ICT Notes
ICT Notes
ICT Notes
also present in many household gadgets and equipment Input devices Output devices
where some control or monitoring is required. Input devices are complex as
It consists of a control unit (CU) that manages the input Output devices are simpler as
they need to ensure proper
and output devices, an arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) that they only need to display the
communication between
performs computations and makes logical judgments, and finale.
computer and user.
tiny memory regions known as registers.
It processes the input and produces the outcome of the
processing in the form of output.
Backing/Secondary Storage
is used to click on an icon to launch the application, 6. as they usually have wired connections, they have
this is simpler than typing in commands. This type of more stable internet access.
interface uses up considerably more computer Disadvantages:
memory than a CLI interface. The user is limited to the 1. not particularly portable because they are made
icons provided on the screen. Needs a more complex up of separate components.
operating system. 2. More complicated because all the components
N.B: Mainly used by end-users who don’t have great need to be hooked up by wiring, which also clutters
knowledge of how the computer works. up the desk space.
3. Dialogue-based user interface: use the human voice 3. Because they aren’t portable, files need to be
to give commands to a computer system. no need for copied to another portable storage device to take
a driver to take their hands off the steering wheel. In a work elsewhere.
home, it is especially useful for people with disabilities,
because many tasks can be carried out by the spoken
word only. Possible to use it as a security feature Mobile Computers:
because voice recognition could be used to identify a
person. Still unreliable, with many commands not 1. Laptop computer:
being recognized or needing to be repeated several
times (especially if there is background noise). Can be (Or notebook) refers to a type of computer where the
quite complex to setup. User needs to know which monitor, keyboard, pointing device and processor are all
commands can be used. together in one single unit. This makes them extremely
4. Gesture-based user interface: rely on human portable. lightweight (to aid portability). Low power
interaction by the moving of hands, head or even the consumption (and also long battery life). Low heat output
feet. Replaces mechanical input devices. No physical (cooling is very important).
contact required. Very natural interface for a human Uses:
operator. No training needed to interface with the 1. office and business work
computer. Possible for unintentional movement to be 2. educational use
3. used as a gaming device.
picked up. Only works near to the camera or sensor
4. general entertainment
(maximum of 1.5 meters). May only accept a limited
number of movements (for example, it may take Advantages:
several attempts to find out exactly what finger 1. Portability, all components are in a single unit so
movements are recognized). that they can be taken anywhere.
2. because of one single unit, there are no trailing
wires, and desk cluttering.
1.4. Types of Computers 3. take up much less room on a desk, so they can be
easily used in public spaces.
Desktop Computers 4. portability allows them to take full advantage of
Wi-Fi features.
Desktop usually refers to a general-purpose computer
that is made up of a separate monitor, keyboard, mouse,
1. portability makes it easier for them to be stolen.
and processor unit. It is distinguished from, for example, a
2. limited battery life means user needs to carry
laptop computer by the fact that it is made up of several
charger at all times.
separate components, which makes it not very portable. 3. keyboards and pointing devices may be awkward
to use.
1. office and business work
4. not easy to upgrade, like adding more RAM.
2. educational use
3. general entertainment 2. Smartphones:
4. gaming device
Advantages: Allow normal phone calls to be made, but also have an
1. they are easier and less costly to upgrade and operating system (such as iOS, Android, or Windows)
expand. allowing them to run a number of computer applications
2. spare parts are standardized, which makes them (known as apps or applets). Smartphones communicate
cheaper. with the internet either by using Wi-Fi hot spots or by
3. they tend to have better specifications for a given using 3G/4G/5G mobile phone networks.
price. Uses:
4. no critical power consumption because they plug 1. They allow users to send/receive emails.
into a wall socket. 2. They allow users to use a number of apps.
5. due to fixed position, they are less likely to be 3. They allow users to use a camera feature (to take
damaged or stolen. photos or videos).
4. They allow users to use a MP3/4 player (for music 3. typing on a touch screen can be slow and error
and videos). prone compared to a standard keyboard.
