initiated. It is through the breath of
life that the emotions and thoughts synchronize. Given one the ability to channel the electromagnetic
energy that is being generated. Through breathing, oxygen is inhaled and processed in the blood to be
carried to every cell. Carbon dioxide is exhaled as a byproduct of waste made possible through the
design of respiration. The respiration process takes place within the lungs where the process is
refined. The lungs have the ability to turn the waste within the avatar into a gas where it is then
dispelled through the exhaling breath. Up to 70% of the toxins within the body are dispelled in
exhalation. When the avatar inhales, it not only inhales oxygen but many components that exist
within the atmosphere. These components are nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water vapor.
The average person breathe between 12-14 times a minute. The lung capacity is
approximately 7 quarts for the average avatar. When air enters the nose hairs collect the air
impurities. The air then passes through the larynx and through the trachea. The trachea then splits in
to two bronchial tubes going in to the lungs. Where the bronchi become bronchial trees that continue
to subdivide into bronchioles and terminate into the smallest size of the alveoli. The bronchioles
deliver air to the pulmonary alveoli where the oxygen is exchanged into the blood for the carbon
dioxide waste that is discarded through the exhaled air.
The digestive system plays a very important role in sustaining the avatar with energy. Food
first enters through the mouth where it is chewed to a consistency that can be swallowed. Where the
food passes through the esophagus into the stomach. The stomach can stretch up 22 times it original
size after ingestion of food. The stomach is tasked with meshing the food into a creamy substance
and the gastric juices eliminate bacteria. The meshing of the food is performed by the stomach itself
which consists of muscular layers. After the creamy consistency of the food in achieved this creamy
substance is then released into the small intestine. The length of which is 20-22 feet long. The large
intestine is approximately 6 feet in length. While these process takes place, the pancreas begins to
release pancreatic juices containing enzymes. Releasing enzymes to chemically break down the food.
The liver also begins to release hormones to help in the chemical break down of food. After which
point the walls of the small intestines begin to absorb the nutrients that are the result of the chemical
reactions. It is here that the avatar begins to receive nutrients into the blood stream. Where the liver
begins to filter out the harmful toxins contained in the blood. Regulating the metabolism of
hormones, vitamins, proteins, fats, glucose, and cholesterol. Bile in the gallbladder is delivered to the
small intestine for the purpose of breaking down fats to be absorbed by the avatar. The byproduct left
over by the small intestine is discarded by the large intestine. Which will exit the avatar in the form
of fecal matter.
Glucose is the cells primary source of energy which is stored in the liver. The avatar turns to
fat stores when there is no glucose available. This is where the transition for the avatar at a physical
level begins in the fasting process. It is to exercise the discipline of refraining from food long enough
for the avatar to run out of glucose and turn to fat stores as energy. The liver is responsible for the
regulation of the metabolism when the avatar is dependent upon fats, proteins, carbohydrates,
vitamins, and minerals. A process that converts foods into nutrients that takes anywhere from 32 to
48 hours from beginning stage of ingestion to the end of digestion. It will take 2 days for the
digestive tract to completely digest food. Plus another day for white blood cells to become depleted
before stem cells will activate. First the avatar will change its metabolic state of using glucose for
energy to transforming fat into energy through ketone bodies. This metabolic state is called ketosis.
Fat stores are metabolized for fuel through a hormonal release of lipase (HSL). Stored fat in the form
of triglyceride is broken down by lipase to form the glycerol molecule and 3 fatty acids. Where it is
then transported into liver into the mitochondria of a cell to undergo a metabolism process called
beta-oxidation. The liver while increasing the beta-oxidation automatically increases the amount of
Acetyl-CoA molecules being released. The increase in Acetyl-CoA molecules is a process called
ketogenesis. Ketogenisis produces a ketone body called acetoacetate. Then the ketone is transformed
into beta-hydroxybutyrate and acetone which are two subdivided types of ketones. The fat molecule
(glycerol) is converted through a process called gluconeogenesis into glucose. Once these process
takes place, the avatar begins to use ketones as its main fuel source. After a three day fast, this
process is well under way and the stem cells become activated that begin to correct cellular metabolic
dysfunctions. Healing some while reversing others like diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, cancers,
diseases, illnesses, sicknesses, and overall health of every kind known to humanity. Once stem cells
activate the avatars metabolism begins the transformational process of modification. This upgrade in
performed upon the whole avatar at once. With each passing day the stem cells become more
specialized to their tasks of modifying the avatar. The whole metabolism at first is rebuilt and
rebooted after 4-6 days without food. Water can be consumed during this time as it does not effect
this process in any way. The avatar needs to stay hydrated at all times during each fast. Dehydration
will retard the whole process of the avatars upgrade.
The urinary system is a very important system that maintains the balance of fluids and water.
Kidneys produce the urine while the bladder sac stores urine. Urine consists primarily of water and
salts. When the avatars equilibrium of fluids and waters become imbalanced the bladder then releases
the urine by passing it through the urethra duct. Where it is discarded from the avatar. Atop of the
kidney are the adrenal gland. The adrenal glands produces adrenalin while its cortex produces
corticoids. The ureter is a tube connecting the kidneys to the bladder. The bladder is where urine is
temporarily stored in an organ with muscular walls. Blood is supplied to the kidneys by the renal
artery which is an artery branching off of the abdominal aorta. The abdominal aorta is the oxygen
rich blood supplied from the heart. The oxygen poor blood is returned back through the renal vein
which is a vein branching off of the inferior vena cava where it is the channeled back to the heart.
Glomerulus is a group of vessels and capillaries in the kidneys where the nephrons filter blood and as
a result produces the urine. The renal tubule then gathers the urine and discards it out of the avatar.
The blood rich with nutrients is reabsorbed into the avatar by flowing through the proximal
convoluted tubule. The avatar was designed to perform very efficiently in a variety of processes that
eliminates waste and reabsorbs nutrients.
The endocrine system is a very important system in the design of the avatar. Functioning to
release more than 48 hormones into the blood. The development of organs are made possible by the
release of hormones during embryotic development. Metabolism and reproduction are also stimulated
in their developments and performance. This endocrine system of hormonal releases is distributed
throughout the avatar in various places by the endocrine glands. Hormone release excites the avatar
physically, mentally, and emotionally through the chemical reactions played out through its
processes. There are many glands that secrete these hormones which are hypothalamus, pineal,
thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas, adrenals, testicles, and ovaries. The master gland that controls these
hormonal release is the pituitary or hypophysis gland. It is located in the center of the brain at its
base. It controls the other glands by sending out the order through hormonal stimulation for the other
glands to produce their specific hormones needed for the avatar to function in performing various
operations. One of the hormones released into the skin is pheromones. Pheromones release an aroma
in the air through the skin that has a sexual attraction in attracting a mate to start the process of
reproduction. The oxytocin hormone which is stimulated through the pineal gland can begin to
secrete this hormone when singing or vibrating the vocal cords. The oxytocin hormone is considered
the confidence hormone and influence bonding and affections associated with love, having orgasms,
breast feeding, and giving birth. Hormonal releases greatly influence the psychological effects of the
avatar which are related to friendliness and sympathy.
The neurosecretory cells in the hypothalamus is where hormones are produced. Hormones are
stored in the posterior lobule and then are released in the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland stock.
When the pituitary hormones are released various glands throughout the avatar are stimulated to
produce their hormones. The pituitary gland stimulates the release of many hormones such as
adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH) or adrenaline hormone, antidiuretic hormone (ADH), follicle-
stimulating hormone (FSH), growth hormone (GH), Luteinizing hormone (LH), melanocyte-
stimulating hormone (MSH), oxytocin hormone, prolactin (PRL), and the thyroid-stimulating
hormone (TSH). The mammary glands are stimulated by the LH hormone which stimulates the
production of estrogen hormones. The adrenal glands are stimulated by the ACTH hormone which
stimulates excitement of the avatar. Increasing heart rate, glucose levels, and muscle performance.
Which stimulates the pancreas to increase glucose in the blood as well as controls the glycogen and
insulin levels. The sexual gland are stimulated by LH and FSH hormones which initiates the
reproductive system glands to begin performing and producing. Which consist of the prostate,
testicles, and glans in the male avatar and
The reproductive system of the male avatar is very important in the process of populating the
world. The male reproductive organs consist of the penis and two testicles. Production of
spermatozoa in manufactured in the testicles while the penis delivers the semen into the vagina. Each
spermatozoa contains a tail, middle, head, and point. The tail is what propels the sperm, the middle
contains mitochondria is the driving energy for the tail to propel, the head is where the DNA is
contained, and the point is where the enzymes are located that help the sperm penetrate the ovum
membrane. This is only half of the genetic material that will create life. The other half of the genetic
information comes from the mother. The penis is also used by the urinary system to discard urine
through the urethra. The prostate gland surrounds the urethra and produces the consistent liquid that
delivers spermatozoa. Orgasms cause muscular contractions that cause the spermatozoa to ejaculate
through the urethra. The reproductive system of the female avatar is very important as well. The
female reproductive organs consist of the vagina, uterus, ovaries, and the fallopian tubes. The
production of ova is manufactured in the ovaries. When the ovum matures through menstrual cycles
is deliver to the uterus by the fallopian tubes. The ovum is what contains the other half of the genetic
material that will create life. The spermatozoon fertilizes the ovum which as a result brings about
pregnancy. Pregnancy is when the embryo begins to form and take shape through a nine month
process to create a new life.
