Xii Bio Final QB
Xii Bio Final QB
Xii Bio Final QB
Choose the correct answer:
1. The root cell of a wheat plant has 42 chromosomes. What would be the number of
chromosomes in the synergid cell? (a) 7 (b) 14 (c) 21(d) 28.
2.In Banana edible part is:
(a) Fleshy epicarp (b) Rudimentary mesocarp and fleshy endocarp
(c) Pericarp (d) Rudimentary endocarp and fleshy mesocarp
3 Egg apparatus consists of
(a)Egg (b) Egg and polar nuclei (c) Egg and synergids (d) Egg and antipodal cells.
4. Endosperm of flowering plants develops from:
(a) Haploid nucleus (b) Diploid nucleus (c) Triploid nucleus (d) Tetraploid nucleus.
5. Persistent nucellus in black pepper is called
(a) Pericarp (b) Perisperm(c) Primary endospermic nucleus (d) Endosperm
6. In a monocot, endosperm cells have24 chromosomes. What shall be the chromosome
number in embryo: (a) 24 (b) 16 (c) 12 (d) 8
7. Secondary nucleus present in the middle of embryo sac is:
(a) Tetraploid (b) Triploid (c) Diploid (d) Haploid.
8.In nature cleistogamous flowers are:
(a) Wind pollinated (b) Bird pollinated (c) Self-pollinated (d) Insect pollinated
9.Triploid tissue in angiosperms is: (a) Nucellus (b) Endosperm (c) Endothecium (d) Tapetum.
10. The outermost layer of maize endosperm is known as:
(a) Perisperm (b) Aleurone (c) Tapetum Endothecium
11. Through which cell of the embryo sac, does the pollen tube enter the embryo sac?
(a) Egg cell (b) Central cell (c) Persistent synergid (d) degenerated synergid.
12. Double fertilisation involves:
(a) Syngamy + triple fusion (b) Double fertilisation (c) Development of
antipodal cell (d) None of the above.
These questions consist of two statements each, printed as Assertion and Reason. While
answering these questions, you are requested to choose any one of the following four
A. If both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
B. If both Assertion and Reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of
C. If Assertion is true but Reason is false.
D. If both Assertion and Reason are false.
1. Assertion: Megaspore mother cell undergoes meiosis to produce four megaspores.
Reason: Megaspore mother cell and megaspores both are haploid.
2. Assertion: Insects visit flowers to gather honey.
Reason: Attraction of flowers prevents the insects from damaging the parts.
3. Assertion: 7-celled 8- nucleate and monosporic embryo sac is called polygonum type of
embryo sac.
Reason: It was discovered by Hofmeister for the first time in Polygonum.
4. Assertion: Seed disposal by wind is called as anemochory.
Reason: The seeds are light, minute and may be winged.
5. Assertion: Ovule after fertilisation forms the fruit.
Reason: The fruit contains diploid endosperm.
6. Assertion: Continued self-pollination generation after generation results in pure line
Reason: By continued self-pollination, plants become pure or homozygous for its characters.
7. Assertion: Cross pollination in true genetic sense within species is called xenogamy.
Reason: When there is cross pollination, resultant hybrid is a combination of characters of
two plants.
8. Assertion: The first part of the dicot embryo to appear above ground is the leaf.
Reason: Leaves increase the size of plants.
9. Assertion: If an endosperm cell of angiosperm contains 24 chromosomes, the number of
chromosomes in the cell of root will be 16.
Reason: As the endosperm is triploid and root cells are diploid, the chromosome number in
each of root cell will be 16.
10. Assertion: Some fruits are seedless or contain empty or non-viable seeds.
Reason: They are produced without fertilisation.
11. Assertion: Red colour of flowers attracts butterflies and wasps, but not bees.
Reason: Bees are colour-blind to red.
12. Assertion: Seeds fail to germinate at very low and high temperatures.
Reason: Seed sown deep into the soil fails to germinate.
