Parallel, and Distributed Systems ANS:-: - Explain The Distinctions Among Concurrent
Parallel, and Distributed Systems ANS:-: - Explain The Distinctions Among Concurrent
Parallel, and Distributed Systems ANS:-: - Explain The Distinctions Among Concurrent
Distributed system:
A distributed development system is responsible for
planning, designing, building, testing, and maintaining the
software with decentralized teams, located in different physical
workspaces. These teams collaborate and communicate with each
other by using internet-based collaboration tools and platforms to
build software applications.
Communication is done with emails, the internet and other
long-distance communication mediums. Distributed systems are
largely pioneered by the open-source community.
Concurrent system:
Most of the software development processes involve a
series of development phases, such as requirement gathering,
prototyping, product design and testing. It is inevitable to go back
to earlier phases to make changes or work on the later phases since
their phases are interrelated. This type of model here multiple phases
are performed concurrently provided they are no longer dependent on
each other is known as a concurrent system.
A concurrent software development system is a system in
which different stages of product development are executed
simultaneously, rather than in a linear or sequential manner. It
reduces overall development time and provides a faster version
of the product in the market.
Pre-emption is a form of multitasking in which the scheduler
interrupts and suspends a currently running task in order to resume
a previously suspended task. This activity takes place on just about
every operating system available.
Pre-emption involves the use of an interrupt mechanism,
which suspends the currently executing thread and then invokes
the scheduler to determine which thread should be executed next,
allowing all threads to receive some amount of processor time.
The time alloted for a thread to run in a preemptive
multitasking system is called the time slice or quantum time.
Prolog programs are constructed from terms. A term is either
a constant, a structure or a variable.
Structures, also known as compound terms, consist of a
functor (name) and a number of arguments (other terms). The
number of arguments a structure has is known as its arity. A
structure is defined in Prolog by specifying its functor followed by
its arguments separated by commas and enclosed in round
brackets. Examples of valid Prolog syntax for defining structures
are: p(), p(a) and p(X, a, q(1,2)).
A special type of structure is the list.
A fact is an atom or structure followed by a full stop.
Examples of valid Prolog syntax for defining facts are: cold.,
male(homer). and father(homer,bart)..
A rule consists of a head and a body. The head and body are
separated by a :- and followed by full stop. If the body of a clause
is true then the head of the clause is true. Examples of valid Prolog
syntax for defining rules are: bigger(X,Y) :- X > Y. and
parents(F,M,C) :- father(F,C), mother(M,C).
Queries allow us to ask questions of the Prolog
environment. The Prolog environment will try to answer the
query by using the facts and rules that have been loaded into it.
Prolog queries start with a ?- and end with a full stop. When using
the console there is no need to type in the ?- as it is automatically
added for you. Examples of valid Prolog syntax for specifying a query
are: ?- 1 < 2. and ?- father(F,C).
• Difference between forward and backward
Q 2,6,10 Remaining