The conclusion of this book is that the Creator Gods understood a system of quantum physics
by which the universe is created and bound together. With this understanding of quantum physics the
Creator Gods developed a language by which to name every specific detail of these particles at a
subatomic level. In order to teach elementary consciousness. This was a design that was implemented
in an effort to help in the evolutionary process of exercising and expanding the consciousness of
elementary spirits. It is a process of obtaining light line upon line, precept upon precept, and to act
upon the knowledge one receives. The Creator Gods who reside in the Celestial Kingdom, will bring
you there if you are willing. The foundation has now been laid for one to achieve coming back into
the source of light. Dear Ones, endure to the end.
The letters of this spiritual vocabulary are the elements of the profoundest, most fundamental level of
intelligence and understanding. Contemplation of these letters leads to an awareness of the unity and
mutual interrelationship of all phenomena, and therefore to new states of consciousness. Thus, the
Aleph Bet provides direct experience of all that exists as an interlocking manifestation of a single, all
pervasive cosmic Unity. Abraham declared that the Hebrew Aleph Bet is the cosmic bond. With the
revival of this ancient wisdom, the search for the unifying force of our cosmos may at last come to an
Individual energy forces, which express themselves as Hebrew letters, came before the Creator
requesting that they be the instruments by which the world is created. The Creator eventually agrees
to utilize the letter Bet, as this particular letter begins the Hebrew word Berachah (Blessing). The
Zohar then depicts the unique attributes of each of the twenty-two letters and the spiritual energy they
emit. All these forces and their power of blessing are transferred to us when we visually scan the
Aramaic test and learn the lessons it holds.
22. Beresheet: Rav Hamnuna Saba, said that we have found in the words: “In the beginning, God
created the… (Beresheet Bara Elohim).” (Genesis 1:1) That the order of the letters in this phrase is
arranged in reverse. First, the Hebrew letter Bet is immediately followed by another Bet, that is,
Beresheet bara. Subsequently, it is written first with an Aleph and then another Aleph, referring in
Hebrew to Elohim. And he explains that when the Holy One, blessed be He, was about to create the
world, all of the letters were still hidden. For two thousand years before the creation of the world, the
Holy One, blessed be He, watched the letters and amused himself with them.
23. When He desired to create the world, all the letters came before Him in sequence from last to first.
The letter Tau saw itself fit to come forth first. It said, Master of the World, may it please You to create
the world with me because I am the seal of Your ring, which is emet (Truth), meaning that I am that
last letter in the word Emet. And as You are called by this name of truth, so it would be most appropriate
for the King to begin with the letter Tau, and create the world by me. The Holy One, blesses be He,
said to it, You are worthy and deserving, but you are not suitable for the world to be create by you.
You are destined to serve as a mark on the foreheads of the faithful, who have kept the Law of the
Torah from Aleph to Tau. When you appear, they shall die. Not only that, but you are the seal of the
word Death, meaning that Tau is the last letter in the word Mavet (Death). And because of this, you
are not suitable for Me to create the world with you. The letter Tau then immediately left.
24. The leter Schin then entered and stood before Him. It said, Master of the Universe, may it please
You to create the world with me, as Your own name Shaddai is with me. And it would be most
proper to create the world by a holy name. He replied, You are worthy, you are good, and you are
truthful. But because you are included among the letters that form the word Sheker (falsehood), I do
not wish to create the world with you. Sheker would not have prevailed had you not been attached to
the letters Resh and Kuf.
28. The letter Samech (support) entered, stood before Him and said, Master of the Universe, may it
please You to create the world with me, because I am able to support those who fall. As it is written,
“God upholds (samech) all that fall.” (Psalms 145:14) He said to it, this is exactly why you should
stay in your place and not move from it. If you leave your place in the word Somech, what will then
happen to all those who fell and are being supported by you? The letter Samech then left
29. The letter Nun entered and stood before Him saying, Master of the Universe, may it please You to
create the world with me, because the phrase, “fearful in praises (nora tehilot), “(Exodus 15:11) starts
with me. And also, in the praising of the righteous, it is written, “Praises (nava) is comely.” (Psalms
147:1) He said, Nun, go back to your place. It is because of you that the letter Smaech returned to its
place. And you should depend on it for support. This means that the letter Nun is inscribed at the
beginning of the word fall (nefilah) and the letter Samech, which is the secret of “God upholds all that
fall,” returned to its place to support those who fall, as explained in the previous paragraph. It
immediately left His presence and returned to its place.
30. The letter Mem entered and said to Him, Master of the Universe, may it please You to create the
world with me, because with me you are called Melech (King). He told it, Yes, it is indeed so, but I
shall not create the world with you, because the worlds need a king! Go back to your place, you and
the letters Lamed and Kaf, as it is not proper for the world to be without a king.
31. At that hour, the letter Kaph descended from His Throne (kise) of Glory. Shaking and trembling,
it stood before Him and said, Master of the Universe, may it please You to create the world with me,
because I am Your Glory (kavod). When the letter Kaph descended from the Throne of His Glory,
200,000 worlds were shaken and the Throne trembled. And all the worlds were about to collapse. The
Holy One, blessed be He, told it, Kaph, Kaph, what are you doing here?! I shall indeed not create the
world with you. Go back to your place, because the Hebrew word klayah (destruction) starts with
you. And because of you “…total destruction is determined and decreed.” (Isaiah 10:23) So, return to
your Throne and stay there. At that same moment, it took leave and returned to its place.
32. The letter Yod entered, stood before Him, and said, Master of the Universe, may it please You to
create the world with me, because I am the first letter of the Holy Name. Thus, it should be proper for
You to create the world with me. He replied, it should suffice you to be engraved upon My Name and
appear in Me. You embrace all My desires. Rise up, it would not be proper for you to be removed
from My Name!.
33. The letter Teth entered, stood before Him and said, Master of the Universe may it please You to
create the world with me, as by me You are called good (tov) and upright. He replied: I will not
create the world with you, because your goodness is concealed within you. Therefore it is written,
“How abundant is Your goodness which You have concealed for them that fear You.” (Psalms 31:20)
So because your goodness is concealed within you, it cannot take any part in this world that I want to
create. It only applies to the World to come. Furthermore, because your goodness is concealed and
treasured within yourself, the gates of the Temple shall be “sunk.” As it is written, “Her gates are
sunk into the ground.” (Lamentations 2:9) And to add to all this, the letter Chet stands before you,
together you become a sin (Chet-Chet, Tet, Aleph). This is why these two letters do not appear in the
names of the twelve tribes. Teth immediately then took its leave and went away from him.
34. The letter Zayin entered and said to Him, Master of the Universe, may it please You to create the
world with me, because with my help, Your children shall keep the Shabbat, as it is written,
“Remember (zachor) the Sabbat day, to keep it holy.” (Exodus 20:8) He replied, I will not create the
world with you, because you represent war, that is, a sharp pointed sword and a spear with which
people make war. And they are called weapon which in Hebrew is pronounced Zayin! And you are
like the letter Nun, which the world was not created by, because it is at the beginning of the word
Nefilah (falling). It immediately left His presence.
35. The letter Vau entered, and pleaded before Him, Master of the Universe, may it please You to
create the world with me because I am one of the letters of your name Yod, He, Vau, and He. He
replied, Vau, you and the letter He should both be satisfied with being written in my name. Because
you appear in my name and are engraved in it, I shall therefore not create the world with you.
36. The letters Dalet and Gimel entered. They both also claimed the same thing. He told them also be
satisfied with being with each other, because there will always be poor men upon Earth, and they
should be given a benefactor. The letter Daleth is poor, because it is called Dalet, from poverty
(Dalut), and the Gimel reciprocates as a benefactor (gamelet) to Dalet. Therefore do not leave each
other, and it should suffice you that you sustain one another!
37. The letter Beth entered and said to Him, Maker of the Universe, may it please you to create the
world with me, because by me you are blessed in the Upper and Lower Worlds. This is because the
letter Beth is the first letter of the word blessing (Berachah). The Holy One, blessed be He, replied, but,
of course, I shall certainly create the world with you. And you shall appear in the beginning of the
Creation of the world.
38. The letter Aleph stood outside and did not enter. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to it, Aleph,
Aleph, why do you not enter and stand before me like the other letters? It replied: Master of the
Universe, because I saw that all the letters left you without benefaction. So what shall I do there
myself? Not only that, but you have already presented the letter Beth with this greatest gift of all.
And it would not be proper for the Supernal King to take back the gift, which he presented to his
servant, and give it to another! The Holy One, blessed be He, said, Aleph, Aleph, even though the
world is created with the letter Beth, you shall be the first (head) of all the letters. My attachments
shall be expressed only by you and all calculations and actions of the people shall commence with
you. Therefore, all unity shall be expressed by the letter Aleph!
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100. 2. Helium 1D
1s2 The 2 means that Both DNA Strands are activated in this element. Making it a GOD
Element. 1st Dimension with both DNA strands active.
101. 4. Beryllium 2D
2s2 The 2 means that Both DNA Strands are activated in this element. Making it a GOD
Element. 2nd Dimension with both DNA strands active.
102. 12. Magnesium 3D
3s2 The 2 means that Both DNA Strands are activated in this element. Making it a GOD
Element. 3rd Dimension with both DNA strands active.
103. 20. Calcium 4D
4s2 The 2 means that Both DNA Strands are activated in this element. Making it a GOD
Element. 4th Dimension with both DNA strands active.
104. 43. Technetium 5D
4d6 5s1 The 2 means that Both DNA Strands are activated in this element. Making it a GOD
Element. 5th Dimension with both DNA strands active.
105. 56. Barium 6D
6s2 The 2 means that Both DNA Strands are activated in this element. Making it a GOD
Element. 6th Dimension with both DNA strands active.
106. 72. Hafnium 7D
4f14 5d2 6s2 The 2 means that Both DNA Strands are activated in this element. Making it a
GOD Element. 7th Dimension with both DNA strands active.
