Empower B1 Grammar Unit 4
Empower B1 Grammar Unit 4
Empower B1 Grammar Unit 4
Can do objectives
Instituto de Idiomas
Lesson A: Present Continuous & Going to
We use both the present continuous and going to + infinitive to talk about future plans – things we have decided to do in the future. In
most situations, both forms are possible.
Ex: I’m taking an English exam next year.√
I’m going to take an English exam next year. √
However, the present Continuous is more natural to talk about arrangements – when you have agreed something with other people or
you have already spent money.
Ex: I’m getting married next week. (we have arranged and paid for everything).
I’m not getting married in December.
Are you getting married on Saturday night? Yes, we are. No, we’re not / No, we aren’t
Going to:
Be going to + infinitive tells people about a plan or intention – when you have already decided to do something in the future.
We’re going to get married next year. (we have decided this, but we haven’t booked anything yet.)
We’re not going to get married next year.
Are you going to get married next year? Yes,we are. No, we aren’t
Instituto de Idiomas
Lesson A: Present Continuous & Going to
Instituto de Idiomas
Lesson A: Present Continuous
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the present continuous. Using the verbs in
Instituto de Idiomas
Lesson A: Answer Key: Present Continuous
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the present continuous. Using the verbs in
Instituto de Idiomas
Lesson A:Exercises - Going to
Martina and Anna are planning a party. Complete the conversation with the correct form of going to.
Instituto de Idiomas
Lesson A: Answer key -Going to
Martina and Anna are planning a party. Complete the conversation with the correct form of going to.
Anna: So, how’s the party planning going?
Martina: Well… We’ve made a list of what we need to do. And I am going to invite.. (invite) everybody on Facebook
Anna: What …are you going to do.. (you / do)about music?
Martina: I …am not going to play.. (not play) my music. We …are going to ask.. (ask) Graeme to deal with that.
He’s a DJ, you know! But …we’re going to write.. (we / write) a list of our favorite for him.
Anna: Brilliant! …Is there going to be.. (there / be) a lot of food?
Martina: Yes, quite a lot. Rachael loves coming so …she’s going to make.. (she / made) the food the day before the
Anna: Cool …
Martina: But …she’s not going to pay.. (she / not pay) for it all! We …are going to pay.. (pay) her back for the
Anna: So what …am I going to do..? (I / do)
Martina: …You’re going to clean .. (you / clean) the house!
Anna: Oh fantastic … I get all the best …
Instituto de Idiomas
Lesson B: will / won´t / shall
We use will to show we are deciding something while we are speaking.
Ex: A: Would you like tea or coffee?
B: Er… I’ll have tea, please.
Will is often used to make offers and promises.
A: Oh no – I’ve left my money at home!
B: Don’t worry – I’ll pay.
We can make a request with will:
Will you take a photograph?
Will you give me a lift to the cinema tomorrow?
We use shall in questions to make offers and suggestion:
• Shall I pay for your food? (= I’m offering to pay.)
• Shall we go to the cinema this weekend? (=I’m suggesting this)
We can also use shall to ask for a suggestion:
A: What shall we do this evening? We often reply to these questions with Let’s + infinitive:
B: Let’s go to a nice restaurant. Reply to offers with shall with Yes, please / No, thanks.
Instituto de Idiomas
Exercises: will / won’t / shall
Look at the sentences. Is each sentence a promise (P), an offer (O), a decision (D) or a
suggestion (S)?
Instituto de Idiomas
Exercises:Answer Key- will / won’t / shall
Look at the sentences. Is each sentence a promise (P), an offer (O), a decision (D) or a
suggestion (S)?
1. Shall I help you carry that box? …O..
2. Shall we go for a taxi? …S.
3. I’ll drive you to the station if you like? …O.
4. I think I’ll have spaghetti. …D.
5. Don’t worry I’ll call you. …P.
6. Let’s go to the beach. …S.
7. I won’t be late for the meeting. …P.
8. Shall we have chicken for dinner? …S.
Instituto de Idiomas
Exercises 1: will / won’t / shall
Choose the correct word in italics to complete the sentence.
Instituto de Idiomas
Exercises 2: Answer key - will / won’t / shall
Choose the correct word in italics to complete the sentence.
Instituto de Idiomas
Exercises 3: will / won’t / shall
Complete the conversation with will or shall / and the correct form of the verbs in brackets .
A: Ok ………... (you / call) me after you make the booking? I’d like to know what time we’re going to meet.
Instituto de Idiomas
Exercises 3: Answer Key - will / won’t / shall
Complete the conversation with will or shall / and the correct form of the verbs in brackets .
A: Ok …Will you call.. (you / call) me after you make the booking? I’d like to know what time we’re going to meet.
A: Yes, …I’ll call... (I/call) you later, I promise …I won’t forget... (I/forget)
B: Great, Talk to you later then. Bye.
Instituto de Idiomas