Advantages: 4. laptops tend to support more file formats than
1. very small in size and lightweight, makes them tablets.
2. connecting to the internet while on the move. 4. Phablets:
3. because they use Wi-Fi and mobile phone
networks, they can be used almost anywhere. Some of the latest smartphones have been designed as a
4. they have apps which can tell instant location, hybrid between a tablet and a smartphone; these are
which is a feature that isn’t available in either referred to as a phablet. They have much larger screens
desktops or laptops. than a smartphone but are smaller than a tablet.
5. they have reasonable battery life.
1. small screens and keyboards make pages difficult
to read.
2. more difficult and slower when typing things in.
3. Web browsing and photography can quickly drain
the battery.
4. Memory size in most phones is not very large
when compared to laptops and desktops.
5. Not all website features are compatible with
smartphone operating systems.
6. Because of their small size, it is much easier to
lose a smartphone or for it to be stolen compared
to laptops or desktops. Uses:
7. The data transfer rate using mobile phone 1. Entertainment (streaming of music, videos, and
networks can be slower than with Wi-Fi. television programs).
2. Gaming (including group games).
3. Tablets: 3. As a camera or video camera.
4. Internet use (online sales, social networks, using
They work similarly to a smartphone. The only main QR codes, and so on).
difference is that they are much somewhat bigger in size 5. Sending/receiving emails.
as compared to a smartphone. 6. Global positioning system (use of maps to navigate
Uses: to a location).
1. They allow users to send/receive emails. 7. Calendar functions.
2. They allow users to use a number of apps. 8. Telephone banking (sending and receiving money
3. They allow users to use a camera feature (to take using banking apps).
photos or videos). 9. Voice over Internet Protocol: telephone network
4. They allow users to use a MP3/4 player (for music using the internet, which also allows video calling.
and videos). 10. Instant access to social networks (social contact
Advantages of tablets compared to laptops: with friends no matter where you are in the world).
1. very fast to switch on (no time delay waiting for the 11. Instant messaging.
operating system to load up). 12. Office and business management (allows rapid
2. fully portable – they are so lightweight that they voice and video communication).
can be carried anywhere. 13. Education use (using interactive software to teach
3. touch screen technology means they are simple to or learn from).
use and don’t need any other input devices. 14. Remotely control devices.
4. not much heat, they use solid-state technology. Laptops are the most expandable of these devices,
5. battery life of a tablet is a lot longer. while smartphones are the most portable. Tablets
6. when the power button is pressed, it goes into and phablets fall somewhere in between, offering
standby, but remains connected to the internet so a balance of portability and expandability. The
the user still hears alerts when emails or other choice of which device to use will depend on your
‘events’ are received. specific needs and use case.
Disadvantages of tablets compared to laptops:
1. tend to be rather expensive when compared to
1.5. Impact of Emerging Technologies
2. they often have limited memory/storage when Artificial Intelligence (AI): There are many definitions of
compared to a laptop. artificial intelligence (AI). Essentially, AI is a machine or
application which carries out a task that requires some An input device can send data to another device, but it
degree of intelligence. – the use of language, – cannot receive data from another device.
recognizing a person’s face, – the ability to operate Input devices are necessary for a computer to receive
machinery, such as a car, airplane, train, and so on, – commands from its users and data to process; the
analyzing data to predict the outcome of a future event, devices are under the control of the user or can be direct
for example weather forecasting. Impact: Whenever AI is data entry.
mentioned, people usually think of science fiction
fantasies and think of robots. The science fiction writer Input devices can be complicated because they must ensure
Isaac Asimov even went as far as producing his three laws that the user can interact with the computer correctly.
of robotics: » Robots may not injure a human through
action or inaction. » Robots must obey order given by 1. Keyboards:
humans without question. » A robot must protect itself
unless it conflicts with the two laws above. Everyday uses:
1. An autonomous (driverless) vehicle – we already Input of data into applications software
have driverless trains and autopilots on airplanes, Typing in commands to the computer
but future developments include driverless cars.