107. 88. Radium 8D
7s2 The 2 means that Both DNA Strands are activated in this element. Making it a GOD
Element. 8th Dimension with both DNA strands active.
108. 120. Uudodeczium 9D
8s2 The 2 means that Both DNA Strands are activated in this element. Making it a GOD
Element. 9th Dimension with both DNA strands active.
1. Reuven is the 1st born son of Jacob and means “look a son”. Ephraim was adopted into this
2. Simeon is the 2nd son of Jacob and means “God has heard that I was unloved”. Manasseh was
adopted into this tribe.
3. Levi is the 3rd son of Jacob and means “Were distinguished as servants to God because of
their refusal to worship the golden calf”.
4. Judah was the 4th son of Jacob and means “Now I will praise God”.
5. Dan was the 5th son of Jacob and means “God has judged me”.
6. Naphtali is the 6th son of Jacob and means “A running deer”.
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The essence of conscious spirit can be measured and calculated in the following formula. The
subatomic particles of consciousness are the universal laws that govern all things. The alpha and
omega laws or Ohm law in scientific terms is current (gluons), voltage (bosons), resistance (leptons),
and power (quarks) is the components that ultimately creates electromagnetism. These forces of the
universe that binds all things together. The missing component in quantum physics is the definition of
force or gravity which can only be measured in circumference and diameter within the sphere in
which the force exists. Which lacks any electrical charge for it to be measured but circulates within a
sphere in form. Within that spherical space is the continuous force of gravity that repeats in loops
creating quantum gravity. All things are created and bound together by a hierarchy of forces. Gravity
is the component of force completing the revolutions within the circumference of a sphere. The
circumference of the sphere is the 5th element that is missing in the Ohm law. Where current, voltage,
resistance, and power exist within the circumference of a sphere that can be measured in diameter.
Which would be current, voltage, resistance, power, and distance equals spiritual consciousness.
The subatomic particles of consciousness are the universal laws that govern all things. The alpha and
omega laws or Ohm law is current (gluons), voltage (bosons), resistance (leptons), and power
(quarks) is the components that ultimately creates electromagnetism. These forces of the universe that
binds all things together. The missing component in quantum physics is the definition of force or
gravity which can only be measured in circumference and diameter within the sphere in which the
force exists. Which lacks any electrical charge for it to be measured but circulates within a sphere in
form. Within that spherical space is the continuous force of gravity that repeats in loops creating
quantum gravity. All things are created and bound together by a hierarchy of forces. Gravity is the
component of force completing the revolutions within the circumference of a sphere. The
circumference of the sphere is the 5th element that is missing in the Ohm law. Where current, voltage,
resistance, and power exist within the circumference of a sphere that can be measured in diameter.
Which would be current, voltage, resistance, power, and distance equals spiritual consciousness.
The forces of other electromagnetic components of earths electromagnetic fields of forces. Further
down in understanding gravity is understanding the measure of the sphere in which voltage,
resistance, and power reside. The circumference of the sphere is the fourth component in the Ohm’s
law. Mathematical circumference = sphere = gravity and space is one big sphere. Within this space
other spheres of gravity exist that are greater or lesser in some degree than others. Giveingthe greater
spheres of gravity precedence over the lesser degrees. It is the hierarchy of universal laws pertaining
to all things that are created and bound together by these forces.
they exist within. The circumference of that sphere is the mathematical precision of gravitational pull
that is being created by the unknown force called gravity. This fifth element is what will complete the
loop quantum gravity theory. This can be observed in a vacuum, where gravity is eliminated as a
factor. A vacuum such as space where many spheres with loops of quantum gravity exist within.
Inside the nucleus of an atom is 6 types of quarks. Up, down, top, bottom, strange, and charm.
Containing an electrical charge that is broken down into three thirds. One proton consist of two up
quarks and one down quark and one neutron contains one up quark and two down quarks. The
protons and neutrons of the nucleus of an atom are held together by nucleons. The nucleon is held
together by one meson that contains one quark and one anti quark. These quarks acts as the power of
the atom.
The center of the atom nucleus is a tau-flavored neutrino that oscillates within the nucleus. When a
neutron within the nucleus of an atom collapses it emits a photon which is a quantum light. It is this
light that is emitted by the photon that creates the electromagnetic energy that in turn creates
countenance. Two proton and two neutrons creates what’s called an Alpha God particle. In beta
decay, when protons form neutrons they create positrons and neutrinos.
The are 6 types of leptons that create the electron through particle decay that begins at a subatomic
level within the nucleus that is divided here into three sections.
The Electronic Leptons are eletron (-1E), electron neutrino (0Vc).
The Muonic Leptons are muon (-1U) muon neutrino.
The Tauonic Leptons are (0Vu), tau (-1T), tau neutrino (0Vt).
Up quark has 2/3 electrical charge, with down quark having -1/3 charge. Charm quark has 2/3
electrical charge, with strange having -1/3 charge. Top quark has 2/3 electrical charge, with bottom
quark having -1/3 charge.
The Creator Gods created a language of order by which its letter, names, and numbers would
organize the spirits of complex compounds of chemicals and matter in the cosmos (void). 2
Priesthoods were created for different spiritual degrees to separate those of greater spiritual
understandings from those of less understanding. The Greater Holy Melchezidek Priesthood and the
Lesser Aaronic Priesthood. The Melchezidek Priesthood was created and ordained upon those
evolved conscious beings who understood the laws of the universe and the particles of the spirit in its
smallest forms of nucleons and quarks. By that understanding they could control, manipulate, and
organize the spirits to form various degrees of elements in organizing matter. The Aaronic Priesthood
was for those elementary spirits that were still learning the atomic components, elements, and
spiritual degrees of their own being. The Aaronic Priesthood is the administering of angels which is
another way of saying the administering of electrons of the atom. Learning the linguistics of order,
names, and the commanding language that identified the various parts of their being (molecules,
atoms, DNA, genes, chromosomes). Each of the 2 priesthoods had to enter into an everlasting and
eternal covenant before the order of the house of god (cellular order of the cell) could be taught to
them. A covenant that they would enter into that would protect elementary spirits from being
mismanaged or corrupted. The universal laws (atomic masses) of the hierarchy (clockwise rotation of
the electron of the atom) controls the creation, building, and organization of matter. The universal
laws (atomic masses) of the counter-hierarchy (counter-clockwise rotation of the electron of the
atom) controls the destruction, dissemination, and dissembling of matter. Counter rotation of
electrons would create the quantum field energy. As each elementary spirit evolved they were taught
sacred geometry as a means of helping them remember and recognize the electron configuration that
takes place around a Sephora (atom) in the process of evolution. These different sacred geometrical
shapes would create different universal elements such as solids, gases, liquids, synthetics, alkali
metals, alkaline-earth metals, transition metals, metalloids, poor metals, other non-metals, halogens,
noble gases, lanthanides, actinides, and radioactive spiritual chemistries. Each sacred geometrical
shape that the elementary consciousness implemented as their light ship mercavah would change the
atomic calibration of the Sephora (atom) within their being. Masters that understood consciousness
Sephora’s (atoms) and the name of the spirits (electrons/spirit names/angel names) that revolved
around them as well as the language that created the cosmic bond (covalent bonds) by which they
obeyed (Hebrew names of letters) could organize them with other consciousness Sephora’s (atoms) to
create complex spiritual compounds and element. These masters became the Creator Gods of many
inhabitants as they organized the spiritual elements and created solar systems that would later sustain
the life they organized. Beginning to create with particles of matter too atoms, molecules,
macromolecules, cell organelles, cells, tissues, organs, systems, organisms, populations, ecosystems,
biomes, planets, planetary systems with stars, galaxies, and the universes.
The Creator Gods then created the Elohim avatar through the numbers (23 energy intelligences) of
angels (electrons) that obeyed the archangels that created the Sephora (atom) which would become
the schema that synthesizes the Elohim. They began creating the Elohim at the atomic level that
consisted of 65% oxygen atoms, 19% carbon atoms, 10% hydrogen atoms, 3% nitrogen atoms, 2%
calcium atoms, 1% phosphorus atoms, .4% potassium atoms, .3% sulfur atoms, .2% sodium atoms,
.2% chlorine atoms, .1% magnesium atoms, .1% boron atoms, .1% chromium atoms, .1% cobalt
atoms, .1% copper atoms, .1% fluorine atoms, .1% iodine atoms, .1% iron atoms, .1% manganese
atoms, .1% molybdenum atoms, .1% selenium atoms, .1% silicon atoms, .1% tin atoms, .1%
vanadium atoms, and .1% zinc atoms.
Various atoms (Sephora’s) were chemically bonded together to form molecules. These monomers
(molecules) that were chemically bond to other molecules formed nucleotides. There are two 6’ long
columns of monomer units that form polymeric biomolecules that are formed polynucleotides (DNA
and RNA) through rods of covalent bonds to create the double helix DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
and RNA. There are five elements that make up the double helix DNA. They are nitrogen, carbon,
hydrogen, phosphorus, and oxygen. Nitrogen has 7 protons, 7 electrons, and 7 neutrons. Carbon has 6
protons, 6 electrons, and 6 neutrons. Hydrogen has 1 protons, 1 electrons, and 0 neutrons. Phosphorus
has 15 protons, 15 electrons, and 16 neutrons. Oxygen has 8 protons, 8 electrons, and 8 neutrons.
Each monomer unit of DNA consists of a 5-carbon atom sugar, 1 nitrogen atom, and a phosphate
group. The four types of nucleotides also known as nitrogenous bases and they are adenine (A),
guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T). The purine bases are adenine and guanine while the
pyrimidine bases are thymine and cytosine. The base adenine always bonds with thymine and
guanine always bonds with cytosine.
