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XMGB Obsolete Pressure Switches 1995 Catalogue
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XMGB Obsolete Pressure Switches 1995 Catalogue
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XMGB Obsolete Pressure Switches 1995 Catalogue
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Pressure and vacuum switches L—%| Hearse for control circuits Type XMG for regulation between 2 thresholds (adjustable differential) e Description, operating principle, setting Description + Snap acon contac Mook 2 Adustmert spring forthe acaton pont on rng pressure (PH) 2: austner sping forthe rsa pont on fling pressize (8) 4 Actuation po operating oer 5 oct point operating lever 6 Prossar ranedicer(aptagm, pon or meal alous) which vansloms the pressure ito an actuating force 7 Agjusimen see for setng action point (PH) © Aajusent sew forseing est point FE) ; ® Operating principle ‘Actuation point ‘Ashe ld pressure sas, orcs transmit throug the trensdacer® which pushes agalnst the sping. When this force i strong enough fo overcome the spring pressure (as set by compressing i using adusiment screw 7), lever 4 ‘moves upwards and operates fhe electica’ contact 1. We Rave thus otainedbpping ef the contac at the upper ‘Siehing por which ceasperds toa graarr or lesser preseure valu relaod othe comprassion of he apaing ao et by adusiment screw 7. Reset point Aste ud pressure falls enough fr soring2 to push back on tne transduce, Is associated lever moves downwards “andengages onleve’9, which transmits the opposing effort resetspring3 tol. This opposingefon setby aqusting the compression of soring withthe reset port adjusirentscren 8 and ws eflectvaly added tothe force created bythe ‘deronaing pressure thus helping to prevent re atch resting, tis only when the combinod effors a sping + fe ‘system prescureare nalyovercomaby spring? tat he alectcal contact ofthe sich wilrsct (as ever dascenc) Setting Example of setting a pressure switch (required seting between 8 and 10 bar} ‘Before adjustment, dooomprees tho sping by slackaning eerow 6. The gteen indox pirt 10 wal move upwards 10 is maxnum «Sling eaton pit: Tun sre whch ilove ihe staan whch nesting vates reared Moveche @y ‘maximum pressure value raglred,nthiseace 0 bart coinlda itn redindax porto (heccale moves, heincex point remain ioe), «© Soting the reset pint: Cormpress sping by tightening crew 8 wrich wil owe the green icex point 10. Move bis to-cincie with he minum prosaure rusted ins case Bar (he Index por mes, the scale remains fed). Dont carry ou ths oporaton i tha aro raqued factution point = rset pol) corosponds tote miniamh diferent 0! te pressure switch. For more accurate setting, itis recommended that pressure gauge be used to calibrate the pressure switch Example of sating a vacuum switch (equirod saling 0.6 arc -08 bat) ‘Before adjustment, dooompress the sping 9 by slackening serew 8. The green Index port 10 wil move upwards to is mex, ‘¢Seting the actustion point: Tum soren7, which wil movethe scale an which he sting vans are mated, Move he ‘minimum vacuum value require, In his ase 6 bart colnlde it tnered dex point (he scale moves, heindex Bola remains fod, ‘Solin tho rose pint: Compress spring3 by tightening sew 8 which ll move the groon index pint 10. Move this te ceineid with tho veluo ofthe maximum vacuum oquiod, inthis caso -0.8 bar (he dex pont moves, the soalo romaine ke), DDorot cary ou tis eporation the diferent quires factustion point - reset point) corresponds