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A2 Test 4

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You will hear a woman talking to a group of students about the library.

Library Information for Students

Hours during term time: 24 hours a day

Hours outside term time: (6) ……………- 7.00 p.m.

Number of books you can take out: (7) ……………

Cost of returning CDs and magazines late: (8) £…………… per day

Cost of first library card: (9) ……………

To get a card, give in a form and: (10) ……………

You will hear Jane talking to her friend, David, about going to the cinema.
11 What does Jane want to see at the cinema?
A She doesn’t have a clear idea.
B She wants to see the new James Bond film.
C She wants to see a love story.
12 Robert
A can’t come to the cinema.
B likes action films.
C prefers not to see the James Bond film.
13 The sad film
A is about two people who die.
B doesn’t sound good to David.

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C is the only choice.
14 David thinks
A the comedy would be good for children.
B the comedy is a good choice for everyone.
C not everyone likes comedies.
15 Jane
A will meet David at the cinema at about eight.
B says the film starts at about eight.
C will go to David’s house at about eight.
PART 3 For each question, choose the correct answer.
16 You will hear a woman talking to her friend about a meal at a restaurant.
What did she eat?
A steak
B fish
C pasta
17 You will hear a man explaining why he was late for work.
Why was he late?
A He woke up late.
B The train was late.
C The bus was slow.
18 You will hear two friends talking about holidays.
Where did Anita go?
A New York
B Florida
C Los Angeles
19 You will hear two friends talking about shopping.
What do they need from the supermarket?
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A potatoes
B carrots
C onions
20 You will hear a man talking on the phone.
Why can’t he come to the party?
A He has to go to work early.
B His mother is visiting him.
C His mother had an accident.
1 If you want to learn a language, you need …………… for years and years.
a study b studying c to study
2 I’ve …………… to learn Russian.
a finished b decided c enjoyed
3 I …………… studying every day.
a don’t mind b don’t want c don’t need
4 The Super Lingo! system didn’t work, but they refused …… me my money back.
a to give b to gave c giving
5 …………… like to buy my Super Lingo! system?
a Do you would b You would c Would you
1 Lausanne is a ………… .
a beautiful Swiss-town b beautiful Swiss town
c Swiss beautiful town
2 We saw ………… medal at the museum.
a an ancient gold incredible
b a gold ancient incredible
c an incredible ancient gold
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3 The winner of the race was a young ………… girl.
a amazing b small c Chinese
4 They are building ………… stadium in the city.
a an enormous new Olympic
b a new Olympic enormous
c an Olympic new enormous
5 The ancient Romans loved ………… .
a horses race
b horse races
c horses races
1 My dad prefers his porridge to be …………. hot.
a too b very c enough
2 He sat on his son’s chair, but it wasn’t …………. and it broke.
a strong enough b too much strong
c enough strong
3 She ate her porridge …………., and now she feels sick.
a too quick b quick enough
c too quickly
4 I didn’t have …………. for breakfast, so I just had tea.
a too many time b too much time c enough time
5 A: How much porridge do you eat?
B: …… . We have it every day and I hate it!
a Much b Too much c Not enough