The purine base adenine contains 9 atoms that create the crown. Each united by rods of covalent
bonds. These 9 atoms are abbreviated with a letter to identify the type of atom and a number to
identify its position in the crown. They are as follows: N1, C2, N3, C4, C5, C6, N7, C8, and N9. The
atom point of entry into this purine crown of 9 atoms that attaches to other monomer units through a
rod of covalent bond is through N9.
The pyrimidine base thymine contains 6 atoms that create the crown. Each united by rods of covalent
bonds. They are as follows: N1, C2, N3, C4, C5, and C6. The atom point of entry into this purine
crown of 6 atoms that attaches to other monomer units through a rod of covalent bond is through N1.
Those that make the hydrogen bond are adenine N1 with thymine N3 and adenine C6 with thymine
C4. N1+N3, C6+C4. These hydrogen bonds are similar to covalent bonds which is the
electronegative atom bonding with a hydrogen atom.
The purine base guanine contains 9 atoms that create the crown. Each united by rods of covalent
bonds. They are as follows: N1, C2, N3, C4, C5, C6, N7, C8, and N9. The atom point of entry into
this purine crown of 9 atoms that attaches to other monomer units through a rod of covalent bond is
through N9.
The pyrimidine base cytosine contains 6 atoms that create the crown. Each united by rods of covalent
bonds. They are as follows: N1, C2, N3, C4, C5, and C6. The atom point of entry into this purine
crown of 9 atoms that attaches to other monomer units through a rod of covalent bond is through N1.
Those that make the hydrogen bond are guanine N1 with cytosine C2, guanine C2 with cytosine N3,
and guanine C6 with cytosine C4. N1+C2, C2+N3, C6+C4. These hydrogen bonds are similar to
covalent bonds which is the electronegative atom bonding with a hydrogen atom. These 38 electrons
(angels) shall contain the secrets of nature. These carbon atoms C-2 through C-8 and even all the way
up to C-14 are isotopes. Carbon-1, Carbon-2, Carbon-4, Carbon-5, Carbon-6, and Carbon-8 make up
the septagonal or icosagonal crown of the pyrimidine bases. Carbon-2, Carbon-4, Carbon-5, and
Carbon-6 make up the hexagonal crown of the purine bases. The carbon atom that is C-12 or carbon-
12 have 6 neutrons and 6 protons. Carbon-14 has 8 neutrons and 6 protons.
There are three types of carbons atoms; graphite, diamond, and amorphous carbon. These four
nitrogenous bases containing carbon atoms here are amorphous carbons (aC). Hydrogen atoms
stabilize the dangling bonds of these free radicals that carbon atoms become once they release an
electron to the nitrogen atoms in the crown. This is the importance of implementation of the
mercavah. It is the sacred geometrical shape of the mercavah that atomically represents the atomic
structure of the carbon atom. Placing one within the heart chakra and another around the avatar will
create the 6 protons in the nucleus of the atom and the 6 electrons around the atom. The spinning of
these mercavahs in a clockwise direction will stabilize the carbon atoms within the avatar that release
their electrons in covalent bonds and become free radicals. When these four nucleotides crowns are in
operation, each of the atoms have specific times (24 thrones of wisdom) and days that they activate in
performing their covalent bonds. Dangling bonds obey the octet rule with each atom having eight
electrons in its valence shell. This octet rule applies to carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, sodium, magnesium,
and halogens. During the time and day that a specific atom in the four nucleotide base crowns
becomes active, 4 atoms in each nucleotide crown form covalent bonds in pairs of two. Each pair
contribute one electron in the covalent bond that results in both atoms sharing two electrons. The path
of this covalent bond that each electron takes forms a figure eight as it rotates around each one
sharing electrons. These forces (23 energy intelligences) of the covalent bond is the communication
line between these two atoms by which light (knowledge/information/science) is exchanged. Those
carbon atoms in the nucleotide crown that has dangling bonds of an unsatisfied valence becomes free
radicals but can become stabilized once again through the configuration of the mercavah around the
In genetic science the linguistic terms these atoms have protons, electrons, and neutrons surrounding
the atom. In biblical science the atom is the Sephora and each every energy level of the atomic
structure is identified as archangels and angels instead of electrons. The first energy level is the
Archangel and Assistant Archangel who both have specific names and sciences by which they yield
to those who invokes their services. The second energy level is four angels with names that obey the
archangel and assistant angel. The path of the archangel or angel (electrons) has a name as well that
are called the 32 paths of the Yetzirah. The Yetzirah is the 23 energy intelligent names of the Hebrew
Alphabet. These 23 names each has a different path that the angels (electrons) will take when
commanded. These paths are known in chemistry as some being electrovalent and others being
covalent bonds that form the figure eight as the electron circles around both atoms. This figure eight
in spiritual terms is known as the kundalini energy. Kundalini energy is nothing more than a covalent
bond that unites atoms with an electron. The pyrimidine base cytosine obeys the name YOD, the
purine base guanine obeys HE, the pyrimidine base thymine obeys VAU, and the purine base adenine
obeys HE. Through speaking or contemplating these words in unison YOD, HE, VAU, HE the 4
nucleotides bases will form their hydrogen bonds. With every archangel and angel (electron)
following the path they were biologically designed to make and forming the bonds they were created
to performing.
Once the living intelligence of the double helix DNA was formed, the DNA was then coiled to form
the 23 letters of the energy intelligences known in science as the 23 pairs of chromosomes. The 23
pairs of chromosomes function as living intelligent organisms that function according to a design of
linguistics that bonds the universe together. The Creator Gods continued to design and build the
avatar from particles of matter too atoms, molecules, macromolecules, cell organelles, cells, tissues,
organs, and systems. Creating a system of creation through linguistics by which all life in the whole
universe is bonded together. This system of linguistics of numbers that formed the letters, the letters
that formed the names, the names that formed the ideas, the ideas that formed the forces, and the
forces that formed the Elohim is the ultimate system of creation in the evolutionary process. A
schematic design that synthesizes the Elohim. It is through this marvelous work and wonder of
designing the Elohim avatar that the conscious Elohim driver can now communicate with the
molecular mechanics of the living intelligence within, which is a kingdom which he manages to order
or fails to understand.
Adam became the first man upon Earth through the numbers of angels (electrons) that built the
Sephora’s (atoms) that the Creator Gods designed to become Elohim (God). The purpose of this book
is to inform, educate, and teach the elect among Earth how to become the Elohim that they are
destined to become.
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The 7th Dimension of the DNA can be observed by looking from the vantage point above the DNA.
Looking at it down its center. One the elemental electron configuration of the spiritual God element
of 72 Hafium. Each section of the DNA is a region elementally configured to the schematic design of
an electron configuration of the double helix DNA.
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Any time spirits of force, council, joy, love, and charity. You shall have fasted with the Lord God
Pelech, now (called) Jesus, for seven days, which shall be passed in humility and sobriety, in mercy
and patience, in peace and e quilibrium; (that is to say) in the beginning of all the Sigils of love and
charity, and from which they do perceived.
49. Archangel Metatron is the first proton of the Sephira Kether known as the spiritual
element Hydrogen. Metatron (form Greek Meta+Tron meaning Beyond+Matrix) is the name
of an angel in Judaism and some branches of Christianity and Islam. Although he is
mentioned in a few brief passages in the Talmud, Metatron appears primarily Jewish mystical
texts and other post-scriptural esoteric and occult sources. In Qabbalic symbology, the
Archangel Metatron is considered to be the most supreme of angelic beings, and is associated
with the pinnacle of the Tree of Life, which is the sphere of Kether, the Crown. According to
the Qabbalah, is the angel said to have lead the children of Israel through the forty years in the
wilderness. His female equivalent is Shekinah. After arriving in heaven he was transformed
into a spirit of fire and equipped with 36 pairs of wings as well as innumerable eyes. He
resides in the 7th heaven and when evoked appears as a pillar of fire said to be more dazzling
than the sun. He is the supreme angel of death to whom God gives daily orders as to the souls
to be taken. He then delegates these orders to his subordinates, Gabriel and Sammael.
Metatron is the teacher of prematurely deceased children who are in Paradise. Metatron was
the prophet Enoch, and Sandalphon was the prophet Elijah. Enoch taught the sons of men the
art of building cities, and enacted some admirable laws. He discovered the knowledge of the
Zodiac, and the course of the Planets;
50. Archangel Raziel is the second proton of Sephira Chokamah known as the spiritual
element Helium. Archangel Raziel is the “Keeper of Secrets” and the “Angels of
Mysteries.” The Hebrew word “Raziel” means “Secrets of God.” Raziel is the chief of the
Angelic order Ophanin (Thrones/Wheels). He is an Archangel of metaphysical teachings and
is described as tall, having blue wings, a glow yellow aura around his head and wearing a grey
robe which appears to have liquid-like properties. He is associated with the Sephira Chokmah
in Kabbalistic Tree of Life. Raziel works closely with the Creator that he knows all the secrest
of the universe and how it operates. He wrote a Book called The Book of the Angel Raziel
and gave this book to Adam when he was expelled from the garden of eden, so that the two
could find their way back “home” and better understand their God. The Book of the Holy
Angel Raziel explains everything from Astrology of the planets in our Solar System to the
creative life energy of this earth. The book was then handed down from the father to son until
it became the property of Enoch, who gave it out as his own work, calling it the Book of
Enoch. Enoch passed Raziel’s Book to his son, Mathusala, who gave it to his son, Lamach,
who gave it to his son, Noah. Noah gained the knowledge to build the ark from Raziels Book.