1. Gynoecium of a flower may be apocarpous or syncarpous. Explain with the help of an
Example each.
2. Mention the ploidy of the different types of cells present in the female gametophyte of an
3. Name all the haploid cells present in an unfertilised mature embryo sac of a flowering
plant. Write the total number of cells in it.
4. Mention one advantage and a disadvantage of a cleistogamous flower.
5. Explain the mechanism of pollination in marine /seagrass like Zostera.
6. Write the cellular contents carried by the pollen tube. How does the pollen tube gain its
entry into the embryo sac?
7. Name the product of fertilisation that forms the kernel of coconut. How does the kernel
differ from coconut water?
8. You are given caster and bean seeds. Which one of the two, would you select to observe
the endosperm?
9. Name the type of fruit, apple is categorised under and why? Mention two other
examples, which belong to the same category as apple.
10. It is said apomixes is a type of asexual reproduction. Justify.
11. If you squeeze a seed of orange, you might observe many embryos of different sizes.
How is it possible? Explain.
12.Name and explain the mechanism by which the seeds from hybrid plants are developed
that are able to retain the desired hybrid characters in the progeny.
1. Where are the following structures present in a male gametophyte of angiosperms?
Mention the function of each of them.
2. Do all pollen grains remain viable for the same length of time? Support your answer with
two suitable examples.
3. Explain the different modes of pollination that can occur in a chasmogamous flower.
4. Write the differences between wind-pollinated and insect pollinated flowers. Give
examples of each type.
5. Majority of angiosperms have hermaphrodite flowers, but self-pollination is discouraged
by them. Explain any three outbreeding devices that they have developed to achieve it.
6. In plant breeding experiments, pistillate flowers are not emasculated, but are still bagged.
7. Differentiate between parthenocarpy and parthenogenesis. Give one example of each.
8. State what apomixis is. Comment on its significance. How can it be commercially used?
9. Apomixis resembles asexual reproduction as well as mimics sexual reproduction in plants.
Explain the help of a suitable example.
10. Parthenocarpy and apomixis have been observed in some plants. Give an example of
each. State a similarity and a difference observed between the two processes.
1. (a) Describe any two devices in a flowering plant, which prevent both autogamy and
(b)Explain the events up to fertilisation after the pollen tube enters one of the synergids in
an ovule of an angiosperm
2. (a) when a seed of an orange is squeezed, many embryos, instead of one, are observed.
Explain how it is possible.
In the following questions a statement of assertion and reason is correct explanation for
assertion correct answer out of the following choices.
a. Both assertion and reason are true, and reason is the correct explanation of assertion
b. Both assertion and reason are true, but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion
c. Assertion is true but reason is false
d. Both assertion and reason are false.
1. Assertion-The uterus is shaped like an inverted pear.
Reason- The inner glandular layer lining the uterine cavity is called as myometrium.
2. Assertion-The middle piece of the sperm is called is powerhouse.
Reason- Numerous mitochondria in the middle piece produce energy for the movement of the
3. Assertion-All sperms released at a time do not fertilise the ovum.
Reason-Fertilisation occur only when ovum and sperm fuse at the ampullary-isthmic junction.
4. Assertion-The embryo with 8 to 16 blastomeres is called a morula.
Reason-The morula continuously divides to transform into trophoblast.
5. Assertion-The endometrium undergoes cyclic changes during the menstrual cycle.
Reason- Perimetrium contracts strongly during delivery of the baby.
6. Assertion- Signals for parturition originate from placenta and the developed foetus.
Reason- Relaxin is released by the placenta.
7. Assertion-the female gamete is produced at the time of puberty.
Reason- gonadotropin releasing hormone controls the process of oogenesis.
8. Assertion- the fertilized egg contains 23 pairs of chromosomes
Reason-zygote is formed by the fusion of egg and the sperm.
9. Assertion-Colostrum produced in first 2-3 days after parturition is rich in nutrients.
Reason-placenta induces the signals for expulsion of the fully developed.