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1 I’m not …………. about the future. I’m sure everything’s going to be fine.
a worried b pleasing c pleased
2 She’s so …………. when she talks about politics all the time. She thinks it’s really
interesting, but it isn’t.
a exciting b boring c bored
3 People today are …………. of giving their real opinions.
a depressing b annoyed c frightened
4 I think all those numbers are very …………. – I don’t understand them at all.
a confusing b shocked c confused
5 The results from the questionnaire weren’t …………. .
a surprising b tiring c surprised
Complete Tara’s text with one word in each space.
I don’t like watching films 1……that…… are scary. I prefer 2……………. watch
musicals because I love dancing and 3……………. . I know all the words to the most
famous songs. I’ve got a best friend 4……………. likes singing too. She often comes
to my house and we sing 5……………. our favourite songs very loudly. We sing at a
drama club, too. At the moment, we’re practising for a large concert 6…………….
will be next month at the stadium. 7……………. of us are excited but nervous at the
same time. I can’t wait to go!
PART 3. Write one word in each gap.
1 Sydney is famous ……………….. its harbour. You should also look
……………….. the Opera House and the bridge while you’re there.
2 We arrived ……………….. the hotel and they provided us ……………….. a map
of the area.
3 When you’re preparing ……………….. a holiday, pack clothes that are suitable
……………….. the place where you’re going.
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4 I prefer to be far ……………….. other people when I’m on holiday. I don’t like
being close ……………….. crowds of tourists.
5 While we were waiting ……………….. our train, I asked someone
……………….. the delay.
6 Will was late ……………….. his appointment so he asked me ………………..
some money for a taxi.
PART 4. Complete by changing the form of the word in capitals when this is
Going abroad
Up until the 1960s, not many British people had (1) …………………. (FLY) abroad
for their holidays. Although the idea was (2) …………………. (ATTRACT), flying
was still too expensive for most people. The only (3) …………………. (CHOOSE)
people had was to go to British resorts. Instead of flying, families (4)
…………………. (DRIVE) to the British coast. Places like Blackpool and Brighton
had millions of (5) …………………. (VISIT) every year. During the 60s and 70s,
prices dropped and (6) …………………. (TRAVEL) began to visit places like Spain.
At first, hotels were (7) …………………. (COMFORT), but they slowly got better.
These days, the (8) …………………. (DEPART) lounges at airports are full and
people travel (9) …………………. (BACK) and forwards across the world for work
and on holiday. Every summer, tourists go in all (10) …………………. (DIRECT) in
search of the perfect beach and the perfect resort.
PART 1 Choose the best answer
Travel writer
Tim Greenwood lives in Oakland, USA. He has written about Cambodia, Thailand
and India. At the moment he is writing a book about Nepal.
Tim, how did you start travelling?
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We never travelled as a family, but when I was a teenager I saw movies
like Lawrence of Arabia and they made me want to travel. I left college at the age of
21 and went to Europe alone. That trip didn’t go well – I was too young and didn’t
know how to look after myself.
How did you start writing?
I’ve loved writing since I was ten – I’ve never wanted any other career. At 21, I wrote
for my weekly college paper and then started writing travel articles. At first, none of
the travel magazines I sent them to wanted to buy them, but that slowly changed. It
took two or three years, I guess.
What do you find difficult about writing?
It is easy to spend all my time travelling and then not have time to open up my laptop
and work! Also, it’s hard to earn enough money. I’ll never stop writing, but one day I
may have to do a few hours a week teaching just to pay the bills.
What’s the best thing about being a travel writer?
I get letters from young people who’ve read my books and articles and enjoy my
work. I just love that!
1 As a teenager, Tim
A went on trips with his parents.
B became interested in seeing the world.
C spent too much time watching TV.
2 What does Tim say about his trip to Europe?
A He didn’t have time to see everything.
B It was more fun than college.
C It was not a great success.
3 When Tim was 21, he couldn’t
A travel as much as he wanted to.
B decide what to write about.
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C sell many of his articles.
4 In the future, Tim thinks he might
A do some extra work.
B earn more from writing.
C change his job.
5 What does Tim like about being a travel writer?
A hearing from his fans
B giving advice to people
C meeting other young writers
PART 2 Fill in the blank with a proper word
Did you know that for half the people in the world, rice is (1)…………… most
important food? Most of these people live in Asia (2)…………… a person might eat
90 to 180 kilograms of rice in one year!
But where did rice come from? Indian people (3)…………… growing rice 5,000
years ago, but we think that people first grew rice in China. The first Europeans that
grew rice lived in Spain. American settlers (4)…………… growing rice about 400
years ago.
(5)…………… are thousands of different kinds of rice. Wild rice grows in lakes in
Canada and you can sometimes find ‘hill rice’ growing like grass in dry fields. (6)
…………… most rice grows in about 15 centimetres of water in special flat fields
called ‘paddies’.
Part 3 Choose the best answer
Jessica Thompson: young musician
Jessica Thompson comes from a very talented family. Her parents are (1)……………
artists. She also has an older sister (2)…………… is a well-known athlete. Jessica has
never been good (3)…………… sport or art. But she plays the violin and the piano –
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and she plays (4)…………… very well! She started playing when she was six and
she’s been playing since then.
Jessica studies at a famous music school in London, but she also plays the piano in
concerts. She’s still a student and she spends many hours practising new songs.
Jessica went on her first concert tour (5)…………… Europe last year. She had her
first concert in Paris. She had a great time.
‘It was incredible,’ she says. ‘After the concert, everyone shouted my name. I’ll
never (6)…………… it!’
1 A two B both C pair
2 A when B what C who
3 A for B at C by
4 A them B they C their
5 A around B between C from
6 A remember B forget C lose

PART 1 Rewrite the sentences below keeping their original meaning.
31, We gave my dad a surprise party on his fortieth birthday. (was)
My dad ……………………………………..a surprise party on his fortieth birthday.
32, After the play, they introduced us to all the actors. (we)
After the play, …………………………………..to all the actors.
33, They’ve caught the person who stole your bike! (has) The person who stole your
34, No one had told me that Jill was coming! (been)
I …………………………………………..that Jill was coming!
35, Our English teacher and our German teacher are husband and wife. (married)
Our English teacher ……………………………our German teacher
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36, A neighbour is feeding our dog while we’re away. (being)
Our dog ………………………………….a neighbour while we’re away.
37, Use a sharp knife to cut the cake. (should)
The cake ……………………………………a sharp knife
38, I’m not interested in what you think! (care)
I ………………………………………………what you think!
39, My parents don’t let me watch much TV at home. (allowed)
I ………………………………….…watch much TV at home.
40, They’re going to invite over a hundred people to the wedding reception. (going)
Over a hundred people…………………………………….to the wedding reception.
41, Could you lend some money to me until the weekend? (from)
Could …………………………………you until the weekend?
42, I can’t decide which shoes I like most, the blue ones or the green ones. (choose)
I can’t ………………………………....the blue ones and the green ones.
43, Why don’t you return the sweater to the shop you got it from? (back)
Why don’t you ……………………………to the shop you got it from?
44, It can be very worrying when you owe money to the bank. (debt)
It can be very worrying when you ………………………..…..to the bank.
45, We need to go quickly or the shops will be closed. (up)
We need to ………………………………or the shops will be closed

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