tothe minum ‘itera tte veciun sath, For more accurate setng, 1 fs recommended that a vacuum gauge be used to calbrate the vacuum switch tn mene mich brat seed cele arp) an binned coer eh ‘© Fora vacuum soc, the minum vecuum required Issa (re index paint) then the maximum vacuum required (green index point 10},Pressure and vacuum switches for control circuits Type XMG for regulation between 2 thresholds (adjustable differential) Characteristics, Environment Mose! All XNG ewitehos oxcopt XING-2120 4 xMG-B120 ‘Conforming to standards NEC 397-1, NF C 63-140, VDE 0660-200, CSACC22-2 r° 14 _| Approvals Standard version : DEVO, NEMO, ASE, BV, DNV, USSR, |= LROS, GL, CSA’ 300 V (~}, HO (=) GOW Special version: CSA, fied wihhNPT condut adaptor ___| roectivetroatment Standard version “TC Special version TH", ‘Ambient ar temperature ¢ _|operatio: ~25... +70. Storage: —40... +70 Fluide orproducts controlled Hyocaulc of, air. rash water, sea water: (0... 160°C) | ydraulic l,l, wator: (0 .+ 70°C) ‘Steam, corrosive ids, wscous products: (0. 160°C) __[Gowosiv fuss on request Operating position All posions zs baton ease fs 0200 cavomen wig 028 210. stoi e829 ‘Shock resistance __|550.contoming wc 68-227 100 g contorming wo IEC 68.2.7 Electric shock protection ass | conforming to IEC 536 and NF-C 20-000 Degree of protection P65 conforming to IEC 529 IP 655 conforming to NF © 20-010 IP 65 conforming to IEC 529. IP 655 conforming io NEC 20-010 Operating rate loperatin| 30 leeo leyelstn Mechanical durabiity loperating) 9 milton DDeperont on pressure eles | (average valuo for switch cet at 23 of te operating range) __|See curve below Repeat accuracy <2% Lowerpoint:+ 1.5%. Upperpoint: 0 Fluid connections 318" BSP romate excep 114° BSP omalo XMG-BOee6. 11/4 BSF female, XMG-B0ee8: 14" BSP forall Cable entry 2 tapped enties for? 13 cable glanes (capacity 910 12 min) Contact block characteristics ‘ated thermal current ated insulation voltage fr senting E671 nF 3:40, vO 065020, 8ACz22 [> 500 and == 600 to IEC 158+, NF C20-040 and VDEO10,". and — 900 0 CSAC 22-2" 14 Insulation category |Group C conforming to NFC-20-040 end VDE ONO Contact operation 1 0r2 G0 single:po'e (4 tominal snap action contacte osictance across terminals ‘Terminal referencing 25 conforming to NF © 83-050 method A 0° JEG 255-7 catagory 2 [Conforming io CENELEC EN 50019 ‘Short-circut prot 10 A carte fuse type 96 il) conforming ta IEC 997-18, VDE 0880-200 cabling ‘Screw and capive cable clamp terminals, Capacity: minimum 4 x0.2 mn, maximum 2x2.5 mw. ated ‘86 Supply. 50180 Hz dc. supply — power conforming IEC 297-4 upp ‘Mechanical durability PPowor broken In W Sint ee haton acre) histo ogores 6-1 rset" {ort mien operating ces a Operating rate: 3600 operating oyses B 3 Vettage 24 48 0B peresr ef P {eee fator:05 fe wm Wo oe Et zs we g sr a sa on Pierce) 11Pressure and vacuum switches for control circuits ‘Type XMG for regulation between 2 thresholds (adjustable differential) Complete switches with 1 C/O single-pole snap action contact (1 Diaphragm type pressure switches Operaing Passe arent ‘Max pamissibe pressure Reference Wei rege ‘minenim minimum Tia — per ecoasio Stow athigh thigh Gycle surge jr Wah Satin sting setting _(@) a babar bar bar bar bar bar 6 Hydrauif ole, si, frosh water, 20a water 0 to 170°C (3) 006 035 002 ous oes 8 170 04s 14 00s ore tte 10 xmiG-Boo2 780 o4 35 01 04 28 5. 