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Design of Health Care Monitoring System Based On Internet of Thing (IOT)

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Design of Health Care Monitoring System Based on Internet of Thing (IOT)

Conference Paper · November 2020

DOI: 10.1109/ISMSIT50672.2020.9254291


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3 authors, including:

Abdullahi Abdu Ibrahim Alaa Hamid Mohammed

Istanbul Kemerburgaz University Karabuk University


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Design of Health Care Monitoring System
Based on Internet of Thing (IOT)
Taisir Hasan Abdulameer Abdullahi Abdu IBRAHIM Alaa Hamid Mohammed
Department of Information Technology, Department of Electrical And Computer Department of Computer Engineering,
Altinbas University Engineering, Altinbas University Karabuk University, Turkey
Taiseeriraq1979@gmail.com Abdullahi.ibrahim@ altinbas.edu.tr Aallaaha12@gmail.com

Abstract— The Internet has made this place a worldwide city with each other and therefore become an essential part of the
and web of things (IoT) by allowing the range of captors and internet. The internet now affects many aspects of the daily
keen items to collect and process data for various use. In life of the potential user. IoT is a very dynamic distributed
weakening the physical structures of the digital shrewd (IoT) network consisting of many objects. People provide most of
shrewd items become a definitive building. The IoT has a the content and information on the internet, while IoT
variety of applications, including social security. Different provides information for small objects. IoT apps include
restore and post-operative information should be screened. smart home, medical IoT, farm IoT, smart distributors,
The human services correspondence using the Web of Things energy use, connected cars, industrial internet, smart supply
(IoT) technique is adjusted to achieve the therapeutic
chain and many more[5].
parameters in the nearby and remote zones. In this paper, we
use the remote health care system using advanced information IoT Healthcare Technology has a wide range of potential
technology and new communications developments and remote applications, such as remote monitoring and health
physiological measuring technology. The remote benefit integration, to revolutionize the medical industry for the
services framework provides for the 'free welfare authorities' coming decade. In developing health information systems,
and 'remote long-term human services administrations' IoT-based healthcare systems play a major role in.
through an entire 'remote social insurance data stage' work Healthcare dependence on IoT is increasing daily to improve
instrument by way of coordinated terminal programming and
access to healthcare, improve quality of treatment and
improved social insurance modules. This would encourage the
eventually reduce health care costs. An improved healthcare
real-time activities of elderly citizens and monitor the
healthcare system. The information gathered from various
regime should address real-time health monitoring and early
sensors is stored on a local server that connects people, detection and provide home-based care in lieu of expensive
physicians and practitioners to the right information at the clinical care[6].
time of an emergency. In this way, the framework could In healthcare and the prediction of different diseases
increase availability, productivity and reduce well-being costs using various techniques[7], many researchers have
in order to increase peace of mind and safety. I hope the design suggested different IoT models. The work in this section is
and implementation of this system will improve elderly health
focused on the same field.
monitoring in future.
Ahn et al. [8] have an intelligent chair, which feels
Keywords— Internet of Things (IoT), Medical Services, uncontroversial signals and which can be monitored using
Healthcare, Health Monitoring, Arduino this monitoring system[9].
In the context of BSN-Based Human Services
Framework and protected IoT-based medicines, Snehal
Research shows that around 2000 people died every Sanjay Kale [10] highlights the genuinely necessary safety
month because of their health's sole carelessness. Because, conditions for BSN, called BSN-Mind. Data is uploaded to
due to their heavy workload, they don't have time to get the cloud server and the mobile app is used for Android.
away from their health management. There has been a Using the PIC and Wi-Fi module of raspberry can be seen
growing interest in wearables and several devices for here[11].
personal health, fitness and activity consciousness are now
available [1] on a commercial basis. In order to provide long r. K N Muralidhara [12] Microcontroller PIC18F46K22,
term recording of[2], management and Clinical Availability Wifi module. In all 15 seconds, the page or data refreshes
of Physiological Information Patients [3] researchers have which is not a good practice as previous or previous
also considered applications for the niche recreational fitness documents would be difficult to mention. The paper includes
field covered by current devices, such as the Internet of the use of advanced software like MPLAB IDE V8-92,
Thing (IoT). IOT is a technological and communication DIPTRACE and ISIS Professional Proteus 7.0[13].
revolution aimed at connecting objects together via the The wearable and implantable body zone focused on
internet. In order to collect and send data on objects to other Narendra Kumar [14] provides patients' framework for
locations via Internet for storage and analysis, IOT is a consistent observation. Medicinal sensors have been used for
global network concept that can be used in all the collection and transmission of physiological information
environments[4]. The definition of the Internet of Things by in patients to (IPDA) Smart digital assistant. Uses have been
Forben magazine means things which interact with the made of electrodes, advanced sensors and biosensors[15].
Internet by using sensors, microcontrollers and Radio transceiver and the communication protocol ZigBee
communications transceivers, which is built with appropriate are used.
protocol stacks that enable them to interact and communicate