Short Answer type (2 or 3 marks)
1. At what stage of life is oogenesis initiated in a human female? When does the oocyte
complete oogenesis?
2. Give a scientific term for the following:
a) Layer of follicle cells that envelops the egg outside the zona pellucida.
b) The finger-like projection appearing on the trophoblast after implantation.
3. a) How many lobules are found in each testis?
b) What is the function of Bulbourethral glands?
4. What is pregnancy hormone? Why is it so called? Name two sources of this hormone in a
human female.
5. Name the hormone which stimulates the secretion of ovarian hormones. What would happen
if the blood concentration of ovarian hormones increases?
6. Explain the formation of placenta after implantation in a human female.
7. What is the role of following hormones in the female reproductive cycle:
1) FSH 2) LH 3) Progesterone
8. a) In which part of the human female reproductive system do the following events take place.
I. Release of 1st polar body II. Release of 2nd polar body III. Fertilization IV. Implantation
b) From where do the signals for parturition originate and what does maternal pituitary release
for stimulating uterine contractions for childbirth.
9. Define spermatogenesis. Where does it occur?
10. Write the location and functions of Sertoli cells in humans?
11. Differentiate between spermiogenesis and spermiation.
12. How does colostrum provide initial protection against diseases to new born infants? Give
one reason.
13. State the fate of the trophoblast of a human blastocyst at the time of implantation and that
of the inner cell mass immediately after implantation.
14. What is ovulation? What happens to the Graafian follicle after ovulation?
Long Answer (5marks)
1. What is spermatogenesis? Briefly describe the process of spermatogenesis.
2. Briefly describe the process of oogenesis.
3. Describe the roles of pituitary and ovarian hormones during the menstrual cycle in a human
4. Explain in detail the various developmental stages of the zygote until implantation with
suitable diagrams.
Directions: In the following questions, a statement of assertion is followed by a statement of
Mark the correct choice as:
(a) If both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
(b) If both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation of
(c) If Assertion is true but Reason is false.
(d) If both Assertion and Reason are false.
1. Assertion: Amniocentesis is often misused
Reason: Amniocentesis is meant for determining the genetic disorders in the foetus, but it is
being used to determine the sex of the foetus, leading to the death of the normal female
2. Assertion: Cu-T and Cu-7 do not suppress sperm-motility.
Reason: Hormones released by them do not affect sperm motility.
3. Assertion: Pills are very effective contraceptive methods with lesser side effects.
Reason: Pills inhibit ovulation and implantation as well as retard entry of sperms.
4. Assertion: In zygote intra fallopian transfer the zygote is transferred to the fallopian tubes
of the female.
Reason: ZIFT is an in vivo fertilisation method.
5. Assertion: Artificial insemination is the method of introduction of semen inside the
Reason: This technique is used in those cases where males have low sperm count.
6. Assertion: IUT is the transfer of embryo with more than 8 blastomeres into the fallopian
Reason: This is a very popular method of forming embryos in-vivo.
7. Assertion: Saheli, the new oral contraceptive for the females, contains a steroidal
Reason: It is “once in a day” pill with very few side effects.
1. Lactational Amenorrhea is a method of contraception. Justify. What is the maximum
effectiveness of this method in terms of period/duration?
2. How are Copper releasing IUDs different from Hormone releasing IUDs?
3. Give another name for sexually transmitted diseases. Name two sexually transmitted
diseases which are curable and two diseases which are not curable.
4. Differentiate between Vasectomy and Tubectomy.
5. Mention the various precautions one has to take in order to protect himself/herself from
6. When is the medical termination of pregnancy advised by the doctors?
7. What are the important features of an ideal contraceptive?
8. Justify the statement, “All reproductive tract infections are sexually transmitted diseases,
but all sexually transmitted diseases are not reproductive tract infections.”
9. Justify the ban on amniocentesis in our country?
10. Name the hormone composition of oral contraceptives used by a human female. Explain
how it act as a contraceptive?