10 4730 os. og 1 os 1420 2 4 oe 16 ne two 1220 352s 8 ks Ta Hyerule ol, a, fesh water, 208 water, steam 010+ 160°C (8 006 095 002 005 028 3 8 sxg-B00%1 70 015 14 005 0x2 25 10 xang-Bo0at 773 0435 oi oa 10 sag-Bo0st 7730 os 8 oo 1h ra 2 4 os 16 12 8 0 20 352 15 4 as sg-BozeT 7980 Corrosive fulds 010 + 180°C 3) 00s 035 002 005 028 8 xMiG-80017 +100 O15 14 005 on? sta 10 suig-so0a7 00 oa as ot oa es 10 ug-50037 200 oa 8 a eS ee) xMG-B0087 80 2. 06 2 80 xiG-00147 5 35 281s ma 5 60 Sg-Bie7 280 saeocar ‘Viscous products: O10 + 100°C (3) = 006 035 002 005 02 3 xMo-B0015 1250 ee O15 44 ons ones 10 sae-B005 1.950 os_a5 01 oa 28 5s 10 soig-6o0s6 i350 os 8 oa o4 xwG-Bo0@s 7510 ay 2 4 06 46 2 8 50 xu-Bo146 1510 oy a5_29 5 4 asso SG-BIBE 710 . i} For dapivagm type pressure sviiches with 2 GO ingle-poe snap ain contacts ‘0 the suf "2" to he rolerancas stated above. Example XMG-BOOT becomes XMG-B0012. (@) Diaphragm type preseure evened Tor meaimum permissibl possure of 30 bars, 928 page 16. (6) Materials in contact wit he Nid - soe pages 12 and 13 xue-B0026 ‘other versions Pressure snitch for specif ids: oxygen, fod products. Preseice onitches for uve in carosve envtanments, Please consul your Regional Sales Offs. “ ienePressure and vacuum switches for control circuits e ‘Type XMG for regulation between 2 thresholds (adjustable differential) Complete switches with 1 C/O single-pole snap action contact (x) Piston type pressure switches ‘peraing -—~Possbie ferential Wax permissible pressure Relerenoe Weight range minimum minimum mex.” per occasional : allow athigh” athigh Syele surge iow high — Soting _Seting sting Berber bar bar bar babar Hydraulic oils: 010 + 70°C (2 w 7 6 0 6 10 450 xMo-Bro__— 7.80 Please consul your Regional Sales Office. 2 wo eo am xwe-B180 ras so__20 15 5 ak sa0 so xMG-6260—_ras0 450 20s ost a0 Frosh water, soa water: 010+ 70°C (2) cet 10 70 to 8 10050 “180 m__wo 2 20 e180 soo a6 a a a a a 1250 40500 204s son s90 700 88 Ate: 010 70°C @) = 1070 10 100_150 xnc-80708 Tae mo wo 2 one 180 at xueBTa0g a0 a a ed nana-81404 4050020 45a 580700 xMiG-B5008——+a50 ‘Hydraulte o's, resh water, sa water, steam 010 10 50__100 188 wo tet) a 3020015 as asso xa-62807 “aso 40s aso s80 700 xwiG-as0oT a0 ‘Corrosive fluids 00 + 160° (2) Be wom 6 0 se tm ts xug-80re7 a8 mw 2 2 80300 mies. xnc-st401 wo __20 15 as ame 90 500 sie za7 +80 40600 __2 45580700 yare-Bsoo7 as (@} Far piston po prostareewiches win 2 CIO einge-poe snap action contacts ld the sfx "2" tthe reloronons sated above. Exam XMG-B070 becomes XMG-BOTO2. (2 Matenalsin conse win Pe fue see pagos 12 ara 13 e ‘Other versions Prassure switches with reduced ferent and other ratings (up to 900 ban. foieracanign] 15xMiG-20028, xinG-60511 16 Eisner] Pressure and vacuum switches for control circuits Type XMG for regulation between 2 thresholds (adjustable differential) 6 Complete switches with 1 C/O single-pole snap action contact (1) Diaphragm type pressure switches for maximum permi le pressure of 30 bar Operating ———~Possibie ferent weamun Reference ig ‘ange ‘rinimum minimum ma permisiie allow thigh athgh pressure by igh _Soting _seting setting _perecle bbar_bar— bar bar bar bar 005 035 002 005 028 a0 O15 14 005 ore 4.12 a0 2.980 oa 3s or ok 980 os 8 og 1 eso m0 2 oe 6 tao 2m @) Metal bellows type pressure switches ‘Operating Paseibiaeiferetial range rrinimam mirimum Tax per atten athigh atrigh yc bw tigh —seting —seting ating bar_bar_bar_—bar bar bar bar ——5 Hydraulle ols, air, resh water, see water: 0t0 + 70°C (2 16 0 864 © 1008 a8 aD SMB 20 Diaphragm type vacuum switches Doers Went roe pemasibe - Sion” See" resore foting feng uve _pereyoo et a Hydraulic ols ai, fresh water, sea water: 