978-1-7281-9090-7/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE

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The Maruf Pasha [14] Syed Muhammad Waqas Shah
proposed a model in which basic health units of the country
(essentially for underdeveloped countries)[16] They are
subsequently converted into intelligent health units
connected to their hospitals. Government tracks the entire
nation's health. On the basis of certain protocols data is
transmitted. Here is a layout approach (sensor, network and
layer of service)[17].


All these developments are integrated into our system. In
addition, our system is low cost and can be implemented
very easily. For maintaining patient data, we use a local
server. Furthermore, the collected details of the sensors
attached to the body of the patient are also sent to the mobile
phone registered in the GSM module[18]. The sensors used
in our model are low-cost[19]. The data are picked up
directly on computers that reduce people's power. We use a Figure 2 : Health surveillance system block diagram.
cheaper Arduino than raspberry pi. An Arduino Uno microcontroller functions as an
Proposed system consists of a microcontroller (Arduino), intermediary between sensor nodes and cloud servers.
a NodeMCU, a heartbeat sensor, a temperature sensor and a Arduino Uno collects and submits biological sensor data via
high definition camera for blood group detection purpose. In the REST API to a cloud server. This IoT healthcare system
our proposed framework, the heartrate and body temperature can also be used for the monitoring of health status by
are automatically sensed, the readings are recorded ordinary people through biosensors by collecting and
continuously[20]. Finally, after processing the collected data, analyzing data from the cloud to visualize patient health
these data are sent to the server through the existing Local information on a physician's behalf in real time[21]. This
Area Network. The doctors can check the health condition model is available in various hospitals and healthcare
parameter through a web application developed using PHP. institutions. The system uses bio sensors to generate raw data
This framework can also detect the blood group from the and send it to a database server to analyze data and statistics
blood sample by using the image processing algorithm. maintained by specialists and the patient's previous electronic
health record (EHR) can be tracked and better analyzed.
These subjects are of great importance to Freescale in
designing and developing integrated technologies for the use
of IoT-based health systems, including:
• Patient data-gathering sensors.
• Microcontrollers processing, analyzing and transmitting
data wirelessly.
• Microprocessors that allow rich graphical interfaces for
• Health gateways for the further analysis and transmission
of sensor data into the web server.

Figure 1 : PC-connected sensor block diagram.

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This section describes the system architecture, data transfer

and cloud processing, of physiological data acquisition
systems. As shown in figure 7, the hardware part includes
the main part of the hardware of the arduino uno
microcontroller. Hardware part contains the main system
controller arduino uno. Different physiological parameters
of the human body are used as bio monitors to feel:
cardiovascular sensors, electric sensors, gsr sensors, and
temperatures. The esp8266-01 wi-fi system is connected to
the internet. Arduino uno is connected to bio sensors and Figure 4: Arduino uno microcontroller
other sensors to human body are connected to arduino uno's • Pulse rate sensor:
web server via the wifi module esp8266-01. Arduino has a
16 * 2 display for the visualization of patient health data. On The pulse rate sensor is a heart rate measurement device.
the other hand, a web application for collecting bio-sensor Essentially it is an integrated, noise removal and optical
data is used in software part . The medical systems also circuit booster. Specifications: 3.3V – 5V voltage, 4mA
contain historical patient health data, enabling physicians to current, LED indicator.
thoroughly analyze medical data under critical conditions of
the patient's health. The data is collected in the web
application and shows patient physiological information.