11. Why should sex education be introduced to school-going children? List any five reasons.
12. Suggest some methods to assist infertile couples to have children.
13. List the objectives of Reproductive and Child Health Care Programmes (RCH)
The following questions consist of two statements – Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Answer
these questions selecting the appropriate option given below:
A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
B. Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A
C. A is true but R is false
D. A is False but R is true
1. Assertion: Sickle cell anaemia occurs due to a point mutation.
Reason: The mRNA produced from HbS gene has GUG instead of GAG. Ans. A
2. Assertion: The possibility a human male becoming haemophilic is extremely rare.
Reason: Mother of such a male should be normal and the fathers should be haemophilic.
Ans. D
3. Assertion: In dog flowers F1 plants produce pink flowers.
Reason: It is due to codominance of flower colour alleles with both genes expressing
themselves equally. Ans. C
4. Assertion: XO type of sex determination is found in large number of insects.
Reason; 50 % of sperms contain X chromosome and the other 50% contain “O”
chromosome. Ans. C
5. Assertion: A test cross is used to determine the phenotype of an organism.
Reason: F2 generation of a monohybrid test cross produces one or two phenotypes
depending upon the genotype of the unknown organism. Ans. D
6. Assertion: Mendel used true-breeding pea lines for artificial pollination experiments for
his genetic studies.
Reason: For several generations, a true-breeding line shows the stable trait inheritance and
expression. Ans. A
7. Assertion: Cross of F1 individual with recessive homozygous parent is test cross.
Reason: No recessive individual is obtained in the monohybrid test cross progeny. Ans. C
8. Assertion: In monohybrid cross, at F2 stage, both parental traits are expressed in 3 : 1
proportion. Reason: At F2 stage, the contrasting parental traits show blending. Ans. C
9. Assertion: Gametes receives only one allele of a gene.
Reason: During gamete formation, mitosis takes place leads to formation of haploid cells.
Ans. C
10. Assertion: A good example of multiple alleles is ABO blood group system.
Reason: When I A and IB are present together in ABO blood group system, they both
express their own types. Ans. B
1. Identify the sex of organism as male or female in which the sex chromosome are found as
(i) ZW in bird (ii) XY in Drosophila (iii) ZZ in birds. (iv) XO in grasshopper.
2. The human male never passes on the gene for haemophilia to his son. Why is it so?
3. How will you find out whether a given plant is homozygous or heterozygous?
4. Why do sons of haemophilic father never suffer from this trait?
5. How is the child affected if it has grown from the zygote formed by an XX-egg fertilized by
Y-carrying sperm? What do you call this abnormality?
6. .The map distance in certain organism between genes A & B is 4 units, between B & C is
units, &between C &D is 8 units which one of these gene pairs will show more
recombination frequency? Give reason.
1. One chromosome contains one molecule of DNA. In Eukaryotes, the length of the DNA
molecule is enormously large. Explain how such a long molecule fits into the tiny
chromosomes seen during metaphase. (5)
2. (a) Draw a neat and labelled diagram of a „Replicating fork‟ showing „polarity‟. Why does
DNA replication occur within such replication fork?
(b) Name the enzyme involved in the process of DNA replication along with their properties.
3. (a) Describe the series of experiments conducted by Frederick Griffith. Comment on the
significance of the results obtained.
(b) State the contributions of Oswald Avery, Colin McLeod and Maclyn McCarthy. (5)
4. (a) Describe the structure and function of the tRNA molecule.
(b) Why is the tRNA referred to as an „adaptor‟ molecule?