010 +70°C (2) 001-09 -008 -01 -09 -01 sug-ae1 a 720 “00108 008 01-0010 oie a022 am © otc presen 108 001-08 —-008 -o1 -09 ~ Fot very slow vacuum changes Example vacuum purge ‘ysrauile ole, alr, fresh water, sea water, team :0 10 + 160 (2) 001-08 -005 -01 -09 04 XNIG-B091T 001-09 -005 -01 -09 10 XMG-B0921 Fr mavimum pressure of 10 bat Corrosive ulds 09 + 160°C (2 Ee 001-09 -005 -01 -09 oa xMG-B0917 170 <001 09-005 01-09 10 xMG-B0997 780 For maximum prossure of 10 bar —— (1) For pressure or vacuum swiches with 2 CIO single-pole snap action contacts = ad ihe sux "2" to the eleenices sted above, Example: XMG-BO81 becomes XMG-B0012. @ (2) Materia n crtact wih the Null S26 pages 12 and 13. Other versions: Pressure switches and vacuum switches for specific Huds Proseure svriches and vacuum sites fr use in eortacve envionment Please consulPressure and vacuum switches for control circuits ‘Type XMG for regulation between 2 thresholds (adjustable differential) xMB-202 xe-z12 xmG-208 xmg-702 en Accessories and spare parts Description ‘Application ‘Reference Weight ‘Connection adaptors For thrseded pipe 16/21 BSP XMB-202 “970 For soldered pipe connections TS O'10and @ 12mm sleeves, 7 Isolating valve (1) 1V8" BSP femal input and xMe-Z 0.580 cxiput esas Isolating value 12to 200 bar Non-return valve (2) For vacuum switch XMG-B091, 0070 X04G-6092 and XMG-B099 Locking davies for AE XWG prassure and ‘adjustment serews (3) ‘vacuum switches Diaphragms xG-8001 7950 xNc-6002 Z ‘0.060 x1sg-6003 0.080 xc-1008 E 1060 xuG-6018 ist 08 xIAG-8028 ‘0.089 xiNG-8081, 6092 060 xc-6003 080 Deseravon ‘Connections Weg 7 Male Male = ‘a Male/male adaptors ie eS V4" NPT 0.120 aie asp. 0.120 ue! ese 020 FL (BSP conical wGZIE a ai" (BSP oonioa xwG-z17 0100 12" (BSP conical Huez18_ —a75 Deserpion Connections Reterence Woigrt Mae Femais 9 Maletomale edeptors 9 BSP Ap 118 fortube Sx 10) __xMa-zIa 9.189 Rp tia" (orwbo ax 13) XMG220————— 0.130 Rp 12" Gortube 1521) GZ o.430 Fe 18" (@SP conlca) __XMG-222 ‘ve! NPT sae-Z5 ener xwie-z24 ‘ast Ner mez “3730 v2! Net xwiG-Z26 7780 (7) Flted nto the pipe upatream of tha pressure ato, the isolating vale wil sfecively OTe We Swe aS Soon as the pressure isestoan adjustable preset valu. The cling vavo is adustedoclose ata pressure winin he olevance ‘the switch and wllroopan asthe proceure fll back blow this valus. Maximum pressure 250 ber. Settings betwoon 25200 dar are recammanaed far anid ehanging pressures and between AO 200 bar frei presurachanges. (2) Fer use mth vacuum sizes sujet a postive possi. The non-tetun vale ie Only pan when a vacuum eet land closes wnen a postive pressure 's sensed, (3) Locks setng screws to protect agaiat the elects of excessive vibration. The sores ave also precited a tate lead seaing by sire (oat supple) fo prevert unauthorised aclustmert to the Stas.Pressure and vacuum switches for control circuits Type XMG for regulation between 2 thresholds (adjustable differential) @ Operating curves ‘Those curves have been established folowing arduous dynamic testing (average values) XMG-B002 and XMG-B00z8 er ee Bai omer os i aa Ae ner or Fara pene ating posse xNG-B01de 41: Maximum diforonlo i 2: Minimum aiferenils Bellows type pressure switch © xmG-2120 " 41: Maximum dferenials 7 2: Minimum dferentals ‘Example of information which may be read fam a typical curve, for pressure swich XUGFOZE Assume an actuation pressure of 20 bari equred fortis example. PH is therefore 20 bar on sing pressure, By locking atthe curve, itcanbe seen tha he reset pressure (PB) an fling