King Solomon was a later owner of Raziel’s book and he learned from it great knowledge and
power of magic. In the Book of the Archangel Raziel, in the middle section, there occurs a
secret writing explaining the 1,500 keys to the mystery of the universe.
51. Archangel Tzaphkiel is the third proton of Sephira Bina known as the spiritual element
Lithium. Archangel Tzaphkiel or Zadkiel Monday. Teaches all the science is active and
passive, with a remarkable facility, with all honesty in courtesy, together with every kind of
benediction. They who avail themselves here of will possess all things in content. Teaching
the method of joining together actives and passives, or in everything the manner of modesty
in Greece. In which the numbers the lord god doth sanctifying these planets, so that they may
work marvels, as it were portents, through such numeration.
Removing the veil of forgetfulness
Archangel Zadkiel is the fourth proton of Sephira Gedurah known as the spiritual
element Beryllium. Archangel Zadkiel (Tzaphkiel) (with Sachiel) Thursday. The spirit
gives you, in all things, whatsoever advice may be good and fitting; they discover and to you
all kinds of treasures, give them unto you and carry them where ever you request. They can
also give you a purse wherein is gold and silver. This spirit teaches of what description be the
angels of light and Glory. There be also taught the mystical period of such a life; and
mysteries, as they were unutterable, concerning such alive; also that there was a certain
interval between their creation and sending forth, and what be the mysteries of such interval.
Archangel Zaphkiel Any time. This spirit teaches you of what nature is the life of all
angels, and their business and intercourse. The spirit also teaches what was the life of the
angel before the fall. Their beat are also the mysteries of their habitation; whether there be a
place of habitation for the rebellious angels; whether there may be found a place impassable
and void; whether the angels were without any affection of passion whatsoever; whether they
were created and happiness; and whether such is confirmed unto them.
Archangel Cassiel. Saturday. Concerning God, the Universal One. The spirit teaches you
all kinds of sciences. Teaching and manifesting the most glorious science of god. And this a
pop that has of wisdom and their profound mystery; how we can no such pass; and how we
can become worthy to walk therein. There be also shown the mysteries of our hearts through
this number of 32. Its significance teaches the mysteries of the regeneration of our heart;
whether from the beginning it was constituted to operate here by and here with, and by the
word of god; whether it was distinct and the mind of god; and what be its place, science and
dubitation, it’s hope, faith and ultimate desire. If you shall desire to know thoroughly these
paths of perfect and profound wisdom together with their mysteries; remember the
combinations of writings in the Sigil which is in the centre of the figure of the heart. Who so
ever thou mayest be, despise not this wonderful science and geometrical searching out, and
the points of eon, and the mystical numbers of the letters. Also the lord said and to god: “go
forth through the mist of the city, through the mist of Jerusalem, and sign a Symbol upon the
foreheads of men who grown and grieve over all the abominations which be in the mist
thereof.” Also he said to them; “Hear me, go ye fourth through the city following after me,
and smite ye every man upon whom ye shall see “Thaune”. Ye shall slay them from my
52. Archangel Tzaphkiel or Zaphkiel. The Archangel of deep contemplation of God. Tzaphqiel
is the Archangel of Binah on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, ruled by the name IHVH Elohim
and ruling the angelic choir Aralim. Binah is the supreme feminine aspect in kabbalah and
Zaphqiel is its representative in the world of Binah. In Jewish mystical and Western ritual
magic, Zadkiel is associated with the planet Jupiter. Rabbinical tradition considers him to
be the angel of mercy.
Archangel Zadkiel. “Righteousness of God” is the Archangel of prayer, freedom,
benevolence, mercy, and the Patron Angel of all who forgive. Also known as Sachiel,
Zedekiel, Zadakiel, Tzadkiel, Zedekul and Hesediel. Rabbinical traidition considers him to be
the angel of mercy. Zadkiel was said to be the Angel who prevented Abraham from
sacrificing his son, Isaac. In the Theological Discourses of Angels, by Benjamin Camfield,
Zadkiel I sthe angel of Jupiter. Zadkiel is also said to be a one of nine rulers of heaven, as
well as on of the 7 Archangels presiding next to God. In rabbinic writings Zadkiel belongs to
the order of Hashmallim and considered to be chief of that order. A Zadkiel is associated with
the color violet.
53. Archangel Kamael is the fifth proton of Sephira Geburah known as the spiritual
element Boron. Archangel Camael or Kamael Any time. Gives you a perfect knowledge
of your genius, who will have the power to great you everything that you shall demand of
him. There be many spirits under the rule of Camael who can serve you in many things and a
specially such as you shall demand of them. Teaching want and after what manner and
maybe this communication of the Genii; (transforming in us) are evil (qualities) into good,
and are good (qualities) into better and best; there is also talk the method of such
transformation. Where four adore the lord god and love thy neighbor.
Archangel Archangel Camal or Chamuel (he who sees God) is also known as Kamael or
Samael (severity of God). Camael is the Archangel of Divine Justice and the Gatekeeper of
Heaven. He is regarded as chief of the Order of Powers. Chamuel is considered, along side of
Gabriel, to be one of the angels who strengthened and comforted Jesus on Gethsemane.
“Camuel, A most holy Angel” invoked in magical operations noted in “The Greater Key of
Solomon” (1914) by S.L. MacGregor Mathers. Camael is responsible for holding in check
Leviathan, the sea serpent monster who will wallow the souls of sinners on Judgment Day.
Some believe Chamuel to be the Angel who wrestled with Jacob.
54. Archangel Michael is the sixth proton of Sephira Tiphereth known as the spiritual
element Carbon. Archangel Michael Sunday. The protector of all kingdoms. After God
Himself, he is almost all powerful as regards to those who perform his invocation. Teaches
how to form a certain composite thing by means of which the faculties of vital spirits (exist)
as well in man as in other creatures, according to what is necessary for and convenable unto
Archangel Michael Any time. This spirit teaches you all mystical sciences teaching the
mysteries of the holy Trinity. Also teaching how science of god may be communicated
through his attributes to all created beings; and especially those most profound mysteries
which he operates with regard both the angels in men, which is shown to the combinations of
the letters which be without the small orb. Also in all this science you shall observe the
combinations of letters, of geometry, and of their numbers, and you’re searching and
examination of all Sigils.
55. Archangel Haniel is the seventh proton of Sephira N etzach known as the spiritual
element N itrogen. Archangel Haniel Friday. Teaches use the transformation of all precious
stones and gives you as many as you wish. This spirit teaches how the GENII may be
transformed into man. They can pass from him into their nature, and correspond to him in the
compounded elements. There’s also taught how such may be necessary and to the human
race. Also the necessity of such a mystery. Sunday Anael. This pair gives to you the
knowledge of all things which is to the order of nature, for he is a spirit of power. This spirit
teaches who in one of the GENII are, as also their power and virtue. There be further shown
the mysteries of the present, passed, and future age. And this spirit is hidden the science of
merchants. Also here be those things which do appear and are reputed to be supernatural.
Also here we can obtain the revelation of unknown things, but this is only granted unto the
elect of god. Also the arcane secrets of the lord is declared and demonstrated in this Sigil,
where four adore the lord thy god with the whole heart, and love thy neighbor. The workings
of the spirit ye shall constate the effects hereof be certain and true yet the greatest wonder and
56. Archangel Raphael is the eighth proton of Sephira Hod known as the spiritual element
Oxygen. Archangel Raphael Saturday. Is a spirit of science who did teach Solomon
knowledge and wisdom. However you must be both pure and chaste when you invoke him,
and you must have fasted on the previous evening. Teaching the manner of joining actives
and passives together the one on to the other, and natural things. There’s also taught concern
the Kanssud of earthly regions and powers, from one class unto another.
Archangel Raphael Sunday. Is a spirit of science who did teach Solomon knowledge and
wisdom. However you must be both pure and chaste when you invoke him, and you must
have fasted on the previous evening. Teaching the manner of joining actives and passives
together the one on to the other, and natural things. There’s also taught concern the Kanssud
of earthly regions and powers, from one class unto another.
57. Archangel Gabriel is the ninth proton of Sephira Yesod known as the spiritual element
Fluorine. Archangel Gabriel Wednesday. Teaches all the mysteries of divinity.
Archangel Gabriel & Phul Monday. This spirit teaches you all the sciences which you shall
desire to know. This spirit teaches what may be the life (of man) and the creation (of souls)
even until the time of their sending fourth into bodies. There be also taught the great
mysteries which the lord is willing to perform; and whether all souls were created from such a
creation alike and at one time, and so also whether such be reserved in a certain place so that
going forth events they may be sent into bodies and rule therein for a period of time.
Archangel Gabriel Any time. This spirit teaches you all kinds of mysteries. teaching what
mysteries the lord god is willing to permit two operating creation, through the uncontaminated
inner knowledge that (Abraham) did rule and govern himself and one forth by the command
of the lord god to travel when the land of Chanaan, teachings concerning the angels in men
and what mysteries they do operate a; also how they do harmoniously act through created
beings, angels and men. All these things will be shown forth from the letters through their
numbers and combination.
58. Archangel Sandalphon is the tenth proton of Sephira Malkuth known as the spiritual
element N eon. Archangel Sandalphon. Rules sphere 10 of the Kabbalah tree of life and is
the Malkuth, which means kingdom. Archangel Sandalphon is the ruling Angel and Protector
of Earth and a Master of music. He also rules the seveth heaven and is known as an Angel of
Mercy and an Angel of Prayer. His name may mean “Co-Brother” = Companion like that of
the Holy Spirit. Sandalphon is the twin brother of Metatron. They are the only Archangels
who were originally mortal men. Sandalphon was the prophet of Elijah, and Metatron was the
prophet Enoch. “I commanded the crowns to provide food for you there (1 Kings 17:4)”.
