Design of Health Care Monitoring System Based On Internet of Thing (IOT)
Design of Health Care Monitoring System Based On Internet of Thing (IOT)
Design of Health Care Monitoring System Based On Internet of Thing (IOT)
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3 authors, including:
All content following this page was uploaded by Alaa Hamid Mohammed on 22 November 2020.
Abstract— The Internet has made this place a worldwide city with each other and therefore become an essential part of the
and web of things (IoT) by allowing the range of captors and internet. The internet now affects many aspects of the daily
keen items to collect and process data for various use. In life of the potential user. IoT is a very dynamic distributed
weakening the physical structures of the digital shrewd (IoT) network consisting of many objects. People provide most of
shrewd items become a definitive building. The IoT has a the content and information on the internet, while IoT
variety of applications, including social security. Different provides information for small objects. IoT apps include
restore and post-operative information should be screened. smart home, medical IoT, farm IoT, smart distributors,
The human services correspondence using the Web of Things energy use, connected cars, industrial internet, smart supply
(IoT) technique is adjusted to achieve the therapeutic
chain and many more[5].
parameters in the nearby and remote zones. In this paper, we
use the remote health care system using advanced information IoT Healthcare Technology has a wide range of potential
technology and new communications developments and remote applications, such as remote monitoring and health
physiological measuring technology. The remote benefit integration, to revolutionize the medical industry for the
services framework provides for the 'free welfare authorities' coming decade. In developing health information systems,
and 'remote long-term human services administrations' IoT-based healthcare systems play a major role in.
through an entire 'remote social insurance data stage' work Healthcare dependence on IoT is increasing daily to improve
instrument by way of coordinated terminal programming and
access to healthcare, improve quality of treatment and
improved social insurance modules. This would encourage the
eventually reduce health care costs. An improved healthcare
real-time activities of elderly citizens and monitor the
healthcare system. The information gathered from various
regime should address real-time health monitoring and early
sensors is stored on a local server that connects people, detection and provide home-based care in lieu of expensive
physicians and practitioners to the right information at the clinical care[6].
time of an emergency. In this way, the framework could In healthcare and the prediction of different diseases
increase availability, productivity and reduce well-being costs using various techniques[7], many researchers have
in order to increase peace of mind and safety. I hope the design suggested different IoT models. The work in this section is
and implementation of this system will improve elderly health
focused on the same field.
monitoring in future.
Ahn et al. [8] have an intelligent chair, which feels
Keywords— Internet of Things (IoT), Medical Services, uncontroversial signals and which can be monitored using
Healthcare, Health Monitoring, Arduino this monitoring system[9].
In the context of BSN-Based Human Services
Framework and protected IoT-based medicines, Snehal
Research shows that around 2000 people died every Sanjay Kale [10] highlights the genuinely necessary safety
month because of their health's sole carelessness. Because, conditions for BSN, called BSN-Mind. Data is uploaded to
due to their heavy workload, they don't have time to get the cloud server and the mobile app is used for Android.
away from their health management. There has been a Using the PIC and Wi-Fi module of raspberry can be seen
growing interest in wearables and several devices for here[11].
personal health, fitness and activity consciousness are now
available [1] on a commercial basis. In order to provide long r. K N Muralidhara [12] Microcontroller PIC18F46K22,
term recording of[2], management and Clinical Availability Wifi module. In all 15 seconds, the page or data refreshes
of Physiological Information Patients [3] researchers have which is not a good practice as previous or previous
also considered applications for the niche recreational fitness documents would be difficult to mention. The paper includes
field covered by current devices, such as the Internet of the use of advanced software like MPLAB IDE V8-92,
Thing (IoT). IOT is a technological and communication DIPTRACE and ISIS Professional Proteus 7.0[13].
revolution aimed at connecting objects together via the The wearable and implantable body zone focused on
internet. In order to collect and send data on objects to other Narendra Kumar [14] provides patients' framework for
locations via Internet for storage and analysis, IOT is a consistent observation. Medicinal sensors have been used for
global network concept that can be used in all the collection and transmission of physiological information
environments[4]. The definition of the Internet of Things by in patients to (IPDA) Smart digital assistant. Uses have been
Forben magazine means things which interact with the made of electrodes, advanced sensors and biosensors[15].
Internet by using sensors, microcontrollers and Radio transceiver and the communication protocol ZigBee
communications transceivers, which is built with appropriate are used.
protocol stacks that enable them to interact and communicate
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The Maruf Pasha [14] Syed Muhammad Waqas Shah
proposed a model in which basic health units of the country
(essentially for underdeveloped countries)[16] They are
subsequently converted into intelligent health units
connected to their hospitals. Government tracks the entire
nation's health. On the basis of certain protocols data is
transmitted. Here is a layout approach (sensor, network and
layer of service)[17].
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A. Hardware Modules
In this section, several described hardware devices for the
development of a health monitoring system based on IoT.
• Arduino Uno
The Arduino Uno is an ATmega328-based
microcontroller board. This consists of a combination of 14
digital output / input pins (6 of them for use as PWM
Figure 6: Body temperature sensor (ds18b20)
outputs). It includes 6 analog input pins (A0 through A5)
and a 16 MHz crystal oscillator. It contains everything • ESP8266 Wifi module
necessary for supporting the microcontroller; it is simply
powered by an AC to DC adapter or battery to a computer This small module enables a Wi-Fi system to be
with a USB cable or. connected to microcontrollers and to create basic TCP /
IP connections using Hayes-style instructions. The
ESP8285 is a 1 MiB built-in ESP8266 which takes one-
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chip gadgets suitable for Wi-Fi connectivity into Step 3: EEG sensor is a low-cost board for measuring the
account. The following chips are followed by the heart 's electric activity. Analog reading of the electrical
ESP32. activity can be drawn for the ECG or Electrocardiogram
output. The AD8232 Single Lead Heart Monitor can be
extremely noisy and acts as a feature to help easily and
connect to Arduino to achieve a clear signal from PR and
QT intervals.
Step 4: All these values are forwarded to the PC via the RS
232 to the mobile UR application.
B. Output in the Application
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