Figure 5: Pulse rate sensor

• Body Temperature Sensor

The digital thermometer DS18B20 offers a temperature of 9
to 12 bits Celsius. A 1-wire bus that requires only one data
line (and ground) is used for communication to the
microcontroller. The DS18B20 can also draw power from
the data line directly (“parasite power ”).

Figure 3: System Architecture

A. Hardware Modules
In this section, several described hardware devices for the
development of a health monitoring system based on IoT.
• Arduino Uno
The Arduino Uno is an ATmega328-based
microcontroller board. This consists of a combination of 14
digital output / input pins (6 of them for use as PWM
Figure 6: Body temperature sensor (ds18b20)
outputs). It includes 6 analog input pins (A0 through A5)
and a 16 MHz crystal oscillator. It contains everything • ESP8266 Wifi module
necessary for supporting the microcontroller; it is simply
powered by an AC to DC adapter or battery to a computer This small module enables a Wi-Fi system to be
with a USB cable or. connected to microcontrollers and to create basic TCP /
IP connections using Hayes-style instructions. The
ESP8285 is a 1 MiB built-in ESP8266 which takes one-

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chip gadgets suitable for Wi-Fi connectivity into Step 3: EEG sensor is a low-cost board for measuring the
account. The following chips are followed by the heart 's electric activity. Analog reading of the electrical
ESP32. activity can be drawn for the ECG or Electrocardiogram
output. The AD8232 Single Lead Heart Monitor can be
extremely noisy and acts as a feature to help easily and
connect to Arduino to achieve a clear signal from PR and
QT intervals.
Step 4: All these values are forwarded to the PC via the RS
232 to the mobile UR application.
B. Output in the Application

In a particular time, interval, the output is shown as a string.

The application is very simple because it only displays
analog values and an indication of the type of value
Figure 7: ESP8266-01 wifi module In the intelligent prediction module, the disease is predicted
by asking for different symptoms and options based on the
B. Software Description
previous symptoms. At least 3-4 symptoms are identified
Various software tools used to design the IoT based and the final conclusion is reached. If more and more
health monitoring system are described in this section. symptoms become visible, the result is more accurate.
The PHP and the SQL language of the user application is Figure 8 shows a sample screen shot of the web interface.
phpMyAdmin and the health-related data are forwarded via
the Internet to the server. Details can be easily accessed
online through proper patient authentication and health
In the Arduino integrated development environment (or
Arduino IDE software) you will find a content tool for the
composition of code, message area, text console, toolbar
with normal capture and menu progression. It involves the
transfer of programs and speaks with the Arduino and
Genuino equipment. Sketches are known as composed
projects using Arduino Software (IDE). These images are
composed in the content tool and are not included in the
record extension. (.ino). The content is highlighted in the
proofreader and is cut / bonded and search / suppled. In
sparing and trading, the message zone is critical and also
shows errors.
The title says that the result of the intelligent health
monitoring system is extremely useful for both patients and
doctors. The patient can monitor his health from home and
visit hospitals at any time only when he or she really needs
to be able to.
This can be done by using our system, the results of which
are available online and from all over the world. From Figure 8:User interface on PhP My Admin
everywhere. Since this model is a prototype, our system C. Testing and findings health care unit
shows and emulates nearly real-time values of different
health parameters in the real world. Doctors can also study Different people with normal or abnormal medical
the effect of medicine and other such matters using the conditions are being tested in the developed health
record of the patient's body. surveillance system. The following are the various tests and
results with a minimum error rate:
IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSION: Temperature Findings: The used NC thermistor is
A. Operating Mechanism programmed to show room temperature with a minimum
error of + or 5 for demo purposes.
Step 1: The Heartbeat sensor is attached to the finger of the
patient. This includes an IR. Every pump from this sensor Table 1 : Observed temperature readings
we receive a pulse. A signal conditioning unit for
amplification is used to supplies Arduino with this sensor
Step 2: As a temperature sensor, the NTC type thermistor is
used. The output of the sensor depends on the temperature.

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