Below are the symolisms for each electron or demon. With their names, definitions, days, times,
orbital position, suborbital position, and the dimensional atomic shell that they are located in
and the numbers 1-72 which is the number of the electron that they are that identifies the
element they occupy.
These are the names of the electrons in their proper orders and numbered accordingly.
1. Kings, Bael (66 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the office of invisibility. Unlocking these
hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 66 spirits/genes over which this
spirit/genes rules and controls.
2. Dukes, Agares (31 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of revealing all mysteries of Languages and
Tongues present. Also possessing the power to destroy dignities of one self and others.
Having being of the order of Virtues. Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge locked
away within the 31 spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
3. Princes/Prelates, Vassago (26 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by
activating those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of declaring things of the Past
and to come. Discovering all things hidden and/or lost. Unlocking these hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within the 26 spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and
4. Marquises, Samigina (30 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating
those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of teaches all liberal sciences, and
revealing those dead spirits/genes that are dead or died because of sin. Unlocking these hidden
treasures of knowledge locked away within the 30 spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes
rules and controls.
5. Presidents, Marbas (36 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating
those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of revealing the true hidden secret
treasures of knowledge that these 36 spirits/genes possess. Bringing forth great Wisdom and
Knowledge in Mechanical Arts, and can change the physical shape of man. Unlocking these
hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 36 spirits/genes over which this
spirit/genes rules and controls.
6. Dukes, Valefor (10 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of familiarity to the Arts of Steal. Unlocking
these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 10 spirits/genes over which this
spirit/genes rules and controls.
7. Marquises, Amon (40 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of reveals all things past and to Come. Secures
feuds and settles controversies between friends. Unlocking these hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within the 40 spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and
8. Dukes, Barbatos (30 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of understanding the singing of Birds, and the
language of creatures, to see and hear through their senses. Bringing forth the hidden treasures
of knowledge that has been the enchantments of magicians. Being of the order of virtues;
knowing all things past and to come. Revealing great knowledge that be to the advantage of
council friends and those in power. Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge locked
away within the 30 spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
9. Kings, Paimon (200 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of revealing the Arts and Sciences as well as
other mysterious secrets. Revealing the nature of the Earth and what holds the land up in the
waters; and what its mind is, and where it is; or anything one wishes or desires to know.
Bringing forth dignity in one self. Creating works of marvelous wonder that would be
considered to those less inclined to knowledge to be magic in its science, in whatever
endeavor one so desires. Bringing forth all and revealing all the Arts. Unlocking these hidden
treasures of knowledge locked away within the 200 spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes
rules and controls.
10. Presidents, Buer (50 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of which pertains to philosophy, both moral,
natural, and logical arts. Also revealing the virtues of all herbs and plants. Healing the tempest
within a man and bringing forth good and familiar spirits/genes. Unlocking these hidden
treasures of knowledge locked away within the 50 spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes
rules and controls.
11. Dukes, Gusion (40 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of revealing all things past, present, and future.
Revealing their meanings and the resolutions to all questions one desires to ask. Unlocking
these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 40 spirits/genes over which this
spirit/genes rules and controls.
12. Princes/Prelates, Sitri (60 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating
those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of those talents one possesses of a
knowledge of love. Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 60
spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
13. Kings, Beleth (85 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the causes to fulfill great love between men
and women. Having great power pertaining to love. Unlocking these hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within the 85 spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and
14. Marquises, Leraje (30 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating
those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of causes great battles. Healing physical
wounds in an instant. Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the
30 spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
15. Dukes, Eligos (60 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of discovering the hidden knowledge of things
pertaining to those things to come in wars and be involved in and those soldiers one shall
meet. Ruling over and controlling 60 spirits/genes.
16. Dukes, Zepar (26 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of causing women to love men, bringing them
together in love. Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 26
spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
17. Presidents, Botis (60 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of revealing all things past, present, and to
come in regards to counseling friends and foes. Unlocking these hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within the 60 spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and
18. Dukes, Bathin (30 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of knowing the virtues of herbs and precious
stones. Giving one the ability to bio-locate or teleport oneself from one place to another over
long distances. Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 30
spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
19. Dukes, Sallos (30 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of causing one to feel and experience great
love and to be loved of women. Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within the 30 spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
20. Kings, Purson (22 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of revealing hidden treasures of knowledge of
the past, present, and future. Can also reveal hidden treasure of knowledge pertaining to secret
and divine things of the Earth and the creation of the World. Unlocking these hidden treasures
of knowledge locked away within the 22 spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and
21. Presidents, Marax (30 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating
those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the Art of Astronomy and all other
liberal sciences. Giving one the ability to discern the virtues of Herbs and Stones. Unlocking
these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 30 spirits/genes over which this
spirit/genes rules and controls.
22. Princes/Prelates, Ipos (36 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating
those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the fore knowledge of the past, present
and future pertaining to ones wits and boldness. Unlocking these hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within the 36 spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and
23. Dukes, Aim (26 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of pertaining to ones wits in all manners of
ways. Revealing truths pertaining to private matters. Unlocking these hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within the 26 spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and
24. Marquises, N aberius (19 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating
those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of makes a man cunning in all the Arts
and Sciences. Particularly in the Art of magniloquence. Bringing or restoring dignity and
honors to a man. Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 19
spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
25. Presidents, Glasya-Labolas (36 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by
activating those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of revealing all the Arts and
Sciences in an instant. Revealing all things of the past, present, and to come. Bringing forth
the ability within oneself to cause the love of both friends and of ones enemies. Unlocking
these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 36 spirits/genes over which this
spirit/genes rules and controls.
26. Dukes, Bune (30 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of revealing the great riches of knowledge
within these 30 spirits/genes, making one wise and eloquent in all ways. Unlocking these
hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 30 spirits/genes over which this
spirit/genes rules and controls.
27. Marquises, Ronove (19 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating
those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of teaches one the Art of rhetoric and the
knowledge of tongues. Bringing forth the abilities to find favor with friends and enemies.
Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 19 spirits/genes over
which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
28. Dukes, Berith (26 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance to evaluate truths of the past, present, and
future. Bringing forth the abilities, skills, and talents to refine oneself with dignities.
Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 26 spirits/genes over
which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
29. Dukes, Astaroth (40 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of bringing forth the secrets of all things of the
past, present, and future. Giving one the witty knowledge to understand why the spirits/genes
fell or went inactive. Bringing forth the knowing of all liberal sciences. Unlocking these
hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 40 spirits/genes over which this
spirit/genes rules and controls.
30. Marquises, Forneus (29 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating
those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of have to do with the Art of Rhetoric.
Giving one the understanding of how to possess dignities and the knowledge and
understanding of the language of tongues. Conjuring forth and invoking love within one
friends and enemies and to be loved by both. Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within the 29 spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
31. Presidents, Foras (29 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the virtues of all herbs and precious stones.
Also revealing the Arts of logic and ethics in their respected fields and avenues. This
spirit/gene also brings forth the ability to make one invisible. Instilling longevity and vitality
within ones being and to be eloquent in all ones comings and goings. Unlocking these hidden
treasures of knowledge locked away within the 29 spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes
rules and controls.
32. Kings, Asmoday (72 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of and teaches about the Art of virtues,
arithmetic, astronomy, and geometry. Revealing the hidden treasures of knowledge within
these 72 spirits/genes. Even to make one invincible with the possession of this great
knowledge. Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 72
spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
33. Presidents, Gaap (66 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of insensibilities and arrogance in philosophy
and liberal sciences. Can bring forth love and hate within oneself and others. Remembering
how to consecrate all things for sacred purposes. Also to give one the powers and ability to
deliver spirits/genes that were once familiar from the custody of magicians. Bringing back
into ones fold, the powers and abilities of knowing the past, present, and future at ones will
and pleasure. Rekindling the faculties within oneself to build many kingdoms. Unlocking
these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 66 spirits/genes over which this
spirit/genes rules and controls.
34. Earls/Counts, Furfur (26 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating
those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance the great love between Man and Woman.
Restoring ones powers over the elements. Particularly that which pertains to lightening’s,
thunders, blasts, and storms of tempest. This spirit/gene will reveal the secret knowledge of
divine things that these 26 spirits/genes contain. Unlocking these hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within the 26 spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and
35. Marquises, Marchosias (30 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating
those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the order of dominations. This
spirits/gene can return to the 7th throne if one wills it to be so. Unlocking these hidden
treasures of knowledge locked away within the 30 spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes
rules and controls.
36. Princes/Prelates, Stolas (26 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating
those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance the art of astronomy, and the virtues of
herbs and precious stones. Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within the 26 spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
37. Marquises, Phenex (20 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating
those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance all marvelous sciences one so desires to
know. Awakening the poetic philosophy within. Another spirits/gene which can ascend to the
7th throne if one desires it to be so. Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge locked
away within the 20 spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
38. Earls/Counts, Halphas (26 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating
those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the Art of War. Also the craftsmanship
of building weapons of war and their ammunitions and to create soldiers out of men.
Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 26 spirits/genes over
which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
39. Presidents, Malphas (40 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating
those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of architectural talents to build houses,
buildings, and towers of eloquence. Bringing to one’s mind the knowledge of the enemy’s
desires and thoughts as well as those things which they have performed. Unlocking these
hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 40 spirits/genes over which this
spirit/genes rules and controls.
40. Earls/Counts, Raum (30 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating
those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance the order of thrones within kingdoms.