pressure may be sel anywhere between 4.5.and 17 bar. Thisis the value a which ‘the elecncal contact wil rem to ts orginal site. Conclusion: Maximum possi diferente 204.5 = 15.5 bar Mnmum possible ciferenialis 20— 17 = 18 BFeiomsonnuePressure and vacuum switches for control circuits ‘Type XMG for regulation between 2 thresholds (adjustable differential) Operating curves ‘These curves have boon established folowing arduous oynamic as (average values) Piston type pressure switches XNG-B070 and XMG-BO70 XNG-B140 and xMG-81408 i 10 Bra Frito 1: Maximum difrentals 2: Minimum cferentas Diaphragnr ype vacuum switches XNG-BO91 and XMG-BOST6 xvG-Bo83 XMG-B092 and XMG-B0928, we POPE os oe oe Me & ter 1 Maximum cforntass a 2: Minimum dferontats Example of lnformaiion which may be read am a typleal curve, fr varuim switch XWG-B031 Example 1: reguaton belween ~ 0.05 and ~0.20 bar “Take as retarance point the minimum vacuum ~ 0.8 bar. ‘The reset pont can be betwoen —0.1 bar (minimum difrenial = 0.05 bay) and ~4.45 bar (maximum cifereiial =~ 0.40 ber FRogulaton can tneretore bo achieved batwoon 008 and -C.20 bar, ho ferential being 0.15 bar [Example 2 regulation between 08 and 08 ba. ‘Take as oferonce point the minmmum vacuum ~ 0.8 bar, “The reset point can ba betwen 0.67 bar (ranimum ditfrenal = 0,07 bay) and ~ 1 bar (maximum dior = 0.40 ba), Regulation ean Fretelove bo achieved between 06 and 0.8 bar tha alfeemtia being 0.9 bar [ienccona] 19Pressure and vacuum switches for control circuits ‘Type XMG for regulation between 2 thresholds (adjustable differential) Dimensions Diaphragm type pressure siliches (upto 3.5 bar) and vacuum switches For hydiaulc ols, a, tesh water, sea water X)iG-B003, 8003, B03, BOOT, Bo02", 60081 XMG-B081, 8082, B093, 80911, 80921 a Far corrasiva fads xMG-B0017, 60027, BOOST >xuG-B0917, 60927 For viscous products XMG-B0016, 80026, 80096 fa gam tl fs Ti ye ty) fee le | E) i} | 2d <= |! : tala | CS 105, |-—2102_| bo tot} Ra (12 tapped cae ones foc 73 cabo ganas oa BSP i (1) 2 appeci cae ee tor TS able glands Ba esP (1) 2 poo cab ens for N79 cable lands Diaphragm type pressure witches, 6 to 28 bar Forhydrauie ols, alr, reah water, aes water XMG-B008, 8014, 8028, BO0st, BCI, 60261 F For corrosive tide XiNG-B0087, 80147, 80287 oo i f. es For vious products XinG-B0086, 80145, Bozss i) eI El eo) Py oo 1605 ol jel 197 | A le Fer = a rm J 2 #| dati (dss Pal fe i— Lol [oer | Ee eae arrmmeee (112 lapped cable enti for N13 ave lands (1)2 tapped cable ees To N15 cable glands. 1) 2 tapped cable enes Tor N= 19 eabia Glande 20Pressure and vacuum switches for control circuits ‘Type XMG for regulation between 2 thresholds (adjustable differential) Dimensions, schemes. Piston iype pressure switches xMiG-BaT0, B140, 10 45 [515 oeae ESP (1) 2 tapped cable eras Tor NTS cable glands ‘Diaphragm type press ‘maximum permissible pressure of. XMG-B0018, 80028, Bo038, 80088, a ites Tor ‘30 bar B08 ti] le of 8 osia"Bse 1 2 tapped cable eres forhT"T3 cable glands {etal bellows type pressure switch xG-6120 aa ee 198 Tsolating vaive xiG-206 Bam ase pressure conecion 5 IM ooeratng connection (esau SER) + F ‘1 Seta austen crew ti Non-etum valve srr Jel. | as xine 20a is os Hs! al 38 ow BSP BT BSS male 1) 2 tapped eable ence TN" 8 cable lands 2:38" 8S> tak mi Schemes Suites wih 1 C/O contact Swchos wih 2 C0 oontate Prossure sono ‘Vacuum etches (1) Proseure swe Vacuum sites (1) iW (1) Atos, at atmospheric pressure, the contact 9 actuated [temecanee] 21
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