(c) Explain the process of „splicing‟ of hnRNA in a Eukaryotic cell. (5)
5. (a) Why did Hershey and Chase use radio isotopes of Phosphorus (P32) and Sulphur (S35)
in their experiments? Explain the experiment. (5)
(b) Following the experiments conducted by them, state the conclusion they arrived at and
6. One chromosome contains one molecule of DNA. In Eukaryotes, the length of the DNA
molecule is enormously large. Explain how such a long molecule fits into the tiny
chromosomes seen during metaphase. (5)
1. Study the schematic representation of the genes involved in lac operon given below and
answer the questions that follow:
a) Identify and name the regulatory gene in this operon. Explain its role in „switching off‟
the operon. (1½)
b) Why is the lac operon’s regulation referred to as „negative regulation‟? (1)
c) Name the inducer molecule and the products of the genes‟ „z‟ and „y‟ of the operon.
State the functions of these gene products. (2½)
2. A Representative Diagram of the Human Genome Project:
i. In the history of Biology, the Human Genome Project led to the development of:
a) Biotechnology b) Biomonitoring c) Bioinformatics d) Biosystematics. (1)
ii. Name a free living, non-pathogenic nematode, the DNA of which has been completely
sequenced. (1)
iii. Summarize the methodology adopted in the Human Genome Project. (1)
iv. What are SNPs‟? How are they useful in human genomics? (1)
v. Mention at least four salient features of the Human Genome Project. (1)
Directions: In the following questions, a statement of assertion is followed by a statement of
Mark the correct choice as:
(a) Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
(b) Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
(c) Assertion is true but Reason is false.
(d) Assertion is false and Reason is true.
1) Assertion- Darwin‟s finches have different types of modified beaks according to their
feeding habits.
Reason- Adaptive radiation leads to development of structures with different function
arising from a common ancestor.
2) Assertion -Hardy Weinberg principle explains the occurrence of variation in population
and species.
Reason- It concludes that disturbances in genetic equilibrium results in evolution.
3) Assertion - Among the primates, chimpanzee is the closest relative of the present-day
Reason -DNA matching shows that human similarity is 100% with chimpanzee.
4) Assertion Disruptive selection changes the population into two or more groups.
Reason -This type of selection favours average sized individuals.
5) Assertion- Wings of butterfly and bat show analogy.
Reason- Analogous organs are anatomically different but functionally similar.
6) Assertion -Theory of Biogenesis explains that life arises from pre-existing life.
Reason- Louis Pasteur finally disapproved the theory of spontaneous generation of life.
1.Why is Archaeopteryx called a connecting link between reptiles and birds? (2M)
2.Why are wings of a butterfly and of a bat called analogous? (2M)
3.How is artificial selection different from natural selection? (2M)
4.Consider a thorn in Bougainvillea and a tendril in Cucurbita. Are these two organs
homologous or analogous? Give reason. (2M)
5.What are vestigial organs? Give examples. Write significance of vestigial organs. (2M)
6. State the theory of abiogenesis. How does miller's experiment support this theory? (3M)
7. Evolution is the change of gene frequencies in a population in response to changes in
environment in the time scale of years and not centuries. Justify the statement with
reference to DDT. How does the theory of Hugo de varies support this? (3M)
8. How did Darwin theory of natural selection explain the appearance of new forms on the
earth? 9.Explain how natural selection has worked on population of peppered moth in
industrial area of England. (3M)
10.Define genetic drift. How does it produce founder effect and genetic bottleneck?
11. State and explain any three factors affecting allele frequency in populations.
12. You have studied the story of Pepper moths in England. Had the industries been
removed, what impact could it have on the moth population? Discuss.
1. Based on the experiment conducted by Miller in 1953 , answer the following questions:
a. Which gases were used in the experiment?
b. What was the purpose of the electrodes in the flask?
c. What was their observation?
d. What did they conclude?
2. Study of light & dark winged moths in England between1850 to 1920 revealed a
a. Name the phenomenon.
b. What statistics regarding the number of moths was observed? Compare.
c. What explanation was given for these observations?
d. List another characteristic example of evolution by anthropogenic action.
3. How does Hardy –Weinberg equation explain genetic equilibrium? Describe how this
equilibrium gets disturbed leading to founder effect?