2. Robotic research is leading to improvements in Advantages:
technology to help amputees and people with
disabilities. Fast entry of new text into a document.
3. Robots are used to help people carry out Well-known method.
dangerous or unpleasant tasks – for example, Easy to use for most people.
bomb disposal, Negative impacts of AI: Easier to do verification checks as data is entered (can
immediately compare the source document with typed
4. Unemployment, robots are capable of doing
tedious human tasks with much more efficiency data on the screen).
and excellence than humans.
5. Dependency on technology could lead to problems
in the future. Can be difficult to use if the user has limited arm/wrist
6. De-skilling: tasks that used to be considered a use.
talent are now part of general, tedious processes Slow method when compared to direct data entry.
that are done on a regular process by machines. Fairly large device that uses up valuable desk space.
Extended reality: refers to real and virtual combined
environments. The two most common examples at the
moment are: » Augmented reality (AR) is a merger
between the virtual and physical (real) world, it lays
objects onto the pre-existing objects. e.g., Pokémon GO!
Impact: safety and rescue operations’ training, shopping
and retail (getting a better look at a car before the
purchase), healthcare (better understanding of a patient’s
body) » Virtual reality (VR) enables an entirely new world
to be created, unlike AR, this has no link to the actual 2. Numeric keypads:
surroundings of the user. It requires the user to be
specially equipped with a VR headset, joystick, and Uses:
headphones. Impact: Military applications, educational
purposes (looking at ancient buildings), healthcare, media Automatic teller machines (ATMs), where the customer
(interactive special effects in a movie), scientific can key in their PIN, amount of money, etc.
visualization (part of molecular structures/cells). Mobile phones to allow phone numbers, etc. to be keyed
Point of sale terminals (POS) in case the barcode reader
2. ## 2.1. THEORY fails to read the barcode – the number has to be keyed in
manually by the operator.
Chip and PIN devices when paying by credit/debit cards.
Input & Output Devices Fast entry of numeric data into a spreadsheet.
Input Devices & their Uses
Faster than standard keyboards when entering numeric
An input device is any hardware device that allows a user data.
to enter data or instructions into a computer directly.
Because many are small devices, they are very easy to Advantages:
carry around.
faster than a keyboard for choosing options.
Disadvantages: used to navigate applications and the internet.
Because the touchpad is integrated into the laptop
Sometimes have small keys which can make input more computer, there is no need for a separate mouse, this
difficult. aids the portability and is a big advantage if there are no
Sometimes the order of the numbers on the keypad is not flat surfaces available.
Advantages: touchpad.
Faster method for choosing an option rather than using a 5. Tracker ball:
Very quick way of navigating through applications and the Uses:
Does not need a large desk area when compared to a good alternative to a mouse for people with conditions
keyboard. such as RSI.
Used in an industrial control room environment.
Disadvantages: Used in some luxury cars to select functions such as
Can be more difficult for people with restricted hand/wrist
movement than using a keyboard for data entry. Advantages:
Easy to damage, and the older type of mouse quickly
becomes clogged up with dirt. Does not need the same fine control as a mouse.
Difficult to use if no flat surface readily available. Easier to use than a mouse if the operator has problems
with their wrist.
More accurate positioning of the pointer on screen.
They are more robust than a mouse.
Needs less desk space than a mouse or keyboard.
7. Joysticks:
9. Touch screen (as an input device):
Faster entry of options than using keyboard or mouse.
Very easy method for choosing options. 11. Digital Cameras:
User-friendly method – no training necessary in its use.
Option to expand the size of the display if necessary.
Taking photographs, still better than smartphones and
Limited number of input options available. Data-capture device, e.g., as a reversing aid in cars.
Can lead to problems if an operator has to use the system Dentistry, to help capturing pictures for better diagnosis.
frequently (straining of arm muscles, RSI, etc. are all The creation of virtual reality tours around houses,
possible). buildings etc.
The screen can get very dirty with constant touching.
