Art App23 Lesson Module
Art App23 Lesson Module
Art App23 Lesson Module
Art is derived from the Latin word “ars,” meaning ability or skill. – F.V Estolas
Art is taken from the Italian word “artist,” which means craftsmanship, skill, mastery of form,
inventiveness, and the associations that exist between form and ideas, between material and
technique. – A. Tan
Art is that which brings life in harmony with the beauty of the world. – Plato
Art is an attitude of spirit, a state of mind – one which demands for its own satisfaction and
fulfilling, a shapping of matter to new and more significant form. – Jonh Dewey
Art is the skillful arrangement or composition of some common but significant qualities of
nature such as colors, sounds, lines, movements,words, stones,wood,etc., to express human
feelings emotions, or thougths in a perfect meaningful and enjoyable way. – Panizo and Rustia
It takes an artist to make art. One may perceive beauty on a daily basis. However, not every beautiful thing
that can be seen or experienced may truly be called a work of art.
Art is a product of man’s creativity, imagination, and expression. Not everyone can be considered an artist,
but all are spectators of art. We are able to distinguish what is fine and beautiful from what is not and what is good
quality and from poor. This gives us a role in the field of art appreciation.
Important elements:
Plan Construction Design
Buildings should embody these three important elements if they wish to merit the title
Dance is series of movements that follows the rhythm of the music accompaniment.
Dancing is a creative art form that allows people to freely express themselves.
Choreography may seem not to allow this, but in art expression, dancers are not confined to set
steps and rules but are free to create and invent their own movements as longs as they deem them
graceful and beautiful.
Artists who practice literary arts use words to express themselves and communicate emotions to
the readers.
Simply becoming a writer does not make one a literary artist.
Literary art goes beyond the usual professional, academic, journalistic and other technical forms
of writing.
It focuses on writing using a unique style, not following a specific format or norm.
It may include both fiction and non-fiction such as novels, biographies, and poems.
Romeo and Juliet – William Shakespeare
The Little Prince – Antoine de Sain-Exupery
Theater uses live performers to present accounts or imaginary events before a live audience.
Theater art performance usually follows follow a script, though they should not be confused with
literary arts.
Like in filmmaking, theater also considers several elements such as acting, gesture, lighting,
sound effects, musical score, scenery and props.
Like performance art, theater also is a live performance.
Genres: drama, musical, tragedy, comedy and improvisation
Applied arts is incorporating elements of style and design to everyday items with the aim of
increasing their aesthetic value.
Artists in this field bring beauty, charm, and comfort into many things that were useful in
everyday life.
Industrial design, interior design, fashion design, graphic design
Duration : Week 4
Learning Objective: At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
1. Distinguish directly functional and indirectly functional ar.t
2. Apply concepts and theories on beauty and aesthetics in real life scenarios.
In Plato’s metaphysics or view of reality, the things in this world are only copies of the original,
the eternal, and the true entities that can only be found in the World of Forms. • For example, the
chair that one sits on is not a real chair. It is an imperfect copy of the perfect “chair” in the World
of Forms.
Plato was convinced that artists merely reinforce the belief in copies and discourage men to reach
for the real entities in the World of Forms.
Plato was deeply suspicious of arts and artists for two reasons:
1. They appeal to the emotion rather to the rational faculty of men
2. They imitate rather than lead one to reality
Poetry rouses emotions and feelings and thus, clouds rationality of people.
Art is just an imitation of imitation. A painting is just an imitation of nature, which is also just an
imitation of reality in the World of Forms.
Art then is to be banished, alongside the practitioners, so that the attitudes and actions of the
members of the Republic will not be corrupted by the influence of the arts.
For Plato, art is dangerous because it provides a petty replacement for the real entities than can
only be attained through reason.
3.2.1.Art as a Representation
Aristotle, agreed with Plato that art is a form of imitation.
However, Aristotle considered art as an aid to philosophy in revealing the truth.
The kind of imitation that art does is not antithetical to the reaching of fundamental truths in the
Unlike Plato who thought that art is an imitation of another imitation, Aristotle conceived of art
as representing possible versions of reality.
For Aristotle, all kinds of art do not aim to represent reality as it is, it endeavors to provide a
version of what might be or the myriad possibilities of reality.
In Aristotelian worldview, art serves two particular purposes:
Art allows for the experience of pleasure (horrible experience can be made an object of humor)
Art also has an ability to be instructive and teach its audience things about life (cognitive)
Immanuel Kant, in his Critique of Judgment, considered the judgment of beauty, the cornerstone
of art, as something that can be universal despite its subjectivity.
Kant recognized that judgment of beauty is subjective. However, even subjective judgments are
based on some universal criterion for the said judgment. How and in what sense can a judgment
of beauty, which ordinarily is considered to be a subjective feeling, be considered objective or
The first is clearly a judgment of taste (subjective), while the second is an aesthetic judgment
Making an aesthetic judgment requires us to be disinterested. In other words, we should try to go
beyond our individual tastes and preferences so that we can appreciate art from a universal
3.2.3. Art as a Communication of Emotion
According to Leo Tolstoy, art plays a huge role in communication to its audience’s emotions that
the artist previously experienced.
In the same that language communicates information to other people, art communicates emotions
As a purveyor of man’s innermost feelings and thoughts, art is given a unique opportunity to
serve as a mechanism for social unity.
Art is central to man’s existence because it makes accessible feelings and emotions of people
from the past and present.
Bernardo Nicolas Caslib Jr., .Arts Appreciation, 2018, pp. 25-37