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Guevarra, Thricia Jusenia B.

TOPIC: Prepositions
Iplan No. Duration: 60 minutes
Identify common prepositions in the sentence and
KNOWLEDGE write you answers in the blank provided
Apply knowledge of prepositions in constructing
SKILLS sentences
Show cooperation in a group activity demonstrating
ATTITUDES preposition

Resources Whiteboard, markers, pens , and paper


Elements of the Plan Methodology

Preparation Introductory 1. Prayer

Activity 2. Greetings
- Before starting
the lesson, (10 minutes) 3. Checking of attendance
prepare the 4. Review
students by giving (Serve as a warm-up 5. Motivation
them a warm-up activity to give the ( simon says)
activity through a learners zest for the
game or which incoming lesson and
they can enjoy. idea about what is to Instructions: Choose an object that every student has
This will help the follow) and can use while playing, have your students stand
students to be and play the game as you normally would, but with
motivated and be each instruction, use a preposition. If a student does
ready for the
lesson of the day. not follow the instruction correctly, they are out of the

Presentation Activity Prepositions Charades

(10 minutes)
- Present the Instructions :Divide the class into four (4) small
lesson by (This is an interactive groups. Provide each group 5 list of prepositions and
engaging them strategy to elicit
first in an activity put it in a hat. Each members will take turns drawing
learners prior learning
which can give experience) slip of paper and acting out the preposition without
them a preview speaking. Other members must guess which
on what you will preposition is being acted out. The group with most
discuss for the
points, wins.
- Prepare a set of
images that After a specified time (around 2-3 minutes), bring the
depict various whole class together for a group discussion. Each
communication group can take turns presenting their observations and
scenarios, both
verbal and non- explaining their answers.
verbal. These
images should be
clear and visually

Analysis 1. How did you find the activity?

(10 minutes) 2. Do you think we can communicate effectively
without the usage of the prepositions?
(The teacher will ask 3. What is the function of a preposition in a
students specific sentence?
questions that serve as
a guide for the teacher 4. What are some common prepositions?
in clarifying key 5. Do you think it is okay to construct a sentence
understandings about without prepositions?
the topic at hand).

Abstraction 1. How can the meaning of a sentence be

(5 minutes) dramatically altered by choosing the wrong
(Discussion of the 2. What are the importance of knowing how to use
answers of the students a preposition in a sentence?
in the activity and
discussion of the


(10 minutes) INSTRUCTIONS: Organize the students into four
groups. Encourage them to create sentences with
(This is an essential proper prepositions, applying the knowledge they
part wherein students gained. Facilitate group discussions and analyze their
need to apply their new
learning into their own sentences.

Assessment Assessment Matrix

(10 minutes)
Levels of What wil How will How will
Assessme I assess? I assess? I score?

Knowled Assess the Identify common Give a point for

ge students’ prepositions in the each correct
(refers to the knowledge on the sentence and write item that the
substantive Prepositions your answers in the students will
content of
the blank provided. get.
facts and 1. My home is
information between library and
that the
acquires) 2. Her house is
What do we across the street.
want 3. I live in
students to London.
know? 4. My waller is
and next to pen,
adequacy) 5. Go into her
How do we room and take the bag,
want 6. The shaker is
students to
express or
behind the glass.
provide 7. You can swim
evidence of across the river.
what they 8. C goes before
know? D in alphabet
9. Her success
was due to her family
10. We travel
hence tomorrow to


NT the day’s (To gauge students' understanding of the lesson's key concepts
(5 minutes) lesson and provide feedback for further instruction.)

Today, I learned

Preparing Identify and describe the main components of the

for the communication process. Provide examples for each component
new to illustrate how they function in real-life communication
lesson situations.

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