1. Name and explain 4 lymphoid organs present in humans.
2. What is an autoimmune disease? Give an example.
3. Name the causative organism of the disease Amoebiasis. List three symptoms of this
4. What would happen to the immune system, if thymus gland is removed from our body?
5. What is the role of histamine in inflammatory response? Name two drugs which reduce
the symptoms of allergy.
6. Write the events that take place when a vaccine for any disease is introduced into the
human body.
7. Why is a person with cuts and bruises following an accident administered tetanus
antitoxin? (Give reason)
8. Write the source and effect on the human body of the following drugs. 1.Cocaine
9. Differentiate between innate immunity and acquired immunity.
10. How are morphine and heroin related? Mention the effect each one of them has on the
human body?
11. Explain the relationship between B-lymphocytes and T-lymphocytes in developing an
immune response?
12. Why is tobacco smoking associated with rise in blood pressure and emphysema (oxygen
deficiency in the body)? Explain.
13. Why an immunosuppressive agent is taken after an organ transplant?
14. In the metropolitan cities of India, many children are suffering from allergy/asthma.
What are the main causes of this problem? Give some symptoms of allergic reactions.
15. Differentiate between benign and malignant tumours?
16. Name the plant source of the drug popularly called ―smack‘. How does it affect the
body of the abuser?
17. What is colostrum? Why is it important to be given to the newborn infants?
18. What are interferons? Mention their role.
19. A farmer while working on his farm was bitten by a poisonous snake. The workers in the
farm immediately rushed him to the nearby health centre. The doctor right away gave him
an injection to save his life. What did the doctor inject and why?
20. If a regular dose of drugs or alcohol is not provided to an addicted person, he shows
some withdrawal symptoms. List any four such withdrawal symptoms.
1. Name the form of Plasmodium that enters the human body. Explain the different stages
of its lifecycle in the human body .
2. (a)Name and explain giving reasons the type of immunity provided to the new born by
colostrum and vaccinations (b)Name the type of antibody 1. Present in colostrum
2. Produced in response to allergens in human body.
3. (a)Differentiate between benign & malignant tumors. (b)Why is colostrum a boon to new
born baby?
4. What is innate immunity Write the 4 types of barriers which protect the body from the
entry of the foreign agents
5. Name the disease in which immune system of a person is suppressed. Name the causal
organism and diagnostic technique of this disease.
6. A farmer while working on his farm was bitten by a poisonous snake. The workers in the
farm immediately rushed him to the nearby health center. The doctor right away gave him
an injection to save his life. What did the doctor inject and why? Explain
7. a). It is generally observed that the children who had suffered from chicken pox in their
childhood may not cause the same disease in their adulthood. Explain giving reasons the
basis of such immunity in an individual. Name the kind of immunity. b) What is interferon?
Mention their role
8. a). Why is there a fear amongst the guardians that their adolescent wards may get
trapped in drug /alcohol abuse? b) Explain addiction and dependence in respect of
drug/alcohol abuse in youth
9. How does the HIV break down the immune system of the AIDS patients?
10. With the help of diagram explain structure of antibody molecule.
11. During a school trip to ‗Rohtang Pass‘, one of your classmates suddenly developed
‗altitude sickness‘. But, she recovered after sometime.
(a) Mention one symptom to diagnose the sickness. (b) What caused the sickness?
(c) How could she recover by herself after sometime
12.(a) All human beings have cellular oncogenes but only a few suffer from cancer disease.
(b) How is a malignant tumour different from a benign tumour?
13. Prior to a sports event, blood and urine samples of sports persons are collected for drug
(a) Why is there a need to conduct such tests?
(b) Name the drugs the authorities usually look for.
(c) Write the genetic names of two plants from which these drugs are obtained.
14. When someone buys packets of cigarettes, cannot miss the statutory warning that is
present on the packing which warns against smoking and says how it is injurious to health.
Yet, smoking is very prevalent in our society, both among young and old. Advise the
adolescents about the importance of avoiding smoking.