13. Sensors:
2.2. Direct Data Entry & Associated
Temperature sensors are used in automatic washing Devices
machines, central heating systems, ovens, automatic
1. Magnetic Stripe Readers:
Pressure sensors are used in intruder alarm systems,
washing machines. Uses:
Light sensors are used in automatic glasshouses,
automatic doors, street lighting control. On credit/debit card for use at ATMs
Sound/acoustic sensors are used in intruder alarm Security device to allow entry to buildings, hotels, etc.
systems, monitoring liquid and powder flow in pipes.
Humidity/moisture sensors are used in automatic Advantages:
glasshouses, environmental monitoring, in factories
Faster than keying in data manually.
where moisture levels are crucial.
Error-free, no human intervention needed.
pH sensors are used in automatic glasshouses, chemical
Secure, information isn’t in human-readable form.
processes and environmental monitoring.
Robust, there are no moving parts.
Readings are more accurate as compared to human
If the card is damaged, the data is lost.
Doesn’t work at a distance.
Readers are continuous, no breaks in the monitoring.
As the information isn’t human readable, this can be a
Because it is a continuous process, any action or warnings
disadvantage in some cases.
needed will be initiated immediately.
Automatic systems don’t need human intervention.
Where payments are made using cards Very fast way of inputting survey results.
More accurate because there is no human intervention.
Advantages: More accurate than OCR methods.
More secure than contactless cards as the PIN acts as a Disadvantages:
second security layer.
More robust system than Magnetic Stripe Cards The designing of the forms can be complicated to make
sure the marks are correctly positioned.
Disadvantages: If there are problems, they need to be manually checked,
which can be time-consuming.
Need to be very careful, so the PIN isn’t seen by anyone
while being typed in.
Tag collision
As they use radio waves, they are easy to jam/interrupt.
Easy to hack into the signal. 6. Barcode readers:
RFID is more expensive than a comparable barcode
system. Uses:
They are a tried and trusted technology. QR codes can be used to transmit malicious data.
POS terminals
Information kiosks.
5. Laser printers:
Don’t need additional input devices.
They are very interactive, many functions such as swiping
can be done.
In uses where low noise is required.
They add a high-tech feel to devices and interfaces. If fast, high quality, high-volume printing is required.
Disadvantages: Advantages:
They tend to get dirty with frequent use. Printing is fast.
Frequent use results in straining of arm muscles, RSI, etc.
They can handle very large print jobs.
If large amounts of data are being input/output, they Quality is consistently high.
aren’t very accurate, and the interface isn’t very fast. Toner cartridges last for a long time.
They are only considerably fast if several copies are being Advantages:
Color laser printers are expensive to run. Can be used in varying environments unlike laser/inkjet
They produce ozone and volatile organic compounds printers.
because of their printing method and toner. Carbon copies or multi-part outputs can be produced.
Very cheap to run and maintain.
Good for continuous printing.
Very noisy
Initial cost is more than an inkjet printer.
Very slow, poor-quality printing.
6. Inkjet printers:
8. (Graph) Plotters:
This involves starting from the beginning of the file and Used in file servers for computer networks.
accessing each record to get to the file required.
It is a very slow form of data access. Advantages:
Used where speed isn’t vital.
They have a very fast data transfer rate and fast access
Examples where serial access is used:
times to data.
utility billing
They have a very large memory capacities.
clearing of bank cheques
producing pay slips Disadvantages:
Magnetic Backing Storage
Can be used as backup systems to prevent data loss.
Media Can be used to transfer data/files/software between
Holds data magnetically.
Surface area of the media are magnetized so that they
can hold bits of data. Data access time and data transfer rate are very fast.
The device that reads media can also read the bits held Have a very large memory capacity.
on the surface area Can be used as a method of transferring information
between computers.
3.3. Magnetic tape drives
They can be easily damaged if user accidently drops it or
used in application where batch processing is used. doesn’t correctly shut down the drive after use.
used as a backup media where vast amounts of data Data transfer rate is not as fast as for fixed hard disk
needs to be stored. drives.
used in long-term archiving of data, they have huge data
storage capacities and are known to be very stable.