The political processes to steal knowledge from the house of King’s and to destroy the
dignities of men of those things of the past, present, and future. Awakening the talents of
diplomacy. Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 30
spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
41. Dukes, Focalor (30 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of ones powers over winds, water, and the seas.
This spirit to, can ascend to the 7th throne (7th Chakra Seal) if one so desires it to be so.
Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 30 spirits/genes over
which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
42. Dukes, Vepar (29 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of ones powers over winds, water, and the seas.
Also to call forth in three days the viruses of disease to wound ones enemies with sores and
causing microorganisms to spring up within someone. Unlocking these hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within the 29 spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and
43. Marquises, Sabnock (50 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating
those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of ones talents, skills, and abilities to
build the masterful architectural structures one so designs to builds pertaining to towers,
castles, and cities of a fortified resilience. The power to conjure the afflictions of viruses and
diseases in the wounds of ones enemies with sores and causing microorganisms to spring up
within someone. Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 50
spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
44. Marquises, Shax (30 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the powers to take away the 5 human senses
of any man or woman. To steal and deceive from houses of power. This spirit can reveal all
things which are hidden and not under the wicked spirits controls. Unlocking these hidden
treasures of knowledge locked away within the 30 spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes
rules and controls.
45. Kings, Vine (36 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the office of hidden things pertaining to
Witches and Wizards of the past, present, and future who cast their spells and exorcise
witchcrafts. Also commanding the office to build towers of knowledge to over throw great
systems of knowledge. Also the power to control winds and waters. Unlocking these hidden
treasures of knowledge locked away within the 36 spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes
rules and controls.
46. Earls/Counts, Bifrons (6 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating
those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the office that pertains to the
knowledge of astronomy, geometry, and other Arts, Sciences, and Disciplines. Revealing the
virtues of wood and precious stones. Commanding and causing those who are dead to be cast
out from one place to another. Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within the 6 spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
47. Dukes, Uvual (37 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the office to acquire the friends and
enemies alike. Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 37
spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
48. Presidents, Haagenti (33 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating
those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the office of wisdom. Awakening the
skills to work alchemy and transitioning metals and their akin elements. The knowledge to
create gold from other metals and to change water into wine and vice versa. Unlocking these
hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 33 spirits/genes over which this
spirit/genes rules and controls.
49. Dukes, Crocell (48 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the office in the hidden secrets of the
mystical. Revealing the art of geometry and sciences. With powers restored to bring about
great noises through the elements. Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge locked
away within the 48 spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
50. Furcas (20 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the office of the arts of philosophy,
astrology. Rhetoric, logic, cheiromancy, pyromancy, and the liberal sciences of all kinds.
Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 20 spirits/genes over
which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
51. Kings, Balam (40 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the office of wits and invisibility. Also
teaching those things pertaining to the past, present, and future. Unlocking these hidden
treasures of knowledge locked away within the 40 spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes
rules and controls.
52. Dukes, Alloces (36 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the office of the art of astronomy and
sciences of the liberal nature. Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within the 26 spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
53. Presidents, Camio (30 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating
those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the office of deliberating. Able to
defend ones knowledge when challenged in a debate. Giving one an understanding heart
pertaining to the languages of birds, bullocks, dogs, and all other creatures. Also able to
understand the voices of the rushing waters. Revealing also the future. Unlocking these
hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 30 spirits/genes over which this
spirit/genes rules and controls.
54. Dukes, Murmur (30 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the office of philosophy. Able to bind those
souls which are deceased in order to answer whatsoever questions one shall pose. Unlocking
these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 30 spirits/genes over which this
spirit/genes rules and controls.
55. Princes/Prelates, Orobas (20 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by
activating those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the office of all things
pertaining to past, present, and future. Revealing the secrets of divinity and the creation of the
world. Showing one how to obtain the favor or dignities, friends, and enemies. Unlocking
these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 20 spirits/genes over which this
spirit/genes rules and controls.
56. Dukes, Gremory (26 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the office of hidden treasures of knowledge
of the past, present, and future. Also to obtain great love of the feminine. Unlocking these
hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 26 spirits/genes over which this
spirit/genes rules and controls.
57. Presidents, Ose (3 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the office of liberal sciences and divine
secrets. Also restoring the power to shape shift into any creature one so desires. However,
whatever creature one shall shape shift to, it is that creatures limited intelligence that one shall
be bound in that form, while in that form. Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within the 3 spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
58. Presidents, Amy (36 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the office of the art of astrology and the
liberal arts of science. This spirit/gene can unveil hidden treasures of knowledge that is kept
by other orders of spirits/genes that pertain not to this order. Unlocking these hidden treasures
of knowledge locked away within the 36 spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and
59. Marquises, Oriax (30 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the office of virtues in astronomy.
Revealing the secret knowledge of the mansions of each planet and to understand their
virtues. Also the abilities to obtain favor of dignities, friends, and enemies. Unlocking these
hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 30 spirits/genes over which this
spirit/genes rules and controls.
60. Dukes, Vapula (36 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the office of all professions in philosophy
and other sciences. Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 36
spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
61. Presidents, Zagan (33 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating
those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the office of wits. Also the profession
of alchemy. Understanding the craftsmanship to turn metals into coin and build systems of
kingdoms around its distribution and precious uses. Restoring ones powers to turn crystalline
substance into other energies for by the practitioner. Unlocking these hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within the 33 spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and
62. Presidents, Volac (38 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the office of truth pertaining to hidden
knowledge. Also reveals where serpents way be. Restores great superhuman force and
strength to one’s physical abilities. Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge locked
away within the 38 spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
63. Marquises, Andras (30 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating
those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the office of creating discord. Bringing
about destruction and chaos to one self and others. Unlocking these hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within the 30 spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and
64. Dukes, Haures (36 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the office remembrance. Remembering the
past, present, and future of the truth of those things which one shall seek. Will teach the
creation of the world as well as divinity. Will also reveal the falling and inactivity of himself
and the other spirits/genes. This spirit/gene will also not only the tempting to fall upon you by
the other spirits. Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 36
spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
65. Marquises, Andrealphus (30 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by
activating those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the office of perfected
geometry, mensuration, or astronomy. Giving one the ability to transform into the likeness of
a bird. Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 30
spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
66. Marquises, Cimejes (20 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating
those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the office of languages, grammar,
rhetoric, and logic. Reveals the secrets to hidden and lost treasures of knowledge. Unlocking
these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 20 spirits/genes over which this
spirit/genes rules and controls.
67. Dukes, Amdusias (29 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the office in elements of the Earth.
Communicating with trees and plants. Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge locked
away within the 29 spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
68. Kings, Belial (80 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the office in presentations and political
sciences. Conjuring favor in friends and enemies. Unlocking these hidden treasures of
knowledge locked away within the 80 spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and
69. Marquises, Decarabia (30 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating
those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the office in the virtues of birds and
precious stones. Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 30
spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
70. Princes/Prelates, Seere (26 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating
those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance in the office of bringing to pass the
abundance of those things of the past, present, and future. Revealing where hidden treasure
lay. Can restore powers of bilocation and teleportation to one faculties. So that one can travel
around the world in the twinkling of an eye. Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge
locked away within the 26 spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
71. Dukes, Dantalion (36 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by activating those
spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the office in all arts and sciences. Reveals
the secret counsels of anyone one so desires to know. Knowing the thoughts of both men and
women, and can change their thoughts at will. Can conjure forth love in one self and others.
Can also shape shift to resemble the person of ones choice. Able to bio locate where ever one
desires in any part of the world. Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away
within the 36 spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
72. Earls/Counts, Andromalius (36 Spirits/Genes). Removing the veil of forgetfulness by
activating those spirits/genes that bring forth the remembrance of the office in theft of thieves.
Pertaining to those things which have been stolen. Discovering all wickedness and scandalous
dealings. Having the power to punish thieves and wicked persons. Revealing hidden treasures
of knowledge. Unlocking these hidden treasures of knowledge locked away within the 36
spirits/genes over which this spirit/genes rules and controls.
1. Tuesday Uriel. He teaches natural sciences, physics, and medicine. He teaches the methods
of understanding what and of what kind or those twin souls (namely) Henoch. The faculties
of the mind and understanding are purified. And these also in such a manner that they may be
exalted from the lowest degree unto that which is the most perfect of all. By the which
composition also there can be a transmission made of the participating power or that power of
communication of comprehension of spirits.
59. Wednesday Samael. Teaches the harvest of the plants of blessedness, and such harvests;
together with the envy of the kingdom of Behemoth and leviathan, of which the lord god did
make use from the beginning, and preserved (the same) for the production of all creatures, and
also in what manner such souls be produced (and come forth).
60. Sunday Anael. This pair gives to you the knowledge of all things which is to the order of
nature, for he is a spirit of power. This spirit teaches who in one of the GENII are, as also
their power and virtue. There be further shown the mysteries of the present, passed, and
future age. And this spirit is hidden the science of merchants. Also here be those things
which do appear and are reputed to be supernatural. Also here we can obtain the revelation of
unknown things, but this is only granted unto the elect of god. Also the arcane secrets of the
lord is declared and demonstrated in this Sigil, where four adore the lord thy god with the
whole heart, and love thy neighbor. The workings of the spirit ye shall constate the effects
hereof be certain and true yet the greatest wonder and astonishment.
61. Sunday Och. The spirit teaches you what is the nature of the angels. The subjects fall under
the domination of Och who is a solar spirits. Teaching what is the nature of angels; and what
may be the object and end of such creation and whether he established to operate in the
preservation and destruction of all creatures. There’s also taught who and what is the
promised messiah; what is the kingdom; was the kingdom of Israel; what the restitution
through him for the wretched; what kind of profit and maybe; and what things can be
performed by the messiah for the welfare, rest to shun, and liberation of its people in Daya.