15. (a) Why is there a fear amongst the guardians that their adolescent wards may get
trapped in drug/alcohol abuse (b) Explain ‗addiction‘ and ‗dependence‘ in respect of
drugs/alcohol abuse in youth
1. Briefly describe the life history of malarial parasite.
2. Give an account of the following diseases (i) Ascariasis (ii) Filariasis (iii) Ring worms
3. Describe the lymphoid organs of the body and their role.
4. Trace the events that occur in the human body to cause immune deficiency, when HIV
enters the body.
5. What is the basic principle of vaccination? How do vaccines prevent microbial infections?
(b) Name the organism from which Hepatitis b vaccine is produced. (c)Differentiate between
B -cells and T- cells
6. What are the methods of cancer detection? Describe the common approaches for
treatment of cancer?
7. Mention one application for each of the following
a) Passive immunization b) Antihistamine c) Colostrum d) Cytokine barrier e) ELISA
8. Define drug addiction. Give sources and harmful effects of some drugs derived from
different plant sources?
9. What are opioids. Describe briefly about the various products obtained from opioids?
10. Tobacco addiction is due to nicotine present in it. Mention some effects of nicotine on
human body.
11. List some factors which compel the people to take drugs.
12. How can alcohol or drugs abuse be avoided among adolescents?
CHAPTER 10 Microbes in Human Welfare
1. .Answer these questions selecting the appropriate option given below: -
(a)..Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b).Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(c).A is true but R is false.
(d).A is false but R is true.
2.Assertion(A) : Statins produced by Monascus is used for lowering blood cholesterol.
Reason (R) : Statins stimulate the enzyme responsible for synthesis of cholesterol.
3.Assertion(A): Methanogens are present in the rumen of cattle.
Reason (R) :The break down of cellulosic materials in the rumen is carried out by
4.Assertion (A) : Cyanobacteria like Nostoc and Anabaena are used as biofertilisers.
Reason (R) :Cyanobacteria absorb phosphorus from soil and passes it to crop.
5. Assertion (A) :Dough used for making dosa and idli is fermented by bacteria.
Reason (R)) :The puffed-up appearance of dough is due to production of lactic acid.
6.Assertion (A): Bacillus thuringiensis and Trichoderma are used as biocontrol agents by
organic farmers.
Reason (R) : The use of biocontrol agents helps to reduce pollution caused by excessive use
of fertilizers.
7Assertion (A) : Saccharomyces cerevisiae is used for making bread.
Reason (R) : Fermentation carried out by Yeast enzymes produces CO2 .
8Assertion (A) : Azospirillum can enrich nitrogen content in the soil.
Reason (R) : Ammonia is converted into free nitrogen by Azospirillum .
1. .Alexander Fleming while working on Staphylococci bacteria, once observed a mould
growing in one of his unwanted culture plate around which Staphylococci could not
grow. Which was the mould that contaminated his culture plate. Mention the
significance of this observation.
2. Suggest an eco-friendly and pollution free alternative source of energy for rural
areas which is dependent on microbial activity. Name the microbe involved in the
production of this cooking fuel and mention the chemical composition of it.
3. Organ-transplant patients need a medicine called cyclosporine. How is it useful for
the patient?
4. The excessive use of chemical pesticides causes soil pollution and adversely affect
human health. An alternative to pesticide is use of biocontrol agents. Name a
bacterium and a virus which are used as biocontrol agents and mention their action.
5. What is activated sludge ? Explain the fate of activated sludge in the sludge digester.
6. As a part of Swatch Vidyalaya programme, the Panchayath has donated a biogas
plant and a single burner stove. The Panchayath authorities instructed to add 10
bags of cow dung initially in the biogas plant.
7. Name two photosynthetic biofertilisers. How do they improve soil fertility?
8. How is it different from mycorrhizae ?
9. Secondary treatment of the sewage is also called ‗Biological treatment‘. Justify the
statement and explain the process. Differentiate between biofertilisers and chemical
10. Explain the three types of biofertilisers.