Optical Backing Storage
They are generally less expensive than hard disk drives.
It is a very robust technology.
Holds data by burning ‘dots’ onto the surface with a high
They have a huge data storage capacity.
powered laser.
The data transfer rate is fast.
The data that reads the media can read the data by
Disadvantages: shining a lower powered laser over the dots.
Very slow data access times (uses serial access). 3.4. CD-R/DVD-R
When updating, another tape is needed to store the final
updated version. Uses:
They are affected by magnetic fields, a strong field can
Home recordings of music and (CD-R) and films (CD-R).
corrupt data stored on the tape.
Used to store data to be kept for later use to be
transferred to another computer.
Fixed Hard Disks/Drives
Cheaper medium than RW disks.
To store the OS, systems software and working data/files.
Once burned (and finalized) they behave like a ROM.
Storing applications files.
Used in real-time systems and in online systems. Disadvantages:
Can only be recorded once; if an error occurs then the much smaller so they store five times more data than
disk has to be thrown away. DVDs.
Not all CD/DVD players can read CD-R/DVD-R. 2. Blu-ray disks automatically come with a secure
encryption system which helps to prevent piracy and
CD-RW/DVD-RW copyright infringement.
3. The data transfer rate for a DVD is 10 Mbps and for a
Uses: Blu-ray disc it is 36 Mbps.
CD-ROM/DVD-ROM Disadvantages:
More expensive than magnetic hard disks. Users will often be required to purchase a card reader or
Smaller storage capacity than magnetic hard disks. USB converter to view the data.
Advantages: Routers
Very compact and portable media. A device that enables data to be sent between different types
Very robust. of networks. Used to connect a LAN to the internet, can be
Does not need additional software to work on most connected through cables or wirelessly.
computers. It can be used for:
They are not affected by magnetic fields.
connecting networks and devices to the internet,
Disadvantages: storing computer addresses,
routing data packets.
Cannot write protect the data/files by making it ‘read-only’.
Easy to lose (due to the small physical size). When a data packet is received, the router checks if the
The user needs to be very careful when removing a packet is intended for it or another network. If it’s meant for
memory stick from a computer - incorrect removal will its own network, then the data packet is routed to the local
corrupt the data on the memory stick and make it useless. switch/hub. If not, the data packet is sent to the relevant
router, which send it to the relevant device.
Flash Memory cards
They consult routing tables to know where to send the
Different types of memory cards: data.
» SD cards (secure digital card)
» XD cards (extreme digital card)
» CFast card (compactfast card). Common Network Devices
1. Network Interface Cards (NIC): needed to allow a
Storing photos on digital cameras.
device to connect to a network. Turns binary data into
Used as mobile phone memory cards.
electrical signal that allows network access. Usually
Used in MP3 players to store music files.
integrated into the motherboard.
Used as a backing store in hand-held computer devices.
Each NIC is given a unique hardwired media access
control (MAC) address.
Very compact. Media access control (MAC) address: a number which
Because of no moving parts, they are very durable. uniquely identifies a device when connected to a network.
They can hold large amounts of data. First 6 hex digits identify the manufacturer’s code and the
Compact cameras and smartphones are able to read and next 6 identify the device’s serial number.
write memory cards allow the user to transport large
2. Hubs: they are hardware devices that can have a
collections of photographs, songs etc.
number of other devices connected to them. They are
Disadvantages: used to connect devices together to form a local area
network (LAN). It takes a data packet received by one
Expensive per gigabyte of memory when compared to of its ports and sends it all relevant or irrelevant
HDDs. device connected to it.
Have a lower storage capacity than hard disks.
Have a finite life regarding number of times they can be Not very secure, broadcast data to all devices.
read from or written to. Unnecessary network traffic.
