Introduction To Fracture, Bone Healing and Complication: Prof - DR Jameel - Tahseen Mehsen Trauma and Orthopedics Surgeon
Introduction To Fracture, Bone Healing and Complication: Prof - DR Jameel - Tahseen Mehsen Trauma and Orthopedics Surgeon
Introduction To Fracture, Bone Healing and Complication: Prof - DR Jameel - Tahseen Mehsen Trauma and Orthopedics Surgeon
• more often the break is complete and the bone fragments are displaced
*If the overlying skin remains intact it is a closed (or simple) fracture
* if the skin is breached it is an open (or compound) fracture that’s mean its
liable to contamination and infection.
Mechanism of injury
Most fractures are caused by sudden and excessive force, which may be direct or indirect.
* direct blow usually splits the bone transversely
Damage to the overlying skin is common; the fracture pattern will be comminuted.
* indirect force the bone breaks at a distance from where the force is applied
NOTE: The above description applies mainly to the long
bones. A cancellous bone, such as a vertebra or the
calcaneum, when subjected to sufficient force, will split or be
crushed into an abnormal shape.
After a complete fracture the fragments usually become displaced,
*partly by the force of the injury
*partly by gravity and
*partly by the pull of muscles attached to them.
Displacement is usually described in terms of translation, alignment, rotation and altered length:
• Translation (shift) – The fragments may be shifted sideways, backward or forward in relation to each other, such that the
fracture surfaces lose contact.
• Angulation (tilt) – The fragments may be tilted or angulated in relation to each other. Malalignment, if uncorrected, may
lead to deformity of the limb.
• Rotation (twist) – One of the fragments may be twisted on its longitudinal axis; the bone looks straight but the limb ends
up with a rotational deformity.
• Length – The fragments may be distracted and separated, or they may overlap, due to muscle spasm, causing shortening of
the bone.
This is the ‘natural’ form of healing in tubular bones; in the absence of rigid fixation, it proceeds in five stages:
1. Tissue destruction and haematoma formation – Vessels are torn and a haematoma forms around and within the
2. Inflammation and cellular proliferation – Within 8 hours of the fracture there is an acute inflammatory reaction with
migration of inflammatory cells and the initiation of proliferation and differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells from the
3. Callus formation – The differentiating stem cells provide chrondrogenic and osteogenic cell populations they will start
forming bone and, in some cases, also cartilage. The thick cellular mass, with its islands of immature bone and cartilage,
forms the callus. As the immature bone (or ‘woven’ bone) becomes more densely mineralized, movement at the fracture
site decreases progressively and at about 4 weeks after injury the fracture ‘unites’.
4. Consolidation – With continuing osteoclastic and osteoblastic activity the woven bone is transformed into lamellar
bone.. This is a slow process and it may be several months before the bone is strong enough to carry normal loads.
5. Remodelling – The fracture has been bridged by a cuff of solid bone. Over a period of months, or even years, this crude
‘weld’ is reshaped by a continuous process of alternating bone resorption and formation..
*There is usually a history of injury, followed by inability to use the injured limb.
*The patient’s age and mechanism of injury are important. If a fracture occurs with trivial trauma, suspect a
pathological lesion.
Follow the ABCs: look for,
Airway obstruction,
Breathing problems,
Circulatory problems and Cervical spine injury.
Injured tissues must be handled gently. To elicit crepitus or abnormal movement is unnecessarily painful;
x-ray diagnosis is more reliable.
Note also the posture of the distal extremity and the colour of the skin (for tell-tale signs of nerve or vessel damage).
The injured part is gently palpated for localized tenderness. Some fractures would be missed if not specifically looked for,
e.g. the classical sign of a fractured scaphoid is tenderness on pressure in the anatomical snuff-box., and in high-energy
injuries always examine the spine and pelvis.
Vascular and peripheral nerve abnormalities should be tested for both before and after treatment.
Crepitus and abnormal movement may be present, It is more important to ask if the patient can move the joints distal to
the injury
X-ray examination is mandatory.
Remember the rule of twos:
• Two views –at least two views (anteroposterior and lateral) must be taken.
• Two joints – In the forearm or leg, one bone may be fractured and angulated. Angulation, however, is impossible unless the
other bone is also broken, or a joint dislocated. The joints above and below the fracture must both be included on the x-ray
• Two limbs – In children, the appearance of immature epiphyses may confuse the diagnosis of a fracture; x-rays of the
uninjured limb are needed for comparison.
• Two injuries – Severe force often causes injuries at more than one level. Thus, with fractures of the calcaneum or femur it is
important to also x-ray the pelvis and spine.
• Two occasions – Some fractures are difficult to detect soon after injury, but another x-ray examination a week or two later
may show the lesion. Common examples are
Interpretation :
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be the only way of showing whether a fractured vertebra is threatening to
compress the spinal cord.
Radioisotope scanning is helpful in diagnosing a suspected stress fracture or other undisplaced fractures.
• Reduce.
• Hold.
• Exercise.
The available methods of holding reduction are:
• Continuous traction.
• Cast splintage.
• Functional bracing.
• Internal fixation.
• External fixation.
General complications:
There are, of course, also biological and patient related reasons that may lead to
(1) poor soft tissues (from either the injury or surgery);
(2) local infection;
(3) associated drug abuse, anti-inflammatory or cytotoxic immunosuppressant
medication and
(4) non-compliance on the part of the patient.
When the fragments join in an unsatisfactory position
(unacceptable angulation, rotation or shortening) the fracture is
said to be malunited.
Causes are
failure to reduce a fracture adequately,
failure to hold reduction