And this spirit there be mysteries through the combination of geometry, gilgud, and numbers,
as well as points relating to geometrical (symbolism).
62. Friday Caphael. Teachings concern the healing of barrenness and of death concerning the
kingdom of god, and the most ardent Charity; in the which blessed mystical numbers (of the
Sigil) there is taught unto whatsoever operations this is to be applied, howbeit certain special
operations do fall under the head of certain especial numbers. Also concern and sciences and
arts of all kinds and of all perfection whatsoever they may be.
63. Tuesday Hetael. Is a spirit who guides armies and also can destroy them. Prayers by which
can change the course of the Sun. He can render you invulnerable unto every kind of weapon,
and can give you spirits to serve you unto this end. This spirit teaches the declaring of the
intentions of enemies and the like. Also there can be expelled all things noxious unto body
and mind, and further in like manner this mystic operates in their restoration. Also there be
mysteries regarding man.
64. Any time Thavael. Teaches a perfect knowledge of all the simples and their virtues.
Teaching the planting or the sowing of the seeds of plants, the comprehension of virtue; there
also (hearing) taught the manners of flowering as regards to plants, and also those inspirations
of virtue and grace which be as it were the fundamental plants of the Qabalistical Art. Those
who shall write with ginger upon the foreheads of these letters I..N..R..I, we’ll never die by a
sudden death.
65. Any time Vau-Ael. Causes all kinds a pleasant visions to appear, such as our forefathers in
the old testament beheld. Serving you faithfully in all that you desire to know.
66. Any time Zainael. Teaches the methods of availing the rod with which he did perform so
many miracles in Egypt, and among the Chaldeans. He has much power to render to those
rich Lavelle them cells of his services. Teaching the practice of the science and wisdom of
the divine errors in magi of the Egyptians and Chaldeans, and by what ways and means they
can be acquired.
67. Any time Hethatia. He teaches the science and wisdom of Moses, in the arcana of the
Egyptian magaw and of minors; perfect happiness in the ways of causing an inspiring fear,
and of going forth from a land and for the preservation of a man in that case in place.
68. Any time Tetahatia. He is a spirit of science and virtue, who as preserved our forefathers
from their enemies, rendering them formidable and to them so as to put them to flight. He
will do the same and to the enemies of those who shall wish to avail themselves of his
services. This sigil creates a blinding darkness may be produced, or a thing terrible unto
one’s enemies, also how a blessing may fall hereon.
69. Any time Alepta. He gives it unto you a great riches. Teaching how a man may be exalted,
and how a manmade become formidable that all creatures, at any hour weather out of the
hands of cruel man, or from a crowd of men.
70. Any time Betel. Teaches you the sciences which god had revealed into atom. He is a very
docile spirit who appeared as soon as he is invoked. Teaching them away we can arrive at the
position of the virtues of all creatures (or created things); there is (further) taught what and of
all kind be the virtues here of, and what (virtues) be truly most powerful above all virtues of
creatures. There’s also taught the reasonable of the law of “such” virtues and of their uses.
71. Any time Gimela. Makes you to know and behold the form of the serpent who did attempt
even the terrestrial paradise; (he also) can give unto you some of his spirits who can transport
you from one place to another and can even make you travel with the speed of 100 miles per
hour. Teaching all the mysteries which the lord is willing to allow to be worked by the
serpent and from the serpent; what may be his corporal molding or proportion, and whether he
can contain in himself all invisible beings (or creatures) and in what manner.
72. Any time Dalete. Is a spirit who will show unto you divisions which Adam beheld while he
was upon the earth. He has many spirits under his leadership, who will teach you many things
if you tell all them that which you shall desire. Teaching and demonstrating the mystical
formation of atom; what animals were in the lord and bought in this place unto Adam by the
lord god.
73. Any time Phalet. Teaches you all that did happen in the first row paradise, from the time of
the creation of Adam and eve. There are many spirits under his leadership oh can do much in
the manner of serving you, and in many ways. Teaching the mysteries of the creation of the
world, and of all creatures, and what (of these) be sacred; but also how those (creatures) are
proper to be tested for superstitious reasons when they draw their origin from corpses of the
dead, and from collections and thereof, and from sepulchers; and this also in the arising of
every kind of superstitions. Teaching all the arcana of Necromancers and of divine nerves of
that same class, and when it’s in a scientific (sense) these (arts) take their rise.
74. Any time Ophiel. This spirit is a spirit of pity. He will teach you all the wisdom of our first
father. Teaching the mysteries of the generation of Adam and his children in time, through
Pelech now shown for the visibly as Jesus. Also the forms of those in torment. If
75. Any time Betor. This spirit makes you copper hand who and what the devils or angels of
darkness really are; the difference of their names; their powers; and what they can do. He,
being invoked appears speedily. This spirit teaches what are the devils or angels of darkness;
how they can be known and understood by their proper name; and how they are to be
distinguished from the angels. Also whether the devils can fully be known by a proper
names; and whether the virtue of god is impressed on them, or follows here upon. There’s
also taught how we can attract such angels unto us as familiar spirits by the knowledge of
their names. Also the mysterious operations of such angels, both as regards to ourselves and
our actions.
76. Any time Asmode & Leviatan. The spirits teach you further the mouse of the devils. The
veil much are cell for their services of these evil spirits who were deceiver is. It is alone the
name of god which can enable you to force them and all others to come unto you. Teaching
the methods whereby we can force the doubles to show themselves into us in their torment
and that in bodily form.
77. Any time Hemostopile. This pair up again will make you see and know the mouse of the
devils, and we’ll give you as many of them as you may wish. A vail not yourself of their
services. Teaching the methods whereby we can oblige the devils to show themselves visibly
in torments. They can deceive men and assume their forms, and change the just inclinations
of man and to evil passions. (Also there is herein shown) how they can take such forms, and
from what media, and what methods they make use of (to do so).
78. Any time Brufor. This spirit teaches you the nature and quality of the devils, and the
difference of their names and titles; how they can bind and invisibly and how we can bind
them. Teaching how we can compel the devils to show themselves visibly in the forms which
they usually take to frighten and deceive (men). There’s also taught how we may know them,
for the devils are known by other names. Also whether and how from their names are actions
and operations can be known. Also how by the light hereof we can find out the means of
driving them away from us and from our works and operations.
79. Any time Laune. This spirit again gives you the knowledge of the doubles, but I counsel you
know and to avail yourself of his services, for he is a very wicked spirit and a deceiver, who
would do all in this power to entrap you, and afterwards he will mock you. He teaches rather
they can have proper names as distinct from the Angelic names, seen that they were
transformed through their casting out: whether they can lead their lives in any definite place,
will weary and there is a place to term and; whether it be permitted in the spheres or in the
compounded elements. Also there is hearing and talked whether they have free form; and
what way they conduct themselves and the places which they occupy a; also whether where
they live be determined by the power of their expulsion. Whether again there was an interval
between their expulsion and the creation of Adam, and (it if cell) what interval. Herein all
sort of unheard of and most terrible mysteries, of such interval and of life.
80. Any time Betor. The spirit make shoe copper hand who and what the devils or angels of our
us really are; the Davis other names; their powers; and what they can do. He, being invoked,
appears speedily, and that any time and at any hour. Teaching one the devils are angels of
darkness are; how they can be known and understood by their proper name; and how they are
to be distinguished from the angels. Also whether the devils can fully be known by a proper
names; and whether the virtue of god is impressed upon them, or follows here upon. There’s
also here in taught how we can attract such angels unto us as familiar spirits by the knowledge
of their names. Also the mysterious operations of such angels, both as regarding ourselves
and our actions.
81. Any time Aratron. This spirit teaches you the creation of the souls of man, and what they
really on; also their estate after death. When you calls the spirits (under Aratron) to come to
you, see that you remain not long in their company. They will also tell you by writing, that
which you desire to know. Teaching one is the creation of the souls of mankind, and what is
the object in in of such creation. Also what portion of the Angelic almost did her bill; and
more time they were built; and how the rebellious angels were cast out. Also by the virtue
and in the virtue (of this Sigil) there be also taught unrelatable mysteries regarding the
rebellion and that expulsion, as well as the time of that rebellion and expulsion.
82. Any time Lucifer, Belzebut, Astarot. The spirits teach you want were the rebellion and fall
of the evil spirits. Teaching what was the rebellion of the angels and what was its calls; what
were the mysteries of their life; whether their life should be understood as a continual action;
whether the names of these angels were given unto them through the commands of god; what
things have been committed into them, whence it and of what kind; and whether a certain
angel be allotted unto any or unto some especial commands. There be taught also here in
certain most hidden histories, alike admirable and not admirable, concerning their live, which
shall be revealed unto very few, (especially the comprehension of their mode of life before the
83. Any time Spirits of Force and Councel.
84. Any time Spirits of Joy. In this Sigil is manifested the most glorious Science of God. In this
are taught the Paths of Wisdom and their profoundest Mysteries; how we can know such
paths; and how we may become worthy to walk therein. There be also the Mysteries of our
hearts through this Number of 32. Its significations teach the Mysteries of the Regeneration of
our Heart; whether from the beginning it was constituted to operate hereby and herewith, and
by the Word of God; whether it was distinct in the Mind of God; and what be its place,
Science and dubitation, its hope, faith, and ultimate desire. If you shall desire to know
thoroughly these Paths of Perfect and Profound Wisdom together with their Mysteries;
remember the combinations of writings in the Sigil (He) which is in the centre of the figure of
the heart.
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