Memory cards, specifically the micro SD card, are the
3. Switches: intelligent hubs. Used to connect devices to
smallest storage devices available; this means they are
form a LAN. Unlike hubs, the switches store MAC
more likely to be lost, stolen or damaged.
addresses of all devices on a lookup table. So, it only Bluetooth uses key matching encryption however, Wi-Fi
sends data to relevant device. uses WPA (Wi-Fi protected access), and WEP (wireless
In summary: equivalent privacy).
The world wide web is the vast collection of web pages They all use client server architecture
that can be accessed using a web browser They all use security measures such as
The world wide web allows you to access information by authentication and encryption
using the internet They all promote and facilitate information and
resource sharing
Characteristics: Differences between the internet, intranet and extranet
are as follows:
It is an open network meaning everyone has access to the
The internet is a global network whereas an
same resources and information as everybody else.
intranet/extranet is a private network contained within
People from all over the world can communicate with
an organization
each other in real-time.
The use of the internet covers a wide range of
Available to anyone who has a suitable device and access
purposes whereas an intranet/extranet is designed for
to any one of the interconnected networks.
specific users and purposes
Uses: Much of the information is publicly available whereas
an intranet/extranet is not
Education and training The internet is not owned solely by one person or
Social Networking organization whereas intranets/extranets are owned
Online shopping usually by the organization.
computer. To access this website, users must first Much easier to access important documents or bring in
authenticate themselves using electronic tokens. With ‘experts’ at key parts of the conference.
their smartphone, the user has already set up the Possible to hold conferences at short notice.
electronic token app. The user launches the app on Reduced travelling costs.
their smartphone when the website asks them to No need to pay for hotel accommodation or venue hire.
verify their identity. The program creates an OTP that Reduces the cost of taking people away from their work
is only good for a short period of time. for two or three days to travel.
Better to use video conferencing than have delegates
travel to potentially unsafe places around the world.
Anti-malware software
An anti-malware software is designed to protect devices Potential time lag in responses/delays when talking.
against viruses and malicious software. It has 3 mains Images can jerk.
purposes, detect, prevent and remove malicious software. It
Very expensive to set up in the first place.
is installed onto a computer system and will operate in the Problems if the delegates live in different countries where
background. the time zone differences are large.
Common features of Anti-Malware software include the Requires IT knowledge to some extent.
Not the best for people who consider travelling a job-perk.
Completely reliant on stable internet connections.
Comparing the scanned files against a large database of
known threats 2. Audio Conferencing: Meetings held using audio
Real-time scanning (sound) technology are referred to as audio
Regular updates to gather an up to date list of known conferencing. The normal telephone network can be
used for audio conferencing, which is frequently
Quarantine of infected files referred to as a phone conference.
Quarantining files allows threats to be automatically
deleted. The hardware required is:
Allows the user to determine if the file is a legitimate
threat and not a false positive. a computer (with built-in microphones and speakers)
external microphone and/or speakers
Heuristic Checking: Instead of relying solely on a database of an internet phone
known viruses, this method looks for behavioral patterns and a standard phone.
other features in a file to identify possible risks there.
no need to do manual tasks at home people do not meet face-to-face as much (social isolation)
more time for leisure activities a lack of social interaction may make people more
anxious of meeting people in real life
no need to stay home while chores are being done
web-enabled devices allow devices to be switched on or when communicating online, people can act less polite or
off while the owner is out more harshly, and cybercrime is a serious issue,
automated burglar alarms give a higher sense of security especially for teenagers.
and well-being
smart fridges and freezers prevent food waste by keeping Monitoring and controlling transport
track of products’ expiry, availability, etc.
Disadvantages of microprocessor-controlled labor-saving
devices: monitoring traffic on motorways
congestion zone monitoring
unhealthy lifestyle due to inactivity caused by devices automatic number plate recognition (ANPR)
doing all tasks automatic traffic light control
tend to make people lazy air traffic control systems
potential deskilling railway signalling systems
any device containing a microprocessor and can
communicate using the internet displays a threat of Advantages of transport monitoring and control systems:
cybersecurity breaches
smart motorways keep updating according to changing
traffic conditions